Song Of ThanksChapter 11: June 1-2, 1996 In Search Of New Answers free porn video

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The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.

M. Scott Peck:

South Dakota June 1-2, 1996

... I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.

-Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux)

Gaho's daughter Leotie and Courtney took the Jeep for the two and a half hour drive to the tribal lands. Leotie put the time to good use in both collecting and providing information.

"Now that you are going to be on tribal land, I am going to address you as Courtney again. Many tribal members would find it offensive to hear a white person being addressed with a Native American name unless you are made a relative. You also would not be eligible to make a Lakota vision quest unless you are a relative."

"But I thought that..."

"Gaho promised to help you and she will. She has great spiritual powers and wisdom. If she does not feel you can become a relative she can still use her powers on your behalf and guide you. But because Jaclyn is a member of the tribe, a blood relative of Gaho and has been like a sister to you for many years; you are a very good candidate for Hunkapi, the rite to make you a relative. This would require your consent, of course, and Gaho's judgment that your heart is compatible with the beliefs and customs of the Lakota Sioux. Also she would have to feel a spiritual bond before she could make you part of her family."

"Wow, I hope I can measure up to all that. I'm afraid that I know very little about your customs."

"That's not so crucial. Gaho will teach you those. What is important is that your heart is not full of greed and bitterness and that you are willing to live in harmony with the earth. These are things that are not easily learned. Gaho already feels that she has a spiritual bond with you because she was able to see you in her vision before she even met you. I don't think you will have trouble connecting with her. I see you brought your guitar. That should help; she definitely loves the sound of your voice."

"What else is involved in the process of Hunk... ? I'm sorry, the name..."

"Hunkapi, that's OK, our words can be difficult. Hunkapi is fairly simple as Lakota ceremonies go. There is some ritual but a lot of it is talking about your place in the community and your responsibilities. If you become a relative, I warn you, Gaho will expect to hear from you, and see you occasionally. If you ever have children you might as well plan on them spending some of their summers here. Otherwise you would be no true relative."

"I don't think this will be a problem. Jaclyn, or Olathe I should call her, has told me that her summers here were the very happiest memories she has of childhood. I would not deny my children that experience. Can I ask you what it is like to be the actual child of Gaho?"

"Certainly you may. As you know, Gaho has many children who claim her as a spiritual mother, but as far as actual blood descendants, there are only me and my twin brother Odakota. My father passed away when we were young, so Gaho has reared us by herself. She is a wise and loving mother and she has sacrificed much for us. I am attempting to pay back to my people by combining the traditional spiritual healing of my mother and mainstream psychology, hoping to find the best of both. I have a degree in Community Counseling from the University of South Dakota. This fall I will start taking courses in Lakota Studies at Sinte Gleska University to learn more about the tradition and history of my people. Most of all, I have been learning from Gaho all my life, and while I may never have her spiritual powers, she has taught me much. I can do things and visualize things that I cannot explain with my psychology training. Gaho's powers are even more outside of western conventions of psychology."

"Then why do you bother learning the psychology at all?"

"Many of the traditional ways only work well on subjects who are cooperative and share similar beliefs. That's one reason you will need preparation for a vision quest. Unfortunately, some of our own people, especially young people, have drifted away from the old traditions, and Gaho's methods do not work as well. Substance abusers are another problem. Gaho says she can make no connection with a person on drugs, it's just not possible. In these cases, my more conventional methods are useful."

"I guess I'm sort of a problem being ignorant of the traditions. Will you be helping Gaho with me?"

"Very astute Courtney, as a matter of fact I am even as we speak. That makes my job a little simpler since you've already guessed; I won't even pretend that we're just two girls chatting to kill time. I want to use this trip to gather some personal history and background. Is that alright with you?"

"Of course, I don't see how you could be expected to help me without it."

"Wonderful, I had Olathe give me enough information to know where to start. And I want to start with your relationship with Darryl. Where did you first meet him?"

"My best friend's grandparents had this house on a lake with a dock. We snuck out one night, and I met him there when we were eight."

"And what happened that night?"

"We kissed."

"Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?"

"Does it really matter, we were eight?"

"Sometimes relationship patterns show up very early, please try to answer and be as honest and open as possible."

"OK, it was definitely me, I grabbed him and kissed him and jumped up before he could react."

"Courtney, did anything else unusual happen or was anything unusual said that evening?"

"I told him I was going to marry him someday."

"Allowing for your age, were you in your own mind serious when you told him that?"


"In your entire life, have you ever said anything like that to anybody else?"

"No, I never have."

"In your entire life have you ever told another man that you love him?"

"No, I never have."

"When was your first sexual experience involving another person, and was that person male or female?"

"Fourteen, and male."


"Yes, all my early sexual experience was with him."

"At what age did you lose your virginity?"



Courtney hesitated then in almost a sob, "NO, but it should have been. It was the stupidest mistake of my life. I just got cold feet."

"Darryl wouldn't wait?"

"Darryl was wonderfully patient, but before we could get together to try again, my father deserted us and we had to move away to avoid creditors."

"Is your father still alive?"

"No, he was killed by a very large truck while riding around in his fancy sports car with his latest slut."

"Did you cry when your father died?"

"No, I felt a bit sorry for the girl, I felt nothing for him."

"Courtney, it is very rare for a daughter to feel nothing at her father's death, even in cases of desertion. Is there more that you haven't told me?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Don't block on me Courtney, I need it all. Did your father beat you?"

"No, he never hit me."

"Did he sexually molest you?" Instead of answering, Courtney began to weep and curled up in a ball on the seat as though she wanted to disappear.

"Oh God," Leotie said, "He did. I'm so sorry. I'm pulling over." Leotie pulled the Jeep well off the road while Courtney trembled with emotion.

"Let it out, Courtney, it's OK to cry. Breathe into it."

Finally Courtney lay still and began to dry her face.

"I'm sorry Leotie, I've never talked about that to anyone and I thought I had it safely buried."

"The real crime of sexual abuse of children is that the effects can last a lifetime. Did your mother know?"

"Oh no, I've never told her, and I never will. She would blame herself."

"And who do you blame?"

"I always thought there was something I did to deserve it, that it was somehow my fault. Oh I hated him for touching me, but I also blamed myself. I think I still do somehow although I know that's wrong. I didn't deserve that. I just wanted my daddy to love me."

Leotie saw the tears start to well up. "We won't talk about this anymore today. We will deal with it with Gaho's help. I think it may well be the underlying cause of some of the trouble you are having trusting more of your life to another person. Your trust was betrayed by the very person who was supposed to protect you. Let's talk about what we're going to do. You must have questions about the vision quest."

"I have a million but some I will save for Gaho. How do you see the vision quest working?"

"I'm not sure psychology has all of those answers but we do recognize the combination of isolation, deprivation, fasting and meditation as powerful stimulators of deep introspective thought, and even hallucinations. Which is just a fancy way of saying that while the classic vision quest is a uniquely Lakota Sioux tradition, cultures worldwide have independently evolved surprisingly similar customs for the same purpose. The Australian Aborigines on Walk About, Buddhist Monks, and Hindu holy men all use getting away from material things, fasting and meditation in an attempt to reach a deeper insight. Western medicine has also studied how the lack of stimuli and the partial starvation promote hallucinations or, if you prefer, visions. Modern science has a great deal more trouble explaining how these visions are often proven right."

"Is it coincidence or wishful thinking or true insight?"

"You tell me, you were there on the phone. How did Gaho know about Olathe's love affair? How did she know to ask me for the recordings of the woman who was like a sister to Olathe? She knew you were in emotional distress and had lost your beautiful voice. My mother knows nothing about pop music, how did she know I had recordings? How did she know you would call? I have lived with the woman my entire life, and I have no explanation of how she sees the things she sees. I don't think she does either."

The conversation carried them over the flat desolation of the South Dakota landscape. Before long they had pulled into a modest village of homes and a few stores which Leotie identified as her hometown, a settlement of her tribe. The Jeep pulled up to one modest but very well kept home, somewhat larger than most others in the village. Standing on the porch were a large full breasted woman, with a face that radiated warmth, and a very handsome figure of a man in a khaki uniform with such classic chiseled Native American features he might have just stepped out of a conservation poster. There was no mistaking the family resemblance, so before introductions Courtney knew she was in the presence of Leotie's twin brother Odakota and, of course, her mother Gaho. Courtney was not sure exactly how to behave, how to be friendly yet not too familiar. Before she had really decided, she found herself all but smothered in Gaho's ample bosom.

"Hola, my poor child, you must be starving and exhausted. We'll get you fed as soon as we've done our introduction. This handsome young man is my son, Odakota, which means friend. He is the sheriff of the local Lakota tribal land."

The young man stepped forward eagerly. "Hola, I am a fan of yours. I have most of your CDs. I spotted your guitar. Will you sing to us while you are here?"

"Hola, I take it that means 'Hello'?"

"Yes, hola is Lakota for a greeting like hello but many other tribes use it now."

"Well then hola, Odakota, I'm always glad to meet a fan, especially when he's so handsome. And yes, if you will invite me, I would be happy to sing for you."

"We'll never get him out of here now," laughed Leotie. She relented when she saw Odakota's embarrassment. "I'm teasing you bro, I'm just as big a fan as you."

Gaho put her hands on her hips in the universal mothers pose, "perhaps her fan club would make itself useful and bring in her things. I'm taking her inside to the kitchen."

The kitchen in this case was obviously the center of family life, filled with a tribal-sized table and wonderful smells that tantalized Courtney, who was indeed hungry from her trip. The stove and cooking equipment were old but restaurant sized and well cared for. It was obviously designed for the serious feeding of large groups of people.

"Tell me dear, what can I fix you? It's hardly morning but I was thinking you might like a good hearty breakfast. If not, I can probably fix anything you'd like."

"As always, you know my mind, I would love a big breakfast. Emphasis on big."

"Count me in," said Leotie as she joined them, "and bro here counts double."

"Except I'm counting on the two of you to give me a hand in the kitchen."

Under Gaho's practiced supervision a hearty breakfast of flapjacks, eggs and thick country bacon was quickly prepared and as quickly devoured. Then Gaho shooed Odakota off to his job and joined Leotie and Courtney at the table.

"Are you up to a little talking, Courtney? Or would you prefer to rest before we start."

"Breakfast revived me, and as long as you keep me supplied with this marvelous cake, I'll talk all day. What is it? I'd love the recipe."

"It's traditional Lakota plum cake. Besides the usual butter, flour, and baking soda, it's made from dark raisins, purple plums, toasted hazelnuts, cloves, honey, and maple syrup. I'll teach you how to make it. I think we will need a good supply. Courtney, you are carrying a great deal of pain, I know we have a lot to discuss. And that was before I saw that you were betrayed by your father. That is a knife that cuts very deep. Every girl is supposed to be able to trust her father to protect her."

Courtney turned a questioning look towards Leotie, who had not had a chance to talk to Gaho; Leotie simply shrugged.

"I have no explanation. I have lived with her all my life and have a graduate degree in the working of the human mind, and I have no more idea how she does it than a pebble knows how a mountain is made."

Gaho took Courtney's arm and smiled.

"Science is a wonderful thing, and I suppose the day may come when they can explain every miracle. But I hope these tired old eyes do not live to see a world with no magic, no medicine. I would see it as a world without hope and wonder. Leotie went away to a great school to learn how I could know things and see things that others could not. But all she learned was that those professors of white man's knowledge have no more idea than she." Gaho's eyes sparkled as she obviously found this a great joke.

Fascinated and glad for the change in topic away from herself, Courtney asked, "Did they actually study you and your techniques?"

"Oh yes," replied Leotie, "she spent a week there as a guest of the department and presented several demonstrations; some of which were remarkable, to say the least, and well outside the ability of mainstream psychology to explain."

"And how did your professors deal with that?"

"The best of them were fascinated and learned that there were still areas better known to the ancient ones than to modern science. Some just preferred to not believe their own eyes and ears when confronted with something new and unexplained, and just ignored the whole thing."

Gaho laughed heartily at this. "They called themselves men of science and yet for some their eyes were blind to anything new. How can that be science? They were no better than chattering monkeys with fancy titles. But there were also some that possessed wisdom. Some of what they taught Leotie has value. She can sometimes see inside the mind in ways I cannot, but which can help explain a vision."

"I think sometimes my mother's love for me causes her to exaggerate my contribution, but I do think we make a good team. I act as her apprentice on a vision quest."

"What my sweet daughter is saying in a kind way is that my old bones are reluctant to sleep upon the ground as the spiritual guide must do to watch out over the vision seeker. I rely on her in more ways than she knows. One Way is to see with different eyes. I know that Leotie has asked you many questions as you came here today. Now, if you will be patient, I will send her away and I will ask you my questions. Many may be very similar but you must listen with fresh ears and answer what I ask. Then while you sleep, Leotie and I will see through each other's eyes by sharing. This will make our vision more complete, and we may know better how to help you find your song."

"I will do anything, I feel quite desperate. Nothing has helped so far. Do not be afraid of tiring me. I am used to a tough touring schedule."

"There may be days here when you feel more tired than ever in your life but not today. Today you and I will talk, and this evening you will meet our tribal elders to be considered for becoming a relative. Then you'll get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow you will learn to ride a horse and start to learn the ways of the outdoors. And don't look so worried, child; I will be holding your hand every step. I promised Olathe to be a mother to you and Gaho does not let her children fail or come to harm."

Courtney was actually surprised at just how much comfort she found in the promise of this extraordinary woman. She knew now that it was very important to her to be made a relative because she did want Gaho to be a part of her life and the life of any children she might have someday. She found that Gaho's questions did cover much of the same ground as Leotie's but focused more on her inner being, her feelings, her dreams, her fears. She also found she got a little motherly advice, but only when she asked for it. And when she did ask, she got brutal honesty. Fishing for reassurance that she had done the right thing refusing to cut back her tours just to please Darryl, she put the question to Gaho.

"You won, Courtney; you defended your right to run your own life and control your own tour schedule. You did not sell out your independence for the sake of being married. You have it all: success, glamour, fame, wealth. No one can boss you around... and you're so miserably unhappy you can't even sing. You turn your back on true love at your own peril."

"Do you mock me, Gaho?"

"No, I remind you that the modern world has freed women to pursue careers, wealth, fame and power that were too often held only for men, and that is good. Choice is good. But for those in whom the fire of womanhood and motherhood burns strong, there is no wealth or fame or power or earthly good that can replace the love of a woman for her man or the feeling of a child feeding at her breast. These are experiences so profound that men can only guess at them. They have only sex and think it moves the earth. The passions a woman can feel compared to that is like the prairie fire is to a cook fire. You have let these things go, and everything else in your life has turned to ashes in your mouth. You will not find happiness without them."

Courtney looked as though she had been slapped. Then her face clouded with anger and it looked as though she was forming a retort. Gaho waited impassively but no response came. Finally Courtney's face acknowledged her defeat and she began to weep in despair. Gaho pulled Courtney to her bosom and stroked her hair.

"It's all right my child; I would never have told you so bluntly what you must have for happiness if I weren't going to help you get it. I promise I will help put your life right again, and I do not make promises lightly. I want you to go rest awhile and then we will prepare to meet the elders.

When Courtney awoke, Gaho was already hard at work in the kitchen preparing the meal. Odakota and Leotie sat with Courtney to help her prepare for the council. Just before the guests were scheduled to arrive, Gaho sat down and gave her a few pointers for the meeting.

"First, I don't want you to be nervous," said Gaho, "This will not be an inquisition. You will be among friends. There is no actual requirement to get approval to make you a relative, but it is a good practice. There are surprising numbers of people who want to become honorary Indians for the wrong reasons."

"Really? What, for example?"

"Some just want to buy a little piece of the Old West," said Odakota,"and they are relatively harmless. Some are looking for legal loopholes like opening a casino, but that seldom works. The real problem is what we call the 'Twinkies'."

"What in the world are they?"

"New Agers, the Birkenstock crowd. They've practically overrun places like Sedona. What they want is to rip off our religion so that they can sell "Vision Quest" packages or other religious or pseudo religious ceremonies and tokens to tourists claiming legitimacy because they are real Native Americans. It's a sore point, as if I hung out with your family just so I could start offering Holy Communion, even though I had no idea about the spirituality behind it."

"That's awful."

"Yes it is," said Leotie, "It seems as though we are being robbed of the one thing we had left, our heritage."

"And it is why you cannot do a Vision Quest unless you are first made a relative. But it will be important tonight to convince the elders that you are not becoming a relative only to have a Vision Quest and then never to be heard from again."

"Oh no, Gaho, I already told you that I want you and your family to be a part of my life and the life of my future children and I mean that."

"Then that is what you should tell them. And if you have any ideas on how you might contribute to the good of the tribe and the community, that will count in your favor. But I warn you; I know that you are very wealthy, but offers of charity handouts will not win favor."

"I understand that. This afternoon while I was supposed to be napping Leotie helped me reach Olathe, and I have an idea I'll keep as a surprise, but I think they may like it."

Gaho turned a questioning look towards Leotie who just smiled enigmatically but Gaho decided trust was part of becoming family and decided to wait and be surprised.

They were joined for dinner by two gentlemen, one Courtney guessed to be seventy years or older although his rugged fitness belied that figure. Gaho introduced him as Stephen Lone Eagle, Chairman of the Tribal Council.

"Hola, Courtney, it is a pleasure to meet you. I apologize for 'Chairman', everyone is disappointed to find we don't have Chiefs anymore, and we are elected to office. I hope you aren't disappointed. And I might as well tell you up front that my granddaughter has already informed me that if I don't approve you, I might as well not come home."

"I am not disappointed in the least, and I insist I be judged like anyone else. If you have to rule against me, I will go see your granddaughter myself and make it right. In fact, I would love to meet her anyway."

"And this other gentleman is Al Grey Wolf, also a long time member of our council."

"Hola, Courtney and welcome. No one on this council would ever dare vote against Gaho, but I came to meet you, and for the meal. She is the best cook in South Dakota."

With that everyone sat down for a generous and delicious meal featuring buffalo steaks cooked in Gaho's unique variant of chicken fried which made them fork tender. Lots of fresh vegetables rounded out the meal. Baskets of traditional Lakota fry bread made sure that any extra tummy room was taken up. Then Odakota and Leotie excused themselves, Gaho served coffee and Lakota plum cake, and the serious discussion began.

Stephen Lone Eagle, as chairman spoke. "Courtney, it is tradition that I will ask the questions, and at the end Al Grey Wolf will be allowed to ask any additional questions he may wish. After that, Gaho, as your advocate, may respond if she felt any questions were unfair or prejudiced against you. That makes this all sound a lot more solemn and scary than it is going to be. The Lakota people are hospitable, and we love to welcome new relatives to join us. Our only purpose is to screen for those that might be using us for their own interests, and not in the interest of our people. In truth there is little chance you would be able to fool Gaho, so this will really be a chance for us to get acquainted. Are you comfortable?"

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June and AliceChapter 7 Sayonara Marilyn

Monday morning came quickly, too quickly as far as June was concerned. Roger would be leaving this morning to present a proposal to a firm in Buffalo. Yesterday, June had convinced him to change his plans from coming home this evening to early tomorrow morning. Ordinarily, she would have liked him to return home on the same day, but not this day. This day would end with her final party at Alice’s, and keeping Roger as far away as possible was necessary lest he discovers the activities planned...

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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 37 Lights Camera Action

June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock and looked at the clock through blurry eyes. It was 5:30. She now regretted that she had set the alarm for such an early time. She went to bed early last night, hoping to get a fresh start the next morning. It wasn’t because she was eager to get to Alice’s for the movie shoot. No, it was because she wanted to think about her role in it and how well she would perform. She had a restless night thinking about how Alice might punish her if she made...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 38 Junersquos First Week On the Job

June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock. “It’s Monday. My first day on the new job,” she said to herself. Roger got home too late for her to see him on Friday night. She spent almost all day Saturday with him, however. They made love, talked a lot about a lot of things, made love, went to lunch, came back to his apartment, made love, watched TV, showered together, went to dinner, came back to his apartment, and made love. She hadn’t seen him in over a week, but they certainly made up for...

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June Gets Blackmailed

By Docker5000 Introductory Jason sneaks out of school and meets his older friend. The two lads discover Jason’s mother having sex with two men in her living room. Chapter 1 Jason Clark was extremely bored as he sat in class as his teacher went on about something. Jason was completely ignoring him. Jason just continued to look out of the classroom window. His regular English teacher was off sick and the substitute teacher that was standing in for her was completely...

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June The Sexiest Manipuri Party Girl

Hi friends, am back with the continuation of the story of June, the sexy Manipuri babe. June was 19, a Manipuri (chinki) girl but not the usual trashy cheap looking one. She was elegant in poise and had the look you see among tall Asian models. Her height was 5 7″,a lot more than usual Manipuri girls. She had perky breasts, shapely legs, and a tight curvaceous ass with a figure of 34B-26-36, a body guys dreamed of while they jerked off into the night calling her name over and over again. Her...

2 years ago
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June and AliceChapter 3 Alice Throws another Party

June pulled into Roger’s apartment complex and parked next to Roger’s car. She got out of the car and glanced over towards Alice’s apartment. June couldn’t remember if Alice told her not to call her this morning as well as tomorrow morning. Playing it safe, she quickly took off her dress and panties and picked up the telephone and dialed Alice’s number. “Hello,” Alice answered. “Alice, it’s June. I wasn’t sure if I had to call you this morning or not, so I thought I had better call to be...

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June and AliceChapter 10 Loving Maddy

June arrived at work early on Tuesday morning and found the apartment dark and empty. She went into the kitchen, made herself a cup of coffee, and sat down at her desk. As June sipped her coffee, she remembered that Maddy wanted her to call today. June looked at the clock and saw that it was only eight o’clock. June decided to wait to call until nine o’clock or later when she was sure that Rick was at work. She didn’t know if Maddy only wanted to chat or talk about June sexually dominating...

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June and AliceChapter 8 Rick Maddy

After a somewhat restless night of worrying about her future with Rick and Maddy, June awoke and looked over at the nightstand clock. It read 7:40, and June threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. Of all the days that she was late getting up in the morning, this had to be the worse day for it to happen. Roger could walk through the door at any moment if he decided to leave Buffalo very early in the morning. She ran naked into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee, and jumped into the...

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PART 2 BY DOCKER5000 Introductory It had been just over a month and June is still haunted by what the two drifters did to her. She is now desperate to feel that way again. And a over-heard conversation hopefully can give her that chance to feel alive once more. It was nearly a month after June’s experience with the too drifters and she still cannot get them out of her head. Her husband and son still do not know anything about her sexual adventures with the two men. As far as they both...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 33 The Shopping Fun

June awoke on Monday morning and sat on her bed, wondering what she was going to do all day. She looked over at Autumn’s bed and saw that it was empty. She got dressed, ran a brush through her hair, washed her face, and staggered downstairs to the kitchen. The house was eerily quiet. A note from Autumn laid on the table where June usually sat, explaining that she was at the store helping mom and dad. June made herself a bowl of cereal and ate her breakfast. She looked at the clock and saw it...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 18 Alice Joanrsquos ldquoPartyrdquo

The week flew by without June having to submit to any of Autumn’s humiliations. Of course, she still had to crawl naked to her sister’s bed each night and thank her each night. Today, however, was different. Today was Thursday. Today was the day she would be going to the doctor’s for an examination and, hopefully, get the prescription for birth control pills. Today was the day she thought would never come. Today was also the day that she was going to be punished by Autumn. It was the only...

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June and AliceChapter 2 Another Party Is Planned

June awoke early Friday morning after spending a restless night thinking about the events of yesterday’s party at Alice’s. What bothered her most was Alice saying that she owned her and that she would have to do whatever Alice wanted her to do. Then she remembered that she had to write down all the things that would humiliate her. At first, she thought that would be easy, but now she realized that she would be giving Alice even more ideas. As if Alice needed any more ideas. June looked over...

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Peter June and the Whatevers

There are times that you know, right from the start, that something's going on, and it ain't quite kosher! Like I did that night when I awoke at some unearthly hour and instantly became aware that standing beside the foot of my bed was an apparition ... To-whit, one patently beautiful and very naked female! In fact I could only just make out her form; but I could see enough to recognise that she was completely naked, and that her figure went in and out in all the right...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 25 The Dog Show

June awoke early on Saturday and looked over to her sister’s bed to find it empty. She sat up and recalled the events of last night and how earnestly Autumn had begged her to let her lick her entire body and how her big sister had used her tongue so effectively in all of her orifices. When June was satisfied with Autumn’s performance, she sent her to her bed with orders not to masturbate. June then recalled her earlier talk with Roger and wondered how, and if, she would end this part of her...

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June This Could Be The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship Part 1

My name is Matthew and this is my story. After the death of my wife due to a lengthy battle with ovarian cancer, I began to search for some female companionship. Bars, church, and friends and family were not the answer. Instead, I joined a senior outdoor group. That is where I met June. June was approaching sixty, but looked ten years younger. She was five foot four with salt and pepper hair, nice breasts and a tight ass. We seemed to instantly hit it off and became close friends. The two of us...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 15 June The Patient

Sunday night June thanked Autumn profusely by not only licking her pussy but her ass and tits as well. The rest of the week went by without incident. Oh, she did have to crawl to Autumn’s spread legs and thank her but she wasn’t ordered to satisfy her sister’s sexual needs. Not that she wasn’t grateful, but, for some reason, she found herself drawn to Autumn’s pussy and had an almost irresistible urge to kiss it. She began to wonder if she was obsessed with performing lesbian sex. When her...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 2 June

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 -- 8:47 AM The San Francisco Jonathan Kwong Enterprises office wasn’t anything like the one in New York. There were no JKE logos on the entry doors or signs on the outside of the building. Instead of occupying the top three floors of a massive skyscraper with its own helipad, we had only the twelfth-floor in a smaller, nondescript building. All the big movers and shakers in the company were in Manhattan, and sometimes it felt like the only reason we even had a San...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 31 The Patient Redeux

Saturday evening, after dinner, June decided to ask her parents for permission to stay overnight on Friday. “Mom, Dad,” she began. “One of my girlfriends asked me to come to a sleep-over this Friday. No boys will be there. Only a few girls are getting together for a little fun before I graduate. Can I go?” June’s father looked at her mother, who nodded in agreement. “Yes, you can go. Behave yourself and try to be home before we leave for the store Saturday.” Her father replied. June...

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June Takes Her Oral Exams

After June visited Toyland, it was now time for the oral lessons in her hot sex education. I knew the oral section would not be difficult for June. She was a natural. We waited about a week before the oral lessons began. That gap in time was an extremely difficult for June. She was like an insect emerging from a cocoon. She wanted and needed sexual relief. We talked about our agenda for the main event. I told June it would be a three part lesson. For June, her part would be to give a tit fuck,...

Oral Sex
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 29 The Gangrsquos All Here

June arrived at school early Friday morning. After parking the car, she got out and looked around at all the kids standing outside. She spotted the group of boys she was looking for and started to walk in their direction. June picked these boys solely because of their reputation among the students. She had talked to other girls who have dated most of them and who had sex with some of them. These boys never went steady with any girl but rather “played the field” using their term for a quick...

1 year ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 36 Alice and The Guys

Tuesday morning, June awoke to the sound of dishes clattering and the pleasant smell of bacon frying. She threw on the same clothes she had on the day before and headed to the kitchen. Her father and Autumn were seated at the table while her mother stood at the range, making their breakfast. “Good morning,” June said as she sat down at the table. “Do you want some breakfast, dear?” Her mother asked. “Yes, please. That bacon smells delicious.” “What are your plans for today,” June’s father...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 35 The Good The Bad The Ugly

June awoke early on Saturday morning. The room was dark, and the house was quiet. She rolled over, turned on the lamp which sat on her nightstand, and looked at the clock. It was 5:30. She closed her eyes, turned the light off, and tried to go back to sleep. A half-hour later, she realized that sleep was not going to come, so she quietly got out of bed. After going to the bathroom, peeing, and washing her hands and face, she put on her robe and headed for the stairs. Halfway down the stairs,...

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Roy and June take Doris again

We had taken Doris to these same people, Roy and June, a few weeks earlier and Jack had promised to bring her back. They in turn had promised Jack he would love what they planned to do with her. We set off for the "party", with Doris looking gorgeous and sexy in a low cut halter neck dress and stiletto heels. I could see no trace of a bra, but her firm little tits really didn't need one. The last time we had been to Roy and June, Doris had been wearing stockings and she looks so sexy...

3 years ago
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PART 1 AFTER CHURCH BY DOCKER5000 Introductory June is a normal church going wife and mother. She lives in a small American town in the late 1950’s. One day two drifters come calling. The men want money and some fun with June. It was around 11pm on a Saturday night and Trevor Mortimer is having his once a week sex session with his wife June. The bedroom light is off and June lays on her back with her nightie pulled up to her waist and her legs spread wide open and her eyes...

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June and AliceChapter 4

“You got in late last night,” Autumn said as June walked into the kitchen on Wednesday morning. “Where did you go after work?” “Nowhere. I stayed and finished all the reports Roger wanted before he got back. It was a lot more work than I thought it would be. I just got caught up trying to get it all done before he comes home tonight, and didn’t realize it was so late.” June said as she grabbed the cereal and a bowl before sitting down across from Autumn. Both girls sat at the table, quietly...

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Roy and June have Doris

He had told them about Doris, and how she was very pretty, part Chinese and part English, and very small and petite. Big, dominant June was very eager to meet small slender Doris. Her eyes had lit up. "Just the kind of girl I like," she had told Jack. She was even happier when he told her that Doris would have something special added to her drinks, and would probably be a bit woozy but would also be very submissive and very open to suggestions. As soon as she was in that groggy condition,...

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Sheila and June the next step

Over the last 9 months or so I've been shagging my neighbour Sheila, and also her friend June. Both women are older than me Sheila by 12 years and June by 7 years(Sheila is widowed and Junes husband works away for weeks at a time). On Friday when i got home from work Sheila was waiting for me as i got out of my car, she asked me if i wanted to join her and June for supper. I told Sheila i would be with them in about 30 minutes as i had to shower and change out of my work things, Sheila told me...

4 years ago
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June Goes for the Glory

Over the years, June and I have become friends with benefits.  We have had some amazing sexual adventures. June started out as a naive widow and had a metamorphosis into a wanton woman craving to experience everything a sexual life had to offer a person.  Her marriage had been boring and she was making up for lost time.Whenever I heard her car pull into my driveway, there was always something afoot.  The doorbell rang, I answered the door and let June into the house.  "Hi, how have you been? ...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 22 A Turnabout

June rushed home from school the next afternoon, hoping to get there before Autumn got home. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the driveway was empty. She parked the car and ran into the house and went directly to the telephone. She knew the probability of Roger being home was slim, but she would at least be able to leave a message on his answering machine asking him to call her as soon as he got home. Her assumptions were correct, so she left the message then hung up. She went into...

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June gets hooked in to excitement like a teen

June is 74 but has a great figure especially her tits 34 c i think. Blonde hair, very prim & proper manner.I managed to persuade June to help me shop for a christmas present for my wife. Secretly I wanted to be a lone with her in a sexy environment, so I said I wanted to shop for undies but would be embarised in that department.She agreed,so we set a date. June lives 25 miles from me and would travel by but for our shopping trip. I was surprised when she told me she invited her husband to...

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June Gets Her Degree Part 2

As dinner progressed, June gave me her personal account of her experience at the Scottsdale resort/bar. She told me that she had worn her little black dress, Victoria's Secret lingerie, black thigh-high stockings and medium high heels. June said that she'd walked into the bar about eight o'clock, sat down on a stool, ordered white wine and began her two hour lesson. The bar patrons were a group of drunk golfers, a few couples and herself. She'd started watching CNN on the television when a...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 3 The Meeting

June came down the stairs to find her sister sitting on the living room sifting through pictures and her stomach turned with worry. “That was quick.” Autumn said when saw June enter. “Did you bring your panties?” “Yes’.” June uttered as she held them out for Autumn to see. “You’re not wearing any, are you? Lift your dress and show me.” June lifted her dress and held it open.” “What are you doing?” June asked “You can put your dress back down and come sit next to me. I want you to pick...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 34 Birthday Surprises

Tuesday morning June finished her usual chores and decided to clean hers and Autumn’s bedroom and bath. When she finished, she looked at the clock which read 12:30. June couldn’t believe it was that late. She took her shower, dressed, brushed her hair, and put on her make-up and went downstairs into the kitchen. As June sat at the table wondering what to do next, she decided to grab some 25 cent burgers at MacDonald’s. She grabbed her keys and left. June got her order of two burgers, French...

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Lucky StiffChapter 25 Marla II June and Merry

One of these mornings, You're going to rise up singing. Then you'll spread your wings, And you'll take to the sky! --Summertime (Porgy and Bess) On the way upstairs, I asked Marla what time she needed to be home. I didn't want her to get in trouble with her Aunt. "Aunt Gin won't expect me home until dinner tomorrow." "You're shitting me!" "Nope, and I intend for you to take my virginity tonight." "There's only one problem, Marla. I cannot take it from you unless...

2 years ago
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Sheila and June

I was up in the local pub on Thursday night when i bumped into my neighbour Sheila (67) and her friend June (64). Sheila and June were both well on and i discovered that they had been in the pub since lunchtime. After buying them a drink they decided it was time to hit the road, June was going to be staying at Sheilas. Being a gentleman i walked them back to Sheilas house. Sheila invited me in for a nightcap, which i agreed to. We sat in the kitchen with a bottle of Glenmorangie and talked,...

1 year ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 21 A Love Story

June arrived home to find the house was empty, which was very unusual at 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon. Normally, mom would be getting dinner read at this time while dad finished reading the newspaper, and Autumn would be busy setting the table. She yelled, “Hello,” but received no answer. Taking advantage of being alone, she picked up the phone and dialed. It only rang once before being picked up. “Hello.” “Hello, Gayle. It’s June. I only called to say you can take the plug out now and ask if...

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June my first affair

At the age of 17 I was quite a regular masturbator. My first masturbation when I was 13 it happened one night after visiting some relations that I didn’t know very well. Their daughter had quite large breasts and they really got my attention. After going to bed at about 10pm I felt my penis was quite stiff and eventually after rubbing it with my hand I came for the first time by masturbation. Previously it had always been a wet dream but after that night I was a confirmed...

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Swinging Seniors About June

I recently wrote a story and mentioned my late wife June. I said that I found out some things about her past after her passing that were very disturbing. I'll try to explain our short life together, the secrets she kept from me, and what I did about them. Thank you to AirRichard101 for taking the time to edit this story. June and I met at a singles event. We had both been married before. June had a daughter, Susan, who had graduated from high school, got married, and started a family of her...

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June and I met the summer of 69 and I was more surprised than she was that we stumbled into the same bar out of the summer ran. Clearly, everyone had the same idea as we did as the cacophony of various voices filled the cramped hole in the wall. ‘I’m not a weatherman but I think he needs a new job.’ Her face full of sweet amusement and full of beauty. At first, I wasn’t sure she was even speaking to me with the various of people piling together, ‘Hello?’ She said trying to get my attention...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 8 The Photo Shoot Take 2

Roger moved the camera and lights in preparation for the next scene then stood at the spot where he wanted June to stand. Once she was in place, he returned to the camera and focused it on her he told her to raise her hands as if they were at a point of his chest. He set the lights where he wanted, looked back at June then unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of his shirt before setting the camera’s timer. Quickly, he moved in front of June and put her hands on the next button, told her to look at...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 19 Gaylersquos Bombshell

June awoke later than usual on Saturday. She looked over at her sister’s bed and saw it was empty. She got up and went into the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed in slacks and blouse, and went downstairs. She went into the kitchen to find her sister eating a bowl of cereal and decided to join her. “Good morning, sunshine,” Autumn said. “ Thanks for last night, but you know you didn’t have to do that.” “I know I didn’t have to. I just did it to celebrate my new freedom.” “Well, let’s...

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An Unforgettable Night in June Part 1

This is my first time writing stuff like this, so please give constructive criticism. This story is true, with only names being changed. Christmas break after many weeks of training couldn't come fast enough. I looked forward to any amount of time with the family. However, this break was just a bit different. June, a girl I started dating during those few months of training, called my phone just after Xmas dinner. "Andrew, what are you doing for New Year's Eve?" "Nothing special", I replied....

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