Fierce Tiger free porn video

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Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional. The following rules are for the subs looking for a little extra fun, I know it may seem pretentious to some, but it's just for a bit of extra interaction for those who may enjoy it! Rule #1 is for the subs who are NOT currently owned by a dom, if you are owned, get your dom/me's permission for the rest. Rules for the subs: As always, a constant theme in my stories are the rules... and these are the rules for the un-owned subs that want a little control taken from them. These are optional, at least until you follow rule #1.. Rule #1 You belong to me. Say it. Mark yourself as mine, either with lipstick on your lips, or write my name on your body, tell me where. You belong to me until your next orgasm. Rule #2 Chastity is going to be a theme in this story... sort of... ;) If you have a chastity device, lock yourself up. Rule #3 There won;t be a lot of sex in this story, but I still want you horny. Get hard, get wet, whichever applies, but I want you aroused while you are reading. I demand it. Rule #4 You will not cum until the end of the story. There is a command for you to do so... Rule# 5 If you enjoyed the story, or the orgasm, be sure to thank your mistress. Enjoy. Mistress Dyvia presents: Fierce Tiger By: Mistress Dyvia Yun kissed his girlfriend Kelly lightly on the lips. They had enjoyed a mutual day off and she spent the day with him. But now she had to go home and get ready for work, and he had to go to the dojo. He let the kiss go with a bit of regret and then grabbed her, "One more." She giggled and kissed him back. And then started reaching for her overnight bag and started searching for her clothes and various things she had spread around his place in the past thirty six hours. He reached under his bed and removed one of the two large cases and placed it on the bed, opened the case and double checked all of his sparring equipment was there, then removed the equipment from its custom foam rubber moldings and placed them in his bag. She asked, "Why do you always grab that case, when you have two under your bed?" He laughed. "I'm sentimental, all that stuff in the other case is the sparring equipment from when I was a kid, it doesn't fit anymore, but I keep the stuff there for good luck. I almost never open it because they're old and smelly, and I can smell it in my bedroom for a couple days after." She visibly cringed, but then smiled. "I'm not sure if that makes you cuter, or a hoarder." "Cuter. But with the potential for hoarding, so just make sure I don't start stacking shit on the walls." Kelly laughed at his response. "I'll do that." He closed up his case again, and then watched her finish her bag, and the two shared another goodbye kiss... and went down to their cars, and had yet another goodbye kiss. Yes, they were that cute. Yun drove across town, and pulled into a little strip mall. It had about five businesses and the furthest one to the left was a karate dojo. He saw Tina outside. He walked up to her. "hey." "Hey, yourself," she said, and handed him a coffee. "You know, you got in, you don't have to suck up to the teachers anymore," he teased. "I'm just being nice." He held the door for her and the two walked in, the dojo was empty, but the Master was inside, they knew... because the door was unlocked. They both approached him and gave a sign of respect, by making a fist with their right hand, covering it with their left and bowing. He returned the gesture. "Congratulations Tina," Sensei told her. "It is no small feat to be welcomed as a guardian. It seems not so long ago when I was still a child, they wouldn't even let Non-Asians learn the style, and it wasn't until the nineties they opened the doors to women... But you are the first caucasian and the first female to be invited to our temple as a guardian. You humble us all." Yun bowed to her as he had to the sensei moments earlier. "I also would like to congratulate you." She blushed a bit. "Look, I've always liked Martial Arts, you guys welcomed me." She gave a side look at Yun. "Well, you have encouraged me since we were in grade school." She let out a small laugh, and returned her attention to both men. "You gave me a place, a job... a low paying one..." she chuckled. "But something that made me feel like I was contributing to the neighborhood around me. You give kids and adults discipline, and something to do other than get in trouble. You guys honor me by inviting me to stand with you in the temple." Their conversation was interrupted by a mother and her two children entering the front doors. "Well..." Sensei started. "It looks as though we will continue this later." About six hours later, they were done for the day at the dojo. Yun invited Tina to drive in his car up to the temple. It was her first visit, and by the time they left, she would be a full-fledged guardian, a defender of relics entrusted to the temple. They were walking up, Tina asked. "So I've been seeing your girlfriend more and more, does she know about any of this stuff?" He nodded his head. "Yeah, we actually met because her uncle had found a cursed relic and became violent. Her family didn't know what to do. I was tracking it, and found the man, he was ready to hurt her, I stopped him, retrieved the object, and she found me. We talked, she figured out a lot of stuff, and we've been close ever since." "I know as a guardian, protecting the temple is the public thing, and protecting the relics is the primary job, but it really does work.. Some of this stuff?" Yun nodded his head. "Yeah, it's all really true. We have a few blessed items in the vault, but we primarily contain the cursed relics. Even make a little side money through government contracts since every so often the FBI, CIA or another LEO stumble across relics they don't know how to contain or store. And now, well after today... you will too." And she would be fine. Yun was considered to be the most skilled fighter in the dojo and temple, but Tina was a close second, her gender and lack of Asian features is the only thing that held her back from being invited sooner. Yun took her on a tour of the premises, the outside property seemed more like a park with delicate gardens and stone arrangements... and even the inside of the temple might be what someone would expect of a temple they see on television whether it be a shaolin temple or a Buddhist warrior monk temple, but it was not. This was the temple of one of five secret sects that were charged by the old gods to protect the cursed relics. They descended down a deep set of stairs, there were two guards who looked un-alarmed at their appearance. Asking one of the guards to borrow his key, Yun walked passed them with Tina behind him. "Not the best of guards." "They are not to keep everyone out, just intruders." Yun took Tina into the lower sanctuary. There were three locked doors. He had the key to open one lock, he had given the borrowed key to Tina so that she could unlock another. "On the left we have the blessed objects. We need four keys to enter that room. But inside we currently only have the Gauntlet of Apollo. And a couple of unidentified objects" "Wasn't that a Greek God?" "Yeah." "But..." He put up a hand. "We aren't here just to protect objects from one culture, but any magical objects that could create imbalance. Blessed items have no negative repercussions to the user, and can be a boon to a society if chosen... Imagine in the old days, if a person had Apollo's gauntlet; they wear it... and could run five times faster than any other man, or throw a punch five times faster and have limitless stamina... Great for the protector of a village. Not so much for a warlord or thief." "I can see that. A lot of potential for corruption." she agreed. "He gestured to the other room. "Three keys needed for that. I'll show you later. But we have a lot of cursed items in there. Cursed being objects that have a negative side effect. I told you of my girlfriend's uncle and the cursed item he had... It is said to grant a man physical strength that will always outmatch their opponent... But fills the person with unimaginable rage and unable to tell the difference between friend and foe." "Wow, and you were able to remove it?" Yun nodded his head. "I didn't have the power to physically overwhelm him, but I was still faster and more knowledgeable on fighting. He was very sorry once it was off his hand. And Kelly brought me lunch at the dojo the next day." "Wow, and what about this room?" she asked, gesturing to the door that clearly required only two keys. "Our temple's cursed treasure," he spoke ignoring the oxymoron of a cursed object being something that was treasured. He put his key to the wall and turned and she did the same. And the lock could be heard unfastening. "We only have about five seconds to open the door before it re-locks. They opened the door and sitting upon a pedestal in the center of the room was a ring that looked like a tiger roaring. "That doesn't look so bad, and it's a tiger, a symbol of our temple," Tina said. "Rumors going back nearly five hundred years say that the one who wears this will be granted the strength, knowledge and power of all the order's Masters who wore its matching belt, but at the price most dear as they would no longer be welcome in the order." "Why not?" Tina asked. He shrugged. "No one knows, it only happened once, and he was stricken from every page, and all were forbidden to even discuss what happened. He left and took the ring with him, and if legend is accurate, upon his death, it left him and appeared in front of the Temple's Master." He gestured back to the door. "Let's go upstairs, Sensei should be here momentarily and you will be officially sworn in as one of us." Tina smiled and they walked up the stairs, he stopped for a moment sending a text, and as he looked back up again Tina asked. "You really like her, don't you?" He nodded his head. "Every day." She smiled. "That's cute." Soon they were all in formal settings. Everyone put on their best ceremonial gi (totally pronounced 'ghee'), and appeared in the courtyard. Yun took his place next to sensei. He had her swear the promised vows of protection and she did. He confirmed each one. And when the small ceremony was done, he gave her a medallion that would serve as her key to the vaults and her own gi. The first female one of the order. They all celebrated with a fine dinner, and surprisingly no one over- indulged as they only ate when their guest of honor ate, and stopped when she was done. They were halfway through cleaning up when there was a crash outside. Yun ran to a window and saw two vans had driven through the gate, and were backing up to the entrance. "Looters!" There was no look of surprise on anyone's faces, not even Tina, their newest member, they all started running for the main entrance. Men dressed in black flooded the main entrance, it must have been more than two vans. Tina was the first to leap into action knocking three men twice her size to the ground so hard, they stopped moving. And then she immediately moved on to the next... Yun himself was under-impressed with his opponents as the large muscled men, likely street fighters, boxers, and other men probably hired for their intimidating appearances were no match for their discipline or training... Then it occurred to him, they weren't merely trying to overwhelm them with numbers, this was a diversion. And hopefully, this wasn't just the first wave of inexperienced cannon fodder to wear them down before sending in the real soldiers. "Tina!" he called and as she ran to him. "The vaults!" She nodded her head. And sensei nodded to them both as they made their way down the stairs. The door to the blessed objects had already been blown off its hinges. And there were five ninjas waiting outside the door. Tina scoffed. "Ninjas? Really?" "Maybe, maybe not, but black, hiding their faces,and armed with weapons is still bad." The two of them used their combined skills to fight their way through the five. Clearly the 'ninjas' were well-trained, and clearly Tina and Yun were better trained. And the ninjas may have lost to one-on-one fights, but they were well-coordinated, Tina and Yun were losing... A towering man stepped out, he wore the gauntlet. The Gauntlet of Apollo. Yun tried fighting, but was not nearly fast enough. Tina tried as well, but he was faster than her as well... The gauntlet allowed this man to throw five punches in the time it took either of them to throw one. In the time it took for them to take one step toward their opponent, he would clear half the room. And one shouldn't forget the ninjas. They were backed against the Temple treasure vault. They looked at each other, and used their keys, the door opened, they rushed in, and it closed. Only five seconds til the lock reengaged. They held the door and felt the pounding of the five ninjas and the gauntlet man. But took a step back when the lock clicked. They were trying to get in. Yun looked to Tina. "We need a plan. If they got into the other vault, they will get in here. And with that thing, they will kill the others." Tina looked at the silver ring. "What about that?" Yun looked at her. "You know the curse, any who wear it, are no longer welcome in the order. No one has ever dared to wear it since the first one who was disgraced." "Disgraced doing your job and saving lives? Or Fail at your job and let your friends die?" Yun paused in deliberation, but the smashing of he door jarred him from his internal debate, then he nodded his head to her. "Do it." She nodded her head, a nod that said she wouldn't have done it without his agreement. And she removed the ring from the pedestal, and put it on her finger.. And then another. "Nothing is happening. Maybe it doesn't like women? You know, 'men only' back in the day." She threw it to him. "You might have to." He closed his eyes in resignation. "Very well." and he tried it on his fingers, each of them... "Nothing." Was it a false relic? or was it a fake that had been replaced centuries ago? A test to see who was good and faithful? Not good. "It's not working." Tina stepped closer. "I don't get it, why-" Her voice cut off. "No fucking way..." "What is it?" "You're willing, right?" "Yes, why?" She re-adjusted it in her hand, and then stepped closer to him and she pulled the front of his pants out and moved it down to his crotch. "Stick your junk inside." "What?" he asked, nearly panicking as he saw the door starting to give. "Thrust," she instructed. And he pushed his hips forward, and felt an odd sucking sensation and his penis was pulled into the back of the silver ring. There was a ferocious growling sound roaring from his crotch, and he remembered the sensei's commentary of the Tiger. A Tiger is ferocious, and strong. It strikes with power and instinct. One who attacks the tiger is a fool, because a tiger strikes with no conscience or thought. It just strikes and each strike is vicious and the tiger will be victorious. Suddenly as the growling intensified, Yun felt something squeeze his balls. And then he was shrinking... he was looking at Tina as she was shocked at him, he was slightly shorter than her now... and his body hair was thinning as he looked down at his gi and saw his chest becoming smooth... right before it inflated... He was growing breasts... big ones... and the hair on his head was slowly flowing from his head down over his shoulders. "What is happening?" Yun asked, his voice high and feminine. "Is that the price?" she asked. "Because the order didn't let women fight in the order centuries ago?" It made sense. "Maybe..." an air of desperation coating his voice. "I need to get it off. "After the fight," she insisted. Yun wanted to argue that, but another smash made him nod, and with a voice that quickly transitioned from resignation to determination. "After the fight." And with that the door opened. Well, more like it fell to the ground in pieces. Two of the ninjas charged Yun, and Yun barely noticed as he... she side-stepped one attack and rendered the two unconscious. She didn't even remember making the choice to attack, she just reacted and her opponents were no longer moving. The next two came at her, and she took them out as well. Tina had the fifth ninja. Yun was not worried, one-on-one she was better than any of the ninjas. He turned his attention to the brute with The Gauntlet of Apollo. He seemed amused at the challenge. Yun attacked, and he dodged. He thrust forward and to Yun's surprise was able to block or parry four out of the five punches he rapidly launched at her. "You punched my boob!" she yelled at him. "Next time I'll grab it," he charged, reaching out to grab her breasts, and Yun relaxed, letting his instincts and reactions control the next steps. An ippo Imuga step rendered the man staggering and flailing to regain his balance, and Shino-Aoyin strike to his chest left the man Tumbling back. He may have failed at five times normal speed while falling but gravity kept him falling at the same speed. He forced himself to his feet, his expression confused at how a small girl could do so much damage to him... he struck out again, and this time, a quick dodge and strike propped him to his knees, and she moved in close, pressing her large breasts to his face... In other circumstances a casual observer might have expected him to 'motorboat' her, but instead she palm-heeled both of her own breasts in such a way that her breasts violently assaulted the man's face with a forced vibration that sent him back several feet. Again he got up there was defeat in his eyes, well... almost... With a final and desperate strike the man punched forward. she managed to take a step back, struck his wrist forcing his fist open, and then she locked his finger and thumb, and with a twist he was on his knees shrieking in pain. A sudden kick to the elbow and he was on the ground face down with a broken arm. Yun pulled the gauntlet off the man and threw it to Tina. "Your turn." She looked at it cautiously for a moment, and then put it on. "If I get a dick from this thing, I'm sticking it up your ass." "You'll need Kelly's permission first..." Oh shit, how was he going to tell Kelly? "We're cool, I'm sure we'll work something out." One more kick and the sobbing brute was unconscious. Yun and Tina returned to the others. They were clearly tiring. Sensei looked at Yun at first with confusion, then understanding, and then fear. "What did you do?" "Made sure my brothers survive this," she stated. And with that she charged in, as did Tina who was now faster than anyone in this army of miscreants. They fought, and they fought. And in minutes, they were victorious. A little later they were all gathered in the great hall once more. Yun declared. "It won't come off." Sensei shook his head. "No... It is a curse, it was meant to banish the warrior who tried to exceed himself by making him become the order did not allow. A woman." "You knew?" Yun asked. "No. But it is obvious." he chuckled. "But women are no longer banned from service to the temple, so you may remain as one of us." "How do I get back to being a man?" He shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know if it's possible. We'll contact the other orders, the dragon, the crane, the snake, the frog... maybe they have knowledge we do not. Until then, this is who you are... Yuna?" Yun looked. "Sure, why not," she said sarcastically, shaking her... "can't I just stay, Yun?" Tina finally said something. "So we're naming her after a final fantasy character?" "A What?" Sensei asked. "Is that like D&D?" Tina laughed and said, "No, a video game from the early two thousands." Yun shrugged. "Is it really that big of a deal? I mean, like I said, I can just keep going as Yun." They ignored him. Sensei looking a bit intrigued. "Hmm.. Do you have any suggestions?" Tina shrugged and withdrew her cellphone. "Well lets see if there are any names that mean beautiful in Chinese." she did a search on her phone. "Is Korean, okay?" "Not if we are telling my parents," Yun interceded. "Okay... what about you, Sensei... thoughts?" He almost immediately suggested. "If you want beauty, what about the four great Beauties of ancient China?" "Do you know their names?" "Do I get a say?" Yun asked. "No," they both responded. "Xi shi, Wang Zhaojun, Diaochan, and Yang Guifei." "Wang?" Tina asked. "Was her father upset that his child wasn't a man?" She giggled to herself. Sensei frowned. "No, that was her family name, in China, Family name comes first, as does family..." But he smiled as he saw the recognition in Tina's face that she already knew that, but he continued anyway. "so her 'first' name was really, 'Zhaojun.'" "So Xi Shi was really. Shi... that should be her name," she said pointing to Yun. "I don't-" Yun started and was quickly cut off. "Yes, It would work well, since she'd be the first great beauty of our order to wear the cursed object and not be forced out..." "I don't have to be a beauty, I'm pretty sure I can downplay it..." But again as if he weren't even there, Tina added in "Plus, we can remind her that she is a 'she' every time she or anyone else calls her 'Shi.'" Sensei nodded. "Yes, I will contact some of our government contacts and see what we can do about making her a legal ID and paper trail." "But..." Yun tried with declining hope that this was going to be a resolution he was pushing for. Finally Tina looked. "...But what?" Realizing the futility of it, Yun, now she finally relented. "But, how do we tell Kelly?" A couple hours later... Shi was now sitting in the car, Tina had been inside with Kelly and her father for almost twenty minutes. Shi was stressing, would her girlfriend laugh at her? Get angry? Play like anything was different at all? The door opened and both Tina and Kelly stepped out, closed the door behind them and walked down the stairs. Since 'Shi,' no longer had a valid license in her current shape, Tina drove his car and volunteered to bring it back to Shi's apartment, and would take a bus home, since it was only a couple stops over. Kelly tapped on the window. Shi opened it, and Kelly looked her up and down. "damn... you do look like a woman." She nodded and shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry." "Sound like one too," Kelly added. "I'll meet you over at your place. We'll talk." and she walked to her driveway to get in her car. The drive was less than ten minutes, Tina immediately told him, "We can go shipping tomorrow." "Shipping?" Shi asked. "Shopping. I stuttered, leave me alone," she defended even though it was more of her being tongue tied by talking too fast, than an actual stutter. "I don't think that's necessary," Shi responded. "Hopefully I'll be a guy again tomorrow... Or maybe by the weekend... Tina frowned. "Don't put yourself in denial, let's be honest, research takes time... even if there is an answer. Big if..." She put her hand on Shi's shoulder. "You need clothes that fit, your body is a lot smaller in every way except for your chest, and those titans will need a bra, or at least a sports bra if you plan on maintaining your martial arts mastery." Rolling her eyes, Shi nodded ever so slightly. "Fine." "Well you definitely know how to say 'fine' like a woman who is not." And she giggled. Shi forced a smile. Kelly closed the door to her car, and walked up to the two of them. "Go up stairs?" Tina shook her head. "No, I'm going home, have a good night, both of you." She hugged them each one at a time and walked to the end of the apartment's parking lot, and took a right toward the bus stop. They went inside the building and up the stairs, Kelly stepped inside first and Shi closed the door behind her. "So, they named you 'Shi,' huh?" "Yeah, I don't really want to talk about it. Sensei is already having them make a legal ID for it, and I had no say in it." Shi shook her head. "I just want to get back to normal." she gestured at her breasts. "They are soooo in the way... I can't even cross my arms normally without them getting in the way."" Kelly laughed. "That will take time I guess. When I was a teenager, I bloomed late, and I got to learn slowly, but you learn fast anyway, you'll be okay." "What about us?" Shi asked. "What about us?" Kelly echoed and redirected. "Are we going to be okay?" Shi asked, honestly concerned. She looked down. "I don't know. I love you, but I'm not bi. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the kissing, but just don't see me getting too much into making out... The breasts I might be able to deal with, but the puss... I just can't do pussy." "I still have my dick... uh.. Sort of..." "Wait.. what?" she asked confused. "Let me see." And with that she dropped her pants and showed the silver tiger between her legs. "I just want to get this off. I just want to be a man again." "Can you get hard?" she looked at the cage skeptically. "Haven't tried. But I'm assuming no." Shi's face was more frustrated than ever at the circumstances. "But I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later." Kelly put her hand on Shi's hand. "Look, I don't know what the future is for us as a couple... I'm not giving up so easily, but regardless I'll be here for you, whether it is as a girlfriend, or as a friend." She leaned over and gave Shi a light kiss. They talked for over an hour, nothing really was settled, but they promised to see each other the next day. Shi walked Kelly out to her car, they kissed goodnight, and Shi walked to her own car, and grabbed her bag out of the back. She waved goodbye as she watched her girlfriend drive away.. Honestly wondering how much longer they would be a couple if things weren't resolved sooner. Shi stepped into her apartment, and locked the door behind her. She dropped the bag on her bed and stepped into the bathroom and took off her clothes. "Well, they are fucking hot..." he said, really staring at her breasts for the first time... Letting out a sigh, Shi walked towards the bed again, and knelt down and pulled out the Case she had taken her sparring equipment from the morning. She carefully placed each piece where it was supposed to go in its foam rubber indents, noting that the equipment was too big for her, if Sensei didn't come up with a cure fast, she would need to buy some new equipment. She closed the case and slid it under the bed again. Her eyes darted to the other case, and she smirked remembering her conversation with Kelly earlier that morning. She pulled the case out, and her words to Kelly when she asked about the second case echoed in her mind, 'I'm sentimental, all that stuff is the sparring equipment from when I was a kid, it doesn't fit anymore, but I keep the stuff there for good luck, I almost never open it because they're old and smelly, and I can smell it in my bedroom for a couple days after.' She placed the case on top of her bed, those words had been a lie. She unlocked the case and opened it. She looked carefully, and as much as she wanted to smile, looking down, she knew these would bring her no joy. The bra was about perfect for her cups, but the band was too big. The panties were too big, the high-heeled shoes.. Yup.. too big. Shi would not be able to dress girly until Tina took her shopping... Shi's eyes darted to the makeup case in the corner, and a genuine smile crossed her lips. "Well at least there's that." She smiled. "Being a chick is going to be awesome..." But she was still determined to make everyone think she hated it. The End... Maybe we'll see. I honestly hope you enjoyed this. This is intended as a one-shot, though if enough of you want more, I might expand upon it. I hope most of you liked the surprise twist at the end, I thought there were enough of you that follow me who would appreciate that. ;) And yes, I totally had a typo when I wrote 'shipping,' but thought why not make it like she was talking too fast, I've done it IRL. Feedback and/or reviews are encouraged and requested (demanded if you are following the sub rules at the beginning. ;) lol.) For those of you who are curious what inspired this story: =3FIWBMWA8MEYB&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Email: [email protected] Website: Twitter: @Dyvia16 Patreon: Fetlife: LiL: Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.

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Incredible ChangesChapter 43 Dont Wake a Sleeping Tiger

Damn why now? I was getting ready to see if the girls wanted to take a shower together! Out of nowhere, an ice cold paper towel landed on my balls. That did the trick and my dick shriveled as it tried to hide up inside my body. The twins helped me get dressed quickly. A few kisses from each twin and I was being pulled out the door by Crystal. "David I am so sorry for even letting Sam watch you with the girls there at the end. She was about to go force you to try and open her up," Crystal...

4 years ago
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Fierce Competition

We were just tlaking about girls that we would like to fuck (as we normally do) when I noticed Jake start ti scrath his croch. He would do it about every five minuetes or so during this conversation. Jake, well, hes one-of-a-kind. A pompas jackass that noone in our school liked. About 5'8, dark curly hair, 170 lbs about...not fat yet not skinny. "Jeez, Jake, whats the matter? You got a problem down unda?" I said in an Austrailian accent after about half an hour of itching....

4 years ago
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Mind Swapping Chapter 27

Mind Swapping Chapter 27 I awoke early. Today, I would take my last final exam this semester. I got out of bed, made breakfast, awoke Tom in the usual way by sucking his cock. However, I didn't let him cum in my mouth, I climbed on his cock and rode him as if he where a race horse and I was the jockey. I came as his big hard cock jetted cum deep inside my belly. We ate breakfast and I took a bath while Tom took his shower. Tom was completely dressed by the time that I had styled my...

1 year ago
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Aunt in village

100% fiction! I started sex with my own aunt. I am rajesh from Chennai, working in a software company after obtain B.Tech from one if the leading university, often visit bangalore I am the only son for my parents as my parents are working I used to go my aunt's house which is in a village near by Trichy during my long holidays from my childhood since my uncle died in an accident aunt was living alone in the village. .I used to visit my aunt's house during holidays since the childhood. And she...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked on Lust Island

After six months on her new job, Melissa found herself summoned to Masters’ office. At first she was worried she had done something wrong but the boss quickly put her at ease. “Melissa, you’ve been a great hire and a wonderful asset to the office,” he said. “It’s about time you had a vacation.” “Well, um, thanks, but I don’t really know if I’ve saved enough to afford a trip,” Melissa said. “I thought you might say that,” Masters said with a smile. “I’ve talked this over with your folks and...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

2 years ago
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Farm Girl Having Some Fun Pt 2

I didn't even notice when Tony let go of my wrists, but suddenly he was there between my legs. I just lay there helplessly, letting him do as he wanted, too exhausted by the ordeal with his father to offer any resistance. He slid his cock up and down along the lips of my now cum covered cunt. He grinned nastily at me from between my legs and then grunted as he pushed forward, driving his meaty cock inside me, shooting it past my tired cunt lips and up into my belly.His cock wasn't as big as his...

1 year ago
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First Day at School

I had just changed to ninth grade and it was my first day in school. I had done a lot of preparations in the morning and I told my mom that I might be late. When I got off the bus I found out that my classroom was in the new building they had built during the summer. I went in and found out that the new place was quite cool. The classes had locking doors and the doors didn't have glass over them. I found my class and went in. the kids were not new to me but the teachers were. Most of them were...

First Time
3 years ago
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Daddy Dick Part 1

She met him at the gym - not a crowded, shabby, council-run gym, but the gym of businessmen and women. A steely, solid, serious-minded place. She had been using it for years because it was handy for the office. It was her private place, The would in which she could devote herself to her body. Feel strong and alive and fiery. In the silence of her shower, she would let her fingers roam up her taut belly to caress her 34C titties, and then down to her shaved pussy: just enjoying her firmness,...

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Sex on a train

This story involves a fantasy come true, is recent so very clear in my memory and still leaves me hard when I think about it. The story starts in London and covers the whole of a journey getting off in Manchester. I have condensed the story so as not to bore anyone but you can imagine getting fucked by a gorgeous lady in public too time.It was early when I set off for Euston to catch the 8.30 but I needed to be in Manchester for a business meeting and I was looking forward to relaxing on the...

4 years ago
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Teenage Lesbian slut

This is the life of a true young lesbian slut Jenny only 16 yet the body of a model tits set high and nipples as big as dimes when hard, tight little ass, lips that make you long to kiss. 6:45am wakes to the radio first thing fingers dive to her ever wet cunt for the first orgasm of the day. In the shower she again pays attention to her needy cunt, then dress in very short nighty she go to the kitchen. There dad looks over his paper to see her sweet ass bent over the counter and his cock...

3 years ago
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In the dark, her neck smelled like fading perfume and I watched 6:59 flicker over to 7:00. I pulled her nearer until her bottom was pressed into my thigh and I trailed my hand upwards to her belly, grabbed at her tits. Soundless, she laced her fingers through mine, squeezed. ‘You’re perfect, don’t forget it.’ I whispered. ‘You’re a silly boy. I’m okay – I’ll live.’ ‘But, still. To me you’re perfect. Ignore anyone who would dare think otherwise. You’ve more beauty and brains than any of...

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How I became my wifes SLAVE

Last Friday night my wife Rachel sent me a text that she was coming over to my apartment.“I’m on my way over. I hope you don’t have any plans for tonight.”My wife and I separated over a year ago, and since then she has become my dominatrix. I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but that’s how it is now. When we first got married we played a few BDSM games, but it’s nothing like it is now. Ever since we separated, or perhaps because we are separated, she has this unbelievable passion to dominate...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 12

Hello friends aap sab ne meri kahani ke pichle parts padhe uske liye thank you very much. Ab mai aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Subah jab mummy ghar aayi toh jake bedroom me chai gayi mai chai leke kuch der bad unke kamre me gaya meri mummy leti hui thi. Mujhe dekh ke mummy uth ke baith gayi bahut thaki hui lag rahi thi. Mummy ne pucha khana khaya tha rat me maine kah diya haan khaya tha. Mummy ke shakal se pata chal raha tha ki rat bhar chudi hai unke pair me vo payal thi jo...

4 years ago
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The Whale A Jake Joyfully Story

Prologue My name doesn't matter. This is not about me. It is about one of the Girls. It is part of an archive of stories that cannot, must not, be published for maybe another century, but needs to be recorded now, or the histories of these women, Jake's Girls, will forever be lost. It is the hope of some of the Girls that laws will change and what they have lived will become legal. In the meantime, it is not legal and so these stories are for the ages, just not this age. I won't...

4 years ago
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Oh Mary 3

Oh Mary 3Following on from the time on the train, which I guess is a couple of years ago now, Mary's appetite for extra cock had developed as had my own enjoyment of being cuckolded. Roger had faded away and been replaced by a string of other well hung men who openly fucked her in front of me. Mary grew quite fond of one, Paul who was only in his early 20s. He has a very slim build which only accentuates his very large thick cock. It almost looks incongruous as it cantilevers out 10 inches from...

2 years ago
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Appraisal Show

"Welcome to the pre show interview. If you would close the door behind you we'll get started. Thank you. Your name is... ?" "Natalie." "Well Natalie what did you bring us to be appraised today?" "Well I brought these to be appraised." "... uh, Natalie, I don't see anything." "Oh. I'm sorry. My tits. I thought you were looking at them when I walked in. I mean they're really big. Weren't you looking at my tits?" "Well, uh, yes I did notice them, er, I mean you, when you...

2 years ago
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My Chat Friend Kavitha With Her First Time

Thanks to all about my previous story (how I fucked my girlfriend Rupa part 1 & 2) after publishing that story I got lots of replies from by males and females, in that I got just a hi mail from by the name called Kavitha, I replied back with my personal Whatsapp no and I didn’t care much, after few days I got a Whatsapp message from her, some unknown message, then I started to replay back, first two days she fooled me after that she told she likes my story and we started our chat casually...

1 year ago
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Punishing Rachel Part One

Introduction: This is my first attempt on any kind of site… Ive previously only written stories for individuals on a personal level. I hope you guys like and I welcome CONCTRUCTIVE criticism and live for praise ???? (The.Aftermath) I shouldnt have liked it… There must be something wrong with me… Rachel stares off into space, the person complaining in her ear about her cell phone fading to an incoherent mumble as shes swept up in thoughts of what happened over the weekend. Flashes of memory...

3 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 71

Brock and Al found themselves on the bench for the second game in Miami. LaCross was trying to rotate the lineup to keep everyone fresh and the Marlins seemed content to play their minor leaguers. The teammates didn't pay much attention to the game. Instead Brock gave Al a rundown of the photo session. "What a putz," Al remarked. "You should have just pounded him into sawdust." "I thought Erika was going to," Brock said with a laugh. "Randi was probably the only one of them I could...

1 year ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 8 Tuesday July 9th 1963Part Three

James Wilson was waiting outside the Stag's Head when the Thompson family arrived. He took Caroline by the hand. "Well aren't you just the prettiest little slut. You know that you're going to be a big hit with the men waiting inside don't you." He didn't wait for any reaction, instead he turned to Evelyn. "And there's no need to worry, we haven't started yet. Knowing what a fucking slut you are and how much you enjoy having a cock up your cunt we decided to wait." He then turned to...

1 year ago
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Stranger in a Hotel Room

Your phone chirps on the floor by the couch. It seems He has gotten your text and the accompanying picture: You and I sitting, slouched, on said couch. Nude. Legs spread, yours thrown over mine. My hand plays at the top of your cunt, yours grips lightly at my erection. Checking your phone one-handed you read the message. “He just ended his shift. He’s on his way,” you read. Then giggling, “He also says he’s been hard since we left.” I smile. “Good thing we gave him my key. I don’t really feel...

1 year ago
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A mothers mistake 6

Chapter 6 Chris and his mother went to the mall that afternoon, stopping in almost every store it seemed. However, strangely, he didn't mind. For the first time in his life he liked shopping. Actually it wasn't the shopping, but rather being with his mother that he liked. He watched her closely, enjoying her shy smiles and flushes of embarrassment as she tried on various outfits. When she would come out of the dressing room with a dress or blouse on, Chris would give thumbs up or down. It...

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Ryan And Gemma Want To Fuck II

"What the fuck is going on here? Did she just-?" Ryan stammered."Yes, she did," I answered, coming over to him. "As it turns out, Gemma would like to fuck you again too, Ryan. I can't believe you had no idea that it wasn't me, I should slap you, but I love you," I reminded him, before kissing him, and she kept his cock in her hands."What the fuck, you just let my ex blow me, and titty fuck me too?""Yes, don't you remember eye-fucking her a couple of hours ago? Wait, you aren't mad, are you? I...

2 years ago
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Alexis saw the last one out, closed the door, then pulled a chair up to Johnathan’s desk. “Why’d you leave like that?” Alexis asked bluntly. “Neighbors complain?” I asked with a wry smile, then said “Project is doing great, I knew I chose well.” “Damn the neighbors,” Alexis shot back, “Answer the question.” “I already have” I responded. “You know the answer. I am keeping my word as I said I would.” Walking around the desk, I continued. “Question you have to ask yourself is, WHY do you...

3 years ago
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Always listen when your mates warn you

Ron wandered past where she was sitting. Perched on a stool, her thighs were on full display. He felt his cock harden. He had to meet her. “Hello” he said “come here often?” She looked at him, instantly dismissive of his lame attempt to chat her up. “Is that the best you can do?” she said, laughing. Ron’s face coloured slightly. “Yes, that was pretty lame” he admitted and she smiled. “Well try again honey” she said “maybe next time will be better”. He now saw her words as a challenge. “Well...

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Ma ka dard

Hi friends i m sumit from jaipur mai BA me padh raha hu hamare ghar me mere ma mere chote bhan or mere papa hai papa ek privet LTD firm me nokri karte hai ma ghar me rahte hai or bahen 10th me padhti hai uska naam rupali hai vo 9 baje school jati hai or 2 baje ghai aati hai fir 4pm tiushan jati hai 7pm waps aati hai papa raat ko 10baje aate hai unki duty kabi 2 night ki ho jati hai To dosto ab mai aapko us incidanc ke bare me batata hu jo mere sath 3manth pahle hua ek din mai colage se ghar...

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Apocolypse chapter 2223

chapter 22 As before time passes faster than it seems and it is now late spring. We have made a lot of progress on repairing the crashed space ship with Adrien's help. He has managed to get the power system inside repaired and with everyone else's help some of the other minor damages have been fixed to. We have managed to get the craft almost flight worthy, yet we are so far from having it done. Life has gone on as usual in the mine, we eat, sleep, play, and have FUN. Cole has...

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Staircase rub down

This happened to me years ago when I worked nights as a janitor in a building downtown. One of my jobs was to sweep the stairs in the building. There were 20 flights and I took the elevator to the top floor and then I would sweep my way down to the basement and then I’d be done. At the 15th floor I started to hear some noises that sounded like moaning and slapping. I put down my broom and went another 3 flights down thinking I may witness a crime or something. Instead what I found was some dude...

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Grandpa and MeChapter 4

Grandpa didn’t bother dressing and neither did I. As I followed him out of the bedroom, I looked back at Mom. She was already asleep. My cum was dry on her face and Grandpa’s cum between her legs. There was a smile on her face. Damn, she looked good. “How did you like that?” he asked. “It was as good as I imagined, but I want to fuck her,” I replied. “You will in good time,” he said. “Can we talk? I’ve got a million questions.” “Start,” he said as he plopped down in Dad’s old easy chair...

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sex vth sisterilla part1

Shortly after my wife and I married, her sister came to stay with us for a few weeks before she started college. I went alone to the airport to pick her up because my wife worked days and I worked nights. Shock registered on my face when she got off the plane because I hadn’t seen her for two years. She had changed from a lanky girl into an incredibly attractive young woman, a younger version of my wife. It was a unnerving but definitely fascinating to see a younger Priya as Pooja bounded off...

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The Watch

I had just fallen because Jack the asshole of Brock Highschool had just "accidentally" pushed me, and I bumped in to Amy, the principal. My name is Eric, and I am not a nerd. I have a good figure, a six pack, contacts, and a six-inch long dick. It was also my birthday today. Why does everybody pick on me? Your guess is as good as mine. When Amy got up, she took me to her office. I guess she thought that I fell for no purpose on her. There was a good reason. She was barely 27, an amazing...

Mind Control
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Spring Break at the MacLeod house

“You good back there?” Julian asked, glancing back at Frank who sat in the backseat of his sedan, playing a game on his Nintendo Switch. “He’s fine, trust me.” Anthony assured him, leaning out the window to look back at the girls car behind them. Julian turned forward to focus on Connor’s car ahead of them. They were on their way down to Connor’s family’s beach house for spring break. Julian Pella was just happy to be invited, as he was a bit more on the periphery of the friend group. The guy...

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The GodgranddaughterChapter 6 Sharing Other Aspects of Power

While the previous rounds were to some extent healing, the next two are pure pleasure, and commercial pleasure to boot. Mom hadn’t shared all the details of how she markets our services, but she has mentioned that there’s a great deal of interest both in minimally legal girls like Vivian and me; in sophisticated MILFs like mom, Victoria, and Elizabeth; and, to a very special clientele, mother-daughter teams. Some might think it was counterintuitive, but I found it much easier to produce...

4 years ago
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Heart of DarknessChapter 5

Yesterday Roger seemed happy, though Anne couldn’t tell if this was abnormal or not considering she had only met him the day before and in that time only spent a little bit of time with him. Carrie seemed to be holding onto a secret and Anne is fairly certain she knows about what. And then there were the gremlins. Each of the little bastards is holding back on her. They promised to divulge their information about her birthday but only on her birthday. And once again, they got her in the...

2 years ago
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Horny Veneeta Ne Pyasi Chut Aur Pyasi Gand Chudai

Hello iss dosto aur meri pyasi aur pyari pyari rasbhari chutwaliyo kaisi ho mai apka yogu age 25 sexy handsome ladka hu . To chale story pe ate hai doston kuch din pahle muze mere facebook par mujhe ek aunty ka message aya ki main apase ek baar milana chahati hoon aur fir usane mujhe apana phone number de diya. Maine us phone number par baat karana shuru kiyaa. Vo baat kuch is tarah se hui hello aunty haan aap koun bol rahe ho? Mai yogu bol raha hu kya apane mujhe message kiyaa thaa, aunty ohh...

4 years ago
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My First Short Love Story

Hello friends. I am Johny Ahuja. Age 23,height 5’11”, build average, with five and a half inches of penis. I am student of engineering final year. Here is my first sex experience that I am going to share with you. Hope you people like it. It was Monday 12 noon when my phone rang and I woke up. It was my classmate calling from college. After giving excuses for not attending the classes I ended my conversation. Then I shouted the names of my roommates and soon realized that I was alone at home....

3 years ago
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Sexy student

Hello ISS readers my is Divya & I live in Mumbai, I read ISS. And by fascinating I am writing first story of mine. I am 28 yrs old now widow and in search of sex partner, I am a lecturer by profession in one of the classes in Mumbai . My husband was a Govt. Servant & died two years ago. I first enjoyed sex when I was 18 with one of my student who was use to come for tuition at my home. I have lesbian experience with two female lecturers who are working with me in the same Classes. The story I...

2 years ago
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Regrets part 2

Well if you didn’t read the first story it doesn’t matter. I’m and old white lady who’s being ravished by her younger black boss. That’s the basic plot of the first regret. Now this is the second part. Let me start off by telling you women just like you don’t realize what you are capable of you might not know what those who are the closest to you are capable of. My life is changed is it better or worse I’ll let you decide this is how I tried to cuckold my husband. well here we go. I catered to...

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The RescuedChapter 91 Defense Command Center Day 120

Not for the first time that day, or that week, Amy Imahara wondered how she'd gotten in this mess. As she looked over the command center staff, sitting tense and alert at their consoles, her mind was drawn back to the meeting with her husband's clone, and the rest of the Education Council. It had been Rebecca Lott who had made the offer. "Of the persons with military experience, you show the most aptitude for this assignment. Will you accept command of the planetary defense forces?"...

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Annalise was all but beside herself. Twice now she had felt the wave of orgasm building, and twice, she had been denied. Twice now she had been in subspace, and twice she had been pulled out of it. And now, this Man was doing it again. When he gave her those little ‘pops’ with his hand, she oddly did not seem to mind. She had been raised to NEVER allow anyone to hit you of course, but she found herself so ‘open’ to him, she knew it was OK, and as a result, it seemed to help her remain in...

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Arizona Secret Society Chapter 2

ARIZONA SECRET SOCIETY CHAPTER 2 Before my windfall gain, marriage, and move to Arizona, I'd never thought that body swapping was real. It was the stuff of sci fi movies and stories, but now I was living it, it was real. Marisol had taken a liking to Emily and I had taken a liking to being Marisol. Her latin beauty was something to admire and enjoy. After our trip to Vegas, Marisol and I had swapped more than once since, and three months later, I was back in her petite, sensual...

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Vanessa Meets John

“Vanessa, come on, we were supposed to go out tonight,” my friend Dave was saying to me. “I know, I’m sorry, but you know how my dad is with work. He likes to include his family with everything, so I have to go to the dinner. I shouldn’t be out late.” I smiled into the phone. “Maybe, if you’re lucky, I’ll swing by afterwards to give you a little treat.” He chuckled. “Alright babe, tell your parents I said hey.” “Will do.” I hung up the phone and wondered what to do about Dave. I’ve been seeing...

Straight Sex
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ClubSandy Trinity St Clair More Than Friends

Trinity St Clair is grateful to Bill Bailey for saving the city and risking his life, but she wants more from him than just being friends. With a toast and a kiss, she strips off her clothes to reveal her gorgeous enhanced breasts. As Bill licks her nipples, she begs for more. He strips down, and she gets on her knees to take his heroic cock deepthroat for a sensual slow blowjob. Never shy for a challenge, Bill then takes her standing before bending her over doggy-style on the couch. She rides...

2 years ago
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Wifes sexual med

Let me start by telling you a little about my self. I'm a Latino from Central America. I'm a 5'10 average guy in my 30's with an average body type. I met my wife while working in a delivery warehouse. She is very beautiful brown skinned Dominican. She is two inches shorter than me with long beautiful brown hair. She has teenager firm breasts that I would guess are "b" cups. They are nice and round and she has a firm butt with beautiful legs.We dated for a couple of weeks and got really serious,...

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"I'm looking for a complete supplicant. Someone I don't have to care about or know anything about.  I have a few slaves in my stable but I want something that they can't give me.  I want someone who will be nothing for me."I meet Helen, Goddess Helen as she called herself, on craigslist.  She said she was looking for someone very specific.  Someone over 30 who would let her make him into anything she wanted.  Someone who would give up control in a different way then slaves she'd met in the...

4 years ago
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Remember?Do you remember.... how I knelt on the bed between your sprawled legs and settled there, like a contented kitten, to place my lips softly around your engorged cock....Do you remember me raising my eyes to yours.... waiting... questioning... wondering about how you like it.... how you wanted this to go....Do you remember my hot, moist, tongue tracing circles around the head of your desire while I lightly fingered your tight, firm balls.... remember how it filled me up, to pleasure you...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Lauren Phillips Jane Rogers Two Redheads For The Price Of One

Security officer Wrex Oliver brings redheaded thief Jane Rogers to the back room for questioning after catching her trying to steal some lube. Turns out Jane was accompanied by her stepmom Lauren Phillips so officer Oliver brings her to the back too. Officer Oliver tells the redheads that he has to involve the police unless they allow him to have his way with them, then he’ll consider letting them go. Lauren convinces Jane that this is what they have to do to avoid getting in more trouble and...

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CherryPop Holly Hendrix My Dirty Little Geek Part 2

Holly Hendrix and Angel Smalls are working in a comic book store. When Angel Smalls leaves in the back store with Lucas Frost, Ryan Ryder enters the store. She recognizes him from all the porn movie she watches. She’s made herself cum so many times thinking of him. She takes the chance and has to tell him how much she wants him! Everyone knows that Ryan Ryder will do anything for his fans so, Holly closes the store for a few minutes and she lets Ryan will ride her ass like a champ....

3 years ago
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Almost caught out

I was home alone and bored, so I turned on my laptop. I went on to Lush, to read a few stories to get me in the mood but the battery was low and I had left the charger up stairs. Running up the stairs and I went into my bedroom. I soon realized that I would have to come up here soon anyway, so I sat on the bed and started reading. I went on my favorite section, Lesbian. I came across a story that took my interest and read. It wasn’t long before I my hand found its way in my jeans.

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