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A story by Sadiax and Graymangazer.

A business woman is kidnapped by a younger woman for revenge.

This story is told alternately from the viewpoint of two people, Sadiax wrote as the young kidnapper and Graymangazer as the captive. The plot wasn’t planned, just two people bouncing off one another.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it. Please feel free to comment.

Part 1.

I felt frightened. I always thought I was tough, I make tough decisions every day, decisions often affecting people's lives, but now I know I am a woman alone, a frightened woman in a frightening situation.

The company car park has always been a place I hated; dark lonely and chill, but I had become blas? about it and I walked casually to my car. It was late, my car was the only one left on that floor and she was waiting for me, she walked out in front of me from behind a concrete pillar, I jumped in surprise, but she was young so I wasn't alarmed, but she also had a gun, it could have been a child's toy, it probably was but I am far from an expert on firearms, I knew though that when someone points a gun at you, you do what they tell you.

She snatched my bag away from me and I thought she would rob me so I tried to tell her that I didn't have much cash, but the barrel of the gun was pressed against my lips as a warning to be quiet. I began to tremble in fear as she pulled me to the back of the car and the tears started when she forced me into the trunk. I looked up at her as she closed the lid, I thought she looked familiar but I meet so many people in my job that it is hard to tell. As the car moved off I tried to stay calm and think what she might want with me; I was successful but I was hardly rich, not worth the risk of kidnapping for a ransom, if it was a man I would have been convinced that he intended to rape and murder me, but surely not a young woman, a pretty young woman at that. Why that should make a difference I didn't know, but I couldn't, I wouldn't believe such an attractive young woman really meant me harm.

As we travelled and I came to terms with the situation I began to think I might be able to get out of this, but she soon convinced me otherwise. When we arrived at our destination it was no more than five minutes later that I found myself in the position I am now; cuffed to a chair in a dank basement with a bag over my head.

I don't know how long I sat there, it felt like hours but could have been minutes but I jumped in fear and surprise when the bag was snatched from my head. She had changed her clothes, that was my first thought as I blinked against the light, gone were the jeans and hooded sweatshirt, in their place was a small black dress and four inch heels. She held a glass of wine in her right hand. She looked like a model and I felt drab and dowdy, she was so pretty, her dark hair and her makeup were perfect, whereas my suit was crumpled, I had holes in my stockings and my pride and joy; my long red hair was lank and stuck to my face and head with sweat, I didn't dare to think what my face looked like after all the tears and being under the hood.  It seemed utterly ridiculous; I had been kidnapped at gunpoint, held in some stark cellar, I was maybe minutes away from death and I was concerned about my appearance.

I waited for her to speak, I had a thousand questions to ask but somehow I knew I should stay silent. She walked slowly around me as if inspecting me. She stood to my right and sipped her wine, I didn't know whether to look at her or not, somewhere in the back of my mind I thought that if I didn't remember her face I had a better chance of release.

"Miss Darby Davidson, not so high and mighty now are we?" she said.

I snapped my head around to face her, she knew my name and it now sounded like this was personal "I...I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, please tell me what you want?" I studied her smirking face, there was something about her, I tried to remember her but it was no good, I couldn't put a name to the face.

She placed her glass on a table to the side and moved behind me; I yelled when she suddenly pulled my head back by my hair, I was forced to look up at her, my mouth agape with the pain from my scalp. She caressed my cheek with her spare hand and ran the tips of her fingers lightly over my lips, I sat frozen in place as her hand slid down my stretched neck and into the top of my shirt, when her fingers wormed their way inside my bra I finally found my voice "P...Please don't," I pleaded quietly.

She grinned, her face upside down in my vision and I winced as she gripped my nipple between her thumb and forefinger, she squeezed and twisted, my nipple erupted in pain. When I looked up at her again she was excited and licking her top lip.

Whatever the reason she wanted me for, and whatever she planned to do to me, I felt that this was just the beginning.


Miss ‘high and mighty’ didn’t even recognise me!  She ruined my life; sitting there complacently at her computer, dealing with units and establishments rather than real people. To her, all I ever was was a press of a button and a problem dealt with.  Fury rose in me like the fury I had felt twice before thanks to her. The arrogance of this bitch made me livid.  This time, however I determined to keep myself under control. I can never remember who said that clever quote, but the person who remarked that revenge is a dish best served cold clearly had me in mind.

She winced and cringed gratifyingly as I tweaked that sweet little pink nipple. Her plea was honey to me, sweet to savour. I could unexpectedly feel myself dewing along my pussy. A delicious thrill ran through me as she whimpered and I could feel my own nipples erect in sympathy with hers.

The wine was delicious. My every sense was enhanced and alive. I could almost see the pulse racing at her delicate, pale throat. I watch her like a stalking cat watches an injured bird. She snatches glimpses up at me, in between dropping her gaze, frightened. She pulls surreptitiously at the cuffs. Good luck with that, I think smirking. Those cuffs are strong enough to hold my regular partner and he is far stronger that this fearful mouse.

‘Please?’ she begins again and wordlessly I put my glass down on the floor and clamp my hand forcefully across her quivering lips. She gurgles and squirms, tears coming to her eyes.

‘Quiet’ I hiss, my full red lips close to her well made ear, so close that the air stirs unkempt strands of that sweet red hair. I wonder if she’s red down between her thighs too. I smile at the thought. There will be time enough to discover that in the coming minutes, hours and days.

Her lips move beneath my palm and I tut and sigh. I press harder and she stills.

‘I don’t want to hear anything from you Miss Darby Davidson’ I tell her, my voice cold and brisk. She tries to move her head, eyes swivelling to look up at me, a most delicious blue. The pupils are dilated and so attractive. Her whole demeanour excites me more than I ever expected it would. In the beginning all I ever wanted was an explanation, an apology, some dignity. Quite when this became a sexual thing eludes me. Perhaps it was during the weeks of stalking, following, mapping out her life and waiting for the opportunity to get her alone. Suddenly though, she was in my fantasies and I had her image in my mind when I climaxed as I touched myself.

I slide my free hand back down that ruined blouse and push the bra aside roughly, enjoying the muffled squeal she makes as my fingers seek her little button of a nipple. I stroke it, small and hard. She knows what is coming and the tension unnerves her. I wait, building it. My fingers circle that delicious bud, my mouth watering as I imagine slipping it between my teeth and nibbling it.

But??time waits for no man, as they say. And very few women either no doubt. I remove both my fingers from her nipple and my palm from her mouth.

‘So, Miss Davidson’ I begin ‘or, may I call you Darby?’

She nods, unsure, desperate not to anger me. I smirk.

‘So, Darby?.’

I step back, hands on hips and head cocked to one side, a little tipsy with the wine and the sudden power over this woman. She’s older than me, around forty I would say, maybe a little older, but well preserved, slim and well groomed. I regard her appraisingly.

‘So, Darby’ I continue finally ‘we have a problem’

My words are ominous and she recognises that. She begins to shake her head and I put a manicured forefinger to her pink lips, momentarily overcome with a mental image of her pussy lips and my finger there.

‘I need something from you’

Her eyes are confused but already she knows better than to speak. I look forward to using a variety of gags on her, but I know that they will be just for my pleasure. She will be quiet when I command it.

‘Contrition?’ I ask, almost to myself.

Her eyes are wide and desperate and pleading, and so sexy.


I pick up the riding crop that lies hitherto unnoticed by her on the table in the darkened corner of the room with other instruments of incarceration and punishment.

‘What do you think, Darby?’


My nipple hurts and I think I might cry, I am about to beg her to stop when she suddenly lets go, I sag into the seat with a groan. I can still feel the pain from her fingers. She drinks some more wine and I pull at the cuffs when she isn't looking but there is no give. She strolls across in front of me and she trips slightly; it's obvious that shes had more than the one glass. I look at her as she watches me but I can't hold eye contact, I'm scared to speak but I have to try to convince her to release me.

"Please," I start but her eyes bore into mine and she casually places her glass on the floor. As she squats her short dress rides up revealing the tops of her stockings and I find myself staring at her long legs, I wonder if she is doing it by design but suddenly she is upon me and clamps her hand over my mouth. I can't breath and struggle to free myself but she grips harder, I try but I can't talk and she warns me to stay quiet. I believe she is going to kill me and she thrusts her hand into my top to again she grips my breast, this time roughly and I try to plead with my eyes, I manage to get some air through my nose just as she touches my sore nipple. My nipple aches and it is hard, I think it must be through fear, I refuse to believe it could be for any other reason. She holds me there for a minute then as suddenly as she started she stops

"So, Miss Davidson, or may I call you Darby?" she asks. frightened of angering her I nod dumbly and she steps back.

She carries on speaking but the words don't entirely register, I am desperately trying to remember who she is so I can understand what she wants, I want to ask her but I'm too scared to speak now. I hear the words 'contrition' and 'Atonement' and realise that she imagines I have slighted her in some way. she moves out of my sight and returns seconds later, the clicking of her heels sound so ominous, she is idly swinging a riding crop from her fingers. She is so calm and in control, both mentally and physically.

"Oh God no please," I beg when I see the crop and realize the implications, but she just smiles, she is obviously enjoying this and that makes me more afraid. Then she pulls her other hand from behind her back and producers the gun again, she points it at my face and I feel myself on the verge of panic, she pulls the trigger and I scream.

I scream as she laughs, cold water strikes my face and she squirts more over my head and chest. She continues until the water pistol is empty and she laughs uncontrollably, I thought I was going to die and my tears mix with the water on my wet cheeks, it was a cruel prank and it has almost broken my spirit but her laughter serves to give me a little resolve and I force myself to stop crying. When she eventually stops giggling she tosses the fake gun into the corner, and with a flick of her wrist the crop stings my breast.

I yelp in shock and pain and I look down at myself, I am still wearing my shirt, but some of the buttons are missing and the soaked fabric is plastered to my breasts, my breasts that are clearly visible beneath the almost transparent material. The next strike again takes me by surprise, this time my other breast burns with pain. I cringe and try to turn away but she takes her time, casually flicking with the crop as she circles me, I never know when or where the crop will strike; it appears that my breasts are her main target but my arms, legs, shoulders, even my stomach aren't spared. I try to be brave, I don't want to cry again but the crop hurts and even though I know she isn't hitting me hard I can't stand it. But the worst thing is the feeling of complete helplessness, the knowledge that she can do whatever she wants and I can't do a thing to stop her.

It is too much and I start to blub, each strike forces me to beg and plead but through my sobs I'm sure nothing intelligible comes out, I feel ashamed that I have been defeated so quickly, but I have never in my life had to endure pain, I'm not prepared.

"Please, please, stop, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'll do whatever you want, please stop," I beg between sobs, at last she takes pity and stops hitting me, my head is hanging down and I can see only her feet but she puts the tip of the crop under my chin and lifts my head to face her. Her hips sway from side to side as she moves forward and sits astride my thighs, with her hands resting on my shoulders and the crop held behind my neck. Again I can't hold her gaze and lower my eyes, her forehead rests against mine and for a brief moment I think she is going to kiss me, but her lips stop an inch from mine and she whispers very quietly.

"Oh yes Darby you will, and much much more, who knows you may even like it, I know I will."

Her breath is hot on my lips and I imagine I can taste the wine she has been drinking. She holds that position for a minute and with my eyes downcast I can see her nipples poking through the material of her dress, and further down her spread thighs have caused the dress to ride up almost to her hips; the smooth white skin of her thighs framed by her hold up stockings and black lace panties pulled tight over her pussy, I'm not sure but I think I can see dampness where the panties pass over her lips. I am all too aware of the closeness of her mouth to mine and I let out a small whimper.

The moment ends when she springs to her feet as if she has just thought of something, I can feel my face burn from embarrassment, did she know how I was looking at her body? could she tell what I was thinking, no surely not. She tosses the crop onto the table and picks up a large pair of scissors, standing with one hand on her hip she clicks the scissors a few times in front of my eyes.

"As much as I love the wet look I think you would look even better naked." she says.


She looks at me imploringly, blue eyes wide amid streaked eyeliner. A pulse has begun in my crotch, a beat that reverberates through me. I can feel my arousal rising like a living thing, surging through my veins, heading for completion.

I take the scissors and she stills immediately when I place them against that once crisp blouse, now stained and rumpled by her struggles. I carefully snip off the buttons all the way down as she tries to shrink into herself and holds her breath. The blouse hangs open and reveals her taut belly, the skin pale and flawless. She sobs a little, biting her lip and looking away as if to deny that this is happening to her.

I go behind her and unlock the cuffs unthreading the chain from the wooden back of the chair and quickly, before she realises how free she is, I snap the cuff around her slender wrist and click it locked. I jerk her to her feet. She skitters on her heels like an hour old colt, seeking to keep her feet, my hand entwined in her luxuriant red hair. She is docile and compliant but that does nothing to calm me and I grip her face in one hand, my fingers biting into her pale cheeks, making her gasp as I force my lips to hers. Her breath is sour with fear but her lips are plump and soft and delicious. I crush them with mine and she whimpers, the noise muffled and pathetic. It excites me further and I pull the tatters of the blouse off her shoulders and down her arms where they tangle with the steel cuffs. She gasps breathlessly, eyes downcast and dazed.

I look for the scissors but they seem to have disappeared and I can’t wait so I take the front of her bra in both hands and with strength fuelled by righteous anger I tear the garment at its join under her breasts. She whimpers again as her sweet heavy breasts fall free and her rosy nipples crinkle erect. She tries to draw her shoulders in and somehow cover herself and I laugh, high and mocking. I spy the scissors under the chair and picking them up I snip the straps at her shoulders.

‘Please?.’ She whispers, her voice almost lost.

I slap a palm across her mouth, feeling the lips move helplessly as I stand on one foot to pull my knickers down, first one leg then the other.

She understands too late as I place the damp bundle to her lips and tries to twist her head away.

‘Keep still, bitch’ I hiss, a droplet of my spittle landing on her cheek. She knows that I mean business and struggling to control herself she obeys. I pack the drenched panties into her protesting mouth, using an index finger to wedge them in, only a small area of silky black shows between her white teeth. She looks panicked and I hold my hand over her mouth to help her calm down.

‘You will not make a fucking sound, Little Miss Darby Davidson’ I tell her, trying to keep my voice calm and reasonable.

She looks at me, her eyes so wide and fearful, so enticing, so arousing, pupils dilated; nostrils as well. Her breath warm on the back of my hand, stirring the tiny hairs there. My bare pussy feels swollen and the lips are parted like the petals of an exotic flower.

‘Do you understand?’

She nods pathetically, as much as my tight grip will allow.

I go to the table and find the tape. She dare not move as I tear off a strip and plaster it across those sweet lips, pressing it down firmly. I add another couple of strips for security then step back to admire my handiwork. I do find a well gagged woman so???sexy! My pussy twitches in response to her and I take her face in both hands, planting a forceful kiss on her sealed lips. I could swear she tries to respond and I step back to get a better look at that blushing face.

Nearly there, I think.

I tear off her skirt without any further ado and toss it into the corner of the basement cellar. My lips rise in a smile as I see her panties. Cotton! plain white with a cute little teddy bear design. I laugh at the unexpected sight.

‘Oh dear Darby,’ I tease and tut mockingly. She blushes deep to the roots of her hair ‘A teddy bear?’

She closes her eyes tight and a single tear forces its way out of her right eye and trickles down her face slowly.

‘The woman who ruined my life wears teddy bear knickers?’ my voice is disbelieving.

Her eyes open at my words and I can see her straining for recognition. I don’t allow her the time though. Her bewilderment is now amusing to me. I pull the knickers down her long legs and expose a sweet, plump pubis, sparsely covered with red hair. The labia peep out, white and open to coral pink.

I can feel myself salivating as I gaze at that sweet, sweet, delicate pussy.

I break the spell by sitting on the seat and pulling her down across my lap, my hands greedily caressing the twin globes of her buttocks.

‘So, Darby??’

She makes a small interrogative noise, muffled by the gag.


I squeeze those round, firm buttocks. Somebody works out, I muse. My index finger seeks between her buttocks and traces down her cleft to the tight rosebud of her anus. She squeals and squirms, panicking as I tap the tip of my finger there. Her slender wrists tug at the cuffs and she tries to get off my knee but my free hand is at the nape of her neck.

‘Shhhh, darling Darby’ I talk to her as though to a baby ‘Be nice and still or you will regret it’ I warn.

She whines miserably and her breath hitches.

‘We talked about contrition’ I tell her ‘but I’m not seeing too much of that here?.’ My finger presses harder and penetrates her just a few millimetres. She screams into her tight gag, trying to clench her buttocks as I slide it in another centimetre. Her anus is tight and velvet against my finger.

‘I have been amazingly easy on you considering the circumstances’ I hiss into her small ear ‘but if you cannot obey and allow me my way I will punish you. I will punish you harshly.’

I twist her hair in my free hand making her wince and sob.

‘Is that what you want?’

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Fierce blue eyes. She gets out of a car and comes to me, yells at me, provoke me.– Hit me !– No. I don't hit women.– Hit me, you can't hurt me !– No !– Are you afraid ? Do you think I would break ?– Yes! And that's why I won't do it! Are you mad ?She spits on me, pushes me. Now I get mad. Maybe I hit her, or she runs into me but in any case she is tough and doesn't flinch. She is still looking me straight in the eyes, with a smile.– See? I didn't cry!There is that fierce tone in her voice. She...

3 years ago
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Aftter The Party

       Lee lay on the bed and a master bedroom.  She drifted in and out of sleep.  When she finally woke it was as if she was in one of her fantasy dreams.        Her head was encased in a tight discipline hood. With an opening for her face.  Over it was a bishop's penis gag forcing her cheeks in an attempt to bulge.  A blindfold made sure no light came in at all. It was laced so tight as to feel like a second skin.        She tried to wiggle her neck but soon realized that a thick posture...

4 years ago
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My church friend has a past

Lately, we have been spending more time with them, as our families get along. As is our church tradition, my wife usually socializes with her at those times. I ran into her once while shopping, and she had on jeans, and not a shapeless church dress. She has a great body, and a freaking incredible ass. The few times Jill and I talk, we find a lot in common, both of us love science, funny music, and several of the same ‘risque’ tv shows we talk about quietly. Back before I was married for...

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Toni gets anal from Wendys dad

Chapter 3 – Toni Fucks Wendy's DadSweat was dripping down his face as he turned the corner. He had two more miles to go. It was starting to get dark. These five-mile runs seemed harder and harder ever since Jim had turned forty.Jim reached home and paced around the yard to cool down. He noticed a car in the driveway he didn't recognize. Must be one of Wendy's friends, he thought to himself. It was getting hard to think of Wendy as his daughter anymore. She had become a beautiful and sensuous...

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Furnished RoomChapter 12

When he got dressed Chuck went downstairs and found Sara in the kitchen. Over a cup of coffee he told her about his father’s letter, leaving out Craig’s references to the murders he had committed. When she asked what he would like for breakfast he said, “I’m going to IHOP, I’ll have breakfast there. I need some time alone to think about where my life might be going.” When she questioned him further he said, “I need to figure out the best way for me to make amends to Claire ... to see if there...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 2

It was on Sunday the first of January, 2017. A new beginning for me and Bethesda. She looks at me with an intention of making her wild and horny than ever. She was hugging me. As I was in her arms, I was reading a book. She asked me what book am I reading. I didn’t tell her anything turned my head a bit and kissed on her cheeks. She was now up from her sleep and asked me to give a company in the bathroom. I said I’ll be there. She ran inside and was calling me and saying things like I’m tempted...

2 years ago
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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 14 Slaversquos Incestuous Passion

Justin Sampson Sam’s words hung in the air around the three NSA agents. Project KRONOS ... That was what the conspiracy nuts that Sam knew on the internet claimed was a government project causing the time anomalies. Atomic clocks across the globe were becoming minutely out of sync each time we froze reality. Through math, observing the way the disruptions were spread out across the dozens of atomic clocks around the world, a rough estimate of where these events were happening was...

1 year ago
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Bus Trip

Upon entering, I was very pleased to see that the long seat at the back of the bus was unoccupied. In fact, with five minutes to go until departure, the bus was fairly empty, with no more than twelve other passengers on board. I eagerly headed for the back of the bus to claim my prize. With most of my fellow travellers seated from the middle to the front of the carriage, my happiness was even more pronounced. I could think of nothing better than an uninterrupted snooze on the five-hour journey...

Gay Male
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Nena and the GringosChapter 1

Nena was born and raised in the small portside pueblito of San Miguel, Mexico. As the oldest daughter in a family of twelve, she was expected to help out her father and mother with raising the rest of her siblings. Because of the amount of responsibilities she was forced to deal with on a daily basis, she had little time to herself let alone for social pursuits. As only her mother was currently working, money was always tight and there never seemed enough money to pay the bills. The family...

1 year ago
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06 HomeChapter 26

Present – Byron – At the cabin Thom suggests, "Sirs, I think Mabel was going to prepare a meal, we should go in and eat." Glen asks, "Didn't you just return from eating?" I answer, "Yes Sir, we did but with Mabel cooking, I could eat all the time." We head into the kitchen and everyone has started eating already, Glen looks around and asks, "Where's Evelyn?" Liz answers, "She got mouthy with Mabel and got chased out of the kitchen." Glen says, "Not again! Mabel may I please...

3 years ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 02

"Don't touch me," Dom heard the woman say. Her voice was cold and matched the dark ice of her eyes. "I think you'd better do as she says," Dom suggested as he approached. His voice was calm and belied his anger. "Who the hell are you?" the man snarled, his eyes still on Lani. Karl tapped him on the shoulder from the other side and he spun around. "We're friends of hers." Karl smiled at Lani. "Hi, sweetie, how are you?" She blinked, but then smiled back. "Fine, thanks. Didn't see you there."...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Fucking Younger Sister Nadia

My 14 years old real sister was enjoying a girl’s hand on her Gaand. As the jeans were pushed down a bit, I noticed that my sister was wearing a baby pink underwear and her sexy Gaand was looking very firm in it. It seemed to be bit smaller than her Gaand The chain of events that I’ll be narrating here in parts are absolutely correct, except with the change of names. Not only the events are true and real, but also there is an extra bit of eroticism attached to it as these events in involve the...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Study

Why is it that all my friends can relax on a Friday while I’m stuck inside my tutor’s house studying? I know that I didn’t get a good grade for a few of my classes. So now I’m paying the price of my precious time with this forty-nine year old guy. Mitchell had just moved into our street, from the city he moved to our small community looking for accounting work. After leaving his job as a university lecturer, he was looking for a change in his career. As he introduced himself to my family, I...

First Time
3 years ago
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MS Jewellery

Ah, dear reader, you join us at a most auspicious moment, one which may change the lives of a cast of characters which we will shortly meet. Yes, dear reader, perhaps change some lives in a way you might imagine, and perhaps in a way you might not, but certainly not in a way that our protagonists imagine. But before we meet them, our main subjects for discussion, (let us call them Anthony and Theresa, for that is how they introduced themselves one to another) allow me to set the...

2 years ago
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My Secret Crush Had A Crush On Me Too Pt 1

Part One: The Secret SpotZach was a boy who I secretly had a crush on back in the day. But I would never have guessed that he liked me back since at the time he constantly made fun of me and teased me, so I thought I didn't stand a chance. The poking and teasing got to the point where I started questioning why I still had a crush on a guy like him and one day the answer came to me in a way I didn't quite expect.One day as the bell rang, Zack leaned over closer to my ear and he told me to meet...

3 years ago
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Beyond The Badge Chapter 1

It was another cold, wet, windy night in Chicago. The kind of night that no one wanted to be out in. I was doing my rounds in the large office building I worked in as a security guard, thankful I didn’t have to be working in the rain that had been coming down in sheets since around noon that day. I could hear the rain pounding against the plate glass windows in the offices and I heard the wind whistling between the tall high-rises that surrounded my Hubbard St. office building.It was just past...

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EncountersChapter 2

Dan did stop by the adult store to browse the many vibrators that were on display. There were a large number of them all in various colors and sizes. One of them which was called a ‘2-fer caught his attention. It was the size of a man’s erect penis but it was slightly curved upward and there was a smaller penis on the top end of it pointing in the same direction as the larger one. The instructions said it could stimulate both the G-spot and the clitoris at the same time. He thought the name...

2 years ago
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Birthday girl3

She was breath-takingly beautiful, with wide blue eyes, a small, slim nose and a wide, full-lipped mouth. Her long thick hair, glossy as the pelt of a healthy animal, flowed over her shoulders and framed her face, high lighting her even, regular features. Her shoulders were wide and they needed to be, to support her lush, full 35D breasts. They stood straight out from her chest, sagged not at all, and were crowned with plump, cherry red nipples the size of her thumb. Her waist was slim,...

3 years ago
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RockmanChapter 14

On the Monday of the same week, Karin did indeed arrive at Ged's house, and she turned out to have a real talent for organising parties. She phoned caterers, got a DJ and with Ged organised the biggest room in the house for dancing. They moved excess furniture into the garage and by the end of the day, everything was prepared. That night she stayed. "I need reassurance," she said, "that last time wasn't an erotic dream." Later that night, bent over the kitchen table, her little...

1 year ago
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SRU The Virus

SRU: The Virus By Crunch Shawn wandered around the Hillsdale Mall aimlessly. He didn't really like the overcrowded, overpriced shopping center too much, but it seemed to be the best place to get his mind off of his latest failed relationship. He figured his problem was that he never made the time to actually make friends with the girl he was seeing. Being a product of young male hormones caused him to simply want to get into some girl's panties, not to bother with becoming...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lisa Ann Interracial Threesome

Busty, sexy Lisa Ann’s cleavage spills from her tight dress. With her husband at work, the frisky MILF welcomes handymen Jason Brown and Nat Turnher, making dirty jokes about the size of their tools and what she needs them to work on. She’s aggressive and direct — everyone is naked in no time. Lisa gives their big black cocks worshipful blowjobs, sucking Nat while Jason eats her fur-topped pussy from behind, and fellating Jason as Nat nails her tight twat doggie-style. She...

3 years ago
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Evening the Score Chapter 1

My wife, Jessica, and I are in our mid to late fifties, and have been married for 30+ years. I’m 58, while Jessica is 55. I’m 6’2”, about 200 lbs, pretty good shape, buzzed blond/gray hair, blue eyes, and scruff beard. Definitely, a “Daddy” look. Jess (as I call her) is 5’1”, about 120 lbs, almost shoulder length dirty blonde hair, green eyes, pale white skin, a nice, firm, tight ass, and a pair of C cup tits with huge nipples to die for. She is also very, very beautiful. We met, dated and...

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The Perils Of Pauline Bates

It's the quiet ones. Erickson's double glazers, nice firm, family run, employed about twenty staff, fitters, office, sales reps; Pauline Bates worked in administrations and her husband Gerald was a sales rep. The Bates lived about half an hour away from the firm, they where happy with their lot, a little two bedroom bungalow, no kids yet but as she was twenty eight and he thirty three they thought time was running close but due to working and saving they were doing little to have one. With...

1 year ago
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Kerala Encounter With 2 Classmates

Hi friends! I’m Jazz from Kerala, Ernakulum… This story z about how i seduced ma 2 frnds into bed when we went for tour from collage, i was a virgin n they were not. I knew it n made use of it… It all started when i joined in a collage in Ernakulum, Kochi ma native place. There i met these 2 gals Diya and Catherine (name changed). They were in ma same branch but sadly there were 2 batches n they were not in ma class. But in the 2and year i became friendlier with them and we became good friends....

3 years ago
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Silver Pt 02

*** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately *** This story is for adults only and contains content that is sexual in nature. This is part 2 in the ‘Silver’ series. I urge you to please read, or at least, peruse the pages of, ‘Silver Pt. 01’ before reading the story below in order to get a better understanding of the characters. This story is fiction, but, it does contain versions of sexual experiences that I have shared...

4 years ago
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Udays Toy ft Anna KournikovaChapter 11 The United States of Anna

"Stop this now!! I warn you that not even Amnesty International will be able to save you miserable bunch, slime heads. Get your hands off me!" "Well, well, " Rashid stepped into the vocal duel. "Even upside down, the stream of foul language finds its way out through your lovely throat. Maybe the only way to keep it all inside, is to plug it?" he smiled. He turned the wheel 180_ such that the foot-supports were on top, and grabbed one of the girl's kicking ankles. "I guess you...

2 years ago
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College Threesome and Then SomeChapter 4

"She wants what?" "She wants to watch you. And him." I looked around to make sure no one was listening too closely, since we were sitting on the Pentangle next to the coffee shop. "And how did this idea get in her pretty little head?" "Believe me, it didn't need anyone to put it there. I get the idea Kristin's had her little white panties all steamed up over this for a week now." "So tell me what she said," I said. "This is making you hot, isn't it?" Maura said. "Well,...

3 years ago
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A room in London

Now the deed was done, he didn’t know where to look. There he was with his rapidly wilting cock seemingly lying in the liquid proof of the beautiful girl’s excitement and yet the enormity of what he had just done loomed towering above him. He needed to run, to flee the scene of this vilest of presumptions. For right now he felt hollow and hated himself more than he ever had before even during this lowest of patches in his already lowly life. But he did not. Now in the stark light of what he...

2 years ago
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My church friend has a past Part 2

There is a cup of coffee and a note: ‘I am going shopping today. Have a good day love you. ‘ I drink my coffee and am hit with a flood of thoughts. When get got first married, we were having sex almost every night. She used to blow me, and I would lick her. Now we have sex once a week, the same way each time. I go on top, thrust away until I cum, and then roll off her, always lights out. Like last night, if I try to break out of our routine I am shut down. I realise the more we got...

3 years ago
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Billy StoneChapter 2

There was of course near-pandemonium when it was discovered that Billy and Karen were missing. The police were called straight away and an alert was broadcast on the media. It was very quickly established that they weren't snatched, but went of their own free will. The public search was hampered somewhat by the fact that no photographic records existed of either child, so there were only artists impressions taken from the descriptions given by the children's home staff, which although they...

3 years ago
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Rachels Dilemma Part 4

Chapter 5 — Rachel’s LiberationWhen Rachel walked out of the front entrance she almost burst into tears. Snow was still falling heavily and her car was completely covered in a thick white blanket which would have to be cleared before she could even think of driving off, and she knew that conditions on the roads on her normal route home would be treacherous and some of the hills might even be impassable.All she had wanted to do was to have a simple meal with a glass of wine followed by a soak in...

2 years ago
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Turkish Vacation

The next morning after a late breakfast we walked around the hotel area then headed to the hamam (Turkish bath) this is always my favorite part of the vacation, we went in, paid the small fee, and headed to the changing rooms, I stripped down to my bikini picked up the towels and headed to the steam bath, my husband and I sat alone in the bath till someone came and got us and took us to the washing room, my husband went first, then me, I laid down on the warm tile platform, and the young man...

4 years ago
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Black Anniversary Surprise

My wife Lola and I were having a night out at a nice restaurant for our anniversary. The conversation came around to how our lives had lost some of its spontaneity and what we could do about it. She was looking very hot in a tight dress that showcased her beautiful tits and shapely ass. I brought out a box and gave it to her. When she opened it, there was a string of perfectly matched pearls. She looked stunned, and I helped her put them on and we kissed. The conversation then continued as to...

3 years ago
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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 41 And so it goes

"I am home." I call out lightly as I enter the cabin. The only answer is the moans of pleasure from the back. I smile at the sounds. I can feel myself go wet with the anticipation of joining them. I hastily shed my clothing as I head to the bedroom. I glance into see what the men are up to. Nimrod has Saul in his usually position, kneeling at the foot of the bed with Nimrod gripping Saul's hips as he move slowly in and out. Nimrod's head is thrown back in ecstasy. At first I am not sure...

1 year ago
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My fuck buddy sub

It all started Wednesday morning, while sitting at my work desk I sent out a mass text message to my friends basically to say hi, and give them all little encouragement. Soon after sending the text, I received a call from one of my past sluts. She called me using the text as an excuse. I am a black Dom, and for those of you that are BBC lovers, I am not a BBC. I am only about six inches, but never measured it, so it actually could be a little smaller. She is a big cock slut, so when we...

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Incest Journey 8211 Part 2 Pregnant Mom

Hi readers, I am here with the second part of the series “Incest Journey”. I hope you all enjoyed the first part of the series. Let’s start with the second part. During the entire month, I and my mother enjoyed ourselves a lot. I fucked mom 10 to 15 times! Every time she enjoyed it a lot and was moaning with pleasure. Then my sister Vidya shifted to the hostel and joined the college. She came home once a week, spent some time with me and mom, and returned to the hostel. Since Vidya was also not...

3 years ago
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The new neighbors Chapter 2

"Hey, Jack." It was the following week after Jack’s introduction into his neighbors’ open relationship. He had run into Scott and Lauren once or twice since the initiation; though none of them had yet openly talked about the past weekend’s events, there were knowing glances and grins exchanged between the three whenever they passed. At the conclusion of the past weekend’s "dinner party", Jack had been promised a more active role in Scott and Lauren’s sexual relationship; as of yet,...

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