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Marsha, my wife of twenty-six years, walked into the kitchen and sat down on the other side of the table from me and said:

"Honey, can we talk?"

"That's an odd question. We have always talked. Since when have you ever had to ask me if we could talk?"

She gave me a nervous smile and said, "This is different."

As I looked across the table at her I was thinking of how we had gotten to this point in our life.

I met Marsha at my sister's eighteenth birthday party. My parents were pretty open minded and regardless of the local liquor laws they had allowed us to have wine with dinner and when I turned eighteen I was allowed to drink beer in the house. They gave the same freedom to my sister Gail and anyone at her party who was eighteen or older. The only provision was that if you had a beer, even just one, you were not allowed to drive so for Gail's party I got to be the designated driver.

I spent most of the night in my room working on a class project for my Production Management class so I never saw Marsha until my mother called me down to take up my chauffer's duties. As soon as I saw Marsha my heart started beating like a jack hammer, I had instant and major wood and from that moment on I could not take my eyes off of her. Gail noticed and said:

"Down boy, down. She is spoken for and he is a big, mean bastard. Besides, Carol would be pissed."

Carol was my steady girlfriend at the time. I got everyone's addresses and arranged them in a route and then loaded six of them in the car. It just happened that Marsha was the last one to be dropped off and when I pulled up in front of her house she leaned over and kissed me, pressed a piece of paper into my hand and said:

"Call me."

After she was out of the car I looked at the piece of paper and saw that it was a phone number with "anytime after 6" written under it. The next day at exactly six I called the number and Marsha answered. Before I could even say hello she said:

"I said after six, not dead on six. You can be here in ten minutes. I'll be ready."

I had a paper that was due in two days, but it — along with the "big, mean bastard of a boyfriend" — were forgotten as I grabbed my keys and ran for my car. I pulled up in front of Marsha's house and before I could even get out of the car to go up to the house to ring the bell she came out the front door and hurried down the walk. She got in the car, kissed me and said:

"Take us somewhere where we can talk."

I pulled away from the curb and before I had even gone a half a block she slid across the seat and was sitting hip to hip against me. I pulled into the Burger Barn and we went inside and grabbed a table. Once seated she reached across the table, took my hand and asked:

"Did you feel it?"

"Feel what?"

"The spark. I felt a spark the instant I saw you."

"I didn't feel a spark, but I definitely felt something."

"Gail said that you couldn't take your eyes off of me. Is that true?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"She also said that you had a steady girlfriend."

I kind of looked away from her when she said that and then she squeezed my hand and said:

"Notice that I said "had" and not have." Are we clear on that?"

"You mean..."

"That is exactly what I mean."

"But Gail told me that you have a boyfriend."

"Had a boyfriend baby. You need to get those "H" words straight."

That was the start of my love affair with Marsha. Her 'big, mean bastard' of a boyfriend didn't seem to care that he was replaced and Carol — after spitting in my face — told me that she was getting ready to dump me anyway because I was so boring. By the end of the week Marsha and I were taking advantage of any flat surface we could find.

We had been going steady for almost nine months and one night at the dinner table I asked my father for some advice on buying an engagement ring. After dinner Gail pulled me aside and said:

"Don't get pissed at me big brother, but I have a few things to say that you need to hear. Just remember that we are family and are supposed to watch out for each other. Marsha is my friend and while I might love her like a sister she isn't one and you are my brother and family comes first. I hate to be the one telling you this, but Marsha is a slut."

"What do you mean she is a slut?"

"I mean that she is an easy piece. She has round heels. She is a pushover."

"I don't believe you."

"It is true big brother and I know it for a fact."

"You are wrong. You have to be."

"I'm not. I just said that I know it for a fact and I can say that because I've seen her in action. I've seen her pull trains and do threesomes and foursomes. I've seen her take it in every hole she has."

"You stood and watched?"

Gail laughed and said, "Birds of a feather brother mine. I saw it because I was on the bed next to her and doing the same thing."

"I don't believe it. She wouldn't do that to me."

"I don't know that she has done it since you have been going together, but I do know that she was doing it right up to the night of my birthday party even though she had a steady boyfriend and if she was doing it to him she is probably doing it to you."

"But you don't know."

"Of course I don't know. You think she'd let me know since you are my brother? If anything she would hide it from me."

"So what you are doing is telling me not to get an engagement ring."

"No. What I am doing is giving you a heads up so that whatever you decide will be based on all the information available. Is she true to you? If she is will she stay true to you? I have no idea, but what I do know is what she told me at one of the trains we pulled. I asked her why she did it and she told me that she did it because she loved cock and could never get enough."

"Why do you do it?"

"I told you big brother; birds of a feather."

"You mean..."

"Yeah brother; me too."

Too much information I thought as I headed up to my room.

I was blown away by the information about Marsha (and Gail too for that matter). That she loved cock I didn't doubt one bit given the way she went after mine, but there was no way that I would ever believe that she was cheating on me. When would she do it? We attended the same college and we saw each other every day and we spent our evenings and weekends together so unless she was doing it in class I could account for all of her time. Gail might be — hell, probably was — right about what Marsha did before me, but the only thing that counted as far as I was concerned was what she did after she started going with me. Still, human nature being human nature, I started keeping a closer eye on Marsha.

Gail's information did have an effect on me though. I held off on the engagement ring. I was two years ahead of Marsha and I was on an ROTC scholarship and that meant that when I graduated I owed Uncle Sam six years of my life; three years on active duty and another three years in the reserve. I would be going off and leaving Marsha behind and based on what Gail had told me there was no way that Marsha was going to wait for me to return. She might wait, but the odds were she wouldn't wait alone.

What was it Gail had said that Marsha told her? She loved cock and could never get enough? Could I come back to her under those circumstances knowing (even if she was waiting) that she had been doing gangbangs and the like? Could we pick up where we left off with me knowing that she was anybody's punchboard while I was away and I would know it because I knew that Gail would make sure that I knew. Or was I borrowing trouble where there was none? Would Marsha stay true? It was something to think about.

But I only got to think about it for three weeks.

It was the week before spring break. I picked Marsha up for our date and she wasn't her usual perky self. She was obviously down in the dumps and it took me a while to work it out of her.

"I have a problem Frankie."

"So tell me and let's see if we can fix it."

"Remember when I told you not to use condoms because I didn't like the feel of them? I told you not to worry because I was on the pill?"

"Yeah, I remember."

"The pill failed Frankie. I'm pregnant."

"I thought the pills couldn't fail."

"Remember when I had the flu? The doctor says that the antibiotics I took negated the pills effectiveness."

"So what are you going to do?"

"What am I going to do? Not what are we going to do?"

"Yes Marsha, what are you going to do? It is your body, your decision. Have it or don't have it. Have it and keep it or have it and give it up for adoption. It is all on you. I don't come into it until you have made your decision."

"And then what?"

"You have to decide if you want to get married or not."

"Oh no Frankie; I will not trap you into marrying me. I'm the one who told you that you didn't need to use condoms."

"So what? I'm still the one who got you pregnant. I hadn't planned on getting married until I got out of the Army, but if you decide to get hitched I'm here for you."

"Do you want to marry me?"

"To be honest Marsha I haven't given it much thought. Let me rephrase. I want to marry you, but I never expected to. Like I said, I didn't plan on getting married until I've served my three years. I didn't spend much time thinking of marrying you because frankly I didn't expect you to be here when I got out."

"Why would you think that? Why wouldn't I be here when you came home?"

"Three years would be a long time to wait for a woman with the sex drive that you have. The odds are that you would have somebody by the time I got back."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence."

I shrugged and Marsha said, "Back to the problem at hand. I've already decided that that I'm keeping the baby and I do not expect you to marry me unless you want to."

"Then all that's left is to get the blood tests done and get the license."

Two weeks later we were married in a civil ceremony and four months later I left a pregnant Marsha and went off to Fort Knox.

Before I left — it was the human nature thing again — I asked a couple of my buddies to keep an eye on Marsha for me. Bert Ellsworth, Ronnie DuPree and Richie Moore had been my buds since third grade and I trusted them. They knew Marsha's history and they knew that I knew it.

"If she fucks around on me I want to know it."

It was rotten of me and I knew it, but something that Gail had told me stuck with me. "I know she was doing it right up to the night of my party even though she had a steady boyfriend and if she was doing it to him she is probably doing it to you." I didn't think she was, but can you ever be 100% certain of anything? If she didn't cheat on me while I was gone everything would be cool. If she did cheat I would have a DNA test done on the baby and then we would go from there.

I loved Marsha and I looked forward to spending my life with her, but I wasn't going to do it wearing blinders.

I was able to swing leave to be there when Franklin David Brisbee Junior was born, but outside of three day passes and the use of accumulated leave I spent little time with my family. I did a tour in Korea and a tour in Germany and my last duty station was The Presidio in California, but I couldn't get Marsha to uproot and come out to stay with me since I would only be there for the last nine months of my three year commitment.

On my leaves and passes I checked in with Bert, Richie and Ronnie and they told me that Marsha was pretty much a stay at home when she got off work. In addition to the three buds there was Gail and I was sure that I could count on her to fill me in if Marsha strayed.

My home coming almost killed me. Marsha was determined to make up for lost time and I spent most of the first three weeks I was home in bed with her. It was over six months before it dropped from every day and stabilized at three or four times a week.

The next twenty-three years were good ones as Frankie junior got a brother and a sister. The marriage did encounter a few bumps along the way, but then what marriage doesn't. Frank junior graduated from high school and joined the Army. He likes it and says he is going for twenty. Becky graduated from high school and almost immediately got married. She has given us a granddaughter and has promised that the next one will be a grandson. Mike is following in my footsteps. He is in his first year of college on an ROTC scholarship and since he lives in a dorm on campus Marsha and I can be considered empty nesters.

"What do you want to talk about honey?"



"Have you been happy with me Frankie?"

"You know I have honey."

"My meals were good and the house well taken care of?"

"Of course they were Marsha."

"Was I good in the bedroom? Did I meet your needs? Did I show you enough love?"

"You know you did honey. I could not have asked for a better wife. What is this all about Marsha?"

"I told you Frankie. Just some things I needed to know. I've spent twenty-three years being a loving and faithful wife and I want to know that I was good for you."

It took a second to hit me. "Twenty-three years? We have been married twenty-six years Marsha."

"I know Frankie. The loving part has always been there, but I'm afraid that I can't say the same about the faithful part."

"Is that what this is about?"


"You have been cheating on me? With who?"

"You don't know them."

"Them? How long has it been going on Marsha?"

"Since last week."

"You just told me that you have only been faithful for twenty-three of our twenty-six years."

"The three years were twenty-six years ago Frankie."

"Do I get an explanation?"

"I tried to be good while you were in the service, but I couldn't do it. I needed sex Frankie; I needed it bad so I played around while you were gone. I stopped when you came home and since then you have been the only man in my life."

"How could you have done it without me finding out? I knew what your history was before you met me and I didn't trust you to behave while I was gone. I had you watched Marsha. I had three of my friends watching you. How could you have pulled the wool over three different sets of eyes?"

She looked away from me and as she did the light bulb lit above my head. "It was Bert, Ronnie and Richie wasn't it."

Still looking away from me she said, "And some of their friends."

"Just how did it happen?"

"Bert came to me and told me what you asked him, Ronnie and Richie to do and then he told me that he could see to it that I got all the sex I needed from the three of them and they would see to it that you never found out. I held out for two months before I called him. And before the week was up I was seven months pregnant and pulling trains and I loved it."

"Then I came home and you stopped and you never did it again until last week? You expect me to believe that after fucking you for three years they just instantly stopped when I got home?"

"They didn't want to, but I wouldn't. Bert tried to blackmail me by telling me that he would see to it that you found out what I'd been doing while you were gone. I told him to go ahead and tell you and when you confronted me I would tell you just who was doing me and that you would probably hunt him down after throwing me out. I never heard another word out of him."

"What happened last week?"

"I didn't mean for it to happen Frankie, honest to God I didn't. You were out of town and so I stopped on my way home from work to visit with a friend. I knocked on her door and it must not have been latched because it swung open. I walked in and heard noises from upstairs so I went up and walked in on a gangbang. She had seven men there and when one of them saw me he said:

"Oh good. Reinforcements have arrived."

"He took my hand and pulled me to him and it was like a switch in my head was tripped and I turned into the whore I used to be. I did all seven, some of them twice and one guy three times."

"And you just had to come in here and tell me this tonight why?"

"Because I loved it. I never realized how much I missed it and I want to do it again. Actually I did do it again two nights later with five guys. They want me to do it again tomorrow night,"

"And you are in here now to tell me that you are going to do it."

"Yes, but that is just part of it. I asked you about all of those things because it was important to me to know that I was a good wife to you. Knowing that makes it a little easier for me to ask you for a divorce."

"A divorce."

"Yes Frankie, a divorce. I can't cheat on the man I love behind his back and I know that I am going to keep on doing what I did last week. I know my saying that I can't cheat on you behind your back sounds strange after my telling you that I cheated on you for three years while you were away, but that was different. You weren't here and I needed it. I know that I'm splitting hairs. I needed it and you weren't here. I am sincerely sorry for the two times I did it last week and I apologize for doing it, I know that you are probably disgusted with me and won't want me around so I have already moved all my things into Becky's old room. I'll try to hurry and find a place so I can get out of your hair. I just want you to know that I love you, I have always loved you and I always will love you."

She got up and walked out of the room leaving me sitting there and staring at her back.

How do you end a twenty-six year marriage that you had no idea was in trouble? I was spared the anger of discovering that my wife was cheating on me by catching her in the act. There were no clues to make me suspicious and cause me to hire a private eye so I could slam his report down on the table in front of her and scream:

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Chanel and Ethan 21

From the moment Ethan dropped me off at home after I gave him road head, until he called me today after work, time seemed to drag and lurch simultaneously. Between falling half way asleep imagining he was still in my throat, to touching myself when I was in the shower this morning, you could say I was slightly preoccupied. I would catch myself thinking about him and time would slip away unnoticed. I started to realize how detailed my thoughts were becoming and I’d have to mentally force myself...

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Silk Sheets

She found herself kneeling on a mattress covered in some sort of silk – bound to each corner of the bed. He allowed her to be on her knees for better access it seemed. His thick fingers played with her clit from behind as his tongue plunged deep into her pussy. She cried out in need as he continued on. Sounds of her moans and pants soon became louder than the sound of his mouth on her pussy. His fingers moved closer to her pussy while he sat back and squeezed her plump ass with his free hand. ...

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Leave the Old Behind u and become the Dominant that she needs

Some men will tie up their girl, thinking that’s what they wanted, and maybe crank up the dirty talk. Other’s won’t even get that far. But just being tied to the bed is not what she needs or wants, she needs you to dominate her, emotionally and physically. It’s a Lot Like Roleplay If you’re anything like me, I’ve never really gotten too excited about the idea of roleplay. I have a hard time enjoying myself if I’m too busy pretending to be something else. But the principles of a...

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Peeping I was sitting on the bed in my room. I was reading Penthouse Forum andread a letter about a peeping tom who became a sex slave after beingcaught when I began to hear voices coming from next door. My house isonly 5 steps away from our next door neighbour's so in my room I couldhear anything from loud music to sex. To investigate the noises I ran upto the window and moved the curtain slightly to see what was going onthrough the next door neighbour's window. To my shock I saw a man and...

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The seduction of Emily

Emily had just started her junior year of college. She was a late bloomer in life as she graduated high school at the tender age of 17. Now at the ripe old age of 20 Emily had started to explore more of her sexuality. In high school none of the boys thought anything of her. She never dated and was somewhat quiet and shy. Over Emily’s last two years of college her body began to change. It was a lot more filled out and underneath her conservative clothes her body was way better than anyone could...

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ANGEL’S SHOWI shouldn’t have had so much to drink last night. Last night? I mean this morning. Got in late, very late. Pretty classy group though. The women were pretty drunk and kept grabbing my ass. The men just watched. Probably mounted their lady friend soon after we left. Didn’t know the other girl well, just by sight. Roslyn I think. Roz anyway. Nice body. Hard little tits. Could get one of those in my mouth easily. Somebody spilled champagne over her, inadvertently on purpose, then one...

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road closed

I spent some time as a truck driver and enjoyed traveling the country and getting paid for it. There are a few events that Id like to share, heres one of winter day i was driving across I 80 in Pa and it was snowing pretty good, and as usual the road was getting slick and there were a few accidents causing closures and delays. I was coming up on a rest area and figured Id pull in and get some rest, and wait a while for things to clear up. I was lucky enough to find a spot near the exit...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 65

I woke up groggy on Wednesday morning, disoriented, and did not remember going to bed. The clock said five fifty, so it was nearing my regular time to get up. I rolled to the side of the bed to get up and reached for my peg. It wasn't there. I had to focus now, because things were not in order, not where they normally were. Spying the peg on the chair by the foot of the bed, I hopped over and sat to slip it on. In the bathroom, I relieved myself and quickly brushed my teeth, as my mouth...

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Too Much LoveChapter 58

Standing in the event room looking over more than three dozen SSCS agents, all awaiting her instructions, Tanvi couldn’t help but think of herself as a general preparing to go to war. She was aware of the moderately absurd grandiosity of such a thought, but even for that she had training to fall back on. At some point in their first year of classes, every SSCS agent would hear the phrase, “Cynicism is an anchor around your neck.” The lesson behind that statement was that it was certainly...

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Rising in Space Falling in Love

Rising in Space, Falling in Love by: veilThe cold, metal snick of the wrist cuff being locked into place reverberate through my body, sending a quick shiver along my spine. Mistress steps back, admiring Her handiwork. Before bringing me to this room, Mistress had first 'dressed' Her little pet properly. This meant my feet were fitted into mid calf length latex boots, black of course, with a forced toe point and insanely long stiletto spike heels. The only way it was possible to walk in these...

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Confessions Of A Virgin Slut

I shook and clenched as the orgasm erupted inside my feverish body. I looked at the young man as he smiled down at me. His fingers were slick with my juices, his dick was snug in the moist warmth of my greedy mouth, and his mind was on the one thing that he should have fucking forgot about—my pussy. That’s right, my pussy. I wasn’t giving it up—at least not in that way. That was an ordinary Friday night for me. I spent many weekends dating horny teenagers that never had a shot. Call me what...

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Goddess Terries Tea Party

Goddess Terrie’s Tea PartyI can tell by the way she is humming Goddess is in an exceptionally good mood.  She smiles at me as I arrive home from various errands she sent me out to accomplish.  She walks over to me – one hand cups my crotch as she squeezes my balls through the fabric of my pants while the fingers of her other hand frame my chin as she gazes into my face.  She smiles as she feels my cock swell and grow responding to the ministrations my testicles are experiencing.  She leans and...

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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 3 Our First Fuck

Maya got better at her emotions as she held my dick to rub it gently on her thirsty pussy. She positioned my dick on her fuck hole. She looked at me. I could see the lusty hunger in her eyes. Without wasting a second, I pushed my dick in her pussy. Her pussy was tight. I could feel my dick skin being peeled as it entered her hot pussy. Maya closed her eyes as again I thrust my dick inside her. Her hot body moved back with the force of a hard insertion. I could feel the heat of her pussy on my...

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A Hot And Sensational Sex Before Training Session

Once again KK here with another true incident with my staff Anamika. You can read my previous encounters in the topic of “Training session with staff”, “hot ass licked by KK” and this is another encounter with the same anamika. Apart from these two more stories are “Sanjana in pune”, first experience with girlfriend”. Whatever i narrate here are genuinely true incidents happened in my life which i have penned down, no false …… please send in your feedback to … Coming to the story, this happened...

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Caught Masturbating With My Classmates

Steven was sitting on the living room couch being masturbated by Jack while Tiff and I gently sucked on his nipples. The boys turned to kiss each other and Tiff ran her fingertips over one of my breasts. Steven was just about to orgasm, so I lowered my head from his nipple, ready to catch it in my mouth.Unexpectedly, Samantha walked in, and she spoke before we knew she was there. 'What's all this, then?' We all turned to face her just as Steven spurted.For many weeks, I'd been meeting these...

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Things I Never Told My WifeChapter 11

“I KNOW YOU SAID ‘sooner rather than later’ but I didn’t expect it this soon! Are you okay?” I asked. “Um, yeah. I guess I’m super fertile and you’re super potent. I’ll just grin and bear it. Do me a favor and get ‘em snipped before he’s born. Okay? I don’t want to quit having sex just so I don’t get preggers again.” “Daphne...” I pulled my wife into my arms with our little daughter on our lap. Little Shelly. Three months old and already expecting a brother. Or sister, I suppose. Funny how...

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The Continuing Adventures of Alexa 4

The Continuing Adventures of Alexa & Jenny: #4 State Fair 2018 I woke up to the alarm. It took me a minute to realize I was in our bed back at the apartment. We had been running so much for the last three months it always took me a moment to figure out where I was. Jenny and I had not been to the State Fair yet this year, our honeymoon going a bit longer than originally planned, so we decided we would go on the Sunday before Labor Day. Since Jenny was starting her...

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Rightful Retrieval

RIGHTFUL RETRIEVAL By Charles E. Campbell   I remember that day as if it was only yesterday. But if truth be told, it was actually a little over eleven months ago. It was Friday, August 9th. I had just finished the final touches on a complete set of plans for the rebuild and renovation of an estate in Westport, Connecticut. Fantastic property, three plus acres right on Long Island Sound. Pool, private beach, dock, mooring, tennis court, very top notch. My fee for the drawings would net me...

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Just Survive SomehowChapter 5

Michael sat nervously in the seat across the desk from Steward eyeing the Colonel and the men in the room. Mitch was seated next to him and Davis stood near the doorway with Steward’s two armed guards. There were four additional men in the office and each of them had their own body guard. He didn’t know the other men’s names since Steward referred to them by rank. He figured they were the officers who he had heard about. “Where’s Addison?” he whispered to Mitch. “She’s already at the...

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Tag Tang the Honorable Slut

"I love your toes," Heather said and I made a face at her, but she always seemed to be saying weird things like that. "They're too small," I decided, resting my chin in the valley between my knees. "You got small feet, Tang!" Heather laughed. "What do you expect? Don't move so much." "I'm not moving," I told her, looking at her tawny hair as it fell around her shoulders. That's a cool color, tawny, like blonde, but kind brown too. "Besides," Heather looked up, smiling from...

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CD Rebeca Vegas Play Pt 4 Binge Pt 2

These Vegas Play stories are about my time in Las Vegas between age about 19 1/2 to 25. I encourage you to read all of my stories, but these Vegas Play stories are really hot and present a younger portion of my experiences. Message me if you want, and always comment- Thanks!!Vegas Sex Binge Pt 2The guy who had enjoyed my anonymous half'n half with the guy and my anal orgasm shot his load just a moment after thanking me for the show. About ten seats away, he stroked and then cum spewed out and...

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Me my cousins

Flash forward about 20 yrs. Kelly & I have remained close all this time. Even still a little flirty at times. Sometimes when we'd go out 2 smoke during the Christmas get 2gether, we'd stand....oddly, close. A couple times she'd asked me 2 put my arm around her 2 protect her from the cold....& a cpl times I did it 4 the shiggles of it.Of course around the corner of the house out of any1 elses' view. Then there was last Nov. when I "accidentally" sent her a cell phone pic of my cock. (Which...

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BimboTech Chapter 9 Bimbo Wifes Big Black Mistake

Chapter Nine: Bimbo Wife's Big Black Mistake By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals “What?” the Black man asked, blinking at my question as I rubbed on his cock through his jeans. My pussy clenched so hard. I shouldn't be doing this. There was something wrong with the intelligence serum. The cabin pressure of the plane we flew on was affecting it in me. The bimboness kept swamping over and me, covering in me... Yummy,...

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Teach Me To Suck Dick Daddy

"Daddy, would you please teach me how to give a blow job?"Had my daughter really asked me to teach her to suck cock or was my over-sexed imagination playing tricks on me? Hoping for the best, I asked her to repeat herself."Daddy, I want to learn how to give blow jobs. Will you teach me, please?"It was hard to believe that my beautiful eighteen-year-old daughter Julie, a freshman in college, did not know how to perform fellatio. My ex-wife and I had encouraged her to remain a virgin until the...

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Lottery WinnerChapter 11

The apartment was searched thoroughly. The detectives repeatedly asked me about the weekend. I told them the same true story. After I started counting, they asked a third time. I said, “Gentlemen, since I started counting, this is third time for this same question. The answer won’t change since it’s the truth. Try some new questions or charge me with something or leave me alone. I’ve been cooperative but I’m tired. You have my number. If you need something new in the way of information from...

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Cum Medicine

My wife Kellie and her sister Kristin sat in the doctors office waiting for him to return with results for Kristin’s recent blood work. She had been losing weight recently which wouldn’t be a big deal if she wasn’t already so petite. Kellie was worried enough that she had demanded that Kristin see the doctor. Kellie was shocked when the nurse had weighed in Kristin at 87 pounds when they arrived. She seemed to be losing an addition pound every week or two. She was very short, under 5’ tall...

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My first time tasting female juices

First let me introduce myself...I am Jay from the beautiful city Bangalore. I am 29 yrs old male with an athletic body and nice and juicy Dick of 8 inches. I am very fond of sex and anything related to sex. You can say I am a sex maniac. I always see sexy ladies in their beautiful dresses and think of having sex with them. I started watching blue films when I was in 8th class and from then I got into the wonderful world of sex. I use to read porn literature and watch adult movies whenever I got...

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The DriverChapter 6

The Shaftoe Residence, Shap village 7th October The Man She’d enjoyed it she said, she’d found it exciting. Well if that’s what turns her on, that’s what she shall have. Even now, as I stood in the dark waiting for her, I had no idea if I could carry it off. Jackie helped me practice putting the handcuffs on. She’d been surprised when I asked, but I told her I was getting into amateur dramatics and I needed to do it for a part. I worked out how I would get the gag in but there was so much...

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Dangerous Moves

I’m back! For everyone who read the first parts of my Seduced by Sin line, thanks for all your wonderful feedback and requests for more! I promise I will work on getting another installment of that story in here soon. The holiday season is always crazy for me and I just haven’t found the time to write. I wanted to move in a different direction for a bit, so here is a little something new. Be forewarned, the first chapter or two have no sex, character must be built… I promise once I have the...

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Passing of SeasonsChapter 10

When I got home, there was a note from mom saying she was taking care of "business" at the store. Business that usually meant shopping. And *lots* of it. She took the whole process quite seriously. I remember well the one time I went along. It was a big mistake. Her rude, impatient attitude embarrassed me over and over again. The second we left the house she was in this kind of "get the hell out my way" frenzy, acting more like an addict in desperate need of a fix than anything else. As...

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Summer Vacation Hot Spots

Just got back from a vacation in Denver. I have to say I always have a good time there, and always have to stop at my hot spot, the bookstore next to a truck stop just east of town on I-70.This time I had 3 hot cocks to play with at the bookstore. One was member of a Bear club. He was a lot of fun. He spotted me coming out of one of the stalls. I joined him and what a cock this man had. It was very thick at the bottom and pointed at the end. One could love being fucked with that thing. ...

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Welcomed VisitorChapter 8 The aftermath

Monday morning I got up and went through my usual AM routine. This weekend was kind of exhausting but I begrudgingly fired up my computer to get to work. Along about noon the phone rang and it was Grace. She invited me to supper at her house to thank me for taking the girls to Dallas this weekend. She also mentioned that Janet would not be there since she was going to a sleepover with Susie at Tammy's house. Grace said to come over about six and I said I would be there. At six on the dot I...

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Last year while Tom and I were living in Myrtle Beach we had a house in a very nice neighborhood with many  good friends.  We lived on a circle at the end of a dead end street which eliminated through traffic and noise.  Directly across from us on the circle is where Jeff and Allison lived.  They were a couple just a few years younger then Tom and I and they had two children.   During the month of June Allison stopped over for morning coffee and asked me for a favor.  Her, Jeff and the kids...

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