Nine Memorable DaysChapter 16 Vikki Story Three
- 3 years ago
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I didn't begin running until seven mainly because my body was having a tough time adjusting to Eastern time after being in the Pacific and then Central zones. I figured it would get better when I learned to live in my own time zone and ignore local time where I was. I needed a watch with dual time zones; one local or home time, and one for wherever I was.
The girls had the grill hot when I finished my run and put a big sirloin on it as soon as they saw me coming. Sherry watched the huge steak while Jeannie scrambled a dozen eggs for us. The girls each had a piece of the huge steak, toast, and eggs, but I stuck with the steak, eggs, and a protein shake. I needed to weigh myself at the ballpark because I felt lighter. I had worked out and run daily, but I couldn't get enough food to really fill me up. Can you imagine it? I was in Houston, Texas, the cattleman's home, and I couldn't find a place to get meat in the morning. I hated to go to bed after having eaten a huge meal, but that's what I had done three nights in a row.
We took a nap until noon after fooling around and making a mess of our bedroom. I'm sure the noises we made had the construction workers ready to hide somewhere and take care of themselves.
When it was time for me to go to the ballpark, Sherry told me, "We have to stay until they leave and we can lock up. We try to clean up a little, but we'll be there with some of your fan club who live in the building."
I was at the ballpark by three, and immediately used the batting cages to beat up on some balls. After making sure I could still consistently hit baseballs, I found Scott and asked him if I could warm up a little with him.
He told me, "Joe told me to be cool with you because you're pitching the opener tonight. This is the best Boston offense in a long while. You need to be sharp."
I began throwing soft stuff and we stretched it to long toss. After feeling I was warmed up I threw a couple of fastballs then a couple of changeups. I alternated between fastballs and changeups, and then tried my curve. That was working, so I began throwing the split-finger and then the four-seam fastball. The wiggle or wobble was there again, so I knew my four-seamer would be tough to hit. I threw the slider that went from right to left, and then threw the back up slider that went from left to right. Everything was working, so I tried the palm ball a few times. That worked too. I was primed, and I was going to pitch against Boston who were supposedly the best offense in the majors.
I relaxed and waited to suit up. I ate heartily at five and dressed to begin fielding during batting practice. They wouldn't let me throw batting practice, but I did get to have a shot at both the left and right side of the plate to send balls to the stands.
When the team went in to chill for a few minutes, I was throwing to Hanigan in the exposed bullpen. We didn't work too hard, but he had me throw each of my pitches a couple of times to make sure I was still on track. We walked to the first base line for the national anthem together.
I threw my warm-up pitches as called by Hanigan as he explained how I delivered to the ump. I think the most impressive to this ump was the slider that looked like it was going to bean a right-handed batter, and then slid across the plate, or at least the outside edge.
I went through the first three innings like I was a veteran. I threw exactly twenty seven pitches before someone got a piece of a ball that Zobrist scooped up and tossed to Loney.
Lefties were a little slow sometimes on fastballs that were down and out, but still in the zone. A couple of those had Longoria charging them to get the runner at first.
We had suspended the DH rule, much to the displeasure of the Boston Manager. He even protested the game saying that we couldn't do that, but the umps said it was being done and we did it.
The first pitch their starting pitcher threw to me was a fat fastball they were expecting me to watch. I didn't, and the folks in the leftfield stands had a souvenir. The man didn't learn, and Longoria sent one right to where mine had hit for a two to zip lead. Meyers was now on the spot, since Longoria, his secret idol, had homered, so he put a ball in the same area as Longo to make it three to nothing.
Boston never recovered, and we were up six to one when I left the game at the end of the eighth. I kept giving away too many ground ball singles. I was going to ask for help with that.
Peralta closed the game and we walked away smiling.
Joe came in when I was getting dressed after a shower, and said, "You have to be here around nine in the morning because the other Manager protested the game. Come in and we'll get a conference call going to clear up the protest. I don't know why the guy is protesting, other than you had a hot bat tonight.
I took a bunch of food home and the three of us pigged out. We used the hot tub before showering, and a stack of towels for some great loving.
The girls told me that they used about as many towels when I was gone, as they really enjoyed playing together.
They had convinced me to take them to one of the bigger adult stores in Tampa before I went on my first road trip. They bought a variety of toys that they wanted to experiment with when I wasn't home. These babes were a couple of hotties, probably randier now than when we were teaching each other fun stuff to do together.
I didn't run in the morning, because I slept late after enjoying the homecoming. I showed up at the ballpark at eight forty-five and knocked on Joe's door a few minutes later. Andrew Friedman was there, and they offered me a chair. Joe used his fancy spider looking conference phone and called the Commissioner's office. We didn't get the Commissioner, but an Assistant to an Assistant. They called the Boston Manager and when the Boston Manager and VP of operations were on the conference call with us, the Assistant in the Commissioner's office told the Boston manager. "Please walk us through the complaint and the basis for your protest."
The Manager wasn't well prepared, and hemmed and hawed until he finally said that the DH rule applied to all American League teams, and we couldn't suspend the rule whenever we wanted.
You could tell that he had read the rule and knew it could be suspended and not applied to a team on a per game basis. The Assistant to the Commissioner asked Joe, "Do you have a rebuttal?"
Joe made an introduction that what he was going to read was from the official rulebook. He read the rule without pause and said, "That should resolve the problem."
The Boston Manager asked, "Can't we stop teams from making their own decisions about whether or not to use a rule? This is a problem because a manager won't know how to prepare for a game."
The Assistant told the Boston Manager, "You know the lineup is only nine men and the roster has 25. You don't know the lineup until the opposing manager presents the card to you and the ump. How do you prepare now when you have a lineup that is only about one third of the roster?"
There was no response for a long, long time. The Manager finally said, "Well, there should be a rule about that. You guys have rules for everything known to man, so you should have a rule on this too."
The Assistant said, "There is a rule and it is plainly stated in the rule book. I think this matter has been discussed sufficiently to dismiss your protest. If you wish to further protest the game and the rule, please prepare a report of what you are protesting, why, and how the rule you are protesting doesn't apply to you or your team."
"Thank you all for assembling today."
There was distinct click and the line went dead. Joe hung up and said, "I figured they would be turned down, but not as radically as they were. At least now there is a precedent for the future. You sure are a shit disturber, Matt. But I love the way you kick the cow pies."
I went to the stadium gym and did my routine for the day instead of immediately going home. I could drive home, but I wouldn't be able to stay very long. I had to be back by two-thirty for some infield work, and I would have to do my pitches in a warm-up before the game if Joe wanted me in the bullpen.
I showered and drove home when I finished with my lifting regimen. I stopped for a huge bag of tacos on the way. It had been a long time since I had any, and I'm sure the girls would enjoy them.
The house was noisy and dusty, but the place was coming together. I could begin to see how the place was going to look and was anxious to see it completed.
I found the girls on the patio with laptops. They were working on one of the promotions they wanted to have happen. They had found several local businesses that were willing to sponsor me coming out to the businesses and sign autographs. I would show up early on a Friday or a Saturday afternoon and sign autographs for a couple of hours. If I could make it happen, I would get Will Meyers or Evan Longoria to come along.
The guy you wouldn't expect to want to participate was James Loney. He wanted to come when he later found out we could shill for his foundation as well. He said he would sign autographs for a buck each and the proceeds would all go to the Children's Cancer Center. That was going to get us a lot of name exposure for the sponsors. I made up an agreement that gave Loney half of what I was going to get for the promotion. He looked at me funny when he read the handwritten agreement, and asked, "Are you going to keep that money or are you going to donate it?"
"How about I donate it along with yours, and we can both match it for the Center, deal?" Loney was all smiles and shook my hand saying, "Deal."
The girls told me after I had made the deal with Loney that I was defeating the purpose of them drumming up sponsors for endorsements that paid us money. If I gave it all away, plus matched what I was going to get, all it meant was that I was losing money.
I told them, "From what the investment counselor tells me, and the account statements that we're getting show, along with the dividend checks coming in, we're going to need some tax write-offs and me donating and matching is going to help take care of that. You know that you guys should make deals with auto dealerships and you can probably talk them into a free lease car for you two. Sherry's car is decent, but you'd both look good in one of those sporty Mercedes or BMWs. Work on those guys and see what you can do for me to endorse their businesses."
While we ate the tacos at the table on the patio, Sherry told me, "We have the Men's Wearhouse working out an endorsement, because we told them we had just purchased a huge amount of clothing for you to wear here and on the road. They want to film you wearing their clothes as you go in and come out of the ballpark. You can wear a little tag that says clothes from Men's Wearhouse when you do any of the other endorsement signings. We can get some good bucks for that.
Jeannie told me that Nike had been receptive if I would wear one of their undershirts with my uniform. They would supply them, of course, and they would show me wearing their stuff along with Michael Jordan. That will give you more name recognition and put you in the class range of one of the most popular sports stars ever.
I joked with them, "How about I use a bat and put a baseball on a tee and pretend to drive it toward a hole. They can show my swing and then show the ball rolling to the hole and getting stuck there in a hole in one."
Sherry said, "That would be awesome. It will also give you a tie in with the golf sponsors. That's a great idea, Matt. See, you know how to do this stuff. You just need us to get it done."
I told them, "Since the house is a disaster and those tacos were only an appetizer, how about I grill something before I leave and we can eat out here away from most of the noise and dust."
Jeannie said, "We have a few steaks thawed so you could stoke up. You eat two and Sherry and I will split one. You start the grill and I'll get the steaks. I'll bring all of the stuff you like to doctor them up with."
We ended up having some decent meat for lunch and then walking it off along the beach. The girls were wearing their modest two-piece suits and I was wearing some surfer shorts. We headed back to the house when it became time for me to head to the ballpark. I showered real quick and told them to buy some hair clippers the next time they went to Walmart. No one cut hair here, and I don't want to have to sit around in a beauty shop to get a buzz cut. I'm beginning to look shaggy, so get some clippers and you two can cut my hair."
The girls laughed at me for being so cheap, but recognized the aggravation I had with waiting around for someone to spend two minutes and charge me twenty bucks plus tip for a haircut.
I told them, "Mom used to do it for me all the time. She said my head was easy to cut because it was shaped to be easily cut. She would run the clippers over my head with a short adapter and then cut the sides and neck without any adapter. I'll bet you two can do an even better job.
Jeannie said, "You can have your teammates come by for a quick haircut for fifteen bucks if we do a good job, and we don't take tips. How's that for part time entrepreneurship."
We were having fun living together and working toward creating some revenue for our future.
As soon as I walked into the clubhouse, one of the equipment men said, "Joe wants to see you as soon as you come in. He's in his office; go now."
I knocked on the door and Joe looked up and smiled. "We're going to need you in the rotation, Matt. Moore is out for probably most of the year, and Odorizzi has a sore elbow too. I can't understand how everyone is having physical problems. You're not sore anywhere, are you, Matt?"
"No Sir. I get stiff from not working as much as I should, if anything. You really need to let me throw batting practice or at least half of it every game. I won't ask to do it on days I start, but I beg the bullpen manager to let me throw my pitches when I'm sitting on the bench in the bullpen. Scott doesn't mind, and it helps me stay sharp. The bullpen is like a death sentence to pitchers who want to work. You need to have them warm up everyday with all of their pitches. Scott is good at evaluating, so let him do it and interact with the relievers."
Joe was still smiling when he said, "There are some of the guys who don't want to hear from the catcher. You know, like Balfour. He hates to hear anything from a warm up catcher. He has a hard time with the game catcher."
"I know, Joe, but you know what I'm saying. The guys in the Social Club sit there and read books or fall asleep waiting to be called to stretch and warm up. They could be practicing their pitches. I know it's tough to do here, but it can be done. One guy at a time can run through his pitches and throw a couple extra of a pitch he's having trouble with."
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EroticI think Gods best creation of man and women is meant to make love and it’s to us that how beautifully, technically and perfectly you can enjoy it. Lovemaking is an art and it can only get matured with regular practice and our dear friend Mr Vatsayan had explored 184 Asans and most of us used only 2-3 Asans in which most of the time Man on top and totally ignoring women’s feeling and her desires. I had experienced and shared very light moments with my partners during love making and understand,...
Title: GamerGirled for Life (Part 3) Author: Cupertino Abstract: The games expand into other VR worlds as Scott continues his journey deeper into a new way of being. "Don't move your legs just yet," said Sarah, from her Ms. Ray body as she set up the next session at the VR brothel, "or you'll flop onto the floor." "Hey! I'm topless!" yapped Scott, finding his female VR body floating and rotating like other dangling marionette bodies on display in the manor's...
Catherine woke up half-remembering an unpleasant dream. Not a great start to a day. She rolled out of bed, and looked blearily around her room. Something was off. When she could finally see the waking world clearly, she knew what was wrong. Her room had undergone a makeover. Gone were her grey sheets, her bookshelf and her posters of famous female scientists. In their place was pink sheets, a vanity and posters of models. When she looked more closely at the posters she realized they still...
Theatrical….6He let go of me and locked the door, he came in front of me and knelt down, I looked up at him, “are you ok?” he asked, “I’m fine” I said “but better for seeing you” I said, “did he come inside you?” he asked, “no, did you come inside her?” I challenged, “no, she cried off after her third orgasm, I left her entertaining the troops” he said, “look, can you do me a big favour, will you make sure that my sister is ok, she was the other woman in the shelter and my niece, the bride to...
I stopped in my tracks and stared at her. "I couldn't wait until Sunday" she said. "I didn't see your car out front." "Your mom let me put it in the garage. We were afraid that you would keep on going if you saw it." "That would have been a good bet. What do you want Gail?" "In a nutshell - you." "That doesn't make sense Gail Sue. You had me and you threw me away. You were very clear about your opinion of me and your need to get away from me and move on." "I didn't...
After a whole year of celibacy, hot MILF friends Mandy and Vivianne decide it’s time to get back in the game. They’re both super horny and ready to jump back on the wagon, but they don’t want their husbands to be the ones to pop them. Instead, they prefer to get themselves some young male cocks that can actually keep up with them. It so happens that James and Nicky, their stepsons, are young, hunky, and eager to help. As Vivianne and Mandy get fucked by each other’s...
xmoviesforyouIt was the weekend I was staying over at my friend house since his parent will be out of town.well I am secretly bi. My friend and me went to down town and he had a little too much drink,so I drive him home and take him to his bed and took his clothes off leaving him just with his boxer.I was leaving the room, I noticed he had abulge in his bixer so I went back,knowing that he is a hard sleeper,started to rub his dick though his boxer.I then took it out and discover he had a 9inch,I was...
Vanakam friends, indru Tanglish kathaiyil teacherai eppadi usar seithu matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Vasanth, enathu veethiyil oru school irukirathu, angu thinamum niraiya teacher nadanthu selvaargal. Appadi oru naal sexiyaaga iru mulai matrum soothu thukalaana pen teacherai paarthu viten. Avalai paarkum pozhuthu ennai oru kama paarvaiyil paarthu vitu sendru vital, en vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Enaku innum thirumanam nadaka vilai, intha vayathil oru aanai entha pen...
I filled the shower bag again and the 6 of us took a fun shower, kissing and licking one another clean, as well as the odd feel up too, but most happy to just relax now, after a few more drinks the girls told us they wanted to try something right out there, us guys asked what, they said would we all be into sleeping with different partners tonight, my first question was who goes with who, Sue took my hand, Gretchen took Ricks, and Lyn took Lou, that was it, we headed off to bed, I aimed for...
The Ball Puller! TJ Ryder Illustrated Adult FETISH stories! An FF/mm story Chapter 1 The attractive woman in a low cut gown announcedto the live audience when the camera showed its red light. "Welcome to this week's Crazy Careers!" She smiled at theapplause and waited for it to die down! "Wev'e had all kinds of guests on this show. CrossdressingEscorts, Secret Agents,...
How It All BeganI retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...
I usually work from home as I have a very private place with a wonderful view and Lord knows I’ve put in more than my fair share of office hours over the years. But I do occasionally elect to make visits to the office both during normal office hours and off-hours to make copies, restock my home supplies and have a cup of coffee with a long-term friend or two. Usually when I do hit the office, I find time to spend some me time in the restroom, jerking my cock and fantasizing about taking cock...
CrossdressingSCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 7 Lorenzo de Luca found his grandmother's handbag on the kitchen side and pulled fifty euros worth of notes from her purse. He could already hear her shrieking from the living room. "Don't be spending it on drugs, you hear? We need groceries! I swear if your grandfather were still alive he'd knock some sense into you." Her Italian was old school, bringing an added harshness to her words. "Lay off Nonna, I've got this, okay?" Lorenzo pocketed the...
The Tale of Leigh and Jo By Kelly Blake Edited and Proof Read by Andrea Lena DiMaggio and Alison Mary; artwork by the incorrigible Belle Meade Author's Note: This little tale would definitely not have been possible without the help of the above mentioned ladies and their staff. This tale is dedicated to all those who have 'little secrets' and unyielding families. "New Year's Day..." Mother, we always called her mother, and I were in the sun room. She wanted to...
A brief recap. Carol and I went honky tonking and picked up three young business men. Carol was wearing a snap button cowgirl shirt and extremely tight Jeans. She pretended to be a waitress and flirted outrageously with them. She brazenly flashed her breasts. I drove all of us back to their hotel with Carol in the back seat making out with two of them. At the hotel we took the garage elevator. At the first floor the door opened and there was a young couple waiting. They saw Carol half naked and...
Wife LoversWe have booked another night away in derbyThe look in vickys eyes has been naughty all the time we have been traveling. she is up to something but what ?Suppose I will find out soon. We go to our room I am tired cause of all the work and overtime I have been doing lately. We open the vodka and wine. I have a couple the decided I wanted a splif so I go outside and find somewhere quiet to get high. When I return to the room the handcuffs are out. Blindfold. She tells me get in the shower and...
Bu?e Bu?e von Castigo
He wasn’t like the rest of them. He hadn’t been looking for a quickie non-romantic fling with a younger woman. He wanted something real. She took it slow with him. She’d been jumping in head first for too long now. And finally she’d found someone she had been able to stick with. They’d been comfortable with each other from the start. She could tell him anything, and she often surprised herself with what she did tell him. Now, walking home from a long day at the office, she was more than...
Honey, the trip to Saipan last month great. You know my company sent me there for almost a week for training and meetings. They make reservation for me to stay at Resort hotel—great view and beach! Work was intense and stress. So one night I wear tight jeans and halter top under blouse and sexy bra and went to the street bazaar, like in Manila for relax the stress. Many stalls, locals, and tourists. I got thirsty and hungry and sat alone at nearby small restaurant/bar. Then I observe...
Hello everyone, a warm welcome to all. I wish all horny bastards and bitches a very happy new year. The college has reopened after the Christmas vacation in Bangalore and is full of teachers and students with their chatters and gossips on how they spent their new year vacation. The Maths teacher John knew that he has found his fuck doll on the campus in the form of his hot student Riya and that he can fuck her anytime. She has been sending him nudes all through the vacation and had promised him...
When you're young a difference of five years is a lot. Think about it. Age ten to age fifteen. That's a huge difference; one's a kid and the other is a young adult. But think about it like this. Ages twenty-one and twenty-six. It really doesn't sound that bad. When I was younger I would look at my brother's friends as babies. They were nothing to me but as I started getting older they started becoming hotter and they were no longer my baby brother's friends. They were hot teenage boys who were...
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