Femme Your Hubby -- FAQ # 7 free porn video

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Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #7 Preface to FAQ #7: The author TRIES to refrain from reading reviews of the author's published material. (Reviewers here tend to include in reviews what THEY would like to see in terms of story/article development, which may subconsciously bias the author. The author writes what the author writes and reviewers are free to praise or condemn as they see fit.) However, curiosity being what it is the author occasionally slips up (read "weak"). In this case, all for the best as two posts to the review area for FAQ #6 are most noteworthy and will be addressed here. (As an aside, the author wishes to thank ALL those who took the time to post reviews, INCLUDING those that were less than flattering; the latter pale in comparison to some of the vitriolic email the author has received. The hallmark of serious research is that it must stand the test of criticism of any stripe. The author will never engage in responding to criticism per se as that rarely accomplishes anything. The two examples here are rather more on the order of comments and questions that advance the topic. Also, it IS best if questions are sent to [email protected] so we don't impose on the kind folks at FM re: bandwidth consumption and storage.) Further to this preface, the author is receiving questions that the author believes have been adequately covered in either the manual or previous FAQ sections. Readers are requested (read "strongly encouraged") to read these sources BEFORE firing off a question to the email box. The acronym common in software support circles "RTFM" (read the f****** manual) would seem to apply here as well. Thanks in advance. The mail is starting to taper off a bit as is to be expected since many readers are finding the information they seek in either the manual or the FAQ sections. As a practical matter the author believes that sufficient FAQ material will have been gathered by the end of the year (31 December 2002) to enable the last FAQ to be posted shortly thereafter and the article closed. After that date questions may be sent to the author and if deemed deserving of a reply (i.e. covering new ground) they will be answered by email. Another resource that can be utilized is the Yahoo Group founded by the author titled (surprise, surprise) Femme Your Hubby. Lastly, despite having previously indicated the author would not under any circumstance(s) do so, the author has received another spate of requests for the author's personal participation/assistance in the femming of reader's hubbies. The author certainly finds these appeals flattering but must demur for reasons cited earlier. (Read "It ain't gonna happen.") And now the mail folks! 45. (Read FAQ #6 item 38. as this item continues reader Marcie's situation) Reader Marcie's question in the review section of FAQ # 6 is reproduced here (with a few minor edits): Thank you for answering my email. The info you gave in FAQ#1 (I.e. item 38. FAQ #6 - author) of this installment will be invaluable. You are right. Not being the wife or significant other is hindering my efforts. What's hindering my efforts more is that now my gurl has started dating a girl (!!! author). He's been dating her a month now. He told me it's his first girlfriend in two years. She told me that she doesn't think that her new girlfriend would be cool with his gurl tendencies even though she's suppressing them. Of course I'm telling this gurl to be honest with his new girlfriend. I haven't given up. I just don't know where to go from here. I am trying to get her to take an interest in me. While at work I have taken to finding excuses to brush up against her and putting my hands on her shoulders and back and lightly rubbing them. These efforts have caused a little growth in her trousers. He hasn't acted on my obvious clues that it's okay to touch me in the same ways. My question now is what else can I do? Where do I go from here? I'm posting my question here to get other ideas from the readers. I hope FM doesn't mind. Wouldn't mind a response from you either AK. Should I still get her the gifts you suggested or would that be pushing the envelope and distance her from me. Hope to hear from you. Answer: The author wasn't thrilled by your chances given the particulars disclosed in your first communication. Sad to say, things are even worse now. Let's examine the facts: 1. A "recovering TGurl" with stupendous will power and 2. Her first GG type girlfriend in TWO years. Either would be tough; in combination they present difficulty of the greatest magnitude. The new GG girlfriend appeals strongly to the subject's male persona and additionally provides a powerful tool to the gurl to further resist femming (fear of loss of a relationship as the new girlfriend apparently doesn't know). In addition (and the author does not mean to be unkind here) strange as it may seem, your "coming on" to the gurl was probably the worst thing you could have done. YOU are a GG and all the suggestive overtures did was reinforce in the gurl's mind that women find her attractive in boy mode!! (If you look down you can see the bullet hole in your shoe. ) The fact that a customary male/female relationship surfaces after a two-year break (the author was therefore correct in initially assuming there was no wife/SO present) means this gurl is going to bend every effort to NOT jeopardize it in ANY way. (Proof here is that while she was aroused by your approach, she did not succumb to temptation.) ANY overt move now is likely to produce an extremely adverse reaction. DO NOT purchase any femme items or do anything in an attempt to advance the process. The only prudent course is to observe what happens and await further developments. If anyone is going to femme this gurl under the present circumstances it's the new GG girlfriend. If the relationship sours of its own accord (particularly if the new girlfriend "dumps" the subject) you may be presented with a more favorable climate. Doing anything on your own to torpedo the relationship will earn you the everlasting enmity of the subject. 46. With thanks to reviewer (and accomplished author whose work also appears in this archive) Princess Pervette, her posting to the review area of FYH FAQ #6 is reproduced here: In Part 1 (Femme Your Hubby Installment #1 author) you mention the tremendous significance of the first bra. I just saw this striking confirmation on the Web: "You don't mention whether you keep him in a bra. That was a real turning point in our relationship. Before he was Tony, wearing panties etc; after the first bra he became Toni. It was a very important step in terms of control. He very seriously did not want to wear it. One thing is to be a man in panties -- but he felt the bra took him away from his gender." Answer: This would appear to be an excerpt from an online chat room or "instant message". Would that the author had seen this before Installment #1 was published as it states the case perfectly and the author would have been pleased to include it. It is reproduced here NOT simply because it reinforces the author's thesis. (The author consciously avoids self-aggrandizing material and tries to abstain from self-administered back patting.) Rather it presents beautifully the profound PSYCHOLOGICAL impact of the bra and this wife's grasp of the critical aspect of CONTROL it provides. The author has received mail from many wives discussing the relative advantages of different styles, sizes, colors and etc. of bras (some taking the author severely to task for the statement in Installment #1 that style and etc. didn't really matter much) based on their experience but such discussions beg the key issue. This wife KNEW that getting her gurl in a bra was a critical early step and she clearly accomplished it, in spite of resistance! The decisive evidence is that "Tony" became "Toni" in short order and a significant progressive step had taken place. The gurl viewed HERSELF as femme and it's the author's guess that in consequence, subsequent steps met with less resistance. This is also further evidence (as if we really needed any) that there are some really talented wives out there AND that resistance is essentially futile if the process is properly managed. Thanks Pervy. 46. My wife is helping me femme and I'm just about to the point where I feel comfortable enough with my appearance to start going out. I'm actually less nervous about going out than I thought I would be. I've been chatting online with another gurl who lives near me (who has been going out for some time) and she's been very helpful and reassuring. I've been working seriously toward going out for approximately six months. Appearance wise I've made pretty good progress but something else is happening that I never expected. When the subject of me going out as a gurl came up my wife teased me saying since I looked so good the guys were going to be hitting on me. I always considered myself straight so I pooh-poohed the idea and we laughed about it. She still teases me about it on occasion; in the last three months or so it has been on my mind more and more. I'm not getting paranoid or anything; on the contrary, despite my best efforts, the idea is getting more intriguing all the time. I found pics (explicit) on the web of TGurls with guys and have started to look for them regularly. Consciously at least I don't want to do this but I'm finding it irresistible. In addition, when I'm dressed I find myself thinking about guys, and to put it bluntly their cocks, more and more. The pics get me turned on and so do my thoughts. I also bought some toys and have (blush) fallen in love with my dildo. My wife doesn't know about the toys but I fear she's going to figure something is up because we're not having sex as often as we used to. She hasn't mentioned anything about our decreasing frequency and there is nothing in her demeanor that indicates she feels anything is wrong. I want to share how I feel with her but am very uneasy about doing so. I just don't know how she's going to react. One thought is that if she doesn't want me doing guys my telling her may cause her to prevent it. That would be OK in a way I guess because my initial thoughts along those lines were I'd never do it anyway. On the other hand it may instead cause her to stop helping me femme and I don't think I could handle that; I now really like being a gurl. This is all very confusing and at the same time exciting. Any advice you would be kind enough to provide would be deeply appreciated. Answer: It's the author's guess that you have a fairly high rate of right drift as what you are experiencing typically manifests itself after a gurl has started going out. There was much unsaid in your letter that has a larger bearing on your situation. I.e. you said you're wife was "helping" you femme. Does this mean she is femming you or were you a TGurl already and receiving "technical support" from your wife? If she is femming you and would like to see you dating men she probably has noticed the decline in sexual activity and has a pretty good idea of why it is occurring. Wives are very perceptive about such things. The fact that she (playfully?) teases you about getting hit on by guys MAY be evidence that the idea is not all that repellant to her. Fantasy is one thing and reality another. Be advised that once you start taking cock as a gurl you're not going to quit irrespective of the wife's preference. The author's considered advice is that you do nothing until you start going out. If possible have her go out with you and study her reactions when men approach you as her reaction(s) may provide a clue to her disposition. Clearly any overt reaction on her part, either encouraging or discouraging you, should be a very good indicator. You're going to have to look or query for more subtle reactions. Good luck! 47. My boyfriend and I are both in our 20's. He is a lifelong CD (he told me from day one) and I think that's great; I think TGurls are really cool. He dresses real sexy and looks very hot. However I have recently discovered he has started taking hormones and he never said a word to me about it. I noticed some "changes" and did a little snooping and found his hormone stash. I am really surprised and more than a little disappointed that he didn't discuss this with me beforehand or even tell me he decided to do it. He looks very good as a girl and I have seen what hormones can do but this is a little more than I bargained for as I'm not sure where this is headed. I'm also not sure how I'm going to react if he really develops. It's not to the point where I feel as if I should break up with him over this immediately but I don't feel I can just sit here and say nothing about it. Any thoughts you'd care to share on how best to deal with this? Answer: The use of hormones by TGurls has increased markedly in the last few years. Many are not interested in a "sex change" but are interested in enhancing their femme appearance. Since she was very up-front with you about dressing (a pleasant change of pace for the author) the fact that she didn't consult you on this issue is of interest. Clearly one reason to NOT tell you is she fears an adverse reaction and may be trying to present you with a fait accompli in the hope you'll just "go along". You made no mention in your letter that the subject has surfaced previously so the author must presume this came "out of the blue". Although it is possible that she gave you a few signals, albeit veiled, and they passed unnoticed. She will be more or less forced to acknowledge her action as her development proceeds. If physical signs exist now (you didn't elaborate on the state of the changes you mentioned) that would be in a matter of months at most and possibly weeks. The author has known wives who were very apprehensive about this but later admitted they loved their gurl's breasts and etc. when all was said and done. This is by no means a universal reaction however. As a GG you know the magnetic effect boobs have on guys and it may be that you have concerns (subconsciously?) that your gurl has or will develop an interest in guys. The author is not fond of "snooping" but understands that under certain conditions it's tough to resist. Without a thorough knowledge of the relationship the author is loathe to make any specific recommendations other than saying that reacting with hostility is ill advised. The subject is bound to "pop up" literally and figuratively before too long; you should use the time remaining to plan your approach and reflect on your posture toward this development in order to be able to discuss it with your gurl rationally. 48. Note: The author made a somewhat flippant response to item 44 in FAQ #6 (the author makes no pretense of being perfect) and a more compassionate, and obviously more educated reader, wrote the author upbraiding the author (gently and politely in the author's view) for the author's misstep. This reader's email is reproduced here verbatim (minor edits for typos and consistency of presentation and without attribution or response) as a community service. Clearly this sincere reader has the welfare of others at heart. The author thanks the reader for the contribution. The wife who submitted the question has been advised via email that the following information has been published here: Dear AK: Question #44 (Item 44, FYH FAQ #6 author) seems like a serious question and deserves a serious answer. You might want to consider the possibility that our TGurl has Dissociative Identity Disorder formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Tobacco is an addiction and addicts 80% of the people who take it up. If the addiction is only for the en femme personality, it is an indicator that the en femme personality is dissociated from the male personality. It is common for people with DID to have one personality who is alcoholic or addicted and others not. (He drinks and she gets the hangover and doesn't know why. This is funny but sad and frustrating for someone who has to live with such a condition). First of all, check out some serious DID sites such as Sidran Foundation and International Society for the Study of Dissociation and start educating yourself on this issue. Also check out some of the stories on Dark Personalities website. Secondly, get back to the woman you are counseling (done - author) and ask her if her TGurl has memory lapses and difficulty remembering what she did en femme. It's the memory lapses that are the key to DID. Other indications include an inability to remember much of one's childhood and a history of childhood abuse and episodes of child behavior. The wish to be treated like a child can be an indicator that a child alter exists and wants to come out (child alters exist in almost all DID people). If the woman you are counseling responds affirmatively to these questions (and only one affirmative is an indication of DID, since DID is a condition that people stay even more in the closet about than transsexuality; they try to hide it and deny it even to themselves) then strongly encourage her to find a clinician who treats DID. ISSD can be helpful in finding a DID clinician in her locality -- if that is the problem and they are prepared to deal with it. Contact me if I can be of further assistance. With what you are trying to do, even if this person is not multiple, eventually you will encounter multiples, so start educating yourself and know what you're dealing with. All the best, Signed Author's Note: The writer signed the contribution but did not give the author specific permission to disclose the writer's identity, nor did the writer request that it be concealed. Lacking specific permission to disclose it, the author has elected to omit the writer's identity. 49. I see two spellings of TS frequently. Which is correct, "transexual" or "transsexual"? Answer: Both forms are considered acceptable. 50. How many TGurls does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: The author has seen some very petite TGurls but none so small as to be able to fit even ONE such diminutive TGurl in a light bulb, much less a paramour to boot. Is this a trick question? End of FAQ #7

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Wife Got Fucked Surprisingly By Hubby8217s Friends

Hi this is Disha 26 years old from Bangalore so this is my true story. I am a housewife n got married before two years. We r settled in Bangalore. In my story if there is spelling mistakes am sorry. So let me start my story. At first wen v r married we had normal sex. N we both loved n trusted each other. Usually we have many fun in home. Some time he makes me roam naked in front of him n sometimes I don’t wear panty n bra n wear top exposing my boobs. My hubby likes to see me seminude. But one...

5 years ago
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Chandigarh Me Married Female Ko Satisfy Kia Uske Hubby Samne

Hi Friends, mera naam ashu h nd main chd me rehta hu .meri height 5،10 h main basket ka player hu nd daily gym jata hu..my looks r damn hot nd sexy..dick size 7 h.l.maine apni lyk me bht bar sex kia wid gfs but wo common h .so here m sharing my exprnce wid a cpl main aapko apni ek story bta ra hu jo bilkul real h jimse maine ek cpl k sath 3sum kia nd baad me maine or aunty ne bht maje kiye har tarah se sex kia. Nw come 2 d story ye story last yr dec. Ki h main yahoo messenger chala ra tha m in...

2 years ago
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Hubby Brings My Fantasy To Life

One of our friends in their “About Us” section asked their friends for their craziest, wildest, kinkiest time they had… Here goes!When I first read Hubby's “Shy Wife Tied And Displayed” story on our site, I vividly recalled our exhilarating bondage session in the apartment that morning. I was pretty pissed to discover that a good friend had seen me naked and touched me! But after reading the hot comments about our stories and seeing the surprising reactions to our site, I forgave him. In...

4 years ago
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fucking other men for hubby

I have been fucking other men now for a few months at hubby's request. First I fucked Dave, and older gentleman, he was my first when this all started. Then i fucked a much older man at his house a couple of times and so lets just say im starting to like it more now. I am in my early 40's, hispanic and mother of three. I am 5'0 and i am a 34DD. My hubby and i have always had a great sex life i so i cannot complain about that at all. It was his idea for me to start having sex with other men and...

3 years ago
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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it’s was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it's was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

2 years ago
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Hubby Gave Me A Memorable Gift

We both are very broad minded and very passionate in sex. We use to wife swapping too with his friends. Now we will come into story, this was happened 2 weeks ago. That day me and Khanna (hubby) decide to long drive somewhere in car at evening. We started at post 5:30 and moving towards Nellamangala road. I feel very happy and relaxed listening songs, chatting with husband. While talking we came to topic about sex and he said “Baby today I was decided to give a surprise and you feel like a...

4 years ago
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Dom wifes tale of changing her hubby into a

Chastity Belt 3 Sun, March 16, 2008 - 6:06 AMThe Wives' View Submitted by: Mary Chastity is something that Mark, my husband of 12 years, and I have had an interest in for some time. It became an important part of our life five years ago. I work in the insurance industry and have to travel a lot. He often has to work long hours. We realized that our sexual life was fading away. After Mark gave me a strong nudge to consider using chastity for him, I decided it was worth looking into almost...

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Dom wifes tale of changing her hubby into a

Chastity Belt 3 Sun, March 16, 2008 - 6:06 AMThe Wives' View Submitted by: Mary Chastity is something that Mark, my husband of 12 years, and I have had an interest in for some time. It became an important part of our life five years ago. I work in the insurance industry and have to travel a lot. He often has to work long hours. We realized that our sexual life was fading away. After Mark gave me a strong nudge to consider using chastity for him, I decided it was worth looking into almost...

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My Hubby friend I

Hello, I’m Sunitha Gupta aged 28 married with one kid. I’m housewife, my hubby works in a MNC, most of friends & relatives tell me that I look like tele serial actress Sangeetha Gosh. I have hour glass figure of 34-32-32, 5-4ft tall, I was virgin before marriage and was never included in any kind of activates before marriage. I was married at the age of 23 by my parents, even after marriage & one kid, I have maintained my figure and many look at me whenever I go out for shopping or...

2 years ago
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One Wild Night with Miss Ria and Hubby

NOTE: The below is a completely fictional story of my own personal fantasies with the incredibly beautiful, artisically brilliant and alltogether lovely fellow xHamster user, Ria (https://xhamster.com/users/ria3xx). This story is inspired by the pictures in her wonderful 'One Wild Night' gallery (https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/rias-one-wild-night-7051478).I hope you enjoy reading this, and if you do, it would be awesome if you took the time to show the darling Ria some deserved love and...

2 years ago
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Hubby Brings My Fantasy To Life Part 2

For part 2 of my story to make the most sense, I hope you will go to our site and read “Hubby Brings My Fantasy To Life”. Over the years, Hubby enthusiastically helped me discover my “inner exhibitionist“. We are just returning home front a long-time fantasy of mine that Hubby fulfilled with flying colors -- a titillating 2 day CMNF car trip. Too much to summarize here… you should really just read it. ; )It was dusk as we finally made our last turn and headed down our street. Past the...

4 years ago
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Powerful Language To Use On Your HubbySubmissive

As much as the dominating things you do to your sub make him feel more submissive and you more dominant, it is important to learn how to use the right language.The words that come out of your mouth while you dominate him have an even stronger impact on the psyche of the male than the actions you are performing. Doing one without the other is fine, but if you want to truly get into the mind of the sub and make him your obedient house bitch, then you need to truly understand his inner desires to...

2 years ago
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My hubby likes watching

My husband thinks he’s the one who makes decisions. He can’t even imagine it’s me who makes him creative by using my small women’s tricks. I generate all sparkling ideas. My hubby isn’t the only man I’ve had in my life. He knows it for sure but he doesn’t know how many partners I’d had before I met him. We met when I was 24 and we got married in a year, and I lost virginity at 18. He doesn’t know about it. I was a real sex freak, I’ve been obsessed with sex since I turned 18 and before I met my...

3 years ago
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My hubby likes watching

My husband thinks he’s the one who makes decisions. He can’t even imagine it’s me who makes him creative by using my small women’s tricks. I generate all sparkling ideas. My hubby isn’t the only man I’ve had in my life. He knows it for sure but he doesn’t know how many partners I’d had before I met him. We met when I was 24 and we got married in a year, and I lost virginity at 18. He doesn’t know about it. I was a real sex freak, I’ve been obsessed with sex since I turned 18 and before I met my...

Wife Lovers
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How I Convinced My Hubby8217s Boss

Hi, friends, thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my previous sex story. It has been almost three years since I posted my sex story and even now I am getting positive feedbacks from the readers. This is what a writer enjoys in writing. This encourages me to write new adventures and my previous encounters related to sex. Now I am going to narrate a sex story about an incident which happened to me 14 years back. As most of you guys know I was married at a very young age of 18 and my...

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Hubby made me

 When my husband retired last year we decided to move to Florida. We adapted to the area fast, made lots of new friends.We would go to the beach every time we had a chance. My husband liked to go golfing or fishing. I would go shopping once or twice a week with my new friend. Life was great Well only one thing was missing in are life.That was Sex due to my hubby's age and some health condition ( diabetic ) Joe could not get hard cock Mostly he was getting semi hard. So we watched lots of porn...

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Hubby made me Fuck black man

When my husband retired last year we decided to move to Florida We adapted to the area fast,made lots of new friends.We would go to the beach every time we had a chance. Joe my husband liked to go golfing or fishing I would go shopping once or twice a week with my new friend. Life was great Well only one thing was missing in are life.That was Sex due to my hubby's age and some health condition ( diabetic ) Joe could not get hard cock Most he was getting semi hard. So we watched lots of porn at...

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we were looking for a little excitement in our sex life so hubby asked me if I would like if he left some of my nude pics out on the table next time his friend ROCCO came over while I was at work? my pussy got wet just thinking about, sure I said let's see his reaction! well one day ROCCO came over and was having coffee with hubby when he saw the photos and said "what have you got there"? hubby said MARCIA, she loves to pose! he said can I look at them? hubby said sure and handed them to ROCCO....

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My Hubby8217s Ignorance

Hello all, I am Sangeeta, 38 years old. I am married with two kids and staying along with my in-laws. My hubby is working in an IT company. I, too, work in an IT company. I am 5.3 feet with long hair and a complexion. I never had an affair before my marriage. I lost my virginity to my hubby at 23. I married Pankaj. Pankaj is tall and handsome. He is a well-settled person and didn’t find any issue to marry him. Ours is an arranged marriage. After marriage, he took me to Switzerland for a...

4 years ago
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Hubbys New Chastity Cage Shrinkage

First, some background information:We are a happily married couple (Wife & husband) who live a 24/7/365 chastity, cuckold, and FLR lifestyle. Sexually, we're both very submissive, though I (Wife) am my husband's Keyholder and Mistress. We also have a shared Mistress who we all consider my girlfriend as well. While I have collared Hubby, Mistress has collared us together as a couple. Except for time I spend alone with our Mistress, Hubby and I always play together when we are with any of our...

2 years ago
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I Cheated My Hubby Part 2

Hi, am Maneesha again! I was just overwhelmed with the kind of responses & comments that i received after publishing my first ever true story. A lot of people asked me whether it was the first and last time i cheated on my hubby or whether there were any more such incidents and that i should publish them as well. This encouraged me to write this story which again is a true story.I carried on my discreet relationship with my brother-in-law for almost an year without getting caught and we...

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sharing my hubbys cock

We were newly married and my close friend Monica was accompanying us for a few days as is the custom. Monica was just a year younger to me and we were very close friends right from the school days.We used to share almost everything between us and no thing was secret. She was not yet married and was working in a private firm. Just after marriage the days are all full of joy as two unknown people come together to know each other and to share everything intimately between them. Our flat in Mumbai...

3 years ago
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How I Got Hubby to Crossdress And Suck Black Cock

My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years now, he is 60yr and I'm 54. Our sex life had become pretty routine and to tell the truth, it had become a boring weekly ritual of me faking my orgasm just to get him off. About 2 years ago he threw a little spark into our sex in the form of him always eating me out after he came inside me. I thought it was gross that he wanted to do such a thing, but wanted to keep him pleased, and let him do his thing. After about the fourth time I actually...

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Hubby invites his nephew to take me

I could clearly see a big bulge developing in his briefs as we talked of sex...I could see that happening when he stared at my boobs ...I had full big boobs that always attracted attention of young guys and gals right from school days...... Hubby's young nephew had come to spend his vacation with us. He was a College stud and looked very virile and handsome. While looking at the growing tent in his briefs , made me imagine the size of his stiff cock and his juicy nuts.......may be I...

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Hubby wont notice

Dedicated to all the beautiful, married women out there that want to spice up their sex life...It's a Thursday evening. We are meeting after work to have some fun. But not the easy way in a hotel. No your hubby has to be around. So we drive to your place and we pretend that I am a new co worker of yours. An important presentation is due tomorrow morning, which means we have to work late. Your hubby is a little bit suspicious as you've never mentioned me before, but it passes after a while. We...

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My hubby encouraged me to exhibit

I am a 50 year old married woman with three sons. I am an Indian American, born and bred in USA . My hubby, an Arab American, is 10 years older than me. We got married when I was 21 and my hubby 31. Both have conservative family background.   My hubby is of a very loving nature. I am far more conservative than him. For the last five years or so we have had a fairly routine sex life. Lately, however, my hubby seems to be becoming hornier. He has started to indulge, and induce me too into...

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I Cheated My Hubby Part 1

Its absolutely a true story of my life. It happened about a year before. My name is Manisha. I was 38 then, today am 39 with attractive looks and a good figure to turn many heads around. I could say my figure is 38 - 28 - 40 and although i dont exercise, i do keep a watch on my diet. I am aware that my breasts and my buttocks get the maximum attention. My husband Rajesh is working as Head of Marketing dept for one of the reputed petroleum companies in India and often keeps travelling a lot...

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Black cock friend first time hubby gone

Hubby asked me to write a story that happened so here goes:Last week, while hubby was away on business. I went to our favorite watering hole with a girlfriend. BFF had to leave after an hour and a half. I elected to stay in the hopes of another BFF that I was texting would show. I shimmied over to a group at the bar that I know in the hopes she would show soon. After an hour and no response from her I made my exit. On my way out I met a black guy friend in the parking lot. Hubby knows him. We...

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Me my wife and her friend8217s hubby

He was there for 2 days from 4pm to 3pm next day. This was an unexpected visit. We reached his place around 4pm and she got off. I was to come with packed dinner at around 830pm. What they did from 4pm to 830pm i am not aware of but i am sure it was very passionate.i reached his place around 830-840pm. I had locked the door from out so that no one disturbs. Before opening i gave a missed call so they are prepared. His room was a 2 room set with bathroom attached with bed room but no door...

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