A Young Starfleet Officer Tries To Relax On Shore free porn video

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Sumati pulled her uniform jacket taut over her body, glancing down briefly to confirm that she looked suitably smart. It really shouldn't matter, she thought to herself, as she flicked aside a few stray hairs from her jet black fringe. Here, just beyond the borders of Federation space, nobody was going to care that much.

Except that the senior officers might very well care, especially with the Captain being such a stickler for rules. The Captain always looked immaculate, almost infuriatingly calm and polished. And Sumati knew exactly what the Captain would say: today she was representing Starfleet, and couldn't afford to let the side down.

The last thing Sumati wanted right now was to turn up at the transporter room and be sent back to tidy herself up. Perhaps it wasn't very likely – it rather depended who was on duty – but she wasn't going to take the risk.

As an ensign, she didn't have a window in her room; only senior officers were lucky enough to get that privilege. Instead, her brown eyes flicked up to the monitor screen above the fold-away dresser. The space station hung there, a clunky collection of habitat modules around a central hub and power pylon. It was matt grey, the insignia scuffed by micrometeorite impacts that suggested a somewhat erratic shield system. It was an old design, too, hardly a match for modern Starfleet facilities, and in orbit around a nondescript, uninhabitable ball of rock.

It looked, in short, little better than junk. But, to Sumati, at this moment, it seemed a golden haven of opportunity. She actually had to steady her breathing for a moment, before picking up the chip, and securely pocketing it inside her uniform. It wouldn't do to leave without that!

She opened the door to her cabin, and stepped out into the corridor, her long braid swishing behind her as she turned to head towards the transporters...


When Sumati had first been assigned to the USS Endeavour, one thing she hadn't expected was a protracted period of celibacy.

Although, as a newly graduated Ensign, this was her first real assignment on a Starfleet ship, much of the rest of her life on board had been more or less what she expected. Life in Starfleet wasn't always as glamorous as the stories made out, but it certainly wasn't bad.

True, as a lowly engineer, she rarely got to leave the ship, to physically explore all the 'strange new worlds' that the recruitment ads talked about. They were certainly there – she could see them through the windows – but she rarely had the opportunity to set her feet on alien soil. But she didn't mind that too much. There was plenty to keep her busy on the Endeavour, a state-of-the-art research vessel, with several sophisticated features.

And, of course, she had to prove herself and work her way up through the ranks in order to get the best opportunities. She understood all that; Starfleet had a rank structure for good reason. There were even some benefits to being an engineer on a research vessel; around half the crew were scientists, and they always needed someone to keep their equipment working. It meant that she – or at least her department – was often in demand, and her skills were appreciated, as they might not be, for example, on a space dock.

No, none of that was the problem. It was definitely the celibacy thing.

One of the first things she had discovered on receiving her berth on the ship was that the USS Endeavour didn't have a particularly large human complement on its crew. She didn't really have much to compare it to, from her own personal experience, but the impression that most people had about Starfleet ships was that they were, by and large, crewed by humans, with just the odd Vulcan or Betazoid here and there.

Not so the Endeavour. A modern research vessel and one of the best of its kind, it seemed to attract science officers from across the Federation. She wasn't sure how many of them had been personally picked by the Captain or senior crew, but they were among the best in their respective fields. And, naturally enough, that meant that they were a diverse bunch. After all, Andoria and Benzar, to name but two worlds, surely produced just as many top quality scientists as Earth. Humans couldn't have it all their own way.

So, there were a lot of alien races on the Endeavour. It made some of the discussions in the lounges and rest rooms fascinating, a blend of different cultural perspectives that Sumati quite enjoyed. But it did rather leave one short of romantic opportunities.

Of course, even on the Endeavour, she was far from the only human present. What with the physical requirements of Starfleet training, many of the younger men were pretty good-looking, too. They were also all either dull science nerds that really weren't her type, or else already in a committed relationship by the time she'd embarked. A larger ship, or one with a more Earth-centric crew, would surely have had more exceptions... but not this one.

It wasn't that she was obsessed about sex, or anything. It really was, in the grand scheme of things, a minor inconvenience. At least she was here, on a starship, exploring the galaxy. It made up for a lot. But still, celibacy hadn't been on the brochure.

After a few months, she had hit upon the obvious solution: the Endeavour had holodecks. It wasn't really the same thing, but it beat the alternative – which was to say, nothing. So she had booked some leisure time, obtained a suitably erotic program, and had looked forward to trying it out.

It was when she had tried to feed the program into the holodeck that she had found out that the Captain's idea of relaxation wasn't quite the same as her own. The holodeck rejected the program, and left her in no doubt as to why it had done so; the Captain had evidently put a lock on it to prevent just this kind of use. Why, she wasn't entirely sure, although the fact that the ship's commanding officer was a Vulcan probably had something to do with it.

She was positive that the red flag that the program had raised had gone straight to the Chief Engineer. But, to his credit, he had never said a word about it to her. Perhaps he was used to it happening, at least among the new recruits. They didn't even have to be human; presumably the Ktarians, and all the rest, became equally frustrated about the lack of available singles of their own species.

She was equally confident that she could override the lock. But she wasn't going to do that. For one thing, it had doubtless occurred to the Chief Engineer, at the very least, that this was possible, and there would be countermeasures in place. Sooner or later, no matter how careful she was, she was going to be found out, and unauthorised tampering wasn't going to go down well.

But there was also the fact that she was, at the end of the day, a Starfleet officer. By tampering with the lock, she would be disobeying an order, even if only an implicit one. She wasn't going to do that; she wasn't that desperate, and she would be betraying her new family... even if she disagreed with them on this one point.

So, celibacy; that had been the remaining option. She could live with it, but, at times, it was rather frustrating.

But not today, Sumati had promised herself. Today was going to be different!


The Federation called it by the rather unimaginative name of Waystation Five. Apparently, it had had so many names down the years that the dull moniker at least had the advantage of consistency... although Sumati wasn't entirely sure where Waystations One to Four were. The numbering must have made sense to somebody at some time, but she had no idea when or why.

The reason it looked like such a haphazard pile of junk from the outside was largely because that was what it was. Historians might have known more, but all Sumati knew was that the place was old, and had been built and rebuilt, with new bits being added here and there, and old ones being cannibalised, all on a timescale of centuries. Currently it was owned by a Ferengi consortium, which used it as a neutral meeting ground and a place for traders to stop off from all over the galaxy.

Being located where it was, in that little patch of unclaimed space where the Federation came close to the Klingon-Romulan border, doubtless made it a metaphorical latinum mine for its owners. There must have been few places better placed for interstellar trade... at least in times of peace such as the present.

Looking around herself as she stepped off the transporter platform, Sumati couldn't help but think that the Ferengi influence was obvious. The décor had that slightly tacky look to it that suggested the designer had more money than sense. In these days of replicators that was unlikely to be literally true, but she suspected it was the sort of impression that Ferengi liked to give off... especially if it wasn't the case.

Brushing aside a small gaggle of Ferengi merchants who had gathered outside the transporter room to sell her goodness knew what (they had to be the ones at the bottom of the pecking order, surely?) Sumati headed down a short corridor and onto what appeared to be the station's main concourse.

It was a hive of activity, full of gaudily decorated stalls and concession booths, holographic adverts flashing in the air, open cafes and bars competing for space with the salesmen. And there were salesmen everywhere. At a guess, less than half of them were actually Ferengi, with races from across the quadrant here to try and sell something. That was before you counted the visitors, the people here to buy, or perhaps to exchange goods from far afield.

It was a bewildering array of cultures and aliens, not to mention a cacophony of voices.

Sumati quickly identified a holo-map of the station's layout, flashing with adverts for what else was available. Casinos, hotels, restaurants, strip clubs... they were all here, along with a host of quieter places to do business. She paused for a while, trying to find the best place for what she had in mind. It turned out that there was only one – the station wasn't actually as big as it appeared when you looked at it from outside. But one was all she needed.

She turned in that direction, her thoughts focussed on the chip in her pocket, when she heard a loud, deep voice calling out behind her.

"Hey, Starfleet! Didn't know they let you human scum here! Better watch your back, weakling!"

She span round to see a group of four Klingons stepping out from the transporter arrival suite. It was clear from their uniforms that they were no mere traders, but warriors of the Klingon Defence force. Sumati had not seen any such ship berthed when she had looked out of the viewer on the Endeavour... it had either arrived later, or simply been hidden by the bulk of the station.

Two of the Klingons let out a barking laugh, while a third – an ugly, squat individual with a scar across his face – simply grinned as if he had just made a particularly fine joke.

"You're outside your Federation now," sneered the scarred Klingon, his voice clearly the same as the one that had just spoken, "let's see how you last without a ship to hide in. A true warrior faces death in the face when he can. Are you ready to do that, Starfleet weakling?"

Sumati backed away, looking around and seeing none of her fellow officers in sight. Nobody else seemed to be paying any attention, either, and she doubted that anything she could say would change the Klingon's attitude. This was not a good start to her time off!

The scarred Klingon snorted in derision, stepping suddenly towards her, his hand reaching for a wickedly serrated knife at his belt. The Ensign braced herself, ready to dash into the crowd if she had to.

Before she could do so, the fourth Klingon in the group acted instead, grabbing onto her scarred compatriot's weapon arm, and harshly jerking him back. The only female in the group, she was dark skinned, even by the standards of Klingons, her head completely shaven save for a short pony tail wrapped with a leather cord.

The scarred Klingon snarled at her, and almost seemed about to strike his own fellow with his free hand, but she hissed something in his ear, too quiet for Sumati to hear. Whatever it was, it had the desired effect. His eyes full of fury, he lowered the blade, though his teeth were still bared in a ferocious display.

"This isn't over!" he called out.

"Yes it is," stated the Klingon woman clearly. "This is neutral ground. We don't attack without reason. Understood?"

He nodded, albeit in as surly a manner as the human had ever seen. The two other Klingons laughed again, at him this time, and he glared at them, all his swagger gone.

"I'd leave, human," said the dark-skinned Klingon woman, "before I change my mind. And if you see us coming again... get out of the way."

Sumati swallowed, and walked briskly away, trying not to make it look as if she was running. Yes, she was a Starfleet officer, and had had all the combat training, but she wasn't carrying her phaser, and hand-to-hand fighting had never been her strongest subject at the Academy. There was a reason she had become an engineer, instead of joining security, after all.

Once she was far enough out of sight, she stopped to steady herself. Her heart was beating, and she felt a little flushed. That had been close, and it was only the common sense of the – well, senior officer, she presumed – that had saved things from getting nasty. Even if she had managed to avoid injury, getting herself into a fight could result in her being thrown off the station, and she couldn't have that.

It wasn't a good start to her day, not at all. But it hadn't been a disaster, and she still had something to do... something that could let her forget about violent Klingons for a while at least.

She tried to get her bearings again, realising that she'd walked off in a hurry, and had already forgotten the exact details on the map. She needed a corridor of the main concourse, that much she knew, but she wasn't going back to check up. It was probably that one there... yeah, almost certainly that one.

The corridor seemed empty after the bustle of the main concourse, but Sumati could hear a loud pulsing beat from up ahead that indicated she was heading towards some kind of nightclub. Or whatever you called the 24-hour equivalent. There had been mention of something like that on the map, she reflected, although she would like a good look at another one. Pity she didn't have a PADD on her to download the thing from the station's database.

It turned out that there was no way round the nightclub, at least not in practice. There was a large open area in front of it, dimly lit, through which the corridor ran. It was cluttered with tables, and the crowd from the club proper spilled out into it. Sumati didn't think much of the design choice, but perhaps the intention was to lure passers-by in to spend money.

She stood on tip-toe, trying to see over the throng of drinkers – if anyone was dancing, they were in the main room, off to the side – and managed to make out an exit beyond. Cursing the profit-oriented stupidity of the station managers who allowed this sort of arrangement, she began winding her way through the crowd.

"Excuse me... excuse me... excuse me..."

Somebody bumped into her, hard from behind, and she felt a cold splash as some sort of beverage was unceremoniously dumped over her back.

She span round. "Watch where you're going!" she snapped, liquid still dripping from her clothing. She regretted the words almost immediately.

The Nausicaan glared at her, smashed the empty glass down onto the nearest table, and swung his fist in her direction with a belligerent roar.

Sumati ducked out of the way, underneath the blow, but the room was crowded, and the Nausicaan's fist impacted with a human civilian standing nearby. He staggered back into the table, as three of his friends rose to their feet, their own fists raised.

Great. A pub brawl. On a crowded space station. She was going to get in so much trouble if anyone thought she had anything to do with this!

Fortunately, the Nausicaan seemed to be too drunk to notice that he'd hit the wrong person. Or possibly, he just didn't care so long as there was a fight to be had. Either way, he didn't seem to be paying any attention to her any more.

Sumati ran for it as the fight erupted behind her.

For the second time in what seemed like just a few minutes, she found herself standing in a corridor trying to regain her breath. Surely even independent space stations shouldn't be this violent? She was having incredibly bad luck, when all she wanted to do was have a good time. She wasn't even the only one who had taken shore leave here... if everyone was having as much trouble as she was, half of them would be on a disciplinary by the time they got back.

Her uniform was dripping wet, the drink soaking through the outer jacket onto her vest beneath. After all the trouble she had gone to get it looking immaculate! If any of the Endeavour's senior officers saw her like this...

A short while later, she had managed to find a washroom, and was doing her best to dry out her clothing, mop it up, and generally look respectable. There was still a stain on her vest, but the jacket covered that, and, once it was dried out, the black fabric of the jacket itself seemed to hide the discolouration quite well. She put it back on, smoothed down her hair again, and went back out.

How hard could it be to find what she was looking for?

Well, she wasn't going back down that way, because it led back to the club. So, onwards...

She soon came to the conclusion that she was not only delayed, but also lost. The station could seriously do with more signage, she thought to herself grumpily. Still, so long as she didn't keep doubling back on herself, sooner or later...

Yes! She was back on the main concourse again!

The station, after all, wasn't as large as all that, and she'd known that, since everything else was arranged around the central hub, she'd be bound to get back there eventually. And the main concourse, at least, did have maps.

She was some distance from where she'd started, but she could see another of the map holos not too far from where she was standing. All she had to do was check it, and...

"Hi, Sumati! Come and join us!"

Off to her left was a sort of 'open air' café (as much as one could be, under a concourse roof), and sitting at one of the larger tables were some of her fellow crew from the Endeavour. Trying to avoid rolling her eyes in frustration, she reluctantly walked over to them.

The woman who had called out to her was Lugmilla; one of the ship's piloting crew, and a full lieutenant. Like most Tellarites, she was argumentative, and she could have a mean streak a parsec wide if you really crossed her, but Sumati rather liked her. She had a relaxed attitude for a lieutenant, and could be mischievous when the mood took her, as well as possessing an earthy sense of humour.

She could see the reason that Lugmilla wanted her to join her, though. She was sitting with Sh'ree, who was a decent enough sort for an Andorian, a slightly geeky looking science officer whose name she couldn't recall, and... Lieutenant Halvorsen.

Astrid Halvorsen was in security, and, boy, did she take it seriously. She wasn't, Sumati supposed, actually a bad person, it was just that she was quite staggeringly dull. If she had any hobbies, Sumati knew nothing about them, and her conversational skills were quite limited. Since she wouldn't approve of any even slightly risqué topic, or anything that hinted at skirting Starfleet rules to have a good time, she had to be driving Lugmilla crazy.

"Ensign Chennapragada," said Halvorsen, acknowledging her presence as she sat down. Wow, she stuck to surnames only, even off-duty. What a barrel of fun.

"So, what are you planning to do today?" asked Lugmilla once Sumati had ordered a cup of tea.

The ensign glanced across at Halvorsen before answering. It wasn't as if she was going to do anything i*****l or against regulations, but she didn't want to broadcast it, either. "Oh, this and that," she said vaguely, "I haven't really thought about it that much."

"This is your first real shore leave, isn't it?" asked Sh'ree, "since the Academy, I mean."

"Uh, yes, yes it is."

"Well, you'll find it goes quickly enough. I'd make some plans, if I were you. It's not as if we're somewhere where you can just relax and admire the scenery. On a planet, it can be different."

"Where you always insist on going somewhere freezing cold," butted in the Tellarite.

"If you're talking about that last trip, that's hardly fair - five Celsius is not cold!"

"Well, it doesn't apply here, anyway," broke in the human science officer, who evidently knew Tellarites well enough to see that a protracted argument was brewing, "and I'm sure there's entertainment around."

"I'd avoid the nightclub," said Sumati, as her tea arrived, "I hear it's a bit rough. At least, it seemed that way when I passed it earlier."

Halvorsen looked over at her, gave a little sniff, and frowned disapprovingly. The smell of whatever the Nausicaan had been drinking must still be on her clothes! It wasn't strong, but it was probably just about detectable. The security officer probably thought she'd been drinking the stuff herself, although hopefully her obvious sobriety counted against that.

The conversation continued, going nowhere in particular. The chip was almost burning a hole in Sumati's pocket. How could she get away? At this rate, she was going to be invited to join them somewhere else, and then what would happen to her real plans? Shore leave was rapidly turning into a complete disaster. It could only be worse if...

"Ha! Starfleet weaklings! Are those your ideas of drinks? Pathetic! And you, blue-skin, what kind of warriors are your people supposed to be, hanging out with these pieces of detritus!"

It was him. He was back again – the scar-faced Klingon. He had a different friend with him this time, and the female officer she had seen earlier was nowhere in sight.

Sh'ree clenched her fist, and half-rose from the table, but it was Halvorsen who held out a warning hand towards her, then rose herself to stare into the Klingon's eyes. Sumati had to admit, the blonde woman was tall, and with scar-face being rather squat for his race, the security officer was actually able to stare him straight in the eye.

"This is supposed to be neutral ground," she said coolly, "so if you're looking for a fight, we'll have to disappoint you. I'm sure your own captain has told you the same."

"You're just scared I'll whip your skinny ass."

"I'd leave, if I were you."

Sumati gulped down the last of the tea as the others began to square off against each other.

"Good plan," muttered Lugmilla, leaning across to her, "let's find somewhere else." Seeing that Sh'ree was already backing up Halvorsen, she turned to the geeky looking science ensign, "coming?" He shook his head, focused on the coming confrontation, and the Tellarite shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Once again, Sumati found herself beating a hasty retreat, this time with Lugmilla at her side. If there was really going to be a fight, Halvorsen and Sh'ree should be more than capable of handling themselves, and they wanted to be nowhere near when it went down.

"This place seems rougher than I thought," said the Tellarite woman once they'd reached the safety of a nearby corridor entrance.

"Well, it doesn't sound like they are actually fighting yet," said Sumati, "thankfully. But I know what you mean. Although I think that particular Klingon is just looking to cause trouble. Oh, look, here comes station security. Better make ourselves scarce."

"So," began Lugmilla, a short while later, "what were you actually planning on doing? And don't say you didn't have a plan, because I could tell that wasn't true."

The ensign sighed, "actually, I was just trying to get to the holosuites. Haven't been able to find them yet, though."

"Ah, well I have a PADD," said the Tellarite, smiling, "so let's see." She took the small item out of her pocket, and poked it a few times. "We're pretty close... just down that way."

"Oh, right. Thanks!"

"You're welcome." The other woman looked at her suspiciously, dark brows furrowed, "but we do have a holodeck on the ship. The point of shore leave is to go somewhere different." Sumati shuffled her feet, unsure of what to say, but apparently that was enough to give her away. "Ah," said Lugmilla, "yes, I noticed that about our holodecks, too."

"You did?" Somehow she couldn't see the squat, snouted lieutenant in that way.

"I am a single adult... Well, I'm guessing you don't want me to join you." She pointed again, "down there, and round the corner. I'll see you later."

Sumati grinned, "thanks! You're a star." It seemed the first piece of good fortune she'd had all day.


"There will be no problem using my own program?"

"Of course not," replied the Ferengi, "we pride ourselves in giving our customers exactly what they want. If you'll just authorise the transaction?"

She did so, relieved that at last, the day's obstacles seemed to be over. The chip was still in her pocket, and ready for use in the holosuite she had just booked.

It contained an erotic holonovel, a historical story set in the early nineteenth century, about an innocent young woman courted by two equally eligible, but contrasting, bachelors. The reviews had said that the plot was engaging and full of twists, with well-rounded characters, plenty of period feel and, most importantly for today, some very steamy sex scenes.

That, of course, was one of the things about holonovels. In almost any other medium, whether traditional text novels or two or three dimensional cinema, the writer could, if they wanted to, gloss over the erotic elements. They could describe them only briefly, or use camera angles, lighting, or simple editing to leave much up to the imagination. A holonovel, in which, by its very nature, you had to experience everything the heroine did, had no such luxury. You either left it out altogether, perhaps put in some dialogue to imply it had happened off-screen, or... you went the whole way. Clever camera angles just weren't an option.

It was so much better than the largely emotion-free holo-porn that the Ferengi were likely to serve up. She couldn't, of course, finish the whole novel today, and, like most holonovels, you were supposed to experience it chapter by chapter anyway. But she estimated, from the suggested timing guidelines, that she could get through all of the initial scenes at the country house, and then complete the episode in which, from what she gathered, the feisty young heroine comprehensively lost both her innocence and her virginity. (To which of the dashing young aristocrats, she had no idea – that would be the thrill of playing through it).

The rest could wait for another day, another shore leave.

"Thank you," she said, as the Ferengi owner completed the transaction. "Which holosuite is it?"

"Oh, it's not available yet," he said, trying to look innocent, but, given his race, failing horrendously.

"What?" growled Sumati, a hard edge creeping into her voice.

Her tone evidently registered, and the Ferengi began talking rather more rapidly. "They're all booked up at the moment. If you'd got here just a little bit earlier, there would have been one, but somebody just beat you to it. You've just bought a slot in, let me see... five hours' time. Don't be late. And no refunds! First Rule of..."

"Five hours?!"

"Well, yes, you see, they're..."

"Actually, on second thoughts, I don't want to know. But if it's not ready in five hours, I will wring your neck, understood? I'm sure there must be a Rule of Acquisition about it being hard to make profits when you've just been strangled."

He nodded, backing off and muttering something that sounded like "one hundred and twenty five."

Could this day get any worse? Sumati stormed off, fuming to herself. Even a delayed start like that would leave her enough time, but what was she to do for five hours? Apart from anything else, she was going to need sleep before then, if she didn't want to nod off before Lord Whatshisname got naked.

She was seriously beginning to wonder if she would still be in the mood by the time she did manage to start. But at least she did have a booking, and the Ferengi was unlikely to give up her slot if he wanted to keep his reputation. She just had to find somewhere to spend the meantime.

One of her few lucky breaks in a day of disasters was her discovery that, less than a hundred metres beyond the holosuite complex was a small hotel. It wasn't the most expensive on the station, but it didn't look like a rat-hole, either. All she had to do was rent a room, take a lie-down, set an alarm, and be back at the holosuite on time. Given the short distance, for once, that shouldn't prove an obstacle. And, no matter her worsening mood, she was damned if she was give up after having gone this far.

The hotel was managed by another Ferengi, who appeared rather flustered when she arrived. Perhaps she just looked sufficiently fed up that he sensed he might be in trouble. She booked a room, and then reached for the console to make the transaction before pausing, her finger above the screen.

"You're not going to tell me you're booked up, are you?"

"No... no..."

"You do have rooms available, now? For the night?"

"Yes, yes, no trouble!" He looked a bit confused at her questions, but at least it was hard to see what else could go wrong at this point.

Apart from an asteroid strike on the station, which she really hoped wasn't likely.

"Good," she said, thumbing in the key, "so which room is it?"

"Ah, right, yes... yes... I've got it here somewhere." He fiddled through a set of electronic keys, somehow having difficulty finding the one he was looking for. Goodness knew how, since some of them had a green 'available' tag actually glowing on them.

Sumati lost patience, reached over and grabbed the nearest green tag. "This one...?"


"It says 'available'."

"Then, yes, yes, that's free. I mean, available, not 'free'... pardon my language. You still have to pay for it."

"I just have paid for it."

"Yes, yes, yes, go right on through. Or..." something seemed to occur to him, "perhaps I should just check something... could you...?"

Ignoring him, Sumati strode off down the corridor into the hotel. What had got into the little weasel? Whatever it was, it wasn't her problem.

She found the door, checking the number against the key, and pressed it into the lock pad. The door slid open and the little light turned red for 'booked'. So the room had been available. Good. Finally, things had stopped going wrong.

Sighing, she stepped inside, and thumbed the light switch as she door slid shut. The room remained in blackness, and she stabbed at the switch again. Nothing. She was about to let out a loud expletive when she felt herself suddenly grabbed from behind, and cold, sharp steel pressed against her throat.

"And now," said a deep voice right by her ear, "...you die!"


Sumati froze, petrified. She could feel the sharp blade pressed against her skin, a muscular arm wrapped about her shoulder, and warm breath on the back of her neck. The moment seemed to drag out as she waited, helpless, for her assailant to finish her off.

Instead, the knife was pulled away rapidly, and she found herself pushed away violently.

"You are not Patrick O'Leary!" shouted the deep voice, angrily.

She had had enough. Every single thing was going wrong today! Couldn't she even get a lie-down in peace? She span around on her heels, and finally vented her frustration.

"No I'm bloody well not! What the hell do you think you're doing, jumping people in their hotel rooms? What the fuck is this? I've been threatened, cheated, nearly beaten up – twice – and now you're trying to murder me because you think I'm some man I've never heard of? This is insane! You're insane! How the hell does anyone get any peace around here?"

"You are not Patrick O'Leary," said the man, more insistently this time.

Sumati slapped him.

It was only then that the nature of her assailant fully sunk in. He was a Klingon warrior. She had just slapped a Klingon warrior. Holding a drawn blade.

Fortunately, he seemed as shocked as she was, staring at her in amazement, his eyes wide in the near darkness. He put a hand up to his face, where she had just slapped him, and held it there for a moment, in apparent bemusement.

Then he let out a short booming laugh. "Lights!" he called, and the room was suddenly illuminated.

"Well met... Starfleet," he said, apparently seeing her uniform for the first time. "Few would have the bravery for that." He grinned, "but perhaps you should not strike me again. That might be... unwise."

The Klingon stood over two metres tall, with the muscular build typical of his race. His skin was pale tan, somewhat lighter than her own, and his hair black and shoulder length. He was, she estimated, a young man, not much older than herself, his beard neatly trimmed into a goatee. Aside from the knife, he appeared to be unarmed, although she doubted that would make much difference should she decide to attack him again.

"What... what are you doing in here?" she managed, trying to keep her voice steady, but not really succeeding.

He thought for a moment before giving a brief snort and then, to her relief, thrusting his wicked looking blade back into the sheath at his belt. "I seek to rid the galaxy of Patrick O'Leary," he said, as if this explained everything.

"So why were you hiding in my room?"

"This is not your room. It is mine."

She held out the electronic key with its little tag, now glowing red to signify that the room was occupied. "No," she told him, her voice calmer now, but still with an angry edge to it, "I don't think so."

He looked at the small device, and then swore. "P'takh of a Ferengi! That key was not for you." He began to pace the room angrily. "O'Leary was to meet me here. He was to be given that key, thinking that this was a meeting to arrange a deal. And then to meet his doom, like the coward he is."

Sumati recalled with horror how she had practically snatched the key from the hotel owner, ignoring his own apparent confusion. What had she just blundered into?

"Who is he?" she asked, unable to think of anything else to say.

"An arms dealer and traitor. He has been arming, shall we say, undesirable elements, raiders and insurgents who have harmed the Klingon Empire, and your own Federation, too. You should want him dead as much as I do."

"Perhaps I would, if I had heard of him." She doubted that was the case; the Federation did not believe in the death penalty, and neither did she. But it seemed best to humour the man.

He nodded, apparently satisfied with her remark, "I had planned to assassinate him myself, to claim the glory of removing his stain from the galaxy. He is a coward and an outcast; he did not deserve to die a warrior's death. A slit throat and an ignominious end, that is what he should face."

"You still think he's coming?"

"No," said the Klingon, shoulders slumping slightly, "not now. He is late already, and now you have the key to the room. These rooms are sound-proofed; he could not even knock on the door if he wanted. Although I suspect, given his lateness, that he has somehow got wind of my scheme, or at least fears that the meeting is not genuine. I do not believe he will arrive now. I have failed."

It wasn't her problem. "Well, if you don't mind, I'll leave," she told him, eyeing him carefully to see his response.

She needn't have bothered; he just wearily waved his arm in the direction of the door, not even bothering to look at her. Still walking slowly, in case he became violent again, she went up to it, and thumbed the key in.

Nothing happened. She tried it again. Still nothing.

She turned to look at the Klingon, and he stared back at her this time, as if suspecting a trick. "Why do you not leave?" he asked, accusingly.

"The door won't open. The key isn't working."

He frowned, and then suddenly strode to the door, pushing her out of the way, and pressing his own key to the lock. It worked no better than her own.

"The lock... does not work!" he said, spitting out the words.

"Yes, I know. Why not?"

He remained silent for a moment, and then let out a shout that almost made Sumati jump. "That damn Ferengi!" he shouted, "he has betrayed me! I shall wring his scrawny neck. He must have trapped me in here while O'Leary made his escape from the station! The room is locked from the outside. We are trapped here!"

Sumati said nothing. Not for the first time, she reflected that her day had managed to take a turn for the worse when it seemed that it had already reached its nadir.

The Klingon pounded on the door, shouting to be released, and explaining in graphic detail what he would do to the hotel owner as soon as he got out. Sumati doubted that this was going to be an effective method of persuasion. She waited until he got bored, leaning up against the door, panting with frustration.

"It's sound-proofed, remember?" she told him, "even if he wants to let you out so that you can disembowel him, which I doubt. Why don't you let me try?"

"And what good can you do, human? You think your voice is louder than mine?"

"No, but I'm an engineer. Perhaps I can get the lock open."


He stepped out of the way. Soon she had the panel off, and with the warrior fuming behind her, got to work on the circuits. Soon, however, she had to admit defeat, rolling back onto her haunches. "If I had my PADD..." she said, "but there's nothing I can do here without tools."

"So we are trapped?"

She turned to look at him, "you said he's already late. So won't your friends be coming to look for you soon?"

He looked down at the floor, suddenly sheepish. "They do not know I am here."


He glared at her, "you think I asked permission for this? Of course not, it is my own plan! My Captain does not know where I am. She thinks I am simply on shore leave. They will not miss me until I fail to return to the ship."

Sumati filed away the 'she' for future reference, but instead said, "so how long will that be?"

"Twelve hours. Unless your people look for you first."

"Not in that time. I'm supposed to be on shore leave, too. You're seriously telling me we're stuck here in this room for twelve hours?" He didn't reply, just yelled, and kicked the wall. She felt like doing the same; her holosuite booking would be long gone by then, and there wouldn't be time left for it, anyway.

Sighing, she got to her feet. "Nothing else for it, then," she said, and thumbed her communication badge. "Ensign Chennapragada to USS Endeavour. Requesting beam out."


She looked at the Klingon. "Sound-proofed and communication proofed?"

He nodded. "I imagine most people renting these rooms do not wish to be disturbed. It is a Ferengi hotel."

"Just great..." she muttered, seeing any chance at a real shore leave finally vanish into nothingness.

Who knew how long it would be before she got the chance at another one? She threw herself onto the bed, rolling over onto her back and thumping her head against the pillow in frustration. She stared up at the ceiling as she heard the Klingon stomping about and occasionally kicking the wall. At least he wasn't taking it out on her, she supposed.

She lay there for a while, completely out of ideas. Twelve hours locked in a smallish room, with only a pissed off alien warrior for company. She would rather be fixing the plumbing in the officer's head.

Speaking of which... a strange smell was creeping into her nostrils. A few moments later she identified it as the Nausicaan beer. Her jacket was dry now, but not properly cleaned. She pulled herself up in the bed, seeing the Klingon now standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed, and thick eyebrows creased in a sulky frown.

"You don't mind if I take this off?" she asked, more for the sake of saying something than in expectation of a response, "I got beer on it earlier, and it still smells."

The Klingon grunted, uninterested, and she pulled the uniform jacket off, balling it up and throwing it to the far side of the room. Her vest wasn't entirely free of the odour, either, but she wasn't taking that off, so this would have to do.

"Gah!" she said as another thought struck her. "Twelve hours? We haven't even got anything to eat. I'll be starving by then."

"You are hungry now?" asked the Klingon.

"No," she admitted, "but I will be by then. And that's assuming they find us straight away."

The Klingon grunted, and stepped to one side, waving his arm behind him. Sumati's eyes widened, as she saw a replicator set into the far wall. There would be a fee for using it, of that she was sure, but, now that she thought about it, this was a hotel room, so it made sense. The door she had only just noticed on the wall to her left presumably led to a bathroom, too.

"Ah, well, then," she said, "I suppose it could be worse. At least we won't go hungry."

"You, perhaps not," replied her reluctant companion, "but replicators can never manage proper Klingon food. It is edible, but..." he made a short retching sound.

"Really?" Did they have chefs on board Klingon vessels, then? "Anyway, can't you try some other cuisine for a change? At least it would be prepared properly."

"You suggest I eat human food?" he looked offended, "I have tried it, from a replicator, as you say. It is bland and tasteless."

Sumati smiled to herself, "you," she said pointing, "have not tried a proper curry. When you get hungry tell it to prepare..." she thought for a second, "kolhapuri mutton rassa. With extra chilli, I'd suggest."

He looked at her quizzically, before deciding she wasn't joking. "Very well, I shall."

He sat down in the room's only chair, a medium-sized one, upholstered in mock leather. He looked a little uncomfortable in it, his bulk and the thickness of his armour not suiting its relatively narrow confines. He wriggled about a bit, frowning at the chair, as if it was somehow to blame. He did a lot of frowning, she had noticed.

He got up again. "Perhaps I do not need the armour," he announced, "and it would not do for me to be better protected than you, for it shows fear."

Sumati raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He wasn't taking that much notice of her anyway. Still, she watched with interest as he unbuckled the bulky hauberk, with its large shoulder pads, and set it aside the chair before sitting down again.

"Much better," he announced. "But I know what would be better still. If you will have me eat human food, then I shall return the honour."

He got up out of the chair again, having sat in it for no more than a few seconds, and walked over to the replicator. Beneath the armour he was wearing a seamless black shirt with a high collar, tight enough to show the muscles of his arms and what Sumati thought was a slight set of ridges down his spine. His shoulders were broad, even without the pads to accentuate them, and his belly taut without a trace of fat. Callisthenics, she supposed, were a daily routine for Klingon warriors.

"Warnog, two," he said, and waited as the replicator hummed to life.

When he turned round again, he was holding two pitchers of what she assumed was some kind of drink. He placed one on the table by the bed, before retreating to his chair, and taking a gulp of his own.

She raised the pitcher, and resisted the temptation to sniff at it. It looked to be a clear fluid, giving no hint as to what it might taste of. Taking his lead, and sitting up on the bed, she took a deep gulp and swallowed a mouthful of it down. It was strong, alcoholic, and, she supposed, not unlike a potent lager, but with more of a bitter flavour to it.

"Whoa..." she said as the fiery drink began to warm her. "You know, that's not bad."

The Klingon grinned, leaning back in the chair as he took another swig. "Kurdok of the House of Khurless," he announced, and it took a second before she realised what he meant.

"Ensign Sumati Chennapragada," she told him in reply. Not that he hadn't heard the surname already, she reflected.

"So, Ensign Sumati," he said, getting the name more or less right the first time, "why have I not heard of this 'curry' before?"

She laughed, and took another sip of the warnog – smaller this time, since she didn't want to get drunk. "I have no idea," she said, "it's a common enough dish. There was a time in England when young men would try to show their worthiness by eating the strongest curry they could find. Showing off the strength of their stomachs, I guess."

"A warrior's food, then? I did not think humans had such things."

"If you like. At least, that seems to be what they thought. It's just regular food where I come from."

Kurdok thought about this for a moment, "then you are not from this Ing-Gland?"

"No, no, I was born in Mumbai. It's a big city in the tropics."

"And the people there are warriors? There seem to be few such among humans today."

"In the past there were more, Earth had as much of a warrior culture as any world. Well, perhaps not as much as Klingons, but we did have many warriors. Knights, samurai, Vikings... my own ancestors were Kshatriya – ruling warriors."

"But no longer." It was a statement, not a question.

"I'm an engineer, I told you. But, come on, all Klingons can't be warriors. Somebody has to design the disruptors and the warp drives. They may be useful for conquest, but you don't discover hyperspace theory by thinking solely about tactics."

"As my captain sometimes says," he nodded, "but we all understand that the warrior ideal is the highest."

It was like some of the conversations she'd had with the alien crewmen on the Endeavour, except that she knew rather less about Klingon culture to start with. She had thought of them only as violent brutes, except that they had a sense of honour that set them apart from the likes of the Nausicaans. Other than that, she knew little, and she wasn't even sure how true that was. Klingons had discovered faster-than-light travel on their own – at least so far as she knew – so they were hardly stupid.

Of course, the ones she had met earlier in the day had hardly done much to dispel the myth, and she did not want Kurdok to suddenly turn on her like that, so she forbore from saying anything about how the Federation viewed the role of warriors in society.

"I've told you where I come from," she said instead, "what about you?"

Kurdok looked down into his drink, perhaps wondering how much he should tell her. The Federation and the Empire were not at war, at least not now, but they were hardly close friends, either.

"A small place," he said, eventually, "a town in the countryside, in a southern part of Qo'nos. The homeworld, yes, but far from the main cities. It is a cold and harsh land, a good place for building strength and determination. In the past, food was hard to come by. My ancestors were warriors, yes, but also hunters."

"Sounds about as unlike Mumbai as it's possible to be," she told him, "it's one of the largest cities on Earth. Even with modern technology, it feels crowded, although it was probably more so in the past. But it makes it easier to live on a spaceship, I guess. I never grew up with great open spaces."

"Your ship is the Endeavour?" he asked, before taking another swig of the drink. "To strive, or struggle. Not a bad name for a Federation starship."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it is named for a famous ship of exploration, not a warship. Not all great endeavours are on the field of combat, I'm afraid, at least not on Earth. Although, if it helps, the captain of the original died in battle. Although that was later, I think. So what is your ship? I didn't see it when we arrived here."

Kurdok made a sound that the universal translator refused to handle, presumably because the word had no equivalent in Marathi. "What is that?" she asked, "a place or the name of somebody?"

"An a****l," he said. He put the drink down and held out his hand in a clenched fist, "about this big. Lots of legs, deadly poisonous bite."

"A tarantula?" offered Sumati.

"Perhaps," he said, his translator evidently having handled that word no better than her own had handled his.

"Well, here's to the IKS Tarantula," said Sumati, downing more of the Klingon ale, "may she bite people many times her own size."

She got a broad grin in response. Evidently it had been the right thing to say. Despite the unpleasantness of their initial meeting, Sumati was beginning to warm to Kurdok. He seemed very different to the other Klingons she had met today, or those she had heard of. Of course he was a warrior, inclined to see all things in terms of conflict, but he was being pleasant enough, under the circumstances, as trapped here as she was, and trying to make the best of it.

The warnog was warming her, too, although she had not drunk enough to get tipsy. The stuff wasn't bloodwine, or some other ridiculously potent drink. She supposed that no captain wanted drunken Klingons all over their warship, and she suspected that a Klingon crew could drink a lot of this stuff, with much banging of cups and warlike singing, without running the risk of that happening.

"You have this on your ship? We're only allowed synthehol."

"Of course!" he replied, "only the real thing. Perhaps humans are too weak to drink much real alcohol?"

"I'm drinking this aren't I?" she said, before proving the point again.

"You are a good human," he said, nodding, "strong in heart, if not in body. Will matters more than muscle, as my captain would say. I think she may be right in this. Sometimes."

"Your captain sounds interesting."

He grunted. "Perhaps. She is unusual, I would say. But what of yours? Your captain that does not allow alcohol? Is he dull, then?"

"She's a Vulcan. Which says all you need to know, really. I'm not sure she understands human needs all that well. Although the synthehol isn't just her; that's Starfleet regulations."

"A Vulcan? Ha! I suspect one such as you chafes under the command of a Vulcan. Am I right?"

"Not really," said Sumati, defensively, "she's a good captain, and I'm a Starfleet officer. We just have different ideas about how to have a good time off-duty, that's all."

"Your loyalty is admirable. And you are right: even Klingon warriors have their differences. Or I would not be here. But still... I doubt that even a Vulcan's idea of a good time is sitting in an empty hotel room."

Kurdok pulled himself up out of the chair and began pacing the carpet again, his scowl indicating that he had clearly lost interest in further conversation. Sumati sighed and tried to ignore him, closing her eyes to see if she could get some sleep, and the time would pass quicker that way.

It was no use. She opened her eyes again, and watched the Klingon walking back and forth, occasionally casting an angry glance at the partially disassembled lock.

"Can't you do some exercises or something?" she asked in exasperation. It had to be better than wearing a hole in the carpet.

"Why not?" he agreed. "A warrior needs to keep in shape."

Kurdok sat down on the chair, and began to pull his boots off. She raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Presumably it was more comfortable that way, and she had to admit the boots did look rather heavy and bulky. She was more surprised, though, when his next act was to stand up, and to pull off his shirt as well. Straightening his belt, he dropped to the floor, and began to perform press-ups.

From her angle lying down on the bed, she couldn't see much, but curiosity compelled her to pull herself up straight for a better view. She could still only see his back, and that only half the time, but even so she could see that the ridges on his forehead continued down his spine. Some kind of skeletal armour, she supposed, evolved to protect his spinal cord.

Soon, he switched to doing sit-ups. Sumati found, to her surprise, that she was admiring his body. Blushing slightly, and hoping he hadn't noticed, she turned her head away. He was a Klingon, after all. If she hadn't been admiring non-humans in that way during her time on the Endeavour, his was hardly the race she should be starting with!

u*********sly, her eyes drifted back towards Kurdok's half-naked body. Oh, why not, she thought, as she caught herself admiring him again. I'm only watching after all, and he's only bare above the waist.

She had to admit, he looked rather impressive. His chest was broad and muscular, as she had already deduced, and looked much like that of a human, anatomically. He was moderately hairy, but less so than she might have expected, given his long hair and beard. His abdominal muscles were well-defined, taut, and starting to glisten with sweat. His arms were powerful, too, although not so muscle-bound as to look odd to human eyes.

Eventually, he stood up, and stretched, and Sumati took the opportunity to drink in every athletic curve of his exposed body. He had already shown more stamina for exercise than she expected all but the fittest of humans could, and he looked barely out of breath, for all the slight beads of sweat against his tanned skin.

"That feels better," he announced, giving no sign that he had noticed her attention. She wasn't sure whether she felt good about that, or not.

"If that's how you like to spend your free time, it's fine by me."

"It is one of the ways," he said, without elaborating further.

"So what else?" she asked, "what do you do on the Tarantula for fun? What is it we're missing out on in Starfleet?"

"Proper drink and food, for one."

"Okay, I'll give you that. At least if replicators aren't good at Klingon food."

She realised she hadn't finished the ale, although Kurdok had done so long ago. She picked up the flagon and downed the remainder, discovering there was more left than she had thought, but determined to get through it in one go.

"There is combat practice, and tactical games," the Klingon was continuing, "and we can listen to opera and join in with the singing. There is much to do, to keep our spirits up between duties. Klingons live life to the full!"

"Perhaps it helps that you are all the same race and culture. On the Endeavour, humans are a minority. We have members of two dozen different races on the crew. It keeps things varied, but..." she'd almost said too much, "well, I guess there can be some downsides."

"The Klingon Empire employs the best warriors it can. Even our engineers and medics are warriors. There is no room for weaker races on our ships!"

Perhaps it was the alcohol speaking, as the warmth of that last drink spread through her body, but Sumati found herself responding to that as she would not have done less than an hour before. "We aren't 'weaker' races! It's not all about brawn, you said so yourself earlier. The Federation has hardly been a failure, now, has it?"

"Perhaps not. But you are not warriors. That is all I mean."

"You said earlier that wearing more armour than me would have made it seem you were showing fear."

"What of it?"

"You think I'm showing fear? I mean, I'm just sitting here, not trying to hide. And you're the one with the weapon, remember."

"No," he conceded, sounding a little conciliatory, "you have shown that you have steel in you. I do not think you a coward."

"Good," she said, "thank you. But just to prove I'm not afraid, let's make sure we're equal."

"I have already put the knife away," he indicated it, lying beside his armour now. She hadn't noticed him removing it.

"But I'm wearing more armour than you. As it were."

She made a show of pulling her boots off and dumping them beside the bed, balling up her socks and tucking them inside. Kurdok grinned, the thought of imitation leather boots as 'armour' evidently amusing him.

"I shall not attack your feet," he promised, sounding solemn.

"Well, what about this?"

She pulled her vest up, over her head and off, then dropped it over the boots before lying back on the bed again.

"Now we're even," she told him, "besides, it still smelled of Nausicaan beer."

She crossed her arms and looked at him, tilting her chin up a little to look proud. Amazingly, it was only then that it hit her: she was sitting across from a ferocious Klingon warrior, wearing just her uniform trousers and a white sports bra. And Kurdok himself was bare from the waist up. How much of the ale had she drunk to make her do that? She was acting before she was thinking, which was rather unlike her.

But she wasn't backing down, either.

There was a long silence. Kurdok shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Yes, we are," he said eventually. "You have made your point."

She nodded in agreement, and unfolded her arms, adopting a less confrontational posture. She couldn't help but note though, that, while Kurdok had always maintained eye contact while speaking to her so far, that now his gaze kept flicking downwards. It should have made her nervous, but actually, she felt pleased, a warm glow touching her that no longer had anything to do with the warnog.

"Well, at least you have women on your ship. That must make it easier to 'live life to the full'."

"A woman has as much right to be a warrior as a man."

"No arguments from me on that front."

Sumati adjusted her position slightly, and flipped her long braid over her shoulder, nestling it in her cleavage. Kurdok's eyes followed it, tracing down its length to where the end rested close to her navel, before darting back to her face, as if hoping she hadn't noticed. She pretended she hadn't.

"Being a warrior is about determination, skill, and honour," he went on, "not gender. Our ancestors once thought otherwise, centuries ago, but we recognise the wastage of that approach."

"Birth control, huh? It had something like that effect on Earth, back in the twentieth century."

"Just so. It liberated many women for combat roles."

"Must help for entertainment on the ship, too. You can't spend all your time in combat practice."

Sumati rolled over onto her side, propping her head up on one hand, and idly twirling the end of her braid with the other. From this angle, she knew, her cleavage would be more visible to him, and, once again, she saw the movement of his dark eyes.

Kurdok crossed his legs suddenly, and cleared his throat. She suppressed a grin, guessing the effect she was beginning to have on him. How far could she take this teasing? How far did she want to take it? She was, for the first time in her life, leading on an alien, and, of all races, he had to be a Klingon. Was it wise, what she was doing? What if he took it the wrong way?

Was there, she wondered, her heart suddenly jumping, even a wrong way to take it? Yes, he was a Klingon, but did that have to be such a problem? She had come to the station for a purpose, and it had been thwarted at every step. Until, perhaps, now...?

"There are liaisons on the Tarantula," he was saying, "it is understood. Except for the Captain, so far as I know. She keeps out of that. As she has to."

"I guess she would. Our captain doesn't exactly have to deal with the question, though. But it happens on the Endeavour. Even with our range of different species. Even the Captain doesn't forbid that, if it doesn't get in the way of work."

"Different species?" He seemed surprised.

Sumati dropped the braid, and casually slid the hand down her side, hooking it into the waist band of her uniform trousers. Kurdok's eyes followed it all the way.

"Sure. Why not?" Not that she'd ever considered it herself before; but she wasn't going to mention that now. "It depends on the species, obviously. Not many humans find Tellarites attractive."

"I see."

There was silence, the Klingon's eyes still fixed on her hand, she not sure whether to move, and neither of them apparently thinking of much else they could say.

As the moment dragged on, Sumati took a decision. Perhaps it was a gamble, but she would risk it.

She slid her hand round to the front of the waistband, and, almost as if it were an u*********s movement, popped open the clasp, moving her hand beneath the fabric so that that the zip slowly pulled apart.

"Does that not happen with Klingons? There are no other species that are attractive to you?" she asked, breaking the silence, "or is it just that you don't often meet other races under the right circumstances?"

"I suppose, yes, it happens. On rare occasions."

She pushed aside the top of her trousers, exposing her hip and part of her knickers. "So it's not that other races are never attractive?"

"I suppose not. To some people." His eyes were on her hip now, not her face.

"What about you?"

"I have never thought about it."

"But now that I've asked," she slid her trousers further down, exposing the top of her thigh, "you can think about it. So?"

His eyes flicked to her face, boring into her, trying to gauge her mood. "Why do you ask?" he said, eventually.

"No reason," she said, rolling onto her back again, both hands free to push her trousers down to her knees.

Having done enough for the moment, she instead crossed her arms behind her head, resting on her hands, as she watched him. His eyes roved over her exposed body, taking in the swell of her bra, the slim curve of her belly, the contrast of her white knickers against her skin.

"In the right situation, I can see how there might be an appeal," he said slowly.

"And what's the right situation?" Sumati moved her legs, showing him more of her inner thigh, and, not coincidentally, causing her trousers to slide further down.

Kurdok's hands gripped the arms of the chair, making the upholstery creak. He opened his mouth to speak, but then thought better of it, and closed it again. Instead he just stared at her. He seemed, she thought, uncertain, for a warrior.

"There is another question I could ask, instead," she conceded, "if you'd rather."

He raised his eyebrows, looking back at her face again, but still said nothing.

"You seem to be wearing more than I am, again. That's not a problem for your honour, is it? Because I wouldn't want to do that."

He stared at her for a moment, then stood up. Her eyes immediately dropped to his crotch, beneath the tight leather trousers. If she had needed confirmation of his interest, it was definitely there now.

Watching her face with those dark eyes, Kurdok pulled off his belt and cast it aside. Then he pulled his trousers down, revealing powerful, slight

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Caught by an Officer

Kyra sped home, frustrated. She was hoping her night would have ended much differently. By this time in the night, she had imagined she would be in Zach’s bed getting pounded into the mattress, or at least swallowing his cock.She had arrived at the house party wearing a figure-hugging dress tight enough to catch the attention of every single male in attendance, but she only wanted the attention from one in particular. However, her plans to seduce Zach abruptly came to a halt when she stumbled...

2 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Cops Wild Wish Chapter 1 Officer Cindys Naughty Speeder

Chapter One: Officer Cindy's Naughty Speeder By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 There were days when I just wish I could shut up the mouthy bitches when they complained about getting a speeding ticked. Just grab their hair, pull their faces into my crotch, and let them put those lips to far better use lapping at my clit and eating my hair pie. I knew when the silver Porsche 911 sped by my speed trap at 90 MPH that it was going to be one of those days. I had spotted her coming a mile away,...

4 years ago
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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 5 The Police Officer

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the second part of the role play story where Simi and I explored our fantasies and had sex with role play. If you haven’t read the first four parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. Starting from where I left. Slowly Simi lifted her hands towards the belt of the police officer and opened it. Next, she opened the buttons of his pant, and then the zip and again...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 9 Officer Cindy Deidres Hot Menage

Chapter Nine: Officer Cindy & Deidre's Hot Menage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara I savored the barely legal delight of plundering Keily's cunt. The girl squirmed beneath me as I pumped over and over into her depths. My futa-cock throbbed in her silky embrace. She quivered, her small breasts jiggling, her green eyes growing dewy with lust behind her glasses. “Help...” She groaned. “Someone... I... Ooh... Ooh, yes!” I smiled. Her lusts, inflamed by what the...

2 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Cops Wild Wish Chapter 3 Officer Cindys Hot Suspect

Chapter Three: Office Cindy's Hot Suspect By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Whatever had me angry was forgotten in the eager need to chase the sea-green sedan racing down Ainsworth from the direction of my daughter's college. This was the second person I had found driving so recklessly on the street through the residential neighborhood. The street's speed limit was only 30 MPH, and she was doing at least fifty. She was almost as bad as the twin sisters I had just pulled over and fucked...

2 years ago
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An Officer A Gentleman

The alarm went off and I groaned while reaching over to hit the SNOOZE button. “Damn.” I said getting out of bed. As my usual routine, I turned the TV on, turned to channel 2 and waited to see what Atlanta rush hour traffic would have in store for me. “We go now to Karen Minton with your weather.” Fred Blankenship said on the television. I shook my head.“Makes no sense how fine that man is.” I said walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. It was supposed to be cool that day, a nice November...

4 years ago
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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 9 Officer Cindy Deidrersquos Hot Menage

Mrs. Fatima Samara I savored the underage delight of plundering Keily’s cunt. The teenager squirmed beneath me as I pumped over and over into her depths. My futa-cock throbbed in her silky embrace. She quivered, her small breasts jiggling, her green eyes growing dewy with lust behind her glasses. “Help...” She groaned. “Someone ... I ... Ooh ... Ooh, yes!” I smiled. Her lusts, inflamed by what the futa-fairies did to us when they gifted us our clit-dicks, swelled through her. She shuddered...

3 years ago
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Officer Friendly

Officer Friendly It had been a very long week. Nicole, a 42 year old successful lawyer and her 16-year-old daughter Beth had been looking forward to a month vacation at the lake. Nicole worked very hard as a lawyer. She and Beth had the best that money could buy: cars, clothes and of course their vacation home on the lake. The two were packed and ready to hit the road. They figured it would take around six hours to arrive. It was great to finally get out of the city for a month. Beth asked her...

4 years ago
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Futa Cops Wild WishChapter 2 Officer Cindyrsquos Public Fun

I reclined back in the driver seat of my squad card, parked on the shoulder of I-5, and lazily stroked my new futa-cock. It was such a wonderful shaft of hard, throbbing flesh thrusting from the folds of my pussy. Just an hour ago, it was a clit. A normal, pink clit. Nothing special. And then I received a text message from the futa-fairy. She called herself B, which was short from some ridiculous name that sounded like you had a mouthful of cotton when you said it. I fell asleep on the job,...

3 years ago
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No Arrest From This Police Officer

This is a true story from when I was 30. My name is Sam. I'm 6'1", 165, and uncut. I love watching and cruising around bathrooms. Watching guys take a piss, jerk off, and check other guys out has always turned me on. I loved to stop at rest stops/rest areas when I traveled. This day was no exception. As I was traveling through several states on my way to New York, I stopped at several rest areas. This stop had my favorite setup. The urinals were all on one wall and there were no dividers...

2 years ago
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Teenage Adventures 10 Officer in Distress

Officer Hindenbaum was raging when he arrived at his police cruiser. He got into the dark vehicle, slammed the door, and loudly yelled “Fuck!”. He started the engine, and punched the dashboard. Finally, he put the car in drive and drove off without headlights.Fear and anger still exploding inside his head, he turned into an alley and forced himself to think. He worried that the foul old senior, who could well have given him a venereal disease, might need to seek medical attention for the blow...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 6 Dr Rita Officer Cindys Naughty Contest

Chapter Six: Dr. Rita & Officer Cindy's Naughty Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Ms. Ji-Woo Kim Triumph surged through me as I rammed my clit-dick into the Summer futa lying frozen on the banks of the Year's Divide thanks to my powers. I had just vanquished her companion, a young futa named Cassie. Now I would defeat another of Summer's champions. Two out of five down in minutes. We would win. I wouldn't lose my futa-dick and— When my crotch smacked into the Arab...

2 years ago
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Officer Bradley

It’s like he had stepped right out of my fantasies and is waved in front of my face at least once a week. So how was I supposed to behave myself and not try to score? I teased him a lot and tried to flirt. Sometimes he’d respond with a grin or a chuckle. Once or twice he’d even teased back. But I could never get him to flirt with me and he was hard to read. I know he’s on the job and all, but could he give it a rest for a moment? I decided when I saw him one afternoon that I was going to...

4 years ago
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Morale Officer

"Morale Officer" by Jennifer Brock On a spaceship in the near future, a situation arises that requires an innovative solution. The Monongah hung in space like a giant 10-penny nail. She was an asteroid mining ship for the AsterOre Mining Corporation. At one end was a disk 150 meters in diameter, inside of which was a ring of rooms that spun to simulate gravity. This is where most of the crew cabins and workspaces were located. At the other end of the 800-meter...

1 year ago
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Jess And The Police Officer

Jess is sitting at home bored with nothing to do and is quite hungry but doesn’t feel like cooking. She is 20yrs old about 5”4 with straight blonde hair 14DD bust and a little bit chubby bluey greeny eyes and is quite shy but inside her is a horny beast waiting to escape. She decides to drive into the city to find a nice restaurant too eat at. Jess walks outside and gets in her car. As she walks out a light chilly breeze blows past her making her nipples harden under her top slightly and blows...

4 years ago
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Officer Hunt First Hunt

Lori was at home several days later after her intense evening with Ben. She was sore and tired but at the same time never felt so much alive than right now. It felt good to be home but she longed to be in her new home with Ben already. He awakened an inner beast within her that she kept trapped and now it is free to prowl for the game she lusted for, to hunt and fulfill her fantasies and his. Lori pulled out the list from her back pocket that she had to get done today. First things...

3 years ago
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The moment I saw the flashing red-and-blues in my rear-view I knew I was fucked. A black male being pulled over in his deceased uncle's pickup on a secluded road in rural Georgia..."Shit...!" I blurted out to no one as I slowed the truck and pulled to the shoulder. I cut the engine and tried to follow the officer's movements in the mirror. It was still dark out at 5:00AM.License, insurance, title papers, Uncle Jonathan's death certificate....I went through the checklist and made sure my hands...

3 years ago
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Dear Correctional Officer Norrie 1

"So your back again Willis huh, there isn't going to be any of that funny business like last time is there, Willis?" I "No, of course not whatever could you mean officer Norrie, do you mean when you took advantage of me in 8C cell block, and those sleepless nights in 8A, 8th floor in Santa Clara County Corrections Main Jail." You "Listen up, Willis." You saying While clutching my arms behind my back, and slammin' me up against that wall "You're going to keep our private jungle gym tree...

4 years ago
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Arresting Officer

I was lounging on the couch in my media room, watching NASCAR on the big screen. There was a commercial on right now, and my mind was wandering. A knock on the front door brought me back to reality. As I approached the front door, I heard a radio squak outside. I tried to peek through the sidelight glass, but it was frosted, so all I could see was a shadowy form close to the door, and a flashing coloured light in the background. Police? Why? I cautiously opened the door. The officer had his...

2 years ago
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Lady Forest Officer 8211 Part 1 Jangal Mein Mangal

Hello, friends mera naam Sahil hai aur ye kahani mere jangal mein mangal karne ki hai.. Main 34 saal ka ek forest officer hu aur jungle mein forest officer ka kaam karta hu. Meri shaadi 4 saal pehle ho chuki hai. Yeh kahani pichle saal ki hai. Meri height 5.8 inch hai aur officer hone ke karan meri acchi body hai. Bodybuilder waali jaise body toh nahi par hatta katta hu. Kyu ki main forest officer hu toh mujhe 6 mahine kisi jungle mein posting milti hai. Main vaha 6 mahine kaam karta hu aur...

4 years ago
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Zombie Wife and Officer Midnight

People talk about their lives being complicated. It’s a fact, everyone’s is! But the issues I seem to deal with, are more the incredibly, bizarre situations that arise, from said complications. A while back, I was laid off from my high paying job, of eight years. At the time, I figure I’d take a couple weeks of ‘Me Time’, then, find a new job. Well, seemingly out of nowhere, the economy decided to downturn, so POOF! No jobs! On a different note, it seems my wife of 3 years, Daria, had fallen...

2 years ago
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A Weekend at the Shore

When Paul and Luke Amato invited me and Caleb O'Donnell to spend a weekend at their Dad's place on the Jersey Shore, I was excited to go, not least because of the secret crush I had on Luke. The weekend would be an opportunity to watch Luke strut around in board shorts, and, given Mr. Amato's reputation for being a 'cool' parent, potentially to see if he was still straight when he was drunk. I got up early Friday morning, packed, and drove over to Mr. Amato's house. Paul and Luke were...

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The Officer and The Girl

‘Mom, I got the job! I’m going to be working in the city!’ I exclaimed into the cell phone. I was on my way back to my home in a small rural town, navigating my little red car through the streets of an unfamiliar suburb outside the city. I’d been working on finding work in my field for quite sometime now, after I graduated college, and had finally found I a job that I’d knew that I would love. ‘Congratulations honey! I knew you could do it! I’m so proud of you,’ my mother gushed into the...

3 years ago
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Officer Friendly

 Another night, driving the streets of the city. Arresting streetwalkers, dealers, and drug addicts. The occasional drunk driver. Being a cop was all Tom Peyton had ever wanted to do, and as a father of two young children, he now felt like it was his duty to wipe the shit off the streets so they could grow up in a safer place. It was annoying. “Fucking drains on the world,” he muttered. Dusk had settled into night and Tom was on his way home to his quaint pocket of suburbia. One ride...

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Yes Officer

"Yes, Officer". Gerry was already 15 minutes late with a 30-minute drive ahead of him, so he decided to take the back roads. His sports coupe could easily take those bends at 70 mph and chances were, no traffic patrol would be around. He could cut his time in half and only be a half-hour late. Gerry made it about 5 miles down local 447 when the blaring siren and flashing lights caught up him and an angry cop ordered him to pull in the next side street over the pa system. Gerry...

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Punished By A Traffic Police Officer

The story is when I was studying in the U.S. and had an amazing life. 23years that time with a figure to die for 34c-25-36, fair and met this really amazing guy in college.But one day everything changed. I checked myself one last time in the mirror, red lipstick made my lips look perfect, little red dress hugged my curves, long brown hair styled to perfection and black heels made my legs look longer. Everything’s perfect. I glanced at the wall clock 30mins to go for my date. I took my car keys...

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I will officer

Thursday’s are my usual day off from work and, much as I enjoy my job at ‘Playthings’ helping customers choose seductive lingerie or a new sex toy, a girl needs time to rest and recuperate. My gorgeous flatmate Ebony was away for a few days on a course, something to do with her job as a Solicitor, so I decided to treat myself to some retail therapy. It was a fine warm July morning as I drove towards the town centre in my metallic purple Mazda MX5 with the top down. My car is my pride and joy...

Group Sex
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Arresting Officer

"All right, round 'em up and move 'em out!" Sergeant Mike Murphy called out to the blue clad phalanx under his command. "You got it, Sarge." Officer Herrity replied. Both men grinned as their fellow officers led a parade of women across the open courtyard to where a large blue bus waited. Despite the cool early morning air, few of the women wore much in the way of clothing. Tank tops and shorts seemed to be the order of the day. The uniform of their profession you might say. "God, I...

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Pam and the Officer

Pamela Martin was speeding down the interstate at well over the legal limit whenshe noticed the tell-tale flashing lights of a State Trooper following her.The 30 something wife and mother swore under her breath as she made her wayto the side of the road. Pam wasn't worried about a speeding ticket. She hadplenty of experience flirting her way out of many traffic violations. One thingabout Pam is that she had kept her figure at all costs. She was a stunningwoman. Her blonde hair and blue eyes had...

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Officer Haleys Dying Wish

There was something deeply unsettling about watching the cold metal protruding out of her bloody pussy. However, the gruesome scene was an all too common sight on the battlefield. Pussies were prime targets and most Goons died with pointy objects sticking out of their cramping cunts. Milo caressed Officer Haley’s swollen meat mound and felt how it was pulsating heavily from the poison. Despite her impressive strength and stamina, Goons like her stood no chance against the Poison Darts. The...

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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 09

So the Army sat and waited. It waited for some word or sign that General Clinton was coming closer. Instead what it got was signs that Fall was here in all its splendor. The leaves turned bright yellows and reds and the nights were cooler. It also meant winter was coming with all the horrors it would bring if this Army were forced to winter where it was. There were other signs. Signs that the American Army was growing in size and strength. Across the Hudson bands of men could be seen gathering...

5 years ago
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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 04

Major Tremaine had been summoned to Army HQ almost as soon as he returned from the Indian camp. He hurried over yet he had been kept waiting almost 45 minutes. It was just another example of how this army was being run. He still believed in General Burgoyne but time was being wasted. It was almost the middle of June. They should on the Lake by now, threatening Ticonderoga. Yet they sat, cooling their heels. As he waited, Jeffrey thought about last night and Polikwaptiwa. He had been with all...

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Officer Aunty Ne Chudwaya

Kaisi ho meri pyasi aur pyari namkeen chutwaliyo mai yogu fir se hajir hu apni nyi story leke,mai yogu abhi belgaum mai padhayi kar raha hu age 23 dikhane mai sexy handsome hu ache ghar se belong karta hu agr koi ladies bhabhi,aunty ya koi high profile ladies muzse real mai sex karna chahti ho to muze mail kro mere email id hai mai aapki puri pyas buza dunga.Ye stori mere aur ek high profile bhabhi ki hai mai kisi kam se cominissioner office gya tha vaha mai bahar baithkar intazaar kr rha tha...

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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 6 Dr Rita Officer Cindyrsquos Naughty Contest

Ms. Ji-Woo Kim Triumph surged through me as I rammed my clit-dick into the Summer futa lying frozen on the banks of the Year’s Divide thanks to my powers. I had just vanquished her companion, a teenage futa named Cassie. Now I would defeat another of Summer’s champions. Two out of five down in minutes. We would win. I wouldn’t lose my futa-dick and— When my crotch smacked into the Arab futa’s body she slid across the sandy beach like she was coated in grease. She popped off my dick as she...

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Female security officer CH1

By Dina Petro I was unemployed for a little while, I needed the job so bad to get going in my life, one of my close friends, Lisa, told me, her boyfriend was an owner of a shop that needed a security officer in charge, and they prefer female officer, I was shocked saying “a security officer, I have never done such a job before, I was a secretary most of my working life”She said “I know, although you are so sweet and a gorgeous looking girl, and security officers usually are more of tomboys or...

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Officer Joeys Unexpected Opportunity Episode 4

“How did I get here?” I asked myself, sitting alone at a back table of a popular restaurant. I was on my “lunch” break, working third shift (3:00 to 11:00 pm) as a police officer. My name is Joey Holmes. Moving from day to night shifts was the downside of my new promotion. When the opportunity was offered, I thought, “Why the hell not? I deserve the promotion. Having evenings free would just be a painful reminder of my recent breakup with Ashley.”It was not how I planned or wanted things to...

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US Army Battalion Officer Of The Day Perks

I had just settled into my room at the Bachelor Officer Quarters, when my room phone rang.“Sir,” said the female voice on the other end of the line. “I’ve been informed to let you know you’ve been assigned duties as 'Officer of the Day' by the Battalion Commander.”“OK,” I said, “What do I need to do?” I asked.I was a senior Second Lieutenant and had just gone on to Active Duty in the US Army after spending two years in the National Guard, finishing up my college degree. I was not expecting to...

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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 13 The last officer

The light hurt her eyes. Her breath hurt her throat. She tried to speak but only a rasp came out of her parched lips. It wasn't over. She saw Aisha, a desperate look of worry in her eyes, replaced by relief. "Lila, I thought you were dead!" "I wish I was," she tried to answer, but no words came out, only a hiss, like a viper. She helped her up and took her out. In the garden, both girls kneeled on the grass; Aisha gave her sugared water to drink, her face showing her concern. If she...

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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 07

Jeffrey looked himself over. He realized how lucky he was. The bayonet that rebel had thrust at him only gave him a deep scratch, not an opened wound. The wound was ugly looking but the doctor said there wasn’t much chance of infection. Though it bled quite a bit, he simply cleaned it and put a clean wrapping on it. He told Jeffrey to keep it clean and wear a fresh shirt. Not much advice under these conditions. Jeffrey had already removed the dressing and decided to keep it off. As he...

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Officer Jocelyn

Officer Jocelyn ? ? [email protected] ? (Comments and feedback are appreciated.) ? ? Police officer Jocelyn Devereaux loved nailing guys like this.? These rich guys in their Lamburgini's think they own the world.? As she emerged from her patrol car and walked up up to the luxury sports car, she thought how much she enjoyed writing these tickets. "License and registration." The man behind the wheel fumbled nervously in his wallet, finally finding the necessary documents and turning...

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Officer Sassy and Officer Bootsey

Derrek and his wife Kate had plans to go to a friend's party on the other side of town that night but after my long ride I opted to stay at the house. "Great, have the run of the place but could we ask you a small favor?" "Sure" "Our daughter Samantha and her friend Betsy are at a costume party a few blocks away and are supposed to be picked up and brought here afterwards. If you could do that we wouldn't have to come back so early" "I haven't seen Samantha in what, six years?...

3 years ago
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Halley Officer Peter and the Domestic Disturbance

I answered the door quickly when I heard the doorbell. It was only my second night at my new house in the big city, just outside Raleigh. I loved it here, the warmth, the beach within reasonable driving distance, being out of my parents’ house, having employment that utilized my college degree! And oh, the sweet southern accents that made my knees weak. My knees were not weak because of the accents at the moment though, they were quaking in fear. My not-so-friendly neighbors had gotten into it....

Straight Sex
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Virginity Lost During CBI Officer8217s Mission

This is a sex story about a CBI officer Menaka’s secret mission. Menaka aged 26 is from Chennai from a middle-class family and got married to an Engineer. Her husband is an IT engineer aged 29. She got married before 2 months and had no sex life with his husband. Since she told her husband that she needs a gap for some months. So her husband agreed to it. Menaka is a beautiful girl with milky color and with a shape of 36-28-34. She has a well-shaped body with huge breasts with pink erect...

4 years ago
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The Lawyer and the Female Police Officer

BETH The soft sound of the alarm in my mobile phone at the bedside table woke me up. It was six AM, and I was feeling like hell. I was hurting bad and my throat seemed to be on fire, I felt that it was closed and I couldn't swallow even my own saliva; I felt feverish and each and every joint in my body was as if it had its own life, such was the intense pain they produced. I looked at Nora peacefully sleeping beside me, and I was undecided about whether to wake her up or let her continue...

4 years ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him. Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant...

3 years ago
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Officer Bigdick Pt 1

It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mother's and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a quick shower and relaxed in my bedroom. Drying off, when it hit me: Damn-I am so horny!. My husband hasn't been around lately and when he has, he hasn't exactly fucked me right. Sure, I do love him, but his 5 inch penis and poor stamina in the...

2 years ago
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Officer Bigdick Pt 1

Introduction: I cant believe Im doing this! Intro: Ive never done this before, so I just want to get my story out there. Please comment!!! This is easily my most exciting sex story and what makes it so great is that it actually did happen. Thank you all. It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mothers and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a...

2 years ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer by Wilderness Cry

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him.Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant and I...

4 years ago
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An Officer and An Italian Ch 01

This story came about when a reader emailed me wanting to know where she could find Sergio’s and Rachel’s story. The sad truth is that I hadn’t written anything about Nicola’s brother from the Empress’s New Clothes. I hope this satisfies that particular reader. This is the first chapter of what I am planning on have be a six to eight chapter story. All feedback is welcome. Sergio Rambaudi tried to hold his sigh of impatience in check. It was a hot summer day and due to the intense heat, he...

3 years ago
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Arrest Me Officer

I waited for a passing car to move past me and then ran across the street. The sky that had been bright blue just a few seconds ago had opened up and begun to pour, the water seeped through my thin top and soaked my high-waist shorts. The massive mall was filled with people that had, just like me, attempted to seek some sort of shelter from the spiking drops of rain and I watched the hoard of them as I wrung out my long dark and now wet hair onto the already slippery floor. Since I was stuck...

2 years ago
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The revised and reposted Army officer Story in Fo

Memoirs of an Army OfficerChapter 1. Picked up"Get yourself out of my doorway you dirty old bag." The shop had long ago closed but the owner stayed inside finishing his paperwork. Now he wanted to leave and wait in the shelter of the recessed doorway until his wife drove by to pick him up. There was no way he was going to share the shelter with that smelly bundle of rags that had no business to be on his property. What...

3 years ago
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The revised and reposted Army officer Story in Fo

Memoirs of an Army OfficerChapter 1. Picked up"Get yourself out of my doorway you dirty old bag." The shop had long ago closed but the owner stayed inside finishing his paperwork. Now he wanted to leave and wait in the shelter of the recessed doorway until his wife drove by to pick him up. There was no way he was going to share the shelter with that smelly bundle of rags that had no business to be on his property. What...

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