Femme NataleChapter 3 free porn video

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Mark kept telling himself to walk away, but his body wouldn’t listen.

I love my wife!, he told himself, So why do I feel compelled to do this?!

Mark was in his car, parked at Hunee Bunz. It had been 3 weeks since that fateful night, and he was struggling mightily with his temptation.

Don’t do it, he told himself for the millionth time.

Mark had hoped that his desires for Jade would fade over time, but they only became more intense with each fap session.

Her words to him were still crystal clear- Always remember me. Remember these tits...

Mark pictured Jade sitting on his lap, rubbing her perfect breasts with her hands. He felt the soft flesh in his hands, the large mounds filling his hands completely.

And for the millionth time since that night, Mark had a full-on erection.

It happened so easily and so frequently that there had to be something wrong with him- No other woman has made me feel this way before.

Mark tried to rationalize his unquenchable lust by blaming Janine’s sexual frigidity- It’s her fault for not having sex! That’s her responsibility as my wife!

The more he thought it, the more he believed it, and the more it alleviated some of the guilt.

But if I go in there, I’m turning my back on our marriage, he realized. So why am I here?!

Mark was at a crossroads yet again, waiting for inspiration. It was as if his sense of duty and his guilt were perfectly weighted against his sexual temptations. And he didn’t know which way the scales would tip...

I need help, he realized. But realizing his weakness was still not enough for him to turn the car back on.

How do I find the strength to walk away from the situation? He wondered.

Mark was not a religious man, but his father had been Catholic, and tried to raise him as one.

Please God, I need your help! I know I don’t talk to you, and I may not even believe in you most of the time, but I’m at the end of my rope. I’m afraid this temptation is too much for me, and I don’t want to lose my wife.

Mark silently prayed for a few more minutes, and by the end of it, felt more relieved-

How could I betray Janine, after all these years of marriage? How can I turn my back on her, and Emma?

Mark felt much more at peace now, the swirling emotions and thoughts in his mind quieted, for the moment.

Thank you, he prayed, turning the car on.

Mark didn’t explain why he was late getting home the night before, assuming that Janine would leave him right then and there if she knew where he was.

And so Mark didn’t say anything when Janine explained that she was heading out for the fourth Saturday in a row. He just smiled half-heartedly at her, and told her to have a good time.

It seemed like Janine wanted to say something before she left, something conciliatory to him. He could only describe her look as one of ... pity? But that didn’t make sense.

Knowing that watching the news got him upset, and consequently, Janine as well, Mark decided to watch some sports instead. Flipping through the channels, there were only a few games to watch. The small list of professional sports teams was directly a result of the total war effort, and even 6 years later, cities were still rebuilding their populations enough to warrant participation in professional leagues.

knock knock

Mark heard someone knocking on his door, but he wasn’t expecting anyone.

I wonder who that is, he thought, heading towards the door. He opened it-

Oh shit...

The very beautiful Miss Jade was standing in the doorway, a beige overcoat on. She had some glittery purple eyeshadow on, and bright red lipstick. Instead of having her hair braided, it was up in a ponytail.

“Hey there sugar, haven’t seen you in a while” she said with a smile.

“Um, what are you doing here?” he asked. He felt his blood pressure rise instantly.

“I missed you”, she said sweetly. She smiled at him flirtatiously.

Mark couldn’t believe she was at his house-

“How?” he wondered aloud, confused.

“You gave me your address, sweetie”

When was that?!

“Have you been thinking of me at all?” she asked, twisting side to side innocently. It was all flirty, and it was all cute. She was good at this.

But Mark wasn’t having any of it. “I think you should go” he told her in the most confident sounding voice he could muster. He knew the temptation would come back soon, so he had to tell her off while he could still focus. Even now, he smelled her intoxicating perfume.

But Jade didn’t look like she was going anywhere. Instead, she undid her ponytail, unleashing her hair. It felt as a wavy torrent of shine and luster, bouncing down below her chest. She shook her hair, then went to untie the belt of her coat...

Mark’s heart started beating faster, because he knew what was coming next. But her slow tease, and the memories it brought, were too distracting for him to try to stop her. Secretly, he wanted this to happen.

After undoing the belt, Jade pulled on the lapels of her beige coat, slowly revealing a creamy white, laced fishnet halter garter top and attached stockings. It was exactly the kind of outfit a stripper would wear.

Mark stared at her see through dress, marveling at the way her breasts pushed against the skin tight fabric. The fish net plunged all the way to navel, and he admired her perfectly smooth skin.

“Remember me now?” she murmured.

Mark was frozen in place, taking her all in. His eyes searched for more of her skin underneath the dress and her hair- anything he could get.

Jade didn’t wait long before stepping closer to Mark, and wrapping her arms around his neck. When he started to look up at her, she gently pulled his gaze back down to the revealing dress. He stared directly down into her dress, and felt her awesome femininity overwhelming his mind once again.

Mark wasn’t thinking of anything at the moment, lost in the swirl of emotions produced from her body, voice, and smell. He felt his head being directed up again, his motions like being in quicksand.

Mark felt her luscious lips on his, and his eyes closed instinctively. It was the moment he had been waiting for, for so long.

A voice brought him out of his stupor-



Mark disengaged immediately, and turned to face his daughter. She was standing at the top of the stairs.

“Emma, go to your room” he blurted, flustered.

Emma stole a quick glance at Jade, who was only looked at the young girl briefly before casting her eyes down.

Then Emma stormed away. Mark thought she may have started crying.

Aw, shit...

Mark gave Jade a look of pure anger.

“You never told me you had a family”, she said apologetically, closing her long overcoat.

“I don’t ever wanna see you here again! Understood?” Jade was taken aback from his sudden outburst.

Jade nodded, “Yeah, I understand. Nothing personal. Just business.” She took a step back-

And Mark slammed the door in her face, chest puffing.

What the fuck!!

“AAAhhh” he screamed, venting some of his anger. He knew he had fucked up bad.


Mark hit the door with his right palm.

How am I gonna fix this? Ugh, you’re such an idiot!

When Janine came home, Mark called her into the bedroom right away. After all, she was going to find out from Emma anyways. And he hoped coming clean would smooth it over.

Just explain what happened, tell her that she came unwanted.

Mark paced in the bedroom, trying to think of how to start-

“What’s going on, Mark?”, Janine asked in frustration. She was sitting on the bed, watching Mark get flustered. It wasn’t like him.

“First, I want you to know that I had no idea this was going to happen”. Mark put his hand up, like he was swearing on the Bible.

Janine glared at him, and Mark glanced away for a second.

“Spit it out” Janine told him. She only had the idea that he was going to admit about his recent string of masturbations. About time, she thought.

“So there was this girl at the club” Mark started.

“The skank, yeah?”

“Yeah, the skank”, he agreed. “Now I haven’t had any contact with her since that night 3 weeks ago. Nothing”, he emphasized.

“But somehow, she found out where I live”-

“And?”, Janine said, eyes wide open.

“Long story short, she was at the front door, BUT I sent her away.”

Janine paused, stunned. “Anything else?”, she asked.

Of course she had to ask.

“She kissed me”, he said, visibly wincing.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, MARK. I mean, c’mon!” She raised both arms in frustration.

She glared at him. “What am I supposed to say? Good job?!”

“I didn’t want this”, Mark pleaded.

“And why do you think she came to OUR house? Why?” she pressed.

Mark didn’t expect her to ask that question. “I, I don’t know”, he responded.

“It’s because you led her on, and she knows you’re weak”

The comment stung Mark, and Janine’s face showed she was deadly serious.

“It’s in your nature to give into women like her, Mark. It’s in your DNA.”

This conversation was not going where he had expected it to. Instead of being told he had made a wrong moral choice, he was now getting a lecture on male inferiority.

“Did she have big titties? A real nice ass maybe?” She asked, already knowing the answer.

Mark didn’t want to admit it, but he nodded. But the shape of her body was the furthest thing on his mind right now.

“Of course she did, cuz that’s what every male wants. As soon as she shook her tits and ass at you, you couldn’t control that dick of yours, right?” she shouted.

Mark shrugged in annoyance. “I messed up, I know that. I got frustrated with ... us. So I made a mistake. That’s all. It’s not like I invited her over!”

“It doesn’t matter what you said to her. It matters what your body told her.”

“What are you talking about?” Mark yelled. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Of course it does. You don’t even know what nonverbal communication you’re putting out there. To that skank, you were telling her how easy you’d be, and how easy it would be to take your money. OUR money!” she shouted.

“I made a mistake. That’s it” Mark countered.

He still doesn’t understand, Janine realized.

“Let’s just move past this, Janine. I love you, and we need to make this work.”

Janine sighed, “It’s not that simple, Mark. Now that we know what the issue is, there is no easy solution.”

“No, it won’t happen again, Janine. I fucked up once, but I’m not gonna do it again. You two mean too much to me.”

“I know you mean well, Mark, but this isn’t something you can wish away. It’s basic biology. And now that you’ve gotten a taste for higher evolutionary standards, you’re going to want it all the time.”


“What are you talking about? Do you know how crazy you sound?” Mark’s face showed his confusion.

“Tell me Mark- have you been thinking about her?”

“What do you mean?” Mark asked stupidly.

“Tell me the truth” Janine said.

Mark decided that honesty was still the best policy. Lying just to win the argument was not going to work. Not with Janine.

“Yeah, so?” Mark answered, trying to play it off as not that big of a deal.

“Have you masturbated to her?” Janine said with the same fury.

Mark had a deer in the headlights look. There was no way out of this.

“A little” he admitted.

“Do you even know why she has you so twisted?”

“I’m not twisted ... I just ... have to forget about her” Mark worked out.

“But you can’t, and that’s the problem Mark” Janine countered. “You’re obsessed with her body, and you want to have sex with her. Admit it!” Janine yelled.

“No. I don’t know”, Mark said, unsure of himself. He looked back up at Janine, who was standing with her arms crossed, “I still love you”, he pleaded.

I love you too, Janine thought, even after this revelation. But that’s not what she was going to say. She had to be strong now. “You say you love me, but you can’t even control yourself around her”, she accused.

“She’s not coming back” Mark replied.

“And if she did, she could seduce you in a second. Our maybe it will be some other woman on the street that you see, and you’ll follow her home”

“Please” Mark said, hurt.

“I can’t trust you anymore, Mark. You’re obviously lusting after other women, and our relationship can’t last with that.”

“Plenty of marriages have rough patches, honey. We just need to be strong and get through it.” Mark tried to get closer to Janine, but she wasn’t having it.

“All you think with is your cock, Mark. Have you even thought about our daughter?” Janine said, pointing out of the bedroom.

“Janine, I have to tell you something” Mark said, wincing. Just tell her- she’s going to find out one way or another.

“She saw us kissing.” Mark looked away for fear of inciting violence.

That fucking bastard. “My little girl watched you kiss that ... that whore?!” She screamed.

“I ... didn’t know” Mark said meekly.

“We’re done” Janine said with finality. “Mark...”

“Baby no-”

“I want a divorce”

There was silence as the words sunk in. “Janine, please”

“And I’m taking Emma” Janine continued, “Don’t try to fight it. You’ll lose.”

Another silence. Mark felt as if his heart had been ripped out-

“Please, Janine, I’ll do anything. Don’t do this!” Mark felt weak in the knees, his soul crushed.

But Janine just stared him down, challenging him to stop her. She had the moral high ground, after all.

“Please, anything! I love you!” Mark went down to his knees.

“There is a way for you to come back from this”, Janine said softly. Mark had a look of hope.

“You have to admit your male weakness for sex, and devote yourself to me”

“Sure, whatever you want” Mark said, nodding. He was willing to play whatever games she wanted.

“Take off your clothes” Janine said in a commanding voice.

Mark stopped for a second, wondering why she was having him do this. “Okay” he replied. If it was going to save their marriage, he was willing to embarrass himself.

After Mark was naked, still kneeling, Janine took off her pants, and sat on the bed again.

“You must learn to worship my body, to rid yourself of your other temptations” she explained.

Mark nodded, waiting for her to continue her demands. “And you must obey my commands, without question. Do you understand?” She told him sternly.


“Then worship me” she told him, lifting her foot up.

Mark took another second to process the situation, and then he put his lips on her foot.

Janine felt the kisses start lightly, then increase in pressure and duration.

He’s taking to it well so far, she realized, with surprise.

“Focus on my feet, and listen to my words” Janine instructed, in a calming voice. “Feel my words enter your mind, and take hold ... Yes, that’s it. Love my foot, like your life depends on it. Like your happiness depends on it.”

Janine felt his earnestness, and was relieved.

“Close your eyes and lose your senses, focusing only on the touch and feel of my foot. Feel the softness of it. Taste the skin upon your lips, and in your mouth.”

Janine was a little surprised to feel Mark’s saliva on her toes, and she had to suppress the tickling sensation.

Oohhh, that feels good, she thought, as Mark’s hands started kneading her foot. It felt like her stress was fading away.

But she also felt there was an opportunity that could not be passed up-

“Keep going, focusing only on my foot, and my words. Let them become your instruction, your commands to follow. Worship my feet, and feel the desire grow inside you.”

She watched him sucking on her toes, eyes closed in adoration. She hadn’t seen him treat her like this since they were first married.

“As you follow my commands and worship me, you find that you are becoming more and more aroused. You like this feeling of service, and you want to obey your goddess.” Mark seemed to agree, so she continued, “You know you are not worthy of me, to touch my body. So you are eternally grateful to me.”

Mark took all of her toes in his mouth, and slid his tongue in between the spaces. Janine tilted her head back and bit her lip, desperately fighting off the tickle.

After about 15 seconds, she was able to control herself again-

“That’s right, keep adoring my foot. It gives you such pleasure to service your goddess, and to obey her commands.”

It was time for the next step. “Now I want you to work up to my ankle with your mouth. As you do, think on your unworthiness, and how wonderful it feels to touch me. To adore me.”

Mark obeyed, moving his tongue up to her ankle.

“You feel blessed to touch your master in this way, and you know you would do anything I ask.” Janine watched Mark closely, and figured the words were sinking in.

“Your master commands you to lick higher now. That’s it”, she cooed. “Feel the adoration for your goddess, who controls your mind and body. Submit yourself to me.”

Mark nodded as his face made it to Janine’s upper shin. He agrees with everything I say. I have to keep going.

Janine slid herself forward toward the edge of the bed, and felt Mark’s mouth on her lower thigh.

“You must prove your loyalty to me, slave, by worshipping my sex”, she told him, stroking his hair.

Peering over the bed, she could see his full hard on, dangling uselessly underneath him. It was her turn for a change.

Janine pushed his head away so that she could remove her panties-

“Keep your eyes closed, servant, and think upon your submission. Think of my superiority, my power, and my undeniable sex. Feel my words commanding your will, and driving you too full servitude.”

Janine pulled her panties off and tossed then on the floor.

“When I tell you to open your eyes, you will come face to face with your master. And when you do, you will feel complete devotion and obedience. Do you understand?”

“Yes”, Mark responded.

“Open them”, she commanded.

Mark looked and saw Janine’s pussy only inches away from his face. His eyes widened as he stared at her labia, realizing how much he wanted to touch it.

“Give yourself to your master” Janine intoned.

Mark silently closed his eyes and obeyed, opening his mouth to touch lips. As soon as he did, Janine “ooohed” in excitement, having slowly built up her arousal the past few minutes.

The wet tongue on her inner labia felt electrifying, as if an electric eel was trying to go inside her.

“Mmmm” Janine moaned. She was tensing her legs from the onslaught of Mark’s pleasurable cunnilingus.

“You please your master” Janine breathed, closing her eyes momentarily. “Keep worshipping me, and ... feel your desire ... grow with each passing moment. “ Janine was having a hard time focusing.

“Oh!” Janine exclaimed, surprised by an abrupt wave of pleasure. She leaned back on her elbows.

Feeling Janine shift, Mark proceeded to insert his tongue directly inside her, pressing his face as hard against her vagina as he could. Janine froze and stifled another moan.

Fuck that feels good!

“That’s right ... obey your master ... mmmm ... because it feels so right.”

Janine leaned forward again, and propped herself up with her left arm. She grasped Mark’s hair with her right, and ran her fingers through it.

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Carefully I tuck my children into bed, pulling the blankets over their shoulders and kissing their foreheads goodnight. Gosh they look like such angels laying there falling asleep. I stand above them for a moment watching their peaceful faces and begin to envy them. Their lives are so simply at this point, not like mine. Oh did I envy them. Turning off the lamp I slowly close the door behind me, careful not to make a sound. Moving down the hall I come upon my bedroom, where my wonderful...

1 year ago
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Femme NataleChapter 2

“Just tell me when and where” Janine said with disgust. Betty nodded, trying to keep her excitement in. It wasn’t the right time for celebrating, after all. “Our meetings are in the old Holiday Inn building. There’s one every Saturday” Betty explained. “I’ll be there” Janine responded tersely. After Mark left the house Friday night, Janine started feeling guilty about what she said- not anymore I’m not, she thought. She had assumed that Mark was blowing off steam by hitting one of the...

3 years ago
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Femme NataleChapter 4

Okay, looks like the coast is clear Jimmy took one last look at his moonlit surroundings, before sneaking away from the stone wall towards the house. Or rather, towards the mansion. The three-story building towered over the 15 acre property, which was sprawling with hedges, lawn decorations, and time-tested stone walls. It looked and felt like one of those old, villainous hideouts from the movies. Which made Jimmy the secret agent trying to gain access to this lair. Bond ... Jimmy...

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Femme NataleChapter 5

Peter Sweeney was the kind of guy who didn’t take shit from anyone. And at 6’2”, and 230 lbs of muscle, he didn’t have to. But he was finding his new job as chief arms purchaser to be a stressful one, ever since he took over for Bill Haverluck. And after their most recent meeting ended, he went straight to his favorite dive. “That prick doesn’t know his dick from his own asshole” he grumbled crudely to himself. He was thinking about the conversation he had with his superior, when he saw...

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Femme NataleChapter 6

You want to submit to me, baby. It would feel so good... You want my body so bad, you can feel it in your cock... Focus on my voice, and listen to my words... You want to be my slave, to obey my commands... Submission is pleasure, and only I can give you release... Call me ‘Master’, and I will grant you an orgasm... Submit to me, and surrender your secrets... There is no escaping me, I am a part of you now... You want to worship me, to humble yourself... Give in to your...

3 years ago
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Femme NataleChapter 7

Just one more week, and all those dirty, sexist politicians are going down. Antone walked down the crowded New Philadelphia street, head tilted down, avoiding eye contact. Not only did he avoid social interactions, but he needed to reach his destination on time. Seeing a blonde strutting her hot self down the street, Antone quickly averted his gaze, and stepped off to the side. Not even a sideways glance. Heh, they won’t see me coming. Antone could’ve taken one of the unmanned taxi’s to...

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Femmes of Spring Break The Coffee Shop

Dorothea finished typing a paragraph into her computer and sat back, looking at the screen with a frown. She shuffled through some of her notes and stared at a pile of books with torn paper bookmarks protruding at intervals. She sighed. “Nothing for it, gotta go back to the library.” She straightened up her desk and put on a jaunty yellow and blue hat.She was down the steps, across the walkway and out of the gate before the unseasonably warm spring weather distracted her from academic...

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Femmes of Spring Break The Art Gallery

Angie pawed through her closet, searching for the perfect dress. Hard to strike the right balance, she mused. Gordy’s photography gallery opening needs class and elegance, not sexy. My old prom dress would be over the top. She pulled out a formfitting, low-cut black dress, shook her head and hung it back on the rack. Frowning, she sat at her combination vanity/desk.Think design, girl. The main attraction are Gordy’s photos of nature subjects with fuzzy focus trees as the background....

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Femmes of Spring Break The Manor

Jenna and her college roommate, Sondra, settled into their seats for the three hour flight to Sondra’s hometown. Sondra, evidently exhausted from finals, promptly tilted her seat back and fell asleep. Jenna, wired from the coffee she’d drunk to study for her geology final, found reflecting on her first six months away from home more interesting than the airline magazine.Classes had been about as she expected, challenging but not overwhelming. Some of the weekend parties far surpassed anything...

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Femmed By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold This story features characters from The Julieverse Stories Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold (There's a list of characters at the end of the story) Chapter 1 Dana Rawlings hit save on his computer, got...

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Femmericks By Lenal A dad took his kid to the mall Told the wizard, "She asked for a doll" So now every day, She says, "Daddy, let's play," And then he's the best Barbie of all. A builder's responses were crass When the witch said he used half his ass So she made the big jerk Put his whole tush to work When he dances each night, as a lass. Young Susie experienced joy When she broke lonely Billy's new toy. Doc Smith made her play nice With his TG device In a tale tagged...

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Femmetown By Simone Clark By day, I was an ordinary man with a job, wife and no children, important responsibilities and all the things being a modern man entails. However, when I had spare time for myself, I became my female alter-ego Simone and lived my as close to the feminine ideal as I could. I would revel in my dresses, heels, and hose as I went into public dressed as a woman and passed. I was also friends with several other cross dressers, trans people, and members in the BDSM...

3 years ago
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BrodricksburgChapter 11

By ten o'clock Thursday morning I had exited I-380 onto I-84 east and was approaching the Mount Cobb exit when I spotted it. The light blue Malibu was about 25 car lengths behind me. Too far back for me to be sure that it was Van Horn but I was sure the car was following me. I had my cruise control set at 75 MPH. Most of the other traffic on the road was either traveling faster or slower than me but the Malibu was keeping pace with me. I needed to be sure. I was coming up on a...

2 years ago
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A Trip To Chennai

Hi Everyone, before beginning the story, I would like to thank all of you who mailed me feedback for my first story – ‘My Lucky Bus Ride’. If it was not for all the positive reviews I received for that, I wouldn’t have attempted to write a second story. After about a month after I posted my previous story on this site, I received a mail with subject line – “Hi:) i read your story in indiansexstories site. Loved t :) i like to hav some fun :)” Without any content in the body or anything about...

2 years ago
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Bus Mein Mili Ek Ladki Ko Choda

Dosto main akash (nam badla hua) apni pehli sex story likhne ja raha hu…. Ye kahani meri or ek bus traveller rosy ki hai jiska figure 36b-28-36 hai…ek din bus mein safar karte mujhe ek ladki mili jisi dekhkar hi man chodne ka kar raha tha yeh real story hai…..Jo mujhe lohri(punjab ka famous festival)ke near mili.Main dusre city se bus mein apni city ki taraf aa raha tha or wo mujhse pehle hi bus m mojood thi par hamari koi baat nahi hui… jaisi hi bus stand aaya to main utarne k liye gate k pass...

1 year ago
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Muth Se Chut Tak Ki Yatra

Hi friends… Mera naam anurag hai, mein aaj aapke samne ek kahani pesh karne jar aha hu..jo meri apni sachi kahani hai. Baat un dino ki hai jab mein meine bsc me admission liya tha , 12th maine apne home town se hi kiya tha lekin hamare home town mein 12th k aage education nahi thi isliye mujhe bsc k liye modinagar jana pada. Pehle mein aapko wo kahani batata hu jab mein chut k bare mein or sex k maze k bare mein jana. Mein 10th mein hi chut k bare mein sabkuch jaan gaya tha or muth bhi marne...

3 years ago
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Blank Slate

Blossom reveled in the stares from the men and women alike as she sought a likely target. Even in a big city, someone like her would be sure to turn heads. Not that there truly was anyone like her, not yet. But this mall should serve her purposes nicely. Yes, she'd cased the area earlier, and found a bathroom where she knew there would be no security camera surveillance. Let them stare! Let them stare at the way her tight, white cocktail dress hugged her impossible curves and accentuated each...

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Quite Neighborly

The wind gusted as Wendy climbed out of her car.  She closed her eyes against the strands of auburn hair trying to fly into them, and then smoothed back the tresses when the wind abated.  All the work she’d done this morning had been destroyed in a few seconds, but she wasn’t troubled.  She was returning home without dread, which was still a novel enough experience for her to ignore the little disasters.It had started with her first roommate in college, and continued on to the apartment complex...

3 years ago
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Testing Aunt V

By BlackstrokerIntroduction:He suspects that his Aunt V would let him, but plays it safe just in case he'd misread the signals.Testing Aunt VI’d been lusting after my sexy aunt Velma, Aunt V to us k**s in the family, my mom’s younger sister, ever since I was thirteen, after I walked in on her one day a year ago, wearing only tiny white see thru panties, during a visit to her home. The plump lump of pussy and the high round long nipple breasts that greeted my eyes that day stirred things in my...

1 year ago
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Flight to Phoenix

Flight to Phoenix By: Rachael Free Well it was off to Phoenix to do some more boring work. I asked Rachael to come with me and as soon as the trip started, so did the fun. Cum along as I tell you a wonderful story about the perks of traveling. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz It was another Monday afternoon in the office when my boss walked up to me to inform me of a trip to Phoenix. I was in the automation department of my company and was a key item to the startup of our newest robots....

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 66 Matrimonial Projects

The day following this scene, at the hour the banker usually chose to pay a visit to Madame Danglars on his way to his office, his coupe did not appear. At this time, that is, about half-past twelve, Madame Danglars ordered her carriage, and went out. Danglars, hidden behind a curtain, watched the departure he had been waiting for. He gave orders that he should be informed as soon as Madame Danglars appeared; but at two o'clock she had not returned. He then called for his horses, drove to...

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Cyber Stalker

I was stalking her. She was 5?5? with light brown hair, eyes that could pierce your soul, an olive complexion, and had just enough meat on her bones to give her 34D breasts justification for being there. She wasn?t an athlete by any stretch of the word. She probably never worked out and had given up on loosing that 10 to 15 lbs that would put her on par with the beauties of her age. For me that was part of her allure. She had that touch of geek in her that after school specials said made...

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“Put this on,” he murmurs and his boyish sparkle glows brighter.“What is it?” “A blindfold.” I lean away from him, narrowing my eyes.        “What do I need a blindfold for?”"The surprise. I promise you I’m not looking to have my wicked way with you… yet.” That slow promise in his voice in that single short word ‘yet’ sends resonating throbs of desire straight through me from my breasts all the way to my thighs. “I not sure that I trust you,” I tease, relaxing a little more, squeezing my legs...

Love Stories
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The Sergeants ConcubinesChapter 3

His abrupt promotion to lieutenant in the Nevada DPS got Roger Bertram thinking. If he played things right, he could have a couple of concubines, but no more than that. Well, he could put them to work in some way to help earn their keep, or at least one of them. Actually, having one around to clean the house would be nice as well. Since his wife Alice had left him for a casino manager in Vegas (she regretted marrying a man who wasn't rich), Roger hadn't had anyone to take care of the house....

3 years ago
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Young Dumb And Full Of Cum 8211 Part 2 Sissy8217s Anal Fuck

Please read my previous part for more information, but I will skim over it now. I had just met Prashanth from Locanto, a really pushy guy who made me give him a blowjob and left and was set to return the next day. (Saturday) Now, on Friday during our first meet, we made out after the blowjob and then he left. I found myself extremely horny, however, no rock-hard erection or anything. I did leak through my underpants, so much that the shorts I was wearing on top of it developed a wet spot....

Gay Male
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Candys break up

Candy started crying as she threw her phone. Candy broke up with her fiance started going around the office. As the gossip spread, word got to the office manager. Beth came over and asked if she could help. Wiping her tears Candy asked, does everyone know. Taking her hand Beth said come with me. I'm alright, she said. Pulling her up Beth said, let's get out of here for a while. Grabbing her coat Beth lead her to the elevator. Going down Candy leaned on Beth and started crying again. What you...

3 years ago
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Tempestuous EnticementsChapter 17

Slipping into the hall, all seems quiet. He sees Candace’s bedroom door closed and assumes that his mother is resting after her masturbation session. His cock twitches at the thought of his mother taking it in the ass like a whore. He shakes his head and grins. He had just fucked his cousin and he doesn’t want to make it worse by starting to have thoughts about his own mother too. He is so wrapped up with thought that he doesn’t even notice that the bath is occupied until he is standing right...

3 years ago
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Dream Dream Dream

Dream. Dream. Dream.At 28 years old, Abby (short for Abbigail) was happy. At 30 years old, Jason was happy too.Abby, was a loving wife of 5 years, having known Jason for nearly 8 years. They were totally in love from the first moment they saw each other.Not just a normal Husband & Wife, they were Master and Slave. They were made for each other.Abby was a looker, no doubt about that. 5ft 3 tall, slim body she had worked hard to keep in shape, nice blonde hair just past shoulder length and light...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Angel Emily Hardcore DP Threesome

Exquisite doll Angel Emily may be tiny, but wow can this petite perfect 10 take on big dongs with ease. Join her as her boyfriend takes her to a business meeting, knowing with her looks and love for hardcore fucking that she will be able to help him close his deal in any way she needs to. Sure enough, it’s not long before her panties are off and she’s blowing the client’s huge hard on before taking both meaty cocks at once in this premium Hands on Hardcore scene. You’ll...

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Whats Wrong With Me 1

Also, there are references to fictional characters from real tv-shows - which I used without permission from the owners, nor do I claim any rights to anything but that which came from my own mind! And just a word about the setting. I was imagining a world similar to the later incarnations of a very popular and ongoing sci-fi staple, though slightly darker.... This was the first truly hard-core story I wrote, and as such, I had to make the setting comfortable enough for me to get over my...

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The Alpha gang

There is nothing we can do iam sorry miss, i trully am...was the answer from the Local cops''O know he is there why dont you go get my little boy please please beg you''''walk with me i want to show you something''at the precinct following the chief officer''i warn you its not easy to accept but it is what it is''he got her to a viewing room and she sat as the chief started the screena young girl getting interrofate by him''we want to help you get out, your parents are crazy worried , all you...

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A chance opportunity

She stood next to me, a short girl of 5′ 2′. Her dark brown hair, almost verging on black was covering the majority of her face. She was hiding her beauty away from the world tonight. This was a gathering for a friend’s father who had recently passed. All of his friends had come in support of his family. His father was a famous man- but it was still a shock at the number of people who were in attendance. There really wasn’t enough room for everyone to be seated, so the elderly were in the...

3 years ago
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My Last Fantasy I Wish I were Marcos Part II

Raquel was now seized by curiosity, and decided to unzip Marcos' pant. She got surprised by the tremendous, huge rod she reckoned nearing the 22 centimeters long. That dick was so thick her hand would be unable to enclose or wrap around the shaft. Her inquisitiveness had augmented thus she got on her knees to take a closer stare.The massive cock was now in front of her face, and Raquel couldn't resist, tempted by the devil: She wished to know how that huge bar would feel into her mouth, and...

1 year ago
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Master comes home

It is Friday evening and master is almost home. I have dinner on the table and am kneeling at the door waiting for him. Then I hear his key in the lock and he opens the door to see me kneeling in front of him. I told him that dinner was ready. So we ate and he brought me to the living room. He asked if I had missed him, I told him I always miss him when he is gone and I crawled up his chest and made out with him passionately. After a while he pushed me away. Then he says that he has something...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Gaby Ortega Ahegao Teen

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? Let’s get right into this new Labs update! Ahegao is a longtime turn-on for porno fans worldwide – what could be better than watching the hottest babes savor every second of a sensational orgasm?! Ahegao is a face made by a woman experiencing pure ecstasy during particularly awesome sex. We wanted to play around with the trend and deliver our take on it to our fans. In this episode, the ultra-cute Gaby receives tutoring from Peter. But she can’t stop thinking about...

2 years ago
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A Legal Trap Chapter 1

March 8th, 10:46 AM I had my head buried in briefs all morning and totally spaced on the time, so it wasn't much of a surprise to look up and see Lisa standing outside my office. I mouthed 'Sorry...' to which she just gave me a look like, 'Girl, get your ass out here!' I smiled and so did she, opening the door and complaining, "We're late... Gonna miss me some Bryant downstairs! Sheesh!" I shook my head, "Not like you're ever going to ask him out..." I instantly regretted saying...

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