- 4 years ago
- 36
- 0
Burning hot outside, I had to hit a bar. I just needed a glass of Bud – and it was only lunchtime. I was stuck in some godforsaken mid-west town try to sell a load of rubbish to a load of people who don’t want it, don’t need it and really don’t care.
I was all alone, travelling for a living, never in the same place twice.
I have a lot of friends, but they are all ‘virtual’ when I am on the road. Being alone on the road, I usually check into a motel that has internet and wireless, flip my laptop and log on to MSN, Facebook.. the usual, and catch with my friends. I even log into this VR World where I can chill, dress up, and generally have a good time. I can also have VR sex there – but not got that far yet – guess I’m a bit shy when it comes to the ‘naked’ thing, and there are a lot of dubious characters around in VR.
I cruise the high street scanning for a decent Bar. The Ford I drive is ‘ok’ – got all the toys – but it’s a company car and I would have chosen something more ‘me’. Does the job though.
I notice a reasonable bar and pull up outside – there’s also a Motel next door, which I consider checking into later.
I gather myself together, check my hair in the mirror, before stepping out into the heat. Adjusting my knee length skirt I shoulder my bag and reach for my laptop, in the back. I hear a whistle as I bend over. Not startled, I take my laptop and swing round to observe my admirer. Perched above me on the balcony, was a couple of young lads oggling.
I smiled briefly, turning back to shut and lock the car.
Climbing the few steps to the Bar entrance, I cagely glanced up at the balcony – eyeing the young lads chuckling. Nice fit young men I thought, and not that bad looking.
Entering the Bar, my mind turned to getting that Bud down me and checking my Email. I was blasted by air-conn that was refreshing, but sent shiver down my spine.
The Bar was pleasant – a long bar, stools, tables round the sides with comfy wrap round seating. There was an old guy behind the bar leant over, engrossed in conversation with some locals, not batting an eyelid as I walked in. I was a bit surprised really, because I usually get a glance my way.
I always thought I was pretty good looking – always with knee length skirt, to show off my shapely tanned long legs. My hair brown, shoulder length and full, always done to look good for customers. I take time with my make-up to makes sure it brings out my best features, but not to much to be over done. My ample breasts are my best feature, round, good cleavage and shown off subtly.
Nevermind, I thought… Can’t please everyone.
The Barman, stood up as I approached and met be halfway down the bar.
“Hi love, what can I get ya?” he questioned in a usual Barman tone.
“I’ll have a Budweiser please, in the bottle” I answered.
I picked my spot, I would spend the next hour at, as my bottle of Bud was delivered. I sat, launching my laptop in front of me, bag at my side, Bud in hand. Getting a connection, I checked my Email, but was aware of a shadow cast over my laptop…. I turned to the window behind me and there was the two cheeky lads, heads pressed against the glass, hands sheilding their faces – peering at my screen. They immediately, moved away. Cheeky Monkeys, I thought as I shuffled round the seat, turning my screen away from the window.
DAMN – Email in – My afternoon Sales call was cancelled – nothing until tomorrow afternoon 50 miles up the road.
Oh well, I’ll catch up with some friends online…
Sipping my Bud, I caught up with the latest gossip, posting a few notes on Facebook as to my whereabouts and general chit chat.
I thought, as I had time to kill, I’d pop into my VR World and see who’s about – perhaps pop to Sexy’s Mall and checkout the new clothes available.
Logging on I soon, became engaged in conversation with a guy I met in VR Land called Slate_ . He’s from the UK and seems alright. I talk to him quite a bit about problems in the real world, and he is always most understanding, considerate and supportive.
As our conversation progressed I was aware of a couple of guys across the VR Street looking my way. They looked strangely familiar, but I thought nothing of it as I wandered down the Street with Slate_ chatting about this and that.
We went to Merlin’s Café – quiet there, no lag – I know my friend has lag problems in this world so seemed a good place to go.
We idly chatted for about half an hour, and a few Buds later, he had to go. We said our goodbyes with a hug and he was gone, me alone again – and no friends online….
“Hello sexy lady” came up on my VR World chat..
I didn’t recognise the name, but thought – what the hell, no one else here.
“Hi” I typed, as a shifted my view around Merlins, to find the chatter.
Sat at the other end were the two guys I saw in VR Street – no one else. Checking their names, I see my new chatter was one of them.
Better check his Profile, I thought, as I clicked on him.
‘Male, No State, Country, Age – Into Bondage – ‘ – not a lot to go on!
“All alone then?” the other guy typed in
“Seems that way” I typed
“How do you fancy some fun with a couple of guys then?” the first lad typed.
“Don’t know you” I typed.
“Go on – tell us your fantasy” The first guy quickly typed
“Well….” I typed and hesitated.
I thought for a moment and the Bud was getting the better of me.
“… I’ll tell you, but we are not doing it!” I hurriedly typed
“Go on then, let’s hear it” the second guy typed.
“I really fantasise about having two guys at once, whilst tied up”.. I typed…. hesitating before I hit ENTER.
What the hell I thought – they not my friends – probably never see them in VR World again.
“We could help you satisfy that” came the typed reply.
I just knew it – they wanted it and now they know what I want.
“I knew you would say that” I typed.
I glanced up from my Laptop as I heard laughter from behind me. I swivelled round to see the two guys from the Balcony sat at the next table behind me, starring at a Laptop.
“Your not in VR…” I began
“We are!” I was interrupted
OMG went through my mind! – I have just revealed my deepest fantasy to a couple of VR lads in Merlins, just for a laugh, and they are sat behind me in real life!!
I turned back to my laptop and shut the lid – not knowing where to look or what to do – I was so embarrassed.!
Fumbling with my laptop case/ mouse /wires – I desperately packed to make a quick exit.
“Hey, honey wassup? We are just being friendly, and you look so alone” came a voice not so distant.
I daren’t look round as I must have been glowing with embarrassment.
I heard the shuffle of feet and knew they were coming over.
“Let us buy you a drink, and we can have a chat about VR Land?” came a question from one of the lads as he swung in to view.
I considered my options as both the lads stood before me. I eyed them both up and down, carefully checking their mannerisms for any signs / thoughts they may be thinking.
The taller one was about 30, short well groomed mousey hair. He wore a 2 day stubble on a square chin – blue eyes and worn face. He wore a pleasant blue shirt and jeans that were clearly too tight as I could see the outline if his cock. His trainers were clean. I’d rank him 8/10 on my scale, for he was kinda cute.
The shorter guy was more muscular and broad shouldered – his short armed T shirt could barely contain his physique. Arms strong, well defined, jeans again too tight, thighs heavy and pronounced. Blonde haired and clean shaven he was better looking that the other guy. 10/10.
What had I to lose, I pondered, seem like nice lads – I am alone, bored, and have an empty afternoon and evening ahead. Perhaps I could hang with these guys for a while…
“Sure, guys” I said confidently “I’ll have a Jack Daniels and Coke” Well they’re buying, I thought!
I was coming down from my embarrassment trying to be confident and in control.. Inside, I was feeling a bit chuffed – couple of great looking lads want to spend some time with me – oooeeeerr.
“I’m Mark” the muscular lad opened up as the taller lad went to the Bar.
“Hi, I’m Brook” I replied eyeing him subtly from top to bottom.
Mark, sat on my left, as I shifted my bag and laptop to the floor.
“So, you do the VR World thing then” he started
I considered my response. They know I do it, they know how I look, they know my fantasy – not much to hide here.
“Yeah, I do a lot of travelling alone and have friends on the net – so I chat and catchup” I replied
We began some chit chat about VR World as the taller guy approached with 3 JD n Cokes.
“Here you go. I’m Pete. Get this down ya” he said as he plonked a glass in front of me, spreading the other to Mark and swigging himself.
“Thanks, Pete” I said warmly “I need this after the shock I’ve just had!” I exclaimed
Pete sat to my right, sipping his JD. I had Mark and Pete each side of me now – not close – just comfortable. I felt a bit proud having two really nice guys paying attention me – but then they know my deepest fantasy and have seen me in VR World. OMG, what is going threw their heads, I pondered.
“Look, no prob babe” said Pete “We thought you a great looking gal when you stepped from ya car” he continued.
“We just peered through the window to get a better look at you, that’s all. We just noticed you in VR World –as we are – and got ya name”
“We was just messing when we went into VR World and found you – and you told us your deepest fantasy!” he finished.
“And how did I look guys?” I quickly replied glancing between them.
“You are gorgeous” they both responded as if twins.
I felt more and more confident as we chatted VR, and the JDs kept flowing. These guys were honest, I thought, just like me – in VR for some fun and frollick. Just a couple of best friends who do online stuff.
I was getting to know them in conversation quite well, and felt very relaxed. These JDs were helping.
“Hey Lads” came a shout from the bar
“Lunch break over – time you got back to work upstairs” questioned the barman
“Sorry” said Pete “We have to go back to work, refurbishing upstairs – maybe catch ya later?” he said as they both got up.
“Maybe” I replied regretting my two admirers were leaving.
I watched them cross the bar and leave via the toilet door, eyeing them from top to toe. I felt a warmth over me recalling our encounter. Such nice lads – obviously up for it – they upstairs and me down here all alone again.
I was a bit tipsy by now, not d***k, but in that state where inhibitions are relaxed, where mind thinks of passion, hunky men, erect cocks…. Hmmmmm.
The barman brought me over another JD.
“I really don’t think I should have another one” I apologetically uttered.
“They’re on the Guys upstairs” he said “Just nod and I’ll get you a refill” he explained.
Such nice lads. Gone back to work and left a tab at the bar to keep me happy.
Hmmm, I thought, this needs repaying.
All alone, I sat sipping yet another JD, pondering my options.
Do I leave and check in to the Motel next door? – boring night ahead.
Do I stay here and Laptop the afternoon away, until the lads got off work?
Do I do something else?
Still undecided I got up, swigged my JD straight down, gathered my stuff and began to leave.
“Just checking in next door” I said to the barman “Set me a JD up, I’ll be back in a mo” I said as I left the bar.
I checked into the Motel, got my room and crashed my gear. Thought I’d freshen up, take a shower, and put something sexier on… I decided I was going to go back to the bar and meet the lads..
The shower was hot and vibrant – lathing myself, my mind drifted to the young lads – did they want me – do they fancy me – I sure want them. My hands dropped to my pussy as I imagined them naked. My fingers caressing my folds and flicking my clit as I imagine those cocks erect in those tight jeans. My mind wanders to those two cocks erect, smooth, straight, hard, all needing a good suck.
I quicken my pace on my clit, as lather and water flows over me, imagining those cocks deep inside me – one in mouth and one in pussy, thrusting in rhythm, me impaled front and back on delicious cock…..
I cum….. God those guys are sexy!
I dress – choosing a mini skirt, white blouse and full thrusting bra. I make up as usual, and check my hair.
I just want to look young and sexy for my return to the bar – for the lads!
I grab a small handbag, loaded with the usuals, and leave my room for the bar.
“Hello again , luv” the barman started “ Ya JD is right here for you” he offered
“Thanks” I said as I sat on a stool bar.
“On the lads upstairs” the barman winked as he eyed me up and down.
I glanced at my watch as I took a sip of the JD. 3pm – those lads would not me off work for 2 hours, I thought. I can’t just sit here and get d***k!
I could hear the lads working above, nailing, shifting, doing what builders do. I just imagined them stripped to the waist in this heat, muscles rippling, sweat pouring – so hunky and sexy!
A few more JDs later and I was very relaxed! I had to repay those lads and I had to do it NOW!
I finished my JD and proceeded to the toilet. Through the door was Men’s Left, Ladies Right, and stairs in front to upstairs. I entered the Ladies and took a pee, a long pee. Wiping myself I checked my pussy. I knew full well what I was going to do and wanted to make sure all was ship-shape down there.
I check my full persona in the mirror of the toilet before leaving. God I was up for it, and by god those lads are gonna get paid off, I thought as I left the toilet.
I ascended the stairs ever so quietly, aware of all the noise upstairs. As I reached the top, Mark was bent over a saw cutting timber, Pete was off to the left heaving plasterboard into position. They did not see me as I approached Mark from behind.
He just stopped his saw as I reached between his legs and grabbed is essentials.
He flinched as he said “We guessed you’d come up and see us”
Pete, turned to observe me bent over hand on Marks crotch… “So, fancy a bit then?” he said as he dropped his plasterboard and approached us.
“Well….” I started as the pair of them stood over me.
“Your fantasy is our desire” came an interruption from Pete.
“Be silent and still, and we will take you wherever you want to go” Pete whispered.
I closed my eyes and shuddered. All manner of sexual intimacies flashed through my mind. I was about to surrender and be taken. OMG.. do I really want this?!!
“OK, but please be gentle..” I whimpered
My eyes were closed as I felt a cloth blind-fold tied around them. I opened my eyes, but dark. I felt hands over my body, as I stood, hands stroking my arms, my ankles, legs, thighs… I was quivering with such gentle strokes.
Transfixed to the spot, hands by sides, I enjoyed them exploring me. Not a murmur came from them, just soft strokes across me, never knowing where the next hand would touch was so exciting.
From the front I felt fingers un-buttoning my blouse all the way down, whilst hands explored up my outer thighs seeking my knicker line, up deep inside my skirt. The front hands eased my blouse apart gently brushing past my breasts, outwards and upwards flipping my blouse over my shoulders, as the back hands found my knicker line and began to gently curl them down by rolling his fingers right around me from front to back ever lower taking them with him.
This was hot! I could feel myself dampening, and just want to reach out and grab something – anything, but they were so gentle, so soft and subtle with every move – I just stood and enjoyed – getting ever hotter and damper.
My blouse was being persuaded down my arms by stroking hands either side, my knickers were on the floor and as I raised each foot to release my knickers, a stilletoe was gently removed with a caress of my foot.
I felt my blouse drop to the floor as the front hands caressed upwards to my shoulders reaching my bra strap, tenderly flicking each side over my arm.
This was it – until now they had not seen my nakedness, but this was about to change – I felt a shudder threw me, my pussy was about to explode, but I must let them continue, I thought, just too damn good!
I felt the rear hands begin to rise upwards inside my legs, I knew what was coming and innocently shuffled my feet apart just enough to allow the upward path to seek its goal. Hands at the front slipped round my back and swiftly flicked my bra clip causing my breast to bust out, dropping the bra to the floor.
I was trying to work out who was in front and who was at the back, but didn’t care as they both were experts with their hands. It was as if they were co-ordinating as hands came up to my pussy, hands came round to my breasts.
Together they hit their mark at the same time. My breasts were cupped, fingers squeezed my nipples, as hands launched into my pussy lips exploring the folds, seeking my clit.
I nearly collapsed with pleasure, but held my stance, as ripples of sheer delight came over me. From front and back my erogenous zones were being plied by fours hands! – OMG… I was damper than I have ever been and gagging for cock.
I cannot describe the feeling of so many hands in all the right places, and I still had my skirt on. My breast were being handled, nipples nibbled, by crack from clit to ass was being rummaged, fingers probing my inner depths with each rubbing pass in both my pussy and ass…. So damp, wet, dripping… heaven.
The hands suddenly stopped. I was aware of movement in the room, but held fast – what was next, I excitedly tried to figure out….
I felt a hand on each wrist and was lead forward a few paces. I felt rope being tied to each wrist….. My arms were raised up high, wrists together now being tied to something above me. OMG – I was being suspended from a beam I thought…. Never done this before – Hmmmmm… not too bad, I thought.
Suspended, my breast must have looked tremendous, all upright and pert – begging to be sucked and caressed……but no….. what’s going on?
My skirt was unzipped and dispatched in a second. I felt hands on my ankles and more rope tying. My legs were being eased apart – wider, wider until my arms were almost taking my full weight tied to the top beam.
I am comfortable – but felt a touch vulnerable, naked, suspended from a beam, legs wide apart – waiting……
I heard a chair rustle across the floor to my front…. One of the lads stepped up on it….I felt hands gentle caress my hair from the front, I smelt cock – hard cock… I felt it brush across my lips… I open my mouth and passed my tongue out to catch it as it next passed…. Hmmmm…. The cock stopped at my tongue, as I licked it’s helmet…. Finding it’s eye, probing, lapping… Two hands entwined in my hair now guided my mouth onto this gorgeous cock – I enclosed my lips as it descended further and deeper into me. I just knew this was big as it began to get close to the back of my throat. I couldn’t see how much more there was, but guessed there was more to come. I pushed my tongue forward to open my throat as even more came in. I relaxed my throat as a dare not gag at this point, and his cock just kept coming, gliding deeper down, ever so gently. I felt my lips hit the base at must be 10 inches – wow, I can’t wait for this to explode its cum I thought.
Suddenly, I felt a hand on each thigh, from the front, lifting me up. My feet were off the floor and tried to pull my legs together, but couldn’t. It was then I realise that a bar of some sort was tied between my ankles, keeping my legs wide apart as possible. I now knew that Mark was lifting me with those strong arms and I had Pete’s cock buried in my mouth.
Mark eased me down ever so tenderly onto his mouth. My pussy met his tongue with a zing, and quiver through me, as he held me suspended pussy deep on his face. He moved me about forward and backward probing my pussy lips, clit, pussy, ass with his long tongue.
Pete mimicked his moving of my body, guiding his cock in and out of my mouth as Mark moved me forward and backward…. This was ultimate pleasure and I came there and then! With a tensing of my pussy around Mark and a gripping of Pete’s cock, I let out a shrill of pleasure….. They quicken their pace as I was ‘right there’ urging me to cum again… just too good, just too fantastic… I came again.
Mark Swivelled round below me and began to probe my ass with his tongue, rimming , diving, stretching my buttocks wide as possible. I responded, losenning my ass, letting him in, enjoying his tongue….
Pete, withdrew and I heard him step down. Then he was upon my clit, ravenously sucking deep, lapping, getting rhythm to make me cum… They just would not stop.. I cried with pleasure as Pete gripped my clit, flicking it madly, as Mark probed my ass and both of them had fingers deep inside my pussy fighting over my G-Spot!! I was gone!
They let up, and laid my feet back on the floor. Still blindfolded – I heard them move stuff around the room. They untied my arms and Legs and walked me across the room. They picked me up and laid me on some work bench or something, on my front. My legs were spread but could not touch the floor. I could only guess what was next to come…
I could not tell how it was but my inner thighs were gripped and pulled wide apart. I was comfortable laid on my front on the bench, which must have only been 2 feet wide so my arms and legs were over the edge, free and loose. My head dangling over the front.
Uhhhghhhh… I felt a hard cock slip deep into my sodden pussy, all the way to the hilt…. WOW that was deep I trembled… In and Out rhythmic and gentle…. So nice… but where was the other cock??… I was soon to find out as my head was lifted, my mouth fell open and a different cock began it’s exploration of my throat.
I was sucking Mark now and Pete’s was screwing me good. Again they were in unison – as Mark went deep into my throat, Pete withdrew. As Pete thrust into me, Mark withdrew from my mouth. I felt impaled on two cocks deep in each end, there for pleasure for me and them…. I just loved it…. For a while I just relaxed and loved them rhythmically thrusting me….. So nice and comfortable, gentle and desperately sexy…
They then changed tack and thrust me together. As Pete went to the hilt in my pussy, Mark encouraged me to swallow him deep as ever… I cannot begin to describe the sheer orgasmic height I got as both these wonderful lads thrust deep into me from both ends…. Came I did, a few times….
Mark withdrew from my mouth and I heard him mount the bench. Pete was still thrusting me so nicely. I felt Marks strong arms lift me by my waist, just up a little, whilst Pete spread my buttocks.
Mark was stood above me, his cock poised over my asshole, Pete holding my ass ready, still thrusting me….
Mark descended into my ass. His cock gently gliding in a bit, then out, then in a bit more – gentle as hell. Pete began to get in rhythm with Mark as they both delved into my holes.
Soon, they were both all the way in and together, pumping my ass and pussy… carefully, but by GOD… It was good….
My Fantasy was happening for real, and I never thought in a million years it would happen, and not by such tender, expert lovers…. The mere thought made my reach even further heights of pleasure, arching my back, thrusting my ass towards those cocks, urging them ever deeper and faster…
Pete reached round and grabbed my pussy lips, stretching them wide, two fingers engrossed on my clit, dancing across it…. My entire pussy, ass, clit was being ridden and taking me beyond wherever!! If I had a third cock in my mouth then….. well…. Next fantasy…. I suppose…
I Felt their cocks expanding as they started to get close to cumming….
“I want your cum, please… let me suck you dry” I screamed….
Mark, withdrew from my ass, and shuffled of the workbench. He came to my front and lifted my arms up and around my back. Pete took hold and pulled me back and upwards onto his forever thrusting cock.
My head was up and mouth open as Mark plunged his cock in. I closed my lips around his beautiful cock and let him screw my mouth. Pete had my hands so I couldn’t wank Mark or play with his Balls…. But that was the idea..
Mark, caressed my hair as he pumped my mouth, faster and deeper I felt him getting bigger.. He was about to cum. I wanted him down my throat and opened up as he let out an orgasmic moan burying himself to the hilt and exploding cum.. I swallowed as fast as I could as each spasm brought more lovely cum. I wanted it all as he deserved it and I would get it… Mark withdrew a touch so I could really suck him dry, swallowing each and every drop. I knew he would just love it, as all guys do, and he’d done such a good job on me… how could I not return the lust.
Pete withdrew from my truly satisfied pussy and taking my hands stood my gently off the bench. Walking me forward he took off the blind fold.
“Nice?” he enquired “The Best” I replied.
I could now see my lovely lads fully naked in front of me. Mark was getting limp, but his muscles, torso and physique were amazing… I thought back for a moment remembering him holding me up burying my pussy on his face. Pete was hard as a rock, again lovely body, I really want him to cum, I thought.
“I would love you to finish me off” said Pete. “Squat down in front of me” he asked.
I didn’t need an explanation as I squatted in front of him and guided his cock into my mouth, sucking hard. I so wanted his cum, I was aching.
“I don’t want you to swallow” he said “As I cum, ease it out over your chin and over those fabulous breasts” he said.
I so wanted to drink him dry, but I also want to give him what he really likes, and so it will be.
“I want you to rub your clit and tweak you nipples” he said.
My hands dropped from guiding his cock and I started to rub my clit. I knew I would cum again as his load hit me – always does if I can masturbate at the same time…. I cupped and squeezed my breasts and nipples, looking up at him as he slid in and out of my mouth.
Mark was behind me and I felt a real thrill as his fingers probed my pussy and asshole. In and out as Pete slid in and out of my mouth.
All my holes were getting stuffed and my clit excited – I know I am gonna cum again.
Pete cuddled my hair holding my head rigid as he pumped in and out of my mouth, not deep at all, just enough as he liked…. He was getting close as I felt him expand.. I quickened my pace on my clit and Mark thrust faster in my pussy and ass….
Pete came as I did, his cum hit my tongue and he withdrew slightly. I pushed his cum out over my chin. He thrust in again, more cum flashed against my tongue, more to push out, now all down my chin and the first drips hit my breasts.
As he thrust in again a third, even bigger load hit me. Pushing it out, my chin was awash with cum, flowing onto my breasts, being rubbed in…
I quivered as I came again at the third load, then again as more cum flowed… It seemed to never stop, Pete had so much cum to give, I was just loving it. He spasm subsided and I pushed all the cum I could from my mouth, my breasts were gleaming with fresh cum all rubbed in.
I took his cock again in my mouth. I wanted him dry and clean, and I was going to sneakily swallow the rest. Taking him deep this time I squeezed his balls and cock to milk every last drop, tightly running my hand up his shaft to extract it all… Hmm, swallow I did, suck until limp I did, love it I definitely did!
Satisfied and spent we dressed.
“Best we get back to work” said Pete, Mark nodding in agreement.
“Fantasy Fulfilled?” asked Pete.
“Thank you so much lads” I honestly said, as I started to the stairs.
“Your Pleasure is Our Desire” came from one of them …. I’ve heard that somewhere in VR World, I thought as I made my exit.
I crashed onto my bed in the motel, tired, satisfied, a million things to dream about…. And..
Another Fantasy to Create!
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I am almost losing my courage sitting in the waiting room at the reception of a well known publicly listed Australian company. I am wearing business attire, short black skirt with slits, white lace blouse, makeup with summer colours, black hose, heels and Amani perfume. To the outsider I might be mistaken for a job candidate as I had my resume folder with me, just in case. My appointment was at 10.00 and I had been waiting for over ½ an hour. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea being here. I...
Group SexFantasy Inc : The Full story . By Carl East Striding down the city sidewalks, Colin kept an eye out looking for the conference hall where he was scheduled to be. His eyes took everything in and he silently acknowledged that the city was where he came alive. He loved the way cars and buses played dodge with each other and the occasional fool-hardy pedestrian. Seeing his reflection as he passed the shop window he stopped to assess his appearance. This gathering was very important and he wanted to...
Erotic FictionFantasy Girl: A November Halloween Story By: PYT Since puberty, Jessica had dreamed of developing the kind of curves that would get her noticed by the boys at school. Unfortunately, her body had other plans. Jessica wasn't ugly, but she thought she was and that counted for a lot. It didn't help that she was flat as a board. There were freshman boys at school that had more up top than her, especially the fat ones. That's why she had drawn the large female symbol on the floor as...
Our business is called "Fantasy Camp". It was basically a cross between "Make a Wish" and the old TV Show "Fantasy Island". People would come in and we would video tape them explaining their fantasies, give them a price that included a handsome profit and, once it was agreed upon, we would give them not only their fantasy, but a professionally edited video (or series of if necessary) of them living their fantasy with their voice over or picture in picture describing their fantasy as they are...
Fantasy Cruise By Leslie Leigh I was totally burned-out. The feature project which I had been working on for the last six months was drawing to an end. Production was wrapping and the crew was saying its good byes. The production company was excited about the product, a futuristic action adventure film, shot in Atlanta, with two of the hottest box office stars in the world. Figuring that it would easily net in excess of $80 million in theatrical release alone, and grateful that we...
Fantasy Web Site ? 2009 by J8 Clip Codes: M+/f, B/D, nudity, whipping, suspension, slavery Dramatis Personae James Faribault, accountant Carol, secretary by day, slavegirl Doug Sterling, owner, operator of a web site Stephanie, slavegirl Anne, slavegirl Melody, slavegirl and webmistress In which James Finds a Closed Door Early afternoon, I looked out my office window. The city below was white from the 20 centimeters (about 8 inches) of snow which had already fallen. It was heavy, wet snow and...
FANTASY FOOTBALL By Ted, [email protected] A rich friend pays me to humiliate myself under his feet, with unexpected consequences. Chapter 1 ? Fantasy Football My name is Ted and I run a fantasy football league with some friends of mine back in my college days and a few new people we added for a 20-team league. We meet every year for our face-to-face draft. There is no money involved, just a bunch of guys having fun. We are all very competitive and research the players, smack talk, and all...
Sue and Pete were sitting opposite me. I was feeling distinctly uncomfortable. I have known Pete since we were best friends at university. Pete and Sue got together in the second year and married soon after leaving university. Then they moved to the other end of the country, so we see little of them these days. For the first time we were all on holiday together. My discomfort was due to the fact that Sue was wearing a very light and revealing minidress. I liked Sue very much. As Sue was Pete’s...
Group SexYou are about to embark on an adventure to fulfill your wildest fantasies on Fantasy Island however there are rules that must be followed of course. The first being there are five levels to each guest starting from the lowest where all of your fantasies must be approved by the other. Failure to follow such rules and attempting to force yourself upon another would result in your immediate removal from the island. This is known as the Base Line where often our clients brings their significant...
This story comes from a dear friend’s EX-fiance. He was asked to comply with his ex’s wishes and post his story for all to read. Here is what he had to say:My name is Sean. I am twenty-three year old white dude with a shameful story to tell. My tale begins a couple of months ago as my fiancee, Sarah, and I were preparing our wedding plans. Sarah is five years younger than me and, as a result, pretty naïve. She is the sexiest girl I have ever met, but she has only been with myself and one other...
This story comes from a dear friend’s EX-fiance. He was asked to comply with his ex’s wishes and post his story for all to read. Here is what he had to say: My name is Sean. I am twenty-three year old white dude with a shameful story to tell. My tale begins a couple of months ago as my fiancee, Sarah, and I were preparing our wedding plans. Sarah is five years younger than me and, as a result, pretty naïve. She is the sexiest girl I have ever met, but she has only been with myself and one other g...
Group SexI quickly went over and grabbed Bronwyn and lifted her easily into my arms. I carried her back to a sofa we'd passed coming to this area. I sat down, still cradling Bronwyn in my arms. She seemed lost in some other place. She was murmuring about how incredibly wonderful her orgasm had felt, that she'd never experienced anything so fantastic before... how this was so close to her ultimate fantasy! Hey, we hit the jackpot! This was it! Now, knowing what her fantasy was, I could bring it into...
CHAPTER ONECINDYI was planning a trip to England and I began researching for some unusual things I might do there I came across an ad in the in the travel section for the Fantasy Fulfillment Theater. It was two lines, “Travel adventure, make your fantasy come true.”I sent an email to the address provided and received a response in the form of a registered letter. There was a release, all matter of confidentiality stuff, an authorization for a performance bond guaranteeing my personal...
The week-long business trip Leslie had just begun was a welcome distraction. She couldn’t believe she was finalizing the end to her second marriage. “How could this have happened again?” she kept asking herself. But, at least for the next few days, she had a change of scenery and the chance to catch up with an old friend. Leslie got to visit San Diego twice per year as a Regional Sales Director for a global rental car company. One of her very best friends from high school lived in...
Fantasy Down Under I had met this girl online in some chatroom and carried on a rather intense SM relationship for several months. I didnt really have any idea where it would lead but I'd thought I'd play along just cuz she sounded like so much fun. She was hittin all the right buttons and playing right into my own fantasy that I'd been harboring for years. Oh I'd met plenty of girls online even met a few in real life plus my own...
For those that are used to my usual style and have offered such lovely words in their feedback, you may not like what follows. It is somewhat different in style and a departure from what I usually do. But hey, I personally need to write this, I just have to get it off my chest, it is a sort of confession if you will. If you really don’t like it, just stop reading, click away and I will return to my normal style soon enough.I have been asked what made me start writing what are essentially short...
Have you ever been completely captured within your own fantasy? No matter how hard you try to get it to go away, you can't, you think about it constantly, it invades your every thought when you're awake and when you're asleep. I have had that problem, and no matter how hard I shook my head the dream wouldn't leave. I knew how to get it to go away, and that would have been to commit the acts that I thought of, but I never thought I would. I live a pretty normal life. I am a house wife,...
Laura lay there in bed very restless. It wasn't because of the evening she just had, that was incredible! As a special gift, her husband Adam, fulfilled a long-held sexual fantasy of hers. It was a phenomenal night, but what was causing her to toss and turn was her inability to do the same thing for her husband.It was bothering her that he claimed not to have any fantasies. She didn't believe that. She just couldn't get him to open up and she really wanted something special for him, something...
WatersportsIt had been a shit day to end a shit week. The corporate heads from the home office back east had been breathing down her neck all week and now they had decided that some people needed to be replaced. And Rachael had been tasked with letting them go. These were her friends and fellow co-workers, people she had known and gotten close to, and now she was going to have to be the one to tell them they are fired. On the way home from work she had stopped to have a drink or two at a bar she often...
MasturbationThe conversation was not that unusual; we talked about sex all the time. It was where we were having the discussion that made it atypical: at dinner, before a warm, crackling fire, at an old colonial Inn, surrounded by a dozen other diners. It was our six month anniversary. We celebrated with an evening out and a quiet dinner; me in a suit and tie, Sandra in a little black, cum-fuck-me dress, which she insisted on wearing despite the frigid winter weather. Her long, strawberry blonde hair...
HardcoreI was reading my email when I got an email that really got my interest. It read as follows: "Dear Masterhypnotist, I have really enjoyed your stories. I have a problem that I would like your help with. I have always had a fantasy of being raped and murdered. I have had many orgasms masturbating to that fantasy. Lately I have found the fantasy is not enough. Could you hypnotize me and have me live through my fantasy. I want to feel like I was raped, strangled and died. I also want to be...
The house was packed and teens were all over the place. End of the school year party. Drinking, dancing to music, sex and candy. Rubin the guy who set everything up and organized the whole invitation list. Though it became useless because people he never seen before just started showing up and over whelmed the place, he stopped asking for the invitations. Around 9, the kegs were finished, some started to leave and other were just getting started. Some smashed, others fucking like jackrabbits...
When the verges of war skimmed the world. Where every single country were at odds on any given ally or enemy. Money begins to mean less and less, but the people of any given country know any real information. Mistakes were made. A long ran institution with the funds of a multibillion dollar corporation know as M.L.I, Mass, Logistics, Intelligence, Inc. Many ex agents of the ‘institution’ have called them, Monster Lab Incorporated. The rumor that many underground organizations have called it...
After two dates, the second date being forty hours of multiple sex sessions for Marina. Marina has never experienced a man capable of performing multiple sex sessions. She has spent the last twenty four hours recovering. Spending time with me has awakened her sexual need that her ex-husband never awakened. She had never experienced a massive cock capable of bringing her to multiple orgasms, she had never been mounted like a bitch in heat, she had never experienced rough sex, and she had never...
I asked where? She said “just follow me”. I put on my shorts and followed her. She was heading towards the mountain top. I enquired about my cousin. She said that she has left him with her brother who stays at the bottom of the mountain. It was around 6 AM and it was very cloudy. Climate was too cold. My aunt was wearing a nightie. We reached the top of the mountain and found a rock. My aunt asked me to take rest. I asked “Why are we here”. She asked to wait and without any notice,...
Each of them knew the other one was married. Nothing was to come of their tryst online. She had told him she needed inspiration to write another story and he had given her what she needed and then some. If she brought her fingers to her nose she would still smell her own scent. She could still picture the look on his face when he pleasured himself to the words she was typing. After almost five years of chatting online, she had only been able to masturbate and cum with him. She sometimes...
I was seated at the restaurant table overlooking the beach when Deena walked over. “Tony, hi, I'm Deena, it’s good to finally meet you in person.” We met on a dating website and had talked on the phone a few times. She was about five-foot-five-inches tall with black hair and big gorgeous brown eyes. I couldn’t help but notice her breasts that clung to her black form-fitting dress that also showed off her firm body.It was the first date for the two of us since our divorces. She told me about...
First TimeStephanie was done crying. As a matter of fact, she’d progressed well into the pissed-off, what was I thinking stage. There was little better example of that than hanging out with one of her best friends, whom she hadn’t spent any significant time with in more than two years. Steph finished her story and absently pushed a few errant strands of long red hair back over her ear.Jill shook her head and said, “Seriously? After he preached at you for V-neck tops, and jeans that were too tight,...
MoneyYou will be taking on the role of creatures of Myth and Fantasy. From Minotaur's to Lamias and anything in between. Whilst there are no RPG elements to this story you will be able to choose between giving in to your more animalistic side(This path will tend more towards Forced/Non-con scenes) or using whatever intelligence you have (Still mostly reluctance/Forced but not nearly as hardcore). The end goal of all the creatures is to feed and breed and as such the end point of each story will be...
FantasyThe odyssey that my sexual energies have zeroed in on has taken quite a few years to assemble me into the person I am today.That said, it's the journey of getting there that counts on making us who and what we are and it's been quite a ride. A "bad" boyfriend, a voyeur boyfriend, a power hungry dominant woman and my own desires. Well, maybe I should even back up before that to add in a three year failed marriage.The marriage was from the small town where I grew up. As I matured as a high school...
Hello everyone! Scockslut7 here with another sex story for you all! I hope you all enjoyed the last one. This story is about how I discovered how much I love playing with and drinking piss from a man’s cock! I understand that urophilia or piss play is a “taboo” kink but it is not very uncommon. So, this story is also a real-life story. This story is in continuation of my last story – . If you haven’t already read it, please check it out before reading any further (it is totally up to you). All...
Gay MaleI'm Daphne, or Daffy. I'm a slut and I'm a writer. I also half believe that I behave like a sex-demon (succubus). Read my previous stories (rate/comment please!) to know the journey I'm on. ----------------------------------------------I'm currently the live-in sex toy of a black master, Sir Kullen. Prior to this I lived at home with my parents. In the weeks since I left home to become a slave to black cock I've contacted my parents to let them know I am completely fine and happy. They're...
This happened on a after wedding party of my uncle.It was night and all our family members gathered in our hall.Ours is a duplex house with more than 10 rooms.So me and my sister were jus busy with friends and relatives.Untill that day and that moment i never had such feelings on her or neither she. So at that night all my family members n ralatives were like busy and some leaving the house and some going to sleep.The party almost ended and evryone were tired and some group was discussing and...
IncestEllie scarcely had time to reflect, but it came to her in a flicker as she perched on the edge of the bed.Twenty-four hours ago, he had been an augmented figment of her imagination. A username on a screen. An accent in her ear from hundreds of miles away.They had tentatively flirted their way through dinner, downstairs in the kitchen. The sexual tension between them had been sparking.Already dripping wet as he had led her up to the bedroom, she could feel his wife’s presence around her.The...
CheatingCome With Me, My love. Standing alone, his powerful chest and arms are bare, garbed with white tribal harem bottoms in an immense multi-colored flowered meadow. The warm sun gleams through the callosal mountains that surround him in the distance, shimmering on the flowing river. A breeze gently rustles the grass as a cacophony of whispers fills the atmosphere of the meadow. Among the many voices he hears Destinee's voice majestically call to him, "David my love, my King come with me."...
Stephanie was done crying. As a matter of fact, she’d progressed well into the pissed-off, what was I thinking stage. There was little better example of that than hanging out with one of her best friends, whom she hadn’t spent any significant time with in more than two years. Steph finished her story and absently pushed a few errant strands of long red hair back over her ear. Jill shook her head and said, “Seriously? After he preached at you for V-neck tops, and jeans that were too tight, and...
Paul stood at the railing as the USS George Washington pulled into port. He'd been at sea for nearly a year now. A throng of people had gathered on the docks, he could almost feel their excitement from here. And though he was happy to finally be home again, he was coming home with more than a little intrepidation and concern. Paul had received a letter from his mother a month earlier. His Aunt Sybil whom he dearly loved had for whatever reason left her husband, his Uncle Jack. Paul knew they...
Five years went by before I began to feel the need to move on. Because of our extreme longevity, vampires don't share the same regard for time as ordinary people do. I thought of collecting my parchment but that was out. The university faculty would have collapsed with collective cardiac arrest if I turned up at the registrar's office after disappearing for so long. Worse yet, surfacing after an absence of five years would trigger an investigation into the circumstances of my disappearance...
When I got up, Duke and I went to the kitchen and found Mom and Dad making breakfast. Things had seemed to settle down some in the past couple of weeks, and this weekend was planned so they could have some alone-time without me under their feet. I had no idea what that meant; and, to be honest, I didn’t want to know. “I visited Tim in the hospital, yesterday. His surgery found more damage than they’d hoped. He won’t be able to play until next season,” Mom said. I’d seen the hit, and it had...
Steve had watched Niki take Jackson’s cum into her mouth, and being only a little embarrassed, but unable to look away from the way Niki was sucking on Jackson, he was almost unable to watch Amber and Chuck. It was too much. But as for Niki, he had gotten used to her over the last hour or two. She was known. She was safe. She had sat on his lap. Robbie was bummed, the game had slowed down and he knew he had a good turn coming up, but with Chuck pausing to spank and screw Amber, it had not...
I probably shouldn't have replied to the Craigslist ad. It was a little sketchy and vague to begin with, offering "discreet services to fulfill sexual fantasies." Their email response directed me to a website. My first job was in programming, and I was impressed with the interface on their site. Each question they asked led to a group of more specific yes/no or multiple choice questions. By the end of it, they knew very specific details about the **** fantasy I was arranging for my wife.I was...
Originally written by 4Play and modified Tonight was one of our regularly scheduled Fantasy Weekends and, as usual on these occasions, I was both excited and nervous. We had originally set up these “special” nights to fulfill my desires for some of the wilder aspects of sex. Ever since she had brought other people into our private game, she had increasingly grown more perverse in her scenarios. I thought dressing me as Slut had been a onetime thing; now it was required every Fantasy Weekend....
Author’s Note: This was an idea for a sci-fi/robot/sex doll story I’ve wanted to get down for some time. You might be able to guess where my inspiration came from! I might keep writing chapters if people enjoy this one, so please let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________________________________________________________________We had barely stopped arguing from the moment we’d arrived at the transfer station. I’d packed too many bags to carry; we...
With all the pieces now in place, it was just down to execution. If this went right, I could fulfill the sexual fantasies of two people in a single stroke. Maybe three, I wasn’t sure yet. But if it went wrong, I could ruin lives. The stakes were high, but the risks were low; I was confident of my players in this production, they just needed to play their part. (Spoiler: they did.) Saturday night was the night. It was usually pretty quiet on Saturday; all of the day-boarders go home for the...
Group SexFantasy or Reality? Some guys who are married to “hot” women always have a nagging feeling in their gut that she will have so many opportunities to stray that it may eventually happen. I was one of those guys. While not chopped liver myself I have always felt that my wife Jill is significantly better looking than I am; in fact I have had this observation more than subtly pointed out to me by a dozen or so tactless and/or drunk guys during the two years that we were dating and our six years of...
Wife LoversTime seemed to be going slowly. The anticipation made it that way. I have never been more excited to go to class in my life. I had woken up early because I could just not sleep. Even though I was waking up next to a thoroughly fucked Clara, I just could not get Jenna out of my head. I thought back to yesterday and the sheer determination I had to fuck someone in real life and not just in my fantasy world. The thought of Jenna had left me horny since I met her. My fantasy world powers took care...
Fantasy Panty I’m a fourteen-year-old girl. My father caught me masturbating and watching one of his triple-X porno movies. My blue jeans and my panties were down around my ankles, my knees were spread wide open, and my hand was just a blur as I watched a big breasted girl getting fucked by her own father on the television screen. It didn’t matter if the girl was really eighteen years old and that the guy was just some actor, all I could think of was that that was my father and I up...
FANTASY SUGAR DADDY TO REALITY SUGAR DADDY part one BY LaTanya S Chapter one My name is Robert or should I say was Robert and I'll start from the beginning. It all began when I was about eleven years old. I don't know what possessed me but I sat in the locked bathroom playing around with and trying on my mother's under garments. And in that bathroom I had my first orgasm. I guess looking back; I was for -ever hooked on cross dressing. Over the years I...
A small brown man in an expensive but ill-fitting suit sat behind the desk, smiling benevolently at the client in from of him. "Your complaints are not dissimilar to many I've heard, Mr. Frusten. Your wife has borne you the two point zero zero zero children she felt was her duty and has now turned her attention to other matters. 'Getting on with her life' many call it. Sex just isn't important in that plan, or outright dangerous in case another two or three point zero zero zero babies come...
Fantasy Fest 2009 With Friends October 23 to November 1 was this year’s Fantasy Fest 2009 in Key West, Florida. This year’s theme was “Villains, Vixens, and Vampires.” My wife and I had been talking about going to Fantasy Fest for a couple of years and we talked another couple into going with us. At two hundred dollars a night for a room we decided to split it two ways. We also decided to take two weeks vacation and do it up right. Flights, motel, and meals would cost considerably...