Familien Cuckold
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In einem gemütlichen Eigenheim in einem verschlafenen Vorort einer deutschen Großstadt lebt die sechsköpfige Familie Schmidt.
Vater Wolfgang(48) ist Betriebsingenieur in einer Metallbaufirma. Er ist mittelgroß, leicht untersetzt mit einem Hang zu einem Bierbäuchlein. Gemäß der gültigen Mode hat er sich einen Oberlippenbart (Schnäuzer) stehen lassen, der, aufgrund seiner rötlichblonden Haare, ziemlich albern aussieht. Wolfgang geht ganz in seiner Arbeit auf und kümmert sich am Wochenende mit Hingabe seinem Oldtimer in der Garage. In der Schützengesellschaft wurde er gerade zum Leutnant befördert und ist stolz wie Oskar. Er ist ein strenger Vater, auch wenn er sich eigentlich recht wenig mit seinen Kindern beschäftigt.
Mutter Sabine(44) ist Hausfrau. Bis zur Geburt ihres ersten Kindes war die Kosmetikerin. Mit 24 gebar sie ihre Tochter Julia und ein Jahr später ihren Sohn Leon. Ein Jahr darauf kamen die Zwillinge Paul und Paula zur Welt. Seitdem kümmert sie sich um die Kinder, Haus und Garten. Sabine ist ein paar Zentimeter größer als ihr Mann und hat für ihr Alter, abgesehen von einigen Problemzonen, eine erstaunlich gute Figur beibehalten. Neuerdings trägt sie einen blonden Kurzhaarschnitt, der sie noch Jünger wirken lässt. Trotz ihres Alters von 44 Jahren trägt sie gerne relativ hochhackige Pumps, Miniröcke und sonstige sexy Kleidung, weshalb sie die Blicke der Männer ständig auf sich zieht.
Die Tochter Julia(20) ist ein richtiger Wildfang. Man könnte zeitweise glauben, dass sie eigentlich ein Junge sein müsste, wenn sie nicht die deutlichen Attribute einer Frau hätte. Julia hat schon recht beachtliche Rundungen an den richtigen Stellen, das sehr lange dunkle Haar und ihre gebräunte Haut gibt ihr etwas südländisches. Niemand weiß, was sie in der nächsten Sekunde machen wird, am wenigsten sie selbst.
Der Sohn Leon(19) ist ein schlaksiger Kerl, der gerne Fußball spielt, mit seinem Freunden abhängt, aber auch mal für viele Stunden hinter seinem Computer verschwindet und zockt.
Paul(18) und Paula(18) sind Zwillinge, denen man ihr Zwillingsdasein deutlich ansehen kann. Besonders der Junge wirkt wie ein Spiegelbild seiner Schwester. Genauso wie sie hat er sehr helle blonde Haare, die er ungewöhnlich lang trägt. Sie sind leicht lockig. Eine schlanke, fein gezeichnete Nase und ein heller Teint unterstreichen sein weibisches Aussehen. Dazu hat er besonders lange Wimpern. Er wirkt sehr mädchenhaft, ein wenig wie ein Blondchen. Seine Mutter und seine Schwestern bezeichnen ihn als hübsch. Dazu passt sein scheues Wesen. Allerdings wird er sowohl wegen seines Wesens als auch seiner außergewöhnlichen Erscheinung besonders von den Jungen gehänselt. Weshalb er sich immer mehr zurück zog.
So, das ist also unsere Familie Schmidt. Eine ganz normale Familie, wie Sie sehen.
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Do you believe some girls are born to be sluts? Not a whore, which is something else, but a slut, a woman who will give herself to anyone who wants her. A girl without loyalty to anything but the lust in her heart, incapable of fidelity, unable to resist temptation, and unwilling to repent or even apologize when her true nature is inevitably found out. Do you think it's in her soul? "Mom." I blinked at her as I stepped inside our small house, a white one that looked exactly like a million...
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Group Sex~~ I would like to thank my editor, Spirit02 whom helped to clean up my writing and make it all the more presentable.~ February 21 2016: The doorknob began to turn and I jumped behind the nearest cabinet of computers. I heard a slight creak as the door opened and I had to force myself to continue breathing at a normal rate. I heard someone stepping into the room but I stayed still. "What's going on?" asked Marcus in my ear. I ignored him and...
Hi this is akbar here I would like to tell you a story,which happened with me recently, First I would like to tell you some thing about me,I am Male & 18 years of age& live in india (Kolkata) and also a student and I take coaching class of my subjects and my coaching center is Co-education means girls also study with me and I have also friendship with girls. Any wayin my class there is one girl, she is very cute and lovablegirl her name is Shaheen andshe has also shown her interest...
My Step sister Carry found out her long term boyfriend had been cheating on her, it was an angry painful break up by what my mother had told me, and as her and my father were already going away that weekend for a work conference they couldn't miss, it would be down to me to give her hand moving out.So reluctantly I headed over to Carry's place and found Abigail, Carry's best friend there also helping her to pack, and between the three of us we soon began clearing her stuff out and in three car...
There are fathers’ clubs all over the United States, probably all over the world, dedicated to the proposition that sex between parents and their children is a good thing. Of course you will not find them listed in the yellow pages or advertised on billboards, at least not in this country. However they do exist and they all seem to have many members. In fact I was surprised a secret of this sort could be so well kept. As a rule it is necessary to be an incestuous parent in order to find one...
I got out my seat and said "be packed in a few hours I am going to go home and see what is flying from LAX" so I did and found a flight at 2AM to Sydney Australia the only thing I had to book now was the hotel, after ring a hell of a lot of hotels I found one for us all and booked it. I called my friends and told them to be ready for 10 pm. My mom and dad came back from work that night and noticed my bags was packed my dad said to me "O you and Harvey sorted it out that's fantastic...
A fortnight after the precipitate departure of her boyfriend to attend his grandfather's funeral, Pauline was just beginning to worry about David's continued absence when the 'phone call came through. At first she demurred at the idea of flying thousands of miles into the Middle East to see him, but the idea of a free holiday appealed and when David said they could stay in what she thought he described as "my grandfather's place" and that his grandfather had left him "some money" so...
Donnie stopped peeling the potatoes and went to answer the doorbell. Katie had got him into the habit of checking through the 'spy-hole' before opening the door and he did so now. He saw a man and a woman, both wearing caps with Scottish Natural Heritage on them. Donnie thought they looked harmless enough and he opened the apartment door. "Good evening, Sir. We're sorry to bother you, but could you perhaps spare us a few minutes to talk about a petition we're sponsoring?" the woman...
Dealing with the likes of Glory and Heather as frequently as Alan did, he rarely had any free time between classes at school. This was especially true today when he'd missed his first three classes. However, there was one thing he wanted to do, and the time left before lunch ended was possibly the only time to do it, and that was to talk to Sean. He hurried away from the theater room to find and talk to his friend. Sean was exactly where Alan had thought he would be, sitting at the same...
We returned from our next run on the eighteenth. After dropping my load, Bill and I stopped at the post office, picked up our mail and headed home. Bill had received his bank statement and his paperwork from UA. Enclosed was a list of things that he needed to bring to school and some suggested items as well. I scanned the list; there was nothing there that we couldn't fit into the back of the El Camino. So after checking in with Jim, we headed to the mall to get everything he needed. Jeans,...
Hi dosto mere naam fuck master hey waysey ya mera naam nahi hey par mujhey ya bahot acha lagta hey.Aaj mey jo apni sex storie bataney jaraha hu vo 2sal pehli ki hey agar ya story aapko pasand aya to aap mail karkey feedback deysaktey hey specially aunties to mera email id hey I will definately reply ur mails. Chalo to atey hey story pey ya sex storie mere aur mere kaki (kaki=aunty) key barey mey hey jinka nam hey devika wo 32sal ki hey unki shadi 16 sal pehaley hui thi lagbhag 2000 sal mey tab...
Paul realized that he had fucked up as soon as he reached the traffic light. Slamming his hand against the steering wheel, he waited for the green and drove to the next intersection to pull a u-turn. The Condent account was sitting next to his computer in his home office, exactly where he left it to remind him to take it when he left.It was an early Saturday afternoon, and Paul was hoping to squeeze in a few hours at the firm to polish the account for Monday morning. His wife was at work,...