A young Starfleet officer tries to relax on shore
- 4 years ago
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The slow clip-clop of the horses' hooves made a steady, repeating background for the irregular bursts of loud laughter and the rising and falling murmur of quiet conversation. A gust of slightly colder wind stirred the loose straw and made its way inside the collar of Jennifer's jacket and on down the neck of her sweater. She shivered and snuggled closer into the niche formed by Steve's arm and shoulder. He tightened his grasp and asked, "Cold?"
"No, just getting comfortable."
Steve and Jennifer were both sophomores although Steve was a year older than Jennifer's nineteen. This was, he explained, because he had to work for a year to get enough money to start college. However, this year he had received a scholarship which helped a lot. Jennifer and Steve had met last winter and gone out together twice. Both times had gone well: each thought the other nice and fun, but not exactly super special. Then over the summer something had changed, although neither was sure what it had been. All Steve knew was that the more he thought of her, the more he wondered why they had only gone out those two times. And Jennifer, for her part, found herself comparing other dates with Steve. When they returned to school in August and ran into each other during registration, Steve immediately asked her out again and Jennifer had accepted instantly.
For the last several weeks they had been going with each other exclusively and had found they had a lot more in common than either had suspected on those first two dates the previous year. Or maybe it was that they both had so much that wasn't in common with most of the other students. Both were serious students and neither really cared for the non-stop party scene that so many of the other students seemed to live for. Their taste in music steered away from the head banging rock or hip-hop preferred by their peers and towards quiet jazz or older standards. Both had tried alcohol, had enjoyed the taste of wine even if they weren't able to legally, but neither had the slightest interest in getting drunk. Both considered drugs strictly for losers. Neither was actually a virgin and both loved necking, petting, and making out, but they hadn't slept together. They spent more and more of their time together and got on quite well, even if many of their other acquaintances thought them a little odd.
Now it was mid October. Their dorm complex had arranged a hayride as a preliminary for a dance later on. In fact they had even found a place that offered horse drawn wagons instead of the tractors now almost universally used for this purpose. So with the temperatures down in the forties, the sky clear and filled with twinkling stars, they were here on a large flat-bed wagon filled with bales of hay - well, straw actually - along with eight or ten other couples.
Everyone had driven out and met at the farm where a hot dog roast around a bonfire had started the night. Now the smell of wood smoke and hay, the rising full moon, the clear, cold night air and the dark seemed, at least to Steve and Jennifer, to weave magic around them. The farm where the ride was taking place was several miles from the school and far enough from the lights that only cars on a distant road broke the spell.
Jennifer snuggled closer again and Steve let his arm tighten around her and his hand brush slightly against the side of her breast. Jennifer didn't object and placed her own hand on the top of his thigh. She looked up at him and was ready when he bent his head to hers for an easy, long kiss.
The ride lasted for forty minutes and when the wagons pulled back into the field where they had left the bonfire and parked their cars, most everyone immediately leaped off. Steve and Jennifer were more hesitant, both wishing the ride had been longer, and finally climbed down last. Suddenly someone shouted, "OK, everybody, lets get to the dance. I want to hear some MUSIC."
There were several loud responses and suddenly the quiet was shattered by the sound of hard rock coming from one of the car radios at a volume which disturbed even the horses but didn't seem to bother any of the students - except for Steve and Jennifer. Suddenly the thought of crowding into a packed, noisy room seemed too much for Jennifer. She held Steve's arm and said, "Steve? Would you mind an awfully lot if we skipped the dance."
He smiled at her. "And miss the once in a lifetime chance - well, maybe once daily chance - to have our hearing damaged while some idiot spills spiked soda on us and steps on your foot? No, of course not, Jen. What would you like to do instead?"
"I don't know. It just seemed so nice out here and the thought of going back to that" - she jerked her head towards the car with the blaring radio - "well, I don't think I could take it. Maybe we could go somewhere for a walk?" she asked hopefully.
Steve thought a second. "Come on, I think I might know of some place. It'll take about forty-five minutes to get there."
As they climbed into Steve's car, she asked, "Where are we going?"
Steve pulled out onto the highway and turned in the opposite direction from everyone else, heading away from the school. "Surprise. Wait and see."
They drove in silence, moving steadily away from the town. After thirty minutes they turned down a dark country road where the only lights seemed to come from occasional farms located every half mile of so. In a few more minutes they turned once more, this time onto a narrow, gravel road through a deep woods. Jennifer could see a few small houses along the way, but all were dark. Finally they turned into a single lane track and followed it for about two hundred yards where it ended in a small turn around just short of a slight rise. Steve turned off the engine.
The silence seemed to settle over them like a blanket. Steve turned towards Jennifer and gave her a long, deep kiss. When they pulled apart, she said, "Not that I'm complaining, but where are we?"
"Listen," Steve said. "What do you hear."
"Quiet," she answered. Then she cocked her head and said, "There is something."
Steve nodded. "Roll down the window."
She did and suddenly a happy look came across her face. "Waves! We're by the lake."
"That's right. The big sea water. Lake Michigan. Come on. Let's go down to the shore."
They climbed out of the car and, taking her by the hand, Steve led her up the rise. When they reached the top they were about twenty feet above the water where the waves broke against rocks and a gravel beach. Then Jennifer saw a small building a few yards to their right. "Whose place is that? They won't mind if we're out here?"
"No," Steve answered. "I'm sure they won't mind. They're in Florida." Then he relented and explained. "This belongs to two of my great aunts. They have about two hundred yards of shoreline and the lots on either side are undeveloped. Besides, they've told me I can use this if I want." He led her on down, past the house, to the edge of the beach.
Silver moonlight caught the waves and reflected back in a million points of light. The rhythmic crash of the waves against the shore and the ebbing lap of the receding water made a much nicer music than they would have heard at the dance.
They walked up the shore a little ways and then Steve sat on a large rock, pulling Jennifer down on his lap. She turned towards him and their lips met, their arms pulling them into a tight embrace. For ten minutes they sat like that, not moving except their tongues, lost in each other. When they pulled slightly apart, Jennifer said, "I liked that."
"Me, too," Steve replied, pulling her closer.
She laid her head on his shoulder and snuggled against him. His hand worked its way under her jacket and up to cup her left breast through her sweater. Jennifer sucked in her breath. "That feels nice." His hand began to caress and squeeze and the girl wriggled against him and let her own hand slide up his back under his jacket.
Steve kissed her again and let his hand unbutton her sweater and the shirt beneath. Warm, firm flesh met his questing fingers and he began to squeeze and stroke her bare skin. Jennifer was a slim girl, five six, with long, blonde hair and dark blue, almost indigo, eyes. Her waist was so narrow Steve could almost encircle it with his hands, but rounded into slim hips and hard, round buttocks. Her legs were long and tapered. Above her waist Jennifer's breasts were full but firm enough so she almost never wore a bra. Now Steve explored their familiar geography, letting his fingers fan back and forth across her hardening nipples.
Jennifer pressed her breast against his hand and kissed him deeply, letting her tongue explore. Her one hand remained on his back while her other worked its way under his shirt in front and played with his chest hair and teased his nipples.
For twenty minutes they remained like this. Becoming steadily more excited but, by holding back, making the excitement mount even higher. Then almost as though by mutual consent they halted their exploring hands and settled in a comfortable stillness, his hand still covering her warm globe, hers on his chest. Their kiss gradually subsided and their lips pulled slightly apart. "That does feel nice," Steve murmured.
"Umm," was all the response Jennifer gave.
The bright moonlight suddenly dimmed and both the young people instinctively looked up. Dark clouds had begun to sweep in from the west and the first of these had slid across the face of the lunar globe. "Hunter's Moon," Steve said. "Looks like there might be some weather moving in."
A cold gust of wind caused them both to shiver. The wind was, in fact, beginning to stir the autumn leaves in the woods which began just fifteen yards from the shore. A rattle, a dry, crackling sound, echoed along the ground and through the branches. They sat for several more minutes as the wind increased in strength, stirring the leaves and breaking the tops of the crashing waves.
Another series of dark clouds hid the moon for a half a minute and then let its face reappear. Steve looked up at the approaching cloud bank and the moon and quietly quoted, "The wind was a river of darkness, gusting around the trees."
Jennifer pulled back slightly in surprise and looked at him. Then she added, "The moon was a ghostly galleon, tossed upon cloudy seas."
Now Steve looked at her with the same look of happy surprise. "The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor." And then, almost together, they both said, "And the highwayman came riding, riding, riding, the highway man came riding, up to the old inn door."
After a few seconds Jennifer said, "You're an engineer. I didn't think you'd know any poetry."
"We're not all uncultured. I've always loved Noyse. And "The Highwayman" describes nights like this better than anything else I've ever heard. I'm glad you like it."
"It's always been one of my favorites." Then her tone changed slightly, became lighter, more bantering. Too bad you don't know more poetry. I could like getting you to quote poetry to me."
"You do me wrong," Steve answered in a teasing tone. "I know other poems."
"Then quote me some romantic piece," she replied.
"OK." He paused as if in thought. "All right. How about this. "'The boy stood on the burning deck... '."
Jennifer pulled her hand from his back and gave him a mock slap on his rear. "That's not exactly what I was looking for," she said.
Steve's voice changed again, became softer. "Then how about this.
'She walks in beauty like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies. And all that's best of dark and light, meet in her aspect and her eyes.'
Lord Byron."
Jennifer snuggled against him once more and lifted her face for another kiss. This one went on for a long, long time.
The wind continued to gust, now dropping to a standstill and now blowing hard for a few seconds, scattering the autumn leaves in a moving rustle of sound and carrying their scent to the two lovers. More clouds arrived, skimming in front of the full moon, plunging the world into a deep darkness in which Steve and Jennifer could only see soft glowing areas at distant places along the shore.
Jennifer unbuttoned his shirt under his jacket to give her hand more free access. Since Jennifer's shirt and sweater were already undone, Steve responded to this by unzipping both of their jackets and pulling the young woman's bare chest against his own. Although the temperature was near forty neither felt the cold as their arousal warmed them both. Steve slipped his left hand inside Jennifer's jeans and cupped her tight buttock as their kiss continued.
The clouds had become a little thicker, the moonlight only occasionally breaking through, and the wind was rising, blowing stronger and a little colder. Suddenly a large drop of very cold rain fell and struck Jennifer's face. Startled, she pulled back and a second drop landed directly on her left nipple, bringing a yelp. As a few more drops landed she said, almost as a wail, "It's starting to rain. I guess we'd better head back to the car."
They stood and started walking back, Steve holding her hand as they hurried along the beach. As they approached the path up the hill, the rain cut loose and Jennifer cried, "We're going to get soaked."
"No. Over here," Steve said, and pulled her off the hill path and onto the covered porch of the small building. As they stood looking out at the now pouring rain Steve said, "I've got an idea. My aunts said I could borrow this place and now seems like a good time to take them up on that offer."
"Have you got a key?" Jennifer asked in surprise.
"Nope. But it's a combination lock." He moved to the door and Jennifer could see him fumbling with something in the dark. Suddenly there was a sharp click and the door opened inwards. "There's no electricity so just wait here a second while I find the matches and candles." He entered the dark room, but in only a few seconds there was the flare of a match and then the warm yellow glow of candlelight spread across the room.
Jennifer entered and Steve closed the door behind them. He lit a second candle and Jennifer saw that there were several on a shelf just inside the door along with matches. Steve moved over to a table where there was an oil lamp and, setting the candle down, lit the wick.
Now there was enough light to see around the room. The house was an A-frame design and they had entered near one end. Directly to their left was a doorway into a small kitchen, to their right, a bath, and directly in front of them the area opened into one large room stretching the width of the building. At the left end where the kitchen opened into it was a dining area with a small, round table. To the right on the wall in front of them was a stone fireplace with a couch facing it. In the far right corner stairs led up to a loft area above the kitchen and bathroom where Steve said were two bedrooms.
The wide wall in front of them was covered by long drapes from the far left corner all the way to the edge of the stone chimney. Steve went to the wall and pulled them back, revealing the view out over the shore to the lake. He set the two candles on the stone mantel over the fireplace and came back to where Jennifer stood staring out of a wall of solid glass, windows for nearly twenty feet. "It's beautiful!" she said. "The moon and clouds, the waves, even the rain."
"It's been here as long as I can remember," Steve said. We used to come out here for visits when I was little. Since Great Aunt Joan's husband died, it hasn't been used a lot. She and her sister spend summers here, but go south as soon as Labor Day comes."
He turned her towards him and pulled her into a tight embrace and kiss. As they pulled apart Jennifer shivered slightly and he asked, "Cold?"
"Just a little chilled. I got a little damp, I guess. It'll be all right."
"I can build a fire if you'd like."
"That might be nice, but are we going to be here long enough to make it worthwhile?"
Steve kissed her again. "That's up to you. It's going to be raining for a while and we can stay as long as we want. There's no place you have to go, is there?"
She kissed him back. "There's no where else I'd rather be. Go ahead and build a fire."
Steve moved over to where there was a large woodbox and brought a small armload over to the fireplace. In a couple of minutes he had a small blaze started and already they could feel the heat beginning to radiate. He added a couple of large pieces and then moved Jennifer and himself back towards the couch.
Before sitting down he went over and blew out the lamp and then unzipped his jacket and took it off, draping it over a small table against the wall behind the couch. He turned Jennifer towards him and started to unzip her jacket also. When the rain had started neither had stopped to button their shirts and when he removed her jacket her shirt and sweater were still open all the way down. Steve took her in his arms and, pulling their shirts aside, pressed her bare breasts against his chest. Jennifer snuggled against him and raised her mouth for another kiss.
This one lasted several minutes and when it ended the couple was sitting on the couch, Jennifer on Steve's lap, still pressed against him. As they eased back Steve brought his hand up and cupped her bare breast. Then he began to slide his fingers back and forth across the taut globe. Jennifer sucked in her breath and let her own hand slide down his back and into the waist of his jeans, lightly touching the top of the crease which divided his buttocks. Steve moved his hand to her other breast and repeated his explorations.
Both of Jennifer's nipples had become rock hard and she arched her back to better present them to Steve's attention. For twenty minutes the couple kissed and played, becoming ever more aroused. At some point Steve had eased Jennifer's shirt and sweater from her shoulders and she had reciprocated by removing his shirt, leaving them both bare to the waist. Although the fire was rapidly warming the room, the temperature was still cool, but neither of the young people noticed.
Now they stretched out, lying down on the couch on their sides, facing each other. Steve held her close for a long, deep kiss while his hands roamed over her back and bottom. When he pulled away he lowered his head and let his tongue slide up one side of her right breast, around and across her rigid nipple, and slowly down the other side. He rolled her onto her back and repeated with her left breast.
Jennifer was clasping and unclasping her hands on his back, sometimes digging her fingernails into his flesh. As Steve moved back and forth between her left and right breasts she reached for his waist and began to unfasten his belt. He sucked her nipples hard and she arched her back while at the same time unsnapping his jeans and tugging the zipper down. Her hand, hot and both soft and hard at the same time wrapped itself around Steve's stiff cock bringing a groan from him.
Having never had a lot of practice, Jennifer moved by instinct. She began to slide her body lower and when her face reached the level of Steve's neck she used her tongue to leave a hot, damp trail down his neck, around his nipples and across his stomach. As she reached the beginning of the course hair at his groin she lifted her head and stared into his eyes. Steve looked back and saw the dancing firelight reflected in a hundred sparkling points from her pupils. For several seconds she held his sight. Then very deliberately she looked down and moved to run her tongue around the head of his rampant cock. Another groan escaped Steve as she repeated her actions.
Then he felt the head of his hard member engulfed by warm wetness which slid up and down. A small, pointed tongue touched the hole at the tip of his organ and Steve tensed and put his hand on her head. "No, not yet. Not yet." He pushed slightly and pulled himself back. As Jennifer opened her mouth and slid off him he pulled her up into a hard French kiss, tasting her arousal mingled with a taste which must have been his own juices.
This time when the kiss ended Steve began the slow southward trip with his own tongue across Jennifer's firm breasts. He stopped to suck each again as she sucked in her breath and arched to give him better access. Then on southwards, swirling around her belly button and on down the flat plain of her stomach. He deftly unfastened the waist of her jeans and they and the pair of low cut panties followed his thumbs on down her legs and over her feet. Both had earlier kicked off their shoes so as the jeans and panties made their way past her ankles, picking up socks en route, Jennifer was left completely nude. Still kissing and licking her lower belly, Steve managed to remove his own jeans and remaining clothing.
Now he rearranged Jennifer on the couch at a slight angle and knelt on the floor before her. He lowered his head once more and let his tongue slide from her belly button down the crease between her right leg and her mound and on along the inside of her right leg. At her ankle he switched to her left leg and retraced the mirror image of his trip back up the inside of her left leg and along the crease at its top. Reaching up with his hands to grasp her breasts, Steve moved his mouth to the swollen lips of her aroused sex. His tongue thrust forward, licking upwards between her lips, along her soaking slit. He could feel her muscles tense at his touch to this intimate place and even more so when he reached the junction of her engorged lips and the protruding hard and swollen nub of her clit. His tongue gently lathed it and then began to flick back and forth across the sensitive organ.
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TrueAs I lay in my bed, naked and sleeping, I get that midnight call from the man I wish I could fuck at least three times a day. He calls and jokingly asks ‘What are you wearing?’ As I slowly start to wake just a little, I know what he wants. When he calls this late at night, I know where this leads. I answer him with an ‘absolutely nothing’. Knowing that this is turning him on, I continue. I am horny and know that he is too. I ask if he’s horny. I can tell in his voice that he obviously is. I...
Wendy waited impatiently for the movie to start. It was already fifteen minutes past midnight and the girl’s foul mood was obvious even to the popcorn boy. Her date for the evening had stood her up, none of her friends were around, and the only resort for entertain- ment was a lonely midnight movie. Sighing, she leaned back in the scratchy seat as the lights finally dimmed. The theatre door opened and closed quickly, flashing a spear of light at the opening curtains. A dim...
I have always liked camping as a family. I remember going many places as a kid and have been anxious to share that experience with my own family. This summer my wife and I decided we would pack the tent and kids and head out to see some sites. Being that our kids are aged six and eight, we thought it would be a good time to see how they would be without the TV and computer. We headed out early Saturday morning with the car packed. For the first hour the kids did well. Even with three stops...
CheatingStory Midnight Swim September 22 1976It was nearing midnight. One last swim in the pool wouldn't hurt anyone. She really needed it. It was hot and humid. Stifling inside the hotel room, even with the air conditioner running full blast. She wished he would come soon, she wanted him. With one last glance at the door, she went into the sterile white bathroom and pulled her nearly dry bikini down from the shower rod. Pinning her hair up on her head, with a silent promise that she wouldn't get it...
So here we are again, welcome everyone (I am back for now), so my story for tonight picks up at my on a rainy stormy night, I am just now getting home from another bullshit day at work. Another day another dollar. I am riding my metallic green old fashion 10 speed drop bar vintage Univega road bike that’s bicycle. To clear up any confusion I am a cyclist ( I really am, I’m also a bike commuter around my area you may catch me on my bike). A true cyclist no motor no Bluetooth nothing just my...
Midnight Interlude----------It was well after midnight when the taxi pulled into the driveway of the farm. The barn and main house were dark. The young woman, Kelly, stepped out of the cab with a single bag clutched in her hand as she paid the driver. She looked around toward the house hoping someone was still awake, but there was no movement to be seen. To the side of the barn were dimly lit path access lights leading off into the darkness. She glanced at the confirmation sheet and followed...
After arriving in Kingscote and showered after our fun the four of us jumped in the dingy and headed ashore. I the hotel Anne got a few looks a sexy lady with her obvious husband and two much, much younger guys who were making a big fuss of her. I imagine there were a few jealous women in the room and I know there were a few admiring looks from the guys during the evening we didn't stay on shore too long just enough for dinner and a couple of drinks by 9 o'clock we were back on board.In the...
Midnight Blue was our 35 foot fly bridge cruiser in the eighties, I bought her at a bankruptcy auction for about 30 cents in the dollar best deal I ever made. Right from the start she helped our sex life tremendously, not having owned a boat this size on our first day out on her I asked at the marina if anyone could help me to get to know how to handle her, they told me one of the staff there could help for a small remuneration.Twenty minutes later and $150 of fuel and we were leaving the...
Midnight in London is an amazing time of the night. No one but the street police patrolling the streets and the much known night whores who will hide in the shadows waiting for a customer, and with the flickering of the street lamps, it makes it very hard for the police to find “us”. By us, I mean the night whores. I am one of them, and I see my next customer slowly approaching me.He was finely dressed; with a modern, three piece suit with gemmed studs as his buttons. His shoes, being black in...
Midnight Deadline by Sarah Miller "Good grief, Kevin!" Shouted Nancy. "Halloween is only two days away and you _still_ don't have a costume? What am I going to do with you?" "I'm sorry, Honey. I just haven't had time. You know how much I hate all that overtime, but Fullerton is insisting I get this new project off to a fast start." "Ha! I thought you'd come up with some excuse. So I got you one anyway." Oh, shit, thought Kevin. No telling what...
A midnight sex scandal in the tourist travel bus! This secret is known by only a few people and now you guys will be stroking your cock as I, your sexy Simraan, will unfold the events for your pleasure! My husband and I were invited to a family function held in a neighbourly state. We didn’t get a reservation on the express train, so we booked a tourist travel bus service which turned out to be quite an adventure for me. We boarded the luxury bus in the afternoon and because of my tight...
The sound of a splash awoke me with a start. I half opened my eyes, still suspended in the dream state I often found myself in when my sleep was disturbed prematurely. I was lying naked on the bed, a light sheen of sweat colouring my skin with a silvery glow from the moonlight slanting in through the open balcony. The light bed cover was pooled in a crumpled mess somewhere around my feet. It was another hot and humid night and the scent of bougainvillea flowers swirled in the air, teasing my...
Being Me By Karin Roberts The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery - On Home Shores The Finale - Part 1 3 Months Later It's been three months now since the day that Michael / Tracey left the Cruise ship and arrived back to good old normal home life. I left my story the last time as we approached Avril's house in the back of an unmarked Police Car. WPC Crawford a rather attractive woman in her thirties helped us inside with our bags before leaving us to it. This was the first...
Trish went to do her first round for the night watch. She had to check all of the animal cages and environments to make sure that they were all secure. She walked back to the office to take her break, and she noticed the bottle of cologne in the trash. She took it out and examined it for a few minutes before spraying it onto herself. She was confused when she couldn't smell anything, but she shrugged and put the bottle into her purse. At exactly midnight, Trish went out for her second...
The people knew shit. And it was the shit he didn't want them to be right about. Just a week ago he was so positive and happy, seemingly indestructable. Then when he decided to go to Lynn's house early ((Ex) girlfriend), he saw her riding Leon. He had seen him around school, never really talked. But now he knew who the sonofabitch was. "Goddamn it all to hell." Kyle muttered, sitting in his seat in his last class. He tilted his head and waited for the bell to ring. For the last 10...
She was standing outside, underneath the moonlight on the balcony, over looking the calm lake. The noise and confusion of the party left inside, soft music playing through various hidden speakers through out the premises. Inhaling deeply the clear air while fanning herself. The view was hypnotizing, the moon was full and shown with a brilliance between the tall evergreens, the lake below, bouncing off the waters glass. It was hot, she wanted to cool off, the water just looked so inviting....
He loved to just sit and watch her sleep. She was so beautiful and peaceful. Her skin looked like porcelain, and tonight he just had to touch her… * I woke as the dark figure sat on the edge of the bed. It took a couple of seconds to register just what it was that woke me. To realize someone was sitting next to me. The room was so dark, not even moonlight to illuminate his features. I gasped, and my heart began to race. I could not muster a scream, and for some reason I didn’t feel afraid. He...
It was dark. The TV was quietly playing the late night news in the background. ‘I can’t take it anymore,’ she whispered on her cell. ‘You know I want you. You have no idea how much I wish you were here now.’ That was all he needed to hear. He slammed his car door shut and strode purposively up to her front door. He had been sitting outside her cute little bungalow all evening. He wanted to know that she was ripe, that she was ready, that she really wanted him. His hand rose and, with two...
It was that short moment of evening when the sky glows like a blue jewel and if you don’t stop what you are doing and enjoy it, you miss it. She could see it through the windowpanes, and she cocked her head toward them, stopping the conversation. ‘You see that, the color of the sky? I love it when it looks like that. It’s so…’ she searched for a word, ‘…peaceful.’ ‘Refracted sunlight has an emotional effect,’ he said, looking interested. She smiled widely. That was Isaac, always analyzing...
Thomas was at his local coffee shop flirting with Teri. They were setting up an encounter later on that night. Jenny was making all the drinks for the customers. She kept giving him that he is a bad man eye. Thomas told Teri bye and walked down to the end of the counter to pick up his coffee. ‘Why do you always come here to pick up girls here?’ Jenny asked. “I really come here cause all of the hot girls that work here, especially you Jenny,’ he responded. ‘I’m not stupid if you want a one night...
She let herself in, and was hanging up her jacket when she heard a noise from the kitchens. Seeking its source Emma discovered one of the chefs, a middle-aged ex-army chef named Mike. He was divorced, and had taken the job at the hotel mainly for the free lodging. Emma had never been sure about him. They flirted a little, generally quite harmlessly. Although middle age was upon him, he still had the powerful physique of an army man. She caught him with his nose in the huge, stainless steel...
Introduction: It was only a quick trip to get something to eat but she get more than her stomach stuffed. I was lounged comfortably on my bed watching a rerun of Taboo, one of my favorite shows, (this episode being about mating), one of my favorite topics when my stomach growled loudly. They were running a marathon of episodes and I had forgotten to eat something. I hurriedly stumbled of bed and walked to the kitchen of the 2 bedroom apartment I shared with my best friend whose huge tits I had...
It was 10:07 p.m when I texted him from my seat at the bar telling him to come up. ‘I’ll be up after I drop the kids off to their mom.’ Instantly butterflies fluttered down my stomach and heat rose from my core. I was blushing. It seemed like an eternity. I was checking the time on my phone every 5 minutes, watching the door as I drank two more bottles of Platinum. 37 minutes after I texted him, I watched as he walked in. As he came toward me I couldn’t help but notice how incredibly sexy he...
Introduction: It was only a quick trip to get something to eat but she get more than her stomach stuffed. I was lounged comfortably on my bed watching a rerun of Taboo, one of my favorite shows, (this episode being about mating), one of my favorite topics when my stomach growled loudly. They were running a marathon of episodes and I had forgotten to eat something. I hurriedly stumbled of bed and walked to the kitchen of the 2 bedroom apartment I shared with my best friend whose huge tits I had...
It was about midnight when I got home, I sighed as I turned the key to unlock my door. I walked into the apartment and threw my keys onto the coffee table. The room was quiet and the only light was coming from the uncovered window across the room. I kicked off my heels and my feet were greeted by the soft touch of my blue carpet. Yawning, I walked to my room and began to reach behind myself to unzip my dress, when I felt myself being pulled against another body by warm hands. ‘Not so fast...
Introduction: This scene is about my ex mate and I >,.>, We are furries, so, if you arent into that and do not wish to view anything furry related, please leave ^^ Akelta woke in the middle of the night, very confused and very hungry. Khaal…did you leave the food out….? She mumbled softly, her voice sounding very tired. Khaal grunts and awakes with a start, leaning up with weary yellow eyes gleaming in the darkness. Huh?..o-oh…yeah…on th table… He mumbles, flopping back down on the bed....
Introduction: The story takes place in Paris, France, at midnight, Kaylie and Jordan are on thier honeymoon and are about to have the time of thier fucking lives! Lights down. Candles lit. Tongues alickin. Ooh baby please dont quit. Make love to me, I want it now. Drive me up the wall, like boom boom pow. Hows that? Good, right? He didnt answer. He just gave a little moan with his eyes closed. Babe? You okay. Mmm, he moaned again. Great. Are you going to finish it? then he started stroking his...
Here it is, you're freedom is coming to an end as you are about a week away from starting senior year in high school. You are dreading the beginning of the school year, and want to do as much as you can in your final free days. It is almost midnight and you are sitting at your computer trying to figure out what you want to do over the next few days when a instant message pops up on your screen. It is from Sandy, your best friend from childhood. After exchanging pleasentries, she sends the...
Please let me introduce myself. My name is indigo. i live in a big city where life is hard and danger lurks around every corner. Threats are many, but my hunger for pleasure keeps me constantly seeking new scenes in the night. i am a shy submissive and usually look for outgoing people with dominant personalities. My voice is quiet, and i only speak when it is polite, or when i am asked to. i have caramel brown eyes and flowing wavy chestnut brown hair that falls just past my shoulders. I stand...
BDSMIt was well after midnight, and I was in bed with the lights out when I heard the click of the door latch, followed by some muffled rustling and whispers.“Are you sure it’s okay, Amy?” said a male voice. “What if we wake her?”Then there was another rustle and a squeak and a giggle from my room-mate.“Look, why don’t we just go back to my room?” said the male voice again.“Don’t worry; once she’s asleep you’ll never wake her up. But don’t make too much noise, just in case.”Carefully I opened one...
VoyeurIt’s midnight in a dark and silent parking lot, with a single car, mine, parked near the back edge. A second car, yours, enters slowly but purposefully and takes an adjoining position. You turn off your engine, and now there is silence. I open my door. You open your door. Your feet touch the ground, quietly. You glance towards me, but it's dark, nothing to be seen. You stride --not too fast, not too slow-- to the open door. I have placed a blanket there on the ground. You find yourself...
BDSMMy air conditioning broke last week and my house was as hot as hell so I decided to go for a midnight drive. I drove to 7-11 for a Big Gulp and then made my way to a small secluded beach near my house. There was only one car in the parking lot when I pulled in, but the beach looked empty. It was a cloudless night, and the moon was full so it was actually not all that dark out. I decided to go for a walk on the the beach. I left my sandals in the car along with my t-shirt. All I had on was...
That long, slow creaking sound, followed by a sudden thud -- a sound known to just about everyone who's ever stayed in a hotel as of one of your neighbors letting go of the door to their room, the door loudly pulling itself closed and slamming shut. I had just hoped it was something I would have avoided in a 5-star hotel, but, then again, why not something else to draw out an already long business trip. I rolled over to see my small travel alarm clock on the nightstand and saw the glowing red...