Midnights and Cold
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Midnights Embrace
In the darkest hours of the night she awakens gently, somehow sensing that she is not alone. Her deep brown eyes search through the veil of darkness that fills her bed chamber until, in the doorway she sees the silhouette of the Midnight Visitor whose arrival she has for so long desired. There is no feeling of fear or anxiety in her heart, only the feeling of cherished love that emanates from him like a calming warmth that pushes aside the chill of the winter night. Her heart flutters as butterflies dance in her belly but as he approaches, she is reassured that he too feels nervous excitement of what is to come. For he too has felt the connection that they have long shared together. His love and desire, being as strong as her own, have brought him on the wings of the wind across the uncounted miles to be with her on this one special night. This night that will fulfill a promise made in a dream and that has bound them together across the Land and the Sea. He takes her hand gently in his and brings it to his lips, kissing it reverently, as if it were a great and delicate work of art. His voice is a whisper as he speaks, “Anastasia, my love for too long have we waited. Rejoice with me for on this night we are finally together.” With tears in her eyes she tries to speak but he rests his finger on her lips. “Speak not beloved, mere language cannot express the depths of the feelings we share.” She slips into his arms and is relieved to feel the softness of his touch and the warmth of his breath on her neck. This time he is no dream, not a phantom presence that once again disappears into smoky vapor at her touch. His hand caresses her cheek, wiping away the tears and sending shivers of excitement coursing through her young body. With his finger under her chin, he tilts up her head and brings her lips to his. Softly and gently they kiss, their passion growing as an ember into a flame. His tongue caresses her lips and she welcomes it into her embrace, playing her own against it. His mouth captures hers and gently sucks at her succulent young lips and she feels the tremble of excitement that betrays the air of confidence he tries so desperately to cling too. His hand moves up her lithe body and cups her breast through the material of her gown. Her breath catches in her throat as his thumb finds her quickly hardening nipple and rubs around it, making delicious circles that cause her to moan into his mouth. He squeezes and fondles her pliant flesh until the ecstasy of his touch becomes more than she can bare, In that moment she breaks the kiss and lets her head drop back as she presses her breast into his palm. He holds her tightly, entranced by the sight of her beautifully thick hair flowing over her shoulders and down to those shapely breasts that feel so firm in his hand. He kisses he exposed neck, savoring the wonderful taste of her skin. He sucks and nibbles at her sensitive flesh, keenly aware that her breathing has become deep and that heart is pounding in her chest. Anastasia is overcome by her feelings. “Is he but a man, or some or some unearthly spirit?” The question fades in her mind as quickly as it formed. Whether he be a man or spirit, he has touched and aroused her to levels of love and excitement far beyond that which any other man ever has, or that she could ever have thought to be possible. She welcomes these feelings with an open heart for she can feel his love and the inevitability of the pleasure he will bring. She reaches out and touches the bare skin of his chest. “How strange it is,” she wonders “I would have sworn he was dressed.” This thought too, is fleeting. So many things about him make no sense, but his body feels real, warm and strong. She runs her palm over his skin and feels his heart beat a rapid cadence in his chest. He feels so hot and his chest is nearly devoid of hair. His muscles are well defined but not overly large, just the type of man she has dreamed about. Her hand trembles slightly as she explores his body and she is nearly entranced by how perfect he feels. She is only brought out of the moment when his breath catches as she brushes his smallish nipple. “Oh yes my love, your touch is like the finest silk. It feels so good to finally have your hands upon me.” His voice is still but a whisper, yet it sounds so clear and loud in her mind, as if he were not merely speaking but placing his words straight into her thoughts. She looks up into his eyes and they seem to glow in the darkness, reflective like a cat. They are piercing in intensity and riveting in effect. She has no will to resist him and would not think to try if she could. He stands before her and guides her hand to his shaft. She places her hand upon him and almost gasps at what she feels. He is longer then she expected, thick and rampant. His staff feels alive in her hand, pulsing and hot. She moves her hand up and down and he moans delightfully in response. She wishes she could see him better but the room is dark. As soon as the thought crosses her mind though, he reaches out to the window and draws back the drapes. Moon light pours into the room illuminating him in its eerie luminescence. His skin, which had seemed quite dark, now glows in the brilliance of the moon beams. His hair is jet black and smoothed against his head. He looks down at her with a comforting smile and she once again feels his love embrace her in its warmth. Ana turns her attention back to his manhood. She traces her fingers up and down his length, memorizing every contour and ridge from its crown to his heavy sack below. With a smoldering excitement, she slides off the bed and kneels before him. Slowly she moves forward and licks her trembling lips. She can smell his masculine aroma and it fills her senses with his powerful pheromones. Her mouth feels almost dry until her tongue flicks out and just brushes the tip of his throbbing member. Her heart races as she touches him. His skin feels smooth against her lips and has a pleasant tangy flavor that almost instantly has her mouth moistening with anticipation. With his hands lying gently on her shoulders, Ana takes him into her mouth and closes her lips around him. As her tongue begins to explore his length, she hears his quick intake of breath and feels his body tense. She is greatly pleased at his reaction and begins to move up and down his length, drawing her moist lips over and back down his alabaster like flesh. While he is large, she has little trouble taking him in. Her tongue swirls around the crown and she can feel him begin to rock his hips toward her as she sucks his cock. Each time he moves forward his hands on her shoulders bring her closer to him and his cock moves farther back toward her throat. “How far can it go,” she wonders. “He’s too long for me to take him all!” But even as the thought forms, she somehow knows that she can. With a relaxed confidence, Anastasia slides her mouth down until she feels him easily pass beyond her mouth and into her hungry throat. The man caresses her hair as he buries himself deeply into her. “That’s it my dear, your mouth feels so good on me. I am so hard for you…” Ana is pleased and excited that she could take him and begins to suck him with a growing confidence and excitement. Her mouth travels up and down his length, tugging and pulling at his flesh and his control. She hears his breathing becoming deeply rhythmic, as if he were timing his breath with her motions on his cock. Ana wonders if he will cum for her. The thought of making him cum in her mouth is exciting and she redoubles her efforts, using her tongue and lips with greater skill she had never before possessed. It is as if somehow she is being guided by him, yet he has said nothing. His labored breathing is the only sound to pierce the darkness. She wraps her hand around his shaft and begins to stroke him up and down in time with her wet mouth. He groans in approval and thrusts his hips forward a bit more as she begins rotating her hand as she strokes him. She knows now that the special connection that they have shared for so long is how she knows these things. He is willing her on and guiding her movements through that bond. It is as if they are one soul in two bodies. “Yes Ana, you have sensed the truth…We are as one, and as you love me I will ever love you. As you have given me pleasure, I will return it to you a hundredfold.” Ana whimpers as he pulls his glistening organ from her grasp. He raises her easily to her feet and kisses her with such tenderness that her knees almost fail her. Only his gentle hold on her hips lets her remain standing. He takes hold of her bedclothes and slowly raises them over her hear. Her body, golden in color and wonderfully curvaceous in shape, comes into his view one lovely inch at a time. He gazes at her intently as her nudity becomes complete. “You are beautiful Anastasia,” he whispers, “and incredibly sexy. But that is nothing compared to the purity and beauty of your inner being. It is this that I sensed from so far away. It is this that brought me to you tonight.” He kisses her again and then picks her up effortlessly. He lays her on the bed and reclines next to her. She is so confused by everything that has happened and now she lays here, completely nude on top of the covers. She knows that it is freezing outside but somehow she is wonderfully warm in his embrace. There is no explanation for it, she knows that to be true, but it is all real, He is real and the love she feels from him has more reality to it then all walls of her home. She has been a prisoner of her life for so long and now he is there to set her free. He slowly runs his fingers down between her bare breasts, lightly caressing her body in ways that make her skin feel as if a wonderful electricity is dancing over her. Her nipples harden and a sweet moisture appears in her passage. Still he continues to stroke her skin, drawing circles around her bellybutton and moving lower toward her pubic mound. He kisses her deeply as he touches her and her own hands move to cup her breasts. When his fingers trace over her wet opening she arches her back and her tongue flicks hungrily against his. Her heart races as his fingers dip into her pool. He touches her in ways that make sensations of pleasure explode through her mind and her body writhes under his touch. He teases her clit with his fingertips and her legs flinch almost uncontrollably. His skill is unequaled and his touch feather light but insidiously insistent. He brings her to the brink of ecstasy only to back away, teasing and drawing out her pleasure until she feels she will explode if she doesn’t cum, and faint if she does. She begs for relief in her mind, pleading to be able to reach her peak. He smiles at her knowingly and begins to kiss his way down her body. He stops at her nipples, sucking and lightly biting, adding to the almost unbearable pleasure she was already experiencing. It is almost with relief that she feels him move lower, letting her tingling nipples dry in the cool night air. Her relief is short lived though. His mouth comes down upon he already soaking pussy and his tongue takes up the rhythm that his fingers had started. As he clasps his soft lips on her button a scream of pleasure breaks free of her bosom and an immense wave of sensations floods into her body. Delightful contractions roll through her while bolts of whit hot pleasure explode in her mind. Flashes of color blaze before her eyes and she willingly succumbs to the wondrous torture he is putting her through. Her body tingles from the force of her orgasm. Her eyes drift closed as sleep overcomes her ecstasy. Her lover moves up and takes her in his caring embrace, holding her to him like a delicate flower. She coos quietly in his arms as her gently caresses her body. For a time he holds her so, patiently waiting the moment of her passion’ s reawakening. In her own time, she responds to his touch. She turns her head and kisses him sweetly, gazing into his eyes. In them she sees depths of emotion as deep as the night sky, his love for her shinning from that depth as brilliantly as the stars. Only in her dreams had she dared to believe that she could be so completely loved, but he touches her heart as skillfully as he touched her body. She breaks the kiss and whispers to him as softly as a breeze. “Make love to me…” He smiles, knowing this moment would come. He climbs over the trembling young woman until his knees rest on the bed between her own. He places her hand upon his now softened length, letting her command its rebirth. She squeezes him and strokes his shaft, stoking the fire within him. He shivers as the sensations reach into his soul and a wonderful heat fills him as his organ begins to become erect. Ana is enthralled at the feel of him growing in her grasp and is reminded again of how much it seems as if it has a life of its own. She smoothes her thumb over the crown, amazed that something so hard can feel so very soft. Her touch flows down to his sack and she lifts then gently, as if feeling their weight. “What do they contain?” she wonders. “The seed of a man? The essence of a spirit? What is the nature of this beautiful being?” At another time these questions would have seemed more relevant but tonight, with him here with her, they are but a tiny voice in the tumultuous choir of emotions that she feels. With the tiniest of gestures she points his cock at her opening and he immediately understands. He moves closer until he is touching her moistened folds. Ana places her hands on his hips and, in a singular cataclysmic moment, guides him into her body. She holds her breath in nervous excitement and is rewarded by the glorious feeling of penetration as his thickness spreads the walls of her passage. Her breath catches in her throat and her back arches off of the bed as he slides deeply into her trembling body. Her fingers dig deeply into the living flesh of his hips as he gives her his length. Her face, just inches from his, is a portrait of sensual beauty and he pauses to gaze into her half closed eyes. When he finally begins to withdraw, her fingers loosen and let him slip away. The man then thrust forward again, harder and more forcefully. The sensation from his movement is heightened by his strength, but there is something more she feels. The heat of his body against her thighs and the well balanced weight pressing her into the bed register in her mind. But these physical sensations only form a small piece of the mosaic of pleasure that she now feels. The connection of thought and emotion that they have shared is stronger now than it has ever been. Images that defy explanation flash before her eyes, images of unearthly places and beautiful vistas that hearken to a world above the clouds. Above all though, his love for her reaches out to her soul and holds it gently in its mystical embrace. All of these feelings merge and dance in her being as he builds a powerful rhythm within her body. She is very wet and his cock slides easily in her tight channel. She finds herself moaning loudly each time he moves into her and her cry of passion is matched by his own. Their bodies move as one in this symphony of love. He rides her quickly, driving himself into her with a controlled ferocity that threatens to push her to heights beyond anything she has ever known. Her legs wrap around his thighs and pull him even harder into her. She begins to feel a new, powerful sensation as a spark of pleasure forms in her loins. Her clit begins to tingle and throb as the joyous friction of his movements stimulate it in the most amazing fashion. A tightness forms in her belly and then, like an unstoppable force her orgasm pulsates through her overtaxed body. She does not reach these heights alone. He to feels the moment arrive and, just as she begins quivering beneath him, he stiffens and drives himself fully into her soaking body. Through the maelstrom of her pleasure, she feels the moisture of his fluid pour into her. Time becomes meaningless in the afterglow of their coupling. They kiss and cuddle together, holding on to the bliss they have found with all of their love. When sleep comes for her she drifts off peacefully, sated of body and content of spirit. As her dreams come, she sees him beside her with that smile of compassion and love that she has come to know so well. In the clarity of the dream she dares ask the questions that she had not the courage to ask in the waking hours. “Who are you that love’s me so? Where did you come to me from? How can you be so much a part of me?” “I am the spirit of the night my lovely Anastasia and I have looked down upon the world and been enchanted by the beauty of your soul. You are my morning star and I have come to love you as I can love no other.” She sees in his blazing eyes a great sadness appear for just an instant and her concern for him causes her to reach out and caress his cheek. “Why the sadness then? We are together, our love is real. I can feel that from within your heart, yet still you are sad.” He sighs and kisses her hand. “Yes my darling girl, our love is real, but we cannot be together. The morning will come and I will go back the astral realm of the night. I am so sorry, but there are things that even I cannot change.” As he speaks these words his body begins to change, turning into to immaterial smoke and fading away. She cries out for him to return to her, but somewhere in her heart she knows deep down that he can never truly be hers in this life. As the tears run down her cheek, his words come back to her from the void. “Do not despair my love. Though you may not see me, like the stars I will always be there. Know also that though you may at times feel lonely, you shall never truly be alone.” He pauses and she can feel his smile in her heart. “When you feel the need of my touch, look up at the stars and you will feel my embrace.”
In the darkest hours of a moonless night, she quietly awakens, not stirring, somehow sensing she is no longer alone. Her limpid eyes peer through the veil, searching wearily, hopefully, for he who has visited only in her dreams. Seeing nothing, she sighs deeply, and lays back into her pillow, resigned to another long and lonely night. Only then, as she gives up hope, does she discern the silhouette of her midnight visitor.There is no fear or anxiety in her heart. She feels only a sense of...
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No Sex until chapter 7 – VirtualAtheist ***** Nathan popped into the bank and returned with a fat envelope, that he handed to Erica with the words, ‘You don’t need to spend all of it, but I don’t mind if you do.’ Erica examined the contents and her eyes widened slightly, then she squared her shoulders and declared, ‘Right! Me and Manni are gonna spend, spend, spend. You boys can go and do whatever you want,’ she glanced at her watch and continued, ‘We’ll meet at the Green Ginger Man at say…...
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Christmas turned out better, much better than I'd expected. I come from a big family and every Christmas we hire a big house in the country and as many of us who can get together do so. I was in two minds whether to go, but I was persuaded it was better than being alone. There must have been around thirty of us: brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews and nieces and distant relatives I'd never heard of before.Midnight on Christmas Eve approached. The custom was for us all to go to midnight mass at...
Midnight here, Morning there It's midnight. Teri Sampson has got nothing to do. She had been lying on her bed for three hours, eyes wide open. She had forced herself to sleep but she was not sleepy. There was nothing good on TV. Books just didn't interest her. She could have played music all night long. But this was not an option. If she picked up her guitar and play, it would awaken Mrs. Lynsdale, who lived next door. And after a brief conflict last week, when Jeremy, Teri's...
All Rights Reserved "Midnight-Stroker" by tcs1963 I just have to write about this experience that happened to me the other night. Stuff like this rarely ever happens, to me. My name is Tom, and I am a normal middle-aged guy. 6 foot tall and 200 pounds, with long dirty blonde hair and sky blue eyes. I'm also sporting a 7-inch cut cock, that I'm pretty proud of. I'm recently divorced after 20 years currently between girlfriends. So I've been spending a lot of my free time stroking...
Is this a fantasy or just a piece of fiction? Maybe, just maybe, it is both. Chapter 1 Not too long ago, on a midnight train bound for nowhere. He was the type of person who rarely slept, a restless soul who only succumbed to deep sleep when he was exhausted. So, he sat there in the hard contoured vinyl seat watching the miles roll by through the small window as the train churned across the landscape. The time was just past midnight and there were heavy thunderclouds hanging low in the...
Recently I woke about midnight and had to pee. I got up and did my business and when I came back to bed my wife was awake and had to get up and use the bathroom too. While she was gone, I was overcome by an insatiable urge to eat her pussy. I don’t know where it came from. I hadn’t been dreaming anything erotic that I could recall. Suddenly this feeling was just there.When she came back to bed and we were settled in I turned to her and said, “This is is out of the blue and a bit unusual...
TrueAs I lay in my bed, naked and sleeping, I get that midnight call from the man I wish I could fuck at least three times a day. He calls and jokingly asks ‘What are you wearing?’ As I slowly start to wake just a little, I know what he wants. When he calls this late at night, I know where this leads. I answer him with an ‘absolutely nothing’. Knowing that this is turning him on, I continue. I am horny and know that he is too. I ask if he’s horny. I can tell in his voice that he obviously is. I...
Wendy waited impatiently for the movie to start. It was already fifteen minutes past midnight and the girl’s foul mood was obvious even to the popcorn boy. Her date for the evening had stood her up, none of her friends were around, and the only resort for entertain- ment was a lonely midnight movie. Sighing, she leaned back in the scratchy seat as the lights finally dimmed. The theatre door opened and closed quickly, flashing a spear of light at the opening curtains. A dim...
I have always liked camping as a family. I remember going many places as a kid and have been anxious to share that experience with my own family. This summer my wife and I decided we would pack the tent and kids and head out to see some sites. Being that our kids are aged six and eight, we thought it would be a good time to see how they would be without the TV and computer. We headed out early Saturday morning with the car packed. For the first hour the kids did well. Even with three stops...
CheatingStory Midnight Swim September 22 1976It was nearing midnight. One last swim in the pool wouldn't hurt anyone. She really needed it. It was hot and humid. Stifling inside the hotel room, even with the air conditioner running full blast. She wished he would come soon, she wanted him. With one last glance at the door, she went into the sterile white bathroom and pulled her nearly dry bikini down from the shower rod. Pinning her hair up on her head, with a silent promise that she wouldn't get it...
So here we are again, welcome everyone (I am back for now), so my story for tonight picks up at my on a rainy stormy night, I am just now getting home from another bullshit day at work. Another day another dollar. I am riding my metallic green old fashion 10 speed drop bar vintage Univega road bike that’s bicycle. To clear up any confusion I am a cyclist ( I really am, I’m also a bike commuter around my area you may catch me on my bike). A true cyclist no motor no Bluetooth nothing just my...
Midnight Interlude----------It was well after midnight when the taxi pulled into the driveway of the farm. The barn and main house were dark. The young woman, Kelly, stepped out of the cab with a single bag clutched in her hand as she paid the driver. She looked around toward the house hoping someone was still awake, but there was no movement to be seen. To the side of the barn were dimly lit path access lights leading off into the darkness. She glanced at the confirmation sheet and followed...
After arriving in Kingscote and showered after our fun the four of us jumped in the dingy and headed ashore. I the hotel Anne got a few looks a sexy lady with her obvious husband and two much, much younger guys who were making a big fuss of her. I imagine there were a few jealous women in the room and I know there were a few admiring looks from the guys during the evening we didn't stay on shore too long just enough for dinner and a couple of drinks by 9 o'clock we were back on board.In the...
Midnight Blue was our 35 foot fly bridge cruiser in the eighties, I bought her at a bankruptcy auction for about 30 cents in the dollar best deal I ever made. Right from the start she helped our sex life tremendously, not having owned a boat this size on our first day out on her I asked at the marina if anyone could help me to get to know how to handle her, they told me one of the staff there could help for a small remuneration.Twenty minutes later and $150 of fuel and we were leaving the...
Midnight in London is an amazing time of the night. No one but the street police patrolling the streets and the much known night whores who will hide in the shadows waiting for a customer, and with the flickering of the street lamps, it makes it very hard for the police to find “us”. By us, I mean the night whores. I am one of them, and I see my next customer slowly approaching me.He was finely dressed; with a modern, three piece suit with gemmed studs as his buttons. His shoes, being black in...
Midnight Deadline by Sarah Miller "Good grief, Kevin!" Shouted Nancy. "Halloween is only two days away and you _still_ don't have a costume? What am I going to do with you?" "I'm sorry, Honey. I just haven't had time. You know how much I hate all that overtime, but Fullerton is insisting I get this new project off to a fast start." "Ha! I thought you'd come up with some excuse. So I got you one anyway." Oh, shit, thought Kevin. No telling what...
A midnight sex scandal in the tourist travel bus! This secret is known by only a few people and now you guys will be stroking your cock as I, your sexy Simraan, will unfold the events for your pleasure! My husband and I were invited to a family function held in a neighbourly state. We didn’t get a reservation on the express train, so we booked a tourist travel bus service which turned out to be quite an adventure for me. We boarded the luxury bus in the afternoon and because of my tight...
The sound of a splash awoke me with a start. I half opened my eyes, still suspended in the dream state I often found myself in when my sleep was disturbed prematurely. I was lying naked on the bed, a light sheen of sweat colouring my skin with a silvery glow from the moonlight slanting in through the open balcony. The light bed cover was pooled in a crumpled mess somewhere around my feet. It was another hot and humid night and the scent of bougainvillea flowers swirled in the air, teasing my...
Trish went to do her first round for the night watch. She had to check all of the animal cages and environments to make sure that they were all secure. She walked back to the office to take her break, and she noticed the bottle of cologne in the trash. She took it out and examined it for a few minutes before spraying it onto herself. She was confused when she couldn't smell anything, but she shrugged and put the bottle into her purse. At exactly midnight, Trish went out for her second...
The people knew shit. And it was the shit he didn't want them to be right about. Just a week ago he was so positive and happy, seemingly indestructable. Then when he decided to go to Lynn's house early ((Ex) girlfriend), he saw her riding Leon. He had seen him around school, never really talked. But now he knew who the sonofabitch was. "Goddamn it all to hell." Kyle muttered, sitting in his seat in his last class. He tilted his head and waited for the bell to ring. For the last 10...
She was standing outside, underneath the moonlight on the balcony, over looking the calm lake. The noise and confusion of the party left inside, soft music playing through various hidden speakers through out the premises. Inhaling deeply the clear air while fanning herself. The view was hypnotizing, the moon was full and shown with a brilliance between the tall evergreens, the lake below, bouncing off the waters glass. It was hot, she wanted to cool off, the water just looked so inviting....
He loved to just sit and watch her sleep. She was so beautiful and peaceful. Her skin looked like porcelain, and tonight he just had to touch her… * I woke as the dark figure sat on the edge of the bed. It took a couple of seconds to register just what it was that woke me. To realize someone was sitting next to me. The room was so dark, not even moonlight to illuminate his features. I gasped, and my heart began to race. I could not muster a scream, and for some reason I didn’t feel afraid. He...
It was dark. The TV was quietly playing the late night news in the background. ‘I can’t take it anymore,’ she whispered on her cell. ‘You know I want you. You have no idea how much I wish you were here now.’ That was all he needed to hear. He slammed his car door shut and strode purposively up to her front door. He had been sitting outside her cute little bungalow all evening. He wanted to know that she was ripe, that she was ready, that she really wanted him. His hand rose and, with two...
It was that short moment of evening when the sky glows like a blue jewel and if you don’t stop what you are doing and enjoy it, you miss it. She could see it through the windowpanes, and she cocked her head toward them, stopping the conversation. ‘You see that, the color of the sky? I love it when it looks like that. It’s so…’ she searched for a word, ‘…peaceful.’ ‘Refracted sunlight has an emotional effect,’ he said, looking interested. She smiled widely. That was Isaac, always analyzing...
Thomas was at his local coffee shop flirting with Teri. They were setting up an encounter later on that night. Jenny was making all the drinks for the customers. She kept giving him that he is a bad man eye. Thomas told Teri bye and walked down to the end of the counter to pick up his coffee. ‘Why do you always come here to pick up girls here?’ Jenny asked. “I really come here cause all of the hot girls that work here, especially you Jenny,’ he responded. ‘I’m not stupid if you want a one night...
She let herself in, and was hanging up her jacket when she heard a noise from the kitchens. Seeking its source Emma discovered one of the chefs, a middle-aged ex-army chef named Mike. He was divorced, and had taken the job at the hotel mainly for the free lodging. Emma had never been sure about him. They flirted a little, generally quite harmlessly. Although middle age was upon him, he still had the powerful physique of an army man. She caught him with his nose in the huge, stainless steel...