LeefsticChapter 17 free porn video

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The next day I handed out assignments. In a break from tradition I set no watch and we would all fit in the diurnal cycle of the planet. If we all slept at the same time then we would all have our meals at the same time. We would be like a family on the ship I had grown up on.

I made temporary groupings the same as the first night. The experienced crew would get to teach the inexperienced portion. Everybody had to continue with their education and some work would get done on building what we needed. Consti was kept busy to allow her to get over her loss

Zolanda and I worked on designing the forth size of precision fabricators. We needed the largest possible and the base we were now in was much too small. The eighth size of fabricator was needed for our research vessel but if we moved up to the size of ship that Zolanda controlled at one time the fabricator needed to be one size bigger again.

The proposed base on my other property could take even this but there would be difficulty getting the very large keel, ribs and hull plate out of Earth's gravity well without the parts being detected. A shield would have to be built around each member and this would be a ship in itself. Much better to move the fabricator to the far side of the moon and build bigger units in that location. A keel 2,400 metres long was best done in one continuous process. The ribs, though shorter, were the same way.

Computing power would be in very short supply and this too had to be addressed. It would be great to have large crystals but the smaller units forming multiple processors would have to do. After the next meal we sat and discussed the proposed base on the moon and what we would need. More details about Zolanda's past came out and this was the direction I wanted to follow. The fantastic speeds attributed to the ship came up again but we couldn't see how this could possibly be done.

Wreckage had been found all through the system and both Odava and Tommy went out to get it. This made sleeping arrangements different again. I got my old boat while the ship had Tommy's odd craft. They would only be gone a few days but they had very many millions of kilometres to cover and with frequent stops to pick up what the probes had found.

Probes had detected many fragments in museums but none of them were valuable to us. They could shed very little light on what the portion was originally of. The Earth had not been fully searched for the probes had difficulty in deep mineral laden water or with a large amount of overburden. The search continued but nothing of importance was discovered.

More cycles passed and the base was now like home. Designs were made for up to the ninth precision fabricator. We had the two smaller sizes still operational except the first which was used to feed the second. It was too small for much anyway. The forth size had been constructed in small pieces and shuttled to the moon. Margaret and Tom had built a small dome there for us. It wasn't hidden bellow the surface but was on the side facing away from the planet.

My own mind was monitored for the mental improvements we began a half year earlier. I found that my thinking had been clearer in recent days and talked to the girls about it. They too agreed with me on this but we decided to pretend that nothing had happened until the process was complete. It had to be monitored most of the time but the body could carry on with a small job at a time.

Sandra, Megan and Consti set up the power to the new lunar base we were building by constructing a fair sized reactor. The mining machinery made on Earth dug up lunar regolith to feed the precision fabricator that was assembled by the rest of us. Temporary billets of purified material were produced. When the time came to make some parts the semi-processed material would be available. It was important to do so in a continuous stream or the part would not come out right.

We built long curved ribs that were hung far above us for our dome. This alone took us three cycles to secure to the moon's crust and to each other. When the shield as finally energised the smaller dome underneath was dismantled.

This new dome was twelve kilometres in diameter and six high. The material under the dome had our strongest hull plate for the weight that would be upon it would be great even with the lesser gravity. Air could be easily manufactured to fill the dome but there was really no need with the suits we always wore.

A large nearby crater wall had disappeared to provide materials for the fifth precision fabricator and the associated infrastructure. Zolanda moved all the time so she would control the largest machines. Small computers were made but the large one we needed to power the fabrication process was the bottleneck. Only Odava and I could do most of the work with getting the substrate into the proper position in the computer. It was a matter of feel and not what a person could learn. In all this time we had not even completed one yet.

More of the moon's rough features disappeared as they went into our dome to become more machinery. The mining machinery though got considerably larger so the job could go faster.

Tom and Margaret officially moved out of Canada a year ago now. All of the property was sold in Victoria. People could still phone but they believed it was our call forwarding feature. Consti's features changed to resemble the girls. They went to Earth quite a few times for pleasure which meant to shop usually. Odava and Ichom were the only ones that didn't want to go to the uncivilised place. They didn't mind the deserted beaches and even the jungles as long as there were no people or large predators around.

Odava and I finished the computer and put it through its paces. It was not a quick as Zolanda but had lots of extra features. Sadly after testing we found that it would not work well with any but the smallest fabricator on the moon; the class four. Research told us that she didn't have the control that Zolanda had. Part of this could be the speed of one large crystal but it was also a timing problem. Tommy had given it the name Max but it didn't live up to the nomenclature.

There was nothing to do but try again. We all worked on what would be needed and tried to come up with a better design. We even built a larger processing module. There was some improvement but not enough to run a five never mind the ninth. Here again I realized that this work should have been much more difficult than it would have been without my mental improvement. It wasn't that obvious but the insights came when they were needed just like when I had Soldoy with me to give me hints. Now it was my own subconscious doing the assisting.

Cycles later the newest computer was complete. There were nine large processor modules each the size of what Max was now. After tests we found it could handle a class five adequately but again not the sixth precision fabricator.

Mindful of my promise to Zolanda, I began to build a ship that she could control herself with a full suite of sensors, tractors and weapons. There was very little space on it not devoted to one job or another. Zolanda helped me design the ship but I was the one that wanted it as safe as possible for her. At least I didn't have to put a computer into it. It would be the fastest ship I knew of for there was only limited life support facilities for a few people that may need to work on her systems.

The family worked with me on this but they were unhappy with the possible prospect of Zolanda leaving. I explained that she might not leave but she just had the freedom to go if she wished. Consti wanted to scrub the crystal and then we would have no need of this foolish loyalty arrangement. I remembered Soldoy and knew him as a friend. Friends gave each other breathing room when they needed it. If Zolanda was a real friend she would stay and help. Given enough time a computer would one day be built to handle the nine and the same kind could control the ship that could safely go between the stars.

The fabricators were kept busy making equipment. With the current project moving well, the more delicate or the large jobs were given to Zolanda. My old crew could not see the AI as that much of a person but the Humans saw all the AIs as intelligent beings with feelings. Part of this was because when I first introduced Borin I said she was alive and they had to treat her as a lady. Then again Humans are very unsophisticated and they may have done as I wanted even without any guidance.

When the ship was eventually complete Zolanda was moved over to it. The process took only a day to get her hooked up to the systems, the same as to the fabricators. She wanted to take a test flight. Tommy cried thinking his friend and mentor would be leaving and in a way so did I.

She lifted off easily enough and sped out of the system. She was configured the same way as the Seffra ships that would partially negate the Mardaf Limit. On the way she reported how the ship functioned until she was out of range of any of our probes. Megan and Sandra had some tears in their eyes but dutifully returned to their jobs.

Consti was angry at me for letting such a valuable piece of equipment leave but kept her tongue because I was still captain. Odava and Ichom were half way between Humans and Seffra in what they thought of AIs. At the moment they were more strongly influenced by the crying Humans.

Plans had been laid in for even more sophisticated computers and we just continued with what we had to do. The new ship's construction may even take longer now that we saw the difficulty of building a suitable computer to oversee the construction.

Consti came to me a few days after Zolanda left and wanted to talk in private. "Leefstic, I been wondering why you have been avoiding me. I need sex as strongly as your wives do. I have talked to Sandra and Megan about this. They are not opposed in any way to you and I in temporarily alliance."

I replied, "I have been very busy to even make love to my wives the way they need. I love you but we are not the kind to marry each other. There are just too many differences."

"I was not asking to join your family. You are attractive and I know you find me the same way. I just need some sex from time to time."

"Why don't you take on Tommy for a while to see what he's like?"

"He tries very hard but he is far beneath me intellectually. He's also just an alien boy."

"That is true but if he were raised to our level he would at least have the intelligence. Given time and with his drive he may even supercede what we can do."

She laughed at that then saw that I was serious. "Even if he will, he is still an alien boy. Only you have married outside our race."

I disregarded the slur and said, "It has been almost two local years since I came to this system. The boy is growing and will mature. I think he will make a fine crew member. Will you assist me in raising Tommy to the level he deserves and in turn you may join my wives in a temporary manner?"

"He is an alien Leefstic. You can't force me to do this."

"I am not forcing you at all. Tommy needs your presence and cooperation for half of a cycle. It's only intended to raise his consciousness. Complete this and I will not only be grateful but we will have sex when my wives have it too."

"I don't like this. It is still like you are forcing me. We are the only Seffra here and it is your duty to help me in this manner."

"Tommy is part of our crew too. I'm looking for his welfare as well as yours. You may not like the idea of mating with races other than ours but you find my wives intelligent, very charming and easy to get along with. They would risk their lives for you and I think you would do the same. There just seems to be a bit of hypocrisy here. Perhaps you should discuss this with Sandra and Megan to see how they feel about it."

Consti left a bit angry. I had been planning this for a long time and I wanted it to work as easily as possible. I had hoped that she would love the boy and she did but like the way a Human loved a pet. Even though I had toned down Tommy's response to puberty he still saw Consti as the only available female. Consti saw the same thing and didn't like it.

Consti avoided Tommy for a few days then went back to the way it used to be. After coming to this system Consti had toned down her bodies need for sex but I had encouraged Megan and Sandra to not hide their feelings. The same thing had been done to their parents. This may not be a good way for a race to function but it may be necessary in the present circumstances.

The Humans on the planet had no knowledge of us. They had sent some probes to Mars and were thinking of coming back to their nearest neighbour. This may mean more interest in the dark side of the moon where we were. We would now stand out for we were now in the centre of a very large plane that had been rough terrain when the last photographs had been taken.

Phone calls from Earth had come less and less except from the telemarketers that had our old number. The Human portion of our crew were not really put out by this but felt a bit sad at the same time. When they now went to Earth their old friends were quite a bit different from them. They could sense the disparity in minds now and didn't feel comfortable.

I was sold additional minerals even if I didn't need them right away. Our production of parts had not stopped though. The cruiser's design was in memory and we continued to build the smaller parts. The largest structural members would just have to wait until the class nine was completed and especially operational. Otherwise we would have to make the ship in smaller portions with less hull integrity.

A smaller dome was started almost a thousand kilometres away. This one was only four kilometres in diameter and two high. The material for this dome was taken from the material under which the dome itself would go. Again decking was placed over the entire area with half of the total area considerably lower in elevation. This was not the usual dome for fabricating. The contours were rolling and in places even rough and extended deeply into the lunar surface. Large lunar rocks had not been turned to dust but had been placed on top of the decking.

Our manufacturing processes produced a large amount of waste materials. One was water and this went into the second dome. Free oxygen was produced and this too went into the dome. We went to Earth to gather the majority of the nitrogen for there was very little in lunar soil.

Microorganisms were brought along with a great deal of soil. Odava and Ichom worked the hardest at this project. Sediment was taken from behind hydroelectric dams. This was put in very thick for the trees we wanted were very large. This situation would help the Humans and give us needed material.

A small reactor provided all the heat and light the living system needed. Trees, insects and shrubbery were added. I looked for the things that would remind the Gossna of their home. Fruit and vegetables were added along with grain that they would like. Vines would someday creep up the interior of the dome and hide some of the dome's artificiality.

Nobody argued with this expenditure of energy. It was a welcome change from building ship parts. We all like growing things anyway. The artificial sun glowed more orange than Earth and made the Gossna feel much more in their natural setting.

Odava and Ichom built one home that their race found comfortable. Other homes were built for us but everybody had a hand in the designing. My family's home had not been started yet and this got me into some trouble with the girls. I was still working on my matchmaking but now the target had shifted. Tall cypress, mangrove and redwoods would start us out but we would work a bit with the genetics so they would adapt better to the gravity. Parasites living in the tree were dealt with until there were no more.

Oak and conifers were planted in upland areas where they could live without having their roots constantly in water. Quick growing plants were introduced for ground cover. The cooler dome was especially fabricated to keep the air moving and provide localised rainfall.

When an area around the Gossna home was done I said to both of my friends, "Odava, do you consider me a friend as well as your captain?"

"Yes I do. If you were not my friend I don't think I would have volunteered to join your race's explorations."

"As a friend and as an authority figure I want to point out that we will not meet any new Gossna for quite a few years. Acting on Ichom's behalf I want to know what your intentions are?"

"Leefstic, I want her as my wife. One day we will have lots of children."

"Odava, my friend, I plan on increasing my own family soon. We are old enough and responsible enough to raise children. I am asking you now as Ichom's guardian. What are your intentions?"

He thought a moment and hung his head. "May I call on Ichom to see if she will have me for a husband?"

Ichom had remained quiet all this time. I simply said, "You may." In an unusual display of emotion Ichom ran to Odava and held him tightly to her. I added, "See, we have saved resources and not had to build another home." I doubt if either of them heard me. I was happy for both of them. They just needed a kick to get them in the proper frame of mind.

Sandra and Megan were currently returning from Earth. They brought back more soil and plant life. An hour later the ship entered the dome through the matter transmitter. It hovered over a thinly covered area and dropped many tonnes of soil. Tractors came out and moved it about. Pressors worked very quickly to compress the soil. A dozen large oak trees were planted so as not to crowd each other and small automated units went out to remove all the vermin that came with the trees and soil. A ways off some balsam were planted so as to overlook the water.

The girls came down when I called and so did Consti. I kissed them all which surprised Consti a bit. I held Sandra's hands and asked, "Do you think this environment is suitable for raising our children?"

"Ah... are you sure Leif?"

"Never more in my life. I have grown two years older as have you. I want to start making a crew and also to hold a new life in my hands and tell the galaxy how happy I am."

She hugged me then with a strength she seldom used. I said, "Do you think our other wife should start working too? If I am going to get a big belly she should too."

I turned to Megan now and held her hands, "Will you give me a child too? It may not be the most romantic way of asking but I think it is important to ask today and even now."

Megan held me tightly too and said, "I want lots of children. You are going to spend all your time making new babies and changing diapers."

"Well you now know my reason for not building a home immediately. Let's design a good one with a fair proportion now set aside for our growing family."

I was dragged to the ship that was floating a few centimetres off the ground a few metres from us. The girls wanted to start right away and not on home designs. In moments I was working hard and when the time came sperm was injected into one then another. Our love making went on for many hours until the girls got sore. I had instinctually settled into a special frame of mind that Seffra males did that ensured that they did their best to produce young. I had more strength that usual and my testicles produced even greater numbers of cells. The girls responded by releasing eggs.

We slept, ate and made love more until it was time to start our day again. The girls were not pregnant but would have to start their monthly cycle again. When the time came I was sure that there would be two additions to our number. The time though would be devoted to getting ready for we eventually had to let our other secret be known and hopefully accepted.

Odava and Ichom now stayed together and all assignments had to keep them that way. It was part of the way the Gossna did things during this time. Margaret and Tom hugged us. They too wanted to enlarge their family and were just waiting for us to begin. Tommy was excited by all this and not upset at all about his parents thinking of giving him another sister or a brother.

Consti was a bit wistful in how she saw things. She kept her feelings hidden but she too would like to start a family.

We took the day off to design and to start building the house. Megan and Sandra good-naturedly argued about the nursery and the number of rooms that had to be set aside for our children. In less than an hour we had what we wanted. It would allow for further expansion. Sandra had asked Megan if she planed on filling the entire dome with her children.

All of us went to Earth and picked up more soil containing living organisms, plus more trees, bushes and shrubs. Some were slated to go around our new home. The home would be much like a ship but would have a white picket fence around a portion of it with some small gates covered with a trellis.

Since I raised the wives to their present intelligence we had made quite a few compromises with the Human and the Seffra body. The latter was much superior in every way. This didn't make it perfect. The things that could be done to make the body closer to perfect were listed along the lines my wives wanted. A larger brain was a given but this required a larger head.

It struck me again that the Seffra must have gone through just such a process. They had stayed very close to what they had looked like before they altered themselves. Internal structure was different where it could not be seen.

Discoveries had been made since the Seffra came on the scene that could be incorporated into our bodies but had not been because of a reluctance to do so. Brain cells could be reduced in size and the number almost doubled. Added circulation would assist in getting oxygen to where it was needed for Seffra brains saw many times more activity than a Human.

Seffra eyes could be improved too with a small increase in size and a new type of receptor found in some reptilian life forms we had run across. It would give a wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum to see by. Very short and very long distances could be seen better and the eyes would not look that much different to what I had now.

Sandra, Megan and I had been slowly altering our bodies to this new standard. They had only the obvious eyes left to do. The improvements to my mind had perhaps gone a bit further in that the brain cells were even smaller with the nerves even closer together. Apart from my maleness I would be similar in appearance to them. They didn't know how far I had pushed myself but if things worked they could join me. I just hoped that I had not gone too far.

With children due to be produced we talked to the rest about the eyes we proposed to make for ourselves. Margaret didn't like this but part of the reasoning was instinct. I had felt the same way not long ago. She wanted her children to be normal but she had to be talked to so she would understand that she was no longer normal herself. If she didn't alter her body and DNA then her children would be the same as any child conceived and born on the planet next door.

Consti didn't like this either. Her body had been great for a long time and there was no reason to change now. She too was little different than what I had thought. The other changes that we talked about seemed beneficial like the eyes but she was still too conservative to adapt.

My wives and I made the last few changes in the coming days. The eyes were larger but more of it was inside the skull. The pupils could open larger and the iris itself was able to capture more infrared and information was sent from there to the optic nerve and to the brain. We did looked different but not by a lot. The process of changing the DNA though would take a lot longer and require the med units if we were going to keep the time to a minimum.

When Sandra and Megan stopped hiding their increased intelligence. The rest soon found the best reason for this with our slightly different brain structure. Margaret had come around and so had Tom to this idea. The areas devoted to different paranormal abilities were well known and I showed how ours had been greatly enlarged. My ability to shield myself against Consti was now seen as very beneficial. Though I didn't use my PK very much it was much stronger than any of the Seffra that I had ever heard of.

Consti had called us reckless in what we had done but I showed her how much thought had been put into it. I could see behind her block that she liked the improved mind but publicly had to fight it because of her conservative upbringing. I was sure that any other Seffra would act the same.

I invited Margaret to begin her next transformation if she wanted it. The things I wanted to do to her could not easily be done by her own body even with my help. She would be the guinea pig for the remainder of the tests. Sandra, Megan and I had done the greatest amount up to this time and it had worked flawlessly. My wives had volunteered for this last portion but I wanted somebody less connected to me to do this.

Margaret was willing to be like us and to further push the envelope a bit more herself. This was quite a change from her previous attitude. I told her about the things that had to be done for this was not like healing a cut. She would have to go into a special tank to get this done. The process would take a few days. The natural way would take months and then she would have to work in altering all of her cells because the DNA would have to be changed in each. She would have much less problems and be productive much sooner if she took the easy path. She would also be more altered than we were.

I said, "I think you will see us as foolish creatures if you undergo this procedure. You may see us the way you presently see unimproved Humans."

Sandra and Megan told of all the things they had to do including shuffling memories from an old area to a rebuilt area. After it was all done there was still some things that were wrong that had cropped up. The girls mentioned how they wanted to overcome this and complete what we had been working on ever since they had agreed to be my wives.

Margaret talked to Tom and he asked quite a few questions but they were mainly slanted towards safety. I told him simply that this had been contemplated for a long time and we were doing the very best we could.

The tank only took a few moments to make. Max's only duty now was to monitor the tank and assist what had to be done. Devices were placed on Margaret's body to give nutrients, and oxygen while others would take away waste products. Different ones would function like med units to encourage the body to assist all it could. The tank held water but the majority of the contents were very small devices that would work far below the level of a cell. These had been made previously so they would be ready now. Here the devices could alter the basic DNA to what they wanted while working on the brain and body.

Margaret was put to sleep and placed into the tank under full control of Max. All of her memories were copied to a special crystal so gaps could be repaired at a later date if any were found. The process actually started in the base of the spine and worked up to the brain.

Tom slept beside his wife and I gave him simple duties to do that let him stay close. Tommy was worried but knew that I would not do anything to hurt his mother. The process appeared to work and took four and a half days in this case. The tank had been used by the Seffra but never to do this much work on a brain. As a race we seemed reluctant to do so.

Margaret came out of the bath still unconscious as liquid was pumped from her lungs that had not worked since she went into the tank. When the transmitters were all removed, Tom took her into a full cleanser to get everything removed.

Margaret had come awake during the process and was actively giving artificial respiration to her husband who carried her. When she was seated at a table food appeared for she was famished. She said as she ate, "I feel like I did when Leif first awoke my mind. I can see things that I have done that were either wrong or inefficient. There seems to be some inconsistencies in my training and I feel that either the data or the computers are at fault.

"I find I can now look out over the dome and see the lunar surface without the use of the probes. I am presently looking into Borin's computer and see all five dimensions. I could not do this before and definitely not from this distance."

This was more than I had hoped for. I could work in a computer but I had to feel my way. Margaret had not come close to doing this but might have one day if there was enough practice. The images her mind produced showed that she was much more capable of this then I was when young.

We did no work but we did exhaust Margaret with our tests. This was understandable and she would need some additional rest to recover. Tom and my wives eyes glowed with the promises that the procedure would give them.

Same as Leefstic
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"Wendy?" he asked. "Boatman," she replied. "You're a ... a ... mermaid?" "No." She grinned. "I'm a seawitch ... if you want to call it that." "What else would you call it?" "A Clean water-witch." "Clean?" "Yup ... that's the reason I didn't change in the harbor ... disgusting filthy water in there." "Oh." "Can you imagine my gills opening in that ... shit?" She frowned. "My lungs would be full of turds in a second. I need to conjure up a storm and clean it...

4 years ago
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Luckiest Bastard

It was just past noon and I was on my way home when I met Trent. We knew each other from a summer festival in the city a month earlier, where we both had been working as volunteers. We'd had a lot of fun during the three days of the festival and so it was great to see him again. Within minutes it was like no time had passed and we were making the same kind of silly jokes we had done during the festival.After some time Trent invited me to his house for a drink alongside his pool. I happily...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Ballbusting High

It’s a normal day in late spring in the classroom of 12-A. Beatrice Banks High, or BB High for short, is a campus for 18 y.o. high school seniors. Students, especially males, find themselves living a different way of life to what they were used to. Their school was built on the ideals that boys need punishment. The teachers noticed how boys that got racked good in the courtyard would do better in their studies and be more polite to their female counterparts. It was said that a boy’s balls...

2 years ago
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Hanumangarh Ki Business Lady Ki Naukrani Ko Choda 8211 Part 4

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Main iti krta hun.Ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye chuthi kahani hai.Koi bhabhi ya lady mujhe is id pr contact kare… Us raat geeta ke sath khoob maje kiye.Subah usne chay pilayee aur nasta krwaya. Geeta-yaar tyar ho jao.College jana hai. Raj-yaad aaya.College mein junior k paper hain.Isliye 14 din ki chhuti hain. Geeta- fir to aaj maze hi maze hain.Aaj ek naya gift dene wali hun.Dekhte hi rah jaoge. Raj-gift kaisa? Geeta-raat...

2 years ago
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Friends and BenefitsChapter 11

I spent a lot of the afternoon thinking about Sherri's words. Did I want Tina back? Did I want Sharon back? My first impulse was 'yes, yes, yes!' How could Sherri even ask the question? But based on what I'd told her so far, how could she not? I'd glossed over all the casual conversations with Sharon. The simple sharing of the week. I hadn't mentioned the letters and calls that were about nothing other than the little minutiae that make up most days. I'd emphasized the 'benefits'...

4 years ago
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 19 Jane and Roger

"It's finally tomorrow," sighed Jane, walking beside Roger as they left the hot tub. "I can't wait." "You have to wait, at least until we get to the room," he said. "But you'll do it?" she asked, looking sideways at him. "You promised." "I promised to talk about it," he reminded her. She stopped. "I want more than talk," she said. "What about Jed?" "There is no Jed any more." "What about us?" "I want you to make love to me," she said. "You know what I...

1 year ago
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Retribution Part 4

I looked at Zoe and said “I’ve had seven already Zoe, isn’t that enough?”   Zoe came over to me, grabbed my penis and balls, turned me around, and felt my bottom.   “It is striped and marked, but Mum said twelve strokes didn’t she?”   “Well she does normally give me twelve but after a warm up. You didn’t warm me up did you?” I know it sounded like a moan, but I was hurting.   Then she gave me the body blow.   “I tell you what Dad, treat those first seven as the warm up, so you have twelve...

1 year ago
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Magical Girl Sex Kitten1

Magical Girl Sex Kitten Katie Kats was a pop idol with a secret. While most thought of her as a bright young girl and raising star, no one would have realized this reserved, young girl could magically transform into the Lolita, heroine know as Magical Girl Sex Kitten. It had all started when she was given the artifact known as Aphrodite's scepter. It was a gift from her publicist and she loved it. The young girl had even gone so far to fall asleep holding it at bed time. That...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Sarah Jessie A Handymans Tool

Winter is coming, so Sarah Jessie needs to have her fireplaces fixed as soon as possible. Luckily for her, a handyman is available to solve her heating problem before her big party. Sarah enthusiastically welcomes Cody Carter into her house. She is thankful that Cody accepts the job on such short notice. The handsome handyman tries to do the job as professionally as possible. However, Sarah needs a different kind of service at the moment. The busty blonde teases Cody using her sexy feet with...

4 years ago
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Watching Mrs Grogan

Chapter 1 The thing that Jake Snow hated most about prison was the smell. That peculiar aroma was always present no matter where one went on the "inside." The smell seemed to penetrate everything. It was that smell that made Jake's meeting today with his lawyer all the more special. Any meeting regarding Jake's release from prison was wonderful enough. But, even better, the meeting was at the courthouse... away from that god-awful smell. "Excuse me for a moment, Jake, while I get...

2 years ago
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Straight to gay in 3 days

In the 90s I had 2 close friends that attended different high schools. Bobby went to my school and Lee went to a school across town. It seemed like every week on of them would come over the the other the following day or night. My step dad worked out of town and my mom work an evening shift so we would have the house to ourselves most of the time. They liked coming to my place because my step dad had a huge collection of porn mags and VHS. We would watch porn or flip thru the mags then...

3 years ago
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I Love This Virus

The damn virus was pissing me off. I drove up to KC from Oklahoma to visit my son and his new wife, he and I both found out she is pregnant! I was going to visit several old friends and I was going to go to St. Louis to see my daughter and her husband and my two grand daughters. It all went to hell when the State began to take away my freedom. The State is Mother, the State is Father. I used to think that was a tag line or a joke, no more. I just walked across the parking lot of the Hampton...

2 years ago
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A Girl Turned Slut 8211 Part 2

Hey sexaddict667 is back with part 2 of the story. This time I am gonna write it as aditi experience. For 6 months anil and I had a great sexual relation. We kept it hidden from everyone in college but every cheap hotel guy knew me and some even got to fuck me. Anil loved strangers touching and groping my boobs. He used to take me at vacant secluded areas and buildings, hide at some place, leaving me alone to seduce some guy or men. He used to watch me getting fucked by them. I don’t know why,...

4 years ago
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The woman hurried towards me, then when she was close enough for there to be eye contact, she pulled up. For a moment I thought she was going to run away. Then she put one foot in front of the other, moving at a snail’s pace.“Martin?” she asked, extending a cautious hand.“And you must be Meghan,” I said as we shook.“Sorry I’m late. Only…”“Think nothing of it.” I glanced up at the town hall clock, as I had done at intervals for the past quarter of an hour, registering each passing minute,...

Wife Lovers
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Pallas shifted in her place on the sofa, she cut her eyes to the left, and Kian was doing something in the seat beside her. She kept typing focusing back on the screen in front of her. She rubbed her eyes, fatigue as setting in but once she started typing, she wanted to finish before she called it a night. Kian was still shaking beside her. She could feel his eyes on her; he had watched her more than the movie all night. She'd given up on getting him to stop and had focused on finishing her...

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I want you for Christmas CH2

Chapter 2 Kelly awoke first thing in the morning shivering like always. Her parents apartment did not have a good heating system forcing her to have to dress warm even when in the house at night. That did not help her mood from the snowball attack the day before. She was just starting to feel a little sorry for the way she reacted but she was too cold to really give a damn at that moment in time. When she rolled out of her bed she took her heavy blanket with her. She grabbed some heavy...

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The Exchange StudentChapter 7

Nadia stood, her feet rising and falling, almost as if she were running in place, except in slow motion. Her arms were out, elbows bent, and her hands waved like she was suggesting a bird's wings during a game of charades. Her cheeks bulged and there was panic in her eyes. Ruth's eyes were drawn to her breasts, which wobbled alarmingly. Her bizarre dance ended suddenly, and Ruth looked up at her face to see her cheeks return to normal as she gulped. The hands stopped flapping, and one came...

4 years ago
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Cuckolded by Andrea

Around the age of 25 I was working in Sarasota and I was living in a shared house with 3 guys and 2 girls.One night me and the guys were having drinks on the patio when we got interupted by this gorgeous skinny redheaded girl,whos was in the mood the party with us. We kept on drinking and by 4 in the morning it was me and a friend of mine who stayed with her ,and she was kind of hitting on me so my buddy said he's out.She told me if I want to walk her over to her house for more drinking and I...

2 years ago
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BEA der Beginn

BEA - der BeginnAutorenrechte & Copyright by ©DOM4U247Weitere Veröffentlichung nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des AutorsAlles fing damit an, dass mein Sohn meine Frau überraschte, als sie in sexyDessous vom Badezimmer ins Schlafzimmer huschen wollte. Sie wollte sich fürmich fertig machen, um mir eine Überraschung zu bereiten.Als er sie in schwarzen halterlosen Strümpfen und schwarzer Coursage, mitHalbschalen für den Busen und mit schwarzem String, über den Flur laufensah; richtete sich...

1 year ago
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My Friendly Neighbour

Uncle, please stop, Linda begged.The begging wasn’t exactly the kind that was meant to be honoured.And here is my reason why.Linda is a 300-level sexy 18-year-old neighbour’s daughter, who always flirts with me especially when she notices I’m leaving my apartment early in the morning. That is when she thinks it is best to go out to buy something or just have some business outside.She is always clad in either singlet or t-shirt that is really tight, with no bra underneath. Not wanting to be the...

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Apartment Seven Has A Golden Shopping List

Carie was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when she heard it. Thump! Thump! Thump! She paused and frowned. Holding the electric toothbrush in her mouth, she switched it off to be sure the noise wasn’t just the rattle of her teeth. Thump! Thump! Thump! Her shoulders slumped and she looked down towards the sink, shaking her head. She recognized that knock. Vasily was tenderizing her door with his knuckles again. He must have been perturbed. Carie sighed then spat the toothpaste out of her...

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Sonyas Naughty Secret

Last week I had spent an afternoon off work. I was ill, feeling rough and had spent the afternoon browsing on eBay looking for interesting things to occupy my mind and drinking a bottle of Merlot.After a short time, I became bored looking at the never-ending products for girls and I was halfway through the bottle.  I had a filthy thought come into my mind. I’d always been curious about anal sex.  I never wanted a man to penetrate me there, just in case I disappointed him, but I’d always had...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a housewife Chapter One

The bank teller smiled at me again today, which sent shivers of longing throughout my body and straight to my pussy, which hasn't been used in so long I am sure cobwebs would have to be blown away. He was being polite I know, but when he smiled at me warmly, I had the sudden image in my mind of us fucking in the bank vault, in a romp that was dirty and ferocious, leaving us both sweaty. Fucking. Now there's a word that hasn't been used in a while. Darrin used to fuck me all the time, but since...

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Afternoon Delight

My wife and myself have gone out many times over the years and sometimes intentionally , sometimes almost by accident , have ended up indulging in a spot of exhibitionism. I love my wife to show herself to me in as public a spot as possible and she loves the feeling also! One early afternoon we went for a walk along the bank of the river that flowed close to where we lived at the time. My wife was wearing a long summer dress which had buttons all down its back. We had decided that it was...

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Kaamwali Ko Choda Jam Kar Maza Aha Gaya

Hi dost Main vishal fir se aaya ek satay ghatna lekar meri kaamwali bai ko khub choda aur mutt diya.meri pahele story ka dosto ne aur aunty ne bauth maze liye aur response bhi diya.main chhata hu aap aise he mujhe mail Chalo story par aata hu meri kaamwali bai age lagbhag 45 ki gori gaand kadu ke jaisa bada bada chuchi 38 kaMar bauth mota hain.ghatna hain 28.02.2016 ki mere parivar wale 26.02.2016 ko pune gaye thay shadi mein main 1 March ko Jane wala tha main ghar par akela tha subha ka waqt...

4 years ago
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Playing Mistress

It wasn't easy traveling on long trips away from my girlfriend, Jane. I didn't do well with not fucking every day. I rubbed my dick raw from jerking off but it was a terrible substitute to actual fucking. To make matters worse my girl absolutely refused to send me any nudes. I'd love something raunchy but would have settled for something tasteful. I begged her to let me film us in action too - but again she refused. Just being able to see her amazingly gorgeous naked body would have eased the...

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Sex with my mothers brothers wife Doi

I began staying at my aunt and uncle's house when living with my parents and siblings became overwhelming during my college years. I wanted freedom but had no money to attend the state university or to pay rent anywhere. My parents were strict and watched over me like a hawk. Moving one state away to Uncle Joe's house was a bittersweet compromise. He was my mom's brother and would fill her in on any questionable activity of mine. I had to leave the few friends I had to go off to a city I knew...

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Desperate for Moms Help Part 2 Dads Home and Catches Kevin with his Wife

Chapter 19 Months Later…I was having the most erotic dream but was slowly waking up. ‘No! Don’t wake up!’ I told myself, barely conscious. In my dream, something warm and wet engulfed my rock-hard cock and my balls were boiling. If I could stay in the dream just a few seconds longer, I would cum. I was so close, just on the edge. It felt like my cock was in a wet vacuum.And as soon as I felt something constrict around my cock head, my eyes shot open as a surge of pleasure gushed through my...

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Joy of Their YouthChapter 33

Chuck had just finished fucking Cindy, his young horny daughter-in-law in an effort to knock her up with another baby. Cindy was wanting some more hard cock from Chuck, however, and she also wanted another lusty deposit of his babymaking semen deep inside her hot pussy before their evening of lusty fucking was over. Chuck loved seeing a bit of his cum seeping from between Cindy's pussy lips when he pulled his cock out from her pussy after their first coupling. His cock was coated with his...

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A Case in Point

A CASE IN POINT By Karen Albright PROLOGUE A hush fell over the court room. The jurors slowly filed into the room and took their seats to the right of the Judge. "Good luck!" My attorney commented as the Judge began to speak. "Does the jury have a verdict ?" "Yes we do Your Honor," replied the jury foreman. "We find the defendant not liable for the support of the child of Janice Edwards" "Congratulations," said my attorney. "That was the most difficult paternity suit...

1 year ago
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Tushy Rebel Lynn Ziggy Star A Snappy Seduction

Rebel’s parents are away for the weekend, and she has decided to invite her best friend over for some girlie fun. When Rebel’s sister comes home drunk with her hot boyfriend Jean, The girls decide to take advantage of the situation while she has passed out. After taking some hot photos of themselves and sending them to him, he can’t resist the chance of enjoying both of these hot girls together. He heads straight for the bedroom, leaving his girlfriend sleeping off last night’s excess. Time to...

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The Training of Lucy part 3

Lucy woke up to Sean kissing her hard on the mouth. He was on top of her and before she could quite figure out what was going on, he thrust his hard, lubed cock inside her pussy to the hilt. She couldn’t quite process things at first, but Sean started pumping his cock in and out of her pussy and spoke in a husky, intense voice. ‘Good morning, Lucy. Wake up and take my cock!’ He gave a particularly hard thrust and she gasped. He reached behind her head and grabbed onto a hank of hair as he rode...

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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 3

When my shell-shocked state allowed me to, I finally upped and left the club and headed home to our lonely home. Our daughters were gone to college, and now their mother was gone too. Gone to the condo of a well-endowed black guy who we’d found on the internet. We’d only planned to meet for a meal and to get to know him a little. But by the end of the evening, Claire was gently telling me that she’d agreed to go back to his place and that this time I wasn’t invited. The house would be a lonely...

Wife Lovers
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Love Thy Neighbour Chapter Nine

Nearly two weeks had passed since Cathy's introduction to the swinging world of Tom’s friends. The memory of Bill's cock and Jane’s cunt were still fresh in her mind. She could remember every moment of that fantastic night. The feel of two different cocks, the taste of another woman's cunt juices, and the sight of Jane’s face as her orgasms overtook her.Since her return home, Tom had fucked her a few times but had been away visiting his daughter for the past week. True, he had phoned her every...

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PrettyDirty Alex Grey Neighbors Brat Part One

Teen Alex Grey wants what all teens want, the keys to the car. But when stepdad Tommy Gunn says no he needs the car for work, she keeps asking, even begging. But no amount of whining will wear Tommy down today. Not even when she changes her tactic, and starts to get mean and nasty hoping to provoke him. But he’s a sympathetic dad so he takes it. Until she calls him a pussy, and that really pushes his buttons. Tommy sees red, and Alex loves getting a rise out of her father. That little...

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Charlotte part 7

SIX WEEKS LATER I blink my eyes awake and roll over in bed, only to be stopped by an unexpected face full of blonde hair that isn't my own. Turning my head to the other side, another long mop of blonde hair- again, not my own- blocks my view. Once I've blinked the early morning tiredness- and a moderate hangover- out of my eyes, the previous night's events return to my memory. "Kris," I whisper, gently nudging the sleeping woman on my left-hand side. "Han, wake up!" I whisper to...

2 years ago
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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 6 Winter Showers edited

Just reuploading this old series with some edits. See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don't agree with his choices, and you're not supposed to either. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky...

2 years ago
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Sudha8217s Cheating With Old Aged Person 8211 Part I

Hi guys this is Sudha again. This time I am narrating my experience with a old man. One day I went to my neighbor’s house to chat with aunt. When I knocked the door it took 5 minutes to open the door. I was surprised to see uncle has opened the door and invited me inside. He told that aunt went to attend some function and offered me sofa to sit. Then he brought some cold drinks from fridge and gave me and went inside to fresh up. Mean time I have taken remote and switched on the TV. In the TV...

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Die Stckelschuhe Episode 1 Gesucht und gefunden

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 1 - Gesucht und gefunden! © 2003 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es geschah an einem Fr?hlingstag, so wie man ihn sich am meisten w?nscht. Die Sonne schien und es war angenehm warm. Zwar lie? eine k?hle Briese hin und wieder sp?ren, dass es bis zum Sommer noch ein wenig hin war, aber dennoch wurde es zu einem der sch?nsten Tage seit Monaten. Einen Tag, auf den die sonnenausgehungerten Menschen nur gewartet hatten - und das an einem Wochenende. Folglich lie? sich ...

3 years ago
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A Complete Week Of Love And Lust With Landlord8217s Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi, readers, your new friend Akshay, email id this is my first story so please please please do email me your reviews please as with your reviews i would to able to write better for you next time Coming to the story, it was all about 5 years back when i was 18 that time studying in class 12th in kota(raj) i was staying at a pg in vigyan nagar. It was a 2 floor house, the ground floor is occupied by the house owner, his wife(shalini 44) and they have 2 children both married and settled in...

4 years ago
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Bobby to BobbieChapter 4

Normally, it would take someone months to create an intricate Cosplay outfit for a convention. Bobbie was lucky. How many people had access to a fully equipped workshop and laboratory, and a genius big sister to help out? In two weeks, she was fully prepared. The young woman stretched her arms out while looking in the mirror. "How do I look?" she asked Her sister grinned. "The molecular chain I came up with for the basis of my experimental non-pressurized vacuum suit worked out just...

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Estellas One Mistake

Estella’s One MistakeSynopsis: Thirtyish nursing mother Estella makes a mistake at work, and is brought to her boss’ private chamber, where she learns that a lot can be done to her tender body.This story is something of a parallel development to ?Rita’s one mistake?. Do read that too.Rita pushed the button inside the elevator that would take her up to her boss’ floor. She turned around to look at herself in the mirror to make sure that her hair and dress were just right. Satisfied, she turned...

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LeslieChapter 2 My Brother

After Bubba dropped me off for practice I got thinking about how bad Wes looked. I faked cramps and got Bubba to take me home. I snuck in the house and found him asleep in his room. I could see tear tracks down his face where he'd been crying. Judging by the way he was tossing and turning, he wasn't sleeping peacefully. I had this foolish idea that now I'd gotten his attention, all I had to do was make myself available and he'd sweep me off my feet and make mad, passionate love to me. I...

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Poke Her Run

"Look, I really don't want to do it," said Katie emphatically. "I can't afford to take the time off from my other jobs!" Jackson threw the bar towel over his shoulder and leaned in despair against the bar. He watched her trim figure disappear out the door. With it went his last hope to keep his bar afloat. After the Super Bowl, next Saturday's Hawg Wild Poker Run was his busiest day. The summer had been slow. The extreme heat, the camp fire ban, and finally the weeks of wildfires had combined...

3 years ago
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He smiled as the sentence was handed down, Arthur Edward Winter, you have been brought before this court, for a charge of: - Well perhaps it`s not relevant here and to spare his blushes we won`t go into it, but the sentence was seven years, that’s the bit he got loud and clear. And, it must be said, so did his wife, tall willowy and dour Jenny Winter, sat up in the gallery, her face a mask of total disgust, mostly at her husband for getting caught and of course for the fact she would be on her...

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Every guy's got one. I call it the wank bank. A collection of images or visualisations that's the go to place when you're feeling stressed or otherwise need to knock one out. I like to let the fantasies run wild involving real girls I know in real life, usually girls I know, how I imagine they like to be fucked. Sometimes I'll set a porno running. I'll be the guy and the the girl is replaced by the lady of choice in the fantasy. Always ends with the girl getting a pussy full of hot cum, so if I...

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Faux RealmChapter 8

His eyes slowly opened. There was a nice lull in the air as he stretched his limbs over the coverings. He sat up checking his surroundings, noticing that his body was stiff and unbelievably aching. There was not much to absorb the dark hard metal ground of the ship’s interior, so every muscle in his back was knotted and screamed in pain. He used his hands to give his shoulders and back a good squeeze. Alarm sounded and everyone started to stir, Lindsay raised up and went to one of the...

1 year ago
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Room service

Erica Daniels was dead tired, and all she wanted was a hot shower and a good nights sleep! A full day of meetings with designers and financial officers had left her totally spent. She always hated coming to New York, not only because of the endless traffic jams, but because it always seemed like every thing was fast, fast, fast with never an opportunity to just take it easy! At least she was in a good hotel with all the amenities, cuz she was going to order room service rather than fight her...


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