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Through their twenty-five years of marriage Ted and Joan had enjoyed a successful and varied sex life. Joan allowed Ted his kinky side and often went along with and enjoyed erotic dress and a little bondage. She knew that Ted had wishes for more but had always kept their experiences within her own limits. She was well aware that tonight would stretch those limits but had agreed with Ted that a little indulgence might be fun.

Over the years Ted had purchased all manner of sexy things for Joan to wear and her collection was extensive. The latest additions were the most expensive but more erotic in an adult way than the kinky things he had purchased when they were younger. Tonight he had asked that she go out to dinner with him wearing a very sexy set of things under a sexy but fairly modest dress. Other than this request he had not described what she would be wearing, leaving an element of risk in her mind. This was new to their activities, having kept sex play limited to either their own home or locked hotel rooms. Playing in public, even in a covered up way, had tweaked Joan's interest and instantly turned her on a little when Ted had suggested it. To her own surprise, she had agreed.

They had made reservations for nine o'clock at a very nice place in a high end hotel downtown. The food was said to be superb and the atmosphere dark and private with each table being a semi circle booth with curtained  privacy walls on each side. They had been there for drinks at the attached old fashioned bar but never for dinner.


At six o'clock Ted suggested that before they dressed for dinner they have a drink to get the evening on its way. He prepared a pitcher of martinis and after he poured he kissed Joan gently on the neck and whispered that the drinks would relax and stimulate her. He told her that was all the disclosure she was going to get.

Several martinis and a potent joint later, shortly after seven o'clock, Ted suggested that they dress for dinner as the limo to take them downtown was due shortly after eight. With their approaching date, and the stimulants, Joan was starting to feel more than a bit turned on and asked Ted if he felt like a little pre dinner play. Aware that the drinks and dope she had finished had enough long lasting stimulants in them to rid Joan of her usual inhibitions Ted was in no hurry, and suggested that just dressing her for the evening would be more than enough for him this early. He led a disappointed and frustrated Joan to their bedroom, told her to shower and meet him in thirty minutes to dress.


Ted was dressed in black tie when she emerged. He had carefully planned almost all of the evening to come and Joan's attire was no exception. Some things she had seen before but he had added some others for this special occasion. Sitting a bath robed and perfumed Joan in the upholstered arm chair she favoured for reading in their bedroom, Ted laid out the things he had selected for her to wear. Suspecting that she would hesitate if he hadn't included a bra and panties, he had obliged. A shining black leather platform bra, custom made for Joan's ample breasts, was the first item.

Ted noticed that Joan showed little surprise at this inclusion as she had worn the bra before, much to Ted's enjoyment. The second and third pieces were new to Joan. The black leather combination waist cincher and garter belt might have unnecessary given Joan's flat stomach, but she could easily see how, framing the matching leather g-string panty and Joan's smoothly shaved pussy, the overall effect would be very erotic.

Ted also produced seamed silk stockings in a dark smoke shade which he explained had been special ordered to fit Joan's thirty-six inch legs. The stockings he explained would look incredible when slipped into the six inch heeled black ankle-strapped pumps he now produced and laid beside the other garments. Joan remarked, only half joking,  that she wouldn't be walking far in those. Ted responded that they weren't really made for travel pointing out the small gold rings and locks set into the side of the shoes ankle straps.

Ted moved behind Joan and, gently stroking her long auburn hair , slid a smooth black leather collar around her neck and fastened it at the back bringing two small gold loops together and sliding a tiny padlock through the loops and fastening it with a click that drew a puzzled look from Joan.

Ted explained that it was a symbolic thing that designated her as his property. Joan started to protest but was stopped when Ted ran his hands around the collar gently tugging the larger gold ring in the front and down the front of her robe gently squeezing her breasts. The stimulants had done their work and Joan's arousal level leapt at the touch.

Moving back to the bed Ted laid out elbow length leather opera gloves each with a built in wrist strap which when fastened prevented the gloves from being removed. Each wrist strap bore another of the small gold rings.

Joan, in her mid-forties was a beautiful woman. Nature had been kind to her

body making it fuller and smoother as she aged. She was tall with extraordinary long legs and breasts that occasionally prompted her friends to mistakenly suspect implants. Her rear was larger and her hips broader than most women would wish for but on her 5' 11" body the effect was perfectly balanced to her legs and breasts and broad shoulders. Ted was always mesmerized when she appeared before him with passion in her eyes. He was prepared to make this night unforgettable.

A quiet knock on the bedroom door startled Joan as there was not supposed to be anyone else in the house. Ted laid a soothing hand on her shoulder and moved to place a sheet over the clothes on the bed. Opening the door, he allowed Joan's younger cousin Suzanne into the room. Joan understood immediately. Suzanne was a makeup artist and a genius with imagery through cosmetics. Ted had hired her before to prepare Joan before special occasions and Joan fully relied on her talents. This time her work went quickly and without comment. Joan's hair went back in a tight pony tail exposing her impressive "widow's peak". And highlighting her face. Her makeup was darker and heavier than usual almost causing Joan to protest. Suzanne was done, gently running her hand over the leather collar and left without a word in ten minutes.

Ted uncovered the clothes Joan was to wear. Bringing her to her feet he lifted the robe from her shoulders and left her standing in front of him. He suggested she start with the stockings and Joan deftly slid them up her long legs leaving them dangling. Next she was told to slide the g-string in to place. Ted walked to her and adjusted the leather so that it rode high against her pussy and deeply through her rear, pointing out the snap below her pussy where the leather piece joined the string.

Helping her with the cincher garter belt Ted tightened the garment from behind so that Joan had to draw in a breath to let it close. She bend to snap the garters to the stockings and Ted took the opportunity to run a finger through her rear, making her moan but not stopping her chore. The platform bra Ted let Joan adjust until she was comfortable than complimented her on the fit and tweaked her extended nipples.

Leaving her standing aroused but not at all embarrassed, Ted helped her into her shoes and snapped the locks on the sides. He offered the gloves and slid them up her extended arms securing the buckles on each. Joan offered that she felt captured and Ted assured her that she was but that captivity was greatly under valued.

In answer to her unspoken question as to how she could go out in such a manner Ted brought out the last piece of her clothing, a short and styled leather cocktail dress which he helped her slide into.

Joan looked almost respectable as Ted admired his work and kissed her firmly on the lips. He mentioned one more drink and the limo would be here.


Ted brought the last of the martinis out to the limo and helped Joan, a little wobbly on her shoes, into the back seat. She relaxed back into the warm leather and turned to speak to Ted who had slid in beside her. He motioned her to quiet with his finger to his lips and reached to raise the privacy window telling Joan that the driver knew the restaurant but didn't need the extra tip the view would entail. He offered her the last drink and placed his hand behind her back as she sipped. Asking her to please keep straight posture he explained that "owned" women should not relax as she was doing. Enjoying their game, she quickly sat to attention and then truly appreciated his compliment on her doing so.

Lowering the zipper on the front of her dress, Ted asked if she minded if he coloured her nipples with some dark red rouge. She politely told him that he may but if she orgasmed while he was at it that it was not her fault. Exposing her breasts, beautifully displayed on the leather platform bra, he proceeded to paint her nipples with a brush covered in the deep red colour. Her eyes rolled backwards with the touch and only his slight slap to her breast slowed her climax.

Drawing the zipper back up he gently slid his hand up her thigh above the stocking top and pulled back the front of her g-string. Slipping one finger into a vile in his lap and then down her g-string and into her pussy he replaced her clothing and waited to arrive at the restaurant. Joan moaned as her pussy heated and her mind concentrated only on sex. She imagined her husband stroking her clitoris and tried but could not find climax. Frustrated, she reached to touch Ted, only to have him place her hands back in her lap with instructions not to touch herself fully aware that the lotion he had applied would make that command nearly impossible.


Ted helped Joan out of the limo and into the restaurant. The host showed them to the booth that Ted had requested. It was private, but had a clear view of the adjoining bar next door. Ted seated Joan and ordered a scotch for himself and a white wine for Joan, explaining that she had quite a bit at home. Ted politely asked Joan what she wished for dinner but Joan found she was not a bit hungry, she was aroused beyond anything she had felt before. Ted sat beside her and ordered a steak and a fine red wine. He enjoyed his dinner as his wife squirmed beside him.

Having finished, he told her it was her turn do him a favour and asked her to look into bar beside them. A tall black man, well dressed in expensive clothes was at the bar talking to an equally tall and curvaceous black woman dressed in heels, tight black designer jeans and a tight black sweater. Neither were really good looking but both exuded strength and sexuality. Ted asked Joan if she would go slowly across the room to the bar, attracting attention if she could, and tell them that she found them exotic and ask them to join her husband and her in our booth.

Every eye in the room followed Joan as she assumed the "model" walk learned years ago and moved, one foot in front of the other, through the restaurant, the controlled gait caused her hips and rear to sway side to side. As taught, Joan carried her head high and eyes straight forward.

She approached the black couple and stood speaking with them for several minutes. The black man looked over her shoulder and raised his glass to Ted. Alone, she again crossed the room and seated herself beside Ted. Shyly she explained that they had said thank you but they would not join them. She was however, to tell him that she was welcome to leave with the couple in a few minutes, but that she had also declined. Sensing that she had been stimulated by being on obvious display, Ted moved his hand to her lap and gently pulled the front of her dress up to her waist. He let his hand drift over her bare thighs and across the leather patch covering her pussy, Reaching down to undo the snaps holding it in place he deftly pulled the g-string away from her body and placed it on the table in front of them. Softly tugging at her moist lips he told her that the couple were old friends and that it had been a test of her obedience. She asked him how well she had done, receiving in return a gentle circling of her clit with his fingers. Ted withdraw his hand just as her arousal started to peak and Joan knew that she could look forward to more tests before the night was done.


Asking her to hold her right arm out to him Ted slid a small brass lock through the ring attached to the glove at her wrist and move the arm behind her. Reaching behind her he gently moved her left arm beside the right and joined them by closing the lock through both rings. Standing, he helped Joan to her feet and led his obviously bound wife through the restaurant to the elevator. As the door slid closed Ted raised his fingers to Joan's mouth and pressed her teeth apart providing room for him to squeeze a black rubber ball deep inside and secure it in place behind her neck with the leather lace which ran through the ball. Ted had never used a gag on her before and Joan suddenly felt very helpless and very much into new sexual territory. The elevator doors opened but instead of exiting, Ted pulled Joan to the back

of the car and the black couple stepped in and stood with their backs to Ted and Joan.

The doors closed and the car rose two more floors. Again the doors opened and the couple stepped out without glancing back. As the doors started to close Ted gripped Joan by the upper arm and moved her through the door leaving her alone in the hallway with the black couple. Ted's last words as the door closed stunned Joan. Ted had called out that she might even meet Allan if she was lucky.

Allan had been her secret for the last few months. It wasn't really an affair but she had been attracted to him at work and it had led to the occasional bout of recreational sex. Surely, Ted couldn't have found out, she had been too careful.

Moving to her sides to control her the black couple led Joan to a door at the end of the hall saying that Ted would join them later. The black woman lifted Joan's short skirt several inches and said that only naughty girls dressed like this and that she liked naughty girls. Inside, the room was dark but Joan could see and hear enough to know that the shape in the middle of the room was moving and making muffled noises. As the light came up she was shocked to see a man naked and tied to a chair with a tight leather hood over his head. His eyes were covered with leather patches which were closed with zippers. His nose and mouth were exposed but the end of an inflatable gag hung from his mouth. Joan could see from the way his cheeks bulged that whoever had inflated the gag had pumped it up as tight as it would go.

A leather cock ring had been strapped tightly around his cock and balls which were now quite swollen and painful looking. As Joan stared in disbelief she suddenly realized it was Allan, her part time lover.

Pressing her into a matching chair facing Allan her gag was removed and she was instructed to sit quietly as the black couple introduced themselves as Vic and Alba. Vic stood behind Joan holding her wrists while Alba explained that Ted had asked them to collect Allan and prepare him for this evening. They had brought him here several hours ago and Alba had spent the last two hours making him cum as many times as she could aided by several Viagra pills she had forced him to swallow. The last time was about thirty minutes ago after which she had retied his cock and balls just as she had the first four times she made him cum. She smiled as she described how painful cumming had become for the poor guy but that she had a job to do and loved her work. She demonstrated by gently stroking Allan's bound cock which caused an muffled agonized groan through his gag.

Alba asked Joan if she would like to help with the next milking but Joan only begged to be let go and  to have Allan released. Alba quietly explained that Ted had a full evening planned and that it would be rude to not participate. Squeezing Allan's balls in her left hand Alba slowly unbuckled the links holding Allan's cock as he rolled his head and moaned. Once Allan's cock was free and only his balls remained bound Alba slowly deflated the gag in his mouth  and removed it allowing him to mumble for mercy. If any was coming it wasn't from Alba as she began to alternate between crushing Allan's scrotum and stroking his cock back to hardness. Faster and faster she pulled as the Viagra again  brought him to arousal. As he came her left hand clamped down on his balls destroying any pleasure he might derive and pointed his shooting cum on to the deflated gag. When he was done and quietly begging to be let go, Alba shoved the cum covered gag back into his mouth and mercilessly pumped it back to full pressure. After replacing the cock rings and cranking the buckles as tight as she could, Alba explained to Joan that poor Allan was going to consume every bit of the cum he shot and that there would be plenty more to come.

Vic raised Joan to her feet and held her arms as Alba unzipped her leather dress, threw it aside and tore the platform bra away from the front telling Joan full access to her tits was required. When Joan began to mumble about being sorry and begging them to let her go Alba placed a leather hood with an attached gag over her head and whispered that her night had just begun.


Continued later in Part 2

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Got My Revenge Over A Girl In The Most Erotic Way

In the early days of this precautionary lockdown, I began to chat with a girl who was in my engineering class. It had started over some exam notes that she wanted and although I didn’t have them, I managed to keep the conversation going. As the days went by, our topic of discussion changed from our career to all the hot gossip that was going on in the college before it was closed. At first, I thought that she was chatting with me only to pass time. But then she began to call me and talked for...

4 years ago
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A young Starfleet officer tries to relax on shore

Sumati pulled her uniform jacket taut over her body, glancing down briefly to confirm that she looked suitably smart. It really shouldn't matter, she thought to herself, as she flicked aside a few stray hairs from her jet black fringe. Here, just beyond the borders of Federation space, nobody was going to care that much.Except that the senior officers might very well care, especially with the Captain being such a stickler for rules. The Captain always looked immaculate, almost infuriatingly...

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Craving That Bitch Chapter Two

It had seemed like forever that they had been carrying Mia in the woods. Both guys had to take breaks carrying her body because she was continually kicking and screaming. A few slaps across the face usually got her calm for awhile but then she was back at it again. After about 15 minutes, from their guessing, they had finally arrived at the house. They carried her down into the basement and threw her in a jail cell, slamming the door shut. Her blue eyes stared into the dimly lit hallway....

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Chance A Day in May Ch 12

Duncan knew it was not a sign of age for a man with his long history to indulge himself in reminiscing. Still, sometimes he felt guilty to just sit and reminisce, remembering all the wonderful things he had seen and, more importantly, the people he had met. It hadn’t been that many years since he made that early pit stop here in Ritzville. Lord knew he’d spent hours enough recalling that morning. Most especially the vision of Helen, walking, swaying up the walk from where she’d parked that...

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Ascent of VulvadorChapter 5

Veen was at least comforted a little from the nightmare he’d let himself into, by Varnella’s revelation to the women of Gelding House of her intention to retrieve his Omni battery; it eased his dilemma slightly, knowing the formidable women would now assist in securing it from the position on the green plain that the ship’s indicator had shown. It did not ease his immediate predicament however, and he was conscious of his cock standing rigid in a rude salute to the lush and cruel display of...

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Noc 4

Aaron stormed out of Carly’s room, marching into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Carly laid facing the ceiling on her bed, tears welling in her eyes. She laid for several minutes feeling her warm tears run down the sides of her face into her hair. Hearing her younger thirteen year old sister moan in pleasure behind the bathroom door stung into her heart as her face swelled and she flipped her body over, covering her head with her pillow. Between sniffing the runny liquid back into...

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Office Space

He unbuttoned her jacket, slid it down her shoulders and off, and draped it over the back of a chair. Next he unbuttoned her blouse. Her bra latched in the front and he unhooked it and ran his hands over his round breasts. She shuddered, chilled. Her nipples stood out hard and resilient as rubber toys. “What do you think about when you’re jerking off,” he said. “Being on my knees,” she said, “with your cock in my mouth.” “Do you like it when my cock is in your mouth?” “Yes,” she said. She...

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the white room

i'm a cop, i was called to an RTA, road traffic accident. car had been slammed in the side, driver and passenger dead. so far ok, normal stuff. opened the boot and found a male and female. unconcious, but seemingly not injured. as the attending officer i went to the hospital the next day to get a statement. the hospital staff were acting strangely. i went to the male, he was awake, but confused and nervous. he was bald and had no body hair. the staff said the female was the same, no body hair....

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My Brothers Window Final Chapter

We both watched as Mom leaned against the door, the bottle of bourbon in her left hand. She looked at us as if trying to gaze through a fog. I took my mouth off of Brother's throbbing dick and sat back on my heels. “What the ffff,” She slurred, ”What the fruck rrrr? What the fuck are you kids doing?" finally getting her sentence out. She slid down the door and landed on her ass, her legs splayed in front of her.”Mom?” Brother called.”I think she’s passed out,” I told him, ”Look at her eyes....

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Ek Innocent Pativrata Bhabhi Ko New Year Party Per Kiya Majboor

Ek innocent pativrata bhabhi ko new year party per kiya majboor! Hi readers I am about to share my fantasy with you. It’s a story of a housewife, a very sweet innocent, and pativarata type, her husband were three brothers, and her hubby was the eldest one and others were younger, one was doing inter in arts side, and another was in his graduation, they were both attracted towards their bhabhi, both used to flirt with their bhabhi, but she never taken them seriously, one day her it was raining...

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the chicken crew and my time with them

In my teens I wanted summer work. My uncle ran a large chicken group and offered me vaccination job. What the hell, its money. I reported to the barn and rode the van with others. We had two married women and two girls in late teens. one married man and three single. The driver was not part of the crew, be he was in his late 60's. Retired making side money. Our first house was 60 miles away. Shortly after leaving Ben ask the married woman if she got any the night before? No, he slept on the...

2 years ago
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Her 2

What in the sweet fuck? What had happened to me? I remember pulling up my trousers after probably the best moment of my life, not even bothering to wash myself and heading straight out into the open air. I spent time by the rope swing trying to find the mysterious man and convincing myself at the same time that what happened had actually happened. It was only when I put my hands down my trousers to feel the wetness left over from Sophie's saliva did I truly believe what I’d done. From...

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BangbrosClips Marley Brinx Marley Brinx trades photos for anal sex

Marley Brinx is on a photoshoot today. She’s out by the pool modeling a bikini and looking so fuckable. Marley and the photographer wrap their shoot and the camera man starts talking payment and turn around times when Marley suggest a different deal. Would he be willing to trade the photoshoot for some hot kinky sex? Who isn’t willing to trade services for sex with a hot chick? The camera man lets Marley have her way with his cock before he decides to get the better end of the deal by sticking...

3 years ago
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Cock lover test

My eyes could not believe it ''no no no this is not happening''''oh yes it is hihi, look at my nice big black cock , oh yes you see it inside my panty , its craving to be in your mouth my cute white friend ''wtf my blind date had me sit on a bench her titties out my hands in cuffs her little cute panty deformed by a bbc toystandind up , taking my head tilt toward her, making her panty rub on my face, feeling her bbc under it was making her giggle''you thought id be sucking your little cock?''...

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Mistis Adventures Part 57

That evening they had all sat talking until around 8 or 9 o'clock. There had been much catching up on the events of the last several days, and some further planning for the BIG day. Mary had given Friday off to her people so she and Sharon could attend the wedding. Sharon had, earlier that week, gone with Misti to see Dr. Immelmann for a check up. She was in her third month of pregnancy, but, in spite of Mom Campbell's pronunciation, Misti still wasn't positive she was pregnant. She determined...

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The office Dad enjoys an unexpected call

Things were slow today at work, so as I kicked back in my chair, this story popped into my mind... Thought I'd share it with you!! Please comment at the end if you like it!!My co-workers call me Dad because in our small web-development company, 47 is more than double the age of half of the department. Fortunately, I have lifted weights, and stayed active enough to run in a triathlon last, summer, so I can silence most of them by challenging them to an evening at the gym though.But when my...

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Almost Damsel Almost in Distress 4

Almost Damsel, Almost in Distress 4 Shawna Summers [email protected] (M/t - bondage, latex, spanking, oral, anal) It was a long week. Before I met Alex, I would dawdle after work most days. Maybe go out to a happy hour once in a while. If I was going to have time to dress then I might rush out and try to get home quickly, but during the week I usually didn't have time to do much more than dress. Maybe take a few pics and then play with one of my dildos. The hardest part,...

4 years ago
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My sexy girlfriend

Hi every body this Sanjay from Chennai. This is a real sex incident happened between me and my girl friend Divya. Let me describe about me I’m now 32yrs old married, 5.7″ tall 75kgs fair and well built. This incident happened when I was 22 yrs old and she was 20 yrs old. She is stunning female with 34-30-36 fair and sexy girl. Lets start the story, when I was working in a pvt. Concern, she used to come there and speak with my colleague. I used to avoid her presence because I don’t want to show...

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FORBIDDEN FRUIT (2) Farmer’s Daughter (part two) There was something I had to do today, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what it was! I was a farmer, so perhaps it had something to do with farming. Suddenly, my mind cleared enough for me to recall. I had twenty acres of hay to bale and another twenty acres to cut! This was a chore I needed to begin working on pretty-damn soon. The sun had already crested over the eastern pastures and daylight was burning brightly. ...

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Press The Button Part III

Part III (Sorry, life and work have gotten in the way of finding a groove and finishing this part. I hope you enjoy it!) I hugged the shopping bag to my chest and rushed out of the shop, past the young woman now arguing with her boss. My feet carried me around a display table, away from the conversation, which was apparently going quite badly. I felt a twinge of regret for her, but the realization that what happened was entirely beyond me crashed back on my head, and I redoubled...

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Rooms to Rent Part 1

Rooms for Rent Part I I am thirty years old, single, college history professor and live in a large Victorian home in a small college town in Ohio. The previous owners added a detached two-car garage and later enclosed the area between the house and the garage. The enclosed area was partitioned off as two rooms and a full bath. I use one of the rooms as an office. The rest of the first floor is your typical living room, dining room and kitchen. The second floor has three bedrooms and bath. The...

Straight Sex
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Sods LawChapter 7

Friday 16th September 1983 At 8 pm on Friday the 16th September, I was watching a London train arrive at Piccadilly Station searching for sight of Helen among the crowds alighting from it. She was among the last to appear, trying to cope with all her luggage. I ran forward, she dropped her bags and we embraced and got lost in a deep and lengthy kiss. She sighed. “Oh, I’m so glad it’s over,” she said. “It was so hard to cope with being apart. I can’t wait to get home.” That was really...

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Facebook Par Mili Aunty Ne Apni Dost Se Chudwaya

Hello dosto mera naam Rahul hai. Main yaha kahani regular padhta rehta hoon. Meri height 6ft1″ hai aur mujhe sex ka bahut shauk hai. To isiliye aaj main aap logo ke liye apni zindagi mein ghati ek sacchi ghatna ke baare mein batane ja raha hu. To kahani shuru karte hai. Yeh ghatna pichle saal November ki hai. Main rojana ki tarah facebook chala raha tha aur apne dosto se baat kar raha tha. Tabhi mujhe ek shaadi sudha aurat ki friend request aayi. Maine to jhat se uski friend request ko accept...

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Nick Watches Jenny

Since my wife Jenny confessed to me about her cravings and urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have actually heightened. It is strangely hot to have her recant the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my own cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair skinned 55 year old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...

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Alone at the parking lot

I was home alone on those days; my husband was flying away on business.On Friday I went to the local mall for some late shopping after leaving my office. When I finished my purchase, the sun was setting down and the parking lot was almost completely empty.I walked to my car when I heard a strange sound and turned my head back.A short walk from where I was standing was a concrete loading dock for the shops. I listened in silence and then I heard the noise again but this time I could identify it...

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CAW 10 The Banger Sisters

Introduction: Cash strapped Ally get re-acquainted with an old friend. The Banger Sisters. I was stuck for cash, avoiding my landlord and everyone else I owed money which left me with very few friends. The friends that were left I held very dearly. Jessica, my best friend in the world, had been friends with me since nursery school when we were named the gruesome twosome. Jessica and I both left school at fifteen, she had a well-paying job to go to, and I went on to have a scholarship at an art...

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. Here comes the story; I was meeting this woman through a internetsite. She was a lesbian, she claimed, but has always wanted to dominate a man with spanking and straponfucking she said that she wanted the man cry like a baby when she was finished with him.Well she took off my clothes and inspected me, pinch my ass and said wow what a nice little ass I am going to treat today. Eventually she went to the floor and laid me over her legs and then she began to spank me with her hand and she spank...

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