Honeymoon Part4 free porn video

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When they got to the villa, there was plenty of luggage for Rod to carry inside. Barton found as many tasks for him to perform, as many things for him to move around, as he could think of. Then he dismissed him:

"Look, k**, if you want a tip at the end of this gig, stay out of our hair. You do what you're told and you show respect, you understand? You can start by calling me sir, and thank us when either one of us gives you an order."

They were in the living room of the villa when Barton said this, a room the size of a football field. But Barton did not get the groveling response he expected. Moving suddenly, Rod smashed his fist into Barton's stomach. Barton doubled over, gasping for breath.

"No, you arrogant son of a bitch, you're going to do what I say."

Rod said these words with an icy determination that was more impressive than anger would have been. Barton was in greater pain than he had ever experienced, still trying desperately to find his breath. Barton had done some boxing, and he had done it as competitively as he did everything else in life. He had been a semi-finalist in the intercollegiate boxing tournament in his weight range, and had competed against talented competitors who could hit hard. But he had never experienced anything remotely comparable to the blow he had just received. Rod had moved as fast as a cheetah and with the power of a jet engine.

"Let's see if you understand, bozo," Rod continued, after several minutes, when Barton finally seemed to be able to breathe. "Take off all your clothes."

"You must be crazy," Barton murmured through his rasping gasps.

The second blow to the stomach was even harder than the first. Barton was on the floor, doubled up in incredible pain. His internal organs! Barton didn't think he could survive another blow like that. He was on the ground in agony for ten minutes. Kim, cowering in a corner, was terrified.

When Rod judged that Barton finally could move, he said, "I'll give you one more chance. Get up and get all your clothes off."

Slowly and in great pain, Barton got up. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it, then his undershirt. He removed his shoes and socks, then his trousers. He was left in a pair of jockey shorts. He paused, but Rod gestured for him to go on. Barton blushed. He hated to expose his undersized cock to another man, especially this young stud. Plenty of men had seen Barton's rosy asshole, a lot closer up than they wanted to. No man other than a doctor had seen his dick.

The jockey shorts went down, and Rod let out an explosion of laughter.

"You call that a dick! Oh, man, I've seen women with nipples bigger than that."

Barton was burning with humiliation. That he should have to suffer this, and with Kim watching!

"All right, Nipple-dick, carry that wooden chair into the bedroom. Put it down facing the bed, nice and close."

Whether because of the humiliation of being naked before Kim and this stud, or because he could still feel the injury Rod had inflicted with those two sledgehammer blows from his fist, Barton had no thought of resisting. He picked up the chair. The blow to his chin came lightning fast. This time, Rod had pulled his punch, but it was enough to make Barton see stars.

"You call me SIR when I give you an order, and thank me," he bellowed.

Humbly, softly, Barton replied: "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!".

"That's better. Now carry that chair over to the bed and sit down." Barton did as he was told. Rod signaled to the petrified Kim to follow. She did, and Rod followed her into the bedroom. Barton was seated, close to the bed and facing it. The bed was enormous, more than half again the size of a king-sized bed.

Earlier, when all the moving of luggage was going on, Rod had brought into the bedroom unnoticed a bag of his own. He now opened it and handed Kim some lengths of rope.

"Here lady, tie your limp dick of a husband to the chair. Tie his ankles and his wrists."

Kim was in tears. "No, please don't make me," she whimpered.

He slapped her face. Hard enough to cause serious pain.

"Look, bitch," said Rod, "if I have to hit you as hard as the old fart, I'll do it."

Barton almost panicked. Rod would kill Kim if he hit her nearly that hard. "Do as he says, darling," he said softly.

So Kim tied her new husband to the chair.

"Now, you get your clothes off and get on the bed," Rod said to her.

"NO," screamed both Kim and Barton simultaneously, as they suddenly saw where this was going.

Rod removed a knife from his belt and held it to Barton's neck. "Do you want me to cut your husband's throat," he said.

Kim immediately began to undress. Her fingers were shaking, but with difficulty she got her dress off. Then her bra. Her breasts were a little bigger than average for an Asian girl, and perfectly shaped. She saw there was no chance of Rod's relenting, so she went right to her panties, pulling them down and stepping out of them.

God, she was magnificent! Both men felt it. Her skin was so perfectly soft and smooth. Her body so firm and perfectly shaped. Her waist was tiny, but her hips curved out gracefully. Her cunt was covered with a large, thick triangle of jet black fleece. Barton couldn't help himself. His dick was enlarging.

Rod was dazzled by Kim's naked perfection, but he noticed Barton's loins stirring. Another bellow of laughter.

"That's your hard-on? I've seen six year old boys with more than that, Nipple-dick. Come here bitch!"

Fearfully, Kim went over to the chair. Rod gave her face another hard slap.

"Thank me when I give you an order, bitch!"

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

"Hold that tiny thing and wiggle it around," Rod told her.

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

With her thumb and index finger, she held her husband's tiny hard-on, which was thinner than either of her fingers holding it. She wiggled it around. There was only a little stiffness.

Rod couldn't contain his laughter. Finally, he said to Kim, "Seriously, bitch, no matter how much money he's got, how could a babe like you marry this limp dick?"

Kim said nothing. She was burning with humiliation. For herself and for her husband. Physical paragon or not, she hated this young man as she had never hated anyone in her life.

Rod shoved her to the bed, sitting her down on the edge, facing him. He told her to open her knees wide, giving him a clear view of her luscious cunt.

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

She obeyed. Barton gritted his teeth, helplessly, not willing to object and risk another blow.

"Fortunately, for both of you, there's a man here who can consummate this marriage for you," he said. He began removing his shirt.

Kim was panicking with fear. "Please, please don't do this to me!" she pleaded.

Rod gave her another slap, harder than before. Kim was burning with pain. She couldn't take another blow like that!

Rod had his shirt off. Kim was in a turmoil. She had very conservative views of sex, and the idea of being ****d was absolutely horrible to her. She'd rather die. But the pain in her jaw was making it hard for her to think clearly. And her body was reacting to the sight of Rod disrobing. That chest! His eyes! She had fallen in love with Barton's power. It seemed to her so manly. But Rod was showing power--raw, physical power--that put Barton to shame. He was manliness in the flesh. She had never been so affected. He was close to her, and with every breath, unknowingly, she was inhaling his pheromones. Invisible hormones that slipped beneath her consciousness, and caused electricity to flow out from her cunt and her tits to her whole body. She was in panic over the prospect of being ****d, and yet she could feel the liquids flowing in her cunt.

Rod quickly removed his sandals and was unbuckling and dropping his jeans. He stepped out of them, covered only by an oversized pair of boxer shorts. Despite their looseness, they were tented out by an enormous bulge. Slowly, Rod lowered his shorts, exposing first a thick cloud of fluffy, light brown pubes. Then the root of his manhood became visible. It was incredibly thick, stretching four inches across.

Rod was standing so that both Kim and Barton had their faces within a foot of his crotch. Barton's own dick was in plain view. None of them could miss seeing the contrast. Rod's soft dick was thicker than Barton's hard-on was long. The difference in their manhood was a painfully obvious fact for Barton and for Kim. Rod enjoyed the sensation as he could see their faces, seeing them looking at the two dicks and at each other..

Then he resumed peeling down his shorts. The enormous length of his soft penis went on and on. Finally, when the top of the shorts had almost reached Rod's knees, the ridge came into view betokening the appearance of the enormous, circumcised head. The head mushroomed out, and added another two inches of length. Rod dropped his jeans to the floor. His dick softly swayed, all twelve incredibly thick inches of it.

The huge dick did not hang straight down, because it was projected out away from his body by the equally incredible testicles that supported it. Half again as large as jumbo eggs, they sat tightly in an enormous, downy sac. The seat of his manhood, these giant testicles produced a surplus of hormones. From their close proximity, Kim and Barton were hit with a blast of pheromones. These hormones worked with irresistible power on both sexes. Neither Kim nor Barton had ever been hit by such raw eroticism. For the first time in his life, Barton's hard-on, still microscopic, was actually hard!. Kim's cunt was sopping wet.

Involuntarily, the words came out of Barton's mouth: "It's unbelievable! You're enormous!"

Ever since adolescence, Barton had envied men who were well-hung. His dream, his wish, was to have the man's equipment that would make him as dominant inside women's cunts as he was in the business world. But in his wildest dreams, he had never imagined being hung like this. Despite his humiliation, Barton could not stifle a feeling of the profoundest awe.

Kim was not consciously aware of the pheromones that were playing with her brain, but she was acutely aware of the visual shock. Her fiance had been possessed of a five-and-a-half inch dick. His and Barton's were the only two penises she had seen in her life. She knew Barton was small, but she hadn't thought it made any difference. She had supposed her fiance had been exceptionally large. And she didn't think the size of a penis mattered at all, except that men seemed to get all excited about it.

That was then, this was now. The sight of Rod's dick took her breath away. She was incredibly turned on. She was also frightened. That monster would tear up her insides! And she had not lost her morals. She did not want to be ****d, she did not want to have sex with anyone but her husband!

She begged again. "Please, please, let me go. We'll give you anything, more money than you ever dreamed of. Don't **** me. PLEASE DON"T **** ME!"

"Shut up, bitch, and lie back," was his only response.

She tried to roll up in a ball and protect herself, but it was no use. He enjoyed her struggles. He laid her out on her back, so that her hip was at the side of the bed, only inches from Barton's chair. He wanted Barton to have a good close-up look when his own manhood--manhood that Barton could only envy--penetrated Barton's gorgeous bride. He slapped her again, not as hard as before, but painful enough to keep her still.

Barton was desperate. He couldn't move his arms or legs, which were tied to the chair. Even if he could, he knew from bitter experience that he was no match for this virile young athlete.

"Please, he said, I'll give you anything. You can be a billionaire. You can have all the women in the world. Please, please don't touch my wife."

The last sentence was a wail. Tears were washing his cheek

Tears were also running down Kim's beautiful cheeks. But her cunt was even wetter than her eyes. Rod laughed as he spread her legs and inserted two long fingers through the soft, ebony fur and into her beautiful vagina.

"Listen, Barton," he said. "Can you hear how wet your wife is, Listen to the slurp as I move my fingers in and out of her pretty swamp."

Every word was like a whiplash across Barton's back.

Rod removed his soaking fingers and put them under Barton's nose. "Smell that, Nipple- dick," he said. "I'll bet you've never seen your wife this excited. I'll bet you've never smelled so much cuntjuice in your life."

Barton's tears flowed. It was true. He had never seen Kim nearly this aroused.

By now, the sight and feel and fragrance of Kim's cunt had been more than enough to make Rod hard. His dick had grown even thicker and longer. He stood up.

"Here, Nipple-dick, I'll loosen your hand. You want to feel what a real dick feels like?"

Barton could not resist. He put his large hand on Rod's penis, the first time he had ever felt another man. His fingers were outstretched. Thumb and fingers could stretch no more than two-thirds of the way around Rod's girth. The penis was as hard as stone and incredibly hot to the touch. Barton tried to wiggle it. It was too hard. He couldn't move it the slightest bit.

Kim saw this. "Oh, God, you're much too big for me. You'll kill me. Please let me go, please!"

"Don't' worry, bitch," Rod replied, as he got back down on top of her. "You'll take what I've got, and you'll thank God for every inch of it. You're about to find out what a real man can do for a woman. And look at your excuse for a husband. He's harder than he was before. It looks like it takes the sight of a real man to turn him on. All right, Nipple-dick, jack yourself off while I give your wife the kind of fucking she'll never get from you."

With that, he lined up the head of his dick against the fleecy exterior of Kim's beautiful cunt. It seemed like an oak log lined up against a key hole. But he pushed forward. Thanks to the overflowing liquids in Kim's vagina, he was able to get the head in. Then, with slow, easy strokes, he gradually went in an inch at a time.

At first, Kim panicked, as she felt herself being stretched beyond imagination. But her cunt quickly accustomed itself to a stimulation she had never known. Neither her earlier fiance or Barton had ever been able to turn her on with their penises. She had thought she had just been born frigid. At best she had experienced a few mild orgasms from their fingers or tongues.

But what she was experiencing now was bringing her into a new world. Pleasure nerves she never knew existed were being stimulated as her cunt was stretched for the first time. Only a couple of strokes after Rod inserted the head of his cock, when only about four inches were in, Kim experienced an orgasm far more intense than anything she had ever known. But Rod was going deeper.

Rod looked at Barton. "Oh, your bitch's cunt is hot, man," he said. "I'm already in deeper than you'll ever be, Nipple-dick. So take my word for it, this is world-class cunt."

Barton's humiliation was indescribable, as he watched another man fucking his wife as he would never be able to. Then a thought flashed through his mind. This r****t wasn't using protection!

"Look, please!" he said. "At least pull out before you come. We timed this honeymoon so she'd be at peak of her fertility cycle. And she's been taking fertility d**gs. Please don't make her pregnant! You can give us that much of a break."

Rod smiled at Barton, still probing deeper into Barton's wife, never missing a stroke. He was about eight inches in, now, almost halfway.

"I can see why your wife would have to take fertility d**gs, limp-dick. And if she had to rely on her husband, I doubt if they would work. But she doesn't need to worry. She'll be carrying a real man's c***d in her belly when she leaves this island." Rod knew he had fathered dozens of c***dren in this very bed, many of them planted in the bellies of pretty, young honeymooners. But none as beautiful as this one. And he had two weeks! There was no way she'd get away from here without carrying his baby.

Barton thought he had already descended as low as he could, but this comment just deflated him. His wife--the great John Barton's wife--would be carrying another man's c***d. And he knew that with Kim's religious convictions, there was no point in even suggesting an abortion.

Rod had gone back to full concentration on r****g Barton's wife. Barton wanted to look away, but he couldn't. He was hypnotized by the sight, only inches from his eyes, of Rod's enormous piston going deeper and deeper into his own wife's cunt. He could smell the strong fragrance of sweat and sex from their steaming crotches. With each thrust, more of Rod's enormous shaft disappeared beneath the thick dark curls that marked the portal to Kim's love channel. Then Rod would pull out almost to the limit, and then slowly plunge back in, descending another inch. Eleven inches! Twelve inches! Thirteen!

There were still several inches of hard cock to go, but Kim was going crazy. She had never dreamed of being penetrated this deeply, she had no idea of the pleasure centers inside her that had never before been plumbed. Now these pleasure nerves were all going off, and Kim thought she was losing her sanity. Orgasm after orgasm hit her, each one bigger than before.

Finally, one more plunge, and Rod's hot iron penis was fully lodged inside Kim's stretched vagina. At thirteen inches, Rod had felt his tip touch her cervix. The next several strokes had stretched it back. Finally, he had penetrated the last barrier. His shaft filled her love canal to its stretched out capacity. The head of his cock was in her womb itself.

Now Rod began fucking Kim in earnest. Her orgasms continued to build, each one coming on the heels of the one before with greater and greater intensity. This went on for ten, fifteen, twenty minutes. Barton, tied to his chair, sat absorbed in the close-up view of the spoliation of his bride. u*********sly, his thumb and index figure were rapidly stroking his own pathetic weenie. He came. Just a few drops of nearly clear fluid oozed from the tiny hole at the tip, which quickly receded beneath its nest of public hair.

That left Barton free to concentrate solely on the humiliating sight of his wife being fucked by this stud. And by now, her orgasms were so intense and coming so close together that they had run into each other. She was in a continuous state of orgasm, electricity running at unimaginable voltage through her frame. She thought she would die, she had no control of herself. Perhaps without realizing it, she was moaning, "Oh God, fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Take me! Fill me! I can't stand it, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Never stop! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Kim may not have known she was saying these words, non-stop. But Rod heard, and relished every word. And Rod knew that Barton was hearing every word. Hearing his own trophy wife expressing the uncontrollable urge to be fucked by her r****t! This was just the beginning of payback! Rod loved it.

The sight of Kim's fierce passion as this most beautiful of women was utterly overcome by Rod's own sexual power, and the thought of the humiliation Barton was suffering, finally became too intense. Rod felt his climax coming on. He thrust faster and harder, and brought Kim to an even higher pitch. She was screaming now, a piercing scream that knifed right into Barton's heart.

Then the moment came. Rod's mammoth engine began bucking with incredible force. Kim's pelvis was whipped violently around by the first bursts. Then she felt the red-hot pellets, fired directly into her womb. Rod and Kim held each other closely, lips locked and tongues entwined in a passionate kiss, each simply overcome by the force of what they were feeling.

Barton watched. He had never felt this forlorn, this abandoned, in his life.

As they descended, Kim was in a new state. After the fierceness of her innumerable orgasms, she now felt a tranquility and contentment that she had never known. She held tightly to Rod. He was her r****t. He had violated her person, stolen her dignity, trampled on her most deeply felt moral beliefs.

And it didn't matter. She hated him, fiercely. But so what. She would do absolutely anything for him. He was her master. He was her man. He and only he could give her what she now knew she needed as a woman. No love for her husband, no moral beliefs, no belief in her own self meant a thing compared to-- well, she might as well be truthful with herself. Compared to his penis. She lived for this man's phallus. She would do anything for it, and for what it could do to her.

When Rod finally pulled out, his penis was "shrunken" to its soft state of eight inches long and four inches wide. He got up and thrust it in Barton's face.

"Clean me off," he said abruptly.

Barton had no resistance left.

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

Meekly, he used his tongue and his lips to clean every bit of cum and sweat from Rod's crotch. Seeing that Barton was defeated, Rod untied him. He then ordered Barton to get down on the bed and lick every bit of Rod's cum from his wife's cunt. Barton obeyed. The quantity was enormous. Those enormous testicles had blasted a cupful of potent sperm juice into Kim's cunt. Barton swallowed every drop. He had never tasted cum before, and almost vomited.

But he quickly got used to the taste of Barton's sperm. The two-week honeymoon was sheer humiliation for Barton. He had to watch Rod and Kim fuck almost continuously. Rod shot load after load into her cunt, her mouth, and even her bowels, several times a day. Barton had to swallow every drop. He also became their toilet. They didn't want to bother walking to the bathroom to pee, so they just used Barton's mouth. He had to swallow all of it. Rod took a little mercy on Rod and decided they wouldn't shit into his mouth. They used the toilet for that. But Barton had to clean their assholes with his tongue.

As the two weeks went on, Barton grew accustomed to his role as a sex servant, thoroughly subordinate to his wife and to their joint master. He began to like the taste of Rod's sperm, and did not even mind drinking their piss and licking their shitty assholes.

At the end of the two weeks, Rod gave a little surprise to Barton. He, Rod, was going back to New York with them. He was going to live with them as the head of the house. Gradually, there would be property transfers from Barton to Kim. When everything belonged to Kim, she would divorce Barton and marry Rod, at which time the property would be transferred to Rod.

Rod is now the terror of Wall Street. Kim is his main woman, though of course there is rarely a day when he does not fuck at least half a dozen others as well. And Barton is on welfare. He spends most of his time skulking around adult movie theaters, looking for guys who will let him suck their cocks. He'll do anything for a big one, but he's never found one remotely as large as the one he craves

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Shy Wife Not Anymore part4

Hi again. More of the same here. part 4. continnues. Part 1 and 3 in Group section. Part2 in Incest. Replies comments criticism all at No. I stopped wearing skirts after that. Wore either jeans or shorts.” she answered. “Okay, so there was a power cut. Then?” She took a deep breath and said, “It was getting very hot and we were both sweating. He asked me what part of the portrait I was working on, and I said his face. So he asked me if it was OK if he took off his shirt, because he was...

4 years ago
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The Wager part4

Chapter 10 That weekend we worked on ideas of how to get inside knowledge of Justin's operation. Jackie had decided that she wanted to be part of the "get Justin" team. The first target was to trawl through all the public information that we could get and then back that up by hacking into his systems. The biggest problem that we had, was a lack of hacking knowledge. Jackie gave us a solution when she told us about her partner Tim. He was a compulsive hacker and he was very good at...

2 years ago
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Now that Barry had been completely and deeply humiliated, we felt that female superiority had been firmly established.  I had witnessed his decline - from cute boyfriend to total cock-gobbling slut.  The problem was that I really was entertained by seeing him slurp on all those cocks - I feel vindicated.  And I felt powerful.  Watching Barry get force-gagged repeatedly with tons of cock had placed a strong desire within Jenna and myself.  That desire was to simply see Barry suck more and more...

1 year ago
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A Long Lust Story Part4

We went out of the hotel room, at six and I took her to the big IG Park in the center of city nearer to the Railway station, where we moved through the walk paths holding hands like new lovers and then we sat in the shade of a tree while she rested her head on my shoulder, I was combing her hair with my fingers, she told in soft voice, “Jeez, will you promise me something?” I was unable to guess what she wants, but then nodded my head saying anything for you. She told me, “Please don’t tell...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris part4

Chris had been gone an hour and Suzi finally removed her face from Millys juicy cunt. They had spent the last 20 minutes eating each others horny pussys, not speaking a word, just moving swiftly from position to position. When at last they did talk it was only about how restricting their positions were. Milly lay on the bed next to Suzi, stroking her pussy gently telling her about all the tricks she has over in her house, that she could go make a quick trip and come back before Chris got home...

1 year ago
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Father and daughter part4

Note : This story is completely fictional! We were heading home from out and my daugther and I both were still horny from all the fucking we had done. Feeling horny on the way I reached over and slid my hand up her skirt and felt her wet pussy. She spread her legs and let the skirt ride up revealing her bare pussy to anyone who may look down into the car. She too was still horny and was more than willing to have some fun. After a few minutes she pushed her skirt off and then took off her blouse...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With Real Sister

Thank you everyone for the comments and compliments for my 1st story. This is a continuation of my story “Real Sister Become Real Girlfriend”, for those who have not read it I suggest please read it so you can enjoy this. Like my 1st story even this is a real story. 31st December 2014 was the day when I & my sister Tina kissed for first time and later on same night we had sex for the first time at my friends place. Since then we were very shy to face each other and even if our eye contacts meet...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon is Over

Jen and I had dated for about two years, and in that whole time I had managed to keep my pecker in my pants and not go all the way with her. I, in an unusual twist, wanted to be a virgin on my wedding night for my bride and Jen, while not completely ok with this had acquiesced to my desire's. To make it easier on both of us I wouldn't allow any playing around either. Temptation being what it is, I opted to remain pure for my future wife. The night I popped the question to her she cried and...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Is Over

Jen and I had dated for about two years, and in that whole time I had managed to keep my pecker in my pants and not go all the way with her. I, in an unusual twist, wanted to be a virgin on my wedding night for my bride and Jen, while not completely ok with this had acquiesced to my desire. To make it easier on both of us I wouldn’t allow any playing around either. Temptation being what it is, I opted to remain pure for my future wife. The night I popped the question to her she cried and was...

3 years ago
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This one is rather long for a mainly two character story with little action, but it has some virtues, and if I revise it again it'll only get longer. So as usual, if you don't like it, don't buy it. And if too young for it, go out and play or text or something. Honeymoon by Vickie Tern Marcie lay back in her favorite overstuffed leather chair, her "throne" she sometimes called it, one of her legs draped casually over...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Cruise

Mom wanted to go on a cruise all her life. So I took her. Honeymoon Cruise I woke with a large cock between my ass cheeks. I could hear groggy, sleepy moans being breathed into the back of my neck as he slowly ground in between my cheeks. He had his strong arm under my neck reaching around me and his hand softly cupping my left breast. His other hand around my waist reaching over my pelvis and gently holding me against his cock. “Roy.” I breathed out. His grinding strengthened as he...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Tragedy

It was a lovely September Saturday and the large church was filled. Danny and the ushers were all dressed in Black Tuxes and the bridesmaids were dressed in Royal Blue. Beth was especially radiant in her White Gown. After a lovely ceremony; the reception was held at a nearby hotel. The young couple frolicked and partied with their young friends and their families until past midnight. Now they made their way up to the Honeymoon Suite. With both slightly tipsy from all the champagne; Danny...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Squared

                       Honeymoon Squared - Chapter 01        I could not believe that I had been talked into letting my new bride's mother join us on our honeymoon. Having adjoining rooms really put a crimp in my plans for a nonstop orgy of sex and freakiness. However it might not have mattered since my brand new wife had developed cold feet when it came to delivering the pussy. All I had ever gotten from her were some average handjobs and a few chances to feel her up, but only above the...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With Virgin Resort Recieptionist

This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and the business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 7″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. What a life I am living.Wow, all thanks to Indian sex story. Ever since I started writing my stories on this site, I have made new friends, sex buddies and have had a chance to meet and please some amazing...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Hotwife Awakening Part 1

I met my wife Gina the year before our last year in college. It was fate, and chance seating arrangement in a class that brought us together.  She was entirely out of my league. I had never, nor could again, have a chance with a girl like her: hot, sexy, petite, Italian, outgoing, extroverted, friendly, and fun with a fiery spirit and libido to match.  She was seemingly insatiable needing more sex than I thought a woman could want. And yet for some reason, she was interested in or at least...

3 years ago
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Barton had been treating the kid with contempt from the moment they met. And no one knew how to show contempt better than Barton. John Barton. The terror of Wall Street. Thirty-eight years old, and officially worth three billion dollars. Some people said it was more like twenty times that, that he could buy and sell Bill Gates and Warren Buffett with his spare change any time he wanted to. And he had made every penny of it himself, by out-toughing the other tough sons of bitches on Wall...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Bliss

Introduction: This is a semi-fictional stroy about my honeymoon. Our Honeymoon The day after I married the love of my life, we drove to our honeymoon destination in the Poconos. We chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a tight budget. When we arrived the place looked a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldnt wait until we could go to our room and relax. We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary fire log, bubble bath, and champagne....

3 years ago
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Honeymoon By Margaret Jeanette Kayla and Josh Hungerford were flying to their destination in the Carribean. It was their honeymoon. Josh thought he was the luckiest guy in the world. He'd always been a quiet type of person who did what anyone told him to do. He knew Kayla was the prettiest girl in the world and that he was lucky to have married her. Kayla was thinking about how she was going to control him. She knew even in high school that she was a dominate...

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Honeymoon Inn The Senators Wife

Notes: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2011 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Tailors

I am Mridula and am 20 years old. Slim built petite figure and just got married three days ago. He is a software engineer working in Delhi. Our first night was OK as both of us never had s.. our hm was in beautiful Kashmir. We had booked a bungalow and were taking the flight tonight. We were both excited and he had told me we would have a lot of S.. We arrived in Srinagar and were transferred to the hotel/ bungalow. we would be there for a week. We had s.. a couple of times and slept. Next 2...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Helper

Greg and Phyllis Turner were both struggling to see the road. The snow that started early that morning had just about made the road impassable. They were near the cutoff to the cabin but the snow made it almost impossible to see where to turn. A trip that should have taken about 4 hours had turned into an 8-hour drive.The two had been married that morning and were to spend their honeymoon at his uncle's cabin. For the next 2 weeks they would not see a soul but each other. A heavy snowstorm was...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon couples swap

We boarded our cruise ship to Mexico to start our honeymoon, a 6 night cruise to Cabo. We could not wait to finally get some alone time after the crazy wedding planning process. We wanted to go somewhere isolated and away from a lot of people, so we chose a cruise. We had been on a cruise together before so we knew what we were in for; heavy drinking and watching the same 2 movies repeat on the in room tv's. We had been together for 6 years prior to us getting married so the "honeymoon" part...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Mein Ghamasan Chudai

Dosto meri suhagraat ki story ke baad ab mai honeymoon ki story pesh karne ja raha hu. Sabse pehale toh honeymoon ko janewalo ko meri kuch salah hai: 01: Trip mein destinations kam ho lekin aise ho ki waha pahochte hi lauda biwi ko salami dena chalu kare. 02: Trip mein ghumne phirne ka karyakram kam aur room par hi rehane ka karyakram jyada rakhe. 03: Apne destination par subah ya jyada se jyada dupahar tak pahuche. Ye isliye ki dupahar ko neend puri ho jane ke baad safar ki thakan ka asar...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With My Love My Life

Hi guys, I’m deep from Hyderabad. Basically i hail from Calcutta, but living out of Bengal for last 12 yrs. I m 32 working in a multinational organization. My girl friend lives in siliguri i.E 2nd largest city in West Bengal. It has been destiny that i keep traveling for my work, and she remains in her homely environment. Hence, our relationship was long converted into a “long distance relationship” which contains only “chatting through Facebook messenger or bbm”. Of course i used to miss her,...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Inn Factsheet

Honeymoon Inn Factsheet Notice: The Honeymoon Inn setting and all characters are copyright 2008 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to use the setting and characters so long as the following notice is included with all publications using them: "The Honeymoon Inn and associated characters are copyright 2008 by Kyrie Hobson. Used with permission." Location: The Honeymoon Inn is located in the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas, a small distance from Hot Springs. The Inn sits...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II

Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II Chapter One Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II Chapter One WARNING:This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex including beastiality.? If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upsets you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work.?? ?Copyright 2007 by Kirk. Reposting or any other use...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Gone Awry

Honeymoon Gone Awry Chapter 1 Honeymoon Gone Awry Chapter One ________________________________________________________________________ WARNING: This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upsets you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work.? Copyright 2007 by...

2 years ago
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Well, it is my life story of five years back and how it changed my life. I am Smriti, presently 30 years with a son, who is just 3 years old. I was married to Sanjeev five years back. At that time I was very slim. I am 5'4" and when I was married I had my figure 34-28-34. My complexion is fair, had hairs up to my shoulder and sparkling eyes.From the facial point of view I was never considered to be beautiful. But people said that I had a charming appearance. My body growth had been good since...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Gone Wrong 8211 Part 1 My Mistake

Vineet Sisodiya, 29 years old and the eldest in my family with three younger brothers. Being well settled, my parents forced me into my marriage. I accepted and got married to Chaitali. Chaitali comes from a small town and is a graduate of Arts. Chaitali is magnificent beauty. She’s 5’ 7” tall, perfectly shaped figure, 34-sized firm boobs, 28-sized waists, 34-sized huge butts and fair skin tone. She has a beautiful face cut and long hair with pink lips. Though I have seen some bold pictures on...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Bliss

The day after I married the love of my life, we drove to our honeymoon destination in the Pocono’s. We chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a tight budget. When we arrived the place looked a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldn’t wait until we could go to our room and relax. We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary fire log, bubble bath, and champagne. The clerk gave us our key and directions to our secluded cabin. ...

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Honeymoon at the Cabin Ch 01

Miraculously, we made it. I couldn’t believe it. We were sitting on the back seat of a limo as we were getting swept away to our secluded honeymoon destination in the beautiful California hills. We were trying to charge our batteries for the upcoming two weeks, so I was tucked in your arms and we were both lost in thought. We had been best friends for over a decade and had been in a relationship for the last two years. We knew all of the intimate facets of each other’s personalities. For the...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Helper

Leann and Jason Moore were looking out the window of the jet as it circled to land in Jamaica. They were to spend the next three weeks aboard a diving boat exploring the wrecks and reefs around the islands. Her father gave the trip to them as a wedding present. They both were looking forward to the trip. Both like to dive and they would take this time to really get to know each other. They had been married the day before and spent their wedding night at the Airport hotel in Atlanta. An early...

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Honeymoon With My School Teacher 8211 Part 3

My honeymoon with Judy was going great. We moved out of the room in Kerala and got into the car. We were waiting at the traffic (guys who might have gone to Kochi might know the traffic condition). That’s when I got this brilliant idea! I shared the idea with Judy. Me: Ma’am. Have you heard about roleplay? Judy: Yes Varun! Why what happened? Me: Nothing. I just want to have roleplay with you. I mean it’s my fantasy. Judy laughed and said, “Yes but what kind of role play can we have?” Me: What...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon At Munnar

Hello, all, I am Renu Ramya. I got married around 7 months back. Finally, we got time to go to Munnar. Since I had the US off in the office, I asked my husband for a honeymoon trip. This is my real sex story. He is a business man who keeps traveling within India a lot. Since he had some meeting in Kochi, we decided to go for honeymoon to Munnar itself. It was decided and we reached Kochi. He went for his meeting leaving me in the hotel room. We hired a indicia car and a driver for our transport...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Inn

Honeymoon Inn By Kyrie Hobson As the sheets of rain swept off the roof, they were split by the various gables and finials into translucent curtains. The light, but growing sleet added a glisten to the otherwise grey view. The scene would have been romantic, had I been here with a girl. But I wasn't. "This is just fantastic," Soren said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "what a great fucking idea. Why do we even listen to you, Kevin?" It actually had been a good idea. The...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Horror

Honeymoon Horror Honeymoon HorrorAuthor: Jon MadduxProof reader: FantazMasterCHAPTER 1: THE BIG DAY???? What a lucky break for me, I spend most of my free time aboard cruises, looking for women that are just my type, and what is my type?? I like my women, untouchable, married, not the kind you pick up in the bar that anyone can have for a drink and some small talk.? Cruise ships are the perfect platform; the cruise lines don?t report it because it?s bad for business and the...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon With Grand fatherIn law 8211 Part 2

Hi. This is Madhu once again. You must have read my earlier story “Honeymoon With Grand father-In- law” where my grand father in law bandumama fucked me just after my honeymoon and monthly periods. This is next part of it. After two hot sessions with bandumama, I was sexually satisfied. But he may not be. All the next day he was trying to touch my belly, boobs through saree. While serving lunch to him, he raised my saree such a way that he can see my panty inside saree and petticoat. As mami...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon hell

Honeymoon hell I was always warning my22 year old blonde wife Mel about her driving, she was just so careless, and drove too fast.Well this time she?d really gone and done it, she?d gone right into the side of a police car, and if that wasn?t bad enough, we were in a foreign land, they?d probably through the book at her.We were in Turkey on our honeymoon, we?d got married only the day before.It had all been one mad rush, straight from the reception we?d dashed straight to the airport, just...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon with sister

Hi! My all friends. I am Raj Malhotra, 25, single 5’9” want to share my real hot experience with my real elder Sister to all of you. It was happened recently before just 2 month. She is 27 married having a child of 4 years. She is a very beautiful, sexy and hot lady. I always want to fuck her. I also tried many times before her marriage to fuck her but always I feared if she told anyone what will happen. How ever I succeed to put my hand on her boobs in night when we sleep and many times I saw...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon in Jamaica

My names is Isabelle, i am a French Canadian. I am a white blond girl of 24 years old. I Discovered I was lesbian at age 18 and I stopped meeting and dating man. I was girly and always took care of myself. In bed, my lover told me, I was more a giver and I never really pay attention to it because for me sex was sex. I met my girlfriend Carmen at age 23 she was 31. Carmen was a black woman taller than me, I was 5'2 and she was 5'9. She had a a small ass and medium bubble butt. She had those...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With Heather Owwh Part 2Chapter 2

Jessica placed the phone back on the coffee table in a slow, exaggerated motion. “Jessica, I’m so sorry,” I began. “It’s OK, Aaron, really. I know you would never rape anyone and certainly not an under-aged girl. We’ll get through this. That girl is obviously a psychotic bitch!” ‘Psychotic bitch’ seemed a bit harsh, but it didn’t seem politic to say so. I simply nodded my head slowly in agreement. “And I’m sorry I almost made her call the police. I don’t know what is going to happen, but...

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