The Catalyst RebornChapter 26 Searching for Enlightenment
- 3 years ago
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Jeremy POV:
We managed to get all the prisoners separated and into cells. We then decided to let them stew for a little while before Pops flashed that he wanted to bring in Franklin.
He was planning on teleporting Franklin in so he wouldn’t know where he was being taken.
He had Rex go into an empty cell and turn invisible, standing in the center of the cell. He was planning to pop in right behind him then both of them would teleport into the meeting room where we were all set to begin discussing our game plan.
Every cell had a video camera as well as a microphone so we could watch each prisoner, trying to judge their mental state. They turned the light off before Franklin was put in his cell to further disorient him. Pops and Rex then teleported into the meeting room, materializing as themselves.
That caught all three of the Directors off guard. I was almost certain that Pops would materialize as the Terminator, since that’s how he had been communicating with all three of the directors earlier.
Pops flashed us, “I’ve been thinking about this, guys, I think it’s time we put all of our cards, or at least most of them, on the table. If we really want to do what we talked about, as far as getting rid of all the corruption in the three agencies, I need to come clean about my previous relationship with the CIA. Remember however, we also want to direct them as far away from any association with Charlie as much as we can. Therefore, let me do the talking and try to corroborate when you see where I’m going. We’re not going to tell them ‘the whole’ truth.
“Oh yes, be ready because we may give them a demonstration”
By now, all three of the directors were just staring at Pops.
Deputy Director Hodgkins of the FBI gasped, “Lenny? Are you Jonah?”
Before he could answer, Director Alex Logan of the CIA grinned, “Lenny Jorgensen? I thought I recognized you, but the last I heard, you and your wife were killed in a car wreck over 20 years ago! You probably don’t remember me but I was there in Nevada as an observer for the Psych-Ops division when you aided in an interrogation for the Nevada State Police. What I saw blew me away. I wrote a report about you and what I saw, then turned it in to my supervisor at the time. It seemed like about a week later my supervisor showed me a newspaper article about how you and your wife had died. I’d sure like to know the story behind all that!”
Lenny smiled, “So ... you didn’t know that the CIA physically kidnapped my wife and I and forced me to work for the CIA?”
Now director Logan was open mouthed again, “No! I had no idea. I was just a new agent at the time, so they must not have wanted me in on their little secret. For most of my career I’ve worked in the intelligence side of the CIA, not the Black-Ops division. Everything having to do with Black-Ops is very compartmentalized, especially the old ‘Psych-ops’ division which was closed about 10 years ago. The feeling was that the fewer people that knew anything the better, and easier it was to keep the Press from ever finding out what was going on.”
Lenny continued, “To make a long story short, I did work for the CIA for nearly 4 years back in the late 60’s early 70’s. TJ, Agent Johnson, was my second handler. He also became a close friend. Neither of us liked the direction we saw the CIA going in. Toward the end it seemed like all we were doing was chasing drug cartels. The thing of it was, I’d discover the names of three cartels and they would only go after two of them. I began getting the sneaking suspicion that what we were really doing was eliminating the competition for the big dogs. I didn’t have the proof, since like you said, it was very compartmentalized. When TJ opted out and moved to the FBI somehow or another I lost my abilities and was let go. Many years later, I suddenly regained my abilities and began helping the Illinois State Police and then, eventually, my old friend TJ. That’s my official story and I’m sticking to it. However, a few things happened and I discovered where the abilities I now have, really came from. To say that you wouldn’t believe it would be an understatement.”
By now, many of us were chuckling knowing what Lenny was referring to. I was curious whether or not he was actually going to tell these guys about Zeus and Ibera. They were all under a ‘CS’ spell, so I guess it wouldn’t have mattered, however, I wasn’t aware yet exactly where Lenny was planning on going.
Lenny began relating to them most of what I knew as the story behind how he and Nancy, his wife, had been originally treated. When he tried to dance around the fact that Charlie was actually the original catalyst for all of the abilities we had, he stopped short. He flashed to me and TJ that he was having a crisis of conscience about trying to leave Charlie completely out of the picture.
We all knew he wanted to protect Charlie in the worst way. He also felt, however, that the story he would’ve had to make up to leave Charlie out of it would take up more time than we had.
That was made even more apparent, when Deputy Director Hodgkins asked, “Lenny, if you had these abilities last year when you and TJ were kidnapped by that gang in Pittsburgh, then why was it necessary for ‘The Three Amigos’ to rescue you? Wasn’t it your sons and their friend that did that?”
Lenny sighed, “It’s simple. At that time, my ability to read people’s minds was the only ability I had. I also had a telepathic connection to my sons and their friend, which is what made it possible for them to find us. At the time, TJ had no telepathic or psycho-kinetic abilities whatsoever.”
I was tempted to jump in and help Lenny when he held up his hand and said, “Look gentleman, I’d like to tell you the whole story. However, to do so would not only be highly unbelievable but would take the better part of two or three days. We simply don’t have that much time right now. Besides, you three directors are still sort of on probation.”
He chuckled then added, “AND ... your current level of clearance isn’t quite high enough yet. Let me just promise you this. If you’ll just trust me for now and if all three of you still remember everything a week from now, I’ll take the three of you on a journey that will make everything quite clear. As an added incentive, at that time, I will also give all three of you the power of telepathy.”
The three directors were each looking at each other in what can only be described as an incredulous stupor.
My Director, Arthur Sloan, was looking at Rex and I.
We just winked at him and nodded before I told him, “Yes Director, as you might’ve guessed, everyone in this room, with the exception of you three, can all communicate with each other telepathically. That includes all the women. I know you’re all reluctant to talk about this case with them around, however, as far as we’re concerned, they all have a higher clearance level than you do!”
Now all three of the directors were just slowly nodding their heads. Director Alex Logan was grinning at Maggie before asking, “Miss Pendergast, may I ask how long you’ve had that ability to get into those people’s heads like I witnessed earlier?”
Maggie giggled, “Oh Director, I’m afraid that I’m a pure rookie. Even Bill hasn’t had his abilities for very long. We have had some very good teachers, however.”
That seemed to open a Pandora’s box that I could tell Lenny, as well as myself, wish hadn’t been opened. CIA director Logan’s eyes lit up, “Are you saying that these abilities you have can be taught ... to anyone?”
Lenny was quick to interject, “Not just anyone, Director. There is a very strenuous vetting process that someone needs to go through before any of our abilities can be ‘taught’. There is also a very strict limit as to how many any of us, meaning only Jeremy and I, can give powers to.”
Lenny frowned at Maggie which was nothing compared to the stink eye she was getting from Bill. She turned a delicious shade of crimson before flashing, “OOOPS, sorry!”
Lenny continued, “Let’s get this interrogation going, gentleman. I have a feeling when you see us in action you’re probably going to get many other ideas of how we might be used.”
TJ said, “I want to start with that asshole who shot me!”
The three directors all looked at TJ strangely before Deputy Director Hodgkins asked, “You were shot?”
We were all kind of holding our breath before TJ said, “I’d be dead right now if it wasn’t for the quick thinking of Agent Monte, Agent Grissom and Agent Cosgrove. That’s all I can say for now. Is there any way that just Agent Cosgrove, Maggie, Lenny and I can be alone with the suspect, while you guys just listen in and watch what’s going on?”
My Director, Sloan, smiled, “Sure is, this room is wired with both audio and video to all of the cells and interrogation rooms. You guys just go to Interrogation Room 1 and we’ll stay here watching and recording everything. If that’s alright?”
TJ nodded, “That’s perfect. Just know that video of this can never go anywhere or be seen by anyone not currently in this room, without being edited that is.”
Director Sloan nodded, “Understood, TJ. It’s just that, will we still be able to use it in court?”
TJ grinned, “If the three of you decide to go that way, we can edit out anything that shows our identities. Lenny didn’t tell you yet, but I think the plan is to ship these assholes off to see our old buddy Chen!”
Director Logan gasped, “Chen is still alive?! I thought Jonah took him away and killed him! Where the heck have you been hiding him?”
Lenny was chuckling, “Jonah, or should I say we, don’t operate that way. During the heat of a battle or an operation we may kill people, however, none of us will ever just murder someone in cold blood, guilty or not. That’s not how we operate. Patience, gentlemen. For now, let’s just say that he’s in a land, far, far away from here!”
Now everyone was laughing or at least trying to hold back laughter.
Director Logan looked at the other two directors and shrugged his shoulders, “Must be some kind of inside joke?”
My Sheila, who had been trying to be quiet couldn’t help but giggle, “My friends, you have no idea! When Lenny takes the three of you to see Chen, then you’ll understand. And if you’re really good boys, he may even introduce you to Ibera ... and her twin sisters!”
They were still laughing while Lenny, Maggie, TJ and I headed to Interrogation Room 1. Once there a very surly looking assassin huffed, “I demand to talk to my lawyer!”
TJ chuckled, “That’s not how this works, asshole! What’s your name and who hired you to try and kill me!?”
By now Lenny and I both touched this asshole and pretty much could answer any question TJ might ask. This guy, however, just snickered, “My name is John Doe and you don’t even want to know who hired me!”
Lenny grinned, “So, Maxwell Lester, E Normistronzo promised you 250 grand to kill my friend TJ here?”
The guys jaw hit the floor as he was stammering, “I didn’t say that! How the hell did you know my name? This shit is not funny! I don’t know what Mr Big’s, name is! I’ve suspected that his name might be Normistronzo, but I’ve never seen him and he only contacts me via dead drops. I swear to God; I couldn’t even begin to tell you what he looks like. I’m telling you, I do not know him. If you tell anyone that I do, I’ll be dead before I take my next breath!”
I decided to continue, “How did you know that TJ was going to be here, anyway?”
Lester’s shoulders dropped significantly and he let out a long breath, “I didn’t know he would be here! He was simply a target of opportunity. Mr. Big is not the only one that put a contract out on Agent Johnson. Word had gotten back to Mr Big that this Jonah fucker was seen here along with Tom Selleck. There’s a $2 million bounty for anyone that kills Jonah!”
Maggie gasped, then flashed us “This bastard was targeting Charlie! I saw the image in his head and it was Charlie and two other guys. I’m sending you the images, did you get them?”
All three of us were flabbergasted as the image she had was Charlie, Bob and Greg! This guy had obviously studied a picture and had memorized their three faces. I wanted to find out just how much he or Mr Big actually knew about Charlie and the Three Amigos.
I grabbed his arm forcefully, stared him in the eyes, then said, “Why didn’t you try and get him at his home?”
“I don’t know! They haven’t been there in a while. I was told someone else was going to take care of that if I failed here.”
I wanted to be sure, so I asked, “So, you weren’t sent here to kill any of the CIA Agents?”
“Hell no! I didn’t even know there were any CIA Agents in the area. I did see three guys jump out of a van and open up with Uzis on four other people at point-blank range! And I have to say, they were some non-shooting motherfuckers as they each emptied an entire clip and never even hit anybody! I thought for sure those morons screwed up my job. It wasn’t until after that car blew up that I recognized and shot at Agent Johnson.”
He then looked at TJ and just shook his head, “I don’t know how you’re still alive because I swear, I watched the bullet hit you right in the throat.” He sighed again then added, “and I have absolutely no idea how I went flying through the air then crashed down right next to you guys.”
It was the consensus of the group that this guy, Max, was telling the truth ... at least as he knew it. I flashed the group to see who was next. It was no surprise that Monte wanted us to get Marek and his goons next. It made sense to do them in order, so we told Monte to go ahead and bring Marek in. The surprise was that he didn’t want Marek first, he wanted Laramie first. He informed us that we might be surprised at what we found out from this guy. He started to say why he wanted Laramie first but then stopped, saying it would be better if we just confirmed his suspicions.
While TJ ushered Max back off to his cell, Bill Monte came in with Laramie. The poor kid was nearly in tears as we sat him down, still in cuffs. Bill started right out, gruffly asking him, “Whose idea was it to kill Bruce, me and our girls?”
The look on the kids face pretty much told the story.
He began shaking his head, “I’m so sorry Agent Monte! Honest, if I’d have known we were coming after you and Agent Bixby I’d have gone straight to Franklin! I was at home, just finishing my TV dinner, when Marek called saying he had an emergency mission we needed to go out on. When I got back to the office, Marek and Lockhart already had the van running. As soon as Peter’s got there he told me to drive while the three of them got into the back. He told me to go to that piano bar because that’s where our targets needed to be taken down. I couldn’t hear any of what they were saying; I just heard them loading their weapons. He guided me up until I saw your car and the four of you were getting ready to get in it. At first I thought we were just stopping to pick you guys up! Then everything happened so fast. I couldn’t believe they were shooting at you, honest to God I had no idea!”
Laramie was sobbing now, obviously aware of how much trouble he was in. When Monte flashed as to whether or not the kid was telling the truth, Maggie, Pops and I could only nod our heads, “Yes he is buddy. Go ahead and continue your interrogation; let’s see if there’s anything else he may know.”
Monte reached over and put his hand on Laramie’s shoulder. “Then why did you try getting away?”
“Honest, Agent Monte, I was scared shitless and just hoped to get away before anybody recognized that I was with those three! I knew that what happened was extremely fucked up and didn’t want to be any part of it. When I took off, I had no idea the four of you were still alive! I was running away, hoping that Marek, Agent Peters and Agent Lockhart wouldn’t target me next. I was planning on running straight to temporary Executive Director Franklin to tell him how Marek had tricked all of us into killing Agent Monte, Agent Bixby and their girlfriends. Honest, you have to believe me, Agent Monte.”
Bill just sighed, “and that would’ve gotten you killed, son. How in the world did you ever become a CIA agent anyway?”
The poor kid was just shaking his head, “Mr. Franklin said that if I was going to marry his daughter, I had to be a CIA man. He said that once I went out on my first real mission he would allow me to marry his daughter.”
“Say what!? You’re dating Franklin’s daughter?”
Laramie just nodded.
Maggie was huffing when she flashed us, “I’ll bet that bastard Franklin had no intentions of ever letting poor Laramie here marry his daughter. That fucking asshole never even sent this kid through CIA training or anything! He was probably planning that bogus mission you were supposed to go out on with the full intentions on everyone getting killed. This poor kid is just as much a victim as we are. I think for now we need to put him in a safe house, not in jail. I say we bring that asshole Franklin in here right now and you let me kick him in the balls just like I did Marek!”
Monte told the kid, “Okay, here’s the deal. We’re going to put you back in your cell for now. If we find out you’re telling the truth, you might just get lucky. You’d better hope we don’t find out that you’ve lied to us!”
He shook his head, “I don’t know what they’ll say, but, I’m telling you the truth.”
Monte led the kid back to his cell as we decided to get Franklin next. We all felt that we were just wasting time with Marek and Peters.
As Rex went to get Franklin, we heard a tapping on the door and Director Logan was standing there, “I want to be here for this, if you don’t mind. I think it should prove to be interesting!”
We let him in and he sat next to Monte and Maggie.
We all wanted to see the look on Franklin’s face when he saw that Monte and Bixby were still alive.
It WAS very interesting.
Rex had put a hood over Franklin’s head to keep him off balance. When he sat Franklin down and removed the hood, Franklin liked to vapor lock! He sucked in four deep breathes as he was trying to figure out what was going on. You could physically see all the different scenarios that Franklin had running through his warped mind. His eyes went wide as he stared at Monte and Bixby. Then he looked over at Director Logan and we could all tell he wanted to say something, but then didn’t know what to say.
Finally, he looked at Lenny with wide eyes and open mouth, “Leonard Swenson? Is that you?”
Lenny chuckled, and said in his best Terminator voice, “and I’ll bet you thought I’d never be baaack!”
Franklin passed out cold.
Monte broke out some smelling salts, cracked one open and waved it under his nose, abruptly bringing him back to consciousness. Frankly gasped, staring at the Director, “Director Logan, this man lied and should be charged with subversion! He wrongfully captured me and brought me here against my will! He could have been working with us for all these years and he chose to fake the loss of his abilities just to shirk his duty to the American people!”
Lenny chuckled, “Franklin, it’s bastards like you and those crooked Co-Op members you’re in bed with that’s the real reason I chose to get out of the CIA. The good news is, I am back now and along with Director Logan, Director Sloan of the NSA, and Deputy Director Hodgkins of the FBI, we’re going to weed out all of the crooked agents as well as every single member of the Co-Op! You see, for the last couple days I’ve listened to everyone you’ve talked with and everything that was said. This is merely the start of our little operation.”
Franklin played the only card he felt like he had, screaming, “Logan, if you don’t get me out of here right now and make sure I get through that confirmation hearing tomorrow, everyone in this room will be dead! None of you have any idea just how powerful the Co-Op is! They have a virtual army of mercenaries at their disposal.”
Lenny then grabbed Franklin and looked directly into his eyes. I knew what he was doing. He pushed Franklin, forcing him to tell the truth. He winked at Director Logan before growling, “so... who exactly in the Co-Op should we be the most afraid of? We’ll make sure to bring him in first!”
Franklin’s mouth fell open as you could see part of his brain tried to keep his secrets, while the other part of his brain knew he had no choice but to tell the truth.
After a couple gasps his eyes closed, his head dropped and he said softly, “The leader of the Co-Op is a man named A L Hunt. He doesn’t act alone and is very close to a Chicago mobster known as E Normistronzo. E Norm, as they call him, is the head of the five biggest families that comprise what you know as the Mob. The two of them control most of the drug traffic, human trafficking and extortions done in the entire country. There is another man who lives around here, Davis Humbacker. I believe him to be the brains that holds the entire Co-Op together. Those are the only three that I know of for certain. It was Hunt and Humbacker who bribed the crooked politicians on the board that was supposed to rubberstamp my confirmation as the Executive Director of the CIA. Of the seven members on the board, four of them are in Hunt and Humbacker’s control. That is why I came up with a mission to get Monte and Bixby out of the country this week. Humbacker told me that the honest guys were planning on calling both of them to ask them what they knew about me and some of the missions I had planned. Since several of them did not go well, I needed to have them not be around to testify.”
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There are consequences for nearly everything you do. Or don't do, for that matter. You look at a girl who attracts you, but decide you are too shy to ask her out. Did you just miss out on your one and only? Or maybe you decide to download that new hit song by that band you really like. No problem, until the lawsuit arrives because you got caught. We all face consequences for our actions, and the consequences of the actions of others converge to lead us to decisions that will likewise have...
But within a few minutes of hearing it close Roger opened the bathroom door, "Come with me" he ordered and with her following he turned and walked back to her mom and his bedroom. She followed behind him wrapped only in a towel and noticed he was carrying a black skirt of hers as well as her black high heel pumps and a medium sized cardboard box. When they got into his room he set the skirt on the bed, the shoes on the floor and then set the box on the bed as well. Immediately she...
Consequences I arrived in the dry hot Arizona town on a Saturday and checked into my hotel, not a fancy place but clean and quiet. Plus I was going to be there at least four months on my project, so I needed something affordable The first week was uneventful, go to work come back to the hotel have a few beers and go to sleep. I really was not into going out and exploring the town, plus there wasn't much of a town to explore. Just an Indian reservation and a few bars. I woke up...
GLIMPSES OF CONSEQUENCESBy DrBill"HOWA we going to start?" The ritual joke having been followed by the ritual groans, the Housewives of Worthington Acres came to order. The group had evolved from informal visits for coffee and complaining to a neighborhood organization of sorts. While the meetings still tended to be primarily boast and bitch sessions, they also traded useful information and occasionally took on neighborhood improvement projects and the like. But they did not try to pretend that...
CrossdressingActions Have Consequences Vol 1 and 2 Marci stood in the middle of the floor nervously waiting for the music to start and picturing herself doing her routine. "And bend knees, and turn, and shake hips on the way up." There was good reason for that feeling; she had only had five days to practice the dance routine and learn to apply her makeup in a more seductive manner. She only had five days to practice the dance routine for, up until two weeks previously, Marci was Doug. She...
Actions Have Consequences Vol 5: Becoming the person the other see you as It has been a busy week since Helen came crashing back to reality. Her and Doug started to pick up the pieces of their relationship, and also themselves. Helen is getting used to her loving husband not seeing the best in her all the time. Doug is opening up to her and not being on the defensive while she is around. They have both started to see therapist. It has been a hard week as they fought each day. Some of...
Consequences by dilsonI awoke to the sound of my wife, Beth’s, alarm at 6am. It was the middle of winter and the all night sounds of the forty mile per hour gusts of wind beating on the front of the house had provided little rest.Less than an hour later, Beth kissed me goodbye and left for work.I enjoyed the comfort of a warm bed a bit longer, and then dressed to get an early start on the newspaper.This morning would be the first opportunity I’d had in weeks to surf some porn and I was looking...
A student gets caught cheating on her test. "There she goes again, looking at her neighbor's paper! She is so obvious. She has to be the worst cheater ever. Now she is looking at me and acting nervous. If she looks at her neighbor again, I am taking her exam away," Joe thought to himself as he sat at his desk, pretending to grade the previous period's final exam. Hailey, the student in question, was sitting a mere three rows back and her nervous eyes kept darting to, and then staring at, her...
Inspired by a dream, and dedicated to my love Marianne! Choices & Consequences By Apple Lee was in trouble, and he knew it. Worse than knowing he was in trouble was the knowledge that it was his own fault. It had started a couple of years ago, when his father had met, fallen in love with, and soon married, the much younger Laura. In fact, to the then-eleven Lee, she had seemed more like the age of a sister than a parent, only nineteen to his dad's fifty-odd years. Maybe it was...
Marci's Journal By Sarah Goodwoman Day 1 My name is Doug, and I lost a bet to my wife, Helen, which means I am to be her house slave for the next 30 days. At the stroke of midnight, she woke me up to inform me it had started. I am now a sissy house slave named Marci, and she is Mistress. She said the next time I am allowed to call her Helen, and she calls me Doug, I will not be her sissy slave anymore. To make this journal easier to write, I will not be including the...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The Consequences by anyport I blame my father for all my problems. He gave me some fatherly advice when I was young, and I've always heeded it, the advice? 'No matter how much you're in debt, always pay your gambling debts immediately.' Innocent enough advice, you may think, and under normal circumstances, very sound. Unfortunately, it has become so ingrained in me, that I would never, under any circumstance, avoid payment of a gambling debt. As you'll learn, this became my...
The ConsequencesI looked down to see my cock standing straight out in the summer sun. It was as hard as it could be. I just was so turned on. I didn’t know what was turning me on more. Was it the fact that I was stark naked in front of several strangers in broad daylight or was it from looking at Julie’s incredibly sexy naked body standing next to me?That old familiar excited thrill was stirring deep in my gut. It was that special tingle that exhibitionists feel when they are naked in places...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
A loud, thounderous knock on the door distracted Michael from the action on his TV screen. He hit the Pause button on his PS4 controller, slid his cordless headset off his ears to rest on his nape, and granted his roommate entrance by shouting out the permission. Nathan, Michael's best friend and longtime roommate, opened the door, and started talking in a seeming hurry: “Listen, bro, I gotta hit the road. I won't be back till, like, nine or so. I know this comes on short notice, but it's...
CheatingThis is the second story in the "Consequences" series. What happens when a woman uses some power of wishes to forcibly trade places with her best friend because she believes he has it easier just because he's a man? A couple of snippets of song lyrics appear in this story. They are, in order of appearance, from the following songs and artists - "The World I know" - Collective Soul "Galileo" - Indigo Girls "All Fired Up" - Pat Benatar The song lyrics are copyright various by...
Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story, intact and with the attribution to Ellie Dauber (below) so long as the site remains free. I do not consider so-called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, such sites do not have permission to host this story. Published with the gratefully acknowledged permission of Ellie Dauber, whose wonderful story, Pick-up Line, copyright 2000, is the...
Consequences of a Winter Storm By Donna Lynn Cooper Although I was actually the 19 year old babysitter in my second semester at the local community college, at this moment I looked very much like Carole Douglas, the wife of Jack and the mother of their three children. I was dressed in one of Carole's sexy red negligees; a cap sleeved long skirted mix of luxurious satin and lace; and was seductively crouched on the floor of the master bedroom in front of Jack, who had arrived...
Actions Have Consequences Vol 7: You are a Bitch Doug said, "You don't have to go Helen. You know that, please stay we can work out our marriage." The sad mover so wanted what her faithful husband said to be true. It was not and no matter many stars they wished upon, how many eyebrows they plunk, how coins they dropped in a well, or how many dandelions they blew, the truth would remain. Helen had to leave her husband. The heartbroken woman said, "My love, you know that we have to...
Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...
Savannah, Georgia January 1986 The band completed what was sure to be their last two club dates for quite some time. The last was a very lucrative hotel gig on New Years Eve. To tide over the other members of the band Tony and Tina had copied parts of the recording contracts they had initially been offered and agreed to advance the rest of the band against album sales while they were in the recording studio. For everyone else involved come January second Tony simply put them on the...
Sasha Fedoseev pulled out his driveway and started down the road. Sasha was by most accounts a successful man. He had started a corporation in his early 20's and had guided its ascent. His company now had three subsidiary corporations. He employed over five hundred employees through his subsidiaries and the parent corporation he had founded 10 years earlier. The parent corporation had its offices in a building several miles from Sasha's home. It was there that his staff worked. He had...
Section Chief Rodgers POV: Dammit! What the hell just happened? That fucking Chen has put me into one hell of a trick bag. I had everything set up perfectly to slide into the Black-Ops Executive Directors job and that fucking Chen comes along. I don’t know how that weasel managed to get my spot, but he did and I’ve been sucking hind titty ever since. How the hell am I going to explain to the Director that Executive Director Chen just up and disappeared? Like he’s gonna believe ‘Jonah’ did...
[“I’ll have a long heart to heart talk with her, Linda. Maybe it’s good she’ll be here for a few extra days. Let’s get home and look at these pictures!”] We greeted the family when we returned home, then Linda and I promptly went to my office to start laying out pictures. I pulled out my pad of 18”x 30” lightly gridded graph paper and tore off a sheet for each of us. We each had a legal pad and began writing down all of the things Stan had ‘dreamed’ to us, that he wanted in his house. The...
[Could this night get any stranger?] Thankfully it didn’t, at least not right away. When our ‘gang’ re-entered the campgrounds, the campers that sat gathered around the bonfire seemed oblivious that anything out of the ordinary had happened earlier that night. But, after parking our bikes, as they watched all of our group excitedly sprinting over to the campfire they must have suspected something was up. They were all but dragging a giggling Sarah with them. Since everyone began hollering...
... Let the Good Times Roll! July, 1985 [A loud cheer went up from everyone in the room. I looked back at Adam and Lori, “DEAL.” Adam gave the order, “Crew, prepare to dock and disembark onto the island. It’s time to Paaaah-Tay!”] The Captain announced, just after we docked, “Don’t forget, the dress code here is ‘Au naturale’ All you need is sandals or deck shoes. No clothes allowed! Plush terri-cloth robes will be available if you get chilly. The temperature rarely dips below...
Why Does the Feces Always Collide with the Circular Air Mover? July, 1985 [“Charlie, Charlie, God, I hope you can hear me, this is Dad. Stan thought the Coast Guard was pulling us over for a routine check but it’s a bunch of pirates! You gotta help us!”] “Dad, I hear you, where are you?” “I’m not sure, we flew into Lynden Pindling International Airport in the Bahamas and took a limo to a port on the south side of the island. Stan had his hydrofoil there and we were going to his island to...
FUBAR’D? (Fully United by Always Repairing Disasters?) July, 1985 [“Oh my God, I think we’ve run aground!” Melody exclaimed.] Bob, Greg and I were looking at each other wondering what we could do. I heard the hydraulics of the boat launch being lowered and the three of us rushed down to talk to Captain Morgan. The deck was lowered but was at a weird angle because part of it was caught on the sandbar. Brian and his son were running around grabbing scuba gear, while Captain Morgan and Mike...
We spent the rest of the day frantically packing the things we would need for our trip. We grabbed the two backpacks that Greg and Linda had purchased last summer for their little camping excursion. One of the things we would need to find on the way was some climbing gear. Greg reminded us that the place where we shopped in Albuquerque also sold climbing gear and had a fake mountainside so people could practice. We helped Ed take his Sportster out of the trailer, where he had been storing...
[I’ve got a blindfold on and I think I’m on a boat somewhere. Can you hear me?...”] “Yes Sarah! I hear you. Are you alright?” “Yes, I’m scared! What do they want with me?” “I don’t know, sweetie, Dad is on the phone with the State Police. You remember Major Gregory, right?” “Yes. Is he going to help me?” “If he can, if not, he knows who CAN help. Listen, Sarah, I’m two hours from home, but we’re headed there as fast as we can. YOU’VE gotta stay calm, okay? Try and get them to take your...
[Greg stopped and paused. He turned around with a face full of tears, “Charlie and I were just trying to be nice...”] He sniffled, “I’m gonna be late...” He turned and slowly walked out the front door, closing it gently behind him. Everyone started looking at me, not knowing what to say. I held up my hand, firmly. “I’ve gotta talk to my friend.” Then quickly ran out and jumped in the passenger seat of his truck. He started the engine, “What are you doing, Amigo?” “I dunno, but I’m NOT...
Intermission, Prelude and Fugue July 4, 1985 [TJ smirked, “Well, Hells Bells, looks like Janet and I are gonna have to put in for a permanent transfer to the Chicago office! God knows the scenery is NOTHING like this in Pittsburgh!” Mary was smiling at us gleefully as we smiled back.] Dad asked what time it was. I said it was almost 3:30pm. He told us that the parents were all going to Lino’s Italian eatery in Rockford for dinner. It was right on State St., not far from Sinnissippi Park....
[Since Greg and I had slept in, we weren’t even tired ... yet.] We opted to take the Florida Turnpike, because, even though it was a toll road, it wasn’t like the asinine tollways in Illinois, where you have to stop every 10 miles and throw money into a tollbooth. This had the tickets, like Indiana and Ohio, where you pay when you get off. It also had fuel plazas so you didn’t have to get off to buy gas. It’s the most direct way to go and we didn’t have to go through any of the big cities....
Charlie POV: I was happy with the way the Directors were handling our encounter with the Russians. They never had any intentions of just destroying both submarines and possibly killing their crews. Also, Director Logan does desperately want to change the culture of the CIA from the way I viewed it after Dad told us about his experiences with it when we were just little kids. Neither Bob nor I remember anything before living here in Illinois. Our operation, ‘Let’s Goose Gorbachev’, went...
[“Possibly. The Mobs lawyers already know way too much about what happened. We’ve got to clean up the WHOLE ‘pig sty’ first thing tomorrow, before it’s too late. Here’s the plan... “] Blake started, “I’ve got TJ, Janet and 3 of your new friends from the Jacksonville FBI office flying in later tonight. Everyone in on the bust of the Omaha FBI headquarters are meeting in a church parking lot a couple miles from the headquarters building, which is in downtown Omaha. I’m going to make sure...
[Like who was going to sleep with whom tonight.] That discussion was fast, furious and fun. With 9 people, 5-women, 4-guys and 3 beds it was going to be interesting. Since Sarah, Linda and Jamie would only allow one particular cock in their pussies AND demanded ALL of their guy’s deposits, they assigned themselves to whatever bed their guys were in. TJ, Janet and Mary decided to play ‘musical beds’ then planned to ‘sleep’ together. Greg and I slept with Jamie and Sarah, who both insisted on...