Femme Your Hubby Instalment 1
- 4 years ago
- 32
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“Just tell me when and where” Janine said with disgust.
Betty nodded, trying to keep her excitement in. It wasn’t the right time for celebrating, after all.
“Our meetings are in the old Holiday Inn building. There’s one every Saturday” Betty explained.
“I’ll be there” Janine responded tersely.
After Mark left the house Friday night, Janine started feeling guilty about what she said- not anymore I’m not, she thought. She had assumed that Mark was blowing off steam by hitting one of the local bars- not getting hit on by some skank at the strip club.
Janine had always had a good eye for details, and her obsessive-compulsive type behavior not only aided her in accounting, but also in finding existing problems.
So when Mark came back late that night, reeking of alcohol and perfume, she knew right away that he had been around some girls.
Oh, probably some lonely, pathetic girl at the bar, she initially thought.
But the stains on his pants, although dried and only slightly discolored, were still very obvious to her.
Janine confronted Mark right then and there, asking where he went, waiting for him to trip up in a lie.
To Mark’s credit, he seemed genuinely contrite, and didn’t lie about where he went. But he also evaded her questions as best he could-
“I just went out, and had some drinks” he said.
“Where?” she asked, angrily.
“A club” he shrugged, “It’s no big deal”
But it was a big deal to Janine, who honestly believed that Mark wasn’t the type of man to cheat. In fact, despite all his protestations against feminism, he wasn’t even close to a being a ‘ladies man’. He always hated talking to girls, and usually felt nervous around them.
I guess it’s easy to find a homewrecker when you can pay them, Janine had thought.
The Friday night fight about sex turned into the Saturday morning fight about trust, and their yelling was so fierce, Janine saw Emma’s dried up tears later that day. It just about broke her heart to see her daughter affected so much, and it made her cry, too.
The whole weekend was stressful, with angry glares and deadly silences mixed throughout.
In terms of their relationship, not much progress was made- Mark continued to say he was sorry, but also that it was her fault, while Janine couldn’t bring herself to forgive him. She just couldn’t understand what kind of twisted logic it took for Mark to justify his actions.
And so Janine was exhausted going into a full work week, and Betty’s suggestion to attend a Women for a Better Tomorrow meeting sounded like the perfect idea. Janine just couldn’t tell if her newfound motivation was from wanting to get back at Mark, or from a genuine interest in the organization.
Surprisingly, however, the workplace seemed much more welcoming and rewarding for her, allowing her to focus on something other than her miserable marriage. It was as if everyone knew what she was going through, and was supporting her emotionally.
So when Saturday came and things still had not smoothed over with Mark, Janine was excited to accompany Betty to the meeting.
“All right ladies, please have a seat. We have a lot to talk about”, said the female presenter. She was in her 50’s, and looked young for her age. The suit she wore looked expensive, too.
“For those of you that are new here, my name is Doctor Freeman, and I am a sociologist by trade ... and president of the 3rd Northeast district of WBT by necessity.”
“I tell you that my job here is by necessity ... because as a woman in this hostile cultural environment ... fighting for women’s rights is necessary!”, she emphasized. Janine could tell from Dr. Freeman’s speaking voice and pauses that she had done this many times-
“As a sociologist, I have studied human cultures for many years ... and what I have found is a trail of injustice and corruption throughout all history. Slavery ... sex trades ... domestic abuse ... glass ceilings ... the list goes on and on.”
“But tonight ... we will dedicate ourselves to make the world a better place for women ... to break the chains of prejudice and violence ... and to make ‘his-tory’ ... into her story!”
The crowd erupted in applause, dying down quickly so Dr. Freeman could continue. Janine figured there were well over a hundred people in the conference room.
“My fellow women ... we are here today to make things right in America ... to take the shattered remains of this country ... and to forge a new, equal democracy.”
Dr. Freeman shook her head- “We have so much to accomplish, ladies ... and so little time to do so. Our country’s leader, Doctor President Sanderson, is doing everything she can to take advantage of her opportunities ... and we MUST do the same!”
Janine realized the power of Dr. Freeman’s charisma over the audience, which applauded her again.
“Ladies, we must work together if we are to succeed in this new America. As our first step, let us understand the prejudices and injustices that assail us.”
“Think of the gender gap ... and how women make 77 cents to every dollar a man makes ... doing the same exact work!”
Janine had remembered that statistic being thrown around, but it was from pre-war times. No one had current census data anymore.
“And the double standards! You know what I’m talking about- men do not have to worry about what message their clothing tells others ... but will mercilessly ‘slut-shame’ any woman who shows a bit of skin ... And if we cover up, she said with exasperation, raising her arms up, then we are prudes!”
The crowd booed in displeasure. “And don’t even get me started on sexual partners- you know as well as I do ... that a man can have as much sex ... with as many women as he wants ... but when women have just TWO partners ... they are called ‘whores’”
Dr. Freeman stepped back, letting the crowd voice their displeasure again, before continuing-
“Ladies ... the list goes on ... and on ... and on. You know the prejudices we face every day ... just as well as I do. You know the uphill battle we face ... and the male privilege that stands in our way. Although we have tried for CENTURIES to be equal in society ... we have been rebuffed at every turn...”
Dr. Freeman paused momentarily, building the suspense-
“But today ... we FIGHT!”
The crowd clapped, forcing the speaker to project more loudly- “Today ... we stand ... UNITED!”
“We WILL overcome ... and we WILL STAND TOGETHER!!”
As one, the crowd stood up, Janine included. Although she did not care for the simplicity of the speech and some of the questionable statements, she had to admit that Dr. Freeman had built up the energy of the room. Looking around, Janine saw every woman clapping and cheering enthusiastically.
Taking it all in, Janine realized that she felt some of the same thing- Maybe she’s right about us needing to stay together. There’s so much we can accomplish, if we have the numbers. We can make this country great again- no, even better than before.
“Isn’t she awesome?” Betty said, smiling.
“She sure is”, Janine replied. Instead of thinking about Dr. Freeman, however, she was thinking about her Emma, and how much better the world could be for her. I need to make things right for her.
“No fucking way in Hell” Mark yelled.
“Mark! Keep your voice down” Janine chided him.
“There is no way my daughter is joining that man-hating cult” he replied, volume down to a normal decibel.
“It’s not a cult, Mark. They’re good people, just trying to make society better-”
“Yeah, for women”, mark interrupted, “They want a matriarchy, so that women are in control of everything”
“Mark, just listen to yourself, you sound crazy. Women just want to be treated equally.”
Mark gave a short derisive laugh- “Ha, that’s bullshit, and you know it. All that progressive ideology does is convince people that it’s okay to be sexist, as long as you’re the one that’s oppressed.”
“Aren’t we?” Janine asked.
Mark looked around in confusion, “What are you talking about, Janine?! Women make up the majority of the population, and make just as much as men!”
“And how do you know that?” she entreated him, doubt in her tone.
“It’s no worse than 30 years ago, when women made almost the same as men. So now that women are taking all the jobs, they probably make MORE than men do.”
“That’s absurd. There’s no proof of that.”
“Maybe not, but just take a look around. You even fucking work at an all-female law firm for fuck’s sake!” Mark yelled.
Janine was getting red- “Mark, I’m not interested in having a shouting match with you-”
“I mean, c’mon, Janine, they’ve got you brainwashed into thinking all these asinine lies.”
“You know what, Mark? You’re still in the doghouse, as far as I’m concerned” she replied, before walking away.
I can’t deal with this man. He upsets me so much!
Storming into the bedroom, Janine slammed the door. Uhh, I just want to slap some respect into him!
Brainstorming ways to get back at Mark, Janine picked up the phone and dialed a number-
“Yeah, hello? Yes, I’d like to make a donation to your organization...” Janine waited, thinking of a number that felt right, “2,000 dollars ... yup.”
Although Mark wouldn’t allow Emma to be sponsored by Women for a Better Tomorrow, it didn’t stop Janine from learning as much from the organization as she could, and passing it on to her daughter.
One of the more interesting lectures she attended was regarding the male psyche, and how men are taught from an early age to be physical and emotionally unstable. As the lecturer explained, society was teaching men to be hyper-competitive, while simultaneously stunting their emotional intelligence, causing all sorts of violent behavior later in life.
In fact, there were studies that boys age 4-5 were as emotional as girls, and that only through societal male norms did boys learn to suppress their emotions.
“Which leads to insecurity later in life, poor coping skills, etc.” the lecturer had explained. Part of that “etc.” were things like depression, and violence. She attributed the high male to male homicide rate, as well as the 4x higher risk of suicide in men, to emotional stunting.
And women were bearing much of this brunt, as well- “You see, 80% of domestic abuse cases involve a physically aggressive male.”
But when Janine heard the stories of battered women, she started fearing for her own safety- What if Mark goes off one of these days, and decides to do more than just yell? What about Emma?
There was no way Janine was going to let her daughter grow up with a battered mother. No way in Hell.
So Janine took the presenters next point to heart-
“So now that we see the problem in male childhood, we can correct it- that’s the easy part. The hard part is ... what do we do now with adult men?”
The rest of the lecture went into various ways that women can keep control in male-female relationships. There were some really good pointers on communication, including body language, avoiding trigger words, and speaking in a placating manner. Janine wasn’t too keen on the idea of tiptoeing in conversations to avoid making men upset. After all, that’s what she had been doing with Mark for months.
“So what if none of that works?” Janine had asked at the end of the lecture, “What if all our attempts at making the relationship fail?”
“There is another school of thought”, the lecturer explained, “That is ... more aggressive than what most women are used to. It involves using a man’s strong evolutionary instincts. But I wouldn’t know much about that.”
“Oh” Janine had replied, despondent.
“Let me get back to you on that” the lecturer said, apologetically. It was the kind of thing lecturers said, when they didn’t know an answer.
So when Janine opened a special WBT invite at work, she was surprised.
“Sexual energy workshop- learn to harness sexuality to command the male brain” Janien read aloud. It sounded hokey, but it was legitimately from WBT. “You are cordially invited to learn from Maria Cordoba, famous seductress and personal trainer of powerful women everywhere.”
At $200 per workshop, there was no way Janine was going.
For Mark, things were never the same after that Friday night at Hunee Bunz.
He had told himself on the way there that he was just blowing off some steam, that it was no big deal. He was just going to walk in, sit down, and enjoy the show.
Now I can’t stop thinking about her, he thought. Her amazing tits, like bowling balls in my face.
Mark vividly remembered the first time she sat on his lap, presenting her body like a Christmas-day present.
So round and firm...
Mark gave himself a hard-on just remembering the look, smell, and feel of Jade. It was intoxicating him.
Leaving his section of the house to take a work break, Mark hoped none of the other guys noticed the bulge in his jeans. As he made his way to the port-a-potty, he recalled Jade’s words-
Always remember me, Mark, she told him. Remember these tits, she told him, placing his hands on her jutting breasts, and this ass, as she pushed his arms down to her waist.
Getting to the john, Mark quickly unzipped his pants and pulled his fully erect cock out for a quick jerk off.
“Uhhh” he groaned, visualizing Jade’s body on top of his. It felt so good to give into his lustful desires, and his cock rewarded his brain with pure pleasure.
You won’t ever be the same now, she explained, my body, my touch ... will always be with you
“Fuck, yeah” Mark agreed to the voice in his head. He stroked himself hard, trying to bring a climax as fast as possible.
And you WILL be back, she commanded. The thought of returning to Jade made him shudder...
A part of Mark knew that he could never go back to Hunee Bunz, not after the fight he and Janine had. Once was a mistake; a second time could end their marriage.
But Jade’s words floated in his brain all the time, and the more he thought about her, the closer he was to giving into her again.
“Oh ... fuck” Mark moaned, getting close to climaxing. He pumped harder and faster, eyes closed and mouth slack.
Always remember me, Mark...
“Yes!” Mark breathed, climaxing. “Ohhhhh ... yeah”. Mark continued to close his eyes, reveling in the pleasure that Jade brought him, now for the second time today.
“I love you” Mark whispered, before a small sting of regret hit him.
I shouldn’t say that ... I love my wife.
But Jade made him feel ... so alive inside. He hadn’t had this kind of libido in years.
Janine came home to see Mark sitting on the couch again, watching the news. Mark’s job as an electrician started earlier in the day, so he always got to plop himself on the couch and watch what he wanted when he was done at work.
So not fair, Janine thought. Going into the kitchen for a snack, she realized that it was probably for the best-
He’s been sleeping out there anyways, he might as well make himself comfortable.
Although they were in a rough patch now, Janine still loved Mark and believed they could make things work. Maybe I’ll let him come back to the bed in a couple days, she thought. It had been a couple weeks since their Friday night fight, and Mark seemed very sheepish ever since then.
Janine heard a familiar commercial on the tv; the one with the nearly-topless models eating burgers. It was criminal for the network to show that kind of filth, when kids like Emma could be watching.
I should check in on her, Janine thought. She hoped Emma was not under the impression that mom and dad were getting divorced. She was such a sweet girl, so quiet and unassuming. I’ll check on her now.
As Janine was making her way to the hallway, she saw Mark rush past in a hurry, stopping her dead in her tracks.
Huh, that’s odd. Mark was in the bathroom now. Maybe something he ate.
Janine walked slowly down the hallway, not even realizing that she was listening into the bathroom.
Something’s wrong, she realized. She paused by the door, and turned her head to the side-
Sounds like a struggle ... but he’s not ... oh my gosh, really?!
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Title: Femme Your Hubby - Installment #4 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...
Title: Femme Your Hubby Installment #3 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...
Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #3 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions will only be accepted if in the form of standard text email. E- mails with attachments will NOT be opened. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to...
Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #8 51. Do the wives who do this feel it's more easily done with younger gurls or with older gurls? I want to femme my hubby but I'm afraid that I won't be that good at it so I want to do it when my chances of success are best. Answer: It's the author's guess that most wives who have done it would probably say that ALL hubbies are pretty easy to femme. Which is a way of saying the author feels you have crisis of confidence more than anything else....
Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #2 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #2: The author...
Title: Femme Your Hubby - Installment #5 (Conclusion) Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...
Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #5 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface to FAQ #5 Some email has been received about feminization issues relating to minors. Please be advised that such issues are NOT a part of this discussion. ANY email received containing ANY content relating to minors will not be reproduced or answered. The author is confident that readers will understand why this policy is necessary. To the...
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IncestLife is so strange, you think you understand and know who you are only to find out you don't know nothing about yourself. I found my self seeking out Charlie's Uncle Harry, the one the hoes call 'horse dick Harry.' Yes, I did allow Harry to have sex with me, although I don't know why. Charlie and his Uncle Harry did force me to have sex with both of them, and Harry did sorta of take advantage, by going to sleeping with his mammoth penis lodge deep in my rectum and screwing me in his sleep. I...
Codey is just trying to relax on the couch but his big tit slutty milf stepmom Linzee really wants his opinion on which bra to wear to her job interview. Codey picks the see thru one to get her to leave him alone but now in the kitchen Linzee shows Codey what her power outfit will be and that is no panties under her dress and at that moment Codey began to need her hot little pussy wrapped around his hard cock. Linzee lets him know this may be his last chance to enjoy her all to himself at home...
xmoviesforyouStepping out of the lift, I walked casually into the reception area of the Ritz Carlton Hotel and took in the sight of a wedding reception in full swing. People filled the area, decked out in their finest livery as they took an evening off to celebrate the wedding of a friend, relative, or colleague. I stepped over to the groom's registration table, flashing the young lady behind the table a brilliant smile as I told her my name."Lee? Mr Shaun Lee?""That would be me," I affirmed, the smile...
Quickie SexWho Am I? By dkb "Who Am I?" is, I think, a rubbish title for an essay. But there it is, this is what I've got to do. I guess the teacher wants us to think about what makes us the kind of people we are, personality, social background, all that stuff. So here I am trying to dictate some notes. If I burble away enough maybe I'll get some ideas. But what can I say? I'm an ordinary girl. I'm Amy Gardner, I'm sixteen, my likes are...my dislikes are...blah, blah, blah. I live with my mum,...
hello dosto mera nam ravi hai.meri umar 23 sal hai or me mumbai ka rahne val hu.mere ghar me mere mummy paap or bhai bhabhi rahte hai.meri bhai ki sadi ko do sal ho gaye hai.mera bhai ek tour company mai kam karta hai.meri bhabhi ka nam neelima hai unki umar 25 sal hai. To dosto ye bat ek sal pahle ki hai jab me apni collage ki padhai puri kar ke apne ghar aaya tha.meri padhai puri hone ke karan me result ki rah dekh raha tha. Me hostel me jayad raha tha is vajse mere aaju baju me mere bahut...
My first time Aleasha Ghurley I can recall the first time I was ever dressed up as a girl! I was 6 years old. I remember it like it was yesterday!! Halloween, 1969! My mother had been fostering my feminine desires for a while, but it was mostly her version of punishment. When I had gone through my boy underwear, via the occasional accident, she would make me wear my sister's underwear until the laundry was done! This Halloween though, my mother had decided I would wear my...
[ For Megan...I was happy to have Megan back home again, of course (I'd missed her very much), but I could tell by the exhausted look on her lovely face, and in her equally beautiful and arresting eyes, that she and William, our next door neighbor, had had some very good sex; and seeing that sent a shiver of excitement (and not jealousy!) coursing through me as I let her in through the front door.My heart was pounding as she stepped past me. As she did, I inhaled her body fragrance (which I...
Hi my name is Aurora, me and my sisters Laura and Moira are celebrating our 18th birthday as we our triplets. I woke up earlier then my beautiful sisters and slid out of bed to open the blinds to our bedroom. When I opened the blinds to see if I could see our next door neighbors cute mom bend over to get her morning paper. I was shocked to see a strangeland that looked like it was completely made of sextoys.
LesbianDuring the early seventies I was a young man still in my twenties. I was on my own again after my short-lived first marriage and living in a fairly nice apartment complex in a small city. Though a bit depressed after the break-up of my marriage, I did find a certain amount of solace in my work and I did make an effort to get back in the dating scene. A friend of mine had found me a job working for a surveying company and I enjoyed the work. The pay was fairly decent and I was always an outdoors...
MasturbationPosing Ties Your hands are above you as you pose for me. It’s a difficult one to hold, but after me complementing you on it you were insistent that be one of the poses I draw you in. As fine as your form is, I am caught between trying to hurry so as to relieve the strain on your arms and taking my time so as to do justice to your looks with my poor talent. We only just started about fifteen minutes earlier, and already your arms and hands quiver a bit with the strain. You look so good,...
Knight Kevin – The Free City of Grahata, Yalut Island The night wore on as we stood our watch in the overgrown Labyrinthine Gardens. The trees and bushes were so thick, the stone buildings of Grahata were completely obscured. There was almost no light, the night sky half-overcast, the moon struggling to shine through black clouds. But our eyes had adjusted to what light there was. The entrance to the labyrinth was a dark pit before us, faint stairs slowly merging into the black. My five...
My name is Teagan, Teagan Collins and I'm your average high school girl, well at least I think of my self in those terms, at least when it comes to appearance. I'm a little short, 5'1, long red hair, pale skin, I weigh around 100 pounds, my breasts and butt are nice, firm and well rounded, perhaps ample considering my petite frame. But again that's my opinion, but I do attract my fair share of attention, perhaps more than my fair share. Anyway, this all started the night my nineteenth birthday,...
IncestIntroduction: We pickup chapter 28 and continue the chapter. Chapter 28 part two. Written by hard93. Just after JJ and Kathryn with their three daughters, leave the hospital after paying their two thousand six hundred and four dollar bill for the short stay. JJ drives Kathryn and their three daughters home and continues with their life. The roads cleared, salted, and life again takes on normalcy. Schools are still out today they will begin on their schedule times after the weekend. Although...
For the rest of that week, my husband and I had amazing sex nearly every night. We have known each other for 7 years, and in all that time we had unknowingly harbored a secret, sexual fantasy that had only recently been uncovered. It was my husband, Jerry that had ventured into this forbidden corner of my psyche one night during our love making. He asked me to imagine another man in bed with us, and it drove me wild with passion. Now I have always had fantasies about two men, sometimes more,...
Hi! I’m 20 year old Candi, your sweet treat for this week. Of course you are dear and as so many of our newbies before Candi has changed her name in the few weeks since her shoot and is now Ashley Manson. But we like Candi and the taste of that better. So Candi is experienced, yet inexperienced, we find out during today’s interrogation, I mean interview. As we probe into Candi we find out she has a head for business; convincing her “BF” that flying off to fuck some...
xmoviesforyouThe wallflower, everyone I know knows at least one. You know that girl or guy that is always there but know one wants to be in a relationship with them. They are usually a little nerdy, and are always there to help sort things out. They are usually on the chess team or the math team or something like that. Carla, was the one wallflower that really stands out in my head. I knew her in high school, and although we talked all the time, I didn’t really feel attracted to her. Right out of high...
Lucy had just turned 25 and had spent it the way she normally did: sitting at home in her underwear looking at porn. She was fit, had B-cup tits, one of the best asses at her job and had shoulder length black hair. Her brown eyes scanned her computer screen whilst her left hand was busy buried inside her panties. This is was her one day a year she got to just laze around and imagine herself in various fantasies. But this day would be different. She was just about to shut everything down and get...
FetishNadia found her friends changing their clothing for dinner when she returned from her riding lesson. Four pale backsides greeted her as she walked into the room. “Joseph has decided that we must dress for dinner,” Catherine groused. “To celebrate the arrival of Genrico’s parents?” Nadia wondered. She was unembarrassed to change in front of the others – something that had changed during her time at the castle. “So it seems,” Elizabeth answered. “It seems that Gemma has made new clothing for...
The next morning, Reed comes in my room naked (I'm getting used to seeing him this way. But don't think that I find this boring.) carrying a condom. "That for me? I ask. "Well, for both of us, actually. Ready for a little morning fun?" Oh, yeah, we did have fun and a nice, hot, soapy shower, too. That afternoon, Mia and Erin come in and strip down for another fun afternoon. "Oh, I've been awake almost all night thinking about this. I even put a little perfume down there. I'm...
Introduction: Part three of the Darkmoon Faire, since you guys asked for it. All ideas and content for World of Warcraft belong to Blizzard Entertainment. I just wrote the story. ^-^ So, uh, this will be a large advance into my twisted tale. Such an advance, in fact, that theres practically no sexytiems. Those of you who play World of Warcraft and have had any hunter, you know precisely what Im doing here. Karas leveling and training! Of course, its sort of set in Cata… with the foxes and...
It had started as a few exchanged messages on PM. Now I knocked on the hotel door - it swung open and there was Mistress - looking fabulous in a leather dress, fitted beautifully to her curves, with the top couple of buttons undone for effect - just glimpses of her fabulous cleavage within. Her hubby the birthday boy was behind her - almost naked - except for a rather fetching pair of lacy red panties - thong style, which were struggling to contain his obvious excitement. "Please come in", She...
My New Boss By Teri Franken [email protected] Note: I have to admit, I was surprised from the feedback I have been receiving from everyone about my stories. While it is hard to please everyone, the feedback has been mostly positive. Some don't like the humiliation aspects of some stories; others think there is not enough humiliation. Lots of story line ideas and recommendations. I have come to the conclusion that I can't please everyone, but I do enjoy hearing from everyone. I am...
After the bar fight in the BDM (Big Damn Movie. i.e. "Serenity"), Mal tells Simon "You had a gorram time bomb living with us! Who we gonna find in there when she wakes up? The girl? Or the weapon?" Well, what if the doctors at the lab had inserted more than one trigger in River, each designed to ser off a different program? And if one was an empathy program that could, as always happens, pop into existence at the wrong time. A spaceship in flight is never completely quiet. No matter how...