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This is a historical, but fictional story of the sea war that was fought between the Royal Navy and the U Boats during the period 1940 to 1942, the action is staged at the time when the U Boats were sinking British and allied shipping with little resistance.

The story also refers to DEMS {Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships) which was the arming of merchant ships, usually with outdated guns from the first world war and manned by volunteer RN ratings which did a great job, at great risk to themselves with ancient equipment..

The U Boats found that they could initially cause havoc, by operating on the surface and running up and down the columns firing their torpedoes and sometimes using their deck guns. The DEMS gunners proved quite effective over time, in stopping this maneuver.

Their were many recorded occasions when the U Boats machine gunned survivors in boats, or in the water. They were also adept at waiting near boats full of survivors, and sinking the rescue vessels who came to pick them up. Additionally survivors had to run the risk of weather and especially on Arctic Convoys. The survival rte if a ship was sunk could be measured in seconds in arctic waters.. .

After the USA joined the war following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Germany sent U Boats to the East Coast of America, and started sinking shipping which to start with travelled without escorts, and were easy targets against the background on lighting from the shore..

As the war turned against the Germans, they started fitting Schnorkels to U Boats to allow them to travel faster under water, which allowed them to run on diesels and not to be so reliant on battery power. However, there were a large number of drawbacks to schnorkelling.. Apart from the sound of the engines underwater which could be picked up easily by sonar.

The schnorkel head could not be used in very rough weather, as it had to be well clear of the water otherwise it would close down, and the diesels would take all the oxygen out of the boat, making life very uncomfortable indeed for the crew until the engines were stopped or/ and the boat could return to a suitable depth and the schnorkel head was clear of the sea..

In addition the diesel exhaust fumes had to be expelled via a separate exhaust via the schnorkel head, and the exhaust smoke was quite visible to hunting ships at times. The head could also be picked up on the more sophisticated radar that came into use later in the war.

The Royal Navy tried using Schnorkels on a number of Submarines Post war and the new A type submarines and the exiting T and S class boats were fitted with them, but they were not very popular by the submarine crews, and of course as nuclear powered bots came into use the need for them diminished. The Germans were very aware of these problems, and although their were benefits to schnorkelling, they built a few boats that ran on Hydrogen Peroxide. This worked well as a fuel but if it got contaminated in any way it exploded. Whether they would ever have been used in action is doubtful.

The story is fictional but based on facts .

**** The War at Sea : Chapter One

The Captain of U 199 Oberleutnant zur See Hans Merkel sat back in his chair watching the drunken antics of three of his colleagues all wearing the distinguishing white cap covers of U boat captains. He had drunk a little too much but he always did when he spent the evening with the lovely whore Madeleine in the officers brothel.. The new arrivals were drinking heavily, and very rowdy, but he himself was now more restrained. Tonight was to be his last night ashore before his next Atlantic patrol.

Tonight once again he had said a long and very sexy fond farewell to his lovely French whore Madeleine, in the officers brothel. She was a beautiful French woman, and he had become quite fond of her over the time they had been quartered in Brest.

Madeleine was beautiful, and her perfume as always was exotic.. Hans missed his wife back in Germany badly, but Madeleine was a good substitute for his darling Ursi. Every time he thought about Madeleine made him horny as a rhino.

Madeleine had as usual greeted him effusively, when he had entered the brothel as she took him by the hand and led him into the bar for a drink or two, before they went to her bedroom She clung on to him, making a big fuss of him as he ordered drinks for them from the waiter . Hans had a large Schnapps especially imported from the Fatherland for its brave young U Boat officers. But Madeleine had a soft drink. For a time they joined some other officers for drinks. The girls sat quietly, but the officers were unaware, that Madeleine was fluent in German.

She was one of three young women who had bravely volunteered to work in an officers brothel as part of her war work for the underground, knowing full well that German officers in their cups, were liable to talk about things, that were supposed or intended to be secret. But soon Hans with the help of Madeline’s wandering hands under the table wanted to take her to her bedroom.

Hans followed her into the bedroom, watching carefully as she let her robe start to ride up her thighs, and he could see the material was delicately placed just over the cleft of her ass, so that he was treated to a full view. She knew what turned him on. . His cock grew very hard in his pants She gave him a sexy smile, as she turned to the mirror and grabbed her hair and fixed it in a ponytail .He was speechless, as he watched her strip to her panties.. She turned and walked towards him, and wrapped her arms round his neck, and pulled his head down. She stuck her tongue in his mouth and French kissed. him..

" Kom mein liebchen. I want you so badly, you know my liebchen I wait every night for you to come to me. My life is so desolate when you are not here.. No man satisfies me like you do” She said sexily. As she went into the routine she used with many of her officer clients. Hans watched as .she helped him off with his tunic, and then his shirt carefully placing his uniform jacket and shirt on a hanger in the wardrobe. Then she dropped to her knees in front of him.

She undid his belt and pulled his trousers down His cock was straining against his underpants. .With a short, swift motion she yanked his underwear down around his ankles. As she then grabbed his cock "Mmmm," she said. "Looks good enough to eat Mein Liebchen. Madeleine then licked the palm of her right hand and started to stroke his cock. After pumping it for a few seconds she brought it up to her mouth,. Hans almost came in her throat right there, as the warm sensation of her mouth round his cock went though his body . She kept pumping his cock into her mouth as she sucked it. There was spittle coming out of the side of her mouth as she pumped his cock. It was ramming into the back of her throat so hard, he could feel his balls tense up as she deep throated his cock and made herself gag.

Mmmm" she groaned as his cock filled her mouth. In minutes Hans was on the verge of blowing his load. As if sensing it, she took his cock out of her mouth, and looked up at him with her lovely eyes.
"Mein Liebchen Hans I want you to make hot passionate love to me as only you can now."
"Uh-huh," was all he could reply.
She stood up and took her panties off. Hans could see the dark strip of fluff on her pussy. . She climbed on the bed, on her hands and knees, then looked over her shoulder at him.
"Are you going to join me Hans dear ?" she asked.
Hans walked over to her and climbed onto the bed..
Madeleine left her tight ass in the air as her face rested on the pillow. She knew what he liked and how he liked it. .

Hans grabbed his cock and moved it up to her pussy lips. She moaned as he rubbed it over her pussy. Then he slowly slid the head of his cock inside her, as she gasped in delight. After a few seconds he plunged deeper inside her, until his balls rested against her buttocks.
"Ohhhh fuck that feels lovely Hans dear." she said.
As he fucked her harder, he saw her pussy juice dripping onto the bedclothes. Hans grabbed her hips and thrust harder. She was moaning in ecstasy.

"Ohhh yeah honey. Oh god."
"Madeleine I'm going to cum."
As Hans was preparing to thrust into her for the final time she pulled away.
"Honey, I know you want to fuck me in the ass before you cum," she said."
All I could do was nod as she slid a finger into her ass.
"Fuck your Madeleine in the ass Hans dear."
Hans grabbed his cock in his hand again and brought it up to the entrance of her ass.. He lightly pressed the head against her ass, and she moaned again. It took him a couple of attempts but he eventually managed to slide his cock inside her ass while Madeleine’s fingers toyed with her clit.

Hans always enjoyed Madeleine, she knew what he wanted. She was the best, and he always asked for her.. He concentrated on fucking her ass harder and harder.
"Fuck Hans Cherie fuck yes. fuck my ass."
"I'm going to cover you with my cum," Hans replied.
"Yes dear I want you to cum all over me."

Hans pumped her ass some more and his balls tensed up again. he could feel himself getting close so he pulled his cock out of her ass. Madeleine turned around. and grabbed his cock in her right hand and started to pump it.
"Yeah fuck baby I want you to cum on my face," she said.
Madeleine took his cock in her mouth and moaned as she tasted herself.
She made a loud slurping noise as she pulled his cock out of her mouth and continued pulling it. He was ready to explode. His balls rode right up under his cock and he could feel the cum was about to spurt.
"Oh god Madeleine oh god I'm going to cum. Unnnngggggghhhhh. Oh...unnnngggghhhh."

His juices spurted all over her face. There was a big glob in her left eyeball, which she didn't seem to mind. His cum rolled down her face like tears, as she took his cock in her mouth one more time and sucked it clean. After a while she climbed off the bed and poured Hans a large beer, while she went into the toilet to wash and shower. She hated the Nazis, and she was always pleased when she could satisfy them without having to take their sperm in her body, but now she knew that after a few drinks she would soon have him talking again.. .
“ Well Mein Liebchen am I still your favourite girl? ?.” she asked.
“Of course Madeleine. .” He told her
"Mmmm," she said. ," She said as he climbed off the bed. To sit on the couch. His legs were like jelly. But Madeleine always drained him like no other women could. He thought these French whores were really good. She lay on the couch, and propped her head up with her elbow as she looked at him. While she craftily played gently with his now very soft cock.
“Cherie when shall I see you again? Tomorrow maybe?.
Nein mein liebchen. We are off to sea in the morning.”
“Yes there are three of us going tomorrow.“ All the next hour as Madeleine plied him with drinks, and they fucked again, she managed to get a lot of useful tit bits of information from him, to add to what she had obtained earlier in the bar downstairs.

After he had left Madeleine went to clean her teeth and have another shower . She scrubbed her body to get the smell of him, off her body. Later the bar man came to see her, and she related all the bits of information that she had so craftily got from him. He added those to the bits of information that he had got from Hans uniform jacket and wallet while they had been fucking in the bedroom. It was all a very slick operation

But to Madeleine he was a hated Nazi. She was nice to him, and she told him she loved him, and she always had a bottle of his favourite French wine and plenty of German Schnapps waiting for him. After they had consumed a few drinks, it was easier to glean valuable information from him. It was not the life she had studied for, at the Sorbonne but that could wait until after the war was over..

Later as Hans sat there in the club watching the antics of is colleagues and reflecting on his night with Madeleine He knew that for him it was time to go. Early next morning U199 would sail on patrol again, and he wanted to have a clear head. It was January 1941, and very much the ‘Happy Time’ as far as the German U boats were concerned.. Sinking the Tommies had very little risk, but he knew that shortly that was going to change. The Tommies were not fools. Even now each patrol was getting slightly harder as more escorts, and new anti submarine tactics, were increasingly being used against U Boats.

The door of the club swung open letting a cold blast of air another bunch of officers entered the club, their greatcoats wrapped tight round their bodies against the chill night air. Three of them wore the white cap of U Boat Commanders. One if them was Oberleutnant zur See Max Steiger the captain of U54 a highly unpleasant young man and a fervent Nazi party member. Who boasted openly about how many British seaman survivors he had machine gunned, after first sinking their ships.

Many U Boat captains were of the old school. They would and could sink ships because this was war, but killing innocent seaman was not to their liking. But they knew that in the Third Reich criticism was not allowed. In the Third Reich you kept your thoughts to yourself and you gave the Nazi salute when you were required to of you wanted to have a long life..

Hans had worked on a cruise liner, on the Hamburg New York run, before the war. It had been a lovely life with much music and dancing as they helped to entertain the ships passengers. It was where he had met his lovely wife Ursi who had been a cabin stewardess. . ..

He looked at Max Steiger with something approaching revulsion. Steiger loved to approach the survivors in their lifeboats, and ask them what ship they were from, and then ask them in a kindly voice if they had plenty of food and water. If they said “yes “he would laugh and say “ Well chaps you won’t need it.” and open fire. He boasted that he often took the machine gun from the gunner, and did the killings himself.

They had already drunk well, and were laughing and very noisy. They greeted Hans effusively, and he just smiled, and replied, without too much enthusiasm, although they insisted on joining him at his table, as they loudly called for more drinks.. Hans was not wanting to be seen associating with men like Steiger, so grabbing his greatcoat, he made his apologies, and prepared to leave. Most of the other Captains would be sailing themselves in the next few days, and they would probably meet up when the wolf pack was formed to attack the next British convoy.

Many of the patrols however, were boring affairs with long days and nights of no activity until they were in touch with a convoy. Then it was all go. It was what he and his fellow Captains referred too as the “Happy Time“, a lot of ships and very few escorts. The Tommie’s could not cover their convoys with aircraft all the way, and very often the convoys were so poorly escorted, it was just like shooting fish in a barrel.

It was good to get back to harbour, but if rumour was right, Doenitz was building bigger U Boats known as Milch Cows, who could refuel and replenish their Torpedoes and ammunition at sea, so that they could stay on patrol longer. He was not relishing the idea of even longer patrols.

Hans did not like sinking ships, he loved ships, and he was aware that he was sinking ships that may have had friends, or ex shipmates on board from before the war. He had loved the life of the Merchant service before the war, but as war approached his services were demanded by the fuhrer, and he sighed, their was a war to win, and for him it started again the next morning early..

He looked at his watch and it was already 02.00 am, there would be just time for a few hours sleep before they sailed. He made his excuses and left. The walk back to the dockyard cleared his head, and as he entered the dockyard, his ears were assailed by the sound of workshops working at full blast. The French workmen were forced to work for the Nazis or starve, but he knew much of the work they did was deliberately shoddy. There was no love for the Nazis, amongst the French population, only fear and reluctant obedience..

On board he retired to his cabin and pulled the blanket over his head falling asleep almost immediately. It was about 5..45 when his steward woke him with his morning coffee. The First Lieutenant Dieter Regel came into his cabin. Ready to proceed. Crew at harbour stations. Secured for sea Sir.

Outside his cabin confusion reigned as was normal in any U Boat at the start of a new patrol, as nets full of loaves of fresh bread, sacks of vegetables and crates of tinned food swung from the deck head, or filled every spare available space. Even the toilets were not immune from becoming a temporary food storage..

As he left his cabin and climbed to the bridge wearing his oilskin, and fur lined gloves against the morning cold damp air, the Chief Engineer reported. Main engines, motors and steering gear ready for sea sir.”

Thanks chief, Hans said as he looked along the casing to see all the hands fallen in on the casing abaft the conning tower. Orders were given by Hans, as he conned U199 out of the basin to the open sea for his first trim dive. Once clear of the harbour he would dive the boat to catch the trim with so many stores, and so much fuel on board their would be much pumping and trimming of ballast tanks to get their trim.. About an hour later when he was satisfied they would surface, and signal to their escorting warship that they were OK and so U199 once again would turn to the open sea and go to war..

As they sailed from the dockyard basin towards the open sea, they were watched impassively by a number of French Anglers fishing from the banks of the river, and Hans knew full well that in a few hours London would know that U 199 was back in the war again. What he did not realise that London would also know via Madeleine and her colleagues in the brothel, and also that the underground Partisans would know many private and personal details bout him, and other officers gleaned from their pockets when they had been otherwise engaged with the girls, which may be useful to them at a later date. Even personal letters were carefully scrutinized .

And so it was three weeks later that U199 together with other U boats directed by a signal from Grand Admiral Doenitz’s headquarters, converged on convoy AH122.
Despite the fact that it was allegedly a fast convoy The first attack had been a fairly successful, as far as Hans and U199 was concerned. They had left an oil tanker ablaze, and another direct hit on a cargo ship which left it listing badly, before they were forced to dive having been discovered by one of the escorts. Several torpedoes had been fired but they had observed no more hits.

A short spell of depth charging followed, but the escort eventually had to leave to chase after the convoy, which being allegedly a fast convoy, had a good turn of speed... All the forward tubes were now empty, so U199 sank to the stygian depths of the Atlantic, until daylight, where they planned to surface, charge their batteries, and reload their empty torpedo tubes with the spare loads. Afterwards, with the rest of the U Boats in the area, they would work up to full speed get round the convoy, dive, and wait for dark before launching another attack.


Some weeks before all this happened Lieutenant Tony Nash RN the First Lieutenant on the Hunt Class destroyer escort HMS Corsham. Was being assigned another slightly unpleasant task by his Captain.. Since his appointment as First Lieutenant a year ago, HMS Corsham had been employed almost continuously on convoy work. The ship was long overdue for a refit, but the demand for escorts was too great that refits were only allowed when absolutely essential..

Tony generally got on well with his Captain, and HMS Corsham had been a fairly happy ship despite the war conditions, and the continual changing of ratings, and officers, who having gained some valuable experience with HMS Corsham were taken to man new ships coming out of the builders yards, only to be replaced by officers and men just coming out of training..

HMS Corsham was just in, from being employed as one of the convoy escorts to another convoy across the Atlantic thy would have less than a week to refuel and provision before they would be away again

During his short time as First Lieutenant, he had soon found that his Captain, who was classed as a loveable rogue, by those who knew him, and who in his spare time was widely known as a womanizer, for his lecherous extra marital affairs.. Frequently passed on to Tony all the dirty and unpleasant jobs, he did not want to do himself, and that he could rightly delegate. He would guffaw into his beard, and say “Good experience for you number one, for when you get your own command which won‘t be long now.”

On the last patrol a Petty Officer Sydney Hazlehurst had unfortunately fallen over board in a heavy sea. It had been impossible to rescue him, and although the Admiralty would eventually inform his wife officially. The Captain thought that as she lived locally in Liverpool, it was only fair that an officer should go to see her, and to pass on their commiserations for her loss. The lads had auctioned his kit, and also made a generous collection from their meagre pay and their was a sizeable sum of about 40 pounds to be passed to her...

The Captain when giving him the task of breaking the news to her, had said laughingly. “The silly bastard should have been more careful, and not been daft enough to get caught in a sea like that. He should have hung on tighter.” Tony did not quite agree with that assessment, but he kept his thoughts to himself However, Number One you can have the rest of the weekend off, as compensation for having to break the bad news. Its about time you had some time to dip your wick.. If I remember rightly, his wife is a tasty peace of ass, so you might just get lucky. The lads have had a bit of a collection for her to show their sympathy, so that will help break the bad news.

Later that afternoon Lieutenant Tony Nash in his best uniform arrived at the home of Mrs. Freda Hazlehurst to give her the sad news, only to find that the lady was already having a raucous party, to celebrate her husbands passing on. The party was in full swing, despite wartime restrictions, she had acquired a seemingly unlimited supply of alcohol. Tony was a little shocked that the sad news had not seemed to upset her one little bit. In fact she made it clear that his death was highly convenient when he did, but she was grateful for the collection that the ships company had given her. Apparently, she later told him that they were on the point of divorce, and his timely death had saved her a lot of trouble. It would also make her eligible for a pension as well.

Tony was so intrigued by her ‘could not care less attitude’ he found himself almost against his will, being attracted to this petite vivacious blonde. She just laughed when he said “I thought you would be more upset.”
“No way honey it saves going through a messy divorce doesn’t it?. His mate came and told me this lunchtime, that’s how I knew, so I decided to celebrate.”.

Come on sweetie have a drink, and a dance, we are a bit short of handsome young men .tonight” The next moment Tony found himself with a drink in one hand, his jacket on the back of the chair, and the gorgeous blonde Freda sitting in his lap, with one arm round his neck and looking lovingly into his eyes as she kissed him. As the evening wore on, he found that her lips were frequently clamped on to his between dances, while her hands expertly explored his groin. Her eyes lighting up, as she found her explorations were not in vain.

As he sat there with Freda in his arms and smooching with him, he realised that there was a ration of two to three women for every man in the room. A tall red haired girl that was passing by, was pulled aside by Freda, to be introduced to Tony, with Freda saying. “Look Heather darling, what the gods have sent me. Not only have they drowned my old man for me, they have sent me a handsome horny young unmarried substitute to take his place in my bed, and if what is sticking in me is what I think it is. I‘m going to have a fun night tonight” She explained to Tony, that Heathers old man was an officer in the RN as well.

With the vivacious Freda in his arms. Tony was soon dancing a series of long smoochy dances, to the music of many of the current wartime favorites recorded by Oscar Rabin and his band, with his resident singer the sexy Marjorie Dawes crooning away in the background.

They danced for about ten or eleven successive dances, and Tony found himself being increasingly caught in her web of charm, and outrageous sexuality. Tony did not really mind, but he kept thinking, that he was probably about to fuck a recently widowed woman, and he was not at all sure that it was the proper thing to do.

Tony soon found he was well under the influence of several glasses of cider, and local mild beer, his few inhibitions had long gone, as he found himself being increasingly tempted, when she asked coyly. “Are you going to stop the night with me Lieutenant dear.” Tony now having drunk enough could only nod happily. “From what I have been feeling in your pants all evening, you will be a lot more exciting company, than my old man ever was.”

Tony protested feebly “Freda I was one of your husbands officers - what makes you think about us, in that way? I really should not be thinking of you like that honey, lovely as you are.”

Freda just smiled ”Tony dear, answer me honestly, and tell me that now you have had me in your arms for the last couple of hours, that you don’t want to? I know you have a raging hard on, which has been teasing me all night. You are a liar, if you say you don’t want to fuck me. If you do say it, I will not believe you, and so I am going to have you anyway, just tell me you don’t want to suck on my tits, or put your lovely big cock in my heavenly pussy, and pretend we are making babies.? But it will do you no good because I am going to have you anyway..”

As the evening wore on the lights went out to be replaced by a couple of candles as couples started pairing off. Tony looked at her, and thought about lying. He wanted her badly but his resolve was weak. He was in no hurry to get back to the ship, and the Captain had after all given him leave. His resolve quickly disappeared as taking advantage of the dim lighting Freda leaned forward, and started to unbuckle his belt, she slipped her hand down inside his trousers, and placed her hand on his bulging cock. She ran her cool hand up and down the length of his cock .” Aaaaaaa….. ooooooh.. noooooooo…her soft cool hands sent a bolt of excitement through him, and his cock seemed to swell even more under her hand. Much to the amusement of the remaining female guests who were watching and shouting encouragement to Freda..

“Freda, my sweet,” he said hoarsely. “We really should not. At least not in public. ” Tony knew that his voice did not sound very convincing, even to himself as he spoke, and when he looked round he could see that many other couples were doing similar things.

“Yes, we can, and yes we will.” She said. As she pressed her young sexy body against his, the swell of her breasts, and the feel of her thighs pressing against his groin, while one of her hands openly fondled his cock. She pulled him to his feet while she stood on her toes, and her mouth clamped on to his, and her tongue pushed deeply into his mouth. Tony found himself responding to her with unrestrained passion.

Within seconds Freda still holding his cock was leading him to the stairs, calling out to Heather as she did, to lock up when everyone was gone, In the bedroom. The sound of an air raid alarm filled the air, but neither of them paid any attention. Their minds were entirely focused on each other.

Soon they were in her bed, both naked as the day they were born “I want to do everything with you my darling Tony.” She whispered. Tony darted a glance down at her heaving bosom, and timidly placed his trembling hand on her naked flesh. “Yes, Tony dear, everything,” she said as she trembled under his touch. “I want to suck you. I want you to eat me. I want to feel your cock inside me. I want to feel you come inside me I want you to make babies with me.”
“Freda!” he croaked., “Do you have to speak like that ? You are a recently widowed woman.”

”Nothing can be wrong, when you were married to a womanizing bastard like mine, and you want to make love between two people who love each other, Tony, can it.?” She asked. Is that wrong or dirty, Tony?” He swallowed hard. “I’ll say, and do what you like,” she said. “I will be your willing sex slave.”
“I’ll say whatever you want, and do what you want, as long as you fuck me.” Her fingers round his erection felt so good, so warm, so… right. He felt a thrill of excitement.. And Freda saw the change come over Tony’s face . She stroked him gently. Her hand was warm and soft. The scene of the lovely naked Freda in front of him waiting on the bed was just too much.

He closed his eyes, and swallowed hard. He wanted to fuck her again and again, Freda too, seemed to have the same thought, because she turned round to change positions. She played with her pussy with one hand ,while she placed her mouth on his cock. Her face was flushed, and had undone her hair. She looked so beautiful with her hair loose and flowing down her back. She closed her moistened lips, tasting his wonderful cock. “Mmm,” she breathed. “I like it when you push your cock in my mouth. I can’t wait to feel this hot monster inside my pussy ” She teased him. “Is this wonder cock all for me?” She ran her hands over his cock and then gently fondled his testicles.

Tony pulled her closer cupping her breasts lovingly. He lifted her mouth to his lips, and kissed her. When she finally broke the kiss, she whispered, “Please I can’t wait for you to fuck me .” She squeezed his cock. Then she gently pushed him back on the bed. When she was done, she again pulled his hands to her breasts. Her nipples grew stiff as he tweaked them. “Oh, that’s nice, Tony” she said. “I like your hands on me.” She closed her eyes and stroked his cock. They lay side by side on the bed like that for almost a minute.

She lay back, and his eyes were drawn to her pussy. She reached between her legs and ran a finger along her slit. She spread her leg’s. ”Do you want me to lick your pussy, darling? I know you will love it.” “I love it too. But first I want is your cock up inside me, so just Fuck me.” She said. “Fuck me, now please. I want to come with your cock inside my pussy, Tony.” She lay on her back, her thighs spread, and she caught his cock and rubbed the head over her warm wet pussy lips. Then she moved her hips up, and his cock was quickly pushing its way inside her hungry pussy. He was inside the sexy Freda despite all his good intentions! He was fucking her. “Oh, ” she gasped, “Fuck me long and slow Tony.” The words rang in his ears. Heat and moisture surrounded his cock. Freda was urging him on and now as he was committed, he relaxed and, he began carefully and purposely thrusting his cock into her pussy .

His hips slapped her raised thighs, filling the room with the sounds of sex. Then she lifted her breasts. Her nipples bounced with each thrust. He lowered his lips and captured one. She hissed as he nibbled gently. She pulled his face up and kissed him long and deep, her tongue sparring with his. After a moment she broke the kiss and groaned as he filled her again. “You are fucking good Lover Boy” she panted. “Now come inside me honey and fill me with your baby seed.”

He pushed himself up, and concentrated on fucking her. She begged him to fuck her faster. He was going as fast as he could ”Harder, Lover Boy, fuck your Freda faster, harder, Lover Boy Lover Boy fuck me hard”. He felt a rush of heat and moisture as her pussy clenched him. Her eyes rolled back. He kept pounding into her. His own climax was close, and his balls felt tight with the need for release. He groaned. “Oh, darling! I am cumming….Ohhhhh God I am cumming inside my darling Freda, “ .

Fortunately, Tony did not have to get back to the ship until Monday morning, having been given leave by the captain as a reward for breaking the bad news to Freda. They went at it like two demented rabbits most of the night, and so it was almost mid-day when her friend Heather came to wake her, and bring them both some breakfast.

Chapter 2 Next

Chapter 2
HMS Summer Rose

It was a long, enjoyable and very exhausting weekend. Tony eventually staggered back to the ship very early on Monday morning. Leaving Freda getting ready for her shift at the hospital. Just as the bosun’s call was making the morning call over the tannoy “Wakey, wakey off cocks, on socks.” It was the usual morning call for all hands to turn to for cleaning ship. They had 48 hours, before they were due to sail with the next convoy to Halifax. Local leave would be given until 24 hours before sailing, so Tony had arranged to meet Freda later. He knew the Gunnery Officer was officer of the day, and Tony knew that he would probably sit in the wardroom after liberty men had gone ashore, and he had done the evening rounds with the duty Petty Officer, with his wife, drinking scotch, while she knitted balaclava’s from reclaimed wool for the lads, if past history was anything to go by.

It was just 0800 am as Tony sat down staring despondently at his plate of Tinned Sausages, Fried Bread, Tinned Tomatoes (frequently referred to as red lead by everyone in the Navy) and Powdered Egg made into an Omelet.“ But after the first mouthful, he surprisingly found he was hungry. It had been an exhausting weekend, and he could not recollect eating very often, and even Navy war time food was welcome.

His breakfast was interrupted by the Captains steward telling him to report immediately to the Captain, after he had finished his meal. On his way to the Captains cabin Tony noticed that the Bosuns mate Tom Pigg was painting a black ring round the funnel. “What’s that for Pigg?” He asked
“Apparently we are now half leader Sir, and I am sorry you are leaving us too sir?.”
“I am?” Tony asked.
“Yes Sir and congratulations on your promotion.”

On entering the Captains cabin, he was greeted by the Captain chortling “By god Number One you look fucking rough. I told you it would be a good experience for you..” He then noticed that the Captain was now wearing three broad rings on his sleeve.” Yes Tony, I have been made acting Commander, and I am now half leader, so now before we go any further you had better look at this, as he threw an envelope across to him. It informed Tony that he was now a Lieutenant Commander, and was to take command of a new corvette named HMS Summer Rose in seven days time at Birkenhead.” On that chair at the back Tony is both your spare uniform jackets, I had them altered for you while you were away.. I hope you don’t mind? I am sorry to lose you, but I am glad that you have a command with a brand new ship to go with your promotion.”

“So Congratulations Number One, Lieutenant Marsh is taking over your duties as he is the next senior, and that will give you a few hours to hand over. Incidently no doubt you have noted as well that you have a weeks leave before you take over your new command of HMS Summer Rose at Birkenhead.”

Tony staggered out of the Captains cabin, calling for the Coxswain, and the Chiefs Bosuns mate, to explain to them the new order of things on HMS Corsham, and to start handing over to a delighted but very inexperienced Lieutenant Marsh, who was to be replaced by a new recruit from officer training..

It was lunch time when his bags were packed, and he left the ship. In a way he was sorry to go, but to take command of a brand new ship was more than he could ever have hoped for. He made his way to Freda’s home to see an envelope pinned to the door. Key under the bin, let yourself in, if you are back here before me. I am at work. Love you.F

The next week Freda took off from her wartime job as a nursing auxiliary to stay with him. It was a week of unadulterated sex, interspersed with parties , dances and nights at the flicks. Interspersed with nights in the air raid shelter as the Luftwaffe did their best to make life difficult.. It was at the end of the week that Freda shyly invited him to move in with her on a permanent basis. From then on Tony, and Freda entered into a serious relationship.

Six days later an excited Tony crossed the water to Birkenhead resplendent in his new uniform with the two and a half rings of a Lieutenant Commander, to take command of HMS Summer Rose. He knew quite a bit about these new Corvettes, they were being produced as fast as possible, and the Canadians were planning to build over a hundred. A friend had told him “They can do sixteen knots with a following wind. But they are fucking uncomfortable and can roll on a piece of wet blotting paper. They have a range of about 2500 miles at top speed, but with most convoys you will be lucky if you get past five knots.”

Freda had told him on hearing his news that it was Heathers husband, who would be his new boss. Freda said. “From what I hear he is a bit of a bastard, and it’s a wonder Heather has stopped with him this long. Don’t ever trust him as far as you can throw him.”

A week later after arriving on the Ferry he reported to the Rail Transport Office in Birkenhead and he was given a staff car and driver to take him to the dockyard. He asked the driver to take his cases to HMS Summer Rose. “He thought as a matter of courtesy he should report straight away to the Flotilla leader as soon as possible on HMS Tulip“ and get it over with.

Tony followed the directions to the jetty which had been given him, and he saw the Corvette with the two black rings on the funnel from a distance. As he walked towards the ship he saw the Officer of the day and a Bosuns mate standing at the top of the gangway.

He was piped aboard and as protocol demanded, and the young Sub Lieutenant who was the officer of the day told him the Captain was waiting for him in his cabin.

Tony shook hands with the Flotilla Leader, and he soon gathered that Commander Wakely RN was rather an impatient, imperious type of man. Tony was offered a drink, which he politely refused, saying that he had not been aboard HMS Summer Rose as yet. While they were speaking, Tony noticed a photograph of Heather, Freda’s best friend on his desk, and in passing he mentioned that he thought he had met her. He was told abruptly that Heather was Commander Wakely’s wife, and they were not here to discuss his social life or his marriage. He later gathered through another CO that not all was well with the marriage.

Commander Wakely eventually pointed out that all the other CO’s were Lieutenants R.N.V.R and that the term “Really Not Very Reliable.” applies in practice to nearly all of them. Its up to you and me Nash, to make them reliable. Most of them have very little experience, and they as green as grass. Most of them only have about eighteen months watch keeping experience. You are the next senior to me so it is possible you will probably be nominated as half leader, if no-one more senior than you joins the Flotilla.

Tony was given a set of the Flotilla’s standing orders and he was told that he would have a complement of three officers all R.N.V. R. and a commissioned gunner RN and a Midshipman l R.N.V. R, but it was possible he may be given another officer for training before they sailed. Your First Lieutenant is R.N.V.R and he has a watch keeping certificate, so the two of you will have to stand watch and watch about, until you can get some of your other officers trained up. I am not sure whether your Gunner has a watch keeping Certificate or not, if he has, it will make life a little easier for you. If not I should make him stand watches anyway, and get him trained up we will need all the watch keepers we can get before long.”.

Same as The Sea War Videos

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Delilah and the Deep Blue Sea part four

The skipper of my boat was a man of few words it seemed for he maintained a taciturn silence as we sailed away from the island. I didn’t mind the lack of communication. I huddled miserably in the stern of the fishing boat, lost in my own thoughts and hardly in a mood to talk. My tear blurred eyes were fixed upon the dwindling view of the island as we left it far astern. Soon it was nothing but a pinprick on the horizon and shortly afterwards I lost it in the afternoon haze. It felt as if...

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Delilah and the Deep Blue Sea part three

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 5 and 6

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 5 & 6 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Wilderness and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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Delilah and the Deep Blue Sea Part Two

When I awoke the next morning I was alone. I rose up from my bed amidst the ruins of the villa and peered around cautiously. There was no sign of her. Carefully I tip-toed out from the ruins and conducted a quick scan of the surroundings. The little olive grove was quite deserted other than the small creatures with which I shared the island. These seemed busy at this early hour. There was a little dark grey bird singing from the scrub at the edge of the olive grove. It had a musical voice I...

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Delilah and the Deep Blue Sea Part One

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The Sea Whore

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The Sea Whore

This story was written for the enjoyment of Adults only. Please feel free to send me comments on my work, I love hearing from you. Send any comments to [email protected]. THE SEA WHORE Written by 4play Chapter 1: The Capture Johnny The day was sunny and warm as I headed east on I-10 from Tucson. I was driving my new BMW convertible with the top down. My car had been an early...

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When we were first married, my wife and I had landed a sweet deal as the caretakers of a historic property on the coast of Maine .   We were newlyweds without a lot of money, but we lived in a small cottage over looking the harbor in one of those quintessential towns that the modern world had passed by.   Lobster boats still worked during the day and in the evenings pleasure boats plied the waters.   It was a short walk along the river to a cliff encircled harbor beach that hosted a...

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Land Sea Sex Safari

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Footprints In The Sea 21 and 22

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 21 and 22 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read the previous chapters, please do so.. Charlotte must leave her island and return to New Zealand with...

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The Nuclear Propulsion Boat U.S.S. John Paul Jones blasted ahead at a speed approaching 100 thousand miles per minute. It's nuclear pulse drive propelled it ahead at speeds faster than any human vessel in space had ever moved. Keeping pace with the John Paul Jones were the nuclear pulse ships of her new allies. The People's Republic of China had sent her best In the form of the People's Space Ship 'Revolutionary Guard' Her master and Commander, Air Marshall Deng Xiaoping Hailed the...

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Lorenzo moaned as he struggled to open his eyelids. His tongue passed over something acrid and sticky as he licked his cracked lips. He heard a slight, hesitant whimper. He felt a warm snuffling against an ear. Suddenly an ache in the core of his body spread out and over each stiff limb. His jade green eyes slowly squinted open. Each pupil gleamed as the austere summer light of a sparsely clouded sky reflected from the striated Aegean sea's surface and into his eyes.There was a scrabbling sound...

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Footprints In The Sea

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 1 & 2 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints In The Sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific and more than one thousand miles from the nearest habited land and located between New Zealand and South America, Charlie Broughton explores what he...

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Footprints In The Sea 19 and 20

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

3 years ago
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The steam in the mirror the fog from the sea part1

The steam in the mirror, the fog from the sea. Saturday Maybe it's just a question of an inch or two. Yes: I see you nod. An inch less -- there, maybe, where your finger barely grazed my side. Grazed me as if by accident, as I lie here in bed. As I lie where I have let you lead me, where I once tried to lead a girl but now am led. An inch less where your finger barely stroked my side and there would be a curve, a curve dipping closer to my center, as if a potter's...

4 years ago
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The Wotch Sea and Sky

This Fan fiction is based on characters of the on line comic copy wrote by Anne Onymous and Robin Ericson. THE WOTCH SEA AND SKY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS The coming storm made the day the darkest it could be. Paul screeched his bike outside of his school. He got off his bike, locked it too the rank and was about to let go when it happened. Green lighting stuck out of pink smoke. It hit Paul's metal bike and knocked him with the power of a mule kick to the ground. When he woke, he couldn't...

2 years ago
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My Heart Belongs to the Sea

The summer sun glimmered on the emerald sea as the waves broke against the shore, swallowing up the tiny footprints in the sand. Isabelle was a tall red-haired girl now in her 23rd year. She strode along the beach with her dress fluttering in the warm breeze, vexed by matters of the heart – and feared that her longing would be unrequited. Richard had grown up in the beach house next to hers. In their childhood they became friends. As the years progressed and the two grew into maturity, so had...

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Mom’s small business did very good this year, and she won the national lottery of 2.5 million dollars. She paid off our home loan and still had money left for weeks’ vacation in Europe. However, she decided a few days later that it would be wise if she invests some in a life time dream. A Yacht, since we will have plenty fun time with it for year after year, and we can sell it later if she don’t like it. She has a friend down in Mexico that got her family a new Yacht so her old Yacht...

4 years ago
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Clear Turquoise Sea

Emma stepped out of the plane into the hot Greek sun. She stopped to let the heat touch her skin, breathing in the air. Following her was her husband Sean. Together they ran a successful finance company and all in her life had been good until Emma became pregnant. The sex stopped almost immediately and Sean, frustrated, started an affair with the company accountant and Emma's best friend, Jane.This was kept secret until Jane, in error, sent a text to Emma's phone. It read, “Hi sexy, canʼt wait...

Wife Lovers
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Meeting the Sea God

She tossed and turned; lost in an erotic dream. The images were so vivid that she could almost taste the salt from the sea. It was the beach dream again. The one that leaves her covered in sweat when she wakes up. Night after night, it’s the same. She is walking down a deserted beach at dusk. The sun is low, coloring the sky in pinks, reds, and purples. The evening is warm, and the air is thick with the scent of tropical blossoms. Warm water from the turquoise colored sea laps at her ankles,...

2 years ago
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Passion at Sea

Passion at Sea This was my second cruise alone and I was looking forward to the relaxation, sun and new ports. I didn’t realize at the time that “new ports” would take on a whole new meaning by the end of the cruise. The first day was spent on the cruise line’s private island and I used the day to walk along the water’s edge, exploring, doing a little swimming and snorkeling. I never tire of being around the Caribbean . The water is breathtakingly beautiful. The color of the water runs the...

4 years ago
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Sea Stories

For centuries sailors in the Navy have passed down stories from one generation to another... these stories are traditionally called sea stories. If you ask a sailor for a definition of a sea story he'll tell you that the difference between a sea story and a fairy tale is that a fairy tale starts out with; 'Once upon a time.' A sea story starts out with; 'This is no shit!' The following tale is definitely a sea story. Jane Curtain stepped out of the shower, grabbed her towel and began...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 18 Sea Trials

Bridgetown was said to have a shipyard, which told me that they had all the skills and materials needed to build and outfit a ship. I was pretty sure that, between the fishermen and sailors, and the town’s blacksmiths and carpenters, we could make almost everything we needed, but we had no way to make lines. I knew what a rope-walk was, but I didn’t understand it well enough to build my own. In this case, it might be better to buy from the experts. As soon as we had proven that we could...

1 year ago
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Stranded at sea with mom

100% fiction! Mom business did very good this year. She paid off our home loan and still money left over for weeks vacation in euro. However, She decided few days later that it would be wise if she invests that in a yatch, Since We will have plenty fun time with it for year after year, and We can sale it later to get most our money back. She has a friend down in Mexico that got her family a new yatch so her old yatch available for us at a very discount price if We are interested, Needless to...


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