Strange Relationship Prologue and Chapter
- 2 years ago
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Scot hit the enter key for the last timethat day--at least, in an officialcapacity. He rose to his feet, pushing back his wheeled chairand stretching,all in one flowing series of motions. He was proud of his strength, all thosehours of martial arts; looked like something was finally paying off. His legstrength alone could kick out a fire-door. He brushed back a few stubborn locksof hair from his eyes, and grabbed for his jacket and keys. It was time togo. Food, a shower then some new snuff writing. Ah, the perfect evening. Ashe left the research center, he wondered what new junk the snail-mail wouldhave in store for him? Three times in the past week alone, threatening andfilthy letters, all from different postmarks, spewed forth from his box. Someinane bimbo had found him, or at least, had found that he was a snuff storywriter, and damn her; if she hadn't located him. Scot knew, of course, in thisday and age, that privacy was a fucking illusion, but still--you didn't expectthe average citizen would get crank notes. Of course, the average citizen didn'tgo about, writing fantasy stories of women being broiled, spitted, roastedand basted either.
He reflected on this as he started his car. He kept to himself, didn't likebars or loud parties, hated sports. So what was wrong with this little hobby?It was harmless, really. Only those who couldn't distinguish between what hewrote and reality had a problem. And as far as he knew, the online snuff communitydidn't go out like Jehovah's witnesses and try to inhale new people. So, hellwith these malcontents, it'd blow over.
Scot had barely gotten his windbreaker off, when the doorbell rang. "JesusH. Christ, who is that?" As Scot pulled open the door, he was relievedto see that it was only a UPS woman standing there, with a package and electronicdata pad. "Hello there, working long hours eh?" he smiled. "Yeah,some days are a real bear," she grumbled. "Sign there," He certainlyknew where to sign, he worked with this stuff every day. He looked at the pouchshe was holding. "May I see the address on that please?" She heldon to one end of it, her body language saying "you're not getting thistill you sign," It was made out to him, but he didn't recognize the return. "I'msorry, ma'am," he said, remembering the threat letters. "But I can'taccept this, please return it to sender." "Oh, great, one of thosedays. That's too bad," The red-haired woman thrust her signature pad atScott, whereupon he heard it issue a high-pitched beep. Then the world exploded.
As Scot began to fall, the redhead woman pushed him back into his doorway,then watched as a second woman came around the corner. Together, they draggedthe now unconcious form inside, and slammed the door. "Oof, that's overat least," the redhead sighed. "Let's hurry, I wanna case this place,and then get out of here." "Yeah yeah, but remember what else we'rehere for.
As one of the women secured Scott with some thin rope she'd brought, theother went looking for his workstation. "Oh boy, a Dell. Let's see whatour little chickenshit has been working on. She booted up, got his desktop,then went snooping. She found his corespondence, skipped over that, then hisbills, catalogues, and finally, his stories in progress. "F**kin shit,its all here, look at this trash.
Boob Tube
Plop and Circumstance
Rape with a Roman Candle
Disemboweling Oprah!
Britney Bears all
Shredded in Seattle
She found a diskette, and began saving his work on it.
"This'll be all the evidence we need for tomorrow night," she spatat the monitor.
They quietly opened his front door, and peered around for signs of life. "Hurryup with him, its all clear," The two women grunted and carried the comatoseScot out to a car. The blonde opened the trunk, and they eased him down intothe dark cavity, slamming the lid. "So far, so good, let's go to HER placewith him. Its gonna be a long night."
As they made their way away from town, they took the backroads, avoidingthe highway. Before long, the redhead was jolted by a colossal jolt from inback of her. "Goddamn him, he's woke up already!" Then a series ofcrashes began, as Scot fully intended to kick out the back seat to get free. "Thatdoes it, we're not there yet. Take the stun box, let him poke through." Asthey watched, the back of the interior of the car began to buckle. "Hereit comes, I'll get him now," As a tough workboot emerged, the blonde jumpedinto the back seat, and grabbed the ankle to which it was attached. ZAP! "Gotchayou maggot!" she chortled. The kicks and thumps subsided, and the carreturned to its former quiet. "That was close, its a good thing this hasa healthy battery. "Yeah, Sharper Image is good for something."
He felt like a truck had run over his body, and a football scrimmage wasgoing on inside his head. "Scot Mallus, I presume," The blonde wasleering down at him. "I'm Carmen, and I'll be killing you this time tomorrownight." She spat in his face. With that, Scot reflexively tried to coverhis face with his hands, only to find them restrained, very restrained. "Oh,don't try to move, honey," the redhead cooed. "I'm Suzy, and I usedalmost an entire roll of duct tape on those very muscular arms and legs ofyours." She gave one of his nipples a brutal twist. "Fuck lady, youhave some explaining to do!" "Oh, really? I'm just a twat steak,you know twat steak don't you? I'm a little broiler-fryer, you can't talk toa broiler-fryer, asshole!" She turned away from him, tossed her hair,and resumed. "You are going to pay for all your writings. There's goingto be a little intervention here in about twenty-four hours, and you're thestar." ""You crazy bitch, whata you gonna do?" "Well," shepurred, "I do believe we're going to all sit around, have some wine, andread your fucking stories, then pick something from one of them. Scot flinched. "Uhhuh. There's a lot to choose from, you maggot. A lot to think about for thenext twenty-four hours." "You're out of your mind, this is kidnapping,this is assault, you walking piece of shit." Suzy turned and walked away,a flatulent noise emerging from her lips.
She tossed the sports bottle on the floor, turned, and left the room laughing.This was not funny any more. As Carmen retreated into another part of the house,he began formulating his escape. It was going to be tricky. The grey mist ofthe drugs he'd been forced to swallow began to creep over him. He had almostfigured out his last details, then sleep took him.
Scot awoke the next day, at what seemed to be afternoon. Oh, great, whathad the little poltarscheisse been doing while he'd slept? He craned his headaround, something was wrong. The room looked different. He was in the sameroom, but his table had been moved. While he'd been sleeping--Jesus, anotherpsychological trick. They were driving the point home that they'd moved himwhile he had been sleeping, and he hadn't even awoke. Shit. Crazy bitches!Well, he could play tricks too. He began pounding and screaming. He yelledto wake the dead. He yelled himself almost hoarse. It worked, within two minutesthe sound of running feet could be heard. "Shut up, what do you want?" "Well,for one thing, I'd like to use the bathroom. For another, I want to sit downand talk about our little problem." Suzy came forward, brandishing a largechef's knife. Well, I can take care of that," As Scot froze, Suzy begancutting off his clothes, cutting around the duct tape. She sawed through thethick seams of his pants, shredded his shirt, and soon was flinging scrapsover the side of the table. "Now, this will be interesting, shall we seeif you're a boxer or brief man?" She pulled the elastic and started a-cuttingthen ripping Scot's underwear from his body. "Don't move darling, I wouldn'twant to hurt this!" She gently scraped his thigh with the ten-inch knife. "Oh,almost got your member, careful, careful." Scot yipped. "Damn youcunt!" "Ah, she bent to kiss the small drip of blood starting toooze. It was then that Scot issued forth the night's urine, a hot gush, rightin her face. "Take that, bitch!" he spat. Then she spat. "Oh,you'll pay for that. You wait! We moved the table against that wall for a reason.There's eight additional women coming, and we're all going to sit down at thisend of this dining room with YOU at center stage. Each one of us will partakein some form of action; from YOUR stories! So, go ahead and pee all you wantto--it will soon be your last." She stomped out in a huff.
Scot didn't care. He had a plan now, and Suzy, unknowingly, had just helpedit along.
He spent the next hour searching out weak points in that infernal tape. Ropewould have been so much easier. Of course, that's why they'd done it. He wasapplying incredible pressure, and yet the tape wouldn't budge. He was aboutto start hyperventilating when, he heard it; a kind of vinyl ripping sound.What was that? He moved his ass to one side, then his thighs to the other,there it was again. Instead of trying to tear the tape away from his body,he tried forming a "bridge", a raising of his rump off of the surfacehe'd been tethered to. Riiiip! Aha! he almost laughed out loud. Great planning,gurrrls, you put a tablecloth down first, then taped me to it. Oh, we're soevolved, are we?" Scot, knowing at last, just where to concentrate hisefforts, in a further bridging motion, brought his feet up towards his face.And, miracle of miracles! The cloth came up with them. OK! Now, there was gonnabe a real storm brewing! He lowered his feet, and although they were stillnice and secure to the tablecloth, he began to slowly, and with great discipline,free himself.
As evening began to encroach upon the afternoon, the blonde Carmen returned,purse in hand, and umbrella and cell phone in the other. "OK, Pig, I'mleaving now," "Give my regards to the earth's core you ugly-ass longcunted bitch." That is what he was thinking. Instead, as part of his plan,what came out of a frightened, trembling Scot Mallus was, "Leave me aloneyou lousy thing. I never did this to you!" "I'm ..." she lookedtwice and stepped closer--was he really about to break down and cry? Real crocodiletears? "I'm off to get the other members of our little intervention." Scotturned away, scrunching his face into the tablecloth. "Leave me alone,why don't you just kill me and get it over with?" This was an unexpectedtwist. Carmen kept up the diatribe, however. "Suzy will be keeping watchon you, don't worry. And remember, she has the gun, and Kathy is already onthe way over. Don't worry, you won't be lonely." She sneered some darkthought, and rhythmically plodded off.
Good, that was just what he'd wanted, no confrontation. He didn't want anyclose looks, any accidental slips, not now. A door banged; and off in the distanceScot heard a voice say "I've got the cell phone, I'll be back in one hour,the girls will all follow me back from Teresa's house. If there's any trouble,you call me. Or shoot his balls off. Or both!" She was fading now; outside,he guessed.
Two minutes later, Suzy tromped in. Oo, he wanted to tear her apart, herand that knife! "I'm here to watch you, and this," she held up thepistol; "is mucho better than that knife I had." Scot thought, Suckme off you cow!" He said, "Go die some place and leave me alone." Heturned away, with a slight sniffle. Suzy was taken aback. "You're afraidof little old me? Oh, say it isn't so!" she mocked. She lowered the pistol,and walked over to the exposed side of the table. "Go watch TV or something.Aren't you up Oprah's ass by now or something?" Suzy smirked. "Oprah'sfor the older sheople. She wants all the empowered cows to be led around bynipple rings in lockstep, to her tune of course. No thanks. I do what I want.That's why I find your work such an abomination." Keep her talking." "Youknow, with, what did she say? Ten or eleven gir--women coming, you do realize,somebody will spill the beans. You can't keep a secret with that many people.What ever you do to me tonight will get out, think about that." Suzy wasshocked, no epithets, no spewing filth? Maybe 'cause he was naked? hmmm. Scotthought; yeah, ponder my quietude you misbegotten whore. A little more, ...keep the face going, a little further now. "Suzy, look, if this goes,um .. even half as good as you think it will, you can't take on four otherpeople, everyone makes mistakes. You're young, don't throw it all away." Suzybroke looking at him, and chose shoe-gazing for the moment.
(what was all this. He's helpless, that tape is so tight, I could bouncea ball off of it. What is he doing? Is he pleading? Stalling? Why? Meanwhile,in Scot's head; (OK, you're not looking at me. Now for the gun, nice gun, dropit, put it down, I'm no threat, nice and easy.) "Oh, shut up," shesaid, more than a little deflated. "You manufacture horrible stuff. Peopleget off on it." She began pacing. "Why do you create this stuff?You bond with other men and objectify us, its brutal." She did it! Sheput the gun on a chair. "I need some water." She almost tripped toget out of the dining room. Scot allowed a smile, and released a deep pent-upbreath he'd not realized he'd been holding. Three minutes later, probably panickingupon realization of a possible goof, she came racing back in. No, he hadn'tmoved. "What's wrong?" Huh? The gun was ... still where she'd leftit. She looked at it, trying so hard to pretend not to look at it. "I'mnot going anywhere Suzy. I'm all trussed up, remember? You did this. Whateverhappens happens, its out of my hands. I sure hope, for your sake, there's nohell." She was shaking so much now with conflicting emotions, that thewater glass was looking like a fluid dynamics experiment.
"Look, leave here. Let Carmen and Kathy and whosis else do whatever,get away now. Don't be part of this." "I can't, if some'um happens,they'll implicate me. I have ta do this." Scot almost wept. "I don'teven know you, but I'd give anything to save you from ... this." "Imust do it," she muttered. "I'm sorry Scot, but I've thrown downthe cards, the dice, whatever you wanna call them. I'm in too deep. There'smy decision. Sorry." She turned from him, lowering her head. Praying?Thinking? Weeping? He didn't know, he couldn't tell. But his mind was committedas well.
"Fine," he breathed a very deep and weary sigh.
"In that case, here's mine,"
With one spin on his rump, Scot swiveledaway from his half-laying position,and within a split second, was facing the dining room wall, and a wall is anemovable object. Asking forgiveness for that which he could not foresee, hestruck out in the ultimate leg press---pushing himself between that solid wall,and a very movable table. The entire table-for-eight, upended, sending Scotover the edge. True, there was still duct tape aplenty, but 90 percent of itwas involved with a mere vinyl covering. Aside from some raw skin ripping ina few places, a naked Scot Mallus was cocooned in a nice thirty-something squarefeet of tablecloth. Suzy, however, had a great more to deal with. As she turnedto look upon hearing those words, "In that case,", she saw a tablerear up on its side, and then begin its descent downward--upon her. Much likewhen a moving man looses a table down a flight of stairs, this unleashed beastof gravity, mass and momentum was intent on flattening her. Had she been layingdown, it probably would have done just that. However, Suzy was standing, andwas about to scream. She kicked out violently, instinctively knowing that shewas about to end up under a massive piece of furniture. She didn't stop thetable, of course; what she did succeed in doing, however, was kicking in theleaf--the leaf that expands to accomidate extra dining guests. The oncomingwooden mass was rigid--her body was not. As it landed with a resounding thud,the center table section, its leaf now kicked in, crushed inward like an acordion,breaking her leg in the process. Now she completed that scream, and many manymore.
Scot was doing the mummy-hop, that was like the bunny-hop, but with a shapelessrobe of tablecloth enveloping him. He first had to attend to the duct tape,and then the whimpering Suzy. He hiphopped to the hallway, finding it at last.With so many girls coming and going through this place there had to be somesolvent to dissolve this shit. He managed to find the discarded chef's knifein the kitchen and began cutting himself free. Then he located the bathroom,and found both alcohol and nail polish remover. Yes! There is a God! And shemust've done her nails alot! He began pouring and scraping, ripping and pouring.At last, albeit very sticky and still naked, one hunky Scot Mallus was oncemore a free man
Now, he had to work fast.
First he located the linen closet, and did the Roman toga trip--it had todo; there was no man's clothing in the entire house. He rapidly scanned thehouse, counting rooms, and securing doors. He fastened the safety chains, sothat girls-with-keys couldn't get back in. Safe for the moment, he went backto the dining room to do some triage and secure Suzy. He took some dish towels,and bound up her leg as best he could, all the while saying I'm sorry, I neverwanted this to happen. He picked her up and carried her to one of the bedrooms.He laid her down, and carefully tied her hands, and her one unbroken leg tothe bedframe. He ran back to the smashed table and found the gun. This, hepocketed, just in case Carmen and Kathy got a little overzealous. It pays tobe prepared. He scanned the big, modern kitchen. It had the best of everything.He was slowly brainstorming a plan to deal with the gynosauruses, once andfor all. He knew that inexorably, the irate troop was on the way, coming forhim.
He wondered how big a property this was, how soundproof, how many neighbours?He didn't have a lot of time. He spied a cellar door just off the kitchen.He crept down the creaking stairs. He saw the usual. Washer, dryer, big freezer,garden hoses everywhere.
Hmmm, those hoses might make good trussing for feisty cows.
He gathered up some of them, and put them in the kitchen.
He looked all over the house for the fake data-pad, the stungun they'd usedon him. Shit! Carmen must have it. Well, one plan shot to hell. He purged thosethoughts, and began sending the train down a different mental track. His plottingwas intruded upon by a car driving up, and, as the sound of the engine diedaway, it was replaced by the unmistakable kachunk of a car door being opened. "Oh,shit-on-a-bun!" He padded over to the lacey excuses for curtains, andpeered out. It wasn't Carmen yet. Oh, good good good! It was the mysteriousKathy, and she neither knew him, nor knew of Suzy being put out of action.Well, time to take down one more. He crept through the house; to the frontdoor, and undid the chain--and waited. He decided upon a nice solid livingroomchair. Ah, you cunts and your lack of upper-body strength. Kinda goes withyour lack of brains. Trap me, will ya? KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! From outside, Kathyheard a muffled "in here Kath, he's in bedroom," She turned the knob.The door was open. Terrible falsetto, but hey, she fell for it. Kathy walkedin, cautiously panning the room, studying everything. She shut then lockedthe door. She walked toward the dining room, then abruptly stopped in the doorway.Oh, fuck, Scot thought, the upside down table. She quickly--lightning fast--scamperedthrough her purse, bringing out a huge pepper-spray. "Who's in here?" Scotspoke into the cushions. "Kath, I'm here!" She whirled around, notquite certain just where "here" was, and where that voice was comingfrom. She crept back into the livingroom. Cautiously, she tiptoed toward thehallway. She thought she heard something shifting She might have; it could'vebeen Suzy, down the hall. Kathy chose that moment to split her concentrationbetween the hallway, and the dining room. That table needed a closer look.Big mistake. Scot, with a running start, held the overstuffed chair in frontof himself. He bounded toward the unsuspecting Kathy. As she heard the heavyfeet baring down on her, she turned, spray in hand. And saw a ... chair? Whatthe hell? Crash! She was down, trapped under an overstuffed chair. Her spraywas useless. Scot stood on her feet, he smiled at this. "Its like thatwitch that got the house dropped on her in that movie." "You shit-face!" "Kathy,I presume." "I'm gonna roast that sheet right off your ass!" "Charmed,I'm sure." Sorry, but I've got other plans. I'll give you a fair chance,forget all this, your friend Suzy is already severely injured." "Godie," "OK, one final chance--what do you and Carmie and the restof the clit troop plan on doing tonight? Hmmm?" "Its gonna be thehottest date of your life, you mother," "Oh, such language, you know,you don't even know me. I've never met you before. I could slaughter you here,right now, one last chance." ""You can say that now, but they'recoming real soon." "OK, that's it." Scot eased his weight offof her feet, and reached down to her ankles. He yanked her out from under thechair, but there wasn't enough clearance. Bang! He raised the chair up, anddragged Kathy into the kitchen. Dazed, she was only remotely aware of his useof duct tape and rope. Five minutes later, Kathy was all trussed up, high anddry; tied in a kitchen chair. He secured her mouth with a nice piece of tape. "Staycool baby, I have ta make new plans.
Carmen's arrival was imininte. And just how far behind her were the othereight rabid broad-breasted freaks? Time to move. He knew he could ensnare Carmen,but what about the eight? He remembered they mentioned in the beginning ofall this Kathy was the inventor of the stungun data-pad look-alike. He kneweither she'd have another one, or Carmen would have the original one whichhad brought him down. He ran for Kathy's purse, where the pepper spray hadcome from. He emptied its contents, and looked through all the trash. Nothing.Another plan shot to hell. He did remember to run back and relieve Kathy ofthe pepper spray. Now at least, that was his. Hmmm, he was thinking again.Kathy, meanwhile, was furious. She wanted to hurl the ultimate filth at him,but he wouldn't remove her gag. "Sorry honey, not in the mood. Its a freecountry, and you've gone too far. Hey, don't worry, it'll all be over in abouttwo hours--for you, that is." Good, let her have a taste of what they'veput him through. Scot broke off his musings, as it registered that night wasupon them. It was dark. So, let's just see if the night will offer any protection.He padded around, extinguishing all lights except for whichever room he wascurrently using. He hunted up more rope, and was just deciding on using thechair approach again, when he heard Carmen's car crunching into the drive.Time to move.
Carmen parked rather hurriedly, and slammed the driver's door. She trottedup the porch, and had her key ready. She inserted it, turning the knob. Asshe opened the door, she called "Kathy, Suzy, its me," No answer. "Kath,I see your car, where are you?" Carmen quickly scanned the livingroom,something was wrong. She noticed something that a man never would. Those littlecircles left by a chair that was in one place for a long time. A chair wasmoved several inches. She had a funny feeling. Acting upon it, she yelled "Aha,no you don't!" She pulled the door closed, and locked it with the key,then sprinted off at a run to surprise whoever it was. She pretty much knewwho! She ran toward the back door, then stopped.
Scot knew he could outsmart her. He was ready at the back door, listeningfor her approach. Before he realized just what had happened, there was a funnynoise from somewhere--oh shit! the basement. She'd come through either thegarage or the basement some way. "Now, you're dead you pig!" Scotturned, and saw two hate-filled eyes. "what have you done with my friends?" "Don'tmove, cunt. I'm not playing this time. I've been stunned, cut, assaulted, nowits your turn." "Oh yeah? You forget, I've still got this," Sheheld up that damn data-pad stungun. "Stay where you are, I'm warning you!" "Afraidof me? Good." "I have nothing against you, you're the kidnapper here.Let's just go our separate ways. Aren't you evolved enough for that?" "Shewas already insulating herself from the stun, ready to spring. "Don'tdo it Carmen, last chance. I'll burn your ass down, for good!" "Oh,big brave naked snuff freak. Come on, show me what you got! Here it comes.Remember, I have this!" She leaped toward Scot, as his hand came out frombehind him. "and I have this!" He shot forth a round of the pepperspray he'd taken off Kathy. "You have to get closer than I do, come on/!" Carmenwas gagging, choking. She still came on, he fired again. She screamed, thencrumpled, and began to vomit. He shot forward, and kicked the wind out of herwith a well-placed foot to her stomach. Now, at last, he had that damn stungun.It was all coming together.
Scot was smiling. "Hey, matching freaks!
Two cunts a-sitting.
Chairs for twats! You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Oh, I know, you'd both love to be spouting filth at me right now. It justburns your heart out that you can't. Well, its gonna get worse--lots worse.
Carmen and Kathy were both bound securely. They were facing one another inkitchen chairs, both fuming. "OK, my dears, since you know what I looklike, and I certainly can't trust you, it can only end one way. The way youwere going to end it for me, remember? That's right, it looks like the twoof you are about to gain a most intimate understanding of my writing.
Kathy began to shake violently; Carmen remained like a rock; a very hard,hateful rock. So, shall we begin? Scot employed the stungun on Kathy's bodyfirst. She passed out, just as Scot himself had done, twice before. He scoopedher up, and proceeded to cut off all her clothes with a kitchen knife. He roughlytore off Carmen's gag, he wanted her feedback. "Her first, so you canwatch. You've both earned this." Scott spread the supine Kathy out onthe kitchen floor. "You sick fuck, don't do what I think you're gonnado!" "Oh, don't worry bitch, I wouldn't pollute myself by doing THAT!" Scotspat back. Instead of raping Kathy, as she first thought, Carmen watched asScot took a stick of butter from the fridge, and unwrapped it. He then bentlow, and shoved it up the ass of the unconcious Kathy. "Hey, its to easethe pain." "What the hell..." Scot went over to the corner andpicked up one of the garden hoses. He tried to afix one end to the kitchenfaucet. The connection wasn't made for that however. "Shit, be right back." He'dforgotten that. He ran down the basement, and finding a hose spiggit, connectedit. This time, it fit.
Running back upstairs, trailing the hose, he waved to Carmen. Now, you'renext. Kathy there, told me I was in for the hottest date of my life, eh? Well,'tis better to give than to receive. Scot stepped forward, and let Carmen haveit with her own little toy. She slunk into oblivion. Scot, seeing this, proceededto untie her from her imprisoning chair. He next carried her across the roomto the nice big new oven. This is gonna be good. he thought. He put her down,and opened the door. He took out the racks and broiler pans. This allowed plentyof room for his would-be murderer. "I just wish there'd been another way," hesaid. He stuffed her yielding body into the gaping metal maw, and closed thedoor. There was one feature of this stove he'd spotted when he first enteredthis kitchen. He had made a mental note of it. Now it seems, that feature wasabout to be put to use. Scot didn't know how long the blackout affect wouldlast for the two irate women. He guessed not much longer. He remembered wakingup, thinking he was in a coffin. That damn car trunk! His reflection was onceagain interrupted , by cars pulling up. "Oh, no!" The eight girlswere advancing upon him. This had to work.
Three pairs of feet, then four, six, finally eight marched upon the porch.Scot figured, since they'd never seen him before, this might work. He calledthrough the door, left ajar, "come in, its all down the basement. Carmenand Kathy are busy getting the bastard ready! Hurry up!"
That did it, stupid animals!
"Wait for us!
"Why didn't they wait?!
"I wanta kill him!"
"Let me through!"
The mad estrogen set raced through the door, ran toward the dining room,found it blocked off by some damn table uprooted, and ran for the basement.through the hall they all went, only to be stunned by Scot, falling headlonginto chaos-- half-passing out, trampling each other, cursing, shrieking, fallingdownthe cellar stairs, in a tangle of breasts purses, arms and legs--some of themsustaining nice fractures.
Finally, after the mileu had subsided, Scot made sure they were all out forthe count. He dragged them, all eight of them, to the huge walk-in freezer;it stood, in a dusty corner of the damp basement, tall and imposing, silentlywaiting for them. One by one, he tossed their limp bodies in like firewood,and set the controls for MAX! He closed it, locked it, put two large nailsthrough the door, and finally--dragged a metal wardrobe and a heavy file cabinetin front of it. "There," he rasped, catching his breath. "Afreakin truck couldn't move all that. Good night ladies."
Scot wiped fingerprints from everything he could remember touching. He locatedsome Isotoner gloves and slipped them on. He returned to the kitchen, justin time to see his two imperiled charges waking up. He slapped Carmen's facetill she awoke startled, then slammed the oven door once and for all. He lockedit with the big red lever. He next punched out Kathy, once awakened, she shriekeda string of blue. Sorry for the rude wake-up call, but you've got a very fullnight ahead of you. "What's that mean?" "Oh, you'll find out.Scot left her, bound up for the last time, with a very long garden hose shovedup her well-buttered ass. "Sorry for the intrution." he laughed.He walked downstairs, and slowly turned on the water from the basement. Carmenlooked out of the glass window in the oven door, and choked in shere horrorwhen she saw Kathy's predicament. "OK," Scot stood with his handson his hips, naked of the sheet now for the two girls to see. He raised hisvoice so the imprisoned Carmen wouldn't miss a word.
"Here's tonight's program, courtesy of Captain Snuff.
He palmed a second stick of butter.
"Kathy there, who tried to kill me, is now, slowly filling up with water.She's about to undergo the mother of all enemas. You see, Carmie, when youpump a bitch full, the intestines fill up with water, and it pushes all thepoop and stomach contents, back from whence they came. This continues untilthe colon is full, the 25 feet of bowel is full, then the tummy starts to get... You guessed it! Full! But, the water doesn't stop. It will continue, onand on, until finally poor Kathy there, becomes something unique and wonderful--ameat fountain"
Scot began playing with his penis, the melting butter in his large hand wasbringing it to life. And oh, such large life! "Oh, I'll explain. As poopthen stomach glop, then finally, water, comes pouring out of her mouth likea geyser, well ... she won't be able to breathe. Try drinking and breathingat the same time--can't be done." He began pumping, squeezing, faster,faster, it was still growing. His large dick began dripping pre-cum.
"So, she'll expire as a glorious, non-thinking piece of modern art.An eternally spewing womanoid. Now, let's turn to Carmen, who also conspiredto kill me;
in the oven there--reminds me of Hansel and Grettel, and the witch hmmm?"
He was working up a good rhythm now, a light film of sweat on his forehead.Once in range of Kathy's face, he let go an enormous jet of spattering cream.It struck her dead-center. He continued his discourse. "I could set thisthing to slow roast at say, 350 degrees. No, too slow. 450 would be nice, but,hey I'm not a monster. I just want this all over with, safe in knowing you'reall gone from my life. So, there's a little red lever here marked Self Clean.It reaches a temperature of over 800 degrees, have ta get all that nasty grimeand build-up off! I wonder what that will feel like? So, oh, before I forget--doyou two hear that huge ruccus downstairs in the basement? Sounds like eightmad cows stampeeding, right? You're close. Its your eight girlfriends fromyour intervention gone awry. I've trapped them all, thanks to Kathy's invention,the stun gun. I nailed them shut in the master freezer, so, as Carmen's roasting,Kathy's drowning and bursting, and they are all down there, freezing to death.There's no help for any of you. Oh, and about Suzy. She had a shattered leg,and I am going to make sure she gets found and taken to a hospital. I'm takinga car from here. I'll be back tomorrow to torch this place, and that will bethat. I'd do it now, but I want the two of you to have your final moments,face to face, as the grim reaper closes in on the both of you. It was the twoof you who masterminded this. You brought all this on yourselves. So, that'sabout it." With the big red lever in position, a hand pushed the ovenbutton.
Scot turned, and under cover of night, in a black robe, drove away in a borrowedcar. He had a couple of hairy moments, whereupon he was sure he'd be pulledover, but in the end, reached his home. He never in a million years thoughthe'd ever use that spare key hidden in a potted plant. Once inside, he threwthe robe away, and ran a hot shower. He wanted to forget the past two days.Maybe after tomorrow, he might.
But, he doubted it.
Back at the house, Kathy was bloating like a 120-pound mass of rising breaddough. The intruding hose was slowly but steadily pumping water through herbowels, its weight growing more intrusive as it progressed. Inside the heatingoven, Carmen was screaming in her mind, her strained vocal cords having shriekedthemselves broken. From within her metal prison, Carmen could hear Kathy, justa few feet away, shrieking for help, screaming for her life. Four minutes afterCarmen went silent, the moist tissue of her lungs began to steam and saute.At that moment, there was an abrupt silence. Kathy's screaming stopped. Carmen,in the midst of her sputtering, crackling Hell, stopped focusing on her burningskin to wonder why. Outside of the oven, Kathy began belching like a foghorn.She knew now; with a certainty deep within the pit of her distended stomach,this was the beginning of the end for her. A volley of growling thunderousburps echoed off the walls--Kathy realizing with mortifying astonishment, theywere coming from her own mouth. Carmen pondered the rumbling barrage and thought, "nobeer-chugging frat could ever equal that. She didn't have long to ponder this;as a new morsel of agony inflicted itself upon her body. Carmin's breast tissue,with its high fat content, began to go funny, to soften, to bubble from theinside. With a sound like that of a hundred struck matches, her hair went up--replacedby a smokey, stench. This added to Carmen's hell. As she reflexively coughedand gagged on the reek of her ruined beautiful Pantene fortified tresses, shethought; "gone, gone its all gone!" With her lungs breaking down,Carmin began to gasp, and with each intake of breath, less oxygen and stillmore heat was brought in. Her stomach began to simmer. Carmen felt, as wellas heard, the bubbling, gurgling from deep within her midsection. Outside,Kathy ceased the marathon burping. Now what? As an inevitable pushing fromwithin her chest threatened to displace her diaphragm, a new, fresh Hell madeitself known. Kathy began the longest continuous vomit in living history. Acaustic burning, churning geyser spewed forth from her innards. A great torentialreflux sent forth quarts of everything imaginable from her stomach--acids,bile, partial foods, with ever-increasing ferocity. More effluvia from mealspast--a horrible tasting slurry exited forth from her open mouth. This soonbecame mixed with shit, all in ever-increasing amounts. She thought; He hadbeen right; damn him! Glurp! Can't breathe! glurp! plop! bla! As Carmen's eyeballsthreatened to melt and explode, she caught a shadowy glimpse through the acridsmoke of her friend's growing nightmare, pooling around her. As the reservesof partially digested foods thinned out, more feces rocketed forth, landingwith pastey plops around Kathy. Carmen actually mentally suspended her painfor a moment; just a moment, as she gaped in pure horror at the foul humansewage fountain that her best friend was fast becoming.
Then all at once, she was dragged from watching Kathy's last projectile moments,for her body's own trauma was on the increase. Now, Carmin sputtered, her skinweeped, then cracked, all her mucous membranes--mouth, throat, nose, sinuses,were destroyed in a hazey fizzing end. It galled her no end to know that itwas her own body steaming and cooking. She finally became numb to the stenchof her burnt hair, as all her nasal receptors shorted out and cooked away ina howling, searing climax.
Her stomach began to boil!
As Carmin neared the last two minutes of her life, Kathy edged closer tothe end of her own. She felt the last mound of excrement violently exit herthroat, a horrible warm softness brushing her tongue, as it did so. Kathy wasrevolted, she was angry now, along with being frightened. She was able to takeadvantage of this lull in her predicament, to steal several ragged breaths.She felt her center of gravity shift, as she soon realized her stomach wasfast becoming a distended swollen, shapeless mass. She was fast filling upwith water! She was considering whether or not it would bust open like a balloon,that, and trying desperately to root around and shake or crap out the hosewhich was mindlessly emptying into her. She knew she hadn't long to try. Shepushed, she pulled against the duct tape constraining her thighs. She tookin a shuddering breath. She tried again to evacuate that damn hose, but itwas far too deeply entrenched in her ass. It was no good. She heard, from downstairsin the dark basement, all her friends kicking, howling, screaming for help.They must have been clawing at the door, screeching beyond all imagining, fortheir air would soon be gone. She could do nothing, affixed to this godamnedchair! She thought, "maybe I could," The thought was cut short, nevercompleted. The window for breathing was cut off. She jetted forth now, cleanwater. All the debris was gone, and cool water began cascading down, eventuallypuddling around her. No air! Her lungs burned like fire! She was dizzy. She... No a a air!
Carmin prayed for God to please put a stop to this.
She begged for forgiveness, she was truly sorry.
Her prayers were answered.
What was once a woman, no longer retained human form.
Fluids steamed away into misty clouds, solids began smoking and carbonizing.
Outside, with her friend's remnants sizzling away, Kathy's body was growingheavy. As the heaviness pressed in upon her, the darkness suffused her brain,at the same time the water suffocated her lungs.
Carmin died, Kathy died.
Down one floor below, eight frantic women, in a small walk-in freezer, werehyperventilating, banging and screaming for their freedom. They swore and screamed.They kicked and screamed. They threw themselves against the door of their prison.And continued to scream. Unknown to all of them, they were using up their air,at triple the normal time. They soon had a tomb completely free of oxygen.The temperature was also dropping. Now the screaming gave way to crying. Feelingexhausted and shaky on their feet, most of the girls sat down to cry. Actually,the weakness was due to the great amount of CO2 building up in their bodies.Soon, two girls went off to sleep. Within ten minutes, three more followed.That left three girls, and those three soon realized that they had inadvertentlyused up all their air. There in the basement, a gentle rain began to fall fromthe ceiling. It was coming from Kathy. From directly above them all, Kathy,now a lifeless cooling piece of meat, continued to jet forth, cold, clear water.She now had the cleanest insides imaginable, but couldn't appreciate the fact.The gentle drizzle perculated down, increasing every second, now landing witha pattering on the roof of the eight doomed girls' metal coffin. They neverheard it. For one by one, eight sleepy girls grew still, their breathing growingmore shallow each second. Their motions grew faint, Deprived totally now ofoxygen, their brains surrendered. Their bodies went comatose. Within ten minutes,each one sporting a bluish tinge, all eight women expired.
Now devoid of life, the old house grew still, only the sound of water, gushingfrom the gaping mouth of Kathy's cold wet corpse could be heard. Night fell.With a click, the self-clean feature on the kitchen oven shut off, its taskfinished. Only slight traces of ash remained within, the smoke having goneup the exhaust fan. Downstairs, eight inert forms slowly froze solid, the moistair within providing a fine shroud of frost which settled over their bodies--acold whispy blanket of death for each of them.
Scot, showered, dressed and smelling like a sea of cologne, sat Suzy on thesteps of a church. While on the way, he explained to her, with a kiss, thathe liked her, and he had seen the hesitation and doubt, which might have savedhis life, and told her of the end of the ten women. He warned her, that ifshe ever mentioned it to anyone, she'd be culpable, and if he was brought in,she would be as well. She understood, and said "let's just forget thisnightmare." He said goodbye to her, drove three blocks north; stoppingto call the police. He informed them just where to find a woman, who he saidhad been struck by a passing motorist. When the dispatcher asked him for hisname, he hung up.
The next day, after considerable difficulty of finding the house again, henever went inside. He couldn't. He brought five gallons of gasoline, all drainedfrom cars, to the site. He scattered it around the outside of the house. hethen piled anything burnable around the place. With gloved hands, Scot removedlicense plates, and any other identifying junk from the cars. He started smallfires inside of each of them, then
sent them on a one-way collision course toward the house,
He slammed his door, started his car, and drove off.
Seven blocks away, driving slowly, as if looking for a sign or a landmark,he heard the first of many, many explosions.
It was finally over.
14 December 2004
10:56 PM
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Harris assoc producer Eddie our mechanic in a van Tory Simpson state cop in tv script. Shelly simpso her daughter uniform cops harold older one burke younger one I hadn’t planned on a three week holiday from work of any kind, but that was how it worked out. Work came looking for me on the second week of my holiday when Wilkes of the FBI called me. I chose to ignore him. He threatened to have me arrested. He didn’t know that I had the last dying declaration of Agent Gray Stone in which he...
Thank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... (Theme tune by Robertlouis) Alex Urgh. I turned over only to find myself facing the back of Chloe and Tom's sofa. For a few blissful seconds, I couldn't...
***The story I am about to tell you is a true story. It all began back in summer of 2002.First let me give you a little background. I'm black and lived in a small town, where everybody I knew was white, and rich. I'm talking filthy rich. It seem like all my friends had tons of loot.My father worked at a plant an hour away, he worked very hard so that we could afford a small condo in this town, so I could go to a better public school. I guess that's why my father always went crazy about my...
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Over the next few weeks, we all started healing. Charlie wore an elastic bandage on his arm for a couple of weeks before the X-rays showed his arm wouldn’t fall off. He wasn’t all that impressed, however, since he wanted a big bandage and a really cool scar to show off in school, and he didn’t get either. Boys! Holly and Molly had hardly anything wrong with them and were just fine. I took the rest of that first week off and played nursemaid and cook. By the following Monday I had worn out my...
(I'm very interested in comments. Please feel invited to send me feedback. Tell me if it turned you on. Tell me if you came to it. Thanks!) Playing with my clone The sex industry of the year 2090 had made a lot of stuff possible thatwas entirely unthinkable until now. Photo realistic computer animated porn movies where you could change the scenes and camera view points however you favored. d**gs that could trigger orgasms so strong that they would sweep you from your feet. And all forms of...
Gary closed his eyes as he hung his head and said, "The reason I came home ready to take you back was because I remembered my affair with Kathleen. I'm sorry Alicia. I hoped time had buried that foolishness so you'd never have to face the pain of what I did." "We did Gary, not just you, it's what we did." Alicia turned around to see where the third voice had come from. Kat was standing in the doorway of the house, tears running down her face. Kat wouldn't look at her older sister, as...
I live with my parents even though I am twenty-five years of age. I have a job that takes me away from home for weeks on end. Renting an apartment would mean it would be unoccupied for most of the year.Most of my affairs are short term with women I meet on my travels.I join a gym when I am going to be in town for more than a week so I can work out. This is also a good spot to pick up the type of woman I like. I also spend a lot of time in pubs etcetera, mainly for entertainment and the...
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Doctor Davis had a highly qualified and extremely expensive geologist analyze the Trident Chert Mine. It seems that millions of years ago... 70 million, to be precise ... as if a span of a million years can pinpoint an event ... Trident was a series of coral reefs in a shallow warm sea. Something cataclysmic happened ... one of those planet building things. The sea drained, the coral died. During the same event, the dinosaurs, aquatic plant feeders and their predators, joined the coral in...
Chapter 3- Melissa and Lara lose Their Virginity “Mother, must I go, please, stay home with me, don’t make me go to Uncle Bill’s study. You don’t know what he makes me do,” Melissa begged her mother. “Nonsense, it’s not that bad. You live in a nice house, Uncle Bill takes good care of us. We could be out on the street. This is the least thing you could do. Look at all I have sacrificed for you. I gave up a singing career to take care of you when you were born. If it wasn’t for you, I would be...
EroticTom was walking home from school on a crisp autumn day. The sun shone through the bare trees, and a slight breeze carried cheerful bird chirps. Despite the happy atmosphere, Tom could not have been in a more sour mood. His English professor gave him a failing grade on a term paper, and a car had nearly hit him as it sped down the road, only slowing down to scream "watch where the fuck you're going." Being a broke college student, this was normal for Tom. His car had broken down three weeks...
I had previously fucked young Dani (see Mistaken Identity story). I had been house-sitting for my step-daughter and her husband Colin when Dani had slid into the bed expecting to find Colin there. Instead she found me - I'm 53 yrs old and have a very fat 10 inch cock, a fact that she finished up enjoying after some initial doubts. My step-daughter had told me that Dani was going to be house-sitting for them for a few days. I still had a key so I decided to pay her a return visit. Especially...
You're the professor & I'm your student, I need money & I'm failing your class. You need your house cleaned, so you suggest that I can clean your place for money. I am happy to make some money & meet at your place as planned. You are a little taken back when you answer the door since I am wearing a short black mini skirt instead of cleaning attire such as jeans & sweats, but I explain that I am planning on going out with friends right after leaving your place. You are sitting on...
He was fifteen she was thirteen and this was to be a night of first. He found her sitting on her bed playing with some dolls. She was trying to glue pubic hair onto them and was so engrossed in what she was doing that it took a while for her to realize he was even there. Finally she looked up. Oh hi, how long you been there? Long enough. She held up her doll and asked, What you think? Looks pretty good. Whered you get the hair? From my head, I cut some from the back where it wouldnt...
The things happen in life but when luck is in your favor, then even wrong things can go in your favor and luck will sing for you. This is what happened to me a few days back. My mom is a bloody bitch, she has a voluptuous body and she takes full advantage of this. I have seen her engaging with many people including many of our relatives itself. Somewhere she is successful and has gone to the extent of even having sex. Dad is a saint, he does not interfere in running the house and that has given...
IncestMuch to my surprise Jenny and I did't anything for quit awhile after that. I became a little bashful as the brothers sat there staring down at us. There eye's big and full. I did manage to reach over and run my fingers through Jenny's public hair. She in return rolled over onto her side and began to rub and pull on my nipples. We giggled as girls do, laughed a little then jumped up, ran into the lake and washed any signs of our love feast off our bodies. We played in the lake and her...
Hi friends. This is my 1st story to iss. I keep on reading stories here nd i like them very much. Let me tell you about myself. I am Monu, age 24. This story is about 3 years back when i used to live at my uncle’s place in ggn. My uncle and aunt both are working so the stay out the whole day. I used to work there in a call center and i had most of the evening shifts. So at the morning time i was alone at home with my cousin. I am a slim tall 6ft guy with a tool size of 6inch while my cousin is...
Gay Malecall girl storiescall girl stories start with her first job interview as a paid escort... I remember it was summer before my freshman year at university. My father had just lost his job and money was scarce. My friend recommended a way to earn money to supplement my needs. The idea of working as a hostess in a swinger’s club was never a thought that had passed my mind especially since I was truly inexperienced when it came to sex.The day of my interview I went wearing a short skirt and sheer...
I looked at Zoe and said “I’ve had seven already Zoe, isn’t that enough?” Zoe came over to me, grabbed my penis and balls, turned me around, and felt my bottom. “It is striped and marked, but Mum said twelve strokes didn’t she?” “Well she does normally give me twelve but after a warm up. You didn’t warm me up did you?” I know it sounded like a moan, but I was hurting. Then she gave me the body blow. “I tell you what Dad, treat those first seven as the warm up, so you have twelve...
"Should I give you the usual 'how pretty are the stars, do you know where Ursa Major is' talk?" I had seen Vivian leaving the room where I and our friends were, as quietly as she could. Two minutes later I was after her. I found her lying over the grass, a hundred yards away from the Victorian house that belongs to my family, watching the starry sky. I lay beside her. I loved her, but she pretended not to know it. "I know a lot more Astronomy than you do," she replied. She never...
Every once in a while I go down to the nude beach just to see what I can get myself into. This time, when I went, plenty of girls had come down and they were practically all wearing g-strings! I wasn't sure what had changed, but for the most part all of the non-nude gals wore granny bikinis. I had already stripped down in the parking lot, so by the time I made it down the trail my cock was already rock hard and ready to be seen by all of these hot women in string bikinis. A few of them decided...
My friend Victor had come to me earlier that morning before class with news about yet another neighborhood party his m0ther was throwing at his home tonight. It was more than an invitation but rather a plea to come as we would serve as the buffer from his charismatic mother. On such short notice, only I and another mutual friend, Herman could make it. Luckily so as it meant even more food for us at the party. At the sound of the final bell, we bailed from our high school, and headed to...
My girlfriend’s name is Louisa. She stands at five foot, six inches with a petite, size 6/8 frame and 32B breasts. She has long, dark brunette hair which she wears straight a lot of the time. She also has sparkling hazel eyes which she makes look even more seductive by using dark eye shadow. Her best features for me though are her long sexy legs. I like to encourage her to show them off more by wearing short skirts and dresses along with high heels. The tight fitting clothes she sometimes...
Andy and Angela were lying in bed with their lap top. This is something new they’ve been doing to spice things up. They’d take turns finding hot pictures or videos and use them to get the other hot and bothered. This particular night Andy stumbled across posts and they took turns randomly choosing users and showing them to one another. Andy is a handsome man but hasn't any daughters of his own. He has accepted Angela’s Idea to adopt daughters as his own so they have two twins, Debbie and Amy...