- 2 years ago
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"Metro Vice, Jamieson," the red-headed policeman said answering the phone and leaning back in his chair, crossing his feet atop his desk.
"Tommy? Bill Mayfield. Do you have a few minutes?"
"Sure, Doc, what can I do for you?"
"I need some information about the drug Nirvana." Tommy Jamieson sat bolt upright, his feet slapping onto the floor.
"Meet me at O'Malley's at 5, okay Doc?"
"See you there, Tommy."
Doc Mayfield slipped his thin frame out of his car and sauntered over to O'Malley's Bar and Grill across the street. He hadn't seen his friend Tommy Jamieson since Jamieson was shot in the arm nearly two years ago. He and Tommy went way back and had always found time every couple of years to get together and have some fun. But this was only the second time they had met on a professional level, and Doc was a little nervous, especially the way Tommy sounded on the phone. He took a deep breath and pulled the door open.
Tommy was easy to find. Doc saw his stocky red-headed friend sitting at the bar with his back to the door. Doc walked up behind Tommy and stuck a finger in his back and said, "Your money or your wife?"
"Take her, she's yours," Tommy responded, laughing and turning around to embrace his high school buddy.
They talked about their lives in general and sports for a while and finally, Tommy asked, "So what can I do for you, Doc?"
"Well, Tommy, I want to know more about Nirvana. We've had a dozen cases of Nirvana overdose brought into the hospital in the last three days. I've managed to keep four of them alive, but they will never see. I talked to Paul Marcus at St. Luke's and John Astor at Memorial. Neither one of them has had even one case brought in. What's going on? What is the drug? I need more information so I can help my patients."
"That's a tall order, Doc. We don't know a whole lot about Nirvana. It is a chemical that is manufactured. We aren't even sure what it is made from. It is really addictive. Addicts either smoke it or inhale it and are given a rush more intense than Cocaine."
"Who makes it?"
"If I knew that, I'd be out there arresting them. The only people we've found are addicts and they don't know more than the guy who sold it to them. We believe it is being manufactured somewhere near Central Hospital, and your information makes that all the more likely."
"Is there a sample we can analyze somewhere?"
"Not that I know of, Doc. We are at a loss to even tell you what it looks like. Those few we've talked to have barely been able to talk or think about it without wanting more, much less give us a detailed description."
"Well, Tommy, I appreciate your time and the information. Give Maggie a hug and please let me know if anything surfaces on this stuff." Doc stood up and tossed a twenty on the bar to cover his and Tommy's drinks. He held his hand out to shake Tommy's.
Tommy grabbed Doc's hand and shook it heartily. "Sure thing, Doc. Good luck with those patients. If any of them recover enough to be coherent, I'd like to talk to them, okay?"
"You got it. See ya," Doc waved as he disappeared out the door and headed for his car.
Tommy Jamieson watched his friend walk away wishing he could help more, shrugged and hopped off the barstool and headed out to meet his wife for dinner.
Raven walked down the hallway, smiling at the anonymity she felt. After all, her paychecks came from the Foundation for Truth and Justice. She even had an office on the second floor of their building and was listed as a research assistant. Little did anyone know that the real work done by the Foundation was carried on several floors up in the Directory, far from the prying eyes of the public.
Raven was pulled out of her reverie by the sound of her little sister Traci's greeting. She turned and embraced her sister. A casual observer might not believe they were sisters. Traci was a bit taller than Raven/Mandy and a little thinner. Traci's blonde hair was cut stylishly and short. Her green eyes sparkled as she held her sister at arms length.
"Life in the Capital agrees with you, Sis. You've been getting some sun."
"You're looking good too, Traci. You're not the only one who can spend some of her weekends relaxing."
The two sisters fell in together and arm-in-arm the headed off to the baggage claim to gather Mandy's baggage and head for the family home. They reacquainted each other with their lives as they walked. They were closer than most sister's, but not so close that Mandy shared her secret profession with her sister.
"What's this I hear about you having found a sugar daddy, Traci?" Mandy winked as she sat in a chair to wait for her baggage to come around on the carousel.
Traci beamed as she sat down beside her sister. "Oh, I hope you get the chance to meet him, Sis! He is delicious. Deep brown eyes that I could get lost in forever. A bank account that can support me in style for at least a few years. And the cutest butt I've ever seen!"
Both girls broke out in giggles. "You never change, Traci. Every guy you ever fell in love with had deep brown eyes and a cute butt!"
"Oh, but this one's different, Mandy. He's nice, athletic, and has a great sense of humor. Jonny's from one of the richest families around here. Daddy left him the business and Jonny's turned it into a big money maker."
"He's too good to be true, who is he?"
"Jonny Jefferson, you know. You went to high school with his brother Peter."
"I don't remember Peter Jefferson."
"Oh, that's right. Jonny took his father's name. His brother was Peter Ramirez. Whatever happened to Peter, anyway? You two were an item in high school."
"He died in an automobile accident, Traci, don't you remember? Two weeks before the Junior Prom. Poor Petey."
"That's right. And you ended up going to the Prom alone. Sorry, Mandy, I guess I forgot about that."
"Old news, sis. So have you got Jonny lassoed?"
"Just about. He promised we'd announce our engagement at his mother's annual midsummer party in a couple of weeks!"
Raven fell silent. She'd pushed her memories of Peter Ramirez and the Junior Prom back into the deep recesses of her mind. She began to remember a little about Jonny. He was always a cocky bastard. He kept telling Mandy that she should dump Peter and let him take her to the Prom. He even asked again after Peter died. But Mandy couldn't stand him.
Maybe he's changed, Mandy thought. I hope so for Traci's sake. She grimaced and looked over at Traci, who hadn't stopped talking about Jonny since they sat down. How would she tell her sister about Jonny?
"Isn't that your bag, Sis?" Traci asked as Raven came out of her reverie. Mandy nodded and grabbed the bag and the two women headed out the door arm in arm, Traci still talking.
"Timmons and von Teufel are here, Mr. Jefferson," the shapely redhead announced after opening the door to the ornate office.
Her boss looked up from the computer screen and winked at his secretary and then sighed, "Very well, Lorraine. You may send them in. And hold my calls please."
"Yes, sir," she replied, turned and sashayed out of the office. He smiled as his eyes followed her shapely derriere. He closed his laptop down and pushed it aside as the two men walked in.
Timmons was a small man with balding brown hair and wire rimmed glasses. He looked like just what he was, an aging chemist. The boss shook his head as he recalled the first time these two entered his office nine months ago. Timmons was a struggling inventor who had stumbled on a new stimulant with interesting side effects. Nirvana was born that day and they had made a fortune on it already.
"The girl's parents are waiting in the lounge, Doctor," the nurse said, poking her head into the room. "Okay," Doc Mayfield replied, putting his stethoscope back into his pocket and looking an the machines around young Nicole Carter. She had been stable for a couple of hours, but took a bad turn twenty minutes ago. Doc shook his head and pushed the door roughly open. He paused in front of the lounge and took a deep breath. He hated this part of the job. "Is something wrong, Doctor?"...
"I'm sorry, Mandy," Tommy Jamieson said as they headed back to his car. "Doc Mayfield is very dedicated. I?ve got to go back to work. You want a ride?" "Thanks, Tommy," she replied, "I think I'll try to find Doc and worm some more info out of him." "Okay. Nice meeting you, Mandy," Jamieson smiled as he shook Mandy's hand. Mandy smiled back and shook his hand warmly. "Thanks for helping, Tommy. I owe you one." Tommy smiled and winked as he pushed through the doors and out to...
"Are you sure this is where you want to be, Mister?" the cabbie asked as he pulled over across the street from the warehouse, behind Mandy's car. "If its 2500 East Victory, I am." "That's it across the street," the cabbie pointed as Jefferson, Jesus and Marco stepped into Jefferson's limousine and sped away from the building. "Thanks," Mayfield said, handing the cabbie a twenty. "Keep the change." "Thanks, Mister," the cabbie replied as Mayfield opened the door and stepped...
Silently she slipped through the trees. She paused briefly below the last oak tree, crouching to catch her breath. The moonlight gleamed off her alabaster face. She shook her long black hair out and took a deep breath. Her dark eyes focused on the building ahead. Nothing moved. Only an eerie light filtered out through the dirty windows. A small yellow-white plume of smoke curled out from the chimney. Crickets chirped in the background, filling the night with their song. As her breathing...
The tall man leaned over the hospital bed and rested his right hand on the injured man's right shoulder. The tall man's dark eyes blazed with anger as he looked down on his wounded employee. Both arms were covered with bandages. Another bandage was wrapped over his left shoulder and around his chest. A third set of bandages were wrapped around his body from the waist down both legs to his feet. "It was a she devil, Hefe," the bandaged man said. His brown eyes were opened wide with fear...
Mandy was sitting in the living room on the sofa watching some old movie when Traci finally returned. Traci was still all smiles and bubbly. Mandy had changed into her nightie and a robe. "Boy, you sure left in a hurry, Mandy," Traci said. "Jonny was really disappointed." "I'm sorry, Traci. But it was all just too much." "What? Peter?" "Well, that too. Jonny sure looks a lot like Peter would have. But it is more than that. Its really complicated, Traci. I need more time to sort...
It was on your bed in your room. You show me shiver as I was looking at your mouth and there it was. Your hands got into my pants and felted for moisture. As your fingers drowned in my wetness you smiled knowingly and using my moisture started playing with my clit. Your fingers were was a vibration beyond belief, no batteries would be able to keep up to that. As you flicked and torture my clit. I begged you for mercy with my broken voice...half whispers... half moans. You smiled...
The darkness envelopped her as she slipped quietly from her car into the streets. The only sound she heard was the click of her high heels. She silently cursed her bad luck. The phone call interrupted a nice candlelit dinner that was just starting to get interesting. She had no time to change. This had to be done immediately. So here she was trying to be stealthy and quiet in high heels and a miniskirt. She picked the lock easily and the door opened with an audible creak. She reached into...
Traci stepped into Jefferson's office. Jefferson sat with his back to her, talking on the phone. She couldn't hear what was being said. She slowly approached his desk. Jefferson swung his chair around and put his feet up on his desk, continuing to listen to the phone. He smiled as he saw Traci and winked at her. He motioned to a chair and held up one finger. "That's great, Wilhelm. Keep the project going. Look, I need to run. I'll call you later. Thanks." Jefferson hung up the phone...
Raven smirked as she pulled up across the street from the warehouse. She knew a little of the building from her early sortie. She scanned the building for activity, but none was visible. Marco watched her from a window on the third floor. Who else could it be. No one else would drive up here at this time of the night. He slipped carefully away from the window and headed back to the main lobby. Von Teufel had seen her lights as she pulled up. He was ready. Jefferson sat calmly in a chair....
Mandy rattled the handcuff against the ladder. It refused to come loose. She looked around a bit looking for something within reach. Bill Mayfield watched as her mind worked. A bemused smile spread across his face. Finally, Mandy gave up her search. "Too bad you don't have a hair pin," Doc said lightly. "What?" "A hairpin. Isn't that what all good spies use to pick locks? After all it works in the movies." Mandy laughed. "Yeah, I guess it does. I don't suppose you use...
Mandy's car stopped just down the street from Jefferson's office building. The street was deserted. Mandy looked at her watch. It said eleven fifty. It's been a long night already, she sighed. Quietly she slipped out of her car and crept over to the building. The parking garage gate was down, but not completely. There was almost two feet below the bottom of the gate. Raven peered through the gate carefully. A security camera panned across the chain gate. Raven timed the camera. When it...
"Doc?" Mandy whispered as she pushed the hospital room door open. Doc Mayfield sat up in the bed. His left leg was raised in a sling. A white plaster cast covered his leg from mid thigh down. His toes wiggled freely. "Mandy! Are you okay?" "I'm fine. How are you doing?" "Broken leg, broken ankle. I'll be back on my feet in a couple of days." "I have to leave tonight," Mandy whispered as she stepped up beside the bed. She lowered her face to his and kissed him passionately....
Lauren got out of bed. Ava was lying on her back, her blonde hair spread across the pillow. Lauren looked at her breasts moving slowly up and down in time with her breathing as she slept and felt that her Sunday morning might be just as rewarding as her Saturday night had been. She tore her eyes away from the sleeping German woman and stepped into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Her bladder emptied noisily into the bowl. She looked up as Ava came in, naked. Ava hesitated in the doorway and...
Lesbian"Hello? I'd like to speak to someone with regard to information about the vigilante," Glen said. "I can help you with that case, sir. What do you have to tell us," said the voice on the other end of the phone line. Glen glanced at the little piece of paper in his hand again. He had noted down the officer's name from the TV. "No, I want to speak to DI MacIntosh," he said. "I can assure you, sir that I can help you just as well as DI MacIntosh could, now why have you...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
Hey guys this is Varun regular reader of this site ant me am from Hyderabad living at Vizag for my job. About me am an average built guy with 5.8height and 7inch dick used to dream about the stories which were presented in this site as i used to think them as fake since the day i have experienced mine i started believing them. Let me come to the story the name is Sandhya all the named mentioned here are fake whom i met in Facebook as it was Sunday most boring day of my life, i was surfing on fb...
I could not stop thinking about that perfect ass since our lunch in my hotel room. I would try to focus on a task and the thought of my cock sliding into her warm pussy would take over. It was so vivid that I could even feel it. Each morning I woke her body was all I could think of. I would lie there and stroke myself to the thought fucking her again. It was the same at night too.I had messaged her a couple of times however there was no answer. I wanted to message her more but didn’t want to...
I woke up to the dawn of a new day which you just know is gonna be filled with training with the pervy sage (btw if your wondering what Naruko looks like just look at the cover picture that is most likely above the chapter title somewhere and I highly suggest you do this because I'm not really gonna explain the clothes so I provided a picture of what naruko looks like so use that for reference only difference is that Naruko doesn't have that huge scroll) you pat down your clothes for no reason...
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I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can't stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn't all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...
Straight Sex“So, now I’m one of your sworn Companions, Master ... or baby brother, or whatever you wish me to call you in private. I’ll call you anything, except maybe ‘late for dinner,’ that is,” Becky teased me as I arrived, still thinking of what to do with my new power, though as yet I didn’t know the full scale of it ... probably Becky didn’t, either, but she knew more than I did. “Call me, ‘bro,’ or ‘honey,’ or ‘baby brother,’ or simply ‘Mark,’ or something like that. You’re my sister! I’m not...
Bab’s FantasyLike many couples on this site, Babs and I often talk about our sexual fantasies, especially while we are making love to each other. Last night Babs told me that she has a new fantasy and as always I was dying to hear what it was. When she told me, I was so hard and ready that we had a great time. I was rock hard and she started sucking and licking my cock. I turned her around and started licking and sucking her pussy as she sucked my cock. She was so wet from telling me about her...
An astonished Beth asked, "Was that Becky screaming that she was cumming?" Holly said, "Yes it was. She is a loud one. She eats pussy like you wouldn't believe, too." "No way!" "Yes way! Surely you've seen the moon eyes that she makes at Laura all the time?" "Yes, I have. So what, Laura is her Master?" I stepped in now, "Actually, the word is "Mistress", and yes, Laura is her Mistress. I am Laura's Master. So, what does that really make Becky, Red?" "Yours?" "And...
Marie got out of the cab, feeling a little groggy from her day of travel. She had actually been due home tomorrow from her boarding school but had managed to get a ride from a friend whose parents had come to pick her up. She was not excited about being home, even for the two-week spring reading break. At sixteen, she felt she was finally enjoying her independence. She was at last comfortable in her body, which very much like her mother and little sister, was almost unbelievably big and round...
Dear Readers, This is in continuation to my earlier story. There is a saying that girls can’t keep a secret for a long especially with a friend. This is precisely what happened in my case. It had been only two sexual encounters with my employee Shez, I received a resignation notice from one of my senior female employee named Shabu. Before I begin further I need to introduce my employee Shabu. Shabu is a very pretty girl, unmarried, aged 30 years, with big boobs and ass, extremely fair in...