The Catalyst RebornChapter 26 Searching for Enlightenment
- 3 years ago
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Charlie POV:
I was happy with the way the Directors were handling our encounter with the Russians.
They never had any intentions of just destroying both submarines and possibly killing their crews. Also, Director Logan does desperately want to change the culture of the CIA from the way I viewed it after Dad told us about his experiences with it when we were just little kids.
Neither Bob nor I remember anything before living here in Illinois.
Our operation, ‘Let’s Goose Gorbachev’, went flawlessly.
Well, almost.
Because Bob and Willie had already been physically down there, instead of flying and ‘swimming’ down, we teleported instead. Largely, so that in case the spy satellites weren’t tempted by our girls, they would never see us.
Instead of going down in pairs we all went individually since everyone wanted to ‘do it on their own’.
That led to some very humorous moments. (You know, like the Keystone Cops Go Scuba Diving?)
As soon as we all materialized by the two submarines, Rex, Jeremy and Bruce immediately started floating up toward the surface. Bob, Willie and I were laughing our butts off watching them trying to figure out how to use their PK flight abilities to stay down rather than up. Since Bruce had the least experience with PK flight we each took turns ‘grabbing’ him so he didn’t accidentally float away.
The thing was, only Bob and I had previous experience with trying to use our PK to bend or break something when we weren’t firmly standing on the ground.
Bob and I were chuckling watching the four of them trying to bend an antennae to the left, only to have their bodies move to the right.
The other thing we didn’t consider was that since we were all in our own individual bubbles, we couldn’t ‘hold hands’ to help each other out.
That didn’t stop them from trying things.
Like, Monte wedged the back his bubble against a thick, stiff antennae and then tried to break the one in front of him.
It ALMOST worked. Except that, just before it snapped he must have lost focus and it snapped back so hard it hit him and sent him skittering out of control through the water!
Rex then tried ‘bull-rushing’ another one, only to have it send him tumbling out of control right into Bruce, who then began laughing so hard HE started floating away!
Finally, Bob and I flashed everyone to pop back to the boat and start over.
When the Directors asked if we’d finished already we all broke out laughing.
Willie barked out a snigger, “That was like watching six monkeys trying to fuck a football! Doing that stuff underwater is a mite tricky. Bob has another plan but we had to come up here to do it without drowning.”
We quickly formed two groups of three, me, Rex and Jeremy and Bob, Willie and Bruce. That worked like a charm as we were all holding hands so two of us were able to anchor us in place, psychokinetically, while the other one did the damage.
Thank God I flashed Adam telling him to weigh anchor and move a little bit farther away from the submarines. By the time we started trying to bend the periscopes, we must’ve made enough noise that both subs slowly started to raise up off the bottom.
As we watched bubbles rapidly rising from around the edges of the periscopes, we figured we did as much damage as we should do and all popped back to the boat.
When we got back to our meeting area in the saloon, only FBI Deputy Director Hodgkins was still there. When we asked where everyone was he started chuckling, “It seems that your ladies convinced my fellow directors they had a plan of their own, to help us out.”
About that time, both submarines popped out of the water like forcibly submerged beach balls. Everyone was scrambling out of the hatches and either looking all around or climbing up to the top of the conning towers to see what the heck had happened.
Dad, Alex Logan and Captain Morgan were standing by the aft railing nearest the subs.
Captain Morgan, using a bullhorn, announced, “Ahoy there! You guys surfaced in a heck of a hurry. Is everything all right?”
Of course, about that time, every sailor was now staring at the top of our boat, many with their tongues hanging out.
I should’ve known, after hearing all the giggles, that the satellite surveillance guys weren’t the only ones that the girls wanted to give a show for!
A very wet, disheveled officer raised his bullhorn, “We very sorry if we frighten you. It seems some unknown denizen of the deep has damaged our communication and sonar devices. Could you tell me, have you heard of any giant squid or octopus in this area?”
I could tell Adam was pinching his thigh, “Not in this area, no, but, there were rumors, previously, of unusual happenings somewhat south of here. That is why we decided to drop anchor here so our ladies might have some fun. Is there anything we can help you with?”
After looking up at the ‘scenery’ for nearly 20 seconds, the officer replied, sheepishly, “Would you consider allowing my first officer and myself to use your radio? We need to call for assistance. I’m afraid you probably don’t have the necessary equipment that we need to make repairs.”
I could tell that Adam was being coached by Director Logan before he replied, “Yes, we should be able to accommodate you. Since I don’t feel safe moving any closer, how’s about I send a couple of our jet skis over to give you a lift?”
The officer looked over at who I assumed was his second in command. They both shrugged their shoulders than the captain replied, “Thank you Comrade. I have never ridden on one of your jet skis before. Could you give me a minute to put on some dry clothes? I do not want to drip all over your magnificent boat!”
Adam nodded, “That would be fine. I will tell my ladies to be careful not to get you wet on the way over. Most of the time we ride these wearing our swimming suits.”
I was somewhat surprised when Adam told Melody that she and Sheila should get Mike and John to help them prepare two jet skis. I figured it would have been Maggie and Sheila, since Maggie had just returned from HQ.
At least Melody and Sheila weren’t naked. Although, their ‘wicked weasel’ bikinis didn’t leave much to the imagination. Needless to say, when they stopped next to the submarine there was no shortage of eager sailors helping to them keep from floating away.
The two Russian officers carefully climbed on the back and very gingerly put their arms around the girls’ waists. You could tell the rest of the sailors were very reluctant to give them a push away from the sub so they could motor over to us.
We all went down below to welcome our two guests aboard.
Dad flashed that this was all part of the plan. The Directors wanted to disarm the Russian officers as much as possible while providing them with exactly the information that the Directors wanted them to have.
Also, to gain as much intel as we could, ourselves.
I was getting a graduate level education on diplomacy and the spy game all at once.
It was comical to see our guests try to maintain military decorum by requesting permission to board from the jet skis.
Bob flashed me, “Jeez! We wouldn’t have brought them over here if we didn’t want them to board!”
The ‘Boss man’ and his buddy, decked out in full dress uniforms, actually saluted Adam before saying, “My country thanks you for your assistance Captain... ?”
“Morgan, Captain Adam Morgan at your service, sir.”
“Let me introduce myself. I am Admiral Lyosha Tokarevo and my first officer is Captain Ilya Kontakt.”
They shook hands with Adam, then Dad, then both Directors. Before Adam made the introductions, however, Dad gave him ‘pseudonyms’ for him and the directors.
Dad was INTERROGATING both officers, without them ever knowing it!
He flashed that the Admiral already KNEW both director’s identities from photographs he’d studied, which explained his raised eyebrows during the introductions.
With that revelation, it was immediately decided that Willie, Bruce, Rex and Jeremy should stay out of sight. Just because Dad didn’t pick up a reference to them didn’t mean the Russian government or the KGB might not already have dossiers on them.
If the KGB were to discover all of them onboard their suspicions would go through the roof and could even possibly lead to more aggressive covert actions.
Dad and the Directors had a much more devious plan in mind to mislead our Cold War adversaries. And, increase our Intel at the same time.
I just didn’t understand at this point who all was going to be involved, so it should’ve come at no great surprise when Mary was giggling in my head, “Hey there, Sugar Bear,” she was already buttering me up, “would it be all right if I helped Maggie do a little spying?”
“Aaaarggh, baby, you do know that when people get caught spying they’re usually shot?” I knew I had a weak argument, but it was the best I could do.
“Giggle. And just what do you think the odds are that they could catch and confine me? Especially when that cute Admiral invites me to entertain him for a while?”
Okay, this is actually sounding worse and worse by the minute. Truthfully, with her and Maggie’s ability to teleport there was virtually no chance they would ever get captured. The idea that they were going to try and seduce the Admiral just wasn’t sitting right with me.
Maggie came into my head, “Oh Charlie, William isn’t any happier about this than you are, trust me. Director Logan’s plan is actually brilliant and I could probably do it by myself, but, when it comes to getting into someone’s head there is nobody better than Mary. We will be working side-by-side, quite literally, during this whole thing. And we’re hoping you and William might join us, mentally, to give us any pointers we might need. Would that make you guys feel any better?”
Big Willie had joined our mental four-way conversation and like me knew that any further argument was pointless. Our girls’ minds were already made up, so we may as well surrender and do everything we could to help.
We reluctantly gave them the go-ahead.
Adam, Dad and the two Directors led our two guests from the boat launch to Adam’s private office. Bob, Willie, Rex and I were invisible, waiting there for them, just as Dad had requested.
Adam asked our guests, “Would you gentlemen like something to drink?”
While they looked at each other, Dad started, “I’ll have a Stolichnaya vodka on the rocks please?”
Both Russian officers smiled and the Admiral declared, “I see you have good taste in vodka, sir. My comrade and I would like the same, thank you.”
When the Directors both said they too would like the same thing, Adam pressed the intercom, “Melody dear, could you please send in six tall Stolichnaya on the rocks please?”
It was hard for me not to gasp when it appeared that Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models, Kathy Ireland and Elle Macpherson came in smiling with our six drinks. But that was nothing compared to the looks on the Admiral and the Captain’s faces. I couldn’t be sure if they recognized them from the magazine that had just come out or the fact they were both wearing their wicked weasel bikinis!
When Kathy and Elle, after passing out the drinks, proceeded to give each of our directors a kiss on the cheek, the look on the officer’s faces was priceless. Their looks went from ‘O’s to ‘0’s when the directors chuckled, “Have we lost favor with you lovely ladies that quickly?”
Kathy and Elle then proceeded to pulling Alex and Art into smoking hot kisses that made the temperature in the room raise at least 15 degrees. The two Russian officers looked like fish out of water and were shuffling nervously in their seats, trying to hide the bulge in their pants!
It didn’t get much better when Kathy, whom I’d already figured out was actually Maggie, giggled cutely, “But Alex, darling, I thought we were supposed to keep this a secret?” Of course Elle, with one finger over her lips, was looking at Art and nodding while smiling impishly.
Suddenly the two Russian officers were looking at each other incredulously. The second our two ‘waitresses’ left after waving goodbye the Admiral said, while shaking his head, “WAIT until I get my hands on that KGB agent! My friends, I must confess, I know that the two of you are the Directors of your American NSA and CIA respectively. You two must be the luckiest mans on these earths! Was that really those swimsuit models, Kathy Ireland and Elle Macpherson?”
The two directors nodded as sheepishly as they could, “Yes, and now you know why the two of us are on this ship. Please keep this a secret? It would not do for our bosses to discover we have secret lovers.”
The Admiral said, “I fear... “, he paused, then removed a pin from his uniform and nodded at his Captain to do the same. They both dropped their pins into a glass of water.
The Admiral grinned, “Now that our ignorant, misinformed KGB interloper can no longer hear us, could we, as you say, talk chicken?”
I almost laughed out loud when Alex chuckled, “You mean turkey? Let’s talk turkey?”
The Admiral had a sour look on his face, “I much prefer chicken! Turkey is too tough, yuk!” He then smiled, “But, I mean, can we talk honestly ... just the six of us?”
Alex, Adam, Art and Dad were all snickering and nodding.
“Yes, we can, Admiral.” Alex said, holding out his hand, “Maybe we can clear a bunch of things up.” The Admiral shook Alex’s hand, then handshakes were given all around.
Alex started, “Since we’re all coming clean, let me explain what we’re really doing here. My wife, Judy, is the Director for the National Foundation for Missing and Exploited Children. Her group recently rescued nearly 100 children who were being held, tortured and abused as sex slaves by some very nasty mobsters. More than half of these unfortunate kids had no living relatives. Her friend, Stan, the owner of this yacht, volunteered the use of this magnificent vessel to transport them to his sanctuary island. There, these kids wouldn’t have to worry about falling prey to a very corrupt government program that was supposed to care for kids like these. His ‘Sanctuary Island’ is fully equipped to provide them with an education as well as a place to just be kids again. Then, when they turn 18, they will be given the opportunity to go back to the United States to live their lives as they see fit. The other Director as well as the Deputy Director for the FBI all worked together to arrest over 50 mobsters, corrupt government officials, assassins and the like.”
He grinned widely, “Aaand, Director Sloan and myself felt we deserved a ‘vacation’ to be with our special girlfriends!”
Both Russian officers were slowly nodding their heads. The Admiral smirked, “And your wife? She knows about these girlfriends?”
Alex chuckled, “Yes! You see SHE has her eye on some of the virile young men on this yacht, herself! We decided ‘what happens on the boat, STAYS on the boat’, if you get my meaning?”
Both officers were belly laughing, “You are indeed a lucky man, comrade Director. My wife would NEVER be so understanding. I fear I would lose ‘family treasures’ if I were to even suggest such an arrangement!”
I had a sudden thought made my blood run cold. I was nearly positive that the Russian spy network had to of seen the network broadcast of everything that happened at McCormick Place. If so, it would stand to reason they might be very curious about who or what ‘Jonah’ was. Especially because both of the directors were on stage during the whole thing.
I know if I was the Russians, I would damn sure want to know everything I could about something that could do everything that Jonah demonstrated last night.
I flashed that concern to everyone in the room.
I was shocked when Alex flashed me, “The Russian spy network undoubtedly knows just enough about Jonah to be very curious, Charlie. However, it’s highly doubtful the crew of these submarines know anything about last night’s telecast. That was one of the reasons I wanted to take out their communication abilities. There is always a chance that KGB agent assigned to the sub might have a satellite phone. That’s why we need to do this as expeditiously as possible.
“Thankfully, their spy network is even more dysfunctional than ours is. Lenny already told me that neither of these two Russian officers have any clue that anything called Jonah even exists. We all realize they’ll get the picture in the near future, which is why we gave them the information about rescuing those kids. The best lies are 90 percent truth! I fully expect the Admiral will inform his KGB contact everything that’s being talked about. Or almost everything. We’ll just have to see how things progress from here. Your observations are deeply appreciated. Just watch and see for yourself, my friend.”
The next thing I knew Director Logan asked about getting refills. That was met with unanimous agreement and Adam called Melody again. This time however, when our swimsuit models delivered their drinks, they both made a point to pay special attention to the Admiral and the Captain.
The two Russian officers became slightly uncomfortable, causing Alex to say curtly, “You ladies seem to be embarrassing our guests!”
The Admiral immediately snorted, “You need not chastise them, Director. I am personally rather enjoying the attention. I find the two of them to be quite enchanting!”
Kathy giggled, then gave the Admiral a kiss on the cheek, “Alex knows that I’m very attracted to men in uniform. Alex darling, would you mind terribly if I gave the Admiral a proper kiss?”
While the Admiral’s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, Alex sighed theatrically, “That is up to the Admiral, my dear. I just didn’t want to cause an international incident with our guests.”
When Kathy raised an expectant eyebrow at the Admiral, he carefully stood up and opened his arms invitingly. Kathy (Maggie) seductively accepted his embrace and started to kiss him softly. As the kiss became more passionate, the Admiral was nearly shaking, not knowing just how far he could press things. After about 10 seconds Maggie ended the kiss but maintained contact with him. Elle (Mary) quietly huffed, “Don’t I get a turn?”
Maggie tittered, “Why aren’t you kissing the Captain? Look at the poor man, he looks like a lost puppy!”
Both the Admiral and the Captain began chuckling, while the Captain was still just sitting there with a hopeful look on his face. The second the Captain began sliding his chair backwards, Mary wasted no time in sitting on his lap and putting her arms around his neck, “I didn’t mean to ignore you, cutie, I just wasn’t sure if you wanted a kiss or not?”
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... Let the Good Times Roll! July, 1985 [A loud cheer went up from everyone in the room. I looked back at Adam and Lori, “DEAL.” Adam gave the order, “Crew, prepare to dock and disembark onto the island. It’s time to Paaaah-Tay!”] The Captain announced, just after we docked, “Don’t forget, the dress code here is ‘Au naturale’ All you need is sandals or deck shoes. No clothes allowed! Plush terri-cloth robes will be available if you get chilly. The temperature rarely dips below...
Why Does the Feces Always Collide with the Circular Air Mover? July, 1985 [“Charlie, Charlie, God, I hope you can hear me, this is Dad. Stan thought the Coast Guard was pulling us over for a routine check but it’s a bunch of pirates! You gotta help us!”] “Dad, I hear you, where are you?” “I’m not sure, we flew into Lynden Pindling International Airport in the Bahamas and took a limo to a port on the south side of the island. Stan had his hydrofoil there and we were going to his island to...
FUBAR’D? (Fully United by Always Repairing Disasters?) July, 1985 [“Oh my God, I think we’ve run aground!” Melody exclaimed.] Bob, Greg and I were looking at each other wondering what we could do. I heard the hydraulics of the boat launch being lowered and the three of us rushed down to talk to Captain Morgan. The deck was lowered but was at a weird angle because part of it was caught on the sandbar. Brian and his son were running around grabbing scuba gear, while Captain Morgan and Mike...
We spent the rest of the day frantically packing the things we would need for our trip. We grabbed the two backpacks that Greg and Linda had purchased last summer for their little camping excursion. One of the things we would need to find on the way was some climbing gear. Greg reminded us that the place where we shopped in Albuquerque also sold climbing gear and had a fake mountainside so people could practice. We helped Ed take his Sportster out of the trailer, where he had been storing...
[I’ve got a blindfold on and I think I’m on a boat somewhere. Can you hear me?...”] “Yes Sarah! I hear you. Are you alright?” “Yes, I’m scared! What do they want with me?” “I don’t know, sweetie, Dad is on the phone with the State Police. You remember Major Gregory, right?” “Yes. Is he going to help me?” “If he can, if not, he knows who CAN help. Listen, Sarah, I’m two hours from home, but we’re headed there as fast as we can. YOU’VE gotta stay calm, okay? Try and get them to take your...
[Greg stopped and paused. He turned around with a face full of tears, “Charlie and I were just trying to be nice...”] He sniffled, “I’m gonna be late...” He turned and slowly walked out the front door, closing it gently behind him. Everyone started looking at me, not knowing what to say. I held up my hand, firmly. “I’ve gotta talk to my friend.” Then quickly ran out and jumped in the passenger seat of his truck. He started the engine, “What are you doing, Amigo?” “I dunno, but I’m NOT...
Intermission, Prelude and Fugue July 4, 1985 [TJ smirked, “Well, Hells Bells, looks like Janet and I are gonna have to put in for a permanent transfer to the Chicago office! God knows the scenery is NOTHING like this in Pittsburgh!” Mary was smiling at us gleefully as we smiled back.] Dad asked what time it was. I said it was almost 3:30pm. He told us that the parents were all going to Lino’s Italian eatery in Rockford for dinner. It was right on State St., not far from Sinnissippi Park....
[Since Greg and I had slept in, we weren’t even tired ... yet.] We opted to take the Florida Turnpike, because, even though it was a toll road, it wasn’t like the asinine tollways in Illinois, where you have to stop every 10 miles and throw money into a tollbooth. This had the tickets, like Indiana and Ohio, where you pay when you get off. It also had fuel plazas so you didn’t have to get off to buy gas. It’s the most direct way to go and we didn’t have to go through any of the big cities....
[“Possibly. The Mobs lawyers already know way too much about what happened. We’ve got to clean up the WHOLE ‘pig sty’ first thing tomorrow, before it’s too late. Here’s the plan... “] Blake started, “I’ve got TJ, Janet and 3 of your new friends from the Jacksonville FBI office flying in later tonight. Everyone in on the bust of the Omaha FBI headquarters are meeting in a church parking lot a couple miles from the headquarters building, which is in downtown Omaha. I’m going to make sure...
[Like who was going to sleep with whom tonight.] That discussion was fast, furious and fun. With 9 people, 5-women, 4-guys and 3 beds it was going to be interesting. Since Sarah, Linda and Jamie would only allow one particular cock in their pussies AND demanded ALL of their guy’s deposits, they assigned themselves to whatever bed their guys were in. TJ, Janet and Mary decided to play ‘musical beds’ then planned to ‘sleep’ together. Greg and I slept with Jamie and Sarah, who both insisted on...
All Good Things Come to an End. July, 1985 [By now we were all laughing. I wondered if I should get Emmy to join them. Nahh, poor Ray would probably have a coronary!] We were summoned to the bar/swing room for the initiation ceremony. Melody, Roberto and Adam (Captain Morgan) were in the DJ booth. Jessica, Tammy, Bobbi and Brandy were being fastened into special swings that looked different from the ones we used the other night. Underneath them were hydraulic benches that seemed much more...
[ Mary and Sarah found out my lips weren’t too sore to kiss them passionately, before the three of us fell fast asleep.] *** Mary and Sarah were the first ones up. As I cracked my eyes open, I saw them padding towards the kitchen. Two minutes later they were back, pulling my ass out of bed telling me the ‘days a wastin’. “What the heck time is it?” Mary replied, “It’s 6 o’clock, come on, we’re getting married today!” As much as I wanted to frown, all I could do was chuckle and pull them...
Charlie POV: On Thursday, Bob, Linda and I went out to our new place to do a quick, preliminary layout of the 300’ x 400’ footprint of our new place. We needed to see where we might put the new RV trailers that were to be delivered on Saturday morning. We didn’t want them to be in the way of the construction crews. The first thing we saw was that if we centered the new place perfectly on the flat area within the copse of palm trees, the existing house was going to be mostly inside the...
As I was fixing bacon, eggs and toast for everyone, things began settling down. The conversation centered around how much our lives were about to change with a little one on the way. While eating, we all retreated into our own thoughts. When we had finished eating, I suddenly felt a deep need to make love to Mary. I managed to catch Greg’s eye, and nodding, I gestured my intentions with my eyes. He understood immediately. I got up, and took Mary by the hand and led her to our bedroom. As we...
Half the Fun is Getting Started July 21-22, 1985 [We all fell asleep in what could best be described as a puppy pile!] *** We woke up to a grinning Jessica and Tammy. Tammy, having just noticed we were all nekkid, blushed profusely. She was looking anywhere and everywhere but at us. “Oh my gosh. Jessica didn’t know you’d all be in here. We were planning on surprising you by getting things cleaned up. I’m sooo embarrassed.” Greg stood up with his morning glory pointing the way. “Sorry to...
[I grinned, “Looks like I get a four sweetie treat tonight! Who wants on top?”] Jamie smirked, “If we take a shower and put in a fresh plug, would you pleasure our clitties with your tongue, while Mary rides you?” “Mmm. I’d love to. If you’re not flowing real heavy, you can wait till after I’m done to insert your Tampons.” Sarah giggled, “Yep, he’s our Hero all right! A braver man I’VE never seen.” Linda laughed, “He’s liable to look like Dracula when he’s done though.” I may have gone...
Charlie POV: When we returned things began happening quickly. Bob and I popped to Dad’s cabin and found our two pallets of cash just like we left them. We ‘relocated’ them to Dad’s garage before contemplating whether to bring the three girls’ bikes and our two ATVs. We decided to leave them in the cabin’s garage for now, so as not to unnecessarily clutter Dad’s. On Monday, Ed, Bill, Gracie, Rex and Jeremy all helped go through the rest of their condemned houses, recovering much more than...
[“I think I just killed a guy!... “] We were all stunned! “Where are you? What happened???” “I’m at the convenient store, just north of Route 38 on Randall, there was a robbery, I was just trying to stop them from escaping! I think I killed one of them!...” “We’re on our way. Don’t say ANYTHING to ANYBODY until we get there!” “I won’t, please hurry!” We jumped in the Chevy and were flaming up Randall as fast as our ‘Queen Mary’ would go. It only took a couple minutes and there were...
Greg was pleased that the new trailer was pulling so well. His new truck had a very powerful diesel engine instead of the big gas engine his other truck had. He felt the dual rear wheels also made it much more stable than a standard four wheeled truck would have. Jaimie giggled, “It’s more manly looking too!” Greg just grinned, “Yep, a real ‘Cowboy Cadillac’!” Since we were told of a massive amount of road construction in St Louis, we opted to go the northern route which would take us west...
[We were just going in the house when Sarah flashed, “Charlie, I’m at the hospital! I think we may have a very serious problem...”] “Are you okay” “Yes, I’m fine, but you better circle the wagons! There’s this Native American doctor who is certain that you and/or Linda have ancient healing powers. AND he and his colleagues know you are friends of Greg Sanders!” “How do they know our names? Linda and I never...” Aw SHIT. We’d told the two victims we were friends of Greg’s. “Charlie, they...
We Interrupt this Vacation... July, 1985 [There was a hastily written note pinned to Greg’s shirt that read: “They’ll wake up in a few weeks. Thank Greg for me for teaching me all about you guys! I’ll have to see that Joshua guy to see what else I can learn! HAhahaha!”] I put my face right up to Greg’s and his pupils were like two piss-holes in the snow. I tried pushing him, as forcefully as I could, to open his mind to me ... NOTHING. Not even a blink and certainly no mental response. I...
[When I shook Brock’s hand it suddenly became clear. This was Sherman Leeman’s brother! Butch and Benjamin’s uncle.] I knew I had to tread cautiously, even though it didn’t appear that Brock’s powers were very strong at all. Instead of trying to hang onto his hand, I let go politely. I took a chance and flashed Mary asking her to stay in my head. It wasn’t necessary. She’d already picked up that vibe. I did keep my eyes locked on Brock, however. During my two second communication with...
Charlie POV: We met up for lunch at the restaurant in the yacht club. Everyone was there with the exception of Sarah and Willie, or Bill as I was planning on calling him. I had the feeling calling him ‘Willie’ made him uneasy. The kids seemed antsy from being cooped up in the hotel all night and this morning. When Annette suggested they go to the beach that seemed to brighten their spirits. The fact that they needed swimsuits did mute that somewhat. We discovered that there are no nude...
AN ALIEN SPACESHIP NEAR GREG’S ISLAND Bob POV: WHAT THE FUCK? One minute we’re all sitting around having a relaxing evening with our little friends, then suddenly, Mary, CJ and I are in some kind of a room in god-only-knows where! To make matters worse, it seems our telepathy and psychic powers have been nullified or taken away. Whoever our captors are they’re really pissing me off! Oh yeah, AND scaring us shitless. I’ve never felt more helpless in my whole life. I remember Ibera telling...
Bob POV: (Continued) I had to laugh when I saw the shrink-wrapped pallet sitting where our little table had been. Somebody had covered it with a large tarp to keep it as inconspicuous as possible. We’d only been here for a couple minutes when Linda, Mary, Jamie, Sarah, Joni and Sheila padded around the corner and enveloped us in hugs and passionate kisses. They were all beautiful and nekkid! And like any red-blooded males would do, we were all gawking and grinning ... and getting raging...
Dad and TJ began barking out orders like the commanders of the D-day Invasion, with nearly that amount of urgency. Dad started, “Guys, put on your black flight suits and your night vision helmets, you’re going to need them. You guys also need to assume different identities and/or remain invisible until this whole thing is over. I’m not sure how invisibility will work trying to use your helmets. Bob, you and Greg need to ‘pop’ to the boat and hopefully take TJ and me with you.” They told Dad...
[I stayed on my knees, grabbed a flashlight and peeked between the sheets of canvas. WHAT THE Fu__! ] Greg reacted even faster than me. “Holy shit! That’s more drugs than I could ever imagine!” We were looking at row after row of steel shelves, 10’ high and 100’ long, all packed with huge plastic wrapped bags that looked to contain heroin, cocaine, marijuana, pills, weapons, ammo and even explosives. Huge vertical refrigerators and ... four dead bodies! All of them appeared to be young...
[I’ll see you tomorrow morning Charlie, take care.” “Till then my love!”] I was excited for Carl and Anita. Melody had taken care of everything even their rig. She sounded as eager to see me as she was to see them. Now to figure out how to let Carl and Anita know that I’d already spoken to Melody, when the two of them were sleeping right here on the bed next to Mary and me! Coffee ... the answer lies in its simple inviting pleasure. After my morning ablutions, I brewed a pot and took a...
[I said, “I hope the girls can still play in their concert on Thursday. They’ll be very disappointed if they can’t.” “That WOULD be a tragedy...” Linda murmured, knowingly.] We all went home, getting to bed around 1:00 AM. I wished I could have fallen asleep quickly, but I was so consumed by the day’s events, it wasn’t to be. Even Mary’s tender cuddling did little to quiet my mind. I almost wished I hadn’t hugged Gracie last night when we got home. I had a vision of the future, today, that...
Having Fun While Lending a Hand July, 1985 [Giggle. “It’s not THAT GOOD ... either! Hee-hee.”] It was nearly impossible not to laugh at my ‘chat’ with Mary, so I resumed focusing my attention on Melody. “GOD Charlie, you came a TON. I’m going to be leaking ALL DAY.” “Do you need a cleanup on aisle one, Melody?” I chuckled. “Sure! We’ve got towels in the ... oh GOD.” I surprised her when I dove between her legs and got under way, enthusiastically slurping our combined juices. I heard...