Being Me - Part 10 - On Home Shores free porn video

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Being Me By Karin Roberts The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery - On Home Shores The Finale - Part 1 3 Months Later It's been three months now since the day that Michael / Tracey left the Cruise ship and arrived back to good old normal home life. I left my story the last time as we approached Avril's house in the back of an unmarked Police Car. WPC Crawford a rather attractive woman in her thirties helped us inside with our bags before leaving us to it. This was the first time I had been inside Avril's house; I mean why, would I have wanted to go there before. It was probably no more than I expected a bit flamboyant that matched her character to a tee. Straight away I smelt trouble as we had hardly been there fifteen minutes when I learned that my place of sleep would be downstairs on a camp bed while Mom and Avril shared a room upstairs, now there was a surprise! While Avril busied herself finding the camp bed Mom made us all some hot drinks and a snack before bed. With the camp bed set up we sat around the spacious living room eating and drinking, conversation was at a minimum as I inwardly seethed at my Dad for putting us here. In fairness though, how could he know that he was giving Avril the opportunity to get her rather pointy claws into his wife? After all he couldn't be blamed for the media attention on him and I was sure that what he was doing was what he thought was best. We spent about an hour just sitting there before Mom and Avril headed upstairs, resigned to my bed downstairs I slipped inside the covers and tried to sleep. An hour past, it was impossible to nod off; too much was racing through my brain. I got up quietly and pulled on the shirt and shorts I had worn. My holdall was still in the corner, opening it I rummaged through it till I found a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Quietly I slipped out into the hallway; flicking the lighter into life I found the box that operated the house alarm. With the light of the lighter helping I flipped open the little Perspex cover over the dials and pressed the "Disable Alarm" button. Slowly I moved to the door and opened it not closing it fully behind me I stepped out into the night air. I was chilly well certainly a lot more chilly then it had been for the last ten days on holiday. I shivered a little as I opened the pack of cigarettes and took one out lighting it I inhaled deeply and blew white smoke into the night air. I stepped out a bit further forward and looked upwards; Avril's bedroom looked out onto the front. The light was out so at least they were in bed. At least I thought that's a laugh they were probably wrapped up in each others arms or engaged in some hot sex. Taking another draw from the cigarette I turned and looked away to the right of the house just a mile down that road was my own house my own bed and a Dad that was totally unaware of what his son had been up to for the last week and possibly even more importantly totally unaware of what his wife had been up to as well. Taking a final draw from the cigarette I stubbed it out on the wall and slipped back inside the house. Returning to the camp bed I undressed and slipped under the cover it took a while but eventually I nodded off for the night. Next day we had a visit from the WPC who brought us home the day before with a couple of bags of fresh clothes. For me that was a godsend and while I would have preferred the bag to have been full of some nice skirts and tops at least I had some of my own stuff back. My stuff came along with my X-Box and some games which was also a relief and at least I had something to occupy my mind. Mom, Avril and the PC chatted away as the washing machine churned away washing all the holiday clothes. I took the chance to go and change then sneak outside for a quick cigarette. I'd only just lit up when the side door opened and WPC Crawford emerged turning in my direction she walked towards me. "Hi its Michael isn't it," she said extending her hand. I shook her hand. "Can I bum a ciggie off you?" she asked. "Eh ok, here," I said offering them to her. She took the packet and took one out handing them back to me. "That's a strange brand for a boy," she said as I offered her my lighter. "Peril's of being at sea, there was not much choice on board," I said as she cupped her hands around the lighter and lit her cigarette. "I suppose, I've not seen VS120's since I was last in America" she said before blowing a cloud of smoke in the air. "I'd actually given up till recently, the stress of the investigation got me started again" she added as she took another draw and blew smoke to the floor. "It must have been hard going, didn't I see you on TV at the farmhouse with one of the girls when they found them." "Yeah that was me, it's been a great team effort though lots of hours put in but worth it in the end." She paused. "Did you enjoy your holiday?" she asked. "It was different," I said. "How different?" she enquired. "Oh I meant not having Dad with us or it being a cruise I'd never been on one before." "I've never been on one either, it's on my must do list though." "So how long do you think we will be here WPC Crawford?" I asked. "Call me Heather," she said before adding, "Not sure at least to the end of the week, it's quieting down a little bit but your Dad just wants to take the heat off you and your Mom." I nodded. "Anyway I better get going before I get caught smoking on duty and your Dad has me on a charge," she said dropping the cigarette and crushing it under her shoe. "Thanks for bringing some stuff over," I said. "No problem it was your Dad's idea he misses you, I'll see you soon," she said as she turned the corner and was gone from sight. I could hear her engine start up and pull away as I dropped my own cigarette to the floor and went back inside. Just over a week later we were back home in truth it had not been too bad at Avril's she had somewhat laid off me but the night before we came back home she choose to give me another reminder of her and Mom. I was dozing on the camp bed when I heard footsteps on the stairs. She walked into the kitchen wearing a particularly skimpy nightdress. Avril's living area had a wall knocked through into the kitchen from where I was lying I could see her walk across to some cupboards and take out two glasses. She walked back to the fridge and took out a full bottle of red wine. I could not see fully due to the lack of light whether she had anything else on but I was 100% certain she was at the very least topless under her nightdress. Taking the two glasses and the bottle she disappeared from the kitchen and I heard her pad back upstairs. "She needs to go," I said quietly to myself before trying to get back to sleep. ........................................................................ Back home thing's pretty much returned to normal well as normal as they could for me. Soon I was back at college and Mom back teaching. Dad remained a bit of a minor celebrity with a couple of TV appearances; god knows what it will be like next year when the trial starts I remember thinking. He was also sent down to Humberside after another girl went missing to help them with their enquiries. Happily that turned out to be a false alarm after the girl was found shacked up in a hotel about 20 miles away with one of her teachers! I on the other hand was struggling with my return to normality. Don't get me wrong I was doing ok at college but not being able to dress as Tracey was driving me nuts. There were a couple of opportunities that I could have dressed at home, but after what I had experienced on the ship 24/7 for 8 days had wasted that. The thought of just getting dressed for a couple of hours and then going back to Michael was not appealing. I had bought one or two little things on-line to add to my Tracey collection. I'm sure Mom must have realised what I was doing but the subject had never been mentioned again. I had e-mailed Mhari a couple of times and we had on-line conversations so she knew how I felt and understood that the need was increasing with each passing week. In fact if there had been a methadone for crossdressers then I would have been on full strength. Then out of the blue an unexpected opportunity presented itself to me. Dad came home to announce that he had been invited to go to summit meeting of police forces in Europe who had dealt with hostage and kidnap situations. The plan was to leave on a Tuesday morning, travel to Rotterdam where the event was being held, then return the following Tuesday. A plan was forming in my head but this needed some careful thought and a lot of co-operation from Mom. I waited for an opportunity to approach Mom. I got home early from college Mom was sitting in the kitchen marking test papers a glass of wine by her side and a cigarette in her hand. "Mom can we talk for a minute?" I asked popping open a can of Coke I waited on her reply. "Sure just give me a minute to finish this paper." I climbed on to a stool the other side of the breakfast bar and sat down. Putting down her pen and taking of her glasses she stubbed out her cigarette and asked, "What's on your mind?" I started nervously. "It's just, eh you know, I...." "Michael what is it?" "I was wondering it's been months since we got back from the cruise and I've kinda....." I stopped again. "You want to dress up again?" she asked. I blushed while taking a nervous drink from my can a small amount tricking down my chin. "Eh well I suppose." "Ok then when?" I was stunned, had she just said yes, was I hearing things, my heart was beating rapidly. "Well I was wondering that week Dad goes to Rotterdam, I could call Mhari we could all meet up in Edinburgh sort of girls weekend." I was babbling the words spilling out at lightning speed. "I said Ok," she replied picking up her cigarettes from the worktop, she pulled one out and lit it, "Now can I get some more work done" "I mean........ Ok yes," was all I could say before turning and leaving the room I needed to contact Mhari. ........................................................................ The days passed slowly and finally the week that would welcome Tracey back into the world for a short period. Mom took Dad to the airport to see him off on his trip with a couple of colleagues before plans could get fully under way. Back home I began my rebirth by taking a shower I used liberal amounts of hair remover on my skin to return to that smooth Tracey that had been on the cruise. Mom had skipped off to Avril's which worried me a bit but she did had produced a plausible excuse explaining that the case with most of "Tracey's" wardrobe was still at Avril's house. This did worry me a bit but it made some sense that it was out of the house and away from any risk of Dad finding it. A couple of hours passed by which time I had left the bath and sat in the kitchen with one of Mom's robes on my hair wrapped up in a towel. My hair worried me a bit as it had not grown back to the length it was but Mom had promised to fix that and I did have the hair extensions I had bought on holiday. Worrying about what was going on along the road should have been more on my mind but after a glass of wine and a cigarette I relaxed into the evening. Time passed and it was gone nine by the time Mom emerged in the living room with a case in tow. "Sorry we got talking," she said. "Its fine, I hope you don't mind I put this robe," on I said. "No that's ok," she sat down opposite me. "Take your case upstairs and I'll make us a couple of drink's we can retransform you tomorrow, maybe nip out grab a spot of lunch and I'll book us somewhere to stay at the weekend." I got up. "Avril fine?" I asked. "Yeah just her usual chatty self." she said as she rose from the chair. Yeah I bet I thought to myself as I lifted the case and carried it upstairs to my room. While I wanted to say more I did not want to risk her co-operation over my weekend away so it was time to bite my tongue a bit, after all tomorrow Tracy would be back! Mom was true to her word and the next morning after another relaxing bath in some scented bath salts, I was back in her room with a bathrobe wrapped around me. Mom immediately went to work on my hair producing the hair extensions I had bought on holiday along with some new extensions that she had somehow remarkable acquired. One thing was sure you can usually give my Mom 10 out of 10 for coming up with the goods when needed! About an hour later my hair was complete this time the bright blonde I had on holiday had been combined with some dark brown extensions which gave my hair a sort of streak effect. In truth it looked good and I was sent packing while Mom got ready to do my own make up. With the knowledge I gained on holiday soon Tracey was back and a rather familiar face stared back at me from the mirror. Mom had hinted at evening attire as mentioned a meal and maybe a drink after. As well as that I had to pack for our trip to Edinburgh so carefully selecting some clothes for the next couple of days I packed them away and made sure that I had all the essentials ready for our weekend trip. Time was pressing on and it was late afternoon by the time that I had my case packed and ready. I sat down and carefully applied some fake nails to my finger painting them a dark red shade to match the lipstick I was wearing. Touching up my make-up I put some essentials including my cigarettes in a black clutch purse and got dressed. I picked out a black pencil skirt short but just above the knee. A red silk blouse was next with a wide black leather belt with a gold hooked buckle to finish off. I put on what minimal jewellery I had before slipping on a pair of three inch stilettos with a gold metal heel that I had bought some time ago. I picked up my bag and walked downstairs the kitchen was empty still no sign of Mom, opening the fridge I found a half empty bottle of white wine and poured myself a glass. Sitting at the breakfast bar making sure I crossed my legs properly when back in the Tracey mode I pulled out my cigarettes and lit up the familiar red lipstick stain on the tip as I exhaled for the first time that day. Ten minutes later Mom appeared in a rather nice short blue dress with a sweeping neckline, matching blue high heels completed her outfit. Her make up a mixture of blue and silver, with a slightly lighter shade of red lipstick form what I was wearing adorning her lips. She sat opposite me and poured the last of the wine into her glass. "I thought we would get a cab into town have a meal at a little Italian me and your Dad have used sometimes and then grab a drink in a local bar that sound ok to you?" "Fine, you look nice, new dress?" I asked. "I got it a couple of weeks back" she replied draining the last of her wine, "Go back upstairs and grab a jacket from my wardrobe" she said as she picked up her phone and began to dial a number. I left and went back upstairs in her wardrobe I found a black blazer like jacket that I pulled on it would have been a bit tight if I buttoned it but left open it was fine and the sleeve length was ok heading back downstairs I heard the honk of a car horn. "Tracey that's the cab," she called as I stepped into the hallway. ........................................................................ The cab drive was quiet on the way into town we were dropped across the road from the Restaurant Mom paid I got out carefully adjusting my skirt. The sound of our heels clicking on the pavement, two engineers working at a telephone junction box stopped casting admiring glances at both of us as we walked by. Soon we were seated and enjoying a pre meal drink. The restaurant was small and intimate, just the sort of venue for couple I thought as we made our selections from the menu. Our meal was a good quality and we chatted away throughout like any mother and daughter sharing some time together. I had fallen back in to Tracey mode with surprising ease acting and gesturing like any female would and raising no suspicions with the waiters or the small number of other customers in the restaurant. As we left the resonant the waiter helped us on with our jackets and we were each handed a single red rose as we made our way out another sign of how convincing I had become. Mom led me up a couple of streets looking for a bar we eventually turned down a narrow cobbled alley to an open courtyard a bar say across the square we made our way over and inside. The d?cor was classy and while a subdued in lighting we found a booth to sit at Mom left to get some drinks while I slid inside the booth. We must have been there for around 45 minutes when the door swung open to the bar and who wanders in but Avril. She strode across the room towards us. "Hi girls" was her opening words as she stopped in front of our booth, "I'll get us some drinks," she announces before turning back towards the bar. I turned looking at Mom my eyebrows raised in an enquiring way. "Oh I knew Avril was going to be in town so I asked her to drop buy for a drink," Mom said with a smile. "You don't mind do you" she asked? I shrugged and picked up my glass draining the rest of the drink in disgust that she had showed up. We sat in the booth conversation flowing between Mom and Avril with only brief interjections by me as the night moved on. Suddenly my mobile phone rang I looked at the caller display it was Mhari. Grateful for the interruption on the night I made my excuses and picked up my bag. "Mhari, yeah just a minute," I said as I crossed the floor of the bar to the exit. Outside I explained about my day so far out with Mom the meal then Avril showing up. "She's not coming to Edinburgh?" Mhari asked. "Well I don't think so, but then who knows I never expected her to appear tonight. I'll make sure that I mention to Mom about it later," I said. "Ok well I'm arriving in Edinburgh around 5, I'll just pop over to your hotel when I get in and change then we can hit the town. Do you think your Mom will come with us?" "Don't know, maybe," I said. "Doesn't matter if she does I'm so looking forward to seeing you babe," she said. "Me too, can't wait for a good night out." "Well see you tomorrow and get back in there and don't let Avril spoil your night, luv ya," she said as she rang off. I opened my bag and dropped the phone inside, taking out my cigarettes I pulled one from the packet and lit up. The night air was cool and refreshing I could feel the air circle around my stockinged legs as I drew on my cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke. I finished my cigarette and after a quick spray of perfume I walked back inside. Heading straight to the bar I bought a round of drinks and went back to the booth. I hadn't noticed when I came in but the booth was empty no sign of Avril or Mom as I put the drinks on the table and slid into the booth. Both their glasses were gone as well which was strange. I picked up my drink and took a sip. I had been back about five minutes nervously sitting there on my own, when another girl approached me. I figured her to be maybe a couple of years older than me. She was dressed in tight jeans with holes in the knees like today's style, a tee-shirt with some weird political slogan on it that made no sense to me and a little denim jacket. "Do you mind," she said as she slid in beside me. "I'm waiting for someone," I said. "Oh I saw then they will be back in about ten minutes," she replied. "Where are they?" I asked. "Oh just through the back, I'll take you through and show you in a minute or two," she replied. "What's through there?" I asked. She ignored the question. "I saw you come in with the other woman and then the friend came over I thought you were a couple at first," she said. "What a couple like....." I blushed. "Eh that's my Mom and the other woman is her friend," I said, unsure why I was explaining myself. "Oh so you're not a couple then?" "No we're not," I replied forcibly. "That's ok then" she said taking a drink for her glass I could feel her hand come to rest on my knee. I froze a bit, it moved a little higher. "What do you think you're doing?" I said. "Just being friendly I was hoping we could maybe hook up," she said looking up into my eyes. "I'm not like that," I said. "Yeah sure, I've seen it all before, smart office girl comes in after work trying to find herself an escape from her boyfriend, a little experiment," she said as her hand caressed the inside of my leg. "No I'm serious I'm not like that," I said lifting her hand from my leg and moving it over. "So what are you doing cruising a lesbian bar?" she asked. I blushed again this time a bit more deeply, I looked around. I must have been stupid there had been only one male in the bar all the time we had been here with the exception of the guy behind the bar it had been all females. Fuck sake the nerve of it they had brought me to a lesbian bar! "So?" she asked. "Sorry I didn't know." "I just thought well you know I've seen the red head here before but not your Mom" she said as she took another drink before going on "I just thought you looked hot and as I said lots of mixed up office girls come in here looking for a bit of action." "So where have they gone," I asked sounding a bit annoyed. "I suppose they are in the kissing booth," she replied. "Show me," I demanded. She stood up and I followed her, we made our way through the back down a narrow hallway to the back of the pub. It was quite dark but still well decorated. We turned a corner I could hear some music as we approached another room. The girl turned and put her fingers to her lips for me to be quiet. I followed her and we moved on she motioned for me to look through a slight gap in the door. In the room a girl was dancing topless she writhed in front of Avril and Mom they were relaxing back on a settee watching her dance both with arms wrapped around each other. I stepped back the urge to throw up was on my mind. How could the two of them be so blatant I turned and hurried away from the room back along the corridor and outside, the girl followed. I made my way straight back outside and hastily lit another cigarette; my new found friend arrived beside me and joined me for a smoke. "I take it you never knew about them?" she asked gesturing towards the bar. "I kinda had a suspicion," I said "So is your Dad still around?" she asked. "We still live together," I said as I took a hard pull on the cigarette. "It could just be a little experiment," she said. "Maybe," I said looking on into the distance. "Well, it's a shame that you're not into girls," she said gently caressing my arm, she dropped the cigarette and crushed it out. "I'll just head off and try my luck elsewhere, if you ever change your mind though you know where you can find me," she said as she turned and walked away down the street. I took my time had another cigarette before going back inside. In total since I had left to answer Mhari's call it had been around 30 minutes. I had just slid back into the booth when Avril and Mom rounded the corner walking side by side. As they reached the table I said, "I got us some drinks," as they climbed in beside me. "Thanks babe," Mom said as the night continued as if nothing had happened. It was around 2 hours later when after dropping Avril of we pulled stopped outside our house in our cab home. I climbed out and went to open the door as Mom paid the driver. Back inside I poured a large glass of wine. Mom appeared in the kitchen. "You enjoy tonight?" she asked. "It was ok," I replied. "Did you enjoy it?" I asked. "I did yes; maybe we should do something like that more often." I walked forward. "Yeah maybe we should." I stepped past Mom to the door. "Mom Avril's not coming with us tomorrow is she?" I asked. "No dear" she responded as she poured her own glass of wine. "Why do you ask?" she said. "Oh I just wondered I'm going up to bed tomorrow will be a long day, goodnight Mom," I said as I left the room. "Night Tracey," she responded as I approached the stairs. Upstairs I sat on my bed and pulled a cigarette from my bag opening the window I sat on a little bench beside it and lit up. Slowly I smoked the cigarette and drank the wine thinking about what had happened tonight. The nerve of them taking me there and acting that way they obviously thought they had got away with it. I drank the last of the wine and dropped the butt of the cigarette out the window. I began to get undressed sooner or later whatever was going on between Avril and Mom was going to come out and what the consequences would be I had no idea but one way or another it had to come to a head. ........................................................................ I was still very much in a mood when I got up the next morning. Even though the excitement of the day ahead and seeing Mhari again was a boost, Mom and Avril's behaviour last night had cast a shadow on the outing. After a perfumed shower I got dressed in typical day time attire. I chose a pair of jeans which had got a bit tight on me since the holiday all that junk food at College had probably put an inch or two on me. A loose fitting knitted top which dropped over the top of the jeans hid my little spare inch. A pair of cork wedge sandals foe me feet, even though it was winter the weather was ok and I figured we would be in and out shops for most of the afternoon so my feet should be fine. I combed out my hair and fixed my make-up subtle day tones so that I would blend in with the crowd. I picked up the overnight bag I had packed put away my make-up bag and grabbing a shoulder bag I dropped my other essentials in it and headed downstairs. There was no sign of Mom yet as I flicked on the kettle to make myself a morning coffee. Once the water had boiled I poured it into a mug stirring the coffee I added a dash of milk and opened the side door stepping outside I put the mug on the boundary wall and lit a cigarette. It was a bright day not cold but with a slight breeze wish sent the odd shiver down your body. Once I had finished my cigarette and drank my coffee I went back to the kitchen by this time Mom had appeared still in a dressing gown but pouring her own coffee as I got inside. "Morning, your ready early," she said as I washed out the empty mug. "Only been down about 10 minutes," I said. "Ok I'll finish this and get dressed be less than an hour," she said as I started to leave the room. "Fine I'll just catch the News," I said as I walked across the hallway towards the lounge. Inside I put the TV on and pulling my legs up under me I sat on the settee. Just under an hour later our bags were loaded into the boot of the car and we were pulling out of our driveway on route to Edinburgh. By now I had resolved to try and disguise my annoyance at last night. After all Mom had agreed to this trip and the re-emergence of Tracey for a short time and the atmosphere was just going to ruin the trip. So normal Mom and Daughter conversation resumed with some light music in the background as we slipped on to the motorway to continue our journey. Just over an hour later we were turning into the Car Park of the Hotel Mom had booked. In reception a rather attractive girl with jet black hair welcomed us. Mom introduced herself as Mrs McWilliams. The receptionist confirmed the booking for two singles. At least that put my mind at rest a bit a single room most likely meant that Avril would not be joining us for the evening. With the paper work done a porter collected our bags and showed us upstairs to the rooms. As Mom closed her door she said, "Half an hour and I'll meet you down in the lobby for some shopping." "Ok," I said as I followed the porter another two doors along to my room. Inside I emptied my overnight bag into the drawers. In the bath room I tidied up my make-up and transferring some thing's to a smaller bag I grabbed a rain jacket Mom had loaned me as the weather outside had not looked clever. Within the thirty minutes we were out on the street and heading to the nearest shopping centre. The shopping trip was uneventful; the truce between me and Mom was holding we acted just like a mother and daughter out shopping. Mom insisted in buying me a new dress despite the fact that my limited appearances as Tracey meant that I could not really understand the logic behind the purchase but buy it she did. I for that matter was just as bad though as I couldn't resist splashing out on a pair of black knee length suede boots with five inch heels! We found a tearoom and sat with an afternoon coffee and a sandwich. My mobile rang looking at the display I saw Mhari's name come up. I got up and left to take the call outside I lit a cigarette as I began to chat to Mhari. "Have you got here yet?" I asked excitedly. "The trains just outside Waverley just now, should be at the hotel in about half an hour, where are you?" "Were at a tearoom just down from Princes Square, were just finishing off a coffee before heading back should get back just about the same time I'll meet you in the lobby," I said. "Ok see you soon, I'm just going into a tu......" she said before her phone cut out. I finished of my cigarette and made my way back inside a few minutes later we had finished up and were heading back to the hotel. Mhari looked fab when we got back she still looked brown as if she had still stepped off the ship. Either she had some fake tan on or she had been topping up her look as my holiday glow had long since faded. After numerous hugs between the three of us we retired upstairs, Mom heading back to her room and me and Mahri to mine. Inside we crashed on the bed. "So how have thing's been?" Mhari asked. "Fine but it's been hard being back to boring old Michael for most of the time." "What about the other thing," she said nodding towards the door I knew she meant Mom. I told her about the visit to the bar just the other night. "Either they are using you as some sort of cover, you know they let you be Tracey they do what they want knowing that you won't spill the beans as they have a hold on you, or they are trying to just let you get used to the fact that they might be together." "I don't know, I mean when Mom and Dad are together, everything seems just like normal, just as it was before." "It's an awkward spot to be in and as I said on the ship only you can decide if you want to confront it or just let it go and see how it shapes up, either way there is some pain ahead. Anyway let's get this party started," Mahri said as she opened her bag and pulled out a bottle of white wine. "You get the glasses I'll get this open," she said as she got up off the bed. ........................................................................ An hour later the wine was gone, and we were both putting the finishing touches to our make-up. Mhari was wearing a black lace dress that was just verging on the indecent, it was ultra-short and although pretty see through the bits that should be covered to spare modesty were covered. After some persuasion I was wearing the dress Mom had bought me today, it was a cowl neck tight to the shoulders and waist, the skirt dropped to just over knee length but it had a craftily placed zip on the front that allowed it to be opened right up to the top of your thigh. I chose to open it no further than a couple of inches above the knee, combined with the boots I had also bought today it looked fab. Mhari looked over at me as I was just about to do my lips. "What shades of red lippy do you have?" she asked. "Just this one" I said opening a lipstick and rolling it up. "Not red enough, just a minute I'm pretty sure I've got a better one in here." Mhari searched through her make-up bag. "Yeah here it is and this lip liner as well." She took out both item and tossed them across the bed to me. "This is a pretty expensive lipstick," I said. "It's fine it's only been used a couple of times just use it and pop it in your bag, I mean your gonna need it to touch up your lips with all the snogging were gonna do." "Mhari," I said. "What girl I'm horny tonight so I'm on the prowl." "You're a bad girl," I said laughing at her comment. "Well it's been weeks since my lady garden had some attention and I hope tonight will change that" she said winking in my direction. I opened the lip liner and applied it Mhari was right the lipstick was much more dramatic and a much better match for my dress than the one I had. Ten minutes later after painting our nails and posing for a quick selfie before we left the room we were ready for the night ahead.

Same as Being Me - Part 10 - On Home Shores Videos

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 8

"That lady who escorted you here – Ruth I think you said her name was; can she sign an affidavit that there was no such intent?" "I expect so. There were a group of ladies involved in getting me and the girls together. They called themselves Malan mothers." Mrs Mboya's eyebrows lifted. "Ah. So that is who that lady is; one of the five Malan mothers? Derek – what is your surname, boy?" "Dearden, ma'am." "Mr Dearden, you have struck lucky. These ladies recently became famous in...

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No FutureChapter 47 Foreign Shores

Molly & Mark 2072 It had taken a long time for Mark and Molly to get used to living in Dagenham. It was a definite climbdown from North West London and it still wasn't a change in circumstances they were comfortable with. However, at least they'd both found jobs: not particularly good ones compared to what they had before but the compensation was they didn't have to squeeze themselves together all day long into the cramped space of a studio flat. The novelty and delight of spending...

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No FutureChapter 49 Foreign Shores

Diane 2043 "It doesn't matter however much I enjoy making love with you," said Diane, "it still feels wrong." "Because we're both women?" wondered Lakeisha who was spread out on the sheets beside the vicar. "Because I'm in love with Doris," Diane replied. "It's not as if you're living together, is it?" said Lakeisha. "Didn't you enjoy making love it just now? The moistness between your thighs tells me you did." "Doris and I are lovers," said Diane. "We've even...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 5

Annabel asked the Governor, "Do you mind if I do the phone call? I think I can handle them okay, I really do." "Perhaps, but what would you say to them on this call?" "Just that things happened here, nice things, and that we have decided to remain on Rehome for the time being." Bob glanced over at Ruth, and asked, "Ruth – are you fine with this line?" Ruth looked thoughtful, then said, "Yes, I do believe that might be effective, if Annabel keeps her call simple and to the...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 3

Annabel, in her position as the Montford family head on Rehome, took the lead. “What do you mean, “think about what we do next”?” “There are several ways you might approach matters. One: if you feel that you have been raped by Trevor, you can have him tried by a jury here. I think you would have trouble convincing a jury, as you participated with considerable gusto, and he did not administer the drug either – I did, by pure mischance. So there is neither coercion nor intent provable...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 18

Fearn, if you would dispense the tea, and I pour the coffee, Nargo can assist with the milk jug. Right, girls?" Fearn and Nargo did a 'high five' and proceeded with their tasks, while the adults admired their dedication to these duties. As soon as the drinks were poured, Esme sent Nargo and Fearn to bring in the plates of scones, pancakes, and decorated cupcakes. Esme explained to her guests that while she had baked the scones last night, Fearn had done most of the pancakes and cupcakes...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 7

"Hello, is that Mrs Cross? Or should I say, the former Mrs Cross?" "It is. Who are you, and what do you want?" "Madam, I am merely the bearer of glad tidings about your daughter." "My daughter? You know where my daughter is?" "Indeed, madam. Allow me to introduce myself more formally: I am Robert Kempe, Governor of the human colony on the planet of Rehome." "Rehome? Oh, yes I have heard of it. Why are you phoning me? Is my daughter in your colony, then?" "You are quick on...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 17

"Oh, madam, I would never stoop to blackmail. I am not looking for any monetary benefit. I merely would appreciate some manly attention, at least for a while. Perhaps you could put in a good word for me, and encourage John in the matter, madam." Angelina thought for a moment, then responded, "Sylvia, If I were to suggest to John that I would not object to him paying some ... close ... attention to you, would that be acceptable? I will also say that your job is not in jeopardy, in case you...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 54

Helen was quick to spot a solution. "Let's refer it to the colony authorities. They have access to all the scientists on the planet, so they should be able to get the right people on the job. The results will be of interest to the Colony authorities, especially if we can identify potential woods for future use. The forests on Rehome are mostly protected, for whatever reason, and so most wood has to be imported. It mostly comes from Earth at the moment, but once New Eden gets access to the...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 69

"How do you mean?" Ebenezer was unsure what she meant. "Various social pressure groups use petitions with thousands of supporters, to put pressure on companies to rescind unfair practices. It is quite effective, I understand." "Phoebe, do you think you could start one, against all the seed merchants pushing up their prices together, and looking at a cartel? I wouldn't want to do it from me, as a distributor." "Sure, I can do that. It gives me something to contribute to your...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 3

He got back to Ian and told him what he had found. They decided that Dearden should be interviewed, smartish. They asked colleagues at Coventry to start with a preliminary interview, if he could be found at the university. He was located there, so the local police went and pulled him out of his class, and invited him, with some pressure, to the station for a recorded interview. He looked more puzzled than worried, at the start, but they refused to speak to him about possible accusations...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 4

"I see. Then you should try Trevor Defreitas, CEO of Rehome Deliveries. He has recently become chairman of the Circle, so should know what's what, and where the bodies are buried." Taking that on board, Esme phoned Rehome Deliveries and asked for him, as Chair of Metropolis Business Circle. He was soon on the line. "What can we of the Business Circle do for you, Ma'am?" She said carefully, "We of the Bank of Rehome are considering a loan request from Mr Thomas Carson, a local...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 19

"You ran your own business? I had the impression you worked for a bank on Earth!" "Not quite. I saved most of my pay during enlistment, so I had a basis for starting a business operation. I set myself up as a money-lender at reasonable rates, to be a benefit to the community I came from. I undercut all the commercial competition and became the lender of choice for practically everyone in the area. Once I could afford to branch out, I helped people to set up their own local businesses, and...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 14

Diane told him, "You don't want to know what my staff are up to. Suffice it to say that we are looking into a complaint passed to Mary, and I hope to be able to resolve it after tomorrow." Mary added, "And I had a frustrating day at work, so I am feeling in need of my husband's loving." Helen was feeling left out, so said, "I just love my man." Bob stood back and admired them. "Well, I see three whiteys. Where is my black woman? Ruth should have a say in this." Diane said to...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 18

Although he had been enjoying this very sociable wedding event, George Montford finally sidled over to John Frederickson to mutter, "I have to get back to the office, John. Someone has to hold the fort..." John grinned at him. "Thanks, George. I'll just concentrate on my wives, today. Tell your ladies they are welcome to stay on here for as long as they want." "They may appreciate that, John. I'll tell them." George got back to the company office, and found among his "IN"...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 25

“That one, sir. I admit, however, to being unaware that there was more than one Ebenezer within your ken.” “There isn’t. What can I do for you, Ebenezer?” “I am not sure, Governor. I have information from Earth that I have compared with events on Rehome, and the similarities have intrigued me.” “That sounds like the sort of curiosity that has to be explained, Ebenezer.” “To elucidate, sir: My darling Euphemia, whose hand I will take in marriage next week (along with my other darling,...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 51

Robert had a possible solution. "Either the ground is very absorbent, and the water seeps through, or the geology is limestone, and there are underground rivers conveying the water to the sea. One could test that by measuring the salinity of the ocean about a kilometre from the shore. Where an underground river meets the ocean, the salinity level will drop markedly, due to the freshwater input. I am not sure how we could run these tests, though." The Personalia voice intruded, "That is...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 5

"Miss Proctor, may I call you Ruth? I was under the apprehension that your talent lay in undercover situations. Your attire does not give that impression to me. Have you any explanation?" Ruth looked surprised. "Sorry, Madam. I was given to believe that this was a business meeting, to discuss a new task. I dressed accordingly. When it comes to my work, I will dress appropriately for that environment." "Ah. That is all right, then. I unfortunately assumed that this was your normal mode...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 6

"Freda, what is your husband doing with this girl? Is he intending to marry her?" "Eh? How would I know? I haven't spoken with him. I don't really want to know what he is up to with her." "Oh. I see. It was just that ... if he actually wanted to marry her, he would have to get your approval, wouldn't he?" "My approval? Don't be daft, Margo! Why would I consent to that? I haven't even divorced him yet." "Divorce? How do you mean, Freda?" "Well, I haven't got around to...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 13

The professor wanted to see the fish market and meet some fishermen, so Tom got permission from his boss – his wife - to escort her there and make the introductions. The market was simply an area next to the harbour, with a few stalls erected to protect the catches from the sunshine – on the days when it was sunny. Otherwise it was to shelter the fish from the drying winds from onshore. Tom explained that you had to time your visit correctly. If you arrived just as the fisherman came...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 2

Eventually the train arrived at the very basic structure that was the station for the new village. The passengers alighting at the station got off, including the Montford sisters and their tourist guide. Then the flatcar and its cargo was shunted into the single siding and uncoupled, so the train could continue to its final destination. Amelia operated the controls to swing the ramp round to land on the hard compacted earth, then returned to the caravan to back it off, down the ramp on to...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 9

Preparations for the wedding were as complete as was possible. The guests were all Rehome residents except for the Montfords and Mrs Cross. The Governor, his wives and household staff were there, as were John Wilson and a few representatives of the tourist body that Amelia worked for. The Director of Education, Jennifer Prentice was there and Trevor's other boss, Pam Humbert. Unusually for a human wedding, Mother Narech was there on behalf of the Personalia and the Malans. The others were...

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Naked in School Homer

Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 20

Judith was late in getting up this morning. Georgina noticed, and remarked on it to the teenager. "Are you all right, Judith? You seem a bit lethargic this morning." The younger woman looked glum. "I am a bit under the weather, Georgina dear. My tummy is a bit uneasy this morning. I don't know what the matter is." Georgina had a glimmer of an idea. "Judith, dear? When is your period due? Is this perhaps period pains coming on?" "Oh, no. I don't think so. My period is due ... oh ......

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 29

"Nope. Not for now. You have to see the doctor, first. I'd hate to do something wrong, through ignorance. You agree, Peggy?" "Yes, I see what you mean. You do things right, don't you, Trevor?" "I do my best, Peggy. At least, I try to, when I know what I am doing." The remainder of that day went smoothly. Peggy produced a satisfactory evening meal, and all the babies behaved themselves – almost! There were the usual "feed me!" or " change my nappy" cries, but their mothers coped...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 30

The machine Person at the other end of the conversation had a laugh at the thought of a Robin Hood-style attack. "We shall act accordingly, Governor." They put their first digital attack into operation immediately. Before long, they had accounts bulging with cash in banks all over the Earth. At the same time, The owners of the depleted accounts became frantic, trying to work out what had happened to their cash assets. There was an automatic assumption that some human agency was...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 38

Widow! Winston suddenly remembered that, back in Nigeria, a widow was a position to be avoided at all costs. When a married woman's husband dies, she is regarded as his property, to be passed on to other family members, and so a liability, unless her husband had left a will giving her assets. The woman was shattered still, he realised, despite it being two years since her husband had died. He recovered. "My apologies, mother. I give you my respect, and always will do, as is due my...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 47

"I see. We can arrange for the requisite visits to the planet's surface, with suitable protective measures in place. No human has set foot on it so far, so we don't know what might be there."" "Fine. That is about it for geology, I think, though Robert may have more input to give you. For geography, me and Mia could do most of the work from images, but we will probably want more detailed data for particular items, like variations in sea temperature, and especially any underwater...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 55

"Governor! How nice to hear from you again. That bag of diamonds set me up with a new house, a car, and some cash invested for the future; and my experience with you has got me a consultant post with the university. If I can do anything for you, fire away!" "Terence, We are looking at another new planet that has a huge amount of forests covering the land. The Personalia have taken samples for us of all the tree species, so we need appropriate experts to examine these samples and tell us...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 57

"Really? What does our advert require?" "Your advert needs to state the basics: your company name, its address and contact details, and the barest detail of what you sell. You want readers to contact you for detailed information, based on their own requirements. For instance, what is your company name?" "Rehome Seed Distributors." "Then, how about: "Rehome Seed Distributors, Home Street, Metropolis. Quality seeds and plants for the best farming results. Contact Fred at (phone...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 2

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-II. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-I completes here…. “So,… I told her “use my wifi” it will be very speed and reliable. You can download whatever you want. Don’t waste money on data cards. I said this and smiled. She reciprocated with a...

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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 3

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-3. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts or divorced or secret relationship girls aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-II completes here…. I went to hall and took my lap. i took my pen that was in my packet. I REMOVED THE PEN COVER. I INSERTED IN THE USB DRIVE. YES, THAT IS A...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 42

"Stop? STOP? Don't be estupido, girl. I will happily make love to my pregnant wives as many times as I possibly can, until you are too large in front to be comfortable with my attentions. I love you girls, and want to love you to bits all the time ... a father; just think of it! I don't care whether you each have a son or a daughter. They are the children of our loins, and so worthy of bringing up in a loving environment." Euphemia brought him back to the nitty gritty. "Darling, will...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 43

"The difficulty we have experienced is the inconsistency in the rock we are going through. Most of it is sedimentary, then you can strike a quarts vein, or a volcanic dyke, which is much harder, or you can find a patch of sand. If it is dry sand, tunnelling will be awkward, because the sand will flow like a liquid. The only solution is injecting grout to solidify the sand, but that is a physical job, not the same as excavating with nanites, so the tunnelling stops for a while, before it gets...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 46

Having laid her down, he slowly pushed her legs apart. His fingers came back to her slit, and he slowly moved his finger tips to the entrance to her vagina. Rubbing gently from her clit to her vagina, she found herself moistening even more. At this, Olu slowly pushed one finger inside, and set up a backwards and forwards motion. He soon added a second digit, and she responded to his ministrations, pushing her pelvis towards him. He noticed her hymen was present inside. When he thought it was...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 48

Susan glanced at her in surprise. Mama nodded. "Yes, Tokunbo got around to telling me about you and Olu. At first, I was shocked, as he has started a baby in Tokunbo, but she explained her thinking, so I understood." She took a breath, then grabbed Susan's hand. "Susan, I do not know if it has been made clear to you, but Tokunbo is attempting to find a wife for Olu, and she has you in her sights!" Susan's face paled. "Mama, I do not know what to say! My purpose in coming here was to...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 50

"That is a given. The video will have to be made here." "I see. Should be set up a branch office and studio in – what do you call it? – Metropolis? Perhaps there are more possibilities for recording there." "I am sorry to have to tell you, but the law of Rehome Colony prohibits branches of Earth companies setting up here. That includes offshoots of a company group. It is a measure to encourage the local economy to grow, as you will understand. There is nothing to stop you buying a...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 15

"Good grief, girl, no. You surely have heard about foreplay? Stand up and show yourself, still in bra and panties, and invite him to come and kiss you, to fondle you, to run his hands all over your body, and then let him take off your undies. Make it a pleasure for him; a few soft gasps of pleasure from you, real or simulated, would also help, my dear. Allow him to run his hands over your breasts, and your pussy – I assume you bathed this morning – and let him excite your clit with his...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 8

As Mrs Cross drew a sharp breath, Bob gave a laugh, saying, "Don't listen to her, Georgina. She loves trying to shock people. She shocked me one night, and that led to us marrying eventually, but I shall say no more about it, or Mary will be the one to get embarrassed." He glared at Mary, but a smile belied his words. "I love her, just as I love my other wives. They are all marvellous women, the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope Amelia will find the same love on a permanent...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 15

The Montford wedding was a success, with Judith finally becoming another Mrs Montford, legally as well as in practice. Her parents had sat in the front pews, carefully observing their daughter's nuptial ritual with pride. They were now accepting of her being one of three wives of George Montford, when she had told them how happy she was to be joining that loving household. George had promised them that she would be dearly loved, and remain one of his three loves for as long as he lived. Mrs...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 16

The following silence was deafening, then Angelina slowly said, “That is up to John. If it will help you, I am willing to lend him ... IF he is also willing. John??” John cleared his throat. “Let’s finish what we started, first, my darling wife; then if Annetta still wants it, AND with you there supporting me, then yes, I can try.” Angelina squeezed herself out of the cluster, to be above, and sought John’s cock with one hand. Her other arm maintained her relative position. She sank down...

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our first motorhome

We got a good deal on our neighbor's motorhome, and we were anxiously making plans for getting Peggy fucked by some young guys.We bought it as a sexond vehicle, so even though it wasn't cost effective my wife drove it back and forth to work. While she was working one day the owner introduced her to a very young man and told her to show him the way around. They were picking an order to be picked up and she was explaining how to find all the items and where they were. She noticed his eyes were...

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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

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Being DippedLife can be pretty sweet. Look at me, sitting here in the prime of mylife on a Friday evening watching a movie on my super huge tv with mybeautiful girlfriend by my side. Hell, I don't even like the stupidmovie, but nothing is gonna get me out of this terrific mood."Hey Loverboy, I got a secret sumthin'- sumthin' today from one of myspecial friends," my girl teases in a sing-song way. Cammie and I havebeen pretty close these past few months, and I'm starting to really seeus as a...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 21

"Ladies, I am treating you equally. I am expressing my tender appreciation of your individual beauty." He continued, "If you are going to bear my children, then caressing your breasts is a sign of what we shall do together, is it not?" Euphemia gave in, and stopped objecting to his dual caress. "Perhaps so, but my body clock is trying to tell me it is early evening. Can you turn lunch into something more like dinner, Isabella my dear?" She patted Isabella's hand to show she was not...

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