TV Impersonation -- 1 free porn video

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TV IMPERSONATION by "C.C" "Im afraid the Will is quite explicit, Mr. VanLow," the Attorney told me. "When you and your Cousin Julia turn Twenty-five next year, she will inherit the bulk of the Estate. Oh, you and the Fubdation will receive some holdings, but Julia will control the major portion of the VanLow Fortune. Unless --" He hesitated, looking uncomfortable behind his expensive desk. "Unless what?" I asked eagerly, leaning forward in one of his comfortable office chairs. "Well, the Will has the usual provision that if Julia should show any signs of serious mental instability or behave in a manner so eccentric as to bring shame upon the VanLow Name... but that's hardly likely!" "But if she did?" I insisted. "That would be a matter for the Courts, but the nearest relative -- that's you -- would end up inheriting the entire Estate. Of course, you'd have to prove that her behavior was unusually outlandish - depraved even -- but once you'd established it in Court, she'd be cut off without a Cent. She'd even be legally forbidden to sue for a portion." "And I could put that money to work for the Environment," I mused. "As I say, however, knowing your Cousin Julia, such a thing is hardly likely. And from handling some of your investments, I know that you're doing just fine even without the inheritance-- You are now, and always will be a man of considerable Wealth and Prestige." "Perhaps," I said, rising. "And then again, perhaps not. Good day, Mr. Abernathy, I'll be in touch." As I tooled along the City streets in my Tesla, I made plans. Made and discarded them, that is. I knew that Julia had her strange side--once she got those millions, she'd probably use them to invent new kinks of her own--but I also knew that she was much too clever and careful to let anyone get hard evidence of her perversions. Experience had taught her to spot a Set-Up immediately and to smell a Camera a Mile off. If I wanted to get that money and put it to a worthwhile use, I was going to need help.... Relaxing on the couch in my Penthouse living room, Eva took a drag on her cigarette. "So you want to frame this Cousin of yours and you want me to help you, eh Larry?" she asked. "Something like that," I smiled. I'd explained the Inheritance situation to Eva and she'd seemed interested. "Naturally I called you. If you can't do it yourself, then you know who can!" Eva smiled at the compliment. Although she looks like an innocent co-ed, Eva is probably the most knowing and least inhibited Call Girl in the States. I know that sounds like quite a boast, but she gets a Thousand Dollars a night for her services, and her customers never feel cheated. At least I never did, and I've had my pick of the World's Professionals. Eva studied a photograph of Julia. "What plan did you have in mind?" she asked. "None at all until earlier today when I started looking at that picture," I said. "Notice the family resemblance?" Eva looked thoughtful. "You're right," she said, "You do resemble your Cousin Julia somewhat." "More than 'somewhat'," I said. "We have the same auburn hair, the same chin and cheekbones, even the same eyes and nose." "So?" "So," I said carefully, "I could pass for my cousin Julia! Well enough to convince strangers and certainly well enough to photograph!" "I think I understand." Eva nodded. "You mean..." "I mean that my Cousin Julia is probably the kinkiest, most depraved woman this side of Hell. But she's too careful to let herself be photographed..." "But if someone else -- someone who looked like Julia -- should be photographed in some scandalous activity," Eva went on, "she'd have a tough time denying it!" "Exactly!" I said. "I could get dozens of witnesses to swear truthfully that such activities are typical of her. All I need is the photographs of -- Someone who looks like Julia!" "Meaning you?" "Meaning me," I affirmed. "I majored in Drama in College. I know I can carry off the impersonation!" "So that's why you wanted me to bring a change of clothes, and my camera," Eva said. "Well, let's get started!" For the next hour I was willing putty in Eva's hands as she teasingly removed our clothes and coaxed me into my Sauna-bath. There she massaged me with some pungent cream from her purse, working on my arms, legs, chest and ass, stopping often to give my aroused cock a skillful caress. As I dozed in erotic drowsiness, I felt her soothing my eyebrows, tugging gently at my eyelashes, and running her fingers lightly over my face. With almost hypnotic talent, she kept me relaxed almost to the point of sleep, yet tingling with erotic anticipation at the same time. It was like a sexy dream. Finally, gently, she awoke me, stroking my as -yet- unrelieved balls. "Wake up Sweetie. Look!" I opened my eyes, slowly at first. Then wider. I was looking at Julia! "Ju-!" I started up from the Massage Table. But as I moved, a strange thing happened. Julia moved too! I was looking in a mirror! "Hee hee!" Eva giggled, holding up the mirror. "That's some resemblance!" Slowly I got to my feet as Eva held the mirror for me. My auburn hair, always rather long, had been coiffed into a feminine shape identical to Julia's. My face was skillfully made up, lips full and sensuous, eyes delicately shadowed and mascaraed, cheeks artfully rouged. Even as I gaped in wonder, the face that looked back at me never lost a bit of its girlishness. But Eva hadn't stopped at the face. From the neck down, except for my crotch, my skin had been soothed with depilatory, removing the hair and leaving my flesh soft and woman-like. Looking at myself in a full-length mirror, I saw how shapely my legs were, how round and feminine my bottom looked without all that masculine hair. "Eva, you're brilliant!" I gushed. "It's a great start! I can't wait to get on with the impersonation!" "Not yet," she cautioned. "You won't be ready to pass yourself off in public for quite a while. It'll take weeks of training and --" "Nonsense!" I snapped. "I know I can pass and do it convincingly. Just get me some clothes!" "Well, I do have some things in my bag..." Eva said thoughtfully. "Then get them. I'll show you." Minutes later, Eva and I were both dressed, and I learned first-hand what kind of spare clothing a Call Girl can carry in her over-sized purse. Eva had loaned me her underwear -- dark pantyhose and matching black lace panties and bra, which I'd filled out with nylon stockings. From her purse, she produced a sleeveless black knit top and a hot pink mini-skirt that clung to my ass and showed off my shapely legs very nicely. Eva even put on a pair of my loafers so she could loan me her shoes, a cute black patent leather pair with four-inch heels. I squeezed into them and practiced walking about. "My, you are talented!" Eva said admiringly. "The way you move your hips when you walk is positively captivating!" "Told you so!" I smirked. "With my talent, I should have been an actor!" "Or actress," Eva said. "You'd fit right in as Julia!" "That's fine," I said, "but I want you to change my makeup a bit and then get the camera. I want to look like I'd fit in on any Downtown street corner!" Catching on quickly, Eva made my makeup just a little bolder, and I assumed a brassy pose as she snapped pictures. "These snapshots are fine for starters," Eva said, winding the film, "but wouldn't Julia be doing this out on the street?" "Of course," I said. "Pack up my keys and some money in that camera case. I'll use it as a purse." I checked my watch. "It's ten o'clock. Where can we go?" "I know a good spot near Campus," Eva said. "I'll drive. You wouldn't want to get stopped in that outfit!" Several minutes later, I was standing out in front of a campus bar, striking a whorish attitude while Eva took pictures from across the street. I marveled at my convincing femininity and the sense of power it gave me. Now and then, I'd see some timid-looking guy walking down the street and I'd come on to him. I always picked mousey types, who would shy away as soon as I propositioned them. The wimps took one look at my jutting breasts and hard makeup and almost ran. I laughed heartily. What fun! Then I felt a sharp pinch on my bottom. "Ouch!" I squealed and spun around. "Hi, Honey!" The speaker with the busy fingers was a husky college lad with three of his buddies. They all seemed a little drunk. "Looking for some action, Girlie?" the big one asked. "No!" I almost forgot to speak in a feminine voice, so great was my alarm. "I mean--" I corrected myself, "it's getting late and..." Suddenly I felt something behind me. While I'd been talking to the big fellow, one of his drunken friends had slipped around and grabbed my purse! "Give that back!" I protested. "Go get it, Foxie!" He laughed and tossed it into the open window of a parked car. Quickly I scampered over and reached in for it. "All aboard!" someone shouted. All at once, I felt myself being hoisted into the car as doors slammed around me. Laughing the boys piled in, ignoring my protests. I heard the engine roar into life. The next instant, as I tried to get up, the car lunged forward, throwing me back down as we pulled out into the street. "Let me out!" I shouted. "Aw quiet down, Red." The big guy in back pulled me onto his lap. Two of the other boys rode in the back seat with us as the one who'd snatched my purse drove. "Let's start getting friendly!" The big guy put his hand on my thigh. "You don't understand," I squirmed, dislodging his hand. "I don't really--" and then the worst happened. As I struggled to escape his grip, the husky one reached up and squeezed my breast. Or what he thought was my breast. His jaw dropped in surprise as he felt the stuffed bra cup crumple in his hand. "What the Hell?" he gasped. "This is a guy!" Everyone stared at me. "A damn Queer!" "No!" I cried. "I'm not! I didn't mean to--" "Not queer?" he shouted. "Just what the hell are you doing in that outfit on the street then? Damn Fairie!" "It's -- I'm..." I thought quickly. "Initiation! I had to do this for initiation!" "Huh!" They were unconvinced. "Some initiation!" "I know!" one of them said. "Let's give this faggot a real initiation!" Before I knew it, I was flipped over onto my stomach. Someone grabbed my wrists as the big guy pulled me over his lap. "This creep is gonna get a real Frat spanking!" "No!" I cried. "Let me go!" But it was useless. Strong hands flipped up my skirt and tugged down my panties and panty hose. A muscular arm restrained my kicking legs. The spanking started! "Now, Bitch! (Smack!) How's this for initiation? (Smack') Is this what you're looking for? (Smack! Smack!) Are you going to hang around and try to sucker in straight guys any more? (Smack!) Well, Queer, are you?" "Oh no! Ouch! I'll quit' OH!' I'll quit' Please stop! Ow! It was just - Eee! Initiation' I'm not - Owwww!" After a painful eternity, the spanking and the car stopped. I felt myself being pulled out and hustled on to the sidewalk as I tried to pull my skirt down into place and pull up my underwear. But the boys weren't through with me They pulled my panties and stockings completely off, jamming my shoes back on roughly. One of them got a knife and some nylon fishing line from the trunk of the car and they proceeded to tie me to a parking meter underneath a street light! First, my ankles were tied together to the base of the pole. Then, a length of cord was tied tightly around my waist and secured to the top of the meter, forcing me to stand there. When I tried to protest, they stuffed my panties in my mouth! Amused at my predicament, they made little additions to my bondage. My left wrist was tied to the cord around my waist, forcing me to hold my hand on my hip. My camera-case-purse went back over my shoulder with my right wrist tied to the strap, so that I appeared to be carrying it casually. Unable to say a word, I watched as the boys arranged my pantyhose artistically in the gutter beside me and drove off laughing! Alone there, tied to the meter, I squirmed helplessly. It only made my false breasts push against my top as I stood there. I realized that I must make quite a sight with my short skirt and high heels in this trampy pose. How was I going to get out of this? "Having trouble, Dearie?" I hadn't heard the two women approach, but they couldn't fail to notice me now as they walked up behind me. "Urrfgh!" I opened my mouth as far as I could and tried to push out the panties. "My, you are in a mess!" They were both blonde and dark-skinned. One wore a fake-fur leopard-skin coat and a floppy white hat. The other wore a leather jacket and white vinyl boots. I could tell at a glance that they were practicing the trade that I was decked out for. "Hmmmm," said Leopard-skin, studying my bondage, "some Dude sure fixed this Lady." She made no move to free me. "Wonder what she's doin' down here when everyone knows we work this block?" the other one wondered. She casually opened my purse. "Only fifty bucks!" I was silently glad that I hadn't carried any identification with me. I heard my keys clatter to the sidewalk as Leather-Jacket dumped out my purse. But Leopard-Skin had made another discovery! She raised my skirt, revealing my un-pantied crotch... "Well my my!" she giggled. "Our Honkey Bitch is really a She-Male! What'sa matter, Honey, did some John object to your plumbing?" I felt myself blush beet red as they laughed. If only I could speak or move out of this shameful pose! But Leather-Jacket was toying with my genitals now, stroking me expertly into arousal. "You like this, Honey?" she asked. "I mean, you get off on wearing dresses and being tied up? Ummm, look at this little pecker get stiff! You really groove on this, don'cha?" No! I wanted to cry, I don't! I was only here because my scheme to frame my Cousin had gone wrong. If only those College Boys hadn't done this to me! But here I was, feminized and helplessly bound at the mercy of two Black Hookers. "Well, Honey, I got your fifty bucks, so I guess you expect me to give you a hand job. Only I don't do women, not even little She-Males like you, so I guess you're gonna have to stay horny a while!" "I got an idea!" Leopard-Skin spoke up. "Let's help this bitch cool off!" Swiftly she pulled a wicked-looking knife from her purse. I quailed inside as she flicked the wicked-looking blade out. With a few deft strokes, she cut away my clothing. My top, bra and skirt were reduced to rags that she pitched down the sewer -- I was naked! Leather-Jacket giggled at the sight of me, nude in high heels, my body smooth and feminine, face and hair girlishly made up, bound in that brassy pose and sporting a hard-on! I wished desperately that I could cover myself, but my hands stayed bound where they were, one on my rounded hip, the other clutching the purse strap that still went over my bare shoulder. "Hee-hee!" Leopard-Skin laughed. "Let's pretty her up some!" She pulled lipstick from her purse and began coloring my nipples and ass. She even shadowed my chest with eyeliner to give an illusion of cleavage! Leather-Jacket suppressed a smile and shook her head at me softly. "Poor thing! All tied up so feminine and naked! I'll bet you'd like us to give you some clothes and let you go, wouldn't you, Girlie?" I nodded vigorously. She toyed with my aroused cock a little more. "Well, Honey, we're gonna do just that! I see whoever tied her up left a lot of that fish line here. Hand me that knife!" Working with skill and amusement, she cut away the cords that bound me to the parking meter without touching the bonds that secured my wrists and ankles. Then she took some left over wire and hobbled my knees with it. Sure that I wouldn't run away now, she removed the bondage from my ankles. I knew that I could only take short, mincing steps with my knees hobbled, and besides, my hands were still bound. So I didn't try to resist or escape as she pulled a hair-curler from her purse and rolled it up tightly in the hair in back of my head. With a sadistic smile, she tied the remaining cord to the hair-curler, then ran the free end down my back. "Pull your head back, Honey," she said, tugging on the cord. "That's right, arch your neck wa-ay back. 'Cause you're gonna want to have a lot of slack when I do... this!" Quickly she passed the free end of the cord between my ass-cheeks and tied it in a tight loop around the base of my cock and balls. I was stuck -- forced to keep my head and back arched backwards as the taut cord cut painfully into the crack of my ass and tugged mercilessly on my genitals. The loop was so tight that it trapped the blood in my cock, keeping it embarrassingly erect. Anyone who saw me would think I was enjoying this! Leopard-Skin put her floppy wide-brimmed hat on my head to hide the curler, then said, "Now Honey, I'm gonna take those cute little panties out of your mouth. And when I do, I want you to speak in a nice girlish voice and thank us for treating you so nice -- cause if you don't, I'm gonna cut you!" She pulled the panties from my mouth and flung them down the sewer with the rest of my clothes. Struggling to find my voice, trembling with the chill, fear and embarassment, I stammered, "Th-Thank you, M-Ma' am!" "Thanks for what?" Leather-Jacket asked, toying with the knife. "Thanks f-for untying me from that m-meter and-and giving me clothes so I can go, Ma'am!" "Be more specific, Dear," Leopard-Skin persisted. As though begging for my life, I gushed, "Thank you, Mistress, for leaving me my shoes and purse and for giving me this lovely hat and this pretty bondage so that-- " I blushed "-- so that I'll be such a pretty sight as I walk down the street!" "Honey, you sure will! Now get going! Hustle that bare ass!" Hurriedly I did as I was told. I didn't know where I was going, but I definitely wanted to get away from those two! My bound knees forced me to take small steps and switch my bottom as I walked, a fact that was emphasized by my arched-back bondage. I felt awfully what a ridiculous picture I must make, mincing along this way in my exaggerated makeup,- wearing only heels, hat and shoulder-purse, forced to walk with one hand on my hip and the other on my purse-strap, like a posing model. Some pose! I looked about me as best I could, seeking out the darker streets. I listened carefully over the clicking of my heels for the sound of anyone approaching, and when I thought someone was coming, I quickly changed direction. Approaching car lights would send me scurrying into darkened doorways. I walked for blocks in this condition until I at last found a deserted phone booth. Struggling with my bonds, I managed to have the Operator put through a call to Eva. "Larry," she answered at last, "I'm glad I came home here to wait after you disappeared. Are you all right? What happened to you?" "No time to explain," I said through chattering teeth. "I'm at the corner of Town and Third. Come and get me. And hurry. I'll be in the shadows behind the trash cans and -- Oh Dear! Here comes a car!" And I hurried into the protective darkness. An hour later, in Eva's apartment, I soothed away the last of the rope marks as I explained. I hadn't been able to go home because my keys were lost, and besides, I had no clothes. So Eva had snuck me into her place and given me a cute little shorty-pajam in yellow silk. "Well," she sighed when I finished my story, "I guess that ends your plan to impersonate your Cousin Julia and get all that money." "Not a bit," I snapped. "It's a good plan, and I've got the talent and imagination to bring it off. I just wasn't adequately prepared. But tomorrow we're going to change all that." "What do you mean?" "Tomorrow you're going to take me around to some of your kinkiest friends for a crash course in Female Impersonation. I'm going to spare no expense to become a convincing woman!" "You certainly do seem set on this," Eva mused. "You bet I am. I went through a lot of pain and humiliation tonight. I mean to make sure it doesn't happen again!" And so, wearing Eva's silk pajamas, I went to sleep. Early the next afternoon, Eva and I walked into the luxurious boutique known as "Mam'Zelle's". Even I, worldly as I am, blinked at the sight of so many bizarre feminine garments. There were racks of dresses, exotically styled. Literally hundreds of robes and nighties decorated the walls. Lingerie and footwear of every description filled shelf after shelf. And one corner featured some intriguing leather gear. "Can I help you?" The lady who spoke was middle aged and quite good looking, with perfectly styled hair and tasteful makeup. Her stylish pantsuit showed her figure to good advantage, accentuated with a little jewelry. In all, a rather classy lady! "Oh, hi Zelda!" Eva smiled. "Meet Larry!" The one called Zelda looked at me with a trace of surprise. "Oh, is this the one you called me about? Why, I never would have guessed!" I understood her surprise, for I was looking pretty good myself in one of Eva's dresses, a light blue tricot thing with a modest neckline and sensible hem. Underneath this, I wore matching powder-blue undies, a slip, and "nude look" pantyhose. With my white leather purse and matching four-inch-heel shoes, I looked quite the convincing young lady, especially since Eva had helped me again with my hair and makeup. "Perhaps you wouldn't guess at first," I said in my 'Julia' voice, "but this disguise won't stand close contact, and I may be in for some very close-up encounters!" "That's why we came to you, Zelda," Eva went on. "Larry here has to do some rather daring things, and he must do them disguised as a woman. We knew that if anyone could help us with it, it was you!" "Well thank you, Dear," Zelda smiled at the compliment. "So we'll get down to cases, Larry. What do you call yourself when you're dressed?" "Er - Julia," I said. "That's beautiful," Zelda said. "It's very important to have a feminine identity. Hmm, is that a stuffed brassiere? I thought so. Come back here and I'll show you something a little better!" She led the way to a back room fitted out as a Hair Dresser's Salon. And from a box, she pulled out something that looked like a breast! "Like it? It's rubber. Go ahead, touch it!" Almost timidly, I stroked it. It even felt real! "Isn't it masterful? A perfect 38-D. With these glued to your breast, you'll fool anyone!" I hesitated. "I don't know...." "Of course, I have a series of shots that will make you grow real ones in a few weeks," Zelda went on. "If you really want a convincing long-term job, I'd recommend the shots." "I think I'll just try these for now," I said quickly. "Fine! I'll help you put them-on," Zelda said cheerfully. "But first, let's decide what to do with your privates!" "What do you mean?" I asked. "I thought if I just tucked them back...." "That's all right if you're in a hurry and plan on using them," Zelda lectured, "but if you really want a convincing cover-up, I recommend one of these!" She held out something that looked like a blonde mouse. I must have sounded like a schoolgirl when I said, "What on Earth is that?" "It's called a Pussy-Wig. It laces into your pubic hair and glues on over your manly equipment in the same way the breasts glue on to your chest. And while it pushes your male organs back out of sight, it covers them with this." I looked at it closely. It resembled a woman's pubic patch. I could almost see the delicate nether lips under the hair. But under the wig, the pouch for my male organs looked awfully small. "I don't know," I hedged. "Seems like it'd be a lot of trouble to get on and off. Haven't you anything less... drastic?" Zelda bristled slightly. "Well if you're not interested in a complete transformation, you should have said so," she said. "I can fit you out with a nice leather retainer that should do the job if you keep your panties on." "That sounds better," I said. "Show me one of those." "I'll do better than that. I'll help you try one on!" An hour later, I was looking at the new me. Eva had gone to my place to pick up my checkbook and some extra keys. A phone call to the Doorman had arranged for her to have the run of my apartment, which would be convenient for me, since I couldn't go there where I might be recognized looking like this. "This" was a full-busted well-built woman! I studied myself closely in the full-length mirror in the back room. The breasts merged imperceptibly with the rest of my chest and they bounced in a realistic and very sexy way. My makeup and hairstyle, perfected by the knowing Zelda, completed the picture. I posed for the mirror, turning to one side and moving my legs a little to cover the leather cache-sexe that was my only clothing. It fit around me like a G-string, pushing my privates back into my crotch. A little uncomfortable, perhaps, but, I reflected, at least I could get it off, in a hurry. What a sight I was! Sexy legs, nice face, round ass, and now good boobs! Eagerly, I left the makeup room and went out into the store to see what other items Zelda had for me. What a mistake that was!

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MY first time

This happened to me many years ago. Some things that happen to us are special. This is one of my most memorable ones.I grew up in a very, very small town. I would always hang out with my friends. Roaming through the woods and country side. Just camping out in the woods or spending the night with each other. We were all so young and innocent. It was before we all grew up and went to Vietnam or raised a family. Not a care in the world.So one day I was just hanging out with my friend roger. we...

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The Oral Only Affair

“WTF??? Your boyfriend won’t give you oral sex? Why?”  The little black box popped up with a reply a few seconds later saying, “I tried to get him to without being pushy but it is not his thing,” she replied. “Get rid of him! Life is too short to waste on a guy that will not eat pussy,” I typed via IM. “I really like him. He is cute and so nice,” she answered. The IM’s continued over the next few weeks, both of us having fun talking dirty and both of us knowing it will not progress any further....

Oral Sex
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Escape From LexingtonChapter 12

Monday March 18, 1844 We finished unloading the wagon that held the tables and chairs and unloading a second wagon of handmade furniture as well. When both were empty, we headed for Lexington. By the time we headed home, we had three more wagons, each with a team of six mules, as well as six extra mules. I paid half as much for the mules here as they sold for in St. Louis. I can’t even imagine what they’d sell for in Independence and St. Joseph. We filled two wagons with lumber. One was...

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Fucking Diary 8211 Fucked An Unknown Girl In Rishikesh Camp

Hello Indian Sex Stories readers. Myself Harsh Singha and I am currently living in Delhi NCR. If any girl or lady from Delhi wants to enjoy some sexy and sensual moment with me please mail me at and please don’t worry about your privacy, I will take care of it. That was the month of October, my birthday month. As I recently got a job and my b’day came in same month so my friends asked me to give a huge party. Instead of a party we decided to visit Rishikesh. A day before my birthday we hired 3...

5 years ago
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The Smoke of Distant Autumn Fires

Bob Harris again gave a disgusted look to the silent engine of the Ford and then shifted his gaze - just as disgustedly - to his watch. Then, in a way completely uncharacteristic for him, he vented his feelings with a single, loud expletive. "Shit!" The sudden profanity seemed to bring him back to his surroundings, but did nothing to alleviate his turmoil. Four o'clock! In another hour he was supposed to be in a town another hundred and fifty miles along the road. And that was with this...

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Bruised Manhood Times Two

For BadSarah…what we discussed in chat lol The swing had to be strong because the action was going to be vigorous! The cost wouldn’t be mine of course but his and it had to be here by the weekend. The forecast was for heavy snow and the threat of cabin fever required us all to have something to keep us entertained. Three cruel women and two, make that one and an half men. The half man was invited because he pressed his girlfriend, a BFF of mine for a threesome and insisted on having two...

4 years ago
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The Rich Bitch Part 1

Chapter 1: The New Gardner It was Adam’s 18th birthday and he was more then excited to be on his own for the occasion. His parents Andrea and Phil, unintentionally made plans to go to Maui for their anniversary the day of. Adam, of course didn’t mind. He had his own plans for his special day and he wasn’t about to play safe. ?? Adam lived in Los Angeles right off the coast overlooking the Pacific. Adam laid out on his chair next to his long crystal blue pool, soaking up the sunrays that...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 12 The Origin Of The Hatred Part Two

"So Grandmaster had this kind of past ... As a prisoner of the Black Horns tribe's two leaders..." Zax said in a sober tone. His gaze was directed forward, confronted with the wild vista of Valgarel, which generally was to his liking, but in this moment, as his eyes gauged the path ahead, his face wore a cold expression. "I've told you about it already. To both of us, since childhood, big brother was a figure of undisputed significance! From being our Master, our bond grew and...

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Spanked at the Dance

I spent all morning trying to call him and I wouldn’t give up until I spoke with him. Relentlessly, I hit the “redial” button on my cell phone until I finally reached him. After 3 full hours of futile attempts, my efforts finally rewarded when I heard the phone ring. “Homicide,” the man answered. “Liu, please reconsider and go to the dance with me,” I begged. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? And why the hell are you calling on my desk phone?” He asked angrily. “It’s because I couldn’t...

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Dont Lie Any More I Know

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Besides my regular work, I have been a volunteer for the county for the past six months and love what I do. I help with grief canceling of widows to help them cope after their loss. I like to meet with them in a small coffee shop where we can discuss their loss and future options, this is my way of having a cozy office. A personal touch...

3 years ago
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More thoughts on Womens Orgasms

Since writing my last piece, I have had the opportunity to visit R. a mature woman who, as I said, told me she gushes. The first time with her was such a fantastic experience that I have returned twice more and will do so again.Appearing before me in exquisite lingerie, I found her irresistable and once on the bed my hand was soon between her legs with my fingers seeking to enter her. She was already wet. Very wet. As I stimulated her she not only climaxed but gushed a copious amount with...

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Sex encounter with maid

Today I am going to narrate one of my real experience with my sexy and cute maid name Usha.First let me describe myself. I am a average looking guy with a good physic. My tool size is approx 6.5 to 7 inches and I am very fond of having sex. U can even say it is the best way to relax myself. I am married and have a k** as well. My wife loves me and like me on bed. She always says that No one can satisfy as I am. To be very honest it is one of my quality.Coming back to our story, as my wife is a...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 8

Although the wedding was not a major event in the life of Bristol, it nevertheless made waves in the family. The ladies had, of course, turned out in their finery, and Uncle John was taken into the church in a chair with wheels attached. He took little interest in the proceedings and returned to his room at home immediately after the ceremony. The waves in the family were caused by the fact the the house was simply no longer big enough, and the answer would be to move, but in the meantime...

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Best Laid PlansChapter 10

Mark and Greg slept until 5:00 o'clock that afternoon. Mark awoke to the buzzing of the clock and said, "I'd like to throw the alarm clock through the front window." "And me with it. Since we cut classes today, why not call in sick at the restaurant?" "I need the money." "Yeah, me too. God what a night!" "I'm afraid to look at my dick. Must've rubbed a half inch off its circumference and I don't have that much to spare." "We can tattoo last night to our memory bank....

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVIII - Edging, pro-wrestling moves, side saddle? What exactly are Jezebel and Ismeralda up to? All shall be revealed. Mistress Ismeralda starts fucking me at a very slow pace. A slow, deliciously slow stroke out, and then a faster thrust deeper into me. Over and over the pace barely changes, then she picks up, faster and faster. I moan harder into the pillows. "Oh Goddess, oh Goddess, I am getting close." Mistress Ismy stops. And then, fairly...

4 years ago
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Over The Hill Not Under It

Introduction: A 50 YO wife learns that what she had been missing all her life was BIG cocks. Over the hill – not under it. Jim and I had been married for six months when he started talking to me about swinging. Six more months later I finally said yes. Little did he know that it was a big mistake. Im Jenny. Im 55 tall and weigh 125 pounds with c cup tits and a nice flat tummy, long dark brown hair and blue eyes. I was a 21-year-old virgin when we got married and Jim was 25. Jim is 6 and...

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Fucking From Within the Closet

I had spent so many nights lying on my bed with my hand on my penis, thinking about men. I had never been lucky with girls so justified my sometimes unforgivable thoughts about guys with 'When I start getting attention from girls I'll stop'. But it didn't stop. I met a girl called Amanda who went to my school. She was a loud, bubbly and very friendly blonde with the looks of a Victoria's Secret model. She was the type of girl who everybody had to have had sex with. We went behind a club...

2 years ago
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My Cum and Pain Loving Sluts Story

This is a story written by my slave for me. I thought I should share it with everyone.I want you to tie my wrists to the bed. leaving my ankles untied so you can move them easily to where you want them. putting my pussy juice soaked panties into my mouth with duct tape over my mouth as well. having you walk up to me and put your hand firmly on my neck and give me a kiss on my forehead. you strip down and pull your belt off your pants and tell me to spread my legs as far as i can, i do as you...

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The Weekend Chapter 12

Please read previous chapters to get the whole story. Hope you enjoy.Chapter 12As Carrie laid there recovering, she said she wanted to suck Laura's juices off my dick. I laid on my back and Carrie put my dick in her mouth and sucked all of Lauras juices from my dick. She kissed all the way up my body until our mouths met. We kissed and our tongues tingled as we both tasted Laura on our lips. Carrie laid on top of me, she felt my hard dick pushing on her tummy, she wanted it so much inside her....

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just a fantasy between bros without the hoes

One of my fantasies...... I come in and we start off with the inspection.You make me take my shirt off and then stand in front of you with my hands on my head.You then undo the button on my jeans, and pull the zipper down, and pull the pants down to my ankles.You then pull my underwear down, and begin to make fun of my penis.You then make me step out of everything and take my socks off.You then begin to inspect my penis and balls. Pinching, stretching, playing with my foreskin.Then once done,...

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The RescuedChapter 83 SM03Tau Day 13 Afternoon

When Petty Officer First Class Rebecca Lott arrived at SM03-Tau, the dusky-skinned beauty that Roger had told her about was waiting, and escorted her to the dining room, where Steve was finishing up his lunch, a naked Hispanic woman kneeling by his side, wearing only a collar and cuffs. "I'm sorry if I'm early," Rebecca said. "No, you're fine; I'm just running late," Steve told her. "I had an interesting morning, and got a little behind schedule." He stroked the woman's head, and...

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Quasimodo Takes the Johnson Sisters

Thomas Klingman left the Confederacy CAP testing center walking with his usual shuffling gait, with his head pointed down towards the cement walkway. He was five foot four, and had been born with a spinal condition that had left him somewhat stooped over and caused him to have severely rounded shoulders. He'd also been born with a condition known as cleft lip and palate, and also had a congenitally weakened right arm and leg. If all that hadn't been burden enough for him to carry, he'd had...

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Extensions1.Through their twenty-five years of marriage Ted and Joan had enjoyed a successful and varied sex life. Joan allowed Ted his kinky side and often went along with and enjoyed erotic dress and a little bondage. She knew that Ted had wishes for more but had always kept their experiences within her own limits. She was well aware that tonight would stretch those limits but had agreed with Ted that a little indulgence might be fun. Over the years Ted had purchased all manner of sexy things...

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MonstersOfCock Cadence Lux Dreams Of Black Cock

So today Cadence Lux walked into my office for a quick therapy session. Her problem is that she constantly keeps having these dreams of big black cocks. Every night her dreams of huge monster black dicks keep returning to the point that she just didn’t know what to do anymore. This is where my expertise comes into play, I told her the only thing to stop the dreams is to fulfill those fantasies. That’s why I prescribed her some Black motherfucking cock. She dropped on her knees and swallowed my...

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I Started IV Our Honeymoon

Chapter-4 Our Honeymoon. I Started Thinking about our wedding night. We arrived at Royal Flush Hotel in Las Vegas, in time to unpack, wash up, and go downstairs to eat. We had a very romantic meal, we did a little gambling, some dancing, and a lot of heavy petting?we were ready to turn in. Our room was the Bridal Suite that had everything one would want including ?His and Her? towels and ?His and Her? bathrobes. All I wanted was the very large heart shaped bed. Cindy...

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Hatching a Heroine Chapter 10

Hatching A Heroine Chapter 10 Written by Emilie Ember Edited by Talia Elliott Belser Melissa walked behind her guard in silence, largely staring at the ground as the dark furred rabbit guided her down a series of hallways. The guard, who looked menacing with a spear in their hands, eventually came to a stop in front of an unadorned wooden door. It was when the guard reached for the doorknob that Melissa noticed something that had escaped notice thus far. "You have...

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Arabian Plaything Chapter 17

FLASHBACK Waiting to be punished was the worst of all. They knew it. That’s why there were often long drawn-out hours between the pronouncement of a punishment and its administration. Hassan’s words were of the previous night were still in Belle’s ears when she awoke the following morning. “For your carelessness, slave, you are to be birched,” he had said. “It will take place tomorrow afternoon. And it will take place before the ladies and gentlemen you offended.” Offended? Could it be said she...

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Lindas Web of Seduction 3 continued

"Mmmmmm" Kathy moaned. "You're right; he does eat some good pussy!"Linda was laid back, her thighs slightly apart, her cunt shiny and juicy and swollen. She was licking her juice off the glass dildo, her eyes smiling and locked with mine."Grab my bag, babe," Linda directed Kathy. "And you come over here," she demanded, her toes and foot reaching around my neck as if to pull me in to her snatch. "It's my turn." With that, Linda pulled my face to her wet cunt, my tongue immediately exploring her...

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The Marshes Of Avalon

It was a crisp, clear winter morning. Though she was immune to its effects, she could feel the cold permeating the air. A thin blanket of frost covered the landscape, the sun’s weak rays reflecting off the tiny ice crystals, creating an ethereal beauty seldom seen where she came from.Honking softly, a flight of geese banked and landed gently on the water.She sensed that people didn’t come here very often during the cold months. It was too dangerous. They lost their way in the marshes, and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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His and Her Jobs Part 9

Chapter 62 I awoke in my pink bliss to my alarm buzzing repeatedly for me to hit it, ok it was really trying to wake me, but its destruction sounded like a good idea. I restrained myself and lightly tapped it to silence. I awoke again to its buzzing, realizing I had drifted right back to sleep. Damn it. I hit it again and purposely sat up, throwing back my covers and swinging my feet over the side of the bed. I gently rubbed my eyes so as not to stab my eye out with one of my...

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Protective Husband Four Loves part three

This is the continuation of the Winfield saga. Robert has a troubling discovery he needs to speak with Jewels about. Morgan his 14-year-old daughter, who has never been pregnant, is lactating. Robert knows there are some serious conditions that could cause this, and he fears for his loves health. Once I recovered I look about the room and all my loves are here with me. I whisper “Jewels, I need to speak to you.” Jewels rising and turns to me, looking over Sara she rests on her...

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Swim Coach chapter 5

I couldn’t wait for practice the next day, though when I got there I learned that Matt was out sick. I was disappointed by his absence and recall that some of those butterflies of doubt seemed to reinvade my belly. My practice was lackluster and I think I must have been pretty moody because Beth called me on it after practice. I told her that nothing was wrong but I could tell she didn’t believe me. I really felt the need to talk to Matt so I did something that I can’t imagine myself doing now....

First Time
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Angelique and Francoise

Angelique and Francoise Chapter 1 A Caribbean Holiday?? Basic statistics first. My wife and I had been married for 7 years. Happily married with a normal sex life, nothing spectacular but a very pleasant existence. We normally holidayed for two weeks in the summer in the sun somewhere. Neither of us had any particular hobby nor belonged to any outside interests. We live in the UK near Manchester. My wife Jennifer is 5 ft 2, slim build with mousey coloured hair. Very petit, grey...

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Boston to BirminghamChapter 2

She stepped of the train, tired, miserable after a two day ride. The heat and humidity hit her like a physical slap. "Who the hell would voluntarily live here?" she thought as she dragged her cases behind her. No one offered to help. "So much for the vaunted Southern hospitality you hear about in books and movies. Maybe Hardy put the word out through the redneck grapevine." Thinking his name caused her a brief flash of pain. Yes, damn it, what happened was her fault, but he should...

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A Dark Erotica Around Lust And Power 8211 Part 1

It was hot here in UP, definitely way more than Mumbai. Madhuri was back home for the summer break, done with her 4th year. Still adjusting to the cold, she preferred a sleeveless kurti and tight leggings. As she would learn soon, her fair arms were perhaps too much for the conservative society she had grown up in, but flown out of to become a free bird now. Studying journalism often comes with an adjoint lesson in sociology, and she had lately become very vocal about feminism. Her clothes, as...

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A True History Book OneChapter 21

“Sorry about that, I thought I heard you say something about trying to buy four square MILES of land, for less than a million dollars,” Adrienne said after she’d picked the phone up. “I did. Here’s something else that you can pass on to Bill. If he wants to put a value on the price of the program I gave him, tell him to consider it worth fifteen million. I had put into my budget forty million to spend to buy into Microsoft. That means I quite literally have fifteen million sitting around,...

3 years ago
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The suit

You are a 26 year old woman. you are well out of high school and successful. you are astonishing sexy at 5" 11, longer than average legs, a comic book waist, stunning 28 dd cup breasts and a well toned body overall. your eyes are sky blue, you have a well rounded face and long red hair that comes down to the small of your back. your only weakness is your attraction to sexy lingerie. when ever you aren't around anyone, or don't have to do, you lock all the doors to your house, dress your self up...

2 years ago
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SynergyChapter 12

"Mother, are you really happy now?" Margret asked as she sat at the kitchen table while Teresa dried and put away the last of the lunch dishes. Taking the last cup of coffee from the pot, Teresa sat down across from her daughter. "I assume you are talking about either my man, your sisters or the new baby. Probably all three," she smiled softly. "The simplest answer is yes. I am happier than I have ever been before in my life." She paused and took a sip. "But my guess is you are...

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Do Miracles Happen Ch 05

With time on my hands, Claire and I spent the remainder of the morning playing with the kids on the living room floor. At noon, we ate a quick lunch and piled into her suburban for the appointment with Mark. His heart clinic was a light tan brick building, originally an office complex, but having been converted into his medical facility. Three other specialists had joined him and they had a thriving practice, well known and respected by all. When I’d been in med school, Mark was the attending...

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Sonic new life

It was a sunny day in Summer .Rouge moved to Hawaii for a few years ,she was sitting in her chair warring a tiger skin like swimsuit with her sunglasses at the sun ,she then remember that she forgotten her precious thing and she decided to call someone ,she looked who to call and the first person was Sonic she then called him. Sonic : Hello. Rouge: Hi Sonic dear would you mind doing me a favor , you see I moved and I forgot my precious thing at home its in a box right on the table can you get...

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2 at first and then we were 3

I was in my backyard in my g-string (my fave) and topless taking the sun. I knew I wouldn’t be bothered since I would be alone all day long. Lilly was shopping and she takes forever so I wanted to get a good tan. When I hear hey sexy what are doing all alone. I get up to see who said that and it was Lilly. Wow letting the girls get some sun. yeah I said. Why don’t you take some sun. No I have a better idea. Why don’t we add to our last experience??? We could do that we have all day to...

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People of the TigerPart 5

"So tell me," Jena said, turning to Raz and suddenly changing the mood. "Who is smarter, you or Pina?" "Well, that is hard to say." Raz grinned. "Pina is a research scientist, and I am an engineer, or applied scientist. She discovers truth, and I explore the practical applications of that truth in our reality." "What an excuse! My math scores are far ahead of yours, so I am smarter!" Pina laughed. "All the rest of my scores are higher than yours, remember!" Raz retorted. "Ha!...

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An ClochnChapter 12

It was three clock cycles later that the Iridien technicians arrived at An Clochán to check out the Iridien cruisers. Each of the Iridien Spec Ops teams carefully monitored the technicians as they checked their ships' systems. After checking all the systems, the technicians found that only the anti-hijacking systems had been compromised. Instead of repairing them, they opted to replace the systems on all ships and then had the crews authenticate to the new system. The technicians were...

2 years ago
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Synergy Part 12

Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 12 Early in the morning I set off for the community center where the lessons would be held. It wasn't too far from the house where I now lived, but I wanted to get there early to make a good impression. As I neared the community center I saw that young man, I just couldn't get out of my thoughts, also walking towards the center. I tried not to look at him, but I just couldn't help myself. Besides he was staring at me, too, though he averted his...

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Brigit Part 03 Brigits Babies

Brigit Part 03 - Brigit's Babies***********************************************************Copyright Oggbashan June 2004The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.**********************************************************Brigit’s Babies.Part One is ‘Brigit’; Part Two is ‘Brigit...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 45 Triple Ds

March 1979 Monday was back to the normal routine of school. Debbie Courtney, who lived across the street and had turned fourteen the last week in February, started flirting more with me on the bus each day. Debbie Vaughn, who lived just down the street, would turn fourteen on March 16th and invited me to her birthday party. And Donna Woody, who lived just down the street in the other direction, would turn fourteen on March 20th. She had made it clear what she wanted for her birthday, and in...

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