Carla Returns - 2 free porn video

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Lauren got out of bed. Ava was lying on her back, her blonde hair spread across the pillow. Lauren looked at her breasts moving slowly up and down in time with her breathing as she slept and felt that her Sunday morning might be just as rewarding as her Saturday night had been. She tore her eyes away from the sleeping German woman and stepped into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Her bladder emptied noisily into the bowl. She looked up as Ava came in, naked. Ava hesitated in the doorway and then, without a word, moved to straddle Lauren, sitting down and pushing her legs apart. Her mouth closed on Lauren’s, her hands rested on her shoulders. As they kissed, Lauren felt Ava’s hot stream spurt onto her mound and though she struggled momentarily, Ava held her still and continued to kiss her. Lauren gave in to the sensations and returned the kisses fervently. When Ava had finished she eased back and looked, smiling into Lauren’s eyes. She lifted an eyelid questioningly.

Lauren made no reply but licked Ava’s mouth. Together they stood and entered the shower cubicle. Ava turned it on and the icy spray shocked them both before the water warmed and they began to wash each other from hair to toe. Kissing, they ran soapy fingers between each other’s thighs, over their nipples, between the cheeks of their arses.

Each dried the other with the Stein’s huge and fluffy towels and, naked returned to the bedroom.

A buzz came from Lauren’s bag and she opened it and removed her phone. She stiffened when she saw the first message and sat on the bed. Ava ran her fingers down her spine but Lauren wasn’t aware of it, so shocked was she by the message she read. She scrolled through all the messages she had missed throughout the night. Lauren was not a woman to panic but she came as near to it as she ever had. With a conscious determination she pulled herself together.

‘Order us breakfast. I need to make some calls.’

‘Come back to bed.’

‘Do as I say.’

The CEO was back in control.

3 Weeks earlier

Frances had been arrested with her controller. She’d never known the controller’s name so was unable to help the Police even if she’d had the faintest wish to do so. Her mind was set on escape. She’d been held on remand awaiting trial for attempted murder in a women’s prison in London and kept her mouth shut and her mind working.

The prison officer found her one morning, unconscious on the floor of her cell. Blood oozed from her head and her thighs were smeared with it. She was naked, her body cold and breathing shallow. Urgent attempts to revive her seemed unsuccessful and it was not long before she was put in the back of an ambulance, lines in her arms and driven with sirens and warning lights to the nearest A&E.

Animal cunning, borne of her near insanity served her well. Late that night she got out of her hospital bed in a side ward and peeped through the door which was slightly ajar to see the prison officer ostensibly there to prevent her escape, sleeping quietly in a chair. She didn’t wake up until much, much later when she found herself naked in Frances’s bed, an agonising headache all she had to explain how her predicament had occurred. Raising the alarm wasn’t difficult but for that particular officer the grief was only just beginning. A dangerous, psychotic killer was on the run and it was down to her lack of diligence.

It worked to Frances’s advantage that she had timed, albeit unintentionally, her escape to coincide with the nurses’ shift change. It was also assisted by the fact that although the officer’s uniform didn’t fit her too well this did not seem unusual. Tightening the belt, rolling up the sleeves and hastily but carefully taking all the officer’s paraphernalia of keys and chains and cuffs etc and her disguise was complete.

She knew where to go. And this time she was going to make her point.

‘Why no police?’

Frank shrugged. ‘By the time they get their act together it’ll probably be too late.’ He was driving quickly, the powerful Mercedes hugging the road as we careered along. I kept thinking that with just the two of us, armed or not, we might be getting into something more than we could handle.

‘Harry’s meeting us there.’

I looked questioningly at Frank who just concentrated on driving. Harry and I had worked together in the past and we were close friends. We had shared some interesting experiences together. I decided not to ask Frank why Harry was involved. I suspected it was in case we needed extra firepower.

The meaner streets of the former dockland area of London that has not been converted into luxury flats and offices had an air of danger about it. The streetlights seemed not to illuminate the darker corners. A slight drizzle fell, adding to the sense of gloom, the lights reflecting dully from the wet tarmac. The car closed on another, nondescript black and I watched as Harry emerged from it and climbed into the back of ours.

‘We’re talking,’ he said, ‘about an old warehouse; no signs of life but it’s definitely the right coordinates. Two hundred yards down there.’ he added, pointing down a dark alley. I’ll take the front, you two take the rear down the alley to the left. The door’s broken so you’ll have no problem getting in.

I got out of the car once I’d checked my weapon and torch. I didn’t plan to turn the torch on until we needed it. No sense in advertising our arrival. Frank and I made our way to the rear entrance which was exactly as Harry had described it. Frank checked his watch and patted my shoulder before pulling the door open. It made a groan of resistance that seemed uncommonly loud in the late night silence and we hastened in and separated to create two fields of fire. Dimly I could see Harry entering at a crouch at the far end of an otherwise totally empty space. He turned his torch on but, as we’d agreed, Frank and I left ours off. The beam settled on a small, wooden table. There was a phone on it. Harry approached it cautiously, searching for booby traps while Frank and I scoured the premises for watching eyes.

The phone emitted a single tone and Harry leapt back as if stung. I held my breath. Harry waved us forward.

‘Someone knows we’re here.’ He lifted the phone and it showed a picture of Otto, disheveled, bound and blindfolded. The caption read, ‘Proof of life. A public notice within two days that all animal experiments have been stopped or I send proof of death.’

We took the phone with us as we left. Half-way along the two hundred yard alley there was the unmistakable crack of a rifle.

As Ava ordered and accepted the room service breakfast, Lauren made calls to make sure the kidnapping was being dealt with. She would be of no use to those handling it except to make sure they had all they needed. She had the sort of mind that dealt with problems and when there was nothing more she could do, she put them aside in her mind. Anyway, she knew that her people at home would be doing all that could be done and that she had to keep the company moving forward. Monday was important and Carla and Frank and their colleagues would keep her advised. Nothing more could be done at that stage. Well, there was one thing.

She turned to Ava who asked, ‘You have to go, yes?’

‘There’s a problem. But then, I pay people to solve problems so, no, I don’t have to go.’

The smile broadened on Ava’s lips. That smile wasn’t just about the money. Still naked, the two women sat at a small table where Ava had spread the breakfast. The aroma of good coffee filled the room and the inviting food, smoked salmon, scrambled eggs, hot rolls, fruit, was consumed along with champagne.

When the meal was finished, Ava stood and, taking the champagne bottle with her, she walked towards the bedroom, pausing in the doorway. ‘Stay there for a moment.’

Lauren remained at the table, watching the doorway and smiled as Ava returned. She had donned a long, black silk robe, a slender, purple dildo projecting from it below her waist. She didn’t stroke it or look at it but simply beckoned Lauren with a crooked finger. The CEO stood and slowly walked to her escort then followed her as she turned and stepped silently to the bed.

Standing face to face, they kissed, Lauren running her hands over the German’s silk clad body while Ava guided her dildo between the tall Englishwoman’s thighs, running it between her lips. Her hands did not roam over Lauren but hung at her sides as she enjoyed their kissing and the feel of hands on her. She eased away and guided Lauren to sit on the bed then eased forward again so the silicone extension touched her lips. Lauren had never taken a strapon in her mouth but nonetheless she opened and Ava pushed a little way into her.

‘Oh but you are a good bitch.’ Ava rocked slowly, allowing the head of the dildo to enter the mouth a little before almost leaving it. To her surprise, Lauren found herself enjoying the sensation and leaned forward to take a little more.

‘Enough,’ said Ava quietly and guided Lauren to kneel on the bed, her arse in the air. With her hands on Lauren’s buttocks she guided the dildo once again between her lips, this time entering her in one slow thrust. The well lubricated pussy opened to its intrusion and it slithered deeper and deeper until Ava’s hips were touching Lauren’s backside. She held there, motionless apart from her hands stroking the flesh of her arse. Lauren felt a need to push back but Ava held her still, then slowly withdrew and stopped just before the dildo was out. Pushing forward she drove it slowly in and then out again, never increasing her pace driving Lauren wild with the desire to be fucked harder. Ava did not permit this but continued her relentlessly slow forward and backward motion, her hands stroking over the kneeling woman’s back and sides, her nails stroking against the sensitive skin at the sides of and beneath her breasts. Lauren was groaning with frustration which only stiffened Ava’s resolve to tease her until she knew the client was desperate to be fucked harder and faster. Slowly she bent over, reaching under and rolling nipples between her fingertips, making Lauren gasp with pleasure. To the client it felt as if this continued for an age before Ava decided the moment had come and she began to increase the speed with which her pelvis moved and the power of the thrusts she delivered.

Lauren began to utter obscenities. Repeating the word ‘fuck’ with each increasingly powerful thrust. Her nipples were squeezed hard between fingernails and the pain combined with her intense arousal to bring her right to the edge of an orgasm. Ava stopped and withdrew.

‘So much time,’ was all she said.

1 week earlier

Animal rights activists vary from the peaceful protesters to the violent extremists. Frances had been the latter for some time before her first arrest following her attempt on Lauren’s life. She returned to a place she knew would harbour her and she received a hero’s welcome. She had lain low for almost a week after her escape in a squat she had used before and where there was a woman who would help her. She had funds, almost £50,000, and alternative identification documents secreted in a safe deposit and while staying at the squat she removed some and bought new clothes and had her hair restyled and coloured. In the salon mirror she saw a new woman. It was then that she had gone to her group and announced her return and her new plan. Lauren, she had explained, was by no means a soft target but other members, senior members of the company were far more vulnerable. One such was Otto Ferman.

Otto Ferman had a weakness. He liked women. In fact, he liked them a lot and he enjoyed the dangerous side of the sex industry. He prowled the dark streets of London where women of all sorts haunted the alleyways and because of this he did not want or get protection. Over the next few days members of the group followed him.

His patterns established the plan was finalized. Frances enjoyed the business of turning herself into a street whore. It wasn’t the first time she had done so but on previous occasions it was to satisfy her own carnal, feral needs. She chose the Goth look that they knew Ferman liked. Heavy black boots, fishnet holdups, a micro-short and ragged black skirt, a tight leather t-shirt, her hair shaped and gelled. She wore black lace, fingerless gloves and a few chains, nose and tongue studs. She lifted her skirt to see her naked cunt with a temporary tattoo that read ‘whore’ above it.

Looking in the mirror she said aloud, ‘Christ, I’d buy you myself.’

It was about the time that Lauren had sat down in the bar at the Stein Hotel that Ferman’s black Jaguar slowly cruised the infamous street. His eyes were everywhere and finally hit upon the Goth leaning in a railway arch, half-hidden in the shadows and smoking a long cigarette. She had seen the brief glimmer of a match, the agreed signal but showed no reaction as the Jaguar almost silently eased to a halt at the kerb, its window sliding down.

The Goth eyes turned languidly to meet his and wordlessly she lifted her skirt and moved so the streetlight revealed both her nakedness and the word tattooed. Ferman got out of the car.

‘I want to do it here.’ Frances knew this was one of his pleasures.


£100 if you let me do your arse.’

Frances extended her hand for the money, took it, stuffed it in her t-shirt and turned to face the wall. She had told them to wait until he was fucking her. He entered her roughly and she made a soft squeal which was neither pleasure nor pain but the signal. Within seconds Ferman lay unconscious under a blanket on the back seat of his Jaguar and he and Frances were driven to the safe house. There, Ferman was secured in the cell prepared for him and Frances, wet with excitement, took one of the group, a short butch woman, to bed to finish what Ferman had started.

Reacting to the gunshot, Frank, Harry and I had dived into cover, none of us injured.

Harry whispered, ‘They’re just letting us know we’ve got the message. On my mark run like fuck.’ He waited a few beats then slapped his hand and we ran, low and fast until we reached the cars. There were no more shots. We drove hard and fast to Lauren’s home, through the security gates and into the secure compound.

Harry made coffee laced with brandy while Frank and I discussed things with our boss, Carl. It was agreed nothing more could be achieved until morning so we went to separate rooms and slept away what remained of the night.

Lauren emitted a frustrated groan and rolled onto her back. The German woman smiled down at her. ‘You want more, perhaps?’

‘You know I do, damn you.’

Ava’s grin grew and she slowly, teasingly, removed the robe. The dildo, strapless and protruding almost naturally from the tight grip of her cunt, walked to her bag and took out a long narrow silk scarf which she dangled across her cock. Returning equally slowly she lifted Lauren’s head gently by her hair and tied the scarf around her eyes. Lauren groaned as he was allowed to fall back, unseeing, on the bed’s soft and rumpled covers. She felt the bed dip as the other woman knelt on it, pushing her legs wide and lifting her knees.

‘This time, Ava is going to let you cum if,’ she paused, ‘if you are a very good girl.’

‘For fuck’s sake, get on with it.’

‘That is not being good, is it?’ Ava slapped Lauren’s right thigh gently, then positioned herself, lifting Lauren’s knees and then pushed into her, delighting in her client’s reaction as she tried to lift herself on her elbows, her blindfold head back, her mouth open.

If Lauren was happy at that point she had far more pleasure to come as the German drove into her with increasing pace and force. She rode her, leaning down to bite her lip and then her nipples, giving each little nips with her teeth. Lauren’s arms went around her head, holding her to her to her breasts and writhed beneath her, bucking and lifting her hips to meet the thrusts. Ave could feel the strapless dildo working its magic on her and her own orgasm was approaching.

Lauren began to repeat the word ‘fuck’ just as she had before but this time there was no let up, no reduction in the intensity of the relentless pounding and it was Lauren’s obvious, wet and noisy climax that sparked Ava’s. Almost simultaneously they began to cry out in their shared ecstasy. Lauren’s body arched beneath the German, her head back, her mouth wide open. They lay, joined at the crotch, panting and sweating, both making small twitches as little aftershocks passed through them.

‘Oh but you’re good,’ said Lauren pushing the scarf up from her eyes.

‘You are good too, Lauren. I hope you visit Frankfurt many, many times.’


Monday Morning

‘Look, Carl, we have to tell the Police. There’s no way we can deal with this.’

I was worried for Ferman but also for other members of the company’s board. Of course we could offer them protection but everyone is vulnerable at some point. They’d already got Ferman, who else might be at risk?

‘I’ve already told them.’ That stopped me in my tracks. “They’re doing what they can but they’re stretched and not much to go on. I have some assets in the protesters groups and we think we might have a lead.’

‘So give it to the Police.’

‘I have, Carla. Shut up and listen.’ This was rare for Carl and I realised maybe I had been out of order. Frank, as usual, remained silent. ‘These people are bloody dangerous. The police have agreed to share intelligence but we have a duty to try to find Otto and protect the others. You remember Angie?’ How could I forget Angie? “She led to the capture of the Controller and Frances but Frances later escaped. Angie can’t be involved again. My asset wants a woman to go in with her and Jen has volunteered.’

Oh God, I thought, no, not my Jen.

‘Lauren is staying away. We’ve persuaded her to work from the Frankfurt office so we can apply all the effort we need to taking care of Jen.’

It was at that moment that Jen entered the room. I turned to look up at her.

‘I’m not letting you do it, Jen and there is no argument. We can find someone from the French office, someone who has been trained for this sort of thing. Not you, definitely not you.’

My tone must have indicated that I’d brook no argument and Carl capitulated quicker than I had expected. Jen sat beside me and held my hand as Carl made a quick phone call. It lasted no more than three minutes.

‘Okay, Carla, you win. Sophie from the Paris office can come over first thing in the morning to be briefed and I’ll introduce her to my asset.’ I looked at Harry who smiled an understanding smile.

They left Jen and me alone.

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 4

After Carla's "accidental" nude display, Tommy started spending a lot more time around our apartment. He became Carla's "swimming buddy" as she called him. Tommy became such a fixture that his uncle, a single parent who lived on the apartment complex grounds several buildings away from us, worried that he was becoming a nuisance. Carla met him at the pool one day and told him not to worry, that Tommy was good company and that he was helping her with some projects around the house. I was...

2 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 8

Carla loved to be nude so much that she called it "addicting." The minute she got to our apartment, off came the few clothes she bothered to wear sandals, cutoff shorts and a blouse. She never wore a bra and only once in a very great while did she bother with a micro-thin thong. If we were in for the rest of the day and night, then Carla was nude for the duration. If we happened to be running to the grocery store quickly, she'd usually wear an oversized T-shirt that ended about two or...

3 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 3

About two weeks later, we were spending a sunny Saturday basking by the apartment's swimming pool. This provided Carla with another way to show off, although I was surprised that her hot-pink bathing suit was surprisingly modest. I actually teased her about the suit and asked if she was losing interest in exhibitionism. Hardly, she explained. She just figured she was going to ease her way into more daring public exposure. A few minutes before we were going to pack up and call it a day, a...

1 year ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 9

One of the things I discovered before too much time passed was that this particular pizza-boy flashing incident was much bolder than the first one Carla and I engaged in together. Shortly after I got home on the night of the "pizza flashing" incident with Cheryl, Carla said she was going to crash early. I could tell she was pretty bombed, so I told Cheryl that I was going to go tuck her in (more like tuck into her). As soon as we got to our bedroom, Carla and I attacked each other. She...

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Carlas wild initiation

When living in Savannah, I used to attend my girlfriend Shelley’s lingerie party meetings.We had become a very nice group of bitches. Sometimes a new girl could be invited; but she could be considered part of the group after passing an initiation… When Shelley invited me for the next meeting, she warned me that Carla would be there for her very first time. Carla was a nice young babe in her early twenties; she was Shelley coworker and the girl was hot. She had been addressed some lines about...

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Carla Goes Cougar

Carla was talked into going by her friend Lillian, although it wasn't hard to do. A motel twenty miles down the highway had a pool party every Wednesday night and Lillian came up with the idea of going down on some hot July night. They could get a room for the night, party it up as late as they wanted and sleep it off in the morning. Besides, they could get lucky and meet some men. It seemed like a good plan for a couple of over-forty divorcees, so Carla decided she was up for it. So Lillian...

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Carla has fun

Note : This story is completely fictional! Carla lay in bed with Garry his brother. She never wore panties or a bra. She was a slut and her boyfriend knew it. They had come back from a night of drinking and her Garry thought a threesome would be exciting. "Kiss her Donald" said Garry. Carla opened her mouth and let Donald her. Then the brothers took turns sucking her breasts. She moaned with pleasure and spread her legs."She's ready now, do her" urged Garry.Donald jabbed his prick in the girl's...

4 years ago
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A married, but promiscuous, female PhD psychology professor, Jennifer, 32, has a steamy affair with her female housecleaner, Carla, 24. Their summer together and the year that followed were life-changing for them both. Their lust and love was intense and gratifying. They feverishly coupled three and four times a week while, Ray, Jennifer’s hubby, was on frequent business travel. The story is arousing and stimulating, and will heighten the senses of men and women, alike. The author hopes you...

3 years ago
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Carla Our BiMFM threesome

I had run into Carla at the deli a couple times during the week. She gave me a nod and a wink, we spoke briefly but nothing about the wild sex that we were having. Saturday morning, she texted me and asked me to come to her house around noon. I got there and she was wearing a black lacy skirt with pink panties visible through the fabric. She had on a loose fitting black sweater and she looked hot. Her freckles looked so pronounced and her thighs looked so inviting. She guided me out to the back...

2 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 14

Carla's involvement in her latest play meant a cool-down period of sorts in the sexual arena for us. This is not say that we no longer had sex -- indeed, we did, to the tune of at least once every night or so -- but the extracurricular and obsessive nature of our sexual antics slowed to a comfortable simmer. At least they did for me. But as you can tell from the previous chapter, Carla's libido took no back seat when it came time for me to do some serious buckling down due to school and...

2 years ago
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Carla the BBW A little weekday fun

Carla had the week off and her k** had school so she was free for several hours during the day. She called me this morning and asked me to stop by if I had a little time. So, I quickly showered, dressed and went to Carla's. She answered the door wearing a long t-shirt that went down to her knees, I figured she didn't have much else on and was hungry for some action.She suggested that we sit on the couch, but I suggested the bedroom. Carla smiled and I followed her to her bedroom. As soon as we...

1 year ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 7

Carla behaved for a few weeks after the Tommy incident. I think whatever occurred at the condo spooked her. I'm not saying that Tommy did something to her or threatened her in any way. Rather, I think that Carla's own desires and her capacity to go full-throttle into major taboo territory shook her up. In other words, she scared herself. The result was a strong attempt on my girlfriend's part to channel her desires into our own sex-life. Carla is the only woman I know whose libido matched...

3 years ago
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Carla and Carrie

Life was difficult for her she said. I shared some things about my life. Later in another series of text we share more. I asked if I could give her advice. She really wanted to meet, needing the money. I said I could not at that time. A few days passed; Carla sent a text. We chatted some. Later that evening, I said I could meet, asking just to talk. She agreed. We meet, talked, and I gave her $150. We hugged. A few days later another text from her, I gave her some ideas. After that...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 10

I don't know if it was my being constantly exposed to Carla's own exhibitionism or if I simply got tired of being a voyeur, but in time, my own dormant exhibitionist tendencies flared up. I think that for a long time I grew quite satisfied to obtain my exhibitionist thrills vicariously, by watching Carla exhibiting herself. I got off on the idea of my girlfriend taking center stage and enjoying it so immensely. Some of you reading this story can surely relate to the thrill you can get by...

3 years ago
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Carla the Wallflower

The wallflower, everyone I know knows at least one. You know that girl or guy that is always there but know one wants to be in a relationship with them. They are usually a little nerdy, and are always there to help sort things out. They are usually on the chess team or the math team or something like that. Carla, was the one wallflower that really stands out in my head. I knew her in high school, and although we talked all the time, I didn’t really feel attracted to her. Right out of high...

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Carla Chapter 5

Previously in ‘Carla.’ Carla is a professional bodyguard and assigned to protect the CEO of a large pharmaceutical company who has been targeted by animal rights activists. She was shot in one attack. Now fully recovered she has employed a former colleague, Harry, to help her find the assassins and to check out a woman, Angie, who had got close to her. She feared she was potentially connected to the killers, and using Carla as a source of information. Angie had disappeared briefly, and Harry...

3 years ago
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Carla The Cute BBW School Teacher

I've seen Carla around town a lot over the last several years. I'd often run into her in the supermarket or the d**gstore, but in the last few months our paths have crossed a lot at a local deli. It turns out that we both stop in for our morning coffee around the same time at the same deli. We would often have small talk and would joke around as we stood in line. Sometimes (usually in summer) she would have her son with her, I think he's in 3rd or 4th grade. As I got to know her from our brief...

3 years ago
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Carla The Cute BBW Teacher

I've seen Carla around town a lot over the last several years. I'd often run into her in the supermarket or the drugstore, but in the last few months, our paths have crossed a lot at a local deli. It turns out that we both stop in for our morning coffee around the same time at the same deli. We would often have small talk and would joke around as we stood in line. Sometimes (usually in summer) she would have her son with her, I think he's in third or fourth grade. As I got to know her from our...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 6

The beach episode was one bout of exposure after the other. Carla wore a thin top that consisted of the proverbial tiny twin triangles doing their best to conceal her pendulous breasts. The bottom consisted of a tiny-string that her puffy bald pudenda bulged out in a cute triangular-shaped package. She was a sight. Men and women alike ogled her. Some lusted after her, some admired her tan, and some probably couldn't believe she could be that audacious in the company of her boyfriend and...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 2

Carla took to wearing very little around the house. In fact, she was stark naked at home most of the time. If she got home from class or the store, the first thing she did was pull off her blouse or t-shirt and kick off her shorts. She never wore underwear. If she wasn't going anywhere that day, she stayed nude all day and night. On many occasions she stayed nude for forty-eight and seventy-two-hour stretches. Carla called them her "nudie marathons." My girlfriend was also often stark...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 5

Carla and I saved up enough to get away to a beach condo for the weekend. I was looking forward to watching my beautiful girlfriend shamelessly display herself in one of her many thong bikini bottoms. It was a topless beach and I knew that Carla would take every opportunity to display her beauty. Little did I know that she had exhibition plans of her own that would make my own projections of things to come seem pretty tame. "Baby, don't be mad," Carla said after a very satisfying...

3 years ago
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Carla and a New Position 2

There is, if you look, a bar like it in every town. Back home it was Ernie’s; a small friendly bar where women meet other women. In LA, where I found myself working as close protection for an actress, Faye Millerton, it was Matt’s. A good friend, Hannah, had recommended it and when Steph had to go home. It was where I went to fill the vacuum her departure left. I’ll explain why Steph had to go home a bit later on.One Friday evening while Millerton was in DC attending a ball at the White House I...

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Carla 3

When Lauren is busy so is everyone around her. She’s driven and drives her staff. Sometimes it is difficult because although she recognises the need for security, especially in the light of the threats, she is adamant in not curtailing her activity. ‘If I do that, they’ve won, beaten me. I’m not having that.’ A great attitude but not always easy for Frank and me to persuade her to take sensible precautions. Like the night she had a date with a woman in Edinburgh. She wanted to fly to save time...

4 years ago
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Carla And A New Position

Friday night.Ernie’s was one of the best lesbian bars in the city.  Small, it had a lot of character and a few characters who made it a warm, friendly and safe place.  It was one of my destinations of choice if I wanted to get laid.  Ernie, full name Ernestine, was a butch lesbian.  Her ownership of the bar attracted a lot of other butch women and she kept a safe, orderly club.  I like butch women so it’s a no brainer.   Ernie had a taste for femmes, particularly blonde Eastern European women...

2 years ago
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Carla and Alice

“Lada dedadeda de, la de da, la de da,” Carla hummed a snippet of Mozart’s Minuet in G to herself as she dialed the phone. “Hi, Carla! What are you up to, girlfriend?” Alice asked into the phone. “How did you know… oh, duh. Caller ID. Silly me. I just finished an experiment, and thought I’d bring it over to share, and get yours and Gerald’s opinion on it,” Carla replied. “Experiment, huh? So you want me to be your guinea pig? How do I know it’s edible? What is it, anyway?” “I promised...

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Carla Chapter 1

The pretty butch pushed me back against the wall behind the bar and, hands on my shoulders, pressed her crotch hard against mine. I’d noticed the clearly non-biological bulge in her leather cut offs when I’d first caught sight of her indoors, it had been hard not to but now I could feel it. It had been a mistake, of course, to take a night off going to the bar but, to be fair, my bodyguarding duties were not required for a while since the businesswoman who employed me, the CEO of one of the...

1 year ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 11

After exposing myself to Cheryl the first time, I grew more lax about my own clothing around the house. Mind you, I was never as unabashedly and totally nude as Carla was around the apartment, but I did give Cheryl more than her share of peeks. And then there was Melinda, a student at the university who called upon me for tutoring help. Melinda was one of countless students who struggled to pass the second half of freshman English composition at the university. She was one of several...

2 years ago
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Carla Buys a House

CHAPTER ONE Ever since they made her a partner, Carla had been toying with the idea of buying a house. On Sundays, she would sit in her bed, with the paper and her coffee, perusing the Real Estate section. On April 14, she got up at her usual late Sunday morning hour of 9, donned her silk kimono robe and padded into the kitchen to make coffee. Maurice was nowhere to be seen, but she knew he was lurking around somewhere, so she poured a little of her coffee cream into a saucer for him. When...

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Carla Chapter 2

I was hiding behind a pepper pot. The frog in the chair facing me asked me how I felt but I wasn’t going to hold a conversation with a frog. The problem with frogs is they can turn into Princes. Hallucinations are a consequence, I learned, of morphine use. As my pains, various, reduced so did the morphine and eventually the weird and wonderful tricks my mind played. I was left with the need to recover. A bullet can pass through you without doing much damage and mine had at least missed all...

3 years ago
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Carla SissySlut

It’s a Friday night I just finished doing an unload and I’m checking into the lodging for the night. I’m Vanessa or Van for short I’m long-haul trucker I just finished one of my last loads for the next 2 days I am off. So I decided to go out to the lodge bar and get an order of chicken wings and some lemon water and ice tea raspberry non-alcohol since I am awaiting to call for another load I want to be able to drive if need be I have 3 days off but if a good haul with a good $ comes thru I will...

1 year ago
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Carla Makes me eat my own cum

I got a text from Carla Friday afternoon. Her k** is going to his fathers and she wanted me to come over to have some fun. After work I showered and changed and showed up at Carla's around 7:30pm. She looked great! She was wearing a pair of tight, black lycra shorts and a matching black halter top. Her hair was still wet from the shower, so I timed getting there perfectly. Carla invited me and she had a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table. She poured us wine and we both drank. I told...

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Carlas Fantasy Fulfilled

Introduction: This story was written for my wife to enhance our sex life. This story fulfills her fantasys. I walked into the store a saw Richard looking really down and asked him what was wrong. Richard told me that he just found out his wife was cheating on him and didnt know what to do. I told him how sorry I was and invited him over for some drinks and a movie so my wife Carla and I could take his mind of everything. I told him the kids were at their aunts so he would not have to worry...

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Carla Chapter 4

Harry Carter and I went way back. He was, like me, from a part of the military that doesn’t exist. He had to leave when he mislaid a leg in some shitty part of the world. I’d carried him most of the way out and while he didn’t owe me anything (he’d have done the same for me), he’d remained a close and dear friend. He was also one of the most resourceful men I knew. If the police couldn’t find who was trying to kill Lauren then maybe, just maybe, we might. I gave Harry copies of all the email...


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