Marsha's OdysseyChapter 4 free porn video

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"Now that's your Dad has left for work, I want us to have a little talk," she said as she sat on the opposite end of the sofa from Trent who took a gulp of soda and looked very much at ease.

"Sure, Marsha. Dad said you wanted to talk with me."

"What happened the other night at the drive-in was..."

"Hot!" he grinned broadly. "Really hot! You've got one hell of a body, Marsha."

"Wait a minute. That's what I want to talk about -- er, not my body, but what happened."

"Hey, no need to get upset. We made a bet. You lost. You paid off. Simple as that."

"Is it? Is it just as simple as that?" she asked.

"Of course. I gotta tell you, though, you are one hot lady!"

"But don't you see? This has got to stop. I'm older than you. I'm married. I'm married to your father for god's sake."


"You can't just put the moves on me like that."

"Why not? You loved it -- every minute of it."

Marsha was flustered. "I ... I admit I let things go too far."

"Come on, Marsha, say you loved it, because you know you did."

"No ... that is, well, it was..."

"Come on, Marsha."

"It doesn't matter whether it was good or not..."

"Oh, I think it does because if you hadn't enjoyed it you would have written it off and we wouldn't be having this little discussion right now."

"That's ... not true."

"Of course it is. You not only let me feel you up, you came, Marsha. You CAME!"

Marsha was getting more frustrated by the moment. She had never had to handle a teenager before, especially one so outspoken or so experienced in sex.

"I told you, I admit I let things..."

"Oh come on, Marsha. Once my finger went inside you, you couldn't get enough. You humped it like a snake."

"Trent! Stop this. Right now -- or I'll tell your father!"

"So what? He knows what went on. He saw you humping my finger like a cowgirl on a Brahma bull. Besides, he was in on it, remember?"

"No he wasn't. He said you had told him you simply wanted to talk -- to get to know me better."

"Is that what he said?" snickered the boy. "Well, you've got to admit we did get to know each other. The thing is, I can't wait to get to know you even better."

"That isn't going to happen! Your father said..."

"Dad says lots of things. Whatever you want to hear."

"That's not true. He..."

"Look, Marsha. If you haven't figured this out yet, let me clue you in. Dad likes 'em young. Have you noticed perhaps that he's cooled off towards you considerably now that the honeymoon's over? That's because despite dressing you like a little girl, when the clothes come off you're all woman. Now I can appreciate that, but for Dad it's a big turnoff."

"No -- that is -- I know he has a fascination with..."

"Fascination? So that's what you're calling it. Well, all I can tell you is it's going to get worse. He's going to pay less and less attention to you and more and more to little girls until..." he paused.

"Until what?" she demanded.

"Until it won't be you in his bed any more."

"That's ridiculous!"

"Think so? What do you think broke up his marriage with Mom?"

"He told me they drifted apart."

"Yeah, they drifted apart all right, after she caught him on the internet trying to set up a date with a fourteen year old."

"You're lying!"

"Am I? Want to make a bet? Call Mom. If she's honest, she'll tell you. And it didn't happen just once."

Marsha felt as if she had just been punched in the stomach.

"Oh, no, young man! You set me up once. I won't let you..."

"Okay, if you don't trust Mom, then how about this. I bet you that if Dad is given the chance he'll watch videos of little girls doing it all night." "You're crazy! Why would you say such a thing?"

"Because it's true. If you're so sure I'm crazy and making this up, then bet me!"

"Another one of your bets? No thank you."

"What's the matter, Marsha? Don't trust your new husband?"

"Of course, I trust him!"

"Then bet me. Tell you what. I've got one of Dad's favorite videos in my backpack. Mom found it hidden in the basement and I told her I'd throw it away, but I had a hunch it might come in handy. You and I will pretend to leave for ... say the movies, then sneak back after an hour or so. If Dad isn't watching that video, I'll do whatever you want me to for the rest of the summer: cut grass, take out garbage, wash the car, you name it. I'll be your slave for the rest of the summer."

"And if you win?"

"Ha! See you have doubts already."

"No, it's just that I have to know the stakes."

"Same bet. I win you become my slave for the rest of vacation. You do whatever -- and I mean WHATEVER I want."

"You can't be serious. That's the very kind of thing I wanted to talk about."

"So, we're talking about it."


"Get off your high horse, Marsha. You either believe Dad would never do something like that or else you have doubts in which case you'll chicken out of the bet."

"No, I have every confidence in your father."


"All right, but when you're proven wrong I want an apology and I want all and I mean ALL the sexual innuendoes to stop."

"If you win, you got it!"

And with that Trent was up and out of the house before Marsha could say another word and she was left to begin a torturous series of rounds of self doubt and with them the beginnings of serious doubts about her marriage.

Later that afternoon, before Randy got home from work, Trent and Marsha arranged the nature of the wager. Marsha was uncomfortable with how self assured Trent was. She chided herself for doubting Randy. Yes, he had a thing for young girls, but he wasn't obsessed -- was he? She decided to stick in a last minute addendum to the wager.

When Randy arrived the three sat down to dinner and the conversation was at first mundane. Randy talked about work and how the shop foreman was an idiot who cost them several hours of downtime on the number one milling machine. Marsha told of receiving a phone call from her friend Vickie inviting her to a late nighter to watch some old forties and fifties movies.

"Can I go?" asked Trent.

Marsha feigned angst. "It's just going to be some girls my age watching old movies."

"Yeah, but didn't you tell me Vickie had a new computer. Maybe I could..."

"Well, I suppose it would be all right."

Trent smiled since it was time to set up the wager.

"Oh, and by the way, Dad, Mom found this and said to give it to you," said Trent, opening his backpack and handing the video toward his father.

"Oh, let me see," said Marsha grabbing the DVD from the boy.

"No, wait..." began Randy.

"Little First Timers," she read from the case. "My God, Randy."

"I don't know what your mother is talking about! I've never seen that before!" Randy pronounced.

"Then you won't mind if I throw it away," she said.

"Of course not."

Marsha walked over and tossed it in the wastebasket. She wanted to believe him, but doubt was now stronger than ever.

"That STAYS in the waste can!" she pronounced.

"Of course!" replied Randy.

"Because," she continued, "if it doesn't, you are going to go through the longest dry spell of your life."

Trent snickered and Randy winced. The conditions of the wager were now set. All that remained was to await the outcome. Marsha felt a bit better, having added the threat of withdrawing sex, but she was still ill at ease. She had never dreamed that Randy would take his fascination with young girls beyond their bedroom role playing. Even if Trent was lying about why Randy and his first wife had split, where did that DVD come from? Surely Trent had not gone to such lengths as to secure what was obviously an illegal video just for the purpose of getting her into bed. Or would he? The boy was precocious far beyond his years (and experienced as well). Certainly he was capable of such deviousness, but even if that were the case, how could he be so sure that Randy would not be able to stay away from the DVD in the trash basket?

Her mind was still whirling with possibilities and doubt as she cleared the dinner table and finished the dishes with a little unexpected help from Trent while Randy settled in to watch a favorite TV program.

"Getting nervous?" smiled Trent.

"Why should I?"

"We both saw the look on Dad's face when you tossed that DVD into the trash."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're lying, Marsha. I can see the doubt all over your face. You're hoping against hope that everything I've told you is a lie, that when we sneak back all we'll see is Dad watching TV or working on his model car collection. But deep down inside, you know what I've said is the truth and you're going to find you husband is a pervert and you are going to belong to me for the rest of the summer. Want to back out of the bet?" Marsha looked into the boy's eyes with a look of near desperation. "Well, forget it!" he laughed. "I didn't set you up. You set yourself up. And now you're going to pay the price."

"We'll see about that," she responded, but without any real conviction in her voice.

Another hour and she and Trent were ready to leave.

"Now don't wait up. You know Vickie's video parties. It may be the early morning hours before we're back," she said, pecking Randy on the cheek and picking up her car keys.

"So you get to spend the evening with a lot of good looking women, eh?" Randy chided his son.

"If they're all as good looking as Marsha, it will be worth it."

"No way anyone could be as good looking as Marsha."

"Well, there's always Vickie's new computer and the internet."

"Come on or they'll start the first movie without us." said Marsha.

"Okay, okay," responded Trent grabbing his jacket.

With that they were out the door and driving off within seconds.

"Now what?" asked Marsha.

"Now we wait. Let's give him a half hour. He'll want to be sure we didn't forget something and come charging back in. Let's get a soda, then I'll collect on our bet."

"You sound awfully sure of yourself."

"I am."

Forty-five minutes later they entered the driveway beside Randy's parents house which led to the trailer. Marsha turned off the lights and they crept at a snail's pace so as not to make noise until they were within a hundred feet or so of the trailer. Killing the engine, Marsha got out and joined Trent in approaching the house stealthily. Trent pointed to the front window which, even though the blinds were drawn, afforded a restricted view of the living room because the blinds did not reach all the way to the window sill thanks to Trent having positioned them before they left.

The two peered in but the room was empty.

"Can you see the wastebasket?" whispered Trent.

"Just ... yes, the DVD is still there. I guess that means you'll be cleaning up the yard tomorrow," she said with a slight smile.

"Not so fast. Where's Dad?"

"I don't see him."

"Follow me," he whispered.

They went to the front door and although it was locked, Marsha eased her key into the lock and slowly they gained entrance. They were brought up short by sounds coming from Trent's bedroom.

"Did you forget the spare TV in my room?" whispered the boy.

Slow single step by slow single step they crept down the hall to Trent's room. The door was closed but the grunts, groans and screams of preadolescents were all too clear.

"Crafty," whispered Trent in her ear. "He got the DVD, burned a copy and replaced the original in the wastebasket for you to find when you came home."

He eased the doorknob and the door came ajar noiselessly. Trent smiled then stepped back so Marsha could clearly see what was taking place. She saw Randy turned slightly away from her and perusing the TV screen as a very underage young girl was being savaged by a sadistic brute of a man. The girl was screaming, the man laughing as he drove himself into the helpless youngster from behind.

"Yeah," she heard Randy breathe, "fuck her. Fuck her hard!"

It was only then that Marsha realized Randy was masturbating as he watched the sickening perversion on the screen.

Stunned, she was totally immobile as Trent had to ease the door closed again.

"My God," she finally whispered. "I ... he ... I have to put a stop to this!"

She turned to enter the room but Trent pulled her back.

"Uh, uh. Later, on your own time I don't care what you do or say to him, but as of this moment you belong to me."

"No, I ... I ... I..." Marsha's mind was afog. She had just learned her husband was a pervert. The wonderful, handsome man she had fallen in love with lusted after children. She suddenly felt lightheaded as if she might faint. Her world was crashing down around her and she had no idea what to do next. She hardly felt the hand of the boy take hers and guide her to the other bedroom. It was almost as if she were drugged. her mind could not, would not process what she had just experienced. Everything, every concept she possessed of the universe had suddenly been turned on its end and nothing made sense, nothing mattered, including her life.

She stood mute, unseeing, unfeeling, uncaring as Trent removed her clothing one item at a time. He slipped off her shoes, unbelted her skirt, then unbuttoned and removed the silk blouse. Marsha stood unaware in her panties and bra as Trent stood back to admire his handiwork.

"Ready to get naked for me?" he grinned.

Marsha turned to look at him but the words, her clothing, her body meant nothing now. If she was aware of his unsnapping the bra and letting it fall to the floor, she showed no sign. Nor did she respond when his youthful but experienced fingers slowly rolled her panties down and off.

"You're mine now, Marsha," he said, despite his carnal experience, excited by her curvaceous naked body. His eyes feasted on the luscious full and high riding breasts, dark and massive areolas, extremely thin waist which broadened to full sensuous hips and curvaceous legs and thighs. The small feet were still covered in the folds of skirt and blouse.

She turned to him in only semi recognition, taking his proffered hand allowing herself to be led to the bed. Marsha lay back on the bed her eyes glazed, her mind uncomprehending. Her entire life had, within the space of a few seconds, dissolved, rotted away to nothingness. She was devastated and unable to think or even be aware as Trent slowly shed his own clothes in anticipation of claiming his prize.

He began by kissing every part of her inert and unresponsive body. Only when his kisses reached her neck did she utter a slight involuntary moan. She lay like a corpse as his kisses found her breasts. This time a whine as her nipples turned to granite. Only then did she begin to become aware of where she was and what was happening. His hands continued to fondle her breasts as his lips slowly moved to her navel, then into her nest hair.

Of a sudden, Marsha's mind cleared and she realized full well what was happening -- she was in bed naked with her stepson who was about to take her. She started to protest, to scream, run if necessary to prevent the unspeakable act about to be committed. Yet two things prevented her from doing so. First, Trent's tongue found her labial lips and an instant later her clit, driving her body into another uncontrollable state of arousal much like that which had occurred at the drive-in, and secondly, even if she could have summoned every ounce of her will power and pushed Trent away why should she? Her marriage, her life itself was a shambles. Nothing mattered anyway. It was not a sense of revenge which drove her to spread her legs widely to admit his talented tongue even father, but rather a sense hopelessness that the happiness she thought she had found with Randy was a sham, her marriage despoiled, her life ruined. So what did it matter if she spread herself for a fifteen year old. He was at least three to five years older than the girls Randy had been looking at on the DVD. Besides, she reasoned, they had bet and she had lost. She would effectively belong to Trent for the remaining month and a half before he returned to school. Why not degrade herself? What did it matter? Nothing mattered anymore -- nothing.

Even so she was determined to sacrifice herself to Trent, an unemotional and unmoving partner. but those thoughts were swiftly thrown to the wind when his tongue found her clit and began a rapid fire flicking over the tip of the engorged organ.

Any disappointment that her body had caved so easily was swept away when Marsha groaned loudly and her hands came down to cradle Trent's head as it bobbed to and fro and his tongue darted in and out of her.

Despite her initial intention of remaining unresponsive, it was quite the opposite as Trent played the inexperienced housewife like a finely turned instrument, fingering her, caressing her, cradling her against him, savoring each part of her, tuning her to a fever pitch.

Marsha felt herself losing control, tried vainly to reestablish some semblance of composure, then surrendered as Trent's tongue brought her first orgasm crashing over her.

She screamed, but neither she nor Trent made any effort to squash the sound as her body humped from bed to Trent's mouth and back again, feeling the electric jolt each time his tongue found her love mound.

Again his oral ministrations brought her to the brink. But this time he withdrew.

"No, pleeeeeeese!" she begged. "I need it! I want it!"

"So do I!" he pronounced as he raised his lips to her breast, neck and finally her mouth opened to his and they tasted each other, her body continuing to squirm in urgent need of being filled.

"Still want it, Marsha?" he smiled as the tip of his lance made contact with her labia.

"Yes! Fuck me, Trent! FUCK ME!" she screamed as he plunged into her steaming nest.

Again she screamed, not in pain but in ecstasy as the boy began thrusting into her and her hips began bouncing off the bed to meet and maximize his penetration.

Neither saw (nor at this point would either have cared) as the door to the bedroom opened just a crack and Randy stood watching as his wife was ravished by his fifteen year old son. He had heard her cries over the grunts, groans and screams on the DVD and come exploring.

"Want me to cum in you Marsha?" asked Trent, approaching climax.

"Yes! Yes! Deep in me! Oh YESSSSSSSS" she hissed as yet another climax shook her voluptuous body and she felt his hot seed spurt far into her womb.

"Get me hard and I'll show you something new," he said.

Although Marsha and Randy had practiced oral sex on their honeymoon, it had been a one time event and so Trent had to show her how to use the combination of sucking, licking and swallowing to get the intended results. But results she got and within a minute or two he was experiencing another raging erection.

It wasn't long before Marsha was turned over and brought her knees under her to offer her dark, tight hole to the boy. Although or perhaps because of his experience, Trent used lubrication and entered her slowly. Even so, Marsha was a virgin at anal sex and her loud moans, groans and finally screams of both pain and pleasure filled the small bedroom.

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The Pool pt 2

"Oh!........Shit! I hadn't thought of that," she said, pulling up the shoulder straps of her say that my woman can rock a one piece swimsuit is a criminal understatement. She's got a gorgeous set of hips that wrap around into a pudgy little ghetto booty that gets attention where ever we go. Her breasts are full and perfectly round with nipples that point to the moon. She always buys her one pieces with the highest cut legs possible. She'll wear one piece thongs when we visit more...

2 years ago
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BenjamandaChapter 14

Ben’s turn: It took us two minutes in Bink’s bedroom for Mandy to spot the little camera. I don’t know how she did it. She’s just Mandy, though, and operates in a different way than other people. That’s why I love ‘er so much. No, that’s only ONE reason. Whispers to me and Bink. I guess that’s JUST a camera, because if Barb and Sara have microphones in there and could hear what we’re saying... “They wanna WATCH?” Bink said. “Go, Mom!” “Is it gonna bother you, baby?” Mandy asked...

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The After party intro

I remember It was Saturday morning 27/12 and i woke up still pissed from my birthday party last night ..I look over to my younger Sister whos 13 years old,brushing her hair in the mirror.My cock is throbbing and I have To get up and go to the toilet. My sister is watching me in the mirror , as I rush in to flick my rock hard 7.7"inch cock out of my bathers full of alcohol and start pissing .What a relief !!.We moved into a new two story house about 3 years ago and the renovations weren't fully...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 26

We woke a few hours later at the same time, which was not surprising. We had slipped into our dreamscape and we had noticed that we would all come out of it at the same time. This occurred every time, and we emerged rested, despite what had occurred. While they had acquiesced to my request for resting, they decided to try and pull us all into their dreamscape. They had succeeded and we were pulled into an accurate facsimile of my bedroom back in Cartha. There were some differences, since the...

4 years ago
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Part 1 Vacation up North Intro Fuck in

Five girls on holiday in the North of Sweden, staying in a cabin, with one of the girls father.He was divorced from her mother and lived there all year round, so entertaining his daughter and her friends was to be his pleasure, as you the reader, will see as you read on.He had our company for two weeks and being more than twice our pubercent ages, he was going to see more than, a wet dream for a voyour wanker.His daughter, Pia, warned us of his isolation and the lack of sexual contact with...

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Holiday Party

This story was told to me by my friend Tim. Tim and his wife Laura are mid 30s and both work for a medium sized manufcturing firm in the suburbs of Chicago. Tim is of average build, about 6 foot and 170 lbs. Laura is about 5 foot 7 inches and about 130 lbs. She has dark hair, brown eyes and an athletic figure. All the guys comment on Laura's long legs and 34c chest. Tim and Laura have been married 10 years with no k**s and good jobs. Tim has commented, though, the Laura is very outgoing and...

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Rogue Space

Your long red locks of fiery red hair flow behind you as you skip along the rooftops above the bustling streets below, the glow of neon, and roaring sounds of the crowds below mask your movements along the roofs. It's only a small distance to the ground where the people are gathered, taken in by the signs and sounds, the smells of the spiced foods. Yup, you love a good tourist trap like this, so many fat wallets loaded with the local currency. You'd be able to swap these out for nice clean...

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Fucked My Chemistry Teacher

I am Atif age21yrs. Height is 5″10 have a well buildup body,I am a average looking guy. And my teacher is 32yrs old at that time her figure is 32 28 34 she is damn beautiful, gorgeous and have killer and bomb assets… Ye baat us samay ki hai jb mai 12th me tha tab maine pehli baar apni bomb n sexo teacher ko dekha tha mai to use dekhte sath hi uska diwana ho gaya tha or mai kya sara school us par lattu ho gaya tha even hamare sir log bi sab uski ek jhalak ko taraste the wo school me nayi aayi...

4 years ago
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Change Of Mind

Change Of Mind By; Londebaaz ChohanLewis thought many a times, if he had some genetic fault. Sofia was the 5th woman, he had been involved with on long term bases. Before her every relationship ended in a year or close to a year but luckily this time he had spent more than 5 years with Sophie. Between them, sex was very good but overall life was not settling anywhere close to the level that they could think of getting married. Particularly, for the last 6 months or so, since Sophie got to be...

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Stranger Fantasy

As arranged, I knocked three times on the front door and waited a minute before trying the handle. It turned and I pushed your door open. Inside, I could see all the doors to other rooms closed bar one, exactly as you had told me so I stripped off and hung my clothes on the hooks by the door. Stroking my rapidly hardening cock, I walked down the hall and into the darkened room. By the flickering light of a single candle I see you kneeling naked and blindfolded on the floor in front of a large...

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Dave ndash Meet Timmy Part 2

It was Sam’s game and although she was excited to see her brother on his knees in front of me about to remove my shorts she was definitely flagging, apart from the smoke I think it was drinking the two beers quickly that had done her in, Timmy was looking pretty fucked up and he only had one.Sam was trying to concentrate but was fighting a losing battle as Timmy looked up at me, “I never seen another man sir, is it ok to look sir?” he asked looking back down at the angled bulge inside my silky...

4 years ago
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Our Second Date December 28th 1974 Satur

Our second date was on December 28, 1974. I got up around 7 am, cleaned up and went to the mess hall for breakfast. Didn’t eat much since I wasn’t used to eating at the mess hall – but it was bearable – just. I then drove around the base to become familiar with the layout, where I would be assigned, etc. There was a lot of construction going on at that time with new buildings being put up everywhere – it was nice to see. I went over to the bowling alley which was open with league bowling going...

3 years ago
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Mental WhiplashChapter 5

"I won't be here next week." BB told them. "Or the week after." "What's up?" Ken asked. "Hatman-sama is taking me away. It's a thing for his office." "Oh." Ken nodded as if he understood; in truth, Ken had also figured out that BB was Hatman. "Well, can't be helped. I'll do a couple with Itchy and Scratchy." As BB was leaving for the night, he stopped and kissed Jou deeply. "May I come over to see you tomorrow night?" "If I said no, would it stop you?" "Probably...

4 years ago
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My truth

Every nerve in my body was tingling. James raised his hand up to my bronzed shoulder and slip down the strap. My head looked away and i closed my eye' s. It seemed so unreal. His touch was so soft and i could here his breathing. It was so deep. I felt his moist lips on my shoulder and moaned. This was how i wanted it. This is how i imagined it. James' arms were snug around my waist and his lips were massaging my neck and working they're way up to my baby pink lips. we kissed and everything...

First Time
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GloryHole Giselle Palmer 07032017

Giselle Palmer is a good girl. Really, she is. The only thing that brought her to this particular adult bookshop is her “bestie’s” bachelorette party. All she needed was a simple, “naughty” gift to make all the girls laugh. Maybe something really naughty…like a dirty movie? Before Giselle knew it, not only did the clerk thrust one of the naughtiest videos in the store into her hands, he’s hustled Giselle back to a preview booth, so she can take a look!...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers Part 1

This is one of my own stories, I’ve posted it up elsewhere as well. But enjoy! (Day 1) I shuffled in my seat uncomfortably as I felt his eyes bore into me, I refused to meet them and satisfy their hunger. I shot them past him and to the person on his right, his girlfriend… my best friend. “You look really beautiful tonight.” Harry leant his mouth to Kate’s ear, his eyes lingering on mine. She giggled, flinging her arms around his neck and pulling him close. I ran my fingers through my hair...

3 years ago
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Identify Chapter 10 of 10 Linna is Left Alone

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. A huge thank you to Oklaliz for the editing help. If you enjoy this, it is largely thanks to Oklaliz making it much more readable. Mistakes are mine, not his. This brings us to the end of Linna's story. Thank you to...

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cdpaula Saturday nite wild time

Well saturday nite Dan invited me over to play cards with him and 5 of his old buddys.Dan said he told them about us and said they were cool with it.So I dressed very slutty,blk corset with bulit in bra and gartor straps fish net thigh highs stocking,5.5" open toe stilettos and lepard print mini dress,and all my make up and jewlery. The card playing and of course drink were getting kind of dull so as we played cards the subject changed to something crazy wanted to do.They said stuff and it got...

1 year ago
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Jim and Angela

I posted a story earlier about my first time with a couple, Tony and Jody. They recommened me to their friends, Jim and Angela. I was fortunate because they lived in the Madison, Wisconsin area which is where I was living at the time.I met them first at a coffee shop. I wanted to make sure we clicked and also to discover what Angela's likes and dislikes were sexually. We'd already decided this was going to be a fuck session, not the picture taking incident like I had with Tony and Jody.Angela...

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Mother and Daughter part 14

"And remember to be careful, okay?" Janet said, trying not to smirk as the eighteen-year-old girl rolled her eyes before getting out of her car. "I will," Ellie replied with a sigh. "And thanks for the lift, but you don't need to do this EVERY day." Hint taken, Janet thought to herself. "Well, it's your Oyster Card," Janet shrugged. "Give me a text when you're on your way home, okay?" "Sure," Ellie replied with a nonchalant shrug of her own. "See you later, Janet." "Bye!" Janet...

4 years ago
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Island Roamer

Warmth... The last thing Jack feels as his senses slowly activate, being flooded with a nice warm ocean wave which washes over him like a nice winter blanket. It isnt all that nice though considering the fact he has tight jeans and an ugly neon green sweatshirt on, absolutely drenching him from head to toe. This is just what he needs though as he springs to his feet still recoiling from groginess Spitting out the sand residue in his mouth, he rubs his eyes as light assaults him along with a...

2 years ago
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I got to meet Peter North Part 2

After what felt like a few seconds I had rolled over to put my arm around Stacey, only to find that she was no longer in bed. I could feel some movement on the bed, so I had thought maybe she moved towards the headboard and was having issues sleeping. I roll over and look, and there they were. Peter North was grabbing my wife’s hips, while her head was buried into a pillow. They must have been at it for some time as Pete was in full swing and really pounding her.“My, my, my,” I uttered, “Looks...

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The Life GuardChapter 8

Matt had to work the six until closing shift at the pool. After dropping off the girls, he checked his phone messages at home to learn that Mrs. Myers wanting him to "mow her grass" again, and Patty had called three times wanting to know when he would be available again. He didn't return any of the calls. As soon as he was seated on his life guard stand, Patty came up from behind. "How come you haven't called me?" "I never said I would call you on any certain day. I told you I have...

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Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 2

Bob walked into the squad room and tossed his notebook onto his desk. His inbox was full, and he groaned. He could hold his own on the streets. He'd been shot at half a dozen times, and had survived them all. He'd been in two wrecks, and all he'd suffered was a deep bruise in one thigh. He'd processed enough blood and body fluid evidence to infect a hundred thousand people with Hepatitis, or HIV, and was still clean as a whistle. The paperwork, though, would kill him. He knew it, deep in...

2 years ago
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Lata Ki Seal Todi Maine Apne Ghar Pe

Hi, mera nam Raj hai me 22 sall ka hu me ek gav me rehta hu mere gav me ek lata nam ki 18 sal ki ladki hai jo mere ghar pe aaya karti thi. Ek din jab wo mere ghar pe aayi to mene dekha ki uske boob s chote chote aa rahe the me use ghurta rehta or wo chali jati me use chodna chahta tha par wo abhi choti thi wo bhi meri taraf dekhti thi par muje dar lagta tha ki wo ghar pe na keh de ek din jab wo mere ghar pe aayi to me janbuj ke mera lund nikal ke bahar rakh diya taki wo dekhe mere lund ki size...

2 years ago
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UnconventionalChapter 11

“What are your thoughts on having a gang-bang on the convention floor itself somewhere as a recruiting tool?” Katie asked me as she held hands with me the whole time as we officially checked out of my hotel suite that I had booked at the desk. “With you in what capacity, dear?” I asked her out of curiosity. “Fluffer, assistant, whatever it took. Just not the main attraction, not in this case. The whole point is to entice a woman to join us, after all, to reach the number of twenty-three...

3 years ago
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First Sex Experience With My Cousin Sister 8211 Part I

Hey this is Milan again this one is my 2nd story 1st one is hw I fucked my mami in my mama’s home (MAMA K GHAR MAMI KO CHODA). Guys that one is my 1st story n I want more cmnts is it gud or bad or how can I make it more sexy… I hope this story will be succeed to make ur dicks and pussies cry. Before starting the story let me introduce myself again… I m Milan Kumar from Bhubaneswar, odisha. I m doing n 21 years old with athletic physics and a drilling machine of 7″ with width of 2.5″.. I...

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OyeLoca Scarlet So Much More

Scarlet may look like the innocent girl-next-door type as she strolls through the neighborhood, but she has a dirty side that she’s been saving just for us. We take the hot Latina back to our place and introduce her to our stud’s meaty cock as she changes out of her street clothes and puts on a cute leotard and a black leather skirt. She exposes her bouncy tits and kisses our stud passionately as her pussy starts to drip. After sucking his chico stick, she spreads her legs and takes a hard...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 95

“Josey, did you actually talk that man into selling you half interest in this steakhouse?” Alaina asked. “I really didn’t have to talk him into it. I offered to buy-in, at half of his initial investment – paid in cash up front – and he jumped at the deal. Just as I thought, he invested all he had and all he could borrow, to start up this business. And though his investment is paying off, it’s coming in one day at a time. “I’m sure his interest is eating a hole in any profits he’s looking...

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The lift home

"Hey jen why are you still here so late? jump in its pouring out there." Jenny was shocked at her math teachers invitation to get in to the car with him. " I'm actually waiting for my transport but his running late today sir" Mr Davies looked at jenny her sexy body all wet with rain water her see thru shirt, her long white legs, her white ankle soaked socks and his eyes moved to her pretty face she had big brown eyes rimmed with long dark lashes and pouty kissable pink lips she was an...

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The Cabin

The setting sun lights the mountain road. I've given you no hint of where we are going this Friday night so all you know is that we'll be there for the weekend. For the last couple of hours you've followed my directions and have given up on learning our destination. Throughout this time I've been sitting close to you on the bench seat of the truck. I've enjoyed touching you, teasing you, and feeling my own passion rise. Your hand on my thigh sends shivers through my body and I try to urge...

3 years ago
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A tongue and cheek erotic look at Sex Olympics gymnastics

Voice of female TV sports announcer: Bob, we have a tie for the gold medal in gymnastics between Cumonme Moaninbitch of the Unified Team and Lickme Virgintwat of the United States. This year the Olympic committee has decided to do something different. Instead of giving both athletes the gold medal they are adding an event that the athletes will have to compete in without practice to break the tie. That event will be the Olympic Fuck Off Competition. In this event both athletes will have to...

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I want Bust it babynot that boosy bitch lol

because I talk with correct grammar or talk "white proper" as my bestfriend Kristel would say. She's my best friend but we're two different people, she was raised on the south side of town, not poor...just ghetto fabulous. I was raised in the same city just on the north side of town and I went to a prodominately white high school as well as the college I attend now. I got Kristel to come to the same college as me even though she says there "too many white people and not...

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“Thank you Grace.” I thanked him back and wished him a good day. With his departure, a smile broke across my face. Our deal concluded, the man would be moving into his new home within a few days. My name is Grace and contrary to my job as a real estate agent, I’m actually an introvert that posses good communication skills. Type of person that stays to herself so much that she has never had a relationship with another person besides her son. Actually he was the reason why I hadn’t....

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My second time

As the days passed by my desire to once again visit the toilets overcame the disgust that i felt for wanting to experience more pleasures whilst in the company of another man. Every time that i now masturbated the image that i wanked to was me with a man, or a couple and i can tell you that some of my thoughts whilst masturbating bordered on the depraved ! Anyway lust drove me to once again enter the toilet block that looked even more derelict in the daylight, i had decided to visit it in the...

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