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Introduction: Sometimes its hard to go home. This story is my entry to the Calling All Writers contest. For reasons of my own, I am not allowing comments to be made here. I will establish a thread in the Sex Stories Forum, for those registered users who wish to make a public comment. You can also feel free to pm with your comments and critiques. Thank you for your consideration. I hope you will enjoy – Beccah.

The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window.

It was just as he had said seven years earlier, Ill leave a light on while youre gone, so you can find your way back home. When you find yourself, come back to me.

It had taken a lot for him to say those words, after a long night of arguing, pleading, tears, screaming, and love-making. You cant mean this! What do you mean youre not happy? Were supposed to be getting married!

What do you want from me? Do you want me to look you in the eyes and lie to you? Do you want me to tell you everything will be all right? She cupped his sweet face in her hands and pleaded with him, I cant do this. Do you understand? Im dying here. I dont recognize the woman in the mirror anymore. I need to go and look for whatever it is Im missing. I need to see the world for myself.

She stared into his bright blue eyes, now shining with unshed tears. God, Richie, I love you, but if I stay here Ill end up hating you, hating us, and hating our life together. She gently kissed him and said, I love you too much to let that happen. You need to let me go, baby. Please&hellip,.

Richie held her tightly, as she continued to kiss him, desperately returning her kisses, thinking his love could change her mind. He trailed kisses down her throat, along her collar bone and then up the side of her neck to her ear. He felt her hands tighten as she dropped them to his shoulders. He knew exactly where to kiss her and where to touch her. He should after all these years.

She trembled at his touch and felt her body responding to his. Damn him, for knowing her so well. Her nipples hardened and strained against the thin tank top she was wearing. The tingling between her legs was maddening and she pushed herself into him, feeling him grow hard against her body. Richies desperation was contagious as she pulled at his shirt, trying to get it off of him.

It was hot and it was urgent. The lovers stripped each other of their nightclothes and fell onto the bed. Richie could never get enough of her. She was like a drug to him. He pushed her flat on her back and took control. He caught a whiff of her excitement, mixed with the scent of baby powder and field flowers. She had a golden tan and there were white triangles surrounding her areolas, evidence of the black bikini that was her weekend uniform.

He devoured her breasts, switching from one to the other. He kissed, nipped and suckled, hungrily. Her hands were holding his blond head tightly, not wanting him to move, but he did. He moved downwards.

Richie moved down her taut belly, heading for her baby-soft, hairless valley. He moved her legs apart and opened her flower. She was pink and wet with arousal, and her hard pearl called to him. When his mouth captured the throbbing nub, her back arched and a low moan escaped her. He sucked on her clit and then ran his tongue all around. He loved her taste and his cock became even harder, in anticipation of entering her hot hole. He wasnt going to wait.

He growled her name as he rose up and spread her legs wider. Without warning, he plunged into her, Beccah&hellip,.

He thrust into her as if trying to drive straight through her body. There was no evidence of tenderness. It was if he thought he could own her, and his power would convince her to stay. His heart needed her to belong to him, but in his mind he knew. He had seen it coming, he had seen the look in her eyes, but never wanted to admit it. That thought drove him to push harder.

She met his thrusts with her own. Her legs were tightly wrapped around him as he pounded her. Her fingernails dug into his back as her pleasure mounted. He held on to her shoulders and pushed in again and again, his balls tightening almost painfully, before releasing his hot seed. Beccahs nails cut into his skin, her cries mixing with his, just as her juices did. They lay, panting in each others arms, each afraid to let go because they knew this was the last time. He whispered and promised he would be there, waiting for her.

When Richie woke the next morning, Beccah was already gone. She had left him a note telling him she loved him, and promised to let him know how to reach her, when she got to where she was going. That never happened. Oh, he had heard she had gone back to college, but she never contacted him. Still, he left the light on, waiting for her to come home.

Beccah thought back to the morning she left. She sobbed all the way to the interstate. She wanted to turn around and go back to the security of their home and the safety of their life, but she just kept driving. It was a long while before she felt free. And it wasnt that she didnt want to contact him. She was afraid to hear his voice, and that he would beg her to come back home. After a while, it was just easier not to think about her past.

Now, standing out here in the dark, a part of her felt like she was still in that little house, on the outskirts of town. It was all she could do not to walk through his door, and tell him she was home. No, she was cold and wet, and she really wanted to look her best when she saw him. Her sweet man he waited for her, and she was finally home.

Beccah chose a pale pink sundress to wear to church. Her dark brown hair hung in soft waves, halfway down her back. She applied a little mascara to the already indecently long eyelashes that framed her brown eyes, and then slipped on a pair of white heels. She looked in the full-length mirror in the hotel room, and was pleased with the image before her. Gone was the girl who fled this small town so many years ago. In her place stood a confident woman who was back to claim her man.

It had been dumb luck that caused her to find the ad for the Director of Social Work position at the local hospital, here. When she left Richie, she had a two year degree, began accelerated courses at the University of Michigan, achieved her Bachelors, and then her Masters degree. The internship at University Hospital, and her volunteer work at two city clinics, earned her the reputation of being a hard worker, and a fighter for patients rights. Whether it was fighting for a patients right to their own information, their choice of treatment, or their right to choose how they wanted to end their days, she fought for them. She didnt buck the system, but worked with it, or worked to change it. She was tireless in striving for changes that benefited both patients and facilities. She had the respect of medical professionals, clergy and patients. She was a rare breed.

When Fulton County Hospital advertised for the directorship, Beccah couldnt believe her luck. She would be able to go home and show Richie how successful she had become, they could be married and have the life they had always wanted. The interview process had taken a couple of months, but finally she got the offer. As hard as it was to leave her clients and their families, it was time to get her life back.

She knew she was arriving at the church a little late. She slipped into the back pew and looked at the faces from her past. Everyone was older, but they were the same, sitting in their same places in church. The pastor was new, but that was about all that had changed. She strained to see if Richie was sitting in the same pew, and he was. She felt her heart leap in her chest. He was still blond, still gorgeous, but gone was the boy she loved, in his place was a man.

She tried to concentrate on the words being spoken and on the hymns being sung, but all she could do was imagine the reunion she would have with Richie. When the service was over, she quickly left the building and waited for him to come out.

Beccah stood under the sugar maple tree with its new spring green leaves, trying to be inconspicuous. A few of the members noticed her, but never approached her. They seemed to gather on the other side of the sidewalk, waiting and watching.

When Richie came out of the church, Beccah began to walk towards him, and then stopped in her tracks. Clinging to his arm was Jenny Griffith. She was looking at him with complete adoration, and he kept her close, as if to protect her. With their blond hair and blue eyes, they made a cute couple. Oh my God, thought Beccah, they were a couple.

She had just decided to turn and leave when she heard him call to her.

Beccah? Beccah Russell? Richie ran over to her, and threw his arms around her in a big, friendly hug. How are you? When did you get back? Geez, look at you!

Richie spun her around and then pulled her back into his arms. You look wonderful, Beccah, he said, breathlessly.

Beccah pulled back a little, but stayed in his arms. Oh Richie, Im home. Ive come back to&hellip,

Youre back for a visit? Wow, thats great, Richie said excitedly, letting her go and turning to Jenny. Hey Jen, come here. Look who came back?

Jenny looked uncomfortable as she approached the pair. Richies arm immediately went around Jennys shoulders, and pulled her close. Beccah, Im sure you remember Jenny. She was a couple years behind us in school.

It took Beccah a minute to find her voice, Hello Jenny, its been a long time.

All Jenny did was nod, because Richie kept talking. Damn, Beccah you look great, doesnt she Jen? How long are you here for? Whereve you been? Christ, I never heard from you after you left. Aw, what the hell. Water under the bridge, you know?

Beccah wanted to scream at him to shut up. She wanted to escape this scene and find a place to hide, but no, he kept talking.

Youre going to have to come out to the house for dinner some night, right Jen? Jenny makes the best brisket in the county. She spoils the hell out of me, and I love her for it.

Richie leaned down and kissed Jennys cheek, and then looked Beccah dead in the eye. His voice dropped and it had an edge to it, Did you know we were married? We are, and were happy. Ive got a woman who loves me and who I love more than life, someone who will never hurt me.

His eyes were no longer friendly. Well, maybe dinner would be a bad idea. I dont expect to see much of you. Come on, Jenny. Try to have a nice life, Beccah.

The couple turned and walked away. The eyes of the gathered crowd were on Beccah. She choked back her tears, put her chin up, turned and slowly walked away. She wanted to run, in the worst way, but she held on to what little dignity she had left. No one heard what he said, except Jenny, but Beccah knew it was only a matter of time before the entire town would be talking about the encounter.

It was noon, but Beccah didnt feel like eating. She knew the church crowd would be out and decided to wait until a little later to get something to eat. Back in her hotel, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She threw her purse at her reflection and fell on the bed, crying. This wasnt how it was supposed to turn out. Richie was supposed to welcome her back. He had kept the light burning for her. Exhausted by her tears, she fell into a deep sleep.

It was around two oclock when Beccah finally woke. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadnt eaten since the night before. She took off her crumpled dress and tossed it in the corner. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a white tank top and grabbed her khaki jacket. She walked down the main boulevard to the USA Diner.

You didnt wait to be seated here, you grabbed a menu off the rack and found yourself a table or booth. Beccah walked to the back of the room, found a spot in the last booth, and sat down with her back to the door. She smiled at the menu. It was exactly the same as it was when she was a little girl. She was looking over the Sunday specials, when she heard a deep voice that brought goose bumps to her skin.

Bex&hellip,so the rumors are true. Youre back.

Beccah knew who it was without turning around. He was the only one who had ever called her Bex, and he did it because it annoyed the hell out of her. Beccah turned her head and looked into the hazel eyes of Drew Morrison.

Richies brother had been four years ahead of them in school. Whenever Richie and Beccah were together, which was just about always, from the time they were ten years old, he found a reason to bother and tease them. Beccahs eyes widened as she took in the sight of the man looking down on her. He was easily over six feet tall, with coppery brown hair that was maybe a little too long. His face had nicely chiseled features and his muscled arms were tan. He had grown into a very handsome man with a body that was all shoulders and chest, no waist, no hips, no ass.

Dont call me Bex. My name is Beccah and I would appreciate it if youd call me that, she said with as much sophistication as she could muster.

Drew dropped into the booth, opposite her, and hit her with a lazy smile.

Dont get all high and mighty with me, Bex. I may be the only one in town thatll talk to you after what you did. Nice scene in front of the church, by the way.

What I did? Why, because I left and went back to school? Because I wanted more than to be married at the age of twenty? Fine, crucify me. If Im such a low-life, why dont you get the hell away from me? We wouldnt want the town talking, now would we? Jesus, Drew, I was engaged at eighteen! I wasnt ready! Beccahs voice started to sound shrill.

Calm down, Bex, its me. I dont blame you for going out and trying for more. I blame you for devastating my brother. Christ, you left him a real mess, for a few years. Thank God for Jenny, she made him believe in love again. She dotes on every word he says. You can be damn sure their baby is going to be spoiled all to hell.

Beccah gulped, Shes pregnant? Oh God, shes got my life. She has him, our home, and now shes going to have their baby. She turned her head in an effort to hide her tears.

Drew reached over and put his big hand over her slender one. He wasnt being mean, he was being factual. She has nothing that belongs to you, she has whats rightfully hers. She worked damn hard to bring him back and get him to care about someone else. You walked away Bex – hell, you ran away. And you were right to do that.

When he felt a tear drop onto his hand, he raised it to wipe her cheek dry. Come on, dont do this. Youre going to see that everything worked out the way it should.

Beccah raised her head and pushed her chin out in a determined fashion, inhaled sharply and asked, So, are the chili-cheese fries still the best in the county?

Their conversation started cautiously, as they ate their burgers and fries. Drew and Beccah had never been real friends. He was simply her boyfriends annoying older brother, and she had been the cute kid that grew into a beautiful woman, not that he would tell her that. Drew had gone to an agricultural college and owned a landscaping business. That explained his rugged, outdoorsy look.

The conversation moved to their families. Drew asked about her parents, who had retired to Clearwater, Florida, and Beccah asked him about his father. Donald Morrison still lived in his home, a widower for the past fifteen years. He was still young, and was known to be quite a ladies man at the Senior Center. Beccah smiled at the look of pride that swept over Drews face as he spoke of his father.

He listened and seemed truly interested in her life away from Richie. When she spoke of her work with patients rights and end-of-life education, he asked questions pertinent to his own life, someday anticipating his fathers passing.

Why did you choose to come to County Hospital, Bex? You probably could have gone anywhere. What did you expect to find? You didnt really think Richie would wait seven years, did you? Or did you come here to get him back, one way or another?

You make me sound horrid, like I had this master plan. Drew, he told me he would wait, and I came back to see if he did. I wanted him to be proud of what I made of my life. I still love him. Theres never been anyone but Richie. I wanted to come back to him, a strong, successful woman.

Drew frowned as she spoke. Okay, but hes married now, and hes going to be a father. Tell me you understand what that means and that youre going to leave him and Jen alone.

Beccahs eyes widened in disbelief and her voice cracked, You cant possibly believe that I would do anything to hurt him, do you? Jesus, what the hell do you think I am? I am not evil, Drew. I would never do that.

Beccah was visibly upset, and Drew knew he had crossed the line with his interrogation. He reached for her hand once more and apologized.

Im sorry if I upset you, but you have no idea what a mess you left him in. I guess Im being a little over-protective, but I spent a lot of nights trying to sober him up, or keep him out of fights at the bar. Bex, I never thought of you as evil. Im sorry.

Beccah looked into his eyes, and saw honesty and kindness there. She could tell he was proud of all she had been able to accomplish in very few years. A smile started, and Beccah finally began to feel like things may work out.

Beccah began her position at the hospital without any problems. She was replacing a very old-school director, who never accepted the changes society was demanding. Many of the staff was around her own age, some were older. All seemed to be interested in this home-town girl, who returned after being out in the big world.

She started looking for permanent housing, and decided that an apartment might best suit her needs. Beccah also found herself eating at the diner each evening, until she found a place of her own. Often she would run into Drew and they would sit together and discuss their days.

Beccah had settled into the last booth one Friday night, half looking forward to seeing Drew. When he came into the diner, he wasnt alone. By his side was a pretty young blonde, with bouncing curls and voluptuous curves that screamed Pageant Queen. When Drew caught Beccah looking his way, he almost seemed embarrassed. He gave her a quick nod, and steered his date to the other side of the diner. Beccah felt something, but couldnt put her finger on it. After all, why should what Drew did with his private life have any effect on her?

Beccah was walking down Main Street the next morning, when Drews pick-up truck pulled up next to her. He leaned over towards the passenger window and called to her.

Hey Bex, where ya goin? shooting her a toothy grin.

Im just taking a walk. Are you up early or just going home from your date?

Drew frowned at the brunette, but before he could reply she said, Im sorry, that was uncalled for. I had no business saying that, or inquiring about your personal life, at all.

Hell Bex, Im an open book. Cyndie is one of the teachers at the elementary school. We were sort of set up by Richie and Jen. Ever since he found wedded bliss, he thinks I need to find me a woman. Ive never had a problem finding a woman, but he thinks I need to settle down and start a family. Christ, sometimes he acts like my father, not my brother, Drew said, running his hand through his hair. So come on, get in.

Now it was Beccahs turn to frown. Get in? And go where?

Just get in, squirt. Ill take you some place special.

Drew opened the passenger door from inside the truck. Beccah tossed her purse onto the seat, and climbed up into the cab. Drew smiled appreciatively, as she crossed her long legs. Her khaki shorts rode well up her thighs, causing his mouth to go a little dry. Damn, he thought, her legs should be illegal.

Driving through the main intersection, Drew headed out of town, towards the woodland area. It was an early summer day, not too hot, with just the hint of a breeze. They talked and laughed during the drive, and before Beccah realized it, Drew was pulling off the road, parking in a grassy clearing.

Beccah was a little confused, as he exited the truck. Come on, Bex. And shove your purse under the seat, you wont need it.

Drew was pulling a case out of the back of the truck and slipping the strap onto his shoulder. He looked at her wedge-heeled sandals and wondered if he had made a mistake. Oh well, he thought, shes a tough one. Shell keep up.

Drew…, she began, but he silenced her.

Bex, youre going to have to keep your mouth shut, or you could scare them off. Now be a good girl, and grab that other bag and follow me.

More than anything, she wanted to defy his orders and storm away, but given their location, she thought she had better make the best of things. She followed him into the woods. Luckily, the ground was fairly clear and walking was not as hard as she thought it would be. They must have walked for a good twenty minutes, until Drew stopped at the edge of a cliff. He set his bag down on a boulder and opened it. Inside, there was a beautiful camera and several lenses.

You take pictures? Beccah asked, keeping her voice down.

Yeah, he said quietly. I started when I was studying horticulture. I found the best way for me to study was to have a lot of photos. The cheapest way for me to do that was to take the pictures myself and keep my own books. I must have hundreds of discs with plant photos. I found that I liked taking pictures of all sorts of things, so I took some photography classes in college. In addition to helping me with my landscaping business, I come out here and Im able to relax. Open that other bag, will you?

Beccah opened the small bag she was carrying and found it filled with film, notebooks, pens and two smaller cameras. He loaded his large camera and then one of the small ones, took out his notebook, and handed the little camera to Beccah.

Here, in case you see something you might like to remember. The rule out here is: leave nothing behind but your foot steps, take nothing away but pictures and memories.

Thats nice, but why this spot? I mean its pretty, but wouldnt down there near the stream be better? she asked.

Trust me, just sit here and watch. And remember, keep your voice down.

Drew showed Beccah how to operate the small 35MM camera, using the auto rather than manual options. He had her take a couple of shots, explained the range of the camera, and some other basics. While she sat on one of the boulders, looking down at the stream, she heard the click of Drews camera. She turned her head to see him snapping pictures of her.


Shhhh, Im just taking some test shots. Now keep watching.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, a black bear came ambling out of the woods below, heading to the stream. Following her were two small bear cubs. Beccahs mouth opened, but she said nothing. Cameras were aimed and the two started taking pictures. Drew lowered his camera after a couple of minutes, and touched Beccahs arm. He pointed further down stream, at a small group of deer that had come to drink the fresh water.

Drew and Beccah stayed silent, except for the sounds of their cameras, for the better part of an hour. When the families of animals wandered away, he lay his camera down, sat on the ground, and leaned back against the boulder. Beccah knelt down next to him, barely able to contain her excitement.

Never, she started. Never have I seen anything so beautiful. The animals, the babies, the scenery, the birds, everything was just perfect. Thank you, Drew.

Drew looked at her flushed face and her long, dark hair being tossed in the breeze. This sight, against the turquoise blue sky, was more beautiful than he could imagine. He reached for his camera and before she could object, froze that moment in time.

Now what the hell did you do that for? Beccah demanded.

Dont worry Bex, youll get a copy. I dont imagine you have any idea how beautiful you are, do you?

Beccahs eyes widened with surprise. That was probably the most unexpected thing he could have said. Her mind went blank and she couldnt think of a reply.

Drew stood up and smiled down on her. Hell, if I had known telling you that you were beautiful would shut you up, I would have done that years ago.

He held out his hand to help her stand. As they walked back to the truck, their conversation reverted back to a polite exchange. It was as if that one statement changed everything. Drew turned up the volume on the radio and the pair found themselves singing at the top of their lungs, all the way back to town. It was almost three oclock, and Drew pulled into the diner parking lot, without asking Beccah if she was hungry.

They were laughing as they burst through the door, and almost literally bumped into Richie and Jen. Beccahs attitude immediately sobered, as Richie glared at her. Drew was still chuckling, despite the look that was being fired at him.

Hey, proud parents-to-be, fancy meeting you here, he said in a loud, happy voice.

Jen looked embarrassed, but Richie looked down-right angry. He grabbed Drews arm and turned away from the girls. Beccah didnt want to listen to the exchange, so she turned to Jen and tried to guide her away from the men.

How are you feeling, Jen? You look as if this will be a late summer baby, Beccah said, truly caring about sheltering this sweet girl from the voices that were getting louder, behind them. Do you want to step out into the fresh air?

Jen nodded and the two left the diner. Drew watched them leave and then let his anger show.

You have no right to tell me who I can or cannot see. Its none of your damned business, Richie. Why the hell should it concern you? Unless youre feeling a little jealous, and if thats the case, you better rethink.

Christ, do you remember what she did? How can you stand to be anywhere near her?

Seven years, Richie. It happened seven years ago. I thought you moved on with your life. Shes no threat to you and if I want to spend time with her, I will. Now be a good boy, and tend to your wife.

Richie began to sputter, but also noticed Jen left the diner. He rushed out the door to find Jen and Beccah sitting on a bench, calmly chatting. He grabbed Jens hand and announced they were leaving, not acknowledging Beccahs presence. She stood on the side walk and his car peeled out of the parking lot and took off down the road. She hadnt even realized tears had started their slow trail down her cheeks, until she felt Drews arm come around her shoulders.

Come on, Bex. Its been such a good day, dont let a surprise run-in ruin it for you. He pulled her into his arms, and kissed the top of her head. He felt her trembling as she fought to stay in control. He had an almost overwhelming urge to kiss her worries away, but thankfully Beccah stepped out of the embrace, threw her shoulders back and announced she was hungry. The uncomfortable moment was behind them.

Beccah couldnt remember ever having such a wonderful summer. She and Drew made several more trips into the woods, watching the young bear family grow. He helped her with his knowledge of photography, loaning her some of his old college text books. He also helped her move into her new apartment, using his truck and his brute strength to help her haul her flea market finds. When she was settled enough to cook a meal, she invited him over to help christen her new home.

Drew arrived with a huge container garden for Beccahs balcony. She laughed as she opened the door and was greeted by terra cotta and flowers. He stumbled through her living room and out the French doors to the balcony, setting the large container on the wide ledge. He turned to see Beccah trying desperately to stifle her giggles. One purple petunia had become dislodged and was perfectly affixed in Drews hair. She plucked it off, smoothed his tousled hair and directed him to the bathroom to wash up.

When he entered the kitchen, Beccah was bent over the oven, basting a roast. Her backside looked so inviting in the short black skirt she was wearing. Drew just stood in the doorway smiling at the view, until Beccah spun around, catching him in the act. She blushed furiously when she realized where he had been looking, and quickly turned away again, hiding her smile and feeling good that he wanted to look at her.

Her pork roast was luscious, and her lemon meringue pie and coffee were the perfect ending to a great meal. They took their coffee and settled on the sofa, watching the sun begin its slow descent, through her opened French doors. The only light in the room came from its amber rays, giving the impression of dozens of lit candles.

As Beccah chatted about work, Drew found himself concentrating on her, instead of what she was saying. Spending time with her these past few weeks, opened his eyes to the caring and compassionate woman he had come to know. Sure, sometimes she was that teenager that got on his nerves, but more and more she was becoming someone he enjoyed having in his life. When she leaned forward to set her cup on the coffee table, Drew got glimpse of the black bra underneath her purple blouse. His pulse sped up a little as he realized that this wasnt just Bex, this was a desirable, sensuous woman.

They sat for a long time, talking about anything and everything. When Drew stifled a yawn, Beccah realized how late it had gotten.

Come on, big guy, time for you to go home, Beccah said as she stood. She held out her hands to pull him up. Youre way too comfortable here.

Pulling back with all her might, she hoisted him up, almost falling into the table. Drew grabbed her, and brought her into his arms. It was one of those awkward moments when you look into someones eyes wanting, more than anything, for them to kiss you. Beccah tilted her head up, and closed her eyes as Drews mouth came down on hers.

What do they say, fireworks, earth-moving, bells ringing? It was all of those things and more. Beccah slowly moved her hands up his chest and around his neck. Drews arms went around her, bringing her as close as possible. The kiss was tender but passionate, and lasted longer than Beccah thought possible. When it ended, Drew kept her in his arms, breathing in the lavender scent of her hair.

What was that? he asked quietly, almost afraid of the answer.

Beccah smiled as she leaned against him, I think they call that a kiss, Drew.

Bex? If I dont leave right now, Im afraid Im going to do something to screw this up, Drew said stepping back. That was incredible, but if you dont mind, I want to take this slow, real slow. Is it okay if I call you, maybe tomorrow night?

He looked like a boy asking permission to borrow the car. Beccah smiled, and tried to put him at ease, Call me when youre ready. Im not going anywhere.

She walked him to the door, turned and planted a tender kiss on his lips. Good night, sweet man, she said, as he walked into the night.

Beccah never heard from Drew on Sunday, but she wasnt concerned. He said he wanted to take things slow. God, he made her heart race. As she sat at her desk Monday morning, the thought of their kiss still brought a smile to her face.

There was a light knock at her door, and Roseanne Zimmer stuck her head in. Got a minute? she asked with a frown.

Of course, Roseanne, come on in. Whats up?

Ive got a case Id like to review with you. Ive made my recommendation, but Id like your feedback, and your support if needed, Roseanne said as she sat down opposite Beccah. Sixty-five year old male patient admitted last night complaining of severe headache, most of Sunday afternoon. E.D. was working a three-car accident, so he was made comfortable, because he really wasnt complaining or showing any more symptoms. He started saying he was feeling a little weak, and that his vision was a little off. While waiting for a scan, he had a hemorrhagic stroke. The patient is not conscious and as far as the doctor can tell, he is fully paralyzed.

Does the patient have a signed Health Care Proxy, and is the health care agent available to make decisions?

Roseanne frowned again, Yes, but heres the problem. The doctors prognosis is death within a few days, without surgery. With treatment, the patient will probably recover consciousness, and maybe some brain function, but not all. The patients written wishes state no heroic measures. The agent is ready to support those wishes.

So whats the problem, Roseanne?

The patient has two sons, the eldest was named his agent. The youngest son wants every medical treatment available, to sustain life. The agent is trying to balance the patients wishes with the emotions of his brother. By law, we have to proceed, but Ive suggested a family meeting to discuss this with our medical team. Id like you to sit with us and help strategize our approach. Dr. Costanza is ready to discuss the psychological and sociological issues, as well as expected outcomes.

Fine, no problem, but you sound like youve got everything under control. Why bring me in? asked Beccah.

Beccah, we all know that you worked tirelessly for the rights of the dying at your last hospital. Youve had conversations like this, dealing with family members who are on opposite sides. We rarely get anything like this. Id just be more comfortable if youd take the lead and let me assist. Please? Roseanne asked.

Beccah placed her hand on Roseannes. These are difficult discussions. Ill be glad to work with you on this, taking the lead. Id like to review the charts and the proxy. Do you know if theres a Living Will?

Roseanne looked relieved and nodded, Yes, there is. Dr. Costanza has everything and can meet in twenty minutes, if you can. The family is here and we can meet with them immediately following. Can you free your afternoon?

Beccah said she could and a short while later was seated in the doctors conference room, with Roseanne, Dr. Costanza and two nurses. Beccahs face went white when she read the name on the chart Donald Morrison, Drew and Richies father.

Drew had been named the health care agent, selected to speak for his father in the event he could no longer speak for himself. Donald had been very clear in his wishes when he requested no heroic measures, comfort care only, being allowed to die a natural death. If he could not be assured of full recovery, he wanted to be allowed to die.

From the discussion with the nurses, Richie was arguing for treatment because he wanted his father to be part of his babys life. Although Drew believed his father really wouldnt want to end up tied to machines, unable to do for himself, he was torn with not wanting his brother to be upset. There were legal issues, but more importantly, there was the family to hold together.

The team worked to put together a presentation that was both factual and logical. Beccah knew that they had to find out from Richie exactly what his expectations were for his father. She also sincerely doubted that he would want to listen to anything she had to say, but this was her job and no matter what, she was going to work hard for Donald Morrison.

Roseanne held the door for Drew, Richie and Jen, as they entered the room. Dr. Costanza stood at the head of the table, with Beccah seated at his right. Richie stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her. It was Jen who took his arm and got him to sit down. Drew sat a few seats away from him, avoiding everyones eyes.

Dr. Costanza very calmly explained Dons condition. He showed the x-rays of the aneurism, scans of brain activity and spelled out the best case scenario, if they had caught it in time. Although he stayed quiet throughout the explanation, Richies temples were throbbing and you could see he was getting angry.

I dont care what your fucking x-rays and charts show. This is my father and he has every right to live. How dare you not give him every chance at life? Are you murderers? Is this how you get your thrills, playing God?

Jen laid her hand on Richies arm, trying to get him to calm. Her eyes filled with tears, at her husbands pain. Please, she whispered to him.

Richie, Beccah began. May I ask what you want from this? How do you see your father after the hospital?

What the hell do you think? I want him to play with our kids. I want him to read stories and play catch. I want him to tell our kids what it was like when we were young. Jesus Beccah, are you stupid? Oh yeah, thats right, you have no idea what real love is, Richie said sharply.

Thats enough, Richie, Drew exploded.

The following silence in the room was broken by Dr. Costanza. I need you to realize that your father may never do any of those things. With a hemorrhagic stroke, with the best course of treatment, your father may regain consciousness, but he may never be able to hold your children, interact, touch or even see them. Do you realize in that state, he may feel more pain, anguish and frustration because of not being able to actively participate in life? Have you thought of how much mental pain he may endure, not being able to really live the way he wants?

Richie, Drew spoke calmly. You read what dad wanted. It was written in his own handwriting. The last thing he would ever want is to be a vegetable, or to be able to think, but be paralyzed. Is that what you want? Do you want to visit him in a home, on Sundays? To take your kids to a place like that and visit a body, someone theyll never really know? Richie, theyll know the best part of dad through your stories about him, when he was strong and vibrant.

The room went quiet again. Roseanne glanced at Beccah and Dr. Costanza. They kept still and waited.

Fine, Richies voice cracked. Do you what you want.

Richie, its not about what you want, or what Drew wants. Its about what your father wants. These are his wishes, his decisions, about his life. Are you okay with that? Beccah asked.

Richie stood and headed for the door. He turned back to them and said, Im going to have to be, arent I? He left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Doctor, please make sure my dads not in any pain, okay? Drew asked. I wouldnt be able to live with myself if I thought anything we did brought him any discomfort.

Dr. Costanza stood and held his hand out to Drew, You have my word.

Jen and Drew followed Dr. Costanza out of the room. Roseanne looked at Beccah with tears in her eyes and said, I never want my family to go through that. I wouldnt wish that on anyone. I hope theyll be able to find their way back to each other. Beccah wondered the same thing.

And so the vigil started. There wasnt any time when she walked by Dons room, that she didnt see Drew there. He hadnt sought her out, he never looked her way. She just knew she had to be there, if he needed her.

On Friday afternoon, Roseanne came to her again. Beccah, I though you might want to know, Don Morrison just passed.

Beccah said a silent prayer and went to see if she could help. As she looked through the door, she saw Jen and Drew in a tearful embrace. Drew was holding his fathers hand. Beccah didnt see Richie anywhere, and that worried her. She started down the hallway, stopping each nurse and asking if they had seen which way he had gone. One finally said she thought she had seen him go into the chapel.

The lights were dim in the small room, set aside for families. Richie was seated off to the side, staring into space. Beccah sat down next to him and put her arm around his shoulders. He immediately turned to her, pulling her close, and holding onto her for dear life. She could feel how tense he was, and stroked his head and back. He clung to her, trembling with emotion. Beccah stayed in his arms, trying to will him her strength.

When Richie raised his head, his cheeks had telltale signs where his tears had traveled. He looked into her eyes, and then brought his mouth to hers, seeking comfort in her kiss.

This is wrong, Beccah thought. No, I dont want to do this, she thought as she tried to pull away. At that moment, she heard the chapel door slam. Beccah stood up abruptly, muttering she was sorry, and raced out of the room. She saw Drews back as he rounded the corner at the end of the hall. Beccah ran after him.

Drew was already in his truck and backing out of the parking spot, as Beccah came out of the hospital. There was no way he was going to stop, so Beccah was just going to have to go after him. She ran back to her office, grabbed her keys, and told her assistant she wouldnt be back for the rest of the day.

She knew exactly where he was headed. They had made that trip almost every weekend. Beccah was driving a pretty good clip, and couldnt imagine how fast Drew must be going. What must he have thought, seeing Beccah with Richie? It was nothing, nothing that Beccah wanted. Her heart ached at the thought of losing Drew. Losing him? God, how she wanted him, but more than that, how she needed him.

His truck was parked in the clearing, where he always left it. Beccah pulled right behind him, blocking any chance of him leaving. She pulled off her heels and raced through the woods in her bare feet, heading towards the cliff. He was there, sitting on the boulder overlooking the stream. She walked up behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Drew jerked away, as if her touch had burned him. Dont touch me, you whore!

What? What the hell are you talking about?

Drew got off the boulder and stood facing her. There was an anger in his eyes that Beccah never thought she would see. Dont play fucking innocent with me, Bex. I saw you kissing him. For Christs sake, hes fucking married! What the hell? Did you think you could get him back because his father died, and he was having a weak moment? Is that when you tracked him down and made your move?

The woods echoed with the sound her hand made as she slapped his face. You horses ass, Drew! How dare you? How dare you think that about me? Maybe if you had stuck around a little longer you would have seen that I wasnt kissing him! He was kissing me!

Beccah started pacing around, her arms flying as she spoke. I went looking for him to make sure he was okay. Christ, he was my first boyfriend, a major part of my life and I still care about him. But I dont want him, Drew. How could you think that?

Drew was rubbing his sore cheek when he asked, Youre going to look me in the eyes and deny you were kissing him?

Yes, I am. He was kissing me, I was trying to get away! My God, hes married and going to be a father I would never do that. I thought you knew me. I thought you understood me. How stupid was I to think that you would ever really cut me a break? Beccahs eyes burned deep into Drews as she continued, dropping her voice to a gentle whisper, I wanted you to know me. I wanted you to want me, Drew.

Drew was hurting and spoke without thinking, Why? So you could put another Morrison notch on your belt?

He never expected the second slap. Beccahs arm was as fast as lightning and he reeled back from the force of her blow. The two stopped, shocked at what had just happened. Beccah turned and started to run. She needed to leave, she needed to escape.

Drew caught her around the waist, turned her around, and pulled her close. Beccah fought to gain release and Drew fought just as hard to keep from being hit, again.

Stop fighting me, woman! Drew said, exasperated with the whole situation. Would you just stop…. Owwww!

Beccah had accidentally landed a blow to Drews balls that almost felled him. As he doubled over in pain, Beccah stood by, absolutely mortified at what she had done. She reached out to put her hand on his shoulder and he stood up, glaring at her.

Going to play like that, Bex? he asked as he reached out and grabbed her again. This time when he took her into his arms, there was no fighting, not by either one. They stood there, looking at each other in silence, until he started to shake.

Beccah drew him close and let him release the anguish he was feeling over his fathers death. He clung to her, needing the support only the woman he loved could give him.

They stayed like that for a long time. Not speaking, not fighting, not crying, just holding each other. It was Drew who finally pulled away.

I need to talk to Richie and find out what the hell he was thinking, he said.

Drew, nows not the time, she tried to convince him.

The hell its not. He had no business touching you, not with Jen ready to pop any minute, not with our father lying dead down the hall.

Beccahs eyes and voice pleaded with him, Please Drew, he didnt mean anything. He was reaching out for comfort. I could have been anybody, it wouldnt have mattered.

Well it does to me, Bex. I dont want him touching you, Drew explained. Not now. Not ever.

He bent down and pressed his lips against hers, owning her. She clung to him and at that moment, silently committed herself to him.

Beccah agreed to drive behind Drew to the hospital, to follow-up on some paperwork. She also knew she had to safeguard Richie against Drews unwarranted anger. Their kiss in the woods had been so tender. She knew this was the beginning of something very special, and she would protect it with her life.

Drews arm went around Beccahs waist as they walked into the main entrance of the hospital. Roseanne Zimmer found the two heading to the business office.

Hey, youre back! Get up to the fourth floor, Richie and Jen have been looking for you.

Maternity, Beccah said breathlessly, grabbing Drews hand and pulling him towards the elevators. Jen must be in labor, lets go!

They saw Richie standing at the end of the hall, looking into one of the rooms. When he heard their footsteps, he came running towards them, arms outstretched, and grabbing Drew into a big bear hug.

Its a boy! Shit, Drew, its a boy, Richie was practically screaming. Jen was so great. One minute she was fine, having some lemonade down in the cafeteria, the next thing I knew, she was telling me it was time. Holy shit, Drew, it happened so fast! Boom, Im a dad!

Two nurses exited the room where Richie had been waiting outside. One of them smiled at him and said, Youre all set, daddy. Theyre doing just fine.

Drew and Beccah followed Richie into Jens room. For a woman who had just delivered a baby, she was stunning. There was almost an ethereal look to her as she held her newborn son to her breast. Richie went around to the far side of the bed and gingerly sat on the edge, putting his arm around his new family. Jen looked up at Drew and Beccah and smiled, before she turned to Richie.

Did you tell him? she asked, in a whisper.

Richie looked up at Drew, with a huge smile on his face and said, This is your nephew, Drew. Id like you to meet Andrew Donald Morrison.

Drews voice rang with laughter as he began congratulating his brother and sister-in-law. There was back-slapping, hugging and kissing. Although offered, he refused the chance to hold the newborn. He needed time, he explained, to get his nerve up.

Beccah quietly backed out of the room and let the family rejoice in the newest generation. She knew that Andrew Donald was blessed with two very special guardian angels, his Uncle Drew here on earth, and his Grandpa Donald in heaven.

She was waiting for the elevator when she felt Drews arms go around her waist. Why did you run off? I turned to talk to you, and you were gone.

Oh come on Drew, this is family time. Go back and celebrate, Beccah said smiling.

They deserve some private time. Besides, I have firm up dads arrangements. Im not going to bother Richie with the details. Ill just make sure that we have the funeral after Jen and Andrew are out of here.

Drew insisted that Beccah sit with him during the service for Donald Morrison. The church put on a huge dinner in Donalds honor, and the ladies of the Senior Center supplied desserts and coffee. Richie and Drew held up very well, speaking with all who offered their condolences. Richie was lucky that he could beg off, when he felt he should attend to Jen and the baby.

Beccah giggled as she overheard two of the women discussing Dons sexual prowess. She put her finger to her lips to shush Drew as he approached them. His face turned bright red and he listened to the women describe his dad as a stud. He walked away, shaking his head muttering, T.M.I.

The last of the well-wishers had gone, Richie and Jen had taken Andy home for some alone time, and Beccah helped Drew gather up the cards and gifts that were left. Drew came up behind Beccah and pulled her close, nuzzling her neck. His breath was hot and his voice was soft.

Will you come home with me Bex? We havent had any time to ourselves this week, and I really think we need to talk.

Beccah turned and put her arms around his neck. Her eyes were bright and she gave him a sweet smile. Of course I will, you know that. Whatever you need, Im there.

Drew pulled his truck into the circular driveway, right up to the front porch of his ranch-style home. The long porch with its rocking chairs invited his visitors to come, sit down and take a load off. Beccah looked out over the expanse of green lawn and precise plantings. She quickly appreciated his talent for landscaping and his eye for color.

He held the door for her and beckoned her into his home. Beccah had expected a masculine man cave, and was surprised at the casual elegance that greeted her. Drews home was the perfect mix of comfortable furniture, useful antiques and incredible art. He had a series of botanical photographs hanging over his sofa that Beccah assumed he had taken. Everywhere she looked there was a surprise an old wooden army chest used as a coffee table, a small crystal vase holding a hot pink dahlia, a pewter candlestick next to well-read books, and a pair of antique lace gloves draped over the wedding picture of his parents. Beccah felt warm and comfortable here.

He walked to the kitchen, holding her hand. Can I get you anything? I can make some coffee or I have cold drinks in the fridge.

Beccah stopped and pulled at his hand, making him come close to her. Im good, she said. I dont need anything to eat or drink. But you did say something about talking.

Drew put his hands on her waist and gently kissed her. Beccah reached to hold him close, as their kisses became more passionate. It was several minutes before she broke their kiss.

Um, you said something about talking, remember?

I did say that, Drew replied. The trouble is I dont remember what I wanted to say. Maybe a change of scenery will jog my memory. Will you come with me?

Anywhere, Beccah said raising her head and kissing him once more.

Drew led Beccah down the hall to his bedroom. The late afternoon autumn sun covered the room with a warm, golden blanket. He walked over to his bed and sat down, with Beccah standing in front of him, between his legs. He held her tightly, burying his face in her midriff, while her hands ran through his hair. He leaned back and looked at her, questioning her with his eyes. Her look told him everything he needed to know.

Drew reached for the zipper at the side of her skirt and slowly pulled it down. The soft fabric slid down her hips and fell to her feet. Her black lace thong was all that separated Drew from her pleasure zone.

Beccah reached down and began to undo the buttons on his shirt, while he ran his hands up and down her thighs, and over her rounded back side. The only time he stopped was to ease the shirt of his sculpted body. Still sitting, it was his turn to unbutton her silk blouse and let it join her skirt on the floor. He could see her excitement, evident in the hard nipples straining against her black lace bra.

Oh God Bex, he said kissing her between her firm globes. I want you so bad.

Beccah giggled and pushed Drew away, causing him to lie back on his bed. Careful what you wish for, big boy, she said in a very feline voice.

Beccahs hands brushed his cock, as she reached to unbuckle Drews leather belt. His reaction was immediate when she slowly pulled his zipper down on his slacks. He slid back into the middle of his bed while she pulled his slacks off and tossed them aside. She pulled off his socks and then looked at him with a determination he didnt expect.

Stalking like a lioness, Beccah began to move her toned body up Drews form. He did his best not to grab her and throw her down, but let her set the pace. Slowly she crawled up his body, stopping to lick or nip at his thighs. As she approached his boxers, she rubbed her cheek along the prominent bulge that had formed. She turned her head and gently bit through his boxers. His cock jerked at the thought of her mouth being on him.

When Beccah reached his belly, she kissed in a straight line up to his chest. Her legs now straddled him and he could feel the heat she generated from between her legs, cover his manhood. He felt like a pubescent boy who was going to blow any minute, from excitement.

She continued, stopping for a moment to suck on his nipples, while he moaned and fidgeted beneath her. Her long dark hair felt like silken threads, on his skin. She kept crawling up, attacking his neck with nibbles up to his ear, and finally whispering, Are you ready for me?

Drews hands went to her back and he popped her bra open with one movement. Beccah sat up, grinding her crotch into him, letting the bra slide down her arms and onto Drews chest. He was mesmerized by the brown toned areolas and the hard nipples that came into view. He threw her bra aside and took hold of each breast, massaging them and rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

It was Beccahs turn to moan as the tingling from his nipple play moved through her body, down to her clit. It was like Drew had flipped a sensory switch on her body, and she was afraid she would overload with pleasure.

Beccah dropped onto his chest, devouring his mouth with hers. Her tongue sought out his urgently, and they took turns feeding each others mouths. Drews arms held her tightly against him and his hips began to move as her body gyrated against his.

He couldnt take any more of her teasing and gently rolled her onto her back. Beccah gasped as control was removed from her, and now he was taking over. He held her close, smelling the sweet fragrance of lavender in her hair, before he moved and covered her mouth with his, drinking her in. She ran her nails up and down Drews back while he kept her mouth captive, sending shivers down his spine.

God Bex, he growled as he broke away from her. You make me crazy.

He looked down at her round breasts, with nipples that stood straight out. Just his look caused her to breathe a little faster, in anticipation of what would come next. He kissed down her chest to her breast and then underneath it. Drew began licking her there, and then up to her areola, tasting the salt of her skin. Round and round he traced with his tongue, before giving her nipple a flick.

Ohhhhh, Beccah moaned, bringing her hands to his head and trying to hold him closer.

He didnt think her nipples could get harder, but he watched as they tightened more. He covered one with his mouth and began to suck, savoring every taste, and enjoying the moans she was emitting.

His hand went to her other breast and he began to massage her, taking time to play with her erect nipple. Drew noticed her hips were beginning to move, involuntarily. While giving her a little nip, he allowed his hand to begin its lazy journey downward. Moving over her belly with feather-like touches, Drew was in no hurry to get to his goal, yet also couldnt wait.

When Beccah spread her legs, waiting for his touch, she released her personal fragrance into the air. There was no doubt how much she wanted him, confirmed even more by the wetness that had formed. Drew moved the small piece of wet fabric aside, and immediately began to run his hand up and down over her bare mound.

Oh, oh God Drew, Beccah panted. I need you.

Drew got up off Beccah and pulled her wet thong from her body. He got between her open legs and began to kiss her soft skin. All over her sweet valley, kissing, licking in the creases where it met her leg, not ignoring one inch of her body. He relished the feeling of her squirming beneath him, knowing her pleasure was mounting. Drew looked up to see her head rolling back and forth on the pillow.

Gently, he moved his hands to her lips and unfolded his prize. Her pearl glistened with her wetness and she was pink and swollen with excitement. He ran his tongue all around her clit before taking it in his mouth. Beccahs hands went to his hair and her hips rose. While Drew sucked on her clit, he gently slid two fingers into her pussy, massaging her G-spot.

Beccah almost sat straight up and screeched, Oh God!

Drews hand suddenly became very wet and he felt her body begin to tremble in orgasm. He pulled away from her clit, to drink her womanly nectar. Beccahs hips continued to move up and down, and she pulled at him, either to get him to stop or to get him to stay. Her words were unintelligible.

When she stopped shaking, he pulled back and looked up at her. She looked like an angel, with her hair spread out on his pillow, and her face glowed. Drew got up and pulled off his boxers. His cock was hard and red as he got on his knees between her legs and began nudging her. Beccahs head shot up and she looked him in the eye. She reached down between her legs to grab hold of his throbbing shaft and guide it home.

He filled her with one movement. Beccahs legs wrapped around him and her hands gripped his ass, pulling him in even deeper. Her brown eyes were locked on his hazel ones, and he saw a determination taking over. His strength was matched by hers. She met his thrusts and returned them, each time pulling him in as deep as possible.

I need you Drew, she whispered. I need you now.

Pure lust took over and Drew drove into her with a renewed vigor. The couple held each other trying to get as close as they could. Beccahs legs clamped around him even tighter and he gripped her shoulders forcing him in even more deeply. They never broke their stare. Thrusting, pushing, giving, receiving, harder, faster, wanting, needing and then&hellip,.and then&hellip,

Beccah could feel Drews cock swell and his hands pulled at her. She held on as tightly as she could with her legs, and raised her hips up higher as he drove in one last time, exploding and filling her with his juice. Drew pushed and pushed into her, and she felt herself cum for a second time, her fluids mixing with his.

Drew fell on top of Beccah, still holding her close, his cock still buried inside her. He truly didnt want this moment to end. He raised his head and kissed her gently, barely touching his tongue to hers. He finally rolled off to her side and pulled her in to his arms.

Beccah basked in the warmth of his embrace, his legs intertwined with hers. With her head on his chest, she could hear the thump, thump, thump of his heart and thought there was no sweeter sound in the world.

She leaned back and looked up at him. His face was filled with love and tenderness for the woman in his arms. Their mouths came together once more in an unhurried kiss. Drews hands moved up and down her arms and back. Hers went around him to bring her body closer. They stayed quiet, just kissing, holding and massaging.

Bex, this is where you were meant to be, you know. When you came back, it wasnt supposed to be to Richie. You were supposed to come back to me. I knew that the moment I saw you in the diner, Drew whispered.

Drew, Id like to ask you a question, Beccah said, propping herself up on one arm, and looking him straight in the eye. Are you thinking of making an honest woman out of me?

Drew laughed and pulled her close once more. Youre probably the most honest woman I know, but if youre asking me to marry you, the answer is yes.

Beccah sat up on her knees and planted kisses all over his face, laughing and saying, Good, because I have plans for you, Mr. Morrison.

With that, Beccah turned and began to crawl down Drews length, trailing kisses that left a promise of a wonderfully long night.

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My Love Shocked Me

Hi doston, just to introduce myself, I m 5’9″ in height, smart and fair and from north India but staying in Bangalore working in reputed IT company and earning enough to have fun in my life. Now, coming to my story. This incident happened around 8 month back and after that I’m completely alone. This is all about a gal staying in my apartment in sharing. They were three all together in 2BHK and one of them uses to sleep in hall. And coincidentally we were also 3 bachelor guys staying together in...

1 year ago
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Unplanned sex at the gym

I am english and live in Thailand, the land of sex and smiles. I went to a new, small local gym recently, mostly with Thai boys inside. I was the only foreigner so always the Thai boys like to chat to and...... Anyway, I was working out on a bench, lying on my back and pushing up weights. I was wearing very brief loose running shorts and a jockstrap underneath. Because I was lying on my back, with my legs either side of the bench, feet on the floor, this meant that anyone could see up my shorts...

3 years ago
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BecChapter 11 Wednesday Afternoon

Mum arrived at school with her own version of stone face on. Her stone face is a kind of half-smile that fools a lot of people into thinking she’s being nice. They relax and think they’re safe and then she lashes out with vicious swipes and they find themselves spurting metaphorical blood from dozens of wounds – metaphorical wounds that is. Tara and I weren’t fooled. We’d seen that smile enough to recognize it. Mum was angry and the smile was pasted over her face like a mask to hide her anger...

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Superbowl Anal Bet

This is a story originally posted by captjim51. It has been edited for grammar and typographical errors. If anyone feels that this story has been posted in error or misattributed, please contact me. Let’s just start by saying my wife, Linda, had a very busy Sunday night. Yes, she’s a Broncos fan, and made a bet with me. It wasn’t for money. You see, my little 5 feet 2 inch petite doll has the nicest ass I’ve ever seen. I love sliding my eight inches between her ass-crack. The trouble is, she...

4 years ago
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Fanny HillChapter 4

I had it now, I felt it now, and, beginning to drive, he soon gave nature such a powerful summons down to her favourite quarters, that she could no longer refuse repairing thither; all my animal spirits then rush'd mechanically to that center of attraction, and presently, inly warmed, and stirr'd as I was beyond bearing, I lost all restraint, and yielding to the force of the emotion, gave down, as mere woman, those effusions of pleasure, which, in the strictness of still faithful love, I...

2 years ago
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Chosen Of The Moon

In the distant past, the moon goddess Ama looked down upon the world of humanity, and saw countless women trapped by the will of men. She saw daughters passed over in favor of sons, denied their birthright and forced to marry as their fathers dictated. She saw wives ruled by their husbands, denied freedom and independence and confined to their homes. In each generation she heard the prayers of those women who wished to live their own lives free from men, until at last she was moved to act. One...

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The Workout

It had been a long week and finally they found time to make it to the gym. Over the years it got more and more difficult to get away from the daily grind. There wasn’t enough incentive for the pair to make a workout more than once or twice a month, even though the facilities were top notch.As usual, they headed up to the cardio equipment first. The area was quite large and humming with the sound of motion. Even with only half being occupied, the ellipticals, stationary bikes and treadmills...

1 year ago
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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 4

Chapter 4Mark’s balls may have been drained for now, but they were already stirring as he looked at his mother lying on the bed. She was looking right at him with her brown eyes through those librarian’s glasses. That mousy look gave her natural good looks something wildly erotic to him, aside from her body and position of course. Jennifer, mousy or not, was lying on the bed looking like a wanton slut, just the way she wanted to be, and with the people she wanted to be a slut with. Her son...

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Naruto Slave for You Ch 6

Naruto was glad to be back in the village and that his first A-ranked mission had been a success. In more ways than one. After Haku had become his slave she filled her aster in on how many people Gato had working for him and what kind of weapons that he used. After that it was a simple matter of waiting for him to show up. Boy were they surprised to see Haku fighting on their side! After that was over Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura headed back to the village saying that their work was done....

1 year ago
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Recovery of a Hero Ch 13

Chapter 13 The Hero’s Duty This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Special Thanks to Desert Pirate for editing. * We took it easy for the next two days, and then when it was time to get ready to go, Ellen, Nancy and I put on our chosen outfits. When we walked out to where Uncle Dar was waiting with George, Uncle Dar said, ‘Oh my god. They’re not twins, they’re triplets.’ We all three blushed at that comment and then...

4 years ago
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Futa Strip Club Adventure

"You ready for tonight?" asks Todd, your best friend from school. "Remember, it's Casey's eighteenth birthday so we've gotta make it a night he'll never forget!" "I can't fuckin' wait!" says Karen. Karen's your other friend. She's super cool and extremely open about her bisexuality. It doesn't hurt she's a major babe as well. "I've picked out the perfect spot, take a look!" Karen holds up a flyer. You and Todd lean in for a closer look. POLESWINGERS STRIP CLUB! ALL NUDE FUTAS! (No one under 21...

1 year ago
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I Once Was BlindChapter 4

"Are you ready?" whispered Doris. She had taken Hammer's hand and moved them to the couch in her living room. "I don't know..." "I'm shy too... but... well, this is important to me," declared Doris. "Ok, then..." Hammer's heart was about to leap from his chest. It was as if he had entered a dream, a wonderful dream. "I'll go first," said Doris. "You tell me exactly what you see. Ok?" With trembling hands, Doris began to unbutton her shirt. When the last button gave way,...

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Virgin Becomes Mother

Oh! Those lovely daysI just cannot forget those lovely days of my life. Before starting this story, let me tell briefly about me. I am Susheela now 50 years old. I am the second daughter for my parents. I was born at Bangalore and completed my college there. Always I have been a very healthy girl. I had matured when I was only 12 and ever since then I had developed lot of interest in sex. We friends used to sit on the pretext of combined studies and read sex stories. Those days, there was no...

3 years ago
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Getting Rid of The Black Sheep

Getting Rid of A Black Sheep The loud boos echoed through the stadium as tears rushed down Ashlee Simpson'scheeks. She had poured both her heart and what little talent she had into thehalftime show only to have her 'adoring' public spurn her once again. It hadonly been a few months since being exposed lip-syncing on SNL and now this…itmay just be the end of her young career. Her face puffy and red from crying,Ashlee ran back to the dressing room where her father and boyfriend awaitedher. They...

2 years ago
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Camping Trip Chapter 3

Wednesday Morning The alarm went off at three a.m.We woke up in each other's arms, sharing a quick kiss."Good morning April.""Good morning Beth."We got up and Beth went to her room to get ready for our day of traveling. I decided to wear a pair of beige shorts with a white thong. I put on a yellow polo shirt without a bra. After applying my make up, I put my hair in a French twist.I went to the kitchen to pack the food into a cooler. Beth soon joined me and packed the other cooler with pop and...

4 years ago
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Over Fifties Fun Time

Vera Staple, fifty three years old married with two grown up c***dren, both of them working abroad. 5ff 7in and carrying a bit more weight than she would have liked, not that she was drastically overweight, she had been a size 14 since turning twenty, Frank, her husband had said that he preferred a woman with a bit of shape. Shape she definitely had, with heavy 38D breasts, curving in at the waist then flaring out to what her mother called c***dbearing hips. Her legs were still good, maybe...

1 year ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 6 Pleasure and Pain

Logan and Beauty sat cross-legged around the fire, as Logan ate the animal she had caught and presented to him. It was, in his humble opinion, a great improvement from rat meat. He took a sip of flat, bitter-tasting, beer, and offered the water skin to his new companion. She declined with a smile and a shake of her snow-white hair, just as she had at the offer of meat. By contrast, her hunger for his own brand of protein shake seemed insatiable. Not that he was complaining, but that seemed a...

3 years ago
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The cuckslut

It was Friday and the day had started out with Astrid waking up in the arms of her boyfriend. She'd turned around, and kissed him softly, to wake him, so he didn't get up too late for school. Then she'd been padding around after him as he got ready to leave, and kissed him goodbye as he left for uni. She even waved at him and then she padded right back to bed, to get to sleep an hour or two more. They had spent the evening before in a pretty heated manner, and she knew that his cum was still...

4 years ago
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Altered Fates Lords Prayer

Lord's Prayer by Paul1954 Part 1 "Drastic means call for drastic measures" thought Peter DeVries. It was 'Lord' Peter DeVries actually, an Englishman living in LA. Peter had a vast sum of inherited wealth and was married to Catherine, 'Lady' Catherine, for the last 10 years. They had moved to LA 4 years ago when Peter's media interests meant that he would be better placed if he made his operational base here but still retained the ancestral seat in Oxfordshire, England. This...

2 years ago
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Sam Alicia 8

Alicia and I were living permanently (as opposed to 3 days here then 3 days there) with her mum, Wendy and her dad, Ted, because my mum, Rosalie was in America for work (and play). My dad, Phil, lives in Thailand where he works as a dive instructor. While she was in San Fransisco, Rosalie was living with two of the people that she was working with, Gerald and his stunningly beautiful girl friend Mary. When Gerald and Mary picked Rosalie up from the airport, they made it abundantly clear...

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Black Pimps sex slaves Maria Proco

Black penises were a part of psychological landscape of the white sex slaves life in the black pimps brothels. All the slaves were being forced to worship the big, black dick at least 50 times a day.Can you imagine how many times these girls must have been ****d if they were turned into whores when they were just 18 — hundreds of thousands of times by age 40.Over and over she had to take one cock after another in her vagina,ars and mouth.When they had done the deed, more men showed up in and...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 19

I dug into my wallet for the cards I had received and called the state department guy who had come down to meet me when I got back from the ill-fated trip to the Bahamas. “Meir.” A gruff voice answered the call with only a name. “Mister Meir, Jack McCoy. We met a while back about some freed slaves?” “Of course, I remember you, Jack. What’s up? Find more damsels in distress?” His voice warmed considerably and the humor in his tone was clear. “Actually, the same ladies may be in big...

3 years ago
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I must admit that whenever the topic of cocks happened to spring up in joking fashion, it always made me feel sort of funny and strange?My name was Joseph before the following event changed my life forever. That was after my wife of some 9 years Molly met and fell in love with her boss and filed for a divorce from me back in 2016.While i still loved my Molly very much and had wed her for life, I allowed it to happen without contesting it putting her happiness ahead of my very strong sorrow.When...

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Secret Affairs with my friends son part4

I was standing and my bathrobe was totally opened. He could see me totally naked from front, but he was more interested in what I was about to say to him. He was still sitting and his cock was going soft, as I had changed the whole mood by shouting loud. “Why Adam…?” I said as I leaned over him. My face was so close to him, “Why are you making me do this?” I said. He could feel my warm breathe, his lips were so close to mine, and I kissed him. He kissed me back, and we kept kissing till I went...

3 years ago
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Retirement SOL VersionChapter 11 The Power of Positive Thinking

I get a text from Jake. Nice night. My girls were impressed with what Maricar told the wives. You have a winner in Maricar. I get three texts from the guys. The first one reads: Holy shit. What did you people do to my wife? The second one reads: If this is what a whiff of competition does, what does real competition do? The third reads: Looks like I need to buy a lot more Viagra! Tonight there is another mother daughter pair at our table. The daughter will be the youngest girl I have ever...

2 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Family Kai Trump

A couple of times when we were in the room alone and she greeted me with a kiss I took hold of her chin and kissed her on the mouth. She would give a nervous little giggle but I could tell it upset her some. After a few times of this, she began giving me a quick peck on the lips of her own free will, I think she looked upon it as a game. Once when she had come in from school I was standing in the kitchen alone and when we hugged and kissed I held her and forced my tongue in her mouth. She...

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For a Bag of Weed

For a Bag of Weed ? by: Tami, L's gurl [ [email protected] ] I had always wondered what it was that took so long when my girlfriend went to visit the guy who sells her weed. She usually left early in the afternoon and came back 5 or 6 hours later looking quite stoned and rather disheveled. It didn't really bother me too much, she always came home horny and wanting me to eat her juicy pussy before I mounted her. It was Thursday night and we were in the bedroom. I had just...

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You Never Know

This is just a short story, completely different from what I normally write. As usual there will be no descriptions of sex. When someone discovers they have been taken for a fool, you can never know for sure how they will react. Some become wimps, some run away, some turn themselves inside out and do things you would not expect them to do. I chose to end it how and where I did because it intrigued me to do so. Anything after it seems unnecessary to me. Perhaps I may, or may not, continue...

2 years ago
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Three Teaspoons Make a Tablespoon

It started in a brightly lit kitchen, with a stand along white porcelain oven, a brand new white Frigidaire, white vinyl tile flooring, white cabinets with a ceramic tile countertop. Even the faint light from a cloudy day lit up that room, but the room always seemed bright, especially when my Grandmother was there. It’s odd the things you remember, some so clearly, it’s like it happened just a few hours ago. In fact I can almost hear her voice now, ‘Then three teaspoons make a tablespoon,’ she...

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Tender Years

Copyright© 1992-2003 There was a young bride of Antigua Whose husband had said: "Dear me, how big you are!" Said the girl: "What damn'd rot, Why, you've often felt my twot My legs and my arse and my figua!" -The Pearl No .16 "Are you sure you want to do this?" With an unsure voice, "Yeah, it's not like we're lesbians or anything." She gave a nervous laugh that didn't last long. There were a few seconds of awkward silence while the two teenagers looked at each...

4 years ago
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Sex and the school gril 3

In the morning she called and said her mother was letting her off at noon be at the cabin at 12:30 and the boys would arrive about three o'clock so we could have some time alone together. That would give me some time to explore the lot and the cabin as I never had time before. One of the doors that was locked, I got the keys and opened it went down to the basement where I found a washer and dryer. After to day the bed sheets would diffiently need to be laundered. Out side there was a path...

3 years ago
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Like a deer in headlights river of cum

The following story is something I can post through voice texting. So forgive any errors made.My high school girlfriend and I have had an interesting sexual relationship for several years. It became super charged One night when I decided to pay her a unscheduled late night visit. It was common and encouraged that I feel free to visit her through her bedroom window late night when everyone is sleeping. This was something that happened regularly. Most of the time she would visit me through my...

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Learning AssistanceChapter 25

We pulled into our house to be greeted by Melissa and Paul. My sister was there with Larry as well. We had an enjoyable evening bringing everyone up to date. After a lot of discussion, a pool and hot tub would not be installed. Marcia was against it and we joined a country club instead. It worked well. We would revisit the idea of a pool and hot tub when we finished school if we were staying here after graduation. Our college classes would start for the fall semester soon. It was good to...

2 years ago
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Sally and I are sophomores at an eastern seaboard university; I met her a couple of months into my freshman year, and we have been lovers ever since – although we have kept it secret from everyone how very much more than just ‘best friends’ our relationship is. For spring break, through the kind offer of my mother’s cousin, we had the chance to use for two weeks a remote cabin in the mountains of my home state, tucked away at the far end of a long winding valley in the pine forests. The...

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La Macarena part 2

part 2It’s not anymore about “if” but just “when” and "with who"We woke up around 10AM. In the shower we got exited again and a lot of kissing and touching gave us a nice start of the day. When we open the door of the room we are immediately outside in the open air. Shades, slippers and a towel and on our way for breakfast. The long table was not crowded like last evening and together with four other couples we started breakfast. Everybody was friendly, helping each other, like asking if you...

4 years ago
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Assam Sex In Guwahati 8211 Part 1

Part 1 Horthate room or calling bell tu bajil, ritu boue uthi goi darza khan khuli dile. Hotel or waiter etai kiba kibi khua bastu alop loi ahil aru table t thoi gol. Ritu boue khua bastu khini plate ot serve karibo dharile. Ritu boue khana serve karute maje maje hari khanar asol tu pari gaisil, aru Ritu bour piha gitar adhat ke besi ankha dekha gaisil. Endore khana serve kari thakutei Kapoor namor officer tu uthi Ritu bouk haboti dharile. Ritu boue prothomote alop appoti karisiljadiu pasole...

2 years ago
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Cyber Dog

Professor Carl Davis was proud of his invention. It had taken the man a mere three years of trouble and toil to create the body, but will all living things; the body is but a shell. It was another ten before he managed to bring the semi-sentient AI on line. Working in his basement, keeping the project a secret at least until he was sure of results lest he loose his job at Ravensmoor University, Professor Davis laboured almost non-stop until the day of the break through. In a sudden burst of...

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Afternoon Domlight

I don’t think I’d ever been so nervous in my life. I sat there on the padded bench in the hotel lobby, one of my legs bouncing restlessly over and over again as I tried not to fidget and failed miserably. My palms were sweating. I’d already wiped them off, twice, and pretty much gave up on them not sweating after that. I had a box of twizzlers in one hand and a bundle of roses in the other, and I was compulsively checking my phone for the time and to see if I’d gotten a message. Anything to...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Rachael Cavalli Gorgeous MILF Rachael Cavalli Giving You Butterflies

Busty, sweet and wild are 3 wonderful ways to describe the delectable Rachael Cavalli. She is quite the naughty girl in her sheer white top that shows off her voluptuous breasts. She loves the butterflies on her bra and panties but those will be flying away soon so you can admire those glorious breasts up close and personal. She dreams of stuffing your face in that wet pussy while she runs her hands through your hair and smashes your face deeper into her pussy so she can cum all over it! This...

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HouseguestPart 4

I changed Gloria's tire, had the flat repaired, and buttoned up her car. she called to say she would be going shopiing with friends and would get a ride homw with them. She thanked me again and said she would repay me, to which I reolied it was no trouble. Soon after, Dara called to say she was driving with some businesswomen to a resort up north for the weekend, and would stop by the house to pack a bag. I was cool, saying I might not be home when she got there, to which she replied, "Aww, I...

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The ExhibitionistChapter 2

It's a good thing that we caught Hofmann in time, before he got posted to the wrong assignment. Those dream-sequence movies made it absolutely clear that he was the perfect gunslinger, but only a run-of-the-mill assassin. We would probably have lost him on his first assignment, if we had tried to use him against Stalin, as originally planned. Well, here I am in the beautiful state of Texas. I guess it's a fine example of "be careful what you wish for." It must be 115 degrees in the...

2 years ago
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Hair Salon Male Orgasm

Last week I went to a hair salon to get my haircut, my aunt works there so i can get a discount plus its a nice place. So I went there this time wearing no underwear, just a shirt and some baggy jeans. I put a cock ring on before I left because I thought if i get the opportunity to, I am going to be naughty and touch my cock in the salon. So I get there and an older lady maybe in here mid forties takes me back to wash my hair. She was an attractive lady that has kind of flirted with me before....

2 years ago
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Waiting Up

Staggering up the steps of his front porch, Jimmy Woodson leaned against the railing and waited for his head to stop spinning. It was around 1:00 on a Saturday morning and he'd spent his Friday night living it up the way people his age tended to. It was the summer, Jimmy's first year of college was looming ahead, and a good friend from high school had thrown a major bash while his parents were out of town.Alcohol had been readily available at the party, even though nobody there was 21. Jimmy...

3 years ago
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Facing Destiny Pt 2 of 2

Darkniciad melted into the kiss, lost in the feeling of her soft lips. She pressed her body against his and he subconsciously followed her lead when her other hand slipped behind his back. Even as he marveled at the feeling of her tongue slipping into the kiss to tickle his lips, one of his hands curled around her back, and the other settled on the swell of her taut bottom.Destiny moaned, pulling herself even tighter against him. Then, as suddenly as she’d moved in for the kiss, she pulled...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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So You Want To Share Me

Chapter One"Honey we've been through this so many times yet it never seems to go away. I wouldn't want to do such a thing and I think I'm incapable of even considering it! If you love me, how could you even conceive of sharing me with another?"Kim was more than a bit exasperated as her husband of 12 years brought up what would become his continuing fantasy of his wife having sex with someone else. Two years ago, after a solid round of sex, John, in a languid voice, asked her if she had ever...

1 year ago
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Watching my darling wife doing another man

As I hid in the closet of my own bedroom, I couldn’t believe I was about to go through with this. Sure it was my idea to have my wife fucks another man while I watched, in fact; I was the one who talked her into it. And it hadn’t been easy. Ria is a beautiful 40 year old woman that men lust after, but she’d always been faithful to me throughout our relationship. When I first suggested that she screw another man, she was outraged, even going as far as to threaten separation. But I was...

2 years ago
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To Be or Not To Be a Doctor Chapter 2

In math class, Tony usually sat on the far-left side of the room, that being the only place where left-handed desks could be found. But on Wednesday’s class, he scanned the room anxiously looking for Manjula.She was wearing the revealing sundress he’d picked for her. Stretching out her legs in the front row, she looked irresistible. And few guys could resist her — there were two flanking her on each side, each vying in assorted ways for her attention. Tony smiled sadly in her direction and went...

First Time
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Some Comfort Here Ch 03

Brandon was fairly certain Nathan had nicked his jacket again. It wasn’t the first time, not for any of them. When you were all on the road together, suitcases tossed in and run from bus to hotel more times than should be possible, things were likely to get mixed up. Or borrowed. Or conveniently removed and not returned. Ben had been wearing a pair of jeans for the last six months that Brandon was almost certain had originally belonged to Mark, and Kyle’s hairspray constantly running out was...

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