Song of ThanksChapter 4 Ten Years Apart May 1985 May 1995
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Part 1 — Paradise
When it was finally time to dress for dinner, Courtney and Darryl both knew that just outside their door was the real world, with problems they would have to face, together if they could. But the eighteen hours since they'd been reunited were the happiest they had ever had.
The main purpose of the dinner, besides the fact that the happy couple was long overdue for a break and a sit-down meal, was to allow Darryl to become better acquainted with Jaclyn and Karl, Courtney's manager and head of security. They were not only key members of her professional staff but two of her closest personal friends, going back to her days as a student at Chapel Hill. It was important for Darryl to get to know them well, if he was going to stay and work at the lake house. While tonight was a social event, Darryl would have business meetings with each of them within the next few days. Courtney noticed that the table was actually set for five places. "Jaclyn, are we expecting a guest? We seem to have an extra place setting."
"Yes, I do have a surprise, although it is someone well known to both of you. She has just made an important career change, and I am happy to announce that Courtney Archer Inc. is officially her first account. Come on out, publicist!"
A very attractive young woman who looked to be Courtney and Jaclyn's age entered the room. Courtney immediately jumped to her feet, knocking over her chair. She ran to embrace the newcomer and happily squealed. "Robyn, my God, it's really you; you look fantastic; I can't believe you're here. The three of us will have so much to talk about."
"Robyn has been employed at a large PR firm," explained Jaclyn, "and I have been working on her for the longest time to get her to go out on her own and become an independent publicist. She's finally decided to take the plunge."
"What she means," explained Robyn, "is that now Courtney Archer Inc. has gotten so damn big and Jaclyn can guarantee me enough business, so it's not even much of a risk to go out on my own. But I have to confess that being able to spend some time with you here at the new lake house is quite a nice attraction in itself. I never dreamed that the three of us would ever get back together."
"I almost lost that dream myself, Robyn," said Courtney, "and even now I keep pinching myself to make sure it's real. I'm not sure how long it'll be before I can go to sleep without being afraid I'm going to wake up and find it was all just a dream."
The dinner was excellent, and the company delightful, everyone being about the same age and having so much in common. Jaclyn mentioned her plan to hire Darryl as Courtney's personal photographer. "That certainly won't be anything new," announced a delighted Robyn. "When Darryl first got a camera, Courtney was his favorite subject. There was a special chemistry between the two of them that always showed up on film. He gave her an album of his favorite shots as a parting gift at the end of ninth grade, and with their beauty and sensitivity, they were gallery quality. They definitely did not look like the work of a fifteen year old. Do you still have it, Courtney? I'd love to see that album again."
"That album is my most treasured keepsake from growing up. I don't think I've ever shown it to anybody but you."
Jaclyn gently touched Courtney's arm. "I'll certainly respect your privacy if you say no, but I would love to see it as a way of getting to know you then, and to see Darryl's work at that age."
"You know that privacy isn't an issue. I think of everyone here as family, and I'd be happy to share the album, but I think we would should ask Darryl."
"It's your album, Courtney; I have no objection. I've always been very proud of those pictures, and it was quite a few years before any other subject inspired me to do work of that caliber. I'd be glad to see them again myself, since my mother accidentally destroyed a lot of my early work while I was away at college. I was devastated, and even though I didn't blame her personally, I wasn't able to bring myself to speak to her for a week."
"Okay, it's decided then, but it's actually you, Karl, who will have to get the album. It's locked up in the fireproof safe, along with all my original musical manuscripts, in a folder marked 'Gift album, Grade 9'."
While Karl was gone, Robyn continued her conversation about her new job. "There's no doubt in my mind that with his special affinity for her, having Darryl doing Courtney's photographs will make my job much easier. Also I believe it will be easy for me to communicate to both of them what I need in the way of illustrations,"
"Do you think that we should go public with a story about Courtney and Darryl's relationship before the press gets wind of it?" asked Jaclyn.
"I think security is good enough here at the lake house for us to keep it private as long as possible. Let's at least keep the spotlight off them, until they've had a chance to decide whether or not they even have a relationship. If it looks like there's been a leak, we come out with the story then, just as it is, a nice story of childhood sweethearts who find themselves together again as adults. A story like that fits perfectly with Courtney's image and should make her more popular than ever."
Karl returned with the album, and everyone gathered around to take a look. They were amazed at the sensitivity and beauty in pictures taken by a fifteen year old boy. Jaclyn was mesmerized, and some of the photographs actually brought tears to her eyes. After viewing the album, obviously moved, she touched Darryl's cheek with her hand. "Darryl, those were extraordinary images of a very beautiful young lady. I can see my belief in the special magic between you two is justified. What I'm going to say is just personal opinion, and please don't think of this as going back on my word and butting into your artistic and creative independence. But if you were to do images with the extraordinary power and beauty I see in this album, I would certainly not be displeased. To me, these pictures are as fresh and timeless today as the day that you took them, and they show off our girl so much more than the trendy crap this industry usually goes for."
"Thank you, Jaclyn, I'll certainly take what you said as a compliment, not as interference. Besides, if I take the job, you can't help but get images like these. If you've seen my work, you know that I don't do highly contrived images. I try to build some of those qualities you mentioned into my images, timelessness, beauty, integrity. And I know I'm not the only artist in this room who believes in those values. Since my gift from that day has been shared, I am now going to ask Courtney if she is willing to share the extraordinary gift she gave me that same day, a special song."
"I don't know; I've never thought about singing it to anybody else, but I suppose it really is up to you. Darryl; it's your song. I wouldn't mind sharing it with this group of friends, but if I do, I'd prefer to sing it out by the lake."
"Actually I can't think of a more beautiful ending for this evening," said Jaclyn.
So the party adjourned to the edge of the lake, enjoying glasses of brandy, while Courtney shared the Song of Thanks that she had written for Darryl so many years ago.
You've given me wings
And special things,
That's what your love brings,
Thanks to you...
After the last note faded, everyone sat quietly for a few moments. Robyn wiped a tear from her cheek. "I was your best friend, and I had no idea you could write a song like that at that age. That's so sweet. Are you ever going to publish that song?"
"Oh no, the song is just for Darryl; I've never even written it down. It has only been recorded one time, and that was for a CD that I sent to Darryl to invite him to my concert. It will never be recorded again or broadcast or performed, except for close personal friends like tonight. Otherwise it really wouldn't belong just to Darryl."
The friends said their goodnights and went their separate ways for the evening. As Karl and Jaclyn left together, Robyn turned to Courtney, "Anything going on between those two?"
"I don't know. They've been close friends since college, but I've never been able to catch them at anything more. On the other hand, they don't seem to date anybody else. I think they'd be good together, and if I can think of a way, maybe I'll give them a little shove. Why, you interested?"
"Might have been; he's pretty cute. But it's never smart to go after the boss's squeeze. Besides, I met Karl's assistant Kurt Janson this afternoon. He's pretty cute too, and as I gather, very available."
"Kurt's a hunk all right," sighed Courtney. "If I had ever given up on this guy, who knows?" She said this while watching Darryl from the corner of her eyes, but he just smiled and refused to take the bait.
They said goodnight to Robyn and went on to the master bedroom where they made passionate but gentler and quieter love.
The week started with several important meetings, the first of which was between Darryl and Jaclyn concerning his contract as personal photographer. It came as a surprise to no one, least of all Darryl, that he accepted Jaclyn's offer and signed on for a year. His job had many parts; he was responsible for publicity stills, posters, and all manner of franchise merchandise, along with designing and executing photographic art for CD and album covers. He was also responsible for supplying material to Robyn, for general publicity and fan material, as well as illustrations on demand for specific publications. And lastly, his very favorite function was to spend as much time as possible with Courtney as she went about her work, writing, rehearsing, practicing, and performing her music.
Another important meeting was a private one between Karl and Jaclyn concerning exactly how Darryl and the new couple affected their responsibilities for business and security matters. They agreed that as much as possible, they were going to adopt a strictly neutral, hands-off policy. Courtney and Darryl would have to work their relationship out on their own, unless it in some way affected the security or operations of the company. They were both long time friends of Courtney's, but they were determined to treat Darryl exactly the same as they treated her. They were not chaperones, private detectives, Ann Landers, or Mom. In other words, if the couple succeeded, they succeeded; if they broke up, they broke up. It was their problem, and their problem alone. They agreed on a special code phrase "Trouble in Paradise," which would be used to indicate a serious security problem relating to the couple.
Life at the lake house was idyllic for the lovers. While Courtney was writing and practicing her songs, Darryl was taking pictures of her, and once again, just like years ago, she was his ideal subject. Despite dire concerns, Darryl found Jaclyn easy to work with; she just wanted results, and as long as she got them, she delivered on her promise of creative and artistic control. Working with Courtney as his subject, Darryl found it easy to be innovative and creative. His work was soon the talk of the industry. It had a timeless quality at heart, with a warmth and charm that reflected Courtney's singing style. It was a refreshing change from the highly stylized cover art in current vogue, and the public seemed to be ready for the change. Poster sales, the best indicator, since these are bought for image alone, were off the chart.
One particularly fine morning, Courtney was sitting by the lake in her favorite wooden recliner, her preferred place for writing. Having Darryl with her somehow let the ideas flow freer than ever. He was also proving to be a patient sounding board for new ideas and new melodies. She smiled to herself when she heard his familiar footsteps approaching. He leaned around for a quick kiss. before hopping into his chair beside her. He was obviously excited as he opened his camera bag and pulled out a camera she had never seen before. The top part looked a lot like the Nikon camera she was used to, but it was labeled "Kodak" and had a large base. "Guess what this is Courtney?"
"I was just looking at it; it looks like your usual cameras, except it says Kodak and it's oversized on the bottom. I don't know."
Darryl took the camera, focused and snapped a few pictures. "I'll give you a hint. No film."
"No film? Is this one of those computer cameras I've heard about?"
"That's right, this is the Kodak DCS460, only twelve grand."
" $12,000.00? That's enough to buy a dozen film cameras. Are the pictures that much better?"
"No, they're not better at all; in fact, they're not as good as film, yet."
"Well, what's the point?"
"This is the future, and I don't want to be left behind. Right now the applications are limited, but believe it or not, in ten years film will be gone the way of the buggy whip."
"Ten years and film will be obsolete? I don't believe it."
"That's what they said about the LP, my dear, and how many of your songs were sold on them last year? In any case, a camera like this means you can take pictures that don't have to go to the lab for processing; they're available for your immediate viewing pleasure right on your personal computer."
"Oooooh, Mr. Sanders, you mean if we hooked up a computer in our bedroom, we could take and look at pictures without even leaving the room?"
"Yes, Miss Archer, I mean exactly that, and by the merest coincidence, I've just finished setting up a brand new computer in your boudoir."
Courtney did a theatrical yawn. "I'm beginning to think I got up too early this morning. I do believe I'm going back to bed. Care to join me?"
"Now that you mention it, I'm feeling a bit tired myself. Believe I will join you. Race you for the bed."
Among the many reasons why their relationship worked so well when it came to taking pictures was they were naturals for their tasks. It is a reasonable assumption that anyone who chooses to spend life in front of audiences of thousands, and on television watched by millions probably has an exhibitionist streak. It is also reasonable to assume that someone who chooses to spend life observing and recording through a camera lens has a strong voyeur tendency. This alone made Courtney and Darryl natural allies and compatible playmates in the bedroom.
The addition of the digital camera certainly didn't mark the first time that photography was a major bedroom game, but it added the new element to their play, being able to view the pictures as well as take them. Even though the pictures were destined to be seen by no one but themselves and would probably be erased in a matter of days, it did not take away from the care that went into them. Courtney loved pretty things, especially lingerie, and could afford the very best. Darryl, even when playing around, was still Darryl Sanders and still had the same trademark eye for composition and mastery of lighting.
As Darryl was getting his equipment together, a sultry voice from the closet asked, "Hey, Mr. Photoman with your camera of the future, what would you like your model to wear?"
"How about that 'Rita Hayworth' gown to start, and then my all-time very favorite, the white bustier?"
"And I suspect you won't need a third choice, because we've never gotten past the bustier yet. Get your camera running. I'll be right out."
"Right out," in this case, was on the female timescale, which is somewhat different than the male, but in due course, Courtney appeared. She did, in fact, look a good bit like the very famous World War II pin up of Rita Hayworth in the glamorous gown fitted at the top and with a long flowing white skirt. Darryl started with her sitting on her legs and looking over her left shoulder, just as in the original photograph. "Well damn," proclaimed Darryl, "I'm ready to go out and buy some war bonds."
"Stick around, big boy, and I'll have you ready to march into Berlin and turn Hitler over your knee." And with that she started to ease down the strap on one side of the gown. Schnick Schnick went the camera. She exposed one perfectly formed orb of a breast, capped with areola and nipple the beautiful shade of pink usually seen in a rose. Schnick Schnick Schnick. Down came the other strap, and she caressed her own breasts to cause the nipples to erect. Schnick Schnick Schnick Schnick. Courtney now pulled her knees up and played with the sheer full skirt to tease and flirt with the camera. Schnick Schnick Schnick
"Courtney, pull the top back up; stand by the big window with the light behind the sheer skirt." She did as he requested, and the long full sheer skirt lit up with the light reflecting off the lake. The silhouette of her body showed through the luminous cloud of light with just enough detail to make it erotic. And the light streaming through her hair lit up her face like an angel. Schnick Schnick Schnick Schnick
They stopped while he pulled the hard drive from the camera and plugged it into the computer, and they looked at the pictures together. Courtney never ceased to marvel at how he was able to bring out beauty in her that she could never see in the mirror. "Darryl, tell me the truth, looking at these pictures of me in the window with the light in my hair, do I really look like this to you, or is this something only the camera can see, because I can't."
"I can see it all in my mind, although not always with my eye. But a photographer must always see more in his mind than his eyes can see, just like a musician must be able to hear the orchestra when he looks at a sheet of music. Now I see you in a white bustier, please."
Courtney, ducking giggling back into the closet, yelled out, "Don't forget to ah adjust ah everything carefully; you know the effect this outfit always has on you."
"Very funny, just get out here, and we'll see who it affects."
Within a few minutes, her voice came from within the closet. "Oh Darryl, sweetheart, do you have an erection?"
"No, I've been out here all by myself for the last fifteen minutes; any reason I should have one?"
"No, not yet, I want you to be standing right by the door. OK, here I come, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 damn a new record, flaccid to full boner in under nine seconds. If word of this gets out, every woman in America is going to want to own a white bustier. Well, if you still have enough blood left in your brain to talk, where do you want me... no, you know, naughty boy, for pictures."
Darryl was obviously trying to refocus. " Ahhh, on the bed. That's a good place." Courtney climbed on the bed and stretched out like a cat. Schnick Schnick Schnick She leaned forward to give him full advantage of her décolletage, with her lovely breasts framed in the cups of the bustier. Schnick Schnick Schnick Schnick
She sat up facing him and lifted her leg as though adjusting her stocking. Darryl found himself looking straight down at the crotch of her sheer white panties, where even now a distinct damp spot was forming in the center. Schnick Schnick Schnick She swung around and gave him the same pose from the side with the leg poised. He got on the bed with her so his camera angle could include her beautiful cleavage. Schnick Schnick Schnick
Courtney was beginning to get turned on herself; as she lay back against the pillows, she reached in and scooped a breast out of the bustier where she could play with the nipple. Darryl moved in for a close up. Schnick Schnick Schnick
Darryl himself was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on photography. Her hand now slid across her smooth belly and her fingertips slipped under the elastic band of her panties. Schnick Schnick Schnick Her hand reached down until it covered her whole pussy, and even from the outside of her panties it was possible to tell that several fingers had disappeared inside. Schnick Schnick Schnick
The model was starting to squirm and make little noises, so that Darryl actually started taking some pictures of her face as she approached her self induced orgasm. Schnick Schnick Schnick
But Courtney had other ideas. Breathing heavily, her eyes popped open. "Darryl, my pet, put down the fucking camera; get your clothes off, and get down here. I want you."
It sounded like a good idea to Darryl, who got his clothes off in record time and climbed back into bed. Courtney turned to him. "Just get these panties off me, Darryl; I'm ready now; oh God, am I ready."
Darryl got between her legs and took hold of her white panties and pulled them off. He could see that she was very ready indeed, although that didn't prevent him from sneaking in one quick lick across her clit just to watch her reaction, which was a good spasm and a gasp, followed by a plaintive "Darryl, please!" Oh yes, she was ready. She got him back by grabbing him and giving him a stroke, because he was as excited as she. Foreplay wasn't an issue, because for them, the camera play, the looking and the being looked at were foreplay. All that was required was the act of physical union.
Darryl got in position, and she almost impatiently reached around and placed him in her. She then wrapped her legs around him and thrust upward to meet his thrust. He plunged straight in until they lay pelvis to pelvis. Courtney looked at him, "Oh yes, my love, I can feel you; I feel so full. Make love to me; make me yours."
Darryl started a slow steady rhythm, in part to stretch out his own level of excitement, because seeing her lying below him in that white bustier was a powerful stimulus. Fortunately her breathing, her sounds and the eager way she met him thrust for thrust, told him that her release wasn't that far off.
Courtney indicated she would like to be on top, so they switched. She straddled him and leaned forward, until he had a fabulous view down the front of the bustier with her beautiful breasts now served up delightfully on a lingerie half shell. Darryl reached in and cupped them as though judging prize fruit, before taking the nipple between thumb and forefinger and gently rolling it.
"Yes, yes, don't stop; don't stop," she yelled, and immediately her body shuddered, and she started pumping faster.
Darryl groaned; he felt a familiar tightening in his balls, "I'm going to come, Courtney; I'm coming."
Courtney shuddered again, and he felt the spasm massage his cock. "Go ahead, come for m; I want to feel you come."
It happened so close together it's impossible to say whose climax triggered whose, and certainly neither Courtney nor Darryl gave a damn. They both had very grand, very satisfying, and extremely noisy releases. It was so loud, in fact, that it brought knowing grins to several members of the lake house family who were not used to such enthusiastic love making in the middle of the morning. But no one doubted who it was, for everyone delighted in the loving couple. They all shared in Courtney's happiness. But while everyone knew he was much more than just her photographer, Darryl was almost never seen without a camera in his hands.
Courtney loved having Darryl take pictures of her, both the official ones and the unofficial ones. Some of those unofficial ones kept Karl up at night, terrified that they would somehow, someday, end up in the wrong hands. Sometimes, they didn't take pictures at all; they just used the cameras as props in a game that always ended up with Courtney naked and Darryl excited. And whenever she was naked and he was excited, they got laid, which made both of them very happy. Then she would always sing better, which made Jaclyn very happy. And when Jaclyn was happy, almost everybody had a better day. At least, this was Karl's rationale for not discouraging their recreational "photo ops," and he, like Darryl, took special precautions to make sure that any resulting images stayed private.
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The choices we make and the chances we take, determine our destiny. Anon South Dakota, June 2-5 Hunkapi So too is the buffalo holy, because it is the gift of Wakan-Tanka. Flat Iron (MAZA BLASKA) Oglala Sioux The afternoon was spent doing the shopping to bring Courtney's riding outfit up to practical standards right down to some very unsexy but comfortable "granny britches" underwear. Since a good hat and good boots are essential to anyone who plans to spend serious time in the saddle...
Bhabhi Bhaiya Hey guys, This is Dragging_Feets and this is my first story here at ISS. I am an amateur so the story may not be as expertly written as it should be but please bear with me.Also, the story will be long. So, please have patience.The story is totally a fantasy and characters of the story does not represent anyone in real life. —————————– The phone at Shukla residency was ringing aloud and it caused Mayank to wake up from his sleep. “Wow! That’s a Great news” he heard his mom...
IncestSumaya leans against the backyard wall of her parents house. She's eavesdropping on a conversation between a group of college boys on the other side of the fence. Sumayas parents house is right next door to a community public park and the only thing separating her from having access to the park is a low fence. Sumaya listens to the boys talking about exams, and about their teachers, and she realizes they're college students. Sumaya is able to distinguish five different voices, and she...
Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fourteen: Mayoral Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Becky Davies “She's almost here,” I said, slipping my phone down onto the table. I smiled at Mrs. Alberts, my best friend's mother. “Finally,” purred Mrs. Alberts. The MILF sat up from the couch, her breasts swaying. They were round and naked. We had spent the evening while Tonya was on her date with Seth making love. I was so eager...
I was a typically hormonal, testosterone-overdosed teenager, I suppose. Well, typical in the sense that I could sometimes get a hard-on from the vibration of riding a bus, but maybe not entirely typical when it came to chatting-up girls. I was incredibly shy and couldn’t speak to a girl I fancied even if my life depended on it. Which made life desperately unfair because, of course, I wanted to shag anything with a hole in it when I was in my teens, just like every other lad. I just...
They finally found a group of five couples that sounded interesting. The group consisted of an Asia couple a black couple a mixed couple (he was black and she white) and two white couples. The women were mixed in size and shape and age. The black men were big, over 6 feet, and the black woman had a very large butt. The Asia couple was short and she was small in all sizes. The men were all good looking and seem to be in good shape. There was one woman that was a 40DD and worked out at gym....
Lady May sprawled languidly across her four post bed. The rumpled black silk blankets still glistened with moisture from her exertions. Her long blonde hair splayed out wetly across the pillow and she reached out for a cigarette. "Carson!" she cried, "My cigarettes!" Carson waited at his station beside the stairwell as was his wont when Madame was entertaining, ready to welcome guests or serve his employers with equal facility as befits a butler, so swiftly grasping a small pack of...
The Mayflower I had worked for two summers on my uncle’s farm to save up enough money for my first car and my insurance too. She wasn’t much but I loved her. She was a 1966 Ford Mustang. There was lots of rust and the seats were worn badly but she was all mine. With four on the floor, bucket seats, and enough power to get up and go, I was in heaven. The engine was in the best shape of anything else in the car. I named her “The Mayflower.” I figured that with my own car I could start...
He dismissed yet another of the nobles, not interested momentarily in their petty concerns. True, Ivrei was a man of renowned power, and that power had become extraordinarily useful in accomplishing tasks. He crossed the grand hall, or visitor’s lounge, of his castle and up a set of spiral stairs at the back and right corner of the room. Most of the place was decorated with smooth white leather and golden banisters and wall hangings, with the lighting magically dimmed to allow for perfect sight...
He tells the officer “And that’s how it happened. Trust me, its true sir.” The policeman looked at him, thinking about everything he’s been told. The way the driver described it was quite graphic he thought. Here you are, driving up the road, when all of a sudden you see this curvy, slender blond haired woman jogging and as you pass her you see her smiling at you. As you look at her you instantly pay attention to her figure and those tits of hers. Why wouldn’t you? She’s looking right at you...
‘Oh fuck!’ Maya cursed as she looked in the rear view mirror and saw the police car’s lights flashing and heard the shrill beep of the siren. She wondered how long the cop had been following her. Maya was usually a perfect driver, she was aware of stories from friends and family of D.W.B, aka Driving While Black. Knowing that, she didn’t give reason for cops to stop and harass her. Except tonight was different, she was driving with a leaden foot and on top of that had a few drinks. She honestly...
Jenni Harrington was bored, as was normally the case when she had to accompany her mother to yet another evening with the borough's great and good. Jenni's mother, Gillian, was the Lady Mayoress; due to her divorcing Jenni's father two years previously when she had discovered that he had been having an affair with a young barmaid at their local pub, it had become incumbent upon her to stand in for him at the various civic functions the Lady Mayoress was duty bound to attend.As usual, she had...
ExhibitionismThe sight of Candy lying on a sunlounger by the pool was driving me crazy. It always amazes me that there is not more sexual activity on beaches and poolsides, because everybody’s out there almost naked. You wouldn’t sit in a room with a woman in just your underpants and she in just a bra and knickers – or if you did, you would be expecting to get lucky very soon. And yet in sunbathing mode we are expected to behave “like adults”, which, in that case, means not getting excited, or even not...
Straight SexMaya has been on a nice holidaytrip. With a ship they were crossing the Ocean. The nineteen years old indian girl was on her first travalling alone. She is 5'4" tall and weights 47 kgs. Her skin is in a nice brown color, hey eyes even darker, and her long hair is black. She was a nice thin body with a slim waist and firm solid ass and young round D-Cups. As she was never alone out of India and away from her family she is sometimes very shy and doubtful. It was a large cruiser. But then one day...
Sumaya is 34years old, newly divorced, and a Muslim woman who wears the Islamic dress but underneath the façade lies a sexy, erotic woman who is willing to explore her sexuality regardless of the restrictions placed on her by family, tradition and culture.Hi, please note that this is a fictional story but the plot itself involves characters over the age of 18 years even though I refer to them as boys in the story for more emphasis. Please enjoy...Sumaya leans against the backyard wall of her...
Sumaya leans against the backyard wall of her parents house. She's eavesdropping on a conversation between a group of college boys on the other side of the fence. Sumayas parents house is right next door to a community public park and the only thing separating her from having access to the park is a low fence. Sumaya listens to the boys talking about exams, and about their teachers, and she realizes they're college students. Sumaya is able to distinguish five different voices, and she...
Selam herkese. Bu siteyi açanları tebrik ediyorum. Gerçekten çok harika ve nefis şeyler var. Hani benim gibi içine kapanık ve kimseyle birşey paylaşmayan insanların okuyacağı ve deşarj olacağı bir site. Ben de yıllar önce başımdan geçen gerçek ama henüz günyüzüne çıkmamış güzel bir anımı anlatmak istiyorum. Yıllar önce (ozaman daha 16 yaşındaydım) evimiz köyde olduğu için babam beni şehirde okutmak istedi. Ama kalacak yerimiz olmadığı için bir yurda vermek için araştırma yaptı. Bir erkek...
I've always considered myself straight but I had come across the likes of Vitress Tamayo on xhamster and I had jerked off to her a couple of times. There was just something about her that I really liked and I thought that she was super hot. To my surprise I had found out that she was being photographed at a studio near me. I had managed to get there and I had saw her as she entered the studio. I don't know what came over me but I thought that I'd go for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop and...
tranny – shemale - cocksucking – anal – spanking – domination – submissiveAnother lonely night led me to walking down the dimly lit street and wandering into the sex shop. There wasn't too much adventure to be seen there, very comparable to my apartment.I was looking at toys. Specifically, butt-plugs. Not that I didn't already have one; in fact, I was wearing one at the time. The little bell above the door rang.I looked at the cashier, she stood there- blowing her bubble gum. I couldn't see who...
The Mayflies’ Chapter CThey began again, the soft flogger warming her body for a number of strokes. He nodded to Trudy, a signal for her to up the pace.She turned to Jane and said that her master required her to draw blood with a whip.Jane nodded shrugged then repeated “we have agreed if he wishes me to suffer for him so be it!” it was Trudy`s turn to shrug, kneeling to fit a spreader bar between the victim`s ankles, spreading her legs and making her feel very vulnerable, Trudy stood, smiled,...
The Mayflies’ Her father, her pimp, her partner in life sat on the bed-end admiring her as she removed the now wet seated tracksuit, dried cum mixed with wet in rivulets from her sex and her gaping backside, her eyes shone in the light of the bedside lamp and her nipples stood proudly erect as she stood before him. “Well, did you achieve all the joy you wanted on the bucket list,” he asked, she smiled her thanks blew him a kiss and was soon in the shower. Next day they paid their bill...
8 The Mayflies. [a] A story of the last 9 weeks of an i****tuous couples lives as like mayflies they have a brief but heady taste of life and of last devil may care sex as they play out their final fling and bucket list wishes The Mayflies’ Chapter A The tea trolley rattled loudly, the ward assistant clattering and banging the cups, indifferent to the feelings of the patients, slopping tea into cups she knew she would have to collect and wash later. Jane lay uncaring, no longer did the...
Vanakam nanbargale, Meendum oru kavarchiyana velaikari kama kadhaiyil santhipathil miguntha magilchi. Intha kadhaiyil oru azhagana velaikariyai epadiyalam ushar seithu rasithu othu kama sugathai anupavikiren enpathai patri pakirnthu kolkiren. Kadhaiyai muzhumaiyaga padithu vitu kizhe ungalin karuthugalai pakirnthu kolungal! varungal kadhaiku pogalam! En peyar kishore, vayathu 24. Irandu varudangaluku munbu kaluri padipai mudithu vitu tharpozhuthu merpadiku padipatharkaga entrance exam-ku...
“Mayhaps We Arrange a Meeting” We agree to meet in downtown Atlanta for a night of what we both have anticipated as the sexual encounter of our dreams. I arrive a little early and settle the hotel arrangements. We agreed upon a simple suite at a fairly comfortable Hilton. Using my wit, I convince the hotel patron to upgrade us to a presidential. I go inside and make myself comfortable. Using the extra time I have, I set up the room to a more accommodating setting. I...
Vanakam enathu peyar santhosh naan kalluriyil padithu mudithuvittu irunthen. Ennudaya vayathu 25, naan oru naal enathu kalluriyil function nadathugiraargal endru ennku azhaipu vanthathu piragu unavum tharugiraargal endru sonnargal. Naan kalluriyil padithu mudithu 2 varudangal aagugirathu appozhuthu nan paarpathrku sumarana paiyan than. Aanal ippozhuthu paarpatharku azhagaga irupen pinbu enathu maarbu matrum thudaigal annithum konjam perithaga irunthathu. Intha vayathil ennai annaivarum ooka...
Mera naam Rajan hai, aur main Panipat me rehta hoon. Meri umar 21 saal hai, aur 21 ki umar main ek call boy ban chukka hoon. Main dikhne me handsome aur bahot smart hoon. Ek ladki aur ek aurat kese khush karna hai, kese uski choot ki pyass aur aag bhujana hai. Ye mujhe ache se pata hai. Kyoki jab maine Kavita ke badi family ki sari aurto aur lakdiyo ko choda tha. Tab mujhe pata chal gya tha. Ki kese kisi ki choot ko shant karna hai. Saali ki randi family ne mujhe call boy bana kar rkh diya hai....
Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Part 14... The Mayors Wife!Ethan pulled his socks up and slipped his feet into his shoes. He stopped to rub his cock in his pants. The fresh memory of what he had just done with Mrs. Turner still had him turned on. What and incredible woman she was. She had worn him out. He had to rest after they finished to recover. He was, however, growing stiff again as he reflected back on the sight of her terrific body writhing and thrashing uncontrollably beneath him....
Hai friends, en name vijay age 22 engineering final year padikuran.Naanga covai la irukom.Enga family la appa amma naan.Appa name sundar age 47 foreign la work pandraru. Amma name anitha 40 housewife paka actress ramya krishnan mari sexy ah irupa.Amma epovum nighty saree than poduva.Saree la ava thoppul nalla therium pakaravanga ellarum avala epdiyavuthu okanumnu ninapanga apdi oru sexy face.Aval apdi patta character illai en appavai thavira vera yarum othathu ilai avalai. Seri ipo kathaiku...
Nen oka college work chestunanu memu bacholers 2nd floor lo untamu. Maa kindha portion lo oka ammai ni chusanu,roju college nunchi vachetapudu aa ammai ni chusevadini..Enti veedu aunty annadu malli ammai ani antunadu anukuntunara …Cheptanu vinandi..Nen roju ala observe chesevadini aa ammaini but chala thakkuva ga pattinchukunedhi thanu nannu.Telisindhega manam asale karuvulo unnam 24 years nunchi waiting kanie alane try chesa.Kani okati nijam ammai matram chaaaaalaaa baauntundhi andi. Chala...
Hi dosto mere name sushant hay or aj may apko mere gf ki sacchi story batane ja raha hu May pehli bar story submeet kar raha hu agar koi galti ho tu muze maf kar do To chalea story pay aata hu mere gf kaa nam tanuja hay hum log college may mile or hum frds bane dhere dhere hum chat pn din raat bate karte ohh may uske body ki bare may batana to bhul hi gaya uski height 5 ft hay or body 32 30 32 hy ekdam hast dhekti hay bilkul dipika padukon jeisi To hum bat karte din bhar or 1 din mene mere...
Hii, this is amay back again with a new story. Got good response to my older story, the sex I had with sanjana. So any ladies, aunty’s, bhabhi’s around mumbai looking for some passionate fun can mail me at Privacy guaranteed. So coming back to story, it happened 3 months before, I received message from mayanti that she is coming back next week to mumbai from australia. She used to stay in our apartment but due to husbands transfer they shifted to australia. I informed my parents about her and...
Ente pere aswin.Njn keralathilanu.Ente ammayude pere sheeja.Ente veettil njanum aniyathiyum ammayumanullatha.Achan gulfilanu.Ee kadha nadannathu njan +2 vinu padikkumbozhanu.Oru divasam strike aayathinal njan nerathe schoolilninnum thiricchu vannu.Veetilethiyappol veedu poottiyirikkunnu.Njangal vaadaka veettilayirunnu thamasam.Njnangalude veedinaduth thannayirunnu njnagalude house ownerude veedu.Amma idakkokke avidae povaarund.House ownerude bharyayumayi amma nalla companyaayirunnu. Athukond...
Hai njan appu age 24 job multi national companies kottayam salary 30000 per month njan nalla vealuth colour ane nall body nalla pokkam eni eantea ammayea patti parayam name jaya job onnu ella size 34 28 36 nalla vealutha niram arum onnu nokki pogum ammea kandal acchan marichittu 20 year ayi njan otta magan ane eni kadhayileak varam anikke arivaya kalam muthal njan eannu vanam adikkumayirunnu teachera orthum ayalathea cheachiyea orthu okkea oru dhivasam njan job kazhinju arubol amma dress...
IncestContact me at Ente peeru varun. +2vinu padikunnu. Veedu thiruvanathapuram. Enne kootathe achan amma aniyathi kootunnathanu ente kutumbam. Raavile 7 manikk aniyathi vilichapozhanu njan ezhunnetathu. Pallu thechu kulichu computeril kayari. Mail check cheythu kazhinju aarelum varunnundo ennu nooki thundu video kaanan thudangi. Ente kuttan mundil ninnum purathu varan thudangi, ente oru kai kondu njan patuke adikkan thudangi, speed koodi paal vararayappol aniyathi book edukkan avidekk oodi...
Mera naam Ajay hai main bulandshahar ka rahne wala hu . Mere bua k ladke ki shadi hui thi . Hamare fufa g nahi the to shadi hamare ghar se hui thi . Meri umar 18 saal hai bua k ladke ki 25 saal . Bhabhi ki umar 22 saal rahi hogi . Unka rang gora kad 5 feet 5 inch aur pura sareer saanche main dhala hua . Shadi k 2 mahine baad bhabhi ke pita ji ki tabiat kharaab hui to bhabhi ka mayke jane ka man hua bhaiya to kaam main busy the to bua ne mujhe bhabhi k saath unke maayke shyana bhej diya. Main...
The doorbell rang. I looked through the peephole; it was Vismay, looking all nervous. Why wouldn’t he? This wasn’t going to be just another sex experience. He was about to experience something unthinkable. A surprise was waiting for him at my office. I let him in. We kissed as usual. I asked him to go to my cabin. He sat there waiting for me. I went to store room, took a rope. Made sure main door of the office is locked and went to my cabin. He was sitting there staring at the view outside...
Gay MaleHello guys..After a long break ek bar fir me apke samne apni nayi aur sachi kahani leke aaya hu..Pahle me apko apne bareme bata du mera nam rohan he me nagpur mh ka rehne wala hu meri age 24 he aur dikhneme thoda handsome hu se search krk you can read my earlier stories..Ye chudai story h meri or mere ek friend ki girlfrnd ki..Uska nam mayuri he..Age 25 figure sexy matlb 36d-28-34 height bhi achi he u know what I meant.. To ab story pe ate he ghatna thodi badi he islye shuru se padhoge to hi...
I am Kalyan from kurnool living in Hyderabad now. Naku kathalu rayatam kothha hope you all will enjoy after reading this. I am regular reader of Indian sex stories and telugu ISS which is for only telugu stories, part of ISS. Chala baguntay stories andarvi In my view a girll feel more happy when her feelings can be shared with some1 who can understand, respect her. Anduke ipudu nenu kathalo chepaboye amai tho kuda thana feelings thagatlu chesa Meeku na story nachite please send your comments...