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It was approaching dinner time on Eagle when Siobhan's, Maureen's and Sarah's Clans finished their tour. That morning they had toured Phoenix, and the afternoon before had done the same thing on Dóchas.

Maureen said, "Let's use the conference room off the bridge. Are you all going to eat dinner with us?"

"Sure," replied everyone.

"We've informally talked a lot about our plans once we were all operational," said Sarah as they were getting their snack in the conference room. "Based on what we've seen and heard, we should set a date for our exercises. How about 44 clock cycles from now?"

"Do we want the party before or after?" asked Brandan of Maureen's Clan.

"I think after," responded Siobhan.

"Is 44 cc enough time?" asked Courtney of Maureen's Clan.

"Yes," replied Melissa of Siobhan's Clan. "That should give us more than enough time for fighter pilots and cruiser crews to become proficient in operating from us. It also gives our crews enough time to sort out how they will interact." Seeing some of the expressions she added, "It's not that their training is deficient, but they are moving into a new home and that takes adjustments."

"Good point," said Sally with everyone nodding in agreement.

"Once we have the full complement of fighters and cruisers on board, we need to practice rapid launches," said Rusty. "These should start out slowly, uncloaked, and the pace should be gradually accelerated. We need to be able to do this cloaked. Once that is worked out, the next step is to figure out how quickly we can cycle fighters, including rearming."

"We've done some of that from Dóchas with all of the pilots," said Tara.

"So we are comfortable with the date?" asked Sarah.

"We are," replied Siobhan.

"We are," replied Maureen.

"Are Flight Directors satisfied with air crews' proficiency?" asked Sarah.

"Yes," replied Courtney and Melissa with Tara nodding her head.

Melissa of Siobhan's Clan added, "It was a smart move to begin their flight training on An Clochán with some use of Dóchas. Otherwise, I could see this being a much longer step."

"I hesitate to say this," said Rusty, "but I think their proficiency is very good on all aspects except entry and departure from a space ship. This period will give us time to improve that, and the crews to polish operations on the flight deck."

"So who wants to talk about their exercise plans first?" asked Maeve.

Conan said, "Our idea is to move some distance away, but stay within this solar system. We are considering moving so we are near another planet, such as Uranus, or one of the other Jovian planets. By doing that we would be less noticeable from beyond this solar system. Once there, we would go through a series of exercises to hone our operational ability over say, 20 to 30 clock cycles. One part of that would be extended operations and simulated combat conditions."

"What's your goal?" asked Alison.

"Basically we need more experience in operating our ship and its systems. We need to know how quickly we can launch our fighters and cruisers. We have a pretty good idea about how fast we can launch Star Fighters, but we don't know about the Badb Class Cruisers. Another unknown is how quickly we can recycle them. You asked for a goal. I see it as 'becoming comfortable both with our systems and as a team'. We are also planning on doing a number of defensive, offensive and emergency drills. It is still open as to whether we divide the Star Fighters and Badb Cruisers into teams for tactical combat, or just use space debris as targets."

"Were you planning on operating cloaked?" asked Maureen.

"Very definitely. The Star Fighter pilots have indicated that it takes some time to believe your HUD [head up display] or your telepathic sense when you can't visually see the other fighters with you."

"The crews on the Badb Cruisers need to shake down their ships as well, and get a feel for how they respond to commands. Weapons testing is also a must."

"We were going to work that into the overall drill."

"Speaking for Sarah's Clan," said Sarah, "we agree with what you've sketched out. In fact ours is similar."

Colleen said, "Ours is also similar to Conan's description. One part that isn't covered is making a fairly long excursion. Each ship should make one trip individually, and then we should go as a group."

"Presuming we want to minimize being detected, we could follow one of the planets orbits somewhat above or below the ecliptic."

Tiff said, "We ought to phase at set intervals and have all the departments consult to share their experiences."

"Good idea," responded Jill.

"This will give us another opportunity to evaluate our telepathic links," said Erin.

Siobhan responded, "Yes, and I suspect we will find aspects to our links that we haven't experienced yet."

"How is that?" asked Aoife.

"One ability I expect to emerge will be something like we experience on the bridge within our clan. This will give us an overview of all operations which will aide us in supporting each other."

"Anything else on operational issues?"

"Our reconnaissance drones should be back about the time we return from these operational training exercises," said Alison. "Our long range survey shuttles are ready to leave, as soon as we select a destination."

"I see it is nearly dinner time," said Sarah, "so over the next week let's work out a detailed plan for our exercises and then get together again. The idea behind this is to try and make sure we cover all aspects."

"Agreed," said the group.

"It wouldn't surprise me if we have visitors before we are ready to move," said Aoife.

"Who? When? Are you sensing a threat?" asked Sally in a rapid volley.

Aoife paused for a few moments, before replying, "I am not certain." Then after a few moments added, "The first will likely be, but the arrival of the other visitors doesn't seem to bring with it any active threat. Even though it will be before our move, it appears to be quite a ways in the future, and I think we all know how quickly the threads of time can change."

"Yes," replied several.

–-- –-- –--

Sarah's Clan watched their monitor as Phoenix and Eagle prepared to depart Mars orbit on their month long exercise. In finishing up the Dóchas class ships they had run into a number of nagging issues. None were serious, but everyone felt that taking their time to prepare for reaching this milestone was the right thing to do. Several times an opportunity was seen to shorten this time, but after careful consideration it was decided to make sure the issues were correctly resolved. If there had been a significant reason the preparation could have been shortened. This decision provided extra time for the Badb Cruisers crews and Star Fighter pilots to become proficient in operating from their ships. The other advantage was that it gave their support units more time to work out their procedures.

Initially their plan was for just Eagle and Phoenix to move to another part of the solar system for the exercises, but as they were making the preparations, they decided that since An Clochán had added several defensive installations, Dóchas would also. To them, being able to exercise together for part of the time was worth the risk. This was even though they thought the increased activity in the solar system would be detectable.

The monitor on Dóchas' bridge flickered then showed Siobhan's Clan on Phoenix's bridge. Alongside her stood Brigit and Conan as she said, "Dóchas Command Staff, Phoenix requests permission to depart Mars station."

"Permission granted," replied Sarah. "See you in 20 cycles, and may the Gods and Goddesses be with you."

"Thank you, and may you too be so blessed."

Sarah's Clan watched the monitor, as the image divided to show both Eagle and Phoenix. It was a few minutes before they saw Phoenix begin to veer away from them. They watched as Phoenix slowly accelerated toward her destination, which was close to Uranus on the other side of the solar system. It wasn't long before Phoenix was just a small white dot on the screen. On another monitor was a map showing this solar system, the planets and their ships.

"It is amazing how different Phoenix's departure looks from those we saw in movies when we were growing up," said Alison.

"Yes, it is," replied her spouses.

"Dóchas Command Staff," said Maureen, as a view of Eagle's bridge appeared on the monitor. "We see Phoenix is on their way. Eagle is ready to depart." The view showed Creidne and Brandan standing beside her in the center of Eagle's bridge. "We intend to hold our departure until Phoenix is well away."

"Acknowledged," replied Sarah. "Any particular reason?"

"Basically, we want to see how they do before we begin," replied Maureen. "We want to learn from them, and they will monitor us."

"You're not going to do anything fancy are you?" asked Claudette.

"No ... Well not this time," replied Maureen with a grin.

"Good. I don't think I am ready for the anxiety of seeing you do another barrel roll."

"We are going to use slightly different departure parameters to those that Phoenix used. Another barrel roll is possible, but not until we know more about our ship's responsiveness, as we have considerably more mass than we're used to."


"It is a maneuver we need to explore at some point," replied Conan, with Creidne nodding in agreement.

"We can see your point of view and agree. Our data shows that Phoenix used departure parameters only slightly more aggressive than we have used while moving Dóchas in the past."

"Ours will be considerably more aggressive," replied Colleen.

Maureen said, "Now looks like a good time. Dóchas Command Staff, Eagle requests permission to depart Mars station."

"Permission granted," replied Sarah. "See you in 20 cycles. May the Gods and Goddesses be with you all."

Dóchas Command Staff watched the monitor as Eagle veered slightly away from Dóchas, then rapidly disappeared from view.

"Wow, that was more aggressive," said Joyce.

"Yes," replied Sarah. "Jill, how does the data coming from them look?"

"On initial acceleration, Eagle showed some slight amount of strain, but it quickly disappeared. All the readings are well within design parameters. When Phoenix departed, there were no indications of any strain."

"Joyce," asked Rusty, "are both following their expected flight paths?"

"Yes. Phoenix will arrive at their exercise position ahead of schedule. Based on our initial data Eagle will be even further ahead of schedule. Actually, Eagle will arrive at her destination before Phoenix does."

"Terry," asked Sarah, "beyond their identification signal do you see any indication of their activity in the solar system?"

"Only a very slight ripple in solar gas flow. Our sentries are not seeing any anomalies."

"Aine, what are we missing?" asked Rusty. "Shouldn't Eagle and Phoenix cause a larger ripple in the solar gas stream than we are detecting?"

"Your detection systems are functioning correctly. If you had simply duplicated the original design of Dóchas, then yes, the ships would create a larger wake. Your family is to be commended for taking the original designs and incorporating more recent data from the library along with their Earth-based aerodynamic knowledge."

"So, you're implying aerodynamics is important even in space travel?"

"Yes. The significance is not as great or obvious. In Earth's atmosphere, aircraft use differential air pressure to obtain the necessary lift to fly. Using an efficient aerodynamic design is an important criteria but it usually creates a lot of RF reflective surface. For military aircraft this becomes an issue as they need to reduce RF reflection to minimize detection. Even so, detecting aircraft with RF works because the speed of the RF signal is so much greater than the aircraft's speed. On the other hand, in space aerodynamics isn't very important with respect to flight efficiency, so it is usually not considered in the design. By factoring in aerodynamics in these modified designs, there is very little disturbance of the solar gas due to your ships movement, which diminishes your visibility. In space, RF reflection is not a good detection technique because the speed of an RF signal can be similar to a space craft. We detect space travelers in several ways, and one of those is by looking for unnatural disturbances in the solar gas flow. When we cloak our ships detection becomes even more difficult, but not impossible."

"This leaves our propulsion system as the primary means of detecting us."


"Based on the information in our library," said Jill, "our propulsion engines will only be visible if we exceed 20% power."

"But, the library information is quite old."

"Yes, it is," replied Jill, "in our analysis we took that into account. We also evaluated our emissions when we made moves between here and Earth orbit. That data indicates that the 20% power limit is conservative."

Rusty was quiet for a few moments, and then said, "That could be a distinct advantage to us. Nice work."

"I will pass your comment on to the engineers."

"Well, are we ready to depart?" asked Sarah.

There was a chorus of affirmatives from the staff. Looking at the indicators from her position, she saw that all consoles were in a green state. "Breacadh, please advise Amy's Clan that we are departing for our exercises."


"Dóchas," said Amy, as her image appeared on Dóchas' monitor, "see you in 40 cycles or sooner. May the Gods and Goddesses be with you."

"Thank you."

With that, Dóchas departed Mars orbit toward Jupiter to a position 1 deciparsec from Mars. As soon as Dóchas reached its new position, Sarah had Star initiate their planned exercises. Command Staff watched as the crew prepared to launch four cruisers and two squadrons of Star fighters.

"I'll be damned," exclaimed Kathryn loudly, when she saw Jasmine enter the dining room on Dóchas. "I wonder how that bitch managed to get here. Our Staffing department really should have higher standards." Her comments evoked expressions of shock from the other members of her group. Kathryn walked toward Jasmine. As she approached, Jasmine turned toward her.

"Well I'll be," said Jasmine when she saw Kathryn, her expression turned dark and to one of intense dislike, "if isn't the campus slut. How's tricks slut?"

"Slut? You're a fine one to be calling anyone a slut," snarled Kathryn back. "What perverse sexual tricks did you perform to get here? It had to be more than just spreading your legs so something could use your well-used cunt."

"Look, Bitch! I heard those stories you were spreading about me. I didn't get accepted to the sorority by licking my way through the sisters." As she spoke, she got louder, her long restrained anger boiling to the top. "It wasn't I who was the sorority's whore. I didn't spread my legs for the football team. I am not going to let you trash me again." As Jasmine spoke, those around her could see her anger rise while her body tensed and turned a crimson red. Her hands clenched and her arms tensed as if she was going to hit Kathryn, until Ellyn put her hand on her shoulder.

"Bullshit! I have never said anything about you. Even after I heard about the stories you were spreading about me. I know you started those stories about me participating in lesbian orgies. I am sure you were behind the stories of me being an ice queen, and the one about me living and working in a whorehouse. Who did you get to dress up like me at the local strip club?" Kathryn's voice never rose, but her icy tone turned the room very cold. "I trusted you. You were my first intimate friend. You betrayed me. You fucking bitch! Now, you stand here trying to make it my fault. Maybe I should have done the things you claim I did in those stories, then you wouldn't need to lie." Kathryn took a deep breath and then softly said, "Bitch, you don't know how much pain those stories caused me. It took all I had to keep attending class so I could finish school."

"Slut, you are full of shit," snarled Jasmine. "So full of it, your eyes are brown. You seduced me. Bitch! Then you told everyone I was a lesbian whore. Who wrote the material for you? You're too stupid to create those stories about me."

"I did not. Sorority row slut. I heard you were the favorite slut of all the fraternities. I heard they even crowned you as their slut queen. I am surprised you graduated, what with all the time you spent on your back with your legs spread."

Jasmine and Kathryn quietly glared at each other, their clans standing around them with amazed looks on their faces. None of them could believe the anger or accusations their friends were throwing at each other, although they knew from their mind-link about the incidents. Kathryn broke the standoff of hard stares, and tears filled her eyes as she whispered, "I loved you and you humiliated me."

"Kathryn," replied Jasmine, with tears also streaking down her cheeks, "I loved you. Why?"

"Oh, my," they both said together, as they stepped toward one another, hugging each other as the tears flowed and their barriers began to crumble. It was then that they both realized that they were the victims of others. Quite spontaneously they each opened a mind-link with the other, and held each other for a long time. After a few moments, the two groups linked arms around Jasmine and Kathryn, drawing them into a tight group hug.

"Jasmine, I am so sorry that I didn't seek you out," said Kathryn, after a few moments. "I felt so humiliated when I heard the stories. There were times I wanted to die."

"Kathryn, you cannot be any sorrier than I am. In spite of everything, I have never stopped loving you. What we had, was so precious."

"I know. I have never stopped loving you, either." Kathryn drew back, and looked into Jasmine's eyes for a long moment. Their groups could see the adoration they felt for each other. They felt the strength of their emotions for each other when their lips touched. Everyone in the two groups felt their kiss as if it was their own. Through Kathryn and Jasmine's mind-link, the two groups began to share resurfaced memories from college.

"Come on, you two love birds," said Vickie of Jasmine's group, "we need to eat dinner."

Jasmine and Kathryn nodded in acknowledgment, then, after a few moments, turned with an arm linked around each other toward their groups. Together they said, "Yes, we need to eat, but first let us assure you this will not diminish the feelings we have for each of you. As you have seen through our mind-link, we met in college, roomed together the first year, and became very close. The second year, Jasmine joined a sorority. It was after she became a sorority sister that the stories began. Both our reputations were soon trashed. Needless to say, we couldn't stand the sight of each other."

Kathy walked up to the group and said, "Gosh, I thought you would be eating by now."

"We were delayed by a personal matter," said Kathryn.

"I hope, it wasn't serious," replied Kathy, with a concerned expression on her face.

"We thought it was, but it seems like we were played."


"Jasmine and I went to college together. Apparently, someone did not like us. Stories were spread around campus about each of us that were humiliating, to say the least. The stories supposedly originated from whichever one was not in the story."

"That's ugly. It is amazing how small people can be sometimes. So, I take it Jasmine and you were played off against each other."

"You know Jasmine?"

"Yes. She helps out in the clinic at times."

"I almost didn't recognize her. She looks so different now."

"I didn't recognize you until I heard you call me bitch," replied Jasmine. "You look a lot different to the woman I made love to so many times."

"I don't think many of the people we knew in college would recognize us now," replied Kathryn. "Think about it: I am a good foot taller now, my bust is a good 18 inches larger and my shoulders are a good 6 inches wider. Those are changes you just don't expect to see happen to an adult."

"Kathryn, on Earth you would be an intimidating person, just because of your size."

Kathryn laughed, and then said, "True. All of us would have that effect on many people from Earth. It is really more than size though, since size only comes into play when you are near another person. From a distance it comes from one's image, in terms of appearance, confidence and grace."

As Kathy, Jasmine and Kathryn were talking, their groups had moved through the serving line. When they sat down together they switched to a telepathic exchange, so everyone in their group could share in the conversation. They had just started to eat when Kathy noticed two men looking for a place to sit. She looked questioningly at Kathryn and then Jasmine. When they nodded, Kathy waved them over. Everyone shifted a bit to make room as the two walked over.

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I guess you could say that Eric came with the house. He lives in the apartment above our garage and has done so for more than 20 years. When we bought the house 5 years ago he asked if could give us 60 days so he could decide if we were people he could work with. We apparently passed his test because he's still there.Eric just turned 72 and spent his career in the military. He retired at 60 and has lived a pretty quite life since. The owners before us said that he was bit reclusive and we...

3 years ago
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MageChapter 29

“Welcome back, John,” Xi, as Roxanne’s temporary second in command, greeted me as our group came through the portal to our Loegrian side base. “Nice to be back,” I replied with a smile as I looked around at the slightly expanded camp. “Yes, we’re getting a few new arrivals,” Xi confirmed as Roxanne came up. “That’s true, Seers Jemima, Abi and Adsila are here, along with several more Mages and investigatory teams from the civilised Earths,” Roxanne added to Xi’s information. “We’ve also...

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Tammy Takes A Road Trip

One evening the three of us, over dinner, decide to take a road trip to no where but just waste a day. We agree to leave Saturday around noon, and we'll flip a coin to see what direction to travel. Saturday morning I tell you that what I want you to wear. I've selected a mini skirt, a tight, button up cashmere sweater and a pair of heels. "I want you to button up the sweater just high enough to keep your tits from slipping out from under the sweater but no more. I want everyone to see your...

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Inboundby Rajah Dodger {[email protected]} (c) 2016This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and permission note must...

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I Lose My Virginity

I had just returned from my out of state college to my hometown,where I dwelt with my stepmother.  It had been an extremely tough semester for me. I had to work hard to fit in schoolwork, the football practices, and games, as well as a job as a part-time waiter at a local restaurant. My dad had remarried two years ago and unfortunately passed away in a car accident six months after. My mother, who left him to marry another man, had ruined him financially. Then he met Kathy my stepmother who was...

Gay Male
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My Cousin Vinutha

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy, a student, living in Bangalore, Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS. Thank you guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> I was staying out of town and my cousin Vinutha...

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Wife Wants Cuckold Humiliation

Hello ladies. This is Ajit back with yet another sex story. This story is about a couple with me enjoyed a cuckold experience. Lata and alok were in their early 50’s and they both were from upper rich family. Lata was looking beautiful at this age also. She had a nice tight body with curves and semi-huge boobs. Lata asked me to make her horny by just talking first. It was a bit difficult for me to make a women horny by words but I still thought of giving it a chance. Me- lata so what makes...

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NuruMassage Casey Calvert Rubbin Cousin

Casey Calvert leads her second cousin, Seth Gamble, who is carrying a laptop, to a table in her living room and thanks him again for showing up to help her. Running her own business from home has been amazing, but she’s a LITTLE behind with the paperwork. Seth states that he’s happy to help since that’s what family’s for. He comments that he’s confident he can help her sort through everything and get organized. It’s what he does for a living, after all....

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Elements Surprise

This is a story written by myself and Element late one night… The wind blew hard that night, rain pelted down rough on the windows and walls. Thunder can be heard echoing through the valley as in a bedroom a blossoming young woman laid under her sheets deep in sleep. Underneath the sheets she wore a black teddy that fit snuggly to her body. The fireplace nearby kept her warm enough to wear just this. Lengthy blond hair hung out all over her consuming her pillow, she lay on her left side as...

1 year ago
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The Love Story Of Lakshmi Prasad Part 2

We both went to his bathroom where he began applying anne French all over. He finished 3 bottles and then turned me around and bent me over. He separated my ass cheeks and slowly began applying the Anne French there. The smell of the stuff was nauseating as I stood there not moving. He then proceeded to shave my cheeks which were just starting to grow a beard. After shaving twice he began washing off the hair removal cream with warm water. I began feeling tingly as all the little hair on my...

Gay Male
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Debaucery in Fairbanks Alaska

This story takes place in 2010 during a business trip to Fairbanks Alaska. Everything you're about to read is exactly what happened. I haven't listed names due to anonymity being kept. So with that said, let's begin.In 2010 I went to Fairbanks Alaska for the first time. I had lived in Alaska for 3 years but all the way down in Anchorage. It was a relatively world wide business meeting with people from Italy, Japan, England, and all over the United States.I was 25 at the time, and for those...

4 years ago
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Drei Buchstaben. Und doch soviel mehr. Denn das ist die Bezeichnung meiner Chromosomen. Nicht X Y und auch nicht X X. Ein X Y würde mich zum Mann machen, ein X X zur Frau. Aber X X Y ? Für mich bedeutet es ein ständiges Pendeln zwischen den Geschlechtern. Die Natur bescherte mir eine üppige, sehr frauliche Oberweite und entsprechende Hüften, dazu stattliche primäre männliche Geschlechtsorgane, aber weder Bartwuchs noch sonstige starke Körperbehaarung. Ich betrachte mich im großen Spiegel...

3 years ago
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Indian WinterChapter 4

Like most men, Jake had his fantasy sex. There was the lithe, factory fresh teenager, body barely emerging into maturity. She was only too receptive to his 'patience, skill and experience.' His dick was 'the biggest she'd seen' and just squeezed into her tight vagina. TheN there was the insatiable older woman who took whatever he had to give with gratitude. Unlike the slender teenager, she was round and womanly with just the hint of sag and a few stretchmarks for character. But...

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She Had a Hot Massage in her Suite

She’d been out all day at meeting after meeting. These had been followed by drinks and then a corporate dinner. By the time she got back to her hotel suite with its fabulous view of city lights and darkly twinkling water, she was badly in need of something to reduce her tension. A massage always helped. Em was a fan of therapeutic massage. Deep tissue massaging always relaxed her if she was feeling tense. Often, though, because she travelled on business a lot and was frequently in cities...

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SwingLifestyle! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

Hookup Sites
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13 Cherries

10:18 P.M., Monday, June 15, 2015 Honolulu, HI As they had Friday, the two children met in secret beneath a banyan tree. Stars were visible, and the first sliver of the waxing moon was occasionally obscured by clouds, but the air was warm and the two nine-year-olds were lightly dressed in dark colors, hoping to remain unnoticed. After a tight hug and a quick kiss on the lips the boy and girl made their way towards the center of the multiple trunks of the tree. “I got your message,” Paula...

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Mother india

My name is lalitha, I will tell you my side of the story. The following incident is as close to reality as it comes with exception of the names. I was born and brought up in a rich family with a large farm at the outskirts of Bangalore. We were about 8 children and my dad had 2 wives as the first one had some conception problems. My trouble started when I was married at the tender age of immediately after my schooling. Like other girls of rural India I was not that much aware of sex. My father...

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InternetCreeper Marilyn Mansion Manhandling The Maid

Big titted teen maid Marilyn Mansion believes she’s been hired to clean Bruno’s house, what he really wants her to ‘clean’ is his thick Latin cock. Like a true slut, she easily bennds to his will. In a flash she’s bound with duct-tape and begging for mercy as he repeatedly slaps her face and tits red. The intense rough action continues as he hammers her tight wet pussy in several positions. Once he’s had enough fun with her slut-holes he covers her with a...

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Youll Get Used to ItChapter 4

Mom was strangely angry with me that day and the next. Was it my fault that she had shoved her snatch into my face? It wasn’t like I had made her do it. She could have told me to stop licking her, she could have yelled at me or even slapped my face, but she didn’t. Maybe that’s why she was angry, because she knew it was her own fault. At any rate, it was a weird reaction to her assumption that I had had sex with a girl in the house. She obviously wanted me to know that she knew, otherwise,...

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Lisa August 2003

A friend of mine asked me to post this story on his behalf - I know much of it is true as I know most of the people involved - if he gets any favourable reactions he'll pass me some more to post - there's another 19 chapters I think. My name’s Steve, I’m just the wrong side of 40 now, long-time divorced and up until fairly recently single. I’m Mr Average really looks wise – six feet tall, about 14 stone (probably carrying a stone too many to be honest), brown hair and blue eyes. I’ve got my own...

2 years ago
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Sappho Chapter 3

Chapter 3 With the plans for the hyperdrive infrastructure already given to Paglia, there was plenty of free time, the time I had wanted to do what I had trained to do - explore and analyze. In its own way, Sappho was a fascinating place. Except for a few scattered islands, the results of an ancient volcanic chain, there was only one continent on the entire planet. About the size of Australia, it was divided naturally by the mighty Joan of Arc mountains running north-south and an...

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Escaping the Streets

True Story: I've had my share of difficulties in this life and then some. But I've survived. Had to sell a little pussy and suck a few dicks. Kept my self clean, but it's not a good life. Every man thinks it's a great life, but for a woman it's not. Been robbed a few times, but nerver beat up.So one afternoon I'm a little, innocent looking black girl waitint for a city bus in a bus stop shelter in Richmond, Virginia and this white guy stops his car to ask for directions. Found out pretty...

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Erikas Adventure Part Ten A Good Housewife

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Ten - A Good...

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AllGirlMassage Maddy O8217Reilly Charlotte Stokely Luna Star Two Is Better Than One

Charlotte Stokely has just hired Luna Star to work at her massage parlor and is in the process of training her. One of the regulars, Maddy O’Reilly, is coming in for her afternoon appointment and Charlotte would like Luna to give her the massage. Charlotte excuses herself, instructing Luna to man the reception area while she attends to some things. Maddy walks in and introduces herself to Luna and the girls hit it off. When Charlotte walks back in the room she notices the chemistry...

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PornMegaLoad Claudia Kealoha The Hotel HiJacker

Holy Jiggle Jugs, Boobman! This is a hotel bell-man’s whacking fantasy come to life at “The Hotel Hi-Jacker” should be a required on-the-job training film for every hotel and resort employee. Hawaiian dish Claudia KeAloha (Ultimate Summer Sinn, Big Tit P.O.V., SCORE Xtra 12) is in town to feature as a headlining exotic dancer. When she checks into her room, she’s up for some action right away and her first target is this lucky schmuck who is in the right...

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He got what he deserved

After ten years of marriage things had gone stale. It was that bad that if I was baking the bread I wouldn’t make a decent bread pudding. It was always the same in the bedroom department and getting really boring. Mike, my husband, was so predictable. When it came to sex he was a typical male, wanting things his way or no way. Adventure in the bedroom was a no no. We had married when I was eighteen, and Mike was my first and only. I longed to find out what it might be like with another guy....

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Nagpur aunty

The life has multiple aspects and impacts on human life. Sometimes it moves straight and simple, like a calm and quiet ocean and then suddenly it changes its routs, brings a lot of uncertainties and instabilities, becoming so rough and rude like an uncontrolled river, falling from the unseen heights to the unreachable depths. Making us unable to see its beginning and the falling end. We just become so helpless and can do nothing but to listen the nerve-rattling aqua sonic and surrender...

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THE STRANGEST JIGSAW PUZZLEIt was on the top shelf on an old bookcase, covered with dust and barely visible. Lisa decided she had to find out what it was. Of all the things in the old junk shop, it aroused her curiosity most. She had looked through old books, prints, and postcards for hours. Nothing had caught her interest. Now the old box, high and out of reach, intrigued her. She looked around for the old man who ran the store. But he had gone into the back room. She saw a stepladder across...

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Punishment with Anton volume 1

This story follows on from wife takes more black cock About a month passed from our night spent with Anton in the hotel and during that time myself and Hannah had had some of the best sex that we have ever had. She had become far more open about her sexuality and far more willing to try different experiences. It was a Wednesday night and we were sitting together watching TV when out of the blue Hannah said can we arrange to meet up with Anton this weekend? I was a bit shocked at first because...

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Lesbian Domination High

Something High School is an American all girls high school. While it does have a Headmistress, the school is ruled by six factions. The smallest faction are the Pink Bulls led by the lustful gym teacher "King" (she's one of those) Carmilla Satlykova who possesses a warped sexual lust as well as a lust for domination towards the school's soccer team, including her own sister Yuri. Those under her thumb become her playthings by getting them addicted to drugs. Slightly above the Pink Bulls are the...

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FamilyStrokes Brooke Karter The Stepsister Sex Tape8230

Chad came home pissed that his girlfriend just broke up with him, until his dad reassured him that there were plenty of other fish in the sea. This proved to be a fact when he caught a glimpse of his hot stepsis Brooke Karter out of the corner of his eye. He decided to proposition her with his car for a week if she would volunteer to help him make a sex tape in order to make his ex girlfriend jealous. She of course agreed and began to suck down stepbros cock before he could even get his phone...

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Nightriders BaneChapter 13

"Well, Mrs. White, you have what you wanted; at least for the next month or so. But know this, whenever the weather clears, we are leaving. Now, as I said earlier, you are going to cover all of the costs for the new police force. You will also compensate the families of the people that died tonight. It was your total disregard for anyone else that caused all of the pain that those three families are now going through. Furthermore, you will make a public apology to all of the people of this...

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Son Of Cupid Chapter 4 The Art Of Masturbation

NAME: jalal Kareem AGE: 21 Years Old RACE: Mixed Arabic and Caucasian BIRTHPLACE: Iran but has lived in the USA since he was 4 years old and speaks in an American accent. HAIR COLOR: jet black medium length shaggy curly hair style SHOE SIZE: 9 1/2 FLACCID PENIS SIZE: 6 inches in length and 2 inches in width FULLY ERECT PENIS SIZE: 8 1/2 inches in length annd 3 inches in width CIRCUMCISED: no           Next I unfroze time and made myself visible to him with my white feathered wings....

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Life on Another PlanetChapter 15 Knight of the DiDC

Sunday, January 15, 2012 9:30am The weather had been dreary for the past two weeks since returning from Whistler. Rain off and on, with a cold wind from the North, the temperature never getting above 10ºC (50ºF). Kirsten had left on her road trip to Eastern Canada, Sue was now established in her Victoria apartment, and in general, life had become somewhat solitary for Jesse Peterson. Gregor and Sabina had returned to San Diego, anxious to see some warm sunshine once again, although not...

4 years ago
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Adventures of Kristof Marci Marcis Story Pt 3

Continued...In the morning I felt Tanya stir next to me and reached across to run my fingertips over her pussy.‘Mmmm, nothing better than a frisky woman in the morning.’ she said, reaching across to stroke me.We gently brought each other off before getting up. She led me into the bathroom and licked my pussy after I had peed, having me do the same to her, then we headed off to the kitchen for breakfast.Pouring a second mug of coffee, Tanya said ‘I have to go in and open the shop, make sure my...


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