Rearend RapturesChapter 2
- 3 years ago
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When Jerry left Cindy at his apartment he was about an hour late for work at the Pier Side Club. He'd been late before and his boss Stan or one of the other lifeguards had always covered for him. He hurried down the boardwalk and made his way through the locker rooms out to poolside.
Up on the platform keeping a sharp eye on the swimmers below was Stan. "Jerry," he called, "you're late. Get on up here."
Jerry climbed the ladder up to the clubhouse and viewing deck. "Sorry boss," he said. "A little personal matter."
"No problem," said Stan in a surprisingly good mood. "You know that dish you laid on me this morning?"
"Dawn?" said Jerry.
"Yeah," said Stan, making room for the young employee to sit down. "She had just what I needed."
"What was that?" asked Jerry with a knowing grin. "A big set of tits?"
"You know better than that," said Stan. "Her asshole was about as ready and heated as you'll ever find. You know what I mean?"
"Yeah," said Jerry, wondering now where Dawn was. "She sure did have a nice shit canyon. I kind of liked it myself."
"Yeah," said Stan. "Anyhow, she's a new honorary member of the Pier Side."
"With an asshole like hers," said Jerry, "it would be hard to turn her down for something in any club."
"Yeah," said Stan, getting up and heading for the ladder. "Thanks again."
"For nothing," said Jerry. He watched Stan climb down the ladder and disappear into the poolside office. Below the viewing deck various members of the club sloshed around in the clear pool water. Jerry was concentrating on keeping a sharp eye out for any troubled swimmers when a shrill woman's voice hollered up at him: "Hey Jerry! Long time no see!"
He looked down back behind the platform and saw the lovely woman, Anne, who used to be his girlfriend. "Jerry," hollered Anne, "come on down and say hello. Come on."
He gave the pool a quick once over. It didn't look like anyone was in danger of drowning themselves, so he hoisted himself over the ladder and down to the deck below. "Hi ya, Anne," he said, giving her a big warm hug. She wore a bathrobe and a bikini and Jerry made sure to get a good experimental feel of Anne's warm body before he let go of her. "It has been a long time," he said.
"I know. Too long," said Anne. She flashed her quick blue eyes and ran a hand back through her blond hair. Just then the afternoon whistle blew, a signal for the club members that in five minutes they'd be asked to leave the pool. The club closed down for an hour in order the give the staff a chance to break and clean-up before the night's activities began.
"Listen," said Jerry, "in another five minutes this place will be empty. Why don't you stick around?"
"I's love to," said Anne. Her keen blue eyes twinkled. Jerry mounted the ladder one more time, waited out the departing swimmers, and then, when everything was in order, came back down to poolside. Anne was waiting for him and she asked right off: "When do lifeguards go swimming these days?"
Jerry looked casually around the deck and pool. The members had all split. He had the entire Pier Side facility to himself, naturally, to Anne. "Right now," he smiled. "Care for a swim?"
"Sure," said Anne. "That's really the reason I stopped by to see you."
"And I thought it was my body you wanted, Anne," said Jerry with a quick grin.
"Well," she said, running one hand along his furry chest, "that might have something to do with it."
He started to take her arm, to embrace her, but she pulled away and slid out of her robe. Her big firm tits were the same as he remembered them. She had long lovely legs and comely thighs. When he was in love with her it was the factthat herlegs wereso perfectlymolded, sculptured, that mystified him. Whether she wore heels or flats or went barefoot, Anne's legs were always attractive to Jerry. She could be lying on her back or on her belly, and still he would come after her, kissing the backs of her soft satin loins. Now, as she tossed aside the terrycloth robe, the same old lust to feel her legs wrapped around his face sent blood pumping heartily up to his face.
"You're blushing," she said, sliding over to the side of the pool. "Jerry! You're blushing!"
He slid a hand down along her fanny. The firm ripe cheeks of her ass were another special thrill for him. He could feel the silky flesh beneath her bikini strap and with one quick tug at the belt, the strap went loose.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Nobody's here," he said. "Everyone's out of the place for two hours before we reopen."
Anne did have a quick survey of the pool andenvirons. The place was desolate. "You know," she said, no longer trying to pull on her bikini bottom, "a swim in the nude is always nice." She kicked off the bottom of her bikini and without Jerry's asking, she undid the top of her bathing suit, too. Her tits came flopping out.
"Your nipples aren't erect," he said, surprised. When they lived together just his presence would bring her nipples out like mice looking for cheese. They'd pop onto position and seconds later he would land his hungry lips on one or the other tit.
"Well," she said, "I've changed a little."
Jerry slid his hand in a neat circle, palm open, alone Anne's flat belly. Her skin crawled with goose bumps and the nipples under examination stood up toattention. "That's more like it," he said.
"I am the only nude person here," she said, tugging on his trunks. "Won't you put me at ease, Jerry?"
"Sorry," he said, slipping out of his trunks. He hung his swimsuit on the ladder. But when he turned around to say to Anne that he was happy she'd come by after so long, all he saw was her neat jackknife form slicing into the water below. Her full ripe ass caught his attention before her lean body disappearedbelow the surface ofthe otherwise placid water.
She swam holding her breath under the surface of the pool water until she reached the deep section of the pool. when she came up her hair was matted down around her face. She pulled it back behind her head and called Jerry: "Aren't you coming in?"
"You bet I am," he said. He watched her smiling and treading water, her tits bobbing in the liquid, floating like cream colored grapefruits nest to her chest. "Here I come," he said. "Smile, baby."
Jerry made a neat dive from the edge of the pool. Anne watched his hairy muscular body slide beneath the first foot of water. He moved like a terrific shark straight for her. He would be at her side in a matter of three or four strokes. She took a deep breath and a last look at Jerry's torpedo shape as he neared her. Then she dove for the bottom.
Anne swam along the bottom side of the pool like some kind of eel or mermaid. Jerry started after her but needed more air to complete the journey downward. Besides, once he got there he wanted to spend some time with Anne.
He came up for air and saw her sitting placidly, right feet further down, on the bottom of the pool. He took a long breath and headed underwater. When he arrived, even in the poor underwater visibility, he could see her lovely blond hair splayed against the background of glass-like water. Her tits floated softly in the smooth underwater current. And her nipples, he reached out to be sure, were erect and stimulated. She bubbled out what remained of her air and pushed off, in slow motion, from the bottom of the pool. When she hit the surface and gasped for air, Jerry was beside her.
"So nice to see you again," he joked. He wrapped one strong arm around her waist and supported her by leaning her butt on his hip while she regained her breath. "You know," he said, paddling the two of them toward the side of the pool, "skin is a lot smoother in the water."
"I know," said Anne. She slid her legs along his thighs and let his muscles come up into her crotch.
They made it to the shallow water. There was about four feet of water there and Anne's tits floated on the surface. Occasionally the water slopped above her tits, sometimes below. "Mmmmm," she said as Jerry ran one hand up along the surface of her chest. "That's nice."
"Your tits are nice as ever, Anne," he said.
"You saved my life," said Anne. "I like that."
"Sure," he said. "That's my job."
He hadn't really saved her life, but many times they would play and pretend she was drowning and that was a lifeguard, retrieving her from strange andmysterious waters.
But now they rested easy against the side of the pool. The water lubricated every inch of their stimulated jism. Merely the sight of Anne had led Jerry into arousal. He was ready now, for whatever demands she might make of him, for whatever emotions she might expect from him. "Do you still love me?" he asked her.
"I don't know," she said, feeling his hands wandering underwater along her flesh. She knew that he wouldn't stop at her belly or her tits. She knew that sooner or later his firm grip would be around her thighs and up into her twat. She waited patiently. "You know," she said, "sometimes I think we were the biggest fools in the world to give up what we had."
"I know what you mean," said Jerry. He slid his hand between her comely thighs. Underwater she felt even more irresistible than she was on dry land. He had a good hold on one smooth piece of flesh, her upper leg, and he didn't want to let go.
"I want to swim," she said. It was a lie. She wanted his hand up her pussy, his finger to work on her clitoris, his other hand up her asshole. The feel of the pool and his hands, the mixing of flesh and water and passion-Anne wanted it all at once.
"You know," he said, blocking her passage by putting one arm on either side of her body clamping a good hold to the tile edge of the pool, "you can't leave right now."
"Want to bet?" she said. She faked a duck under his arm. Jerry moved swiftly and his forearm blocked her, right on the titties.
"You're all wet," he said. "Try again."
She looked around, pretending to be searching for a way out and slid her hand down underwater. She came onto his floating cock. He looked her in the eye and she looked him in the eye, but underwater she was sculpting his dick into a long wet erection. "Is that how you plan to escape?" he asked. "Or are you for real?"
She kneaded theflesh of histhick wetmember. Underwater the prick felt more spongy, more fleshy than she recalled it. "It's soft," she said.
"Not for long," replied Jerry. "It'll be more than you can handle in another minute or two."
"Funny," she said, "you were never more than I could handle before. Except in one of two ways."
The water slopped up against her face. She continued to run her hand around his crotch, between he legs, all of this stimulation taking place under water. Neither of them paid any attention to what was happening below the surface of the pool.
Jerry reached one hand up to her firm little nipples. Then he tweaked the thing and she squealed a little. "I can get away now if I want to."
"Do you want to?" he asked her. She was rubbing his now firm cock.
"No," she whispered. She wrapped her arms around him and he supported her against the side of the pool. She kissed him in the fold of his neck and then along his face and finally on his lips. He pressed his wet slippery body against her long flesh. His dick ran up along her belly between them. She freed one arm from around his back and slid down to jerk him some more. Then, suddenly, she took a long breath and went down under water.
"What the hell?" said Jerry.
But then he realized what Anne was all about. She slid his cock, even under water, into her mouth. He tried to watch her work. But the slopping water made it impossible. All he could see was her head moving vigorously along his cock shaft. But he could feel every delicate move on her tongue. It was as though a blow fish had taken it to mind to suck him off and had latched on perfectly to his dick. He smiled and wondered if she could hold her breath long enough to suck him into orgasm.
"Mmmmm," she said when she came up. "You're as big underwater as you are above." She laughed at her own joke and jumped onto his hips. She straddled his hips with her soft loins and rocked her naked wet cunt up into his muscular belly. With one hand he supported her, kept her up on his hips by holding onto the poolside.
"Here you go," he said, "a little fish for your twat." He slid his hand down along her belly and dropped a finger up into the hole. Her pussy clamped down immediately reminding him of yet another incredible ability of his old girlfriend Anne: of all the women he'd ever known; only Anne could squeeze at will. She could milk him of his orgasmic juice merely by smiling. Her muscles were that much in tune. And now her wet underwater canal worked on his finger as he applied pressure to her floating clitoris. the slippery piece of cunt flesh was firmly at attention.
"Mmmmmm," she said. "If I drown now it'll be the happiest death the world has ever known." She smiled and leaned down to the edge of the water and sucked up one of his hairy tits. She scraped the nipple with her nibbling tongue and sucked it into her lips and mouth. Her sucking action produced an exciting stimulating effect in Jerry's tits.
He slid his finger a little further into her soaked pussy. "Oh, God," she gasped, "I cant's believe we're going to fuck in the pool."
"You know," he said, "I don't know why not?"
"Is it good in the pool?"
They'd broken through to new ground. It was important that Jerry keep her going. "Sure," he said, "of course it's good. It's good to fuck wherever you are."
"Have you done it here before?" she asked coyly.
"No," said Jerry, lying outright. He didn't want her jealous at a time when a few minutes from now he'd be stuffing her full of his hot wet meat. "But some of the other guys have."
"Just think," said Anne, looking over Jerry's shoulder, "we might be floating in a pool of come."
"Yuck," said Jerry, sliding his finger and pumping Anne's pussy. "That doesn't sound like fun."
"For me it does," said Anne.
Jerry noticed that Anne was holding onto the side of the pool with her hand back behind her head. He let go of his own hold and slid a hand down to her ass crease. The water in the area allowed his hand to float neatly and smoothly into the target area. He slid a finger up andshe bounced forward, her tits pressing against his bare wet chest. The pool water splashed in Jerry's face, as did Anne's lovely titties.
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Thomas and his mother sat close to one another and watched the water cascade from the rocks to the lagoon below. It was a warm and breezy day, like most days on the island, and the sun was shining through the water fall mist creating a gorgeous rainbow of colors. It was a glorious day, but for some reason Thomas seemed morose and sullen. "What's wrong, Thomas?" Grace asked. He skipped a rock across the lagoon before saying, "I was just thinking." "About what?" He sighed and said,...
The New Girl - A Documentary of the Butterfly Light Part 1 A seasoned journalist, Mike traveled the world in search of compelling stories. It was his last one, however, deep in the hilly jungle of Southeast Asia, which would change his life back in Manhattan forever. With flagging self-awareness, Mike does his best to document his erotic transformation from man to woman and his final emergence in the 'butterfly light.' I started my video blog basically because I'm a journalist. ...
Introduction: Sometimes its hard to go home. This story is my entry to the Calling All Writers contest. For reasons of my own, I am not allowing comments to be made here. I will establish a thread in the Sex Stories Forum, for those registered users who wish to make a public comment. You can also feel free to pm with your comments and critiques. Thank you for your consideration. I hope you will enjoy – Beccah. The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around...
Harlen awoke with a start, realizing that he was alone in the bed. He sat up, casting his eyes about searching the darkened room for Hyandai. When his eyes fell upon his beloved, standing in a long, flowing gown of rich blue silk, they stopped and widened. Hyandai radiated beauty and affection toward him. She was just standing from a small desk in the corner of her room. A miniature calyondo shone light down upon the desk from a wooden stand. She had been writing. "Harlen, all is well,"...
"Mr. President, the Swiss Ambassador is calling. Are you free to accept his call, Sir?" "Of course, Mrs. Tompkins. Please put him through, and if possible, will you see that I'm not disturbed? Thank you." Acting President Aaron Bronstein motioned for his ever-present Secret Service minder to leave him alone in the Oval Office, while he answered the telephone. "Jacques, what a pleasure! It was only last week that we enjoyed a lovely evening together! How may I help the Swiss today, my...
Choose your Gender Alex - Boy 22 Year Old virgin with a big dick. Alexa - Girl 22 year old virgin with busty boobs and tight ass.
It was a simple job so far. Four rooms had already been entered silently, and valuables put into the black felt bag, hung at the waist. One last room, then call it a night. It does not do to be too greedy. A simple five-foot jump to the next balcony, then master-key in the lock, and in through the balcony door silently.Halfway across the room to the dresser, and the bedside lamp was turned on, revealing one man just sitting up in bed, and a second blocking the balcony door. The room door was...
LesbianNote to readers: This is set in the same story universe as "Prisoner's Dilemma: Curiosity Killed the Cat," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Separate the Men From the Boys The biotechnical research department at Lockman University had made its breakthrough invention in 2002. Its inventor, Professor Ripley, called it the biomorphic reorganizer. The university department literature called it the Biomass Redistribution Platform. The students...
Following on from that memorable 3 years being used by 2 dirty old men,i tried to settle down into a normal routine, i finished college and went on to university and gained my degree.I became engaged and eventually married and had a daughter,but over the years something was still stirring within me about the things that happened to me all those years ago, i tried to put them out of my mind for the sake of my family and did, until my marriage ended in divorce some 3 years ago.The divorce was...
He only worked for us for 4 days. (the continuation)That night I’d given him a second blow job and there were 2 others. We just couldn’t pay him what he wanted (even with the other ‘benefits’) so he left. I was sad to have that happen but, he may stop by in the future for a little more service. There are some advantages to owning this place which have begun to show up over time. Being gay here is not i*****l but very frowned upon; it’s a very conservative small town. Like every other small...
In the year 2050 there was a radical change in the counrty. The new government in power was determined to save the bankrupt counnty by cutting soending in everything possible. Slowly, over a decade, the system was reduced by almost 90%, housing just the most extreme cases if criminals. By the year 2100, the judicial system was completely changed. If you were found guilty of a crime, you were examined by a psychiatrist and given a punishment that would be sufficiently humiliating and...
BDSMFriday night Sue sat in an easy chair in the living room and watched her brother Dave as he, Cindy, and Janet enjoyed a three way. "Fuck me, Dave, fuck me," Cindy shouted as she bounced up and down on Dave's cock. At the same time Janet screamed in pleasure as she sat on Dave's face so he could eat her blonde cunt. Sue watched them and groaned in frustration as she tried to satisfy herself with her hand. Now that she was so close to losing her cherry the young girl felt more frustrated...
Danny's Dick Part 5 - Summer I was in Sears the other day, picking up some white cotton socks and a pair of light PJs to wear during the summer. On my way to the checkout counter I was walking past the Girl's Section and I noticed a display of tops on sale. I'm not sure why, but I stopped and looked at the display and on impulse, just grabbed a purple pleated knit top and paid for it along with the socks and PJs. When I got home I took it out of the bag and thought, "Why the heck did I...
Hii. Guys its me Sanjay (callboy) from Bangalore, well I am back with my third day with her experience. Since I had college I never had sex with her for 3 days, I was waiting for a chance to again fuck her. The chance came when my parents had to leave for out of station, and so I asked my aunty (wife) to come and speak to my parents about the matter. So she came and spoke to my parents and my parents were happy and said thanks to her when she told that she’ll take care of me while they are...
IncestPam was asleep in her bed when she felt some one lift her nightshirt and grab her tits. She awoke fast and found her step siblings naked in her bed. John told her "I have been wanting to get my hands on those big tits for a long time. Now don't say a word or we will get you in a lot of trouble. We just want some tits and pussy. You are going to love what we do to that sexy body of yours." He then began kissing her as he ravaged her tits and then Jane got in the act and began to take her gown...
The next morning she gets up at 8 am to make sure she gets there on time. She goes and takes a shower and masturbates her pussy until she was at her climax and wanted to cum. She gets out of the shower and gets ready for the taster day. When she got ready it was half-past 8, she decided that she would wear a skirt with no underwear so she could masturbate as much as she wanted during the day. On the top half of her body, she wore a bra and a crop-top even though it was something she did not...
I straightened my bowtie, and tucked in my shirt. A spray of cologne - a little more pomade to even out my hair. Well, it doesn't really take me that long to get ready, but tonight, I'm going with you to a formal business dinner with my secretary-turned-sexual-obsession. I laced up my black oxfords, and closed the door behind me. After a drive through some mild traffic downtown, I parked and went up to your apartment. I rang your bell. Your small, high-cut black cocktail dress made me...
ToysIntroduction Many readers may be unaware that Stepdaddy's blog consists primarily of my "Dear Stepdaddy" advice column, a sort of hebephilic Ann Landers, if you will. Of course, these are all just fantasies, mine and my correspondents'. Here at year end, 2011, I am compiling this year's collection into the first of what I hope will be many "annuals". These have been edited lightly, and in particular some numbers have been corrected. At the end of this work, please join me again to...
It all started when I was 16, I think it was year 10. We were at our annual school Swimming Carnival, like all Aussie schools have. We got off the bus, into the venue and sat in our respected house areas. (House is the same as team). Swimming Carnival was one of my favourite time of year. Seeing girls I see everyday, in their bikinis, walking around all day and swimming. It always made me hard. I usually cover myself up with a towel, but this year, I was in a lot of events, so I couldn't really...
Straight SexI always looked girly I had long blonde hair a big set of thighs and bottom they were plump and jiggle and always people stare at my fat ass I had good grades at college I had a rival name Maria a Puerto Rican half black student always stares even my behind she so weird at home I would dress in lingerie or other womanly things.
BDSMThey tried to keep their relationship between themselves at work that day but Roger was sure that people knew that something was going on between them although no one really did. They began sleeping together every night and Lei moved her things into the bedroom that they shared. One morning Lei walked into Roger's office, "FedEx is here with six small boxes for you. The driver said that only you can receive and sign for the shipment. I asked if it was COD but he said no." Roger thought...
I must have dozed off, when I came to I was being felt on by the janitor who I knew well, he seemed to really enjoy what had taken place, infact I dare say he has quite the soft spot for girls like me... Well anyway we chatted to ease the tension from me and we both finally got interested in fun time, he removed his cock which was roughly 4-5 inches and I asked him if I made him cum would he help me get home.. he chuckled and said if you make me cum ill give you a ride home and dinner honey......
My first story, written for a friend. Enjoy & Comment. I wake up, vaguely aware of you leaving a few hours ago. My thoughts go to last night and I’m wet in an instant. ‘Good morning lover’ my phone reads, ‘I’m covering reception today, entertain me?’ A wicked smile spreads across my face, as I think how I’m going to entertain you. You look up as I walk in through the sliding doors. I’m dressed in a tight, black, long sleeved top and a short denim skirt. A vintage scarf tied around my...
When Prince finally allowed Sue to crawl out of his kennel I almost had to carry her to the break room. Even the head trainer looked a little concerned, enough to pick her up, despite the state she was in, nice to know the boss cared more for us dog girls than for his spotless clothes. He lowered her to the floor in the shower room, then stood back as I grabbed a shower hose, checked the temperature and let her have it full blast, the powerful jet was only just enough to drive away hours of...
ReGenesis, Inc.: As Children into the Abyss by Bill Hart Becky Phelder was stunned, as the rest of her classmates began to snicker. She'd been sitting in the front row desk of her next to last class of the day listening intently to one of her favorite teachers, when she heard the unexpected announcement crackle over the intercom. "Becky Phelder ... Please report to Mr. Wilton's office immediately." In addition to being surprised, Becky was also more than a little embarrassed at...