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Coming out of a reverie, I blinked and rubbed my eyes. I’d been staring at a blank slide in my Power Point presentation for fifteen minutes. I was supposed to give a presentation on conflict dynamics in family systems for class at Clinton State University the next morning, and I had nothing. It all made sense in my head, but when I tried to visualize it on the computer, all the words and text seemed to float around in a complicated dance. I chastised myself. As a grad student, I should have known better than to put off my assignments until the last minute. Now I was paying for it.
The clock on the computer was showing 10:52 PM. Class was a little over ten hours away. I was already dreading that heavy dead-tired feeling I’d have the next morning from sleeping only a few hours… if I got to sleep at all. As the night wore on, it was looking less and less likely. I groaned and felt sorry for myself, even though I knew I had no one else to blame for my procrastination.
Through the wall of my bedroom, I heard a steady stream of shouting and laughter: My roommates and their friends’ stupid Dungeons and Dragons night. They got together every Tuesday around eight and played make-believe wizards and whateverthefuck, rattling their twenty-sided dice until maybe two or three in the morning. I probably wouldn’t have minded so much if I didn’t have a 9:00 AM class the next day. My stress about the presentation wasn’t helping, either. After another burst of loud laughter, I’d had enough. I walked from my room to the kitchen where they were seated around a second-hand dining table, covered with beer bottles.
“…so my uncle came back from Cambodia, and he brought all this weird Asian stuff with him,” Hung, one of my two roommates was saying. “And he gives me this bottle of some kind of extract. He says it makes Viagra look like candy. And he’s like here, take it, take it. And I’m like, what the fuck am I going to do with super-Viagra, you know? I mean, it’s not like I’ve had any trouble in that department if you know what I’m saying.”
“You’d have to have been in that department in the first place!” Lisa, the only girl at the table, shot back at him, which caused the rest of table to burst into raucous laughter. She clearly enjoyed her status as queen of the nerds. The rest of the guys were thrilled just to be in the presence of her femininity, though it wasn’t like any of them had a chance with her. Even though she soaked up their attention and admiration, she kept the boys at bay.
“Hey Len,” Steve, my other roommate said, peering over a cardboard partition. The rest of the table turned to regard me, staring irritably back at them. “What’s up?”
“Look,” I started angrily. “You guys know I have an early class tomorrow. Can you please, for the millionth time, keep it the fuck down.”
“We weren’t being that loud, were we?” Hung asked.
“My room is right next to the kitchen,” I argued. “I can hear everything.”
“Why don’t you listen to some music on headphones or something?” Lisa suggested.
“Why should I?” I fired back. “This is my place. I pay rent here. Not you. I have a right to peace and quiet in my own home. Why can’t you play your dorks and dragons game somewhere else?”
“We pay rent here, too, Len,” Steve reminded me. “And we have a right to do what we want in our home, too.” Steve stressed the word ‘our.’ He and Hung had been living together since they were freshmen. I only moved in with them a year ago because they had a room available for cheap, and it was on the bus line to school. In spite of paying my share of the rent they still looked at me like a guest whose presence they merely tolerated.
“Fine,” I relented. “Just, can you please try to be a little quieter?”
“Alright, Len,” Hung agreed. “We’ll try not to get too loud. But why don’t you try playing with us some time? You never know, you might actually like it.”
I scoffed at the suggestion and sarcastically answered, “Yeah right.”
As I walked away, I heard them talking in quieter voices (but not so quiet I couldn’t make out what they were saying)
“What’s with that guy?”
“I don’t know, he’s been really cranky lately.”
“Is he on his period or something?”
“Maybe he needs to get laid.”
“I’ll draw your attention to the case of pot v. kettle.”
“No, I mean, like he acts like he’s all cool, and better than us and everything, but have you actually seen him bring a girl around here?”
“What are you saying?”
“Have you even heard of him talking about a girlfriend?”
“Do you think he’s gay?”
“He hasn’t talked about a boyfriend either… but maybe…”
I shut my bedroom door behind me, finally muffling their voices. “Assholes,” I muttered under my breath. No, I wasn’t gay, not that it really mattered. Besides, who were they to say anything? It wasn’t like they were bringing girls around either… I mean, apart from Lisa, but she didn’t count. As far as they were concerned, she was just one of the guys – one with boobs, and nice black hair, and a pretty face, but one of the guys just the same.
I sat down at my computer, and stared at the screen again. Gradually the noise in the kitchen built up again. I considered going out there and giving them another piece of my mind, but what for? It wouldn’t change anything. Instead, I pulled my headphones from the drawer of my desk. I was a big noise-cancelling ear-muff style headset. I clamped them around my ears, and plugged cord into the audio-jack of my computers. I found a playlist of energetic electronic music to drown out the nerds while I worked.
I woke up around just after four in the morning to a soft knocking on my door. On the computer screen were several arrows creating two interlocking circles. I’d added pictures and text-boxes… the last of which trailed off into ‘fffffffffffffffff…’ as I’d apparently fallen asleep with my finger on the keyboard. I looked at the time, and realized there was only five hours left before class. Shit!
The knocking came again. I wondered who the hell would be knocking on my bedroom door so early in the morning. Before I could get up to answer it, the door opened a crack, and a female voice whispered, “Len… Len, are you awake?”
“What is it, Lisa?”
The door pushed open further, and the girl slipped inside.
“I was just using the bathroom, and I saw your light on, so I figured you were still up. I thought you said you had an early class or something.”
“I do, but I have to finish this fucking project before then or I’m screwed. Anyway, what are you doing here?”
“Our session went really late,” Lisa said, sitting on the corner of my bed. “We got into this battle with these mind-flayers, and… Well, anyway, we just finished. And we all kinda had a lot to drink and it’s really late. Steve and Hung said it was alright to crash here for the night.”
“In my room?” I asked.
“Well, no not exactly. But Brian and Greg took the couches, and Keith and Andrew are sleeping in Steve and Hung’s room, and everyone’s all passed out, and I don’t have anywhere to sleep, and I don’t want to walk home by myself. I was just thinking… I mean, if you’re still awake, could you walk me home?”
I shook my head. “Sorry, I’ve still got a ton of work to do.”
Lisa looked at me despairingly. “Alright…” she said, pouting. “I guess I understand. I just thought maybe… Anyway, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry if we were too loud tonight. Sometimes we get a bit carried away.” Lisa stood, and began to head for the door. “Alright, well, I guess I’ll just go then…”
“Listen,” I said, feeling guilty. “I’m probably not going to use my bed tonight anyway. Why don’t you take it? I mean, as long as you don’t mind me working over here.”
“No, that’s fine,” Lisa said smiling, and I could see why the guys were so enamored with her. In the right circumstances she could come across as absolutely adorable. “Thank you so much, Len.” As the girl in the blue jeans and green t-shirt climbed into my bed, I felt a certain amount of satisfaction at how jealous the other guys would be if they knew that Lisa had ended up in my bed. Sure, it was only to sleep, but that was still more than any of those other nerds were getting.
To be honest, it was more than I’d been getting, too. They’d been right when they said I never brought girls around. Lisa, asleep in my bed was just about the most intimate I’d ever been with a girl. I know, it was pathetic, but I’d always been kind of shy around women, not ever knowing what to say to them or how to approach them. So, I kept my distance from them instead. Not that I enjoyed being around other guys much either with their endless talk of sports and cars and a bunch of other macho bullshit I knew nothing about. They made me feel inferior. So mostly, I just kept to myself.
I turned my attention back to the screen, thinking that if I could just get the diagram right, I could bullshit my way through the rest of the presentation. I added more lines and arrows, going in all directions, and attempted to animate the different elements so they would glide around the screen in new configurations. And every now and then, I’d glance to the female body splayed out on my mattress, and softly snoring.
At 7:45 AM my alarm clock went off, screeching loudly through the room. I had only just about put the finishing touches on my diagram. It wasn’t great, but as they say, C’s still get degrees. After working all night, as long as I passed and didn’t make a total fool of myself, I didn’t care.
“Huh, wha?” Lisa groaned from my bed.
“Sorry. I set it in case I fell asleep. I have to get ready for class.”
“You worked all night?”
“God, I feel like shit…”
“Well, I need to get dressed,” I warned her. “I mean, I guess I don’t care whether you stay or leave, but I’m going to be naked in here for a bit.”
“No, no!” Lisa exclaimed. “I’ll leave, just- okay give me a minute.” She swung her legs over the edge of the mattress, her head hung down between her shoulders. She reached to move her hair out of her face, then pushed herself up into a standing position. “Damn. Why is it so fucking early?”
“Now you know why I wanted you to keep it down last night.”
“Yeah,” Lisa agreed blearily. “Sorry about that. Look, I’ll tell you what. I know how to make a really awesome smoothie that will really perk you up and get you going. Why don’t I make you one while you get dressed.”
I looked at her skeptically. “What? Is it full of Kale and shit?”
“No. You’ll like it. Trust me.”
The girl, left my room, and headed for the kitchen. As soon as she was gone, I stripped out of last night’s clothes, and began searching for something clean to wear to class. It seemed like a monumental task, and I kept glancing at the bed. All I wanted was to crawl in to the space that Lisa had just vacated and fall asleep. It felt as if someone had turned the gravity of the world up to a thousand percent, and I could feel the coming on of what promised to be a major headache. Today was not going to be a great day, I decided, but I managed to find a clean pair of pants and a shirt that looked presentable. In the kitchen, I heard the sound of a blender. A few minutes later, I went out to see what miracle concoction Lisa had made for me.
“What is it?” I asked as Lisa poured thick brown sludgy looking stuff from the blender into a glass. There were all kinds of jars and containers on the counter.
“Just stuff you guys had, whatever I could find that seemed like it would help – mostly it’s peanut butter, coffee, a bit of chocolate ice cream, some vitamins and stuff.”
I sniffed the glass. It didn’t smell awful. In fact, it smelled pretty good. I took a tentative sip. It was thick and cool, and had a slightly course texture to it, but it wasn’t bad. I drank more of it.
“You like it?” Lisa asked.
“Yeah,” I said between. “If nothing else, at least it’s kind of refreshing.”
Suddenly, Hung appeared around the corner of the kitchen wearing a robe.
“Why are you making so much noise at eight in the morning?” he asked groggily.
“Sorry, Hung,” Lisa said. “Len was up all night working on his presentation, so I was just making him an energy smoothie before he went to class. Do you want one?”
“No. I just want to sleep,” Hung muttered.
“Yeah, now you know how I feel,” I pressed, enjoying my roommate’s misery. Turnabout is fair play.
Hung was surveying the ingredients for the smoothie that Lisa had left on the counter. His eyes fixed on a small brown bottle and opened wide. “You didn’t use this, did you?” he asked.
“…uh… maybe…” Lisa said, “Probably, yeah… why?”
“Oh shit!” Hung shouted, laughing.
“What?” I asked, dreading the response. “What is it?”
“Remember that shit I was telling you about last night?” Hung asked Lisa. “The stuff my uncle brought from Cambodia?”
“The super-Viagra?” Lisa responded. Hung nodded. “But… I didn’t know. All the words are in Cambodian or whatever. I just thought it was some healthy stuff. I mean it has a picture of a tiger on it.”
“You didn’t even know what you were feeding me?” I shouted angrily. “How much?”
“I don’t know, maybe a tablespoon?” Lisa admitted sheepishly.
“A tablespoon!” Hung repeated in a high laughing voice. “Oh dude!” He slapped me on the back.
“You’re only supposed to take a few drops.”
I looked down at the glass, seeing that I’d already drained about three quarters of it.
“I can’t believe this!” I yelled. Some of the other nerds were coming to see what all the commotion was. “I have a presentation in less than an hour, and you’ve just overdosed me with some kind of Cambodian super-tiger Viagra shit. What the fuck?!”
“If it’s any consolation, you do seem more awake and energetic,” Lisa offered. A few of the guys laughed.
“What’s going to happen to me?” I asked Hung nervously.
“I don’t know,” Hung answered. “I mean there’s probably a fifty percent chance that nothing will happen. A lot of this ancient Asian medicine stuff is more legend than fact.”
“But what if it is a fact?” I pursued.
“Well, you know how in those commercials they say that you should be worried if you have an erection lasting more than four hours?” Hung said.
“Uh huh,” I nodded.
“Well, you might think of that as like a minimum.”
“Shit! What am I supposed to do? I have to present today.”
“Can’t you say you’re sick or something?” Greg suggested.
“Not without a doctor’s note,” I said. “And I’m sure as shit not going to see a doctor like this! I mean what the hell would I say?” I looked around at the crowd that had gathered, and they were all staring at my crotch for signs. “Listen, I don’t have time for this. I’ve gotta go.” I grabbed my bag with my laptop and my books, and rushed out the door to the bus stop.
The bus ride to school takes approximately forty minutes from where I was living. For the first twenty, I found myself casting frequent glances down at my pants. I was becoming insanely self-conscious, wondering if every twitch or sensation was part of the effects of the Cambodian tiger drug coming on, or just a figment of my imagination. What about paranoia? Was that a side effect, or just a product of my natural anxiety?
As the bus drew nearer to the university, more and more people got on board. I was glad to have gotten on early and gotten a seat. I wouldn’t have wanted to be standing when whatever this horrible stuff I’d been tricked into taking finally took hold. Instead, I sat watching people crowd the center aisle, holding on to hand rests, and rocking with the motion of the bus.
I gradually became aware that the people on the bus were fairly good-looking as a group. I mean, of course, there were quite a few collegiate girls, who had a natural youthful sexiness to them, each in their own way. And it was spring, so a lot of them were desperate to show off a little bit more skin after being bundled up in jackets and sweaters all week. So, I guess it was nothing out of the ordinary, but it had never occurred to me before what a bunch of attractive people rode the bus with me to school every day.
I found my eyes drifting around, looking at this girl and that. An Asian girl here, a brunette over by the driver, a couple of giggly Black girls in the back, and in front of me, a cute little blonde. In turn my mind began to imagine peeling away layers of clothing from each of them. The suggestion of bra straps revealing a bra, and beneath the bra, young pert breasts, with perfect nipples, aroused and anticipatory.
The blonde girl standing in front of me, looking distracted out the window at the passing city, dressed in low-rider jeans and shirt showing off her mid-riff. A toned tanned stomach, and hip bones guiding the mind beneath the waistband to what? A cute pair of cotton panties? Or perhaps nothing at all, but hot smooth pink skin, soft to touch, and in the center, the subtle hint of glistening arousal.
“Ahem.” The blonde girl loudly cleared her throat, pulling me out of my daydream. I notice where my eyes have been fixed, and look up at her face with embarrassment. Then I follow her gaze down again, into my lap, where my pants have become conspicuously tented. To make matters worse, my cock twitched involuntarily but visibly through my jeans.
“Sorry,” I apologized bashfully, moving my bag into my lap to cover my erection. She clucked and shook her head at me before pushing through the crowd towards the front of the bus. As I watched her go, I couldn’t help imagining the soft roundness of her bare buttocks. “I’ve been drugged,” I tried calling after her, but not too loudly. In any case she’d already disappeared, and I only managed to draw a few curious glances from the other passengers, who likewise were being disrobed in my mind.
By the time we got to the university, I was surrounded by beautiful naked young bodies. As the bus came to a stop, they pressed together in what looked like a massive orgy, rubbing and stroking against each other. Even though, I was sure I was hallucinating, I could feel my cock growing as big as my arm in my pants, and pushing hard against the weight of my backpack. I forced myself to wait until most of the other passengers had disembarked before I stood, clutching my bag in front of me, and made my way to the exit.
The campus was full of beautiful bodies, pleasuring each other, manually, orally, sexually, naked, passionate, gorgeous, fucking all around me. I stopped where I was and shut my eyes tight. I told myself this wasn’t really happening. It was all in my head. After a minute, I opened my eyes again, and looked around. Everyone’s clothes had been restored, and they were all behaving normally. I breathed. I relaxed. My cock was still hard as a rock, but I felt like I could deal with that as long as I wasn’t hallucinating orgies everywhere.
I was cursing Hung and Lisa and everyone else for putting me in this predicament when a jogger knocked into me, sending me sprawling off the path and into the bushes. She stopped and turned with a concerned look on her face.
“Oh shit,” she said. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there. Are you okay?”
“Okay?” I repeated. As she approached, I watched her sports bra dissolving, revealing a large pair of tits with big nipples.
“Yeah,” she said. “You went down pretty hard.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. Now her sheer yoga pants were fading. Beneath them was a small revealing thong. As I admired it, I realized that my bag had fallen a few feet away. At any second the jogger would notice my immense boner. “I’m fine,” I reassured her. “Really, I’m alright. Don’t worry. You can keep jogging.”
The jogger ignored me, and kept approaching until she was leaning over me, completely naked, with her gorgeous breasts in my face.
“Are you sure?” she asked. “Here, let me help you up.”
“Uh…” But before I had a chance to object, she’d grabbed my arm and was pulling me to my feet.
“You’re not hurt are you?” She asked, looking me over, and quickly noticing my hard on. “Umm, what’s that?”
“It’s nothing.”
“That’s not nothing,” the jogging girl disagreed. “That’s pretty obviously something. Jeeze. What are you, some kind of freak or something?”
“No, listen, I don’t mean it. My roommate and his friend drugged me.” Even as she looked disturbed, I watched as one of her hands began to caress her tits, and the other slipped between her thighs. My cock throbbed eagerly “Listen, can you stop doing that for a second, and I’ll try to explain.”
“Doing what?” the girl asked. I shook my head, trying to clear it. Suddenly she was wearing her jogging outfit again and looking at me like I was crazy. “Look pal, I think you need to get some serious help.”
“Help. Sure. But-”
“Just stay away from me, you creep.”
The girl took off running again. Her naked ass bouncing enticingly as the Tiger Viagra took hold of my mind.
“Yeah, help,” I muttered to myself. I went and picked up my bag, hoping that my laptop hadn’t broken. A few other people passed by and gave me looks that ranged from bemused to disgusted. “Maybe some self-help.”
I made my way through a quad full of naked masturbating and fornicating students, seeking the hall where my class was being held. Even the trees were starting to take suggestive shapes, with their curves and knobs, and branches swaying like ecstasy in the seductively warm spring breeze. Bossoms of bushes lined the pathways which ran straight as rigid criss-crossed cocks, across the wreathing campus body, with its heaving erogenous buildings, my unrelenting hard-on pushing past labial doors and into vaginal hallways, where students and professors are carnally penetrating each other’s bodies in ways that defy rationality.
I raced to the relative privacy of the men’s room, pushing past another student on his way out, ignoring his dark naked muscular body, and the meaty dick clutched in his hand. I rushed inside a stall, and slammed the door shut behind me. I barely managed to lock it before I was frantically, pulling at my zipper to unleash my intensely throbbing cock. It sprang from my pants into the open, impossibly swollen and needy.
I wrapped my fingers around the hot pulsing shaft and stroked. I only managed five strokes before a massive jet of semen erupted from the tip and shot over the toilet to splat against the wall. The force of the orgasm hit me so hard, I nearly blacked out and stumbled backwards against the toilet stall door. I think I may have shouted, but the moment seems like a blur now. The next thing I remember clearly was wiping the last pearls of cum from the tip of my still-hard cock and wrestling it back inside my jeans.
By the time I arrived at class, it was already in session. I carried my bag awkwardly in front of my groin attempting conceal my persistent erection from my classmates. Dr. Walsh, a pretty professor in her late twenties acknowledged me with a nod as I made my way to my seat. The hallucinations had mostly subsided for the moment, and I was grateful for that.
I was also grateful for my desk which covered the stubborn boner. As students took turns presenting to the class, I tried to mentally will my erection away. After an hour, it still refused to go.
“Okay,” Dr. Walsh announced to the class. “Our last presenter for today will be Len.” Everyone turned to look at me. Immediately, the nervous embarrassment began to flood back to me. I picked up my back pack, again holding it over my erection as I stood and walked slowly to the front of the class. Fortunately, there was a lectern which I could take cover behind.
I looked out at the faces, looking back at me expectantly. The class was mostly women with just four guys including myself. I again found myself considering how attractive everyone around me was looking today. Even the nerdy girls in the front row were sexy. I plugged in my computer and pulled up the few slides I’d created before class.
“Yeah, so, today I’m presenting on conflict dynamics in family systems,” I started. As I detailed the model with all its complicating shifting connections, I watched as my classmates lost their outer clothing, and sat in their underwear. Even Dr. Walsh sitting to the side of the class, was exhibiting a surprisingly fit body for an older woman, dressed in a hot little red lace bra and panties set, a sexy little secret behind her professional attire. My cock twitched and throbbed appreciatively.
In the front row, the girls were licking their lips. Bras fell away showing beautiful breasts big and small, a nipple tweaked here, pinched there. And legs spreading, showing naked vaginas, trimmed and hairless, all invitingly lubricated with the juices of their arousal. Further back, girls were bending over the laps of the guys, taking them into their mouths, while the guys were finger-fucking the beauties behind them. Ignore it, I thought to myself. It’s just the fucking drug. This isn’t really happening. So, like they say, keep calm and carry on. I continued with my presentation.
Dr. Walsh let her hands slide over her belly, and through the black hairy patch between her legs, fingers dipping into her hot moist crevice, then raised to her lips and licked clean. Her eyes were fixed on me, watching as my erection continued to strain the fabric of my jeans behind the podium.
And on the projection screen, the animated objects were sliding around in pre-programmed patterns, arousing and molesting each other. Text boxes rubbed up against bidirectional arrows and penetrated images. Sexuality slipped over the borders of the screen, spilling onto the walls, and felt the building shivering all around me with its arousal.
The students began openly fucking each other, rolling over the desks in various combinations of tongues, penises, fingers, and vaginas. Dr. Walsh was feeling deep inside herself for the button to trigger her release, and amidst all the panting and moaning, a voice from the second row, raised up and said “I wasn’t clear about your point about triangulations, and where that fits on your diagram. Could you show us that again?”
“Um…” I closed my eyes, and tried to focus again. When I reopened them, the students were all back in their seats watching me. Dr. Walsh was still off to the side, dressed in her blouse and skirt. I did my best to go back over the part about triangulation of conflicts, when the hand shot in the air again.
“Yes?” I asked somewhat impatiently, just wishing I could go home and sleep the rest of this Cambodian tiger drug off.
“No, I get all of what you were saying,” the student responded, flashing her brown breasts at me, each topped by a sweet little chocolate nipple. “But I just didn’t see where it was in the diagram.”
“I, uh…” I considered my die-hard hard-on pressing insistently outward. “It’s between the blame cycle, and the homeostatic web, there. Do you see?”
“Can you point it out on the screen?” The student persisted.
“Um… I’d rather not,” I answered.
The girl in the second row was about to insist further, but Dr. Walsh stepped in first. “That’s alright, Len. Thank you.”
The class clapped politely, and began to pack up their things.
“Don’t forget about your mid-term exam next week, covering chapters one to eight. It will be fifty multiple choice, and two short answer questions.” The students began to file for the door, losing their clothing as they left the room. “Len, can you stay behind for a bit?”
“Uh, yeah?” I replied to the professor who had once again stripped down to her sexy lingerie. I didn’t want to stay behind. I didn’t want to do anything but go home and hide, and maybe kill Hung and Lisa when I was feeling better. But the way Dr. Walsh was fondling her substantially heavy breasts was very distracting, and I couldn’t think of a good enough excuse to avoid talking to her.
“I couldn’t help notice that something was off with you today, Len,” Dr. Walsh said. “You weren’t yourself, and your presentation… well, it wasn’t good.”
“Sorry,” I said.
Already naked students for the next class were entering the room, eagerly stimulating themselves and each other. Dr. Walsh regarded them, and then said, “Come on, let’s go back to my office.”
“Er…” I responded.
“Listen, Len,” Dr. Walsh said sternly as her hand once again disappeared into her red lacy panties. “You and I both know this isn’t the best you can do. I wouldn’t do this for any student, but I want to give you a second chance.”
“Okay,” I agreed, and sighed.
I followed Dr. Walsh’s large lovely ass as she led me down the hall to the elevator. Students on either side were fucking each other hard up against the walls, and in a number of other positions. The elevator arrived, and the doors slid seductively open, inviting us inside. I watched Dr. Walsh erotically push the button for the fourth floor as if it were a clitoris, then we were moving deeper through the elevator shaft, up inside the building. When the doors opened again, I felt as if the hallway was sensitive to our every movement inside it, as if on the verge of climax.
“Have a seat,” Dr. Walsh offered as we reached her office. I carefully kept my backpack in my lap. My cock felt harder and more alive than ever, like an electrified rock. Dr. Walsh took the chair opposite me, and immediately spread her legs, and began to rub her hot flushed pussy as she regarded me with concern. “Okay, so tell me what’s going on with you,” she began.
“I… I can’t really,” I said.
“Can’t or won’t?” Dr. Walsh replied.
“Well, both, I guess,” I said. “It’s… It’s kinda personal.”
“You can at least put your bag down,” she invited.
“I’d rather not.”
“Why not?” She was working her fingers enthusiastically inside herself. “Here, let me take it from you.” She reached out, with the hand that wasn’t pleasuring herself, and grabbed my backpack. I tried to hold on to it, but she wrestled it away. “Oh,” she said, finally discovering the source of my discomfort.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to be like this.”
“It’s okay,” Dr. Walsh said comfortingly.
“It was my stupid roommate and his friend. They gave me something. Some kind of drug.”
“A drug?”
“Cambodian Tiger Viagra,” I explained. “But they gave me way too much, and I’ve been seeing things all day.”
“What kind of things?”
“It’s okay. You can tell me.”
“Sort of… sexy things.”
“Sexy things? Is that what was happening in class?”
I nodded.
“And now?”
I looked over her beautiful naked body on display in front of me, and nodded again.
“And this?” Dr. Walsh asked, gesturing toward my erection. “Have you had this the whole time, too?”
“I tried to take care of it before class,” I explained. “It won’t go away.”
“Hmm, I see.” This time she reached out and prodded my erection through my pants. “Fascinating,” she commented. “And you said this was from Tiger Viagra?”
“Or something like that,” I agreed. “A lot of it… Too much.”
Dr. Walsh kept rubbing her hand over the top of my pants, sending tingles sparking out through entire body. Her clothes were fading in and out, sometimes she was naked, sometimes in a blouse which she kept unbuttoning when she was wearing it. Her undergarments kept changing, too. There was the sexy red bra and panties, but now there was a more conservative navy blue bra. She reached behind her back and the bra fell away. Her nipples kept changing hue from pink to brown and back again.
“May I?” Dr. Walsh asked, fingering the zipper of my pants.
I squeezed my eyes closed again. When I opened them Dr. Walsh was still in front of me, her blouse open, her big tits inches from my face. I tried shaking my head to clear it, but the image remained.
“Is this really happening?” I asked, as she pulled my cock from pants.
“Does it matter?” she asked.
“Uh, I… I don’t know,” I said.
“Let’s assume it’s real,” Dr. Walsh said, turning around, and bending over to show her panties beneath her skirt. Like the bra, they were navy blue, and a full bikini, rather than the skimpy red thong, but they were still sexy nevertheless. “Do you want it to stop?” She hooked her fingers into her panties, and peeled them downwards. A strand of the creamy juices of her arousal clung to them, stretched and finally broke.
“No,” I answered breathlessly. “But I can’t believe this is real.”
“Okay, so let’s assume it’s not real. Just a hallucination. What’s the harm then in just going with it?” Dr. Walsh was once again rubbing her pussy vigorously with her legs spread in front of me. My cock twitched excitedly. “Do you want it to stop now?”
“No,” I said more confidently.
“Then it doesn’t matter either way,” she concluded.
“I guess not,” I agreed.
“So, just let it happen, and we can ride this out together one way or another.”
Dr. Walsh straddled over my chair. She grabbed my diamond-hard cock, and guided it into her amazingly wet beautiful pussy, lowering her body slowly down to meet mine. I came within seconds, feeling the universe vibrating around me. My cock stayed hard even as my cum drained down the shaft and into my pubic hair. And Dr. Walsh kept riding through orgasm after mind-blowing orgasm until her pussy finally tamed the tiger.

- 09.01.2023
- 28
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- Category:
- College Sex