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Through their twenty-five years of marriage Ted and Joan had enjoyed a successful and varied sex life. Joan allowed Ted his kinky side and often went along with and enjoyed erotic dress and a little bondage. She knew that Ted had wishes for more but had always kept their experiences within her own limits. She was well aware that tonight would stretch those limits but had agreed with Ted that a little indulgence might be fun.

Over the years Ted had purchased all manner of sexy things for Joan to wear and her collection was extensive. The latest additions were the most expensive but more erotic in an adult way than the kinky things he had purchased when they were younger. Tonight he had asked that she go out to dinner with him wearing a very sexy set of things under a sexy but fairly modest dress. Other than this request he had not described what she would be wearing, leaving an element of risk in her mind. This was new to their activities, having kept sex play limited to either their own home or locked hotel rooms. Playing in public, even in a covered up way, had tweaked Joan's interest and instantly turned her on a little when Ted had suggested it. To her own surprise, she had agreed.

They had made reservations for nine o'clock at a very nice place in a high end hotel downtown. The food was said to be superb and the atmosphere dark and private with each table being a semi circle booth with curtained  privacy walls on each side. They had been there for drinks at the attached old fashioned bar but never for dinner.


At six o'clock Ted suggested that before they dressed for dinner they have a drink to get the evening on its way. He prepared a pitcher of martinis and after he poured he kissed Joan gently on the neck and whispered that the drinks would relax and stimulate her. He told her that was all the disclosure she was going to get.

Several martinis and a potent joint later, shortly after seven o'clock, Ted suggested that they dress for dinner as the limo to take them downtown was due shortly after eight. With their approaching date, and the stimulants, Joan was starting to feel more than a bit turned on and asked Ted if he felt like a little pre dinner play. Aware that the drinks and dope she had finished had enough long lasting stimulants in them to rid Joan of her usual inhibitions Ted was in no hurry, and suggested that just dressing her for the evening would be more than enough for him this early. He led a disappointed and frustrated Joan to their bedroom, told her to shower and meet him in thirty minutes to dress.


Ted was dressed in black tie when she emerged. He had carefully planned almost all of the evening to come and Joan's attire was no exception. Some things she had seen before but he had added some others for this special occasion. Sitting a bath robed and perfumed Joan in the upholstered arm chair she favoured for reading in their bedroom, Ted laid out the things he had selected for her to wear. Suspecting that she would hesitate if he hadn't included a bra and panties, he had obliged. A shining black leather platform bra, custom made for Joan's ample breasts, was the first item.

Ted noticed that Joan showed little surprise at this inclusion as she had worn the bra before, much to Ted's enjoyment. The second and third pieces were new to Joan. The black leather combination waist cincher and garter belt might have unnecessary given Joan's flat stomach, but she could easily see how, framing the matching leather g-string panty and Joan's smoothly shaved pussy, the overall effect would be very erotic.

Ted also produced seamed silk stockings in a dark smoke shade which he explained had been special ordered to fit Joan's thirty-six inch legs. The stockings he explained would look incredible when slipped into the six inch heeled black ankle-strapped pumps he now produced and laid beside the other garments. Joan remarked, only half joking,  that she wouldn't be walking far in those. Ted responded that they weren't really made for travel pointing out the small gold rings and locks set into the side of the shoes ankle straps.

Ted moved behind Joan and, gently stroking her long auburn hair , slid a smooth black leather collar around her neck and fastened it at the back bringing two small gold loops together and sliding a tiny padlock through the loops and fastening it with a click that drew a puzzled look from Joan.

Ted explained that it was a symbolic thing that designated her as his property. Joan started to protest but was stopped when Ted ran his hands around the collar gently tugging the larger gold ring in the front and down the front of her robe gently squeezing her breasts. The stimulants had done their work and Joan's arousal level leapt at the touch.

Moving back to the bed Ted laid out elbow length leather opera gloves each with a built in wrist strap which when fastened prevented the gloves from being removed. Each wrist strap bore another of the small gold rings.

Joan, in her mid-forties was a beautiful woman. Nature had been kind to her

body making it fuller and smoother as she aged. She was tall with extraordinary long legs and breasts that occasionally prompted her friends to mistakenly suspect implants. Her rear was larger and her hips broader than most women would wish for but on her 5' 11" body the effect was perfectly balanced to her legs and breasts and broad shoulders. Ted was always mesmerized when she appeared before him with passion in her eyes. He was prepared to make this night unforgettable.

A quiet knock on the bedroom door startled Joan as there was not supposed to be anyone else in the house. Ted laid a soothing hand on her shoulder and moved to place a sheet over the clothes on the bed. Opening the door, he allowed Joan's younger cousin Suzanne into the room. Joan understood immediately. Suzanne was a makeup artist and a genius with imagery through cosmetics. Ted had hired her before to prepare Joan before special occasions and Joan fully relied on her talents. This time her work went quickly and without comment. Joan's hair went back in a tight pony tail exposing her impressive "widow's peak". And highlighting her face. Her makeup was darker and heavier than usual almost causing Joan to protest. Suzanne was done, gently running her hand over the leather collar and left without a word in ten minutes.

Ted uncovered the clothes Joan was to wear. Bringing her to her feet he lifted the robe from her shoulders and left her standing in front of him. He suggested she start with the stockings and Joan deftly slid them up her long legs leaving them dangling. Next she was told to slide the g-string in to place. Ted walked to her and adjusted the leather so that it rode high against her pussy and deeply through her rear, pointing out the snap below her pussy where the leather piece joined the string.

Helping her with the cincher garter belt Ted tightened the garment from behind so that Joan had to draw in a breath to let it close. She bend to snap the garters to the stockings and Ted took the opportunity to run a finger through her rear, making her moan but not stopping her chore. The platform bra Ted let Joan adjust until she was comfortable than complimented her on the fit and tweaked her extended nipples.

Leaving her standing aroused but not at all embarrassed, Ted helped her into her shoes and snapped the locks on the sides. He offered the gloves and slid them up her extended arms securing the buckles on each. Joan offered that she felt captured and Ted assured her that she was but that captivity was greatly under valued.

In answer to her unspoken question as to how she could go out in such a manner Ted brought out the last piece of her clothing, a short and styled leather cocktail dress which he helped her slide into.

Joan looked almost respectable as Ted admired his work and kissed her firmly on the lips. He mentioned one more drink and the limo would be here.


Ted brought the last of the martinis out to the limo and helped Joan, a little wobbly on her shoes, into the back seat. She relaxed back into the warm leather and turned to speak to Ted who had slid in beside her. He motioned her to quiet with his finger to his lips and reached to raise the privacy window telling Joan that the driver knew the restaurant but didn't need the extra tip the view would entail. He offered her the last drink and placed his hand behind her back as she sipped. Asking her to please keep straight posture he explained that "owned" women should not relax as she was doing. Enjoying their game, she quickly sat to attention and then truly appreciated his compliment on her doing so.

Lowering the zipper on the front of her dress, Ted asked if she minded if he coloured her nipples with some dark red rouge. She politely told him that he may but if she orgasmed while he was at it that it was not her fault. Exposing her breasts, beautifully displayed on the leather platform bra, he proceeded to paint her nipples with a brush covered in the deep red colour. Her eyes rolled backwards with the touch and only his slight slap to her breast slowed her climax.

Drawing the zipper back up he gently slid his hand up her thigh above the stocking top and pulled back the front of her g-string. Slipping one finger into a vile in his lap and then down her g-string and into her pussy he replaced her clothing and waited to arrive at the restaurant. Joan moaned as her pussy heated and her mind concentrated only on sex. She imagined her husband stroking her clitoris and tried but could not find climax. Frustrated, she reached to touch Ted, only to have him place her hands back in her lap with instructions not to touch herself fully aware that the lotion he had applied would make that command nearly impossible.


Ted helped Joan out of the limo and into the restaurant. The host showed them to the booth that Ted had requested. It was private, but had a clear view of the adjoining bar next door. Ted seated Joan and ordered a scotch for himself and a white wine for Joan, explaining that she had quite a bit at home. Ted politely asked Joan what she wished for dinner but Joan found she was not a bit hungry, she was aroused beyond anything she had felt before. Ted sat beside her and ordered a steak and a fine red wine. He enjoyed his dinner as his wife squirmed beside him.

Having finished, he told her it was her turn do him a favour and asked her to look into bar beside them. A tall black man, well dressed in expensive clothes was at the bar talking to an equally tall and curvaceous black woman dressed in heels, tight black designer jeans and a tight black sweater. Neither were really good looking but both exuded strength and sexuality. Ted asked Joan if she would go slowly across the room to the bar, attracting attention if she could, and tell them that she found them exotic and ask them to join her husband and her in our booth.

Every eye in the room followed Joan as she assumed the "model" walk learned years ago and moved, one foot in front of the other, through the restaurant, the controlled gait caused her hips and rear to sway side to side. As taught, Joan carried her head high and eyes straight forward.

She approached the black couple and stood speaking with them for several minutes. The black man looked over her shoulder and raised his glass to Ted. Alone, she again crossed the room and seated herself beside Ted. Shyly she explained that they had said thank you but they would not join them. She was however, to tell him that she was welcome to leave with the couple in a few minutes, but that she had also declined. Sensing that she had been stimulated by being on obvious display, Ted moved his hand to her lap and gently pulled the front of her dress up to her waist. He let his hand drift over her bare thighs and across the leather patch covering her pussy, Reaching down to undo the snaps holding it in place he deftly pulled the g-string away from her body and placed it on the table in front of them. Softly tugging at her moist lips he told her that the couple were old friends and that it had been a test of her obedience. She asked him how well she had done, receiving in return a gentle circling of her clit with his fingers. Ted withdraw his hand just as her arousal started to peak and Joan knew that she could look forward to more tests before the night was done.


Asking her to hold her right arm out to him Ted slid a small brass lock through the ring attached to the glove at her wrist and move the arm behind her. Reaching behind her he gently moved her left arm beside the right and joined them by closing the lock through both rings. Standing, he helped Joan to her feet and led his obviously bound wife through the restaurant to the elevator. As the door slid closed Ted raised his fingers to Joan's mouth and pressed her teeth apart providing room for him to squeeze a black rubber ball deep inside and secure it in place behind her neck with the leather lace which ran through the ball. Ted had never used a gag on her before and Joan suddenly felt very helpless and very much into new sexual territory. The elevator doors opened but instead of exiting, Ted pulled Joan to the back

of the car and the black couple stepped in and stood with their backs to Ted and Joan.

The doors closed and the car rose two more floors. Again the doors opened and the couple stepped out without glancing back. As the doors started to close Ted gripped Joan by the upper arm and moved her through the door leaving her alone in the hallway with the black couple. Ted's last words as the door closed stunned Joan. Ted had called out that she might even meet Allan if she was lucky.

Allan had been her secret for the last few months. It wasn't really an affair but she had been attracted to him at work and it had led to the occasional bout of recreational sex. Surely, Ted couldn't have found out, she had been too careful.

Moving to her sides to control her the black couple led Joan to a door at the end of the hall saying that Ted would join them later. The black woman lifted Joan's short skirt several inches and said that only naughty girls dressed like this and that she liked naughty girls. Inside, the room was dark but Joan could see and hear enough to know that the shape in the middle of the room was moving and making muffled noises. As the light came up she was shocked to see a man naked and tied to a chair with a tight leather hood over his head. His eyes were covered with leather patches which were closed with zippers. His nose and mouth were exposed but the end of an inflatable gag hung from his mouth. Joan could see from the way his cheeks bulged that whoever had inflated the gag had pumped it up as tight as it would go.

A leather cock ring had been strapped tightly around his cock and balls which were now quite swollen and painful looking. As Joan stared in disbelief she suddenly realized it was Allan, her part time lover.

Pressing her into a matching chair facing Allan her gag was removed and she was instructed to sit quietly as the black couple introduced themselves as Vic and Alba. Vic stood behind Joan holding her wrists while Alba explained that Ted had asked them to collect Allan and prepare him for this evening. They had brought him here several hours ago and Alba had spent the last two hours making him cum as many times as she could aided by several Viagra pills she had forced him to swallow. The last time was about thirty minutes ago after which she had retied his cock and balls just as she had the first four times she made him cum. She smiled as she described how painful cumming had become for the poor guy but that she had a job to do and loved her work. She demonstrated by gently stroking Allan's bound cock which caused an muffled agonized groan through his gag.

Alba asked Joan if she would like to help with the next milking but Joan only begged to be let go and  to have Allan released. Alba quietly explained that Ted had a full evening planned and that it would be rude to not participate. Squeezing Allan's balls in her left hand Alba slowly unbuckled the links holding Allan's cock as he rolled his head and moaned. Once Allan's cock was free and only his balls remained bound Alba slowly deflated the gag in his mouth  and removed it allowing him to mumble for mercy. If any was coming it wasn't from Alba as she began to alternate between crushing Allan's scrotum and stroking his cock back to hardness. Faster and faster she pulled as the Viagra again  brought him to arousal. As he came her left hand clamped down on his balls destroying any pleasure he might derive and pointed his shooting cum on to the deflated gag. When he was done and quietly begging to be let go, Alba shoved the cum covered gag back into his mouth and mercilessly pumped it back to full pressure. After replacing the cock rings and cranking the buckles as tight as she could, Alba explained to Joan that poor Allan was going to consume every bit of the cum he shot and that there would be plenty more to come.

Vic raised Joan to her feet and held her arms as Alba unzipped her leather dress, threw it aside and tore the platform bra away from the front telling Joan full access to her tits was required. When Joan began to mumble about being sorry and begging them to let her go Alba placed a leather hood with an attached gag over her head and whispered that her night had just begun.


Continued later in Part 2

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Dream Sex With Hot 60 Year Old Milf

I once had a dream when i was younger where i was in bed with an older woman where i worked.Unfortunately just as it was possibly going to get interesting i woke up.That day i was sitting minding my own business when the woman in my dream came and sat beside me.I couldn't help but smile and had to try and stifle it.She asked what was funny.I told her nothing but she wouldn't believe me.Eventually she forced me to tell her."I had a dream last night and you were in that dream"."Oh yes",She...

3 years ago
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Sheila Meets a Neighbor

Jerome was one of the earliest black studs in my stable.Back in ’76 I had a basement apartment and he lived upstairs.He met me,as a female,one day when I was returning from grocery shopping.I was dressed casually in a sleeveless maroon turtleneck,mid-thigh jean skirt and a gaff under sheer nude hose with tan,3′ high-heels.I wore a short blond wig of natural hair and light make-up.He walked up to me,wearing a wife beater t-shirt and sweat pants with sneakers, as I began to unload my groceries...

4 years ago
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For Your Pleasure

For Your Pleasure I woke to the light brush of Mandy's lips on my cheek. I smiled, fluttering my eyelids open at this comforting gesture on her part. She stood there smiling at me, neatly dressed in her work clothes a smart pant suit that only seemed to accent her natural radiant authority. I looked at her adoringly. "I left a note for you on the table, be a good sissy for me and be ready for me when I get home, I'll have a special surprise for you later," she said, giving me a...

2 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 15 Lives in Ashes

The citizens of Blue Harbor stood in the public square surrounded by soldiers. The townspeople were unarmed; even those carrying an eating knife had been forced to discard it. They had watched in fascination as two large groups had come off the hill toward town. At first, they had hoped for salvation from the church but those hopes ended quickly. The armed men who had come off the hill had joined the army occupying the town. The other group wore the rags and collar of a slave – but they...

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Jack punishes Carter for coming home late

Chapter 1: Submission relationship Jack/Carter Chapter Text Carter can back after work from the SGC late to O'NEILL house were she was his wife and fuck toy. What did I say about coming back late Sam? You said don't come back late home. But I have a good reason Master. I was asked by Janet to help out with something. She is the reason I'm back late. Well then call her and tell her to come over. Then I'm going to teach her a lesson in keeping you late. Your going to fuck her with your new...

1 year ago
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Private Tory Sweety Horny In The Mountains

Today on Private, the sexy Tory Sweety has come to Private Movies, Mountain Crush 3 to relax, unwind and take a bike ride with Ralf Christian… but it won’t be long before she’s riding something else instead! There’s no better way to take a break than with a relaxing fuck outdoors in the fresh air, and that’s exactly what Tory thinks too as she treats Ralf to a blowjob by the trail before heading somewhere more intimate for a spectacular fuck that has her riding, grinding and getting pounded...

2 years ago
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Cuckold making

Monday.Their first full night at the resort, and TracieLynn couldn't look more stunning. She was eight feet away on the packed disco floor, perspiration making her pretty cream and golden print sun dress cling occasionally to her curves as she danced and swayed across from her partner. Bodies intervened, often blocking his view. It didn't matter though. He knew that dress hugged a five foot one frame well toned by her four-times-a-week workouts at the Y. He loved her pert 34B's, impossibly thin...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 7 Confrontations

July 1980, Milford, Ohio “Melanie called,” Stephanie said frostily. “You need to call her right now!” “Don’t give me orders!” I growled. “I don’t need to do anything! I’ll call her when I’m good and ready to call her. And that might be never!” I turned and walked down the hall to my room. I felt sure Melanie would try to intercede for Jennifer and I really didn’t want to deal with that. I shut my door and sat down with my journal. I just stared at the blank page, not knowing what to write....

1 year ago
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Lena Loses Her Hymen 3 First Full Nude

LENA LETS ME WATCH WHEN WATERING NAKED, SQUATTED AT THE GRASS, IN MY TENTLena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is slender, tall, tasty and very pretty. Hence also very sexy, despite all her shyness nude.Lena & I are before, for four hours, bathing in Lake Love. Lets lets me touch her under water.Lena loves how it feels. First time ever for...

3 years ago
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Just Shut Up And Lick It

Lexi watched from across the room as her roommate nibbled softly on the lid of her ballpoint pen. The habit had always amused her, that incessant need of hers to bite into something. There was barely a Biro left in the entire room which didn’t have Katie’s teeth marks in it. “How you gettin’ on?” Lexi enquired, long since bored with the academic textbook that lay open across her folded legs. She slumped back onto her bed and sighed. She should have been revising for her finals on Friday, but...

2 years ago
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Expo Summer 6 The Truth About Adults

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. I'm sure that any recognizable names you might encounter are purely your own imagination. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or...

3 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Three

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Three I was still...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetXBrattyFootGirls Reagan Lush Sasha Foxxx Work Over My Soles

Reagan calls in her insubordinate employee Sasha who hasn’t been dressing for her position. Sasha gives her attitude as she thinks she’s fine dressing down at work. Reagan is not happy with her answer an threatens to tell corporate about her bad behavior and poor sales recently. Reagan is always dressed for perfection and make great sales. Reagan tells her she wants Sasha to show her just how much she cares about her job and start rubbing her feet. Sasha begrudgingly gets down and...

2 years ago
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My Twin Sister Part 1

A Night Of Surprises It was Friday night and our parents had gone to our beach house for the weekend. Rebecca, my twin sister and I had decided to spend the night at home and watch a movie. Bec and I had just turned eighteen and were about as close as a brother and sister could be. I'd watched with amazement as Bec developed from a little girl into a beautiful young lady, popular with everyone she met. All the guys in our area were chasing her and I used to feel quite jealous when she'd bring...

1 year ago
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Fete Attractions

Stunning fashion slut Rebecca White meets her match in seemingly daggy, geeky, shy Alexandria Tanner, when a vibrator is found in a box of donated items when setting up the trestles for a church fete....“Who is organising it?” Adam asked his mum... feigning disinterest. He still really didn’t want to help ...unless...His mum had volunteered to set up the second hand stall but now couldn’t go and had asked Adam at short notice to help in place of her. He had sort of agreed to.“Ah” responded his...

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IHaveAWife Kate England 22787

It’s hot outside, Kate England’s car is broken down, her phone is dead, and she’s been walking and walking trying to get someone to help her. Luckily, Preston’s home and answers to the door to find a total stranger who happens to be a sexy hot damsel in distress! He invites her in and helps her with all her phone woes, and after she calls a tow truck, he even allows her to use his shower to rinse her sweaty, sticky body. Kate’s horny and knows her knight in shining armor is equally burning for...

2 years ago
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I am not a lesbian, but that is not a judgement statement, I happen to prefer sex with men, they are designed for the job. So how did I end up naked in another woman’s bed enjoying some of the best sex I have ever had?I was very low at the time as my boyfriend and I had just split up. I am not a ‘single’ person as I do no like being on my own, and I hated going back to that empty flat, and the empty bed. One Friday afternoon I was really down, not looking forward to a weekend all on my own. A...

3 years ago
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All or nothing

My View“Just wait until she smells my cum as she’s going to bed tonight,” I said. We both giggled as we walked towards the stairs. I heard the baby fussing as we came down the hallway, meaning you were home but I didn’t care. As long as you didn’t make a scene in front of Cindy, I wouldn’t have to put you in your place. As we come down the stairs I realize the baby is in the living room, which means you must be in the kitchen, probably putting away the groceries you were supposed to pick up. I...

2 years ago
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By ChanceChapter 5

Betty kept her nose to the ground for the next few weeks but sniffed out nothing to indicate that an affair was developing between Charlie and Anthea. Certainly Anthea was less withdrawn and when a bunch of the younger staff went to the pub she would nowadays go with them. Betty discovered that the two of them had been to the cinema together on a couple of occasions over the last four months. There was no reason that she could see to release Anthea's secret to anyone else. In the meanwhile...

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Peddamma Puku Koriki Koriki 8211 Kasi Thera Dengamu

Hi friends na pyeru kishore (26) madhi chittoor, ikada localga coconut bussiness chesthuntam.Na life ki sukam neripinchi intha marchipoleni anandam andisthuna ma peddamma gurinchi memu anubavisthuna sukamga gurinchi chala happyga share cheyalani ila rasthuna. Peddamma 48 kastha durapu chuttam pyeru krishnavenamma muuddhuga papamma intlo peddavallu anevaru,myemu peddamane antam assalu suuper super sexyga vuntundi clearga chepalantye cinemalo apoorva aunty anushka lakshmi rai laga sexyga super...

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First workplace sex with fuckbuddy

True story of me and the fuck-buddy; real events, name changed though all else is accurate.“Mmm, you smell so good.” I moved up behind Bex and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her against the swelling in my trousers. Her ass looked fantastic under the tight skirt she was wearing“Wow, someone’s horny.” Bex’s sultry voice only hastened the speed of my erection.I turned her around and placed her hand on the bulge. “Suck it.” Now, Bex and I have worked together and been fuck-buddies for quite a...

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Isha ki dost Ruhi

Hi friends this is SAHIL again. I hope u have read my top story “LUXURY BUS ME LUXURY CHUDAI” well here is 3 part. Well friends u al knows how I finger fuck ISHA in luxury bus. Well after reaching BILASPUR I took her to lodge fucked her but unfortunately ISS didn’t post my 2nd part I think may be ISS like that story very much and kept in her account. Then I drop her in her hostel. She even told abt our affair to her friend RUHI she is Muslim girl damn hot sexy she use to wear burka so bcoz of...

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Lornas Lodgings

I was desperate to find somewhere to live. I had taken this temporary appointment at the last minute. They wanted someone quickly, and I was free so I took the job. I was well qualified and it paid well I had just arrived a few days early at this beautiful South Coast seaside resort and I had to find somewhere to live. Being a married man in the process of divorcing my wife, I had no ties and I was glad to get away from my home town, her family and all the recent bad memories there. I left my...

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Dr NoooChapter 5

The cock was unyielding in its mission. In and out over and over. Jennifer's body wriggled and bucked her hands tight behind her head. She was groaning over and over the fat rubber intruder making her inner walls squeal with sensation. Oooooooooooo, no uggggggggggggg!" The doc stood with his clip board monitoring the situation. He cocked his head to one side. He'd thought he'd heard a sound. The door bell could be heard faintly. He motioned Nurse Crow to continue with the robot fucking...

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The Short Conversation

Rick had just finished lunch when his mobile rang; he wasn’t expecting any calls. “Rick Martin”, he said after clicking the phone to the answering icon. Seconds past and then an exciting female voice that was accompanied by a giggle in the background answered “Rick this is Karen”. A silence followed as he search for any of his contacts named Karen for most would have had their names displayed, this caller only had numbers. “Karen who?” he asked. Again he heard the giggling in the background and...

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DominoesChapter 10 Spring 19893 Hitting Third

After Marcie hung up on me I decided I needed some exercise. That's when I met the groundskeepers. I was coming back from my tour of the neighborhood when I spotted them pulling up in an ancient pickup truck. They were dressed identically in bib-overalls with the legs cut off at the knees, yellow T-shirts and work boots. They both wore their hair in a ponytail, but that is where the resemblance ended. The one that introduced herself as Cecile reminded me of Barbara, the shortstop I was...

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OralQueens Nyomi Star 08082017

Meet Nyomi Star. She is one Sexy Asian Korean Milf. She has a nice tall, slender and fit shape and a phenomenal Mouth on her. She has a variety of techniques that will blow your mind. She starts off slow and sensual getting me rock hard.. Then gags, and gets hour mouth real drippy and wet.. As she drools while the cock is in her mouth and pulls back and talks to me.. Telling me how much she loves my cock. I was like wow she is amazing.. Then she runs her long wet tongue along my shaft edging me...

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My Daughters Wedding

My name is prerna widowed my husband passed away when my only daughter was 5 yrs old. I had been married to him when I was 18 yrs, very distinctly he married me not cause of my qualities but more for my voluptuous 36-28-38 figure and my milkfull of assets. I brought up anjali with my husbands insurance and pension. Anjali was 22yrs , had a secured job and a good prospect for marriage. So I was on a lookout for a would be suitor for her. My sister’s family had an orphaned relative on her...


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