Confessions Of A Small Town Girl 2 free porn video

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After the night that I had my first self inflicted orgasm, I could not get the feeling out of my head. I yearned for it, but because of the fear of now being bound for hell, I tried to keep myself busy so I would not think about it. That worked during the day, but every time I laid down to go to sleep , my nipples would harden and I would get a burning desire in my stomach. I had many restless nights trying to block out the desire to repeat the wonderful feeling I felt that night.

Softball season finally kicked in and with the season on my mind, the practices and training, by the time I got home, I was so exhausted that I was finally sleeping. Although softball had gotten my mind off masturbating, it awakened another interest. Like I said in my other confession, I had played softball since I was nine. Up until now, I would play the game, then I would go home with my parents. I was sixteen now, and playing on the high school team. After our games, we would go into the locker room and shower, and turn in our uniforms to be washed by the athletic staff, and then go home. The first game, I was so embarrassed to get undressed in front of my team mates, that I hid in one of the bathroom stalls until everyone was gone, then I went and took a quick shower alone and turned in my uniform. That worked, for home games.

On our first away game, the coach told us as we were entering the locker room that we had thirty minutes before the bus was leaving, so we had to be quick. The other girls quickly undressed and headed to the showers. I slowly undressed and wrapped my towel around my body. I walked around the corner into the showers and was relieved to see the showers had petitions between the shower heads, so I would have some privacy. I picked a shower in the corner away from everyone else.

The next two games were at home, so I was able to revert back to hiding until everyone was gone.

Our sixth game, we played a school that was near the coast. The South Georgia humidity made the air so thick it was hard to breath. I literally broke into a sweat walking from the dug out to the pitchers mound. This team had only one loss and with us being undefeated at the time, they played hard which meant we had to play harder. Before the game ended, my jersey was so wet from sweat, that it clung to me like a second skin. My blonde hair was dripped with sweat and I needed a shower bad.

When we finally won, after extra innings, we were on the verge of dehydration, heat exhaustion and all twelve of us stunk to high heaven. I felt so sticky and dirty, that I did not hesitate to undress and get that disgusting uniform off. I wrapped my towel around my naked body and walked into the showers. When I rounded the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks. This shower was different than any I had seen. There was five pedestals in the middle of an opened floor. In each pedestal there was five shower heads around it. The girls were all standing naked, washing while facing each other. I felt every ounce of blood in my body rush to my face as I blushed.

I chose a shower that had two other girls at it. One of the girls was Tina. She was the only other Sophomore, my age, on the varsity team. The other was Tonya. Tonya was an African American girl and was a Junior. As hard as I tried, I could not help "checking out" the two girls. Tina, like me, was not blessed with big breast and from what I could tell, we were about the same size. The difference between us was that her areolas were a pale pink, and mine were more of a light brown. Being a red head, her fur around her vagina looked almost orange against her pale skin.

As I stuck my head under the shower, my eyes wandered over to Tonya. Tonya was not fat, but she was thicker than most of us. Her thighs were thick and toned, her stomach was flat. On her chest were the biggest breast that I had ever seen. They were not roundish like mine and Tina’s, hers were full at her chest but narrowed near the dark brown areola and her nipples pointed to the side. I also noticed that she did not have any hair around her vagina. It was bare and smooth. Being as naive as I was, I just figured that African American girls didn’t have hair down there.

We finished showering and every one filed into the locker room to get dressed. This was the first time that I noticed the other girls. I looked at them for the first time and after a while, that feeling in my stomach came back, and I could feel my nipples getting hard. I discovered that I was very fond of the female body. Each girl had their distinct look. Breast in all shapes, sizes and complections. I was surprised that Tina and I were the only two girls that had hair around our vaginas. I was smart enough to then realize that the other girls must shave down there, but I did not know why.

As I lay in my bed that night, I could not get the visions of the shower and locker room out of my head. So many questions were going through my head. I wondered why those girls had shaved their vagina hair but the biggest thing I wondered about was why looking at them made me feel the way I did. I felt so ashamed because I knew the Bible spoke against people of the same gender being with each other intimately, but if it wasn’t supposed to be that way, why was I feeling the way I was.

From that day on, I was the first in the showers. I got a thrill out of watching the other girls as they washed their bodies. The way they would rub their hands over their breast and between their legs, made my whole body tingle. I also noticed that while in the showers, their nipples also hardened, so I was no longer embarrassed when mine did, and with the water spraying our bodies, the wetness dripping from my vagina also went unnoticed. Life was good.

We went undefeated that year in the regular season but lost a best of three series in the state playoffs. As softball ended, the Christmas season was beginning. Growing up the way I did, Christmas was not about all the gifts and parties as it was my new friends. Christmas was a special day and we celebrated the birth of Jesus by going to church Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. Ben and I attended both services and because he had got a job, and purchased a truck. So my dad let him come pick me up and take me home.

Some of our friends were having a Christmas party a couple days before Christmas and Ben and I both wanted to go. We were out of school on holiday, so I got up that morning and cleaned the whole house with out being told to. I helped mom wrap a few presents for the nursing home patients and we baked cookies for a family that the father had been sick and out of work. When it got time to ask if I could go to the party, they could not say no, cause I had been such a big help all day.

I need to back track a little here, to make what went on that night not be such a shock. Ben and I had continued to be a couple through softball season. When he bought his truck, we were able to drive thirty miles to the nearest movie theater and start actually going on dates. Our relationship had grown from walking me home every day from school, to holding hands and good night kisses. Our kisses started out innocent at first, but the more we kissed the more we liked it. Eventually we were kissing for several minutes at a time. Then came tongue. When we would french kiss, I could feel the goose bumps popping up all over my body, and I felt as if I was melting into him. I will confess that there was a time or two that while during our kisses, Ben would squeeze my breast through my shirt and bra, but he had not tried anything else. I honestly don’t think I would have stopped him if he had tried to do more. Also, we knew most of our friends were having sex, but we had not discussed the subject. Through our friends, we had also heard of other things like hand jobs and oral sex, but again we had never attempted or discussed either.

Okay, back to the story.

I was so excited to be going to the party. I ran to my room and got my clothes together. I still wore skirts and dresses every day, but they were a little shorter now, but did not still not above my knee. My shirts were still loose, but I had started wearing tank tops under my blouses and would take the blouse off once I left home. I grabbed a pair of panties and went to the bathroom. I stripped off quickly as the shower ran. I stepped into the shower and began to wash my body and hair. As I ran my fingers through the hair above my vagina, I got this great idea. I stepped out of the shower and got my dad’s shaving cream and a new razor. I turned the shower head to the side as I applied the shaving creme. I then sat on the edge of the tub and opened my legs and began to shave. I nicked my self a couple of times, but I smiled as I watched the curly, brownish blonde hair hit the bottom of the tub and flow toward the drain. Before I was done, the hair had accumulated around the drain and the water started to get deeper. When I was finished, I ran my hand over my smooth vagina and it felt good. I used my toe to pull the hair away from the drain so the water could flow, and finished my shower.

When I stepped out of the shower, an amazing sensation washed over my body. The cool air hit my freshly shaven mound and I had the greatest desire to touch myself, but I knew I didn’t have time for that. I fought off my sinful urges and dressed and was walking out of the bathroom when I heard Ben drive up. I rushed into my room and applied my strawberry flavored lip balm and was walking down the hallway when he knocked on the door.

We said our good byes to my parents and were off to the party. We had a blast with all our friends. We laughed, danced and made up different words to alter some of the Christmas Carols. We ate pizza and drank soda for dinner and about 9:30 everyone started leaving to head home. Ben and I were the last to leave, because I didn’t have to be home until 11:30 but ended up leaving about 10 pm. When we left, I was not ready to go home so Ben drove to our normal parking spot in the back corner of the church parking lot.

As soon as he stopped the truck, we were kissing. His hands were in my hair and on my back while his tongue snaked into my mouth. We kissed like this for several minutes. I could not believe the sensation I was getting as I squeezed my thighs together and felt my freshly shaven mound. As my sensation grew, so did the passion of our kiss. Soon Ben had his hand under my tank top and his hand was softly squeezing my breast through my bra. I don’t know what got into me, but I pulled away from our kiss and quickly pulled my shirt over my head and unclasped my bra. I thought Ben’s eyes were going to pop out of his head when he saw my naked breast. I don’t know why, but I reached up and put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his head to my breast. He sucked one of my hard nipples into his mouth, and I moaned loudly.

I could feel my panties getting wet as Ben suckled on my breast. Smacking and sucking sounds mixed with my soft moans filled the cab of his truck. He would suck one nipple then move to the other. I felt that familiar feeling growing in the pit of my soul. I tossed my head back and moaned loudly as he sucked my breast. My body jerked and I felt my panties become soaked as my orgasm washed through my body.

When my orgasm subsided, the sensitivity of him sucking my breast became to much and I pushed him off me. His back was to the drivers door. I reached for my bra and I noticed a bulge in his khaki pants. When he noticed me looking, he put his hands over it. I looked up at his face with a puzzled look and for the first time, I saw him blush.

I pulled my hair back with on hand, and laid the other on his bulge. It felt so hard. I bit my bottom lip and looked him in the eyes as my hands moved to his belt. I pulled the belt through the buckle slowly, waiting on him to stop me. Would you believe, he just sat there with a nervous look on his face. My fingers slowly fumbled to get his pants unbuttoned and then unzipped them. My curiosity had once again got me into something that I was not sure how I was going to get out of.

Ben had on a pair of blue boxers, and the bulge had made them stand like a tent. On the tip of the tent was a small wet spot. I slowly took my finger and touched the tip, at the wet spot and Ben’s body jerked. The spot was wet and sticky. I wrapped my fingers around the bulge, and could feel heat radiating from it. For some reason, I began to move my hand up and down, then it hit me. I was performing a hand job. My curiosity was not cured by stroking Ben’s penis through his boxers, I want to feel it in my hand.

I reached and hooked my fingers into Ben’s belt loops. He raised his butt off the seat and helped me get his pants to his knees. I looked up. I had never seen a penis, other than the ones in Health Class, and those were not standing straight up. There was blue veins popping out from under the skin and ran from his hairy testicles to the purple, mushroom shaped tip. Every time his heart would beat, I could see his penis jerk. The palm of my hand touched his scrotum and caressed his testicles. He raised his hips and moaned loudly. As my hand moved up his scrotum my fingers wrapped around the base of his penis, and moved upward.

When my hand had moved up half way, I pulled it toward my face so I could see it clearly. In the middle of the mushroomed tip, was a hole and from the hole seeped a liquid, pre-ejaculate I remembered from Health. My hand moved up to the tip and brushed across the hole. The liquid smeared in my palm. I released his penis, and it slapped him in the lower stomach as it stood back up. I wanted to taste this liquid. I licked the palm of my hand. The liquid tasted salty but pleasant. With my palm wet with my saliva, I wrapped my fingers around his penis and began to work it up and down.

My knees began to hurt as I knelt on his floor board. So with his penis still in my hand I moved to sit bedside him. When I sat, his hand immediately went under my skirt, and his fingers peeled my wet panties from my vagina. He rubbed his fingers over my clitoris while I continued to stroke his penis. His rubbing felt so good. I spread my legs and laid my head on his stomach as he snaked inside me. I could feel my insides spreading as his big finger dipped inside of me. I rubbed his hairy scrotum as he pressed gently against my hymen. My hips were instinctly humping his finger.

I don’t know what got into me. As he rubbed my clitoris, I raised my head and kissed the tip of his penis. My tongue licked across the hole. Apparently what I was doing felt good to Ben because he let out a loud moan. I wrapped my lips around his tip, and began to lick and suck on it. I felt Ben’s free hand on the back of my head. Then what happened next, I was not ready for.

Ben pulled his hand from my panties and placed both on my head and began to thrust his hips upward. His thrusts caused his penis to slide deeper into my mouth. I was in shock, what was he doing? His penis touched the back of my tongue, and I gagged and began coughing. I pulled up and looked at him with a confused look. He gave an apologetic smile and pulled my head back down to his penis. Again I took it into my mouth. This time when he began to thrust, I placed my hand oh his hips and held him still. I worked my mouth up and down, with my tongue forming a cup around his penis so it would move up and down. I noticed that every time I got close to the tip, he would moan. So I began to concentrate on that area. My tongue pressed on the bottom of the tip. Suddenly he pulled my head off of him. Just as his penis was out of my mouth, something warm and thick hit my lips. As I moved back, another shot hit me on my chin. As I sat up I seen another shot of cream colored liquid shoot from his penis and hit the ceiling of the truck.

I looked at him and felt my face blush. What had I just done? I watched as his penis began to shrink.
Once it was all the way down, he pulled his pants up, and leaned over and kissed me. Then he took me home.

Once I got home I went and took another shower. I felt so dirty. I had put his penis in my mouth and what was worse, I liked it. After my shower, I did not waste any time putting on clothes. I wrapped a towel around my body and went to bed. I laid down and my hand went straight to my vagina. I rubbed my clitoris as I replayed the nights actions in my head. Once my orgasm simmered down I drifted off to sleep.

Thanks for the positive feed back from Chapter One. Hopefully you enjoyed this one just as much.

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Just A Small Town Girl Part 2 Welcome To The Good Life

"One bit of advice honey. I know you're wearing the thong you bought here and the bra is needed with this cut, but I can still see a line at your hip. Try it without the thong." "You mean, naked underneath?" "Yes, it's black, you should be ok, but let's make sure we can't see your bush. You could shave all that you know." "Oh I don't know. I've never." "Up to you but you don't want to be in a photo and the whole word can see your privates." Shay went back in and removed...

2 years ago
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breeding party for babygirl

“Hey babygirl… it’s time to go for a ride.” “Oooo Daddy! I love riding with you. Where we going?” “Daddy’s taking you to a breeding party.” “A breeding party? Sounds exciting, what is it?” “Just like it sounds, babygirl… Daddy’s taking you to get you thoroughly bred by lots of stranger daddy cocks!” “Oh Daddy… you have all the best ideas!” “Of course, babygirl… now put on that thin little short dress real quick and your fuck me shoes before Daddy gives you a spanking…” So babygirl puts on her...

3 years ago
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Stories From a Small Town Police Chief

Stories from a Small Town Police ChiefPart I ? I'm the?police?chief?of a small town in Alabama. The population is about 1,000 people and we don't have too many outsiders moving in. A good portion of the town's income comes from?people on their way to somewhere else?who think it's ok to speed through our town. The town is notorious for its speed traps, but we usually catch at least 20 people each day. I'd like to keep the name of the town a secret for certain reasons which you'll understand...

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Shrunken Batgirl

Her memory of the past night was still clouded. As her alter-ego Batgirl, she remembered trying to enter a supposedly closed lab building to look for several missing women. One of her sources had told that a group of scientists was doing experiments on live people there. All that she could remember was a bright light........ ....Suddenly, she felt the room starting vibrate as what sounded like giant steps approached her "room". In an instant, the "ceiling" opened up, and to her shock,...

1 year ago
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The Fall of Batgirl

As promised here is a suite :) But the story is in future so the names may change As I said before the Supergirl is no more she's now Super Evil and with Poison Ivy they love each other but with their sex thristy and their lust mind they want more so they think together how to hunt down the others heroines and they both choose targets Super Evil will take care of Wonder Girl and Poison Ivy chooses the Batgirl. Batgirl alias Barbara Gordon daughter of general Gorgon himself great grand son of...

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New Life for Batgirl

The event in this story takes place shortly after the Joker's attack on Batgirl that crippled her for life. Barbara Gordon lay in her hospital bed shortly after her crippling incident with the Joker. She curses herself for being so dumb to get caught by that maniac. She had spent the last few hours crying then getting mad and finally crying again. The Doctor's told her that she would never walk again. She did not know what to do. A nurse came in and handed Barbara an envelope. She simply...

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Small Town Trouble pt1

Jimmy is a 17 year old teen, in the town of Wilton, NH, a small hick-town way up North in the farthest reaches of New Hampshire’s borders, almost going into Maine. Jimmy is about, 6’3’’, 210lbs, he is a senior in high school and he is on his school’s wrestling team, and is in good shape. This is his story, and his town’s story. When Jimmy awoke, he wiped the grogginess from his eyes and looked at his clock “Ah, 11:50.….still got a few more minutes of sleep.” Jimmy finished his thought...

4 years ago
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Life in a Small Town

Things change. A statement of fact. As you grow older your aims, goals and dreams change. Your philosophy will change as you're shaped by the experiences in your life. In my case, once I became an adult, I have had two philosophies or creeds that have stayed constant. One: You, and I, are responsible for our actions and for the consequences of those actions. Two: Before you criticize me, walk a mile in my shoes. And if you still don't like what I'm doing, then deal with it. I'm not...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Small Town Girl

I grew up in a small conservative town in South Georgia as the daughter of a Baptist minister, so as you can probably imagine, I was as naïve about the sexual world as one could possibly be. From a small child, I was taught to be a lady, to dress modestly and to never disrespect my elders. I dressed in mostly dresses or skirts that went well below my knees, and blouses or shirts that were loose. I went to a Christian school from kindergarten until ninth grade where we learned from a basic...

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Small Town Girl Wanted Anal True Story

For those of you just looking for a quick wank, you should know that all of my stories have a slow build up... but hopefully to a happy ending.It was turning into a pretty rough year for me. Beth and I were fighting every day, and just couldn't live with each other any more. As a quick fix I moved out of our swank Toronto flat back to my home town and took an apartment at the rental property that my family owned. Then I started drinking my way into a bad head-space, with it eventually...

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Life In A Small Town

There are no graphic sex scenes in this story, sorry. This story is based on a true life experience. I have embellished the facts a little, but not as much as I normally have to. Thanks to my wife for her help in keeping me grounded and somewhere in the realm of reality. Constructive comments are requested and welcome. My email is shown on the web site. Thanks for reading my story. Enjoy. Things change. A statement of fact. As you grow older your aims, goals and dreams change. Your...

4 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown Part four the spanking and tickling scene

“So, Monica. You’re willing to do this?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it kind of sounds like fun in a way. The boys … well, they’re just interested in sex, and that’s pretty much it. They're all about sticking it in, and … I’ve not even had an orgasm. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me … but …” Houlihan chuckled. “You’re young yet. To be honest, you probably won’t reach your sexual peak until you’re forty or so.” Monica frowned. “You’re kidding, right?” “No. Young men are reaching it at...

2 years ago
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Just A Small Town Girl Part 4 Going Home

"I'd like to see my mamma." Kent said, "We'll fly her up!" Then looked at his father for approval. William nodded, but Shay shook her head, "No, I don't thing she'll fly. She's never been much further than Fayetteville." "I could send a car for her. Curtis is from down that way." "That would be great. I'd like to take the ride. I wouldn't mind seeing my home." William nodded. "I understand." Kent looked concerned. Shay looked at him. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon....

2 years ago
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Small Town Big Action

Things were going well in the small town thought Austen Penn as he pulled up to the carport in his burgundy 2017 Nissan Altima. The music teacher and band director for the local high school moved here a three years ago after searching for jobs in a limited market. He by no means initially sought out to live in place with a population of just over 9,000 residents. He grew up in a decent sized city and loathed the idea of being limited culturally or sexually. See, the educator was a gay Black...

1 year ago
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The Smallest in Town

You wake up, your eyes only half open as you look to your alarm clock beeping next to your bed. It's time to get up and ready for the big day ahead of you. Today is the first day of high school for you, a nineteen year old male, in this new town. "What am I going to do?" you think. Moving into a new town meant that you had no friends, no connections, and no idea even about the layout of the school. Still pondering your predicament, you get out of bed in your boxer briefs and grab an outfit from...

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Two new pretty things for Mistresses Expensive red shoes a slavegirl

Two new pretty things for Mistresses . Expensive red shoes & a slavegirl.   I finished off my makeup in the mirror, by applying a final touch of lip gloss & just the tiniest extra hint of mascara to the tips my lashes. I had spent over 2 hours in the process, in? the bath & waxing my body all over & especially intimately. Painting my toenails & primping myself. I slipped out of my lace baby doll nightie. & pulled on my most expensive sheer silk pantie & bra set. A matching garter belt for my...

1 year ago
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Small Town Girl Turns into exhibitionist

*** 1. CUMBUCKET WANTS TO DRESS LIKE A SLUT IN PUBLIC; When Cumbucket and I moved from a small town of 500 to a city of a million people I never ever thought Cumbucket would turn into a cum hungry slut . Cumbucket she’s a nice girl inside and out but when she gets into the position of bending over or spreading her leg’s her pussy start dribbling. I love having a quick hard fuck for my pleasure not hers just dump my load inside her right before we go shopping. Then quickly pulling her always too...

Group Sex
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The Batgirl

Her ass looked like heaven. He’d never seen a smoother, more perfectly shaped set of feminine hips. Her hips couldn’t be better displayed than in those skin-tight, white and pinstriped, polyester baseball leggings.She was the batgirl and he’d been told she was strictly off limits, but Hollywood Kasey couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. Even standing in the ‘on deck’ circle, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. He couldn’t be more mesmerized. Bent over scooping up some scattered baseballs by...

Straight Sex
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Anything For Georgetown part 10 Monica has some unwelcome news

The spring semester droned on. Monica found keeping up her self-confident persona a bit difficult. The sex with Houlihan was amazing and frightening at the same time. He’d finally satisfied her, bringing her to orgasm, the first she’d ever had with a man. But it was her first and last time. He’d made it clear that since she’d lied to him about having any more stripping parties, then doing the one in late December, was unforgiveable. Always, he held the threat of not getting into Georgetown over...

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Refugees in a Small Swedish Town

I had a job working for a major news company and was sent to a small town in Sweden to report on the waves of refugees immigrating from Africa and the Middle East. It was a small fishing village on the coast, probably 8,000 inhabitants. It had some of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. It was an old town, very old, and rumor had it that the vikings had used it as one of their major ports and brought all of their beautiful hostages there from all over Europe. After copulating with them...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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Pleasure Island Ponygirls

Pleasure Island Ponygirlsby Sarah        Sarah and Emily couldn't believe their luck in getting the invitation to Pleasure Island.  The two 18 year old teens had survived their first semester of college, with a D average, but it was enough to pass them into the spring semester.  Now as the pivotal moment for all new college girls arrived, spring break, the girls had each received in the mail an invitation to what was rumored to be the best party spot for all of spring break.  Of course they had...

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Small Towns

What living in a small town can mean.Going through school, I really didn’t have a lot of friends in my hometown in the Central Valley. In the late 60’s, most of my classmates were already forming their own little groups. Now as most people know, that meant that you get associated with some people that you don’t even know, so it made good sense to be careful who you decided to hang around with. Coming from a large family, you tend to get unwanted advice from the older members, some of which you...

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Small town small lie

Hi friends this is raj again this is the story which is sent by one of my friend so please read stories. Life in a small town where everyone knows everyone can be like living in a fish bowel. For instance Mary and Joe Martin had a big fight one night about eight o’clock and by eight o’clock the next morning everyone in town knew about it and why. Joe had made a pass at the new waitress down at the hotel lunch room-bar. So when my Dad got sick and his time on this earth was limited everyone knew...

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Just A Small Town Girl Part 6 Passing The Test

Penny would be going to NYU and had accepted Shay's offer to share her apartment. Poor Kent would be alone in Boston while his two partners would be sharing a bed. Still he knew that in some ways it would be better for him to concentrate on school. His father didn't disagree. But that was still a month away. For now Shay was on her first airplane, flying across the Atlantic with fun and relaxation ahead. She looked over to her left where Kent, who'd done this before, was already dozing. To...

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Small Town Small StreetChapter 7 Number 13

My next-door neighbour in number 13 was the only active fisherman left in our street. Not that Claus had all that fishing to do in the waters right outside our town, because the outlet of different phosphates and salts from agriculture consumed most of the oxygen in the waters, plus all the toxic wastes from Russia, Poland and Germany that were brought here by the Baltic. During the winters some of the fish returned, and Claus usually spent two or three months every winter here, but the rest...

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Rape and Murder in a Small TownChapter 2

I slept late on Monday morning since there was nothing else for me to do. I got showered and dress with barely enough time left to have breakfast. Breakfast was a bagel bought the night before and coffee made that morning by boiling coffee grounds in a pot on the stove. After the boiling I poured the liquid grounds and all into a auto store funnel, but only after first lining it with a paper towel. Almost all the grounds wound up on the paper towel, so it made a passable yet strong cut of...

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Classy wife was once a smalltown slut

Years before Janelle met her husband and moved to New York, she had lived in a small country town in Australia. These days Janelle is a classy, well-spoken woman with liberal views, well-connected friends and a professional position at an Ivy-league university. Janelle occasionally entertains her husband with risque stories about how she learned to fuck and suck cock in a small country town. The stories drive him horny-wild. They both enjoy the stories, but through the bouts of laughter, he can...

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Fun in a Small Town

Where I live, a small town in northern California, nothing ever happens. At least nothing ever happens to me. Well, at least up until the end of school, the year I turned fifteen. School had just let out and my closest friend, who lives two miles away, had gone on vacation to visit his grandmother in Idaho for four weeks. About two weeks later, a truck with a trailer arrived and began to move in across the street into a house that had been vacant ever since Mrs. Wilton died. Being curious and...

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Small Town Wonders

Small Town Wondersbypenisleeve©Small towns can be wonderful places, with a sense of belonging and community. However they are also a source of frustration to every man who wants some uninhibited sex with no holds barred and plenty of sweat and cum for all. I lived in just such a town and I was not a happy chap. My balls ached with the need for some anonymous, raunchy sex with strangers jerking off in the local toilet block as people who knew you were just the other side of the door only had so...

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