My Girlfriends Adventures at the Porn Theater 0
- 4 years ago
- 80
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It was three clock cycles later that the Iridien technicians arrived at An Clochán to check out the Iridien cruisers. Each of the Iridien Spec Ops teams carefully monitored the technicians as they checked their ships' systems. After checking all the systems, the technicians found that only the anti-hijacking systems had been compromised. Instead of repairing them, they opted to replace the systems on all ships and then had the crews authenticate to the new system. The technicians were preparing to leave when Antopolis said them, "Wait, you will ride with us."
"We are not permitted," exclaimed a technician.
"This time you are. You will each ride on the ships you repaired. It will be a good experience for you."
The technician started to respond, until he noticed the expressions on those around him and the hands on weapons, so he just shrugged his shoulders. The other technicians picked up their equipment and walked back to the ship they had repaired.
"Órarduine," said Antopolis, "it has been a pleasure to spend the last several days with you in spite of the circumstances. When the opportunity arises, we would like to return the favor. We couldn't have asked for more, again, thanks for the great hospitality."
As Antopolis finished speaking the Iridien teams hollered, "YES!"
"Iridiens," said the six clans together, "thank you for your kind words. We have enjoyed your visit and believe we have learned a lot from each other. Although your experience is greater than ours, please let us know if we can ever be of any help."
"We would have no hesitation in working with any of you," replied Demerti before Antopolis could respond. "All of us are willing to support you whenever you need it." Antopolis nodded his agreement as Demerti spoke. With that the two groups began saying good bye to each other.
The Órarduine watched the Iridien ships lift off. Once their landing gear retracted, the six ships moved out away from the habitat in single file before beginning to climb. As they rose, they shifted to a chevron formation and quickly disappeared from sight.
"Well, what do you think of them?" asked Briana.
"I am sure I wouldn't want to be on the opposite side in a conflict," said Ciar. "They are good, very good."
"We agree."
"They picked up volleyball and basketball real quick," added Eltha. "We should invite them to one of our tournaments, if they are still here."
"Good idea."
"So what now?" asked Enya.
"We should go see if we can assist with Marthanóir or Fiontar," said Briana. "With all the distractions this last week they probably need all the help they can find."
"We have time to do that before dinner."
"Cathan," said Briana, "Sarah's Clan will probably want us here when the group from the Alliance of Worlds comes for their next visit."
"We expected that, and they will factor it in when we contact Marthanóir to see where we can help."
It had been over a week since the incident with the Dutsuz when Sarah's Clan stepped out of AlphaD01 and onto the deck in Marthanóir's hanger. "Dia duit, Molly's Clan," said Sarah's Clan as they walked toward them.
"Dia duit. Welcome to Marthanóir," came the reply, with all of them smiling.
"Practicing your Gaelic I see," added Molly. "You guys are early for our Command Staff meeting. Jackie's Clan is still on final approach."
"We came early because we wanted to visit for a bit before everyone else arrived."
"Cool. Jackie's Clan and ours exchange visits every couple of days, except when we need to have some of us on the bridge all the time. When that happens, we split our clans and half goes there and half comes here. With our mind-link, it is almost the same."
"Neat idea," replied Joyce as she gave Molly a hug. "We miss seeing you."
"I think it is more that we just like being around each other," said Mirial of Molly's Clan. "Our mental links are great, but they don't take the place of physical contact."
"We agree," replied everyone.
The two clans watched the shuttle carrying Jackie's Clan settle into its cradle. "This is great," said Jackie when she saw both clans waiting for them. "It has been ages since we got together to just visit."
"We were just talking about that," said Joyce as the clans greeted each other with hugs.
"Come on," said Molly, "let's go to the common area. We can visit there until the other Command Staffs arrive in an hour or so."
When they reached the common area they pulled some chairs and couches around so that they could easily interact with each other. Once they had the furniture arranged, they sat down so that everyone was touching someone else.
"This feels so good," said Jackie as she put her arm over Aoife's shoulders drawing her a little closer.
"Yes, it does," replied Molly sitting between Sarah and Mairia of Jackie's Clan. "When I was growing up, I always felt an emptiness. Becoming friends with Jackie, Kathleen and Mairia in high school alleviated some of my empty feeling. I now realize that the emptiness I felt then was due to my parents. I don't remember them ever showing real affection for each other, or receiving any unconditional affection from them. We were so lucky when we met Sarah, Rusty, Sally and Terry."
"Hey," said Terry, "we think we were pretty lucky to meet you guys. We think you guys are pretty great and would have been pretty great whether you met us or not."
"With the path we were on," said Mairia, "I don't think so. So, how are the children? That is the one thing I miss about not being on Dóchas very often. They are a lot of fun to be around."
"They are doing great," replied Jill. "If you miss them, invite them for a visit. After all, you guys are like aunts and uncles. They don't all have to come at one time unless you want them to."
"Duh, I never thought of that."
"Maybe it's because you guys have been too focused on work, with little relaxation."
"We haven't been..." began Jackie's reply, "no, you're right we have been but there is so much to do."
"Yes," replied Alena, "but you need to remember that your well-being is more important than anything else."
"We're anxious to move," said Mairia.
"So is everyone else," replied Alison. "We want our move to be an adventure and not be tarnished by remembering the burden of preparing for making the journey."
"If it takes us two months longer," said Erin, "then so be it. Actually, the idea of the children visiting is a good one. They can help out with some of the tasks while visiting you."
"Well," said Kathleen of Molly's Clan, "based on the last time I talked to them about their learning experiences, I think they could do as well as, or better than, some of our contract help."
"I'll second that," added Allan of Molly's Clan.
"I hope our children are as great as yours," said Mirial of Molly's Clan.
"Oh, they will be," replied Janet. "We have absolutely no doubt about that. Can we ask your plans?"
"We are going to follow Siobhan's example," replied Molly with Jackie nodding.
Jackie said, "I think Kathryn's and Keriann's Clans have the same idea."
It was close to an hour later when Molly said, "I hate to interrupt this but our FOC just told me that Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans are on final approach. Keriann's, Kathryn's and Amy's are about 10 minutes out."
"Sarah's Clan," queried Molly, "is it okay if we invite the children to visit us next week?"
"Certainly. Give them a call. We are sure they would be thrilled, and it will be their first adventure on their own."
"Cool," replied Mairia. "I can remember the first visit I made on my own."
Once all the Command Staffs had gathered in Marthanóir's conference room, Sarah said, "As you know our agenda today has only three items, plus one I want to add. The topics are: How much do we want to share with the Iridiens? Status of our preparations. Celia reconnaissance data. The topic I would like to add is, 'do we need to increase clan interactions?'"
"Could you expand on the new item?" asked Keriann with a puzzled expression.
"I think I may have caught even my spouses off-guard with this one," replied Sarah with a smile. "We arrived early today so we could visit with Molly's Clan. Jackie's Clan arrived early as well, which was a very nice surprise. We had a good time just visiting. This is something that we haven't really done since they moved to their new ships. I know, shame on us. Every clan has friends on other ships. So my question is: 'Are we taking the time to maintain our friendships?' You could also rephrase the question as: 'Are we giving ourselves the time to maintain our friendships?'"
"A very good addition," replied Kathryn with many others nodding. "We see two circumstances behind this issue. The first is our push to relocate to Celia. The second is the way we are separated, which will be reduced when we begin to settle on A-Celia."
"Yes, it is," said Kelly of Keriann's Clan. "When we look over the status of Marthanóir, Fiontar and other preparations, we should consider resetting the departure date. Right at the moment, we think it should be moved out at least a couple of months, and perhaps more."
"Agreed," said Alena. "This is really a topic the whole family needs to discuss. I found our time with Molly's and Jackie's Clans very refreshing. It was also a learning experience for me as it gave me the opportunity to become better acquainted with my spouse's friends."
"Let's take care of the other items first," said Maureen, "then come back to this. We should come to closure on this before finishing up today."
"Agree," replied everyone.
"Okay, so how close of a relationship do we want with the Iridiens?" said Sarah.
"You're differentiating Iridiens from the Alliance of Worlds?" asked Jackie.
"Yes." Sarah waited a few moments before continuing. "We think we need to meet and interact with each of the other worlds in the Alliance before considering establishing any kind of alliance with them as a group. The Iridiens are now somewhat of a known entity. I think all of us were surprised that the Dutsuz subverted some of their crew, and apparently some crew members on the other world's ships as well. The conversations we've had with Egulle and Orgaine indicate that they were surprised as well. A key question is: How?"
"Do you think Commander Egulle will tell us how?" asked Mairia.
"If they know," replied Erin. "Remember, Orgaine made the comment regarding the orientation film on our physiology, saying that they should have a similar one."
"Do we know what information of ours they are interested in seeing?"
"Not really," said Rusty. "Questions were raised about how we gained access to the Dutsuz ships but nothing has been said since. They were curious about how we knew they were coming."
"If they want to know about our weapons, then we should have the same access to theirs," said Conan of Siobhan's Clan. "The real sticking point for us is that the only Iridiens we know are those here. Which raises the question, is an agreement with them an agreement with their world?"
"Let's be candid with them," said Chester. "They may just want to have a better idea of our capabilities rather than our secrets. Equal access to each other's knowledge base would likely have more meaning to us than them. What should be no problem for either group is sharing each of our histories."
"True," added Joyce, "we should also propose sharing our star maps. Just that should help us determine whether we have the correct orientation or not. If we can find common points between the star maps then we should be able to sort out some discontinuities we've found."
Brittany of Kathryn's Clan said, "They may want to establish an outpost on Mars near ours. Should we offer to let them use a part of our facilities?"
"Let's mull these thoughts around a bit," said Aoife. "As you know, we will be meeting with them in three days on An Clochán. We think each Command Staff should be there. With this in mind, let's have one member from each join Sarah, Aoife, Tara, Maeve and Rusty for the meeting. The rest of our clan will be on Dóchas' bridge during the meeting which will likely last all day."
"Oh that is sneaky," said Kathy of Kathryn's Clan.
"They will show up with some fifteen people to be met by nearly seventy masquerading as twelve."
"We don't see that as sneaky. They know that each clan member is mind-linked to all of their spouses."
"They may know the fact, but they definitely don't appreciate the dynamics of our link. Gee, even we sometimes don't know the full dynamics of our link."
"Aoife," said Maureen, "we like the proposal for two reasons. It will bring all of us into the discussion, and limit the risk to any one clan, although I don't think there is a risk this time."
"Agreed," replied everyone.
"One thing I ought to mention," said Aoife, "Virginia and Doug asked if we thought the Iridiens would be agreeable to an interview. I told them that we would raise the idea. If they were agreeable, they should think about organizing it the way we did the interview regarding the IC incident."
"We think that is an excellent idea," replied Colleen of Maureen's Clan. "That would make it difficult for any one country to claim they were first to meet them and thus have some favored status."
"Good point. I'll mention that to Commander Egulle and Orgaine when we talk to them."
"So let's move on to the status of Marthanóir and Fiontar," said Sarah.
"We are somewhat behind schedule," replied Molly with Jackie nodding her agreement. "The diversion of people in response to our visitors' arrival and other events has set us back by more than a month. With the increased reconnaissance activity, we think it will slip some more if we try to maintain the same pace."
"Even without Sarah's agenda item," said Jackie, "we think it would be smart to slow the pace a bit and move our departure date out four months or so. We could then shorten it again if we do better than expected."
Sarah looked around the group before saying, "I think we all agree with the proposal. However, this is an item we need to discuss with the whole family."
Elana of Kathryn's Clan said, "I think there will be some reluctance to accepting a delay in our departure. At the same time, I don't believe anyone will object, especially after they think about it."
"Molly, Jackie," said Brandan of Maureen's Clan, "are there any particular areas slowing your progress?"
"Not really," replied Jackie slowly with a thoughtful look. "The two alerts have probably created the biggest issues. To meet our offensive requirements we completed many items out of sequence, and even planned to use some units without testing if we had too. This has left us with a work schedule that is out of kilter, so we need to go back over some of the completed items. Let me assure you we were battle ready, but our preparation wasn't neat and tidy like it should be."
"We have the same issues," added Molly.
"Has the schedule been reworked?"
"It is partially done. In the meantime, we have rolled back the current plan and are going through each item to make sure nothing is missed."
"One thing that really pleases us is that we have not found any quality issues," added Molly. "On a different note, it wouldn't surprise us if all the contract people decided to stay."
"Why is that?"
"The fact that our plan for relocating our family has slipped. Many of them thought we were minor deities, or something close, so they felt that they could never really fit in. Our delay, and the attempt on Sarah's Clan by the Dutsuz, has made us more like real people to them, albeit a people with extremely advanced technology and a very tantalizing social structure."
"So that explains the increase in inquiries Betsy and Gail mentioned," said Judy. "They did say that all of those who have inquired are well above the minimums."
"What do they find tantalizing about our social structure?" asked Casidhe of Siobhan's Clan.
"Basically, our openness and sharing. They see strength in our multiple spouse family structure but are a bit wary of considering it."
"Anything else," said Sarah.
"No," replied Jackie with Molly nodding her agreement.
"Let's talk about A-Celia then."
"Well it is certainly clear now that there are quite a variety of animals, and many seem similar to those on Earth."
Amy said, "The island that we are targeting for our initial settlement has a lot of similarities to Ireland in terms of terrain, but with a more moderate climate. There is a nice mix of open fields and forested areas. It covers about 350,000 square kilometers, which is a little over five times the size of Ireland."
Kelly said, "Everyone I have talked to really likes the island. Several have made wall posters of some of the places there."
"We have increased our data collection on the island," added Amy. "We are still assessing the rest of the planet, but 50% of our effort is toward the island. There is another land mass that we have identified as an alternative. It is about the size of Australia, but with a more even temperate climate across it. It also has a good balance of open fields and forest. There are two separate mountain ranges that are very rugged.
"There are animals that appear to be similar to aurochs, bison, buffalo, wolves and large cats on each of the continents and the two islands. We have not observed any sentient beings on either island. There may not be any, as they are a considerable distance from other land masses and we haven't seen any signs of boat like objects. The aurochs, bison and buffalo appear to be more prevalent where there are large meadows."
"So overall, it looks like we made a good choice," said Sarah.
"We think so," replied Maureen. "Everyone we have talked to seems to like it more as they learn more about the planet."
"We agree," added many others.
"Not much has been said about the weather," said Brandan.
"Well with two moons there are up to four tides a day," replied Amy. "When there are four tides, each is similar to those we know from Earth. When the number drops to two, they are over twice as high. This creates some pretty awesome waves. There are only a few places on the island where the continental shelf extends far enough out to support a wide beach. The island does have a natural harbor with a well-protected entrance. The protection is a high ridge that juts out into ocean and creates a long deep channel between the ocean and the cove or harbor. It is along the cove shores that there is at least one beach that would be usable. There are wide beaches on several other continents, but they don't extend very far out before dropping off quickly."
"So there should be some good surfing," said Sylvanna of Jackie's Clan.
"Wild surfing," replied Keira, "would be a better description, but the lack of a beach would make it difficult."
"That is something we are not familiar with," replied Amy, "so the experts among us will need to sort that out."
"There is a high plain on the NW side of the island," said Sarah, "that draws my attention every time I look at the images or map. With the way the terrain drops off around it, it resembles a mesa."
"I know just the one you are talking about," responded many of the group all at once, which was quickly followed by laughter.
"If my measurements are correct, there is one point where you can see the ocean in three directions. Shifting from that point you lose the view in one direction because of the mountains."
"Gee, I guess I am not the only one fascinated by that location."
"Are you sure that the plain sits that high?" queried Siobhan.
"Yes. My first thought was that it would be very windy because of its height, but the data doesn't indicate that that's the case."
"So, why are we all drawn toward that location?" asked Alena.
"I suspect we will have to wait until we can visit it to find out," replied Kelly.
"My suspicion is that we will decide to settle there first," said Aoife, Molly, Jackie and Siobhan in unintended unison. They looked at each other and smiled as everyone chuckled.
"So the probability is high. Any other weather tidbits?" asked Sarah.
"Not really. We haven't seen any severe weather patterns, but there are indications of some in the past. Based on what data we have, periodically there are intense storms. Their frequency seems to have a seasonal aspect, but remember we only have a little more than a year's worth of data. Also we are still adding to our weather monitoring system. On some of the large land masses there is evidence of periodic flooding along the rivers. This could be seasonal as well, and in some locations the flood water reached a long way from the river."
Amber of Siobhan's Clan said, "Our impression from what we've learnt is that A-Celia is a very nice place to move too. I wonder what kind of surprises are in store for us after we arrive."
"They will probably be no different than any other place, just different variables."
"Amy, I haven't seen anything on seismic activity," said Oriel.
"We haven't seen any issues we can't deal with," replied Amy. "The seismic measurements probably won't be done until we after arrive there. There is still a considerable amount of terrain evaluation that we need to do before we begin moving to the planet's surface. Again, we just need to determine the engineering parameters so that our basic design templates can be revised for the planet."
"Anything else we need to go over regarding the planet?" asked Aoife.
"Hearing no comment," said Aoife after waiting a few moments, "do we need to talk more about the Iridiens visit tomorrow?"
Chester of Keriann's Clan said, "Since each clan will actively link together during the meeting, we should let our AIs handle our ships and An Clochán, plus other normal activities. By doing this we can all focus on the meeting. As to what they want, I think it will be primarily two things which are, more background on Earth, and the ability to access An Clochán if need be. We are certain that they intend to establish an outpost here."
Tara said, "So our list is: Compare Star maps. Compare history. Propose Egulle and Orgaine do an interview with Virginia and Doug as a way of introducing them to Earth. We are receptive to them using An Clochán on a limited basis. Does that cover it?"
"Agreed," replied everyone.
"We will handle any other sensitive issues as they arise."
Kathy said, "Let's discuss the socializing issue at tonight's meeting." Everyone nodded their agreement.
"Anything else?" asked Sarah, and hearing no comment she continued with, "Okay. See you all tonight."
Sarah, Aoife, Tara, Maeve, Judy, Sally and Rusty met Erica, Tiff, Kathryn, Molly, Jackie, Kelly, and Crystal in the arrival area of An Clochán. "Good morning," said the members of Sarah's Clan as they entered the area.
After responding to the greeting Erica said, "FOC told us just before you arrived that the Iridiens were 15 minutes out."
"Good," replied Sarah. "We should start out today ahead of schedule. The tour is for after lunch, correct?"
"We thought the discussion of our need to socialize more went really well at our family meeting," said Tiff of Siobhan's Clan. "I kind of expected more resistance to delaying our departure for A-Celia."
"It did go well," replied Sarah. "Our family members are dedicated to, and intensely focused on, their family and jobs. This is similar to the problem we had several years ago in getting everybody to relax or take a break periodically."
"I remember that," said Tara. "Wasn't that about the time the sports leagues started?"
"Yes, and there were other group activities which started about the same time. Our choirs and musical groups began to prosper about that time."
"Doug and Virginia visited us today," said Molly. "They were curious about how our ship was coming along and how the delay would affect us. We think they had a hard time believing we would delay our trip because we weren't socializing enough."
"So, did they satisfy their curiosity?"
"We think so. We told them our view of the situation and suggested they spend the evening talking with the crew. They rode down with us this morning. Based on their comments, they seemed to think they had a story to tell."
"From the way you worded that, we take it they now understand our reasoning."
"Did you say anything about our meeting with the Iridiens?"
"Never came up as I think they were working out how to write the story about our delayed departure."
"Come, we need to put our tac suits on," said Erica, "so we can meet them in the landing area. They are arriving on three cruisers."
"Why three cruisers?" asked Molly. "Didn't they come in only one last time?"
"It was just Iridien staff that time," replied Erica. "Their rules frown on all of them making a trip in one transport ship. Some of their marines are coming as well."
"Hmm ... makes sense. We do travel together all the time. Are we making a mistake in doing that?"
"Perhaps," said Rusty as he slipped into his suit, "it is something we ought to look at, but I don't think our risk factors are the same as theirs."
They exited An Clochán habitat just as the Iridien ships came into view. Sarah said, "Shields up," as the three ships drew closer. "Breacadh, ready defensive response."
"Systems are ready to arm," replied Breacadh, "we started when we picked up scans from their ships. Security Control Center is very sensitive to anomalies in sensor readings."
The Órarduine group watched as the ships lined up and then followed the designated flight path down to An Clochán. During the approach, they listened to the communications between the Iridiens and air traffic control. The first Iridien ship settled into its designated spot in the parking area before the second ship finished its descent. The second ship settled down slightly ahead of the first, on its starboard side but at a 45 degree angle to it.
"Commander Egulle and Orgaine are on the second ship," said Rusty.
The third Iridien ship then settled on the starboard side of the second ship, again angled 45 degrees to starboard from the second ship. The arrangement had the three ships facing away from An Clochán habitat with the Órarduine welcoming group nearest the second ship.
"An interesting arrangement," said Adam to the group with Sarah's Clan.
"Yes," replied Sally. "They are scanning the area. We aren't detecting any active weapons systems."
"Agreed," replied Súsanna from An Clochán SCC. "We are anticipating a team of marines to exit from each ship first to form a security line between their ships and the open landscape." Súsanna had just finished speaking when the ramps descended on the three Iridien cruisers. As expected a little over a dozen marines moved quickly down the ramp of each ship, then toward the open terrain. They quickly formed a defensive perimeter between the ships and the open Martian terrain. Once the marines were in position, Commander Egulle emerged from the center ship. As he started down the ramp, the other members of his staff began exiting all three ships.
"Good morning, Commander," said Sarah as Egulle approached them. "Welcome to An Clochán."
"Good morning, Sarah," replied Commander Egulle.
"Good morning, Sarah's Clan," said Antopolis. "It is good to be back here again."
"Briana's and Cathan's Clans spoke very highly of your teams. We are pleased that you feel comfortable coming back."
"I have never felt uncomfortable here. I think the only ones who felt uncomfortable were the Dutsuz."
"Let's go inside," said Tara, "where it will be easier to exchange greetings."
"Lead the way," replied Commander Egulle.
Entering the arrival area, the Órarduine and Antopolis immediately began detaching their helmets. Seeing most of their visitors hesitating, Maeve said, "Since we haven't introduced ourselves yet, I'm Maeve of Sarah's Clan. The atmosphere inside our habitat is close to that of your ships. We are going to leave our suits hanging in here. If you prefer, you can leave your suit in one of the lockers. To secure the locker, place your hand on the ID pad inside it before you close it, that way only you can open it."
By the time Maeve finished speaking, all the Órarduine had slipped off their tac suits and were placing them on hangers rather than in one of the open lockers. As Maeve quickly shucked hers, she noticed that most of their visitors were removing their environmental suits. Antopolis hung his suit near the Órarduine's.
"Maeve," said Orgaine, "aren't you going to use the lockers?"
"We don't need to. Our suits are keyed to the wearer. Once we close them only the person they were designed for can open them up."
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Sugar and Spice (c)2004 By Cherysse St. Claire This is my most difficult story to date; difficult to write, difficult to read. The sex is intense; the violence, more so. Most men will not have the patience to sit through it; it takes too long to get to "the good parts". Most women will not have the stomach for it; in places, it hits too close to home. I don't know whom that might leave as an audience, but I felt it was a story worth telling. While this may be a work of fiction, its...
"All of it," she hissed in my ear. "Every drop! Give me every fuckin' drop! I want... Oh fuck, yeah... yeah."She squealed in my ear, loud enough to make me flinch. I didn't mind, it was the sexiest damn sound I'd ever heard. Mrs T's tight pussy contracted on my cock and her hips bucked as she drove her pussy down on my hard cock.I moaned as her frenzied pumping milked the last of my cum from my spent cock. But I kept my thumb moving on her clit, keeping Mrs T in the throes of her own...
Teen"Dee-rah, sister? Steve and I leave for Canada, immediately. We must go to my people. They are in great need!" "Sister-mine, is it safe? Is there any chance your aircraft could stop in the United States?" Dee'rah asked. "None. We will fly the non-stop route from Auckland to Vancouver, in British Columbia. It is not far from there to Penticton, in the same province. There the survivors of my people are recovering from their ordeal." "Survivors? Ordeal!?" Dee'rah nearly...
“I don’t think that an orgasm that knocks you unconscious should be the foundation of a loving relationship,” I told Lissa. “It’s not. But you took care of me. You set me on the table and not the floor. You held me and cared for me,” Lissa explained her statement about being in love with me. “We’ll talk about it later. How long do the dryers run?” “For a load of these sizes, about forty minutes.” “We have about thirty minutes to go. Can you walk?” I was still worried about...
“I dreamt about you again last night!” I tell you. The part I fail to mention is that it wasn’t a dream about us sucking each other dry, it was a sweet dream with no real objective, we were just together in it and we both had smiles and a moment between us, the kind of moment that inspires stories. “You filthy minx,” you respond light heartedly and I smile because you’re allowed to make your assumptions because tonight I do plan to dream of us being filthy rude and delicious. “Come here,” you...
Love StoriesAlicia's new life By Christine Chapter two: healing a wounded child The healing process of a child that was subjected to abuse depends on many factors. As in the case with Allen Peterson who was subjected to terrible abuse over a period of four long years then it will take a long time to heal. All she knew from ages 12 to 16 were pain and suffering. She was enslaved and beaten constantly for any infraction. No one loved or protected her....
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Jason!! You got school in an hour, get out of bed NOW!!!" Opening his eyes to the blinding light shining through his window blinds, Jason Frost groaned loudly as his hand fumbled to his nightstand, where his phone rest, and pulled it to his face as he checked the time. "Damn," he thought, as he realized his mother was right, it was 6 o'clock...
Pretty in Pink Plastic By Deewet Part 1 Glenn is all man, macho to the point I felt like a little girl around him. Six-five, he towered over my five foot height, weighing more than two of me. When he comes into the pizza place where I bus tables, he is in charge of the room and the waitresses swoon over the guy. I even found myself attracted to him, not that I'm gay or anything, it's just that he eludes maleness and is, for some reason, nice to me, a rare thing for someone so...
This is a story about my Cross dressing ways and meeting up with a friend i had made online. I'm a 28 year old guy, named Michael I'm married with 2 kids and i have a tendency to wear my wife underwear and mini skirts, when she's not around. I'm average height, average build with a 6 inch un-cut cock. A little about my friend Dave, that i made online a few years back.. he's about 6 foot, wears glasses, average build with a 6 inch thick & cut cock. We met online a few years ago at a gay chat...
GayA trip into Herstory Part I Things were not going well. Oh, they have gone worse, my life is filled with fultility and disappointment. At least I had a date. And she was cute. She was even wearing the outfit she knew would make me the happiest, a snug fitting woman's version of a Red Sox jersey, and some stretchy red shorts. Wahoo. But we had hit a snag. Or the pizza box hit a snag. We were cuddled up on the couch with some old movie on the computer (I rent movies...
For some reason, Abby, my wife of seven years, had begun telling me about her girlfriend Kayla’s having a crush on me. Now, understand me here, I love my Abby. I’m very happy with her and always have been. And, while I’m as horny as the next guy in looking at other women, and yes, even envisioning them in bed with me, or us, I’ve never even thought about actually doing it. So imagine my surprise, when one night at a neighbor’s get-together, Abby brought up Kayla just as our hostess was opening...
Wife LoversI couldn;t stop fucking her, it felt so good with my hard cock so deep in her tight little pussy. A chance like this only comes around like this once in a lifetime and hell; I couldn’t stop fucking her, it felt so good with my hard cock so deep in her tight little pussy. A chance like this only comes around like this once in a lifetime and hell, I wasn’t passing this up. She was only 23 and I was 62, but what the fuck, I still had it and I knew how to use it. Fuck, she was hot with those long...
StraightPLEASE READ TURKISH DELIGHT CHAPTER 1 FIRST TO FULLY ENJOY THIS STORYSo the morning after Ali has shot his load all over My wife Sarah’s breasts in our room i went down to the pool alone and early, leaving Sarah in bed. I saw Ali pottering about and when he saw me he gave me a cheery smile and said “Good morning Mr Ted. How is Miss Sarah?”I told him she was fine and she would be around later and asked him if he had enjoyed his fun with her. He was all smiles and expressed how much he had. I...
Alluring Lacy Lennon teases her buff man until he becomes too horny and ends up ripping her stockings. Lacy helps him by removing her top and sexily approaches him. She talks dirty to him, strokes his cock before taking it inside her mouth. Her partner fucks her mouth hard and fast before they move to the couch. The horny man ferociously fucks Lacey in doggystyle and missionary. To make their sexcapade even more exciting, Lacy lies on the armrest as he grinds inside her wet pussy with an...
xmoviesforyouNote from CutePatti: Of all the stories I've written, this is my favorite. I know most of you probably like the more 'sexual' type of stories that I also write, but this sweet story captures what I think all of us 'girls' would love to experience. A happy ending with lots of promise! Hope you enjoy it ----------------------------- The Week-End Guest an original story by CutePatti Jeff stood at the front window looking out as the car pulled up in front of his house. His mom had...
You hear the sound of your mothers door slamming. Its almost time for you to go have some fun like you do almost every night. You giggle in anticipation as you realize what you are about to do. For the past month you found out that your mom was a very heavy sleeper you decided to take advantage of it. Not one to ignore gifts like these you immediately waited the 20 minutes it usually takes your mom to fall asleep. After the apponted time you rise up and walk for the door. Although this time...
IncestIt was one of the rainy days in Mumbai when Richa had to travel in a public transport bus during the rush hours. She had put up a yellow color transparent saree with a black blouse inside off course a sleeveless one with deep cuts on either of the sides. There were no heavy rains but it was drizzling all the while making the traffic a bit slow and the rush to increase. Richa managed to get into the bus and reached over to ladies seat which were all occupied. As always there were men standing...
a couple of days ago, i advertised on a certian website that i cant name lets just call it [*****list] . i advertised male bisexual, looking for young couple for fun , oralsex and sex. dident think much would happen. low and behold an australian couple were in my city passing through. my girlfriend was out of town. she dosent know that when im giving her head that i fantisize a big cock fucking her hard while im sucking and bitting on her clit. licking the pussy juice off his shaft, and...
Your name is Jeremy Jones. You are an 18 year old male who was walking home from school when you come across a shining red rock on the ground. You pick it up off the ground and take it home with you. Going up to your bedroom you hold the rock in your hand and look at it while looking up what it might be on your laptop. You start typing away when a random ad with a hot female celebrity. "Man, I'd love to see her naked," you thought to yourself. After thinking that thought you feel the rock start...
How I had indian sex with my friend’s daughter. I work in an IT sector in Metro city. One day, a friend of mine from a small town called me and said, his daughter got a job in my city. He said she has never visited any big cities so far, so they need my help to find her accommodation and local support. I said fine, you can come, I will arrange necessary things. Next weekend, my friend along with his daughter, Divya, came to me. I told them to stay with me until we make necessary arrangements...
A lesson in the art of sexual intercourse for a class of young girls at an exclusive finishing school. “Girls, at this point in the curriculum we usually show a video which explains a lot more clearly than I can what actually happens during sexual intercourse.” Miss James looked round her class as she spoke and adjusted the horn-rimmed glasses on the end of her nose. She brushed away a stray lock of hair which had escaped from the chignon at the back of her head. “You will recall that we...
I spent the next week waiting for the seeds to arrive in the mail. Then the second week planting the seeds which finally arrived. They were nestled in their little fake greenhouses, aka baggies, when I began moving them outside. The temperature was consistently well above forty degrees in the daytime. The small cart I had built from an old yard sale bike, worked well for that as well as transporting cups of worms to the Soul for delivery. Like most thing I owned, it had to do at least double...
Aruba, 1696 Father! Jonathan stirred. ‘Father is that ye?’ His eyes opened a little and his world was a little blurry. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to see his son standing at the end of the alley. He tried to collect his thoughts as the boy ran up to him. ‘It is ye father!’ the boy exclaimed. ‘Are ye alright?’ He looked over his father, his eyes settling over Jonathan’s stomach area. Fright crossed the boys face and his father reached up grabbing the boy’s shoulder. ‘It’s alright...
Movie Night He was the youngest, and the quietest, so he simply sat out of the way and enjoyed the swirl of activity going on around him. It was movie night and the family was getting ready to go to the drive-in: Dad in slacks (never shorts or jeans!) and a short-sleeve shirt, Mom in a summer dress and a new pair of stockings. His big sister, four years older and already the star of the family, in a pretty dress like Mom. His older brother was being charmingly rambunctious, as...
After being introduced to sex by my older sister Pam at 12 (see original story), I was looking forward to hearing the call of 'you're needed little bro' from her and I didn't have to wait long! It was a Sunday, mum & dad went to visit our nan and we were again in the house alone. I was in the garden when Pam opened her bedroom window and called "you're needed little bro"! As I climbed the stairs Pam was coming out of her bedroom, she was naked and heading for the bathroom. "I'm going for a...
Platinum blonde beauty Marilyn Johnson teases seductively in a bikini to start her private date with porn director/stud Mick Blue, who shoots intimate, POV-style footage. Slender Marilyn plays with her cute, natural tits and writhes on the couch, masturbating. They chat in a quick interview. Marilyn bends and spreads her ass cheeks; Mick oils her bare cunt. She props up her gams as Mick slips a glass dildo into her butthole. Mick’s boner replaces the toy for a deep anal fuck, making...
xmoviesforyouI dream that I come in to your house, you have left the door open for me, and I hear your shower running. I walk to the open door of the bathroom and see your shape, unfocused by the rising steam of the not shower, s you wash the length of your arms, you bend to run your hands over your calves and thighs. Slowly, as the sunlight streams through the steam, and casts a golden glow over you, I feel the rising of passion in my heart and the swelling of my erection in my pants, you are so beautiful...
Helmut, though he held his peace, was not quite satisfied with my answer, that much was certain. Alfred rejoined us after some lengthy interlude and addressed the problem immediately. "Helmut, it is as I suspected. Your wife has been subjected to the most convoluted and cruel brainwashing imaginable throughout her childhood. Yet, she has shown astonishing resilience. Without that, she would not have been able to marry you, would not have allowed you to become intimate with her. This...
I was 18 years old and taking estrogen for about two years. As my ass and tittles started to grow my desire to dress up became all consuming. I wore sexy panties to school everyday and the excitement about getting caught, grew as well. I was very tiny for my age and picked on by the jocks at school regularly. I’m 5foot 5inches tall, with long brunette hair and blue eyes. I had no body hair and a penis so small, my panties made it almost disappear. Which was OK by me, but I wore baggy clothes...
Daisy is feeling playful and so steps into the bathroom and immediately strips. This girl really has the most amazing ass. There’s nothing hotter that white girl with a thick booty. So, first she brings out the enema and uses it to squirt out of her asshole. Then she bring the the black dildo out, and yes, in her ass it goes. Ricky happens to be passing by in the hallway and sees this beautiful site. When she sees him, she gets more turned on and quickly gets on her knees. After sucking...
xmoviesforyouI have been seeing a married teacher from Greenville, Al , who is a submissive. She is about 5 ‘ brown curly hair with big breast and a full figure. She is married to a 6-4 guy who has a 4-5 inch hard pencil dick that can’t satisfy her, but she tolerated it till her daughters were grown. Now she is starting to explore her wild side. I am the first cock to make her cum, mine is 8 inches and a very thick uncut cock. I have been training her to use all her holes and do what i tell her to. Tonight...
Drew woke the next morning and was sure he still had the smile on his face. He quickly dressed himself in work clothes, checked the time, 7:45am, and padded down the hall to the kitchen in his socks. He found the phone directory and wrote down the name, number and address of a smash repair shop and the local dealer for the particular make of car that lay at the bottom of his drive. He wrote a note: "Feel free to use the telephone, I have found the numbers for you. I should be back in an hour or...
Straight Sexforeword This is a transfer and continuation of my "what if katie was a boy named K-T instead?" branch on the awesome story since this part of the story flips around and has a boy being stuck naked, bottomless and in various embarrassing or exposing situation, I decided to make it a standalone story for more visibility (the other story is tagged with female mc). Expect some ENM, CFNM, some crossdressing ( not the main focus but it might...
Hi readers, this is Atul once again with the second part of encounter with Bhavika as you must have read my earlier story as how Shilpa, my cousin’s BIL’s wife has asked me to fuck her best friend to get her pregnant and how we have done it in the hotel. Now it’s the next part of the same story. I left Pune on next day (Sunday) morning and reached Mumbai on Monday; I went to my boss and applied for leave for the next week. I gave the reason that my headache is giving me a lot of trouble and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Michael. I will be a senior in high school this coming fall. Every summer, my cousin, James, and I visit each other's house for 2 weeks. I stay with my aunt, and he stays at my house. We have alot of fun. My aunt Cindy is a blast. We go to water parks, bowling, and anything else that sounds fun. So, it's that time of summer, my mom, Jill, drops me off, and picks up James. "Bye mom" i call out, before stepping in the door. "Bye Michael, i...
IncestI'm Hank D. Henderson, jr, a congressman from the state of Alabama. I'm am on a committee that is about to approve or disapprove a government loan to a green jobs company for half a billion dollars. The others are firm on their like or dislike of this loan. I had publicly stated that I was still considering it but leaning against it. I got a phone call and a man who said he was a lobbyist said he would like to talk to me before the vote. I agreed to allow him to come over. I...
I was writing this story st my computer, and as usual, I was devoid of certain articles of intimate clothing.You of course, have read my self confession as to my state of mind, when I converse with you about the female point of view with regards to sex, I was horny and I was wet, sitting with my bare bum on a towel, to soak up my free flowing juices of desire.My flimsy dressing gown was on the verge of being removed, as the urge to fornicate with my pinkie was building, but the door opened and...
He was tall, good-looking, and in his early fifties — the kind of man who had attracted women all his life and certainly had the attention of the woman he was seated with. She was what might be called a looker — forty-one, tall for a woman with jet-black hair (thanks to her hairdresser), and with a pair of striking blue eyes. The eyes would get you every time. They certainly got me twenty years ago. As the saying goes, that was no lady; she was my wife. As I watched, he leaned over and...
IntroductionAs I have a strong fetish for old ladies who wear girdles, this is the first porn story I wrote and continued to write. For all of you that enjoy large grannies in girdles and lovers of all things perverted here is the complete series. Enjoy. CHAPTER 1What does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So, when I saw this ad for a...
The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 13 (Thursday - week 2) In the early morning hours, before consciousness could take hold of him, he dreamed. In his dream he was wetting his diapers, strongly. Something fought its way through to his sleeping conscious mind and Chad woke up with a start to discover that he really was peeing into his diapers. He was a bit unnerved because he realized that he had woken up, not because he had to pee, but because he was already peeing. It was a...
Shayla felt physically ill when Robert came back to the shack after work. He told her that he had been last in the field today and the overseers had ordered him and her to the barn tonight. She had been working hard why hadn’t he done his part how could he have done this to her, to them. They had been doing so well. They had not been singled out before and she hadn’t burdened him with the few times she had been used in the field by the overseers. It had been bad but when you were used in the...
I kept looking out of my apartment window to the street, biting my lip, a bundle of sissy nerves. Nicole giggled at me again as she gently pushed my face back towards her to finish doing my eyes. "Don't worry, trish, he'll be here soon." "I know I know, it's just been so long and..." My voice trailed off, trying not to be too anxious, but knowing we hadn't seen each other in person since the hotel date almost a month ago. Daddy had come back from Europe and immediately invited...
This is a true story that was told to me by my friend Greg. I will tell it to you just as he told it to me.I had never been attracted to my mother. At the age of thirteen I jacked off every chance I got. I had an older sister who kind of did a "I will show you mine if you show me yours" deal a couple of times but I never really got to explore my sister's goodies. I would sneak porn mags from my friends and had to imagine about the girls I saw at the pool.I lived with my mom and sister in a very...
THREE QUEENSSusan Dunn entered the small but tidy house she rented and kicked off her heels. It had been another insane Friday at work at the end of a hectic week. As her firm’s highly skilled and prized office manager, she became everyone’s go-to. Staff from both above and below came to her with problems.After a long day Susan was disappointed to hear no sound from the kitchen, and concerned that her housemate and lover Karen Burke seemed to be absent. Karen was almost always home first with...
After, I got married a period of 20 years passed during which I never jerked off. Our married sex life was enjoyable and the need never seemed to arise. However, that all changed one day when we were staying at a motel on a trip to the Rockies. I wasn’t in a very good mood one morning after I had had to listen to the neighbors fucking half the night. My wife was too tired from a long day on the road so she took a sedative and missed hearing all the action next door. So I was tired and horny the...
The next morning Mark woke up with Maren cuddled up to him; they had some fun when they went to bed last night, resulting in both of them getting a good night’s sleep. Mark extracted himself from bed, trying not to wake the sleeping bunny. He went through his morning routine, returning to the room after getting a cup of coffee from the kitchen. Opting to sit at the desk in the room, looking at the display, and talking to Cricket silently rather than going down to the bridge. He went through...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...
Hello friends this is is the third part of my real life sex story. My firt part is fucking my girl friend with her sister and mother, then second part is fucking my girl friend with her mother (anokha andaz) – 2. Iska aur parts padhte jayiye aur maja bhi lijiye. Ab main mera asli story main aa raha hoon jise hi aunty uncle ke sath bat karte huye mujhe apni chut ko suck karne ko bola maine kiya aur aunty ki bat bhi khatam ho gaya. Phir aunty ne mujhe bola ” aj tu sonu ko kuch surprise dene wala...
The affair with seema and progress with teacher had made me confident. I came home and analyzed my actions.One point I had progressed that I had not cared for my fetish , rather cared for seema’s pleasure. But after careful thinking I realized , I am moving fast with teacher , and taking many factors for granted. The approach might have been good for a Ice-Break , but for a target , It was not just enough. Anyway , I had no more desire for her. That was good. I was approaching a relationship...
"Shit!". Katie thought. "I'm supposed to be meeting my friends at the mall in half an hour". As she quickly packed up her things and went to leave, she thought she sensed someone watching her, but when she looked around there was no one there. "Weird" she thought, and put it to the back of her mind. Katie left the mall at 7pm, her and her friends had decided to watch the new Hunger Games movie. "Jennifer Lawrence is so hot" she thought to herself as she was walking home. ...