Celestial Nirvana: Part 4 free porn video

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Kelly stood nervously by the entrance of the school, waiting for Jack and Victoria to arrive. Students surging for the warmth of the school gave her quizzical looks, surprised that she was out in front of them like this. Even though she had given up her self-destructive ways and had been trying to be more social, she wasn’t normally this out and the open. Plus… she looked good. She looked truly healthy and had regained her lost beauty. The weather was exceptionally bitter, well below freezing with a harsh wind and thick dark clouds that made it look like the sun still had not risen. As the last of the stragglers entered the school, the sound of Jack and Victoria’s voices reached her, Jack’s voice laced with its normal carefree peacefulness and Victoria’s laughs as clear as a bell.

“December has really arrived, that walk was brutal,” Victoria said with chattering teeth. She was jumping up and down and rubbing her legs to try and get some warmth burning inside her skinny-fit jeans.

“I’m sorry. I guess we could ride the bus from now on,” Jack said.

“Screw the bus, we’re juniors, I’ll drive.”

“Ah, Kelly, good morning,” Jack said, stepping into the light passing through the glass doors of the school.

Upon seeing Kelly, Victoria was defensive, wrapping her arm around Jack’s. Kelly hadn’t been in school the day before, no one knew why, and Jack hadn’t said anything. Her skepticism was understandable. However, as she got a closer examination, her look of masked territorialism was replaced with piqued curiosity, with Victoria cocking her head to one side like a cat spotting a fluttering moth. She was analyzing Kelly’s face, noting the lack of premature lines from drugs and the return of her healthy color. Something had happened between this morning and when they had lunch the other day, something that not even makeup could replicate.

“Hey, Jack… could I talk to you for a minute please?”

“Of course. Victoria, could you please wait for me inside?”

After talking with Tyler without receiving any bruises, Victoria decided to trust him. She nodded and walked past Kelly, fighting the urge to give her a second glance.

“So Kelly, what can I do for you?” Jack asked, now that they were alone.

“Jack, cut the act. The dreams I’ve been having, they are completely real. I got myself tested the other day, and while it will take some time for most of them to come out, I’ve lost several STDs and my withdrawal symptoms are gone. You cured me, you’ve been talking to me in my sleep.”

Jack took a deep breath and his smile shrank. “That is correct. And don’t worry, all your STDs are gone, as well as any internal damage caused by any abortions you might have had. I also threw in your virginity as an added gift.”

He spoke so casually that it nearly made Kelly’s knees buckle and brought tears to her eyes.

“How? How can you do these things?”

“Kelly, my birthday is on the 21st, I promise I will answer all of your questions then. I suggest you discover your Self before that day comes, trust me. I’ll give you all the help you need, after all, we’re friends, right?”

Instead of responding, Kelly leapt forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, gratefully hugging him with all her strength. After several seconds, she let go and walked inside. About to follow her, Jack stopped as Tyler came into view, trudging through the frigid breeze.

“Ah, Tyler Deck, how are you this fine morning?”

“I’m all right, you?” he asked, coming to a stop.

“Couldn’t be better. But are you sure you’re ok?”

“Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind. And I’ve been sleeping weird lately.”

“Well like you said before, you’re trying to make amends with all the people you’ve hurt. Such discomforts are expected during this personal metamorphosis.”

“Well, it’s because of you that I decided to change. Thank you, Jack. Thanks for helping me.”

“Oh of course, what are friends for? Now I suggest we go inside, if not to get out of the cold, then to at least get to class. After all, time waits for no man, man can only wait for time, as time controls everything within our existence, except how we perceive it. And yet even our perception of time may just be something inscribed in our destiny,” Jack said, holding open the door.

“Destiny, right,” Tyler muttered, thinking back to his dream and hustling inside to get out of the wind.

“By the way, Tyler, I would greatly appreciate it if you could join me and a few friends for lunch.”

“Uh… sure, ok. What are friends for?”


“Hey, Kelly, hold on a second,” Victoria said, leaning against a wall of lockers.

“Hey Victoria. Look, I’m sorry for what I said at lunch the other day. And I’m really sorry about Jack.”

“No, I’m the one who should apologize. I had no right to dig into your past and bring up all those rumors. Plus I overreacted when I found out about you two, I guess I can’t say you fooled around with my boyfriend when he wasn’t even my boyfriend. I swear, I’ve never been the jealous type, I don’t know what came over me.”

“You had something to protect, of course you would be defensive. I completely understand. And don’t worry, I’m not after your boyfriend. He and I are just friends and he’s helping me through some stuff. He already got me to quit turning tricks and stop using drugs. It’s been over a week and I feel better than ever in my life.”

“Wow, he told me that he was helping you, but he didn’t tell me about that. It’s amazing that you could even survive going cold turkey, I know I would just burst into flames. So since we know each other a little better now, I was hoping we could start off with a clean slate. I promise I won’t get overly protective with him. I don’t want to be the kind of girl that doesn’t let her guy have other friends. Besides, he’s helping me too, so there is no reason why we can’t help each other. Friends?”

Victoria held out her hand.

“Friends,” Kelly said, reaching out and shaking it.

“Now that that’s out of the way, I just want to say that you look absolutely fantastic! I got to know, what’s your secret? You’ve always been pretty, but now you’re stunning!”

Kelly smiled. “I thought you said you weren’t normally the jealous type. Well it’s not a new kind of makeup or a diet if that’s what your thinking. It’s just clean living and the help of a friend. Victoria, make sure you always value Jack, because you have no idea how amazing he really is. He completely saved my life.”

Victoria smiled as well. “I know he is, he saved mine too.”


Kelly sat in the school library, staring at a computer screen and reading the bright blaring page of the Internet site. It was about the Tree of Life, along with all of the other browser tabs. Everything that Jack had told her had been correct, at least mostly. There were a couple aspects that he paraphrased, but with how many different interpretations there were, she could understand why. Jack had given her this information for a reason and she knew she had to use it. Reading through the page, she verbally paraphrased the information in order to commit it to memory.

“The Sephirot of the Tree of Life are the ten attributes in which the Ein Sof reveals itself and continuously creates the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realm. In the Kabbalah, the functional structure of the Sephirot channels the divine creative life force, and revealing the unknowable divine essence to Creation is described. Kabbalah sees the human soul as mirroring the Divine. Genesis 1:27, "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them". It also describes creations as reflections of their life source in the Sephirot. Therefore, the Sephirot also describe the spiritual life of man, and constitute the conceptual paradigm in Kabbalah for understanding everything.

So, from what I understand (and I’m completely pulling this out of my ass), Jack is saying that humans and gods are one in the same in that our perception shapes the universe. I guess that fits with what he’s always saying, we shape our reality by the values and interpretations we place on it. He said that the Tree of life is used to find God, but also serves as a useful map for finding the Self. If Jack really believes that humans and gods are exactly alike, then finding God or the divine through the Tree of Life really is just like finding the Self.”

“Your name is Kelly, right?” she heard, nearly making her jump out of her chair.

Turning back, she looked up into the unsure face of Tyler. “Yeah, can I help you?”

“You know Jack Owen, right? You’re the only one I’ve seen with him, other than his girlfriend.”

“Yeah, kind of. I haven’t really been able to hang out with him since she’s always around. We really can only talk during math class. What’s up?”

Tyler sighed and sat down at the computer next to her.

“What can you tell me about him?”

“Why are you so interested? Like I said, he’s got a girlfriend.”

Tyler huffed through the accusation and sat up straight in his chair. “Just please, tell me what you know about him.”

“I really don’t know anything about him. He used to go to this school system, then he was transferred to some school for the gifted or something, and now he’s back. Other than that, all I know is that he is really nice and brilliant.”

Was this guy aware of Jack’s differentiation from everyone else? That strange dream ability that he had been using to contact Kelly and that healing power?

“I heard about your little fight with him on his first day back, it basically spread through the school like a wildfire. Everyone is saying that he gave you some sort of lecture, but no one really understood it. Is that why your so interested?”

“On that day, he talked to me like no one else ever had. He saw through me so clearly and spoke so perfectly that every word felt like getting stabbed in the heart. He completely shook my world, I haven’t been able to think straight ever since. Everyone says that you started acting differently and started hanging out with him. Did he say something to you too?”

“Yeah, he did.”

“What did he tell you?”

Kelly hesitated before answering. “He told me exactly what I needed to hear.”


“I’m so glad it’s Friday, this has been one really tiring week,” Victoria said, eating lunch with Jack in their usual corner of the cafeteria.

“Emotionally tiring maybe.”

“Well yeah, that’s a given. I just love Fridays nights, it feels like a whole extra day of the weekend and all of the energy that you were completely unaware of during the week rises up and makes you feel like you could do anything.”

“When I was a kid, my parents would get me Mcdonalds each Friday. I would spend the night listening to music and playing with the toy.”

“What do you do now?”

“I just listen to music, unless there is something good on TV. What about you, what do you do?”

“Well like I said, drawing is my hobby. I’ll sit in front of the TV, basically using it as background noise while I scribble in my sketchpad, constantly stopping to answer a text while trying to avoid getting graphite on my phone.”

“I’d love to see your work.”

“That’s right, neither of us has seen each other’s bedroom. Don’t worry, you’ll get to tonight. After all, it’s our date night.”

“I think we should do it at your place, I actually don’t have a bed,” Jack chuckled, surprising Victoria.

“Really? What do you sleep on?”

“I spend my nights in a meditative position, between wakefulness and sleeping. I prefer it to regular sleeping, as it allows me to continue pondering the secrets of the universe.”

“I must say, that is just downright amazing. But then I guess the number of times we can literally sleep together will be limited. All right, my place it is, just make sure you come after midnight when my parents are asleep. If you arrive early, they’ll stay up until dawn to make sure we aren’t doing anything.”

“When will I get to meet them?”

“You can meet them this weekend. They are certainly excited to meet you.”

“Mind if I join you?” Kelly asked, approaching the table with a tray of food.

“Sure, take a seat!” Victoria said cheerfully.

“So, what are you two talking about?”

“Just what we do on Friday nights.”

“Ugh, I love Friday nights. I basically sit at the computer all night and watch my favorite shows online.”

“Hey, uh… can I join?” asked the suddenly-appearing Tyler, as nervous as Kelly when she first asked.

Victoria did not stir or become tense at the senior’s arrival, having learned that he no longer meant Jack any harm. Though she still watched him like a cat looking in the direction of a loud noise. Kelly was the same way, surprised to be seeing Tyler twice in one day.

“Of course, take a seat. We’re just talking about our Friday night routines. What about you?”

“Me? Oh, I just smoke pot and fall asleep in front of the TV.”

“Can’t argue with that,” said Kelly.


Jack moved silently through his house, dressed warmly for the frigid winter night outside. His mom was out at a friend’s birthday party and had yet to return, but his dad was home and a light sleeper. Pulling on his sneakers, he quietly opened the door, stepped outside, and closed it. Carrying a flashlight and a bright windbreaker to reflect the light of any car beams, he began walking down the side of the road towards Victoria’s house, humming to himself while listening to the wind.

After a brisk twenty-minute walk, he reached Victoria’s home and entered the driveway, glad to have the trees to protect him from the wind. Holding up his flashlight and pointing it at Victoria’s window, he blinked it a few times and walked up to her front deck. A second after he reached the door, the handle turned and opened, revealing the radiant young woman, dressed in her nightgown with an excited but incredibly nervous smile.

“Hey,” Jack said simply.

“Hi,” she merely replied, stepping back and letting him come inside. “You have to be quiet, we’re dead if my parents wake up.”

She moved up the stairs with Jack behind her. Even in the pitch-black house, Victoria’s beautiful frame could be seen as clear as day through her thin nightgown. He could see her red lace bra and her skimpy panties, clinging to her round taut ass. Reaching the second story, they moved down the hall on their tiptoes, eventually reaching Victoria’s room at the end of the hall. After closing the door, Jack turned on his flashlight and looked around her room, taking everything in. As well as pictures and posters, Victoria’s walls were plastered with sketches of a vast array of subjects, from animals, to scenery, to simple objects.

Walking over to her dresser, Jack picked up her latest piece and smiled. It was a picture of the two of them, Jack with his arms around Victoria and his chin resting on the top of her head, and Victoria leaning against him with her hand on his chest. The two of them were slightly turned to the viewer, letting Jack see the looks of loving serenity on their faces.

“This might be my favorite,” Jack mused.

“Well I couldn’t draw us naked, I didn’t want my parents to see it.”

Jack looked to her and smiled while his manhood hardened. Victoria was standing beside her bed, her back to him and bent over as she lit candles on her bedside table. At the peak of arousal, Jack raised his flashlight and focused it on her shapely rear.

“You look absolutely breathtaking,” Jack murmured as she turned back to him, blushing with nervousness. “By the way, I brought this.”

He reached into his pocket and pulling out a condom. Victoria almost laughed at the gesture. “Always a gentlemen. But before you open it, just tell me: do you have any STDs? Have you done this before? Did you catch anything from Kelly?”

“Don’t worry, this is my first time as well. And trust me, I got absolutely nothing from Kelly.”

“Well I think you know that I have nothing. And since I’m on the pill, I guess we won’t need this…” Jenny said, taking the condom and tossing it aside.

After giving Jack a kiss, she turned around and took off her bra and panties. Completely naked, she walked back to her bed and lied down, trembling from head to toe like a building in an earthquake. Never before had anyone seen her like this, so exposed and explicit. She hadn’t been nearly this anxious in her dream, but that was to be expected, as she had only made love to a figment of her imagination. But now here she was, about to be truly seen for who she truly was and deflowered. Undressing, Jack walked over to the bed and sat down beside her.

She had her closed hand over her mouth and was blushing to the point where she was almost as red as her hair. In her mind, she was imagining Jack examining her closely and judging her on every curve and imperfection. But with his usual smile, Jack reached out and began stroking her cheek while they stared into each other’s eyes, their bodies shining in the light of the candles.

“It’s ok, you don’t have to feel nervous or embarrassed. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I love you. I could never feel anything but endless adoration for you,” he whispered, calming her to the point where she moved her hand.

Holding himself over her, Jack lowered his head and they began to kiss, with Victoria trembling every time his erect phallus brushed up against her inner thighs. He leaned to one side, freeing up the opposing hand and allowing it him to rest it on her flat belly. He moved down, relishing the touch of her skin, so soft, so smooth. He reached the silky lips of her virgin flower, running his middle and ring finger along the entrance. Finally feeling someone truly touch her, Victoria began to pant heavily with her excitement doubling every second. Jack worked his magic, running his middle finger between her lips with his index and ring ringer moving up and down against the entrance and his thumb gyrating against her clit.

‘Wait… this is just like in my dream,’ Victoria thought, moments before her thoughts were split open by the insertion of Jack’s finger.

He continued to move his hand, slowly picking up speed and eventually inserting his ring finger as well. The feel of someone inside her made her toes curl in bliss, the feel of being more open than ever in her life. She had spent so much time toying with herself, she knew exactly what her interior felt like, but did it feel the same way to Jack? Was he satisfied with what he felt?

‘This is exactly like my dream, every single movement of his hand is exactly the same!’

The realization struck her, but once again, her focus was ruined as Jack’s movements increased in speed and strength, hitting all the right points. Her body moving like a wave, Victoria tried to stay in control as the sensation of an approaching orgasm reached her mind. She wouldn’t last much longer; he was playing her like a hacked videogame. With their lips locked and their tongues squeezing the life out of each other, Victoria’s moan was stifled as he brought her to her first orgasm, causing her to arch her back and for her body to writhe almost violently. After a minute to let her calm down, Jack held up his fingers in front of her face, glistening with her juices.

‘Ok, this is just weird…’ Victoria thought while automatically licking them clean.

“Is something wrong?” Jack asked, shaking her from her thoughts.

“Oh no, nothing is wrong!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m just excited.”

“All right, then I guess I can take it a step further.”

He began kissing her again, but only for a few seconds. After which, he moved from her lips to her cheek, and from there, ran kisses down her neck. As he sampled her delicate flesh, he began fingering her once again, finding her hymen and driving her wild in anticipation. After kissing her collarbone and shoulders several times, he moved down and gave one broad lick up the side of her right breast, sending shivers up her spine. He gave another lick up the other side, and then traced his tongue around her nipple. She tasted so delicious, almost like hot breakfast tea with a bit of sugar added. Plus the feel was unmistakable, consisting of that water balloon feeling with elegantly soft skin. He would have been content to rest his head there and slumber for the rest of the night, escaping from the freezing winter air outside Victoria’s window, his face buried between her breasts, so warm, listening to her heartbeat.

Once he ran his tongue around her nipple, he wrapped his lip around it and pulled it gently. Victoria was whimpering in bliss as he lovingly worked his fingers inside her and sucked on her breasts, moving between them and giving them each an ample amount of dedicated attention.

Once he had enough, he moved down again, running his tongue between her breasts and then down her flat stomach. Reaching out, Victoria grasped her bed sheets and bit down on her pillow, knowing that she would need it to keep her moans of euphoria from being heard. His head between her legs, Jack removed his fingers from her soaking slit and licked her juices off his hand.

“My God, you are so delicious.”

Working his fingers back in, he continued to stimulate her before bringing the lips of his mouth and the lips of her pussy together and working his tongue like it was a lasso. The feeling was greater than Victoria had ever anticipated, and she had to bite down hard on the pillow to keep from voicing her joy. Her pussy was so delicious that Jack was going down on her like it held the antidote to a poison in his veins. He was working her with a mix of penetrating strength and loving gentleness, as if trying to make her feel good physically and emotionally. Still working his fingers in her, he used the insertion to open her up a little more and let his tongue delve deeper. He wanted to run his tongue along every single centimeter of her sweet cunt.

“Jack, I’m cumming!”

With a wordless reply, Jack doubled his efforts, stirring her insides with his tongue like he was making mashed potatoes. At the same time, he was toying with her clit, pulling on it with his lips and sweeping it with his tongue. After only a few seconds, she clamped her legs around his head with enough strength to make him dizzy and filled his mouth with her delectable wetness. Only after her euphoric writhing ended did Jack finally pull away and catch his breath.

“That was, without a doubt, the greatest orgasm I’ve ever had,” Victoria panted.

Jack on the soles of his feet, her virgin pussy just an inch from his erection. “Don’t worry, I’ve got a lot more in store for you.”

“Hold on, do you think we could rest for a minute?”

“Oh, of course.”

Several seconds passed in which the two lovers were silent, instead letting their breathing do the talking. But finally, Jack reached out and cupped her cheek. “You look so beautiful right now.”


“Yeah, you look energized and happy. It’s like every cell in your body has just woken up and is going stir-crazy. You look absolutely radiant.”

Victoria was momentarily speechless, completely overwhelmed with emotions. “I love you, Jack. It’s been so short a time, but I love you with all my heart. I’m ready, Jack. I give myself to you; mind, body, and soul.”

“Yes, my dear, sweet Victoria.”

Wrapping his hands around his erect cock and aiming it, Jack leaned forward and prodded the entrance with the tip. In her mind, Victoria compared the current sensation with the one in her dream and realized that they were exactly the same. But she didn’t care, she wanted to give him her virginity so badly that she couldn’t think straight.

“If at any moment you feel uncomfortable, tell me and I will stop. I want you to feel good, Victoria. I want this to be enjoyable for you.”

“It’s alright, any pain that I have to deal with is worth it a thousand times over. Please, take me, Jack.”

Sitting up and holding her by the hips, Jack slowly pushed his manhood inside her virgin pussy. Closing her eyes, Victoria breathed deeply as that familiar filling sensation came rushing back, just like in her dream. She felt like a balloon being filled with hot air, again being reminded how tight she was in this context. Jack too was shaking, relishing the feelings of her soft wet sleeve as he slowly delved deeper and deeper into her. Quickly he met up with her hymen and stopped. Taking a deep breath, he looked down into Victoria’s beautiful blue eyes and neither of them had to say a single word. With a simple nod, Jack pushed forward, rupturing her hymen and deflowering her. Victoria’s head rolled back and she became breathless, unable to describe the feeling overtaking her. It felt like her soul was dripping out of her like blood through her ripped hymen, but in exchange, Jack’s soul was pouring into hers from their interlocked bodies.

Sitting on his ankles, Jack pushed farther in, working his way into the farthest corners of her interior. Victoria held onto the bed for dear life, not feeling pain or discomfort, but nameless ecstasy. Buried in all the way to the base, Jack slowly pulled out of her, letting her crimson blood, the same shade as her hair, catch the light of the candles. Retaining his sitting posture, Jack began entering her and then pulling out, taking his time to loosen her up and let the two of them get accustomed.

“Jack, I love you,” Victoria whispered as Jack began to take a steady rhythm.

“I love you too,” he replied, picking up speed.

Moving with surprising speed and strength, Jack began fucking her like a champ, already filling the room with the sound of clapping flesh and Victoria’s suppressed moans. As he thrust into her as quickly as he did powerfully, Victoria’s D-cup breasts bounced and rolled wildly like a pair of water balloons. Her pussy felt amazing beyond words, Jack had to bite his lip to keep from cumming then and there as her soft wet insides massaged his cock. Victoria was in the same state, barely able to speak as her lover slammed her interior with his powerful cock.

“Jack, harder!”

Eager to oblige, he set himself up on his hands and knees. Jack began thrusting down into her from a deeper angle. Recognizing the position from her dream, Victoria raised her lower body and wrapped her legs around his waist. With Jack driving down into her, Victoria reached up and placed her hands on Jack’s cheeks, looking into his eyes while they each panted from the exertion. Using this new position, Jack increased his speed and power, driving down into her like a jackhammer.

Victoria could no longer speak; the sensation was too overwhelming for her to even form words. The bed was practically bouncing on its frame with each thrust. Even with his skinny build, he was much stronger than he looked. Jack was speechless as well, not wanting to spend any brainpower that could be used to appreciate the feel of Victoria’s naked body against his. They were practically wrapped around each other like two chains of tangled Christmas lights, and holding her unclothed form felt like sitting in a hot tub.

“Victoria?” Jack panted.


“My arms are killing me,” he said, causing her to burst into laughter.

“All right, let’s switch.”

Changing positions, Jack sat back on the soles of his feet andVictoria rolled onto her side with one leg underneath Jack and the other up across his chest and resting on his shoulder. Kissing her foot, Jack continued to slam her until his self-control began to falter, giving her two more orgasms.

“Victoria, I’m about to cum.”

“It’s ok baby, I want you to do it in me. Fill me up with your sperm.”

Quick to obey, Jack looked up and gave one loud grunt while fucking her at top speed, followed by several jets of semen shot up into her womb. Literally drained, Jack fell back with his body as limp as a ragdoll’s.

“That was amazing, easily the greatest experience of my life,” Victoria panted.

“Good, I’m glad. I enjoyed it too.”

Smiling, Victoria lifted up her blankets and pulled them over herself. “Come on, climb in. I know you said that you prefer to sit and meditate instead of sleep, but humor me. I’ll set my alarm so that you can make your escape before my parents wake up. I really want to sleep with you.”

Jack gave a soft laugh. “That does indeed sound inviting.”

As Victoria set her alarm to go off in a few hours and blew out her candles, Jack moved underneath the blankets and lied down beside her. Smiling, Victoria pressed her back against his chest and Jack wrapped his arm around her skinny waist, breathing in her sweet flowery aroma and basking in the radiating heat of her naked body.

“I love you, Jack,” Victoria murmured one last time.

“I love you too,” he replied before falling asleep.


Victoria woke up just before 4 am, dizzy and mentally scrambled in her dark bedroom. The alarm had yet to go off, but the bed felt empty, and she could swear it had been Jack’s voice that had woken up. Looking over, she saw him sitting at the edge of the bed with his cell phone in hand.

“Jack, is something wrong?”

“I just got a call from my dad. He’s not happy about me sneaking out,” he said without looking back.

“But how did he find out?”

“Because he was looking for me. My house just got a phone call from the police. About a mile from my home, my mom got into a car accident with a drunk driver. She didn’t make it.”

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George led me by the hand down a narrow staircase that led to door with a peephole in it.We were both masked and in costumes. Tonight was my initiation into the “ Sacred Dark Heart “ club. I was nervous and both excited by the ritual rites I had to go through. We went into a candle lit room. Women wore red and men wore black capes. The master wore a golden cape. My eyes cast about trying to make out the dim surroundings of the room. I held George’s hand very tightly as we watched a woman who...

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Celestial Wars Ch 03

This is the third and final chapter of Celestial Wars, sequel to Celestial Matters. If you haven’t read all that, then you should scamper off to read those first. You’ll be lost if you don’t. For the rest of you, here we are, again. We’ve made it to the end. I’d like to take this moment to give my thanks to Lady Ver for editing this story for me. She remains invaluable to me as I write these little tales. Any errors remaining are mine. I’d also like to warn you, gentle reader, that there is...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 3

Marco and Jesus stood before their boss on his veranda. It had been three days, and Jefferson's patience was wearing thin. He stood up from the chair and began to pace with his hands behind his back. His honor was at stake and these bumblers were costing him time and effort. "What do you mean she's disappeared?" Jefferson hissed at his bodyguards. "No one just disappears." "Well, boss, the credit card and driver's license she gave at the rental place are dead ends: a dummy...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 2

"Metro Vice, Jamieson," the red-headed policeman said answering the phone and leaning back in his chair, crossing his feet atop his desk. "Tommy? Bill Mayfield. Do you have a few minutes?" "Sure, Doc, what can I do for you?" "I need some information about the drug Nirvana." Tommy Jamieson sat bolt upright, his feet slapping onto the floor. "Meet me at O'Malley's at 5, okay Doc?" "See you there, Tommy." Doc Mayfield slipped his thin frame out of his car and sauntered over...

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Celestial Wars Ch 02

Here we are again. This story is the direct sequel to ‘Celestial Wars Ch. 01’ and should not be read without reading that first. This is the second of three parts. Middles are curious things. Middles are written to bring the reader from an interesting beginning, to an exciting ending. This means middles are often overlooked, even though they make up the bones of a story. Unfortunately, this story is all middle. In lieu of some emails that I continue to receive, I feel obligated to warn you...

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Celestial WarsChapter 16 The Confrontation

The Singers are the seven who tend to God's throne. They flitter about the Center Sphere and chant the eternal praises of their Lord. When He does not sit upon the throne, the Light look to the Singers to lead them. ~Taken from Alexander Morningstar's Celestial Matters. Devnik In my haste, I jumped the full flight of stairs and landed at the bottom as gently as an autumn leaf. My movements were quiet, but my body was shaking with an eager, uncontained readiness. I reached out towards...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 5

Raven sat in Jamieson's broken down Chevy four door with Jamieson and Rocky Rhodes. They had all watched Marco for the last hour. He was definitely dealing something. Every five minutes or so another person would walk up to Marco and trade envelopes. "Are you sure you want to go through with this Mandy?" Rocky asked. "Undercover work ain't for the faint of heart." "It won't be my first undercover assignment. Just my first drug buy," Mandy replied, opening the door. Mandy wore her...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 6

"The girl's parents are waiting in the lounge, Doctor," the nurse said, poking her head into the room. "Okay," Doc Mayfield replied, putting his stethoscope back into his pocket and looking an the machines around young Nicole Carter. She had been stable for a couple of hours, but took a bad turn twenty minutes ago. Doc shook his head and pushed the door roughly open. He paused in front of the lounge and took a deep breath. He hated this part of the job. "Is something wrong, Doctor?"...

4 years ago
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Celestial Matters

Let there be Light When your chamber grows cold, and your hearth grows wane, know that creatures abound who be most profane. Demon’s they be, the denizens of hell, heed my words lest you be taken by their spell.~ An excerpt from Alexander Morningstar’s ‘Celestial Matters.’ ——- (Paris 1623) -Devnik- The sun had set, and with it passed the pretense of nobility. The sin that its golden light held at bay … was now free to come out and play. The moon hung in the air … and the fresh smells of a...

2 years ago
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Celestial Wars Ch 01

First some house clearing. This story is the direct sequel to ‘Celestial Matters’ and should not be read without reading that first. I have broken the story into three parts. (Mainly due to fan encouragement). Each part will be six chapters long and about sixty pages in a word processor. Also, in lieu of some emails I have received I feel obligated to warn you gentle reader, that this is story does not immediately launch into the sex. Your comments and your votes mean the world to me…so...

3 years ago
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Celestial Awakenings

Celestial Awakenings By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Chapter 1 Celeste Farnsworth was reading the morning paper when Dr. Nancy Chen joined her for breakfast in the dining room of her Southampton estate. A short, middle-aged woman with raven hair brought in a fresh pot of coffee. "Good morning, Celeste," greeted Nancy, as she sat down next to the pretty young woman with auburn hair. "Good morning. Looks like you were up late again," commented Celeste. "Thank you, Ina." The...

1 year ago
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Celestial MattersSin or Suicide

-Daniel Fleeting- (1097 AD. Somewhere outside Jerusalem) The battlefield was decided. It was a great dusty plain, with mountains to the far west, and Jerusalem straight ahead barley visible in the distance. I could see the banners of the Seljuk Turks standing their ground a mile ahead of our regiment. I grasped my holy weapon tighter. I paid no mind to the mortal foes that made up the enemy rank. I kept my eyes moving constantly, searching for the demon. Father Fredrick said I'd know...

3 years ago
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Celestial MattersFriends of a Certain Kind

A demon doesn't sleep the way a human does. We share similar qualities ... for example we both have no awareness of our surroundings while we slumber ... which is why both humans and demons choose a place they feel secure before laying down to rest. But a demon always knows what time of day it is. We can sense the sun ... we always know where it rests in the sky. That is how I knew night was approaching ... and I was impatient. I was eager to start my night ... I wanted to know what Jon...

2 years ago
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Celestial MattersThe Comforting Chains

I knew Devnik wasn't beside me. It was a strange sensation, knowing something without knowing how. I sleepily remembered Devnik had departed with Jon ... I wondered what was going on between those two. How can a demon and a human interact with each other like that? I was briefly embarrassed that Jon had seen me naked. I hardly knew the man ... just that he was a human ... but not quite the same as other humans ... I chuckled to myself. It was strange to think of humans as a different...

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Celestial MattersCelestial Matters

His laughter boomed out into the brisk breezes of the early morning. It wasn't the laugh of someone who had heard a jest they found amusing. It was a peal of triumph. He wasn't taking the news like I thought he would. I expected confusion, then comprehension. I expected to strike during that hesitation. This was supposed to be my chance I tried to twist vigorously against the grip he had on my throat ... but I couldn't move. My legs swung uselessly in the air. I wanted to scream, but I...

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Celestial WarsChapter 7

Truth Telling The Fourth Sphere of Heaven is a glorious training ground. Sounds of virtuous battle ring joyfully throughout its verdant hills. High Legionnaire Dardihel is the Lord of this Sphere, by right of skill and loyalty.Alexander Morningstar's Celestial Matters -Alarial- With a wan smile, Master's beautiful dark countenance faded away. He took his dream with him. The bed of black silk gave way to expansive darkness. For a time I floated upon this sea of nothing ... adrift ......

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Celestial WarsChapter 13

Many things must the righteous beware, Lest they slip from the path of Prayer. Fear a trinket that is ever chill, And fright that makes a heartbeat still. Fear darkness that flame cannot break, And men that death cannot take. But what the righteous should most fear, Are the evils not always clear... Author Unknown Preparing -Jonathan the Courageous- Half a Millennium Ago The dark of the young night held itself still as the demon's words echoed softly amongst the trees. Bitter cold air hung...

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Celestial WarsChapter 18 Talking of Eternity

Don't fret my sweet. Endings don't last forever... -Forgotten Lovers -Alarial- It wasn't painful. Not like I expected it would be. When Jon and Cariel had talked about Hell's 'call' I had imagined an uncomfortable and irresistible pull. But there was none of that. It felt more like a question than a pull. I felt a cool presence embrace me, and it seemed to ask me if I would like to go with it. It did not try and trick me. This 'presence' seemed to make it clear that Hell was...

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The Nirvana Trip Mr Mehta 8211 Finale

I came back to my room with my head dizzy with the events that had happened. Niyati had pushed me off. Sneha and Rahul were getting closer than normal. I took off my clothes and crashed on the bed. I was asleep in no time. When i woke up it was almost 11 in the night. I had slept for most of the day. I went to the balcony to again, this time hoping to see my son and daughter in law fucking. I moved to my vantage point where i could see inside the room with less risk of detection. I wasn’t...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 4

"I'm sorry, Mandy," Tommy Jamieson said as they headed back to his car. "Doc Mayfield is very dedicated. I?ve got to go back to work. You want a ride?" "Thanks, Tommy," she replied, "I think I'll try to find Doc and worm some more info out of him." "Okay. Nice meeting you, Mandy," Jamieson smiled as he shook Mandy's hand. Mandy smiled back and shook his hand warmly. "Thanks for helping, Tommy. I owe you one." Tommy smiled and winked as he pushed through the doors and out to...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 11

"Are you sure this is where you want to be, Mister?" the cabbie asked as he pulled over across the street from the warehouse, behind Mandy's car. "If its 2500 East Victory, I am." "That's it across the street," the cabbie pointed as Jefferson, Jesus and Marco stepped into Jefferson's limousine and sped away from the building. "Thanks," Mayfield said, handing the cabbie a twenty. "Keep the change." "Thanks, Mister," the cabbie replied as Mayfield opened the door and stepped...

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The Nirvana Trip Part 2

The next day I woke up and realized that I slept naked that night. I slowly got out of the bed and stretched myself. Suddenly I heard the sound of foot steps coming towards my room. I quickly grabbed a bed sheet and covered my privates. Niyati walked into the room holding a cup in her hand. She was wearing a jacket and shorts and she was clearly dressed up for gym. “good morning dad! Here’s a cup of coffee for you.” I took the cup from her and realized she was checking out my muscled body. It...

1 year ago
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Sex adventure of Nirvana

Hello readers, I am Nirvana, 36 year old divorcee living with my 10 year old son in Pune. I got married at 22 to a real handsome and charming person Vidhur. He was 26 working in marketing for an MNC. Ours was an arranged marriage. I was an outgoing girl. To impress me all it took was good look, good manners, sweet talk and a stylish sports bike and he had it all. How typically immature girl I was, I now realize. Our first 3 years of marriage were simply amazing. It was almost like a Karan Johar...

2 years ago
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Nirvana on FirePrologue

Silently she slipped through the trees. She paused briefly below the last oak tree, crouching to catch her breath. The moonlight gleamed off her alabaster face. She shook her long black hair out and took a deep breath. Her dark eyes focused on the building ahead. Nothing moved. Only an eerie light filtered out through the dirty windows. A small yellow-white plume of smoke curled out from the chimney. Crickets chirped in the background, filling the night with their song. As her breathing...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 1

The tall man leaned over the hospital bed and rested his right hand on the injured man's right shoulder. The tall man's dark eyes blazed with anger as he looked down on his wounded employee. Both arms were covered with bandages. Another bandage was wrapped over his left shoulder and around his chest. A third set of bandages were wrapped around his body from the waist down both legs to his feet. "It was a she devil, Hefe," the bandaged man said. His brown eyes were opened wide with fear...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 8

Mandy was sitting in the living room on the sofa watching some old movie when Traci finally returned. Traci was still all smiles and bubbly. Mandy had changed into her nightie and a robe. "Boy, you sure left in a hurry, Mandy," Traci said. "Jonny was really disappointed." "I'm sorry, Traci. But it was all just too much." "What? Peter?" "Well, that too. Jonny sure looks a lot like Peter would have. But it is more than that. Its really complicated, Traci. I need more time to sort...

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Celestial Fall Chapter 7 8

The Tomes of the Hallowed Dead Death goes by many names; to the humans he is Thanatos the grim reaper, To the Kaire he is Ramshagroth the Great Death, To the Luy'cain Namsrato the Deliverer, to the Earthen Urogalan the Protector, the Sidhe call him Ceannladir the Eternal Shadow, the Tresios call him Shhardir the Great Sleeper, the Sslevic call him Janous the Silent, the Sanguine call him Valkek the Severer, the Ramgir call him Yurtrus the Rotting One, The Aquifar refer to him as Asgir the...

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Celestial Completion

Introduction A lady of eighty years told me this story. “I was working as a nurse in a hospital. One day I turned a corner in a corridor, and standing there was a young man in pajamas and dressing gown. I had never seen him before, but his nurse told me he had been very ill, in fact, near death. He had made a remarkable recovery and was now just starting to walk around.” I stood looking at him and he at me. What I can only describe as an electric current seemed to pass between us. In that...

4 years ago
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Celestial Matters

Let there be LightWhen your chamber grows cold, and your hearth grows wane, know that creatures abound who be most profane. Demon's they be, the denizens of hell, heed my words lest you be taken by their spell. ~ An excerpt from Alexander Morningstar's 'Celestial Matters.'-------(Paris 1623)-Devnik-The sun had set, and with it passed the pretense of nobility.The sin that its golden light held at bay ... was now free to come out and play. The moon hung in the air ... and the fresh smells of a...

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Celestial Review

March 18 You probably can't believe I'm still writing this. The truth is, I can hardly believe it myself. I certainly thought long and hard about it, but finally decided that since the whole thing's all out in the open anyway that there wasn't much reason to stop writing about it. And you might find this hard to fathom but I feel like I have a certain kind of relationship with you; a relationship that I want to honor. You might wonder at my sanity, but there you have it. It certainly was...

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Celestial MattersLet there be Light

When your chamber grows cold, and your hearth grows wane, know that creatures abound who be most profane. Demon's they be, the denizens of hell, heed my words lest you be taken by their spell.~ An excerpt from Alexander Morningstar's 'Celestial Matters.' (Paris 1623) -Devnik- The sun had set, and with it passed the pretense of nobility. The sin that its golden light held at bay ... was now free to come out and play. The moon hung in the air ... and the fresh smells of a new night...

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Celestial MattersAethling

~The most noble creature I have ever seen is an Angel. Their bright silver eyes are enchanting, and to hear one speak is enrapturing. My life has been miserable since that meeting, because when I was in the Angel's presence I knew joy like no other.~ The suicide note of Lord Brenon -Maria- It felt like fire was ripping through my body. The pain was so intense that my mind couldn't process it. It felt like invisible flames were in my blood, in my very soul. It was all coming from HIS...

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Celestial MattersThe Way Things Are

~Hey doo doo, hey dee dee, gather round and listen to me. When the sun comes up you've no reason to cry, the demons all run, from that orb in the sky. But before the night, be safe in your home, and invite no strangers in if you are alone.~ Forgotten Children's Rhyme -Devnik- I had only had the pleasure of being impaled once before. And that was on a battle field during the Crusades, when a warrior priest named Daniel Fleeting ran me through with a sword blessed by Pope Urban. Needless...

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Celestial MattersVisitor

~May the enemies of the Dark find no place of rest in the dreaded day. May they never know carnal pleasure, or the beauty of a cold night. May they be cursed with a mortal life. May they be chained to the bidding of an uncaring God.~ Prayer of the Dark Acolytes -Devnik- This truly couldn't have turned out worse. I thought, as a stared at my lone candle lighting the cave from my chair. There was an Angel outside. That was certainly bad. There was an angry angel outside ... that was...

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Celestial MattersVoyage into Slavery

~Demons are creatures of Earth and Fire, Blood and Bone. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things. Angels are creatures of Air and Water, Tears and Spirit. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things.~ First Year Magician Lesson -Devnik- I awoke to total darkness. The cave smelled foul. Blood and vomit had mixed in the air, creating a putrid odor. Water still dripped from the ceiling, and...

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Celestial MattersBlessed are Thou

-Daniel Fleeting- (1097 AD. Somewhere outside Jerusalem) "Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora pro nobis peccatorbus, nunc, Et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen." I moved to my next bead. And I began again. Battle was nigh, and I alone continued to say my prayers. All around me men sat by the campfire. Weeks of forced march had made their minds weak and their spirits corrupt. They sat...

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Celestial MattersLust

(Outskirts of Paris 1623) -Maria- Consciousness returned to me slowly. I stretched out on the black arm chair, and sat up. The room was warm, but the fire had all but gone out. A few smoldering coals provided nothing but a dim light to see by. A faint outline of a man was visible. Sitting on an identical chair was the demon. His glittering red eyes were trained on me. "Glad to see you in the land of the living," he said sarcastically. I blushed. "Umm, good morning," I said. He...

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Celestial MattersUnusual Thirsts

I was getting impatient. I was only pretending to read the book in my hands. My eyes had been glancing over the same page for nearly an hour now. It had been two days since I sent Turkik out to identify my angelic caller, and so far he had not returned. The two days of his absence had sent into an uneasy pattern. Every evening I would arise at about nine, to which I would be greeted by a shy 'hello, ' from Maria. I didn't know if she simply slept the daylight away like I did, or if she...

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Celestial MattersThe Demons Chamber

-Devnik- A chilled wind swept through the country side. "Your home is so ... beautiful..." she marveled, her gaze still fixated on the chateau. I moved to stand behind her. I wrapped my arms around her clasping them just under her breasts. I put my chin on her soft shoulder. I whispered directly in her ear, "I'm glad you approve Maria." She shivered. I could see goose bumps appear on her neck, but that could have been from the cold... She was still so nonplussed with my house that...

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Celestial MattersPleasurable Torture

(France 1623, Chateau) -Devnik- She was here. I could sense her. At the top of the spiral stairs, standing in what must be total darkness, was Maria. It felt strange to have her in this room. It somehow felt very personal, as if I were sharing an embarrassing secret. My chambers were furnished exactly like the cave was. But here, in this house, the furniture was original, and not the product of unholy trickery. The only light of the room was from the marble fireplace. It was identical...

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Celestial MattersCruelty

-Maria- I felt hollowed out. As if someone had reached into me and pulled out all my insides. My muscles were too sore to even think about, let alone move. I could feel the soft silk sheets under me, and the satin pillow that I rested my head on. I cracked my eyes open. The fire had gone out, but the room wasn't cold. Devnik wasn't here. That made me sad. I shook my head violently, trying to clear the unwanted demon from my mind. The shaking reminded me of how sore I was. I...

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Celestial MattersWe Must Be Away

-Devnik- Maria was breathing heavily. I could see the outline of her breasts slowly rise and fall from underneath the sheet she had draped across her shoulders. Her face was flushed ... and she was staring at me hungrily. My little half-angel was aroused. We both listened to Jon's boots echo off the stone walls as he walked up the spiral staircase. The door shut at the top of the stairs ... and we were alone. I repeated my questions, "What is your desire my sweet?" She smiled softly...

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Celestial MattersOn the Run

-Maria- It felt like I was going on an adventure. The old timber of the carriage creaked as it rolled. I could hear the clips and clops of horse hooves against the worn cobbled path. I was leaving France. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever imagined living anywhere but Paris. Never had I imagined being anything but a prostitute. Now I was headed for Ireland in clothes fit for a baroness with a man I called Master ... and lover. Despite the insulation of the carriage, the cold air...

4 years ago
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Celestial MattersImmortal Intended

-Maria- The still of the early evening settled upon the little inn. A cool morning had given way to a scorching afternoon. Jon had carried in the results of his labors chopping wood, and Boyce, the owner of the inn had practically fallen over himself with gratitude. Boyce was an old man who didn't have the strength for cutting firewood anymore. When the inn ran out, Brie would have to go out and do the best she could. As a show of thanks Boyce insisted that we sit in the common room and...

2 years ago
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Celestial MattersOne Family

-Maria- My body was singing. My arms were too heavy to move and my legs felt like they were made of jam ... but that didn't matter. I had never been so content in my life. My pussy was throbbing, and I could tell that I was still soaking down there. The fire crackled gently, and the smell of wood, smoke and sex laced the air with a heady and wonderful aroma. Not even my awkward positioning over the side of the chair could dampen my bounding joy. I gazed up at my Master. His long black...

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Celestial WarsChapter 2

~The Bra'rul are sharp and fierce. They appear as beautiful men or woman with long dark talons and black feathered wings. There greatest strength is their speed and ferocity, which is unmatched by any other demon to walk the plains of Hell. Best disposed of at a distance- The Hunter's Manifesto -Cariel- I felt his arms slither around me. My body shivered, and tensed immediately. A sense of wrongness and panic encroached on the edges of my mind. I had never been this close to a member...

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Celestial WarsChapter 3

The Meeting ~Humans do not naturally posses magic. A child of dust and mud can only achieve power through four ways. They may pledge themselves to either the Light or the Dark, and be rewarded with a sliver of their power. They may channel the inherent magic of the Earth. The fourth way is to steal it. These thieves are called The Afflicted and they are abominations- The lecture Notes of Father Fredrick~ -Daniel Fleeting- I knew it the moment it happened. One moment I was riding into the...

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Celestial WarsChapter 4 Black Flames

The Royalty of the Dark were once Angels. Betrayal sent them to Hell, but it was Hell that corrupted them. They are the original Fallen. Other Angels have been corrupted by Hell since, but none can compare to the Original Ten. They are to be scorned. They are to be pitied.-A scrap of Parchment that burned at Alexandria Devnik I had almost forgotten. Strange really ... how I could have almost forgotten. Like a piece of gristle between a tooth, or a pain that lingered and wouldn't go away,...

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Celestial WarsChapter 5 Conflict

~I heard the buzzing. The Flies were everywhere. Fresh corpses were stripped to the bone in seconds ... and in the middle, Beelzebub sat, devouring the flesh of fallen. – Survivor of the Pyrrhic war.~ Daniel Fleeting This wasn't part of the plan. I had been distracted for a moment. This woman with jet black hair and forest green eyes had reminded me of a past love ... and I had dropped my guard. Had I been aware I would have realized that no woman living in the forest has a teacup...

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Celestial WarsChapter 6 Taming

Humans are both Light and Dark. We are capable of the most selfless compassions, and the most delicious sins. A life without both is an empty hollow thing. – Unknown Devnik Maria's face smiled sadly at me as the dream fell apart. Her image faded and broke like the reflection of a shattering mirror. She said she was coming back to me. That thought alone prevented my mind from despairing. I could feel a stirring underneath one of my arms. Consciousness drifted lazily back into my mind...

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Celestial WarsChapter 8

No Return Only HE can force an Angel to enter Hell. Once a being of the Light has walked within the Halls of the Damned, there is no saving them. The Dark always keeps those who embrace it. -Devnik- Her breath went out slowly ... and with it came a whisper. "So good..." The words were soft and muffled ... and they were lead-heavy and full of a woman's emotions. The sound of it was utterly foreign to me. I didn't understand it ... not even a sliver. I drew her closer and softly...

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