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In last chapter, we saw that the virus started to target males too. Marcus changed into a fully functional hermaphrodite and joined the fun with Sandra and Mandy. Now it is time to establish their new lives. Wednesday, 07h Marcus woke up before Sandra and Mandy and thought about his life from now on. He was in a relationship with two very beautiful women and his body was as womanly and beautiful as theirs was. They were all hermaphrodites. However, he was not only a hermaphrodite, but also a red cape cobra, with painted pink nails and a hair styled on a beauty salon. His memories from last day were good and he was really enjoying his new body and life. He rose from their nest slowly and left the two of them sleeping. He was refreshed after sleeping entangled to them. He went to their living room where they left the shopping bags last night and chose a set of skirt and blouse and another red lacy bra. He took his makeup and put in the bathroom. Then, he went to the kitchen and prepared some eggs to them. Finally, he returned their bedroom and started to rub his body on theirs. Soon they were waking up and pulling him to them. - Good morning, girls! I am sorry, but I cannot do that now. I have many things to do today, starting by quitting my old job. Let us get ready. - Now? What time is it? - Mandy asked. - Seven and a half in the morning. It is time to wake up. Our breakfast is almost ready. We have a lot to do today. - Yes, we have. But wait until the day gets hotter. - Sandra said. - We cannot! Wake up and let work. They started to get up while Marcus went to the kitchen and finished preparing the breakfast. He separated three eggs for each one of them and ate his. After that, while Sandra and Mandy were dragging their bodies to the kitchen, he took his clothes and went to their bedroom. He quickly dressed himself and went to the bathroom, where he brushed his teeth and styled his hair in a professional way. Then he put just a light makeup and his red lipstick. He took his purse and put all his documents inside, his lipstick, and a portable makeup kit. When Mandy and Sandra returned to their bedroom, he was already ready to leave. - Wow! Are you already ready? - Sandra said. - And you are stunning! You learned so fast how to take care of yourself! - I love what happened to us! - Marcus said. - I will go quit my job now and then I will buy a car where we can fit and drive. - We know! - Mandy said. - We are doing what we agreed last night. - Ah! If it is not too much to ask for, can you two send me some extra money? I think I will have to buy a really big car to fit us inside. - Ok. We will text you the value we are sending you. Marcus gave a quick kiss on them and left. He slithered to his company. It was a long walk, but he was enjoying slithering under the sun. A few minutes later, he arrived at the company and went directly to human resources. The woman at the desk was a zebra hybrid and called Marcus a few minutes after arriving. - Good morning, how can I help you? - The zebra girl, Anna, asked. - Good morning, I am here to quit my job. - Ok. However, I don't recall us having a snake hybrid in our company. - I know that. I changed over the last weekend. I am Marcus, from software development. - Are you a man? - I was, as you can see. I am one of the first men changed completely. - Wow! That's what is going to happen to all men? - I think so. My wife had changed into a cape cobra last week, on which I called in and got the week to monitor her changes. - Ok. However, I have to ask you for some identification. Have you changed your identification documents? Marcus handed her all his documents and the pictures of his changes. He saw as her eyes widened. - Wow! That's you! I remember you now! - And now I am a poisonous cobra. - Poisonous too? That's why you want to quit your job! - Yes, that's right. My venom is powerful and pure. My wives, Sandra and Mandy, had it too. - Wives? - Yes, snakes have group relationships. - Wow. I did not know that. However, you quitting is done. We will contact you in up to five days if we need something else. - Ok, thank you. Marcus signed the paperwork and left home. When he arrived, he found out that Mandy and Sandra had already left. Since he needed to go to a car dealer and did not have a car, he decided to call Mandy and ask for help with transportation. - Hi Mandy! - Hi! How was everything with your old job? - It is done. I am now unemployed. Now I need to solve a transportation problem. Can you help me to go to the car dealer? - Of course! I am asking Claudia to help you just now. She will arrive in a few minutes. They said their goodbyes and while waiting for Claudia, Marcus had an idea. If he had now the body of a woman, he would take the opportunity to test for some urban legends, like the one that said that women get everything easy just by luring males with their charm. He changed into a red floral dress with a bigger cleavage and changed his makeup to a sexier one. He finished right when Claudia arrived. When she saw him, she went wide-eyed. - Good morning! Wow! You are hot today! I am confused, aren't you a man? - Good morning, Claudia! Actually, I was a man. Now I look like a woman and I am enjoying it. Am I doing it right? - Yes, if you are interested in getting a man. You will break some necks walking in the streets today. - I know. I decided to be a little deeper in the feminine role and try to get something different at the car dealer today. I think I have to try that because soon everyone will look like a woman too. - Are you already trying to use some female tricks? Wow! You went heads first on female role. In addition, I think it will work as you wish. However, take care because not every man can respect a beautiful woman. - I will take care. And I have some weapons if someone gets funny on me. It will be hard not to laugh at their faces while in the female role. - I have to see that. Concerning our destination, do you have any preferences? - Yes, I want to go to that big car dealer, the one who sells large cars and motor homes. We will need a really big car to fit us all inside. - I know where it is. Let's go. Marcus climbed the cargo box of the truck and was amazed to see it better decorated. It had a new sofa attached on the floor and the walls were all covered in fabric. That was a TV available and some magazines on a small table. Marcus just seated on sofa and relaxed while Claudia drove him to the car dealer. They quickly arrived there and Claudia opened the cargo. - Claudia, I will buy a car and I will drive back home. You may go now. - I won't lose this negotiation! If they had something for me to do there, they can call my cell. I will be here, just watching. - That's ok to me. Let's see what I can get there. Marcus went to the car dealer and felt all eyes on him when he entered. He slowly slithered to the show room swaying his hips. Quickly a salesman came to him. - Good morning, miss! Are you looking for a specific car model? - Good morning. Yes, I am. You see, I have changed recently and now I want to drive a car again. Do you have any car that someone of my size can use? - Hmm, I think we have the perfect model. Do you have any issues about driving a big car? The salesman, Carlos, was eyeing him from top to bottom and was only talking to his breasts. Marcus was thinking that was funny and smiled. - I don't know. I always had small cars, but now I am huge! What car are you talking about? He then took Marcus to a big model, a full size SUV. He thought the car could fit him but not the three of them. The salesman continued to talk. - This one has been adapted to be driven without using the feet. I think it will be perfect to you. What do you think? - I think I would fit inside it, but I have not said that I have two other snakes as big as I am and we need to fit in the car together. - Wow! Do you live with two other snakes? - Yes, we are almost identical, regardless our colors. I am red, Sandra is brown and Mandy is yellow. - Wow! If they are half as beautiful as you are... Wow! Sorry, you did not say your name. - No, I did not. You can call me Claire for now. - Do you have a boyfriend, Claire? His move startled Marcus, but he just gave him a small smile back before changing the subject again to the cars he wanted. - Let's talk about the cars for now. Do you have a bigger car that could handle three snakes like me comfortably? - We will have to be creative. First, we have a kit to change any normal car into one that you can drive without using feet. We can quickly install this kit on the car you chose. Then we have the problem of finding the right car. Have you ever thought about a motor home? He took Marcus to a mid-size blue motor home, but that was big enough to handle them. - Wow! It is beautiful! Do you have it in red? - Yes, we have, and it has all accessories included. He led Marcus to the other motor home that was much more luxurious. In the outside, it was in a dark red tone with some white stripes. Marcus opened its door that was at its side and entered. The inside was in light brown and had a fine finishing. The front seats were apart from each other and that allowed Marcus to sit on it and spread his tail behind him. It had three other seats that they could use and a lot of interior space. He sits down on the driver's seat while Carlos sits on the passenger. - What do you think about this one? - Carlos asked. - It is big enough and I loved the carpet. I think this is what I wanted to us. But I also thought about driving alone. In this case, I would prefer a smaller car, like the other one you showed me. - Well, the only advice I have to you is to weight how much you will drive alone and with them. Do they drive cars too? - Yes, they drive, but we like to walk together. How much is this car? Carlos told the price of each car and Marcus thought they were too expensive. He knew something about that kind of vehicles and knew that Carlos could lower the price. - Wow! That's way too much for me. Do they come adapted to me? - Yes, of course. I can give you the adaptation kit installed and ready to you. We don't do that so often, but I can make an exception to you. Marcus knew that it was standard procedure to tell the price with the kit included. - How cute of you! However, what if I wanted to keep both cars? Would you give me a discount? - Well, my manager allows me to give some discount, it is not every day we can do that, but since you are buying two cars, I think we can arrange a five percent discount. - Too expensive! Are you sure there is nothing more you can do? Please? Marcus was smiling softly to Carlos and passing a hand through his hair. - That is almost beyond my clearance. How are you paying to these cars? Maybe I can arrange some more room depending on the payment method. - I thought I could pay through a bank transfer from my account to yours, today. However, I want both cars to be red. - We have a red SUV too, but we have to talk to my manager about further discounts. Follow me, please. Marcus felt like he was trying to help him but that he had reached his limits. He followed Carlos to his manager office, where he told his manager the entire story. While Carlos did not show any signs that he was changing, his manager was another case. His manager, Olav, had two small bumps on his forehead, which indicated that he would have horns. He also stared at Marcus as soon as he put his eyes on him. After Carlos finished telling him the story, Olav asked him to go to accounting and get some spreadsheets of the cars. Olav seemed happy and escorted Carlos to the door of his office while he was leaving. After he left, Olav closed and locked the door and started talking. - You know, Claire, I never saw a so beautiful changed woman before! He was closing the gap between them. Marcus wasn't happy by that. - Mister Olav, do you know how I make my money? - No, but is this important now, sweetheart? Marcus opened his mouth and unfolded his fangs. Then he started talking in a serious tone. - I sell my poison. It is pure and strong and when I am in the streets, I am confident that no one can harass me or threaten me. I think it is better to you to talk to me about business and I can forget this episode. You know that by locking your door is all you need to do so I can prosecute you for sexual harassment and I could defend myself any way I could, including biting you. As I am so civilized, I won't do anything radical if this ceases now. In addition, for your sake, my name is Marcus. I asked Carlos to call me Claire, so I didn't have to answer too many questions. Olav had fear on his eyes. - Are you a changed man? How is that possible? The changes barely started! - All you need to know is that my changes were quick. Now, how about we return to our main subject? I am interested into buying two cars from your company and you were thinking about some discount. I know that these cars worth less than what you told me until now. I only want a fair price. Olav went to the door and unlocked it, leaving it open. Then he seated at his desk and started to talk. - Why have you passed as a woman to my employee? We can give up on making any kind of business to you right now. You lied to him from the beginning. - Actually, I didn't lie to him. I told him he could call me Claire, not that my name was Claire. Moreover, if you wanted to give up, no problem. I can go to another dealer and get the same car for a fair price. I think the other dealers will be so happy to sell two cars in a day. - Take it easy! Let's not precipitate! As you can see, I am changing too and I have been too nervous these last days that I don't think enough before doing something like that. Maybe you can tell me what is like being changed. - My changes were quick. As a snake, I can eat a lot and I accelerate the changing rate by drinking several cans of energy drinks. I had my wives support while changing. - And what do you feel now? You seem to be entirely woman now. - Actually, I am a hermaphrodite. I have both sets of sexual organs. However, my male organs are hidden inside my body, so everyone think I am a woman. By the way, genetically speaking, I am a full woman now. As regards my life as a changed woman, I love it! I am fully satisfied now and I have two wives that love me too. - My wife is a cow, literally, and has these horns on her head. Lately, she is changing some more, but it isn't something that is showing yet. - Well, you seem to be going in the same path as your wife. You two will be the same when you finish your changes. Carlos returned at that moment and they changed the subject. Marcus only asked to Olav not to reveal he had been a man to Carlos, so he wouldn't be self-conscious. Actually, Marcus wanted to keep the influence he had over Carlos. He handed the spreadsheets to Olav and he checked the numbers. - Well, Miss Claire, we can reach a maximum discount of twenty percent, if you pay for the two cars today. - Will both of them be adapted to be driven with the hands? - Yes, they will. I will ask my employees to install the kits as soon as we have a deal. You can go back to your house on one of them just after lunch. - Will Carlos receive his commission on those sales? - Of course! Even with the discount, he will have his commission. - Good. Then we have a deal! I will transfer the money as soon as we prepare the paperwork. Quickly Olav provided the paperwork and used Marcus real name on them. While they were arranging everything, Marcus transferred the money to them and noticed that he still had a good amount on his account. The he went to Claudia, to dismiss her. - Claudia, I already made a deal and will go back home driving. If you want to go, feel free to do it. - And how was the negotiation? - I was a little scared at the end, when the manager tried to harass me! - I knew it! I knew he was a womanizer! I know his wife. She is adorable! Did he do something to you? - He just tried. I showed him my fangs and he almost pissed on his pants. Then he behaved better. - That's good. What car did you bought? I saw you looking at two cars, a small one and that monstrosity of motor home. - I bought both of them. I will go home in the motor home and tomorrow I will come back here with Sandra or Mandy to take the other. They gave me a good discount. The salesman was willing to do whatever I asked him. - Doesn't he know that you were a man? - He has no idea. I told Olav that I was a man and put him on his place, but Carlos wasn't with us in this moment. I told Olav that I felt self- conscious about saying my real name and he understood. Actually, I like being well treated and Carlos was doing well. - You really jumped heads first on the female role! - If I have a body like this, I have to enjoy while I can. - Ok. I will go back to the company now. Mandy called me some time ago and I told her that I was watching your back while you were there. - Did you tell her my plans? - Not the details. I only said that I knew the manager and that I would keep an eye on you. - Thanks! I will tell them the entire story later. They said goodbye to each other and Marcus returned to the dealer. After confirming through text messages that Mandy and Sandra wouldn't be at home at that hour, he decided to lunch near the car dealer. - Carlos. Is there a good place to lunch around here? - There is a small restaurant in the next block. Its food is very good and it is my lunchtime too, so, do you want some company? - Ok. They walked to the restaurant and went to a table where Marcus could coil. - Claire, I want to thank you for intervening about my commission. - You are welcome. I was searching for a good deal, but I would never take advantage on someone to get a higher discount. - You had not answered my question. Do you have a boyfriend? Would you like to have a date with me? - I don't want to cut you short, but I can't. At that moment, the waiter brought them the menu and the one Marcus received had no price on the food. - Sir, we are not together, we are having separated tabs. The waiter excused and changed the menu. - At least you could let me pay the lunch to you! - Carlos said. - I don't think so. Do you know how much a snake my size can eat? - I have no idea. Marcus called the waiter and ordered eight full meals from the menu, where all of them were meat. Carlos was startled to see how much he was going to eat and ordered something simple to him. - I thought a woman did not eat a lot! - Carlos said after the waiter was gone. - Well, I am not eating a lot, not for my body size. I can eat two hundred pound of food now. - Wow! How can you afford that amount of food? - I sell my poison. Marcus opened his mouth and unfolded his fangs to show him. - Are you poisonous? Wow! I never had seen one before! - Yes, I am a lot poisonous now! My venom is pure and just one drop can kill some horses. - And how do you do to hurt no one? - I don't bite them. In addition, I use these protections. I am not wild and I have total control over what I do. - That's good. - And you? There aren't so many men around here who doesn't show any sign of changing these days. - Well, I live alone and spend all my free time in my house. I think this virus is still deciding what to do to me. - So, why don't you get closer to someone whose changes were attractive to you? This may give you a choice in this matter. You only have to choose wisely because there is no way back. - I don't know how to decide. I have an aunt that is a spotted jaguar and I think her changes are beautiful. I think I have to talk to her, but I am not certain. - All I have to tell you is that you have to choose quickly, or your virus will decide for you. You have to check if her body is attractive to you because it is highly probable that you end up a lot like her. - I will think about it. Unfortunately, besides you being so beautiful, I would not like to lose my legs. - I love the life I have now. However, I have to confess you a little lie I told you earlier today. I think it is time now to clarify everything. At that moment, their food arrived and Marcus gave full attention into eating. He was hungry and quickly ate everything he had ordered. After eating all food, his belly was a little wider than normal, but it wasn't huge. - Wow! You ate so fast! I barely had time to eat my food and you ate everything! - I can't chew my food anymore so I have to swallow everything whole. In addition, I can swallow much larger food than the ones I ate. At least now I am satisfied. - What were you talking about lying to me? - Well, there is something I didn't tell you and that makes me so self- conscious. Actually, I don't correct anyone when called miss or madam anymore. I already passed the second phase change. - Had you passed the second phase? How was that? How you were before? - I was like you, a man. My name is Marcus. - What? You have to be kidding! You have nothing of a man on you. - Yes, I have. It is hidden inside my body. However, I also have everything a woman has. - Wow. Nevertheless, if that's the case, why are you wearing makeup and why were you so feminine while we talked? - If everyone expects me to be female, why not behave like one in public? Yesterday I went to a beauty parlor and loved the time I spent there. While I was being pampered, I felt light in my body. Therefore, when I left home today to buy a car, I decided to wear makeup and to behave like my body demands. - I wouldn't have this courage! - I didn't have too. Now, after some firsthand experience, I don't care if someone treats me as a woman. The other snakes that live with me are actually my wives, which is as I see them now. - That's cool! However, I think I am due to visit my aunt. I will talk to her and spend some days there. - I hope you get the change you want. They continued to talk some more and then Marcus paid for their lunch. Marcus explained Carlos that he had to apologize some because he had lied to him. When they returned to the dealer, both cars were ready. Marcus went straight to the motor home and made himself comfortable. Carlos explained how the controls worked and then Marcus drove back home. While driving, Marcus quickly got used to the manual controls and the size of the vehicle. He stopped at home and found out that nobody was there yet. Marcus texted they and they returned that they would return before nightfall. Marcus thought that the house needed some cleaning and decided to do it. He spent two hours cleaning the house and was amazed that his new body was so flexible and strong. He wasn't tired after that and he wasn't used to do so much work without being tired to death. After cleaning the house, Marcus went to the backyard and, while under the sun, decided to test his body. He coiled himself and started to raise his body from the ground up to fifteen feet. He was scared to try to go higher and stopped, seeing that he could climb in their house roof if he wanted. He coiled back down and prepared to hold his breath. After calming down a little, he held his breath and took note of the time. Half an hour later, he started to feel a little uncomfortable but still managed to get to the mark of forty-five minutes before breathing again. He thought that if his body was colder he could spend a lot more time holding his breath. It was already late afternoon and then he went inside the house. He quickly drained his fangs and proceeded to start dinner. Just after he started, Sandra came back. - Hello! I am back! Wow! What is that makeup? What is that monster car parked outside? - That's our new motor home! In addition, I put some makeup so I could have advantage at the negotiations. I got a good price on them. - Them? Did you buy another car? - Yes, I did. I bought that one outside so we can get out together and I bought a smaller one, if we wanted to go somewhere alone. In addition, yes, I did all negotiations as a woman; I was trying to feel what a woman feels in these situations. - That's many changes to a single day. Tell me first what happened. Marcus told Sandra what happened, including the harassment. - What a bastard! - Sandra was mad. - He learned his place at the end. I only continued to buy the cars there because I liked how Carlos was treating me. - Are you already throwing yourself on a man? Are you sure that it is all right to you? - Actually, I liked the attention he was giving me. This is so different! - That's true! I like to have this kind of attention too. - I did some tests when I came back. Did you know that we could hold our breaths for forty-five minutes? - Wow! That's a lot of time! - And my body was warm when I tried. I think that if it was colder, I could hold my breath for a much longer time. - That's cool. I noticed that the house is clean. Did you clean it? - Yes, I did. I thought it needed some cleaning when I arrived. I did it quickly. - Is this some sign of further changes on your behavior? You went too fast in the feminine mode. - If that's the case, I don't want to be normal again. I have so much more energy now that I have to use it to do something. I feel good when I can do that kind of thing. - Aren't you going to feel attracted by men now, are you? Marcus went to her and gave her a passionate kiss while his hands hovered on her body. - What do you think? - He asked. - Nice! Now you ruined your makeup. Marcus went to the bathroom and removed his makeup. After that, he applied a lipstick on his lips and returned to the kitchen. - Sandra, how was your day? Did you found somewhere where we could buy our new home? - I found a good place to us. However, we will have to buy four houses in a block to build ours. - Four houses? What kind of house are you planning to build? - I saw an entire block for sale. I visited each house and none of them had what we wanted. However, if we buy the four houses, we can build ours and still have enough space left to a good backyard. - And how much will those houses cost to us? - Around three times the value of our house. - Three times? We will have to sell a lot of venom just to buy them! - Yes, we will, but I think you two will like it. In addition, we can press the realtor to lower the price. After all, we will buy three houses. We can go there tomorrow morning. - Ok. We go there just after we pick up my other car at the dealer. Mandy arrived some time later and they told her about their day. - Wow, Marcus! I never thought you would pass as a woman so soon! However, I liked the car you bought, although I would buy a lighter color, like in yellow. - Mandy said. - And I would buy it on brown. - Sandra said. - Are we developing preferences over our colors? I love the red color now. - And how about the pink color? - Mandy asked. - It is a good color too. I like it but not as much as the red. - Marcus answered. - Great! We had some kind of brainwash. Our preferences are changing too! - Sandra said. - Maybe they are changing so we can adapt quickly to our new situation. - Marcus said. - Sandra, how many times did you thought about lesbian sex before changing? - I didn't. I was as straight as straight person could be. Now I want to have sex with both of you, and want to lick a pussy as much as I want a dick inside me. - That's the point. That's the adaptation process. - Marcus explained. - But I don't feel like I am another person. It's just that I am far more used to my body now than I should be. Let's hope that this is all. - If we think we are changing more, we can call Alice and schedule a new appointment. - Mandy said. - But let's talk about something good. It will be easy for you to buy a share of my company. Soon we will sign the documents and we will be tied together. - At least on the company. - Sandra said. They all hugged and kissed each other. They started to rub their bodies and to caress their breast. In no time, they were all at the bedroom, naked and entangled onto each other. They took turns into penetrating their partners, into licking and sucking dicks and into kissing, moaning and hissing. They came several times for a few hours and then slept still entangled. Sandra and Mandy slept on Marcus chest. Thursday, 08h They woke up at the same time, still entangled and smelling their previous night smells. When they realized, they were all with their hard cocks and ready to have sex again. They resumed their last night session of sex and quickly they were hissing and moaning loudly again. After that, they stayed laid down feeling their bodies and shivering in pleasure from time to time. When they had the strength to get up, Marcus went to the kitchen while Sandra was at the shower and Mandy was cleaning their mess. Marcus took the opportunity to drain his fangs. Just after he finished it, Mandy came into the kitchen with their bed sheets and slithered to the laundry, where she put everything into the washing machine. When she came back inside, she put her venom on the machine and then kissed Marcus. - Tasting good! - Marcus said. - I love to kiss you! - I love too, but we have to stop here or we would never get out and see the houses that Sandra visited last night. - Ok, but later we will play sssome more! Hsss! - Don't do that! Do you learn how to excite me? - That's easy! I saw how you were when we hissed! I like to hiss to you! Hsss! - Go to the shower! Later we can play. Mandy went to take her shower while Marcus prepared their breakfast. At that moment, Sandra came to the kitchen. - Have you said to Mandy that I like your hissing? - Yesss! - She said putting her tongue out. - I won't survive you two! Marcus kissed Sandra and went to take a shower. He quickly did it and returned to the kitchen, where Mandy was finishing putting the dishes on the table. They ate some eggs each and went to their room to get ready to go out. Marcus quickly put on a bra and dress and went to the bathroom to put the makeup. Mandy and Sandra looked at each other and shrugged. - Marcus, isn't your behavior too feminine? - Sandra asked, concerned. - You are making no effort to do feminine tasks, like putting a bra or applying makeup. - Not at all. Actually, I have to think a lot on how to do everything I am doing. It is hard to me to put a bra and even harder to put on makeup, but I do feel good after all that sex and I want to be pretty. - Then we are not staying behind you. - Mandy said. - Yes, we can't let a newbie into being a woman be prettier than me. - Sandra said. - It would be a shame! They finished getting ready and went to their motor home. Marcus drove it while Sandra went on the passenger seat. Mandy seated just behind him. Then they spread their bodies throughout the vehicle and went to the houses Sandra had seen. Sandra had called the realtor and scheduled to meet there. They quickly got to the houses and were amazed. The four houses were at a hill and all of them seemed to receive a lot of sunshine. The houses also occupied the entire block and had streets surrounding its four sides. - I can imagine a house on the top of the hill. - Marcus said. - Exactly what I thought! - Sandra said. - We can see the entire neighborhood from there! - Mandy said. - After I saw these houses, I didn't even looked at other options. - Sandra continued. - I was entranced by the view. - The only problem is how to pay for these houses. You said their value is three times our house. - Marcus said. - That's no problem at all. - Mandy said. - I think I can arrange to buy the houses. - Would you do that for us? - Marcus said. - Of course! We are a family and I want to live in a good place, where I can feel free. This place is perfect. - We will sell our house and our other cars to help too. - Sandra said. - Yes, I agree. - Marcus said. - Let's meet the realtor. She is here. - Sandra said. They met Louise, an ostrich hybrid. After two hours visiting the four houses, they loved the houses and were anxious to make a deal. - Louise, how about we talk about some values. - Mandy said. - Of course! What house are you buying? - All of them. We will demolish the four houses and build ours. - All houses! Wow! Ok. Calm down, Louise! Louise was almost too happy. She said the price for the houses and Mandy asked for a discount because they were buying all the houses. Mandy was good at bargaining and soon they had a good price. Mandy then asked her to prepare the papers because they would demolish them as soon as possible. Louise promised them that they would have their houses in less than a week. While driving back home, they stopped at the mall to lunch. When they were lunching, they were frequently interrupted to take pictures with children and their parents. After lunch, they went to the car dealer to get their second car. As soon as they parked outside, Carlos went to meet them. - Hello! Wow! You said that you were three snakes, but I never thought that they were as beautiful as you were! - Thank you, Carlos. These are my wives, Sandra and Mandy. - It is nice to meet you, Carlos! - Mandy said. - It's nice to meet you too! - Sandra said. They waited for Carlos to get the car. As soon as they saw it, they started complaining about the color. - Well, I told you that I am fond of the red color now. - Marcus said. - And you asked me to buy a car to us. Which color should I choose? - The car is nice. - Mandy said. - But it doesn't match my scales. I want another car, but yellow! - If that's the case, I want a brown one! - Sandra said. - Wow! Do you want two more cars? - Carlos was flabbergasted. - It seems that they don't like red. - Marcus said. - We will provide them to you. Unfortunately, we don't have those colors on stock, but we can get it quickly. Do you want the cars as complete as Claire's does? - Of course! - Sandra said. - Nobody is going to have a better car than the other does. - I will check the stock and the time when we can deliver them. Carlos went to the computer to verify and left them talking. Marcus's face was as red as his scales. - Claire? Are your name Claire now? - Sandra asked. - I told him to call me Claire when I arrived here yesterday. After I told him that my name was Marcus, he told me that I don't resemble a Marcus and that he would continue to call me Claire. - I think the name is cool! - Mandy said. - I like it. Do you want to change it officially? - No, I don't. I can use it as a nickname. It would be a pain to change my records. - Ok then. - Sandra said. - We will call you Claire when we are in the outside, but I will use your real name in our home. - Why is that? - Marcus asked. - If you don't like it, you know you can call me Marcus all the time. - It's not that. - Sandra said. - I fear this virus is changing you too much! Even I feel like I am different now. I never liked to use makeup and to pamper myself, but now I can't avoid it. I love my new body and yours and I have no problem to share you two. I think this virus is making us comfortable as we are now. - I hope so. - Marcus said. - I am feeling good with my changes. Carlos returned and told them that it would take four days to get their new cars and scheduled the delivery to next Monday. They paid for the cars and went back home. Sandra drove the motor home, with Mandy as passenger while Marcus drove his new car. When they arrived home, they drained their fangs on the machine and watched some TV together. - Can we have some alcohol? - Sandra asked. - I have no idea! - Marcus answered. - I don't know if snakes tolerate alcohol! I do know that some changed women do not tolerate human food, but we can eat it normally. - I don't know either! - Mandy said. - But we can do some tests. How about we buy some wines and try them this night? I would be good to celebrate our new house. - Why not? - Marcus and Sandra answered together. They dressed themselves again and left slithering in the street. A store nearby had wines and cheeses. They bought some fine wine bottles and cheese. They quickly returned home, undressed again and started to celebrate. - To our new home! - Marcus saluted. - It will be a good and big home! - Sandra said. - And will have a lot of space to us. - Mandy said. They drank the wine, feeling a lot more flavor than ever. Their enhanced smell sense gave them a new taste on wines. They loved the flavor but after some bottles, they started to feel the effects. - I think I am drunk! - Sandra said. - Me too! - Marcus said. - But it is good drunk. I am not going to be sick because of this. - Yes, I can feel that too. - Mandy said. - I want someone sucking me now. Marcus started to caress his own body sensually, swaying his hips and looking at them with lust in his eyes. Sandra and Mandy got aroused quickly and their cocks started to grow and harden. They responded by caressing his body. Marcus started to play with Mandy's breasts and gave her a passionate kiss on her lips. Sandra joined them and gave Mandy a kiss too. Marcus started to play with Sandra's breasts. They were in a good mood and were smiling and laughing. They went to bedroom and were lost in lust. Mandy was licking Marcus dick while entering Sandra's vagina at the same time. Sandra and Marcus were playing with each other breasts. Some minutes later they came together and then changed positions. They were having a highly passionate sex, slower than ever, and were enjoying each minute a lot. That night they came together several times until they were spent. They slept still entangled and covered in cum. Friday, 09h As always, Marcus woke up before Sandra and Mandy. He woke up slowly and was feeling good that morning. He felt the smell from their night of sex and started to get aroused. Slowly he moved the tip of his tail and snaked it up his body until it was in front of his pussy. His cock was already hardening and he was hornier by the second. He put the tip of his tail inside his pussy and started caressing his own breasts. Then he turned slightly to the side, sucked, and licked Sandra's nipples. His cock was already fully erect and his pussy was sending smells that started to arouse the others. Sandra was waking up already aroused. Her dick was growing and she started to moan slightly. At the same time, Mandy moved and Sandra attacked her pussy. She started to suck her pussy while her cock was growing inside her mouth. A few seconds later, Marcus was still using his tail inside himself when he came. He needed to have a cock inside his pussy. Then he positioned his body so he could enter Sandra and Sandra could enter him at the same time. They impaled each other and their eyes went wide with the sensations. They were massaging each other's cock with their pussies and that felt marvelous. Marcus and Sandra were moaning loudly and had a huge orgasm a little later. Marcus turned and kissed Mandy, who was now wide-awake, and Sandra was licking her pussy. As soon as she came, Sandra turned around and did the same penetrate/be penetrated thing to her. They quickly had another orgasm while hissing and moaning. After that, Marcus and Mandy did the same and was breathless when both came again. They remained laid down to recover their strength. - Marcusssss! What a wonderful thing to do! Hssss! - Sandra said. - I thought I was going to passss out when I came! - I thought that too! Hsss! - Marcus said. - The feelingsss were ssso intenssse that I couldn't believe I wasss feeling that! Hsss! - I thought you two were going to kill me! Hsss! - Mandy said. - I woke up feeling a good sssmell and the next thing I remember I wasss feeling ssso much pleasssure that I almossst passsssed out too. - We need to do that more often! Hsss! - Marcus said. - I loved it! Hsss! They rose from their nest still hissing and happy. One by one, they showered and drained their venoms in the machine. Mandy took care of the sheets while Marcus prepared their eggs. He heard something in the bedroom. When he arrived there, he found Sandra writhing in pleasure as she was laying her second egg. - Wow! Did you already have eggs? - What do you think? Hssss! Sssso much pleassssure! When Mandy arrived at the bedroom, Sandra had laid five eggs and soon she laid the rest. She had laid twenty-two eggs on that batch. - I hope I lay some eggs soon! - Mandy said. - I want to feel this kind of pleasure again. - Me too! - Marcus said. - Now, we have enough eggs to several breakfasts. Marcus and Mandy put Sandra's eggs on the fridge while she recovered some. Then the three of them ate their breakfasts and talked about what to do that day. - I think we need to talk about our new house. - Sandra said. - We can call an architect to plan our house. - Mandy said. - I know one we can call. She is pretty good at designing and I think she will do a great job. Mandy called the architect, Elisabeth, and scheduled a meet at their house after lunch. She told Elisabeth to bring her husband too, who was an engineer, as they would need to build their house from scratch. It was already late morning and they prepared together their lunch. Marcus seasoned the meet for all of them and Mandy and Sandra prepared some salad and put the dishes on the table. They quickly ate the meets and salads and waited for Elizabeth. She arrived on time and Mandy introduced them. She was a brunette horse hybrid and was clearly on second phase of the changes. Her abdomen was longer than normal and had two bumps emerging from it. That seemed that she would become some kind of centaur. Her legs were changing into a horse's hind legs and she was walking with some difficulty. - I am impressed with you, Elisabeth! - Mandy said. - Are you changing into a centaur? - It seems so, Mandy. I have these bumps that I think are changing into my new horse legs and my horse half is bigger. It has been difficult to balance myself since my knees bent to the wrong side, but I can't afford stop working right now to wait for my changes. - Where is your husband? I thought he was coming too. - He is coming later. He is a little self-conscious lately since he started to change. - I think he would like to come. We have an expert on second phase changes here. But first, let me introduce your other clients. This is Sandra, my new wife. - It's a pleasure to meet you, Elisabeth. - Sandra said. - Mandy talked a lot about your talents. - I hope I can do a good job to you. Mandy, you said she is you wife? - Yes, and this is my husband and our expert on second phase changes, Marcus. Elisabeth looked at him in disbelief. - Nice to meet you, Elisabeth. - Marcus said. - But Mandy should have introduced us as her wives. - Are you a man? - Well, I was. I am one of the first men to finish the changes. - Marcus said. - Unbelievable! Are the three of you living together? - Elisabeth was curious. - Yes, we are. - Mandy said. - As Marcus said, we are each other's wives now. - Incredible! I am in the middle of my changes and you three had already finished it! - We changed fast because we wanted to. - Sandra said. - Even Marcus accelerated his changes by drinking many energy drinks. - Haven't you lost track of the changes? How did you get used with your new bodies? - It was easier than we thought. - Sandra said. - My changes were the longest. Mandy and Marcus changes took about two to four days. - That's awesome. I was trying to slow down my changes, but if you got used so fast, I think I can speed up them now. I need to talk to my husband! - Call him to come here. Let Marcus talk to him while we discuss what we need for our house. Elisabeth called her husband and told him what she had just learned. After a quick conversation, she hung up. - He is coming. He is curious too. But tell me, Marcus, are you accepting all these changes? - Well, I have no choice. Now I am far more comfortable than when I started changing. I was afraid at the beginning, but now I am used to being treated as a woman and don't care anymore. You can call me Claire, if you want. I am using this nickname now when I am in public. - Wow! My husband won't believe it. However, I came here to talk about a new house to you. So, what are we talking about? Do you have the lot were we will build the house? - Yes, we have. We can take you there when your husband arrives. We bought four houses yesterday and we want to build our house over them. - Wow. That's a big project. What do you want in your home? - For start, we need wide and open spaces. - Sandra said. - We have forty feet bodies and we don't want a house where we can't move freely. - We need a nest, where we can sleep together. - Mandy said. - We also need a huge bathroom, one where the three of us can use at the same time and that has a huge bathtub to us all with several showers looking like a waterfall. - Marcus said. - And our house must be heated! We need a heated floor and interior. - Mandy said. - And a place to our hobbies. - Sandra said. - I need a library and a photo studio. I want to be an amateur photograph and independent moviemaker. - We haven't talked about it. - Marcus said. - But I want a car restoration workshop, a complete one with all tools imaginable. - I won't be behind you two. - Mandy said. - I want a craft workshop. I want to create pottery and paint some pictures too. They continued to list their wishes and Elisabeth was noting them all. They asked for a warmed pool in the outside, a small covered area where they could make some barbecue, a lot of grass and some trees and a huge rock where they could sunbath every day. - Wow! That's many wishes! However, I have some ideas that I think would fit perfectly! Now I need to see the place where you will build your house. - Ok. Let's go there. - Marcus said. Elisabeth called her husband, which was almost there, and told him to meet them at their new address. Mandy called the realtor and asked for the keys. They arrived at the houses a few minutes later and met Robert, Elisabeth husband. They were all introduced and Robert went wide-eyed when Elisabeth told him that Marcus was a man before his changes. Robert's changes were obvious by now. He already had a longer hair, his small breasts were already showing through his shirt and he walked slowly. His hips were big and his waist was thinner, giving him a woman silhouette. Marcus and Robert separated from the others to have a conversation about the changes. - Marcus, it is hard to believe that you were a man. - Robert said. - Even your mannerisms are womanly now. - I know. My changes were too fast. However, if you feel uncomfortable calling me Marcus, you can call me Claire too. I am going by these two names now. - You got used very fast. I don't know if that will happen to me too. - I think it will. I was very self-conscious at the beginning. When I finished my changes, everything changed too. I thought that if I had to be in a female body, why not be a pretty one? - How were your changes? Can you describe them to me? - Of course! I was fat before the changes, which gave enough raw materials to the virus to speed up my changes. Add that to the amount of food I can swallow now plus the energy drinks we took to accelerate even more my changes. I was in my new body in just two days. - Wow! I am doing the opposite of that. I was trying to slow down the process, so I am eating just for my survival. I am afraid that Elisabeth is doing the same because of me too. - Why? - She fears that I would give up on her if she develops her dick. She already started to develop it anyway. Last morning I saw she had a small hard on. I can't believe my wife is going to be male! - No, she isn't going to be male neither you are going to be female. You both are going to be hermaphrodites. I was terrified when I saw Sandra's cock for the first time, but she exhales a strong aphrodisiac from her pussy and I couldn't control myself. Does Elisabeth exhale that too? - Not that way. I never had problems to get hard since her I met her, two years ago. She already had changed at that time. I love her horsetail. Now I am getting one too. - I know how hard this can be. However, you have to see the bright side of this. - Is there one? - Oh, yes, there is a lot. In my case, I got in shape, can lift much more weight than before and raise my body several feet high with no effort. - But you also don't have legs anymore and it seems that I am turning into a quadruped. This can't be considered a good thing. - I don't know about you, but I like the way I am more flexible now. I can wrap my wives and we sleep entangled every night. - It seems good, but I fear what I will become. - Don't be afraid. As I said, I was a little afraid when I got these. - Marcus lifted his breasts. - But there is another plus in all of this. - What it would be? - Multiple orgasms. - Does it exist? - If it exists? My wives and I have three or four of the big ones and several smaller when we have sex. - Wow! Why do you have two wives? - Well, I was married to Sandra and she changed a few days ago, just before they arrested that scientist. When she finished, she registered on Mandy's company to sell her venom. - Is she poisonous? Now I know why you bought four houses at once. - Yes, we are all poisonous. - Marcus opened his mouth and showed Robert his fangs. - Some time after she started selling her venom, Mandy wanted to meet us. She loved reptiles and wanted to be a snake too. We tried to force her changes and we got it, along with a new wife. When Mandy was changing, I also started to change. - And you kept Mandy around? - Oh, yes! We found out snakes are not monogamous and that they build nests of several snakes. If there were a way, we would live with a bigger group. However, I don't think there are any more unchanged women in the world. - That's good to you. In addition, you told me that I could call you Marcus or Claire. Why is that? - That's right. I am at peace with my body. I use makeup and like to wear nice clothes. Sandra does not like that much to call me Claire, but she isn't against it too. After they took me to a beauty parlor, I liked it so much that I stop caring about it. They continued to talk while visiting all houses they bought. Marcus explained how they wanted their house and all the rooms they wanted. After some time they met again with Sandra, Mandy and Elisabeth. They saw that Robert was calmer and almost eager to change faster. - I thought about a crazy idea to our nest. - Mandy said. - What was that? - Marcus asked. - I think we can build it on the second floor, but with no stairs to reach it. - Mandy explained. - And it can have three doors to the living room, kitchen and bathroom. - Sandra added. - Good idea! - Marcus said. - The doors can be hidden from the view to keep it discreet. - And the interior would be nice, with a big bird nest type of bed to the three of us. - Mandy said. - Does Elisabeth agree with this? - Marcus asked. - It was her idea to do something like that. - Sandra said. - Ok. I agree then. I liked the idea. However, make the nest big enough to all of us to fit inside it. - Marcus said. They planned to build their house on top of the hill. Their nest would have windows that showed all the beautiful view they had there. It would be possible to see almost the entire the neighborhood. Down the hill, inside their lot, there will be a large backyard divided on three parts. Near the house would be a pool with a barbecue grill and a place with a large table and a small hoof. In the next session of their backyard would be a grassed field with a big rock where they could lay under the sun. Marcus's car workshop place would be on the lower part of their lot. It would be far from the house because of all the noise he would do while restoring his cars. Inside their house, the entrance would lead the visitors into their living room. It would be huge and have two big doors, one of them leading to the kitchen and other to the bathroom. The kitchen would be ample and have a door at the back leading to a porch. This porch would have access to Mandy's crafting workshop, to Sandra's studio and to the backyard. Back into the house, in the middle of the living room would be a door to their nest. Its place would be twelve feet high and would have no stairs to climb there. Inside this nest there would be a circular bed built on the floor with fifteen feet of diameter and three feet deep in the lowest part. Two other doors at the nest would lead to the bathroom and kitchen. After that, they said their goodbyes, Elisabeth and Robert left promising to have the project in a week. Mandy, Sandra and Marcus went home. As soon as they arrived home, the three of them removed their clothes and started to prepare some dinner. They were all so excited. They were planning what to do when at their new home. While they were eating, they heard in the news about a mysterious slaughter of the entire cattle from a farm. The farm was far from where they lived and they soon were talking about something else. They finished eating, drained their fangs at the machine and then finished the night with a highly passionate sex session where each one of them came four times. On the following days, they established a daily routine. At mornings and late afternoons, they would drain their fangs. The market for their venom was still strong and allowed them to gather a great amount of money. They were now partners at Mandy's company. A week after their meeting with Elisabeth and Robert they received the designs for the house. They noticed that Robert had developed quickly since their visit and Elisabeth was walking on her four legs. The building of the house was quick and started as soon as the paperwork was ready. The changes throughout the world ended three weeks later. Curiously, all wild people had recovered their minds and returned to society. The men resigned themselves and finished changing. All changed people now had functional hands and human faces. It seemed that the scientist had made the virus so that nobody would be disabled again. All hoofed animals, like cow, horse, and deer were now centaurs. Winged animals had their wings at their backs and had human arms and hands. Other quadruped animals, like cats, could walking on two or four legs and had hands in the place of their front paws. All people changed into poisonous animals developed the capacity of producing their venom. The venom market was flooded for several kind of venom. Fortunately, there were no other cobras in the world. As far as they know, they were the only three cobras in the world. Mandy was still going to the company every day. Sandra and Marcus were supervising the construction of their house and would go to the company every other day. After two months they got a new patent on a new medicine made from their venom and were making a lot of money licensing it to other companies. Not the end.

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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 26

Life sailed along for another five years. I wrote three more Battle Babes, seemed I couldn't quite let it go. Four more Dark Handsome novels established him as a proven franchise, and Leah was already writing the second screen play, the first movie was as successful as any we'd produced. Issabella wrote two more romances, which made moderately successful movies. The kids were growing like weeds, and the big house seemed a lot smaller these days. Tory and Cathy had gotten into showing...

3 years ago
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A Day by the Pool

She was topless and what was I doing staring at her?It started innocently. It was a hot summer day and I knew that Sara would probably be out back sunning herself by the pool. She was our neighbor's college daughter and she was home for the summer. Our neighbors were new and Sara knew few people in the neighborhood. So I thought I would invite her over for an evening BBQ with my spouse and kids once they got back from fishing. Her family was gone for the weekend.Sara was lying on the chaise...

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Fat Pig Cum Slut

This is something that happened to me when I was s*******n in high school, my friend Niki asked me to come out to her boyfriend's house they were having a pool party. I said sure sounds like fun it was a beautiful hot sunny day, we arrived at Jay's house there were 3 other guys there all drinking beer. They offered us a beer we undressed into our bathing suits, Niki is a tall 5.7 Long Blonde hair with large tits, very tight and curvy body. She was wearing a blue sting bikini that didn't cover...

2 years ago
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NonFiction Train

I should be ashamed. But I’m not. It’s been six months since it happened; and up until now, I’ve kept my mouth shut. Now, I’ve chosen to be bold. Why? Well, it’s my resolution for 2015: to hell with what people think. I resolved to chase my worries with an imaginary lick of salt and a virtual shot of Patron, throwing all inhibitions over my shoulder. (Yes, I’m still trying to convince myself; it’s a work in progress.) By the way, this is a true story – hence the declarations. Some may condemn...

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Fighting for a New Life Ch 0203

CHAPTER TWO Ariana woke up slowly, blinking as she tried to figure out where she was. She wasn’t home, or her father would have been yelling at her to get breakfast started. She gasped when she sat up and saw Bobby laying next to her. ‘What the …’ Ariana shook her head as the events from the day before flooded her. ‘Good evening,’ Bobby murmured. ‘Evening?’ Ariana repeated. Bobby nodded. ‘Yes, it’s almost dinner time,’ Bobby told her. ‘Seriously?’ Ariana slid out of bed, wrapped a robe...

1 year ago
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My Big Fat Farty Friend

A BBW friend of mine, in her own words...Hi, my name is Danni, I'm 26 and I guess you'd call me a British BBW. Basically I'm fat lol. Anyway, as well as being lardy I'm also windy. Or as you would say gassy. Basically, on account of IBS, I fart like a thoroughbred racehorse lol!And over the years I've come to know that men just love it when I do!It all started when I was 19. I've always been blessed with a big round arse and my boyfriend at the time just loved it (not the first, won't be the...

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Press Mute Next Time

I was on the phone talking to my male friend Shawn from high school. Shawn was a smart guy who was chubby in high school, but I never cared we had classes together and I would talk to him about gossip in the school and homework. He wore glasses and was dark chocolate. I was a dark brown girl very top heavy, insecure, short pixie untamed hair cut, with the self confidence to drown a cockroach. we kept in touch ever since graduation. He is probably the only person from school whose number I can...

2 years ago
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Sunset I almost feel like a tiger stalking my prey. The way I've been watching you all afternoon. Admiring the way you sway across the sand, your smile, your hair and the way the sun shines across your face. I can smell your fragrance and it makes me want to pounce. It’s almost sunset and this private cabana couldn't have been a better setting. A picturesque beach before us and the intoxicating smell of jasmine fills the air. You lay down in front of me and I start to caress your...

Straight Sex
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My Mom8217s Gang Bang By My Dad Subordinates In Our Home

Hi this story is about my mom lalitha is gang bang by my dad’s subordinates. My dad name is siva. His age is 45. My mom age is 38.He is working in one private company as accountant. My mom is lalitha is house wife. My dad is always strict and obey is work very much. And I am the only son to my parents. My dad is normal guy. But my mom is looking very beautiful in our area. My mom laitha in 38 she looks like just 24 like that she have beautiful face. Her lips are like two pairs of orange. If all...

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Brotherly Love

"Damn!" I cursed as I hung up the phone. "Language Peter." Dad commented looking up from his paper, "What caused the outburst son?" "That was Joyce phoning to tell me she can't make it this evening," I replied moodily, "she waits until an hour before she's due to be here before letting me know." "Ah yes," My father grinned, "the dance. Of course it's too late to find another partner for the evening I suppose." "You suppose right." I sighed. To say I was annoyed would...

3 years ago
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How the lottery got me more pussy than Wilt Chambe

Coming up as a tall, goofy k** in the hood, I would be interested in pretty girls, thick girls with DD's. I would always ask them for a date, or to hang out, and they said,"No!"So, one day I go to the store to play my lottery, the jackpot was worth $1.7 billion. So, after being in a long ass line, I finally got my chance to play. Thank God I went to Indiana, where they had no state tax if you win.So, after I played my lotto, I hopped on I-80 west to go back to Illinois. Once I returned home, I...

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Fire School Fuck

A few months ago there was a big training opportunity for me to attend with the fire department. This event is held every year and because I am so new to this field it was my chance to go for the first time. There were going to be a few of us from my station there, the Chief and his daughter, Chuck- my Lieutenant, and Dave- a fellow firefighter. They had all been to this training before and told me that I could expect to learn a lot during the day but to be prepared to drink a lot at night. We...

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Becca B Part 3

Becca B. Part 3part 1 2 B. Part 3It was getting late and I had to be at work by 4 am, we made our plans for tomorrow, we decided that I would drop her off on my way to work and with it being so early no one would be awake and all should be good to go. I would be getting off at noon (being a store manager has its perks) and we would meet at the malls parking garage and I would pick her...

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Trapped Married Woman Then Explode Her 8211 Part II

This is the continuation of my story please read the part I first:She looked at me in unconvincing manner and asked me whether she don’t need to pay back the money. I told yes, she don’t need to, since she has decided to co-operate with me and even in that situation, she smiled. I told her that she is looking very beautiful while smiling and she blushes and any good looking woman looks pretty while smiling and blushing and Saroj was not that bad looking. So, when she smiled and blushed, she was...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 44

Day 143: John couldn’t be sure from the distance he watched, but this dragon felt like it was the largest yet. If not the biggest, then definitely the scariest. Her head reminded him of the worgh, with sharp spines lining every contour. A ‘mane’ of more horns flared at the base of her skull, leading to a row of them dotting her spine. Her wings were folded, and every joint, including her legs was defined by a jutting tapered spike. Her scales were deep red, with shiny platinum and gold...

1 year ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 32

I woke up having to pee. I almost flipped my legs over my head to drink it before I remembered that Mistress said I didn't have to for now. So, I got up and went into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet happy as can be that I could pee normally. I sat there and let my flow go. I heard it hit the water and giggled. Normally my pee just hits the back of my throat and doesn't make any sound. It felt so good. When I finished peeing, I changed my tampon and tossed it in the garbage. Then I got a...

2 years ago
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Nana Ch 3

Nana Ch.3.txt Mother and son continue….. After Greg and his Mon arrived home things progressed smoothly. When he had explained to his Mom what had happened between himself and Nana, he then took her to her Mom’s bed and proceeded to seduce her. This was all while at his Nan’s home. They knew that they belonged together. They both had work, Mom at the Agency and Greg with his studies at University. This went on very calmly until about 6 months into the year when Greg met a young lady at Uni. He...

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The Casting Couch 8211 Part 1

The city of Kolkata is the ultimate Eden of joy. Needless to say that to most bengali’s orgasm was the best form of joy. The city was filled with voluptuous beauties .Studying in an engineering college meant that Vijay did not have much of a chance to vent out his insatiable sexual appetite which he had clad under his cool demeanor with utmost dexterity. Not that he was extremely innocent or kind.At times he would watch a porn movie or two at indianpornempire and jerk off to his hearts delight...

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Wolf Pups

For hundreds of years the wolf people have fought with the humans, bringing your kind to near extinction. You were born in the last known wolf village in all the lands, and grew up as one of the strongest of your pack. Many other young male wolves challenged you, but you defeated all of those who stood in your way. Once you matured, the males who foolishly still decided to challenge you, were met with a much more humiliating defeat. After routing them in combat, you would take their females for...

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Beths ArmChapter 7

William Wainright looked up as Alexander Beall wiped his boots on the scraper by the door and entered his office. "Good day," the constable said, pushing back a short forelock that had escaped from under his brown tie wig. "Terrible run of weather we've been having." Beall hung his coat on a peg. "Yes, hard on the roads, and I think my roof's got three new leaks this week." "I talked with that store clerk, Sparks," said Wainright as Beall sat down across the desk from him....

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Angel hanging restrained fucking my friends

Angel DID enjoy being hung up & restrained, but not quite like in the modified pictures I posted of her. She did NOT like her weight hanging by her arms & legs.------------------------------------he living room in our home had a large ( 6 inch ) beam across the centerbecause we had a 2 story home & this bore the weight across the living room.In order to hang Angel from it I went out & bought a playground replacementswing. The kind with a leather seat & chains. Also I bought...

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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters Twelve Eighteen

Chapter Twelve: MondayPart 1: Morning – County Clerk’s OfficeI woke at sunrise, eased out of bed, trying to not disturb Patti, gathered clothing, and went into the bathroom. Showered and shaved, I put on panties and bra, did my makeup, put on my wig and stud earrings. I slipped on my navy floral V-neck dress and tip-toed out of the bedroom, closing the door before slipping on my black open-toe two-inch heels.I went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee, then to the office and powered up...

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Megs Second Business Pt 2

Introduction: Megs Second Business Trip, is all Pleasure – Pt 2 Background (This is a continuation of the story, thought Id lead off with a brief background, for those who havent read part 1 yet): Im Meg&hellip, Paul and I have been enjoying our Lifestyle for a couple of years now. Ed is a member of our group, with his help and support, I found employment and now work for Ed as an account executive, managing a customer thats very import to the firm. My new career is giving me the personal...

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JapanHDV Luke Ichinose Seduces the office staff and gives out blowjobs

We have our new hire for the office girl, Miss Luke Ichinose walking into the men’s locker room today. She just walks right in and is not shy at all about being there. She is quite proud to just walk in and talk to the employees that are there changing clothes after their shift. Today she walks in when she hears that someone has entered the locker room. She knows someone is in there and she goes in anyways. She knows exactly what she is doing. Some might think that the boss hired her knowing...

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Wife swapping in Kerala

We are Ajay and rani, married couple from Kerala .I am an Engineer,30 years,working in a reputed company and Rani is a housewife,aged 27. We have been married for 5 years and our life is going smooth.We are livng in an apartment near my work place.Our flat has 2 bed rooms,a hall and a kitchen and the two bed rooms are bath attached.Let us describe our body features.I am 6 feet,well built having a thick moustache and attractive.Rani is 5’6”,slim,but with good boobs and ass.She has long hair upto...

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Sub lin and Mistress K

So my wife is sub lin (though she's more a slut than a sub) and this story is about a hotel party I arranged where she was the party slut and another female was her domme that night. Hotel was in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Have fun reading it.Afraid it’s been awhile since I wrote about any of our sexual adventures, with Lin now being on an amateur site and doing the odd additional adult photo or video opportunities . . . writing the stories has taken a bit of a backseat. But I’ve found a little...

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Hard Condo Adventure

By Millie Dynamite I walked into the building, and there he was just as he had described himself when spoke on the phone. A tall white man with brown and gray hair standing near the elevators, holding a briefcase and wearing a pinstriped business suit, with blue and red striped tie. He was, actually, quite attractive and the suite spoke of money a lot of money. I walked up to him, extending my hand. “Sandy Leary, Mr. Daystar I am very pleased to make your acquaintance,” I said, with a...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 09

**So just exactly what is Kayla’s problem? Vote if you want to, and comments are always welcome. O_o ————— Kayla was a bit slow getting up, and eventually Jillian wandered into her room to wake her. Kayla stretched as she sat up and hugged her niece. ‘Good morning, Jilly. I love you, honey.’ She looked over at Jillian’s constant companion. ‘And I don’t want to forget Daisy,’ she said, running her hand over Daisy’s head and chest. Daisy licked her forearm in reply. Jillian kissed her, and...

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GloryholeInitiations Nia Nacci Second Appearance

It’s Saturday night and Nia is all up in the Club but the night is dead and she finds herself walking around and exploring. It pays off when she walks into a dark and moody room, it takes a minute for her to realize she is in a glory hole room. Splush goes the pussy and she is quick to pop open her bodysuit lingerie to get her hands on it. It only takes a moment for a big hard cock to appear through one of the holes and she is on it like she is starving. Her mouth and titsmade passionate...

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Do Se Bhale Teen Me Poonam Or Vo 8211 Part 1

Hi dosto, kese ho aap log mujhe pata he aap log ek dam mast honge aaj me aap logo ke samne ek or kahini le ke aaya hu aap mujhe aapne vichar mujhe pe mail kar ke bata sakte he ya aap mujhe fb par bhi join kar sakte he aap mujhe hangout pe bhi msg kar sakte he aap logo ka jada samya barbad na karte hu me aapni kahain pe aata hu ye kahani meri pichli do kahaniyo ka aage ka bhag he jisme mene kses poonam ke sath aapne sambandho ka zikar kiya or kese punam me aapni aap biti batayi aab aage ka bhag...

2 years ago
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The Ring Of Wishes

"NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" yelled a fat looking man at Mike. This fat looking man was Mike's boss, and he had always had it in for Mike, ever since he was hired at the company three years ago. It was mainly because he spilt some coffee on the boss' papers when he was newly employed, but now, the boss had a valid reason to punish him. And yes, making him unemployed did seem a bit harsh, but this boss was very powerful and gets his own way. On the way out of the office, Mike muttered...

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Emma at SchoolPart 1

Had my parents been a normal working class folk, I would left school and gone to work but no, they were comfortably off and could afford to send me to 'finishing school' as they called it. I didn't want to go because I'd heard rumours as to how strict it was and it was a boarding school too so there would be no getting away from it in the evenings. My protests were quickly overruled. "The education you will receive there will help you find a husband that will be able to look after you...

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TriadChapter 4 Day Three

When Helen brought us our breakfast the next morning - something that had almost become routine - she wasn't dressed in the French maid's apron. Instead, she was wearing the yellow thong we had seen her in on our first evening together. Her bare breasts were adorned by a pair of nipple clamps. The clamps were linked by a delicate chain which swung freely between Helen's beautiful breasts and made the whole thing look like an intriguing kind of necklace - even though she didn't wear it...

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Sovereign in Futaverse

Character Introduction Alter - 18 years old Our protagonist. Lost his parents at a young age, he was adopted by his aunt and now lives with her and her two daughters. Calls Irene his mother, despite knowing the fact that she was his aunt. Appearance: White hair, crimson eyes. 6.5 feet tall, lean muscular physique. Length: 4.5(flaccid) to 9 inches - Girth: 3.5(flaccid) to 5 inches Testicles: Quail eggs size, slightly bigger compare to average male's tests size. Alice - 20 years old Alter's...

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Rare chance

I needed to go into work to complete a project, on a Saturday, expecting to be the only one in the building. When I got there, I was the only one there. It was a single story building ad the windows were closer to the ceiling so no one could see in or without climbing on something first. It held only two separate businesses, one related to advertising and one was for insurance. I had worked for about an hour when I heard a knock on the door. Since I was alone, I asked who it was. And it...

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Berlin and Holly fart on Kirsten Dunst

As the camera rolled, the one and only, Kirsten Dunst was rolling around wrapped in duct tape. Her screams were muffled because her mouth was taped shut securely. She had a scared look in her eyes as she rolled off the bed trying to escape somehow as the cameraman taped her quietly. Previously Kirsten was kidnapped by two women who were masked, in an alley. Kirsten continued to squirm as the door...and out came NAUGHTY HOLLY and BERLIN. These two were famous for their fart videos. They had once...

3 years ago
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He torn my virginity 8211 1

Mera nagma khan hai. Mein 20 saal ki hun. Mera color fair aur chuchi medium size ki hain.meri figure hai 34-24-33. Yeh june, 2003 ki baat hai. Us samay mein virgin thi. Mein bohat hi shermili hun. Merey father police mein hain. Us din meri mother ghar per nahi thi aur mera bhai collage gaya hua tha. Meri ek classmate hai nidhi. Usne mujhai ek sexy stories ki book di thi mein usi book ko padh rahi thi. Oh no, jab meine wah book pardhna shuru ki tu mein hairaan rah gayi. Usmein bahut hi sexy aur...

4 years ago
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Happy Wife Happy LifeNot Today

It was just a normal Saturday. I had gotten up early and decided to put in some work on my pet car project, a 1968 Camaro SS. My pride and joy. I was in my shop polishing on a fender when my wife joined me. Candace Richards (Candy to me and our friends) is my gorgeous wife of sixteen years and have known each other for seventeen. She’s five feet, six inches tall about one hundred and thirty pounds I’m guessing at the weight. As most women, she would never admit to her weight. It made no...

3 years ago
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Ten Day Cruise

It all began on a normal summer day. As I did most days, I spent much of it sunning in the backyard and reading one of my romance novels. My brother left earlier to play ball with his friends in a park near our suburban home. Mom and Dad both worked. I turned eighteen a week before. My brother would be nineteen in a month. Glen and I graduated from high school a few weeks earlier. We were in the same grade because my brother failed the fifth grade. After that, he buckled down. Mom and Dad's...

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