Femme Tourmente free porn video

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Carefully I tuck my children into bed, pulling the blankets over their shoulders and kissing their foreheads goodnight. Gosh they look like such angels laying there falling asleep. I stand above them for a moment watching their peaceful faces and begin to envy them. Their lives are so simply at this point, not like mine. Oh did I envy them.

Turning off the lamp I slowly close the door behind me, careful not to make a sound. Moving down the hall I come upon my bedroom, where my wonderful husband lays fast asleep. I sigh contently at the sight, so glad I have a man like him. I truly am fortunate to have the family I have. To have a home like this, a wonderful car, and a good job. Yet... There has always been something missing. Something that I've secretly craved for a long, long time. Something that I can no longer go on without trying at least one time.

With the most guilty of feelings I take my purse off the nightstand and carefully close the bedroom door. I make as little noise as possible as I move towards the front of the house. It takes a lot of courage to turn that knob, but I do.

For twenty minutes I drive through the city. Even though I know where I'm going, I still feel lost. This is a big step I'm taking. Until now it had all been in my mind. My dreams, my fantasies. All safely tucked away in the back of my twisted brain since high school. Back when 'She' first stuck it in there.

I was leaving my family behind, if only briefly, to finally realize the desires of that day so long ago.

Turning the corner I instantly see them. Young hardly dressed women of the night walking up and down the street. White, Asian, Black, or Hispanic. All competing for the attention of the various dark tinted cars passing along their sides. I remain at the corner, my car running idle as I stare at the women, looking for the one I'm here to see.

"Last chance", I whisper to myself. I still didn't have to do this. As much as my cunt was begging to push the car forward my brain was pleading for me to turn the wheel around. To go back to my kids, my husband, my home. To be a normal woman who didn't need to act out her panty drenching fantasies.

I might have actually listened to my brain if I had not seen her a moment later. The dark complexion of the girl I had come to see was unmistakable. The girl who I had been watching walk up and down these streets for almost a month. The black girl I had chosen to abuse my body tonight like the black girl in high school never did.

Turning off my brain, my foot presses on the gas. Rounding the corner I move the car closer and closer. I could clearly see she was wearing her typical street outfit. Micro skirt hugging her ass, tight pink tube top revealing every curve and bump of her breasts, and of course those shiny red high heels.

I'm almost upon her when she finally turns my way and notices the green SUV rolling along side her. Pressing fully on the breaks, the car comes to a stop just as she taps on the passenger window. With one last deep breath I press it down.

I can see the look of surprise when she sees who the driver is, clearly not expecting a woman. She takes a moment to look into the back seat to see if there is anyone else, then looks back at me.

"Looking for a good time tonight Mrs?"

I shyly nod my head, too nervous to know what else to do.

She casually opens the unlocked door and gets in. I'm amazed that I've actually gotten this far, having a prostitute inside my car. The only question left to know is if she'd actually do what I ask once I tell her. If she can look past the odd nature of my request and satisfy what I crave from her.

"In here or someplace else?"

I look at her dumbly, mentally too buzzed to react to her question.

"You want to get your freak on in the car or someplace else?"

"Someplace else." I whisper, gaining slightly my senses.

"Ok, but your paying for the room as well."

I nod, then allow her to direct me a couple blocks until we arrive at a modest looking motel complex. The whole time that I'm driving I can see her looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I can tell she's trying to figure me out and discover what game I might be playing. Why would this normal looking white woman in an SUV be requesting services from a girl like her?

While she waited outside, I went into the lobby to get a room. The guy must have seen how nervous I was as my shaking hand signed for the room and took the key from him. Thankfully he didn't bother to ask of my troubles.

Room #4 was what he had given to me. The girl was waiting right there beside me as I fumbled to unlock the door. By now she had lost her earlier curiosity about me and was impatiently waiting for me to get it all over with. For a brief moment I consider backing out, questioning the craziness of my actions. What was I doing here? Did I really need this black woman to satisfy my deepest, oldest, most perverse fantasy? Wasn't masturbation good enough anymore?

Before pushing the door open, I look back one last time and see her pretty black face. No, masturbation just wouldn't do it for me any more.

I was ever so nervous as she sat there on the bed in silence, studying me, trying to figure out if I was legit or just as crazy as I sounded. I couldn't stop from fidgeting as she stared at me from the corner of the bed, making me feel like such a fool. Who asks such things? This was wrong.

"You want me to do what?"

I knew she wouldn't immediately understand. It's so complicated, yet so childish.

"I... want you to... (I took another watery swallow)... Dominate Me!"

Again she stared at me, probably trying to form a picture of my absurdity in her mind. It wasn't forming quickly enough.

"Well, like how?"

Gosh I was hoping she wouldn't ask too many questions. I just pay her and she'd dominate me. What's so hard to understand?

"I want you to treat me... like... (I held my breath)... dirt!"

A smile crept across her pretty young face. A smile that told me she liked what she was hearing, even if so strange. Then the smile turned to one of greater curiosity.


"Oh please, must we discuss this? I'm willing to pay..."

"Lady, its not every day that a fancy looking white woman with an SUV asks me to treat her like dirt. What's the catch?"

Catch? This girl wants to know if there's a catch? Can't she just say yes? Can't she just agree to punish me like that black bitch in high school should have?

"Either you tell me what you really are here for, or I'm out of here!"

With that she got to her feet and made for the door.

"WAIT!" I cried after her. I didn't get this close only to get denied. "Please don't go."

She turned around and looked directly at me.

"I... have this... fantasy..."


"Its about this girl I knew back in high school. A black girl."

"Go on!" She raised an eyebrow of perked curiosity as I lowered my gaze to the floor shamefully.

"Well, she and I... well... never really got along. You see she was one of the few black girls at the school at the time and well, my girl friends and I would made fun of her incessantly."

"That doesn't sound very nice of you." She now looked a little perturbed.

"Yes well... that's what young girls do to others who don't exactly 'fit in'."

"You don't have to tell me lady. I've grown up hearing the shit you white women say behind our backs."

A tingle went up my spine at those words. I was getting slightly worried that I might offend her. Yet the look in her eyes told me I better continue explaining myself.

"I... I think I may have been the worst to her. I was always one of the first girls to start something up, making fun of her hair, her cloths, her face, her background..."

"And she just took it? She never tried to get back at you?" I could definitely sense the anger in her voice.

"No, never. Until one day that is."

The young prostitute slowly made her way back to the bed where she sat on its edge, now apparently ready to here the real reason why we were both here. She looked at me with renewed interest.

"It happened on a day that I was particularly nasty to her. My friends and I just couldn't leave her alone in one of our classes and I could tell she was both miserable and angry at us for doing so. Yet as naive as I was, I thought nothing of how enraged we were actually making her. I should have seen it coming, but I simply wasn't prepared for what she had planed after school."

I could see that she was now very much interested in my story.

"Usually my two best friends and I headed home through the fields at the back of the school. We lived not too far from there and it was usually a rather quick walk. I guess she knew we'd be going through there again that day."

"And? Did she finally teach you bitch's a lesson?"

Another shiver went through my body. I knew what the answer to her question was. I've thought about it for all of my adult life.

"No, she didn't!"

The whore just sat there looking at me, waiting for more explanation.

"Later that day, as we rounded the corner of the school, she surprised the three of us from behind. All I heard was my name being shouted, and by the time I finished turning around, a black hand had hit me HARD across my face. I saw stares as I stumbled back. The next thing I knew I was being pushed hard against a wall, her face inches away from mine. Both my friends were cowering on their knees, their cheeks red as well."

A defiant smile went from ear to ear on the black prostitute, obviously approving of the actions taken thus far by the black heroin in my story.

"I tried to fight her off, to push her away from me. But after several more slaps, I had tears in my eyes and was totally powerless. When I felt her fingers around my neck, my attention was completely hers."

"What else did she do?"

"Not much else physically. She simply held my neck tightly in her hand as she berated me. Cursing my friends and I, calling us horrible horrible names."

"Tell me what she called you girls."

"She... called us... Stupid White Racist Cunts!

The whore nodded approvingly. I just knew my checks were red with shame.

"By the time she was done yelling, she had thoroughly assured that I would NEVER bother her again. Releasing my neck from her grasp I fell to my knees where she spat on me before storming off past my friends.


"And I never bothered her again."

I could see the look of disappointment in her eyes. She, like I, clearly hoped that there would be more to the story.

"So tell me lady. Why are we both in this motel room tonight?"

"Because... well... when I had fallen to my knees, my... I mean... I was... wet!" She just continued staring at me, not a change in her expression. "And... my nipples were... hard!" Still no look of change in her face. "Ever since, all I have ever thought about was that day. Her fingers around my neck with her face inches from mine, her voice pounding into my ears, my friends in tears on the floor. Gosh did she seem so powerful, so dominant over me. I felt so weak, so pathetic, so... helpless before her. Ever since I've dreamed, no... masturbated to the thoughts of what if. What if she'd decided to truly teach me a lesson for being a... 'Stupid racist white cunt'? What if she would have punished me like I've fantasiesed all these years? What if? That is why I am here with you tonight. I want you to punish me like she never did."

I looked pleadingly at her, breathless form the pouring of emotional words I had just given. Yet her face the whole time remained unchanged, unmoved.

For a minute we both stared at each other. I was getting very nervous. Surely she must think I am crazy. Surely she must realize the perverse nature of my request. What woman would want another to abuse her, black or white, money or for free?

Finally a smirk came over her gorgeous face.

"Take off your blouse."

I held my breath for a moment. Did she just want me to take it off? Did this mean she was actually agreeing to do it?

The stern look on her face instinctively brought my hands up to my buttons. The whole time I was unbuttoning all I could do was look at her, trying to gain a hint of what she was thinking. My blouse fell away and landed by my feet on the floor. Her eyes immediately centering upon my bra covered chest.

"Remove it."

With an electric sigh I reached back and unclasped my bra from behind, pulling it forward and letting my pale white breasts fall free. Instantly a sly smirk appeared on her face as she gazed the size of my tits. For the first time since high school, I was feeling helpless before a black woman.

I allowed the bra to fall from my hands.

Never taking her eyes off my chest, she rose from the bed and slowly moved towards where I was standing. By now I was distinctly trembling before her.

A moan escaped my lips when her warm, soft hands cupped both fleshy orbs. I freely admit how nice it felt to be fondled this delicate way. Closing my eyes I passively stood there as I let her play with them, feeling her fingers roam, before finding their way to the center of each breast, to the rock hard nipples I knew were begging for attention. Gosh did I need this. Even with out the fantasies, I so needed it.

"Four hundred dollars." I opened my eyes and looked at her.

I had almost forgotten about this part, the negotiation. As her fingers tightened around each nipple, I was hardly in any position to disagree with her price. Numbly I nodded my head.

"You're crazy you know that?"

Again I numbly nodded my head. I surely was.

Letting go of my nipples she walked back to the edge of the bed and retook her seat upon it.

"First you pay! I don't want you complaining afterwards that I was too hard with you."

I quickly made my way over to my purse across the room. I wanted this to begin as soon as possible. As I moved my breasts jiggled quite comical I'm sure. Reaching down I picked my purse up off the chair and opened it, pulling out four crisp hundred dollar bills. Walking back over to her she took them from my hand.

"You know I will never understand you white women," she said mockingly as she held the bills up to the light, checking if they were real. "always acting as if you're the top of the gene pool," She placed the bills into her top, between her dark cleavage. "only to show up here begging to get..."

She paused in mid sentence, for the first time noticing the trembling of my body. She could see how nervous I really was.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked, for the first time with a hint of compassion. I pleadingly nodded my head, looking her straight in the eyes. I needed this more than she knew.

With a sigh of indifference she told me to put my hands behind my head. My stomach was actually jerking with my failed attempts to breath normally. It was finally, actually happening. All my fantasies, all my dreams, I was finally going to live them.

With my hands clasped above my neck, my breasts lifted towards her.


I blink several times at her. Beg? But... but I was paying her?

"Please, don't make me." I whimpered, realizing how much more embarrassing it would be to do so.

"No begging, no playing!"

I looked back to her face, a small tear collecting in my right eye.

"Please... Mistress, will... you..."

"MISTRESS? HAH, no one has ever called me that before. I like it, say it again!"

"Please Mistress, will you kindly... punish me?" I looked down at my chest at the two white swaying orbs. The same two orbs my husband loves to fondle and caresses. The same breasts I've always been proud of. The same two tits that I was now offering to the hands of a twenty something black prostitute.

"Punish what Lady? What of yours would you like me to have punished?"

There was no longer any reason to hide pretenses. I was paying her to abuse my body, and it was time to tell her to do exactly that.

"My TITS Mistress! Please punish them!"

I heard a giggle escape her lips.

"But they are such pretty white things. Why would you want to make them all red and sore?"

"Please, just hurt them!" I couldn't believe I was actually begging this much for it. Didn't she have four hundred dollars in her top for her trouble?

"Not until pretty white lady tells me why she wants a black whore to smack her cute little titties!"

"Because... because..."



The words just flowed out of my mouth magically. I didn't even think I had the guts to say them. Yet the moment I did, a gasp quickly escaped my lips as she struck my left breast with her open palm, totally unprepared for the stinging pain surging to my brain. She paused, allowing my breasts to finish jiggling about on my chest. I always knew the breasts were sensitive, but...

This time, my right breast jiggled about as I bit my lower lip.

"Please, more!" I croaked.


The left, then the right breast went swaying as she delivered two equally forceful blows. I instinctively dropped my hands over my trebling tits, bringing them into my chest. I tried to rub the soreness out of them, but they still stung painfully. My paid tormentress sat patiently until I again placed my hands behind my head, offering my reddening tits for more of her punishment.

"Is this what's supposed to happens to racist white bitches when they cross black women? Are their big white titties supposed to get slapped to teach them a lesson?"

I numbly nodded my head.

I moaned painfully as my knees grew weak. I struggle to remain standing with my hands behind me. The pain was unreal, but boy did I ever feel so alive!

Tears were streaming down my cheeks as my tits flew every which way in tune with her swatting hands. The weight on my chest constantly shifting from the heavy abuse. I managed to close my eyes and imagine myself once again on that field. My friends on the grass in shock and tears, watching the hated black bitch grasping my neck against the wall, her hands coming across my exposed chest, teaching me the lesson I never got.

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Femme NataleChapter 6

You want to submit to me, baby. It would feel so good... You want my body so bad, you can feel it in your cock... Focus on my voice, and listen to my words... You want to be my slave, to obey my commands... Submission is pleasure, and only I can give you release... Call me ‘Master’, and I will grant you an orgasm... Submit to me, and surrender your secrets... There is no escaping me, I am a part of you now... You want to worship me, to humble yourself... Give in to your...

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Femme NataleChapter 7

Just one more week, and all those dirty, sexist politicians are going down. Antone walked down the crowded New Philadelphia street, head tilted down, avoiding eye contact. Not only did he avoid social interactions, but he needed to reach his destination on time. Seeing a blonde strutting her hot self down the street, Antone quickly averted his gaze, and stepped off to the side. Not even a sideways glance. Heh, they won’t see me coming. Antone could’ve taken one of the unmanned taxi’s to...

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Femmes of Spring Break The Coffee Shop

Dorothea finished typing a paragraph into her computer and sat back, looking at the screen with a frown. She shuffled through some of her notes and stared at a pile of books with torn paper bookmarks protruding at intervals. She sighed. “Nothing for it, gotta go back to the library.” She straightened up her desk and put on a jaunty yellow and blue hat.She was down the steps, across the walkway and out of the gate before the unseasonably warm spring weather distracted her from academic...

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Femmes of Spring Break The Art Gallery

Angie pawed through her closet, searching for the perfect dress. Hard to strike the right balance, she mused. Gordy’s photography gallery opening needs class and elegance, not sexy. My old prom dress would be over the top. She pulled out a formfitting, low-cut black dress, shook her head and hung it back on the rack. Frowning, she sat at her combination vanity/desk.Think design, girl. The main attraction are Gordy’s photos of nature subjects with fuzzy focus trees as the background....

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Femmes of Spring Break The Manor

Jenna and her college roommate, Sondra, settled into their seats for the three hour flight to Sondra’s hometown. Sondra, evidently exhausted from finals, promptly tilted her seat back and fell asleep. Jenna, wired from the coffee she’d drunk to study for her geology final, found reflecting on her first six months away from home more interesting than the airline magazine.Classes had been about as she expected, challenging but not overwhelming. Some of the weekend parties far surpassed anything...

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Femmed By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold This story features characters from The Julieverse Stories Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold (There's a list of characters at the end of the story) Chapter 1 Dana Rawlings hit save on his computer, got...

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Femmericks By Lenal A dad took his kid to the mall Told the wizard, "She asked for a doll" So now every day, She says, "Daddy, let's play," And then he's the best Barbie of all. A builder's responses were crass When the witch said he used half his ass So she made the big jerk Put his whole tush to work When he dances each night, as a lass. Young Susie experienced joy When she broke lonely Billy's new toy. Doc Smith made her play nice With his TG device In a tale tagged...

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Femmetown By Simone Clark By day, I was an ordinary man with a job, wife and no children, important responsibilities and all the things being a modern man entails. However, when I had spare time for myself, I became my female alter-ego Simone and lived my as close to the feminine ideal as I could. I would revel in my dresses, heels, and hose as I went into public dressed as a woman and passed. I was also friends with several other cross dressers, trans people, and members in the BDSM...

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It was a bright spring day, the sun was shinning and it was going to be warm without being hot. We had gotten up early that Saturday and I had made you breakfast in bed after we had made love. Spring was in the air, we were in love and all was right with the world. We had planned to go to the mall that day, in particular, to Victoria Secret to look for a sexy bikini for you. And I figured that while you were looking for a suit, I'd see what other kinds of sexy things they had and buy a few of...

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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Krystal Swift Orgasmic Group Sex

When voluptuous Czech cuties Sofia Lee and Krystal Swift are in the midst of the throes of passion and Steve Q and Michael Fly walk in on the horny happenings, the busty beauties give each other a dirty look and the boys eagerly whip out their cocks for the horny hotties to suck and fuck. The big titty bombshells have enjoyed hours of titty licking and pussy eating prior to their men joining this group sex event, and now the curvy assed cuties crave their big cocks and pussy insertion. Join the...

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GF had a Tight Pussy PT2

It's funny how a few key moments in life can lead to a whole turn of events that alter the course forever. You would never think something as minor as the introduction of a sex toy would be the nail lost from the horseshoe. I believe that getting Amy into sex toys, and me encouraging her to use them, was one of those key moments. Over our time living separate, Amy would get experienced, and also comfortable with using her toys to get herself off. A few months after the new toy experience, Amy...

3 years ago
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JoeChapter 5

When I left off I mentioned that Marge and I would try dating again. The problem was I was still in love with her but I held my ground. I never stepped foot back in her house. When we got together we always made love at my place. She never complained because it was one of the rules we set. I would pick her up at her house and she would come out and get in the car. Needless to say our daughters were ecstatic that we were back together again. I did tell Marge that I wasn't ever going to...

2 years ago
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Island Surprise

(My very first time writing this type of story, first time entering a competition, but it feels good. All constructive comments welcomed. here goes) I was nearing then end of my summer vacation. I had been on the island of Trinidad for 13 days and had thoroughly enjoyed the warmth of the people the sunshine the beaches and the rich blends of food to stimulate my taste buds. Everyone was friendly and made me feel more welcome here than any other country I had visited but no one had offered me...

Straight Sex
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An unwanted affair 2

Things were back to normal for a while. Father-in-law resumed his normal routine the day after, however, he was subdued. He talked very little with me or with anyone and spent most of his time with the kids. It appeared that my threat had worked. I was happy that he was not troubling me now. I avoided him completely and spoke with him only when it was necessary. At times, it was a necessity as he was the master of the house. All the earning from the shop went to him only. He didn’t pay a single...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour the Runner Part 3

It’s been a few days since my encounter with Anna and Rick. Walking around the house, I seemed to have no purpose on my own anymore. I felt bored, alone and cried for their company once again.  Anna’s parting words echo in my mind every waking moment.“You’ve been very good,” She said, “Now don’t contact us or we’ll never do this again,” she insisted. “Rick and I will tell you when and where this will happen again.” I still remember nodding my head in agreement to this demand but wonder now why...

2 years ago
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Go Get Some A Poem

Just another poem...you don't have to take it to heart, though not a bad idea...Go Get Some.So, you’re looking for another rhyme,Don’t know if I can do it this time,I tried to think of something hot,Something with a lusty plot,Something you can read and wank,But my mind simply came up blank,So instead of reading some dirty poem,While you’re sitting back at home,Take a trip into the city,Where you may find some real kitty,Cause sex isn’t just to read about,It’s something I can’t do without,Cash...

3 years ago
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Conference Stress Relief

As a middle-aged married professional, I can usually only play when I am out of town on business. This was the case when I recently traveled to downtown Louisville, KY to attend a conference. I was somewhat limited, since I traveled with several fellow employees. My hotel was within sight of an adult bookstore/theater, but I dared not go there for fear of being seen. I did however arrange to meet someone whom I had contacted online. My schedule was hectic, but after the day's meetings and...

Gay Male
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GameplayerChapter 21

Sam had given Hugh Fulcher the task of checking out service people who recently may have visited Emma Majeski's home. Using her checkbook record, Fulcher had located and interviewed three men -- a plumber, an electrician, and a chimney sweep -- each of whom acknowledged visiting Emma's home for service calls during the past four months. "Far as I can determine," Fulcher reported, "the plumber and the electrician got nothing to tell us. They're both solid citizens, and they don't come...

1 year ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 6

“Thank you for standing up with us, Dr. Goldman and Ms. Clarke, but I think that now, I need to just lay down at home and rest. You two have fun if you want. What do you want, girls?” I asked my ladies. “I want to hang out with my new boyfriend, but Mom and Dad are already worried about me, so I’ll head home for now. Still, see you in the morning and I’ll try to put out for you at last if I can. If not, we’ll find another time, but I am going to give you my cherry, papi. Count on that, mi...

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The Adventures of Alice

Alice was at home when she got a text from her friend asking if she was free that evening as she needed a big favour. Alice called her back straight away to ask what was wrong and her friend just said it was to do with her hubby and she really needed Alice to help her out with something. Intrigued and concerned Alice got straight into her car and headed for her friends house, she only lived a few minutes away and when Alice pulled up outside her house she was waiting at the door arms folded and...

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The Labors of Jasper Episode 15

20Jas0015, The Labors of Jasper Episode 15; 6143 words Jas found a crater where the house had been. It looked like it had been hit repeatedly by orbital weapons. She got down off her chevaline and inspected the crater. It was still smoking. She looked up into foggy sky. Then she looked around. The outhouse was still standing, precariously perched on the outside rim of the crater. The boathouse and dock were covered with dirt and gravel, but otherwise undamaged. She...

2 years ago
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Me With Beautiful Aunt

Hi friends, myself goutham from Hyderabad. Please give comments to my email i’d after reading story.Hmmm coming to story i want to explain in telugu language . Naa peru goutham nenu b.Tech mechanical engineering complete chaysanu hyderabad lo naku sex ante pichi maa heigh 5.8 and weight 75 kgs and looks like a mass boy.Hmmm now story begins nenu chepe story lo oka aunty peru anjali thanu naku train lo parichayam chudadaniki average ga vuntundi superb structure chudagane na cock lechi...

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Fucking my friends wife 3

So it’s been a few weeks and the fun has continued with my friend’s wife. Anna is one of those girls that when the booze goes in, her wild side comes out, and this weekend she came by my place hammered. It’s hard to describe just how a girl looks when you know she needs to fuck, but Anna certainly looked the part and she wasted no time dragging the guy she’d brought home to the bedroom. The two of them hit the bed entwined, and began pulling off each other’s clothes. Anna’s bra came off, and...

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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 ReIssued

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Greg Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Now Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 Re-Issued. Introduction: This is a dream I had after my sons took my wife. I wondered what Sandy and the boys were doing right now. Probably walking around town. Yeah I thought. Probably looking around for men for Sandy to fuck around with. I wondered if she did find men...

1 year ago
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Thrilling Sex With An Unsatisfied Hot Indian Housewife

Hey guys, this is Shankar with another sexual encounter. Thank you for sending your feedback and suggestions. If you like my story, you can mail me or if any ladies want to get along with me then ping me at the email given at the end of the story. It was really fun talking with some ladies. My experience is also with one of them. After my previous story, I received some chat requests from ladies who wanted to have fun and one such was Sweta. Talking about her, she’s an Indian housewife aged 29....

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Pantyhose wanking caught

I dressed in my favourite crotchless, sheer to the waist , tan pantyhose, slipped on a pair of trousers, t-shirt and shoes. I got into my car and drove to a place about twenty minutes drive from home. I parked up down this dead end lane with open fields on one side and some woods on the other. I had found this place accidentally when my satnav took me the wrong way coming home late one night and I figured it would be ideal for a bit of outdoor fun, no chance of getting caught here. I pulled off...

3 years ago
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Breaking The Seal Of Virgin College Girl

Hi friends, this is Lalith back with the next encounter in my life. Coming to the story, I used to go jogging near a college daily in the morning. As it was a government college, there was no strict restriction on who can come and go. My daily routine was to go there at 6:30 am for walking and come back by 8:00 am. Daily while jogging and around 7:30 am, I use to see a lot of girls around going for their prayers and classes. All types of girls used to be there and I used to feast my eyes. One...

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The Office Tease

A collective sigh went around the place as Amanda arrived for work on Monday morning. Amanda Sinclair was nineteen years old and she was gorgeous, one of those girls who stopped men in their tracks, made them lose their train of thought. She was blessed in every department. At five foot six, she was slim but curved in all the right places. Spectacular legs, great tits and an arse to die for. Perfect skin of course, smooth and lightly tanned. Cascading brown hair, rich and wavy, framing a face...

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Naughty Barbie Part Three

Hi everyone! Sorry for the incredibly long break between parts two and three; real life has a nasty way of rearing it's head and getting in the way of my fun-time writing. But without any further delay, allow me to introduce you to part three of this story I'm proud to call my own! DISCLAIMER: This is an ADULT story. It has a lot of ADULT themes. Themes that some people might have some issues with. Go back and read the Category tags if you're worried you might find something you...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 14 That Was Yesterday

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:18am, Monday, November 19, 1979 I wasn’t surprised to see Tempe, Sammy, Elizabeth and Andi sitting on the eight-inch concrete ledge with their backs against the glass wall as I walked up to my locker. All those girls had their first two periods’ books sitting on the floor between her feet, and were talking about the three major events that took place over the weekend. “So, Cuda,” Sammy said as I worked on my locker combination, “you survived your Sunday...

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XVideos Granny

I had a bro over at my pad one night. Yeah, we were partying. Yeah, we were FUCKED UP. And yeah, we got so fucked up we started dishing about the bitches we’ve fucked, the porn we watch, and what it would take to bag a hot alien bitch if she teleported right here, right now in my living room.As I said, we were fucked up.I started telling him about the hot grannies I've fucked and all the sexy, granny porn all over the interwebs. He gave me this putrid look like I had just taken a giant,...

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