The Catalyst RebornChapter 30: Something About Mary free porn video

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Bob POV: (Continued)

I had to laugh when I saw the shrink-wrapped pallet sitting where our little table had been. Somebody had covered it with a large tarp to keep it as inconspicuous as possible. We’d only been here for a couple minutes when Linda, Mary, Jamie, Sarah, Joni and Sheila padded around the corner and enveloped us in hugs and passionate kisses.

They were all beautiful and nekkid! And like any red-blooded males would do, we were all gawking and grinning ... and getting raging boners! The ‘big heads’ might have been dog-tired but the ‘little heads’ weren’t hearing it.

I must be developing a foot fetish. I know I’m a bit of a perv, what with my predilection for licking and sucking pussy when it’s full of my cum. But, lately I’ve been getting turned on just looking at the naked feet of nearly every female of the species.

Especially the 6 sexy sets that were standing right in front of us now.

I glanced around, and I’m the only one not currently lusting for our girls’ milk filled titties or glistening pussies. NO, I’m absolutely captivated by their feet! Their cute little toes, their sexy little feet and the way they’re all barefoot right now is driving me wild with desire. Desire to playfully caress and suckle on them. I’m going to have to read up on giving both therapeutic and sensual foot massages. What better way of indulging my burgeoning fetish than to disguise it as a massage and have them beg me to play with all of their beautiful feet! Ahhh, the glory of it all...

But, enough of that ... for now.

I’m worried about Charlie. It’s like something ‘snapped’ inside him tonight. When he frantically told us to ‘blow up everything’, we knew something had happened. But, when Greg and I returned from ‘stashing’ our pallets of dough, Charlie was like a man possessed.

Where Dad, Rex and Jeremy were having fun, shooting grenades at the boats, when Charlie got there he was firing like a maniac! He was vehemently cursing every time he didn’t hit exactly what he was aiming at.

And, those grenade launchers definitely had a bit of a learning curve.

Charlie went through 3 clips like Grant took Richmond, before Rex suggested that Greg and I go and take out the planes.

When we got back here, he was cussing under his breath like he wanted to kill somebody.

I flashed him, “Hey, what’s wrong? Did I do something?”

He just sighed, almost in annoyance, “No, it’s not you ... or anybody here ... it’s just, FUCK!”

And that was it.

Greg heard it, too, and flashed that we needed to get together for a talk. Charlie looked to be almost in tears, giving both of us a tight hug. “I’ll be okay; I’m just messed up right now. Thanks for caring.”

Then the girls came out and I just hoped that Mary could get him soothed and calmed down. She was truly Charlie’s soulmate, and she always knows just what to say to put him back together again. Mary, in some ways, was really the leader of our Family. Oh, she’d be pissed at me if I ever said that, but it’s true. And it’s not like Mary has ever been a bitch about it, either. As a matter of fact, the word ‘bitch’ and ‘Mary’ are utterly incongruous. Never once, since I’ve known her, has she ever been ‘bitchy’ to anyone. Except maybe some asshole who threatened our Family or kids. THEN, she could instantly turn into the bitch from hell!

Mary IS fiercely protective of the whole clan. Just as much as Charlie.

And we all love her for it.

She makes love to all of us unlike any other girl on the planet. Even Rex and Jeremy have told me that making love to Mary was ‘different’.

Rex said that he’d never felt a deeper connection to anyone, even Joni, than he had with Mary. Mary shares her soul with everyone she loves. It’s almost an innocent ‘giving’ that shows you she’s vulnerable to being hurt if you were to betray her. I know I’m not saying it right, but, I hope you get the idea. Charlie is one lucky dude to have her as his soulmate! Because, of all of us, there’s no doubt she’s completely bonded, mind, body and soul, to him. That’s why it’s so incredible that Charlie shows no jealousy when she also loves each of us with nearly the same intensity. They both just seem to know there’s nobody in the universe who could ever come between them.

And ... I think her feet are just gorgeous! Aaargh! I’m so tired right now that I’m becoming obsessed. I think I need to get Linda into bed and nurse her feet, right after I drain her beautiful, milky titties!

Bye for now.

Mary POV:

My man is in emotional turmoil, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. He was yesterday, too, but a heart to heart talk with his dad and Rex and Greg seemed to fix that. It didn’t hurt that Marion and I had told him our feelings on the matter, either.

No, this is much worse and in some ways just compounded some of the things from yesterday. The difference now, though, is that he’s doubting himself. He feels like he’s unsure of himself, having been unaware of that damned Governors prior relationship with Rafael. I’m betting that if he’d known in advance, they would have done things much differently tonight. My man needs me and I’m NOT going to let him go through this alone.

I could never do that to him.

The problem is ... I’m just as conflicted as he is! About the SAME THINGS! I guess that’s one of the downfalls of being completely allied and aligned with my one true soulmate.

I know Charlie told you how we ‘ran into each other’, but, I need to tell you about why Charlie is my true soulmate.

I’m into fantasy.

My dad always read me stories. Bedtime and especially when we would just cuddle in his big recliner. I was always his ‘Princess’ and he told me stories of all kinds, especially ones where the girl was saved by handsome Heroes. What Dad never knew was, like with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I fantasized about having seven guys all loving on me! By the time I had my first period, I was well into masturbating and fantasizing about how it would feel to be with a guy. Especially one with a big cock!

The problem was, at 14 and 15, guys were completely clueless. My best friend Jamie and I would always talk about how some of our other friends had let a guy ‘play’ with them, only to have the whole school know about it two days later! Ugh!

Anyway, one day we decided to make up a checklist of what we needed our ‘perfect boyfriend’ to be like. That way, we could start eliminating any boy who didn’t measure up.

And NO ... we weren’t talking about ‘equipment’ size!

Our first list was extensive and we both admitted, was probably going to be impossible to find.

But here it is: 1) He had to be cute. 2) He had to know how to talk to us about something more interesting than the weather. 3) On a date, he couldn’t be ‘grabby’ ... at least not until we let him! 4) When we DID let him get ‘touchy’ he HAD to be more interested in making us feel good, than just touching us to get us excited enough to play with HIM! 5) He had to take secrecy seriously. 6) He had to like kissing and cuddling AND had be good at both. 7) He HAD to treat us as ‘equals’ as far as making plans and doing things. We didn’t want some guy who tried to make us his ‘trophy’! We had over 20 such ‘conditions’ that we felt our ‘Dream Guy’ needed to possess.

We found that, as we started dating, most guys never made it past the third date, before having reached his limit of 3 rules being broken. Many times we overlooked rule 1 if we knew the guy to be interested in us and we felt he wasn’t likely to hit his limit before the third date.

By senior year in High School, both of us had just about given up on ever finding ‘Mr Right’. We’d also discovered that Jamie and I were in love. Starting Sophomore year, we started ‘experimenting’ giving each other orgasms. That turned into kissing and even rubbing our pussies together. We questioned whether or not we were turning into lesbians. When we talked about it, we both admitted that most of the time we were actually fantasizing about guys licking and fingering our pussies.

By midterm Senior year, we took a chance and went on dates where we were going to see if we couldn’t get laid. We even suspended our ‘rules’ and aimed for guys who were known to be ‘players’.

I discovered that reputation was much different from reality.

Richie had reportedly broken at least 5 cherries. I talked to two girls who he’d been out with and they both said he was shy and had never even felt them up! I giggled to myself and felt he might be worth a shot. Maybe he was the victim of malicious rumors.

I bumped into him after school one day and started a somewhat stilted conversation. Shy was an understatement as he took quite a while to get around to even asking me out on a date.

Finally, he asked if I’d like to go out with him to see a movie and then get some ice cream on Friday night. He said that a new ‘3-Plex’ had just opened in town and the three movies showing were, ‘Caddy Shack’, ‘The Shining’ and ‘The Blue Lagoon’.

I told him to pick, because I hadn’t seen any of them. He didn’t know it, but this was a test. Amazingly, he suggested ‘The Blue Lagoon’. I asked if he wouldn’t rather see ‘The Shining’ and he visibly cringed, “Oh, no, I’d have nightmares for a month! Wouldn’t you rather to see ‘Blue Lagoon’?”

I patted him on the cheek, “Nice choice. I’d love to!”

He picked me up and even came to the door to meet my parents. He was scoring points like crazy. At the theatre he gently took my hand and we walked in together. He aimed us toward the back, where there weren’t many people and I giggled, knowing why he did. It took him some time before he put his arm around my shoulders. He seemed heartbroken when I moved his arm off for a second. He didn’t notice that these seats had fold-up armrests. His look turned to joy when I lifted the armrest and put his arm back on my shoulders. He chuckled when I snuggled even closer so his arm could now drop down my side a little.

Or should I say just enough to touch my boob if he wanted. I should mention, that I already had D-cups and the second the back of his hand ‘accidentally’ brushed my boob, he discovered my rock hard nipple. I wasn’t wearing a bra!

I was impressed when he didn’t immediately grab my tit. He did spend the whole second half of the movie having many ‘surreptitious’ encounters with the aforementioned boob, however. The back of his hand, the edge, some light fingers and even a quick cupping, but he DIDN’T grab. His ‘rep’ seemed even more far-fetched by the minute. I was slightly bummed, if not amused.

It got better when after the movie and ice cream, which he paid for, he casually asked if I wanted to go home, or ‘maybe somewhere more private’. I giggled, that maybe we could find somewhere more private. His eyes lit up. On the way to wherever he was headed (turned out to be the local Lovers Lane), I asked him, “Richie, you were very nice in the theater. I appreciate that you didn’t get all grabby. Your reputation had me concerned about that?”

He blushed, “I’ve heard some of the rumors ... they’re not all true.”

I squeezed his arm, “So you’ve never been with any of them? Word has it you’ve had sex with Julie, Anna, Phoebe, Jaqueline and Rhonda.”

He sighed sadly, “Only with Julie. I went out with the others, but, honest, I never got past 2nd base!?”

I was curious, “What happened with the others, then?”

“I was too grabby!” He laughed, “They just assumed that’s all I wanted and blew me off after our first date.”

I knew Julie was the class nympho-pass around girl. She made it known she’d screw anybody that took her out.

I giggled, “You’re learning then. I know you wanted to grab my boob. It felt like you were teasing me.”

He gasped, “And you didn’t mind?”

I put my hand on his crotch and felt him getting hard, “If I’d known you’d keep your mouth shut and just asked, I would have let you ... as long as you kept it subtle!”

He had just pulled up to a secluded spot and put the car in park. Since it was December, it was too cold to shut the engine off for long. He skootched over and put his arms around me. “Really!? My buddy said you were like the class prude. I didn’t want you slapping me in the theater. You don’t seem that way to me ... now.”

“I’ve just been selective. Is that why you’ve never asked me out before?”

“Well, that and ... I always felt you were out of my league. You’re like the prettiest girl in the whole class!” He said as he slowly put his hand on my boob, looking in my eyes the whole time.

I took his hand off and he sighed, “Oh shit. I’m sorry, I should have asked first.”

I giggled, “No. I just don’t want to get handprints on my white blouse.” His eyes lit up as I unbuttoned my blouse down to the bottom two buttons and pulled it open, framing my tits for him. “Okay, you can resume ... if you want?”

He wasted no time and was now quite ‘grabby’! I grabbed his crotch and he moaned, almost like he was in pain. No wonder, really, he was wearing very tight jeans and his cock felt like it was going to tear his jeans open. When I put my lips to his, he demonstrated that when it came to kissing, the boy was clueless! When I pulled away, he asked, “What’s the matter?”

I sighed. How could I tell him that Jamie kissed a thousand times better!? “How many girls have you kissed?”

He stopped squeezing my boob, “Um, well, you’re only the second one. I take it I’m not doing something right?”

“Haven’t you ever heard of a French Kiss?”

He made a face like he’d just bitten into a lemon, ‘Eeew! You mean like swapping spit and putting my tongue in your mouth?!”

I was stunned. I just shook my head, “I take it that means getting you to lick my pussy is completely out of the question?”

“EEEEEWWWW! Jeez, that’s just GROSS! Hell no!”

And thus ended my ‘hot date’ with Richie. I didn’t really expect him to go down on me, but I certainly wasn’t going to let him fuck me without a proper kiss!

I buttoned up my blouse and he took me home without saying another word. Thankfully, Richie was so embarrassed, he didn’t tell anyone about our date or that conversation. It also temporarily ended my quest to get laid. I made up my mind that I needed to get kissed before I indulged another guy’s wish to play with my boobs.

Just before spring break, I made a startling discovery. Geeks knew and appreciated the finer points about sex far better than jocks!

Carl, my lab partner in ecology, finally worked up the nerve to ask me out on a date. We had a field trip on Saturday morning to go to the Volo Bog State Natural Area just east of McHenry, IL. Since I didn’t have a car he ‘volunteered’ to drive some of us and I was one of them. After our field trip, he asked if I wanted to go with him to get a burger for lunch. I was impressed that he just paid the bill and didn’t make a big deal about it. Afterwards, as he was taking me home, he stopped at a park. He asked me if he could kiss me. He was cute and looked like a puppy hoping to get petted.

I giggled and nodded, then moved into his arms. Oh. My. God. What a kiss! He gently worked his tongue between my eager lips and displayed a passion that belied his shy exterior. He didn’t take it as an invitation to grope me, but, rather just seemed to delight in the kiss. I was getting wet between my legs just wondering what his lips and tongue could do to my pussy. After almost half an hour, we broke our kiss. He grinned, “Wow! Mary, I’ve never, ever been kissed like that before! Would you like to be my girlfriend?”

I was trying to catch my breath, “Sure! Where did you learn to kiss like that?”

He blushed, “Well, honestly, I’ve only ever kissed like two other girls before ... and, they both stopped me before I could French Kiss them. I’ve read a lot of porn and always wanted to kiss like that. You just turned me on. Was it too much?”

“Oh no, it was great. I might have to let you to do it again before you take me home.”

And I did! He slowly built up the nerve to fondle my boobs and unlike Richie, seemed to be sensually playing with them as opposed to grabbing and squeezing like a maniac. He eventually put his mouth on my nipple and used his tongue to explore my right breast. After a few minutes, I giggled and reminded him that I had another boob that was feeling left out!

The boy was in 7th heaven. He gasped when I asked him to take his pants down so I could take a turn. He really moaned when I started squeezing and gently stroking his rather nice sized cock. The boy had already given me two small but very nice orgasms just with his ministrations on my tit. I wanted to return the favor. He was REALLY shocked when, about the time he said he was cumming, I put my mouth on his cock and managed to swallow most of his load of hot, salty spunk. I was delirious and just did it. I discovered that cum tastes much like eating raw oysters! I was overcome with the desire to do it again!

Several years earlier, my parents and I had gone on a vacation to Florida. We stopped in a neighborhood Oyster Bar to get some lunch. Dad ordered a dozen ‘Oysters on the Half Shell’ and my mom and the four friends with us were ‘Eeewing’ over how they were gross.

Dad saw me eyeing them and said, “Oh, they’re not that bad ... I’ll bet even Mary likes them. Go ahead, sweetie, try one!”

The sight WAS gross, but, I’d do anything that Dad did. And it certainly appeared he really liked them. The first bite was like your first taste of ambrosia. I just had to try another. Dad suggested I put some Tabasco Sauce on the next one. I did and damn near set my mouth on fire. I discovered Tabasco RUINED the wonderful flavor! Dad and I polished off the first platter and set about devouring a second as our friends moaned in playful disgust. Mom huffed, “Paul, you’re corrupting your sweet daughter!”

Then Dad said something that I just realized was prophetic, “Maybe, but her future boyfriends are going to love it!”

Yeah, spouge tasted much like raw oysters! By the time Carl experienced his second blowjob, he was in love. We went out that night to the drive-in movie. We parked way in the back and I honestly don’t remember what was even playing. We were both so horny we were naked and in the backseat of his huge Buick Electra seconds after it was dark. The backseat was almost as big as the couch at home.

Carl said he wanted to taste me.

At first he was much too rough and I had to stop him. He asked me what was wrong and I told him I was very sensitive down there and he needed to be way more gentle. He apologized and admitted this was his first time. I kissed him and said he could try it again. He was almost too gentle, but, when I gently pulled his head down harder into my sopping pussy, he got the hint and SHEEZ ... gave me over 4 of the best orgasms of my life. Almost as good as Jamie. He produced a rubber and asked if I was ready to ‘do it’.

When I said yes, but that I was on the pill, he smiled wide, “Oh that’s great! I’m not sure I even know how to put this damned thing on.”

Carl was a virgin! He was checking off boxes on my checklist like crazy and didn’t even know it. As he slowly sank his cock into me, I was overcome with emotion and started whimpering.

He immediately stopped and pulled out, “I’m sorry, was I hurting you? Are you a virgin too?”

“Oh, no Carl, get back in there ... it felt great ... I’ve been dreaming about this day for two years! I just didn’t realize how good it would feel.”

“Ohhh, cool, so I don’t have to be gentle like before?”

I giggled, “Um no ... just don’t use your fingers on me this hard though. Your cock is MEANT to be rough ... I think? Giggle.”

And he liked to drive me through the seat. I was in heaven and the only thing that would have been better would have been if he’d lasted longer. It was over after about 12 good thrusts. And this was the third time he’d cum today. At least he had a lot of ‘us’ on his cock and nearly jumped through the roof when I orally cleaned him up!

I discovered that a guy’s cock is VERY sensitive after cumming. Oopsie!

After apologizing for the brevity, it only took 15 minutes for him to want to do it again. The next time was much better and lasted nearly 10 minutes. I was delirious in the orgasms he was giving me. Just like the oysters, I was becoming addicted to the feeling of having a warm cock in my pussy. Many girls complained that their first times had been painful and unfulfilling. If Carl couldn’t have gotten it up again, I could understand the unfulfilling part. I was glad that Jamie and I had taken out each other’s hymens a few years ago. It made my first time just wonderful!

Anyway, we did it for a third time before the movie ended and we managed to get out of there before they locked us in. The next week was almost nonstop fucking, sucking, fondling and even cuddling. Carl was starting to feel like he might be ‘The One’. He was able to hold a decent conversation and treated me well. Unfortunately, and I’ve come to realize it was common, ALL he ever wanted to do was have sex! He lost all interest in doing ANYTHING else. He gradually began ‘unchecking’ many boxes on my list.

I knew I needed to take a break for a weekend. The IHSA (Illinois High School Association) State music competition was the Saturday after we went back to school. Jamie and I both played piano and had planned on trying a ‘four hand’ duet this year. We weren’t known around school for being in the band and just took lessons on Tuesday afternoons after school. We’d both been taking lessons since we were kids. We both had fun ‘playing’ together, too!

When I told Carl about it, he huffed, “Shit! I wish I knew you played! I’m playing a solo on my trombone and had to use Sylvia Potter as my accompanist. I would much rather have had you playing for me.”

I giggled, “If you’d have told me you played trombone, I would have LOVED playing with you!”

I knew he was in the band, but since we met, he’d never mentioned it ... Like I said, one-tracked-mind!

“Hey, what if I tell Sylvia I just don’t need her now!?”

What an insensitive bastard. I knew Sylvia and she was a good pianist. Probably better than me or Jamie. She WAS a tad homely, but under that was a very interesting girl.

I huffed, “What? How long have you two been practicing your solo?”

“Since we got back from winter break. She won’t mind ... probably.”

“Bullshit, she’s a very conscientious person. I’ll bet she’s been practicing on her own for hours and you just want to push her aside?”

“Yeah, but she’s not nearly as pretty as you and I just picked her because I was desperate.”

“Aaargh! Look, there ISN’T enough time for me to learn it and practice it with you before next Saturday. Besides, Jamie and I need to work on OUR duet. We didn’t get much practicing done last week, you know?”

He was chewing his lip, and I could tell wasn’t finished yet, “Hey! Why don’t you get Sylvia to play with Jamie and then you can play with me!? I’ll make it worth your while!” He licked his lips seductively.

I was getting pissed, “Well ... first, that’s NOT how I treat my friends. Jamie and I have been practicing this since before Thanksgiving. It’s NOT easy and it takes a LOT of work to get the timing right. You just DON’T wait until the last minute and dump on a friend like that. Maybe you should try going out with Sylvia? I’ll bet you’d be surprised at the result.”

“Ughhh! How could you say that!? Wouldn’t you like, be jealous?”

“Maybe a little. Honestly Carl, I need a break. All we ever do is fuck. I need more than that. I care about Jamie and I haven’t even talked to her for over a week.”

He was getting upset, “You care more about that little redheaded tramp than me!? I heard she fucks anything with a dick!”

SLAP! “You bastard! Fuck you, NOBOBY talks about my friend like that. I never want to see you again!”

And thus ended my first real ‘Love Affair’.

Jamie and I scored a First Place medal and it wasn’t till late last fall I discovered that HAD I gone to the Band event, I might have run into Charlie! He was there at that event and scored a First Place also. He said he did an ‘Acapella’ trumpet solo, since he couldn’t find an accompanist! Ohhh, what might have been! All those TOADS I had to kiss in college ... Aaargh!

College was even worse in some ways than High school. College guys were more experienced and also MUCH bigger assholes. I managed to get laid a lot, but, nobody ever got past the third date before failing my ‘checklist’ tests. By Senior year, I’d sworn off trying and even stopped taking the pill. Jamie had a little better luck, or maybe just more determination, so she stayed on the pill. ‘Just in case’.

Then ... late Senior year I ‘ran into’ Charlie!

When I first noticed him looking around the cafeteria for a table, I almost didn’t give him a second look. He wasn’t particularly good looking and the pocket protector he wore just screamed GEEK. Then I remembered Carl and decided to give him another look. Even though Carl and I ended badly, I’d learned that geeks were the best lovers. When he saw me and smiled, I smiled back.

There was something about his eyes.

I began moving closer and he was moving closer to me. He never stopped looking into my eyes. He hadn’t even glanced at my boobs! When we were only 10 feet away from each other, my heart was racing. The man was looking into my SOUL ... but, more than that, it seemed like he was longing for me to look into HIS. I was nearly into a dream state when we crashed our trays together and our lunches hit the floor.

I was mortified! My clumsy, non-observant dreaming had caused it. I fell to my knees, trying to pick up the mess when I heard him apologizing and berating himself. When our eyes met again, I was lost. No, more like consumed! I didn’t even know what to say, and just tried to make the best of it. When he insisted that he buy me a new lunch, I didn’t want to make any more of a scene than we already had, so I just agreed, but made him promise to eat with me. His sweet chuckle and self-deprecating jokes were the cutest thing I’d ever heard.

He’d already checked the first box on my checklist, BIG TIME. Cute ... he was definitely cute. But, then something happened that was magical.

I’d just grabbed a cheeseburger on my first trip through the cafeteria line. I suddenly realized I’d much rather have had a Caesar Salad. I was shocked, when he held up a cheeseburger and scrunched up his face, as if he somehow doubted that I wanted that anymore. I shook my head, and without a second thought, he held up a Caesar Salad! My mouth flew open and I nodded excitedly.

Okay, maybe he just got lucky, but, it’s like he was reading my mind. During lunch, he never brought up our accident and we talked about everything. I did catch him momentarily checking out my boobs, but, when he noticed that I caught him, he blushed so cutely, I just giggled. We talked about school, what classes we’d had in common, our families, friends and just everything. Not once did he talk about the weather!

Check box #2 ... he was on a roll!

We became so absorbed in our conversation, we almost missed our next class. There was a sense of panic and I realized we hadn’t set up any kind of a date or way of getting in touch with each other. Charlie handled that by inviting me to have dinner with him, saying he’d pick me up at 6. He then turned and headed out of the cafeteria. I was just thinking that he didn’t know where I lived. He suddenly turned and looked at me, blushing furiously. I just knew what he was going to ask and told him my dorm number and that I really loved Chinese food! He even asked if I still wanted to go out with a putz like him.

He just maxed out the cuteness meter when I said that he was the cutest putz I’d ever met and he just blushed and smiled! Then we both hurried off so we wouldn’t be late for our next classes.

After hustling to class, I was relieved that it was just a lecture. This was business law and I’d already read the whole book. A nice side effect of ending my quest to get laid. My brain was just whirling. I sat way in the back so I could contemplate everything without disrupting the lecture.

I simply couldn’t stop thinking about Charlie.

I analyzed our whole conversation, only to realize he’d never done a single thing that could be taken as crude or hitting on me. He almost never took his eyes off of mine except to subtly try to catch a glimpse of my boobs a couple of times. I would have been disappointed if he hadn’t! He never stared. It’s like he respected me too much to do that. He came across as a ‘genuine’ kind of guy. No false bravado or boorishness whatsoever. A breath of fresh air from all of the guys I’d dated over the previous 4 years.

It was also like he’d opened up his soul to me. I couldn’t get over the way he knew I didn’t want another cheeseburger, then automatically grabbed what I was hoping for! I closed my eyes and had the strangest daydream. It’s like I could just feel he was stressing about having come across as a putz and feared I’d reject him. I was nearly in tears as I pleaded with him to breathe. I said it to myself a couple times and tried to somehow tell him I wasn’t going to judge him like that. I swear it felt like he smiled and thanked me!

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Chapter 30: Something About Mary Videos

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 11 Ready or Not

Luckily, with the rush hour traffic, our four suspects couldn’t drive very fast, so flying without our helmets wasn’t too big a deal. We reported to Brock and TJ that they were driving a 1984 Buick Grand National. We gave them the Wisconsin license plate number, which TJ was going to run immediately. We were soon told that the car HADN’T been reported stolen and was registered to one Kurt Alsip, of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. They were headed west on IL SR 64. Just past Sycamore Speedway, they...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 38 Startling Discoveries

Charlie’s POV: (Cont.) With Rex, Jeremy and Willie all being called away to Chicago, and CJ seemingly trying to ‘help Willie’, I told the Family I needed to pay a quick visit to Zeus. I needed to see just how much and exactly what kind of ‘help’ Zeus had actually given my son. Since I’d only be gone from here for a few minutes, Mary was going to just tell everyone that I was going to my cabin for a bit. Bill, Sally, Emmy and their kids would be arriving shortly, so they needed to set...

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Grandfather Death and Virgin Mary

"No one lives forever," said a voice in his ear. "Certainly not us," said another, on the other side. Two figures, both women, appeared in the mirror behind him, though Friedrich knew that if he turned around he would not see them. They were only ever in the mirror. Friedrich sighed and sat down. The room was dark, and filthy, and full of dust. The windows and doors were barricaded, and everything smelled of decay. How long had he been here? He barely remembered now. He was dying...

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The CatalystChapter 78 Damned if you Do

Screwed if you Don’t Mid-August, 1985 He grinned, “Nice to finally meet you Charlie! I’ve heard SOOO much about you and your family.” “Are you ready for our showdown tomorrow, boy?...” “Just remember, ‘old man’, no dirty tricks. Have you done what I asked?” He looked at me warily, “I told you, I don’t have anyone under my control right now.” I looked over at Dad and he winked. I took that as a sign he was still okay. I did want to check something however, so I shook hands with Johnny....

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The CatalystChapter 69 Searching for the Solution

[He was the one doing most of the peeking.] Dad asked Greg to employ his ‘bubble’ and he began. “Okay, first off, I AM NOT going to try and impersonate Charlie. I WOULD like Gracie and Ed to be an integral part of the plan however. Johnny is definitely panicking and left 10 messages on Joshua’s answering machine to contact him ASAP. “I’m pretty sure after talking to Johnny this afternoon that he really thinks I’m Jonah. He asked me point blank if I knew anyone named Charlie. I told him I...

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The CatalystChapter 79 Game On

[My son is going to kick your ass tonight by showing everyone HIS abilities are much better than YOURS.” “OH YEAH?” Sherman roared, “We’ll just SEE about that!”] “Yes WE will, Sherm. It just occurred to me, that I’m getting the short end of our bet. Let’s sweeten the pot, shall we? I’ll match whatever money you’ve got left that Butch gave you! I’m guessing that’s close to a million dollars or more. Are you willing to put that up?” He was speechless, “How did ... No way, what makes you...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 27 Theres Something about Seeing Mary

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 22, 2010) Chapter 27 - There's Something about Seeing Mary "Did you hear what happened to Jared Lumbart?" Ethan asked while we were walking home. "What happened?" Emily asked back. It was obvious that she hadn't heard the...

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Something About Mary

Something About Mary "Hey, Dillan! Mr. bleach blond!" It wasn't completely out of the blue, but I was certainly caught off guard when Mary called out to me. Though I was hardly one of the school punching bags, I wasn't exactly a popular kid either. I had my small circle of friends that I was happy with and we largely avoided the drama riddled 'upper echelon' of the school hierarchy. So I never expected one of the most popular girls in school to spontaneously...

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The CatalystChapter 64 The Honeymoon Vacation Part 7

Where There’s a Will There’s a Way! July, 1985 [I thought Greg was going to shit a brick when he saw me stuffing my face in epicurean ecstasy! “Un-freaking-believable! Charlie, you’re INCORRIGIBLE!”] It only got worse, when Mike saw it and said, “Wow, that looks delicious! CJ, you the MAN. Can I get one of those?” Greg just rolled his eyes, “Ughhh. If ya can’t beat ‘em, may as well join him.” And he got one too. Our entire family group from last night sat down together for...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 47 Consequences Deserved

US MARSHALLS SERVICE SECRET DETENTION AREA, NW OF WASHINGTON D.C. Jeremy POV: We managed to get all the prisoners separated and into cells. We then decided to let them stew for a little while before Pops flashed that he wanted to bring in Franklin. He was planning on teleporting Franklin in so he wouldn’t know where he was being taken. He had Rex go into an empty cell and turn invisible, standing in the center of the cell. He was planning to pop in right behind him then both of them would...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 24 Ties Old and New

Charlie POV: When we arrived back at home, we were totally disoriented as far as what time of day it was. When the whole episode with the assassins started it was around 4:00 pm on Friday. Looking outside, it was twilight and all the workers were gone from the back yard. It was very quiet. All of the babies were hungry and needed changing. We all pitched in taking care of the kids, even Sheila and Joni. Rex and Jeremy took orders for carryout chicken and took off to get dinner. The kiddos...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 74 Redemption

A CHAEMARIAN SPACESHIP NEAR GROMORIKIAN SPACE Charlie POV: “So Lars, how... exactly ... are we going to intercept our evil Gromorik space kidnappers?” I asked, “Ibera told me the story about how you ‘telekinetically’ or ‘psychokinetically’ pulled a Gromorik and a Greyzarian mothership towards a planet to stop some kind of a skirmish?” His eyes lit up in laughter, “WOW, I’d forgotten about that! Well, to be honest, I may have told a bit of a ‘fable’, embellishing what I actually did.” I...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 36 Novel Ideas

We spent nearly 20 hours at Ibera’s. My old friend is now completely up to speed on how our Family became what it is and how we all developed our powers. First, how we developed them early on, then all the way to reacquiring them after CJ was born, then, to all the current iterations. He stopped us many times to relate how he’d been required to investigate different missions we’d been on. The CIA had been much more interested than I’d thought. Bill also made it clear that TJ and even Jim...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 45 What Friends Are For

Charlie POV: When we left Bill and Bruce we decided to just pop to my house to talk since there wouldn’t be anyone there. Mary, Sarah and Jamie went back to the boat to be with the kids while Joni and Sheila came with us to be with Rex and Jeremy. TJ was going into more detail about what was going on at CIA headquarters. Most everything was about what we’d already gone over with Bill and Bruce. TJ said, “I don’t know if you’re aware, but Franklin is just the interim Executive Director. He...

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The CatalystChapter 15 Learning to Trust

[“Do you trust him to keep our secret?” “I’d like to think so, ... but,... “] Joshua took a deep breath before looking each of us in the eye. “Let me ask each of you a question. I want you to think about it carefully. Your answer will be my answer as to whether or not I breathe a word of this to my friend Johnny. “Would any or all of you be willing to dedicate one year to a project that my friend Johnny and I might want to restart? And what if I could virtually guarantee that each of you...

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The CatalystChapter 36 PrePlanning Prevents Poor Performance

[“I laid low, just raising you kids after that until TJ called me in late 1972.”] “What happened then?” Bob asked. “We put together a plan of how Jim and TJ could use my abilities without putting any of us in danger!” Dad smiled brilliantly. “So, you’re not trying to talk us out of our plan with Tom? It sure sounded like you were trying to scare us out of the idea.” I exclaimed. “Scare you? Yes, and no. Enlighten you? Definitely.” “So what’s the plan?” Bob asked excitedly. “Hold your...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 37 You Can Never Be Sure

Charlie POV: The talk and subsequent agreement for us to help ‘sexually educate’ Matt and Ralph’s kids led to many discussions. The idea of teaching such nubile, young cuties about loving and sex while arousing on one hand, left us also questioning whether we could be sure just how it would affect them. We DID decide that before we indulged their desires, they were going to get a discussion to let them talk through the possible complications. Those ideas led to the adults of both families...

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"You said the carpeting and window treatments are included in the purchase price?" Patricia asked. "Exactly. You can change those after you move in, with the Homeowner's Association approval," Bob answered, "but, essentially, the interior of each home can be decorated according to individual tastes." Bob didn't like to dwell on Association rules, they brought death to a sale. "The builder will let you select options. If you'll look through your folder, you'll see several attractive...

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For convenience and reader ease, all conversations are translated in English. Ciwalen, Jawa, Indonesia "Hey Cary, wait up!" Hearing my best friend Fariz's voice I halted in my stride, so he could catch up and we could go together to school, which was still at least another kilometer away. As he caught up with me he said: "Did you hear about Rino?" Rino was another friend of us; he caught MORFS a week earlier. I shook my head, "No what happened?" "He was taken away by some...

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Gaining Mary

Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy. Gaining Mary The halls were empty now, all the students havingleft for the day. Mary was in no hurry to go, however.Her stepmother had gone on another week long businesstrip and she had no real friends to hang out with so she decided to snoop aroundthe deserted school.There was not much of interest, a few open lockerswith the...

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They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...

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Dave and Mary

Dave and Mary Dave and Mary lived in a large stately home on the outskirts of Yeleverton on Dartmoor, Dave is a multi millionaire from a large lottery win some years ago, and Mary ran a small business selling women's clothes in Tavistock which is a few miles north of Yeleverton. They both lived very comfortably and where both very happy with each other. Dave to relieve the bored of not working helped out at the shop which his wife runs, Dave was just a glorified coffee boy but...

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The Hardheads Frank and Mary

My head hurt, my stomach was roiling and my wife was screaming at me: ‘You bastard! You rotten cock sucking bastard! How could you do this to me? One day, I’m gone one fucking day and leave you here alone and you do this to me.’ I had no idea what she was ranting about, all I knew is that I had to get to the toilet. I barely made it. After praying at the Porcelain Throne I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, took three aspirin and then stumbled back into the bedroom to see what the hell had...

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Just Like Mary

Just like Mary Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The leaves were falling, littering the ground, my efforts to rake them into a pile futile. With the breeze continually spreading the pile around, I finally gave up and went inside. My dad was still working on his painting, the young girl laying on her back, white tights, shoes and dress starting to take shape. Dad made a wonderful living as an architect, but his real passion was painting. There were several of my sister and...

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My Sister Mary

"Harder.....Harder," Mary whispered in my ear. I responded by driving my steel hard cock deeper into her soaking wet cunt. Mary was straddling my hips, her short red skirt pulled up over her firm ass cheeks. A pair of silk panties laid on the floor next to the couch where we were hurriedly making love. She was whispering so she would not alert her two daughters, who were supposed to be taking a bath. The only sound was our hard breathing and an occasional slap of flesh as I buried my self...

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My wife Mary

Up until a few months ago my wife and lived a pretty uneventful life, filled with the normal routine of work, weekend errands, and paying the bills. We have been married for almost twenty-five years and were moving into the same kind of rut that most people fell into as they reached their mid-forties.For most of the time we have been together I have been trying to get Mary to open up a little bit sexually in the area of other lovers. I've never stopped to analyze why the thought of her with...

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The Awakening of Mary

I’m sure you have all heard of the Butterfly Effect in Chaos Theory. How a small, inconsequential action can have huge effects. Well, our butterfly moment was my request for Mary to pose for some glamour style portraits as a birthday present for me. A seemingly innocuous request that had life-changing consequences.Up to that point, I had a wife I loved dearly, but who could only be described as being demure, prim, puritanical and Victorian in her outlook to sex. Now I have a wife I adore, who...

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Replacing Mary

Replacing Mary My name was David, 40 years old and recently been laid off of my warehouse job. I was married to Malinda and to say that I married up was an understatement. Malinda was a year younger than me and drop dead gorgeous, red hair, large breasts and legs that seemed to go forever. When we met she was a law student and I was working for a major box store as a warehouse foreman. Not a bad job for a 35 year old college drop out. I made a good hourly wage and really did not...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 28 Making a Mark

We’d just given our new friends a glimmer of hope ... I just hoped we could pull it off without getting any of us killed. We needed to take Matt with us which was part of the problem. Somehow we needed to get the pirates away from the dock area long enough for Matt to get away. I asked Rex to come up with a plan. He smiled, then had Bob ‘call up’ the visual of the island, in current time. “Okay”, he smirked at Bob, “Thanks to Bob, what I first was certain was too much gear, turns out to be...

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The Mansion Tom and Mary

Frank sat in his office, a small part of the basement, hidden behind a fake wall, staring at the big computer screen in front of him. He went there after Brianna left. She said she needed to think about it, and was going to call him. She left so quickly that Frank doubted he would ever hear from her again. Frank opened a big safe behind him, flicked through the hundreds of DVDs that were stored inside the safe, and found the one he was looking for. The DVD tray was labeled, “Tom and Mary,...

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Anastasia and Mary

"Are you smitten by the waitress?" I teasingly asked Mary.We were having a few drinks after dinner, waiting for an up and coming local band to take the stage. The Night Moves restaurant, located in the East end of Toronto, was Mary's preferred watering hole. Mary had mentioned the bar to me on many occasions. She had also went on about a cute, new waitress that started working there. The waitress and Mary became acquainted very quickly, and Mary made an effort to go for dinner at Night Moves,...

Oral Sex
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It was bitter cold outside and all Mary felt like doing was curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and enjoy a good movie. The snow was falling outside as she poured herself a glass of merlot in the kitchen then made her way into the living room. She felt alone in the large empty house as her husband of less than a year was once again away on business. Mary had just turned 20 and she thought of her mother's warnings of marrying an older man, although very successful, he was frequently...

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Mom and mary

It was bitter cold outside and all Mary felt like doing was curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and enjoy a good movie. The snow was falling outside as she poured herself a glass of merlot in the kitchen then made her way into the living room. She felt alone in the large empty house as her husband of less than a year was once again away on business. Mary had just turned 20 and she thought of her mother's warnings of marrying an older man, although very successful, he was frequently...

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mom and mary

It was bitter cold outside and all Mary felt like doing was curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and enjoy a good movie. The snow was falling outside as she poured herself a glass of merlot in the kitchen then made her way into the living room. She felt alone in the large empty house as her husband of less than a year was once again away on business. Mary had just turned 20 and she thought of her mother's warnings of marrying an older man, although very successful, he was frequently...

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What happened to Mary

What happened to Mary   Part 1Author’s Note:  This is a story of what happens after the ending of Cindy’s lessons. I have received several questions of what had happened to Mary from ?My daughter becomes my Mistress? so I have written this story. It has some areas that would be considered too gentle but they are necessary for the story. It would be helpful for you to read the FINAL chapter of ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress? in order to understand about Sarah’s past.        All the stories...

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Oh Mary

Oh, Mary!The title of this story says it all really and I guess it started about 6 months after we had married. I hadn't known Mary for all that long but we are both in our early 30s and I guess we just clicked and a couple of months after we met we got engaged.Mary isn't what you would call a stunner but she just oozes sex appeal. Some people just have that I guess and certainly her large breasts probably helped. There are pictures of Mary on the authors profile and you will see she is a...

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Unleashing Mary

As Mary got on in years she found it increasingly difficult to start a new relationship after the death of her husband. To make matters worse, her son Matt who had grown into his late teens and began assuming the role of the man of the house which Mary feared would cause tension if a new man were to enter the scene. Having established an equilibrium in her home, Mary decided leave things as they were as she felt no need to upset the balance in her home, that is until an unforeseen situation...

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Brother SpyChapter 11 Mom and Aunt Mary

I dreamed about Gail sucking my cock as I probed Sally's hairy cunt with my fingers. That was very odd. Sally's cunt was hairless. I don't think she could grow a nice bush like that in only two days. I woke up when I heard a distinctly un-Gail-like giggle from Jacqui. Jane was sucking on my cock as Jacqui worked my fingers into her cunt. Martha was still sound asleep beside me. Jane grinned at me wickedly. "I knew that would get your attention," said Jane. "A blowjob is always the...

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New BeginningChapter 14 Mary

The limousine pulled into the parking lot of the Palm Breeze Apartments. It came to a stop in front of the walkway and Roger stepped out of the back, dressed in a traditional tuxedo. When they went dress shopping a few nights earlier, Rose had talked Roger into wearing a splash of color, so he wore a navy-blue bow tie to match Mary’s dress. Roger walked up to Rose’s apartment carrying a bouquet of blue lilies and white roses. When Rose answered his knock, he held the bouquet tightly to his...

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The Hardheads Frank And Mary

My head hurt, my stomach was roiling and my wife was screaming at me: "You bastard! You rotten cock sucking bastard! How could you do this to me? One day, I'm gone one fucking day and leave you here alone and you do this to me." I had no idea what she was ranting about, all I knew is that I had to get to the toilet. I barely made it. After praying at the Porcelain Throne I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, took three aspirin and then stumbled back into the bedroom to see what the hell...

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Danni Archer with Evelyn and Mary

"Hi, Danni. I'm Evelyn and I'm happy to meet you. Theodore, the dear boy, has told us a little about you but I'm betting that no one has told you much about us, have they? I bet you're more than a little worried right now about what may happen. Don't be. We're all new friends right now, feeling each other out, getting to know each other. It's like the first day of school, when you go back and meet the new people you are going to spend the new year with" said the brown haired...

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Please Wake Up Mary

Please Wake Up, Mary By Chris Dyr Katz Alan awoke in a hospital room. His chest and arms were heavily bandaged, his jaws were wired together, and he was tied to the bed. An attractive female doctor explained that he'd had a serious accident, and he was in recovery. The doctor was friendly and comforting, except that she called him "Mary." Then the doctor calmly explained what Alan's "recovery" would involve. To his horror, Alan understood why she called him "Mary," and the good doctor...

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A guy and his 35 Mary

---------------------------------- "Mistress I am so weak it is hard to move, please mistress help me," came the pleading voice of Mary's Jinn, Inger. Mary was pretty weak herself as she looked into the almost begging eyes of Inger the exact same eyes that Mary had trained on her. Mary looked away as new tears began to fall from her eyes. "My god Inger I have been trying to save...

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Victoria 72 Yr Old HottiePart 6 Vicky Mary

Victoria 72 Yr Old Hottie-Part 6 Vicky & MaryIt had been over a week since Vicky and I were together as we were both busy. She called me and asked if I was ready for her and Mary tomorrow and I said it just so happened I was free and best of all I could spend pretty much all day with them. She was really excited with that aspect and said the she and Mary had plotted a day I would never forget. I arrived at Vicky's house wearing only a t-shirt and my bathing suit. Before I could ring the ...

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Something About Pinay Mary

I had met Mary a few months after my return from the Philippines. She was a single mom that was brought over here by a white guy to replace his wife that had ran away. The marriage ended as quick as it began and she was now in a foreign country with no money. Luckily she met very nice people that helped her to start a new life. Now Mary had a body built for fucking and was not afraid to show off her nice assets. She was about 5’1 with a slight to medium build with small tits and long nipples as...

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Mary Mary

I have always found it strange the way things happen sometimes. Things seem to happen when you least expect them too. For me one these strange events happened when I was in my mid teens and in the throws of puberty. I was ready and willing to nail my first girl. Maybe I was trying too hard I don't know. I would sneak into my parents closet when they were at work and look at my dad's dirty porn mags. I would study the pictures and read some of the articles, the stories that were sent in by...

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Mary Mary Mary

Mary and I have been married for ten years and were living a typical suburban life. I met Mary when I was in college, and she was still in her last year of high school. She is a very tall woman with long legs and large breasts. They were too much of a temptation for me, so I married her. I never regretted that move because I don't think I would ever find somebody better than Mary.Mary never complained about my member's size, although probably deep in her heart, she would have liked to have...

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Ben Mary

Ben and Mary have been married for 7 years. They dated for 3 years before getting married and Ben loved it. Mary was quite provocative in the way she dressed an acted. After the first two years Ben noticed a big change in Mary as she no longer wore dresses and skirts like she did, now its mostly jeans or shorts. She also stopped wearing hosiery and went bare legged. Ben had been invited to go out clubbing with another couple. He discussed it with Mary and she agreed. He asked her if she could...

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Hometown HeroChapter 3 Going after Mary

I apologized to her again about being an idiot. She smiled at me and let me know that everything was all right. As we were walking along headed for a good seat to see the fireworks, my sisters stopped us. "Hi, Bro. What's up? Going with your friend to see the fireworks?" "I'm sorry, Barb, Bess. This is my friend Mary." Barb then walked up to Mary and put her hands on her cheeks like she was going to kiss her. Mary started laughing, "I can't do it girls. You two are just too...

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Scott and Mary

“YOU FUCKING DID WHAT!!!” “It was a sort of spur of the moment thing.” “And it didn’t occur to you to, you know, speak to me first?” “I honestly didn’t expect anything to come of it.” “Oh and that makes it all okay does it?” “I know I...” “Don’t you dare even try to wriggle out of this.” “I...” “You have done some stupid things in my time, but this? This is a whole new level of stupidity.” The voices crashed into silence. Fifteen year old Scott looked over at his one year younger...

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Amazing Mary

Mary was only a year younger than me. We met at a friends birthday party in my sophomore year. I instantly had a crush on the girl with short blond pigtails and braces. Mary had a soft voice and was hard to hear while in the party so we sat outside by the rivers edge and talked. Mary’s mother picked her up a little before the party officially ended and I didn’t see her again for four years ironically it was at another party. Mary had grown up and filled out a lot over the last four years...

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Bill and Mary

BILL AND MARYI was late the first time I met Bill and Mary. I had naively agreed to meet them in an hour at a Mexican restaurant and bar, realizing too late that I was trying to get there in rush hour, and was going to be at least 40 minutes late. Not a good beginning. Fortunately I had Bill’s cell phone number, stopped alongside the highway, and called him to let him know. Bill agreed to wait for me, but I was convinced he was already wondering what kind of dufus he and Mary had agreed to...

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Adult Baby Mary

Me: Mary its time for a diaperingMary: ok let me get naked!Mary: Hops on the changing table Me: Grabs the diaper bagMe: grabs a diaper, thermometer and baby wipesMary: why do you have the thermometer?Me: so i can take your temperature in your rectum MaryMary: oh Me: sticks the thermometer inside your ass and checks your temperature 98.9 perfectMe: takes the thermometer out and grabs a baby wipeMary: i like to be wipedMe: goes to wipe Marys pussy and see's she has lots of hair!!!!! Grabs razor...

1 year ago
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A School Trip With Mary

The school had planned a trip for the top students in our class. I was among the selected few. The rest of the students on the trip consisted of Mary, the energetic, cute one; Kate, the extremely hot one; Kyle, the “Science-Guy”; Nicole, the ditsy one; And Jeremy . . . He was just himself. (We didn’t hold that against him!) And, last, but not least: Myself. I was the smart, witty, computer-guru. It started out as a normal school outing: long, noisy, and for the most part boring. We had...

Group Sex
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As step-sisters go, Mary was OK, in her own way. Suffice to say that I mean when things went her way.Out parents had married a couple of years ago, I only met Mary at the wedding. She was married to some sort of corporate lawyer, who was always on his phone. And I suppose we viewed each other with a little apprehension. So I think we both agreed that for the sake of our respective parents, we got along, but there was no real brother sister relationship.After the wedding, and the happy couple...

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