- 4 years ago
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Diane stepped into the lab and marvelled as the light of the Portal filledher vision. It dominated the room, two feet above the floor in the center ofthe room and showing the bright light of an outdoors afternoon, though therewas something wrong about the view to her eyes. Even knowing that the Portalwas a window to another world, the actual sight of it caught her breath.
She stepped towards it, the alien sunlight falling on her face. In the cornerof her vision, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the gleaming sidepanel of one of the cooling units. Her dark hair falling in rich cascades aroundher shoulders, framing her well-tanned face. Even from this distance, she couldsee the electric blue of her eyes and smiled slightly, knowing that those eyeshad captured more than a few men's attention, and a few womens' as well, overthe years. She let her glance trail down over the reflection of her smoothcurves, even covered by the lab coat. She turned back to the portal, eyes drawnto the red glow that traced the edge of it, the region where the two universesoverlapped…the region that could only be seen from at the edges…lookinginto the portal, she could only see the glade that was the other end of thePortal.
"Ah, there you are, Hobson." Doctor Hennesy walked over, smiling widely,his hand extended. "I'm glad you decided to accept this assignment, your paperon the dimensional flux energy curves was very well received." He chuckled. "Exceptfor the older heads in the council. But they hate anything that changes theirstatus quo, and your theory will cut the electric bill here by a third if yourtheory proves out." He smiled warmly.
"Do you usually hire theorists for field work?"
"Not usually, but anyone hired for field work here has to understand whatwe're about…it may be very photogenic over there, but it isn't a resortcommunity. Fafnir is not a gentle environment." They both turned and lookedat the afternoon sun on the clearing in Fafnir. "Now you do understand, it'sa lot like working as a fireman, you're on for forty eight hours straight,and off for twenty four to forty eight. Your option."
"I understand, all that was in the briefing and the contracts."
"You'll be able to take personal effects on your second shift, but the firstone, you'll just have to make do with what's issued you and what the othersthere will share with you." He smiled and walked over to the control bank,began shifting a few positions on the indicators. "Are you about ready?"
"No time like the present, Doctor."
"Great." He hit two final switches and the Portal hummed, and she turnedto it…the glow was a little brighter. "Now you do understand, even ifyou are one of the ones with an allergic reaction to the differences there,you won't be able to come back for forty eight hours? You'll be miserable thewhole time, but the medical unit there is very good and you'll come back noworse for the wear."
"Yes, sir."
"Fine. Good luck, Ms. Hobson." He indicated the Portal, and stepped back.She stepped forward, swallowed nervously as she felt the slight tension asher fingertips touched the surface of the Portal. The give was like pushingher fingers in cold jelly and the electrical sparks ran up her arms. She swallowedand stepped forward, feeling the sparks and tension wash over her, and thenshe was on Fafnir.
The air was warm and humid. She heard the wailing call of a dragon on theair, and trembled, glancing back as the Portal flared again behind her, thenwinked out. She drew in a sharp breath, and smelled the sharp citrus tang ofalien flowers and glanced up at the green sky, only dimly visible through theheavy branches of the intertwined trees. She heard steps approaching, and turnedto one of the paths that opened on the clearing. Two humans, one woman, oneman entered the clearing, followed by three jikra.
She glanced at the humans, and then focused on the jikra, staring, enthralled.Two of them were about three feet across at the body, and their tentacles heldthem up easily, moving with a smooth grace. She tried to remember what thecollege classes had told her about them, but the vision of their elegance keptall but a few details away.
Moderate sized bodies, with the only bones in their body forming a skullof sorts around the central body, four eyes spaced equidistantly around thebody, giving them a full three hundred sixty degrees of vision. Usually a goldenbrown in color, the larger of these had a black hue that glistened like polishedor wet obsidian. Ten tentacles, capable of shifting thickness or firmness,their unique circulatory system capable of making a tentacle shift from almostgelatin soft to as hard as untempered iron. They had no gender as such, matedin pairs, but both were structurally the same, sharing genetic informationto produce offspring. The larger jikra, the black one, was almost four feetacross and the tentacles looked to be phenomenally long. It raised itself untilthe eye facing her was level with hers.
"You must be Diane, welcome. I'm Amy and this is Henry." Diane blinked andturned to the two people. She noticed that one of the other jikra was usinga few tentacles to weave together some reeds in a braided circle. It handedthe circle to Henry, who took it, blushing. Amy was shorter than Diane, withred hair pulled back in a long ponytail. She was wearing what looked for allthe world to be a one piece bathing suit, a bright red. Given the temperature,Diane had to admit it didn't seem like a bad idea. Amy's breasts were strainingagainst the material of the top. Diane glanced down Amy's legs, and saw thatshe was wearing hiking boots, and the discrepancy of the two types of clothesmade her giggle.
Henry was tall, and lean, muscular, wearing shorts and a tank top, both khaki.He had black hair, and a thin beard. She noticed that he seemed very tired,and kept glancing over at the jikra that had handed him the woven reeds, obviouslynervous.
[You are the new one?] She blinked, and turned to the black skinned jikra.She'd heard about their telepathy, but had no idea that it would feel likethis. She could hear the words form in her mind, feel a deep rich voice. Ittickled slightly, but there was nothing physical about it. Her mind kept wantingto make it a male voice, but it wasn't quite that. The glistening emerald eyestared into her face. She felt a ripple of amusement from the jikra, puzzledat feeling the emotion, not like she was feeling it herself, but feeling anawareness of it.
"Yes, I am." She smiled at Amy and turned to face the jikra again, intrigued.She'd heard that the jikra were intelligent, in the early iron age as far asmost of their technology was concerned, but their medicine and biochemistrywas years beyond human technology.
"The camp is down this path, and the lake is over down this one." Amy smiled,and nudged Henry, who coughed and headed down the path towards the lake. "We'regoing that way, we'll be back in a little bit. I know it's kind of strangeto leave you like this, but…" She looked embarassed, and turned to Henry.He shook his head and glared at her.
"No, I won't. I won't back you on this, you want to say anything now, that'syour decision, but I won't help you."
[I think you should be quiet, Henry.] This voice should have been identicalto the one from the black jikra, but she knew it was the golden one that hadhanded Henry the reeds. [Let's go to the lake.] The jikra began to edge towardsthe path and gestured with one of the tentacles for him to follow. He did,stopping at the edge of the clearing, and looked back, and Diane could swearhe looked scared, but she also thought she saw pity in his eyes. Then he enteredthe path and stalked off.
"Anyway, Diane, we find it easiest if the jikra themselves help you acclimateto being here. Than'ar here has volunteered to be your guide."
"It's as close as the human tongue can come to his name."
She turned to follow Henry. "I'll catch up to you in a little bit, okay?"
"Sure." She turned to the jikra Than'ar, and it headed off to another pathleading off from the clearing.
[Follow me, human Diane.] The jikra moved smoothly into the patch, reachingup with it's tentacles and pulling itself off of the ground, leading her throughthe pathway without returning to the ground until they reached the far point,almost a mile away, a small clear patch at the edge of a cliff. [This is myfavorite place to spend time alone. The view appeals. One can watch the dragonsfrom here many times.] It edged over to the edge of the cliff and settled down,gesturing with it's tentacles and pointing out several physical features, thelake where she could dimly make out human figures playing, and the clusterof small buildings that marked the human camp.
"It's quite lovely. Thank you, Than'ar."
[I hope you will find it enjoyable here. Almost every human who has comehere considers Fafnir to be a new home.]
"That sounds rehearsed, if you don't mind my saying so." She felt the jikrachuckle.
[Very perceptive, human Diane.] The jikra edged over closer to the edge ofthe cliff, and pointed out a pair of dragons as they leapt into the air. [Idon't understand how you humans think, so I learned a few phrases that I heardothers use…I thought it might help put you at ease.]
"I know you're alien, and I know that your kind and mind don't think alike…" sheshrugged. "Part of my being here is wanting to learn how your kind think."
[And learning how your kind thinks is part of why I spend time in your camp.]She felt it chuckle. There was a tingle on her cheek and she pulled back, realizingthat Than'ar had just trailed the tip of one tentacle across it. The tinglespread, and she remembered what she'd heard about the chemicals of their skinand how they interacted with human skin. The effect was supposed to clarifyhuman thought, but slow physical reaction. She could feel the cheek growingnumb as the tingle spread, then the numbness was replaced with a warmth thatshe found intoxicating. The jikra touched her hand lightly, and she felt herright hand get lost in the tingle quickly.
"What…what are…" She stepped back, and heard the jikra chuckleagain. A tentacle grazed her calf and began to trail up her leg. She pulledback and stared at the creature, suddenly afraid. She turned and started torun down the path, heading for the clearing. Her leg, tingling, gave her alittle trouble, but she found her stride soon, and was running as fast as sheever had at a track meet. She heard a rustle behind her and risked a glancebehind her without slowing her pace.
The jikra was pulling itself along through the branches, swinging with asmoothly practiced ease, moving faster than she was without ever nearing theground. She moaned softly and began running harder. She felt something snareher ankle and she fell, then felt the grip on her ankle tighten and she knewthat the jikra had her leg in one of its tentacles' grip. She landed face down,hard, the wind knocked out of her for a moment, and felt the creature settleover her, several tentacles grabbing her now, one on each leg, one on eacharm, holding her firmly down. The tingle spreading from each touch was overwhelmingnow, her nerves afire and her mind racing. She felt her lab coat torn awayand began to struggle, feeling a pair of tentacles sliding up the insides ofher thighs. She moaned and twisted in the grip of the creature, feeling thetentacles pull her pants away and shred her panties with a few sharp jerks.
She screamed, and a tentacle pushed itself into her mouth, swelling oncebehind her teeth. She bit down hard, and felt the skin of the creature hardenagainst her bite. The swelling inside her mouth continued until her jaw wasforced wide open, mouth full. A small tendril at the end of the tentacle pushedinto her throat, leaving her room to breath, but just.
The tentacles holding her arms pulled harder to the side, as did the onesholding her legs until she was spreadeagled, taut, face turned to one sideand mouth full. She felt one of the tentacles pressing against her ass andtried to scream again, but only a muffled whimper escaped her lips. Anothertentacle probed against her pussy, and she jerked again, barely able to move,but determined to fight. Both tentacles pushed in at the same moment, wavesof sensation so intense she almost lost consciousness in that intrusion.
The member in her ass pushed slowly, steadily in, thickening and swirlingas it followed the curves of her colon. The member in her pussy pushed in untilshe felt the pressure of being fully filled, then began to thicken, wider andwider until she tried to scream again. The tendril in her throat began to slideback and forth and the tentacles inside her began to do the same, with a slowsteady rhythm.
Her fingers clawed at the air and she felt tears pouring down her cheeks,overwhelmed at the sensations, the pain of the intrusions being met with apleasure that baffled her. She felt like her own body was betraying her byfinding any pleasure in the invasion. The slow pace was agonizing in the pleasureit gave as well, building the pleasure slowly. The pain was fading quicklyand she wondered if the narcotic effect of the jikra's secretions was keepingher from feeling the pain. Then another fleeting thought of the narcotic makingher feel pleasure and she sobbed to herself as the instrusion continued.
The tentacle in her ass picked up pace, suddenly, hard and fast thrustingforcing her hips against the forest floor. The jikra shuddered, and she feltpressure increase in her ass for a moment. The tentacle withdrew, and sliddown to grip her leg, while the one holding her leg let go and crawled up topush into her ass. Gradually, the creature twisted her around so that she waslying one her back, and the pace of the tentacle in her pussy began to pickup.
She shuddered when it poured some fluid inside her, feeling for all the worldlike a man's cock cumming. Her fists clenched, and she struggled again as thetentacle withdrew, another one replacing it. This time there was no gradualmotion, the tentacle began thrusting with a fast and frenzied pace. The twoin her pussy and ass matched pace, thrusts rocking her body. The tentacle inher throat maintained a slow steady pace. She tried to bite again, feelingno give at all in the surface.
Again, she felt the quivering thrusts and pouring that seemed to indicatean orgasm of some kind, and the two inside her lower body were replaced bytwo more tentacles. The pleasure she struggled against continued to build,and she whimpered in a growing passion, hating her body for enjoying the rape.
She felt an orgasm building, and squirmed, trying to fight the sensation,but unable to keep from cumming, hard, screaming against the intrusion of herthroat. Her vision blurred and she collapsed, feeling the thrusting continue,no longer having the strength to fight.
She lost count, but knew that the jikra planned to continue until every tentaclehad been inside her, one way or the other. Eventually, there was only the onein her mouth and one in her pussy, and she realized that her arms and legswere no longer being held. With dismay at her own body, she realized she wasraising her hips into the thrusts from the tentacle in her pussy and embracingthe creature, her hands clutching at it's body as it held itself just aboveher. She was raising up off of the ground and braced her feet against the groundto hold herself higher.
The tentacle in her throat began to quiver, moving quickly with a steadypace, and she felt it pulling back as it began to pour a fluid into her throat,the creature making sure that some of it poured onto her tongue. There wasa citrus taste to the fluid, a thick gelatinous texture. The jikra pulled outof her mouth and then just as suddenly withdrew from her pussy. The creaturecrawled away from her, stopping at the bole of a tree and she stared at thecreature as she slowly pulled herself to a sitting position. She could feelthe creature's chuckle again, and felt a moment of nausea, the fluid sittingheavily in her stomach, and she could feel more of the same fluid sliding fromher pussy and ass.
She rolled over onto hands and knees, trying to force herself to stand, buthaving trouble, fighting the physical disorientation, her mind racing. Shestood and glanced over at the creature, noting that it had taken several reedsand seemed to be braiding them. She shuddered and staggered back down the pathtowards the clearing.
Amy was standing in the clearing, and she stepped forward. Diane noticedthat Amy didn't seem surprised, and in fact was holding forward a swimmingsuit like the one she'd worn.
"Here, this should fit you." Amy frowned. "I'm sorry I couldn't warn you,but J'haka wouldn't let me."
Amy glanced over to one side, where one of the golden jikra was swingingidly from a tree's branch that extended into the clearing.
"You know about the chemical contributions the jikra are making, right?"
Diane nodded, feeling a cold horror build in her chest.
"The government has a treaty with the jikra. They've found they like havingsex with humans, so the government keeps them supplied. They take care of us,but we're still sacrifices to the jikra."
"Oh, my god." Diane felt the nausea building again for a few seconds, thenfought it down with effort. "I can't wait until I'm out of here."
"Well…" Amy flinched, obviously uncomfortable with what she was aboutto say. "There's a problem with that, too. The jikra don't use sex to procreate…it'spurely recreational for them. But you noticed that there was a secretion thatwas a little different than their usual?"
Diane nodded, feeling her heart freeze for a moment.
"The jikra do cum, but the fluid they generate is addictive. And specific."
"Addictive? Specific?"
"It's so addictive that you'll die if you don't get some of it at least onceevery three days." She coughed. "And it has to come from the specific jikrayou first had it from, or it won't do you any good."
Henry walked into the clearing then, he glanced over at the two women, thenlooked away, obviously embarassed.
"They like men, too, and Henry hates it here."
The black skinned jikra entered the clearing and handed her a woven circleof reeds. She felt the chuckle and it left the clearing without saying anything,heading down towards the human camp. Diane held up the circle.
"What's this about?"
"They don't think like us at all, but they do have a sense of humor. A sicksense of humor."
Diane looked down at the circle and recognized it with a feeling of coldhorror that topped the rest of her pain. It was a collar.
"They think of us as slaves, don't they?"
"Pets. We're pets."
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It's just past midnight on a Wednesday evening and I'm driving a hearse to the hospital. I'm tired and just want to go to sleep, but the phone rang and woke me up. There is a corpse waiting for me at the hospital. I'm a mortuary student and am working for a local funeral home as I study for my diploma. One of my duties is picking up the bodies and bringing them back to the funeral home. I drive the hearse into the hospital parking lot and pull around to the back to the morgue. I've been...
The Lupus Rising entered the Elishen system four days after it had left the planet where Eric Wolf had found the Dizyntk, Veenalara. In that time Veenalara had taken the opportunity to review the history of her race since the last time she had been awake. Although the Lupus' computer did not have extensive files on Dizyntk history, it did have enough information for Alara to get a good idea of what had transpired in the past 120 cyankas. The civil war that led to the establishment of the...
The following was originally a story written back in 2008 to help a friend raise money for her Roleplay site ( for her promised 'The Island' game which is still in development... For a long time I only had it there. Recently those forums crashed, and I thought the story was gone forever. The way back machine luckily had recorded it once. Once was enough, so I copied it, pasted it, and here it is. I had fun writing it, hope you enjoy reading it. Disclaimer: This...
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Im gonna be late.” As I hurried down the hallway, the echoes of my 5-inch, black stilettos rang loudly causing me greater anxiety than I had anticipated. My white sleeveless dress fluttered as I scurried along. Nearly dropping my bejeweled clutch, I composed myself and walked into the Grand Ballroom. Brilliant hues of light projected themselves onto my face. My eyes focused after a long minute, and I took in my surroundings. The Annual Company Ball was an event full of...
Past gatherings of the Order of the Love Monk had never been like this. There had been tears, but usually they were tears of happiness or joy or ecstasy. Solemn words were spoken, but never for this purpose, and never interrupted by sobs. People touched each other, but never a hand heavily placed on a shoulder to try to bring comfort. Hugs were common, but never so desperately comforting. And unlike other gatherings, there was no one leading. In a sense the leader was dead, but Brother...
In the dream I was fighting with Jules' mom, but every punch or kick happened in slow motion, like I was striking through water instead of air. I heard the pounding of drums as we fought, then realized someone was banging on the front door. I got up feeling muddled and grabbed my robe. "What the hell?" John sat up scratching his head. "Dunno, let me check." I went downstairs and opened the door without removing the chain. A uniformed officer was standing outside holding a clipboard of...
October 15th, 2014 At 5 o'clock when the alarm went off she got up and dressed and came to the side of the bed and bent and kissed my forehead. "Don't let this beat you up, you needed it. If she never comes home she's missing out. See you around, ... STUD." She said laughing. I was glad she finally got it, that 2 people could have sex and not have it be the center of their relationship each time they saw each other. As she called it, it was zipless. November 23, 2014 Another Sunday,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I stay with my wife a few blocks away from her parents. We stay with them every weekend. One sunday evening, My wife had gone to the beauty parlour to take care of her hair. My father-in-law had goes to his house every sunday and won't be back till late night. I was left alone with my mother-in-law. At 51 she has the best ass in the town and the biggest tits. Time and again she would shake her ass a bit too much for anybody's comfort when she walks in...
IncestWhat am I doing for the next ten minutes while she showers? I got a shower, but with extremely touch-averse, non-verbal kids staying at the resort. A few I power fucked as I brought them off with the place in my head. Others I washed any part of them I could reach. The spot in my head showed me that the energy I send out was filling the room. It only affected a quarter of them. Whatever else it is about me affected the rest. The guys can pop the girl’s cherries, as they give them their own,...
I’ve always been thankful that we were able to give or provide better for our c***dren then we had ourselves. One of these were higher education. My eldest who earned a Masters and just short of a PHD took full advantage of the college experience, knowing her well it wasn’t the booze and d**gs but joining a sonority more to the point. Over the course of years she was in college and the fact we lived near the campus I got to know all the girls at some level and a few of them very very well. As...
With Suzie safely on her way home, I turned to completing cleaning up my home. As I cleaned, I let Phase Four percolate in the back of my mind. Marie, always thinking, snuggled up to me in bed that night, and asked, "What's next for Annie?" Percolation complete, I was pleased with the details. I shared them with Marie. "You remember that rental I bought near the high school? The one we're putting the new roof on?" She did. "What's that got to do with Annie?" "Well, it is in the...
Being a bisexual male I enjoyed sex with both men and women. I had a natural submissive streak so whenever I was with either a male or a female, or sometimes both, as had been the case once in the past, I liked to be instructed on what to do, whether that was giving or receiving. Over the past two years I had favored male company, and while I hadn't settled down, I had a number of relationships, short though they were, as I wasn't ready to settle down with either sex. I wanted to play the field...
TransEmshon's Authors Note--This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) back in 2001. I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a- goodie. Meeting Wendy-Whore For those of you just joining us; allow me to recap. In a nutshell, I'd been drinking one night when I started browsing the internet. I was only looking for a little harmless cyber-sex, but I happened upon a sex slave site that featured a...
He stood at the threshold, smiling, as she sat on the edge of the bed. He was stunned, surprised, but excited. Called over under the guise of an emergency, he rushed home, thinking their son was hurt. But when he opened the door, even before he called out to his family, he knew that the reason for his rushing home was a lie: he could smell the candles burning and her musk in the air. Dressed in green satin and white lace, she knew this would arouse him. She knew what he liked her to wear, she...
The following morning at breakfast, Linda told the group that the gear for the outing had been delivered to the island and that the launch was 'on' for the following day. She advised the guys to talk with Pete on their return to the cabin while the girls were at the showers so that they could get organized. At lunch, Hartwell announced to every one that he would be leaving in a few minutes for his conference and that he was leaving the camp in Jennifer's capable hands. The afternoon...
As one who has worked in education for a long time, I am simply appalled at the attitude and behaviour of todays schoolgirls. Some of these girls have no respect for authority or the education system.One girl in particular I shall call Amy has been a thorn in my side since the first day of school. She will walk into class late, disrupting class, her plaid skirt swishing to and fro causing the whole class to stop and look at her. She will always enter from the door in the back of the class and...
‘Hi baby, where are you?” I quietly whisper into the phone. “Just dropped off the kids.” “What’s next on your agenda?” “Going for a run, how ‘bout you?” It’s a very warm day so I know she’s not wearing her yoga pants today. “So what are you wearing then, your running shorts?” My pants grow tight even as I say the words. I love it when she wears her workout pants but she looks even hotter in those skimpy, tight jogging shorts. “Yeah, the black ones with my turquoise tank top. I’m feeling...
Right Neighbors part2 I went into the back yard looking over to see if Mrs. Johnson was around. I realized I was a little obsessed but what the hell, getting your first blow job from a beautiful, big titted neighbour was ample justification for being a little obsessed. When I realized that Mrs. Johnson was nowhere to be seen, I started checking the boards on the fence that divides her yard from ours. A laurel hedge was planted on our side of the fence and I had to...
MatureLosing It 2. by Kelly Brown So... what has happened since August 17th? (For anyone who hasn't read "Losing It"... it detailed, my first proper outing to the firm's fancy dress do, which I attended as Britney Spears... and ended up giving a guy a blow job.) The first few days after the party, I was both elated AND terrified. I was convinced that everyone at work was looking at me strangely. That they all KNEW! I was also sure as hell, that Robert would...
by BD Long (f/f/F/dogs, beast, bondage, cons/non-cons, coercion, reluctance, teen, incest, interracial) ----------------------- I should be honest up front. My family is wealthy. I don’t like to think of us as super-duper rich, but I’ve never had to worry about a thing in my life, so maybe we are. It’s nice, but sometimes it can make things awkward, especially when trying to make new friends. Take the house, for example. It was my first year in university, and my parents insisted that,...
The strangest thing happened to me a little while ago. I thought I would never tell anyone what happened either but I kinda like the idea that guys will jerk off as they read my story. I admit, while I am writing this I feel aroused a little and oh how I wish I could watch you wanking or even feel your shaft. I'm not gay they always say. I don't care much for gay men. I always think gay and straight are measured by how they behave. I like women’s bodies and football and dirty jokes and pints of...
BisexualPulled Over By: Blmorticia *Renee's thoughts ###Dream sequence Seemingly, it took all night for the lights to go dim. I had sat through three bands I didn’t much care about waiting for the "boys" from Soul Metal to come on. Unfortunately, I was the only one out of my circle of friends that attended the show. The other ladies were tied down with baby issues and work. So here I am, the same age as them, acting like a teenage groupie. The lead singer caught my glimpse and winked. He looked to...
ExhibitionismShe spent the summer working at the ice cream shop down the road from my house, and was the most adorable creature I had seen since moving there. At 22, I had taken a position as a night DJ at a local radio station about two hours drive from the college I had finished my broadcasting degree at. It was a small time gig, but the pay was decent, and a single guy like myself knew how to stretch a dollar. I knew I was in trouble from the first moment I saw her, because she would not get out of my...
Straight SexShe stands there before him naked, toes curling and flexing nervously. Hands by her side fingers aimlessly tapping her thighs as she waits. Biting her bottom lip, anxious that he likes what he sees. Hair tousled and messy cascading down her shoulders, resting lightly on her breasts, gently caressing her skin with the soft movement of her breathing. He sits there watching intently, drinking in the scene before him. Watching her soft delicate toes as the wriggle, over her legs, watching her soft...
We got a dispatch call about a breaking and entering. When we arrived there, we discovered it was an empty property. Although someone seemed to be inside. We knocked and knocked and eventually had to break in to catch the perpetrator. We still don’t know why he broke into an empty house, but it gave us a chance to make a little deal with him. He either banged the shit out of officer Maggie and I or we would take him right to jail. We forced him to pound the shit out of us, we sat on his fucking...
xmoviesforyouI was pretty much the same as every other kid in High School, with the exception that I used to walk around with a raging a hard on all day long. I was such a horny bastard that even I couldn’t believe it. Because of it, I never missed an opportunity to either peek down a womans top, or up a skirt any chance I got. Any age, any type, any race, as long as she was a woman, I wanted to see. Some times so much so that it would get a little out of hand. Like the time I was openly staring at our...
A warm erotic hello to the Indian sex story universe. I am Vike, back this my adventure for you. Thanks to all the readers and fan emails. Keep sending your desires, fantasies, question n praises through email/hangout: So coming to the sex story. This sex story is about a lady who heard about me through her friend who availed my massage service. She asked me to arrange a session for her and what happened next is an arousing tale which will force you to close the door and pleasure yourself....
the SUV was unloaded. He reached out and took her hand in his, and she glanced at their hands, fingers laced, and then smiled shyly at him. ‘I like you,’ he said to her, ‘a lot.’ ‘I know, I have feelings for you too,’ she admitted. ‘I haven’t felt like this, in a long time.’ ‘Hmm, nor have I,’ he admitted to her. ‘I didn’t think I’d ever find someone like you. I’d given up on love.’ ‘What are you saying?’, she asked him, afraid to look at his face, for fear of what she might see, so she...