Femme Your Hubby - FAQ # 1 free porn video

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Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #1 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #1: The author is not a consultant. Time constraints are such that the author cannot travel thither and yon to assist wives "first hand" in any phase(s) of the process and the author would not do so even given time available. Supplication and offers of enrichment (monetary and otherwise) will avail petitioners naught. Sadly the author cannot, given the sheer volume of email, respond to individual e-mails one-on-one. The author will do everything possible to insure all queries receive a response though admittedly through several FAQ questions. This is the very best the author can do and the author can only hope readers are empathetic. Thank you in advance. 1. Having femmed my hubby early on, I've had a lot of exposure to the lifestyle. I also have an education in science and wonder if perhaps the gravitational acceleration constant (on earth 32ft./sec/sec) might not be greater for TGurls. Many of the photos I see of them online (not to mention in person) show them either kneeling or on all fours. Answer: You've HEARD of it? Mein gott! The value you state is a good approximation for use in Newtonian physics (adjusted for drag caused by air resistance at lower altitudes, terminal velocity being a little less than 200mph but not for aerodynamic bodies) but it's a little known fact that Albert Einstein had unpublished notes to this effect in papers connected with his work on the Unified Field Theory. At the times both the Special and General Theories of Relativity were first published (circa 1900-1910?) his stature in the scientific community was such that he decided not to risk ridicule by including the TGurl Corollary. Part of this unpublished work centered on the fact that an elevator ride (Note: Einstein used a "chest" in which a "man" stood pulled upward by a "rope" as an example in the published version of The General Theory when discussing acceleration and gravity! The substitution of the "chest" and "rope" for "elevator" was apparently done in a re-write to obscure the TGurl Corollary, though a clearly transparent device.) It appears to TGurls to take longer for them (relatively) than for others i.e. longer for them when they are in gurl mode vs. boy mode. Empirical evidence for the increased gravitational effect exists in the fact that there has never been a TGurl astronaut; this would require more launch fuel and a longer burn time for the primary lift vehicle (even NASA has have a budget to watch.) They go down fast and they go (get) up slow. The Einstein Library has these papers under lock and key. Further, the Library will deny they even exist if inquiries are made. The author is truly impressed that the writer is so well informed! (As an aside, the author suspects that certain other authors published at this archive are aware of this little known gem, hence the "alternate universe" and "time progression" and/or "time regression" stories. Time dilation is a key relativistic effect. TG fiction writers are notorious astrophysics buffs. Part of the Theory of Relativity states that mass decreases with speed relatively. This may explain why "faster" TGurls are most often thinner, i.e. relatively less massive compared, to their "slower" Tsisters. This is another case where the societal repression of the TG movement may have reduced the store of human knowledge. As a further unrelated aside, too bad there wasn't SOMEONE that could do SOMETHING with Einstein's hair.) Readers are referred to: Relativity The Special and The General Theory (subt. "A Clear Explanation That Anyone Can Understand"), Albert Einstein Fifteenth Edition, 1961, Crown Publishers, Inc., NY, NY. Part II (The General Theory) Chapter XX, pp. 66-70, Dr. Einstein's preface to the fifteenth edition is dated 9 June 1952. 2. I am an older TGurl and have been married a long time to the same wonderful woman. Many years ago (or several times over the years, etc.) I tried to broach the subject but was rebuffed in a manner that left no doubt that she would not consider it. Is there anything I can do at this (i.e. the present) time to get her to start? (Note: this question was very high on the frequency scale and has been rephrased by the author to incorporate a large number of inquiries and to avoid revealing the writers' identities by including specific details, e.g. ages, duration of marriage, number and gender of progeny and etc.) Answer: Alas, one must measure what one might gain against that which one might lose. Women's willingness/desire to do this is inversely proportional to age with the most pronounced effects being post-menopausal. Further, women who have no interest in it seem as "sticky" (more so?) as low R's are in the gurls themselves. Probability of acceptance now is of a VERY low order of magnitude. Any advice that could be proffered would probably not work and the author would feel, even if unwarranted, responsible if the result(s) were unpleasant. (Wives should take note.) 3. I've started my gurl but progress seems to be tortuously slow. I have boyfriend candidates in abundance and dread the thought of waiting until my gurl has been deflowered to begin to enjoy them. (Note: Some letters from wives objected strenuously to the use of the "B word", go figure, so "deflowered" is used hereafter in its place.) Can't I party a little bit now? What if I think she's almost to her A point? And similar such questions. (THE most frequently probed topic to date, which the author found somewhat surprising.) Answer: If the gurl is predisposed to cuckolding she'll probably hang their coat(s) in the closet and mix the drinks when your beau(s) visit(s). If not so disposed and you pull this on the sly and if she finds out about it your goal(s), motivation and plan will be exposed simultaneously, hardly a happy state of affairs. Adios control, goodbye, so long, farewell. There is no doubt that gurls can try one's patience (hell, they do it BEFORE one starts femming them); if one desires a quality end-product one must put forth a quality effort. GIGO. This includes being PATIENT enough to do it properly. 4. I've sucked my husband's weenie to the point that it looks like his temples are becoming indented and I'm going through mouthwash by the gallon. AND I'm getting nowhere except that now when she hits the door after work she's looking for me for another hummer! Like most wives I was looking forward to the end of this kind of nonsense after the conception of our last child; AK you (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) this is all your fault. (A couple of these.) Answer Can't you simple "deflowers" read well? ADD? Here it is again, the thirteenth (omen there?) paragraph of Part II verbatim: "In the (highly) unlikely event the oral sex isn't the hubby's trigger here (more on "triggers" later) something else is. It might be dirty talk during sex, XXX rated videos or some other long harbored fantasy. If one doesn't know, one should find out (does intelligence gathering ring a bell?)." Translation required? Need it in Mandarin? Esperanto? Cuneiform? If the author were to alter ANYTHING it would be to delete the parenthetic "(highly)" at most. This paragraph was also, the author recalls, repeated right at the start of installment #2. You're evidently telling the author that something doesn't work but you're going to keep right on doing it? Acquire a clue. 5. I got my hubby into an adorable nightie that she wears, so far so good. When I got her additional nighties she looked pleased but she doesn't wear them. She seems stuck on the first one. Is this important? How do I get her to wear the other ones? Answer: Remember the famous "security blanket" from the comic strip? That's what you've got here. Gurls treasure "firsts" to the point of just having them around to look at even after they're finished being femmed, first purse, first heels and etc. Also, she may be stuck on a particular style and/or color. Just make sure the thing is at the bottom of a pile of dirty laundry next time so she'll have to wear another one and reward her when she does. Object fixation (or fetish) is OK if you don't let it become THE object of the exercise for her. Progression needs to be nurtured. 6. I estimated my gurl's R to be fairly small. Yet I'm getting the feeling that she may be "discovering" men already. Are there any signs to look for? She's going out but at this point I'm not still sure if I want her deflowered. Answer: You got only part of it. How about her D(0) and A? If she had a big offset to begin with it doesn't take a large value of R to get her to a middling (or lower) A. If she's like that, once she's femmed, going out, meeting men and hanging with the fast crowd (all likely to increase R) getting up close and personal with Mr. Woody is only a matter of time. To answer your direct question there are two primary indicators, lipstick and hose. TGurls who are into "juice extraction" go through prodigious quantities of lipstick, not just because of frequency, but because they like to have a heavy coat of lipstick when "pipe cleaning" (they love to see those lipstick rings; more than a few apply the lipstick several times during the course of each "romantic interlude."). Some gurls who favor either garterbelt and hose or "garterbelt panty hose" or thigh highs do so for reasons of style, some do so because it's expedient for certain other activities, not unlike some wives one might observe. (Just to be fair, signs for TGurls that the wife is socially active include shoe marks on the car dashboard and/or other interior elements.) Frequent occurrence of knee damage to hose and "dry cleaning issues" (one may recall a certain blue dress in Washington D.C.?) can also be indicators. If she IS partaking of "pocket rockets" and you now decide you want her celibate, best of luck, the ship has left the pier. (A "boatload" of these) 7. My gurl is doing very well, with one exception. She's shaved pretty much all over (I even had her trim a nice petite little triangle you-know-where) but she won't clean up her underarms. I got her a very nice spaghetti strap sleeveless cocktail dress but it looks ridiculous with that tangle under her arms. (Quite a few of these as well though the specifics vary widely. This question was selected as being best representative of the concept.) Answer: Phhtui; The author can see it now. Gurls who are "force femmed" occasionally retain what is referred to as a "male totem" in the appearance arena (e.g. one gurl painted all her toes save one). This is symptomatic of the subconscious though futile struggle to retain the last vestige of surrendered or lost masculinity. These can be aggravatingly, nay maddeningly, tenacious. (Like weeds in the lawn.) One could let it go to correct itself; she's going to hear about it from the other gurls and that may be enough. (Note though, it REALLY puts men off if that's desirable.) Telling her it looks goofy won't work; she knows that. An appeal to hygiene and logic may work. Antiperspirants work better when applied directly to bare skin and perspiration can stain dresses. Any wives out there handle this one a different way? 8. AK you penny pinching so-and-so (edited somewhat from the original) my email bounced 3 times. Why don't you get a bigger box? Answer: The author consciously avoids rising to such bait much less actually lowering the author by responding to it in writing; however this one really p***** the author off. Yahoo provides 5 or 6 (?) MB capacity boxes gratis. Larger capacity boxes cost money, moola, dinero, cabbage, specie and etc. If the writer finds herself much overburdened with cash she need only send some to the author who will GLADLY get a larger box. Interested? The author thought not. The author still has not received the grant money for the work of a lifetime, published here for the readers' use free of charge (and with the deepest appreciation by the author to the folks at FM) and finds such carping and whining petty, annoying and reprehensible. If this writer would only recall (opening her eyes might help) the author SPECIFICALLY advised readers to wait a few days before re-sending ricochet email. (With most sincere apologies to others compelled to read this.) 9 I showed your article to my CD hubby and he says you are full of (equine digested vegetable matter). He specifically says all that stuff about offsets and drift is (non-specified digested matter.) He says that he's never had even a minute interest in men, while dressed or not and never will. What do you say to that Mr. Smart-(posterior)? (Several of these from wives condensed here and a bunch in a similar vein from TGurls the latter being significantly more acerbic.) Answer: Whatever your gurl says is fine with the author. :) 10. I have been dressing on and off since my early teen years. I tried to stop after I got married but couldn't. So I dressed secretly. Eventually I couldn't stand that any more and told my wife. She was not a happy camper. However, she told me to do what I had to do; as long as she didn't see it she could live with it (Aka the "ostrich attack"-author). About two years ago I started going out, infrequently at first but more frequently as time went by. I feel myself right drifting and thinking about "it" more and more frequently. When I'm not dressed it's not a problem. What can I do to stop this? (A significant number of these, this being again a composite.) Answer: The author empathizes "to the max." Since your wife won't help (she could be instrumental here) you've got to do it yourself. Follow the minimization guidelines. Dress more conservatively and avoid situations and individuals that exacerbate the drift. Reduce outings as much as you can. Go out (i.e. drive together) with gurls who are not so affected, leave earlier and drink less or better still if there's a TG support group that has regular meetings where wives attend, make that your outing. (Sadly it is not uncommon for such groups to REQUIRE members to attend dressed; the author presumes the reasons for adopting such rules are found by the groups in question necessary and sufficient. Unfortunately the individuals possibly best served by attending such group meetings, and for whom dressing provides temptation, are excluded, in a manner of speaking.) In short, work on every front possible (e.g. don't read the author's stories!). A decision to tell your wife about the drift, in order to get her involved in minimizing it, is a big, BIG gamble given her posture. Far more often than not wives go "ballistic" given that kind of presentation. Note: The author will be on an extended trip in geographically remote regions and out of touch electronically until mid to late April 2002 (depending on the progress of negotiations). This means the mailbox may fill up again. It's hoped that it is clearly understood that any mail that bounces in the interval should not be resent until late April at the earliest. And last but certainly not least (for now) most profuse thanks to all that wrote expressing appreciation for the author's effort and agreement (in some cases grudging admission) with certain of the principles presented. End of FAQ #1

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fucking other men for hubby

I have been fucking other men now for a few months at hubby's request. First I fucked Dave, and older gentleman, he was my first when this all started. Then i fucked a much older man at his house a couple of times and so lets just say im starting to like it more now. I am in my early 40's, hispanic and mother of three. I am 5'0 and i am a 34DD. My hubby and i have always had a great sex life i so i cannot complain about that at all. It was his idea for me to start having sex with other men and...

3 years ago
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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it’s was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it's was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

2 years ago
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Hubby Gave Me A Memorable Gift

We both are very broad minded and very passionate in sex. We use to wife swapping too with his friends. Now we will come into story, this was happened 2 weeks ago. That day me and Khanna (hubby) decide to long drive somewhere in car at evening. We started at post 5:30 and moving towards Nellamangala road. I feel very happy and relaxed listening songs, chatting with husband. While talking we came to topic about sex and he said “Baby today I was decided to give a surprise and you feel like a...

4 years ago
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Dom wifes tale of changing her hubby into a

Chastity Belt 3 Sun, March 16, 2008 - 6:06 AMThe Wives' View Submitted by: Mary Chastity is something that Mark, my husband of 12 years, and I have had an interest in for some time. It became an important part of our life five years ago. I work in the insurance industry and have to travel a lot. He often has to work long hours. We realized that our sexual life was fading away. After Mark gave me a strong nudge to consider using chastity for him, I decided it was worth looking into almost...

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Dom wifes tale of changing her hubby into a

Chastity Belt 3 Sun, March 16, 2008 - 6:06 AMThe Wives' View Submitted by: Mary Chastity is something that Mark, my husband of 12 years, and I have had an interest in for some time. It became an important part of our life five years ago. I work in the insurance industry and have to travel a lot. He often has to work long hours. We realized that our sexual life was fading away. After Mark gave me a strong nudge to consider using chastity for him, I decided it was worth looking into almost...

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My Hubby friend I

Hello, I’m Sunitha Gupta aged 28 married with one kid. I’m housewife, my hubby works in a MNC, most of friends & relatives tell me that I look like tele serial actress Sangeetha Gosh. I have hour glass figure of 34-32-32, 5-4ft tall, I was virgin before marriage and was never included in any kind of activates before marriage. I was married at the age of 23 by my parents, even after marriage & one kid, I have maintained my figure and many look at me whenever I go out for shopping or...

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One Wild Night with Miss Ria and Hubby

NOTE: The below is a completely fictional story of my own personal fantasies with the incredibly beautiful, artisically brilliant and alltogether lovely fellow xHamster user, Ria (https://xhamster.com/users/ria3xx). This story is inspired by the pictures in her wonderful 'One Wild Night' gallery (https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/rias-one-wild-night-7051478).I hope you enjoy reading this, and if you do, it would be awesome if you took the time to show the darling Ria some deserved love and...

2 years ago
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Hubby Brings My Fantasy To Life Part 2

For part 2 of my story to make the most sense, I hope you will go to our site and read “Hubby Brings My Fantasy To Life”. Over the years, Hubby enthusiastically helped me discover my “inner exhibitionist“. We are just returning home front a long-time fantasy of mine that Hubby fulfilled with flying colors -- a titillating 2 day CMNF car trip. Too much to summarize here… you should really just read it. ; )It was dusk as we finally made our last turn and headed down our street. Past the...

4 years ago
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Powerful Language To Use On Your HubbySubmissive

As much as the dominating things you do to your sub make him feel more submissive and you more dominant, it is important to learn how to use the right language.The words that come out of your mouth while you dominate him have an even stronger impact on the psyche of the male than the actions you are performing. Doing one without the other is fine, but if you want to truly get into the mind of the sub and make him your obedient house bitch, then you need to truly understand his inner desires to...

2 years ago
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My hubby likes watching

My husband thinks he’s the one who makes decisions. He can’t even imagine it’s me who makes him creative by using my small women’s tricks. I generate all sparkling ideas. My hubby isn’t the only man I’ve had in my life. He knows it for sure but he doesn’t know how many partners I’d had before I met him. We met when I was 24 and we got married in a year, and I lost virginity at 18. He doesn’t know about it. I was a real sex freak, I’ve been obsessed with sex since I turned 18 and before I met my...

3 years ago
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My hubby likes watching

My husband thinks he’s the one who makes decisions. He can’t even imagine it’s me who makes him creative by using my small women’s tricks. I generate all sparkling ideas. My hubby isn’t the only man I’ve had in my life. He knows it for sure but he doesn’t know how many partners I’d had before I met him. We met when I was 24 and we got married in a year, and I lost virginity at 18. He doesn’t know about it. I was a real sex freak, I’ve been obsessed with sex since I turned 18 and before I met my...

Wife Lovers
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How I Convinced My Hubby8217s Boss

Hi, friends, thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my previous sex story. It has been almost three years since I posted my sex story and even now I am getting positive feedbacks from the readers. This is what a writer enjoys in writing. This encourages me to write new adventures and my previous encounters related to sex. Now I am going to narrate a sex story about an incident which happened to me 14 years back. As most of you guys know I was married at a very young age of 18 and my...

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Hubby made me

 When my husband retired last year we decided to move to Florida. We adapted to the area fast, made lots of new friends.We would go to the beach every time we had a chance. My husband liked to go golfing or fishing. I would go shopping once or twice a week with my new friend. Life was great Well only one thing was missing in are life.That was Sex due to my hubby's age and some health condition ( diabetic ) Joe could not get hard cock Mostly he was getting semi hard. So we watched lots of porn...

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Hubby made me Fuck black man

When my husband retired last year we decided to move to Florida We adapted to the area fast,made lots of new friends.We would go to the beach every time we had a chance. Joe my husband liked to go golfing or fishing I would go shopping once or twice a week with my new friend. Life was great Well only one thing was missing in are life.That was Sex due to my hubby's age and some health condition ( diabetic ) Joe could not get hard cock Most he was getting semi hard. So we watched lots of porn at...

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we were looking for a little excitement in our sex life so hubby asked me if I would like if he left some of my nude pics out on the table next time his friend ROCCO came over while I was at work? my pussy got wet just thinking about, sure I said let's see his reaction! well one day ROCCO came over and was having coffee with hubby when he saw the photos and said "what have you got there"? hubby said MARCIA, she loves to pose! he said can I look at them? hubby said sure and handed them to ROCCO....

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My Hubby8217s Ignorance

Hello all, I am Sangeeta, 38 years old. I am married with two kids and staying along with my in-laws. My hubby is working in an IT company. I, too, work in an IT company. I am 5.3 feet with long hair and a complexion. I never had an affair before my marriage. I lost my virginity to my hubby at 23. I married Pankaj. Pankaj is tall and handsome. He is a well-settled person and didn’t find any issue to marry him. Ours is an arranged marriage. After marriage, he took me to Switzerland for a...

4 years ago
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Hubbys New Chastity Cage Shrinkage

First, some background information:We are a happily married couple (Wife & husband) who live a 24/7/365 chastity, cuckold, and FLR lifestyle. Sexually, we're both very submissive, though I (Wife) am my husband's Keyholder and Mistress. We also have a shared Mistress who we all consider my girlfriend as well. While I have collared Hubby, Mistress has collared us together as a couple. Except for time I spend alone with our Mistress, Hubby and I always play together when we are with any of our...

2 years ago
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I Cheated My Hubby Part 2

Hi, am Maneesha again! I was just overwhelmed with the kind of responses & comments that i received after publishing my first ever true story. A lot of people asked me whether it was the first and last time i cheated on my hubby or whether there were any more such incidents and that i should publish them as well. This encouraged me to write this story which again is a true story.I carried on my discreet relationship with my brother-in-law for almost an year without getting caught and we...

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sharing my hubbys cock

We were newly married and my close friend Monica was accompanying us for a few days as is the custom. Monica was just a year younger to me and we were very close friends right from the school days.We used to share almost everything between us and no thing was secret. She was not yet married and was working in a private firm. Just after marriage the days are all full of joy as two unknown people come together to know each other and to share everything intimately between them. Our flat in Mumbai...

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How I Got Hubby to Crossdress And Suck Black Cock

My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years now, he is 60yr and I'm 54. Our sex life had become pretty routine and to tell the truth, it had become a boring weekly ritual of me faking my orgasm just to get him off. About 2 years ago he threw a little spark into our sex in the form of him always eating me out after he came inside me. I thought it was gross that he wanted to do such a thing, but wanted to keep him pleased, and let him do his thing. After about the fourth time I actually...

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Hubby invites his nephew to take me

I could clearly see a big bulge developing in his briefs as we talked of sex...I could see that happening when he stared at my boobs ...I had full big boobs that always attracted attention of young guys and gals right from school days...... Hubby's young nephew had come to spend his vacation with us. He was a College stud and looked very virile and handsome. While looking at the growing tent in his briefs , made me imagine the size of his stiff cock and his juicy nuts.......may be I...

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Hubby wont notice

Dedicated to all the beautiful, married women out there that want to spice up their sex life...It's a Thursday evening. We are meeting after work to have some fun. But not the easy way in a hotel. No your hubby has to be around. So we drive to your place and we pretend that I am a new co worker of yours. An important presentation is due tomorrow morning, which means we have to work late. Your hubby is a little bit suspicious as you've never mentioned me before, but it passes after a while. We...

2 years ago
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My hubby encouraged me to exhibit

I am a 50 year old married woman with three sons. I am an Indian American, born and bred in USA . My hubby, an Arab American, is 10 years older than me. We got married when I was 21 and my hubby 31. Both have conservative family background.   My hubby is of a very loving nature. I am far more conservative than him. For the last five years or so we have had a fairly routine sex life. Lately, however, my hubby seems to be becoming hornier. He has started to indulge, and induce me too into...

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I Cheated My Hubby Part 1

Its absolutely a true story of my life. It happened about a year before. My name is Manisha. I was 38 then, today am 39 with attractive looks and a good figure to turn many heads around. I could say my figure is 38 - 28 - 40 and although i dont exercise, i do keep a watch on my diet. I am aware that my breasts and my buttocks get the maximum attention. My husband Rajesh is working as Head of Marketing dept for one of the reputed petroleum companies in India and often keeps travelling a lot...

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Black cock friend first time hubby gone

Hubby asked me to write a story that happened so here goes:Last week, while hubby was away on business. I went to our favorite watering hole with a girlfriend. BFF had to leave after an hour and a half. I elected to stay in the hopes of another BFF that I was texting would show. I shimmied over to a group at the bar that I know in the hopes she would show soon. After an hour and no response from her I made my exit. On my way out I met a black guy friend in the parking lot. Hubby knows him. We...

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Me my wife and her friend8217s hubby

He was there for 2 days from 4pm to 3pm next day. This was an unexpected visit. We reached his place around 4pm and she got off. I was to come with packed dinner at around 830pm. What they did from 4pm to 830pm i am not aware of but i am sure it was very passionate.i reached his place around 830-840pm. I had locked the door from out so that no one disturbs. Before opening i gave a missed call so they are prepared. His room was a 2 room set with bathroom attached with bed room but no door...

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