Helen… Ch. 09 free porn video

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Hoffman’s visit to Saskia’s flat was an eye-opener for both her and Harry. They discovered what seemed a fair gentle man with a very mysterious business. Harry still could not place him when he was a teenager, even though those days were as clear as day in his mind.

The stranger invited them both to his penthouse apartment in town. They were surprised to see where Hoffman lived. It was the most expensive block of apartments in town. Only the rich could afford such accommodation. ‘You live here?’ Harry asked, looking up at the tower block from the court. ‘I can’t believe you live here. This is just amazing.’ Hoffman smiled in reply as he led them into the main foyer and the escalator. And as the lift slowly made it’s way to the twelfth floor, Hoffman took the opportunity to scan his eyes over Saskia. He liked what he saw and realised that he had never had the pleasure of such a young woman in ages. Harry was too busy watching the numbers flash on the board. ‘How many floors does this place have?’ he asked.

‘Eighteen. I’m on the twelfth.’ Hoffman replied just as the lift stopped and the doors opened onto a corridor. There were four apartments on each floor and he led them to his, sliding his key card through the reader and letting them in.

The apartment was spacious, a huge window opening up the afternoon autumn sunshine into the lounge. Everything was glass, stainless steel and soft cushioned furniture. A modern executives paradise. ‘Make yourself at home. Then I can talk business with you both.’

Harry and Saskia sat together on the lush expensive settee. They could not believe that the place belonged to a man like Hoffman. He did not even look that affluent, just simply dressed and smelling of cheap aftershave. ‘How did you get this place?’ Harry asked. Hoffman grinned in reply offering them both a cigarette. Saskia took one and shared the light from Hoffman’s lighter as they both lit up.

‘Lets just say, I inherited this place. Not family, but old acquaintances. Well, one of them anyhow. Such an amazing man who is no longer with us.’ Hoffman sat in an easy leather chair and looked at them both. ‘I’m glad you like it. It’s far too big for me. I like something simpler. Would you like to live here?’

‘What? Me? Here?’ Harry was taken aback by the offer. ‘Are you taking the piss?’

‘No. Bring your young lady friend with you. Settle down, get married, etcetera etcetera.’

‘You are taking the piss mate.’

‘Mister Hoffman, what is it you do?’ Saskia asked. He looked back at her with a grin. Harry was still trying to let the offer sink home in his mind, still thinking it had to be a joke that was not exactly very funny. He hated people being patronising towards him and making jokes on his personal expense.

‘My business my dear is life. Just as simple as that.’ Hoffman gave his reply still looking at her with desire to have her, take her as his, if ever that was possible. He could almost taste and smell her nubile essence from where he was sat. Pure imagination based upon past experiences.

‘What exactly do you man by ‘life’? Harry asked with curiosity. ‘Life isn’t a business.’

‘Oh yes it is. My business is very unique and very useful to many people, like yourself.’

‘Yeah yeah, so you said, but in what way?’

Hoffman looked at Saskia. ‘Run into the kitchen and fetch us some cold beers,’ he almost commanded with ease. He watched her closely as she left the lounge. ‘Your friend is very pretty Harry. I feel almost jealous of you.’ Hoffman laughed knowing that would wind up his guest.

In the kitchen, Saskia opened the fridge door to take out three cold cans of lager. Then her gaze met with something she never expected. In a glass jar there were lots of eyeballs crammed together pickled in some kind of fluid. When the initial shock had passed she realised that the contents were almost human, each one having their own individual colour. She shivered and closed the fridge door quickly.

‘So, explain this business of yours more clearly?’ Harry asked. Saskia handed out the cans of beer, then retained her place beside him as Hoffman pondered some kind of answer that would seem more understanding to his guests.

‘Let’s say I… settle scores for people. I once helped your stepfather many years ago. It was a great pleasure that I won’t forget. And now I think I can help you the same way. These people who are making your life a misery. The ones that smashed your face for instance?’

‘Oh wait! Don’t mess with those guys. They are crazy.’

‘Nobody is crazy. Just stupid.’ Hoffman replied with his grin. ‘I can deal with them. Let’s say as a favour in your case. You can have a freebie as I’m quite well off at the moment and I need some fun.’ His eyes continued to gaze on Saskia as he spoke.

‘Look mate… no my girl ok?’ Harry was quick to notice. ‘And these people I’m having bother with are not the kind to play any games. They are after my guts because they think I stole from them.’

‘And did you?’

‘Course not. I don’t need their cash. I have means of making my own.’

‘Wouldn’t you like to see the back of these people? All of them? For good?’

Harry realised what Hoffman was hinting. ‘Wait a minute. You are not suggesting what I think are you? For fucksake this is not happening. You are crazy mate. I don’t think I want to know anymore.’

‘Ok, lets just say, I’ve been one hundred percent successful so far. Now that is quality.’

‘I don’t care. You’re taking the piss.’

‘I assure you I’m not. That is my business and I’m very good at it. I work alone in my own time and collect the fees, no questions asked. Quite lucrative actually.’

‘A contract killer?’ Harry asked in amazement. ‘They only exist in the movies or the mafia.’

‘Well, let’s just say you have met a real one and I’m on your side.’

Saskia nudged Harry and whispered in his ear, ‘He has eyeballs in his fridge’ Hoffman could hear the whispering and smiled. She looked back at him realising it. Was it a mistake? Harry needed to know what she had seen. What would or could happen next?

‘Don’t worry. Yes I have human eyeballs in my fridge. They are a delicacy.’

‘Fuck me!’ Harry said, shouting out his words. ‘You’re a fucking Hannibal The Cannibal. Tell me this is just a sick joke?’ Saskia held tighter to his arm, shocked at what was being discussed, yet she saw them in the fridge for herself. Hoffman sat back into his chair and sipped on his can of beer, lighting a cigarette, his injured hand bleeding through the bandage.

‘They are my victims eyes, yes. And no, I don’t eat them. I collect them for a friend. Her birds of prey have a liking for them. The rest of the victims’ bodies you may ask? Simple, I burn them. No trace, just a pile of ashes. I have another friend who deals with that side of things.’

‘You’re bleeding.’ Saskia pointed out. Hoffman looked at it and smiled, taking no notice of it. To him, the injury was superficial, a deep cut left by his recent victim only a few days ago.

‘I’m retiring.’ Hoffman announced. ‘I’ve had a enough of all this killing. It’s time I got away somewhere nice to enjoy my life. Of course, I can’t tell anyone where I’m going. So, I need to leave you this apartment, all yours, in exchange for silence and the thrill of my final kill.’

‘Your business is taking life,’ Saskia said, staring at Hoffman, still feared of what such a gruesome man like him could do to just about anybody, without feeling any regrets. ‘How do you get away with it?’

‘Simple. I’m good at what I do dear. I have realised that killing essential and influential members of the O’Grady’s can do two people a favour. Those two people are you Harry, and your stepfather. You have both suffered badly from their threats and their violence.’ Hoffman could see Harry thinking deeply, considering his proposal. ‘Don’t think too much Harry, the answer should be yes.’

, how will you do it?’ Harry asked.

‘You give to me a list of names and I will deal with it. No need to know how or where I do it. I can plan that out quite easily, remember, it’s what I do. And instead of you and your stepfather paying me, all I ask for is your silence, and accept this gift of the apartment.’

‘Is this place kosher? I mean will it be mine?’

‘All paid for, ready to hand over the deeds to you. Give the list and move in when you like.’

‘No, wait, that’s far to fucking easy. There has to be a catch.’

‘No catch. Actually I do owe you a favour. It’s best not to go into those details.’

‘What favour? Tell me.’

Hoffman thought about his answer, knowing that he needed the list from Harry by mentioning it, and hoping that Harry would want to know and accept. Nothing fazed him, he could tell him anything to get that list of names. He leaned forward from his chair and looked Harry in the eyes:

‘A long time ago I did something wrong. It was an unfortunate accident on my behalf. To make it plain and simple, I killed someone who was close to you, but you were too young to realise it. Infact, I don’t think you even missed them to be honest…’

‘Who?’ Harry asked, ‘I don’t even know what you are talking about.’

‘You once had an older brother. He died at my hands. He was unfortunately a hostage of a gang and I didn’t know they had captured him. It was a kill I did without realising he was there. He perished with your stepfather’s enemies who I eliminated. A factory blaze, unrecognisable bodies associated later with the owners. They were corrupt and your stepfather owed them a lot of money. At the time I took your fathers money and hid, job complete. Only a few months later one of the bodies were still unknown and your brother was missing. Two and two made four.’

Harry sat absorbing the facts. It was true, he never did know an older sibling, his stepfather and mother kept everything quiet. The lad was still a statistical missing person to that very day. And Hoffman was right, it was something he did not need to know. He was growing angry inside at the thought, but it was no use taking it any further. There was a debt to be paid and Hoffman’s honesty outshined anything else, despite him being a killer.

Saskia listened and held Harry close to her. All of this was like a bad dream. She was in the middle of it all, implicated in a conspiracy to wipe out members of a family she did not even know. It seemed that she had to keep silent or wake up and realise all of this was a crazy dream.

‘Ok, I’ll give you the list,’ Harry replied. ‘If this is going to get them off my back, then yes, I want it done. Besides, I like this apartment.’

Hoffman handed him a pen and writing pad and Harry wrote down the names of at least eight people and gave it to him. The list contained those members of the O’Grady family that hurt him and gave him grief. The list also included Mick The Mong, the Chinese henchman that caused his painful injuries. ‘The dentist bill is going to massive. It would be a pleasure to see him out of the way.’

In exchange for the list Hoffman handed Harry an envelope containing the essential documents of ownership of the plush apartment and set of keys. ‘Thank you. It’s all your. Now I can go. You will never see or hear of me again. Saskia grabbed the keys and envelope.

‘Thanks, this could be a new life for me. It’s just a shame that Harry had to pay for it by giving you that list.’ She explained. She snuggled into her newly acquired friend and now what seemed to have developed into a lover. Or was it just a show for Hoffman’s’ convenience? It did not matter tio him.

He took one last look around the lounge and picked up a small briefcase waiting at the door. ‘Well, I wish you both happiness, and don’t worry, everything is taken care of. And by the way, there is a suitcase in the bedroom waiting for you. A bonus. Enjoy it.’ With that he smiled and left. Leaving the two amazed new owners baffled.

‘A bonus?’ Saskia asked. ‘What does he mean by bonus?’

‘How the fuck should I know? But we’ll find out.’

‘It might be a bomb or something, or even a corpse of one of his latest victims…’

‘No. Hoffman wouldn’t do that. Let’s go and see.’

The bedroom was luxurious. A round king sized bed, not even slept in, and there was the suitcase upon it waiting to be opened. Harry did not hesitate for one minute. He lifted the lid and inside were piles of money, bundled together in what appeared to be neatly counted lots. There were UK and US denominations. Harry had no idea how much until he could count it.

Saskia gazed a the so called bonus. ‘Are we rich?’ she asked.

‘We?’ Harry questioned. ‘Er… at the moment it’s all mine. And what’s with all the lovey dovey clinging back there? We have not even made love. So you are just a mate that walked into my life so far.’

Saskia folded her arms and stared at him. ‘Oh I see. You like money instead of sex I take it? And that makes me slut I suppose?’

‘Not really. There is still time. You still owe me a blow job.’

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I was sitting in Mouse's driveway, watching her come running out of the door and to my truck. By the time she got there, I was out and waiting for her leap into my outstretched arms. I just love how happy and enthusiastic this girl is every time she sees or hears from me. Holly had told me just a few days ago that Mouse would be like Laura, and be there with me, and for me, until my last day on this earth. Or something like that. At any rate, I could see how she would think that. I know...

2 years ago
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Fourth of July celebration

Oh my God, last night was the 4th of July and boy did we have a celebration.  I am so sore today from all the wild things that I did, and I think I can only relate some of what happened here.   Let me tell you a little about myself, I am 56 years old, 5 feet 4 inches tall, 145 pounds, Hispanic with darker skin, brunet hair – shoulder to mid back length, mouth that loves to suck hard cocks and loves the taste, smell, and feel of cum, my breast size is 36D with mouthful size nipples that love...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Cathy

I am a relatively normal male aged 18, 6'1" tall, with blond hair and green eyes, and a fairly muscular body. I have always masturbated, fantasised and collected pornography. Several years ago I discovered magazines and web sites featuring older women, and found myself uncontrollably aroused. I began to fantasise about sex with my aunt. At school that day, my friend gave me this miracle-making stuff. I already had a feeling what it would be. It was a prescription medicine bottle with several...

4 years ago
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Best Sales Job In The World 03

Cliff had returned to Chicago on Saturday evening after an incredible week at the home office. He was now VP of Sales and had a huge challenge facing him. The West Region had not been performing up to expectations and Cliff would have to conduct a comprehensive review of everyone’s prospects and activities. As he sat on the plane from Philadelphia to Chicago he decided to head out to California on Sunday. When he got home that evening he called Dave the Western Region Manager. He could not...

3 years ago
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Milf fun

When I was in high school, I had a friend named John who I spent a lot of my time hanging out with. But more importantly to the story, John had a hot mom. Whoever came up with the term “MILF” had her in mind. She was an inch or so shorter than me and had a fairly tight stomach (especially for being in her 40s), but the best part about her were her tits and ass. Her boobs had to have been at least double D’s, with nipples that poked out no matter what she wore. Her ass put all...

2 years ago
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Lost Times

‘All I’m saying is you should have known better, that all.’ With a sigh, I nodded my head at the truth of that even though I was already tired of hearing James bitch and bemoan. It’s not like this was completely my fault. ‘I mean really, Allen … what were the odd it was going to be what the girls said it was?’ he continued. ‘James, put a cork in it already,’ Steve chimed in with exactly what I had been about to say. Looking over at him, Steve and I exchanged a quick look, and my eyes went...

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Mrs North

When i was younger,  I loved in a small block of flats. On our floor lived an older woman, just a few doors away. Mrs North. Back then she must have been in her 50s I'd say, but still had a good figure. She was medium build with a hugh bust. She was always impeccably dressed, normally in classy dresses that would show off her figure. On occations the dress would be slightly see-through, revealing her sexy lingerie underneath. We got to know her quite well over the years. Everytime l seen her...

1 year ago
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Adventures Of The Modern Sexual Housewife 11

November 20, 2004... The young, sexy 22 year old, named Jenny, just recieved her college certificate. Her husband, also graduating that day, was going to take her home in his car. "Hey" he yelled to her "Hey babe" she yelled back, running up to him and hugging him. "Let's go home," she said, giddily, and walked, hand in hand with him, to the car. "Todays's been great," he said, as they both were in the car, "there's just one thing i need..." he nuzzled up to her face. "Oh, fine. When we get...

2 years ago
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A nice little interlude and the county fair

The carnival lights and music filled the night. Tiny stars dotted the sky and the moon was full, glimmering silver white above. The sounds of people and animals, from the menagerie, were plenteous, but they hardly noticed as they walked. She carried a paper cone piled high with spun sugar, her arm linked through his, laughing as he took some of the sweet confection from her fingertips. An overly large stuffed pink hippopotamus under his other arm. He’d won it knocking over milk bottles,...

1 year ago
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Maa N Me In Digha

By : Deep0611 Hi..this is deep and i am 18 years old from kolkata.now i am going to tell you about the incident happened with my mother. yes some days ago i ve had sex with my mom.. i am a very fan of this site and i’m gonna tell you the story.. my dad is a busy office worker and cannot give us much time..few days ago we have planed to go to Digha but at the last moment dad cancelled and insisted us to go.. ok.first i’ll tell you about my self and the story will be in hindi.. jaise mai kaha...

2 years ago
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Shocking pink

I was in a co-ed senior school and had just turned 19. I am tall, fair, and athletic. Next to our house there was a couple whose daughter was Pinki. Pinki was my age, but in another college. She was very shy, and would always smile shyly whenever crossing bye. One day when I went to the terrace in the evening, I saw lights switch on in her bathroom. Her bathroom window had louvers made of frosted glass, and the louvers were not closed that day. There was a small tree near the window, and maybe...

2 years ago
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You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth 6

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling pretty weird. I had a nightmare that Jenny and I were on the couch and she was giving me one of her World Class blowjobs when her mom walked in. What was weird about it was that when I looked down at Jenny to see what her reaction was, it wasn’t Jenny but instead it was her mom between my legs and it was Jenny who walked in on us. I felt ill because now they were both mad at me for using them. Each one was mad that I had been seeing the other one too. They...

4 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of Boris Johnsons Cabinet Matt Hancock

I, Oliver Tress, considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Gina loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get...

2 years ago
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Slut Brandi and the BBC part five

Part FiveHubby has now left the building, to stay at his hotel and watch his unfaithful wife take black cock in all of her hungry holes. He'll watching the link he set up on his iPad and iPhone from the various cameras he set up around the bedroom, plus he doesn't think I'm aware of the camera in the lounge! I'll deliberately put that one to good use.The twins Yani and Dex should be here in about 10 minutes and everything is prepared.The wine is chilling in an ice bucket, I've put some porn on...

2 years ago
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Varsha Mami Ki Chootki Malai 8211 Part1

Hi friends…I am extremely delighted because of love and response from you to varsha mami stories. Un dino mere mama ki shadi ke liye hum uske gaon gaye the shadi ke baad main, mari behen aur maa , vahi mama ke ghar ruk gaye. Mama ki wife ka naam varsha tha. Woh kafi sundar thi. Uski figure lagbhag 32-24-32 thi. Mera dhyan toh uski gaand aur boobs se hat hi nahi pata tha. Thode dino baad meri maa aur behen bhi ghar chale gaye. Ab main or mama mami hi the. Mama dun bhar job pe jate the. Maine ab...

1 year ago
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Lupe Loving Learning To ShareChapter 1

After Jim and Donna reconciled that day on the beach, the two became totally absorbed in each other almost to the exclusion of all else. They would leave the house to do things outside at times, but mostly they just stayed in and kept each other company. Jim still worked at the bank of course, but he didn't make it the sole focus of his existence. He and Lupe had reached a plateau within the bank where the automated trading system ran so smoothly that it required little fine tuning and...

3 years ago
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My Brother Birthday Present

I married my wife 2 years ago. She is a solicitor, I am a stockbroker. We both come from upper class families and had both had partners before we were married. My brother Karthik was infatuated by Frieda. At just 18 he too lived with us and doted on his bhabi. His eyes would follow her everywhere and rightly so. Frieda was a sexy woman with a model figure. She loved to dress in smart and often sexy clothes. Mother wasn’t too pleased with Frieda’s above knee skirts and fitted blouses, but I told...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Leads To Sex with Mom

Hello everyone. I hope you all are safe and healthy. Please read my first story, . This is my second story. This time I have written a fantasy. I really hope you guys like it. Happy Reading. Let me give you a brief introduction to my mom. Her name is Hema. She is 42, with a height of 5’8. She is fair and has the right amount of flesh where needed. Her sizes are 36-30-36. Her curvy body can make anyone go mad for her. She mostly wears sarees but in a sexy way. She ties her saree below her navel,...

3 years ago
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Nickel NoveletteChapter 4 Family Discipline

“Are you ready for another game, Terry?” Faith asked. She’d been prepared two nights ago, but she had lost the coin flip. “Not really.” But she was obviously ready, and what was his objection except that he hadn’t thought out his game? Well, there was a solution to that. “Tell you what, let me get out of the rest of this stuff and give me the coin.” When he’d stripped, she handed him the nickel. Terry took one look at it and slapped it down on the bed, not flipping it at all. “Well, what...

4 years ago
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Dad8217s Night Out

First off I’d like to say my wife Ellen is basically my sex slave. She is 5″7″ 36-26-24 and She does whatever I ask, no questions asked. I like to play a game I call Mystery night. On this night I tie my wife blindfolded to the bed and then I have someone come in and fuck her. She never knows who it is, this is way she is being fooled; never knowing who is fucking her and the one fucking her is fooled because he thinks that she thinks it’s me. On this night I had decided...

4 years ago
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Rite of Passage Chapter Four

Two days later, the two sisters marched back into their village amid a chorus of loud cheering.Alana thrust the crystal over her head, the pink glow bathing the street.Homes were vacated, chores abandoned as people flooded outdoors to witness Alana and Ari’s return. The voices of the multitude rolled over them in waves and spontaneous music drifted in the air.Alana smiled, warm tears glistening in her eyes. When finally, she set the crystal in its rightful place, she sighed in relief. She...

2 years ago
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Dark ReasonsChapter 3

If one more person came in here with a fake cheery smile on their face and asked 'how are we feeling', she might shove an IV stand down their throat. How was she suppose to feel? She'd gotten knocked around by a serial killer, thrown around by a huge black sedan and smashed into by a SUV. She felt like shit. She had bruises on top of bruises. She felt aches in places that she didn't know could ache. And, knowing how bruises and aches went, she didn't doubt that she would feel worse...

4 years ago
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Naughty Niki God Daughter Gets Dicked

I'm usually not given to voyeurism, but this time I couldn't help myself. Niki, my eighteen-year-old god daughter, had left her bedroom door open, and there I was, standing in the hallway outside watching her put on her nightie. The thin material of the night gown had tangled in her hair and was bunched up, covering her face. Concentrating on trying to separate hair and gown and unaware of my presence, she was oblivious to the scene she presented. And a delightful scene it was. Even though I...

3 years ago
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The RedheadChapter 4

The Best Laid Plans Change... What do I do now? I would like to say that I stepped forward in the line and when it was my turn to check out, I said "Hi, Grace, How are you?" Like an adult, like a Marine, but the plain fact was that I was completely terrified, and so dazed by the whole situation, I just panicked, I wheeled around and went back through the store putting my items back on the shelves and got out of there. My mind was in complete turmoil. I was having flash back memory bites....

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