A Night Of Change free porn video

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Claire enjoyed her career as a librarian. Yes, she knew it was cliché. She was a tall voluptuous blonde – she could have been a model – but every weekday day for the last 3 years, she trotted off to her little desk at the public library, her long hair up in a conservative bun, her wide rimmed glasses planted exquisitely on her forehead. It wasn’t that Claire loved books to some phantasmal degree or that she was shy or any of the reasons one would suspect, Claire was the city librarian by chance. She had been looking for work, liked the opportunity that government employ would provide her as far as future security was concerned, and had simply applied for the job as posted on the city’s website.

There were two employees at the library. She had started off as an assistant, but in a year, her boss had quit and moved on to other things. She found herself running the library.
There was a current opening for a replacement assistant that Claire had been interviewing for. Her old job. She was having trouble filling the position and understood more and more why the powers that be had been so eager to hire her in the first place and eventually promote her with basically no background in this field – there were not a whole lot of people that wanted to spend endlessly long days or nights surrounded by books in a musty old library.

That was where she met Michael. He appeared in front of her desk late last night. She had been staring down at her desk filling in some paper work to track some books that hadn’t been returned yet and she more sensed his presence then heard him. It startled her when she looked up to see him standing there.

He was tall – at least six feet. He wore a long faded overcoat, most likely to ward off the incessant rain, but it seemed to hang from his muscular physique in such a way that it was as if it was a part of him. He had jet black hair and very dark, almost black eyes. His facial features were rugged, but not unruly, his hands in his pockets, his stance casual but decided. It was as if he owned the land where ever he happened to be. This was a self confident man.

Her metamorphosis complete now, Claire began to regain consciousness. Even in this state, her foggy mind seemed to process things better, faster. She immediately recognized the surroundings of her Victorian home. An instant later she confirmed that she was alone in her room, although without being able to pinpoint exactly how, she also knew without a doubt, she was alone in her house as well.

Her mind cleared its morning dew very quickly. This caused Claire a momentary pause as she was NOT normally a morning person. “I must have had a really good night’s sleep”, She thought to herself. Nevertheless she bounced out of bed and began her morning rituals.

She puttered around the house gathering up old dishes and forgotten cups, and noticing that the sun hadn’t fully come up yet. In passing, she glanced at her wall clock in the kitchen and saw that it was 8:00. She thought it strange that it should be brighter outside for 8 but thought little of it. She realized, however, that her alarm clock hadn’t gone off.

“Damn thing!”, she thought to herself. She knew she would have to replace the old thing before someone at work actually paid attention and realized that she was often late in the morning because of it. As her rounds took her by her bed she casually picked up the old digital cock – its little number flap changing to 8:04 from 8:03 as she lofted it to her view. Briefly her mind registered that yes, indeed, the alarm should have went off at 8:00and hadn’t, and then she focused in on the smaller little am/pm flap in the bottom corner.

PM – “what the hell?”

“Damn clock!”, she would finally go get a new one today. Then she second guessed the little device, “It can’t be right....?”

She moved to her little computer desk in the corner of her bedroom and wiggled the mouse. As her monitor came to life she placed her glasses on the bridge of her nose and studied the teeny numbers in the lower right hand corner.

8:04PM. “What the fuck!?”, she said aloud.

She quickly looked back outside to find it slightly darker then when she first got up – she raced to the Television and turned on the local television guide – the ever present clock indicated 8:04PM. As she stared in disbelief, the digital presentation changed to 8:05.
Claire had slept the entire day. No, the entire night before and the entire day. Her mind traveled back to the last thing she remembered.

--- 2 ----

He stood there, in front of her desk. A glorious representation of a man. She didn’t even remember his voice. “Did he even talk to me?”, she thought. No matter how hard she tried, that was the last coherent memory she could capture. She had passing vivid thoughts of limo rides, swirling lights and deafening sounds of club music filled her memories. She had snap shots of her involved in incredibly lewd behavior. Visions of a massive cock in her mouth, riding another, her hands deep inside a woman’s pussy, her ass being invaded... The nameless, faceless, debauchery flashed in her brain like a strobe light. She thought she remembered the feel of a rope, and the coldness of a table on her bare back. Their faces out of focus – laughing – cheering – her own voice screaming “MORE!”

She remembered silence. A dark room. His face appearing out of the night as he did at her desk when they first met. She remembered his pale face, accented only by the smallest hint of blood at the corner of his mouth. Deep, red blood. Her blood.
“Welcome to the Jungle”. The only words of his that she remembered.

Somehow the memories calmed her awakening. Perhaps it was that they were so clear, so vivid that despite her confusion about the time of day she was actually turned on. She had begun to flow; her hands had automatically lodged themselves between her legs. She found herself sitting on her couch at 8-something PM! masturbating.

The absurdity of the situation didn’t even faze her. She recognized her need now. A primal desire for release – and something else. Something she had never felt before. A hunger as if she’d be stranded on a deserted island without food. Almost painful, she associated it with her desire to cum. Harder and faster she rubbed herself. One finger, then two and finally three fingers penetrated her body. If it wasn’t attached, her arm would have lifted her completely off the ground, so vicious was her onslaught.

Her apex came and seemed to be as, or more powerful then any she’d ever experienced by herself or even with a partner, however, this time it seemed to only take her to a higher plateau – a further step of heightened senses and erotica – and left her there, wanting “more”.

She didn’t know what “more” was. Wild eyed, she pounced from her position and paced around her home like an animal in a cage. Room to room she stalked; suddenly she heard a low animalistic growl. She stopped dead in her tracks. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized that the sound came from her.

“Settle down Claire”. She scolded herself. “What the hell has gotten into me”.
Still her eyes were wide. She was restless. Her mind in overdrive. Like an animal in a cage, she couldn’t stop herself from continually glancing at each wall of the room, the cage she was in, she felt like she needed a way out. The thoughts raced through her head like a steam engine with afterburners. Her mind raced through one thought process only to immediately jump to the next, only to restart a parallel process back on the first.
Claire held her head in her hands in a useless attempt to stop the swirl.

“I NEED to get out of here. Go out for a while”. She said aloud. She broke her rhythm and pranced to her closet to check her wardrobe. Her hand brushed down the fabric of her favorite jeans.... all her sheer tops... The nerve centers in her fingers causing synapses in her brain to fire a million volts of descriptive feeling to her mental vision. She could almost “feel” the colors of the fabric. She could taste the smells from her freshly washed clothing.

Her hunger grew.

Her hands swept, cat like, through her wardrobe and came to rest on the smooth texture of her leather pant suit. She felt the color was black. With her eyes closed she pawed the outfit. From the hem of the pant to the fold on the hanger. The sleeves of the suit styled leather jacket. The feedback was exquisite. It seemed to satisfy part of her mysterious need. As the fabric slid across her naked body, even with her eyes closed, her mind painted a mental picture that she found more than pleasing – she found it wonderfully erotic.

She woke from her trace to select red velvet stilettos with 5 inch heels. She had purchased them on a whim and never wore them. She found them hard to walk in. Tonight, however, they slid on her feet like gloves on her hand, and she pranced around the room like a Gothic ballerina excited about her first recital.
Focused now, driven by a powerful force, she automatically turned and walked out the front door.

Claire felt as if the ground slipped away from her. It was like an out of body experience. Her eyes registered the lane way slipping away, the trees getting smaller. Her thoughts consumed by her need.

She arrived at the club as if by magic. She didn’t recognize the place and come to think of it, didn’t even remember setting this as her destination. The hunger inside her grew.

There was a line at the entrance. It stretched far down the side of the immense building. Without even a second glance at the sheep waiting in the line, she directly approached the doorman. At first he appeared to stand his ground, but as Claire approached him her eyes caught his stare and he noticeably softened. His eyes never left hers as he removed the clip on rope that sealed off access to the building. As she walked past him she lifted her arm and dragged a fingernail across his chin.

In a word, the club was intense. The blonde strode through the crowd as if surrounded by a force field. The patrons simply parted as she surveyed her domain. Every man within eye shot of Claire simply stopped their evening’s events to stare at her as she passed by – and most of the women too.

Claire was not just hot – she was on fire. Her sexuality was airborne now, infecting those around her. Enticing them into her spell. As the beat from the speakers pounded on, Claire noticed people in the darker corners of the club. Her enhanced vision picking out the smallest details.

There was a woman on her knees in front of a black man. His hands pulling on the back of her head. Right of them sat a brunette, perched on a high barstool with her legs spread just enough to allow a red head to have access with her hand. The brunette hunched over, holding her lover’s forearm, in the deep throws of an orgasm.

All around her couples were in various stages of public sex. Claire’s hunger had no bounds now. A man approached. In yesterday’s life Claire would have thought him to be very attractive. His shaved head and goatee accenting his square jaw line. He had a medium build with some visible tattoos. Yes, yesterday she might have even purred – today she simply looked him up and down and said ”You’ll do.”

Claire turned on her heels grabbing her prey by his tie. She led him to a chair that became vacant as soon as she approached it. Here, in the darkest of corners she would fulfill her need. He was a piece of meat for her to use. Her minion to own.

She may have lifted him onto the chair or he may have been heading that way on his own – either way he virtually floated into position and found himself staring into the eyes of the most beautiful blonde her had ever seen in his life. Her hair remained up in her librarian’s bun, her glasses perched atop her forehead. But her eyes. They were, to say the least, intense.

As he stared into her yes he could see swirling lava flowing around her pupil – he briefly wondered where she might have found contacts like that! But his thoughts were lost as he slipped into a trance like state. Her hands came off the armrests now as she began to undo his pants. Her mouth watered in anticipation of her first taste. His head fell back against the chair as she lowered herself to him.

Claire felt that she was not in control of her own body. She was simply a very willing participant in a scripted play. His cock felt warm in her hand. She gripped it tightly. Owning it. Claire’s mouth opened to accept her prize. She felt her lips drag across her incisors as she opened ever wider, intent on downing him completely.

As his cock bumped the back of her throat and began to slide down, she closed her lips around him. Her elongated incisors penetrating the soft skin at the absolute base of his cock. She sucked. She sucked and sucked as her world spun, as the music’s beat blended in with the lights and became one swirling mass of overheated senses attacking her brain from all directions simultaneously.

She never backed off his cock but kept it lodged deep in her throat while she sucked. He was coming now. The root of his shaft pulsated against her teeth. She felt his fluid travel the long length of his shaft down her throat directly into her. She pulled him closer with both hands so as not to chance loosing a drop. Their underworld coupling complete she savored the feeling as her hunger finally dissipated.

She opened her mouth to release him from her outwardly grasp. She felt his cock relieve itself from her throat and his still swollen head drag across her tongue. She swirled around his head as he departed, savoring his taste.

Her mind now returning to the real world, her body traveling down from her artificial plateau, she stood up. Her mind was like a revving V-8 engine – random impulses firing off explosive flashes of realization into different parts of her mind. Sequential, but overpowering.

She turned and ran from the club. On the street she hailed a cab and gave him her address.

Away from the music and incessant beat of the bass speakers – away from the debaucherous act she had just committed she tried to grasp a fleeting reality that was still just out of reach.

She leaned against the window in resignation. She felt like she had just had the most massive orgasm of her life – this is how she ‘should’ have felt earlier after her personal release.

Even with the cabby’s lecherous glare constantly attacking her from the rear view mirror, she smiled to herself in the reflection of the side window.

“That was fucking good.” She thought.

The cabby adjusted his rear-view mirror in a vain attempt to see more of his charges partially exposed body. He was a normal 35 year old male attempting to pay for his return to college with a part time job chauffeuring mostly drunk people around into the late hours of the night. Often his job was half policeman, part bouncer, and mostly irritating. But tonight was different. Had he not stopped at the sex shop to refill his prescription of lube for his nightly rendezvous with himself behind the old factories on the edge of town, had he not hit every fucking red light on the way to the club in hopes of a large fair to pay for one more book in a never ending stream of scholastic expenses – then he’d not been pulling up at the precise moment that this vision in her red heels and black leather outfit stumbled into the street looking for a ride. Looking for him.

She talked to him then. An almost imperceptible, “hey”.

He nearly missed it as his concentration alternated between the road ahead and her exposed cleavage in his mirror.

“Yes”, he responded.

“Have you ever wanted to just let go for one night?” She asked seductively.
“All the time.” Was his reply.

“Take me somewhere.”

At this point he didn’t know if she meant another club, a restaurant perhaps, or was she a hooker looking to score a trick? He glanced into the rear view and adjusted it up to meet her eyes. They were waiting for him. Those deep dark eyes with swirling red centers.

He knew what she wanted.

He drove to ‘his’ place behind the warehouses and the long forgotten machinery. He’d been here before, and other then the occasional cop that cruised by looking for vandals, he’d never been bothered.

As the cab glided to a stop, he placed the car in park and left the motor running. In a single fluid motion that kept him captivated, she was with him in the front seat. Her eyes seemed to never leave his during her entire journey.

Her hands crept down his chest, her fingernails seeming to slice off the buttons on his shirt one by one until none remained. She undid his western buckle with the same flair an experienced lover would unhook the bra strap of his latest flair. Already the top of his hard cock leaked lubricant as it became exposed to the night air.

She unfurled the package from the adult store like she knew what was in it. Broke the seal on the bottle of lube and emptied a good portion of the contents into her hand and onto his cock.

Never once breaking eye contact with her chauffeur, Claire’s hand began to slide up and down on his meaty shaft.

When he was hard enough, nearly at the point of no return, Claire rotated on the bench seat presenting her ass to her new lover. He wasted no time in reaching around to undo her leather pants. They seemed to glide over her hips and down her legs as she alternately removed one then the other from her pant suit. Her red stilettos remained on her feet as she spread her self for him to see.

He hunched up over her back, his sex edging closer and closer to her. As the tip of his prick brushed her puffy lips, she reached between herself and guided him up. His lubricated cock touched the outer rim of her tight asshole. He instinctively knew what she wanted and was going to give it to her.

He pushed a little then. Parting her entrance slightly. She felt herself opening up to him and as the tip of his cock broke the seal on her virginal hole, she pushed back roughly and impaled herself on him.

Almost seven inches of meat forced themselves into her bowls. Her head flailed back in glorious pain. In and out she rode him as he fought back his orgasm. She clenched around his already abused cock in a vain attempt to rip it from him and keep it as her own. He reached forward and grabbed her hair, now pulling her towards him. Harder, faster he pounded into her.

She grabbed his arm from her hair – her now elongated nails digging into his flesh. She pulled him closed to her. She could feel his chest against her back as the dark coupling continued. She pulled his arm over her shoulder, his hand against her face. He followed her lead and put his hand over her mouth. She tongued his fingers. They probed her mouth. She turned her head slightly towards his arm and licked his wrist.
Her own desires exploding now, controlling her, willing her to make him her own. She clamped down on his wrist and buried her pointed teeth into the meat.

His orgasm triggered, he began to pump semen into her. Load after load traveled the length of his engorged cock, past the vice like opening of her ass and filled her insides.

She sucked on his wrist like her survival depended on it. Her own body shuddered as the kaleidoscope of colors replaced her vision one more time tonight. It was an elevator ride to the top of Everest.

The nuclear explosion in her mind dissipated. She could feel her lover shrink and eventually withdraw. She released his wrist.

As he lay slumped, breathing heavily back on his side of the cabin, she opened the door and exited. She gathered up her things, threw a twenty down on the seat and made her way off into the night.

Her hunger was satisfied. For the moment.

Caprice awoke to find herself in her bed. It was 8:02. She immediately looked at the AM/PM tag and to her horror it read PM again!

She threw her hands to her face – “What the hell!!” She said aloud.

“Not quite hell”, was the answer from the shadows in her room.

Claire bolted upright, her naked breasts forgotten for the moment swayed to catch up.

“Who the fuck is there!” She wailed.

He stepped from the shadows then. His flowing dark hair cascading over the old dark long jacket that he wore made it look like a cape. He was the vision of her dreams - and her nightmares. The way he moved indicated that he was a man used to being in control. His jet black eyes, never loosing contact with her, seems to hold her in place. His incisors peeked out from under his top lip in a horrifyingly erotic way. He was captivating and terrifying all at the same time.

He did not answer her plea. He simply moved to her bed and sat down beside her.

“I have given you a gift.” He spoke softly now, but even still his voice held her mind and body like a vice. She looked into his deep dark eyes and was confronted with a vision of herself. But not as if in a mirror, more a look into her lust filled soul. He could ask her to jump out her second story window and she would do. He could ask her to drink acid, she would comply. She would Kill for him.

His hand hovered to her exposed breast. It was electric. Their body temperatures so well matched it was as if she had touched herself.

He fondled her protruding nipple. Pulled it almost to the point of pain. His sharpened fingernail flicked the edge of her nipple drawing the smallest trickle of blood. She felt only pleasure.

He leaned forward and placed her nipple in his mouth and sucked. She immediately orgasmed. Not one, but one after another. A staccato of ecstatic peaks rocked her body like automatic gunfire.

Releasing her nipple he moved his hand to her neck and decidedly escorted her head back to the pillow.

He placed his head beside hers. His hand still on her neck and spoke to her soul.

“The path remains uncertain. You must commit. It is by your choice only that you remain in this transient state.”

Through the semi-consciousness of her trance, the words rang like church bells and echoed in her head. With a flick of his wrist, Claire was face down, uncovered on the bed. He glided on top of her back, his head still beside hers, his voice still ringing in her mind.

He whispered into her ear, stories of a land far away and a time long forgotten. From beneath his now open cape she felt his hardness lodge between her buttocks. She heard memories of fields of darkness and fire. The Gothic images became her reality, her memories as he entered her from behind.

His massive manhood parted her like a spring flower. She reached an orgasmic plateau almost immediately, but stayed there while he spoke. While he spoke and fucked her. His long slow strokes letting her feel every ripple of his cock. Every vein, every subtle movement of his hips. She was not on a roller coaster ride as she had been with so many other lovers, she was on a mountain top – the highest mountain ever – circling above herself in orgasmic ecstasy. Nothing mattered now but the coupling.

In and out, relentlessly. Finding new depths within her. Her cunt spasmed, pulling his meat deeper inside her. He slid his right arm across her mouth, his left holding her head tight to his. Her claws shredded the bed covers as she grasped to hold on while her teeth sunk deep into his arm.

“Forever?” He asked.

Lost in their gyrations, she didn’t comprehend the question. She only understood the explosions rocking her body.

“Forever!” He sunk his claws into her neck. She bit down harder on his arm, her eyes closed tight as she tried to digest his words.

His thrusting increased in tempo. His cock began to spasm. Rope after rope erupting from within the depths of his darkness to fill her with his seed.

“FOREVER!!” He screamed!

In a mentally cataclysmic explosion of ecstasy she understood what he meant. She let go of his arm.

“Yes, forever.” She whispered.

As his orgasm peaked, her turned and sunk his teeth into her neck.

In the darkness of her room, watching silently, stood a pale faced cabbie and a seemingly lifeless tattooed man with a goatee.

Tonight they would fly, free of body and soul. As one they would hunt and live. Free from the confines of this world. Tonight was the first day of Countess Claire’s life. She would live upon that mountain peak of her ecstasy and she would feed. Her sexual hunger would be satiated nightly and the number of her minions would increase until there stood an army, beside a one time librarian’s side.

She was no longer a librarian. Some would even say she was no longer human.

But for the very first time in her life, she knew who and what she was.

(for now)


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The first week passed in an organized chaos of digging, diving, and dirt displacement. By its end the cabin had been made generally livable. Doug had patched the leaks in the clay tile roof, ending the drips that accompanied the daily afternoon showers. All had cleaned the grime from its interior. The shutters were functional, thanks to new nylon rope hinges, and could be closed in case of another storm. The mosquito netting had been repaired and draped over the bed. Doug had used the nylon...

4 years ago
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GNight Pixie the Original Story ConceptChapter 6 GNight

Alyson was lying at the edge of the water, holding her left foot and screaming. Her breakfast lay splashed on the sand beside her. Her deck shoes sat a few feet inland. While Doug examined Alyson's foot, Mary washed the vomit from the girl's lips, cheek, and chin. "Small puncture wound," he said. "Inflammation setting in. Something protruding. Honey! Alyson! Where did it happen?" He had to repeat the question. She managed get out that it happened a few feet seaward from where she lay....

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tonights girlfriend

This story is regarding my mom named rittu aged 42 years and she has a very ripe luscious fig og 383438 and she always looked gorgeous in saree.I reallu used to admire my sexy mom but never had that feelings of sex with her.My father had a business in delhi but due to loss he shifted to Chandigarh and mom once in a week used to visit my dad .I am 21 years now studying in college in delhi and had very few friends and often used to chat on net.I had a special friend named amit who was from...

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Knight in shining armour

Being a CPA, she'd been able to save a bunch by closing her expensive office in Phoenix's central business district. Now, at a fraction of the price, she only needed to rent a post box in the same uptown stylish and upscale address that at one time been her plush office. Her clients were happy to email their spread sheets to her, knowing her work was professional and accurate, as were her insights and opinions. She'd bought the business from an elderly man, inheriting his clientele. Those...

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KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 1by DesTodes777

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that the...

2 years ago
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Knight and Dragon Ch 1

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that...

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Knight of Passion

Knight of PassionAlone in her tower, Princess Mariella could hear the sounds of battle coming from below. Out of her window, she could see down into the courtyard of her prison, the tall stone spire that had confined her for close to five years now. Far below, the cobblestones were streaked with scorch marks, long black lines of soot that crisscrossed the ground and spread up the walls. She felt tears welling in her eyes. The poor knight.He wasn't the first person who'd come to rescue her. She...

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Knight and Dey 1 First Day of a Second Life

Knight and Dey 1: First Day of a Second Life By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "All right, crew, eyes forward!" the police sergeant ordered the three officers under his command. "Every year, somebody tries to show off by riding to school in an unauthorized manner. Specifically, down Bleaker's Hill!" and he pointed at the very steep hill in front of the two men and a woman. "It is our job to catch the perpetrator, and to make an example of him! This school will be highly...

1 year ago
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Knight and Dey 3 Meet the Knights

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex's has a condition that changes his gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Alex's simple goal is complicated by a power struggle within the first school he's ever attended. That struggle is about to take on wider implications. - WARNING: This story has been heavily manga influenced.} Knight and Dey 3: Meet the Knights By Ron Dow75 Out in the outer office of school administration, police...

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Knight Errant

Knight Errant 1. Argument "Sophie, you must do as I say - I command you to obey me!" Sophie flashed anger and then smiled sweetly at the young Knight. "Peter, you have always tried to order me about ... Even as children, when we played together, you always wanted to be in charge ..." "Sophie, - I am in charge - I am master of this castle, and you are my prisoner!" "Peter, you know very well that you are too soft-hearted to lock me in your dungeon ... It was your brother,...

3 years ago
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Knight Owl and Black Hawk

It was a night like any other winter night in the City of Brockton. The snow was falling gently, the wind was light almost non-existent as two vigilantes keep a silent watch together over their fair city. Brockton used to be a nice city, it was once the ‘Shoe Capitol of the World’. The City of Champions, as its downtrodden citizens called it. Brockton was the birthplace of boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Marvin Hagler. It seemed to everyone living in the towns adjacent to Brockton that...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 20

For those who have been waiting on this chapter, I apologize for the length of time it took to publish. It took a long time to figure story out and with setbacks from my computer crash and subsequent loss, this chapter has been written and rewritten a ton. I hope it is enjoyable and look to continue this story. The sun glinted off Ser Alec’s armor as he exerted himself in battle. A continuous fight that plagued him every few seconds while he climbed a path etched into the side of...

4 years ago
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Knight and Dey 2 Top Dog

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex and his family have a condition that changes their gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Now that he knows the truth, Alex's simple goal is complicated by the power struggle within the first school he's ever attended.} Knight and Dey 2: Top Dog By Ron Dow75 "Wow, he actually did the death scene," Lyza said, on her side, her head in a hand. "Hmf! He looks pretty alive for somebody who...

3 years ago
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Game Changer

I’m in my seventies now and only discovered my bi side when I was in my thirties. We weren’t swingers but my ex-wife Barbara and I were very sexually active and uninhibited. We were engaging in oral sex a good ten years before it was socially acceptable. In the mid-sixties when she came home from giving birth to our first child with her pussy shaved. She liked the way it felt when I went down on her, so Barbara kept it shaved. Again that was almost fifteen years before bald pussies came in...

Gay Male
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Game Changer

I'm in my seventies now and only discovered my bi side when I was in my thirties. We weren't swingers, but my ex-wife Barbara and I were very sexually active and uninhibited. We were engaging in oral sex a good ten years before it was socially acceptable. In the mid-sixties when she came home from giving birth to our first child with her pussy shaved she liked the way it felt when I went down on her, so she kept it shaved. Again, that was almost fifteen years before bald pussies became in...

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Blackmailing Turned Out To Be Life Changer

Hi. This is Aakash Gandhi from Chandigarh. Basically I’m an engineering student and 20 years old. I’m a regular reader of ISS and thought of sharing my recent experience too! It’s very long story but I’m sure you’ll enjoy till the end. Coming to the story, this story is about me and my cousin sister sneha whom I can fuck whenever i want due to beautiful incident that happened in my life. We have a joint family and live under same house. In my family, i have an elder sister and mom. Both are out...

3 years ago
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Morgan had dressed for the night, short blue dress with a plunging neck line, dark pantyhose only, no panties and heels to draw attention to her long shapely legs. Morgan was sitting in the bar waiting for friends to arrive. She notice me sitting in a corner booth at the back of the bar. She was curious and intriged, I was dressed in a dark suit, my salt and peper hair neatly trimmed, rugged facial features, muscular build, and she gussed my age to be about 54. She asked the bartender to...

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Knight and Dey 4 What Kind of Friend

Knight and Dey 4: What Kind of Friend? By Ron Dow75 Vice Principal Weatherwax and Mr. Knight were out talking by the man-sized hole in the high fence the separated the front yard from everything else around the blue Four Square style house. Behind them was a red-and-blue striped tent that covered most of the back yard, right up to the hillside. In a light so dim it would be darkness to others, a teen with shoulder-length dark hair, stood in bare feet on a trapeze...

1 year ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 29 Back To Camelot

Grace, Kim and I had a nice long chat and decided to take the twins with us to return to Camelot to see if we could locate the missing cheerleaders. I didn't have any evidence that we would find them other that a nagging need to try. We called the twins into my den and sat down to talk with them. I had to convince them that what they were about to hear would be hard to believe but they had to accept it on blind faith. I started out, "Girls, you remember the cave you saw on your...

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Nightblade Pt 1 Discovery

The black wall of darkness disappears as men with guns climb out of the smashed black van. The girl looks over her shoulder at me with those dark glowing globes. All of a sudden I feel this intense pressure around me as darkness wraps around me and pushes me behind a car. The sound of gunfire fills the air. As soon as the darkness disappears I glance over the car to see if she’s okay. A shield of darkness surrounds her as bullets disintegrate as they come into contact with it. She then covers...

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Nightwolf Part 3

Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....

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I kept up pounding in and out of her, as she yelled at the top of her voice, watching her dig her nails into the bed. I knew if I pulled out of her now it would either kill her or drive her over the edge and the thought stayed on my mind, and I made it up quickly. I pulled my dick out of her and watched as she collapsed down onto the bed. “Why the HELL did you do that? I was about to cum!” “You know you liked it, babe” “No, I hate it when you do that, now shove your dick back in me and fuck...

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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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It was midnight, as Tanya lay under her covers. The wind howled outside her window. She yawned lightly, rolling onto her back. Unknown to her, a dark figure watched her through the window. In fact, he had been watching her for several months now. He loved the way her auburn, spiky, pixie cut hair framed her heart-shaped face. And he loved the way her tops always hugged her luscious breasts. If she wore a skirt, her long, sinewy legs were displayed. Her honey-toned skin was often...

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Knightly Encounter

The day of the jousting tournament started with bright sunshine and a warm gentle breeze. I was sitting along the side of my father, the Lord of the Manor. When suddenly my eyes caught sight of a knight, in shining armour, sitting astride a magnificent black horse. He came to where I was seated and held out his lance, I then proceeded to tie my kerchief to the end. Off he rode to the starting position. When my father dropped his kerchief to signal the start, the knight’s horse reared and...

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Midnights Desire

The dream that he couldn’t quite remember startled Lance awake, and seeing her sleeping beside him, her rhythmic breathing soft against his chest as they lay naked under a single sheet, made him sure that he wouldn’t be returning to slumber any time soon. He brushed her soft hair away from her face, and wondered what she was dreaming, and found himself getting hard again re-living the moments that led up to explosive orgasms for both of them. She had ridden him hard, stopping every so often...

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After another busy hectic day, I settled down in front of the television to relax for a few minutes before bed. Watching the local news, I was intrigued by the promotion for the upcoming news program Nightline. Tonight’s program would have a report on “Hooking Up With Strangers.” I decided to stay up a little later than usual to watch the broadcast. Apparently, according to this report, it is a growing trend for clubbing couples to hook up with strangers they encounter during an evening of...

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Nightshift Compensations

She knew she shouldn’t be doing it as she crept towards their bedroom but with her daughter at school and Tony deep in the arms of Morpheus it was a too good a chance to miss.  Stealthily she moved, careful not to make a sound.  She wasn’t sure what would happen once she reached the edge of the bed.  Katherine knew exactly what she wanted, but she had no idea what his reaction would be to her presence and the thought of being rejected absolutely terrified her, but she was willing to take the...

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Midnights Embrace

  Midnights Embrace      In the darkest hours of the night she awakens gently, somehow sensing that she is not alone. Her deep brown eyes search through the veil of darkness that fills her bed chamber until, in the doorway she sees the silhouette of the Midnight Visitor whose arrival she has for so long desired.    There is no feeling of fear or anxiety in her heart, only the feeling of cherished love that emanates from him like a calming warmth that pushes aside the chill of the winter...

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Knightly Adventure

It’s dark as you look out into the night. Your small cramped room illuminated by the soft glow of the candle light. It had been a rough fourteen years you went through to train. You had almost given up hope during your trials of knighthood, but you persisted and ended up here. In a cramped servants quarters in Hevidish Castle that stinks of filth and smoke. Your life had never been an easy one. You were born into a peasant family. Your mother had died giving birth to you. It hit your father...

1 year ago
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Author's notes: Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to look into the story I'm writing. In the beginning, I want to set a few expectations: 1.) English is not my native language, so please keep that in mind. I'll try my best to proof-read and spell-check my writing, but I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve things. Also, I might lack the proper way to fully express myself; 2.) this story will touch some darker themes at points, so it might not be your cup of tea; 3.) as of...

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Nightshift at St Peters Hospital

All was quiet in the halls of St Peter's Hospital. I had just made my final rounds for the night and headed to the breakroom. I was hoping to shut my eyes for just a few minutes and gain enough energy for Mr. Le Blanc's 4 am visit. Mr. Le Blanc had been a my patient on the fourth floor for 2 weeks now. He had been admitted to the hospital for injuries he sustained in a car accident. Tomorrow he was to be discharged at noon. So I had to try and make my move soon. Mr. Le Blanc was 34 year old,...

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Being a part-time night shift security guard for an upscale women clothing store has a few perks over working at the local 24 hours Wal-Mart -- you get paid a few dollars more per hour and that you don't have to deal with all the stupid customers, especially the drunk ones. You often spend your shift from 9pm to 6am in the security office studying, doing your homework or watching late night TV (often infomercials). It's not a bad gig for a college student. You drive as fast as you can in your...

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The nightclub has no name, but its the hottest spot around. Getting in isn't easy, but once there, patrons can find anything they desire.

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She was sleeping naked when she heard her door open and he walked in. She heard him take his clothes off before he slid in bed beside her. He spooned next to her and reached his arm around her and cupped her tit as his cock pushed against her ass cheeks. He whispered in her ear "I have been thinking of your nice tits all day. My cock has been hard all day waiting to touch you. I need your pussy so much." He played with her nipples and rubbed her tits as she felt his cock get harder pressed...

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Nightout Mei Wife Ke Friend Ki Sath Hua Jordar Palag Tod Sex

My id is Sb couple ek bar jarur pde…maaja ayeg…sachii kahani meri jubani apne reviews jarur dee…taki new story or share karsaku…especillay couple,girls,ladies….Or land bhi lol Ye bat kuch 1week pehle ki hai,mei meri wife or wife ki friend or uska husband humne nightout ka plan banaya sab set hogaya, hum 2-3 din se pehle se exited the ,kyoki is baar hum drinks ka bhi program rakhne wale the, Mei bata du meri wife mast figure 32*34*32 dusky color sexy adaye jaise 1 mast bhabi mei hoti hai...

2 years ago
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Knightly Affections VII

Daniel wove through the crowded hall, acknowledging guests and courtiers, exchanging pleasantries and well wishes all the while focusing on Sir John who was engaged in conversation with the Duke and Duchess of Clarington. As Daniel sidled up to John, the Duke, a rather flagrant and boisterous boot-licker, launched into a flattery strewn tribute to the prince which amused John to no end. He knew of Daniel’s distaste for insincerity and false praise. But being the honoree made one prone to such...

1 year ago
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Knightly Affections VI

Standing in his tunic the Prince examined the ring. It was truly a work of art. He remembered when he first saw the completed ring, before knighting John. It was a breathtaking masterpiece: a thick silver band with scrollwork; a faceted square ruby clutch set into 4 prongs. He remembered taking John's hand and slipping the ring onto his finger as the soon-to-be-knight knelt before him.“Rise, Knight,” he had said to John. “Rise and be known from here on as Sir John.”John had stood, flushed...

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Nightclubbing In A Mini Skirt

NIGHTCLUBBING IN A MINISKIRT By Satinmaid, under direction from Mistress Lisa My girlfriend Jane asked me to wear a skirt for her one day. She just mentioned it straight out of the blue. I was sitting in the living room waiting for her to get ready as we were supposed to be going to a club. I had on black jeans, boots and a long sleeved black top under my leather jacket. The club was a sort of industrial/goth sort of place. Jane came into the living room. She looked great...

4 years ago
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Knightly Affections V

Upon collecting themselves from their mental escapades, the two momentarily went about the business of returning to their respective roles. Sir John finished grooming Oroboros and the Prince took leave to prepare for the evening’s festivities. He could not help but marvel at Sir John’s consideration…a welcome home feast, the next day’s hunt…even an indulgent bath…no detail was too small. So great was the Prince’s exuberance, he bounded up the castle steps three at a time and sprinted through...

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