Butterfly Tattoo
- 4 years ago
- 36
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Divorce can be hard for a single Mom like me. Especially if you’re a practicing Catholic. But I felt like I had to do it, given that he ran off with one of my best friends. I’ve been trying to keep it together for my eighteen-year-old son. I’ve gotten a lot of help from my support group and the parish priest.
Yesterday I was just relaxing by the pool for a while before I had to get dinner ready for Jeff and I. He wasn’t home from marching band practice yet so I figured it was ok to put on a swimsuit and get some sun. It was getting hot out so before I came inside I threw on my white scoop-necked cover up in case he came home early.
I sure didn’t want him to see me in the suit I chose to wear; a relatively skimpy number my ex had bought for me when were on holiday. I could just hear Jeff admonishing me for not being modest enough.
As I walked down the hall toweling myself off I heard voices from Jeff’s room. I guess practice got over quicker than I expected. I was glad I had slipped the top on so he wouldn’t see his Mom in the bikini his Dad bought for me back in what seemed like another life, even though it was only seven months ago that we split up.
From the muffled sounds I heard it appeared that his best friend Eric had stopped over. I realized I had better get some clothes on if we had company. I guess they were playing video games or something. I smiled as I thought that Jeff was handling the breakup of the family pretty good. He wasn’t moping around or turning inward. He has kept his grades up and I was glad he and Eric were doing normal stuff.
As I got closer to his room, I was able to hear their conversation and stopped in my tracks. I heard Eric say, “She’s got a nice set of tits, that’s for sure!” OMG, they were watching porn on the computer! I couldn’t believe it. Jeff was an altar boy back in grade school and still attended church with me. Was this how he compensated for not having his Dad around?
I pressed my ear to the door and after a few seconds I heard Eric say, “Did you know she had a tattoo down there?” I thought, is it possible they have pictures of someone they knew? Maybe a gal from school? I heard about these web sites where you can post nasty pictures of yourself and they disappear after a while. I don’t know much about these things.
I nearly collapsed in the hall when I heard what Eric said next! “I’m surprised your Dad didn’t take off her bikini top. But at least he pulled it up so we could see everything!”
I tried not to sob audibly as the images of that trip to Jamaica for our anniversary came back clearly. I had been trying to suppress those memories for the past two years. I’m not much of a drinker but Ken had coaxed me into getting a small butterfly tattoo just above my groin one night after I had a couple of Pina Coladas. I was sober enough that I said I wouldn’t do it unless it was a woman tattoo artist (thinking he wouldn’t be able to find one). Darn, if he didn’t.
Afterwards, we went back to our hotel room and he insisted on ‘admiring’ my new look and even though I was drunk, I had to admit that the sex that night was pretty amazing. He wanted to take pictures of me posing but I refused. He had brought some booze back to the room and like an idiot, I had one last glass of rum and Coke.
I was sleepy and dozed off. Or maybe passed out, I guess. When we got back home, I thought about confessing this to Father Francis but I was too embarrassed to bring it up. Was it even a sin?
I ran to my room and grabbed my cell phone slamming the door to the hallway behind me. I was hurt, humiliated, and enraged. How and why did Ken do this? He left some picture I didn’t even know he took on our son’s computer? I was shaking so bad I misdialed his number two times before I got it right and he answered. I was crying now and my face was flushed with embarrassment when he picked up.
“Did you leave a nasty picture of me on Jeff’s tablet?! How could you do that?”
“Not a picture. Two pictures. No, I didn’t leave them. I forwarded them to him.”
“Are you crazy!! What were you thinking?”
“What were YOU thinking when you changed the locks on the doors so I couldn’t get in to get my stamp collection and other stuff. I told you I was coming back and now your lawyer calls me and says I can’t have anything until it’s all appraised. Screw you!”
“But he’s just a kid. YOUR kid!”
“Yeah, and the little goofball is on your side. I called to ask him to let me get back in the house and he hung up on me. Maybe if he sees his Mom is selling nude pictures of herself on the internet he might rethink I’m not the reason for this divorce. I wonder if Father Francis might like to see them, too.”
“Selling…? You know that’s a lie. You took those when I was asleep! Do you do that kind of stuff with my former best friend? That’s disgusting. I bet she even lets you do it when she’s awake!”
“Yeah, Brenda’s awake and she loves the attention. And none of this might have happened if you weren’t so repressed sexually; no blow jobs, no licking, no anal. I put up with your ‘holy-holy’ shit for almost two decades. Maybe I’d have stayed if you were normal. See you in court. Now leave me alone, I’m working.” CLICK
I tried to calm down when he hung up. What on earth was I was going to say to Jeff? I hadn’t heard his voice through the door. I bet the poor kid was traumatized. My mind spinning, I went out to the kitchen to make dinner.
As I passed Jeff’s bedroom door I slowed down and heard Eric say, “Well, you gotta admit she’s hot for her age, right? I mean, it’s cool that you let me see them. You wouldn’t have shown them to me if you weren’t proud of her.”
“Yeah, she looks good, don’t she? I always thought she was attractive but never thought she was a MILF.”
“Well, she sure is! And I like the fact that we can see she’s not a ‘natural blonde’, hehe.”
I couldn’t believe my ears and ran to the kitchen mortified. I didn’t know what to do. I saw on the counter that the boys must have stopped for some fast food before they got home. They had left the bag on the counter. I could just imagine them coming out of his room and Jeff saying, “Hey, before we eat, I got something to show you.”
I didn’t know yet how or when I was going to give him a good scolding once we had a chat about all of this. After I got done with Jeff, I was going to send him to church for confession for sure. How was I going to face him? What was I going to say?
I knew I was going to make him delete those pictures. And what was I going to say to his friend Eric? Was I going to pretend I didn’t know that he saw me naked? I could tell my face was flushed with embarrassment.
As I was working through how I was going to proceed I started thinking about what I had heard. Did Eric really say he thought I had nice tits…I mean breasts? And I knew what MILF means. I had heard that from Ken before. A disgusting little abbreviation. I was also flattered that my son thought I was attractive still. And he didn’t react adversely when Eric figured Jeff was proud of how I looked in those pictures. That was nice.
As I worked at the cutting board, I heard the bedroom door open. “Hey, Jeff, let me get our tacos. I’m famished!” I realized now was not the time to admit what I knew. Eric came into the kitchen.
“Oh, Mrs. Brooks. You’re home. How are you this fine day?”
I couldn’t bring myself to look up.
“Hi, Eric. Are you and Jeff doing homework?”
“Yeah, we’re working on a project. It’s an audio/visual thing. Getting great views of some pictures we can use. I see you’ve been out at the pool. Great afternoon for that.”
It was then I realized I hadn’t changed out of my two-piece. At least I had on the white cover-up. I wished it was longer but it only barely came below my butt.
He walked to the other side of the kitchen island from me and started taking out tacos from the bag. I didn’t dare look up at him as I would have probably passed out from embarrassment but I could sense that he was staring down my loose cover up as my breasts were probably jiggling as I chopped the carrots. Boys! They’ll take any opportunity to see things they shouldn’t see.
“Hey, Mrs. B, could you get us two plates?”
I immediately turned my back to him which was a relief as I knew I was still red in the face. I reached up to the cabinet door and as I opened it, I realized my bikini bottom must be visible to his eyes as my cover up pulled further up on my hips. I reflexively pulled my arms down as I heard him sigh. I had to force back a smile as I realized I couldn’t get his plates unless I reached high with both hands to get them.
I did so slowly. Why did I do that? Oh well, this randy little cute friend of my son’s had already seen more of me than my upper legs and covered butt so what difference could it make? I thought of him glaring at my nakedness in the pictures. I bet I looked gross to him when he saw I didn’t shave myself down there.
I hadn’t stuck around in the hall long enough to get his reaction after he said I wasn’t a ‘natural blonde’. I had to admit it was a little flattering to know that if he wasn’t grossed out, he might have gotten the plates himself. Or was I fishing for mental compliments?
I turned back around and for the first time, made eye contact with him. He was smiling as he stared at me and I realized he was having a hard time keeping his gaze from drifting further down. I went back to chopping carrots. I started to use more force on the knife this time, raising up on my tiptoes and pushing down hard as my heels landed back on the floor, bouncing a little with each cut, smiling to myself.
I figured he’d get bored with this gawking and take the tacos back to Jeff’s room. Maybe what I was doing would make the boy’s snack get cold. Poor babies, it would serve them right.
From my peripheral vision, I saw that he was liking what I was doing as he put the tacos on the plates. He got one of the salsa packets out of the bag and was biting it open as he stared. The waist of his shorts was at the level of the countertop so I couldn’t tell if he was….
What just happened?!
He exclaimed, “OH, Mrs. B! I’m so sorry!”
I looked up and saw he had the empty salsa packet flapping limply between his finger and thumb and was staring at my top, his eyes wide. I looked down and saw that the salsa had squirted out all over the left side of my white cover up just above my chest! Red sauce and bits of salsa were running down my top. I gasped as he reached for a napkin from the take out bag.
He practically ran around the island to get to me and started to rub the napkin on the salsa, his fingertips brushing liberally into the top of my breast through the cover-up and my bikini top.
“Give me that, Eric. I’ll take care of it. No problem. I know you didn’t mean it.”
Or did he?
I took the napkins from him and pulled the white material away from my chest and inserted my fingers under where the stain was forming so I could apply better pressure on the outside and get the salsa moped up. As I looked down at myself it was then that in the background, I could tell Eric was erect! There was a fairly sizable bulge in his shorts.
I realized with no small amount of pride that I could still excite a male. Not bad for a thirty-eight-year-old mother.
I walked over to the kitchen sink and ran some water on a dishtowel since doing that was going to be better than soggy napkins. All the while Eric was saying he was sorry over and over again. I started rubbing the towel on the stain and feeling conflicted emotionally.
I was embarrassed at what he had seen in Jeff’s room and at the same time flattered that he was apparently excited. It seemed obvious to me that the salsa squirt was not accidental. I even had to admire his aim.
I suddenly realized that Eric was behind me, his face looking over my shoulder. “Is the stain coming out, Mrs. B?” By this time I was wise to his game and figured he wasn’t looking at what I was wiping but rather staring down my cover-up and between my boobs. Oh, Lordie. I just realized that in my thought process I had referred to my 36C breasts as ‘boobs’. I could feel his breath on my collarbone.
“It doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. Maybe if you just… ran the top under the tap water real hard and let it soak for a while…”
“I don’t think it will make that much of a dif…”
Before I could finish, he had reached to the hem of the cover-up and yanked it up over my chest and was tugging his hands at my armpits to get me to pull my arms up! He quickly grabbed my wrists and pulled my arms over my head and before I knew it he had gotten the cover-up over my elbows so that when I quickly lowered my arms to stop him the thing was already bunched up at my neck and wrists.
“Turn the water back on, Mrs. B. I want to help you since this was all my fault.”
I wiggled one hand out of the cover-up and turned on the water. As I did that, he pulled it over my head and off my other arm and threw it in the sink. I admitted to myself that it did need to be cleaned quickly.
I looked over my shoulder at him and saw his face was flushed. “You know I wear these things over my suit for a reason, Eric. I don’t want anybody seeing me in this… in this thing.” We both stared simultaneously down at my chest. I looked up and saw a toothy grin on his handsome face.
“Well, it’s nothing I wouldn’t see if we were on the beach or at your pool, right?” I turned back around as he leaned forward to dunk the cover- up under the running water, one arm on each side of me.
As he did so he pressed my body between his pelvis and the countertop. His erection was pressing into the center of my butt. I gasped audibly but he pretended not to notice. Goodness! He really does have an erection! I thought of Ken and how he probably thought I would never have a guy get this excited just from seeing me in the bikini he bought for me. I realized for the first time that I was glad Ken had been such a horny toad when we were in Jamaica.
“Eric, I got this. Go eat your food.”
Eric’s face was looking over my shoulder again with his chin on my collarbone. He was obviously getting a good view down my bikini top as his hands splashed in the water. For the first time, I noticed that a little of the salsa had seeped through onto my skin above my bikini top. He must have seen it at the same time and picked up the dish towel and started to wipe at it.
I couldn’t let him do that! I grabbed the towel away from him and he must have realized he had overstepped his bounds. He pulled his hands back and backed away a little. As I wiped the salsa from my chest, he grabbed one end of the string tie behind my neck and his other hand found the tie in the center of my back and he pulled quickly in both places!
I felt my top loosen and I almost screamed. He pulled the bottom spaghetti string to the left and my bikini top went flying off me and onto the toaster! My hands, dripping with water, flew up to cover my boobs even though he was still behind me.
“Eric! What the hell are you doing?”
“I don’t want you to get stains on your sexy bikini, too. I feel bad enough that I messed up your pretty white thing.”
He got back into his previous position and with his chin on my shoulder, he was trying to see what my hands were protecting. I had done a good job of keeping his eyes off most of my chest but realized it must have appeared that I was squeezing myself. I wasn’t, was I?
I knew I was turning beet red again as he plunged his hands back in the sink coming from behind me with one arm on each side again, sloshing my top in the water which forced his body against me again. Was it possible that his erection was even harder and longer in my backside?
“Now that it’s all wet, maybe you could rub that stain out before it gets set in.”
With his strong wet hands, he reached up and grabbed my wrists and pulled them away from my body and into the sink, my boobs suddenly exposed completely to his gaze. I heard him moan.
“Eric, stop this. What about Jeff? This is wrong and you know it. If you don’t let me loose, I’m going to call him.”
“You won’t dare call him to come out here when you’re topless, Mrs. B. Besides, Jeff was concentrating really hard on the pictures for our audio/visual project. I think he wanted some alone time.”
Water from my hands and his had splashed all over the front of me from our maneuvers in the sink and I could feel it seeping into the waistband of my suit bottom. I knew he was looking down the front of me and water was dripping off my boobs and drops were forming on my nipples. The cold water was making them get erect like two pink pencil erasers. 'It must be from the cold water, right?'
OH, wait… I had turned on the hot water.
“I didn’t mean to get you all wet. Here… let me dry you.”
He grabbed the half-wet dish towel and started rubbing my boobs!
“Eric… let go. This has gone far enough. I’m going to call Jeff. Go do your homework!”
He was drying and squeezing through the towel. I could tell he was breathing heavily. Wait… so was I!
“No, I’m not going to stop. I just got started. God, your tits are amazing. So soft! And you aren’t going to call Jeff out here. You’d never let him see you nude.”
My head was reeling as I tried in vain to pull his hands away from my chest. As I was slapping and grabbing at his hands, I managed to pull the dish towel from his grasp. All this did was put his big hands directly on my tits which were jiggling hard as I struggled. (They were ‘tits’ now! Not ‘boobs’ or ‘chest’! Where was my mind going to?!)
“I’m not naked, Eric!”
“Not yet!”
With that, he stopped squeezing my boobs, bent down and yanked my suit bottom down from my hips to my knees!! Quickly his left hand circled from behind me and found one soggy boob again and the right started to maul my bare butt cheek!
I reached down to pull my suit back up. As I did my ass was pointing right at him and he thrust his groin at it and I could feel his bulge at my butt again. I tried to straighten back up with my fist grabbing the front of my suit bottom. He picked up his foot and placed it between my thighs and stomped down hard. His sandal had wedged between my knees and he had captured the bikini bottoms under his foot. His slammed his foot down hard which pulled my suit from my fists and it landed on the floor under his foot and around my ankles.
As I stood there naked with my back to him, I realized he was right. I couldn’t very well call my son for help.
His hands let go of my body and I saw an opening. I could run to my room and shut the door and lock it. I turned to run but my feet got tangled in my suit bottom and I fell to the kitchen floor! I rolled over and kicked my suit off so I could get up and run. I looked up at him and realized he could see my whole naked body.
“UMMM. Such a sexy little butterfly tattoo, Mrs. B! And look at that lovely body. Even better than the pictures! Your hair has grown out a little since then.”
As I was panting, I looked down at myself and realized I didn’t look too bad for a middle-aged gal. Maybe I was a MILF! Then I heard his zipper coming down!
If I covered my dark brown patch I wouldn’t be able to use my hands to pull myself up from the floor. I tried using one hand but I was having a difficult time getting on my feet. I looked up just as he pushed his shorts down to the floor and then his boxers! His penis sprang outward to its full length. OMG, it was long! Longer than Ken’s for sure. And the head was gigantic! My mouth dropped open in amazement… (no, disgust! That’s it. Disgust.)
I tried to avert my eyes as my free hand found the dining room chair. I started to hoist myself from the floor when he grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I turned to run when he grabbed me around the waist and lifted me up. I was kicking my legs as he threw me on my back on the dining room table.
He was giggling as he knew no one could save me. I covered my groin with one hand and used my other arm to cover my boobs as best I could.
“Eric, stop it! And put that thing away!” I thought, ‘wow, this is only the second penis I’ve seen in my life up close like this.’
“Oh, I’m going to put this ‘thing’ someplace but not ‘away’.” He grabbed his hard, red member and started toward me. His fist only covered about half of its length! He yanked my knees apart as he pulled me to the edge of the table. Jesus, we eat on this table! He wedged his thighs between mine, spreading me wider as he grabbed my arm and pulled it away from my, my…
“God, you are so fucking hot! Look at that fine pussy! Mmm, no need for you to let this pretty body go to waste just cuz you’re divorced. Hold still.”
He said I was hot. And I admitted to myself that I felt hot. Desirable… desired. I guess I’m a sucker for compliments. I realized what he said was logical. Why should I let this hot body go to waste? I leaned up on my elbows to get a better look at him. I loved the smile on his face and how happy he looked as he stared at my nakedness. Leaning up like this meant that my big tits were uncovered and I let him have a good look.
“You know you want this, Mrs. B. Admit it.”
The reddish purple head of his dick touched my pubic hair.
“You have been teasing me ever since I came out for the tacos, haven’t you?”
“I love your brow furry taco! Time to fill it with my special taco sauce.”
“NOOOOO! Keep your voice down or he’ll hear us!”
Over the last several months I often wondered how long, if ever again, I would be intimate with someone. He guided his manhood between my lips and since he had found his mark, he didn’t need his hand to guide it any longer as my vulva was holding the tip of his dick securely. He let go and grabbed my bare hips as he pushed slowly forward.
“Your pretty box is all wet. Why is that?”
He pushed his big head in me, expanding my walls.
Eric chuckled through his heavy breathing.
“Now who’s the one making all the noise?”
I spread my legs as wide as I could so he wouldn’t hurt. My head banged back on the table top knocking a vase over, water and flowers pouring out. Why wasn’t I still up on my elbows to see what was going on? Oh, yeah. I had laid back so I could massage my tits.
He pushed himself in me until every inch was buried. It felt divine but different. I’ve never had a dick in me that far. The walls were not used to having a horse cock (cock!) that deep! Ken didn’t know what he was missing. I bet that bitch Brenda could take him easy. That pencil dick motherf…
“OMG, Eric…stop it.
He had started his motor and the piston was moving in and out.
“Shut up and pinch your pretty nipples for me.”
“Do it!”
He slammed harder
“OK… like this?”
“Yes. You wanted this cock. You wanted to get fucked, didn’t you?”
“Don’t use the F word! That’s nasty! OH, Jesus.”
He was slamming steadily now.
“Stop this before… damn, that feels good. Haven’t you had enough? “
“Nope. But if you really want me to stop, Mrs. B…”
He started to back up teasingly, grinning as sweat rolled down his face. He pulled off his Coachella tee shirt and his hairy chest was heaving. His dick was almost all the way out of my wet pussy.
My eyes went wide as I thought he was pulling out.
“No! I didn’t mean it! Don’t stop fucking me! Please!”
He inserted it again deeper and started bulldozing me harder.
“Don’t… cum… in… me… Eric!”
I heard a timid voice from six feet away: “Don’t worry, she’s still on the pill. I checked the medicine chest.”
I looked over and my son was leaning against the refrigerator with his hands in his pockets.
“Jeff, Jeff, Jeff! I’m so sorry you’re seeing this. He’s making me! Make him stop!
Eric slowed down but didn’t stop as I felt his cock softened a little in me.
“Ah, Mom, cut out the dramatics. I’ve been watching for close to a minute now.”
My hands cupped my tits as best I could as I tried to scoot back on the table to get Eric out of me.
“Come here, Jeff and take a look at her tattoo up close.”
Jeff walked slowly to the table and looked down as Jeff pulled most of the way out of my pussy so Jeff’s view would be unobstructed.
“Jeff, don’t look at me. Just… make him stop… or go to your room.”
My son still had one hand in his pocket as he used an index finger to lightly trace a circle around my butterfly. It was only about the size of a quarter. Then the circle he was tracing expanded to the size of a golf ball…then a tennis ball as his finger started to rum through my fur patch inches from my tattoo. Just one finger lightly. Then on the next rotation, it was two fingers as Eric giggled.
I saw a look on my son’s face that I had never seen before. I looked down at his shorts to make sure he wasn’t hard or that he wasn’t fumbling with himself with his hands in his pocket. It didn’t appear that he was but I was worried about that look. And if he wasn’t hard, why the hell not! He told Eric I was attractive. And he was proud of how I looked. I heard him say that!
“Eric, get that thing out of me this minute!”
Then I saw Jeff take his hand out of his pocket. He had his cell phone in it! He aimed it at my butterfly!!
“Don’t you dare take a picture of me, young man!”
Applause from Eric. “Bravo! Make sure you get her pussy…I want to see it with my cock in her!”
Now all of a sudden both of them were smiling and giggling.
Eric started fucking me harder. This photo session had really pushed him into overdrive and I saw the expression that every woman knows; the look of a man who’s about to have an orgasm. Jeff put down his phone and I could see for the first time that he had a definite bulge in his shorts. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.
Jeff looked up at Eric, “Not in her, man, ok?”
He pushed Eric back and I thought, finally he’s coming to my rescue. And then another bombshell surprise on this afternoon of several bombshells…
Eric’s cock popped out of me with a slurping sound and Jeff grabbed Eric’s cock in his hand and started beating him off!
“Jesus, Jeff, are you out of your mind? Don’t you dare touch that thing! That’s disgusting!” I couldn’t believe my eyes!
He was jerking his reddish sausage hard and aiming it toward me.
As Eric screamed and exploded, Jeff aimed it at my butterfly. The first warm wet white goo shot out of him and hit its mark. As I sucked in my breath in astonishment, it started to roll about an inch before it hit my dark brown curls.
“Let go of him! That’s a sin, Jeff!”
A split-second later Jeff changed the cum shot trajectory toward my exposed tits. I shook my head to the side. Surely he couldn’t shoot that far. He was still between my thighs and though I’m rather short, my chest is still too far away for him to…
Nope, apparently not. One big healthy gob of cum hit the underside of my left tit… the last of his load was aimed perfectly by my son as it landed directly on my right nipple!
Eric went soft and was apparently exhausted as he backed away from my legs. Jeff was expressionless as he stared down at my cum-covered butterfly. He started to do what he was doing before; drawing small circles with his finger, smiling as the circles got bigger… his finger, sticky and wet now, in my bush… two fingers.
“Baby, don’t do this to Momma, ok?” But I didn’t move an inch, my ass starting to hurt from being on the table. I looked down to see cum slowly rolling off my nipple in all directions like my tit tip was a volcano and the cum was lava.
Suddenly my son’s cum covered index finger and middle finger pinched both sides of my clitoris!
“Jeff, have you gone mad! Let go of that! Go to your room! You’re grounded!”
Jesus! Now Eric had the goddamn camera!
As Jeff massaged and rolled my rubbery clit I noticed that he was hard as a rock in his shorts. With his free hand, he had grabbed a few of the taco napkins off the table and started to dab at the cum on my tits. As the thin napkins got wetter they fell away but Jeff kept rubbing at them… kneading them with his hand. My hips started to circle at what he was doing to my love button.
He lifted his sticky fingers and put them in Eric's mouth!
"Good Lord, Jeff! What are you doing?!"
Eric stopped being a photographer after a few more zoomed-in shots of my tits and pussy. I watched him as my son worked me over and he almost laughed. There was Eric standing naked with one hand holding Jeff’s cell phone and the other eating a cold taco. He dropped it and walked behind Jeff, peering over his shoulder like he did to me at the sink and started to unzip my son’s fly!
Jeff was oblivious to what he was doing since his hands were busy feeling me up at my pussy and tits. I could feel Eric’s cum starting to harden in my cunt hair (cunt hair! My mind was churning like this was an out of body experience).
Eric got his cock out quickly and I was anticipating what it would look like. I already knew he was excited from the look of his shorts and continued to be amazed that these boys were attracted enough to me to have that happen to them.
Eric got it out and I was impressed. It was a fine looking cock indeed. Not as big as Eric’s but more than serviceable. He didn’t break stride with his fingers pulling my clit and his other hand yanking on my cum- covered nipple so Eric reached around and grabbed his cock and started jacking it.
“Jeff, honey… don’t let him do that. That’s gross and a sin!”
I grabbed his wrist and pulled him further toward me in order to get Eric’s hand off of him. Well, and truth be told, maybe because I wanted to get a closer look at his hard pole. He had to let go of my clit as I scooted him further toward me. Eric didn’t let go but kept on pumping him with his fist.
“Yeah, right… like there’s been no other sinning going on here!”
I didn’t want Eric to do this to my son so I tried to distract him.
“Eric, don’t you want to feel my wet clit again?”
I pulled his hand away from my son’s boner and guided it down toward my bush. But he apparently decidedTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
Butterfly Synopsis John was changing physically and mentally and was doing so within hours of that moment in the forest. It takes twelve hours for the common cold to take hold and give us a hint that we have it. It took about that same amount of time for all of the signals that flow through us naturally to change as well, and John woke to a new world. John woke to the same sun, room and bed, but clearly it didn't feel the same, and it would only get worse... Players John,...
NIS Day 3 – Halloween Morning - Medway High School 6:55am, Wednesday, October, 31, 1979 “Hey, Cuda! Whatcha think?” Sammy shouted with her hands about her auburn mane as I walked into Mrs. Stenn’s art room studio. “Hot damn, Wushu! You’re the sexiest copper cop I’ve ever seen!” I replied as Mrs. Stenn was putting the finishing touches on the lowest silver dress-button over Sammy’s recently trimmed red pubic hairs. Our art teacher had covered all of Sammy’s upper body to her mid-thighs in...
All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...
Madame ButterflyIn my last story “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny everytime I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasm at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.So, as I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work, we would stop and chat,...
Author : JINGBANG Email: For the Part 1 of this story please go to https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/jingbang-goa-part/ I finally managed to reach the top berth. I had two guys sitting on my either side and 2 guys sitting in the opposite berth. I asked them which game they were playing and they said it was bluff. Since I knew how to play that game, I also expressed my eagerness to play with them. Anyways I wanted to improve my rapport with my colleagues. I so wished that Riya was also...
The Pink Butterfly We had lived in our new home for about 6 months. Our next door neighbors, Erika and ?J? quickly became best friends, we seemed to do just about everything social with them. Erika and her husband, ?J,? are about our ages, mid to late 30-s, and were not only great looking as a couple, but intelligent, and just plain fun to be around. But I digress; a little about me. My name is Lisa; I’m 34, 5’6? tall, about 110 pounds wet, with mid-back length, jet black hair and long bangs...
A young man is introduced to the pleasure of making love to a woman by his friend's grandmother. This story runs about 25 minutes.
First TimeFurther adventures of Jess. It may help to have read the first story. "Your tattoo is very beautiful; it's done in Japan." It wasn't a question and he was right. I was going out more on the weekends as Jess. My assignment to Alaska had been deferred twice in as many months, but now it was two weeks until I was shipped out for the final term of my enlistment. If it wasn't deferred again. Whatever. I'd been busy. I was at a coffee shop in Shibuya on a Saturday evening, getting ready...
In my last story, “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny every time I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasms at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.As I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work we would stop and chat, usually by the...
MasturbationSometimes a simple gag can backfire. What seemed funny at the time turned out to be very serious.Annie and I had been interstate at a wedding. After the reception and feeling full of play, six couples went off into town in search of some more drinks and whatever else came along. More drink we certainly had and we found ourselves wandering the club scene marveling at the nightlife.We stumbled into a tattoo parlor because one of our friends wanted to get his wife Bec a tattoo of a dolphin on her...
Denny and I found an old pair of electric sheep shears and we decided we would shave our heads and make a statement about summer. I had no clothes and shaving my head seemed like a funny idea, ridding more body covering. We convinced ourselves to shed any cooties that might be hiding and let our hair grow back out to curls plus generally feel cleaner and act like crazy teenagers. We each took turns shaving the other’s head. Luckily the shears weren’t too dull. The results were the first bald...
I was toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, not one of those full arm jobs that seem popular with merchant sailors and hairy bikers but something discreet, somewhere discreet, if you know what I mean. I had mentioned it to my girlfriend and she didn’t object to the idea and so it was one Thursday afternoon that I pushed open the door of the tattoo parlour and walked nervously up to the empty counter. I heard a female voice call from the back of the shop “I’ll be with you in a minute.” “No...
I was toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, not one of those full arm jobs that seem popular with merchant sailors and hairy bikers but something discreet, somewhere discreet, if you know what I mean. I had mentioned it to my girlfriend and she didn’t object to the idea and so it was one Thursday afternoon that I pushed open the door of the tattoo parlour and walked nervously up to the empty counter. I heard a female voice call from the back of the shop “I’ll be with you in a minute.” “No...
Oral SexThine Own TattooA Collection of Written Thoughtby Hugo Carlos ArreolaCopyright 2018------Thine Own Tattoo(fictional, sequel to my novella, 'walking with scars')…and then, it happenedLucy woke up on Mondayafter the night she had had celebrating the new yearshe should have been hungover andgenerally feeling shitty all overbutfor whateverthegodfuck reasonshe felt finein factLucy, felt insanely wellas though on a cloud somewhere between eight and tenshe might as well been on meth or some other...
BUTTERFLY WINGS By Tcheena3 CHAPTER ONE ?- Metamorphosis, Wings Begin to Flutter They say that the sweep of a butterfly?s wings in the Amazon rainforest can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world.Sounds great, but it?s a ridiculous premise, really, when you get right down to it. Oh, yes, I?m sure we all understand cause and effect. But to suggest that such a small action could spiral into such a huge reaction in such a comparatively short distance seems absurd.At least, that?s...
Often times when I watered the plants in the window of my apartment, the woman in the third floor apartment across the courtyard would find a reason to come to her window and watch me.In the summer time, I would ride my stationary exercise bike by the window for the breeze, and she would watch me from the shadows of her curtained windows. After a while, I began to see flashes of her at her window, in her under wear, or sometimes completely nude, and at other time topless. She was always...
ToysAngel wanted a touchup to 1 of her tattoos, actually she wanted an excuse to be gangbanged.--------------------------------------------------------We took a vacation for a week to Hawaii. I had promised Angel for years I would take her there& finally kept my promise to her.Our hotel was about 1/2 mile from the Hawaiian Hilton & maybe 1 1/2 miles rom Waikiki just off of the main road. Even though Angel had allowed the bellman to take part of his tip as a blowjob & a couple of days...
Ana told me she would get a little spade tattoo on her belly.Her black lover Jamal had ordered her to get it; in order to show his friends my sexy wife was his submissive white slut bitch for black cock…My dick got hard as a rock just thinking of her belly with such a tattoo. It would keep my wife’s pussy wetter, just knowing about all those black bastards that would fuck her regularly…Ana told me while getting the tattoo, she would wear her micro skirt while using a butt plug in place.This...
“Your sister had herself tattooed,” Mom replied. “Cool! Can I see it?” “I can’t understand why you and Dad are so upset,” said Bernie. “Tattoos are in.” Her name is Bernadette but I just call her Bernie. She prefers that anyway. “Go ahead and show him,” said Mom. Bernie stood up, turned around and lifted her top. She displayed a nicely designed tattoo that covered her lower back. She must have been saving up for it for a while. The tattoo artist took pride in his work at...
The Girls with the Tiger Tattoo.Angie parked her car, and walked into the café, not far from The Turner Contemporary Art Gallery, in Margate. A familiar face waved her over. It was a girl she had once worked with, Tracey. “Hello Naomi, how are you?” she asked. Angie gave her order to the waitress, before turning to Tracey. “I’m Angie, Naomi is my sister!”“I never could tell you apart, sorry,” she said. “Jesus fucking Christ, did they really look that alike, they weren’t twins, there was just...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...
This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Copyright (C) 1999 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author. Altered Fates- The girl with the Rose Colored Tattoo. By: Maryann ...
My wife has just gotten a tattoo. It is an angel and is on her back/neck, just under her hairline. It's pretty cute and looks good on her.Why is this noteworthy? Well, in all the time I've known her she's never even intimated that she wanted one. Three of our c***dren have tattoos, one doesn't. I don't and probably never will. I am 40 years old and getting a tattoo smacks of mid-life crisis to me.Mary is the same age as me and we have been married for almost twenty years. We have four c***dren,...
My guess is the guy who tattooed my wifes pussy masturbates while looking at her pussy i shared a a couple pictures with him after he was done getting her excited. here is how it happened he had me take some pics while he worked on her pussy. i posted a couple on here I made an appointment at a tattoo shop to get the wife's tattoo worked on and did not tell her so i watched her put on some little blue lace panties followed by a black garter belt then she rolled some black lace top stockings up...
A week passed reasonably uneventfully, catching up with family and the usual things that happen when on overseas holidays. My mind never strayed far from the previous weekend, when the amazing young woman with her butterfly belt did incredible things to my mind. The day of the wedding arrives and I am tingling as I get myself ready. I take extra care getting myself sorted, pulling up my long white socks, ensuring my red flashes are just right, fixing my cuff links, just so, my large belt...
Butterfly Time By Cassandra Morgan Pink. The first thing I thought when I saw him was not that my best friend was wearing a dress. It was not that he had on high heels. It was not his cherry red lipstick. All of those images would flood over me in the next few milli-seconds, but not yet. I was on sensory overload, and all I could do was think Pink. Cotton candy pink. Pretty underwear pink. Ceiling insulation pink. Pink elephants' pink. Vagina pink. Pink. Saturday night....
That early morning, after spending hours fucking like crazy horny rabbits, my sexy wife told me she wanted to get a tattoo.Anita added it would be something not permanent. She was really not so sure yet about it…I agreed with her and Ana added she wanted a little tattoo on her body, but in a place that could not be seen even when she would wear her smallest micro bikini.Getting a tattoo so close to her pussy lips, I thought it was extremely erotic. Ana obviously found our conversation about it...
True story, about the law of unintended consequences. ………………………………………….. It was always the four of us. Jimmy, Rocky, Zane, and me. We went to school together, rode our motorcycles together, two of us worked together. Non of us was married, well Rocky was for awhile, but it didn’t work out. Every weekend for the most part whatever we did we did together. This particular Saturday was one of the rare days I had to work. I didn’t get home until five, and I knew where the guys were, so I...
Patty's TattooOn Sunday afternoon, Walt J, of Walt's Tattoo shop was telling his buddy Earl of the latest customer."I tell you, Earl, you know I got nothin' personally against spooks, they're my customers like everyone else, but this salt and pepper couple come in my shop today. Ah seen lots of stuff, lots of good lookin' babes with bucks, an ah see everythin', but today was intense! After they left, just to tell you how intense it was, I had to take out my little weenie and jack off. Yeah, I'm...
"Hey, what's up? Did somebody die?" I'd just come home from hanging out with some friends. Mom and my sister were sitting at the kitchen table looking pretty unhappy. "Your sister had herself tattooed," Mom replied. "Cool! Can I see it?" "I can't understand why you and Dad are so upset," said Bernie. "Tattoos are in." Her name is Bernadette but I just call her Bernie. She prefers that anyway. "Go ahead and show him," said Mom. Bernie stood up, turned around and lifted her...
If I thought the end of basketball season would mean my schedule would start to relax, I was sadly mistaken. It was a relief to have a break from filming as I'd managed to get ahead over mid-winter break, but as soon as there was no more basketball practice, play rehearsals started. I only appeared as the stage manager in the third act, but the first week Ms. Streeter wanted the whole cast together as we did read-throughs. After four days of rehearsal, I still couldn't figure out what the...
CHAPTER 1 Staring at the mirror, Camilla Young simply confirmed her bad face day: the mouth was down, lip coating very much in need of restoration and her eye surrounds were bloated and red-rimmed from recent crying. ‘God, girl — you are one awful mess,’ sighed Camilla, knowing no one was there was there to listen and that stimulated her anguish. Almost overnight the vivacious leading female magazine writer had become a fallen butterfly, lying unwanted while everyone else was laughing,...
From the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Captured! Thankfully, only James’ pride wounded. In hindsight, it was fortunate that his pistol misfired. The fight had been short. Although James did his best to defend us, his revolver failed to fire, much to his obvious chagrin. After a short, but spirited skirmish the lizard-men, as Emma has dubbed them, quickly overpowered him with their spears, disarming him of both pistol and saber before the others could reach him. Soon, we were all within their...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi(First entry from the Diary of V.Dorofeyev, translated from the original Slavic by O.Delacroix)i.With the help of Pavel and Yngvild, I was able to close the portal, sealing the cavern behind us before we were driven mad. Even now, a handful of days later, the site of divinity burns like a fever in my mind like a siren, calling out to me. My companions feel it too. Pavel weeps openly at the memory of our short sojourn beneath the veil of stars and I can see the longing writ upon the Dane’s...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI was wandering around in my favorite discount department store doing some miscellaneous shopping. Of course, as is my usual modus operandi, I was also perusing the lovely ladies as I went, mostly looking for the nice round bottoms and/or the heavy bulbous breasts that turn me on. I was in the seasonal Valentine's aisles when I spotted her. At first it was just a flash of skin that attracted me because she was wearing dull black pants and a dull black jacket, neither of which were...
When I enter I am momentarily overwhelmed by the hot air and seductive music that seems to never end. It's now after hours so he's alone in the studio, getting ready to tattoo my back. Over the months when I couldn't decide on the final design for my back tattoo we've become quite close, always sharing ideas and teasing each other. Now he's smiling crookedly at me and saying: “I was afraid you changed your mind.” “Never,” I reply with a wink. When I take off my coat he grunts with...
Eventually, numbness and boredom eased my terror, pushing it to the back of my mind. How long I hung, suspended like a worm on a fisherman’s hook, I know not for I spent much of the time fading into an uncomfortable unconsciousness. And then, the terror returned in abundance as I felt a presence within the dark, my eyes having grown accustomed enough to see the displacement of blank emptiness by something much darker and much more sinister. A sheen, if you will, of something shiny that seemed...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI was 25, and I had wanted to get a tattoo for a long time but never had the nerve. One night a few friends and I went out drinking and partying. Not something I do on a regular basis but I thought, why not, it will be fun. So the four of us hit the bar, and before long I had drank much more than I had intended and was hitting on the guy sitting beside me at the bar. He was tall, taller than I am which is saying something because I’m almost 6 foot tall without heels. That night I was in 6 inch...
Straight SexEvery couple of months a group of us at work go out for a few drinks to unwind. There are three women and four guys that kind of hang around together. Sometimes our spouses join us, but last week we were all solo. Let me start off by telling you that I am an uncontrollable flirt, and I sometimes enjoy flashing a little skin in the process. So, were sitting at a large booth at this bar and having a good time. We started talking about tattoos and I casually mentioned that Dave and I talked about...
ExhibitionismHi everyone and this is Rahul and this is a very new story of my wife which happened recently. I would like to share with you all. I am a businessman and my wife is a housewife. I used to travel a lot for official reasons and my wife often used to be alone in home for most of the days. The incident which I am going to narrate happened during the Navaratri festival days. It is one of the biggest festivals in Gujarat where the girls tattoo their body and perform dancing. My wife’s name is Gracy,...
The research was being conducted by the university's College of Physical and Agricultural Sciences. Researchers from various departments had been studying the exoskeletons and shells of animals from across the tree of life. They had identified a member of the butterfly family that grew a hard shell over its torso, where no butterfly had previously been known to do so. This shell seemed to double the life span of this species, in comparison to other butterfly species. It also provided...
From the Journal of Olivia Delacroix - First entry. It’s been nearly twenty-one days since The Golden Dove was blown off course by a truly malevolent storm. Had it not been for the peerless bravery of our good Captain Harrington and the courageous Lieutenant Littlefield, we most certainly would have been lost at sea somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. Though having lost our glorious airship and most of our supplies, some of us made it safely to shore, holding out hope that the rest of the crew as...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWhy does it take them so long, I wondered, sitting on the hard wooden bench. I had told them the truth, but they did not believe me. I could hardly believe it myself. And what a mess they made when they dug up the three young women we had so carefully dug into the flower bed behind the house. They had led me to their van through a crowd of curious onlookers. Then, sitting down in the police van with my hands handcuffed behind my back, was difficult and very uncomfortable.Lucy had promised to be...
SupernaturalToday was the one-month anniversary of living on my own. Leaving my aunts' home had been harder emotionally than I had expected. While I was only moving from North of Tampa to St. Petersburg Beach and knew I'd still see them regularly, my aunts had been everything to me.They had lovingly taken me in when my parents were killed and raised me as their own. They had always been there for me as I grew up and their support had been unwavering, especially when I made the decision to become my own...
Transwelcome everyone a lot of people have asked about the night the wife got her sexy pussy tattoo so here goes and i hope i don't leave anything out because it was a very interesting nightwe had talked about getting a tattoo on her pussy for a long time but she was always putting it off for obvious reasons but one evening she said that she was ready and she had the artwork picked out. i was very excited at the thought of what would be happening .the wife has always been quite shy up until she...
It was Friday night, and rather than being out with his friends, Joey was doing his homework. That wasn’t all that unusual for Joey. He was a good student. But the real reason he had stayed home that night was that his sister was having some of her friends over for a sleepover. Joey loved his sister’s sleepovers because he always got some peeks at the girls, who wore little at these events, and were careless about running around naked from time to time. Rachel’s friends were hot too. For...
(Ann gets inked in an intimate area)"Unique tattooing, can I help you?" David answered the ringing phone. "Hi David, this is Ann. Do you have any time to squeeze me in today?" she asked, cheerfully.A huge smile flashed across David's already darkly handsome face when he heard her voice. Ann.... Her golden hair, long legs and chubby body just made his senses soar, not to mention his heart race every time she smiled at him. She had a smile that would melt the polar ice caps, and bring blinding...
Jan was home alone with her step dad as her mom was out of town for a few days. She went in and sat next to him and asked him "Would you take me to get a tattoo?" He replied "Where do you want it?" She smiled and told him "Across the top of my left tit. I want a rose on it." He looked at her tits which were a nice big size like her moms. He grabbed her arm and told her "If you fuck me I will take you." Jan immediately stripped naked without even batting and eye and began kissing him and...
Two hands picked up the blanket that covered her and pushed it off, exposing the rest of her body. Though Diane had gone to bed nude, almost her entire body was now coated with a black, shiny film. Only above her neck, her hands, and her feet had any skin showing. Darkness hugged every curve and crevice of the rest of her body. It wasn’t necessary to cover them, as the important liquid was already flowing through Diane’s anatomy. Standing up, Diane walked to the center of the room. Her eyes...
"OK Tam, let me get this strait, Butterfly Club is a bar where middleaged women go to meet boys for sex?""Tiffany, it isn't k**dy porn, they have to be twenty-one to get into theplace. Other than that, yes you have it right, its fun and with nocommitments, except for safe sex."When I saw the wispy smile cross Tiffany's face, I knew I hadconvinced her, I told her I would pick her up at ten. I didn'tmention that I needed her to be my wingman but I would find outsoon enough.As for Tom, he was...
Volume three: Exposing Cindy - The butterfly vibrator Chapter one – a night on the townJim and I had been married several years, and we had a reasonable assortment of various experiences in the first years of our marriage. So I was not shocked when he showed up on a Friday evening with a gift for me; a ‘butterfly vibrator’ which had its own harness to hold it in place; however a pair of latex panties had me confused. "OK, what's with the girdle?" I asked. I knew at 5 ft 4 in. and 105 pounds...
Wife LoversHe just stared at my eyes, giving me his only directive:“Get something for your clit, you little cheating bitch...”I then turned to the drawer besides my marital bed and produced a little butterfly dildo. I turned it on and the device began buzzing…He dragged it from my trembling hand and licked the little thing.“You taste so good, my little married bitch…” He whispered.He then gave the thing back to me, ordering to put it against my swollen clit. I had been extremely horny during the last...
John was excited for a number of reasons. The biggest perhaps was their leaving on vacation to Mexico in the morning where they would spend a week relaxing at the beach, sightseeing, as well as enjoying one another inside their hotel room. The other reason John was excited, was because he'd stopped by an adult toy store on his way home, picking up his wife, Diane something special to hopefully enjoy using during the trip. Just thinking about all of it made him hard. He'd even removed his...
I drove to the garden center one Saturday morning to pick up an order for my wife. When I arrived I was directed to the rear of the building to be assisted by someone named Daniel. The receptionist told me that he was the sixteen year old son of the store's owner. She said, "Daniel's a treat. You'll like him."He turned out to be a typical teen kid with slick-backed blond hair - a good looking kid who, for some reason, wore no shirt. Probably he was featuring his new developing body, the taut...
Gay MaleIt was fantastic summer day. A gentle breeze drifted lazily across the small pond. The reflection of the midday sun made the colors of everything stand out more. You lie there upon the soft terry cloth towel, your body soaking up every ray of sunlight that fell upon you. A beautiful monarch butterfly landed upon your left nipple. You held your breath as you admired the shear beauty of the elegant creature. The brilliant colors contrasted with the dark areola that surrounded your nipple....
Spring passed quickly and summer arrived, bringing with it a longing that drew me more and more to the surface and daylight. With each passing day I felt more and more restless, the need to see the open sky overcoming my desire for Isshu, strong as that was. Had he been able to stand the almost sweltering heat, I would have enjoyed his company here in a world that was more to my tastes. With or without him, I needed to feel the sun kiss my flesh and the wind upon my face. The world below...
Fantasy & Sci-FiUnwanted Attention - Part 1: The Accident By MindlessPath I cranked up the volume of my MP3 player hoping it would allow me to ignore the voices coming from below. It did not help with the swaying though, so I still had a hard time falling asleep. I had now applied three times for a room change but the people responsible for handling the dorms kept ignoring my requests. Being a freshman in the university lowered my leverage, and the lack of influential parents probably had much...
Unwanted Attention - Part 2: The Dangers of Jumping By MindlessPath "You're such a succubus Jenny," Lisa said to the shop assistant, smiling, as she picked up another set of lingerie for blonde girl that was patiently waiting in the back room. "I bring in a girl to the shop to get her some lingerie, leave her in a room with you alone for just a second, while I throw a peek at the newest lingerie sets, and when I return to see if you're done measuring, you're already all over her....