- 2 years ago
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When you finally come to, your head is pounding. Around you, trees are hanging from the sky like stalagmites, and a small group of men is walking among them, upside down.
You’re hanging by your legs from a tree, strung up like a hunk of meat.
Then you remember. You were riding your horse through the forest of Isil on the way to the capital when you were set upon by bandits. No wait, not bandits: the insignia on their worn-out leather armour showed them to be the remnants of Duke Gutizia’s army of irregulars, probably eking out a living by waylaying travellers on the road. You wish now that you’d heeded the innkeeper’s warning about taking a short-cut through the forest.
‘Hey! Get me down from here!’
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you realise how ridiculous you sound. But in your current predicament, there’s little else you can do.
One of the upside-down men, a thin, pale man with stringy black hair, looks up from rifling through the saddlebags newly-stripped from your horse. ‘Sounds like he’s had enough of hanging by the legs, boys!’
Another of the men, a tall man with dirty sandy-blonde hair, chuckles. You guess he’s the boss by the way he’s lounging up against a tree and chewing on a wad of tobacco while he watches the thin man work. ‘Think he might prefer to hang by the neck instead?’
Someone shoves you from behind and you yelp as you’re sent swinging about, your surroundings spinning past your eyes: your meagre possessions laid out across the grass and the thin man pawing over them, the sandy-haired boss laughing fit to burst, the trunk of the tree you’re hanging from, the grimacing, mirthful face of the man who pushed you, stout and fat like a butcher’s son, your horse, tied to another tree.
Your horse. If you can just someone slip your feet from their bonds…
The stout man leaps up and grabs your dangling arms, righting you and slowing your swing.
‘Now then, lad,’ he says, ‘Where’s the rest of your stuff?’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘There’s nothing here. Just some rations and water and sundry coins. There’s no way that’s all you have. Where are your crowns?’
There’s nothing else, you say, telling the truth. You tell him that you’re on your way to Hiria to take up a new job and that that you spent the last of your crowns on the horse.
‘That so?’ The boss laughs from against the tree. ‘No, your face tells me you’re an Easterner, from Elkiad most likely. The son of one of those rich banking families.’ His laughter stops suddenly. ‘You’re lying to us.’
You protest, telling him that not everyone from the East is a banker, and even then not every banker is rich. They’re barely listening at this point.
The red-faced man looks over to the boss, who nods, then walks across to where the thin man is still sorting through your baggage and picks up your dagger. He returns to you, leering.
With the dagger at your neck he takes your ear in his other greasy hand.
‘So tell me, lad, where should we start? Nose, ear? There’s a lot to choose from. Better start talking before all you’ve got left to your name is your tongue.’
There’s a hissing sound and the black flash of what can only be a crossbow bolt. The red-faced man jerks away from you as if he’s been struck by lightning, the knife spinning from his hand. He collapses to the ground, but not before grabbing at you in an attempt to stay on his feet and sending you swinging again.
The boss and the pale, lank man’s eyes are drawn to something out of your field of vision – but you can hear what’s startled them.
Hooves. The rapid hoof-fall of a galloping horse.
You’re still twisting in the breeze and on the end of one revolution when you catch sight of the white horse and its rider, their plate armour flashing brilliant in the sunshine filtering into the grove, a sky-blue cloak fluttering around their shoulders.
A knight? In the Forest of Isil?
They’re almost on top of you now and for a moment you wonder if they’re going to ride right through you and finish the bandits’ job for them. The red-faced man, clutching his wounded hand, has already broken into a run, his bulk crashing through the undergrowth at the edge of the clearing. The boss has drawn his own weapon, a long sword, and is sprinting for the cover of a tree, but the knight is on him before he reaches it. You see a flash of brightly polished steel as the knight strikes him across the side of his body, but only with the flat of the blade, the strength of the blow lifting him from his feet and sending him sprawling backwards.
The knight reins his horse in and walks it over to you. The visor of the silver helmet regards you with its hidden eyes.
‘Are you injured?’
It’s a surprisingly youthful voice that echoes from within that visored helmet, so young as to almost sound like a woman’s voice. You give a strangled reply, but it becomes a shout of warning when you notice the lank, pale man leap onto your horse and cut it loose with a thin blade.
He turns and spurs the traitorous animal with kicks and shouts and it smashes its way out of the grove through the undergrowth in the direction of the road.
It only takes a moment for the knight to react, and then he’s spurring his own horse and plunging on after him.
Their hoof-falls fade and silence reigns over the grove. You hang there, feeling the blood slowly flow to your head.
What feels like an eternity later the knight returns. He brings his horse alongside you and grabs hold of the rope in one gauntleted hand. He says something to you, but all you can hear is the roaring in your head from the blood pooling there.
You’re about to black out when you see the knight swing their sword, sheering through the rope just above your feet.
Then you’re on the ground, your head and feet flooding with agony as blood flows back the direction that nature intended. The knight leaps down from their horse and after slipping off their gauntlets cuts the rope around your ankles. He takes your hands and pulls you onto your feet with surprising strength.
The hands in your own are tan, honey-brown, slender and surprisingly soft. The nails are neat and even, as if they’ve been manicured. They’re just like a woman’s hands.
You’re still staring at them when the knight gently removes his hands from yours and begins to unstrap his helmet.
‘My horse,’ you mutter, still dazed.
‘He got away.’ the knight answers. ‘I’m sorry.’ It’s devastating news, but you barely hear it. For far more arresting is the knight’s voice, distinct now that the helmet is off: low and feminine, it’s unmistakeably a woman’s.
You look up into blue-upon-blue eyes.
It is a woman. And she’s beautiful.
Her skin, like her hands, is a gorgeous tanned caramel-brown. Her nose is small, her eyes large and an intensely deep blue. Free of her helmet, her hair is short and pale blonde, the colour of white gold. There’s a dusting of freckles across her nose and beneath her eyes. She seems a few years older than you, but you’re not sure just how much.
She’s also very tall, so tall she’s actually quite imposing.
Her cheeks take on a suddenly rosy hue and she drops her gaze.
Wait. Is she blushing?
You realise it’s because you’ve been staring at her for a while now. You turn away, embarrassed, muttering an apology and thanking her for saving your life.
Dull moaning comes from the edge of the grove and you suddenly recall that the third of your assailants, the boss, is still there. The knight turns and watches him as he tries to get to his feet. The blush is gone, her eyes impossibly cold and steely, her lips a thin line. She strides over and, grabbing him by the back collar of his jerkin, she lifts him, still groaning, up onto his feet.
It’s an unexpected display of strength, and you can’t help but enjoy seeing one of your
tormentors, at least, getting a taste of his own medicine.
The knight pulls back his head so that they’re face to face. ‘As you’re no doubt aware, the punishment for banditry under Regency Law is the noose,’ she says.
The man is still dazed and he stares at her, barely comprehending.
The blonde-haired knight shakes him. ‘Did you hear me?’
Shocked out of his daze he nods feverishly.
‘Go tell your men that the next time I meet any of you, you’ll hang.’ She sends him sprawling with a kick to the torso. Scrambling as best he can with what seem to be broken ribs, he half-runs, half-stumbles away into the forest.
The knight wipes her hands on her surcoat and then looks in your direction. She quickly averts her eyes and undoes the silver clasp of her sky-blue cloak, which she holds out to you at arm’s length.
‘Here. Take this.’
Of course. You’re still in your underwear.
You take the cloak and wrap it around yourself. The knight turns back to find you covered and you see her visibly relax. There’s still the ghost of a blush on her face, though. On one who just routed brigands without breaking a sweat it’s as charming as it is unexpected.
She lifts her eyes from where she’s been looking at the crescent silver clasp in her hand. You jerk your eyes away, worried that she’ll catch you staring at her again and look around the grove.
The guy who escaped on your horse knew what he was doing: there are barely any of your possessions left. He must have shovelled them into the saddlebags while everything was in chaos. You kick the few items of rubbish lying on the ground and curse your stupidity for taking a short-cut through the woods. Now you’ve lost even the little you had.
The knight looks at you with pity in her eyes. ‘My apologies. If only I’d been able to catch him…’
You stop your muttering and shake your head. You apologise for your griping and thank her again for saving your life.
‘I guess the gods were smiling on me,’ you say to her. ‘No one usually comes this way. You must know this area well.’
A surprisingly shy smile appears on her face. ‘Actually, I’m lost. As you might have guessed, I’m not from around here.’
You nod. She’s clearly Elurran, the first you’ve ever met close-up. You’ve seen them at a distance before, traders in the streets of Elkiad, but even in that hub of commerce they’re a rare sight indeed, only occasionally coming to sell the fragrant amber for which desolate, snowy Elurra is famous.
She’s tall, her hair so blonde it’s more silver than gold. It’s a colour you’ve seen women in Elkiad try and replicate with dyes, but it’s never come close to that spun-platinum look that true Elurrans have. The way she picked that bandit up one-handed, she must be well-built beneath all that armour, but it’s hard to tell, the slenderness of her hands seems to indicate toned sleekness rather than brawn, though. Her form is eminently feminine, now that you see her walking around: even clad in armour, the flare of her hips, the narrowness of her waist and the curve of her bust is obvious.
Her cheeks have grown rosy once more and you realise that your staring is making her blush again. Ashamed, you pull your gaze away and mutter an apology. You’ve never met an Elurran before, you tell her.
She nods, seemingly even more embarrassed by your embarrassment. Then she holds out her hand to you. ‘My name Is Leuna Zilarresko Ilargiaren.’
Zilarresko Ilargiaren? Only Mendians have names like that.
You’re not used to shaking hands – in Elkiad you bow – and you take hers in your own and shake it in the manner you suppose it’s done as you tell her your own name. Leuna appears amused by the way you shake her hand, and the awkwardness of the moment seems to lighten the mood. When you drop your hand you can’t help but bow low to her, in the Eastern manner, and thank her again for saving your life.
‘So what do you do when you’re not saving clueless merchant’s sons?’ you ask her.
‘I’m a knight errant,’ she says. ‘On my way to Hiria to swear fealty to the Regent. That is, I was until I got lost in this accursed forest.’
You tell her that Hiria is your destination as well. You’re there to take up a new job with the papers of introduction your master has given you.
‘Then I must insist you ride with me,’ says Leuna. ‘After all, it’s my fault that you find yourself in the unfortunate situation you’re in.’
You want to argue with her, but in truth you’re relieved with the offer. It’s a long way to Hiria on foot, and there are far worse things than bandits lurking the plains and forests.
After she retrieves the crossbow she threw aside earlier, Leuna vaults up onto her horse and pulls you up behind her like you weigh nothing at all. She rides bareback in the Mendian manner, so you’re left to grasp the mane of her horse as she lets out the reins. A few clicks of her tongue and her horse breaks into an eager trot. You’re not used to riding this way and you quickly find yourself holding on for dear life. Leuna notices this and with a laugh reaches back and places first one and then your other hand around her waist. Anchored to her statuesque proportions you feel far steadier, even if your heart is racing even faster.
She smells very nice indeed, a mixture of clean linen, fresh perspiration and her own indefinable scent, a scent you recognise from the cloak wrapped around you.
‘That’s better,’ she says. ‘I’d never forgive myself if you fell off after everything else that’s befallen you today.’
You chuckle, a little bitterly. She’s not wrong. You lost your horse, your crowns, your possessions and even your clothes. But even though you’re little better than naked, your buttocks buffeted from below by the horse’s spine, you can’t help but feel somehow compensated for your earlier trials with your arms encircling the waist of your unexpected saviour and the delightful scent of her body in your nose.
As you ride through the forest, the silence starts to pall and so you thank Leuna again for getting involved in a fight that wasn’t hers.
She laughs, a bright sound. ‘Well, like every knight, I’ve sworn an oath to protect the weak.’
You chuckle, a little ruefully. The weak, huh? Well, it’s hard to argue with that. You were hanging upside down in your underwear when she first met you.
Leuna looks over her shoulder, baffled by your reaction, and then she blushes.
‘Oh. I didn’t mean to imply that…’
You tell her it’s okay. She’s not the first person to ever call you that. Besides, you’re just a humble merchant’s son, and merchants are not known for their fighting prowess.
A slightly awkward silence falls back over the two of you. You’re exhausted after your ordeal, so you let the rocking of the horse’s trotting send you into a strange half-waking sleep.
You jerk awake and there’s a moment of terror as you feel the world shifting up and down. You grab onto the nearest steady thing you can find and hang on.
There’s a feminine gasp and then you remember you’re on horseback, riding behind the Elurran knight called Leuna. You’ve didn’t think you squeezed her that hard, but…
You relax your grip and apologise profusely to the back that you’re squeezed up against.
There’s gentle laughter from Leuna. ‘It’s alright,’ she says. ‘The trotting makes me sleepy too.’
You look about with bleary eyes. The forest is thinner now, and you estimate that you’re almost out of it. There are no longer those hanging profusions of vines and creepers and the trees that you pass by lack that primeval hugeness that surrounded you earlier. Light scatters down through gaps in the canopy off the road, while above you there’s a long band of blue sky.
You look up. The sky has that depth of blue that tells you that nightfall is not so very far away.
‘We’ll have to start looking for a good campsite,’ says Leuna, rea
ding your mind.
You tell her that you should be reaching a tributary of the Bihurri soon, and that there’s a secret little spot a short way upstream that you know of that should be comfortable.
You reach the ford. The Bihurri in these autumnal months is quite low and sluggish: if you were here during spring, you’d find it impossible to cross given the swollen mass of waters from the melting snow of the mountains plunging down. As it is now, the river gurgles delightfully, its surface sparkling with the lazy fall sunlight as Leuna guides her horse carefully along its banks and across the numerous little pebbly beaches that spot its length. You soon see the outcropping of a ridge that tells you you’ve almost reached the spot you told her about.
It’s a little cave, set under the ridge, well-sheltered from the wind that often blows in from across the plains. There’s a spring a little further along the river, with pure water bubbling up through layers of sand and rock, making it a perfect camping site.
Leuna hops off her horse and encourages it with pats and clicks of her tongue as it struggles to keep its balance walking along a particularly uneven strip of the beach. She looks around at the tall beeches and the old willow that leans down, obscuring the cave, then turns to you and smiles.
‘A lovely spot,’ she murmurs. ‘I never would have found anything like this on my own.’ She frowns. ‘I’ve been setting up camp in some pretty uncomfortable places.’
You say you’re not surprised. There’s very little civilised habitation between Elurra and the Forest of Isil, after all, mostly just windswept tundra. You assume that it’s the path she took, given that she’s an Elurran.
Leuna shakes her head. ‘Oh no, I haven’t come from Elurra. I’ve never been there, actually. I’m from Mendia.’
Mendia? Well, her name did sound Mendian, but you’re still surprised. It’s a northern region of defiles and craggy ridges, an offshoot of the range that eventually becomes the Elurran mountains. A short and swarthy people live there, the dour and devout ex-refugees of religious conflict a hundred years ago. Their society is infamously strict, bound by the edicts of its council of elders.
Leuna notes your confusion and sighs. ‘Everyone’s always surprised by that. But it’s a long story. Let’s set up camp first.’
While Leuna sets up the camp and starts unloading things from her horse, you duck away with her water skins to fill them at the spring since it’s a tricky spot to find if you don’t know where to look.
When you come back there’s already a little fire going. You come past her horse and chuckle when you see that Leuna has built a little bivouac for him: a tarpaulin over a tree branch. He looks content as he grazes on the sweet meadow grasses and flowers of the riverbank.
He’s a fine animal, and there’s a wildness about his face that you don’t usually see on horses tamed by humans. He’s clearly an elfin animal. But Leuna said that she isn’t from Elurra…
She’s definitely mysterious, you decide.
You hear sweeping from the cave and find her wielding a tree branch as an impromptu broom, sweeping the floor of dust and the remnants of campfires.
She stops and smiles at you. She’s taken off her armour and is wearing her under-tunic and gambison. Her cuirass and the rest of her plate is stacked neatly near the mouth of the cave.
You tried to imagine how she looked under her armour when you first met her, and you weren’t too far off your predictions, but it’s another thing to see just how statuesque she is. Somehow, stripped of her armour she seems even taller. It’s probably the length of her legs that does it, and her bare brown arms hint at just how toned they must be as well. Her hips are generously flared, her thighs broad but shapely. She’s quite busty as well. The cuirass hid the shape of her chest, but since her breasts must still be bound underneath, her already ample gambison hints at a voluptuousness that you hadn’t expected.
Leuna catches you staring again. The smile becomes shy and her gaze drops down to the branch in her hands and she returns to her sweeping.
‘I’m sorry,’ she says. ‘My Academy upbringing. I like things being neat.’
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Fetish Porn SitesWarning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...
I am not a racist so please excuse the names I refer to different races. You're going to read the out and out horrid ways Sargent Malta treats different races as well as women and girls. BUT please read on. Remember this is called “Taking Down Sargent Malta” for a reason. As always suggestions for further chapters are appreciated. All are at least eighteen and older. Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 1. It would be great to get off the base for a couple of weeks, especially...
I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...
Cherry walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the wine rack. It had been one hell of a week and it was only Thursday. Her tight red dress twirled with each movement. She left her shiny red three inch heels on to get the wine glass down from the middle shelf on the upper cabinet. She popped the cork on her favorite Moscato. Then she stepped out of the heels and kicked them aside. She poured the rosy colored wine nearly to the top of the glass. She took a long drag out of the glass, as...
CuckoldAlley finished marking some reports and headed for the shower and an early night in front of the TV in her room. Hercules, her loving boxer watched as she undressed and stepped into the shower then climbed up on the bed and curled up waiting for his loving master to join him. Mark was out at a business dinner and did not usually get in before midnight so Alley would be fast asleep by then. Mark and Alley would have kids one day but for now they doted on Hercules and spoiled him rotten. The...
Cherry Adams was a wiry attractive redhead who needed a new pair of shoes. She owned over three hundred and fifty pairs, a mere pittance according to her. However, she was missing a pair that matched the color red of the new dress her boyfriend insisted she buy. “Cherry, you have red shoes,” he informed her as she slipped on her coat. She sashayed over to her rich, older lover and bent over so she could display her very ample bosom to his appreciative eyes. “Baby,” she cooed. “That red dress...
I happen to think that every high school as that perfect couple. That pair that seem as though they were made for each other. They are inseparable, look great together, do everything together and every other couple wants to be just like them. In my school that couple was Paul and Sheryl. I had known Sheryl for six years, which is a long time for someone in high school. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school and I use her as my benchmark for the perfect woman to this day. She was the...
VoyeurSheryl's Experience at the Edge I first met Sheryl several years ago when I was trolling theAOL chat groups as, Spanksalot. Ever since my divorce I had beentalking advantage of my business travel schedule to meet withcouples as a third. Lately, I had been introduced to some mildbondage and Dom/sub games with an older couple I had been partyingwith. I found that I liked to spank and sometimes Dom a wife whilethe husband watched. And I found many other couples who liked toplay this...
Sometimes you never know when things work out. There I was in a bar in Sydney on a Monday after a committee meeting debriefing about the day’s events. We had had a few drinks, when I heard a woman with an American accent at the bar order a drink. She was sitting by herself. I guessed she was in her sixties, but certainly well dressed and well-presented overall. I could see that she had a delightfully ample chest. Her gaze seemed to be inviting, so I did the appropriate thing and said hello...
Chapter One "Hey, pass me that flow coefficients sheet, will you?" "No prob. The laminate flow one, right?" I slide the piece of paper over to the right, and Sheryl cranes her neck down just a tad to get a better look. A few strands of hair fall out over her left ear; with fluttering heart, unsure of what her reaction will be, I restore the wayward strands back to their regal perch. She turns her head towards me. I'm delighted to see that she's smiling. "Thanks, man." I'm a...
Although she tried to hide it initially, I could tell that Hera was impressed by many of our modern conveniences. While she professed no use for television—something I'm inclined to agree with her on—air conditioning and indoor plumbing much agreed with her. The wide variety and modern preparation of food and adult beverages also agreed well with her. "Dionysus would be amazed," she commented more than once. And although she had insisted that her worshipers provided her with fresh water...
Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiNote : This story is completely fictional! Jeanette followed her cousin downstairs. She had to make an effort not to cross her arms over her chest. Her nipples were hard, knowing that they were going to ask Ethan to fuck them. "Where is he?" she said. "I don’t see him yet." Jeanette nudged Sheri and pointed. "Look, there he is," she said, leaning closer and lowering her voice. "Check out his pants. He’s already got a woody. Let’s ask him. That woody will fix that funny feeling inside you."...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Sheri and Jeanette ran to Sheri’s room, giggling. They shut the door and bounced on the bed. Jeanette’s excitement overflowed and she couldn’t stop giggling. Sheri touched her hand. “Guess who I went out with.” “Who?” “Richie Jeeter.” “Oh my God. You really went out with Richie Jeeter?” Sheri nodded, grinning. “On our first date, we went to the school dance. When we were dancing, he was feeling me up. Then, after, he drove me up to the lookout. I was...
IncestIn Ancient Greece, the world was ruled by the gods of Olympus, but you already know their stories, if not you probably wouldn’t be reading this. So let me tell you about the time Hermes single handedly cucked and fucked his way to being ruler of Olympus...this’ll make sense later. Our story begins in the forests of ancient greece. The messenger god Hermes was floating above the trees, sorting letters that Zeus instructed him to deliver to his mistresses, the king couldn’t even be faithful to...
FantasyBrief description: Picture if you will the year is 2025 and technology has reached a point that no one foresaw. A woman scientist who was wrongly treated by here male peers and her husband has not only taken technology to a new height but has transformed the world into a nightmare for men who still think they can rule the world. Story and all characters have been created by my uncontrollable imagination. LOL Gina Strixx,a lovely and brilliant scientist had worked for years on countless projects...
FetishWhen we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...
Midnights Embrace In the darkest hours of the night she awakens gently, somehow sensing that she is not alone. Her deep brown eyes search through the veil of darkness that fills her bed chamber until, in the doorway she sees the silhouette of the Midnight Visitor whose arrival she has for so long desired. There is no feeling of fear or anxiety in her heart, only the feeling of cherished love that emanates from him like a calming warmth that pushes aside the chill of the winter...
“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...
This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light spanking and humiliation in a family environment. It does not contain any sex. It is mainly about submissive females and dominant males. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and the characters bear no resemblance any real person. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort...
"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. Harry Potter and all the associated characters named in the story are the property of J. K. Rowling and her publishers and have been used without permission. As fan fiction, no money has been charged, or may be charged, for publication of this work. Hermione Granger had snuck out of the castle that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because Hagrid, the half-giant game keeper, had finally agreed to show her what she had wanted...
After several months of incredible sex with Richard, Sherri accepted a date to go with him to a friends bar on the outskirts of town. She wore a tight, stretchable, body hugging black dress that clung to her body and showed everything she had. Richard insisted she wear no panties or bra and she happily obliged as she said she felt so alive and very sexy. Not to mention horny and wet!They drove for a short while to a house in the hills just outside of the city limits. It was an older house...
Beautiful dayCheri hummed to herself as she walked down the street with her basket.“It sure is a beautiful day!” she said to no one in particular as she passed the shops.It was one of those fine spring days when the sun is shining and the birds are singing, and you feel all is right with the world. As she continued down the street the neighborhood got grittier and the shops more unkempt, but that didn’t distract from Cheri’s enjoyment of the day. Someone walked out of the tattoo parlor as she...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order. Each chapter stands on it’s own but this chapter is a continuation of 17a and it would be good to read that first. It is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and bears no resemblance any persons spanked or unspanked. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort in writing this, so please take a moment to vote and comment. – – – – – – – – – – – – – –...
So it has been awhile since I have updated everyone on Cheri and her new life. Cheri has become a slut wife which is has been great for me. She continues to be Barbs very personal assistant at work. I recommend that you read my previous post about how Cheri got her raise. On to the next chapter.As you know Cheri came from a conservative back round. To say things have changed is an understatement! Cheri has become a full blown whore!Cheri has been earning her raise by being available to Barb...
Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...
Cheri Pulls A Train and Much More part2 I recommend that you read part 1. When we left off Barb and Cheri were headed to their flight. Barb had Cheri change into a very short dress with a deep V that barely kept her tits covered. The clacking of Cheri's six inch heels on the floor caused everyone to look as she walked with her tits and big ass bouncing all the over the place. As they got to the gate First Class was being called and Barb and Cheri went to board. As Cheri gave her ticket to the...
I hadn’t seen my best friend, Herbie, from c***dhood for close to six years when I got a call from him letting me know he would be passing through my area and wanted to know if I’d like to meet for dinner and drinks. The city he was going to be in was a 2 1/2 hour drive from me, so he suggested I stay at his hotel to avoid driving home after having a few drinks. Even though I hadn’t seen him in years, we remained in contact with each other and I was excited to see him again. I’d had many...
I hadn't seen my best friend, Herbie, from c***dhood for close to six years when I got a call from him letting me know he would be passing through my area and wanted to know if I'd like to meet for dinner and drinks. The city he was going to be in was a 2 1/2 hour drive from me, so he suggested I stay at his hotel to avoid driving home after having a few drinks. Even though I hadn't seen him in years, we remained in contact with each other and I was excited to see him again. I'd had many...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Ethan dropped her panties. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, staring between her legs. He put his hand around his woody and moved it back and forth. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Jeanette stared at his penis. “Yes. I’ve been a virgin as long as I want to be. I want a penis in me and I want you to put your’s there. But you better not hurt me. You know I’m a virgin.” “I’ll ease it in slow and gentle. I’ll take it real easy. I won’t hurt you a bit.”...
IncestThe next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...
Hope you like Esther's latest installment! ESTHER FOUR By TamarainRubber I obediently followed Esther down the long narrow hallway that led into an enormous room filled with the sounds of clinking glasses, soft whispers and a bevy of leather-clad women and men dolled up as maids, rubber babies, and crossdressing sluts like me. Strangely enough (and very much to my pleasure), there was little if any evidence of the S&M parties I had only read about, but never...