Oh! Susanna! free porn video

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Welcome to San Francisco!

This was it. If I was going to turn back, now was the time.

Ha! Who was I kidding? I had been working towards this encounter for a year. I wasn’t going to turn back now.

Susanna. That wasn’t the name most of her fans knew her by; I was one of the privileged few who knew her real name. That was a closely guarded secret. She had a sensitive job, a career that could be derailed if her “hobby” should be disclosed.

I’m Adam Stone, currently on vacation from my job as a programmer in Seattle; whether that remained true, the next couple of weeks would reveal.

I have a guilty secret. Oh, it’s not all that nasty; I enjoy reading erotic stories online. Why do I keep it secret? I can’t say; it’s not like my family and friends are so conservative; it is what it is.

About a year-and-a-half ago, I was on my favorite site browsing the Lesbian stories. That’s right, a straight guy reading Lesbian stories. Guys might chuckle at that, but why kid ourselves? Most, if not all, straight guys find lesbian sex as much of a turn-on as they find gay sex a turn-off.

I opened up the New Stories, and right at the top was one by an author new to me. She called herself Verna Lake.

I decided to check it out, and was blown away. Her story was hot, all right, but that, by itself wasn’t unusual; this was an erotic site, after all. The thing that set her story apart was the quality of the writing, both technically, and her ability to create believable plots, and characters who seemed real.

The story was just a little longer than what I usually read, five pages instead of two or three, but once I started, I couldn’t put it down. I was soon watching for new stories every morning, just about always posting positive comments, but one day there was a story that just didn’t work for me, and I posted a quite negative comment.

As soon as I hit enter, I wanted to pull it back, as it was much harsher than I intended, but the die was cast.

Later that day my Email chimed, and there was a message from Verna. It took me a while to gather my courage to open it, I was sure she was going to rip me a new asshole, tell me to fuck off.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that she understood where I was coming from, and revealed some of her thinking. She even sent me parts of an earlier draft that had been left out.

“Damn,” I wrote back, “I wish you had left these in. They really make the story work for me.”

She thanked me for my thoughts, and things pretty much went back to normal, except that when something didn’t work for me, I’d email rather than comment.

Sometimes she’d see my point, sometimes she’d disagree, but would patiently explain her thoughts. Most of the time we’d come to some sort of agreement, sometimes just agreeing to disagree.

Our friendship grew beyond the bounds of the story site. It was around this time that I learned her real name, Susanna. We told each other about our lives and our families. We even exchanged photos. I was stunned by her beauty. Her hair was jet-black, long and straight. Her face was pale white, almost translucent.

I, on the other hand, am a typical average white male, nothing to distinguish me from 90% of the other drones in the office, but when I sent Susanna a photo, she said that I was handsome. I thought it was bullshit, but I appreciated the thought.

I certainly had my fantasies of us getting together, we were close in age and both single, but I was realistic. She was way out of my league. She could walk through a Hollywood party with all those actresses and models and pick out any man she wanted. I, on the other hand, could walk through a crowded room and nobody would even notice that I was there unless I stepped on someone’s foot. Besides, she was in San Francisco and I was in Seattle. Not exactly the other side of the world, but not neighbors, either.

Life went on, our banter became a little more flirtatious, even some terms of endearment being dropped in, and I enjoyed our friendship.

One day, it had been a while since she posted anything, so I sent her an email.

“Hi, Susanna, what’s up? I haven’t seen anything new from you in a while.”

I received an invitation from Susanna to an online chat. I was thrilled, I was going to be able to “talk” to my friend!

“Oh, Adam, I’m so sorry! I’ve been writing in a new category. I thought that I had told you.”

“No problem. What category have you been writing in?”

It seemed to take a little longer than I would have expected for her reply to appear.

“BDSM,” she said.

“BDSM? You mean like whips and chains?” I was a little shocked, Susanna had always seemed so kind and gentle. I knew these were just stories, but I couldn’t wrap my head around her having any interest in that area.

“Nothing that extreme. More like a Dom/sub relationship, where one person is in control.”

For some reason I felt a shiver of excitement run through me. I didn’t know why; I’d never had any interest in that sort of a thing before.

“Adam, are you there?”

I didn’t realize that I had drifted off.

“Yes, Susanna, I’m here. I was just a little taken aback, that’s all.”

“Why don’t you check them out, let me know what you think.”

“Yes, I’ll do that. Talk to you later.”


I sat back and let out a big breath I didn’t even realize I had been holding, then brought up a list of Susanna’s stories. Sure enough, there were three stories listed in the BDSM category.

In each of the stories the main character was named Verna, just like her ID, and she was a dominatrix. In one story her sub was a woman. I was never aware of Susanna having any interest in women, despite her writing in the Lesbian category, but it WAS just a story, after all.

In the other two stories her subs were men. I’ve come across these kinds of stories in the past, but Susanna’s were so different, it was like night and day.

It was obvious that her character loved her subs, and they loved to worship her. There was no brutality, no strap-ons to use on the men or anything like that.

Her stories were so realistic that I wondered if they were written from life. That made me vaguely jealous, as if I wanted to be one of her subs. That really troubled me, as I always thought of myself as strong and independent, certainly not a submissive. Yet, the thought of submitting to Susanna gave me a small thrill before I was able to suppress it.

Susanna started letting me read drafts of her stories, and as with the first three, most were with male subs, and I found myself being drawn in more and more, resulting in many troubled dreams.

During a chat, I decided to bring things more into the open.

“Susanna, your stories seem so real. Are they drawn from your real life?”

After a brief delay she replied.

“Sort of.”

“Sort of? What does that mean?”

“Well, my stories aren’t describing real incidents, but are inspired by them.”

There it was. Now, how do I deal with it?

“Do you mean that you’re a dominatrix, for real?”

“No, but I sometimes like to play at being one, when I’m with the right partner.”

This time there was no denying it, my dick was getting harder.

I don’t know what I was thinking, but I typed, “That sounds interesting.”

“Would you like to see a picture?” she asked.


There was a slight delay while the picture loaded, then there she was, in all her glory. She was wearing a tight, red bustier that was cut down to her navel, the cups pushed her breasts up and out, and were so small that the tops of her areola were peeking out.

She had on a tiny red thong, or G-string, (I couldn’t see the back), that was so skimpy that some of her bush was sticking out of the sides.

She was wearing thigh-high red boots with very high heels; they had to be at least four-inches if not five.

Her hair fell around her face and her lipstick was as red as her outfit.

I wasn’t sure if it was a smile or a sneer on her lips as she stood there with one hand on a hip and the other seemingly motioning me to approach.

My mind was blank as I was rubbing my cock through my pants, until several message tones snapped me out of it. There were several messages from Susanna.

“What do you think?”

“Pretty hot, eh?”

“Adam, are you there?”

“Adam, are you okay, you’re starting to worry me!”

“I’m sorry, Susanna, I sort of spaced out there for a minute. Yes, the picture was super-hot. I’ll bet it’s even hotter in person.” Shit, why did I say that? We had sort of teased about maybe meeting “someday,” but it never seemed very serious.

“Adam, are you sure you’re all right? You still seem kind of distant.”

“Yes, I’m okay, but I think I’m gonna sign off for now. I’ll ping you in the morning.”

“See that you do, Adam. I care about you, and you’re worrying me right now.”

“I will, Susanna. Good night.”

“Good night.”

What was happening to me? It was as if I was submitting to Susanna. Twice I almost called her Mistress! How could that be? Yes, we were friends, but how much did I really know about her? I decided that I needed a good night’s sleep to try to get my head on straight. It took me a while to fall asleep, but eventually I did.

I woke up feeling refreshed, but still a little conflicted by my reactions to seeing Susanna as a dominatrix.

When I fired up my laptop, I saw a message from Susanna wanting to talk to me. I resisted the urge to respond immediately, and made a cup of coffee on my Keurig. As soon as I had creamed and sugared it, I sat down at my kitchen table, stared at the screen and sipped at my coffee.

When I could delay no longer, I began to type.

“Good morning, Susanna.”

“Good morning, Adam,” she replied with just a short delay. “How are you doing today?”

How was I doing? That was the question that kept me awake so long the previous night.

“I’m okay,” I typed after a moment’s hesitation.

“It’s hard to tell in a text, but you don’t seem okay.”

I couldn’t respond.

“Adam, I’d like to ask you a personal question. Please don’t be offended.”

“You can ask me anything. I could never be offended by you,” I typed quickly.

“Adam, it seemed like ... oh, this is so hard. It seemed like you were feeling submissive, that you were thinking about submitting to me.”

There it was. There was no avoiding the question any longer. Whatever I said was likely to change my relationship with Susanna forever. Hopefully, there would still be a relationship.

“I don’t know, Susanna. I know that I’ve never felt at all submissive before, if anything I would have said that I had a dominant personality.

“When you told me about being a dominatrix, I felt excited, I even felt myself getting hard. I was conflicted. I certainly don’t believe that I’m a submissive, so I have to believe that it was you, but that doesn’t make sense either, you’ve never tried to assert yourself in any way. If anything, you’ve always treated me kindly and with respect.”

“Adam, one thing you should understand. In a healthy Dom/sub relationship there needs to be respect in both directions.

“Without respect, it is too easy for it to become an abusive relationship.”

There was a pause.

“Adam, I need some time to process this. I’m not abandoning you, but please give me some space. I’ll contact you when I’m ready.”

“Of course, Susanna.” There it was again, I almost typed Mistress.”

“Bye, Adam.”

“Bye,” I typed, and I was alone with my thoughts.

I couldn’t bring myself to go to the story site. I wasn’t sure how I would react if Susanna had posted a new story.

What I did do was masturbate when I went to bed, and as much as I tried to think of other things, my masturbatory fantasies kept coming back to my submitting to Susanna.

This both troubled and excited me. Would I, could I, actually submit to Mistress Susanna? “Mistress Susanna.” I had come close a few times in our chats, but this was the first time I had actually expressed it, even if it was only in my own thoughts.

Equally importantly, would she accept my submission, and how would it work, with her in San Francisco and me in Seattle?

Those were all questions for another day. I could only wait semi-patiently for Susanna, and tried to lose myself in my work.

After dinner on Friday, I was startled by the ping on my laptop. A message from Susanna.

With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation I clicked to open the chat window to find a message from Susanna.

“Adam, are you really interested in submission, or is this some strange fantasy?”

I really only had one answer.

“Yes. It frightens me a bit, but I am interested, but only in submitting to you.”

“Adam, as I told you, I have so far only played at Dom/sub games. Your interest has awakened something in me. I think that I would like to go beyond merely playing a game. I think that I would like to take you on as a submissive on a trial basis. If you’re still interested, reply ‘Yes, Mistress Susanna.’ I want to assure you that a refusal will not affect our friendship. We will still be friends if you refuse. I don’t want to pressure you, but this is a one-time offer. I value our friendship, and don’t want to be dithering back and forth. Will you submit to me, Adam?”

This was it, my one, and probably only, chance.

With more conviction than I really felt, I began typing.

“Yes, Mistress Susanna.”

After a brief pause, there was a new message.

“So be it. These are your initial instructions. There will be others. You will only address me as “Mistress,” or “Mistress Susanna.” Failure to obey this rule will be a time in exile. Do you know what this means?”

“No, Mistress.”

“It means that there will be no communication between us for a period of time to be determined solely by me. Repeated disobedience to this or any other command will result in the permanent termination of our relationship. Is this understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Very good. All communication will be initiated by me. You will not contact me for any reason unless as required by a prior command.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“I will address you as ‘adam’ in chats, texts and emails.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“This arrangement will last for one year. At any time during that year, up to Midnight one year from today, you may withdraw from our arrangement, and we will make every effort to return to our former relationship. After that, while I wouldn’t rule out a restoration of our friendship, I wouldn’t expect it to happen. For that matter, the longer into the year we go, the harder it will be for us to go back, certainly on my part, and probably on yours.

“For that reason, I want you to consider carefully your final acceptance, and encourage you to reflect often as to your desire to continue.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“I am going to sign off now. In exactly one hour I will ping you with a simple “?” If you accept these terms, you will type, “I submit myself to the service of Mistress Susanna,” and await further instructions.”

She was gone before I could reply, and I was wise enough not to violate her no contact rule. I really didn’t need the hour; I knew I was going to do it, and it was the longest hour of my life.

I nearly jumped out of my seat when the laptop pinged and the “?” appeared. I had already copied the response she wanted, both to avoid any errors and any delays, and pasted it into the text box, “I submit myself to the service of Mistress Susanna,” and hit send.

I sat back to wait.

I sat and stared at the screen for the better part of an hour, not wanting to leave for fear of missing Mistress Susanna’s ping. It was becoming automatic now to refer to her as Mistress, even in my own mind.

My bladder told me I had to move, and I realized that I could get my messages on my phone, so I grabbed it and rushed to the bathroom.

My phone pinged while I was standing over the toilet, and I was so nervous that I almost dropped it in the bowl. I opened the screen and it was Mistress Susanna.

“adam, are you there?”

“Yes, Mistress, I await your instructions.”

“adam, when was the last time you masturbated?”

“Last night, Mistress.”

“You are not to orgasm until I tell you. You may masturbate; in fact, I WANT you to masturbate, but I am denying you your orgasm. I am trusting you to be honest with me, and confess if you fail me.”

I was both excited by her command, and already frustrated by what lay ahead of me.

“Yes, Mistress, I understand.”

“Very well. I will leave you now. I will contact you at my convenience.”

She had signed off before I could even reply.

My cock was already getting hard. I was really doing this! COULD I do this? I was already so excited; how could I possibly keep from coming for ... shit! I didn’t even know how long she was going to keep me hanging!

What was I going to do if I couldn’t do it? Would I be honest? How would she punish me? Would she punish me, or would she just drop me? Could she tell if I lied? I’m a terrible liar, but the filter of the chat should help there, but would I want to lie to my Mistress? Where did THAT come from? Had I already bought into her dominance?

My head was spinning. I decided to crash early, hopefully things would be clearer in the morning. I did allow myself a small measure of disobedience by not touching myself. I was on such a hair trigger that I was sure I would come if I did.

I actually had a good night’s sleep, but woke horrified to find that I had come in my sleep, and still had the hardest morning wood of my life. Somehow, I managed to empty my bladder, and get through my day, and spent the evening with my tablet on my lap opened to the chat window, desperately hoping that Mistress Susanna would give me some relief, but my wait was in vain.

On the morning after my third night, I woke up shocked to find that I had come again during the night. What was I going to do? What could I tell Mistress, HOW could I tell Mistress?

Before I could even clean up, my tablet pinged, the chat displayed only, “adam.” It was Mistress Susanna, it was my moment of truth.

I hesitated for just a moment.

“Good morning, Mistress.”

“You did not reply right away, adam. Did I wake you?”

“No, Mistress, I was awake.”

There was no reply. She was obviously expecting me to explain myself.

“I’m sorry, Mistress. I have failed you. I came last night, and two nights before. It wasn’t deliberate, it happened while I was asleep.”

There was no reply for a moment, then:

“I’m very proud of you, adam.”

She was proud of me? I failed her; I disobeyed her instructions.

“I know I told you not to orgasm, and you did, but it wasn’t deliberate. More importantly, you were honest with me. I can’t be there with you, nor you here with me. This relationship has no future if I can’t trust you to obey me without question even if I can’t know if you do or not.”

I was so relieved!

“Thank you, Mistress. I will never fail you if it is in my power to do your bidding.”

The rest of the chat was like our normal chats, talking about stories we had read, discussing story ideas, just normal friendly chit-chat.

Over the next few months she would give me various assignments. I was usually successful, when I would occasionally fail, she would punish me, either by not communicating for several days, or ordering me to deny myself orgasms.

The turning point came when she opened up a video chat. She was sitting there in her red bustier, with the cups pulled down a little so that I could see the rings in her pierced nipples, which got me as hard as steel. She was wearing the same red lipstick as in the first photo she had sent me, and her hair was framing her face.

“Adam, stand up, make sure that I can see you, and remove all of your clothes.”

This was the first time we had done something this personal, and I was so nervous that my fingers were fumbling at my buttons, but I was soon naked, standing there with my cock at full attention.

I’m pretty average, not a gym rat, but not a beanpole, either. That includes my cock; I won’t be starring in any porn movies, but I’ve never had any complaints. I’ve never done any man-scaping, and hoped that Susanna wouldn’t order it.

Mistress Susanna was no stranger to my cock, she had me send her pictures before, but this was the first time that she had seen it “live.”

“Very nice, Adam, now sit down, but make sure that your cock is in camera range.”

I did as she requested, or was that ordered, and found myself getting even more excited.

“Start playing with yourself, adam. I don’t want you to jerk off, just lightly stroke your cock, tease yourself. Look at me while you do it.”

A shiver ran through me as I made eye contact through the screen and began playing with my cock.

Mistress Susanna seemed to be getting excited as well, as she licked her lips and her eyes glistened.

She licked a finger and dropped it below camera range, and I could only imagine that she was playing with herself, as well, which only increased my sexual tension.

“Adam, I want you to masturbate for me now, I want you to continue until you come. Lean back and let the cum hit your chest and stomach.”

I did as she instructed, and her breathing was becoming shallower as well.

It didn’t take long before I was shooting a copious amount of cum onto myself. As I recovered, I saw Mistress Susanna shudder. She brought her finger back into view, glistening with her juices. She put it into her mouth and sucked on it, withdrawing it slowly, with a satisfied grin on her face.

“Adam, I want you to scoop up some of your cum and eat it.”

I don’t know if I’m unique among guys, but I had tasted my cum before, and it’s never done anything for me, one way or the other. It didn’t gross me out, but it wasn’t any sort of a turn on either, but this would be the first time I had done it in front of another person.

I hesitated for just a few seconds before obeying, and Mistress Susanna seemed to quiver again.

We continued to play for the next few months, but my urge to be with my Mistress in person grew into an obsession, and I eventually convinced her to allow me to come visit her.

I had a secret, though. I had lined up a job interview, and if all went well, I would be moving to the San Francisco area. How would Mistress Susanna react? Would she be mad that I didn’t tell her? Probably. Would she be excited to have me available at her disposal? Hopefully.

So, there I was, entering San Francisco, my Mistress’s domain. I was reasonably sure that our physical interaction would go well. Mistress Susanna was kind and loving; I was in no fear of any sort of physical abuse. Deep down inside I was hoping that she would allow me to make a physical expression of my love. I would obviously be thrilled if she allowed by to fully enjoy her body, but even if she only allowed me to service her, it would be the thrill of a lifetime.

As I approached her door, I hesitated. We hadn’t discussed any protocols; I didn’t know what her rules might be. Did I look her in the eyes? Did I kneel? Well, it was too late for that; I’d just have to wing it, and I gently rapped on her door.

When she opened the door, I started to kneel, but she took my hand and pulled me back up.

“That’s not necessary, Adam, we are still friends,” she said as she gave me a gentle kiss on the lips and led me into her home.

As I sat on the sofa she said, “Would you like some coffee, Adam?”

“Yes,” I said as I started to stand up to serve her.

“No, Adam, sit; you’re a guest in my home.”

I was confused; I thought I was supposed to serve her. She must have sensed my confusion. It probably wasn’t difficult, I’m sure it was written all over my face.

“Adam, I know you submitted yourself to me, but that was online. You may feel differently now that it’s more real...”

I started to interrupt, but she held up her hand to stop me.

“Please let me finish, Adam. It’s not that I doubt your sincerity. I have no doubt that your submission was genuine, but it would be only natural for you to have second thoughts now that it’s more real...”

“No, Mistress, no second thoughts, just excitement. I find it hard to believe that we are doing this for real.”

“I understand,” she said, “and I know you’re getting into your role, but for the moment we’re just two friends talking. Please, just call me Susanna.”

“Yes, Mi ... Susanna, I’ll try,” I said, though I was a little disappointed. I was anxious to serve my Mistress.

“Very good,” she said. “The first thing we should establish is a safe word.”

“A safe word?”

“Yes, you know what that is don’t you?”

“Yes, that’s what I should say if I need you to stop what you’re doing.”

“Correct. You may not feel the need, as we don’t plan on getting into, as you said, “whips and chains,” but you can never know what will be too much for someone. The safe word shouldn’t be something like “don’t,” or “stop,” as we might want to role play some resistance where you might say something like that, but not really mean it. It should be something that wouldn’t come up in normal conversation, like “radish...”

“Aardvark,” I said.

“Aardvark?” she said, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, I’d like aardvark to be my safe word.”

“Okay, then, aardvark it is. Let me show you your room, you can leave your luggage there,” she said. She stood up and led me to a guest room. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it was just a bedroom such as you would see in any suburban home; nothing fancy, but not a monastic cell, either.

We went back to the living room, and as Susanna started to give me my initial instructions, I raised my hand.

“Yes, Adam, what is it?”

“I ... I have a, a confession, Mistress.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“A confession? Already?” she said with a smile. “This should be interesting. Please continue.”

“This trip isn’t entirely a vacation. I have a job interview with Balzac, Inc. If I get the job I’ll be moving to the area.”

Susanna was silent, and she didn’t look happy. I was beginning to think that I might have made a huge mistake.

“Adam, I think you should go to your room.”


“Now! Adam.”

Shit, I’d really stepped in it. First, I over-stepped my bounds, then I tried to argue with my Mistress. I’d be lucky if she didn’t send me away, then what would I do?

I sat on the bed waiting for Mistress Susanna to go to bed. I thought my bladder might burst, but she told me to go to my room, and I didn’t want to risk disobeying her again.

Sooner than I could have hoped, I heard her going to her room. I waited a few moments before dashing to the bathroom, and doing the bare minimum so that I could return to my room as quickly as possible.

I set my alarm for an early wake-up so that I could shit, shower and shave before Mistress Susanna woke up, but as I left my room she was coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in a plush robe. She hit me with an icy stare that gave new meaning to the term “shrinkage,” and I stopped in my tracks.

“Come to me in the living room when you’re done. Don’t bother getting dressed.”

That actually excited me, and I made my way quickly to the bathroom, hoping she didn’t notice my arousal, and took care of my business.

I managed to calm myself down while in the shower, but as I made my way naked to the living room, I could feel myself getting aroused again, until I was fully erect standing before her.

I thought I saw a smile flicker across her lips, but it was soon gone as she regarded me sternly. I was wondering just how long she was going to make me stand there, when she finally spoke.

“I’m very disappointed in you Adam. I’m tempted to just send you on your way.”

My heart sank as my cock wilted.

“I had hopes of having some fun these two weeks, see how compatible we were, just see how this all might work. Now, you just short-circuited the whole process. Now, instead of just seeing how this might work, we’re laboring under the pressure of a deadline.

“Tell me, what was your plan if things didn’t work out between us? Would you be moving here anyway?”

“I ... I hadn’t really thought about it. I just assumed, I assumed we would be ... together.”

“That seems to be kind of a presumptuous assumption right about now.”

I could only look down at the floor, shifting nervously from one foot to the other.

She kept me waiting, standing there, as she seemed lost in thought, then seemed to come to a decision. She loosened the sash, then opened the robe, revealing the body that had fed my fantasies for the past several months.

The sunlight was glinting off her nipple rings, and she had shaved her pussy nearly bare, leaving only a landing strip ending just above her lower lips.

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Things settled back down to normal. Shannon was back at acting school, doing long hours to make up for lost time. Also the tutor was over 3 nights a week for a couple of hours to work with her on her weak points. Meanwhile I was busy working on my first movie script. The title I chose was Winner Take All. It was loosely based on a beauty pageant, with back stage drama. Of course I am writing it with Shannon I mind for the lead part. Both girls having been in many pageants, were...

4 years ago
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Mom son relationship

She was leaning over the sink looking intently into the mirror as she carefully applyed her mascara. She was not finished dressing yet. She wore a silky white half slip through which he could make out the faint outline of her girdle. On top wore a cream-colored brassierre with a floral pattern. The underwire cups lifted her heavy breasts high and barely contained the overflow of abundant flesh at the top of her bra. He studied his mother's body as he had done many times in the past. It was...

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I was Just A Sex Slave5

I was whimpering and crying softly as they talked and could feel my anal muscle rings respond to his penis as it throb. I couldn't help it as his penis was so far in my rectum. With him on my back and me impaled by his penis I drifted off again into exhausted slumber. As I slumbered I drifted off into deep dreamland, I was kneeling before Bruce, he was the most attractive of the three and far better looking than his uncle. We were about the same age and Bruce body was some what fit and tight. ...

1 year ago
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Abbie gets stuck

Abbie is a 22 year old girl who has recently been dumped by her now ex boyfriend Josh! She still loved him but he was with someone else now. She left some old cloths of hers at his house that she really wanted them back and didn’t want to talk to him for them because it would be another long conversation on her trying to get him back! She found out that him and his family are going on vacation for a week leaving the house completely empty! “Yes this is my opportunity to get my things without...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 4 The Shiftas

There was a heightened sense of urgency when we reassembled at Camp Kenyatta. Harry re-joined us a day later, having spent the week in Nairobi, and I would bet money that he had been poodle faking in earnest, as he had a partly concealed love bite on his neck, and a look of sated sexual satisfaction on his face. The information coming out of Somalia indicated that a large number of Shifta bands would be crossing the border at the beginning of December. There was the possibility that armoured...

3 years ago
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Lifestyle Resort Breeding PART 1

PART 1Eagerly WaitingMy name is Michelle and I am Janine and Don’s friend. I met them as they were checking-in at a “La Dame de Pique Manor” a Lifestyle Resort whose name, literally translates from French to “The Queen of Spades Manor”. I was there by myself so as to kill my ‘itch’ and happened to stand discretely behind them and quickly realized that they were newbies. Gloria, the front desk hostess was a gorgeous blond woman that was simply poured into a tight fitting Chinese cheongsam of...

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Jennifer Part 1

Part 1 The dampness of the night air permeated the stable where Jennifer slept. The slave traders had brought her here yesterday after purchasing her from her mother. In her homeworld of Alaytia it was common practice for mothers to sell their daughters to the slave trade to finance their own d**g habits and to pay for the cloning process. Ever since the genetics war there hadn't been a single male left on the planet. To reproduce they either had to buy sperm at a very high price or they had to...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 75 Pressing Issues

When Mrs Unsworth saw poor Carrie Pearson lying naked on that hospital bed with all those wires and tubes hanging about her she forgot caution completely and just rushed over and flung her arms around the girl’s neck and hugged her tight. There were tears falling from Jessie’s mother’s face as the woman mumbled into Carrie’s neck, “Oh, you poor child. You poor, dear child. I am just so sorry to hear what happened to you after the wedding.” Glenda Unsworth didn’t withdraw from her embrace to...

2 years ago
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A Very Special Valentine

It was Valentine’s day and when Sarah got home from work and opened the door to her apartment and saw the rose petals, she knew her fiancé, Dan, must have something special planned. Sarah followed the trail of rose petals and she knew they would lead to the bedroom.When she got to the bedroom, she expected to see Dan naked on the bed or something but there was nobody in the room that she could see. Sarah decided to change into something sexy for when Dan did get home. Dan liked it when she...

3 years ago
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Next Door Neighbors Part 3

To get you caught up, I've been sexing my neighbor's daughter for nearly the duration of my two week vacation. On this day, her mother has come over to confront me about my sexual escapades; however, we end up having torrid sex on my coffee table (of all places). We were in the throes of afterglow when..."MOM??!!"Both Maggie and myself jump at the sound (and recognition) of who's screaming. Standing there is Kate and Mia (my home girl from work). Kate has a horrified look on her face while Mia...

1 year ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 19

During the drive to the house, Jerry was worried about how Jenny would take to the neighborhood. Jenny was trying to put on a brave face at going into such a dangerous part of town. Bill sat in the back watching the scenery pass by totally oblivious to the tension in the front seat. Jerry said, “Don’t worry about the neighbors. You’ve already met Martin and Abe at the store.” Trying to hide her concern, Jenny smiled back and said, “I’m not worried.” “Right,” he replied knowing how worried...

2 years ago
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I Needed a Good Fuck pt2

I woke about ten-thirty, I was still in my robe my butt still tingling from the shower fuck with Clarence. I mulled over going up to 428, my butt wanted more and besides Daryl had not been in the room since Friday. I grabbed some sweat pants threw on a t-shirt and slipped into my hoody. I went up the back stairs, which was closer to Clarence room, I reached the door and knocked twice. The door opened the room was pitched black, I heard Clarence voice say 'good come in quick.' I stepped into...

3 years ago
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Tunnel of LoveChapter 7 Saturday Night Fevers

Jennifer was on her knees. In her hand was a very large cock. It belonged to a stunningly handsome man, sitting naked on a couch. "Oh James," she said, staring at his manhood lovingly, "it's so beautiful!" The man watched her solemnly. "And so thick!" Jennifer added, while squeezing the base of it gently. "My hand barely fits around it!" The man nodded stoically, as if he'd heard it said many times. "And sooo long!" Jennifer marveled, placing a second hand on the shaft. "And...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 9

A baby was giving me smooches while pulling on my nose with one hand and one of my ears with the other. Little Dan was grinning and jabbering at me as if telling me I had to get up. I snuggled with him, causing squeals and giggles, until Brandy snatched him up and told me, "Get up, and go take a shower. We all want to be with you a little while before you leave. It's already six-thirty." I didn't get enough sleep, but I did need to get up and visit with everyone before we left. Tina...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Aur Bahen Ki Chudai Ki

Mera nam Rahul hai mai 22 years ka hun mai Ranchi ka rahne wala hun mere ghar me mummy papa bade bhai aur mai aur meri bahen rahti. Hai meri bhabhi ka nam Tinky aur bahen ka shalu hai mere bhaiya ka ab Delhi me job lag gaya hai to wo ab wahi rahte hai is kahani meri bhabhi ki umar 23sal hai unka nam unki shaadi pichle saal hui thi wo bahut khubsurat hai unka figure 32 26 35 hai unka height five feet 2 inch hai wo bahut gori hai pahle to mera najaria bhabhi ke prati galat nahi tha par ek din jab...

3 years ago
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How I Became a Cuckolded Sissy Part 1

How I Became a Cuckolded Sissy: Part 1 By willow619 Allie and I had been married for three years. Our sex life had become bland, routine, and, frankly, I preferred masturbation to the work it took to cum by intercourse. I was pretty sure that Allie felt that way, too. You see, my cock is, at best, 5 inches. My touch, or my tongue, on her clit seemed to be much better received than my cock in her cunt. I've always been a crossdresser. I can remember being in first grade and...

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Dating CheerleadersChapter 2 Trouble at the Pool Party

Tracy came over to me later with a big smile on her face and asked "Is my little brother no longer a virgin?" I told her "I don't kiss and tell but no, I am still a virgin" She looked surprised and raised her eyebrows inquisitively as if she were fishing for details. I told her "If you want to know more why don't you ask Susie what happened." There was nothing left of my sister but a blue streak as she flew over to Susie. They had their heads together in conversation for a while as my...

2 years ago
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Harmione has a secret

Harmione walked down the hallway with confident, and unpatient steps. She held the book in her hand, not wanting to put it down. The words were increasingly intreging as she finshed the book with a final word. As she sighed and closed the book, she noticed that her robe had astain on the left shoulder. "I cannot be walking around with such a stain." She said to herself. Turning back, she walked up the moving stairs, stopping every once in awhile to wait for the next set of stairs to move in her...

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Wike catches us part III

Wife Catches Us part III..Mary allowed me to relax for fifteen minutes before yelling for Steve. Steve entered the room wearing a leather harness and chaps with his cock swinging side to side. I almost fainted due to Steve’s appearance, fucking hot. Mary told Steve she knew I would like it, turned to me and handed me yet another shot of tequila. After I downed the shot Mary ordered me to put the hood back on and announced round 2.I was moved to a sling and my ankles were secured high above my...

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Cave Trap Part 2

When they got outside Craig was hopping mad. “The hull is breached” he yelled into the whipping storm. Then he took their gear and they climbed onto the rocks to survey the damage. Craig pointed to the spot where a rock had pierced the fiberglass hull. There was a gaping hole on the port side, two feet from the point of the bow. “She’s impaled on a fucking rock and she’s rocking back and forth making it worse”. Miri and Jack looked at each other and almost broke out laughing. “She’s...

1 year ago
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You are on a party and drank a bit too much, champagne all evening long which made you quite horny. Next to you there are only 7 guys left.You are on the dance floor, dancing with a handsome guy, he is standing behind you, and with your dancing booty you can feel the boner in his pants. The other guys watch you with greedy eyes.You even enjoy their gaze, it makes your sweet wet pussy tickle. Suddenly, you grab his dick and massage it through his pants. you don´t care that all the other guys can...

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The Bachelor Party

DEDICATION This small story is at once a dedication to, and an indictment of, the bachelor party that my youngest son roped me into organizing and funding. I honestly think young men expect their fathers to provide a wild last hurrah, complete with babes and free flowing booze. As a responsible parent, I did help to make it quite a memorable night, but alas, not as wild as he might have envisioned. The Bachelor Party By Ashley ...

2 years ago
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Esha Ki Chudai

Mera nam Kabir hai aur main Pune mein rehta hu. Mera padosi Vikram apne biwi ke sath rehta tha. Main aur Vikram ache dost the aur hamara ek dusre ke ghar ana jana rehta tha.  Uski biwi ka nam Esha tha. Dikhne mein woh ekdum maal hai. Height mein 5ft 5in thi woh aur uske boobs to ekdum kamal ke the. Ekdum round aur natural the woh. Uski bra ka size 32D tha aur uska figure 34-24-36in hai ye sab mujhe uske bare mein badme pata chala.  To ab kahani pe ata hu. Vikram ki shadi hue 3 hi din hue the....

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Remembering Becky Ch 09

For those who have been with me all the way, I am most grateful for your very kind words and encouragement. It would not have been possible to get through this without you. If you haven’t read it up to now, it would help you to please give the preceding chapters a look first, as nothing will make much sense otherwise. For those interested in a sexually oriented story, please visit some of the earlier chapters, as there is no sex in this final offering. All this chapter is, is the end. * ...

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My Feminization

Rebirth (this tale is written only for my slut bitch Lorena) PRESENT TIME cloudy day, one of the many days where i'd lay on my bed till night.but i ve to wake up. wife is here at my side, sleeping. how many times i look at her wondering if my life d be different.my early years passed quite happy with friends in my city, the normal mexican city, sunny and colored. Few girlfriends around me, till i find my only love, who's always sleeping here.Our love up and down in years, now that i...

2 years ago
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Big Time SwitchChapter 8

I couldn't move I was frozen in place inside my own home. I walked into the room next to mine and saw Mom and Pops examining a body. I snapped back into the real world when I heard Mom say, "Cleo darling, we can explain." I looked at her and blinked about what seemed like a million times then looked back at the body. "Yeah I think that might be a good idea Mom." I slowly said. Steven spoke up, "This young girl suffered from the same condition of the brain as our Stacy did. However,...

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FALL 2007

3 o'clock in the morning,the streets of Long Island suburbia are deserted.It's not cold,but the breeze is enough to at least harden any dude's nipples without their consent.But that didn't stop me,didn't stop us..to do what our young minds would normally consider unthinkable...Wait,scratch that,what MY young mind thought was unthinkable.IT all started during the end of the Summer,when my boss ask me to be in charge of the restaurant for a few hours one day,the last bartender/cashier he trusted...

3 years ago
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Cleaning Becky

I craved her more than any other woman I had ever known. The first time I saw her I felt a fierce desire to take her by the hand and lead her to my bedroom and keep her there forever. Dark smoldering eyes, hair as black as a starless night sky, slim waisted, high breasted and lips that cried out "kiss me!" And she was unattainable - she was my son's wife. I both looked forward to, and dreaded, going to family gatherings. Knowing that she would be there both drew me to them and made me...

3 years ago
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Slut in TrainingChapter 3 A Family Affair

I am an independent handyman. Over the years, by working for myself, I've been able to save up a nice little nest egg. I thought I had saved enough to be comfortable if something should happen and I couldn't work. That was until I met, and fell in love with, Leslie. Over the past four years, I have lived with my girlfriend, Leslie. With my help, she had run away from home to accompany me to California. At that time, she had just turned 16-years-old. Maybe I was going a little middle-aged...

4 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 18

I walked silently into the woods behind the house, moving quickly to get away. We had 160 acres around the house, having purchased the extra acreage that had been available, so it was easy to get lost from the others. I walked quickly, wanting to get out of sight before anyone saw me. It was unlikely anyone would, but it was not unknown for someone to be up at 3:00 AM. Besides, Megan and I had both been upset, and that was dangerous in a whole house full of empaths if you were trying to...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Cfnm PartyChapter 3

Bill was still a little perplexed. Both he and his partner in Femdom Slavery, Ron, were in their normal attire — totally naked. Both had their wrists handcuffed behind their backs and shackles that limited their ability to walk on their ankles. Both also had three inch ring gags wedged into their mouths. Both also sported rock hard cocks that were augmented by cock rings that were designed to keep the blood in their organs — thereby insuring an almost permanent hard-on while wearing the...

1 year ago
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Sasur Ji Ne Liye Meri Chuot Ke Maze

Mera naam aasha hai . .. mai 20 saal ki ek naw-vivahit behata hoon .. mere pati Rakesh hai unki umer 25 saal hai … voh mere saas sasur ki pahli aulad hai… mere saasu ji ka dehant ho chukka hai to mai ghar ki badi bahu hoon mera ek dewar aur ek nanad hai.. mere pati Rakesh fauj mai hai.. mai apne sasur ji aur dono dewar aur nanad ke saath ghar pe hi rahti hoon meri aur Rakesh ki shaadi aaj se 3 saal pahele hui thi .. tab se le ke aaj tak mere sasur ji ke saath najayez sambandh ban gay hai.. voh...

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Alexa Chapter 39 Preparations

Alexa Chapter 39: Preparations The fallout from Marilyn's meltdown at the Thompson party set in motion a whole chain of events that finalized her place in our world. Two days after the party, Marilyn was arrested for a second time on drunk driving charges. You would think with all the signs posted and repeated warnings on the television and radio of stepped up enforcement over the holiday weekend, the woman would have known better. Once again, she allowed her own inflated sense of...

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Cat and Mouse Part 2

Josie opened her eyes whilst their lips met, it was a strange sensation, hesitant and sensual. His eyes were closed, his long dark lashes fluttering as he concentrated on his task. Me, I’m that task. Josie felt her chest expand in a rush. He likes me. She closed her eyes, content to experiment. His kisses didn’t stay soft and gentle for long. Harry licked her crevices, feeling the moist insides of her mouth with his tongue, then he broke away and kissed her neck, one hand massaging a breast,...

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GangbangCreampie Brooke Bliss G111

Welcome back folks, to part Two in Episode 111 of GangBangCreampie, the Fucking, Filling, and Feeding, the GangBang, the Meat and Potatoes! At this point Brooke has the guys all warmed up which you’ll see in a few days, she’s on the pedestal and she’s ready to get dicked down. In the black room she patiently awaits the cocks, which don’t take long to occupy her. The guys swarm her, putting a cock anywhere it’ll fit. Her mouth, her hands, her pussy, this girl can...

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M D shower fun

"Ooh yes, that feel so good. Right there, just a little harder with your thumbs."Gina just loved getting massage, she felt the goose bumps spreading across her bare body as her daughter Tanya, who was standing behind her in the bathroom, massaged her stiff t****zuis muscles. This was a routine that had been going on for a few weeks after her evening bath. The doctor had said that non professional massage at home would do her good to besides her regular visit to the chiropractor. She knew that...

3 years ago
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First Time With My Girlfriend

Hi, I’m Sid. A 24 yr old boy, following my dad’s business. By look I’m a perfect south-Indian boy. During my college 1st yr I sighted a girl. I made a small conversation with her to move forward. But that ended with errors. Later that year she approached me via FB. Then again I moved on. No love but, it took 2 years to start the sexting naughty snaps. She will be keeping on calling me to her home so that we can spend time together. Many attempts failed. The last one was promising. She was doing...

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Prom Night Promises

After months and months of waiting, the prom was finally here. Danny was as excited as his girlfriend, Allyson. Finally, his girlfriend was going to do more than just stroke his cock. She promised to finally go all the way with Danny. That was the plan. Danny knew that he had to go out of his way to make the prom part of the evening very memorable. Danny rented a limo for the evening. Nothing was too good for Allyson tonight. He bought her a lovely corsage and made sure there was champagne...

4 years ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 29

Earth time: 4:44:10 PM Saturday, April 9, 2019 (EST) Aina time: 3:34:58 AM day 254 of 1418 "Time mark!" called Ura to the first contact team. "Five minutes to go!" The team consisted of the two other members of her marriage, Leon and Nalani. All three were standing on the top of Blue Spirit. Sunrise was in thirty-three minutes, and the first promise of the dawn was visible on the eastern horizon. The air was cool and sweet, about 45F and filled with the fragrances of the spring...

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It was open mic night at some pretentious coffee shop. She had begged him to come see her sing, so he had conceded, though he hated places like that. At seven o’ clock, he walked through the doors and saw her just walking onstage then. She had dressed for him, he could tell—her low shirt, a black lace bra peeking from the corner, a tight pencil skirt, and high heels. She carried her guitar, smiled shyly, and introduced herself. He listened as her voice carried across the shop, watching,...

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Loving The Glory Hole

Loving The Glory HoleBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was unbelievable. Joshua never wanted to be a priest, his parents never spoke to him about their interest in priesthood. He was only about a year away from graduating from his school, when he was taken out of his School and shipped to a Catholic School at least 100 miles away because his both parents had some kind of interest in that Catholic School. Now the poor boy not only had to live away from the family but in a very restrictive Hostel life...

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Make Out With School Friend

Hi, everyone, this is Rohan ( name changed ). I’ve been reading stories on Indian sex story from quite a long time now. So, I thought of sharing my own incident. Hope you all like it. Telling you about me, I’m 5’10” with not so athletic body. This is an incident which happened to me when I was in college. Garima ( name changed ) was my school mate from class 1. But we never had many memories together as we were in the different group. After class 8, we both went to different school and we never...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 11 A Bouquet of Pheasants

On a hunch, Clint asked his Vanguard counterpart in Boise to go through the old surveillance videos before the raid on the Gunther compound in northern Idaho. A raid clandestinely approved and funded by Senator Harper Wainwright. And orchestrated by his chief of staff, Constance Grayson. And field-directed by Matt Striker. Boise called back the next day. Winner-winner, chicken dinner! Martin Folsom again. That tied him to two American Nazi compounds. And also made me start reconsidering...

2 years ago
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The Lady Past The Woods

NOTE: This is much longer than my normal stories. The Lady Past The Woods When I was in high school I got an idea for my photography class from a Relaxation CD that Mom had given me a few years ago. I would lie in bed not being able to sleep and listening to the babbling brook. Eventually I was relaxed and asleep. When I told my teacher about my idea she was excited that I had envisioned a scene to go along with the sound and now wanted to marry them into a movie. There was...

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Summer Fun

It was lovely spring day and I was just sitting on the porch sipping tea, thinking, and realizing that I was about to turn fifty and felt very much alone. My husband died five years ago and I guess I never really got over it. We moved to this small Southern town from up North on a job transfer with hopes to retire here. Unfortunately my husband died before he could retire and I find myself with very few close friends and mostly lonely. I have one married Son who lives up North but is currently...

1 year ago
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Because I Still Love You Ch 02

This is the second part of the three part series. [Just a brief clarification for all those who didn’t get the plot – Lea and Ken are married and a few days after the wedding, Lea moves to New York. Ken stays back in Chicago to handle his Dad’s business. Readers commented that why they should get married, if she is moving away and why not make them stay together. But what’s the fun, if they are together? The real test of any relationship is when the two people are miles apart. And as the...

2 years ago
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Son loves father3

"You're...you're...driving me...insane," I stuttered as excitement dripped from my engorged big clit.Liberally, Daddy coated his fingers with lube from the bottle I had in my purse. "Alex, I want you to know this is going to hurt. But, once the pain subsides I think you'll found it quite enjoyable.""A girl was made to be penetrated and I so want to be penetrated by you. Just get me really ready first," I replied. My voice was full of excited but mixed emotions.Daddy slowly fought his middle...

3 years ago
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College Sexscapades

(episode 17)After I finished writing and posting, “The Ménage-A-Trois,” I began to reminisce about all of the great times my friends and I had my last 2 years of college living in that rental house that we had restored in exchange for free rent. It was perhaps the most memorable 2 year period ever for me. It began with that friends-with-benefits period that lasted a few months peaking out during Fall semester of 2006 of my Junior year at the University of Georgia.Chip and Vic, my two best...

College Sex
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Quagmire The final fantasy1

She kissed him lightly, still smiling, dimples appearing. She brought her hand down and started stroking his massive long thick hot cock as she kissed him again, this time her tongue slid into his mouth. Glenn grabbed the soft, wet skin of her firm white ass as they made out in the shower. Lois broke the kiss and sunk to her knees in front of him as water poured on her back and shoulders. His hard cock was inches from her smiling face as she continued to stroke him, looking at it. She...

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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 23

The refugees had set themselves up in family groups in the cavernous building in which they’d taken shelter. Ellerie made her way between them, careful not to step on the few who were still sleeping. The villagers’ mood was subdued after everything they’d been through. Their headman’s death the previous afternoon had just been one more shock added onto all the others, but the plainsmen were a hard people, and they were already organizing the indoor camp for an extended stay. They were in no...

3 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 26

The vision rushed forward and caught Heather's arms, pulling her back to her feet. She shook her head. "No, Heather, I'm not Mara, not really." Heather stared, her eyes wide, her mind racing as if she had not heard a word the vision had said. "But ... Mara, we had so many ... Jason wanted to ask ... y-you warned me about my mother ... the girl we were supposed to stay away from ... th-then the danger to me and another girl..." Heather's face flushed pink when she realized she was...

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10 May 2007Chapter 2

Dan walked hand in hand with Wendy through the room, searching for a vacant table. Her slender figure dressed in a sow cut top and short skirt drew appreciative stares from many men and women. A romantic slow song was being played by the DJ, and she couldn’t resist guiding him onto the dance floor. She eagerly accepted his caress. “Karen may not want to be with you but I certainly do. I love you, Dan,” she confessed once again. “I love you too.” She laid her head on his shoulder so content...

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Morning of day 2, the sun coming in through the blinds. My head hurt and I knew I had overdone it. My friend, A, was sitting on his side of the bed, head in his hands. I asked how were things with Sophia? At first I was pissed at him for taking the hot girl we brought with us and leaving me with the twins. He just shook his head and waved at me to be quiet.I said fine, be the guy who doesn't kiss and tell. He held up a totally empty, big-ass bottle of Jack Daniels and said wish I could...

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