Pick-Up Line - Unintended Consequences free porn video

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Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story, intact and with the attribution to Ellie Dauber (below) so long as the site remains free. I do not consider so-called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, such sites do not have permission to host this story. Published with the gratefully acknowledged permission of Ellie Dauber, whose wonderful story, Pick-up Line, copyright 2000, is the basis and inspiration for this tale. Characters and situations from that story are used in this one, again with Ellie's expressed permission. Pick-Up Line is archived at Fictionmania. If you have not recently read Ellie's story, you might want to do so before reading this tale, as it will make the situation between the two primary protagonists more clear. If you have never read it, and especially if you like innovative, very creative magic-based stories, then for heavens sake, run to FM right now and pull up Ellie's story. Again, thank you, Ellie, for letting me publish this tale. Pick-Up Line - Unintended Consequences By Tigger Copyright 2003, all rights reserved. Sarah Mather winced, even as she kicked the 'just-too- tight' high heel from her left foot. That hurt so good that she kicked away its mate with even more force. When the right shoe's stiletto heel left a dent and a mark on the far wall of her foyer, she winced again. She was just so... so FRUSTRATED, and tonight's abortive date had done NOTHING to relieve that condition. Goddess above, the damned man had nearly fallen asleep in his tiramisu, and he'd all but shoved her along 'escorting' her to her door at the (very damned) early conclusion of their 'date'. With the unconscious grace of a dancer, the strawberry blonde padded into her den, stopping at the Early American sideboard that doubled as her bar. She reached for a wineglass, decided that white wine wouldn't answer the need burning in her belly, and poured three fingers of twelve- year-old single malt scotch into a crystal glass. She took her drink over to the almost-masculine leather armchair that faced the hearth, and settled into it. "Dammit!" she fumed into the silent room, "Another one!" It had been like all her other recent non-experiences, she mused. One minute, everything was going fine, and then, nothing - as if a switch had been thrown, or as if her deodorant, mouthwash, and conversational social skills had all died on her at the same instant. Almost like magic. That fleeting thought sent an icy frisson of dread racing up and down the leggy woman's spine. That was a very unnerving, if not frightening, possibility. Was she under some type of spell? Unlike most modern women, Sarah Mather of Salem, Massachusetts, did not discount that possibility out of hand. With a simple gesture, she set the logs laid in her hearth aflame. No, Sarah thought as she savored the aged whiskey from her glass, she couldn't ignore the possibility that she was under some type of magical attack. After all, she was a witch, and knew the truth - Power... Magic was real. But what was the point of such an attack? Mischief, perhaps? Or was this some fellow practitioner of the Craft's idea of a joke? If so, it had damn sure ceased to be funny. She was SO... HORNY! Heavens, earlier tonight it had taken all the self control she could muster not to grab her erstwhile date by his damned regimentally striped tie and drag him to HER bed. Stars, but she hadn't gotten any loving of any type since her last business trip - since her last little adventure as Harry D?Ambriso. She'd changed that little Hispanic lounge lizard into a dark-eyed, very curvy and very needy Latina for the night and then had given him a much- deserved lesson in gentlemanly behavior. That had been good, she thought, remembering their heated passion with a smile. It had been VERY good, but at the same time, it just wasn't the same! Sex as Harry was so very different than it was for her as Sarah, and in truth, she found sex more fulfilling as a woman. Sex as a man was a treat - like a rich chocolate mousse. It was very tasty, and in a pinch, it could fill her up if she ate enough of it, but afterwards, her body was still hungry, still demanding nourishment. Sex as a woman, on the other hand, well, that was the main course - a smorgasbord. Goddess, when had she last had her fill? Sarah Mather considered that question. Harry got HIS rocks off, but Sarah wasn't getting hers. Tonight's little debacle made for, what? Five? Or was it six? - Yes, it WAS six promising candidates for her favors, dammit! Six attractive, intelligent men who had each made the effort to catch her attention (and that of her hormones), to get her to accept their offer of dinner or dancing or a show - all of which had be very nice, too. Very nice, that is, up until she'd decided she was ready to allow her companion to coax her into his bed. Then every damned one of them had just... lost interest, and THAT had NEVER happened to her before. She wasn't promiscuous, but she had always enjoyed men and enjoyed having sex with ones who interested her. In fact, before this little dry spell, whenever Sarah Mather had decided she wanted a specific man, that man was as good as 'got'. Just as importantly, she made sure he enjoyed their assignations just as much as she did. In addition to being a beautiful, visually exciting woman, she was also a skilled, giving and enthusiastic lover who gave as good or better than she received. Considering that, she set her glass aside. Why Sarah and not Harry? Magic reared its ugly specter again, because the effects of many spells were gender-specific - sometimes even specific to a single individual. Harry was a different person than Sarah, and he was damn-sure different in gender. That had been the whole point of becoming him, hadn't it? Was she under some type of spell, Sarah wondered yet again? "Well, there's only one way to find out," she told herself. Sarah Mather drew her legs up beneath her and composed her mind for meditation. Then, she remembered that this might be some type of attack from an assailant of unknown potential and purpose. She would need to exercise caution until she had determined that potential and that purpose. Rising from the chair, Sarah went to the guest bedroom that doubled as her sanctum. She gathered the necessary tools, herbs and charms, and then settled in the middle of the darkened room. With a few words, she cast a candle- lighted circle to protect herself from further outside influence. To do what needs be done, she needed to open herself mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and would thus be vulnerable without the protection of a circle. The familiar ritual centered her, relaxed her. Sarah removed her clothes and knelt sky-clad in the center of her circle. At last fully prepared, she let her senses - both physical and metaphysical - free and began the search for signs of a mystic attack. ~-~ Several hours later, Sarah returned to herself. There was indeed magic at the center of all this, and she had been able to identify the source of the 'attack' on her love life. Only she didn't want to believe the evidence she'd uncovered. The source of her recent lack of love was herself. Shakily, Sarah rose to her feet, and carefully closed the circle. It took her a few more moments to put away her tools and charms, but it was time she needed. Then, she picked up her phone and speed-dialed a number. When the phone was answered, she nearly sobbed. "Nell? It's Sarah. Something's happening to me... something bad, and... and I don't know what it is. I need help. Can... can you come here? Please?" She did sob when Nell said she was already on her way out the door. ~-~ Eleanora Ripley was a still-attractive, very regal woman of 'mature years'. Her once honey-blond hair had long ago gone to ash, but the rest of her still easily passed for the mid-forties age to which she admitted when pressed. Among those who knew and loved her, it was an open secret that 'Nell' had admitted to that age for more than twenty-five years. She was also the woman who had trained a very young Sarah Mather in the hidden mysteries of the Craft, teaching her how to control and live with a power that was often both overwhelming and frightening. Now, she sat across the kitchen table from her most powerful pupil, sipping jasmine tea, her normally smooth forehead wrinkled in concern. "You are, of course, right, dear - about both the source of the power and its effect on you." "But WHY, Nell? Why would I DO such a thing to myself? Goddess, why don't I remember DOING it?" The older woman touched hands with Sarah, offering comfort. "I think, Sarah, because you didn't do it. Not in the way that you mean." Confusion flashed in the younger woman's eyes. "What? But you said..." "I said, you were correct in that you are - yourself - the source of the power that is... inhibiting your love life. It's the power of 'One Times Three' that is at the center of this. Something you did to another, using the Power, is coming back on you one times three." "But... but, Nell, I would never do something like that... misuse the Craft like that. You know key principals of the ethical use of power - you TAUGHT them to me! First and foremost is 'And if it harm none', and by the Goddess, I haven't! I COULDN'T have done that." The witch-matriarch heard the plea in her pupil's voice, but could only shake her head. "And yet, you obviously have done, my dear. Your current state, and both our examinations of you prove that you have. Your own power is behind your problem. What other explanation fits the data?" Sarah's look was at first mutinous, but only for a moment. "All right, I suppose there isn't any other explanation, but I don't KNOW what it is I did! How can I fix what I don't know about?" "A difficult problem, that," the senior witch murmured thoughtfully. "And you say that you, in your Harry persona, have no difficulty... ah, performing?" "None, although..." Sarah's eyes went momentarily unfocused before finishing, "when you think about it more fully, it's not really a performance issue when I'm Sarah, is it? It's a lack of opportunity to perform." "True," Nell said approvingly, "Very true. Still, there's nothing you've done, as part of your little 'learning experiences' for the young Lotharios that is long lasting or involves some type of residual magic?" Sarah considered that, and shook her head. "No. Not really. I was tempted to leave a magical tracer on the first guy, Lou Prescott, because his pick-up line was so trite and annoying, but in the end I decided against it." Nell considered that and frowned. "When was the last time you - that is, as Sarah - enjoyed sexual relations with a man? In relation to the time you started giving various men the opportunity to reflect upon the differences between a meat market pickup and a properly romantic experience?" Sarah started to answer, and then stopped. Nell watched as the younger woman's eyes closed tightly in concentration only to snap wide open. "Stars, Nell, my last time was about two weeks before Lou." "Then there must be a connection, dear. I have an idea, but..." "But WHAT?" "It requires you to let me delve past your public mind - to intrude upon your most basic personal privacy." "Is that all?" Sarah asked. "If that's what it takes, then I'm all for it. Besides, I trust you more than anyone, including myself, just now." "Very well. Let's go to your sanctum and cast another circle. This is not something I care to attempt without every magical protection and ward." ~-~ "It was a bit different than you said earlier, dear," the ash-blonde said when they'd returned to the spacious kitchen. "You did more than threaten to keep track of him. What you told him, and I quote, was 'Because I didn't end the spell that I cast on you, Lou. I just de-activated it. You try using a dumb pick-up line on _any_ woman ever again, and it re-activates, and, Lou? I will know if the spell re-activates, and I will make _very_ sure that you can't find me to _ever_ change you back.'" "But I didn't DO anything like that. I just told him that to make him stop and think before he tried one of those lame pick-up lines on some other woman." "The philosopher, Karl Popper once wrote that 'There are always unintended consequences to well-intentioned acts.' Sarah. I would say that it is entirely possible that you are suffering from one of those consequences, magnified one times three, because your Power is, or rather was, the initial vector. Suppose the experience of sex as a woman was having some injurious effect on his ability to perform as a man with a woman?" Sarah's eyes went wide in shock. "No, I mean... but, Nell, that's not how my problem is manifesting itself. I'm fairly certain I could perform just fine if things ever got far enough, and I interact with men just fine - until I decide I'm ready to jump their bones, that is." "Sarah, puh-leeze, a little decorum, please." "Yes, Nell," Sarah teased, smiling for the first time that evening, and feeling grateful to her mentor for the little silliness. "But, the facts are that I can't get the guy to come up to the mark at the final moment." "Well, I'm not sure the backlash would necessarily be identical to what happened to the victim..." "Did you have to use that word?" Sarah asked sadly, "Victim?" "If the shoe fits, dear," Nell replied. "However, suppose your subject is now afraid to approach a woman with the hopes of, ah, physical intimacy? It would be rather off- putting to make a move and suddenly be as feminine as his intended." "Unless he was at a gay bar - yes, I can see your point. So, I guess I have to find Mr. Prescott, then, and assure him that he's not going to... cross over the gender line the first time he asks a woman if it hurt when she fell out of heaven?" A sad look came over Eleanora, and she shook her head. "I'm afraid it's more than that, Sarah. You have to somehow make amends for the harm caused him." "How am I going to do THAT, Nell? Provide him with six months worth of missed opportunities? Listen to all his bad lines and not turn him into a toad?" The elder witch shook her head. "I don't know, either, but if we're correct, then you'll have to find some way to earn his forgiveness, or you'll be coitus unavailabus for the rest of Sarah's life." "Damn." "I'm afraid so, dear." ~-~ "Nell?" Sarah's voice had a hint of something akin to hysteria as she spoke into her cell phone. "He's disappeared. I spoke with the bartender at the Chapman? He doesn't remember seeing Lou more than a couple of times since... since I changed him into Lucy. I used Power to find out where Lou lived, and he's moved. Quit his job, too." "Oh, dear. I'm beginning to be disappointed that you didn't put a psychic tracer on him. What are you going to do next?" "Check the post office? See if he's left a forwarding address. I can get that from the clerk's public mind without intruding on their privacy. If that doesn't work, I may need to ask our Sisters to help with a Seeking. I have restitution to make, and I have to know where he is to do that." "I'll call a couple of my friends, Sarah, and let them know the circumstances. If you need us, we'll be here for you." "Thanks," Sarah replied, and Nell thought she could hear relief in her tone, now. "I've got to run. See you soon." ~-~ Two days later, a very weary, very depressed Sarah Mather pulled into the drive of her elegant Salem home. Lou had simply disappeared, telling the post office that he'd send them a forwarding address when he had one to give them. Fatigue was heavy on her as she headed up the walk to her door, which was why she didn't sense the presence of another. "Hello, Ms. Mather," a familiar voice said to her. Sarah spun about, her eyes wide. "Lou?!? Is that really you?" "I could answer that I don't know who else I could be, except, we both know who else I have been," the handsome young man said, an odd, almost bashful smile on his face. "So I won't do that. Yes, Ms. Mather, it's me - Lou Prescott." Sarah surprised them both by sweeping him up in a tight hug, and the pushing back to shake him. "Where have you BEEN?!? I've been looking all over for you!" "You have?" Lou's eyes were wide, and he started to pull back, but Sarah held on. "I have, and now, I've found you - or rather, I guess you've found me. Come inside, I want to talk to you." Lou resisted her efforts to pull him along with her, and for the first time, she saw the conflicted emotions in his aura - some type of need that had brought him here, but at odds with an almost palpable fear. Well, she thought, I don't have to guess what is at the root of that emotion. "Come in, please," she repeated, more gently. "I promise that I will do nothing to you except give you a drink, and ask a few questions. I promise that it will be Lou and not Lucy who leaves when we've finished." Something flickered in the young man's eyes, but he nodded. "Oh... okay. Ummm, thanks... For the offer of a drink, that is." ~-~ "Seven and Seven?" Sarah asked as she pointed at the array of bottles and decanters on her sidebar. "As I recall, that's what you ordered at the Chapman Hotel bar." "Umm, just the Seven, please." Sarah laughed at that. "Which Seven, Lou? The soda or the whiskey?" "Oh..." he blushed furiously - something that Sarah found strangely endearing. "The Seven-Up, please. I've, ah, given up the hard stuff." Sarah filled two tall glasses with crushed ice and then slowly poured the soda over the ice, all the while thinking about how best to approach the upcoming interview. She wasn't ready, dammit. She was as off-balance as he evidently was because this was the very LAST place she expected to find him - or have him find her. Maybe that was the tactic, she thought. Handing him his drink, she offered him his choice of seats and was surprised when he passed up her heavy armchair in favor of the small Victorian-styled settee opposite the chair. She considered sitting down on the settee herself, but decided at the last minute that, being a male, he might find that an infringement of his personal space, and so, took the chair herself. "Mind telling me how and why you found me?" For a long moment, he didn't answer, simply stared down at the gently fizzing liquid in his glass. When he finally did speak, it was in a very low voice. "Through the hotel. You told me you kept a room there. When I decided I needed to find you, I got a part time job there - weekends on the reservations desk, evenings and nights as front desk watch, that kind of stuff. Anyway, eventually, I got access to their computer files. That made getting your address easy." "I see," Sarah murmured, taking a sip of her drink to soothe a suddenly very dry throat. "Well, that explains how, but not the why." "That's a harder question," he replied, carefully. "I... I decided I needed to talk to you again. I needed..." Lou's voice broke, and for the next moment, seemed to struggle to compose himself. Sarah felt an almost overwhelming need to go to him, to comfort him, but fought it back. She wasn't sure he'd accept it from her in any case. Finally, she could stand the silence no longer. "Needed, what, Lou? How can I help you? CAN I help you?" "I don't know," he finally admitted. Should I tell him I know about his... enforced celibacy? Tell him that it is not necessary any longer, Sarah wondered? Or would that only make things worse? I can't make him forget because that would be the worst sort of intrusion and that IS doing harm. Damn, what a coil. "Look, the, ah, spell you put on me," he began, and then rushed on, "you said you wouldn't let me find you, wouldn't help me if I, well, became Lucy again." "Yes," Sarah replied, even as she winced inwardly, "I did say that, but, Lou, I wouldn't do that to you, to anyone. I was... overset and unduly cross when I said that, and I shouldn't have done that. I am sorry." "Oh, I see." He stopped speaking and thought for a few moments, before looking at her, considering. "And you DID say I would leave here today as Lou, didn't you?" "I did, but what's that got to do with your problem?" Lou set aside his drink, stood up, and walked over to stand in front of Sarah's chair. He made a show of looking around the top of her suddenly confused head, and then patted her back. "How does an angel like you hide her wings and halo?" he asked, grinning. When she just gaped up at him in disbelief, he blushed again, only to realize that nothing had happened. "Maybe that was too subtle," he muttered and then looked at her again. "Wanna come up and see my etchings, pretty lady?" When nothing happened, his face turned vividly red, and Sarah could not suppress the giggle at his dismay. "For not subtle, that was pretty good, Lou. Now, why the hell are you trying to reactivate the spell?" He didn't answer, just turned away, and then started to rush for the door. With an instinctive flick of Power, Sarah locked and sealed the door to the den just before Lou could jerk it open. When he turned to face her, his eyes were wide with emotion, and her heart ached for him - more than that - her heart yearned for him. Oh, Goddess, she thought in wonder, I'm in love with the big lug. Now what do I do?! Moving slowly, she went to stand before him. "Do you want to become a woman, Lou?" she asked very gently. "Is that what this is all about?" Tears coursed down his cheeks now as he faced her, his hand still behind him, gripping the unyielding doorknob. "Yes... I mean, no, I mean, hell... sort of... I guess." A chuckle burbled up before Sarah could squelch it. "That's pretty clear. I understand perfectly." That brought a shy smile to Lou's face. "Wish I did - understand perfectly, I mean. Actually, what I wanted was to become your cousin again. At least as Lucy, I'd maybe get to see you sometimes - be around you. And, well..." "And well, what?" "The time with Harry... it was, well, okay, and I guess..." Sarah could tell he was mortified, but determined now to have his say. "Well, I figured that you might become Harry again... to my Lucy, and that would be almost as good... I mean, just as good as being Lou with... ummm, with you." Sarah felt like she'd been kicked in the gut, or perhaps, more accurately, in the heart. It took her several seconds to get enough breath to ask the question that was now foremost on her mind. "Are you trying to say that... that you... want me? That way?" "Want is a pretty wimpy word. A year ago, I didn't believe in love, you know? It was a good word for getting in with a girl, a nice way of prettying up good hard, sweaty, mutually satisfying sex but that was about it. I've learned differently. Yes, Sarah Mather, Witch-Lady-Extraordinaire, I want you THAT way. I'm also head over heels in love with you, and if being Lucy is the way get to be near you... well, that's the way I want it." Her heart was so far up into her throat, it was a wonder Sarah could breathe, let alone speak. "Lucy's... good," she managed to croak out finally, "but, I think, that Lou would be even better... if you don't mind." "Lou? You WANT me as LOU?" Tears in her eyes, Sarah hurried over to throw herself into Lou's surprised arms. "Someone just said that 'want is a pretty wimpy word'. I agree," she said between franticly needy kisses. "I love you, Lou Prescott. Now, why don't you use that settee over there to show me what Harry didn't get right with Lucy?" "You're sure?" Lou asked, incredulous. "Right now?" "If you expect to get out of here alive, Mister!" she growled in a voice that sounded very feline. Lou scooped the leggy witch up and strode over to the settee. Both would need new clothes later to replace the ones that would momentarily be suited only for the rag bin. ~-~ "So, you're saying that my monk-like existence carried over into your life, because of this witchcraft feedback thing?" Lou asked, as he scooped a gooey spoon of ice cream, fudge and whipped cream into his mouth. Both lovers had been as ravenous for food after their interlude as they had been for each other during it. "That's the way it works - what you do to others comes back on you one times three. You weren't getting any, so neither was I." "Well, after meeting you, none of the other women seemed to be worth taking the chance on. Eventually, I realized that I was the victim of that old movie cliche - love at first sight." "I'm glad, because so was I, evidently. You just were smart enough to realize it before I did." Lou set his spoon down, and cast a worried look at Sarah. "This one times three-thing - that isn't the reason you love me, is it?" Smiling, she shook her head so vigorously that her strawberry blond tresses whipped about. "No, Lou-love, I love you because I love you. Love is beyond Power, beyond the Craft. Love is sacred and sacrosanct." Relieved, he ate another spoonful of ice cream. "What about Lucy?" Sarah leaned over to lick away a dribble of fudge that had escaped her lover's mouth. "What about her?" "Well, in hindsight, it was, well, nice - being her... with Harry. NOT..." he hurried on, "that I'd want to be her all the time, but as a treat? Sometimes?" "Like a gooey dessert every once in awhile?" Sarah asked, grinning broadly, "Like these sundaes or maybe, a very rich chocolate mousse?" A relieved smile lit Lou's face. "Exactly!" he agreed. "Can we do that? I mean, can YOU do that?" "Oh, I think I can come up with something," she assured him. Lou watched as she began speaking in the strange language he remembered from the hotel, and making gestures with her hands. Then, she stopped, and picked up her ice cream. Lou looked at his hands, his chest, his crotch, and then at Sarah. "Nothing happened! Maybe you need that sexy green robe you wore at the Chapman?" "Sky-clad works, too, dear." "Sky-clad? But you're naked," he countered. "So I am, and something DID happen. I gave you control of the change. All you have to do is concentrate on being Lucy, and voila, instant girl. Concentrate on Lou, and presto-chango, you're again a penis-carrying member of the male sex." She grinned mischievously. "Lucky me." "Oh." Lou closed his eyes, and thought of being Lucy. There it was, the tingling, same as before, along with the ticking at his ears and the back of his neck, and the fullness and feeling of sensitivity in his chest. Or rather, in HER chest. "Oh, my," Lucy purred. Sarah all but leered at her now-feminine lover. "Want to reacquaint yourself with Harry, sexy, or try your luck at some girl/girl love?" "Oh, how about Harry now, and girl/girl sooner as opposed to later?" was the wantonly suggestive response. Seconds later, Lucy found herself looking up at the laughing eyes of Sarah, but with Harry's face. "Just... One... thing..." she breathed, in between mind-numbing kisses and caresses. "And what is that, Lucy-Lou?" "What about babies?" "Sarah's selfish, love, she wants them all. Besides..." Lucy's eyes nearly crossed as Harry covered her with one, smooth move, but she held on to the unfinished thought, "Besides... WHAT?" "If Sarah has them, they'll all be witches, too." "Oh, that... ummm," Lucy squirmed as Harry's fingertips grazed down her flanks, "ah, oh yeah, that works." "Thought it might. Now, angel," Harry's 'Sarah-eyes' twinkled mischievously, "Since _I'm_ the witch and you're not, let me ask you a question." "Only if you HURRY UP ABOUT IT!" Lucy demanded, as her hips bucked insistently against her lover. "So, if I tell you that you have a gorgeous body, would you hold it against me?" "Ooooooh yeeeaahhhhh..."

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I had just arrived at the gulf coast city I was to be stationed in and was just learning my way around on my time off. I was horny and needed sexual relief. I had noticed this ABS store not to far way from the base on a street I drove down a number of times since arriving. I Thought on this week day afternoon I would check it out though I knew business would be slow, I would stop by go in and maybe jack off to porn and blow a load. The parking lot was empty when I arrived except for one car...

4 years ago
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An Unintended Seduction pt 1

An Unintended Seduction (Pt 1)This is a story of an accidental and unplanned seduction and of a man’s struggle with his feelings. It is, I hope, a sensitive yet erotic tale of unlooked for passion and irresistible desire aroused when two kindred spirits meet.Meeting Donna.About 70 yards from where I live is a convenience store, very useful for those little things you forget when you do the main supermarket shop or items like milk and the daily newspaper that you need on a regular basis.Bottom...

3 years ago
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Alternative Version of Actions Have Consequences

Alternative version of Actions Have Consequences By Sarah Goodwoman Marci looked in the mirror one last time to make sure her makeup was perfect. She was shocked and disappointed at how good it was. She has only been doing her makeup for a month now but felt like she was a professional at it. The woman stalling for time was not happy that she did not need to do anymore alterations to her makeup. Marci cursed herself for being too honest, for she was not looking forward to leaving the...

2 years ago
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Truth or Consequences

Trust me. Growing up in a house full of women wasn't easy. Especially when you're the only male, and the youngest to boot. Dad had died when I was very young, leaving mom to raise three girls and a boy pretty much by herself, though she did have help from her own twin sister, my Aunt for several years following my father's death. Twins tended to run in the family. Two of my sisters were also twins, two years older than I was, Stacy and Tracy. And then we had an older sister, who was four...

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There are consequences for nearly everything you do. Or don't do, for that matter. You look at a girl who attracts you, but decide you are too shy to ask her out. Did you just miss out on your one and only? Or maybe you decide to download that new hit song by that band you really like. No problem, until the lawsuit arrives because you got caught. We all face consequences for our actions, and the consequences of the actions of others converge to lead us to decisions that will likewise have...

2 years ago
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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 12 Caroline Part 1

When Arlette and I arrived at the bistro, Caroline and Claude, who had gone there directly from work, were already waiting. Claude did the introductions. I ignored Caroline's outstretched hand and kissed her on both cheeks. She looked wonderful. Her pitch-black hair and dark eyes contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, just as Claude had told us. And her mouth! Her full lips were always slightly apart. It made me think that she was permanently ready to plant a kiss on a cock head in front...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 13 Consequences

But within a few minutes of hearing it close Roger opened the bathroom door, "Come with me" he ordered and with her following he turned and walked back to her mom and his bedroom. She followed behind him wrapped only in a towel and noticed he was carrying a black skirt of hers as well as her black high heel pumps and a medium sized cardboard box. When they got into his room he set the skirt on the bed, the shoes on the floor and then set the box on the bed as well. Immediately she...

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Consequences I arrived in the dry hot Arizona town on a Saturday and checked into my hotel, not a fancy place but clean and quiet. Plus I was going to be there at least four months on my project, so I needed something affordable The first week was uneventful, go to work come back to the hotel have a few beers and go to sleep. I really was not into going out and exploring the town, plus there wasn't much of a town to explore. Just an Indian reservation and a few bars. I woke up...

3 years ago
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Glimpses of Consequences

GLIMPSES OF CONSEQUENCESBy DrBill"HOWA we going to start?" The ritual joke having been followed by the ritual groans, the Housewives of Worthington Acres came to order. The group had evolved from informal visits for coffee and complaining to a neighborhood organization of sorts. While the meetings still tended to be primarily boast and bitch sessions, they also traded useful information and occasionally took on neighborhood improvement projects and the like. But they did not try to pretend that...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 20 Memories of Sainte Jacqueline

I have successfully passed all the phases of my purification and slave training. As promised, my Master has accepted me back as soon as I was released from the prison beneath the Eglise Sainte Jacqueline. My life is back to normal - as far as a relationship consisting of a Master, a Mistress and a slave can be called normal. It is normal in the sense that my Master has returned to using all three of my orifices and my Mistress allows me to pleasure her with my tongue. How long was I held...

2 years ago
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WARNING: This is a very intense tale of fiction. Nothing in the story is real. AlineCHAPTER 1 Aline walked down the street looking into the beautiful setting summer sun, the brightness was a soft reddish yellow as it bathe her young body in warmth. Feeling the sun as it warmed her smooth face and neck Aline tingled. Marveling at the way it felt warming her young tender nipples through the sheer cotton sleeveless shirt; Aline let her mind drift to Bobby Baker. Bobby was a high school dream and...

5 years ago
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Ladies LodgeChapter 7 A Kidnapping Gwendoline is beaten up

After over two hours of holding the same position in the cold afternoon air Harriet was beginning to regret not taking advantage of Gwendoline's kindness in getting her out of the assignment. It was not a comfortable pose at all, involving as it did keeping one foot raised almost off the ground with only the tip of her big toe on the ground and almost all her weight on the other. One hand was resting lightly on her hip and the other touching her breast, which Jim assured her looked fine...

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Consequences by dilsonI awoke to the sound of my wife, Beth’s, alarm at 6am. It was the middle of winter and the all night sounds of the forty mile per hour gusts of wind beating on the front of the house had provided little rest.Less than an hour later, Beth kissed me goodbye and left for work.I enjoyed the comfort of a warm bed a bit longer, and then dressed to get an early start on the newspaper.This morning would be the first opportunity I’d had in weeks to surf some porn and I was looking...

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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 8 Angeline I

The royal apartments of the castle were built to be fully enclosed, with the only access coming from the grand stairway (which was guarded by the fearsome Veronomigan Guard) and the throne room (which, itself, only had one entrance which was also under guard). Being so self-contained, the apartments themselves were built around an internal staircase that provided access to three levels- the bottom being primarily servant’s quarters, the middle having both larger suites and several functional...

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A student gets caught cheating on her test. "There she goes again, looking at her neighbor's paper! She is so obvious. She has to be the worst cheater ever. Now she is looking at me and acting nervous. If she looks at her neighbor again, I am taking her exam away," Joe thought to himself as he sat at his desk, pretending to grade the previous period's final exam. Hailey, the student in question, was sitting a mere three rows back and her nervous eyes kept darting to, and then staring at, her...

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Choices and Consequences

Inspired by a dream, and dedicated to my love Marianne! Choices & Consequences By Apple Lee was in trouble, and he knew it. Worse than knowing he was in trouble was the knowledge that it was his own fault. It had started a couple of years ago, when his father had met, fallen in love with, and soon married, the much younger Laura. In fact, to the then-eleven Lee, she had seemed more like the age of a sister than a parent, only nineteen to his dad's fifty-odd years. Maybe it was...

2 years ago
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Unintended Betrayal

She knew she was making a mistake, that the road she was about to go down would lead only to shame, regret and the end of her innocence. But thoughts like these are logical and logic is the first thing abandoned when your urges take over, when your blood runs hot and desire takes over. She gasped as his lips found her neck, his exploration of her body becoming more urgent. Warm sensations flooded her mind as he sampled her, breathing in her scent and tasting her need. His hand grasped the zip...

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Tales of Unintended Nudity

You are an attractive woman, who somehow through the course of the day, ends up naked. You can be at home, school, work, or any place that you feel would be the worst place for an attractive woman like yourself to be caught naked. You can be an average woman, who has a job or goes to school. You can be a wife and mother. You can even be a celebrity. It's up to you to make up what ever back story you want! So go on, who are you?

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Unintended Betrayal

She knew she was making a mistake, that the road she was about to go down would lead only to shame, regret and the end of her innocence. But thoughts like these are logical and logic is the first thing abandoned when your urges take over, when your blood runs hot and desire takes over. She gasped as his lips found her neck, his exploration of her body becoming more urgent. Warm sensations flooded her mind as he sampled her, breathing in her scent and tasting her need. His hand grasped the zip...

Straight Sex
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An Unintended Seduction pt 3

Donna's Mum asks me for a favour......Donna's MumThere were only 2 more weeks of the school holiday left and then Donna's shopping trips would need to fit around school hours, but in the meantime there would be a number of occasional when we would be able to meet at the shop. I was going to have to be strong if I was to keep my promise to myself. I thought about avoiding her completely but was worried that she would miss understand that, think that she had done something wrong and suffer...

2 years ago
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An Unintended Seduction pt 2

Donna gets to look around my house.MondayMonday came around and I found myself, rather to my surprise, somewhat excited by the prospect of showing Donna around the house. I wanted her to be impressed and to like the place and I even spent some time helping to tidy up over the weekend.I had seen Donna again at the shop since arranging for her to come around and we had agreed that she should visit before her usual trip to the shop after lunch. I could even help her with the bags afterwards if she...

3 years ago
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Unintended Sex With Elder Sister 8211 Part 2

Hi friends.. It’s manmadhan back to share the rest of my experience… Coming back to the experience…..(it’s not a story) She got hurt in both the knees. She is hissing all the way that she was in immense pain. There comes my brother thing and i wanted to help her. All of a sudden i lifted her petticoat upto her thighs(only to examine the hurted area as a brother). But suddenly she started shouted at me for doing that, and told me to get out. I don’t know what to do. I told her that I only...

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Unintended Sex With Elder Sister

Hello everyone. I am manmadhan from tamil nadu, south india. I have been introduced recently to this site. and i used to read a lot stories here, especially, incest. I am going to tell you why i show some interest in incest. It is the story how me and my sister did something which we are not supposed to do. Let’s begin the story. I am a B E graduate working in a reputed company in bangalore. The story happened two years back, when i was searching for a job. My sister, her name is Sudha, she was...

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Unintended Swapping

Hi, this is Rahul 30 m and my wife Naina 26. My wife and me are very sexually active enjoying the whole night till morning in each others arms. We are married fo 3 years and are just crazy for sex.We are frindly to a couple Kabir 31 and his wife Manisha 29. Both of us had been to Kabir and Manisha’s on a couple of occasions they had in return visited us for meals.It all came about because I had known Kabir through work for a couple of years at work we both worked as managers but in different...

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Master PC Unintended Consquences

with apologies to J.R. Parz Copyright 2004 by LVWolfman "Damn!" Bryan exclaimed as he closed his browser after finishing reading the latest Master PC story. Of all the genres of erotica he'd read on-line, the Master PC universe was the one that most captured his imagination. Bryan shut down his computer and made the short trip to his bed. As he laid back and stared at the ceiling he thought, "How cool would it be to be able to use my computer to alter reality? But what would I change? I...

3 years ago
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Unintended Consequences Again

I was now safely retired for the third time. I was hoping it would take, but if past history was any predictor I would be employed in a gainful way very soon. Sometimes you should keep your thoughts to yourself, or better yet, don’t even think them. I had been playing at being an author for the last eight or so years. It all started with a long road trip where I started telling my wife a story about a kid hitchhiking to California from Ohio. It had some of my life and times as a loose...

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Unintended AttractionChapter 2

I’m unsure how long I sat there in the dark, alone, freaking out. After the glow of the most amazing blowjob I’d ever experienced had worn off, all that was left was the consequences, bouncing around inside my skull. I had used my abilities on purpose to basically rape my housemate, my friend. The situation had gotten away from me true, but in the end I had decided to do it. For the first time I couldn’t tell myself that I hadn’t meant for it to happen. I’d have to move. Shit, what if...

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Unintended AttractionChapter 3

Things had been quiet for me recently; nothing much of note had happened. Personal resolutions aside, there just hadn’t been many opportunities to try anything. I had made a lot of headway very quickly with my ability, but after all the progress, I hadn’t really attempted much. For a while I had had grand plans to seduce Alexis, to turn her into some sort of sex craved slave ... but I hadn’t. Part of that was the morality of the situation. What gave me the right to wilfully destroy her...

2 years ago
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Unintended AttractionChapter 4

The days leading up to the night when I would put my plan into action passed at a crawl. So much depended upon things I had no influence on, that all I could do was sit back and wait. If Jasmine didn’t come for whatever reason, I doubt Alexis would be comfortable spending a night drinking with me considering what happened last time. However all went as expected, and it looked as though I would have my opportunity. I had arranged for a new place to move into, organising it for a week after...

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Unintended AttractionChapter 5

I led Alexis inside and closed the door behind us. At the sound of the lock latching, she gave a small jump, flinching. I was worried momentarily, but then she looked up at me, giving me a shy, and nervous smile On some level I couldn’t quite believe that I had done it; that my plan had worked so well. But mostly I was more aroused and excited than I had ever been. I leant down to Alexis’ upturned face and captured her lips in a kiss. It was deep and thorough, exploring and laying claim to...

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Unintended AttractionChapter 7

I woke up from a deep sleep, completely entwined with Alexis. I hadn’t stirred or woken the entire night, being absolutely wiped out from both the sex and the heavy use of my ability. It didn’t look like Alexis had stirred either, being roughly in the same position that she had been in when I had fallen asleep; head nestled under my chin, one arm across my chest as she cuddled close to me, and a smooth thigh thrown over one of my legs. I couldn’t see her face, but I could tell from her...

4 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 34 Unintended Complications

[“Lenny, oh my darling Lenny, they told us you were dead ... I’ve missed you so much, I still love you!”] “Where are you ‘Eyes’? “I’m at Bob Swenson’s house in St Charles. He’s marrying our daughter!” There was nothing but stunned silence for what felt like an eternity. Iris was trying to contact Dad, but with no response. I was getting worried, as I knew he was probably driving. Mom was flashing in hysterics, “Charlie, help us, I think Lenny had a heart attack!” “Where are...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 13 Caroline Part 2

When I arrived at Caroline's apartment the next day, she opened the door dressed in a silk gown which showed off her stunning figure to best advantage. The garment was held together around her waist and whenever she walked and later when she sat down the gown opened and her beautiful long legs came into view. I was amazed to see her like that. My surprise must have shown on my face, because she said, "I hope you don't mind that I receive you like this. I had a quick shower when I got home...

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My YouthChapter 10 Caroline Part 2 Carolines house

“So you’re the guy my daughter has been creaming her jeans about” asked Mary, Caroline’s mom. WTF? ‘creaming her jeans’ and this out of her mother. “Don’t mind her. She doesn’t have much in the way of MOUTH FILTERS, do you, mom?” All I could do was stand there and turn red. MY mother would have asked nosy questions from any girl I’d ever brought home, not RUDE questions. Caroline disappeared into another room and figured it was about time to make my exit. “Caroline, thanks for coming...

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The Consequences

The ConsequencesI looked down to see my cock standing straight out in the summer sun. It was as hard as it could be. I just was so turned on. I didn’t know what was turning me on more. Was it the fact that I was stark naked in front of several strangers in broad daylight or was it from looking at Julie’s incredibly sexy naked body standing next to me?That old familiar excited thrill was stirring deep in my gut. It was that special tingle that exhibitionists feel when they are naked in places...

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The Consequences

The Consequences by anyport I blame my father for all my problems. He gave me some fatherly advice when I was young, and I've always heeded it, the advice? 'No matter how much you're in debt, always pay your gambling debts immediately.' Innocent enough advice, you may think, and under normal circumstances, very sound. Unfortunately, it has become so ingrained in me, that I would never, under any circumstance, avoid payment of a gambling debt. As you'll learn, this became my...

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Jacquelines interview

Jacqueline's interview by mya fantasy story description in this story a 21 year old proud and confident crossdresser named jacqueline agrees to be part of a research study being carried out by a psychology professor named chris. This is a complete transcript of the interview consisting of over 30 questions. Note: the interview questions are in upper case text and were written by a human (me) using the pen name mya fantasy. The answers are those provided by chatgpt without any...

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Evangeline part 2 Gabriel

Introduction: If you havent read Evangeline, you may want to read it first . Until the night I met Henri Dauterive, I lived in a world devoid of light. My own choice, of course. I preferred the night and stayed in the shadows during the day. I hid from anything that might reveal what I was. Henri stumbled into me as I crossed Canal Street on my way uptown. Already inebriated, he was on his way down to the Quarter. I dont know why I turned to follow him. Maybe it was nothing more than easy...

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Naughty Adeline About me and my work in the adul

Since many have shown interest in my work and myself, I decided to write this blog post and explain all there is about me, my work and the services I offer. First of all, I’m Adeline, also known to many of you as Naughty Adeline. I was born and I live in Eastern Europe and yeah, I’m a Balkan girl. I’m a bit over 30 but I don’t like it much to be classified as a MILF. I don’t yet consider myself that. I mainly focus on creating amateur video clips, either my own projects or custom requests. When...

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Evangeline part 2 Gabriel

Henri stumbled into me as I crossed Canal Street on my way uptown. Already inebriated, he was on his way down to the Quarter. I don’t know why I turned to follow him. Maybe it was nothing more than easy prey. Maybe it was fate. It wasn’t hard to over power him. He wasn’t a large man and he was soft. As I leaned in to take him I caught the scent of a woman on his breath. I kissed him to taste her. He was so shocked at being kissed by another man that he didn’t even struggle. ...

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Cleanliness Is Godliness

A thousand erect dicks’ salute to my beloved readers. This is my first sex story on Indian Sex Stories. I have been reading stories on this website since a long time now. Many nights, I have beat my meat to the raunchy and spicy stories here and squeezed out gallons of cum from my thick organ. Now I wish to entertain my fellow readers with a story of my horny as hell friend Sekhar. I can’t disclose the characters’ actual names since it would be an act isomorphic to fucking their privacy which...

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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 3 Adeline II

It took only one week for Adeline to research the proper ingredients, perfect her technique, and craft the potion to her satisfaction. Pleased with her cunning, she ventured out of her laboratory, situated in one of the lesser keeps of the castle, just long enough to find one of the common maids of the castle and send a message to His Grace, inviting him to come see her work for herself. To the untrained eye, the laboratory appeared muhc like a kitchen, with dried herbs and jars of strange...

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Bin der Klaus und leider solo. So habe ich oft Lust zu ficken aber wenig Gelegenheiten. Heute hatte ich keine Lust zu arbeiten und habe mich krank gemeldet um zum Reitstall um die Ecke zu gehen. Dort sind massig geile Mädels die ich mir einpräge oder heimlich fotografiere um mir dann auf ihre ausgedruckten Bilder einen zu wichsen. Im Nachbarhaus wohnt Eveline Getta eine Schülerin, die ihren Eltern Sorgen macht, weil sie dauernd Schule schwänzt. Eveline ist recht fett hat ungepflegte lange...

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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 9 Adeline III

On the palace grounds, in the building known only as the Old Keep, were the chambers of the Royal Council. A spacious, octagonal room, with each wall devoted to displaying art and heraldry from each of the eight provinces of the Kingdom of Allore. Opposite each other, there were two doorways, with the door intended for the King’s advisors set in the wall of Odeon, the wealthy coastal province said to be the beating heart of the kingdom. The other doorway, for the royal family’s exclusive use,...

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John and Angeline SiblyChapter 3 The Fall and Rise of John

My name is John Sibly; I'm five foot eight and at the time this all started I lived just in the suburbs of the great city of London, with my beautiful wife Angeline, our daughter Rebecca and our new-born son Paul. I am the sales manager for an engineering company. Things are not going too well for the firm. The "powers that be" are "stick in the mud's" and our product line is old fashioned and out of favour. The sales team have to work their socks off trying to meet their quotas! To be...

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Garfield and Jennifer Kline

We met in a bar. Where else? The Castellano serves real Spanish cuisine and very good whiskey. That Jennifer Randolph was cruising the boulevard and looking for something or someone was obvious: her glance was everywhere. I was dateless, into my second round, and I decided to gamble and offer my services. "Miss, would I be out of line to offer to buy you a drink?" I said. She looked me up and down. And, apparently, decided that I wasn't a total loser. She took another look around, turned...

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Daydream Believer Consequences

Whew! What a time with this one. The characters seemed to never shut up! Based upon reader input this is final installment of the Daydream Believer line. Or is it? What do you, the readers think? Should I end it as is or go out with a bang? Yep, here is where you can comment. All constructive comments are welcome. If you need anything more feel free write me on the feedback line. Dedicated to: HDK, Patricia51, The Troubadour, and all the folks who have given me positive feedback on my meager...

2 years ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 12 Cruel Consequences

I stood at the window, still wearing my over-tight gym clothes, watching my husband Pete’s Porsche pass out of the driveway, turn right and disappear towards the hospital where he worked. The large wooden gates swung slowly but firmly closed behind him; a menacing metaphor for the way my future looked right then.Insisting that we needed time apart to consider our relationship, my husband of over twenty years had just walked out, leaving me to my guilty thoughts, alone.The nightmare had begun,...

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There will be consequences

I guess I had it coming to me. My wife had warned me that there would be consequences, and I had failed to listen. We have a really open relationship, but there are some things that she won't tolerate. I understand that, but I also like to play with fire.It was a Tuesday night, and we both had meetings that were going to run late into the night. I suspected that my wife would be having another woman eat her pussy, rather than close the Henderson account, but I didn't want to say anything. ...

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