Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 298
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“You got in late last night,” Autumn said as June walked into the kitchen on Wednesday morning. “Where did you go after work?”
“Nowhere. I stayed and finished all the reports Roger wanted before he got back. It was a lot more work than I thought it would be. I just got caught up trying to get it all done before he comes home tonight, and didn’t realize it was so late.” June said as she grabbed the cereal and a bowl before sitting down across from Autumn.
Both girls sat at the table, quietly eating their breakfast, for several minutes before Autumn broke the silence.
“I miss our getting together at bedtime, June. Are you angry with me?”
“Oh, God, no. Why would I be angry with you? We don’t see each other much since I got a job, but I’ll be home early today, so we can talk or whatever.”
Autumn giggled before replying. “It’s the ‘whatever’ part that I miss the most.”
June laughed before replying. “Well then, maybe tonight we’ll only do whatever. By the way, where’s mom and dad?”
“They went in early to restock all the shelves with new merchandise. I wanted to help them, but they said that I’d only be in their way. I’m going to go in early anyway.”
“Good for you. I’m a little sorry that I stayed so late last night. Now today, I don’t have anything to do other than sit and wait for the phone to ring.”
The two sisters finished their breakfasts and talked a bit more before both leaving for work. June was still a little sore in some places, but despite that, she was in high spirits on the drive to Roger’s. For one reason, Roger was coming home tonight. While she would not see him until tomorrow, she was happy knowing that she would see him tomorrow morning. Another reason why she felt so happy was that she wouldn’t have to call Alice this morning and put up with her dominating her. It was going to be an almost perfect day.
June walked into Roger’s apartment at eight o’clock on the dot. She dropped her purse, and the newspaper she picked up in front of the door, onto the kitchen table and proceeded to make a fresh pot of coffee. She had just sat down at the table and was reading the headlines and sipping her coffee when the phone rang. She hurried to her desk and picked it up.
“Good morning, Sunshine,” Roger’s voice answered. “How are you today?”
“I’m super happy today. Do you want to know why?” June giggled into the phone.
“Pray tell,” Roger said.
“For one thing, I finished typing all the reports you wanted me to do, so I don’t have to do anything today other than answer the phone if it rings. And for another thing, you’re coming home tonight. I know I won’t see you tonight, but you’ll be here when I get here tomorrow.”
“Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow. We may even take the day off work and lounge around all day. Did I get any calls yesterday?”
“Not one,” June replied. “That’s how I got everything done yesterday.” Actually, June had gotten the reports done the first day Roger was gone. She thought that making her story match the lie she told her sister would be the safest thing to do should her staying late ever came up in front of Autumn or her parents.
“How was your day?” June quickly changed the subject.
“If you must know, it was boring most of the day—strictly business. The evening was fun, though. The boss invited several girls over, and we had an all-night orgy. How was yours?”
“Pretty much the same. The only difference was I had six guys over for an evening of fun. I’m still pretty sore from it all.”
“That’s good,” Roger laughed. “I’ll be able to recuperate all day tomorrow.”
“NO, YOU WON’T,” June yelled into the phone. “I was only kidding, and you had better been kidding as well.”
Roger laughed heartily before replying, “Of course I was. If you knew the boss, you’d know that.”
June and Roger chatted a bit longer before they both said good-bye and hung up the phones. June had no longer sat back down at the table to finish her coffee when the doorbell rang. June opened the door and saw a smiling Alice and Joan.
“Don’t get excited,” Alice said. “We only wanted to know if you would like to have a warm cup of coffee with us. We won’t even mention sex unless you want to.”
“Oh, yes. Come in. I was having a cup myself. I’ll put on another pot, and we can chat a bit.” June could not believe that sex would not come up while they had their coffee. Nevertheless, she made another pot of coffee and sat down at the table between Alice and Joan.
“So, are you anxious to see Roger again?” Alice asked as June sat down.
“Yes, but it’s not like I haven’t seen him in a long while. While I was in school, I usually saw Roger only on the weekends, and occasionally for a short time on a weekday. So I’m used to not seeing him during the week.”
“That changed when you got this job, hasn’t it?” Joan said.
“Yes. It has changed, but Roger’s been on the road so much it seems like I see him less now than when I was in school.”
The three girls continued to chat while they drank their coffee until Alice brought up a question to June.
“June, I know I said we wouldn’t talk about sex, but how do you feel this morning? I know it was a little hard on you last night.”
June paused a few minutes before answering. “The only thing hard on me was the damn table thing. It just went on for what seemed like, forever. Other than that, it wasn’t nearly as bad as your last party. My legs and back are still a little sore from being in that position for so long, but that will go away by the end of today.”
“That’s what Joan and I were worried about. It’s a good thing that you won’t be seeing Roger until tomorrow. It’ll give you time to get back to normal.” Alice looked at June with a curt smile on her face.
“Yes, you’re right,” June said. “and, with Roger being home for at least two weeks, it’ll be a while before I can get together with you girls again. You don’t have anything planned for me, do you?”
“Oh, I have lots of things planned for you,” Alice began. “The only thing is when we will be able to do them. Did Roger mention anything to you about when he’ll have to go on the road again?”
“Not really,” June began. “Roger only said that he’d be working from home for a least a couple of weeks before he has to go on the road again. He was told that he should visit all the branches at least once every three months and whenever one branch needed his help with an account or with a proposal. Don’t forget that he has the construction of a new house to cope with as well as his job.”
“Have they started to work on it already?” Joan asked.
“I understand that so far, they have begun making a driveway and clearing some trees to make room for the house.”
“Do you plan on moving in with him when the house is ready?” Alice asked.
“No. I won’t do that until we are married next year.”
Alice looked over at Joan and smiled. She realized that Roger moving out of his apartment would clear the way for her to plan more parties for June. She looked back at June and said, “Good Girl!”
June could see the wheels turning inside Alice’s head when she heard that news. June knew that she would no longer have any excuse about Roger seeing her at Alice’s apartment when he moved into the house.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you that I talked to Gayle Sunday,” Alice said, changing the subject.
“How is she?” June asked. She knew what was coming next – Alice was setting her up with Shep, Gayle’s dog.
“She’s doing well. I told her about my relationship with you now, and she was shocked to hear that you were my sub.”
June felt a shiver run through her body at that bit of news, but she didn’t say anything,
“Gayle said that she misses you,” Alice said. “She asked me to tell you that Shep misses you as well.” Alice paused a moment to see June’s reaction before continuing. “She was a bit hesitant, but Gayle finally did agree to get together with us in the future. She even agreed to bring Shep along.”
“Has she found a new mistress? I felt sorry for her when I ended that relationship,” June asked.
“Not yet,” Alice replied. “I was thinking about taking her in as another sub. Do you think I should ask her about it?”
“That,” June said, “is entirely up to you. If you want her, ask her. She can only say ‘no,’ but I think she probably will accept your offer.”
“Maybe I will ask her when we get together. Of course, that will be in the future.”
“Okay, out with it, Alice. Are you planning on another party where I will get fucked by a dog? I thought we weren’t going to talk about sex today.”
“You’re right on both accounts. I am planning on having you get fucked by a dog, and I did say that we wouldn’t bring up sex today. I’m sorry it all slipped out. Let’s change the subject. Have you began looking at any gowns to wear for your wedding?”
“Not yet. I probably will start looking early next year. Unless, of course, Roger gets wind of all I’ve been doing behind his back. Then I won’t have to worry about any wedding.”
“As I told you before,” Alice responded, “Roger hearing anything about what’s going on is entirely up to you. I promised never to tell him anything if you behaved yourself.”
“I’m trying, Alice. Really I am, but it just seems to get harder to behave as we go along. I wouldn’t mind having occasional sex with you and Joan, but I hate being gang-banged by any number of guys and girls just for your amusement. It’s not only humiliating, but it also hurts, and the longer it goes on, the more likely Roger, Autumn, or my parents will find out about everything. I’m not saying that you’ll tell them, but the more people there are who know about it, the more the word will get around. Can’t you see that you are ruining my life?”
After June’s outburst, Everyone remained silent for several minutes as tears began to form in June’s eyes. Finally, Alice spoke up.
“June, I am not trying to ruin your life or your relationship with Roger. Please believe me. I am only trying to have some fun with you. You have got to get over this ‘good girl’ attitude that you have. Everyone enjoys sex. I can tell by the way you act at these parties that you get into it. You have more orgasms at the party than any of the guests. I sense that your major problem with my parties is not the sex, but your fear of Roger finding out about them. I have always been very selective when inviting people because I don’t want the people you mention to find out either. That would permanently end our relationship, and I don’t want that to happen. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. From now on, I will only invite one or two other people over when I have a party with you, and I won’t go to the extremes that I did at the last party. Would that make you feel a little better about me?”
June wiped the tears from her eyes before answering. “Perhaps. I would still feel guilty about doing all this behind Roger’s back, but I suppose that it would make it a little easier for me. Can we not have anyone else over when Gayle brings the dog over to fuck me?”
“I won’t lie to you, June. I was planning on having it filmed. I was also planning on having Gayle licking the dog’s cum from your cunt while you are licking the dog clean while she does it. I know it sounds gross, but I understand that you made Autumn do that to Gayle when you made Gayle let her dog fuck her.”
June didn’t know what to say to that news. Alice was right about June making Autumn licking dog cum from Gayle’s pussy, but now June’s humiliation will be filmed and probably used as more fodder for Alice’s blackmail. June’s stomach turned as she envisioned herself being fucked by a dog while others watched and a permanent record of it recorded on film.
“What about the rest of the stuff on the list I gave you,” June asked. “Are you planning on forcing me to do all of them?”
Alice smiled as she replied, “Of course I am. Why else would I want you to make a list like that? You will be naked in public, made to offer blow jobs to strange men, drink piss, etcetera. I don’t know when or where any of that will happen, but eventually, I will have you do everything on that list. I will also have you do some things that I thought of that are not on your list. I won’t tell you about them now. You’ll just have to wait until I decide to make you do them.”
June looked down at her coffee cup and remained silent as she envisioned herself doing all the things Alice mentioned.
“June, honey,” Alice said, breaking the silence at the table. “I didn’t plan on talking about sex today. You were the one who brought it up. I don’t know what you’re thinking about right now, but I’m pretty sure that you’re getting a little wet down there. Am I right? Stand up in front of me.”
June stood up from the table and stepped over to stand in front of Alice.
“Lift your dress,” Alice commanded. June hesitated a moment but grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it to her waist. She knew what was coming next – Alice was going to feel her panties to see if they were wet. Instead, Alice pulled June’s panties down to her knees. Alice looked up at June’s face as she shoved her hand between June’s legs and felt her pussy. Alice withdrew her hand and held it up to June’s nose.
“I was right, wasn’t I?” Alice asked. June simply nodded. “You see, June. You start to get off by merely thinking about being humiliated sexually. Now clean my hand, then pull your panties up.” June licked Alice’s hand until Alice pulled it away. “Now, drop your dress and sit down,” Alice said with a smile, and June sat back down at the table.
“I will promise you this,” Alice said after taking a sip of coffee. “I will use the utmost discretion in inviting people who I can trust when I make you do those things in front of them. You must believe me when I tell you that the last thing I want to happen is having Roger learn about you being sexually manipulated and humiliated by me. What you can do to make it easier on yourself is to accept it.”
“You don’t understand,” June said tearfully. “I don’t want to be humiliated in front of strangers. Alright, so I do get a little aroused by thinking about it, but that doesn’t mean that I enjoy it. My body simply reacts to the situation, but my mind tells me that what I’m doing is wrong. Less than six months ago, I was a virgin. Yes, I did think about sex, and yes, I did masturbate when I fantasized about it, but the thought of having to do it in front of an audience never came into my mind while I did it. Maybe I’ll get used to having sex in front of strangers, but I will still think it’s wrong.”
“Okay, here’s what I will do,” Alice replied. “When I have Gayle bring her dog over, I will buy a movie camera and have Joan take a movie of it. I may invite people, no more than two, over to watch it. You and Gayle may have to have sex with them as well as the dog. More than likely, it will be oral sex. I will try to get the film developed by Mike at school. If he can develop it, I may, or may not, show the movie to others depending on how well you behave in the future. Will that make it better for you?”
“I suppose so,” June softly said. “but it still would be me having sex with a dog in front of an audience. Do you realize how embarrassed I would be if I ran into any of these people you invite while I’m out shopping? What would I say if they noticed me and wanted to have sex with me in their car, or somewhere else? What if Autumn or Roger is there with me when that happens? Don’t you see how difficult it would be for me to explain things to her or Roger, and to try to convince her not to tell my parents? I may have to agree to be her slave again. I won’t be able to go, or do, anything without having to answer to two mistresses. Can’t you and Joan have enough fun watching me getting fucked by a dog without other people being there?”
Alice stared at June as she considered her plea.
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June Walked into Roger’s apartment to find him sitting at her desk, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and sipping a cup of coffee. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” June said, laughing. “Ditto!” Roger exclaimed. “Come over here and give me a kiss.” June went over to Roger, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him. “Let’s go sit at the table, and you can tell me all the details of your meeting,” June said as she walked into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. She...
June woke on Friday morning and looked over at her sister’s empty bed. In a near panic, she sat up and looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was only 5:30 am. Relieved that she had not overslept, she laid back down. As she laid there, she wondered why Autumn was up so early. June’s thoughts turned to her meeting with Rick and Maddy. Even though they both seemed sincere, she was still a bit uneasy about what they would ask of her. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom to pee and...
June arrived home shortly before her parents and Autumn were due. She ran upstairs and showered, shaved her legs and pussy, dried and brushed her hair, put on some make-up, and went downstairs. Only minutes later, her parents and Autumn walked through the door. “My, aren’t we all prettied up tonight,” Autumn said when she saw June sitting at the table. “I take it you’re not dining with us tonight, are you?” “Hopefully, no,” June responded. “I’m waiting for Roger to get home and call me....
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Monday morning came quickly, too quickly as far as June was concerned. Roger would be leaving this morning to present a proposal to a firm in Buffalo. Yesterday, June had convinced him to change his plans from coming home this evening to early tomorrow morning. Ordinarily, she would have liked him to return home on the same day, but not this day. This day would end with her final party at Alice’s, and keeping Roger as far away as possible was necessary lest he discovers the activities planned...
June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock and looked at the clock through blurry eyes. It was 5:30. She now regretted that she had set the alarm for such an early time. She went to bed early last night, hoping to get a fresh start the next morning. It wasn’t because she was eager to get to Alice’s for the movie shoot. No, it was because she wanted to think about her role in it and how well she would perform. She had a restless night thinking about how Alice might punish her if she made...
June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock. “It’s Monday. My first day on the new job,” she said to herself. Roger got home too late for her to see him on Friday night. She spent almost all day Saturday with him, however. They made love, talked a lot about a lot of things, made love, went to lunch, came back to his apartment, made love, watched TV, showered together, went to dinner, came back to his apartment, and made love. She hadn’t seen him in over a week, but they certainly made up for...
June pulled into Roger’s apartment complex and parked next to Roger’s car. She got out of the car and glanced over towards Alice’s apartment. June couldn’t remember if Alice told her not to call her this morning as well as tomorrow morning. Playing it safe, she quickly took off her dress and panties and picked up the telephone and dialed Alice’s number. “Hello,” Alice answered. “Alice, it’s June. I wasn’t sure if I had to call you this morning or not, so I thought I had better call to be...
June arrived at work early on Tuesday morning and found the apartment dark and empty. She went into the kitchen, made herself a cup of coffee, and sat down at her desk. As June sipped her coffee, she remembered that Maddy wanted her to call today. June looked at the clock and saw that it was only eight o’clock. June decided to wait to call until nine o’clock or later when she was sure that Rick was at work. She didn’t know if Maddy only wanted to chat or talk about June sexually dominating...
After a somewhat restless night of worrying about her future with Rick and Maddy, June awoke and looked over at the nightstand clock. It read 7:40, and June threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. Of all the days that she was late getting up in the morning, this had to be the worse day for it to happen. Roger could walk through the door at any moment if he decided to leave Buffalo very early in the morning. She ran naked into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee, and jumped into the...
PART 2 BY DOCKER5000 Introductory It had been just over a month and June is still haunted by what the two drifters did to her. She is now desperate to feel that way again. And a over-heard conversation hopefully can give her that chance to feel alive once more. It was nearly a month after June’s experience with the too drifters and she still cannot get them out of her head. Her husband and son still do not know anything about her sexual adventures with the two men. As far as they both...
June awoke on Monday morning and sat on her bed, wondering what she was going to do all day. She looked over at Autumn’s bed and saw that it was empty. She got dressed, ran a brush through her hair, washed her face, and staggered downstairs to the kitchen. The house was eerily quiet. A note from Autumn laid on the table where June usually sat, explaining that she was at the store helping mom and dad. June made herself a bowl of cereal and ate her breakfast. She looked at the clock and saw it...
The week flew by without June having to submit to any of Autumn’s humiliations. Of course, she still had to crawl naked to her sister’s bed each night and thank her each night. Today, however, was different. Today was Thursday. Today was the day she would be going to the doctor’s for an examination and, hopefully, get the prescription for birth control pills. Today was the day she thought would never come. Today was also the day that she was going to be punished by Autumn. It was the only...
June awoke early Friday morning after spending a restless night thinking about the events of yesterday’s party at Alice’s. What bothered her most was Alice saying that she owned her and that she would have to do whatever Alice wanted her to do. Then she remembered that she had to write down all the things that would humiliate her. At first, she thought that would be easy, but now she realized that she would be giving Alice even more ideas. As if Alice needed any more ideas. June looked over...
Back June's mind turned to the first day she met him. Normally she hadn't thought about another man. She had been the perfect wife and housekeeper. Meals at the right time. Always wearing dresses. Hair just perfect. House spotless. Just the way her husband Ward liked it. The milkman showed up at her door to introduce himself. He had just taken over the route and wanted to make sure all the housewives knew him. He was a very good-looking man. June found herself tingling all over when she...
June awoke early on Saturday and looked over to her sister’s bed to find it empty. She sat up and recalled the events of last night and how earnestly Autumn had begged her to let her lick her entire body and how her big sister had used her tongue so effectively in all of her orifices. When June was satisfied with Autumn’s performance, she sent her to her bed with orders not to masturbate. June then recalled her earlier talk with Roger and wondered how, and if, she would end this part of her...
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Sunday night June thanked Autumn profusely by not only licking her pussy but her ass and tits as well. The rest of the week went by without incident. Oh, she did have to crawl to Autumn’s spread legs and thank her but she wasn’t ordered to satisfy her sister’s sexual needs. Not that she wasn’t grateful, but, for some reason, she found herself drawn to Autumn’s pussy and had an almost irresistible urge to kiss it. She began to wonder if she was obsessed with performing lesbian sex. When her...
Hi friends, am back with the continuation of the story of June, the sexy Manipuri babe. June was 19, a Manipuri (chinki) girl but not the usual trashy cheap looking one. She was elegant in poise and had the look you see among tall Asian models. Her height was 5 7″,a lot more than usual Manipuri girls. She had perky breasts, shapely legs, and a tight curvaceous ass with a figure of 34B-26-36, a body guys dreamed of while they jerked off into the night calling her name over and over again. Her...
Saturday evening, after dinner, June decided to ask her parents for permission to stay overnight on Friday. “Mom, Dad,” she began. “One of my girlfriends asked me to come to a sleep-over this Friday. No boys will be there. Only a few girls are getting together for a little fun before I graduate. Can I go?” June’s father looked at her mother, who nodded in agreement. “Yes, you can go. Behave yourself and try to be home before we leave for the store Saturday.” Her father replied. June...
June arrived at school early Friday morning. After parking the car, she got out and looked around at all the kids standing outside. She spotted the group of boys she was looking for and started to walk in their direction. June picked these boys solely because of their reputation among the students. She had talked to other girls who have dated most of them and who had sex with some of them. These boys never went steady with any girl but rather “played the field” using their term for a quick...
Tuesday morning, June awoke to the sound of dishes clattering and the pleasant smell of bacon frying. She threw on the same clothes she had on the day before and headed to the kitchen. Her father and Autumn were seated at the table while her mother stood at the range, making their breakfast. “Good morning,” June said as she sat down at the table. “Do you want some breakfast, dear?” Her mother asked. “Yes, please. That bacon smells delicious.” “What are your plans for today,” June’s father...
June awoke early on Saturday morning. The room was dark, and the house was quiet. She rolled over, turned on the lamp which sat on her nightstand, and looked at the clock. It was 5:30. She closed her eyes, turned the light off, and tried to go back to sleep. A half-hour later, she realized that sleep was not going to come, so she quietly got out of bed. After going to the bathroom, peeing, and washing her hands and face, she put on her robe and headed for the stairs. Halfway down the stairs,...
June did not have to wait long before the doorbell rang. She crossed her fingers, hoping no neighbors were outside or leaving for work, and swung the door open. Alice and Joan stepped aside and June stepped outside. June immediately noticed the tote and paddle that Alice had in her hands. Alice and Joan looked at June, smiled and walked slowly into Roger’s apartment. June followed them in and shut the door. “Joan and I will have our coffee here in the living room. I like mine black and Joan...
My name is Matthew and this is my story. After the death of my wife due to a lengthy battle with ovarian cancer, I began to search for some female companionship. Bars, church, and friends and family were not the answer. Instead, I joined a senior outdoor group. That is where I met June. June was approaching sixty, but looked ten years younger. She was five foot four with salt and pepper hair, nice breasts and a tight ass. We seemed to instantly hit it off and became close friends. The two of us...
MILFAfter June visited Toyland, it was now time for the oral lessons in her hot sex education. I knew the oral section would not be difficult for June. She was a natural. We waited about a week before the oral lessons began. That gap in time was an extremely difficult for June. She was like an insect emerging from a cocoon. She wanted and needed sexual relief. We talked about our agenda for the main event. I told June it would be a three part lesson. For June, her part would be to give a tit fuck,...
Oral SexJune rushed home from school the next afternoon, hoping to get there before Autumn got home. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the driveway was empty. She parked the car and ran into the house and went directly to the telephone. She knew the probability of Roger being home was slim, but she would at least be able to leave a message on his answering machine asking him to call her as soon as he got home. Her assumptions were correct, so she left the message then hung up. She went into...
PART 1 AFTER CHURCH BY DOCKER5000 Introductory June is a normal church going wife and mother. She lives in a small American town in the late 1950’s. One day two drifters come calling. The men want money and some fun with June. It was around 11pm on a Saturday night and Trevor Mortimer is having his once a week sex session with his wife June. The bedroom light is off and June lays on her back with her nightie pulled up to her waist and her legs spread wide open and her eyes...
June came down the stairs to find her sister sitting on the living room sifting through pictures and her stomach turned with worry. “That was quick.” Autumn said when saw June enter. “Did you bring your panties?” “Yes’.” June uttered as she held them out for Autumn to see. “You’re not wearing any, are you? Lift your dress and show me.” June lifted her dress and held it open.” “What are you doing?” June asked “You can put your dress back down and come sit next to me. I want you to pick...
Tuesday morning June finished her usual chores and decided to clean hers and Autumn’s bedroom and bath. When she finished, she looked at the clock which read 12:30. June couldn’t believe it was that late. She took her shower, dressed, brushed her hair, and put on her make-up and went downstairs into the kitchen. As June sat at the table wondering what to do next, she decided to grab some 25 cent burgers at MacDonald’s. She grabbed her keys and left. June got her order of two burgers, French...
June arrived home to find the house was empty, which was very unusual at 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon. Normally, mom would be getting dinner read at this time while dad finished reading the newspaper, and Autumn would be busy setting the table. She yelled, “Hello,” but received no answer. Taking advantage of being alone, she picked up the phone and dialed. It only rang once before being picked up. “Hello.” “Hello, Gayle. It’s June. I only called to say you can take the plug out now and ask if...
Over the years, June and I have become friends with benefits. We have had some amazing sexual adventures. June started out as a naive widow and had a metamorphosis into a wanton woman craving to experience everything a sexual life had to offer a person. Her marriage had been boring and she was making up for lost time.Whenever I heard her car pull into my driveway, there was always something afoot. The doorbell rang, I answered the door and let June into the house. "Hi, how have you been? ...
MILFJune is 74 but has a great figure especially her tits 34 c i think. Blonde hair, very prim & proper manner.I managed to persuade June to help me shop for a christmas present for my wife. Secretly I wanted to be a lone with her in a sexy environment, so I said I wanted to shop for undies but would be embarised in that department.She agreed,so we set a date. June lives 25 miles from me and would travel by but for our shopping trip. I was surprised when she told me she invited her husband to...
June awoke later than usual on Saturday. She looked over at her sister’s bed and saw it was empty. She got up and went into the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed in slacks and blouse, and went downstairs. She went into the kitchen to find her sister eating a bowl of cereal and decided to join her. “Good morning, sunshine,” Autumn said. “ Thanks for last night, but you know you didn’t have to do that.” “I know I didn’t have to. I just did it to celebrate my new freedom.” “Well, let’s...
Roger moved the camera and lights in preparation for the next scene then stood at the spot where he wanted June to stand. Once she was in place, he returned to the camera and focused it on her he told her to raise her hands as if they were at a point of his chest. He set the lights where he wanted, looked back at June then unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of his shirt before setting the camera’s timer. Quickly, he moved in front of June and put her hands on the next button, told her to look at...
June awakened from her morning nap by the telephone ringing. She ran down the stairs to answer it. She had no idea what time it was or for how long she had been sleeping. “Hello, this is June.” “Were you still in bed? You sound like you just got up,” Roger chimed. “Yes. I was exhausted from last night, and when I got home, the house was empty, so I decided to take a nap. What time is it?” Roger chuckled before answering, “It’s 12:30. I was getting worried about you. What time did you get...
As dinner progressed, June gave me her personal account of her experience at the Scottsdale resort/bar. She told me that she had worn her little black dress, Victoria's Secret lingerie, black thigh-high stockings and medium high heels. June said that she'd walked into the bar about eight o'clock, sat down on a stool, ordered white wine and began her two hour lesson. The bar patrons were a group of drunk golfers, a few couples and herself. She'd started watching CNN on the television when a...
MILFThe phone rang five times before June heard Alice say, “Hello.” “Hello, Alice. This is June. Autumn told me that you wanted me to call you. What’s up?’ “Oh, hi, June. Yes. I called Autumn to ask if she would lend you to me one Friday for an overnight stay. I forgot Autumn saying at the party that she no longer had any control over you.” “That’s correct. Autumn doesn’t control me anymore. That was only for 30 days. What did you want with me?” “I was talking to some other students about...
At the age of 17 I was quite a regular masturbator. My first masturbation when I was 13 it happened one night after visiting some relations that I didn’t know very well. Their daughter had quite large breasts and they really got my attention. After going to bed at about 10pm I felt my penis was quite stiff and eventually after rubbing it with my hand I came for the first time by masturbation. Previously it had always been a wet dream but after that night I was a confirmed...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
June got home early that evening to find Autumn in the living room watching TV alone. “Hi, Autumn. Where’s mom and dad? Working late at the store?” “No. They got home earlier than usual and decided to treat themselves to dinner out and to see a movie afterwards. They asked me if I wanted to go with them, but I didn’t feel like going. I made myself a bowl of soup and settled in here to watch TV.” “Good for them. I can’t remember when the last time they went out to dinner without us kids, or...
June and Roger sat on the couch watching TV while they waited for Gayle to come. June looked at the clock showing it was 1 o’clock. “She should be here shortly.” She said “Yeah. Are you nervous?” “No. Well, maybe a little When Gayle does get here, let me ask some questions first. Then you can either add to them or ask anything you want. Is there anything special you want her to do?” “I do intend to put her to the test. Like maybe eating your pussy while I fuck her doggy style.” June was...
June arrived home for school on Wednesday to find Autumn sitting at the table, looking at some papers in front of her. “Watcha’ doing, sis? I thought you were done with school last week.” June asked as she got herself as Coke from the refrigerator. “I’m just going over the results of my finals.” “Oh, how did you do?” “Good. At least good enough to keep me on the dean’s list. I just hope I can do as well next year. I want to graduate with honors, at least.” “Isn’t that almost...
June and I met the summer of 69 and I was more surprised than she was that we stumbled into the same bar out of the summer ran. Clearly, everyone had the same idea as we did as the cacophony of various voices filled the cramped hole in the wall. ‘I’m not a weatherman but I think he needs a new job.’ Her face full of sweet amusement and full of beauty. At first, I wasn’t sure she was even speaking to me with the various of people piling together, ‘Hello?’ She said trying to get my attention...
Sunday morning began as usual with the family gathered at the breakfast table talking about the store, school, and what each had planned for the day. Going to church was a given each Sunday. Each member of the family had their plans for the rest of the day. For June, it was spending the afternoon with Roger. When her father asked what they’re plans were, June merely stated that they usually play it by ear. She gave last Sunday’s picnic as an example. Of course, she was lying. She knew she...
Introduction: My wifes friend, June, comes to live with us It was 6:30pm on Friday evening when I got home from work. I wandered around the house searching for July, my wife of 10 years. There was a large casserole cooking slowly on the stove. That was a good sign. Eventually I went outside at the back of the house to our pool area. There on two recliners were July and her close friend June, both stark naked. Whats going on?, I asked. Junes broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that she...
June awoke early and headed to the shower. She could still smell Autumn’s scent on her face. As she walked to the bathroom, she saw her sister still asleep in her bed. She looked at the clock and saw it was 8:20. Her parents had already left for the store. Remembering the instructions Autumn gave her last night, she stepped into the shower and washed her body. She grabbed the razor then remembered that she was told not to shave again until after next Saturday because the girls would do that...
June opened the front door and walked into the house after school on Thursday. The house was eerily quiet. “Autumn?” She shouted. “I’m upstairs. “ her sister replied. She dropped her purse and books down on the kitchen table and went to the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of Coke, poured herself a glass, and sat down at the table. After she took a few sips, she rose and went to the living room, picked up the phone and dialed. “Hello.” Gayle’s voice seemed surprised. “Hello, Gayle. I would...
After our episode in VS I didn't hear from June for about a week, then I was surprised to get a txt from her that ended with two xx s.I didn't know how to respond because I didn't know if Rod would look at her mobile. I didn't have to worry because shortly after the landline rang - it was June "Did you get my txt?" "I got the txt but I didn't want us to get into trouble with the bro & sis, so I didn't reply. However, I'm glad you rang because I wanted to talk. How do you feel about our VS...
The house was quiet when June woke on Sunday morning. She sat up and looked over at the clock in her nightstand and saw that it was 6:15. She glanced across the room and saw Autumn still sound asleep. She laid back down and closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep again. As June laid in bed, she thought about her relationship with her sister and her sister’s new infatuation with being dominated, even to the point of having sex with a dog while others watched. Last night, when Autumn crawled to...
“What's going on?”, I asked. “June's broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that she can move in here, with us. We've been discussing how that could work.” “Oh! And what have you come up with?” “Well. I started by telling her that we sleep naked and often walk around the house naked and we are always naked when we use the pool.” “And I said that I wouldn't want you to change that for me, so I'll follow your example. That's why we're out here naked, starting the way that...
JUNE THE INSTIGATORPart 1I first met June about 10 years ago. Our family me and the wife and our two daughters were camping in Malacoota. On the site next door was another family with two girls and of course the k**s became friends and over the course of the next two weeks we would all go down to the beach, the other family and ourselves plus June the sister of the wife of the other family. She was divorced, apparently liked men but did not want to get married again or even have a commitment.On...
June stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. As she dried herself off, she couldn’t help but think about the today’s photo session at Roger’s. Would she be able to get through it without bursting into tears? This wasn’t going to be like yesterday’s romp with Roger which was loving and something she liked. No, this was going to be sterile with no loving caresses. To make matters worse, Autumn was going to be there watching the whole thing. She imagined her sitting there with a smug...
At the supper table later that Sunday evening the mood was light and June, Autumn and their parents were idling chatting about their day. The parents talked mostly about their plans for the store the next morning while June And Autumn told them about their visit to Roger’s apartment, explaining what a wonderful time they had chatting with him and looking at some of the pictures he took. June couldn’t get over how nice Autumn was towards her and how nice Roger treated them both. Perhaps, she...
June was a really hot girl at 18, still a virgin, but source of wet dreams to many guys in Imphal. Curves were starting to develop in all the right places giving early hints of feminine beauty to her slim athletic body. At 5’7″ with long hair that comes almost to her waist,, June had perky breasts, shapely legs, and a tight curvaceous ass with a figure of 34B-26-36. Her changes were not going unnoticed by guys and she liked/loved the new attention. She was turning from a pretty child to a...
“You look good, I think I am going to enjoy you baby, I am going to call you baby until I leave,” she tells me as she takes my hand and leads me to the lavish bedroom with mirrors on all the walls and ceiling. “Do you like that?,” she asks as she places my hand on her arse. I was expecting the feel of leather, instead I am feeling bare flesh. As I look I can see there is nothing covering her glorious voluptuous, naked arse. “I purchased these slacks in Germany. Do you like them? When I...