The CatalystChapter 61: The Honeymoon Vacation! Part 4 free porn video

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Why Does the Feces Always Collide with the Circular Air Mover?

July, 1985

[“Charlie, Charlie, God, I hope you can hear me, this is Dad. Stan thought the Coast Guard was pulling us over for a routine check but it’s a bunch of pirates! You gotta help us!”]

“Dad, I hear you, where are you?”

“I’m not sure, we flew into Lynden Pindling International Airport in the Bahamas and took a limo to a port on the south side of the island. Stan had his hydrofoil there and we were going to his island to surprise you guys. We were about 30 minutes away from the harbor when we were boarded.”

Greg had been telling Adam and he knew about where they were.

“Okay, Captain Morgan knows about where you are, the thing is, we’ve got problems of our own. We just caught a saboteur who has messed up our SAT phone, radio and LORAN, which caused us to get beached on a sandbar. We managed to get off the sandbar, but we have to deal with this guy. Do you think he might be working with the same pirates who stopped you?”

“You can bet on it! The dickwad in charge was just talking to somebody on a SAT phone and now he’s really pissed. I think he wants to steal your boat too!”

“How many pirates are we talking about?”

“At least 20, heavily armed men. They have 2 boats. One is painted to look like about a 45’ Coast Guard vessel and a 35’ power boat of some kind. It’s white with royal blue trim. Stan’s boat is an all-white 50’ hydrofoil.”

“I’ve got an idea, just hang in there Dad, I’ll get back to you in just a bit.”

“Okay son, but hurry. I don’t like the way these guys are looking at the women.”


I looked at Brad with fire in my eyes, “Who the fuck are you working for?”

“I’m not telling you, and YOU can’t make me!”

“Wanna BET!” The dumb bastard was looking right into my eyes, trying to stare me down. I now had him under MY control, “NOW, let’s try it again, WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?”

In a steady monotone, “La Madrina and her main lieutenant, El Muerte, the merchant of death.”

“What’s their interest in us?”

“They want the boats for running drugs and all the women for sex slaves. They plan on holding their safety over your men to make them help unload all the drugs and gold and diamonds onto the island, once we take it over. The people on the island will never suspect us if we show up with your boats.”

“Did you tell them that we were able to get off of the sandbar?”

“Yes, they were very upset about that, especially because I don’t know how you were able to do that.”

I grabbed his hand, just to make sure of his answer, “Do they know exactly how we got off the sandbar?”

“No, I don’t even know how it happened. I was in my berth, when all of a sudden the boat moved and I hit my head on my bunk. The next thing I knew, everyone was running around and I came down here to call El Muerte.”

He WAS sporting a nice bump near his temple. I knew it was the truth, but he was hiding something. He was fighting my control over him and I felt him telling me, “I know what you’re doing, fucker. I’m just not as powerful as you are ... YET!”

I let go of him, as I suddenly had a splitting headache. When I started rubbing my temples, he gave me an evil grin. A cold shiver went down my spine.

“Are you okay, Bud?” Greg flashed.

“Yeah, did you catch all that?”

“You don’t think he’s like us, do ya?”

I glanced at Brad and he laughed, evilly, “Ohhh, so there’s more than just ONE of you!” He looked, contemptuously at Greg and me. ‘So, you need someone to fight your battles for ya, ehhh, CHAZ?”

Before I could react, my buddy cold-cocked him. Brad slumped to the ground, out cold. “No, he doesn’t, ASS-WIPE, but he’s GOT ONE!” Greg scoffed at the unconscious Brad.

Greg flashed Jamie, “Hey, sweetheart, see if you and Becky can find some STRONG sedatives. We’ve got a real problem down here. And from now on, until we tell you otherwise, we have to maintain mental silence whenever Brad is conscious!”

“What’s the matter?”

“This Brad guy has abilities like Charlie! Maybe not in everything, but it appears he has ESP and can possibly push people into doing what he wants! He really messed with Charlie’s head just now. I had to knock his ass out!”

“Oh Shit! Okay, we’ll be down shortly, Melody says she may be able to help us.”

In my whole life, I had never felt terror like I was experiencing right now.

The idea that someone EVIL could have abilities like I had, never occurred to me before. It suddenly made sense why Dad was always so adamant about us keeping our abilities a secret. Now that the shoe was on the other foot, I had a true sense of what other people must feel about us. I mean, I really just wanted to kill this guy, just so that I wouldn’t have to deal with him.

But, right now, we NEEDED Brad to talk to his contact, so we could set them up. I really wanted to call Joshua, to get his advice, but right now, I just didn’t have the time. I remembered that I’d gotten a mass of flashes just before Brad started fighting me. I concentrated on those flashes and some of my worst fears were true.

This Brad guy or whoever he was, had pushed Lori, Craig and Melody into unwittingly helping him sabotage the boat. Lori had caught him removing the antenna and he pushed her into forgetting all about it. Craig had questioned him about what he was doing under the boat, apparently when he was sabotaging the sonar. He pushed Craig into forgetting what he had seen. He pushed Melody during his interview process into not checking into his background. He also commanded her to never countermand any of his requests.

One common characteristic they all had in common was that he was touching them while looking into their eyes. I recalled Joshua telling us, that, with the exception of Dad, all of the other people that could communicate telepathically seemed to need physical contact to get a good connection. I was hoping that this meant he wasn’t as strong in his ability as I was. I decided not to take any chances and Greg helped me tie him up to a chair and tie his arms down so he couldn’t touch anyone.

Greg and I had just finished tying Brad up when the gang showed up. My whole family was down here now, in addition to Melody, Adam, Craig and Brian. I explained to everybody what was going on and that under no circumstances was anyone to touch Brad or look into his eyes.

Greg suggested that we blindfold Brad to eliminate that possibility.

Melody grinned when she held up a bag with several little white pills in it, “I’ve got some Ecstasy,” she said, “I confiscated this from some unscrupulous passengers a couple of cruises back. They bought it when we stopped at Bimini Island and used it on some of their women to get them to have anal sex with them. I wasn’t aware of it, since the women acted fairly normally and really seemed to agree to it willingly. It wasn’t until the next day, when several of them complained that their asses were sore and they couldn’t remember why, that I put two and two together. Mikey also overheard a couple of the guys crowing over breakfast, that they would have to try the ‘Ex’ again that night, because it had worked so well. We threatened to dump them all off at a deserted island if they didn’t cough up the drugs. I know Brad likes to drink Mountain Dew. I figure we could crush one of these up and put it in and he’ll never taste it. It might make him easier to deal with!”

Becky said, “Just be careful you don’t overdose him. Ecstasy comes in many forms and an overdose could be lethal. It will, however, make him very pliable and make him virtually unable to resist any commands you might give him.”

Just then, Brad started coming to. He instantly flew into a rage when he realized he was tied to a chair and his arms were strapped down. I could feel him mentally trying to connect with Greg and I, but it was weak. I wanted to try something, so I pointed at Greg’s eyes, then back at my own.

Greg nodded and I flashed him on our private frequency, “I want to try to make him very thirsty, let’s badger him a little.” He winked at me and we both noticed that Brad hadn’t picked up our thoughts. “Brad, what’s the matter, can’t you communicate with us anymore?”

“Aaaarggh, take this blindfold off me you chicken shit and I’ll show you communication, you bastard!” We could both feel him really pushing to communicate with us or possibly control us.

Greg teased by thinking at him, “Ahhhh, there you go, see, you can do it when you really try!”

“If you’ve got a hair on your ass, you’ll take this blindfold off!”

I flashed him, “What fun would that be? If you want to play with the big boys, you have to come up to our level!”

“Aaaarggh, okay, I’ll make you a deal! If you two will join me, I’ll make both of you multimillionaires. What do you say?”

Not wanting to risk strengthening him any further, I said out loud, “We’ll have to think about it. Right now, I’m kind of thirsty, I think I’ll get me something cold to drink.”

I winked at Greg, “What about you, buddy, you want some ice cold Mountain Dew?”

It was all I could do not to laugh, as Greg grimaced at me, sticking out his tongue and putting his finger in his mouth. I knew he HATED Mountain Dew.

Becky was already preparing a spiked Mountain Dew for our boy.

Brad gasped, “PLEASE give me one of those! I’m so thirsty right now I can’t stand it. Please, I beg you, PLEASE let me have one of those Mountain Dew’s!”

Becky handed Greg the Mountain Dew.

Greg said, “Open your mouth and I’ll give you some.”

“Aaaarggh, come on guys, untied me so I can at least drink it on my own.”

Greg smirked, “Not a chance, fool, I WAS born in the morning, but not THIS morning! You drink it this way or I’ll just drink it myself!” He grimaced, sticking his tongue out and winking at me.

“Okay, okay, just let me have it, can’t you see I’m dying here!?”

Greg tipped it up by Brad’s mouth and he gulped it down like he’d just walked across the desert. Becky winked at us and held up five fingers, meaning, five minutes before it would take effect. Brad must have realized he’d been duped, and out of desperation, yelled, “MELODY! Melody, if you’re in here, untie me this instant! I COMMAND YOU!”

Melody shuddered and immediately started running over toward Brad. Bob saw her just in time and mentally picked her up. She began screaming and holding her head as Bob carried her away from Brad. I thought for a second and had an idea. Without saying a word, I grabbed Linda’s hand and motioned her over to where Bob was still holding Melody slightly off the ground. I looked in Melody’s eyes and said emphatically, “Baby, he no longer has ANY control over you!”

She was now holding her head and crying in pain. Linda and I took her arms and felt her get warm. After a few seconds she shuddered again, but then smiled at us and began breathing heavy. My hunch was right; she was experiencing the happy ending that came as a result of us healing her previous addiction to Brad’s control.

Brad screeched, “Aaaarggh, dammit Melody, untie me this instant!”

Melody kissed me on the cheek and smirked, “FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE! You don’t own me anymore! Charlie just set me free and you can’t do a God damn thing about it!”

Brad was now completely out of control bouncing around on his chair, trying to get free. The flow of swear words out of his mouth slowly began to fade as the Ecstasy began taking effect. I motioned for everyone to leave except Brian and Adam. Hoping what I had in mind was going to work, Greg and I carefully removed Brad’s mask. Greg was behind me, holding my arms, wildly boosting my strength. I looked into Brad’s eyes and commanded, “You ARE under MY control and WILL do everything that I tell you! You’re going to call your boss back and tell him you have everything under control. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

“Yes.” He said, looking like a zombie.

We untied him and he took the phone and called his compatriots. I noted that he dialed #1. He also answered with, “Hola, Compadre”.

As I whispered in his ear, Brad told him exactly what I wanted him to. His boss told Brad to reattach the antennae so they could pose as the Coast Guard. The shock came, when they asked for our current location, and Brad pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and read off our latitude and longitude positions. Adam was stunned. Greg had to put his hand over Adams mouth to keep him quiet. They said they wanted Brad to call them when we turned toward Stan’s island.

When the phone turned off, Adam asked Brad, “How in the hell did you know our exact position?”

“I’m not telling YOU!” Brad spat.

I slapped him HARD and told him, “You WILL answer any and all questions asked by ANYONE on this ship! GOT IT!?”

“I ... understand. I have a GPS receiver in my berth.”

“GPS? ... SHOW US!” Adam commanded.

Adam explained to us what a GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver did, but he didn’t think any civilians had one yet. It had only been two years since President Reagan had pushed to make it available for civilian use. He did that in 1983 after KAL flight 007 had been shot down by the Ruskies when it accidentally strayed into Soviet airspace. Adam didn’t think any civilian models were available yet. He REALLY wanted to see this thing.

When we got to his berth, Brad opened his closet and uncovered a one-foot square box with a dome looking thing on top of it. He pulled it out and opened his window. He took a motorcycle battery and attached small jumper cables to two leads in the back of the box, strapped the box onto a long board and extended it out his window. He waited about 5 minutes, then pulled it back in. When he opened a little door, there were red LED’s showing the latitude and longitude. They were nearly the same as the ones on the paper. Only the 4th decimal place was different. All of us were flabbergasted. Adam looked at me, “Do you have any idea what this thing must have cost?”

A monotone, “$10,000 US” was uttered by the still obedient Brad. We were stunned. I knew that whoever this ‘La Madrina’ was, they had to be awfully well connected to be able to acquire this kind of technology.

I shuddered to think what was going on with our parents.

Brad obediently told us where the SAT phone charger and battery was and we re-attached the antennae. I then sat him in a chair and commanded him to sleep until I said ‘Rumpelstiltskin’, Greg just chuckled.

We decided to use plastic wire ties to secure him to another chair, so he couldn’t escape and we put the blindfold back on. We also took his SAT phone so he wouldn’t be able to call his boss, if he were able to get loose. We had Mike keep an eye on him, with Jessica by his side.

Adam, Bob, Greg and I went back to the bridge, to get back underway. Brian and Craig went back to the engine room to check that nothing else had been messed with. Adam showed us some charts (maps) pointing out where we were as opposed to the pirates. The pirates were actually between us and Stan’s island. They were about 80 NM (Nautical Miles) from the island and about 50 NM from us.

I flashed Dad to see what was going down. He said they had split up the men and the women. The women were still on Stan’s boat and the men were below deck on the Coast Guard look-alike. He thought there were at least 5 pirates on Stan’s boat. They were forcing Stan to pilot it, since they didn’t know the sailing characteristics of a hydrofoil. Janet flashed Dad and said there were 7 pirates on Stan’s boat and they were groping and threatening the women.

I flashed Janet and asked if she saw anything that looked like our GPS receiver. She said one of the pirates had put one on the bow, just in front of the helm, and she could see the red LED’s. They placed it so the guy with Stan could see it. She then said that they had turned around and were headed south, towards Stan’s island. They forced Stan to tell everyone on the island to meet him on the dock in an hour or so.

They were planning on taking over the island before we got there.

Adam immediately got on his SAT phone and called the island. He got someone named Hector. “Hey Hector, que pasa, amigo?”

“Que pasa, Senor Adam, are you coming soon, too?”

“Yes, but there’s a HUGE problem. Stan’s boat has been commandeered by heavily armed pirates! They are planning on taking over the island! You need to get EVERYONE into the storm bunker and stay hidden. DO NOT MEET THEM ON THE DOCK!”

“Oh no! Are you sure? He sounda pretty positive, we all needed to be on the dock. I no want heem mad at me! Maybe we should like, bring our guns?”

“NO, DEFINITELY NOT! They have 7 innocent women onboard who could get shot or killed. It would be much better if they just think you guys aren’t around. Trust me, Stan WON’T be mad at you!”

“Okay, I do it. YOU catcha thee hell if he gets mad, amigo!”

“Trust me, he’ll wanna kiss you!”

“Ha ha, no, I let heem kiss Henrique, he lika those kind of kisses!”

“Well hurry and get everyone in the bunker and don’t open it until I call you on our special frequency, okay amigo? And shoot ANYBODY who tries to break in!”

“Si, we do it, good luck, amigo.”

I flashed Janet and told her about our warning to the island crew and that they WOULDN’T be on the dock when they got there.

“That will confuse them and possibly slow them down. Is there any chance you and Bob could be there for a ‘welcoming committee’ instead?”

“Shit, we didn’t bring our flight suits or helmets ... Oh, hang on, my buddy is grinning like an idiot, something about being a ‘Boy Scout’! Hot damn! He just said he threw our blue suits and helmets in his duffel bag! THAT changes everything! The only problem could be, I’m not sure how to get there. I’ll keep you posted.”

We set about devising a plan.

The pirates on Stan’s boat would take over an hour to get to the island at 60 knots. The other two boats could only travel at about 28 to 30 knots, so they were over an hour and a half away, if we were to remain stationary.

As the crow flies, we were only 110 NM from Stan’s island.

Greg was getting jumpy, saying we needed to intercept Stan’s boat before engaging the other boats. He said the women were in extreme danger, whereas the men were okay until after the boats were unloaded on the island.

I asked Adam if there were any more sandbars between us and the turn. He smiled and said, “Oh yeah, ‘the Devils Bar’ is the most well-known sandbar in the whole area. It’s almost 300 yards wide and only 3’ below the water. It’s even marked with two huge orange buoy-markers, one on each end.”

I grinned, “How hard would it be to move the southerly marker 300 yards north of the northerly end of the sandbar?”

“He frowned, “It wouldn’t be hard, but, God would I get in trouble if I got caught! Within a week, probably a dozen ships would hit it. EVERYBODY that travels around here relies on those buoys. WE were going to make our turn just north of it. That’s why we set our NAV system to Chubs Cay. We would have passed it just before our turn. WHY do you want us to move it?”

Greg was grinning when I said, “I want you to stop and wait about 200 yards behind, but directly in-line with the center of the sandbar. If the markers show you’re 100 yards south, the pirates will run into the sandbar sailing up to you. When we’re done, we can move the buoy back. It will slow the pirates down if we don’t get back in time.”

I continued, “Once you get ready, call out a mayday, saying you’ve got engine problems. If you happen the get the real Coast Guard, then great. But, most likely, you’ll get the pirates and they might get careless, thinking they’ve got you right where they want you. They’ll be chomping the bit to board a ship that’s dead in the water. If they’re hung up on the sandbar, they won’t notice us flying in behind them. The real Coast Guard wouldn’t be approaching you from the southeast anyway and you could warn them of the buoy change.”

Adam was happy with the plan and proceeded to cautiously sail toward the ‘Devils Sandbar’, which was only a few minutes ahead.

Bob, Greg and I argued about who should fly to the island.

Bob felt that all three of us should go. Greg, still fidgety, kept insisting we take Linda with us. I didn’t want to leave the boat defenseless by having all of us go, especially with Brad on board. Plus, if the plan didn’t work, I didn’t want Adam’s guys having to shoot it out with the pirates.

Bob decided it for us, when he said he didn’t feel any pull from Brad and had no problem pitching Brad overboard if he got stupid. He also felt that he could hold his own with the pirates until we could get back.

“If I have to, I’ll just take Arnolds 30 pound weights and start chunking them at the pirate’s ships,” Bob grinned.

Adam drew a line on his charts and gave us a heading of 141 degrees SE and an aerial photo of the islands around Stan’s, with Stan’s island circled. He told us the dock was around on the southeasterly end of the island. He said boats approaching from the northwest have to sail around the south end of the island to avoid shallow waters. He also gave us a close-up of the island, showing the buildings and storm bunker locations.

We had our flight suits on, complete with full CamelBaks, and took off right after Adam stopped, just west of the orange buoys. Greg flew with Linda, to add to her speed and endurance.

He had Bob’s helmet and was also functioning as our navigator. We decided to fly high, like maybe 1500 ft., to avoid being seen, as we were going to report on the pirate’s position if we saw them. We also had to constantly scan the skies for low flying aircraft. Adam told us they were common in this area.

Bob was staying with Adam, to relay our observations and position. After 15 minutes, we saw the two pirate ships, and the one really did look like a Coast Guard vessel. We were only a few minutes southeast of Nassau when we spotted them. We reported to Bob and he said Adam figured we must be flying at about 170 knots (195 MPH) based on our take-off position and Nassau. At this speed, we should overtake Stan’s hydrofoil in about 20 to 25 more minutes.

Just for grins, I flashed Dad to tell him what we were planning.

His response was frantic. “Oh God Charlie! Hurry! Janet said they were raping and beating all of the women. I think Janet may be dead! She tried to fight, and TJ lost contact with her. I think I heard a gunshot through her ears. They were sodomizing Alice and JoAnn. (Jamie and Mary’s moms) They were beating your mom and Iris really bad!”

Greg was shaking in rage, almost causing Linda to spiral out of control. “Come on, we HAVE to go FASTER!” Greg beseeched me.

“We’re going at max speed already.”

“No we’re NOT. Let’s tuck in tight and try to go FASTER.” He pleaded.

The next thing I knew, he and Linda up and left me. I pulled my arms in as tight to my sides as I could and shot forward to catch them. In less than 3 minutes, we saw Stan’s boat.

I figured Stan must have slowed down, since the pirates were busy down below deck. We must have been flying VERY fast, because we almost over-flew the boat. It was like it was backing up. I saw someone on the bridge with Stan and the next thing I knew, the guy was pointing a gun at us.

Stan must have panicked when he saw the gun and turned suddenly, causing the guy to fall over the edge, onto the deck below. We managed to land and I pitched the guy as high as I could. The boat was still moving fast, because he disappeared behind us, splashing down over 100 yards behind us.

Stan turned around and his eyes were popping out, “Holy Guacamole! Where’d he go? HOW DID YOU GUYS GET HERE!?” Then he started slowing down.

“No, keep going!” I told him and pointing straight ahead. “Hold it steady. How many more?” I asked, pointing below.

“Six. There’s two doors between you and them. Be careful, they have machine pistols.” Stan’s mouth was still catching flies.

Greg was like a man possessed, grabbing me by the hand and dragging me down below. “We’re going to kill every one of those MOTHER FUCKERS.” He flashed emphatically.

The next 15 seconds were a blur.

When we busted through the door, the scene was heart wrenching. Looking at the battered faces of women you love deeply, with naked thugs raping them, makes your blood boil. I flashed Linda to move the guns, that were scattered all over the floor.

In an instant, Greg was smashing the face of the guy that was raping Alice on the floor like a pinball caught between two bumpers.

Using Bob’s technique, I snapped the necks of the four of them that had stopped first.

The last guy was frozen in terror, having seen his buddies instantly turned into corpses. He instantly began screaming, when Greg mentally ripped his dick off and shoved it down his screaming throat!

That’s when I saw Janet’s body in the corner of the room.

She was lying face down with a bullet hole in her lower back. When I turned her over, I saw the bullet hole in her abdomen. She gasped, as her eyes opened slightly, revealing the pain she was in. Linda came rushing over and after ripping her blouse open, we each held one of her arms, putting our other hand on her chest.

She was quickly getting warm. She closed her eyes after looking over at the other women, trying to un-see the carnage.

I noticed Greg running out of the room after giving Alice, then Mom and JoAnn a quick kiss. Janet’s eyes flashed open. She was smiling and moaning in her ‘happy ending’.

She was hugging Linda and I when I felt the boat doing a gradual turn. Greg came running back and told us to drink from our CamelBaks, since we still had a lot to do yet.

Mom went over to the refrigerator, and came back with three quart bottles of Gatorade Fruit Punch. “Stan said he loves this stuff! He’s got a whole case in there.” She giggled, “He said it’s a great mixer with spiced rum.”

Greg hugged her, “Ma, as good as that sounds, we better drink it straight for right now!”

I asked why Stan turned.

Greg said he told him to, so we’d get closer to the yacht and wouldn’t have so far to fly. By the sounds of the motor, Stan must have really dropped the hammer.

Feeling refreshed, if not somewhat bloated, I looked at the moms and asked, “So, who wants to go first?”

Mom looked around at the other ladies and said, “We can wait. You guys need to save our husbands first! We know how much it takes out of you and Linda when you do cures. We look worse than we feel. We love you for risking your lives to save us from these barbarians. Maybe you can heal us when we head back toward Stan’s island. None of us could forgive ourselves if we weakened you to the point that you couldn’t help our husbands. There’s still more than a dozen of these bastards left. You need to take care of them the same way you took care of these assholes!”

Greg and I hugged and kissed each one of the moms, telling them that we loved them. Janet was looking at the bodies, “what are you going to do with them?”

Greg smirked, sotto voice, “The fish need to eat too.”

I mentally carried each of them up the stairs and unceremoniously pitched them overboard. “Stan will get better gas mileage now!” I grinned.

We then headed up to talk to Stan. I told Linda to stay here for now. She looked at me sadly, “You’re gonna leave me here, aren’t you?”

I gave her a huge hug and a deep kiss, “Sweetheart, when we get back, there’s liable to be a lot of shooting and I’d feel a whole lot better knowing you were safe. The main reason I even consented to bring you here was because Greg had a feeling we were going to need to heal someone. If we need you back on the yacht, by the time we do, you’ll only be a few minutes away. I love you Linda, Greg loves you and most of all, Bob loves you. Please don’t be upset.”

Greg projected to her, “We need you and will ALWAYS need you, but right now, we need you here, more than we need you there!”

She gave us a resigned look and said, “I understand Guys, I need you to concentrate on getting the rest of these bastards. I won’t be a distraction by arguing with you. I love you guys too, you know, you magnificently crazy fuckers!”

I joined Greg and Stan on the bridge.

Stan had already called his island crew on their special frequency and given them the ‘all clear’. I asked how far we were from the ‘Devils Sandbar’. He looked at his NAV system, pushed a few buttons and said, “About 30 to 35 minutes at this speed.”

“Whoa, how fast are we going?”

“Almost 80 knots!”

“How fast were you going when we got here?”

“Only about 45 knots. I wanted to stall, hoping my crew would get tired of waiting and not be on the dock. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you warning them! Do you want to tell me how in the heck you got here?”

“It’s a long story. I need to find out where the pirates are and make sure our little trap is set.”

Same as The Catalyst
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honeymoon part1

Barton had been treating the k** with contempt from the moment they met. And no one knew how to show contempt better than Barton. John Barton. The terror of Wall Street. Thirty- eight years old, and officially worth three billion dollars. Some people said it was more like twenty times that, that he could buy and sell Bill Gates and Warren Buffett with his spare change any time he wanted to.And he had made every penny of it himself, by out-toughing the other tough sons of bitches on Wall Street....

4 years ago
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Mother Son On Honeymoon

Our family as 4 members, a middle-class family from south India. It’s all started during my sister’s marriage, let me introduce my family.My father shiv Narayan 56 years old,My mother rani 42 years old,My sister Divya 24 years old,And myself rathode 22 years old.My sister’s marriage was fixed to one of my father’s friend son, he is good at earning and he is in good position in his work, marriage as taken place very grandly all of our relatives were so happy to see my sister’s marriage, my...

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Mother Son On Honeymoon

Hi, friends this is another story from rathode. Our family as 4 members, a middle-class family from south India. It’s all started during my sister’s marriage, let me introduce my family. My father shiv Narayan 56 years old, My mother rani 42 years old, My sister Divya 24 years old, And myself rathode 22 years old. My sister’s marriage was fixed to one of my father’s friend son, he is good at earning and he is in good position in his work, marriage as taken place very grandly all of our...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With Real Sister

Thank you everyone for the comments and compliments for my 1st story. This is a continuation of my story “Real Sister Become Real Girlfriend”, for those who have not read it I suggest please read it so you can enjoy this. Like my 1st story even this is a real story. 31st December 2014 was the day when I & my sister Tina kissed for first time and later on same night we had sex for the first time at my friends place. Since then we were very shy to face each other and even if our eye contacts meet...

3 years ago
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Hot honeymoon of a Couple

This is the Incident of during my Honeymoon. I got Married to a Village Damsel, Jyoti, just 19 years of Age, Last Year. I will Like to Give details of Physique of my Wife, She was 19, 5' 6", Wheatish Complexion, with a figure of 36-24-34, she had a figure to Die For. If She Walks on Road, She will definitely Make the Heads Turn towards her, as she was So young, LengthyHair,Good Height, Firm Breasts and a Sleek Ass to make the heads turn. As we were engaged for 6 MONTHS before Marrige, We used...

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My Honeymoon 8211 Every Woman Should Have 8211 Part 2 Final Part

I am Garima here with the subsequent story of our honeymoon. Keeping them astonished I walked upstairs wearing only panties and carrying 40,000 cash. I knew I have cheated them. I entered into bedroom, saw Rajiv still in the same pose. I kept money safely in my suitcase and laid on the bed beside him. First I thought, what they would be thinking or doing ? After Garima went out of sight, Sunil was first to speak, “Yaar, I think she is cheating us. She does not talk like a virgin” But his...

4 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 62 The Honeymoon Vacation Part 5

We Interrupt this Vacation... July, 1985 [There was a hastily written note pinned to Greg’s shirt that read: “They’ll wake up in a few weeks. Thank Greg for me for teaching me all about you guys! I’ll have to see that Joshua guy to see what else I can learn! HAhahaha!”] I put my face right up to Greg’s and his pupils were like two piss-holes in the snow. I tried pushing him, as forcefully as I could, to open his mind to me ... NOTHING. Not even a blink and certainly no mental response. I...

4 years ago
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Hot Honeymoon With Stranger

Hey guys this is Teena again. Thanks for your love for my last stories. So now I’ll be telling my experience I had after about 2 months of the first time I had sex with my friends . So now to the story but before going to the story I will tell about me those who have not read my previous stories. I an quiet hot and sexy girl and my stats are 32- 29- 30. My skin tone is milky white and I have milky white breasts and thighs and beautiful pink nipples. So now the story- This incident took place...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon is Over

Jen and I had dated for about two years, and in that whole time I had managed to keep my pecker in my pants and not go all the way with her. I, in an unusual twist, wanted to be a virgin on my wedding night for my bride and Jen, while not completely ok with this had acquiesced to my desire's. To make it easier on both of us I wouldn't allow any playing around either. Temptation being what it is, I opted to remain pure for my future wife. The night I popped the question to her she cried and...

4 years ago
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It was less than ten minutes after we drove away together from our rented wedding reception hall that my almost 23 year older than me and brand new bride Bobbie shocked me with the following. "I've known all along about your Secret Little Queer Thursday afternoon Suck visits to the Gay Costal Cruising Park in Portsmouth honey." " In fact except for your nice family business position and Daddies future inheritence, its the main reason why I decided to marry you!"So sitting and driving in mostly...

2 years ago
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Amandas Honeymoon Continues

Amanda's Honeymoon Continues Chapter 1 - James Enters Again Amanda awakened as James was gently turning her over onto her stomach. After all of the excitement of her wedding and honeymoon, she must have dozed off. The memories of what had happened to her and where she was came flooding back when she felt his firm penis between her butt cheeks, working its way into her tight little hole. "I'm Mrs. Amanda Morgan," she thought with a drowsy little smile as he pulled her up to her...

2 years ago
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Asha8217s MultiFlavored 2nd Honeymoon 8211 Part 1

I never saw Asha looking like an Indian wife. But after her best friend’s wedding, I found certain changes in her. She was wearing her long-forgotten mangalsutra, bangles regularly, having sindoor. Earlier she avoided mehndi. But this time, she loved it. It’s been like years that I have seen her like that. It was the month of June, and her summer vacations were going on. One evening, we were checking our mobile sitting side by side. I heard Asha saying, “Wow, how lucky she is!” I saw her phone....

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact SideStory Rachels Honeymoon Part 1Friday Night

Introduction: Rachel is on her honeymoon with Jacob when she runs into Mark and Mary who have other ideas on how the new bride should spend her honeymoon. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 1-Friday Night Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. Mrs. Jacob Goldstein-Blum. I am Mrs. Jacob Goldstein-Blum, now. That happy thought filled my mind as Jacob pulled our Chevy...

4 years ago
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The Honeymoon of Sarah and Greg Days 23 Somewhereover Party

When Sarah and Greg woke up to his alarm at 7:30 Monday morning, they found themselves comfortably entwined with each other with their faces about a foot apart, and with such a glorious "in love" feeling that they didn't mind the others morning breath. Sarah leaned across the pillow and kissed her beloved to start the day. Greg couldn't help but smile. Not wanting to lose the close contact, but realizing that they needed to get ready for the day, they slowly pulled back their arms and...

3 years ago
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Wife Swapping On Our Honeymoon Is Very Naughty Part 2

Fucking Rose, while Jim fucked Sue, was mind-blowing.  Never in a million years would I have ever imagined letting Jim fuck Sue.  Jim is such a jerk. Sitting with Rose and Jim, as we watched the video of Sue fucking the stripper at her bachelorette party, was surreal.  The video that showed a big cock stretching Sue's pussy is X-rated porn quality. Rose never should have videotaped Sue.  But I'm glad she did.We still had over a week before our wedding.  And seeing the video of the topless...

4 years ago
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honeymoon part2

So now he and Kim were on their honeymoon. The island resort in the Caribbean she had selected was probably the most exclusive and the most expensive in the world. They had the most expensive villa--$40,000 a night it would cost him. The resort consisted of the whole island. Each villa was isolated. Theirs was more than two miles from any other habitation. It was huge and breathtaking, spectacularly furnished, and located on their own private pearl of a beach. There was a whole staff of...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Is Over

Jen and I had dated for about two years, and in that whole time I had managed to keep my pecker in my pants and not go all the way with her. I, in an unusual twist, wanted to be a virgin on my wedding night for my bride and Jen, while not completely ok with this had acquiesced to my desire. To make it easier on both of us I wouldn’t allow any playing around either. Temptation being what it is, I opted to remain pure for my future wife. The night I popped the question to her she cried and was...

3 years ago
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Second Honeymoon without Husband

I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips, big eyes and long hairs which reached till my bums. I usually wore sari all the time. But...

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This one is rather long for a mainly two character story with little action, but it has some virtues, and if I revise it again it'll only get longer. So as usual, if you don't like it, don't buy it. And if too young for it, go out and play or text or something. Honeymoon by Vickie Tern Marcie lay back in her favorite overstuffed leather chair, her "throne" she sometimes called it, one of her legs draped casually over...

4 years ago
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After the Honeymoon

[This is a sequel to 'A Different Honeymoon'. This new story will make more sense if you read that story first.] Was it really ten months since we came back from our honeymoon, I asked myself? Certainly it had been a wonderful ten months, even if it had been a bit of a struggle financially. Shirley was working hard to complete her final year at university and within two weeks she should be finished and able to get a full time job, which would ease our financial difficulties. In two weeks...

4 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Without Husband

Myself Jyoti Papani married to Sumit Papani, works as General Manager in a Textile Company, I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips,...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Cruise

Mom wanted to go on a cruise all her life. So I took her. Honeymoon Cruise I woke with a large cock between my ass cheeks. I could hear groggy, sleepy moans being breathed into the back of my neck as he slowly ground in between my cheeks. He had his strong arm under my neck reaching around me and his hand softly cupping my left breast. His other hand around my waist reaching over my pelvis and gently holding me against his cock. “Roy.” I breathed out. His grinding strengthened as he...

3 years ago
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Our Honeymoon But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby

Introduction: This is a totally fictional story about a really bad honeymoon. The day after I married the love of my life, we flew to our honeymoon destination in the Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Janet and I chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a limited budget. When we arrived, the place looked old and a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldnt wait until we got to our room to relax after the long tiring trip. We went to the front desk to check in and we...

4 years ago
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My shy Pakistani wife on honeymoon

My wife, Natasha, and I have been married for 2 years now. We met each other at university here in Canada, but we were both born and raised in Pakistan. Since we did not move here until we were young adults and lived most of our lives in an ultra conservative society and households, we were naturally quite conservative.However after we were engaged and settled in Canada, Natasha would occasionally ask me if I thought it was okay she wore something like a knee-length skirt, a sleeveless top or a...

4 years ago
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I Fucked My Cousin On Her Honeymoon

Hello, reader, I am Ajay again with another story. I live in Delhi. I met my cousin Shalu in Delhi after she returns home after completing her college. She is currently 28 and I am 25. She was one hot arrogant bitch. I used to be in my college when I first met my cousin Shalu. She was pretty even pretty is not a good word to describe her beauty. She has the face of a baby doll, silky smooth white skin, she was very curvy. She was petite and could have become a model if she was a bit taller. She...

2 years ago
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Shared Double Penetrated Honeymoon

Like every girl has a dream of the fear & experiences of the first wedding night, I too had been awaiting what was in my share. To tell you about myself, I am Mita, the elder of two girls, brought up in very controlled environ of an extremely orthodox landlord father and a very devoted & religious mother. My initial formative years were spent in a village, where the school and the home were next to each other. I was not allowed to mix around with the other village c***dren. My father...

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Our Honeymoon But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby

The day after I married the love of my life, we flew to our honeymoon destination in the Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Janet and I chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a limited budget. When we arrived, the place looked old and a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldn’t wait until we got to our room to relax after the long tiring trip.We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Honeymoon Unexpected Intercourse

Hey everyone thanks for your comments and love on my previous writings.  Thanks to ladies/gentlemen for your approach. Hope you are having fun.  Keep dropping your  views @ I am writing this on behalf of one of my reader and a very good friend ‘ Munira ‘. Hope you like it too baby. Little long but sexy and with lots of emotions.  Time to get back to story It was end of November and I turned 24. Marriage plans were on cards but not specific with time.  I got a proposal with all qualities I...

4 years ago
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My Honeymoon In Goa With My Husband After Marriage

As Rajiv & me were sleeping till late next day as we were busy last night. We were sleeping all nude in bed; i woke up at around 10.30. I covered myself with blanket. Took bra and panty put them on pulled my petticoat and then wore my blouse. And carried my saree in hands went to cupboard and took out new pair of innerwear blouse petticoat and saree and went to bathroom. I did my toilet. Then i went under the shower. Took off my blouse untied the lace of my petticoat. Unhooked my bra and i...

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The Continuing Adventures of Alexa and Jenny 1 The Honeymoon

The Continuing Adventures of Alexa & Jenny: #1 The Honeymoon "UGH! This suitcase isn't going to be big enough!" Jenny exclaimed as she looked at the pile of clothes that was laying on the bed. We were getting ready for our honeymoon trip through Europe, Well, mostly the UK. We were flying to London on Wednesday night and then a few days in London hanging out before taking a little road trip up to Scotland for Jessica and Paige's wedding. After that we were going to Paris for a...

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Another Honeymoon

Coincidence is a marvel, it blows my mind at times. I've thought about and wondered at "Synchronicity" in our lives, Deja Vu fascinated me too. How something can happen then fall into the whirlpool that we know as life and you forgot it totally for many years, then suddenly it rears it's head and becomes the most significant thing in your life. That has happened to me several times but the best was recently. I'm sitting in the living room, in an over-stuffed chair and sipping scotch. Looking at...

Love Stories
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Honeymoon Tragedy

It was a lovely September Saturday and the large church was filled. Danny and the ushers were all dressed in Black Tuxes and the bridesmaids were dressed in Royal Blue. Beth was especially radiant in her White Gown. After a lovely ceremony; the reception was held at a nearby hotel. The young couple frolicked and partied with their young friends and their families until past midnight. Now they made their way up to the Honeymoon Suite. With both slightly tipsy from all the champagne; Danny...

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Second Honeymoon

Introduction: The best laid plans…. Danny? Chris called to her husband as she came through the front door. She practically fell over the two pieces of luggage sitting just inside the entrance. Danny rounded the corner from the kitchen, his arms laden with jackets. A huge grin crossed his face when he saw his wife standing there, looking confused and a little bit miffed. What did you do? she asked, planting her hands on her hips for emphasis. What do you mean? Danny asked, knowing full...

4 years ago
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Token Honeymoon

He had sex on his mind all day. Two hundred days; four thousand eight hundred hours since he'd kissed her goodbye. They'd had an eighteen-hour honeymoon in the airport hotel before her job sent her a few thousand miles away. Eighteen hours and nineteen minutes from when they signed the register to when she got on the plane to New York.He couldn't go with her, it was beyond their means and it would have killed Dan's emerging career as a freelance designer. He had to stay where he was, working...

Love Stories
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A Honeymoon Cuckolding Pa

Sean came from the bathroom following his morning shower and saw her standing in front of the dressing table. Ginny was slowly drying herself as she looked into the mirror and as he drew nearer he caught her reflection. He could see from her facial expression that her mind was elsewhere. He knew exactly where it was as he rested his hands on her hips and pressed himself against her naked body, sun tanned from head to foot. “This time last week, hey?” She looked up at his reflection and smiled....

3 years ago
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Our Adventure Wedding and Honeymoon

Six Months Later… It’s our first night as an official married couple. It’s been a tiring day of sightseeing, exploring and shopping. We rounded it out with one of our good hard fucks that we like so much. Gavin is fast asleep, curled into me, as I stroke his hair. He looks so peaceful, even though I’m tired, I can’t shut my mind off. The last few days keep repeating in my head. When he asked me to marry him six months ago, I didn’t think he was truly serious. I mean, we just moved in...

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Peppers Honeymoon Part 1

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 1Sunday, Sept. 2, 1985The alarm went off early Sunday morning. None of us wanted to get up, but we had to take Jerry and Rosemary to the airport early to catch their flight to Cancun for their honeymoon. Ginger d**g herself out to the kitchen to start the coffee while we all showered and got dressed. Breakfast was quick and the newlyweds finished their last minute packing, we loaded the van and headed to the airport. Jerry and Rosemary were all smiles and I noticed...

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Honeymoon Squared

                       Honeymoon Squared - Chapter 01        I could not believe that I had been talked into letting my new bride's mother join us on our honeymoon. Having adjoining rooms really put a crimp in my plans for a nonstop orgy of sex and freakiness. However it might not have mattered since my brand new wife had developed cold feet when it came to delivering the pussy. All I had ever gotten from her were some average handjobs and a few chances to feel her up, but only above the...

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The Honeymoon

By TrueWriter With the moving and school starting we never had a chance to have a real honeymoon. We were able to get away for a long week-end. We went to the Smokey Mountains and stayed in a country lodge. It was a wonderfully marvelous time for the both of us. We were able to focus on each other to the exclusion of everything else. We arrived on a Thursday evening. The desk clerk looked a little surprised when we arrived. I told him we had reservations for the honeymoon cabin in the name of...

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The Devils Pact Side Story Rachels Honeymoon Part 4Sunday

Introduction: Rachel is torn between returning to her husband, Jacob, and running off with Leah, the vivacious blonde Rachel has fallen in love with. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 4-Sunday Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I was kissing Leah as a group of men cheered us on. We were in some loft with some of the guys from the club. We had partied with...

4 years ago
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The Honeymoon and Plans for Yvonne

The Honeymoon and Plans for Yvonne By Yvonne Kristine Emerson Yvonne was sitting at her vanity. She was fixing her makeup in anticipation of the honeymoon. Liz was still undressing. Liz entered and came and stood by Yvonne. "Oh my love you have made me so happy today. I cannot wait till everything is finished and you are a woman permanently." Yvonne was shed a tear both joyful and sad at the same time. "Let me get your dress darling. You're going to love it." Said...

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Hard Honeymoon

"Holly and Michael are an odd couple. One is a massive sadist, the other extraordinarily masochistic. Their sex life revolves around Holly’s burning need for pain and humiliation. Now the two have finally tied the knot, and the newlyweds are taking their honeymoon to a countryside resort specializing in hosting couples with abnormally extreme sexual tastes. It’s one of the most romantic times of a young woman’s life, and Holly is going to spent it suffering through some of the worst tortures...

2 years ago
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Our Honeymoon But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby

We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and directions to our secluded cabin. We easily found our cabin as it was the last one on the left around the curve. We went up to the cabin door and the porch seemed like it needed some repairs. We opened the door and what we saw amazed us. It was like going back in time, to the 60’s and70s. There was a heart shaped bath tub for two and a heart shaped bed. There was a...

3 years ago
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Biwi Ka Honeymoon In Goa

Hi, mera nam rohan hai me ahmedabad se hu. Me bpo company me job karta hu yaha ahmedabad me. Ye story me 3 saal phele ki batane wala hu me. Meri wife ka nam madhu hai jo face se kafi innocent hai or uska figure uske boobs bade hai or gand b kafi badi hai or rang gora hai. Agar apko kahani acchi lage to aap muje mail kar sakte hai at 3 saal phele ki bat batane ja raha hu me jab me or meri biwi honeymoon ke liye goa gaye the. Meri shadi ke bad mene fir se office join karliya tha or mene phele se...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon With Virgin Resort Recieptionist

This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and the business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 7″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. What a life I am living.Wow, all thanks to Indian sex story. Ever since I started writing my stories on this site, I have made new friends, sex buddies and have had a chance to meet and please some amazing...

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Pamelas Honeymoon

Pamela's Honeymoon by Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny. To me, it also seemed to have come too early. I lay there in my virginal (not any more) white, long, form-fitting satin nightgown with spaghetti straps that flowed from my shoulders to my ankles fitting over all of my curves, although it currently was not covering that much of anything. Karen lay cuddled up next to me wearing a black satin nightgown in a style...

4 years ago
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Pantyboy Honeymoon

Pantyboy Honeymoon By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- The Wedding Day "You have to stop crying, Stacey," Daddy said. "You want to look pretty for Mr. Biggenstiff, don't you? The man's so excited about marrying you, he's practically jumping out of his skin." "But, Daddy," Stacey bawled. "I don't want to marry Mr. Biggenstiff! Or any man. I'm too young. I won't even be 18 until tomorrow. And I'm a boy!" Well. Stacey Wigglebottom was right on both counts. But Daddy...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Hotwife Awakening Part 1

I met my wife Gina the year before our last year in college. It was fate, and chance seating arrangement in a class that brought us together.  She was entirely out of my league. I had never, nor could again, have a chance with a girl like her: hot, sexy, petite, Italian, outgoing, extroverted, friendly, and fun with a fiery spirit and libido to match.  She was seemingly insatiable needing more sex than I thought a woman could want. And yet for some reason, she was interested in or at least...

4 years ago
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A Different Honeymoon

"I do" was my reply, naturally, when the celebrant asked me if I would take Shirley as my lawful wedded wife. "And do you, Shirley, take Terry to be your lawful wedded husband?" the celebrant asked her. To my sincere relief, she also answered "I do". I was 21 years old while she had turned 20 only yesterday, a whole fifteen months younger than me. We were so much in love that we couldn't wait any longer to be married so that we didn't have to be apart. In fact, we had been a couple...

1 year ago
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An unusual honeymoon

Well here we are on the plane and in the air and on our way after the wedding and the reception on our honeymoon. My new wife's uncle had treated us to a three month all expenses paid hotel accommodation on the continent, just a few hours and we would be making love in our hotel room, my wife Bess had long ago decided to wait until we were married before having sex , ( she was a virgin) but had told me earlier on during our courtship that she wanted me to have sex with some of her “selected”...

Adult Humor
3 years ago
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Barton had been treating the kid with contempt from the moment they met. And no one knew how to show contempt better than Barton. John Barton. The terror of Wall Street. Thirty-eight years old, and officially worth three billion dollars. Some people said it was more like twenty times that, that he could buy and sell Bill Gates and Warren Buffett with his spare change any time he wanted to. And he had made every penny of it himself, by out-toughing the other tough sons of bitches on Wall...

3 years ago
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The Honeymoon BluesChapter 2

Roger was breathing normally, and had a smile on his face. Julie's hand was a mess, and it had gotten on her naked leg too. It had been warm at first, but now was cooling and felt slimy somehow. She got up. She realized she was panting, and her loins was on fire. He had finished, but she was left high and dry. Disgusted, she went to the bathroom and cleaned up with a warm wash cloth. She stared at her passed-out husband for a few minutes and, with a frustrated sigh, finally dug out her...

2 years ago
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Adulterous Honeymoon

I am going to describe a honeymoon experience that is beyond anything that I could have imagined even a month ago. Alan and I were married on Saturday, August 1, and immediately, after the ceremony and reception in Connecticut, departed for Belize where we had reserved a resort cottage directly on the beach in a relatively secluded area near Dangriga on the Gulf of Honduras. As it turned out, several small houses and condos lined the perfect beach, but we were far from the typical tourist areas...

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