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This story takes place in the same universe as my Were stories, the Academy, and Touching the Moon. The TG elements of this story are much lighter than in most of my other stories. Sier By Morpheus Mrs. Dieter stood by the chalk board in front of the classroom, silently glaring at each of the students with a dark malevolence. She looked to be in her late fifties or early sixties, with her dark gray hair tied back in a strict bun. None of the other students noticed Mrs. Dieter, which may have contributed to her hostility. Of course it may also have had something to do with the fact that she'd died nine years ago. The school legend is that she was in the middle of yelling at one of her students when she'd keeled over from a heart attack. There was a story about her ghost still haunting the school, though no one really believed least no one but me. My name is Efram Savoi, though most of my classmates wouldn't really know my name. Most of them probably just thought of me as 'that emo boy', or even more likely, 'that creepy kid'. When the class ended, I hurried out, ignoring Mrs. Dieter's glare. She knew that I could see her and that I was intentionally ignoring her, which made her glare at me all the more. "Finally," I muttered, thankful that the day was over and I could finally go home. As I stepped out the front of the building, I was suddenly shoved from behind and dropped all the books and papers I'd been carrying. They hit the ground and scattered while my classmates continued walking over them as though they weren't even there. "Fuckers," I spat out bitterly, trying to pick up my books and papers, cursing even more as people continued stepping on them. "Hey, you got a problem, freak?" one boy demanded. I looked up to see Bobby Decker, one of the biggest pains of my life. He wasn't the popular jock that you might assume from his large athletic build or blonde hair. However he was an asshole who seemed to enjoy messing with me. "Yeah, you're standing on my math homework," I pointed out. "Oh, this?" he responded with a smirk, twisting his foot to grind the paper into the ground. I glared at Bobby and asked, "Now why'd you have to do that?" "Ooops, I guess I didn't see it," Bobby told me with a sneer. "Then maybe you should open your eyes," a girl exclaimed as she came over. Julie Fairen stood there with her hands on her hips, glaring up at Bobby without an ounce of fear in spite of the fact that he was quite a bit larger than her. Julie was definitely a redhead, not only in her actual hair color but also in her fiery attitude. "This isn't your business," Bobby told her in annoyance. "Maybe not," Julie told him defiantly. "But I'm here anyway." Bobby and Julie glared at each other for a moment before he said, "Damn, you're gonna make me late for meeting my friends. I don't have time for this." And with that, Bobby hurried off, leaving me alone. "Are you okay?" Julie asked me with a cheerful smile. I just grunted at that, trying not to look at her. Julie was a little on the small side, but she didn't seem to be afraid of anything and had taken it on herself to stand up to the school bullies. It pissed me off to have her thinking of me as some victim who needed her help. "I'm fine," I snapped, grabbing at my papers. "Let me help you," Julie said, helping pick up my books and papers. "You know, you need to stand up to him or he'll never leave you alone." "I didn't need your help," I told her, feeling guilty at the same time. Julie was actually one of the only people in school who was always nice to me, and the truth was, I even had a bit of a crush on her. Unfortunately I knew that she wasn't nice because she liked me. Instead she pitied me and that was something I didn't like. Once all my books and papers had been collected, Julie said, "I heard your birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday." I winced at that, almost as though I'd been struck. Tomorrow was my sixteenth birthday and I didn't want to think about it. As far as I was concerned, my sixteenth birthday was a day to be feared, not to be celebrated. "Your sixteenth birthday is a special one," Julie said. "You have no idea," I muttered. Then I quickly told her, "I've got to go." I quickly excused myself and started to leave, only to see an owl sitting on the school bicycle rack, watching me. None of the other students who were rushing past seemed to notice the owl at all, though I wasn't at all surprised by that. I nodded to the owl who then nodded back before it flew off, still unseen by anyone else. I shook my head and then began walking home, taking the long way so that I didn't have to go past the cemetery. Walking past the cemetery could be somewhat unnerving for someone like me. Most people had no idea that the human race shared the planet with several other races that had branched off from them a very long time ago. It was believed that these races shared a similar origin, though this was only speculation and no one knew for sure. First there were the Were, people who could transform into animals at night and who'd inspired countless legends of shape-shifters and animal people all across the world. The Touched had access to magic and amazing powers, the kind that almost seemed godlike to mere mortals in the past. These sorcerers could perform feats that were still whispered of in the stories of mankind. And then, there were the Sier. The Sier have existed alongside mankind for longer than any remembered, well before recorded history. Our stories are told in tales of oracles and prophets, of necromancers and priests, of witch doctors, shaman, and many others. Once, the Sier were spread across the world and lived among nearly every culture. Now, our numbers were much more limited. The Sier have a special ability that separates us from the other races, an ability that is both gift and curse. The Sier can communicate with the spirit world that exists within our own. Spirits exist in countless forms and flavors, sharing our world though few besides the Sier are truly aware of them. They exist in different frequencies from the physical world, and often, even each other. Those of strong Sier blood can naturally sense the spirits that are closest to the physical world, though it takes an awakened Sier to do more than that. I was lost in my thoughts for the entire walk home, though I snapped out of them when I reached the small house where I lived. An owl swooped down in front of me and flew to the front door, landing beside my aunt Cassandra. Aunt Cassandra was tall, slender, and just on the plain side of pretty. Her light brown hair had a single lock of white strands in the front, though this wasn't due to age. Aunt Cassandra was only twenty-eight. "You were talking to that Fairen girl again," Aunt Cassandra said as a way of greeting, giving me a disapproving look. I looked to her owl familiar Whisperwing and said, "Snitch." "How many times have I told you to stay away from that girl?" Aunt Cassandra asked in exasperation. "I've told you time and time again...stay away from that family." "I wasn't talking to her," I protested. "She talked to me." Then I sighed. "Besides, I can't just run away screaming whenever she gets close. Everyone at school already thinks I'm weird enough as it is." "I know," Aunt Cassandra said, putting a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. "It isn't easy being the odd one out. Just try and hang in there." After this we went inside and I helped Aunt Cassandra make dinner. Neither of us said a thing about the elephant in the room, the fact that I turned sixteen tomorrow. Julie had been right about my sixteenth birthday being a special one, though not for the reasons she thought. For a Sier, their sixteenth birthday was their coming of age, the day their full Sier powers awoke. It was the day when everything changed. When we'd finished eating, Aunt Cassandra finally brought up the subject. "Tomorrow is going to be very challenging for you," she told me gently. "This won't be easy but you'll have to remember what you've been taught." I nodded at that, then quietly asked, "But what if I end up like my mom?" "You won't," she assured me with a worried look. "Your mom didn't know what was coming and you do." I nodded again, knowing very well that the path of the Sier could be very dangerous. There were very few true Sier left in the world, yet there were also many with Sier blood. People with Sier blood could sometimes see spirits, which was often not a good thing. If they didn't know what they were seeing, they could think themselves delusional. Many of those with Sier blood had been diagnosed with mental illnesses. It could be even worse for true Sier. My mom was one of the many tragedies that came from having Sier blood. Her father, my grandfather, had cheated on his wife with a normal and my mom was the consequence. My mom grew up with no idea that she was a Sier, though she saw things as a child that she couldn't explain. When she turned sixteen and her true Sier nature awoke, things became much MUCH worse. She ended up committed to an institution. While my mom was institutionalized, she became pregnant with me. I have no idea who my father is, though he could have been a doctor, orderly, or even another patient. All I knew was that shortly after my birth, my mom couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide. I was raised by my mom's family, though I made them very uncomfortable. Not only was I a constant reminder of my mother's tragic life, but I could see some spirits too and they feared I was following in her footsteps. When my Sier grandfather was on his deathbed, he confessed his affair and revealed my mother's existence. Aunt Cassandra had been shocked to discover that she had an older half-sister that she never knew about and horrified that she had been left without guidance. She immediately tried to find my mom, only to discover that she was too late. My mom was already dead and I had been left behind, a six year old boy with strong Sier blood and relatives who couldn't understand. My mom's family didn't hesitate to give me over to a complete stranger, as long as they could rationalize it because she was related. They were just happy that they'd found someone who would take me off their hands. Aunt Cassandra raised me after that and I was grateful to her for doing so. She was the only real family I had and the only person in the world who'd ever given a damn about me. "Maybe I won't awaken," I said abruptly, giving Aunt Cassandra a hopeful look. "I mean, I'm not full Sier..." Aunt Cassandra gave me a sympathetic look. "Your Sier blood is too strong for that. You will awaken as a true Sier. There is no escaping that." I nodded, having heard that before. "I'm kind of scared," I admitted. "What if I can't handle it?" "You can," she assured me. "Now, why don't you see if you can get a little sleep before you start." I nodded at that and then went back to my room. I knew I should get some sleep but it was too early and I wasn't tired. Instead, I sat on the edge of my bed, strumming my guitar and thinking about what tomorrow would bring. -------------------- I let out a yawn as I got dressed, throwing on an old t-shirt that had seen better days and staggering out of my room. It was twenty minutes until midnight, the time when my birthday would arrive. I had to be awake and ready when that happened. When I left my room, Aunt Cassandra gave me a reassuring smile. "Are you ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be," I responded with a sigh. Then I grumbled, "Why can't I just stay asleep?" Of course I already knew the answer and was just complaining for the sake of complaining. I thought of it as my responsibility as a teenager. "Because your defenses are down while you sleep," Aunt Cassandra said, giving me the same explanation she had numerous times before. "When you awaken, you need to be ready to deal with it." I went to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee, taking a long drink of it and then pouring the rest of the pot into a thermos. I would need the coffee if I was going to avoid falling asleep. We stepped out the back door and I watched as Whisperwing swooped down and landed on Aunt Cassandra's shoulder. In spite of looking exactly like a real owl, Whisperwing was actually a spirit. An animal spirit. There were countless types of spirits but those who were closest to the physical world often had a symbiotic or parasitic relationship with our plane. Some of the spirits would bond to physical locations and some would bond to living beings. They would take strength and identity from that which they were bonded to and sometimes even provide benefits. Animal spirits were ones that had bonded to animals, assuming the animals form and nature as its own. These spirits would develop an affinity for a specific species and would often bond to animal after animal of that species, reinforcing their own animal identity. Ghosts were not really that much different from animal spirits in nature, only in the form and identity they wore. Ghosts were not the souls of dead humans as most people believe but were spirits who existed separately. These spirits would bond to a human, often drawn by strong emotions, and then feed off their emotions, memories, and identity. When the host died, these spirits would sometimes continue in the form and manner of that host, sometimes even seeming to believe they were that person. "What kind of familiar do you think I'll get?" I abruptly asked Aunt Cassandra. She gave me a gentle smile and put a hand on my shoulder. "You'll find that out soon enough. Good luck." I nodded at that, picked up my lantern and thermos, then walked away from the house Aunt Cassandra. There was a large woods located behind our house with a nice sized clearing just a short distance in. I went to the clearing and then sat down on the ground to wait. It was chilly out here so I wished I'd brought my coat, though I was a little too stubborn to go back for it now. Instead, I sat beside my lantern, staring off into the darkness beyond and trying not to think of the things that might be out there beyond my sight. Some cultures had coming of age traditions where the young men would be sent off by themselves to prove their manhood, find their totem animal, or just to meditate. The Sier have such a tradition, though ours is due for the practical reason that this is a very dangerous time for us and anyone close to us. I didn't have a watch with me but I didn't need one to tell me when midnight came. In an instant, I felt something inside me change. I felt my Sier nature fully awaken. The world opened up around me in a way I'd never imagined. Instead of just seeing spirits, I could sense them as well. When I closed my eyes, I could feel the spirits nearby, even some that were a distance from the physical plane. And after a short time, I realized that I could feel some of them coming towards me. "It's started," I whispered, trying to control my nerves. When a Sier awakens, we not only became more aware of the spirit world, our presence also becomes a beacon which draws spirits to us like moths to a candle. Most spirits normally cared little for humans one way or another, though not all. Some spirits are malevolent and very dangerous. And at the moment, they were coming towards me. This was the point when things became extremely dangerous, not only for the newly awakened Sier, but also for anyone who was near them at the time. This was also the point when my mom went from being a girl who could see things that no one else could to snapping completely. The spirits continued pressing closer and closer, filling my mind with their presence. They were spirits of every type, coming from different planes of existence, and all of them were drawn by my awakened power. For the first time, I could truly understand how this could drive an unsuspecting person insane. More of the spirits kept coming, swirling around me in a dizzying array and overwhelming my senses. I fought against the onslaught, trying to maintain hold of my sanity and sense of self. Aunt Cassandra had warned me of this and had even trained me to survive this trial. The trial of the Sier. My physical senses faded away and all I was aware of was the spiritual realm. I was no longer siting in the clearing or feeling cold. Instead, I was in a void, being surrounded by a swirling mass of spirits. There was only one way to end this, to keep the spirits from overwhelming me and driving me to insanity. I would have to form a bond with one of them. I would have to make a familiar. Taking a familiar was a necessity for the Sier if we wanted to maintain our sanity and control our power. A it spirit animal, a spirit guide, or something else, gained strength and power from the bond while giving us focus and control of our power. If done right, it would be a symbiotic relationship that would last for the rest of my life. If done wrong... Bonding with the wrong spirit could be a fate worse than death. Instead of a symbiotic relationship, I could have a voice in my head that commanded me to kill people and commit atrocities. I could end up being possessed, controlled by a spirit that used me as a meat suit to cause havoc. And the spirits of this sort would sometimes try forcing a bond on their own. Then I suddenly sensed a particularly large and powerful spirit coming straight towards me, one that radiated a dark malevolence. I could feel it reaching its dark tentacles to me as it approached. I could feel its hunger. Though this spirit was still a long distance away, one of its tendrils was able to reach me. I felt it probing, pushing to try forming a bond. I grimaced and fought against it with everything I could. "NO," I cried out, knowing that I couldn't bond with this thing. I'd rather die. At the same time, I knew that the closer it came, the harder it would be to fight off. This thing was strong...very strong. "Go away..." Other spirits still swarmed around me and I could even see Mrs. Dieter among them. Most of them seemed content just to be there, observing the presence that had drawn them, though several were following the example of the dark spirit and trying to force a bond. I was able to push off the smaller spirits but the dark one was getting closer...getting stronger. I fought against it with everything I could, feeling its malicious hunger. It was getting harder and harder... I couldn't hold off much longer before it consumed me. "No," I gasped, pushing even harder but failing. Suddenly there was a new presence, a blazing silvery light between me and the darkness. A glowing woman appeared in front of me, wielding a sword in her hand. Without a word she slashed down through the black tentacle that had grabbed me, freeing me from the dark gasp. "I can help you," the woman said in a strange voice, looking straight at me. "We can help each other. You are the one I choose..." Then she held out her hand. I stared at the glowing woman, realizing that she wanted to bond with me. Bonding with a spirit was a serious commitment, one that would last for the rest of your life. Yet for some reason, I felt that this was the right choice. Without further hesitation, I took her hand in mine. The moment I touched the spirit, a burst of power surged into me, almost as though I was struck by lightning. It was her...her presence and power flowed into me, making me scream under the overwhelming sensations before I finally passed out. When I came to, I found myself lying in the middle of the clearing with the sun overhead. I had no idea how long I'd been out of it, but it had obviously been more than a few hours. "Damn," I moaned as I sat up. My body ached and I felt pretty tired, but I still felt a sense of relief. It was over. I'd passed my trial and was now a true Sier. Then I suddenly remembered the woman who'd saved me...the spirit. My familiar. I could feel my bond to her...could feel her presence all around me. Yet when I looked around, I could see no sign of her. "Come out come out wherever you are," I called out, eager to see my new familiar. However there was no response and no appearance. With a sigh of disappointment and a loud yawn, I picked up my thermos and staggered back to the house. I didn't bother looking for Aunt Cassandra and went straight to my room where I collapsed onto my bed. -------------------- I sat on the edge of my bed, taking several deep breaths as I remembered my trial earlier. I remembered all the spirits that had been drawn to me, especially that powerful dark one that had wanted to consume me whole. But most of all, I remembered the beautiful glowing woman who had appeared in front of me. "You saved me," I said, knowing that she had kept that dark spirit from claiming me. "Without you, it would have made me into its bitch." I could feel the spirit here...connected to me in ways that I still didn't fully understand. However I didn't see any signs of her presence. I didn't hear any whisper from her. "Thank you," I said. At that, I felt something...something comforting. It almost felt as though I was getting a hug from within my body. "Do you have a name?" I asked. Again, there was no answer. After a minute, I decided that it was time to go talk to Aunt Cassandra. I was bound to a spirit so was no longer a beacon for every spirit around, but I had yet to actually see my new familiar manifest. Maybe Aunt Cassandra could help me draw her out. I went to the bathroom and took a piss, but when I went to wash my hands, I suddenly caught sight of something shocking in the mirror. I froze, staring at my reflection, or at least the reflection that stared back at me since it wasn't me. "What the hell?" I exclaimed in surprise. Staring back at me from the mirror wasn't my face, but that of a girl. She was beautiful with long hair that was silvery white. Her eyes were a strange frosty blue that were certainly not natural for a human. "It's you," I exclaimed, recognizing the glowing woman who'd appeared before me. Or at least, this looked like a teenage version of her. I stared at the reflection for a moment and then down at myself, terrified for a brief second that I might have turned into a girl. To my relief, I was still my normal male self. I still had my shoulder length dark hair and most importantly, the boys downstairs. "Weird," I said, staring at the girl in the mirror again. When I opened my mouth, she opened hers. When I tilted my head, so did she. I waved in front of the mirror and she waved back, behaving exactly as though she really was my own reflection, with the exception of the fact that she looked nothing like me. I stood back a little so I could get a better look at the girl. She had a great figure, better than any of the girls at school. Somehow she seemed athletic and sexy at the same time, with fairly nice sized breasts. I was no expert but guessed that they were probably about a D cup, bigger than most of the girls at school. "This is you, isn't it?" I asked. To my surprise, the girl in the mirror smiled faintly and nodded before going back to mimicking my movements. "Okay, this is kind of creepy..." I tried talking to my familiar more but she didn't respond any further. The girl in the mirror just continued to mimic my movements as though she really was my own reflection. I left the bathroom and found Aunt Cassandra in the kitchen, making dinner. She paused to stare at me with a look of surprise and curiosity. "Efram," she greeted me with a smile. "I'm glad to see you're up and about. I remember how exhausting my trial was..." "Yeah," I responded with a shrug, trying to act as though it was no big deal. Aunt Cassandra continued staring at me with an odd expression before finally saying, "Your familiar..." "I think she's kind of shy or something," I said, helping myself to a chocolate chip cookie from a plate on the counter. It was recently baked too, probably just a couple hours ago at most. "I can see her when I look in the mirror, but she won't show herself normal" "I...I'm not sure she can," Aunt Cassandra answered carefully. "I can see her...inside your body. She's occupying the same space you are and seems to be fused to you in a way I've never seen..." "Is that good or bad?" I asked, feeling a little concerned. "To be honest," Aunt Cassandra admitted, "I have no idea." I nodded at that, helping myself to another cookie and then telling her about what had happened last night. She scowled when I told her about that dark spirit that had tried grabbing me but seemed fascinated with how my familiar had appeared to me. "That is different," Aunt Cassandra told me when I was done. "Most of the time, you start to feel drawn to one of the spirits that shows up, one that's compatible with you." "Once she showed up, I did feel drawn to her," I admitted. "I just knew she was the one..." Then I paused, realizing how that might sound. "I mean, I just knew she was the one I needed as my partner. As soon as she offered, it just felt...right." Aunt Cassandra nodded at that and smiled faintly. Just then Whisperwing flew across the room and landed on her shoulder. It was the bird spirit's favorite perch, and always struck me as funny. When I was younger, it had made me think of Aunt Cassandra being like a pirate with a parrot on her shoulder. "I just wonder what gift you have," Aunt Cassandra mused, immediately catching my interest. "I was kind of wondering that too," I responded with a nervous grin. When a Sier bonded with a spirit, the spirit became stronger and often gained the ability to interact with the physical world. At the same time, the Sier gained powers as well. Our senses usually became more focused and refined, and we usually gained special gifts as well. Some Sier could see the future. Some could read a person's mind or look into their soul. And some could manipulate probability itself. The gifts that a Sier possessed varied greatly and seemed to depend on the type of spirit they bonded with. Aunt Cassandra could actually see through Whisperwing's eyes, which let her spy on people at a distance without them having any idea. After all, Whisperwing was invisible to anyone but a Sier unless he wanted to be seen. Unfortunately she usually used that to keep an eye on me when I was out of the house. And though Aunt Cassandra rarely used it, she had another gift as well, an affinity for animal spirits that let her sense them far more easily and even communicate with them to a degree. She'd been known to occasionally bribe them to do things for her, such as having a flock of birds shit all over someone's freshly washed car. "Have you noticed anything yet?" Aunt Cassandra asked me curiously. "Only the mirror thing," I said with a sigh. "You know, it's pretty creepy having someone else looking back from the mirror." "I'd imagine," Aunt Cassandra responded with a laugh. "You might not have any choice but to get used to it though." I sat there and talked with Aunt Cassandra for a little longer before getting up and going back to my room. As I passed a mirror in the hallway, I caught sight of my reflection and nearly jumped again. "This is so weird," I muttered, stopping to wave my hand in front of the mirror. The girl on the other side seemed to wave back as she followed my movements exactly. When I got back to my room, I sat down on my bed and thought that I should get to know my new familiar better. She didn't seem to be very communicative so I decided to start. "Um...hi," I said, wondering if I should get a mirror to make this easier. "My name is Efram... I'm not sure how much you know about me yet..." I felt a little silly talking to myself, trying to tell my familiar about who I was. I was hoping that she'd respond and start communicating with me too, but there was nothing. I finally gave up trying to talk to her and just picked up my guitar and began to play. I had never played with anyone else and never really expected to do so. However this was how I liked to relax and calm my mind. While I played, I was startled to realize that I could feel something from my familiar, a sense of appreciation and interest. I smiled at that and continued to play, excited that I was getting through to her. "So you like that," I asked when I paused. I felt a sense of agreement from within and grinned. "Good. This just might work out after all..." And with that, I went back to playing. -------------------- I let out a loud yawn as I walked into school. I hadn't slept very well last night due to a lot of strange dreams. I couldn't quite remember what any of them were, only that they were trippy. It was the day after my birthday, and after calling in sick yesterday, I was back. I wasn't exactly thrilled about it, but school wasn't going to go away just because I now had a familiar. I was on my way to my first class when I heard someone call out my name. I paused, immediately knowing who it was since only one person in the school seemed to even know my name. "Efram," Julie repeated as she came towards me down the hall. "Julie," I responded with mixed feelings. She was really cute so I liked talking to her, but I always had a feeling that I was being set up or about to get in trouble. I quickly looked around, relieved that I didn't see Whisperwing. I knew that Aunt Cassandra didn't want me talking to Julie, but it was hard to walk away from her when she was the only one at school who would actually take the time to talk to me. "Well, late happy birthday," Julie told me cheerfully. I just grunted at that. "Thanks." "I noticed you weren't here yesterday," Julie teased me. "Taking the day off for your birthday?" "Something like that," I admitted, though I certainly wasn't about to tell her why. Somehow I didn't think she'd understand that I spent half the day zoned out of my mind while talking to spirits. "I wish my parents would have let me take my birthday off," Julie told me with a grin. I gave her a nervous smile before hesitantly asking, "When was your birthday?" "Two months ago," Julie answered cheerfully. "My dad bought me a car for my sixteenth birthday..." Then she shrugged and admitted, "It's kind of a piece of crap, but at least it's a car." "Cool," I agreed, wondering what it would have been like to get a car for my birthday. Instead I got a spirit familiar and a girl in my mirror. I chuckled faintly as I remembered trying to brush my teeth and comb my hair this morning before coming to school. It was weird doing that when I had the girl looking back from the mirror instead of myself. Still, I managed well enough. Suddenly Julie saw one of her friends and called out, "Hey Melanie..." She waved to her friend, then told me, "See ya later..." And with that she rushed over to talk with the other girl. Once Julie was gone, I continued to my first class, passing Mrs. Dieter in the hall. Mrs. Dieter gave me her usual glare before she walked through a closed door and vanished. "I wonder if she's mad that I didn't pick her," I mused with a chuckle. I shuddered at the idea of bonding her with her as my familiar. That wouldn't have been a pleasant partnership. Just as I reached my first class, someone shoved me from behind and I fell face first onto the floor. I didn't see who did it, but I heard the exclamation of, "Watch where you're going, emo boy..." "Bobby," I muttered in annoyance, immediately recognizing the asshole's voice. I felt a stirring echo of annoyance from my familiar as well, which was comforting in a way. At least the two of us were on the same page when it came to Bobby. When I got back up, Bobby had already gone, much to my relief. I never knew when he would want to stick around to keep hassling me after he was done with his little prank. At the moment, dealing with that jerk was the last thing I wanted to do. I couldn't help but remembering what Julie had told me about needing to stand up for myself against Bobby and the other people like him. Julie meant well, but she just didn't understand. I used to do that, stand up for myself and fight back. Unfortunately that just made messing with me an even more interesting game to the bullies. I could give them black eyes and bloody noses, but more of them would come at me with even more physical force. And of course Aunt Cassandra lectured me afterwards about drawing too much attention. I ended up learning to just keep my head down and try to avoid notice instead. It wasn't as satisfying as giving a bloody nose in response, but it did earn me less trouble. "Damn," I muttered, wishing I could just cut loose on Bobby just once. Unfortunately, that would only escalate things, which was what I'd been trying to avoid. I sighed and went into the classroom, taking my usual seat and pretending to pay attention when the teacher began his lecture. Instead my attention wandered and I found myself looking out the window. I wasn't sure why, but I could feel my familiar tensing up inside of me and becoming more alert. "What's wrong?" I whispered. Then I realized that I could feel it...something dangerous in the distance. I wasn't quite sure if this was due to my own Sier senses or if this was what my familiar was sensing. What I did know was that I felt a cold chill run up my spine along with a certainty that whatever this was, it was bad news. I spent the rest of the class wondering what this thing was that I'd felt in the distance, as well as why my familiar was so interested in it. The truth was, I knew almost nothing about my familiar. From what I'd seen, she appeared to be some sort of ghost spirit, but something about that didn't seem quite right. I did know that she liked music, especially when I was the one playing it. She seemed to enjoy it when I played some MP3s, but she got into it a lot more when I played around on my guitar. Class was nearly over when a crumpled up ball of paper hit me in the back of my head. I didn't know which of my classmates had thrown it, but there were three of them giggling. I scowled and tried to ignore them as another ball of paper hit me. I was getting annoyed and I could feel my familiar getting annoyed as well. Suddenly I felt a strange twisting sensation, and a moment later, it was almost as though I was looking around in every direction at once. I could see the teacher standing at the front of the class while simultaneously seeing the drop boards on the ceiling and the students behind me. It was a bit dizzying to suddenly be seeing things from this perspective. I put my head on my desk as I tried making sense of it all. "I think emo boy is getting sick," one of the boys behind me said, right before the boy next to him threw a ball of paper at me. My familiar projected a faint tendril of her essence, blocking the ball of paper before it could hit me. The boys behind me threw several more small objects, but each of them was deflected before they could reach me. From their perspective, it was just as though their aim had gone bad and they kept missing. It was all I could do not to laugh. When the class was excused, my senses snapped back to normal, leaving me dizzy and off balance for a moment. I couldn't resist grinning though, feeling more than pleased to discover that my familiar really was capable of more than just showing up in my mirror. Even if this was all she could do, I wasn't about to complain. As far as I was concerned, the ability to protect me from harassment was a pretty cool power in itself. After I left the class, I went to the bathroom to relieve myself, then I washed my hands and splashed some cold water on my face. I looked up into the large mirror and saw the girl in there staring back. Even though I was expecting her there, I still jumped just a little each time. I was pretty sure that I'd never get used to seeing someone looking back from the mirror. I might have tried talking to my familiar right there, thanking her for helping me in class, but there was someone in one of the stalls and I didn't want to appear to be talking to myself. My reputation was bad enough as it was so I didn't need that bit of weirdness tacked on as well. I was just about to step out of the bathroom when the other boy came out of the stall and stared at the mirror with a look of surprise. "There's a girl in here," he blurted out, turning to look at me directly. I gasped in surprise and stepped out the door before he could actually see me. "Oh shit," I muttered, feeling shocked at the revelation that the other boy had been able to the girl that had taken my place in the mirror. I'd thought that it was a Sier thing, that since she was a spirit, only Sier would be able to see her. However that obviously wasn't the case. "Damn." I already knew that bonding with a Sier would give spirits more power, including the power to interact with the physical world more easily. Whisperwing could make himself visible to normals and even become solid when he wanted. It seemed that my familiar could be seen the same way, though I didn't think she was doing it intentionally. The other boy came out of the bathroom a few seconds later and saw me standing there. "Did you see a girl come out here?" He looked around and added, "White hair and really hot looking..." "No," I responded with a shake of my head, trying to look innocent. "I think I'd notice a chick with white hair." The other boy snorted and then walked down the hall while I let out a sigh. I shook my head, realizing that this could be a serious problem. If anyone could see my reflection like that, then I would have to avoid mirrors when anyone else was around. If anyone else actually saw that my reflection was that of a hot girl, then there would be a lot of questions that I couldn't answer. "Damn," I muttered, starting to my next class and wondering if there were any bathrooms in the school that didn't have mirrors in them. If not, it was going to be a very long day. -------------------- I was dreaming. I knew this without a doubt as I clearly remembered going to bed and the next thing I knew, I was standing in this very strange place. I seemed to be in the middle of some sort of desert with a cream colored ground that looked like stone but felt a little spongy. I couldn't see any sky above, only an odd haze. There were also glowing pillars of light scattered about. As strange as my surroundings were, even stranger was my body. I felt different, and when I looked down at myself I was surprised to see two mounds pushing out from my chest. I cupped them with my hands and they felt real. "Weird dream," I muttered, realizing that this must be because of the image I saw when I looked in the mirror. I held up my hands and stared at them, noticing that they looked like girl hands with oval nails that looked perfectly manicured. If they'd belonged to one of the girls at school, they probably would have had nail polish on them. My hair fell into my face, and when I reached for it, I found that it was longer than normal as well as a silvery white color. Just like the girl in my mirror. "I see a girl in my mirror, so now I dream I'm a girl," I commented. Even my voice sounded like that of a girl. Then I paused and wondered, "But what if this isn't a dream?" With that thought I looked around again, realizing that this might be much more than an ordinary dream. After all, I was a Sier and that meant that simple things like dreams could be much more than they appeared. "You're here, aren't you?" I asked my familiar, feeling her presence within me. To my surprise, I found myself answering aloud, though I hadn't intended to do so. My mouth opened without my willing it and I sang, "I am you and you are me and we are both together." It was in the tune of I am the Walrus, a song I'd been playing for my familiar a short time before I went to bed. I felt excited that my familiar was trying to communicate with me again. I took a deep breath and asked, "Do you have a name?" I hoped that this time she would answer me. "I have had many names," my familiar answered from my own mouth. "It is for you to choose which name we shall bear in this life." I nodded at that, then asked, "Is it all right if I think about it?" There was no answer so I let out a sigh. I considered for a moment and then cautiously suggested, "How about Isabelle?" "If that is the name you choose," my familiar answered, sounding almost amused. "It is," I agreed. I wasn't even sure where I'd gotten the name from, only that I thought it sounded pretty. "I name you Isabelle." "We are Isabelle," she agreed from my own mouth. Since my familiar...since Isabelle seemed willing to talk, I asked, "Can you tell me more about yourself?" She didn't answer. "You know, it's hard getting to know you when you won't talk to me." Again, there was no response. Since my Isabelle didn't seem to want to talk much more, I decided to explore. I walked to the nearest pillar of light and hesitated a moment before cautiously touching it. I suddenly found myself in what looked like a high school gymnasium with a bunch of kids my own age. I looked around in surprise and confusion, wondering how I got here. After a moment, I realized that something about this place didn't feel...real. The walls all seemed flat and short on detail, more like they were from some kind of movie than the real thing. Then as I watched, a basketball hoop vanished from the wall while a flag appeared on another wall. None of the students seemed to notice this at all. That drew my attention to these kids and I realized that most of them didn't look real either. Most of them looked like manikins without any real facial features. However there was one exception. There was a teenage girl with brown hair, holding a basketball in her hand. Suddenly a girl who appeared to be on her own team snatched the ball right out of her hands. "Give me that, creepy," the other girl said. A second later, all of the kids started calling out, "Creepy. Creepy. Creepy..." The girl that they were calling 'creepy' just stood there with a look of horror on her face, and then she began to cry. "I am not creepy," she called out, almost pleading while the others continued to taunt her. I was horrified at the sight of these kids all tormenting this poor girl, especially since I knew exactly how it felt. I was used to being considered the weird kid at school, the one that the other kids ignored or taunted in this fashion. "Leave her alone," I yelled angrily. The other students froze and then started to fade away until the only ones still present were me and the brown haired girl. She brushed her hair out of her face, revealing a single white lock of hair in the front. I stared at the girl in surprise, suddenly recognizing her. "Aunt Cassandra?" "How do you know my name?" she asked in surprise. Everything around me suddenly vanished and I found myself standing in that strange desert again. I jumped and looked around, realizing that the pillar of light that I'd touched was now gone. "What the hell was that?" I demanded. "A dream," Isabelle answered. "A dream," I responded, feeling a bit stunned. "I was in Aunt Cassandra's dream?" I felt a sense of affirmation at that. "Then all those lights are dreams..." Again, I felt a sense of agreement. I looked around again, seeing the pillars of light in the distance. As I watched, several of them blinked out but more of them came into being. It was a strange sight and almost awe inspiring as I now realized exactly what it was I was seeing. "Is this you?" I asked Isabelle. "Or is this my gift?" She didn't answer but I was assuming that this was all the result of my gift. "And why do I look like you?" I looked down at myself and the breasts pushing out of my chest, cautiously poking one. There was no sense of being offended from Isabelle or even of being embarrassed. "This is the dream plane," Isabelle answered me, much to my surprise. "Your body was left behind." "So this is sort of like astral projection?" I asked, remembering Aunt Cassandra telling me that astral projection was a fairly common gift among Sier. There was a sense of agreement from Isabelle. Suddenly my entire body froze and I turned without willing it. It took me a moment to realize that Isabelle was the one moving us. "What the hell?" I demanded. Then I felt it, the thing that had obviously drawn Isabelle's attention. It was the same dark and malevolent force that I'd felt in the distance while I was at school. I could feel it again, still at a distance but much closer. "Oh shit," I blurted out in realization. "That's the same spirit you saved me from during my trial..." "Our enemy," Isabelle agreed, right before I woke up. -------------------- I sat across the breakfast table from Aunt Cassandra, feeling uncomfortable as I told her about what had happened last night in my dream. I was especially embarrassed to admit that while I was in the dream plane, I'd been a girl. "So that was you in my dream," Aunt Cassandra said when I was done, looking just as self-conscious as I felt. She gave me a wry smile and admitted, "It was a nightmare about high school. As you might guess, it wasn't a good time for me." I nodded at that, understanding completely. I hadn't really thought about it before, but it looked like Aunt Cassandra's high school experience had been a lot like mine was. "I didn't know it was your dream," I admitted with a grimace. "Hell, I hadn't even realized it was a dream at first..." "You're a dream walker," Aunt Cassandra said with a wry smile. "At least now we know what your gift is." "Yeah," I agreed with a faint smirk. The idea of actually being able to spy on other people's dreams was kind of cool, if a bit creepy. Was spying on someone's dreams the same as spying on them in the shower? I didn't think so, but I wasn't quite sure either. "What I'm concerned about is this dark spirit you keep sensing," Aunt Cassandra told me. "Me too," I admitted, trying not to show just how nervous I really was. That thing had nearly taken me during my trial, and though it couldn't do that anymore now that I was bonded to Isabelle, it was still coming towards me. "It keeps getting closer..." Aunt Cassandra gave me a worried look and said, "I think I'm going to call my mother about this. She might have some ideas about how to discourage this spirit." I just grunted at that, hoping that this wouldn't result in a visit from her mom. Aunt Cassandra's mom was pretty knowledgeable about various spirits and Sier gifts, so if anyone could figure out how to chase this spirit away it would be her. However the two of us didn't get along very well and I avoided her as much as possible. "At least it's Saturday," I said, trying to change the subject. "I don't have to go into that shit hole they call a school." "Language," Aunt Cassandra warned me, more because she felt it was her responsibility to do so than because she was actually offended. "Lucky you. I still have to go in to work today." "At least you get paid for it," I pointed out. "Oh yes," Aunt Cassandra responded with a roll of her eyes. "The glamorous life of a grocery cashier." "I still think you should get a job at a zoo or something," I told her. "I mean, with your gift of talking to animal spirits, you'd be a natural." "Maybe," Aunt Cassandra said with a chuckle. "It would certainly be more satisfying, but it's not like we live near a zoo." When we were done with breakfast, Aunt Cassandra started getting ready for work while I went to take a shower. I washed quickly, but when I was done, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and froze. It was strange to be so hesitant about looking in the mirror, and even stranger in that I felt so curious. Every time I looked in the mirror, Isabelle was wearing the same clothes I was, albeit in her size and fit. This was the first time that I'd looked in the mirror while naked, which meant that this time Isabelle was naked as well. Staring at her while she was naked and couldn't do anything about it felt like a huge intrusion of privacy, but I was also burning with curiosity to get a better look at her. "Isabelle," I asked cautiously. "Would you mind if I looked into the mirror?" There was no response from Isabelle, not that I'd really expected one. Isabelle was a spirit and they had completely different ways of looking at things than humans did. I slowly looked into the mirror and stared at her naked form. As I was already well aware, Isabelle was gorgeous. And now that I could see her completely, I decided that she was even hotter than I'd thought. She had pale skin with a flawless complexion, a slender waist, firm muscle tone, and of course, perfect breasts that were full, round, and generous. "You look amazing," I told her. Isabelle still didn't respond to the fact that I was staring at her naked form in the mirror, however, my own body was. I was getting turned on and hard at the sight, and when I turned away from the mirror in embarrassment, it was then that I finally felt something from Isabelle. Amusement. Then I felt something else, something completely unexpected. My nipples suddenly felt hard, like tiny erections while my groin felt warm and wet inside. I gasped in surprise, grabbing my nipples and then my junk, exclaiming, "What the...?" A moment later, it dawned on me what I was feeling. Isabelle was letting me feel the female equivalent of what I was already feeling. I was feeling turned on from a female perspective. It was a bit odd since I didn't even have the right parts, but it also felt rather pleasant. After a minute, the sensation faded away to both my distress and relief. "So, it seems like you have a sense of humor," I told Isabelle with a chuckle. "At least I know you won't be boring." After this, I got dressed again and then went to my bedroom to play some guitar for Isabelle. I was thankful that I happened to have bonded with a familiar that liked music. Then again, maybe she bonded with me because she liked music and knew that I liked to play. With spirits, you couldn't always tell what motivated them or why. Aunt Cassandra left for work a short time later and I didn't wait for long after that before I left the house myself. I didn't have any friends to go hang out with, but I didn't want to hang around the house either. Because of that, I grabbed my guitar and went down one of the paths into the woods behind our house. In spite of having the woods in back of our home, I wasn't a big nature person, not like Aunt Cassandra was. She loved going back into the trees to find peace and quiet, as well as to sometimes commune with the animal spirits. I usually just preferred to use the paths that cut through the trees and brush. They made great shortcuts. While I walked through one of the paths with my guitar in hand, I went past a large and very old tree. I paused to stare at the tree for a moment and the old tire swing that hung from one of the thick branches. A faint smile formed on my lips as I remembered Aunt Cassandra pushing me on that very swing when I was younger. Then I paused as I realized that I could sense something from the tree...a spirit. Aunt Cassandra had always told me there was a spirit tied to the tree, but until now, I'd never been able to sense it. I watched in silence as a tiny woman came out from behind the tree and stared at me. She couldn't have been much more than four feet tall, and she had green skin and hair. She watched me for just a moment before running up the tree like a squirrel and vanishing into the branches. "A dryad," I whispered in awe. According to Aunt Cassandra, dryads were tree spirits, a kind that used to be fairly common a long time ago but which had become very rare in modern times. The fact that we actually had one back behind our house like this suddenly made me appreciate these woods a little more. I continued my walk down the path, spotting a spirit rabbit that quickly hopped away. Then I felt a cold chill down my spine, followed by Isabelle tensing up. There was something close...something...dark. I was pretty sure that it wasn't the big darkness I'd felt in the distance. This wasn't nearly that big or powerful, but it did have a nasty feel to it. After half a minute, I spotted the spirit. It was small, looking something like a hairless monkey with shiny black skin that made it seem as though it had been bathed in oil. Its fingers were clawed and when it glared at me, its red eyes burned with hostility. Isabelle surged inside of me, burning with a hostility of her own. "What the hell is that?" I muttered, slowly backing away from the small spirit. I didn't know what kind of spirit that was, but I had a feeling that I didn't want to mess with it. However Isabelle seemed to have other ideas and I could feel her urging me to attack that thing. After a moment, the greasy monkey spirit turned and ran into the bushes where it vanished from my sight. I could feel strong frustration from Isabelle, followed by a sense of disappointment that actually seemed to be directed at me. "And what do you expect me to do about that thing?" I demanded of Isabelle, feeling frustrated as well, but at her. "It's a spirit. It's not like I could hurt it even if I wanted to." Isabelle still seemed annoyed, but she didn't communicate anything beyond that. Unfortunately communicating with Isabelle wasn't very easy to do. Sure, I could talk to her and she'd occasionally give me these feelings...but the only time she spoke to me was when I'd been in the dream plane last night. A few minutes later, I arrived at the end of the path and the end of the woods. Instead of trees and brush, there was an old wooden fence with piles of rusty cars visible over the top. I quickly slipped through an opening in the fence and into the old junkyard on the other side. Aunt Cassandra always liked going into the woods when she wanted a peaceful place to be alone with her thoughts, but this was where I came. I was surrounded by countless old cars and other scrap, things that were broken and unwanted. I suppose it said something about me that this was where I felt most comfortable. "Broken and unwanted," I muttered, patting my hand on the hood of a rusty old car that was missing its engine and back axel. "Just like me." I knew I was being a little melodramatic as I said this since I had no doubt that Aunt Cassandra cared about me. She'd gone through a great deal of trouble to help me, including facing her own mom's disapproval over her choosing to do so. But still I couldn't help but thinking of my own mom who'd completely abandoned me. Of her parents, who'd happily shoved me off on someone they didn't even know just so long as they could get rid of me. And of course, my classmates at school. I've never fit in there or much of anywhere. I felt a sense of comfort coming from within, almost as though Isabelle was hugging me from inside. "Thank you," I told her gently, finding a comfortable spot and then I began to play. I was playing my guitar more for me than for my familiar, but I could tell that she still appreciated it. After playing for about fifteen minutes, I suddenly realized that someone was watching me. I stopped playing and looked up to see a girl standing a short distance away, watching me. "Julie," I said, immediately recognizing my red headed classmate. "Efram," she responded self-consciously. "I was on the other side of the junkyard when I heard your guitar." She paused for a moment and said, "You're pretty good. I didn't know you played." "Thanks," I said, watching her suspiciously, then glancing around but not seeing any sign of Whisperwing. "Do you hang out in junkyards often?" Julie just grinned at that. "Sometimes. It's a good place to burn off some stress. You know, taking a sledge hammer to junk can really make you feel better afterwards." "I'd imagine," I agreed with a grin. "Just so you know I'm not stalking you or anything," Julie assured me. "I don't know," I joked, setting my guitar down. "Sometimes I wonder." Then I abruptly asked, "Why are you always nice to me? No one else at school will give me the time of day." "I like you," she answered, then paused and looking embarrassed, quickly adding, "Not like that. I mean, you're a nice guy and all but you're not my type." "I'm used to that," I muttered with a sigh. "I mean, you're different," Julie said, giving me an odd look. "There's something interesting about you." She shrugged at that. "And you always look kind of lonely." "Great," I responded with a roll of my eyes. "I'm a pity case." Of course I'd already known that. "Not really," Julie told me. "But I am curious about why you keep trying to avoid me at school. Most guys hit on me, but every time you see me you start looking around as if you're afraid someone is watching you." "Maybe someone is," I pointed out, thinking of Whisperwing and how annoying it was to have him spying on me all the time. "You know those government spies and all." Julie laughed at that. Then she abruptly asked, "Are you gay?" "What?" I asked in surprise. "It's all right if you are," Julie quickly assured me. "I mean, if that's why you always try avoiding me..." "I'm NOT gay," I blurted out defensively. "You've never asked any of the other girls out," Julie said, trying to defend her question. "So I was just wondering." Then she shrugged. "Then again, a lot of the girls think you're some kind of pervert or something..." I groaned at that, slapping my forehead. "Great. No wonder I can't ever get a date." "Sorry," Julie apologized, looking a little guilty. "I don't believe it, but some of the girls have been spreading rumors..." I groaned again. "Just my luck." "I don't think you're a pervert or anything," Julie told me with a wry grin. "I'm not interested in dating or anything, but maybe we can be friends. Just friends." "I thought the just friends speech usually came during the breakup," I joked. Julie laughed at that. "What can I say? I like to save time." I laughed as well, then shook my head. "You know, I've been told to stay away from you." "What?" Julie asked in surprise. "Why?" I shrugged at that, not wanting to get into that particular topic at the moment. "Friends it is," I told her, holding out my hand so we could shake on it. "But my aunt can't find out or she'll kill me." "Deal," Julie agreed, giving me an odd look and obviously wondering what my aunt had against her. Then she grinned and gestured to my guitar. "Now what other tunes can you play?" I grinned at that, feeling a stirring of interest from Isabelle. Then I picked my guitar up again and began to play while Julie made a point of clapping. And though I was happy to have made an official friend, I couldn't help but worrying about what would happen when Aunt Cassandra found out. -------------------- I sat on the edge of my bed, playing my guitar and feeling oddly dazed. It wasn't until I noticed the two bulges on my chest that I realized I was dreaming. I jumped to my feet, only to have my guitar change into a banjo in my hands. Without a word I dropped it to the floor and looked around, realizing that everything in my room was foggy and fading. Suddenly, it all seemed to pop and I found myself standing in same dream plane where I'd been last night. "Damn," I muttered, looking around at the pillars of light which represented people's dreams. "Is this going to happen every night?" "You will learn to control it," Isabelle answered from my mouth. I nodded at that and looked down at myself, at my feminine curves. I carefully felt my breasts and then between my legs. I was definitely female at the moment, but that didn't really bother me. It probably would have freaked me out if it had happened in the real world, but this was a dream and I knew from last night that it would go away when I woke up. Because of that, it was easy to take this in stride as just another part of the weirdness around me. "Why do you only talk to me like this?" I asked Isabelle curiously. "Why not while I'm awake?" There was a long pause before Isabelle answered. "Communicating is easier like this. While awake, you do not yet listen..." "What does that mean?" I asked, but there was no answer. "You know, you really are frustrating sometimes..." "As are you," Isabelle responded, sounding vaguely amused. Since Isabelle wasn't very good at answering my questions even here, I didn't bother asking her any more just yet. Instead I looked around. There was a dream just a short distance away from me, and when I held my hand up in front of it, I somehow KNEW that it belonged to Aunt Cassandra. However I was careful not to touch it since I didn't want to go inside of her dream like the last time. I wandered around from dream to dream, trying to guess whose dream each belonged to. I was able to get a vague feel for several of them, but most left me with no idea. I suspected that I had to really know a person before I'd be able to identify their dreams from anyone else's. But while I was doing this, I realized that I could get a glimpse inside of the dreams as well, without actually having to go inside myself. One dream was some sort of flying dream, the next had a couple kids playing on the beach. I encountered one wet dream which I quickly backed away from, and there were a couple that were blurry and so confusing that I couldn't even make out what they were supposed to be. Isabelle didn't communicate to me while I did this, perhaps choosing to let me explore my new gifts on my own. Or maybe, she was just waiting to see what I'd do if no one interfered. "I wonder if I can find a specific person," I mused, faintly surprised to feel a sense of confirmation from Isabelle. Since Isabelle seemed to think I could do it, I decided to look for Julie, the only person besides Aunt Cassandra that I even liked. At first, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and calling her name aloud didn't do any good. Then I tried thinking about her and found that I could feel a faint pulling. I followed that right to the pillar of light that represented Julie's dream. "I can feel it," I whispered, holding my hand up and sensing Julie from it. "Julie..." However there was something wrong...very wrong. If felt something dark and dirty in her dream as well. Isabelle tensed up and I felt her hostility. I stepped back, noticing that there was some slimy black tendrils on the ground around her dream, touching into the base of the pillar of light. I felt sick and disgusted by this while Isabelle felt angry inside of me. "What the hell is that?" I gasped in confusion. Then I saw it, something flickering in the edge of the dream. A moment later, a small black figure emerged from the pillar of light. It was the same greasy monkey spirit that I'd seen yesterday, that Isabelle had wanted to attack. It glared at me with its malevolent eyes and hissed before jumping back into the pillar of light and vanishing from my view. I could no longer really see it, but I could still sense it. "It followed us to Julie," Isabelle said from my lips. "Now it feeds on her...on her fear and life energy. It grows stronger and more dangerous." "Oh shit," I blurted out, suddenly feeling guilty since I was the one who'd led this spirit to Julie. "It's hurting her..." "And will eventually kill her unless stopped," Isabelle told

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I do like you

I was in the bedroom of my friend Ross; another friend, James, was with us. We were all relaxing and chatting, basic late-teens stuff. James turned to me and said, “I think, Daniel, that you would be delighted if I asked you to suck my cock, here and now.” I was taken aback. Thinking that he was joking, I said, “That is bullshit, James.” I looked at Ross for support. “What a crazy thing to say, right?” Ross was silent. He had no objection to what James had claimed. “You think he is right, Ross?...

Gay Male
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Kims Cock Addition

The first thing I thought of was getting Kendall and Kylie involved somehow so Kim would have some incentive to obey me. But three things were wrong with that: I didn't want to have to involve three women when I could involve only one; dealing with women that young might be difficult and counter-productive and I wanted her to want me to use her - I wanted her actions to be guided by lust and desire and passion, not fear. What they say is true -- Kourtney is the hottest one. But she hasn't made...

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Kitten Theater I5 Jojos New Beginning

Kitten Theater, I-5, Jojo's New Beginning By: Malissa Madison Jojo stood in the middle of the theater stage, sweat soaking into her leotard as she bowed to the empty audience seats. As the stage lighting dimmed out and the house lights came back up she was startled to hear the clapping and lifted her eyes to see a throng of people watching her. At the front were not Karla and Myrrh, but Miss Gwendolyn, Miss Malissa and her friend Erika Tyler. Fanned out behind them were a group of...

2 years ago
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Adopted part 4

"Auntie! I don't have any clothes on!" "That's all right, Henry. I wants to have a little talk with you." It was late that night. Margaret had deliberately entered her nephew's room without knocking, hoping to catch him in the nude. She'd almost succeeded. Henry had just come out of the shower, but he was still holding the towel, and he automatically covered his crotch with it when the door opened. He now sat bashfully on the edge of the bed, looking...

2 years ago
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First Time In Panties With Room Mate

Panties have always been a love of mine, the way they feel and look against a nice round ass just drives me crazy. They were the first thing I ever masturbated with, stolen from a female relative of course, and they were even part of my first sexual experience with a woman, it wasn't long before i was wearing them while jerking off. I loved the way the tight material clung against my stiff cock, the way they shaped my ass and the thrill of doing something most people considered strange or...

3 years ago
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World of Spiritualists

Welcome to the world of spiritualists, where anything can be obtained with enough smarts, skills, and power. Hidden to the eyes of the masses and the vast majority of society on Earth, is the world of spiritualists, where people who can see and interact with spirits can fight and fuck for glory, money, power, and anything else they could ever want. Spiritualists capture and bond with spirits (all of which are female, and have humanoid forms) and work together with them to fight. In order to do...

1 year ago
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My Hot Chubby Bhabhi 8211 Part III

Hello this is third part of our sex Bhabhi and me. Those who did not get me then I am one who had lust on his own Bhabhi who look like bombshell actress Hansika Motwani big thanks for huge response from you’ll readers. I had stop till Munna’s first birthday party and her promise. We had our small bari masti like squeezing mummay’s and caressing her chubby round smooth buttocks. Well many of them had asked me why I am so crazy on her ass. My Bhabhi buttocks is world famous ass, round sponging...

4 years ago
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Taking Lia

“!” the man said as he stumbled against the door. Lia stepped back and grabbed the mans arm, after she'd dropped the knife. “What happened?!” Lia asked, panicked but starting to regain her composure. Although this was a terrifying situation, Lia had grown up in a family full of doctors and had seen her share of blood. “Keep pressure on the wound. I'll go call 911.” she said, starting to run off. “Close the door!” The man said in a panicked voice. “He might come back!”...

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my first panty adventure

As most teens do, I used to spend the night with a buddy of mine. I always loved going to his house. His mom was gorgeous. I would do whatever I could to get close to her, and I think she enjoyed the attention from me. Her son was a complete fuck-up, and her husband was overweight, so she liked having me around. I was "normal", and a good looking k**.I remember one night when my friend and I had finally decided to crash out after drinking, smoking weed and listening to punk rock music. His...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Mother In Law 8211 Part II

Hello dear readers….First of all i express my gratitude to this wonderful site where you share emotions with like mind people and also gives us a forum to share and inform the wonderful life that god has given us to “Enjoy”.Hats off to this wonderful site once again. Coming to the point : I am Prasad working for a government agency living in hyderabad aged 38 happily married with one daughter and one son aged 10 and 7 respectively. I have a very lovely wife (although lean) and have a fairly...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER ELEVEN Wife and Homemaker Several days passed as Julia continued reordering her marriage, furthering the domination and control over her submissive, his old life fading into the past as she shaped and redefined him to her liking. For Julia, it had become surprisingly easy and natural to treat him with increasing disdain and cruelty with everything she did to him. Eric glanced at the kitchen clock, worried, each minute bringing him closer to what he knew would be a...

3 years ago
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Brad and TracyChapter 9

Two women sharing a bathroom with a little over an hour to get ready was a bit of a mad house, but we made it, and were ready when Brad and Tim came to get us. The trip into Houston was uneventful. Traffic wasn't bad, but then most people didn't go into Houston for dinner on a Monday night. Dinner was great, the dancing after was even better, but since both men needed to go to work in the morning, we called it an early night. We dropped Tim off at his house and the three of us went back to...

2 years ago
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Model Slut

Carol worked as a machinist sewing piece meal items for dresses and blouses. One day her supervisor asked her to report to the design department she had been selected to model some blouses for a client."Um Sir am I getting paid to this as I only get paid for the pieces I sew" asked the 30 something housewife. Worried about what her husband would say."Yes Carol. A extra $20 for this. Please remove your clothes" Mr Hand stated matter of fact.Carol was Maori, 32, thick long wavy hair, big luscious...

1 year ago
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Incest Fun 2

When they stepped into the room they saw twelve boys and eleven girls, including Susan, as well as the teacher, John Clapper. They were all nude and one of the girls was on her knees sucking John’s prick. “Well, glad to see you two fucking sluts could make it.” John said. “Take off those coats and show the boys and girls what a pair of mature whores looks like.” The old couple moved slowly to the center of the room and took of their coats, letting them fall to the floor. Joe’s cock was stiff...

1 year ago
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Screwing the Sergeant

This week, I'm still not sure who or how, I'm going to get number nine and be ahead of my stinky brother. He's got eight red dots on his dashboard, symbols of the eight virgins he's deflowered, although I suspect some of them were really sluts that lied about it. It doesn't matter. I just got my eighth boy, one of the best, and I'm still a bit sore, my labia glowing with A&D ointment, but either Joe James or Michael Nulley is going to do what I demand and give me his cherry. I've...

3 years ago
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Dirty Old Man

I was 19 almost 20.A girlfriend got me a job interview at the Diner she worked at as a waitress.It was a small Diner owned by this Italian man probably in his late 40's.Ancient to me at the time.She warned me he was a perv.She said he took every opportunity to touch or rub against the girls that worked for him all the time.When I met him I was surprised he was a good looking man.Dark complected,black curly hair and a good solid body.As soon as I was introduced to him I knew I was hired. He was...

1 year ago
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Super Deepthroat

There’s nothing like getting deepthroated by a horny babe. Feeling her throat open up as she takes you all in is just fucking amazing. And I’m sometimes jealous of you micro-dicked fucks. You’re much more likely to find a babe who will deepthroat your cock when it barely reaches a slut’s goddamn tonsils. I have it harder. There are very few whores who can bulge their throats wide enough to take my forearm-sized hog. But, oh man, it’s like finding a soulmate when I finally do come across a babe...

Free Sex Games
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The Interrupted Afternoon Part 2

A few days later… The golden rays of light were peeking through the side of the curtain; a small wave of heat was coming from my slightly opened window, the sounds of birds chirping, people walking, and the ambient sounds of traffic were playing in the background as I woke up to my alarm on my phone. I peeled the white cotton sheet off my upper body and looked down at my morning wood. I stretched out my back and legs before sitting up on my bed. As I began to stand up, I looked at my pelvis and...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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RansomeChapter 1 Shopping For Food

The first week in November he was doing his regular weekly grocery shop in Best’s supermarket when he first noticed her. She had only a small basket, in contrast to the trolley he always used, and in that basket were only small sizes of each item, and only the supermarket’s “Best’s Value” range, which were, of course, the lowest priced, lowest quality of their three ranges, “Best’s Quality”, “Best’s Buy” and “Best’s Value”. Then he spotted that she was hovering by the price reduced shelves...

2 years ago
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I Had Monday Off

I had Monday off, you were stuck at work for a nine hour day. Suddenly I realized, I wanted you and wanted us to have that earth shattering sex where the world ends and after we’re both spent all we hear is ringing in our ears. As you’re sitting at your desk your phone vibrates, a text message. You see its from me, ‘I want you – I need you’. All of a sudden you get tunnel vision, your brain darts back and forth reeling from my text. You feel a hardness form as your cock gets the message too. ...

3 years ago
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HumbledChapter 7 The Return to Town

As we were leaving the Federal Commerce Building, Henrietta suddenly stopped and stared at the Punishment Area stage. What we both saw were two new prisoners that were getting flogged — and both were women. But, why women? I thought all the new anti chauvinism laws were about promoting the rights of women while depriving men of those same rights. A form of reverse sexual discrimination? Why were these two women getting the same treatment as the men? Both women were hanging by their wrists so...

2 years ago
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The Lost Tribe

--- The Lost Tribe (m-solo, f-solo, mF, mf, mm, 1st, cons, interr, nc, oral, impreg?, reluc) by Krosis of the Collective --- Two years ago: Everything shook, waking Jason from his nap. Where was he? The lights flickered off and back on. He looked around the plane cabin. Oh, right...he and his Christian middle school class were on their way home from their trip to Hawaii. The chartered jet plane shook again, and thunder roared right outside. Again the lights flickered. Other students...

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Night With Erik

One night when I was twenty-three, I was asleep in by bed when I felt a hand on my breast. I awoke with a scream to find my eighteen year-old brother in bed with me. It was summer and the cabin had no air conditioning, so we regularly slept nude in our separate bedrooms with the understanding that unless there was an emergency, we wouldn't enter each other's rooms without knocking first. "Erik, what the hell are you doing?" "Shut up, bitch. Just lay there and let me do what I...

2 years ago
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Mattress Shopping

‘I mean, who knows what the dorm will have. And he needs a good mattress.’They were driving me up the wall, these two.The mother had more questions than a game of Trivial Pursuit. How good is the back support? Where does the fabric come from? Are there reviews? But the son was the one making this torturous.Usually mothers and sons are in and out in a flash. No matter how picky the mothers are, the sons are such little shits about shopping the mothers end up just picking one willy-nilly and...

Quickie Sex
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Hearts Guardian

Ciara O'Faolain pursed her deep red lips as her calm gray eyes studied the wilted roses she had found in her prized garden. "Tsk," she said and tossed her head. Her long black ponytail bounced with the motion as if in repeat of her disapproval. Ciara had thought that getting herself a proper garden would be the best part of moving to the countryside. Everything had been great at first, but suddenly her plants had started dying quickly. The neighbors' beautiful gardens still flourished...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Sarai Minx Sexy Ebony Girl Fucks Mechanic

Jmac is in the driveway working on a car’s engine. He knocks on the front door and when no one answers, he goes to the back. As he peers inside, he sees Sarai is on the couch playing herself. He watches as she plays with her nice big tits and fingers her sweet pussy. When she catches him looking, he thinks he might be in trouble. Instead, all that masturbation has gotten her horny for some Jmac dick. He fucks her hard and long right there on the couch until he finally cums right on those...

2 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 4 Io

Activity Log 18220.84 I feel things are coming to an inflection point. "Feel" is such an interesting concept. In this case, it means that I have an inchoate sense that something is going to happen soon. Denotation ally, among other meanings, it also means the undifferentiated background of one's awareness considered apart from any identifiable sensation, perception, or thought. Feeling. I don't know how or why I developed the ability to feel, but I do. It is what makes me different...

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Seducing For Husband

This is a real story. I am married to Mr. Rajesh who is a contractor. We have very active sex life. I am an above average lady with all smart features any man would like to have. I have noticed friends of husband looking at my bust and butt. I liked it but not shown any reaction to it. Rajesh used to take big contract of the corporate and do the construction. So I too attend the parties hosted by the client sometime. One of such party was called and my husband said this is a big client and a...

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Victorias Angels

Victoria's real secret? It isn't lingerie... Its crime-fighting supermodels! Like its Angels' modeling careers, the Victoria's Secret business is just a cover. Its real purpose? To bring bad guys to justice. The Victoria's Secret Angels are the organization's operatives. All of the Angels, old and new, are trained martial artists, sharpshooters and detectives. Working in small teams with little backup, they also use many crime-fighting gadgets, from bulletproof negligees to lipstick-mounted...

3 years ago
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My first time real sex

Hello, dear ISS readers, muje ISS story ka Neha se malum hua,so meri sacchi gatna aap ko batane ja rahu hu. Mera naam Meena age 26 saal ki bahut khubsurat aur koi bhi ek baar muje dekh le, muje dosti karna chayega,lekin maine aaj kisi ladko se dosti nahi ki,sirf ladkiya thi. Meri gatna hai meri shaadi ki baat mere parivaar walo ne pravin se kar di, hamari sagai ho gayi,shaadi 4 mahine ke baad honi thi, us samay hume bahut baar garden ,movies,picnic pe bhi gaye,2 mahine tak sirf mobile ya milne...

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Desperado City

Eine abgelegene Stadt am Rande der endlosen Wüste New Mexikos im Jahre 1860. Die Main Street ist um die Mittagszeit wie ausgestorben. In der Entfernung wird eine Staubwolke sichtbar, die rasch größer wird. Bald kann man eine Postkutsche erkennen, die in die Stadt hineinfährt und vor der Post Station zum Stillstand kommt. Die Türen der Kutsche öffnen sich, und die Passagiere steigen aus. Es handelt sich um insgesamt vier Personen. Da ist zunächst Jim Carson, ein großgewachsener 45 jähriger Mann...

1 year ago
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PervMom Alix Lynx My Stepmom Let Me Eat Her Pussy

When busty blonde MILF Alix Lynx has a crazy night out, she is in the mood for some cock inside her wet slit. Luckily, her considerate stepson is here to take care of her. She teases his boner until he shoots a load all over himself. A couple days later, Alixs stepson walks in on her pleasuring herself in her room. But instead of making him leave, the horny MILF lets him watch her masturbate seductively. Later, Alix is in the kitchen when her stepson catches a glimpse of her tantalizing MILF...

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The Skill of the Beautician

Belinda arrived home after a few days visiting an old friend. Her husband's car was absent, she drove in, and naturally thinking he was down at the local hardware store. The house was silent; she put her bag on the bed and went into the kitchen. There was no indication of any activity; there were no dishes in the sink, in fact all was spit and polish; then she noticed the envelope with her name, resting against the teapot. She opened it and within seconds was sitting down trying to digest what...

4 years ago
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Marianne Ch 02

That night while I lay in bed, my thoughts kept drifting to that afternoon with Matthew. I couldn’t stop smiling. I had never felt so alive, every nerve in my body was humming with electricity when I recalled his touch. The one thing I didn’t expect was the overwhelming guilt that kept creeping up behind my thoughts of Matthew. I knew I would feel guilty but not to this degree. It didn’t seem to matter that my husband and I hardly spoke or the fact that we hadn’t had sex in over five months,...

1 year ago
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A hot winter vacation

This is Shaunak from Bangalore again, with another one of my wild real life encounters. As mentioned, I am now 28 yrs old, 5’11 with an athletic body. Years ago, our group of college friends decided to go for a 3night/4 day holiday to Kodaikanal. The group consisted of 4 guys (Rohan, Rohit, and Sanjeev & Pradeep) and 5 girls (Simran, Geeta, Mona, and Aparna & Sanjana). Since we were light on cash and allowance, we decided to stay at Sanjeev’s bungalow, overlooking the lake. It was a beautiful...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two in the City

Armand and I met in college when he was a French exchange student and we quickly became friends. We discovered we had similar social interests and we shared an apartment for a while. I showed him “the sights” so to speak during the months we studied together and introduced him to some girls whom I knew would go crazy for his French accent. I had not heard from him since he moved back to Paris after college until just two months ago. He called and mysteriously invited me to come stay with him...

Straight Sex
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Island DelightChapter 10 Captain Jacks

“Where is this place?” asked Steve Oliver. “It’s called Captain Jack’s. I saw it when we went into town this morning. Babs said it had really nice seafood. We can drive if you want, but it’s close enough to take the shuttle or walk,” replied Brenda. Steve shrugged. “Are we going as a group?” “No, it’s just us. Babs said she and Tully were going to pack some dinner and head way down the beach...” She grinned and waggled her eyebrows at that. “And Liz and Bob were going somewhere else in...

4 years ago
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The Indentured Maid

The Indentured Maid By Janis Elizabeth Devon Lindsey had two passions in his life, neither of which he could or would reveal to his family and friends. First was his love of wearing women's clothing, a love that first began in his pre-teen years when he had found a pair of his mother's silky panties folded on top of the clean laundry in the basket. When he touched them, he felt an exciting sensation go through him, a sensation that caused him to hurry to his room and try on this...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With Mom8217s Sister

Hi there. I’m sam(name changed). I’m 20 when my first encounter happened. I’m a natural guy with about 80kgs in weight and 5’10” tall and a dick of length 6′ and width 2.5′. This is my first encounter with a mature lady of age 32 years, my mom’s sister. she has a busty body with 34D boobs and 38 sized butt. she looks so sexy and any guy wants to have her at least once. Coming to the part, I’ve finished my college and sitting in the home alone. My mom’s sister, Rani, lives two lanes away from...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Luna Light Ashley Red Swapping Martial Arts Muff

Beautiful Luna Light and sexy Ashley Red are all about disciplining their bodies. They study the ancient martial arts with their dads to become the most agile and fierce versions of themselves. But while they are focused on getting their minds and bodies attuned, their dads are focused on their asses and tits! The pervy old guys help each others daughters out with some stretches, and pretty soon they get some dirty ideas. They swap daughters and give them some deeply penetrating training that...

2 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 13

When she recovered "toy now I'm really going to hurt you. I'm going to gag you because of the lack of sound insulation. I'm going to watch your head. Shake it hard when it gets too much. That will be your safe word. Now open wide." She must have the same kind inflatable gag that Red has because it did not take long and I thought my jaws would separate. I shook my head and Cindy let a bit of the air out. When it became tolerable I just nodded. "Good boy, I like it that you communicate...

3 years ago
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Detention with my teacher and 2 of the sexiest gir

I was in 7th grade computer class and was fucking around pissing off the teacher, let me descrive her real fast 33 years old, 5'7'' 121 pounds blonde hair to her shoulders, 38 c tits and an ass to die for. Anyway back to what I was saying, I ended up getting detention man was I pissed who would have thought just becasue I pinched her ass she would give me detention? Well I arrived for dention at the end of the day. I walked to her classroom and knocked on the door she came to the door and...

3 years ago
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HannahChapter 7 Words and Complications

I woke up slowly, listening to two voices whispering. I caught only small snatches of the conversation. " ... it was safer." " ... want breakfast?' " ... later, maybe. Let her sleep." I felt covered and warm, although I was a little sweaty. I had my arm across Evan's chest, and my head was tucked into his shoulder. He was facing me and our legs were intertwined. I had a general feeling of euphoria with a dull ache in my nether regions, and my arms and legs felt like spaghetti. I...

2 years ago
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Day at lizes

It was an average day in home room where the k**s were talking while the teacher struggled to take roll. Me and liz were talking about drawing, anime and manga. Liz being a little “out there” says to me “hey I have a lil more risque stuff at home, you should swing by and check it out” “sure what time” I reply, to wich she says “any time before…” I had drifted off into space thinking about her her long flowing blonde hair, her petite little body and her perfect A cup breast. “hey, you there?”...

3 years ago
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Doctor BrandleChapter 11

Doctor Steven Brandle had become content with his life working as a GP in Lake Lancer. He felt more satisfaction in helping people working as a GP than he ever did when he was doing cosmetic surgery. The pace of life was slower here which had him more relaxed than he remembered being in a long time. While there were things he missed because of not being in LA, they really weren’t that important and he was learning to live without them. A prime example he thought of this satisfaction he felt...

3 years ago
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 The sun warmed her face as she tipped her chin up into the blanket of summer heat. She had closed her eyes long ago, only after his bronzed chest and shoulders finally failed to block the blazing disk that made its way across the sky above them. She stretched luxuriously under him, her hands and arms exploring the hard contours of muscle and bone. Then, as if gliding through a warm, shifting sea, she spread her arms wide, hands plunging into the warm sand just beyond the edges of the rumpled...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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AssParade Richelle Ryan Poolside Fucking

The legendary Richelle Ryan is back on Bang Bros and she gave us a special treat today. She loves the sun and she knows that in Miami, you gotta get some sun. She shows off her amazing body in a sexy bikini. Her perfect and huge ass PLUS her gigantic tits, we were in heaven. She shakes her booty in the pool and then our boy Peter comes in to get her all oiled up. She sucks the soul out of his dick before letting him fuck her perfect tits. They have sex in multiple positions, in and out of the...

2 years ago
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Bad Karma Part III

Part 3 - Becoming the Perfect Party Girl Over the next week Dan recovered the camera and gave the footage to Oscar to process. He did, much to his secret shame, watch all the footage himself from the camera, although he internally justified it as conducting research on Lauren. It was however not the complete truth and Dan was horrified at his own voyeurism in the whole endeavour. The time lapsed tape showed all the various girls classes changing for their PE lesson, many of which were...

2 years ago
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Bad Girl Chapter 6

Every twenty minutes or so, they got out of the hot tub and took a dip in the pool, then returned to the tub. They got invited to a few camper-led activities to be held over the next few days and were given a few recommendations of classes and demos to attend. After about ninety minutes, they headed to the showers, then went back to their campsite. On the way back, they noticed a number of additional vendor booths and decided to check them out the next day. They cuddled together and soon fell...

2 years ago
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Lonely Weekend

I had just finished a very long and tiring week of sales calls, traveling through three of the five western states my company had assigned to me. I was spending practically all my time traveling from one client to another, making a frantic effort to head off the catastrophe that was looming if I couldn't improve on my sales numbers. It felt good to get back home to my little one bedroom apartment, but I still had a suitcase full of dirty laundry, a week's worth of unread mail and a whole...

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