- 4 years ago
- 35
- 0
I felt it more than I heard it, my name a chill whisper in the dark that raced up my spine. I sat up, heart hammering in my throat. The sound, or whatever it was, had woken me from a deep middle of the night sleep. I looked around my room, wondering if one of my drunk frat brothers had somehow wandered in. All I saw was darkness and silence. No movement. Nothing. The room was empty except for me. Of course it was. I felt like a total idiot.
No more watching Paranormal State after dark. Apparently my imagination was just a little too active. I was wide awake now, adrenalin pumping through my veins. I looked at my clock. Midnight. Damn! I had just fallen asleep an hour and a half ago and I had a big test at eight. I was annoyed with myself and my overactive dreams. There was obviously no one in my room. I was just punching my pillow and getting ready to lie back down when I heard it again.
This time it was distinct. I hadn’t been imagining it. Someone was in my room whispering my name, but I couldn’t see a damn thing. Where the hell were they hiding?
“C’mon guys, this isn’t funny. I’ve got an Econ test in the morning.”
I waited, the seconds stretching out. There was no answer other than the pure silence that could only come in the smallest hours of the night. I sat up in my bed, stock still. I was listening for breathing, shuffling, anything that would tell me that this was some dumb prank. Please let it be a prank!
The whisper broke the silence once more. If anything it was more pronounced. I could feel a slippery coldness work its way through my body. I couldn’t see or hear anyone else in the room but I could feel someone there. I can’t explain it any other way than that. There was someone in my room who wasn’t supposed to be there and he was scaring the crap out of me. I had to get the hell out.
I grabbed my pillow and my comforter, my cell phone so I wouldn’t sleep in, and headed for one of the lumpy beer stained couches in the second floor common room. I wasn’t going to sleep well and my back would hurt like the devil in the morning, but it had to be better than this. As I was about to turn the doorknob, I heard a final whisper.
“Cameron, don’t leave. I need you…”
I felt a tingling again, like that feeling when you know someone is watching you. No freaking way am I staying in here! I shut the door quickly, and had to force myself to walk instead of running like hell down the hallway to the common room.
I lay for what seemed like hours on the disgusting old common room couch, trying to fall asleep. I couldn’t even get my heart to calm down, couldn’t get that whispering voice out of my head. I was still scared by whatever had just happened in my room. If this did end up being a prank, someone was going to get their ass kicked tomorrow. I didn’t even want to think of another possibility.
I practically crawled into the kitchen the next morning. I was tired as hell and my body was aching from the hours spent on the couch. I needed some food and a major jolt to my system if I was going to make it through my test. I was actually glad I had to pull a shift at work later. I’d probably be mainlining double shot americanos the whole time. Free coffee was probably one of the only perks of working at one of the busiest Starbucks in the university district.
I heard the quiet shuffling of feet coming over the threshold onto the cold tiled kitchen floor. I jumped a little, then called myself an idiot under my breath. I turned and saw Jason, a senior and my big brother from freshman year eyeing me strangely.
“Dude, you look like shit. What happened to you?” Tactful as always, bro.
“Rough night. I couldn’t sleep.” He gave me another strange look
“You’re in the corner room right by the back stairs, right?” He asked. We had just moved in a few weeks ago, and no one had gotten used to the new arrangement.
“Yeah, why?” The way he had asked made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Was I being paranoid, or did he look like he knew something?
“No reason,” He answered quickly.
“Seriously, what?” After the night I had, I didn’t need any more strangeness.
“Wasn’t that Adam’s room last year?” Adam had moved in with his girlfriend somewhere before Thanksgiving last year. He had been two years older than me. I didn’t know him that well. I thought someone else had taken the room over after Christmas, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember who.
“I think it was, why?”
“Never mind, Cam. Just go to class.” I shook my head, basically at my limit for weird creepy events. First last night, now this cryptic conversation. Whatever. I had a test to take and a five hour shift. I didn’t have time for this crap.
I had plenty of time to think at work while I was foaming lattes and bagging overpriced scones for the hoards of pink-cheeked students. I tried to rationalize the night before, think of a reason that I could have heard someone whispering my name. I didn’t want to include the obvious but impossible explanation. That someone was in my room whispering. Someone invisible. Don’t be ridiculous.
But honestly (and here’s where I really start to feel nuts) fairly often in the past few weeks I had come back from class to find my stuff in slightly different places. Like someone curious had come in and looked through it while I was gone. Nothing was ever missing, so I hadn’t said anything, but I could swear someone had been in there. And that feeling was there. Not as strong, but it was there. A milder version of that ‘I’m not alone’ chill I had gotten the night before. Yeah, right Cameron. You have an inquiring poltergeist.
I shook my head, and poured one of the bubbly Kappa Pi’s a non-fat white mocha.
“Thanks Cameron,” She purred, smiling at me. I hated the fact that she knew me only because I was in Sigma Epsilon. It was kind of a trophy thing for a sorority girl to end up with one of us. How long was it going to take those girls to realize I really wasn’t interested?
I continued my shift, my tired brain still sorting through all of the slightly weird events that had happened in my room since term started. My books moved, mail shifted through, my bed being made (which I never do). That last one was really kinda creepy. Let’s just say I was starting to see why Adam had found his girlfriend’s apartment so…appealing.
By the time my shift was done, I was worn out, and my mind had been spinning in circles for hours. I hadn’t had a chance for a nap earlier, and I was so desperate for sleep I nearly curled up in the stock room. With a sigh, I zipped into my fleece and headed for home.
I looked at my clock. Midnight. Again. I groaned. You have got to be fucking kidding me.
“Leave me alone,” I said to the general darkness. I felt like an idiot, but I needed sleep. I didn’t feel like dealing with whisper boy again tonight.
“Cameron, I need your help.”
Oh my god. What part of ‘leave me alone’ was confusing? I sat up in bed, more angry than scared. My eyes focused slowly in the dark.
That’s when I saw him.
I nearly jumped out of my damn skin. There was a guy sitting calmly in the easy chair that I had squished into the corner of my room. He was watching me patiently, as if waiting for me to wake up so I could talk to him.
The funny thing is, as soon as I saw him, I knew he was a ghost.
I mean, it wasn’t an intellectual deduction, I didn’t sit there and catalog his faint edges, and pale skin. I just knew it. Somewhere inside of me could tell that this boy was dead. Even stranger, after I realized that he was dead, and the first ghost I had ever seen, I also realized that I wasn’t afraid of him. In fact, he seemed a little afraid himself.
“Who are you?” I asked. Other than a dead kid in my room of course…
“Jamie Douglas,” He answered, as if I should already know that.
“There’s no one named Jamie living in this house.” I’m not sure why I said it. Sounded kind of stupid even to me.
“I live in this house. This is my room. It has been for…what year is it?” He looked slightly confused.
“It’s two thousand and nine.”
“Then I guess it’s been fifty years.”
So if it had always been him in this room…
“What did you do to Adam?” I asked. I wanted to be prepared in case he tried it on me too. Jamie looked sheepish.
“I didn’t like his girlfriend’s perfume. They couldn’t see me, not like you can. I just played a few games.”
“What do you mean, they couldn’t see you?”
I was curious now. Not afraid at all. I was starting to notice things about him, like his neatly pressed khakis, his snug t-shirt that was definitely filled out, the chocolatey waves that curled around his ears. Jesus! I was cruising a ghost.
“In all my years in this room, watching, learning, seeing the lives of so many guys, you are the first one who has ever heard me. Believe me, I’ve tried. I don’t know what it is. I decided tonight that I would try to let you see me. Obviously that worked too.”
“Why me?”
“I told you. I don’t know. Maybe because it’s exactly fifty years…wait what day is it?”
“October first.”
”Well, not exactly fifty years yet, then.” He cocked his head to the side as if considering something. I noticed the long line of his neck, arched as his head turned. An image of me sucking on that soft skin flashed into my head. I realized I was being ridiculous. I couldn’t touch him!
“Fifty years since…” I prompted. I knew what he was going to say. I just had to hear it for some reason.
“Fifty years since I died. On Halloween. Nineteen fifty-nine.”
“And I’m the first one who can see and hear you. For whatever reason.”
“Yes.” I thought of something he had said a few minutes earlier.
“You said you didn’t like Adam’s girlfriend’s perfume. You can smell?” He grimaced.
“Yes. Much better, as far as I remember, then when I was alive. Smells are very overwhelming to me. But not you. You smell nice.”
He blushed, as if realizing he had said a bit too much. No way. I literally couldn’t believe this was happening. Either I had completely gone bat shit or I was really sitting in my room talking to a ghost who liked how I smelled….and I actually kinda liked that he had noticed.
“Jamie, you said you needed help. What happened to you?” I felt like I wanted to do something for this kid. It must suck to be stuck in the same room for that long. Jamie gave me a disappointed look.
“I don’t remember. That’s one of the bad parts. I guess I need to fix something, to get closure. You know the typical story. But, like I said I don’t remember what happened. I do remember everything about my life since I died. But hardly anything before.” Well that was no good. How do you help when he doesn’t even know what he needs?
“I guess I have to do some research, then?” I said it like a question. I really had no idea what I was going to do. He looked so hopeful that my heart broke. “I’ll help you. I promise. I’ll start by learning as much about you as I can find. I have to warn you, it might not be much.” Where do you even start looking for stuff about an ordinary person who lived fifty years ago?
“I know.” He answered. “I was just a nineteen year old kid. A nobody. Thank you so much for even trying, Cameron.” That reminded me.
“How did you know my name?” I asked. There was that sheepish grin. So cute. He pointed at my mail pile.
“You’re the one who’s been looking through my stuff aren’t you?” I raised my eyebrows. He blushed again. I couldn’t believe a ghost could actually look embarrassed.
“Just a little bit. I wanted to know who you were.”
“So you can touch things.”
“Sort of. Like in the movies. I’ve seen a lot of those in this room. It’s hard, and I have to concentrate, but I can move things. That’s how I freaked out Adam and his girlfriend.” He grinned as if remembering a good joke. Wow. Playing pranks for fun. He was a frat boy.
“Hey Jamie?”
“Listen, I promised I was going to help you, and I will. But I gotta get some sleep. I have four classes tomorrow, and if I’m going to try to figure out who you are, I can’t be falling asleep in the library.”
He nodded, and stood. I was curious suddenly as to where he would go. He actually came towards me, hesitated for a second like he was concentrating on something, then brushed my cheek with his halfway translucent hand and whispered,
“Thank you,”
Then he disappeared.
My cheek tingled where he had touched me. Chills swept up and down my spine, but not unpleasant chills. Amazing chills, like the kind I imagined you would get when you first kiss someone that you are totally into. All the little hairs on my back were standing and sensitized, and I could feel blood pounding through my body towards my groin. All from one little touch? Impossible!
I had my silent room all to myself, but not too surprisingly, I couldn’t sleep. You would think that anyone would have a hard time dozing off after a face-to-face encounter with a ghost. My reasons weren’t quite what you would expect. Instead of lying awake afraid or unsettled, I stared at the ceiling and thought about his shiny brown hair, and those big black lashed blue eyes. He had looked so sad and vulnerable, adorable when he grinned. I was totally infatuated. Oh my god Cameron. You’ve held it together for two years, both feet planted solidly in the closet, and now this? You want a guy…who’s dead?
So here comes big confession time…which you’ve probably already figured out for yourselves. I’m gay. At least I’m pretty sure I am. I figure I can’t really say I’m gay since I’ve never actually been with a guy. Sad, huh?
You wanna know how I got to be twenty and still have only messed around with a few girls that I was totally not into? It was surprisingly easy. Classic high school golden boy, smothered by his proud father who couldn’t wait for his only son to join the clan of cavemen at the Sigma Ep house just like his dad. I was a legacy, and I would have fit in anyway (at least on appearances). I got in no problem.
But there was a problem…I didn’t really want to be here. This wasn’t who I was, who I wanted to be. It was just that my dad had always been so proud of me and I hated to make him unhappy. Truthfully, I was also afraid of what would happen when he found out and I wasn’t his golden boy anymore.
So there I was, living in a frat house pretending to be straight. No matter what you see on TV, the hot guy jock fraternity isn’t exactly a safe haven for the queers of the world. I’d heard the way they talk, and I decided a long time ago to keep my mouth shut. I didn’t want to get my ass kicked or worse.
I really don’t mind the guys other than their ridiculously archaic views on sexuality. Most of them are pretty cool, and will be as long as they don’t find out what’s swirling around in my head. It’s been basically okay. I have two more years of hiding, than I’m off to live my own life. At least I’ve had some great man candy to look at along the way!
Unfortunately, now I have a new problem. Jamie the friendly (and hot) ghost needs my help but doesn’t even know what kind of help he needs. I promised to help him and even worse… I’m totally attracted to him. A ghost. I know how crazy that sounds. Don’t even get me started.
My first step was to figure out if, in fact, I was really talking to Jamie Douglas, deceased Sigma Ep. Since my other option was being nuts, I really hoped I was going to find some kind of record of him living in our house.
In the main living room, we had a bookshelf full of photo albums. They were kind of like fraternity yearbooks. Every year, there was a group shot, and each brother had their picture taken on his own. They were organized into photo albums along with candid pictures from different fraternity events. There were a ton of books, dating back to the start of the house somewhere in the twenties. I started looking through the books for the one that would contain pictures from nineteen fifty-nine.
They were dusty, and not quite in order, but I eventually found the one I was looking for. It had pictures from nineteen fifty five to nineteen sixty. If Jamie Douglas existed, he would be in there. I grabbed it, stuck it in my backpack, and headed up to my room.
I turned my lamp and ceiling lights on, a little freaked out. I had no idea why the creepies were suddenly taking over. I mean, I wasn’t scared of the ghost himself. Just the opposite. So why was I freaking out over some old photo album? I guessed it meant that if and when I saw Jamie’s picture, it would mean this whole thing was real.
I flipped slowly through the pages, starting in the beginning. I knew that Jamie wouldn’t be there yet, but it was interesting looking through all the old pictures. The guys looked so uptight back then, with their Mr. Rogers sweaters and slicked back hair.
I wondered what they would think of the way my brothers dressed now. Most of them were total slobs. It didn’t even matter, since the sorority girls would fall all over them based on social status alone. It totally annoyed me that I was hit on all the time based purely on what letters were stitched on my sweatshirt. It seemed so shallow. I guessed it probably wouldn’t annoy me too much if any of them looked more like Jamie. Yeah right. That wasn’t likely to happen.
I was getting close to the back of the book, almost to the section where he would be. I could feel my heart pounding. I wanted him to be real so badly. I wanted to find out how I could help him. When I finally got to nineteen fifty-eight, the year he would have been a freshman, I turned the page slowly.
It didn’t take me more than a second to find him. He looked exactly the same. Just to be sure, I checked the name typed below his picture. James Douglas. There he was. Warm dark hair, curled haphazardly over his ears, sweet open smile, and those eyes…wow. Even in black and white their power was intense.
I looked at his picture for long minutes, memorizing the features I had seen so clearly the night before. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. I had never looked at these old books, never seen his picture. I couldn’t have imagined him. There was only one possible conclusion. Jamie Douglas’s ghost was real. And he needed me.
I spent a long time looking at the pictures in the old photo book. The formal shots and candids of the brothers together. There was one guy that Jamie nearly always stood next to in pictures. He had sandy hair and a big grin. I looked up his name. Grayson Turner. That’s an unusual name for back in the years of Jacks, Bills, and Johns.
In all the pictures, Grayson seemed kind of like a Kennedy or something. This golden boy who would have had a crowd of admirers. I wanted to hate him. I did kind of hate him. Mostly because there was something in Jamie’s face in all the pictures. It was there, in the way he smiled the pretty blonde boy. I recognized that look. It made an irrational snake of jealousy slither down my spine. Had Jamie been in love with him? It seemed pretty obvious, but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions. One thing I did know for sure. Somehow this Grayson guy was the first step in solving Jamie’s mystery.
I tried to go to sleep early, anticipating a wake up call in the middle of the night. But I found myself getting excited to see Jamie again. I wanted to talk to him more, get to know him. I knew that excited, happy feeling. I had felt it a few times in high school. It had nearly gotten me into huge trouble with one of my friends from the soccer team. Thank god I came to my senses before I tried to kiss him or something. I punched my pillow, annoyed with myself for being so dumb. A crush on a ghost? So stupid.
I woke a few hours later, not to the sound of my name, but to a whispering touch trailing across my cheek. I smiled, not afraid at all, and opened my eyes.
“Hi, Cameron,” He said quietly, greeting me.
“Hey Jamie,” I answered, and sat up in my bed. I could feel the silly happiness flow over me. Crush away, Cam. Crush away.
He was perched next to me, as if he had been waiting there a long time for me to wake.
“How long have you been here?” I asked. A huge smile threatened to burst open at any second.
“A while,” He answered, smirking. “You can learn a lot about someone when they’re asleep.” I groaned.
“I wasn’t snoring, was I?” Jamie laughed.
“No, you mumble. It’s actually kind of adorable.”
Okay. That’s it. First the comment about how I smelled, the little touches, then the pictures, and now this. I had to know.
“Jamie, listen. You’ve said a couple of things that I don’t know which way to take. Are you…?” I didn’t want to say the words. I was afraid he’d get mad.
“Am I into guys? I think you know that answer. I don’t remember much about my life, but that I know. I definitely know.” He grinned sheepishly at me, as if he was trying to confess something. As soon as he said it, I had an idea.
“Do you think that’s why I can see you?” He looked confused so I elaborated. “Maybe I can see you because I understand you. Because I’m like you.”
“What…you’re dead too?” He was teasing. His impish smile made my pulse patter in little giggly bursts. He reached out again. This time, he cupped my elbow and dragged tingly fingers down my arm until it almost felt like he was holding my hand. It was like being surrounded by bubbles. Sexy bubbles that made my blood heat. I couldn’t really feel his skin, but I could totally tell he was there. The unbelievable sensation made me tremble visibly. I closed my eyes for a second.
“You don’t like that?” He looked disappointed.
“No, I do. It feels incredible. I can’t even describe it.” It made me want to touch him too. I reached out, but my hand dropped straight through his arm to my comforter below. He gave me a sad look.
“You can’t touch me. I can’t really touch you either. Just what I’ve been doing.” I thought of something.
“Jamie, do you think you were ever, you know…with a guy before you died?” His head dropped to the side like it seemed to always do when he was considering something. God, the things I’d love to do to his neck with my tongue!
“I think I probably was. I mean, it seems really familiar, the idea of holding someone. Of kissing and touching him. I know I wouldn’t get that strong of an imprint from just seeing it.”
Okay, here goes the next part, I thought.
“So, I found your picture tonight. In the old house photo albums. You were always next to a guy. Grayson Turner. I was wondering if he may have been…” I stopped talking when I saw Jamie’s already pale face turn ashen. He faded quickly, turning more and more translucent.
“Gray…” He whispered, then all of a sudden he was gone.
It was two days before I saw him again. I was starting to wonder if he was gone for good. The thought was a little depressing, somehow. I was up late studying for a math test when he appeared, coming from the general area of my closet.
I jumped a little, startled because I hadn’t expected him.
“Cameron?” He sounded hesitant, like I may be angry with him.
“Hey Jamie. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m really sorry about the other night. It was just a shock to hear that name again. When you said it, so many memories came flooding back. It was just too much effort to try to stay here.”
“Who was he?” Jamie’s face looked pained.
“You were right. Gray Turner was my boyfriend.”
“Tell me about him.” I could see how hard this was for him. He wrung his hands together. I wished I could reach over and comfort him. Obviously impossible.
“Gray and I got to be friends freshman year, when we were both rushing Sigma Ep. His family was really rich, I think they had originally been logging barons or something. Anyway, all the houses on campus wanted him. I was just this quiet guy on his floor in the dorms. He kinda dragged me along and convinced me to join with him.” I waited quietly, not wanting to interrupt.
“It didn’t take me long to figure out Gray was like me. There were little things at first, touches, looks. Then one night we were sitting in the dorms talking about some party we had been to the week before at the house. He just leaned over and kissed me. I was stunned but so happy. I figured because of his family that he would never do anything about the attraction between us.”
A little surge of jealousy hit me again right in the gut. I wanted to know what it was like to kiss a guy I liked. I wanted to know what it was like to kiss Jamie.
“Anyway, after that we were basically a couple. We made a pact not to tell anyone, because of his family, because of the way things were. I would have never broken my word.” Jamie’s face clouded.
When he said that, I started to get a general idea of how it probably played out. My stomach turned.
“Jamie, what happened between you and Gray? How did it end?”
“You know, I have no idea. I do remember us asking to be roommates here at the house. None of the guys thought anything of it cause, publicly at least, we were best friends. I was elated that I could be with him every night. God, I was so in love with him. I do remember that.” I tried to ignore the fact that it made me ragingly jealous to hear Jamie say he’d been in love with Gray Turner. Even if it was fifty years ago, I still hated it.
“You don’t think he had anything to do with your death, do you?”
“I don’t know. I remember loving him, but now when I think of him I just get angry and sad. I don’t know what happened, but I don’t think it was good. Cameron, he’s got to be part of it.” I had already decided the same thing.
“I think he’s important too. I’ll see what I can find out.”
We couldn’t do much more that night to help the situation, and Jamie seemed to be genuinely upset when he thought of Gray. I decided to drop it. Besides, I really did want to get to know more about him than how he died.
“Hey Jamie,” I started. How do you ask a ghost to hang out with you? I was nervous like we were on a first date.
“I can’t really do much about your situation tonight, but…”I hesitated. I hoped he couldn’t see my face turning red. “I don’t want you to go.” I kinda spit that last part out nervously. He smiled, and reached across to do that ghostly finger-trailing thing that made my stomach so weak.
“I don’t want to go either.” My heart thumped happily. I couldn’t remember ever having a crush this strong.
Jamie and I talked for hours. We had abandoned the topic of Gray Turner, but there so much else we could learn about each other. I told Jamie how I realized I was gay, and how I ended up at Sigma Epsilon instead of where I wanted to be, which had been basically anywhere else. He asked me if the brothers knew about me, and I laughed. Things in the world had changed so much, as far as acceptance goes, but in the world of fraternities, it may as well have still been nineteen fifty-nine.
Jamie told me funny stories about some of the brothers who had lived in this room over the years. I laughed at stuff that I would be totally embarrassed by if anyone knew them about me. Then I thought about what I had been doing in the room since I had moved in. My face turned red when I realized exactly how much he could have seen. It made me wonder how often anyone was really alone. People would think a lot more about their actions if they knew how many invisible eyes were on them!
I finally fell asleep around four in the morning, glad that it was the weekend and I didn’t have to work. Jamie sat next to me as I fell asleep, trailing his fingers around my face and neck and arms to help me relax. That tingly bubble feeling turned me on like hell, but it was also comforting. I felt myself drifting off. As I did, I felt what seemed like a half-kiss, gentle on my forehead.
“Night, Cameron,” He whispered.
“Yeah?” He answered. But he seemed to already know what I wanted.
That same half-kiss, soft and cool drifted across my lips. My body erupted in blissful shivers.
“Wow,” I whispered. A ghostly chuckle drifted across my bed. Jamie was gone.
The next day I went to the library. It was one of those rare beautiful crisp fall days when the sun shining through the orange and yellow leaves made everything into a dappled autumn paradise that was meant to be experienced. I longed to be out in the fresh air with Jamie, on that gorgeous autumn Sunday. He had barely left my thoughts since the first time I had seen him. I’d had a few crushes in high school, but nothing like this before. Nothing where the guy flirted back. No matter how improbable the whole situation was, it still made me happy. That butterfly in the stomach giddiness was so new to me. I loved it.
I wished I could spend more time with him. I hated that he could never leave the tiny room in our fraternity where he had probably spent his last minutes. It made me want to help him even more. I didn’t really feel like being inside, but I knew I would have the library to myself on a day like this. It was the perfect opportunity to do a little digging.
Armed with the discs that held campus and city newspapers from the time around Jamie’s death, I sat down at one of the library computers. I started with the campus papers, not sure of what I was going to find. Turned out to be quite a lot easier than I had expected.
Jamie had actually been kind of famous. Well, after the fact anyway. There were quite a few articles about the events surrounding his death.
According to the earliest papers, it was a suicide. His roommate had come home to find him dead with a rope around his neck, no note, no anything.
It was really weird, reading about the death of the guy I was getting to know so well. I imagined that a suicide victim may end up as a ghost with unresolved problems, but for some reason that explanation didn’t ring true. It didn’t seem like Jamie.
I scanned the articles, in the papers, which varied from football coverage, to a description of the fall formal. After the first few weeks, where there had been tons of sensationalistic articles about frat boy suicide, Jamie disappeared. That couldn’t be it. Jamie didn’t kill himself! I didn’t know how I knew, I just seemed so wrong.
I got to the last disc, which held papers from December and January. I had basically given up, but was checking for any possible follow-ups. I was shocked by the big heading splashed across the first page.
I read on, fascinated. It turned out the police had gotten an anonymous call with information surrounding Jamie’s death. The case was re-opened. Turned out the investigation had been badly done all around. The coroner’s report, which had been mostly ignored, stated the bruises on Jamie’s neck were definitely not from a rope, and actually looked more like fingers.
The fraternity brothers were questioned again, more closely this time. Eventually someone must have cracked. In the end, the police judged that James Douglas’s death was a tragic accident, a Halloween prank gone wrong. Whoever ended up confessing said the guys had covered it up with the fake suicide scene because they were afraid of what would happen if they were found out.
What did happen was ridiculous, in my opinion. Since no specific brother could be pinned down as the actual “accidental” killer, they all got off with what was basically a slap on the hand. Some community service and a bad reputation. Not a whole lot else. The fraternity charter was suspended indefinitely, but that didn’t even last very long as soon as the whole mess blew over. I wasn’t even the victim, but I was totally enraged. How could they get away with something like that? No wonder Jamie’s ghost was still in the house. I’d haunt their asses forever if it was me. I doubt I’d stop at moving shit around the room either!
I shook my head, unbelieving. What fraternity prank ends up in someone being strangled to death? It was horrible, but I thought there was probably still something more to the story. Something even the guy who cracked wouldn’t tell. I printed the articles. Hopefully when he saw them, Jamie would remember. I felt horrible. Who wants to remember the day they died? This was probably going to be awful for him.
As I put my stuff away and headed for my room, I thought about the anonymous caller. It had to be Gray. There was no other explanation. He wouldn’t have wanted Jamie to be forever known as the kid who killed himself. That still didn’t explain why Jamie felt so angry towards him…unless he was involved. The idea that Gray Turner could have had a hand in getting his boyfriend killed made my stomach turn.
I fell asleep on my bed waiting for him. He showed up at midnight, right on time. I was so happy to see him, I grinned. My pulse did a crazy little dance, and I could feel myself getting hard just remembering that gentle little brush of a kiss last night. I wanted so much more! Jamie seemed happy to see me too. I hated to ruin his smile with the copied articles that I had hidden in my backpack. I knew he’d get upset, and I didn’t want him to disappear again.
I couldn’t do it though. It was too important to him. As much as I wanted to be selfish and enjoy my time with Jamie, I knew I had to help him solve his own mystery. That meant showing him the articles.
“So…” I began, wanting so desperately to hesitate so I could see his gorgeous smile for just a few more minutes.
“ You found something, and it’s not good,” He finished.
“Am I that easy to read?”
“Let’s just say I’ve had some practice lately.” He reached out gently and caressed my cheek and neck. The violent surge of heat in my belly distracted me. I spun for a second, lost in pure sensation. “Cameron.” The sound of his voice cleared my head a little bit. “Tell me. I can handle it.”
Reluctantly, I went to my backpack and got out the printed articles.
“First they said you tried to kill yourself.” I placed the earliest article on the bed in front of him. The one that said Gray found him with a rope around his neck. I could see him getting angry.
“This is ridiculous. You know how as soon as you said Gray’s name, lots of stuff came back?” I nodded. “Well, it didn’t happen this time. I have no memory at all of wanting to kill myself.”
“That’s because you didn’t.” I put the second article in front of him. The one with the big splashy title. I watched him read for a few minutes, his expressive face changing from hurt to anger to sadness as he scanned the sentences. I could see the exact moment when he got to the part about there being fingerprints on his neck. The awful memory dawned in his eyes and his entire face changed.
“Jamie?” I whispered it, afraid to talk. I knew he remembered. He looked so very angry. It was the first time I had been even a little bit afraid of him since that first night when I could only hear his voice.
“Cameron. I need to go. I don’t want you to see me right now.” I could hear in his voice that he was trying to control a towering fury. He needed to get away from me.
“Go, Jamie. But come back when you can tell me. We need to figure out how to fix this for you.” He relaxed a little, and looked at me
“I will. Thank you, Cameron.”
“Cam.” I told him.
“No one who knows me calls me Cameron…except maybe my grandma.” That comment wrung a small smile from him, which was what I hoped for. Then, just like the last time, he disappeared.
It was five long days until I saw him again. Five days in which I tried to concentrate on class, tried to loose myself in the hectic monotony of work. All I could do was think of Jamie and hope he was okay.
I knew he must have been thrown by those newspaper articles. By his memories. By the people who betrayed him. I doubted that the killing was an accident. Even if those boys hadn’t meant to kill him, they sure as hell meant to hurt him badly. It’s not like they were playing touch football and he accidentally got strangled. I wished there was some way I could get to him, to let him know that I cared and still wanted to help him. I had an awful feeling that I would never see him again.
It was Friday night. The house was full of the noises of guys getting ready to go out, playing video games, drinking, laughing. I wondered if any of them knew what had happened here all those years ago. The reality that Jamie had actually lost his life in this house was overwhelming to me. He seemed so real and so present that the thought of him laying on my floor dying was horrifying.
A couple of the guys had invited me to a party at the Kappa Pi house, but I lied and told them I was coming down with something and felt like shit. The last part wasn’t really a lie. I did feel horrible. I hadn’t slept well in days, always waiting half awake for Jamie to return. I was exhausted and my body ached.
Around nine thirty, I locked myself in the bathroom and took a really long shower, hoping that the heat would calm me down. I really needed to sleep. I spent the entire shower thinking of Jamie. Wishing I could see him again. Not only because I wanted to know he was okay, but because I wanted…well I wanted him. I wanted to be near him, to hear him laugh. To look at his amazing blue eyes and see the attraction that I hoped I hadn’t imagined. Jamie…where are you?
Afterwards, wrapped in a towel and feeling slightly better, I flopped down on my bed. I meant to lay there for a minute or two then get up and dry off so I could really go to sleep. I must have been more exhausted than even I thought. The next thing I knew I was awake. And not just awake but tingling all over. My eyes popped open.
Jamie! He was there, sitting on my bed, his hand hovering over my chest. He looked a little guilty, like he had been caught in the cookie jar. He could have my cookies any time he wanted! I was so happy to see him, I almost jumped on top of him before I remembered that I would end up face planting on the floor.
“Jamie, I’m so glad you’re okay. I missed you!” I didn’t even think before I spoke. Afterwards, I felt kind of stupid. That was until I saw his shy returning smile.
“I missed you too, Cam. I wanted to make sure I was ready to talk about it rationally before I came back to you.” While he was talking he started stroking my chest again, running his bubbly soft touch all over. When he brushed against my nipples, I let out a sigh.
“That feels nice,” I mumbled. I must have had a goofy smile on my face because Jamie laughed quietly. His face turned wistful.
“I wish I could really touch you,” He murmured. I was slightly surprised.
“You do?” I had assumed our little thing was mostly one sided. I mean, he kind of flirted, but I didn’t think he meant anything by it.
“Of course I do. I mean I guess people are more open about what they want now. But couldn’t you tell?” He leaned forward and brushed his lips across the same nipple. I shuddered.
“I thought it was just me.” He shook his head.
“Not just you. Lay back.” His voice was smoky and a little breathy. I did as he asked, not even caring when my forgotten towel slipped open.
Jamie looked at me with awe in his eyes. His hands were reverent, tickling me with that half touch that made my stomach all trembly.
“You’re so gorgeous,” He whispered. I blushed, but my embarrassment was lost in the swirling rivers of sensation he was causing. I was getting harder by the second, marveling at how turned on I was. I moaned and arched my back slightly, closing my eyes. Was this really happening?
I felt Jamie’s hands move lower, testing the muscles in my abdomen. I giggled a little as the sparkly feeling engulfed my stomach. A second later, I forgot that I had been laughing. I forgot about everything.
Jamie sighed, as he used both hands to surround my already hard shaft. I lifted my hips into the feeling, part of me wanting to feel the pressure of a real touch, but so amazed at the hot and cold chills that I barely missed it. My hips started moving, and I groaned out loud. Jamie leaned over and kissed the tip of my shaft gently. Oh my god. This had to be the most erotic moment of my life. He stuck out his ghostly tongue and licked me from my base, all the way around the head. I thrashed against my bed.
It only took a minute or two for me to loose it. Between my wonder at this first time experience, and the glory of the feelings he was causing, I couldn’t hold back the rapids that were crashing through my body, taking control of everything. I shoved a pillow into my mouth when I came, stifling the scream that wanted to come out.
I fell back against my pillows sweaty, heart pumping. I had just had the most explosive orgasm of my life and no one had actually even touched me. It was amazing.
I lay there silently for a while, letting my breathing calm. Jamie continued to trail his fingers over me in a relaxing sort of otherworldly massage. This gentle touch was almost as amazing as what had just happened. When I was finally calmed, I sat up and reached down to the floor for a pair of track pants.
Jamie looked slightly disappointed when I covered up, but grinned when we connected eyes. I didn’t even know what to say.
“That was…” I began.
“Nice,” He finished. “It feels good for me too, you know. Not like really touching you would feel. Or having you touch me. But it’s still good.” He sighed, and I could literally see him picturing us actually touching each other. God, I wanted that too.
“Jamie?” He reached out and brushed his fingers across my nipples. I shuddered.
“I don’t want to, but we probably need to talk about the newspaper articles.” He grimaced.
“I know. It was so nice for a while to pretend we didn’t have to.” I nodded agreeing, then waited for him to say something. When he didn’t, I prompted him.
“What happened that night? We can’t do anything about it until you tell me.”
Jamie took a deep breath and began.
“We had been back at school for a little over a month. I was so happy, living with Gray, being a part of the fraternity. Everything seemed perfect. I didn’t mind keeping Gray and I a secret as long as I had him. We were vigilant, making sure that no one ever saw any touches, any looks.” He looked around at the walls. “We slept together for the first time in this room. We had never had the opportunity before. There had always been other people around.” I tried to control my jealousy. I hated Gray Turner for having Jamie first.
“I thought Gray loved me as much as I loved him. That he would do anything for me. Put his life on the line for me. I would have done it for him.” Jamie’s face twisted in a bitter smile. “Turns out he didn’t love me nearly as much as I thought.”
I wanted to comfort him, to pull him into my arms. It was so frustrating to only be able to sit there and listen.
“On the night of Halloween, we came back from a party a little drunk. We usually were careful about locking our door before we went to bed, but that night we must have forgotten. Anyway, we started making love, and I guess because we weren’t totally sober, we forgot that we had to be quiet. One of the guys heard us, and he must have thought we were fighting. He got a few other brothers and burst into the room, ready to break up the fight. I’m sure you know what he found.” My mouth opened in horror.
“Oh, Jamie,” I whispered. I didn’t know what else to say.
“Gray jumped up immediately. I thought he was going to defend me, to make up a story about how we were drunk or something, but I guess he panicked. He told the guys I jumped on him and started kissing him when he was asleep. He said he wanted me to get the hell away from him. That I was disgusting. I was so shocked I just stood there in silence. I didn’t even think to defend myself.” He was trembling, and he looked even whiter than usual. I felt awful.
“Hey, do you want to stop? We can talk about this another night.”
“No. Let’s get it over with.” He looked determined. “So I think you can guess the ending. After he stormed out, I sat in our room by myself, heart broken and terrified. It was about midnight when they came for me. I still don’t know if it was an accident, or if they really meant to kill me, but they came at me shouting horrible names and telling me I was going to hell. The last thing I remember seeing is Gray running into the room shouting at them to stop.
The next time I came to, I was like this, and the room was empty. All of my stuff was gone and so was Gray’s. He never came back.” Jamie had tears running down his cheeks. I hadn’t known that it was possible for ghosts to cry.
There were about a million emotions battling in my body. I felt awful for Jamie, I wanted to be this avenging angel and go after the people who had done this to him, but more than anything I ached to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. That I would never do anything like that to him.
He hiccupped and smiled softly.
“You know it actually felt good to tell you about it. It helped to have someone like you to listen.” The trust in his eyes melted my heart.
“Now all we have to do is figure out what you need for closure. I need to know who they were.”
Jamie listed the names, and I wrote them down. I planned to look them up in the photo album that I had put back downstairs, and then start my hunt. Everyone who hurt Jamie was going to have to pay somehow. Including Gray Turner. Especially Gray Turner.
It was actually pretty easy to figure out what happened to the three guys who attacked Jamie. In the weird way the universe worked, they had all kind of paid for it in some way. The first guy, Peter, the one who had actually killed Jamie, kind of went crazy after that night. Who knows if it was the guilt, or if he had always been unbalanced. He ended up in the mental hospital, where he stayed until he died sometime in the eighties of cancer.
Neither one of his two accomplices faired much better. Brian, Pete’s roommate, had gone to Vietnam a few years later, having never really finished enough credits to graduate. His helicopter was bombed out of the sky somewhere outside of Da Nang. No one survived. Mike, the last guy, didn’t have a particularly violent death. Just a slow decent into oblivion. He ended up as a used car salesman at some seedy lot out on the highway. He drank himself to an early grave about five years ago, leaving behind a sour wife and a few kids.
I felt a little thrill of vindication when I finally dug up the details on the last guy’s life and death. They deserved to be miserable. They deserved every thing they got.
To Jamie’s credit, he didn’t cheer and holler when he found out the fates of his attackers. It showed how amazing of a person he was that he could still feel some pity for people who had done something so awful to him.
The one mystery was Gray. He had left the fraternity the night of Jamie’s murder and never returned. There wasn’t any record of him graduating from the college, no record of him getting married, dying. Nothing. I had thought that he would be the easiest to find, since his family was so rich and well known. That turned out to be the opposite of the truth. I really hoped he was still around. I knew I needed to find him if we had a chance of resolving Jamie’s issues.
After that, Jamie started coming to my room every single night. I’m sure, looking back, that the other guys in my house probably wondered what the hell happened to me. I spent every night holed up in my room ‘talking on the phone’. I had made up some bogus story of a long distance girlfriend, so they wouldn’t think I was in there talking to myself. They must have thought I was the biggest lovesick whipped loser in the whole world. I just didn’t want to spend any more time away from Jamie then I had to.
We had so much fun together, talking for hours, watching movies, playing games (the brat was amazing at chess!). I felt like I had a real honest to goodness boyfriend for the first time. I loved it. I knew in the back of my head as soon as I found Gray it would be over and Jamie would be gone. I tried to push that fact to the furthest back corner of my brain.
There were other nights like that first one too, when he would touch me with his hands and his lips until I was biting my pillow and coming so hard I nearly blacked out. I loved those nights too. It was hard to say what my favorite part of Jamie was. I didn’t want to admit it out loud, but I was falling in love with him.
Of course I should have known It was too good to last. Of course.
I don’t know if it was bad or good, but through some twist of luck, I eventually did find Gray Turner. I guess it had less to do with luck, then with me running into one of the Kappa Pi girls who loved to flirt with me. Turned out she worked at the alumni association, and was more than happy to help. I felt a little guilty for using my status to get what I wanted, but then I figured most of the guys did it all the time. And I really didn’t know how else to find him.
For a moment, when I was standing in the alumni office with his current address and phone number on a slip of paper in my hand, I thought about pretending I hadn’t found him so I could keep Jamie. I felt horribly selfish, but I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do without him. The thought made me sick to my stomach. The part of me that was happy for Jamie fought against the part of me that wanted to cry out in pain. Gray Turner meant Jamie’s departure.
In the end I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t be yet another person who betrayed him. I carried the hated slip of paper home with me and waited in my room, chest aching queerly, for Jamie to get there.
The news that I had found Gray didn’t hit Jamie like I expected it to. He was a little bit happy, like I thought he’d be, but he also looked a bit crestfallen. Like a kid who lost their favorite toy. I hoped that look meant he would miss me as much as I was going to miss him. He thanked me, and sat next to me for a long time that night. We talked quietly about mostly nothing. Neither one of us wanted to predict what was going to happen when he finally got his chance to confront the man he had loved. We didn’t even want to think about it.
It took a lot of nerve, but I decided to it would be best visit Gray in person instead of calling him. I had one hell of a crazy story to tell him, and I had no idea how he was going to take it. I waited until dinnertime, figuring my best shot was to get him to agree to come with me tonight. I definitely didn’t want to give him the chance to sleep on the whole thing!
I was lost for a while before I managed to find the swanky apartment building he lived in. It was in an affluent area of downtown, close to designer boutiques and markets selling fancy imported food. I had never really checked this area out. I decided that I didn’t really like it. Who wants to feel like they’re getting the sidewalk dirty just because they’re not walking on it in Manolos?
I spun some story for the security guard at his building about being from the Sigma Epsilon historical committee or some crap. I hoped Gray Turner believed it long enough for me to get into his apartment. I was going to have to do some fast talking. My only saving grace was being armed with details about Jamie that only he would know. I had no choice but to make him believe me. It was Jamie’s only chance.
The man who opened the door to the spacious pent house apartment had to be seventy years old but was still handsome and well kept in that classic American good looks way. He looked like he could have stepped out of one of those Ralph Lauren ads where they show those big disgustingly beautiful families lounging in their perfect cape cod surroundings. Yeah. I still hated him. But I had to be nice and get him warmed up before I hit him with the big bomb. I still didn’t know how I was going to bring that up.
“Hi, Mr. Turner. My name is Cameron Tate. I’m working on the Sigma Epsilon house history project. We’re talking to all the alumni who still live in the area.” He looked a bit wary.
“I’ll have to be honest, son. I was only in Sigma Ep for a year. I withdrew from the college after that.” I struggled to keep my questions light. Just get him talking.
“That’s okay, sir. Any little interesting details would be great.”
We chit chatted for a minute, but I could see that he wasn’t quite buying my story. In fact, I could feel the subtle shift towards the door. I knew he was going to try to get rid of me soon. I had to stop it, or the next thing I knew I’d be out in the hallway and no closer to helping Jamie. I took a deep breath.
“Mr. Turner, I haven’t been one hundred percent honest with you.” I didn’t want to pause very long and give him a chance to kick me out, so I pushed through. “I am in the Sigma Epsilon house and I am doing some research, but there is no historical project. I’m here on my own.”
“Kid, you aren’t here about the Halloween murder are you? I’ve been telling people for fifty years that I don’t want to discuss it.” He looked angry. The subtle push towards the front door became much more noticeable.
“Mr. Turner…Gray. The truth is, I’m here because there’s someone we both know, and love, who desperately needs your help.” He froze.
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about Jamie.” He didn’t even hesitate.
“I think you need to leave,” He choked out. Even hearing the name seemed too much for him.
“Mr. Turner, I know this sounds crazy but I’m serious. I know Jamie. He’s real. I can prove it to you.”
“Jamie Douglas has been dead for fifty years.”
“Fifty years tomorrow,” I confirmed. His face twisted. I imagined that Halloween must not be his favorite day. He started pushing me towards the door. I had to act quickly.
“Jamie’s favorite song is I only have eyes for you. He said it used to remind him of the way you looked at each other.” I blurted out. “And you went to see Ben Hur at the Egyptian theater on your first real date. You told him Stephen Boyd was one of the first guys you ever had a crush on.” He was starting to believe me. I hit him with my ace. “The first time you kissed him was at the dorms, when you guys were talking about your first big Sigma party. Come softly to me was playing on the radio.” I hoped to hell he remembered that.
I could see Gray’s eyes widen. He remembered. He also knew there was no way anyone but him and Jamie had known those things. Gray walked over to a chair in the entrance and sank into it. I was kind of afraid he was having a heart attack or something.
“Jamie,” He murmured. The pain was so obvious in his face. Whatever bad choices Gray Turner made, he had loved Jamie. Probably still did.
“Mr. Turner. Jamie needs your help. Will you come with me?” I could barely believe it, but he nodded. “Thank you so much for believing me. Let’s go.”
We were sitting in my room waiting for Jamie, me on my bed, Gray on the armchair in the corner. I could tell he hated being in the house, even more in this room. He kept looking at a spot on the floor. I was pretty sure that’s the last place he had ever seen Jamie, but I didn’t want to even think about it.
At midnight, Jamie appeared as usual. He smiled a big sunny smile and said, “Hey Cam,” before reaching out to brush my cheek in what had become an achingly familiar gesture. He froze when he heard the shocked intake of breath that came from my easy chair. Jamie turned slowly. He wavered for a second before becoming solid again.
“Gray?” The man was obviously older, but there was no mistaking that classic face. Jamie’s mouth dropped wide open. Gray looked like he was having a hard time breathing. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before he finally spoke.
“Oh, God, Jamie. I’m so sorry.” He had tears running openly down his cheeks.
“Why did you do it, Gray? Why did you say those things?” Jamie was crying too. Gray reached out towards him, but Jamie flinched away.
“God, babe, I don’t know.” I cringed at the endearment, hating it. I wanted to tell Gray that Jamie was mine now but I knew that would sound insane. “I panicked. I was so insecure and I didn’t want the guys to think less of me, so I just put the blame on you and took off. I had no idea they would do what they did.” Jamie was getting angry.
“You had to know, Gray. That’s the way things were then. They weren’t just going to leave it alone.” Gray looked down at the floor, shame filling his face. He was crying openly now, reliving the guilt and horror of that night.
“I was coming back to apologize, to tell the truth. To tell you and anyone else who wanted to hear that I loved you. When I got to the room and saw Pete on top of you I started screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to rip him off of you, but it was too late. You were gone.”
Jamie shook his head slowly, processing what Gray had told him. Gray looked a little desperate.
“Jamie, you’ve gotta know that I have thought about that night every single day my entire life. I loved you. That’s the truth.”
Jamie’s face was filled with pain.
“I know you did, Gray. I loved you too. I guess it just wasn’t enough.”
Jamie started walking towards the door to the room. As he walked, he slowly disappeared.
Oh my god, was that it? Was I never going to see Jamie again? I started to panic, but then realized I had an emotional old man sitting in my room crying, and I needed to get him the hell out of there so I could break down in peace.
“Mr. Turner?” I whispered, afraid to upset him more. “Mr. Turner?” I repeated. “Thank you so much for coming. It was important for Jamie to see you.” He wasn’t responding to my words, so I went over to him, and put my arm around him, shuffling him to the door.
He sat in my car, eyes glazed over and hands trembling.
“Mr. Turner? Gray? Are you all right?” I knew he wasn’t, but I had to say something. Finally he replied.
“You know, I think I might be. I’ve been waiting to apologize to him for fifty years. It felt good to finally be able to say it.” I honestly didn’t care about Gray Turner’s feelings, I just didn’t want to be responsible for him having a massive stroke or something.
“I think it helped Jamie to hear it, too.” He smiled a hal
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Anna White had lots of secrets. Secrets that she didn’t share with anybody. She especially didn’t share them with her husband. Anna and her husband Timothy had their ups and downs. Anna was a bit wild for her introverted husband.He was very shy and didn’t like to go out much. Anna was extroverted and liked to party. She liked going to clubs and dancing. Timothy would rather die and stayed home when she went out. He never questioned anything she did. Anna and Timothy had just had a baby...
MILFHi Readers, On the onset, I would again like to thank the few people who have read the incident thus far and have taken the trouble of sharing their views with me. All the feedbacks are valuable to me ( to be honest, not all..!!), so please keep expressing your views to the email Id Your feedbacks give me enthusiasm to keep sharing my incident. What I look forward is the views of mothers ( I dont know whether any mother reads such stuff or not, but if there is any would like to hear from...
IncestA Crossdresser' s Surprise - by: by Deborah Pinto I guess I should have seen it coming. My wife, Virginia, and I were drifting apart sexually, and I should have suspected that she was having an affair. Afterall, we had not made love in over a year except for one night she had come home a little drunk from her office Christmas party and had virtually raped me in the middle of the night. I remember her laughing and saying, "Tim, what's wrong with you tonight? You feel so tiny inside...
The argument all boiled down to who was responsible. The Voice blamed the committee ... the committee blamed the laxity of the inventors. "This machinery is centuries old and nothing lasts for ever," said the Caretakers. "The problem wasn't supposed to take this long to fix," said the Voice. "Well ... we do the best we can with who we get ... the basic change will have to come from Earth or Cassandra is dead," Elizabeth said. "This beginning of the end started with Miguel de...
It was the summer of 1998 and 25- year-old Elliot Johnson was working as a mechanic in his small town. That day he had just gotten back from lunch when a 1993 Mazda Protege was towed into the shop and a beautiful lady came in. The lady is Emma Thomas and ever since she moved here she has been turning heads because of how beautiful she is. She said, "I can't believe it I have so much business to tend to and I just got copies made and I came out and my car won't start." Elliot...
After the fun I had had with Jane, I decided it was time for me to get out and about and meet other transvestites. I had a taste for sucking tranny cock, and I wanted more. I couldn’t believe myself, after one evening of hot tranny sex I was a cock hungry slut, who couldn’t wait to get her red lips round another hard and sweet cock.I decided that the best way to meet girls was to go on one of their nights out. I chatted To Jane online as usual, and she told me of a night out in Glasgow in a...
Today was My Wifes birthday, and I had to go out and pick Roses present up this morning. Rose was awake chatting on the Internet all night when I left. While I was out getting her present she stayed home and was online all day. Rose was sitting down naked at the computer and surfing the web. She then went to a search engine and typed in k9 for dogs, as she had been talking about getting another pet. She thought she could do some research. She clicked on a couple of links until she came upon a...
I'm Madiha . I want to share the experience of how I lost my virginity in one of the most unlikely circumstances. This happened around 1 year ago.We had a marriage of one of my cousins in my native village.But,since I had my practicals just the day before which I cannot skip. My father stayed with me ,while my mother and younger brother went to the function a week earlier.Our native village was a 10 hr journey from my place by bus,but my father decided to drive in our car as it will be faster...
I'm sure Gary saw the dread in my eyes just as he said "Ready for round 2?" He talked me up while positioning me on all fours on top of my bed. He informed me that "it does get better" which I struggled with as he pushed his cock into my backside hole. I grunted loudly and gave out a faint sob as he began to slowly work in and out of my body. My hole was heating up, the friction was extremely hard. Gary's strokes went deeper as did my pain. I yelled out a few swear words and slammed my fist...
The scariest moment in Jeff's life happened the next day. Allen Williams had called the night before and asked Jeff to come over for a man-to-man talk. Under the circumstances, Jeff was pretty sure it had to do with his relationship with Kari. While he knew Allen pretty well by this time, it did nothing to quell his dread of that conversation. After the math lesson the next day, Allison drove the two of them back over to the Williams house and dropped them off. Jeff stood there staring at...
This happened to me a 3 years back. It was the marriage of one of my another mosi. My family and my mosi’s family all went there. I was desperate and attracted to something towards her. The marriage was over. The next day everyone was so tired that everyone was in sound sleep including me and my lovely mosi. She was a raandi. She was so sexy that anyone will die to fuck her. I have seen her fucking her devar many times. Back to the story now. Everyone was sleeping in a roomy, mosi was also in...
IncestI woke up and looked over at my calendar. It was Sundaymorning, the day of the prom. Last night after we had our fun, I sent Ella and Lily home. I told them both to get ready and that I’d pick them up at 6:30 (the prom started at 7). I looked over at the clock and saw that it was already noon, so I started getting ready for tonight.I got dressed and went to my car to run some errands. First I went to Men’s Warehouse to pick up my tux. Then, I went to a jewelry store and bought a few things for...
Love StoriesI was a young rebel in my days, when I was a lad of 22. I was always horny, and being an aggressive and accomplished fighter pilot in the Indian Air Force with a medal for being the best fighter pilot in the IAF added to my stud appeal. During the days leading up to my joining the Air Force, I was a Boy Scout and later became a Scout Master at the age of 18. Yes, I was pretty young to be in charge of a bunch of adolescent teenagers, being one myself, but I was quite responsible and...
Straight SexGrief was a lonely emotion, and if it wasn’t, I couldn’t tell you so. For months, covered in the devil’s sweat, shivering like a kitten caught in the fridge, my father suffered. I remembered sitting at his bedside for hours, soon leaving his blanket with a salty stain, I ambled away to stare out a window. Then suddenly, I blinked, and he was gone. The world had decided for me that I did not need a father. I think the world made a mistake. So I moved towards the exit in this place of death. My...
"Confessions of Lust " I remember the morning when they finally caught me. It was unusually cold in my native Los Angles and the police had just caught the hill side strangler. Later under interrogation I would find this exceedingly funny as this bastard stole what should have been my pivotal role in penal lore. Yes I know, he killed people and I didn’t. Not that I wanted to, but in retrospect I probably should have, or I wouldn’t be sitting here now. Listening to these two fat ass pretentious...
"I talked to the Rector today," Jennie said one Saturday morning in late summer. "Yes, what about?" George asked - looking up from his newspaper which he had been reading while Jennie had gone to get a few things from the shop. He realised she had been gone quite a while, but he wasn't surprised - Jennie was integrating in the little village fast. "About our wedding," Jennie replied. "It seems he has an opening in 4 weeks time - someone cancelled on the trivial grounds that the...
***** I knew it was wrong, but like a drug I couldn’t stop watching dog porn, I knew that this addiction would have consequences and this is my confession. I found it one day by accident and ever since that day when I stumbled across the first picture of a woman being mounted by a large black dog not a day went past where I didn't fantasise about being fucked by a dog. Over the months I pulled together a huge collection of pictures, stories and videos, all in secret without my husband...
I include this story as a tribute to a special person and the fun we have had xxSECRET SUPPERSLydia was busy preparing the vegetables for another dinner party she was catering for. She dealt in secrets. In fact she’d made a business out of it. ‘Secret Suppers’ had been flourishing for many years now. Her client list was extensive, and impressive. Local civic leaders, company directors, the nouveau riche. The idea was simple, the glamorous hostess passed of Lydia’s delicious food as her own,...
Hi I am Vijay again. And this is my story to iss. Earlier I had submitted the encounter with Ruksa (who was my neighbor). This time this is with wife of maid (maid was working in our village with our grand mother’s place). This all happened when I went to my grand mother’s place on vacation. There was maid named Riyaz who was working with them for at least 5 years. In my grand mother’s place there were grand mother, my mama (mom’s brother) and his wife and their kids who were going to school. ...
The next day I handed out assignments. In a break from tradition I set no watch and we would all fit in the diurnal cycle of the planet. If we all slept at the same time then we would all have our meals at the same time. We would be like a family on the ship I had grown up on. I made temporary groupings the same as the first night. The experienced crew would get to teach the inexperienced portion. Everybody had to continue with their education and some work would get done on building what we...
Nagwa was a good Muslim wife. She always kept herself covered as she went into public. She respected her husband and cared for her c***dren.Nagwa enjoyed things the way they were but her husband Ahmed seemed to be restless lately. It has started when he was assigned to work with the American who was doing some kind if study here in Egypt. In some ways his changed personality was a pleasant change for Nagwa as he seemed much more passionate in his love making.That was one aspect of her life that...
Deaf Becomes Her By Susan Brown It was dark and wet. I knew it was dark because I had my eyes open and I couldn't see a thing. I knew it was wet because the rain was pouring down like it was time for Noah to get out the inflatable. I was in the back garden of a Mr. Roland Deaf's residence. He was a quiet man with no unusual habits. My job was to watch his every move and report back to his fianc?e, a Miss Trixie Havalot any unusual, kinky or downright weird things that he m...
Monday morning, Mark came home just before 7:00 to take the kids to school. I asked, “Honey, could you please drop me off at Sheila’s?” I was wearing my bikini again just as Sheila had ordered. Mark studied me for several seconds, then looked away and said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea; you better walk or find another ride.” I was dumfounded. “But honey, I need...” I don’t want the kids to see you dressed like a slut,” he interrupted me. “I don’t have time to drop them off, then come...
Chapter Introduction Stephen Appleyard leads a powerful expeditionary force to Moscow but can a well chosen word more achieve more than an army? Rules of Encounter Neither Grantby nor Ackroyd has ever been to such a hotel. Neither of them. The opulence. The extravagance. The scale. The grandeur — and also the people. Many seem relatively young, younger than either of the policemen. How had they acquired such wealth to be at home in such a hotel at such a modest age? The two glance at one...
Although he felt deep empathy for her condition, Robert's cock was extremely hard and he knew his balls were turning the color of the butterflies on the wall. They were filled with cum and he was in some serious pain. He wondered if fucking her at that moment would be adding insult to injury. "I'm sorry honey, but I can't take it anymore." Robert's words fell on deaf ears however. As he moved on top of her, he saw her cute little butt. The butt of his dreams, he thought. Placing...
her son is 18 At 2:00 am on a friday night Kara goes to see her son Danny at his apartment. She is very drunk and upset about what happened earlier that night. She had no where else to go, so she has the taxi drop her off at her sons. She can't drive like this. She knocks on the door. Her son comes to the door out of breath and dressed in only his boxers. "Mom? What are you doing here at this hour?" Dannys asked. Kara is crying harder at this point and can barely stand...
This is the real story of how I found out, that I’m a perverted and missbehaving, naughtySlut deep inside of me. It was at a party.I met a boy I knew briefly, and never thought that there was any symphaty at all. BecauseAll the many times before, when we passed our ways, he most openly disrespected me.That party it was different. He knew my friends well, so he walked up to us when we arrived and he was waisted out of his mind but still clear enough to sight me. And his Wandering, waisted eyes...
I followed Master Conner along a woodland trail, my breasts jiggling with each step, pulling on the chain that dangled inbetween the clamps which were biting into the rock hard flesh of my nipples. The walk was a quiet one and I had time to contemplate what had happened back at the lodge. My cheeks felt flush thinking of how these strangers had touched me. How I had been whipped with a crop and how I had exposed myself to everyone present. They had all witnessed my weakness. My...
Chelsea was troubled, while she enjoyed spending time with her Professor and Master, she wondered why after several meetings, nights together, and sexual games, he hadn’t actually fucked her! Now Chelsea wasn’t an ‘easy’ girl – it wasn’t like she expected a guy to put the moves on her on the first date. She was a shy, small-town British girl, and she was brought up to be a ‘nice girl’. But even nice girls have desires! And Master had shown he knew what he was doing in pleasing a woman! So why...
John Doe se reposait devant la télévision, assis sur le canapé, l'esprit vaguement concentré sur l'écran et sur la présentatrice qui présentait le JT de 20h de ce dimanche 20 octobre 2019. Il avança sa main et caressa une chevelure blonde. Celle-ci appartenait à une jeune femme vêtue d'un string pour tout vêtement. Cette absence d'autre vêtement dévoilait une poitrine massive. Dernier détail, cette femme avait refermé ses lèvres autour de sa bite et pompait cette dernière avec enthousiasme....
Mind ControlI had went out Saturday night and had a good time, I don't know if I did but when I awoke in my hotel room there was a young man in bed with me cuddling me in his arms. My butt was aching and sore, I realized that the pain was from the penis that was lodged up my bung and was still hard. I started to move, the young man holding me begin to hunch up into my butt. He pushed me over to my stomach and as I rolled over he came right on top slipping more of his man hood deeper into my aching bung....
“Yes, a USN ship commandeered the vessel two days ago,” Jake Hedron was saying into his private console imbedded in his desk. “There were fourteen females in five holding cells. The United Southern Nations allowed us to return them to the States after they got statements from each one. If we hadn’t intervened, the girls would have had trouble proving they were U.S. citizens – no papers, you know. They could have all been sold into slavery as illegal immigrants.” “Well,” his grandfather said,...
When this incidence happened I was enjoying my long holidays after my joining to my new company. Just to refresh your memory about me. I am a well built man with 5’11” height in late 20s, born & brought up at Bangalore, presently staying in kolkata due to my job. This lady was really a slut. Aged around 30, she had two school going childs. Her name was Smita. Her height was around 5’5”, brownish white color with voluminous boobs, beautiful & big swinging ass & flat stomach. She was not less...
Hello guys.. Thank you so much apke feedback ke liye or mai sabko reply ni kar paayi uske ke sorry. Or haa jo meri chut ka maza real me lena chahta h wo anytime invited h meri place me.. Or dosto mai raipur ki rehne wali..sorry phle part me ni btane k liye.. Ab mai apni story me aati hu.. Guys wo police ab muje har roz chodne laga tha..Hum dono ko bas bahana chaiye hota tha kapde faadne ka.. Kartik hmesa meri ghar me 9:30 ko aa hi jaata or sham tak mere sath chudai ki class leta..Isi chalte...
Slowly I close my eyes and let the music take control, moving me to its rhythms and beats until I am lost in it. As I move I begin touching myself imagining that it is your hands on my body, your hands touching my breasts, your hands pinching and pulling my nipples, your finger in my mouth, your hands running through my hair, your hands running over my stomach and hips, your hands stroking my bottom and thighs, your nails dragging across my crotch. The music changes tempo a bit and I open...
Hailey's chair rolled back and hit the wall as she stood up. Her red stilettos marched out of sight. “Out!” she snapped. Vanessa and I exchanged nervous looks, then clambered awkwardly out from underneath the huge desk. Hailey was standing a metre or so away, filming our ungainly emergence on her phone. No one was entirely sure why Hailey worked here. She certainly didn't seem to do very much. One rumour said she'd been given the job so TB could keep a familial eye on her, after some...
Group SexTuesday was our first real day off to just go have some fun since I got to Kokomo. And it was my first experience riding with Courtney. She'd only had her license for a little more than a week. She turned sixteen near the end of June and had spent the time I was preparing for Betts' wedding getting her license. Jen pushed me into the front seat and crawled in back to fasten a seatbelt. Court was driving her mother's Volvo and had the seat pulled forward to reach the pedals. It was a crazy...
I was literally jumping up in the air.I shouted “America,here I come”. My name was selected for the Requirement gathering meeting for the new Project for which I will travel onsite. After sloging for 2 years,I was finally considered for this important task. I was called for a meeting.Amit,who was one year senior was among them. Then we had a delivery manager,2 Project Manager and a team lead. All of them married,above 30s and mentally lived in the era of License Raj.2 of them were Tamil...
Caught by Mom PT2Following on from Caught by Mom- Just Fucked the Most Popular Girl in SchoolSuzy wasn’t in school today. The day after we lost out virginities and being caught by Mom. Although Mom enjoyed having me as a ‘companion’ in her bed last night and despite receiving a very nice blowjob, I’m desperate to get my hands on Suzy again. No Suzy at School! After a very long day at school I reluctantly wander home. Could I have misread Suzy’s intensions? Has she lost interest in me? Dragging...
I am a 53 year old busness man living in a college town. I had met Dave in a bar and we are at his apartment in the shower. Now for part two. As Dave got into the shower and we started washing each other he grabbed a bar of soap and said "Turn around and I will wash your back." He started at my head and went down to my ass then he went and washed my asshole and was fingering it, it felt really good. Now it was my turn and I did the same fingering his asshole I could tell he...
She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her, she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds...
About seven years ago I went into a contact site to try and meet a sexy woman, who was married, but had an understanding relationship with her husband. After some searching and introduction messages I finally found a 48 year old married woman who was extremely keen to form a sexual relationship, with the blessing of her husband. We went through the usual initial meetings with her hubby and eventually we made a date for sex in my car. Well was she hot!!! She had told me earlier that this was her...
You never know who might want to suck your cock.I’ve lived in Corvallis for years but had never been into this particular office building downtown until Ben led me there. He opened the glass door into the modern lobby and pointed toward the elevator. “There’s a roofdeck on the fifth floor,” he said as we walked down the empty hallway. He pushed the button.I’d met Ben just this morning on adam4adam; he worked downtown and I lived nearby so he sent me a friendly message. We exchanged some photos,...
Let me tell you about myself first of all. My name is Dawn I’m 22 years old and got married 2 years ago. My marriage is a happy and very eventful one but the following story is the true story of my wedding day and how my life changed for the better since that day. The whole day had gone perfectly timing speeches and now it was the evening due every one was dancing or chatting getting happily drunk, including my husband. I had watched all evening as friends and family supplied him with...
Lessons from a Park Bench Conversation The first thing I noticed, was she had pretty feet. I know, I know, as soon as someone says that, everyone thinks you're a perv. All you have to do is do a search on "foot fetish" online, and you'll see stuff that would make your head spin. But I'm not like those dudes. Its just ... when a girl has pretty feet, I notice, that's all. The feet were encased in a sexy pair of sandals, and were attached to a nice pair of legs visible under a...
Bad Girl Session 4 Ava traced her bottom lip with her fingers. She could still taste Madison on them. She lost herself in the memory of the wet heat of Maddie’s sweet pussy dancing on her tongue. She bit her lip hard and sucked the last juices off, closing her eyes and savouring the taste. When she opened them again, she found Dr. Prescott watching her from the doorway of her office. She looked different today, she had paired a cream, off-the-shoulder sweater with her standard slate grey...