The New Girl - A Documentary Of The Butterfly Light, Part 1 free porn video

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The New Girl - A Documentary of the Butterfly Light Part 1 A seasoned journalist, Mike traveled the world in search of compelling stories. It was his last one, however, deep in the hilly jungle of Southeast Asia, which would change his life back in Manhattan forever. With flagging self-awareness, Mike does his best to document his erotic transformation from man to woman and his final emergence in the 'butterfly light.' I started my video blog basically because I'm a journalist. There was a story to be told and that's what I'm good at. My objective had been to report on a strange tribe, deep in the jungle of Laos that was rumored to engage in an ancient mystical rite of gender transformation. I hadn't expected the story to be about me though. I've written features for some of the top magazines. My article for Esquire on the Alaskan crab fisherman had set off the subsequent TV shows and attention. I covered the sex life of Parisian models for Penthouse. I've covered coups d'?tats, catastrophes and celebs. I'd heard about the Laotian tribe and their purported practice a few years ago on a trip to Bangkok. It seemed interesting but I told my source I'd need more evidence. I paid good fees to my contacts for good stories but I wasn't easily duped. I had a number of projects to keep me busy. A year ago, I was back in Thailand for an interview with a high-ranking Burmese defector. I spent six days afterwards holed up in Bangkok hotel, hammering out that story. One afternoon my source rang my room. He had more proof for me on that tribe in Laos and the story of their strange gender rituals. "Right now," he said. "Here. The lobby. You come." We met in the bar. He introduced me to Lei Wa, an attractive Asian woman, probably in her late 20s. She didn't speak English but spoke softly to my Thai contact who was quite proficient in English and other languages. This woman, he told me, had once been a man. She was from the isolated Mong tribe high in the mountains of Laos. It seems that the tribe had some sort of cultural dictate over who would be male and would be female. But the strange part was that it didn't seem to be some pagan castration story. Whatever it was, if Lei Wa was telling the truth, this custom seemed to operate right down to the chromosomal level. We went back and forth as I asked my questions of Lei Wa. Each question she answered thoughtfully with little hesitation. I asked about the ritual. What their cultural reasoning was. I asked how it all transpired. I asked her why she was telling me about this. There were some things that she preferred not to tell me. But there were details that made this story ring true to my skeptical ears - in spite of its wild possibility. She also explained how she had been chosen for the transformation. She provided some very crazy details. Of course, there was no way I could confirm for sure that she had been a man. But there was no disputing the fact that she was a real woman. She was pregnant. The story fascinated me. I could tell it wasn't a hoax, but I figured there must be a plausible explanation. Still, I thought how interesting it would be to peer into this secret society with its strange regard for sexual roles. . . . . . My contact joined me. We took a helicopter as close as we could then hiked nearly two days in thick jungle until we reached the village. They were friendly, open people but I knew this story wouldn't just present itself to me. I worked hard to gain their trust. I hunted with them, ate with them, slept with them. I met men who had been selected as women. I met women who had been selected as men. I even met males and females who were slated to undergo their honorable ritual. But what I really wanted was to witness the ritual. I never dreamed I would undergo the ritual. It was their matriarch who they consulted as to whether I could observe. She must've been 80. I hadn't met her but was instructed to come to her hut, alone without my contact, who was also my translator. Turned out language didn't matter. She was joined by two male leaders. They knew my request. The language of eyes would do. But when she held both my hands she became excited and spoke rapidly to the two men. They seemed surprised and talked quickly amongst them. Then the two men bowed and politely lead me out of the hut. They didn't reveal anything to my contact but apparently I'd been granted access to witness the ritual. I was to return to her hut the next evening. I was given an orange cloth robe to wear. I really had no idea what to expect or even how long it would take. I have to say, I became pretty nervous as that day went on. There were weird vibes in the air. I walked from my hut to hers that evening, wearing that orange robe, there was an odd hush over the village that gave me a chill. Her hut was dark this time. Two candles flickered near a small altar. There was a strange incense burning. I sat there, nervous, for an hour. Then a young child came in with a cup of pungent broth that I was to drink. I did as instructed. That's my last lucid memory of that night. Actually, it's probably my last clear recollection until three days later when we were lead by twenty villagers to the trailhead. Everything else,'s hard for me to discern what were dreams and what was reality. My contact wasn't clear on what had happened. He wondered if I'd witnessed the ritual. He sensed that I had. It wasn't until we met Lei Wa back in Bangkok and she read the note I'd been given with its elaborate script that I learned that I had been honored with selection. She bowed to me and solemnly hugged me. Apparently, I too had had some perceptible mystical quality that deemed that I would become a woman. I tell you, it all scared the shit of me. But I still felt detached from the news. I had this huge sort of drugged hangover and felt physically awful. . . . . . Three days later I was back in my apartment in NYC. I was trying to piece together my scattered notes. I was trying to concentrate. I still felt detached and groggy. My body ached to my bones. I slept feverishly, sometimes for days at a time. Reality eventually caught up with me. I'd wake up for brief periods during that phase and abstractly note the gradual changes. At the beginning, I had these grotesque, large brown areolas. Later, I was absently aware that my breasts had grown fleshy and full. It was all genetic, all the changes. My mother had large breasts. I didn't know it yet, but I was a full C. It might've been a month before I clearly, consciously realized that my incredible recklessness had led me to this unbelievable situation. It had been so dreamlike, so nightmarish, and something I could only observe, helplessly. I'd seen that new crease but I didn't feel castrated. I just felt so coolly objective about it all. Until one day, the utter reality set in that I was a woman. No, not even a woman! I was fucking man in a goddamn female body! Look, there is no way you or anyone else would think I'm anything but a woman now. The changes - they were deep, fundamental structural changes. Like Lei Wa, it was down to the chromosome level. You could see the resemblance to who I had been, except, I'd lost over 50 pounds and probably six inches in height. I didn't have whiskers, I didn't even have a male face. Nothing was the same. Men don't have breasts like this, hands like this, hips like this --- no man has a vagina like this. That's when I decided to document my transformation. If I were to retain my sanity, I needed to step back, take stock. I'd depend on my passion for my work to be my crutch, my distraction. I'd get to the heart of this story...even if the story was me. It started out as a private documentary. But, shit, I didn't know what to do with my life now. I wasn't sure if I'd ever share this with anyone. I wasn't sure where my life was going. I was lost. I felt like an incredible fraud. I felt like a mystical freak of nature. I had none of the support intrinsic in the Mong culture. . . . . . I finally had to tell someone. It was Jim, one of my editors, a good friend, who I'd shared several global and barroom adventures with. I'd given him a sketchy outline of the Laotian story before I'd left. Now, over the phone, my female voice confirmed what I was trying to telling him, but it didn't convince him. I told Jim I was scared and felt very fucked up. I told him there was proof and how he could see my private v-blog. I gave him an email address to contact me. He'd written at 3 a.m.: "Fuck, Mike! It happened, didn't it?" I wasn't ready to meet him. I wasn't ready to see anyone. I stayed in my apartment mostly, slipping out at nights for groceries and things in an overcoat. I continued my daily recordings and my editor friend Jim kept watching. He continued to email me. It was the night I drank the scotch that I just lost it. I was drunk and irrational and all my frustrations came out. I showed my breasts in a fit of broken acknowledgement. I ranted about how I had been able to dress in my old clothes and how no one had known I was female. That was a delusion of course, but that delusion was slipping away. Earlier, that day had been unseasonably warm and humid. I'd rolled up my slacks up and cinched the waist. I'd worn my large, male t-shirt and no overcoat. Someone had referred to me as 'she' when I was out. It was very irrational to assume that the person had used that specific pronoun with me because I had breasts, so much gave me away. But I had been so very conscious of their bounce with each step I'd taken to the store. "How do I hide these?," I'd mused, almost entranced. I had no conception of how strangely erotic that was to someone listening to me, watching me hold up their fleshy weight, seeing my thick nipples, and the large, darkened circles of my aerolas. . . . . . There was an email waiting for me from Jim when I woke up the next afternoon. He was worried that I was ok. But he also had the instincts of a successful publisher. Let people see, he wrote. Let a select group of people join you in this transformation. Don't even let them see your early segments. Simply let people watch you as you struggle to find yourself... as a woman. I'm telling you Mike, he wrote, its touching, fascinating as shit....and I think you can find a way to get yourself straightened out financially as you deal with this. Money was important. I hadn't worked. I hadn't even turned in that story on the tribe and the intimate ritual. I probably never would. He said he would do everything and he'd keep me anonymous. Just be yourself, he said. If nothing else, perhaps sharing it all with strangers will help you adjust and move on with your life. I agreed. I didn't really know what to say those first few segments. I talked about how I'd been in my apartment so long. I tried talking about politics, news. It was so different thinking that I'd have an audience. I was also still confused by my new perspective on life - my female perspective, whatever the fuck that was. One of the hooks that Jim saw was that I was attractive. There was that odd innocence and a strange unassuming quality about me. He hadn't mentioned how stunned he was when he saw my breasts. I needed a name. I'd be: The New Girl. Some people would call me "TNG." Gradually, an audience began to appear. There were always those out there looking for a strange voyeuristic experience. And there were people willing to pay. One night I explained that I'd never worn a bra. That's a pretty strange revelation for a grown woman. But most of them believed me. I got a dozen emails in response, Jim told me. I told him I wanted to be able to see the responses too. He said he wouldn't permit me or the audience to see all of them. Some were too rude, or explicit, or cruel. The rest he would share. Maybe it was out of boredom that I bought a pack of cigarettes one night. I knew how to smoke I just rarely did it. But I liked how it relaxed me. I talked about that into my camera. They watched me smoke. They noticed that I began smoking more often. I talked about my trips to the grocer. Some people thought I had agoraphobia. I talked about how stupid TV was. I talked about magazines I read. Some thought I was just a fucked up chick. Some suggested some pretty bizarre things. Some suggested I just needed to relax and masturbate. The truth was that I was beginning to explore my body. At first there was little sensitivity when I touched. I'd watch in the mirror almost clinically as I spread my labia and poked and grazed. It was all just a strange curiosity. But eventually it got so that my clitty would stiffen when I rubbed around it. I started to discover a gentle delicious tension that came with it. All that I still kept private, though. One night I answered some of my emails on camera. I admitted it was time go outside. I said there was no one in my life. I said that I was essentially a happy, inquisitive person. I admitted that I was dealing with some "setbacks," but that I was hopeful I'd persevere. To be honest, the encouragement I received helped a lot to get me moving forward. I took an honest assessment of myself. I resolved to go out and buy clothes and do something to improve my depressed appearance. My dirty blonde hair was down to my shoulders now and unkempt. It was much thicker, fuller than it had been but straggly. I wore ugly, baggy things. I had dark circles under my eyes. When you stop and really consider what you need to do as a woman, you realize how different things are. Hairstyles seemed infinite. Women wear makeup. There are a million different clothing styles and fashions. I ripped ads and articles from magazines. I made a list. I shared that with my audience. I actually had a lot of fun doing that- sharing it with others. It wasn't all men either. There were lots of responses from women after that night, some good suggestions. I debuted my things, my new look, a few days later. I hadn't gone overboard. But I kind of did, too. I was fitted in a clothing store for the very first time, as a woman, I mean. I recounted how I'd stood there frozen as the sales lady had measured my breasts, my hips, the rise of my crotch. She'd seemed so nonchalant I reflected to myself. There were real numbers that signified the shape of my body now. I told my audience my numbers. I didn't say that I used to have a 42 chest. But I did tell them it was 36. I had a 27 number for my waist and a 38 for my hips. I'm 5'5 I announced. I didn't talk about the transformation; I only expressed the here and now. Some thought I was really weird. Some thought I was guy posing as a woman. I seemed oddly enamored with such ordinary things. Maybe I'd woken from a coma. Many were entranced. So many were fixated. I guess none of it made any sense. They didn't know what I'd gone through in Laos. I wore my first new top. It was just a casual, sleeveless blouse, It was white, a little plain, but with that special cut that was fit for a woman. It had seemed so small when I saw it on the hanger at first. The ends of my hair had been trimmed. I'd been shampooed and conditioned. I told everyone that I was feeling happy that day. Jim wrote to tell me he had my first check. He wanted to give it to me personally. He was very excited. I'd prefer you mail it to a PO Box for now, I told him. He said he understood. Then he revealed the size. We hadn't expected it to be quite that big. He asked me if I'd seen all the emails from the previous night. "You're connecting out there... TNG. I'm sorry. What do I even call you now?" he asked sincerely. A strange feeling came over me when I replied: "I guess I can't be Mike anymore, can I?" I'd meant it as a sort of joke. I didn't look like a Mike, of course. I didn't look like myself either. I can't be... who I was. It was a very powerful realization at that moment. And, simultaneously, it occurred to me that I was free to be someone new -- how very exciting it might be to "re-discover" myself. One night I talked about eyebrows. I was very high. I had smoked a joint I found in my closet. A few hours earlier I'd bravely stopped at the make-up counter at Bloomingdales. I shouldn't be nervous, I'd told myself, as that beautiful, tall well made woman studied my face. I had sat there on that high stool with eyes closed. I thought that a little pot might calm me some after that. "This is the 'evening' look," I told my audience that night. I peered into the blank eye of the camera and explained the different shades of eyeshadow I wore and how the eyeliner had created this effect across my lids. I leaned closely studying my own image in the monitor. I pulled on my cigarette and watched as the smoke curled up into my nostrils. I felt the grateful kick of the nicotine. I felt high. I was wearing all that make-up so perfectly. It made it easy to pretend I was someone else as my audience watched. I remembered to tell them the cosmetic lady had said I had wonderful brows. And lips. Jim read all the emails and comments. Essentially, he feels, it's the honesty that my audience connects to, among other things. There are many facets to you TNG, he'd say.

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E15 Patrice Heslop 48 from Rutherglen

We fade in on a residential suburb ... The sky is grey, and so are the buildings ... Semi-detached, two-story, pebble-dashed post-war homes, fronted by high hedgerows. The wide street between them looks like it’s dual carriageway, but the sides of the street are entirely taken up with parked cars. There are even cars parked in the bus stop space – meaning that the bus passing through our shot has to stop in the middle of the road to let off passengers ... One of whom, a middle-aged,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12E19 Emma Withe 54 from Oakham

We fade in in the middle of a quiet street, in the low-rise central area of a small midlands town, with one and two story buildings around us. To one side, a long flat warehouse/factory type unit, stocking and fitting tyres for local drivers, to the other, the town’s train station. Looking like a traditional old station, but rebuilt fairly recently. There’s a small car park between us and the station, and it’s almost full. We watch as a car drives down the road toward us, then turns into the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E09 Helena Gates 50 from Leatherhead

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a high-quality collection of low-rise apartments. Multiple buildings, each of them four floors high. Red brick and white render, lots of small square windows and balconies that look almost completely unused. Then, walking around the corner in cargo pant shorts, and his beloved West Ham football shirt, his Doberman beside him ... It’s Dennis, the Cockney geezer that our audience has grown to either love or hate, and he’s approaching us with...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E17 Martha Randon 36 from Atherstone

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of an old-fashioned market square – cobble stones surrounded by bollards to protect the pedestrian shoppers, then a road around the outside, and beyond that old, whitewashed buildings – shops and pubs, styled to look like Tudor and Elizabethan buildings. Walking toward us, through the crowds, is the familiar round-bellied figure of our jeans and West Ham shirt wearing host – hairy everywhere but the top of his head, it’s everyone’s favourite...

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The Pink Butterfly

The Pink Butterfly We had lived in our new home for about 6 months. Our next door neighbors, Erika and ?J? quickly became best friends, we seemed to do just about everything social with them. Erika and her husband, ?J,? are about our ages, mid to late 30-s, and were not only great looking as a couple, but intelligent, and just plain fun to be around. But I digress; a little about me. My name is Lisa; I’m 34, 5’6? tall, about 110 pounds wet, with mid-back length, jet black hair and long bangs...

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Butterfly Love A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

1 year ago
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Madame Butterfly

Madame ButterflyIn my last story “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny everytime I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasm at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.So, as I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work, we would stop and chat,...

4 years ago
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Jingbang In Goa 8211 Part II The Butterfly Effect

Author : JINGBANG Email: For the Part 1 of this story please go to I finally managed to reach the top berth. I had two guys sitting on my either side and 2 guys sitting in the opposite berth. I asked them which game they were playing and they said it was bluff. Since I knew how to play that game, I also expressed my eagerness to play with them. Anyways I wanted to improve my rapport with my colleagues. I so wished that Riya was also...

2 years ago
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Madame Butterfly

In my last story, “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny every time I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasms at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.As I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work we would stop and chat, usually by the...

3 years ago
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My Unwanted Butterfly Tattoo

Divorce can be hard for a single Mom like me. Especially if you’re a practicing Catholic. But I felt like I had to do it, given that he ran off with one of my best friends. I’ve been trying to keep it together for my eighteen-year-old son. I’ve gotten a lot of help from my support group and the parish priest.Yesterday I was just relaxing by the pool for a while before I had to get dinner ready for Jeff and I. He wasn’t home from marching band practice yet so I figured it was ok to put on a...

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Butterfly Wings

BUTTERFLY WINGS By Tcheena3 CHAPTER ONE ?- Metamorphosis, Wings Begin to Flutter They say that the sweep of a butterfly?s wings in the Amazon rainforest can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world.Sounds great, but it?s a ridiculous premise, really, when you get right down to it. Oh, yes, I?m sure we all understand cause and effect. But to suggest that such a small action could spiral into such a huge reaction in such a comparatively short distance seems absurd.At least, that?s...

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The Butterfly

Often times when I watered the plants in the window of my apartment, the woman in the third floor apartment across the courtyard would find a reason to come to her window and watch me.In the summer time, I would ride my stationary exercise bike by the window for the breeze, and she would watch me from the shadows of her curtained windows. After a while, I began to see flashes of her at her window, in her under wear, or sometimes completely nude, and at other time topless. She was always...

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Butterfly Ch 02

A week passed reasonably uneventfully, catching up with family and the usual things that happen when on overseas holidays. My mind never strayed far from the previous weekend, when the amazing young woman with her butterfly belt did incredible things to my mind. The day of the wedding arrives and I am tingling as I get myself ready. I take extra care getting myself sorted, pulling up my long white socks, ensuring my red flashes are just right, fixing my cuff links, just so, my large belt...

4 years ago
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Grandmas butterfly tattoo

Me Jon, Peter and Davey were yakking it up, and - as it always does - it got round to sex. The question was "who was the oldest you fucked?".The best was Jon. 23, not bad for a teen. "No way!" we said, and he told us about a girl he'd met on his last vacation with his folks. She'd been in the next chalet at the resort, with a bunch of girl-friends. And he'd flirted with them all. Or, at least, THEY'D flirted with him. The way a gang of older girls might. And then, one day just one of them was...

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Butterfly Time

Butterfly Time By Cassandra Morgan Pink. The first thing I thought when I saw him was not that my best friend was wearing a dress. It was not that he had on high heels. It was not his cherry red lipstick. All of those images would flood over me in the next few milli-seconds, but not yet. I was on sensory overload, and all I could do was think Pink. Cotton candy pink. Pretty underwear pink. Ceiling insulation pink. Pink elephants' pink. Vagina pink. Pink. Saturday night....

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e9 Hope 18 schoolgirl from Belfast

Series 2, Episode 9: Hope We’re at Birmingham airport, waiting with the crowds for an incoming flight. It’s 09:50 and the arrivals board notes that the 08.55 FLYBE flight from Belfast has already arrived. We watch as various businessmen walk through the arrivals gate. Then a mother and her young son – not her. A couple of flight attendants – they turn and walk away from us – not them. Then the cutest young thing - a pretty teenager with a bright smile and long auburn hair flowing over her...

1 year ago
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A Butterfly with Bite

CHAPTER 1 Staring at the mirror, Camilla Young simply confirmed her bad face day: the mouth was down, lip coating very much in need of restoration and her eye surrounds were bloated and red-rimmed from recent crying. ‘God, girl — you are one awful mess,’ sighed Camilla, knowing no one was there was there to listen and that stimulated her anguish. Almost overnight the vivacious leading female magazine writer had become a fallen butterfly, lying unwanted while everyone else was laughing,...

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Chapter VI Exile and Ecstasy or Butterfly on a String

From the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Captured! Thankfully, only James’ pride wounded. In hindsight, it was fortunate that his pistol misfired. The fight had been short. Although James did his best to defend us, his revolver failed to fire, much to his obvious chagrin. After a short, but spirited skirmish the lizard-men, as Emma has dubbed them, quickly overpowered him with their spears, disarming him of both pistol and saber before the others could reach him. Soon, we were all within their...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Colorful Butterfly

I was wandering around in my favorite discount department store doing some miscellaneous shopping. Of course, as is my usual modus operandi, I was also perusing the lovely ladies as I went, mostly looking for the nice round bottoms and/or the heavy bulbous breasts that turn me on. I was in the seasonal Valentine's aisles when I spotted her. At first it was just a flash of skin that attracted me because she was wearing dull black pants and a dull black jacket, neither of which were...

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391THE ENLIGHTENMENT OF TOBY TRIM 2Cyril came home, tired as usual, the big tractor, his home by day, needed filling the oil checking, and parking up, Beryl heard it arrive, her queue to serve his meal, Toby seeing to filling and parking the great b**st for him, a little thing he did for his dad each day since he had learnt to handle the big machine as a youngster. Little was said, hoeing a couple of fields of cabbages tended not to give a man much to talk about. Beryl being a brilliant plain...

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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

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Butterfly Beach VIII Metamorphae

Eventually, numbness and boredom eased my terror, pushing it to the back of my mind. How long I hung, suspended like a worm on a fisherman’s hook, I know not for I spent much of the time fading into an uncomfortable unconsciousness. And then, the terror returned in abundance as I felt a presence within the dark, my eyes having grown accustomed enough to see the displacement of blank emptiness by something much darker and much more sinister. A sheen, if you will, of something shiny that seemed...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Butterfly Ch 01

The research was being conducted by the university's College of Physical and Agricultural Sciences. Researchers from various departments had been studying the exoskeletons and shells of animals from across the tree of life. They had identified a member of the butterfly family that grew a hard shell over its torso, where no butterfly had previously been known to do so. This shell seemed to double the life span of this species, in comparison to other butterfly species. It also provided...

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Butterfly Beach I The Wreck of the Golden Dove or the Consequences of Unfamiliar Fruit

From the Journal of Olivia Delacroix - First entry. It’s been nearly twenty-one days since The Golden Dove was blown off course by a truly malevolent storm. Had it not been for the peerless bravery of our good Captain Harrington and the courageous Lieutenant Littlefield, we most certainly would have been lost at sea somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. Though having lost our glorious airship and most of our supplies, some of us made it safely to shore, holding out hope that the rest of the crew as...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Lucy the Butterfly

Why does it take them so long, I wondered, sitting on the hard wooden bench. I had told them the truth, but they did not believe me. I could hardly believe it myself. And what a mess they made when they dug up the three young women we had so carefully dug into the flower bed behind the house. They had led me to their van through a crowd of curious onlookers. Then, sitting down in the police van with my hands handcuffed behind my back, was difficult and very uncomfortable.Lucy had promised to be...

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The Butterfly Effect

John was excited for a number of reasons. The biggest perhaps was their leaving on vacation to Mexico in the morning where they would spend a week relaxing at the beach, sightseeing, as well as enjoying one another inside their hotel room. The other reason John was excited, was because he'd stopped by an adult toy store on his way home, picking up his wife, Diane something special to hopefully enjoy using during the trip. Just thinking about all of it made him hard. He'd even removed his...

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The little butterfly on my swollen clit

He just stared at my eyes, giving me his only directive:“Get something for your clit, you little cheating bitch...”I then turned to the drawer besides my marital bed and produced a little butterfly dildo. I turned it on and the device began buzzing…He dragged it from my trembling hand and licked the little thing.“You taste so good, my little married bitch…” He whispered.He then gave the thing back to me, ordering to put it against my swollen clit. I had been extremely horny during the last...

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Butterfly Ch 02

Two hands picked up the blanket that covered her and pushed it off, exposing the rest of her body. Though Diane had gone to bed nude, almost her entire body was now coated with a black, shiny film. Only above her neck, her hands, and her feet had any skin showing. Darkness hugged every curve and crevice of the rest of her body. It wasn’t necessary to cover them, as the important liquid was already flowing through Diane’s anatomy. Standing up, Diane walked to the center of the room. Her eyes...

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Swap at the Butterfly Club

"OK Tam, let me get this strait, Butterfly Club is a bar where middleaged women go to meet boys for sex?""Tiffany, it isn't k**dy porn, they have to be twenty-one to get into theplace. Other than that, yes you have it right, its fun and with nocommitments, except for safe sex."When I saw the wispy smile cross Tiffany's face, I knew I hadconvinced her, I told her I would pick her up at ten. I didn'tmention that I needed her to be my wingman but I would find outsoon enough.As for Tom, he was...

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Exposing Cindy The butterfly vibrator part one

Volume three: Exposing Cindy - The butterfly vibrator Chapter one – a night on the townJim and I had been married several years, and we had a reasonable assortment of various experiences in the first years of our marriage. So I was not shocked when he showed up on a Friday evening with a gift for me; a ‘butterfly vibrator’ which had its own harness to hold it in place; however a pair of latex panties had me confused. "OK, what's with the girdle?" I asked. I knew at 5 ft 4 in. and 105 pounds...

Wife Lovers
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e7 Natasha Iley 39 outdoors girl

Series 8, Episode 7: Natasha Iley (39), from Ambleside We cut to a series of drone shots, flying over lakes and trees, establishing the natural beauty of the land. Then cut to an establishing shot of an impressively well-kept building. Three stories tall, with white-washed walls framed by black cornerstone bricks and black guttering. It’s old, but beautiful. There are a few cars parked infront and to the side of the building, but as we pan around we see we are nowhere near a road – there’s a...

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The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...

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Happytime Butterfly Girl

Yoshi was proud of her tongue technique when sucking her partners. She had learned many tricks from the Lord Takimoto who gave her extensive training in oral love-making. She never encountered a cock or a pussy that she could not bring to a happy ending making her partner explode in a frenzy of juicy liquids. She had even gotten the nickname of "Juicy" because of her expertise. The one thing that Yoshi was afraid of was to be asked for anal copulation. She had been impaled back there a few...

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