The Catalyst RebornChapter 26 Searching for Enlightenment
- 3 years ago
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Charlie POV:
Charlene, Linda and I were just having breakfast when Willie ‘summoned me’. We had planned on going out to the new property to await the guys delivering our new trailers. Willie said he urgently needed me to undo a spell that Chen had put on the guy in charge of that group ‘ETCETERA’.
Willie assured me that this would be a quick ‘Cum and Go’, so I told Linda and Charlene to head out there and I would just meet them on-site.
I popped out there, invisible of course, and Willie filled me in on exactly what he wanted me to do. They had come up with a reasonable plan to possibly infiltrate this General’s covert organization. Since they still wanted me to stay out of the picture I did my ‘cure’ whilst assuming my Angel persona. As soon as I finished I went invisible and just hung out in the corner of the room.
The General thought I just disappeared, but I told Willie that I wanted to hang around and hear what was going on. He said that was fine, he just didn’t want the General to know that I was another one who now knew about his organization. Since I knew it was going to take Charlene and Linda at least half an hour just to get to our new property, I felt I had a little bit of time.
I was impressed with the way they choreographed the entire meeting.
I watched everything right up until the point where they promised the General he might get telepathy if he remained cool. Maggie had invited me into her head, which was a very intimate gesture. I got to see, up close and personal, her technique of delving into the General’s mind. It was very similar to Mary’s. Maggie’s was just more aggressive, yet still unobtrusive so she doesn’t get discovered.
She also explained to me, while we were together, everything they were trying to do.
I told her that we would have the new trailers all hooked up by tonight, if she and the rest of the gang, wanted to pop out and spend the night with us. I assured her we would have plenty of room since Bob and company were still all up at Greg’s island.
She said they would have to see what was going to happen with their plan, but thought it was a good idea and would let me know.
When I popped back out to our new home-site, Charlene and Linda had just pulled in.
It wasn’t long before the trailers arrived.
We put the two trailers in an L-shape with the entry doors facing to the East on the Toy-hauler and the North on the 5th-wheel. We paid the extra to have them tied down so a strong storm wouldn’t move them any. They helped us get everything hooked up including running a PVC pipe all the way down to the septic connection. They also included a tap to hookup our old 5th-wheel.
Shortly after noon everything was finished. We made sure the refrigerators were turned on and the air-conditioners were running since it was still getting up over 90 degrees every day.
We had planned on popping back to Chicago to pick up the twins.
But first, we decided it would be a good idea to re-familiarize ourselves with the interior layout of the new trailers.
That’s when we suddenly realized we had a shit-load of things we needed to buy. We essentially had a brand-new place with absolutely nothing in it other than the furniture!
The sheer volume of everything we needed was nearly overwhelming. We needed bedding and pillows for three king-size beds, three queen-sized beds, two double beds and two single kid’s bunkbeds.
We also needed everything for the kitchen, not to mention towels, wash cloths and things like that.
It made me recognize that we really needed a truck to haul everything. The bedding and pillows alone would easily fill up Charlene’s trunk and backseat!
What we really needed was Bob’s Step-Van.
I was starting to panic. I didn’t know if I could teleport Bob’s Step-Van all by myself, but I figured I needed to give it a try. We certainly weren’t going to need it in Chicago anymore.
Charlene and Linda told me they would make a trip to Kmart and start getting the bedding and things if I wanted to try and see if I couldn’t get Bob’s Step-Van here.
I was thinking about possibly bringing Eric and Olivia back with me. Then Linda suggested that maybe we should leave them with our parents for a few more days. I told her I would talk it over with our mothers since Bob’s van was still at their house.
I gave Linda a few thousand dollars in cash. She also had our credit card in case she needed more. With that, they headed on their way to the store while I popped back to Dad’s place.
When I got home, I found Mom and Iris reading a story to Eric and Olivia. Dad was in the kitchen and invited me to sit a spell and have a cup of coffee with him so we could talk over everything that was going on.
I asked him if he knew more about General Hendershot than I heard at their little meeting.
He chuckled, “Oh yes. You heard me say I discovered, on that plane, that he was the head of the group that would end up being known as the Majestic 12. Well, I’d also learned that there was a lot more to the UFO story than I led him to believe. I also knew at that time that I didn’t want any part of the ultra-secrecy that would be involved by joining his group.
“Even though none of you kids were born yet, your mother and I both wanted kids.” He chuckled, “I think you were a little more than just a twinkle in your mother’s eye! If you know what I mean?”
I blushed in embarrassment, “Jeez, Dad! Yeah, I know what you mean!”
He just shook his head and laughed, “Anyway, it was bad enough being in the regular CIA, knowing I wouldn’t be able to see you boys nearly as often as I would’ve liked. I just knew that entering his organization would be 10 times worse.”
“I’m just curious, why didn’t you ever say anything to Bob and me that there really were UFOs and aliens?”
He grinned, “If you think back to every time you ever asked about them, do you remember what I told you?”
I had to think about it, then nodded, “You always said that anything was possible and that there was a good chance we weren’t the only intelligent beings in the universe.”
Dad nodded, “Even when you kids got older, I was never totally sure the CIA wasn’t monitoring me or everybody else around me. That’s why I could never tell you that I knew for certain. Now that you’re older, I’m sure you can understand why I did that?”
I just smiled and nodded, “I do. There’s no way Bob and I could’ve kept quiet about it. You probably saved our lives by not telling us. I’m intrigued now, what are you guys planning on doing about it?”
Dad grinned, “A whole lot more than my old buddy Frank will ever know! We’ve got a bet going as to whether or not Frank will even remember anything a couple of days from now. Trust me, if we do end up giving Frank telepathy, it will be very limited. Jeremy and Maggie really got into the General’s head. After he left us, Maggie and Jeremy agreed there were a lot of things that he hadn’t told us that he really should have. He desperately wants our help but knows that in doing so he’s going to end up giving up nearly every single secret that he has. And that scares the crap out of him!”
“Can you give me any hints?”
Dad just smiled, “I’ll let them tell you since I understand they’re coming out to visit you tonight. I wouldn’t want to steal their thunder!”
I just shook my head and grinned, “And that brings me to one of the reasons I decided to come here. Would you guys mind watching Eric and Olivia for a few more days? We’ve got so much stuff going on getting our trailer set up that we just aren’t going to be able to keep an eye on them the way we should.”
“You know you don’t have to ask, don’t you? I was actually hoping that we could talk you into leaving Eric and Olivia here for a little while longer. Just having Bill and Emmy’s kids and the four that went up to Greg’s Island gone makes us feel like empty-nesters again.”
I just nodded, “Are you guys going to be all right when we have all the kids out in Arizona with us?”
Now dad looked deep in thought, “I keep telling your mom and Iris that these are your kids, not theirs. They understand that once you guys get settled in you’re going to want to have all your kids with you. We’ll just have to come out and visit you once in a while. Now, what was the other reason you decided to come and pay us a visit?”
I chuckled, “I need to get Bob’s Step-Van out to Arizona, ASAP. We’ve got a ton of shopping to do and really need the wheels.”
Dad just grinned, “I take it you’re not planning on driving it out?”
I shook my head with a smirk, “I’m going to try and teleport it. I’m hoping to be able to do it myself, unless you want to give me a hand?”
“It’s been a while since you and I did anything fun and exciting together. Are you thinking about taking your fifth wheel trailer out there too?”
“Are you offering to help?” I grinned.
He nodded his head and chuckled, “Let’s make a list of everything you might want to take with you and we can do it all at once. Are you thinking about taking your bikes out there yet?”
I had to think for a second. “I’d like to, especially since we don’t really have any vehicles to just cruise around in. Thing is, we don’t have a garage or anything to put them in and I’m afraid they’ll just get covered with dust. I don’t know if you heard, but it’s looking like it’ll be more than a year before we can actually get moved into our new place. I suppose it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a big permanent shed built just East of where the trailers are going to go. It would end up being a good place to store the girl’s bikes and the two ATVs.”
Dad nodded, “So you’re planning to leave those bikes and the ATVs up at the cabin for now?”
“Yeah, I think so. Getting those to Arizona will be easy and the girls can even help. It’s just the big stuff I could really use your help with. It just occurred to us this morning that we don’t have anything in our new trailers as far as clothes, pots and pans, dishes, bedding or anything else. That’s the main reason I came here to get Bob’s van.”
Dad grinned, “Well, at least your old fifth wheel still has all that stuff in it, doesn’t it?”
I nodded my head to one side in agreement, “That’s true. After our big trip out West, we never fully unloaded it, except for the things in the refrigerator.” I chuckled, “at least it has a good coffee maker!”
We decided we would start with Bob’s van then come back and do the fifth wheel.
Ed Hopkins POV: Greg’s Island 350,00 Light Years away
After catching our two big fish, we decided we needed to head back before they started to go bad. We were just North and East of the north end of the island when we caught them. When Bob started to turn around, Rua started shaking his head and kept pointing for us to keep going south. He managed to tell us, between the few words he knew and mental pictures, that we were closer to the backside of the mountain where two of the other families had their caves. He made us understand there was a tunnel-like cave that went through the mountain!
Knowing that we would never be able to eat both of those great big fish, he wanted to give one to his friends.
That made sense, so Bob shoved the throttle forward and we headed South at full speed. Everyone was excited as this was the fastest we’d gone with them on board. Now that they’d gotten used to the boat, going this fast was a lot of fun.
I had to guess that we were probably going better than 40 miles an hour. All of our little friends had their hands out with the wind making them move up and down whenever they twisted their wrists.
It reminded me of when I was a kid and riding in dad’s car with my arm out the window!
It was only a few minutes later before Rua and Lou were pointing at the shore where two of their friends were standing there fishing, themselves.
At first their friends were terrified seeing and hearing the boat. Bob cut back on the throttles so that they could hear Rua and Lou hollering at them. They suddenly turned around with the most amazed looks on their faces.
Bob slowly eased us onto the beach after raising and cutting off the motors. Their friends hollered at someone further inland and before we knew it there were six of them standing there, watching us come ashore.
Once they all saw Lou, Rua and their kids, they quickly became totally fascinated with the boat. When they saw the size of that 80-pound grouper we caught, their little eyes liked to bug out of their heads. It’s like they couldn’t believe that we were going to just give it to them. It amazed me just how appreciative they were to this act of kindness.
It also made me realize that catching a fish this large wasn’t something they’d most likely ever done before.
Lou and Rua then just had to show them the 120-Lb marlin that we caught! Milo, Lou’s eldest, just had to show them our fishing poles and gaff, too. The way he puffed out his chest made both Bob and I chuckle.
They were struggling mightily trying to get the grouper off the boat. They were amazed again when Bob used his PK to pick it up over his head, making it look like he was Superman. He said he was glad he was using his PK because the fish was really slippery.
We took it over to one of their caves where they showed us where they wanted it put so they could clean it and gut it. It was cute when one of the ladies came over and gave Bob an unsuspecting kiss. She was really shy and acted like she wasn’t sure if it was appropriate or not. The one guy who I figured was her husband or mate, just gave Bob a lopsided grin. Even Bob was blushing and just grinned at the guy with a helpless look on his face. Then, the next thing I knew, she came over and gave me a kiss while another lady ran over and gave Bob another one.
Lou and Rua were grinning like a couple of cats who just ate a canary. When Bob gave the second one a hug after her kiss, things got interesting.
I wasn’t in tune with exactly what was going on, so I gave the lady with me a hug too. The next thing I knew I was getting visions of her wanting to have sex with me!
When I saw Bob’s eyes bug out I flashed that we may have gotten ourselves into more than we bargained for. Not knowing what to do, we slowly separated ourselves from these two overly amorous ladies. One thing we didn’t want, was to give our newest friends the idea that we were trying to steal their women.
All of a sudden, both ladies acted like we’d insulted them and hurt their feelings!
Thankfully, Lou came over and using a combination of their language and mental images seemed to sort things out. Lou explained that we were strangers and not used to their customs. Then he explained to us that a hug usually signified that the initiator of the hug (me and Bob) wanted to engage in sex! That a kiss was just a kiss and not necessarily an intimate sign of affection.
It was the first time that any of us had any physical contact with of our new little friends, other than a handshake. We explained to the Rua and Lou that for us it was just the opposite. A hug was simply a gesture of friendship not necessarily an invitation to have sex. When we tried to explain there were several different types of kisses, he gave us a very confused look.
I tried not to laugh as Bob and I were getting ourselves in deeper and deeper by the second. When Rua wanted me to show him the difference between kisses I explained that guys don’t normally kiss guys, only girls. I tried showing him a mental image of me kissing Gracie but only giving Bob a quick hug. It’s like he suddenly figured it out and flashed me a picture of him kissing Lou, but then hugging his wife just before fucking her brains out.
I don’t know if we convinced them of who’s way was better, but at least we defused the situation for now.
Not that I would’ve wanted to get it on with these two sexy, albeit short ladies.
The thing is, we also needed to figure out just how their society viewed mates and having sex with someone who wasn’t their mate. When Bob flashed me that we should ask Lou and Rua to explain the difference, I strongly suggested we wait until we had them all alone so we wouldn’t create another debacle!
Their friends from this side of the island didn’t seem to understand any of our language. Their level of telepathy was about the same as Lou and Rua, but, we were just going to have to clarify communications before we tried to get into anything as complicated as sex.
Bob let Lou know that we were kind of in a hurry to get our fish home so Lou helped hurry things along so we could get back on the boat.
On our way around the south side of the island back to where our beach was, Lou explained that the six people we met were three young couples. He explained that their parents had died some time ago from drowning.
No wonder they were so afraid of going in the ocean.
I told Bob that if we didn’t do anything else, we needed to at least try and teach everyone here how to swim.
The idea of living on a tropical island and not knowing how to swim was a recipe for disaster.
Bob agreed and even suggested that it might be a good time for Mary and Jamie to try to see if they couldn’t telepathically connect to Charlie. That way, if nothing else maybe Charlie could send us enough life preservers for all of our little friends.
It was foolish to think we could teach them how to swim in three days. If we could give them life preservers, they could at least venture out into the water and not have to worry about drowning.
Bob decided to teleport our marlin back to camp.
He summoned Mary and Jamie and had them get out our eight-foot folding table and put it on the far side of the little pond so we could clean our big fish.
I decided to just walk with our friends and we all headed back to camp after beaching and anchoring our boat.
By the time we got back, Bob had several knives and a couple of big empty bins ready so we could sort the different cuts of filets from our marlin.
Lou and Rua must have shown everyone how to use the knives we left. Between both of them, Milo, Filo and Lee, Lou’s eldest, we made short work of getting all the meat off of our fish. Lou wanted to keep the carcass and offal so Lee and Stee hauled it all back to their camp. We decided to have a monster cookout since we had over 60Lbs of prime fillets.
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AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this story...
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Charlie POV: When we arrived back at home, we were totally disoriented as far as what time of day it was. When the whole episode with the assassins started it was around 4:00 pm on Friday. Looking outside, it was twilight and all the workers were gone from the back yard. It was very quiet. All of the babies were hungry and needed changing. We all pitched in taking care of the kids, even Sheila and Joni. Rex and Jeremy took orders for carryout chicken and took off to get dinner. The kiddos...
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We spent nearly 20 hours at Ibera’s. My old friend is now completely up to speed on how our Family became what it is and how we all developed our powers. First, how we developed them early on, then all the way to reacquiring them after CJ was born, then, to all the current iterations. He stopped us many times to relate how he’d been required to investigate different missions we’d been on. The CIA had been much more interested than I’d thought. Bill also made it clear that TJ and even Jim...
Charlie POV: When we left Bill and Bruce we decided to just pop to my house to talk since there wouldn’t be anyone there. Mary, Sarah and Jamie went back to the boat to be with the kids while Joni and Sheila came with us to be with Rex and Jeremy. TJ was going into more detail about what was going on at CIA headquarters. Most everything was about what we’d already gone over with Bill and Bruce. TJ said, “I don’t know if you’re aware, but Franklin is just the interim Executive Director. He...
[“Do you trust him to keep our secret?” “I’d like to think so, ... but,... “] Joshua took a deep breath before looking each of us in the eye. “Let me ask each of you a question. I want you to think about it carefully. Your answer will be my answer as to whether or not I breathe a word of this to my friend Johnny. “Would any or all of you be willing to dedicate one year to a project that my friend Johnny and I might want to restart? And what if I could virtually guarantee that each of you...
[“I laid low, just raising you kids after that until TJ called me in late 1972.”] “What happened then?” Bob asked. “We put together a plan of how Jim and TJ could use my abilities without putting any of us in danger!” Dad smiled brilliantly. “So, you’re not trying to talk us out of our plan with Tom? It sure sounded like you were trying to scare us out of the idea.” I exclaimed. “Scare you? Yes, and no. Enlighten you? Definitely.” “So what’s the plan?” Bob asked excitedly. “Hold your...
Charlie POV: The talk and subsequent agreement for us to help ‘sexually educate’ Matt and Ralph’s kids led to many discussions. The idea of teaching such nubile, young cuties about loving and sex while arousing on one hand, left us also questioning whether we could be sure just how it would affect them. We DID decide that before we indulged their desires, they were going to get a discussion to let them talk through the possible complications. Those ideas led to the adults of both families...
"You said the carpeting and window treatments are included in the purchase price?" Patricia asked. "Exactly. You can change those after you move in, with the Homeowner's Association approval," Bob answered, "but, essentially, the interior of each home can be decorated according to individual tastes." Bob didn't like to dwell on Association rules, they brought death to a sale. "The builder will let you select options. If you'll look through your folder, you'll see several attractive...
For convenience and reader ease, all conversations are translated in English. Ciwalen, Jawa, Indonesia "Hey Cary, wait up!" Hearing my best friend Fariz's voice I halted in my stride, so he could catch up and we could go together to school, which was still at least another kilometer away. As he caught up with me he said: "Did you hear about Rino?" Rino was another friend of us; he caught MORFS a week earlier. I shook my head, "No what happened?" "He was taken away by some...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 5 Paul awoke next morning having not had a dream with his female self in it. He had just dreamt of Kelly and the thought of having her in bed with him. It was of course Sunday, and due to the day out with Kelly, he had a day of homework to look forward to. He found that Joanne seemed more cheerful than usual. Her hair was chocolate brown now, having dyed it for the umpteenth time. She seemed to be growing it out too. Her roots were showing her...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 6 Paul arrived home and headed upstairs as usual to put his bag in his room. Whilst he was up there, he headed for the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He noticed that his face was softer, though not enough to look feminine. His eyebrows hadn't been touched since he had found Joanne's tweezers, so they helped keeping him looking masculine. The question that bothered him was how long this state of affairs would remain. How long before the face he...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 15 Paul arrived home and took his bag upstairs. "Come down here. Need you to try these on," called Laura. Paul quickly came back down and went into the living room. Laura was sitting down and she was holding two pairs of trousers. From first glance, they didn't look like girls trousers. "They're plain enough so that no one will tell unless they stare long enough," said Laura. "Unless girls notice," said Joanne. "Never mind that," said...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 19 Paul returned home and went upstairs to change. He had a small number of womens clothes to choose from, something he was keen to improve on. Still, he had some clothes to wear. "Thats better," he sighed, as he came downstairs and accepted Laura's offer of a drink. "How was your day at school, Paula?" asked Laura. "Fine, no jokes, and Alicia is ok with the plan," he replied. "Thats good. How're you going to arrange visits?" she...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 24 Paula awoke next morning ready for her second day at school, and it was going to be an interesting one. First PE lesson as a girl plus seeing exactly what that girl who had spoken to her had meant. "Morning sweetheart," said Laura as she came down to breakfast. "Morning mom. Got my PE kit ready?" she replied. "Yes, I've put you a bottle of shampoo in as you requested," said Laura. "It's gonna feel strange being among loads of naked girls....
The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 29 Paula and Kelly left their mothers at the cafe and went to explore more clothes shops. "I really like the fact you want a bikini," said Kelly. "I can just picture the two of us, lying on a beach, soaking up the sun enjoying each others company." "Yes, hopefully before our honeymoon too," said Paula. "We can just have a sign nearby saying "Men Fuck Off. Lesbians in Love."" "I like the idea, but I doubt it would work. Men don't like women...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 33 Laura and Miriam had left the salon for a reason. The surprise that Laura had promised for Paula had got to be collected. Miriam came along because it also involved Kelly. Laura led Miriam to a jewellers shop a few hundred yards away. "Do you think they have them ready?" asked Miriam. "They are," said Laura. "I phoned the shop on Friday. Now they are identical in every way but for size." "If what you told me about them is true, Kelly should...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 36 Paula went to bed Friday night still reeling from the fact that her parents had had sex in a college classroom. But since that bit of skulduggery, they had obviously cleaned up their act. The following morning, Paula prepared for her day at Alicia's. Without a set of earplugs available, she was trying to think of other ways to worm her way out of listening to hours of pop music. "Oh don't try to worm your way out," said Laura. "You may well...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 3 Sunday arrived and Paul dressed up as smart as he could, without going overboard. Alex was going to take him round to Kelly's house and would pick him up later. He picked up his school bag and prepared to go. "Just be yourself, and you should be fine," said Laura as he left. "Nervous?" asked Alex as he got in the car. "A bit. Not of Kelly, just her parents," he answered. "Well, don't be. As mom told you, just be yourself. You shouldn't...
Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 37 They got off the bus and found themselves on a busy city centre street. "Still busy," said Linda. "Lots of workers, college students and the like," said Laura. "Now, I think it's this way." They walked along a number of long shop filled streets before heading towards the fringes of the city centre. It was a fair walk over all and they were glad when the Sealife Centre came into view. "Bugger, got to ask for 5 adults," said Laura. The...
Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 49 Tuesday came and Paula prepared for what would be her first ever visit to Linda's house. After being told to present herself as "girly", she did just that, going for a just above knee height skirt and a sleeveless top. She then put on her "face" and touched up her nails. "You do know where her house is?" asked Laura over breakfast. "I think so, though I've never been there. I think Kelly mentioned where she lived once." replied Paula. "I should have...
The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, lesbian sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.The Apartment (revised)(A legal specialist performs exhibitionist lesbian acts for her client’s entertainment)Saturday evening 10pm. Driving rain lashed the dark floor-to-ceiling penthouse windows of an expensive apartment tower. A storm front had descended on downtown Boston. A...
The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 1 The straps were loosened on the black 1" heel shoes tumbled under the desk. One stockinged foot was on the floor, the other unsteadily balanced on the plastic trash can; the position pulled the leather skirt tight above the green-nailed fingers that absent-mindedly rubbed a spot on the outside of the right knee. The woman was leaning back in her chair, head...
WARNING: Fictionmania Readers: This story has elements of forced feminization, s/m, b/d, that forces a man to become the bride of another man. This all takes a place in the realm of fantasy and no where else. There are scenes of sexual activity the take place beginning in chapter 5. This story has been posted here before, but it is much revised now. Dark Tales of Forced Feminization Presents "The Martin...
Dark Tales of Force Feminization Volume One "The Martin Hastings Saga" is a work of erotic fantasy/fiction in three distinct pieces and is not based on any beliefs/realities or are any of the characters based on person's alive or dead. This story contains elements of b/d, s/m, forced femininity, and some explicit scenes of gay sexual activity, some non conventual in nature. The story is meant to be a piece of erotic literature for entertainment purposes...
"The Marriage of Martin Hastings" REVISED Chapter Three "For Better and For Worse" By Rikki Martin shifted his eyes back and forth, looking at all the people standing, and were totally focused on him. He could not turn his head because of the neck corset held his head slightly tilted back but firmly in place. He saw many people smiling and some giggling at the sight of him, but politely covering...
The Pool Party (Revised) NEED YOUR HELP TO FINISH THE DIALOGUE! ***Please follow my story line while writing the rest. I included it at the end of the text.***By: WowImBigPart 1There I was, wading in the shallow end of the pool, with my fellow classmates at our senior year pool party; trying to act normal while I was hiding the biggest dirtiest secret ever. Last night, I was pumping my pussy with the monster pump cup I made... and I fell asleep with it on me... suction was strong as ever. 7...
Here's a revised form of my first story. Hope you enjoy! :) The Terrible Ts - Part 1 Talbot POV: The Terrible Ts. That’s what we’ve been called since we learned to walk. Whether it was meaningless pranks to blood-letting fights in the school hallways, nothing deterred us. We were determined to conquer the world, one way or another. Of course, we are still straight-A students and involved in all the sports our high school had to offer us. Our mother, Zona, drilled that into us...
I would like to say first that I appreciate your comments on my first version of this story. They helped me focus on a few things that needed attention which encouraged me to write this revised edition. If you have read the previous version, please read this one. I would like to know your take in a sort of "before and after" snapshot on whether the story flows better or not. By all means, keep the comments coming. Also, if you’d like, please send me a private message to discuss the...
Part 1 (Revised) Chapter One “This will surely go down in the record books as the storm of the century.” The meteorologist’s voice bellowed from the 32 inch flat TV screen. That was the last thing Sarah Sheldon heard before the lights flickered, once…twice, and then everything went dark. Her body stiffened, paralyzed by her fear of storms. “Shit!” she shrieked. “Daddy…? The power’s out!” Of course he would have already figured that one out for himself, but Sarah had been afraid...
Part 1 (Revised) Chapter One “This will surely go down in the record books as the storm of the century.” The meteorologist’s voice bellowed from the 32 inch flat TV screen. That was the last thing Sarah Sheldon heard before the lights flickered, once…twice, and then everything went dark. Her body stiffened, paralyzed by her fear of storms. “Shit!” she shrieked. “Daddy…? The power’s out!” Of course he would have already figured that one out for himself, but Sarah had been afraid...
(COMPLETELY REVISED) WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW A TRUE STORY This is the story of when I lost my virginity. The story is a true story. I went over to my girlfriend’s apartment on the evening of April 27, 1990, a Friday, to visit her. Her name was Beverly. She was 38 when the events of the evening took place. I was 23 when the events of the evening happen. That evening was in early spring and it was a warm evening. Before the evening was over I would lose my virginity. Beverly had...
A revised episode. Introduction: In a recent episode of the TV drama, 'Brothers and Sisters', Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field) are attending a charity function to do with raising funds for a cancer cause. Kitty is hiding out in a washroom because her hair has just started to fall out because of chemotherapy she is receiving for her lymphoma. Nora approaches the door and begs her daughter to come out. I have altered the scenario that they have been kidnapped and are...